okay welcome to the June 26th 2024 meeting of the Fall River VI Development Authority person to the open meeting will any person may make an audio or video recording of this public meeting or may transmit the meeting through any medium attendees are therefore advised that such report of the transmission are being made whether perceived or unperceived by those present are being ackowledge and permissible start out with a a roll call John Ron rusen an Kean also join oh there we go y there she is yeah madus and uh Lewis is uh not here tonight also joining us SAR paig our executive director John C councel K fellow administrative consultant Karen Martin project manager uh are there any comments on the May 22 uh Open Session minutes if not I'll entertain a motion to approve those minutes Ron so move second second John ER yes Ron Ron yes ke yes Joan madas yes thank you um next item is the warrant it looks like Joan has gone through I'm just I'm just bringing up one second the you need a copy of it no I got on my phone but I just there's so many different ones on here I'm do you want a hard copy do you have a hard copy sure so this warrant totals 88,2 [Applause] $16.87 88 416 correct yes yes I thought you said 400,000 okay that would have been a little higher motion approved warrant for 62624 June of 2024 of $884 20168 yes Ron yes forget Joan maderas yes and ke yes thank you uh Karen's gonna talk about the marketing um logo Etc yes so um I've um follow up from the last meeting I've reached out to the companies that we initially talked to and um I'm waiting on two companies to get me references in their logos and I have some from two companies now so hopefully by the next meeting I'll have a package wrapped up that um we can present and it's going to be just for the logo and the style guide so um and then whatever we do after that will be after that so um that will be ready for the next meeting okay um oh and then did we want to um no we've got it all straightened up okay good all right y uh Norton City Pier operations uh administ oh yeah right yep that was all I had under admin um then for Norton City Pier so just with operations um so the events the events have been so far a smashing success down in City Pier we've had the uh grand opening in Rock the Dock which a bunch of us attended and it was hot hot hot and it was great but the docks were well used and um the band was great and I there was a great crowd I am not good at at numbers in the crowd but they had to be 500 plus people there um we've um the yoga has started on Monday nights that is also well attended Ed we had kite night last Thursday uh the 20th and that was they gave out over 500 kites to K give I was helping give out 500 kites to kids and um the food trucks all sold out and it was there was kites everywhere it was a great event we've had good weather this year so that's been hugely helpful um and so we just hope our next big event um well the next big event is the 4th of July but we have this Friday is our once a month Food Truck Friday Friday night so um this Friday from 4:00 to 8: we've got four food trucks coming out to the pier we've got um and don't asking what they all serve their name is not indicative of it gnarly Vines Farms Twisted Teas chicked out nugs I'm assuming that's chicken nuggets and Kona Ice so um they'll be there from 4: to 8: and we'll see how well attended those are and then we have another one in July and another one in August and um we're going to continue to have some other um uh like the Y is do in July um exercise classes on the pier and then August is FIA on the pier the female in action and then yoga will come back in September so so far so good um with all the events and I think the weather does help for sure last year no matter what it seemed like it rained every time we want to have an event so we've lucked out this year is there an entertainment at the food FAL food trucks no we didn't get entertainment we kind of want to see first how they you know how um you know how people will you know attend them and if they're going to come um we were thinking of potentially adding a DJ or something if you know it looked like there was going to be enough of an interest um so we'll see how Tom on Friday night goes and kind of gauge from there um the other thing is that uh the kios are both up now we ended up having a um back away from youth build for the bigger um kiosk and the we had um the CER from the city come down and put that up so that's erected and I'm going to start putting the signs in I got to get the cork I had to order some more cork for the inside there so that'll start being utilized um next week I'll start putting the signs in um and we're getting a gang box from um from Johnny and it's going to go behind the big kiosk down by the docks and it's going to get chained to the legs of the kiosk so we can keep the flutter flags and all the stuff we need the tools and stuff that are taking up space in my car we can put in the Gang Box and everyone can utilize them when they're down there um it'll be all locked up with the the master key and everything Karen what's that for July 4th what's going to be down there July 4th the fireworks is there being in set up or food trucks or anything else there's going to be food trucks there's going to be um bar service is going to be um two bands I think I think there's a strum home and right and another band that comes on and then the fireworks go off at 9:00 I believe and um so it was pretty well attended last year given the weather so it looks like now that it's going to be halfway decent no rain in sight I don't think for that day right now so um we're hope they're hoping for a really good turnout nice Sam's got it all you know that's really being run out of the mayor's office and Sam's really got a good handle on it with everything she's got set up for that um and uh the pedest PS for the fire extinguishers we did have to go with those because um the waves and the High Tides were just too much um so the pedestals are actually going to be delivered um the week of uh not not the Fourth of July week the week right after that and we'll get those up in the fire singes will come off the piles and go onto the timber uh the pedestals and then um the lock at the dock gate is completely all set programmed and operating fine so that is that was a big accomplishment but it is done uh the bypass Keys have been given to the police department and the Harbor Master has a copy and I not sure what Captain Fado um put the other key but I think she's going to give it for the sector to use as they're Patrol in the area if they need be so they've got that and um that's everything else the maintenance is is ongoing the landscape was going there um the irrigation systems on everything else seems to be going well so it looks pretty good out there car you excuse me talk to the environmental closeout item yeah the only um the only real thing on the environmental closeout is um the so the a got recorded and National Grid has since sent in a letter to um beta where uh they're saying that they wanted to have an amendment done to the a um because of the easy ment that they have on the property uh for the power line and Joe's in discussions with them right now they were concerned that they didn't want to have to deal with the soil um uh uh a plan for this the if it was contaminated soil but that whole line is in um good clean good good clean backfill so I'm not really sure what the um the big concern is but Joe's work on National Grid to get that straightened those so um and uh the permanent solution is I Believe been sent to Mass D also we were trying to get a hold of Jill to confirm that but I sent the check in and so once the check goes in that usually means permanent solution's been submitted so I was just we did not get word back from Joe's afternoon so so those lights City Light you're talking about the the period lighting no the um the easement they have to the Transformer okay yeah they need have an easement from the street into the Transformer uh Northfield so Northfield so we are plugging along at Northfield um we did have a meeting with the Harbor Master two three weeks ago and it was gei beta and we talked about the M fields and there's a bunch of data that the Harbor Master is going to have to me by the end of this week to give to gei regarding the existing Moorings boat sizes um they do have they do supposedly have some Moorings plotted out in the um Bing field that's between the cove and the South Pier so he's going to get us that information and then we're going to forward that along to Beta um we do have um a concom permit has been submitted so that we could do test pits out on the property we're going to do um I think there's seven of them that they're going to do on the long spit that goes out and then there's one they're going to do on that short little piece of property um just as you make the bend heading towards Point Gloria and we're also um having Highland fence Block in the fence at the end at the 600 Deval Street parcel in the point Gloria where they where they meet because there's people that are going just out on the point so now that we're actually actively on that site we're going to try to keep people off um so we're going to close that in and put in two gates so that the um mini excavator can get into both of those locations and that's all part of the concom permit for uh their meeting Monday night so once we get that then we can proceed with um that work um and the Beth themetry survey was done yesterday by gei they were out on the water surveying the three proposed moing fields and then the toppo survey that bet is going to do for the whole um the project area there is probably going to happen he's hoping to get it done before the 4th of July but it might H it might fall to the beginning of the the following week he's just getting waiting to hear back from the um the crew chief so that's where we are right now and they're also going through and figuring out all the permitting stuff and everything so we'll be hearing from Lara soon what what are the test pits for um just so they can make um uh determination on what the soil is and what's there so for the for the repair of the embankments and stuff and to see to what I think if planting I mean we know the crap will grow in it but does anybody like know what was ever there before doesn't seem like there there would be a good piece of property there used to be piles that went not I'm assuming there was some type of a a boat it was docks yeah so I'm assuming there was some it's not something you'd have like a factory on no I don't know why yeah yeah I mean it used to be a bunch of it was in The Proposal yeah but I didn't I didn't realize that there I don't know why you need test pits but if it's in the proposal cuz you're not building on it side you've got to have a soil that can they need to know what kind of um rock or whatever to put at the bottom of the places where they've deteriorated and you need to know what the soil is to be sure that that will be solid enough that was the explanation classification of what's out there who so beta determines where they're going to do the test yeah there's a there's a map with the permit what there's like seven going out on that long point I think it's seven and then one on that short little block so it'll give us some sort of diagram or map yeah there's one with the permit yeah can you just follow that I just like this look good yeah yep I can do that next is Pleasant Street Flint so the expanded environmental notification form has finally filed with meepa and we should hear within 6 weeks and the um what we would expect to hear is their instructions in terms of what we're required to submit for the environmental impact report which is what we've been um we and other Gateway City uh developers are all asking meepa to reconsider because it's a new requirement for enj environmental justice communities to have to do that second step of an environmental impact report so so we hope that they will think our notification form covered everything which was the attempt of the consultant and hopefully they'll need very little more to give us a certificate to to proceed and so that's to approve our urban renewal plan um in the meantime we'll be getting um some final documents to um the housing department um eohc and they will then um approve the urban renewal plan and then will need to take it on to the city council for their approval and we hope all of that moves smoothly so we can have an approved plan and we got the um Grant proposal in a couple few weeks ago um for the Pleasant Street Corridor we asked for 150,000 for consult to work with us on developing a corridor plan we'll hear about that in the fall and I think a next step we have is to find out where the city is in terms of processing the earmark that um Congressman aenl um was able to uh acquire for us as a state earmark which will go through HUD therefore it will go through the Community Development agency and so we need to find out where that is in the process because it would be great to have those funds um available sooner rather than later and the corridor plan is designed to um provide some guidance for how to spend those funds so did you want to talk about the dev Street Court so we've been working along with stantech on the master plan and we are planning for a stakeholder meeting which is happening um on July 6th 11th is it 11 11th um sorry I don't know how I confused that um and the stakeholders will be meeting uh here at 4 and then we'll we've been working on a presentation to be shown at that meeting stantech has been uh pulling together a lot of the plans that we've reviewed and turned them into a presentation and the next step will be to schedule public input sessions and we'll be looking forward to to bringing them that um presentation and showing optional scenarios for the project is the stakeholders just one meeting or is going to be more than one meeting oh no the stakeholders will have meetings over the next few months one a month or so for probably three or four months how many stakeholders do we have you know um it's close to 20 I yeah it's close to 20 you I'm assuming you pick different real estate and lawyers and Retail and a little little bit of variety for the that committee okay yep we can send you the list all right agree yep please please um oh um Sarah and Karen are going to talk about the H contract of CDA protection out of the uh sheating at the pier yes so we finally um got the uh contract from CDA um for the HUD Grant it's an EDI Grant and for getting $ 1374 million it was originally submitted for the cathartic protection and parking down in near the salt sheds down off Water Street that's Water Street right um so that work is still to be defined determine what we're going to do but the cath protection we're going to start um proceeding I we got all the uh appendices to this um document and um we're going to be putting together the RFP finally for the CTIC protection so um that should be forthcoming and should be help in July on the street in July so um we would just need to get um approval for Johnny to sign the contract yeah so I need a motion to authorize the chair to sign the CDA in that amount of 1374 million for the work associated with protection at NN City Pier and parking what was that number again 1 Point uh 1.3 74 million for the uh ptic protection of the pier shoting and for parking yeah to be defined TB TBD I make a motion that we have our chair sign an agreement with CDA for 1374 million the kaotic protect ction of our North Pier for Parkin yeah parin what's that dorton City Pier sorry so it's cathoic protection and Pock and pocking so move want call second yes Ron R yes and ke yes Jo madis yes thanks uh uh if there's no further matters for the Open Session the chair makes a finding an open session would have a detrimental effector negotiating position public body the executive sessions the executive session minutes from May 22nd 24 discuss strategy with respect to potential real estate transactions for properties located at the National Grid Warf parcel property assessor map 22 lot n on Dalal street at the corner of Turner Street and 45 and Street and obtain a motion to enter into executive session we will not return to open session for further disiness motion to move into executive session second yes Ron Ron yes yes John madas yes thank you