##VIDEO ID:SiMKMInc29s## [Music] [Music] we'll call the regular city council meeting to order for Tuesday September 3rd 2024 would everyone please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with libery and justice for all call the rooll please mayor Hoy here council member buron here council member bance here council member lean here council member Wilson here all right uh any changes to the agenda Leah Nick hly none none all right seeing no changes to the agenda I would seek a motion to approve the agenda motion to approve motion by Holly second by Steve all in favor say I I I uh item five announcements there are none item six is our citizen comments there's anyone attendants wishing to speak come up to the podium at this time citizen comments are time for anyone to address the city council on matters not on the agenda those speaking should State their name and address and limit their comments to minutes the council will not engage in discussion on your topic but those issues requiring response will be responded to by the next city council meeting the city council ask that anyone speaking at the meeting please be respectful go ahead that noise that you're hearing is roughly 70 DB so so um I'm just kind of curious if you would mind if we just left this running in a loop while the city council meeting uh was going on and if it shouldn't bother you at all you should be able to hear me speak just fine and I'd also like to wonder if I could bring a bigger sound machine and I'd actually like to bring 12 of them and set them um outside of your homes just for 24 hours if that would be okay with you and maybe we could just just and if you don't like it like the mayor said just move right so if you don't like the noise that you're hearing if you don't like what the city council does if you don't like what happens here in Farmington just move you know just uproot your family just get a higher rate on your mortgage just incur all the cost of moving simply just move it's okay right because that's what the mayor said it's on Facebook it's out there that's what he said none of you not a single person on the council no in the city denounced what the mayor said but that's what this noise should be okay with you and what the mayor said by not saying anything you're agreeing with them why would you want your residents to move if they don't agree with you what happened to a civil debate what happened to something that where government and residents can get along you're the first government the first government that any actual citizen has or can come in contact with is you I think that you bear a bigger or as much responsibility as any politician that's out there and many of you probably don't look or view yourselves as politicians but you are every single person sitting in that seat is a politician some of you weren't elected some of you were appointed some of you tried to get elected and weren't elected and then were appointed but every single one of you are politicians and to tell your residents to tell your constituents just move just uproot your family just take your kids out of schools the growing up in just take your kids out of the neighborhood that they've grown up in just take your wife that lives 12 minutes away from her job and just move that's our solution is just move because move simply because that we are going to bring tax dollars in we haven't said what those tax dollars are going to be used for you did it your work session a little bit with the Independent School District you said that you know hey we we're going to get some money don't know how much you don't know how much is going to be allocated and every there's going to be another referendum on the ballot this year because we can't afford to continue to pay and everything that's at stake is always classroom sizes is always is always the things that all the residents want right we can't build a new hockey ring because you don't have enough money we can't do this because we don't have enough money you're not saying just move to a better City that can provide those things at a lower cost or at a lower tax rate like Apple Valley or Rosemont is that your goal do you guys want everyone to just leave Farmington so you can do whatever the hell you want with it that does not seem reasonable it does not seem why some of you ran or some of you or what you ran on when you went to acquire the seat that you're sitting at just just move away if you don't like what we're doing if you don't like that we're rezoning property if you don't appreciate that just just move away it's fine how about you just step down how about you just move how about you leave we are the residents here I know there's not a whole bunch of people standing here but one fly in your tent when you're camping on a hot summer night in Minnesota or one mosquito is enough to cause great annoyance and probably keep you up all night and I'll be that one fly I'll be that one person I've sat in a seat similar to yours I've been elected twice I understand the stress and the things that you're going to but to Simply say just move just get out of my town it's not your town it's our time and that's not what any of you ran on I just I'm sitting here just in utter amazement about the comments and none of you not a single one of you denounce anything that the mayor said you don't denounce him giving double middle fingers when I follow up on with Lynn she says well we don't have a process for that we don't have a process to centure my email back to her was make one and it doesn't stop you from doing something just because you don't have a process at some point we all have to make up our own process we have to figure out well okay what's good what's right to rezone this property to cause this or a similar noise this loud at your property line that's 70 DB and what's even crazier is if that property gets resed and they put in a drug manufacturing plant instead of a data center because as soon as it's reson they can put in whatever they want I shouldn't say that they can put in an approved use under the city code and all this doesn't pass a smell test Josh and I talked on the phone last week we talked about a smell test none of this passes a smell test doesn't pass the smell test when the mayor says if you don't like it just move just uproot your family take all the equity that you've earned out of your house and just move it's it's crazy it's crazy talk in an election year someone who wants to be here someone who's saying I'm going to represent the city of Farmington well and if you don't like it just move so with your permission can I leave this here the rest of the city council meeting is that going to bother any of you you will not leave it there I'll let you do with that as you may so I can leave it running for the entirety of the city council meeting I said you cannot leave it there okay and I'll let you do with it as you may okay all right well I appreciate your all of your willingness to at least listen and you're willing at least to hear and oh excuse me hopefully I've been heard anyone else wishing to speak can come up to the podium at this time seeing none we'll move on to our consent agenda unless there's a change to the consent agenda we'd seek a motion to approve motion second motion by Nick second by Holly all in favor say I I I I we'll move on to our item 121 which is new business this is the Pilot Knob Road Trail preliminary design feasibility report Kelly good evening mayor and city council the city of Farmington has a bike pedestrian plan that was approved in 2019 this plan included a phasing strategy with priority projects within the priority projects a connector Trail missing segment on the west side of Pilot Knob Road South of 197th Street was identified this Mi missing segment is a dual Trail Gap east side of Pilot Knob Road South South of 197th Street as well in Dakota County's long range vision of their Trail Network this Gap is number 13 out of the top 20 high priority Trails identified by Dakota County as part of the Parks and Recreation commission's work plan one of their goals is to identify bike pedestrian plan priorities to accomplish annually during discussions on priorities to work on in addition to the trail gap on the west side of Pilot Knob Road the Parks and Recreation Commission kept coming back to the need for a trail on the east side of Pilot Knob Road from Highway 50 to 195th Street this would allow Trail users East the Pilot Knob Road to have a north south connection to the existing Trail Network without needing to cross a busy and higher speed County Road at an uncontrolled inter intersection thus staff engaged the ca County about the trail Gap and the need for a trail on the east side of Pilot Knob Road staff from the city and county met on Pilot Knob Road to discuss the project and both agreed pimary design that assesses potential pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure impr improvements was needed in addition Dakota County hasn't updated The Pedestrian and bicycle study from 2018 and still refers to the rankings when looking at implementing priority Trail gaps in July 2023 a Professional Services agreement with Bolton and mink for preliminary design for Pilot Knob Road Trail was approved in addition a joint Powers agreement with Dakota County for this preliminary design along with the CER was also approved since then city and county staff have been collaborating with Bolton and mink on on preliminary design of the trails tonight Matt Blazer from Bolton m is here to present the Pilot Knob Road Trail preliminary design and feasibility report and Gina medo the regional and multimodal transportation manager for Dakota county is here tonight as well the action requested tonight is to listen to the presentation discuss and ask any questions you have at this point I'll turn it over to Matt from Bolton and mink Matt welcome back all right thank you thank you mayor members of the council um so I think Kelly did a great job summing up why we are here so far uh so just look at some existing conditions here uh so this is Pilot Knob between uh you know casassa 50 and 195th Street um right now the orange area uh lines those are the trail segments that we are looking uh at tonight so those segments are not there right now um so one thing to to notice is that area that's between Pilot Knob and Aken Road um uh that area is somewhat landlocked except to the north for pedestrian facilities uh right the trail on Pilot Knob there is one there today it's on the west side of Pilot Knob on aen road it's on the east side of Pilot Knob so it's really tough for any residents in that area to go south because of Middle Creek and that area you kind of got to Loop up and around on both directions so you know that that's one of the bigger um areas for that East Side Trail um and then as uh Kelly mentioned that that that Gap there kind of near Meadow View Park uh imagine yourself if you're you know more of a regional user and you're heading north south on that direction it's a little funky to have to go off into Meadow View Park and then have to come back around if I was new to the area you know I think I would get a little bit lost uh kind of doing that that movement uh but like I said uh the area that we are looking at tonight is those pieces in Orange if you would um so when we first met with uh city and county staff as a group we really looked at two different options for what a trail would look like there along Pilot Knob you know there's a major ditch that kind of runs for the majority of it North and South between uh Middle Creek and 195th so really you got to put it on either one side of the ditch or the other side of the ditch you don't want to put it right down the middle for you know pretty clear water reasons um but really there there's two big things with those two right uh right option one is a little bit easier to construct um you're a bit further away from people's homes that live along Pilot Knob um and you're a little further away from some of those utilities there uh so for the private utilities a little less coordination things like that but I think the bigger draw for option two is that you're further away from traffic right the further you are away from traffic the safer you're going to be a car if it would have to go off of Pilot Knob you know doing 55 miles hour the speed limit is there it would have to go down uh across the ditch Summit that ditch and then up onto the trail to affect any pedestrian users um so I really think that that buffer that Gap there with Pilot Knob that's that was really what Drew us more toward option two and the and the reason that we kind of went that direction so that's the typical section right what you're typically going to see with what we're going to propose along this stretch um and it's kind of like cut into the ditch side uh into that backs slope that Hillside but for the most part we don't need any right of way of what we're going to propose tonight um we're really not uh impacting any properties along that East Side in terms of landscaping or fences things like that there are a couple of fences and Landscaping maybe in some places that they're not supposed to be but um you know we would coordinate with those Property Owners um and final design and should this continue uh with that I'd like to kind of point out maybe uh a few places that we that don't quite follow that typical section that we're looking at around the route um first right off is right on the South Side uh if you're familiar with the trail there on the west side this is essentially the mirror image of that where there's a curb uh and so since we can use that curb that's kind of that vertical buffer from from traffic there on Pilot Knob uh you know we would just do a 10 foot Boulevard and then a 10 foot Trail so kind of mirroring that that area where you already have that Urban that curban gutter section through that through that uh that piece um moving on there um so one of the most difficult parts of the project I think is where we have to cross Middle Creek uh I said that's a major barrier there between the North and South um so to cross that we would extend those box covers that are there now somewhat similar to the West Side uh where it already has the creek uh but we would be able to uh shrink down the road just a touch and then also allow for some barrier some Boulevard there between the trail uh and the road with that we did look at some other options there like retaining walls and things like that if we could kind of Squish it in if you notice that there is going to be some Wetland impact in that area we would have to go through uh um us uh core for um cor of Engineers for a permit and wacka and and some different processes for that uh but um based on this uh and being able to go through that area we just feel like that's the best way that gives us the safest and best product uh to cross the creek there um the next spot I like to point out is kind of near that 26 Street area uh so with any project where you add a whole bunch of pavement we have storm water requirements in Minnesota so you need to treat that new pavement that storm water running off of there uh for this project uh we would do something more linear than say have to purchase a property in order to put a storm water Pond um so this would be a a a system of burms across the ditch that kind of act as like a stair step if you would while you kind of come down the down the ditch uh toward the creek it's a very simple and efficient and and very coste effective way to treat your storm water like I said instead of having a big pond it requires you know dredging and clean out and things like that this would be more dry and just a couple of different BMS across they're a really linear uh way to to get that storm water management needs that you need for a project like this we are adding pavement where there wasn't any before all right and now we're kind of getting into that North Area uh where we had that Gap section so uh the section on the East that's just our typical section there like I said kind of building into that back slope of the BM uh on the west there uh that slopes off pretty hard from Pilot Knob and right into uh the storm water pond at that location so on that area uh we would need a pretty significant retaining wall in order to to fix that trail Gap piece there uh after the neighborhood meeting which I'll talk about in just a minute we did meet with two of the property owners that back up to that area and discussed you know what that would look like right because I know some people think retaining all my backyard what's it going to be things like that um but in order to get that area you kind of got a you see that typical section in the lower left I we we add a a retaining wall and kind of get that up up up above the grade there all right so we took took all of that stuff that we just talked about the the layout that we came up with option two uh we had an open house back in January of this year January 30th um and just talked with residents got feedback from those folks along the corridor uh and in general I would say it was positive um you know people really liked that there was a good balance between you know safety and then distance from the roadway and not impacting the existing properties which can be you know one of the big difficult things with these Trail retrofit projects we end up in a lot of times impact a lot of trees and Landscaping things like that this the solution that we came up with really doesn't have a lot of those negatives a couple other things that we did here uh back at that neighborhood meeting you know we had uh Comet cards we did include those in the report um just for all you guys to uh you folks to to see there um you know things about the uh the roundabout on the North side that was one of the questions that came up from a few uh people that attended the meetings um if there were a possibility of having some kind of mid block Crossing there on Pilot Knob um in that uh area and then uh you know is there a better place you know should we be using these funds that we'll talk about the cost here right at the end you know is it better to to do a trail somewhere else versus one that already has one on the opposite side of the road right all very very good points um and really what we are looking for at that feedback at that neighborhood meeting so in in response to that uh County staff did look at that midblock Crossing that some people asked about right right now if you live in the exact middle of the corridor you know it's about let's call it 175 miles so let's call it 2 miles you have to walk almost a mile to the North or a mile to the South if you live in the middle to cross and then come back down if you wanted to go like west of Pilot Knob let's say right um so you know I can understand the want the desire for an enhanced Crossing there um County staff did examine that and looked into their they just developed some new criteria I put the very complicated flowchart there on the right uh if if you would and what they found is just based on high speeds in the multiple Lanes uh at some of the intersections right if you have a left turn a right turn and a through lane and then you have that again on the other side right that's six Lanes of traffic that you have to set up for an enhanced Crossing uh that can be quite a bit um just to be frank so what they found out what what their their recommendation their findings were is that it's just not recommended to do an enhanced Crossing and when we're talking about enhanced Crossings we're talking about like a pedestrian Refuge right like a median so you only have to cross half you look the other way and you can cross the other half or an RFB know there are like Hawk systems like The Pedestrian light Apple Valley has one by Green Leaf uh middle school or Elementary School sorry uh up up in that area so those enhanced Crossings not a signal is not what we're looking at there right the other thing you know uh so instead of just doing an enhanced Crossing you can look at an overpass or underpass uh overpasses are very expensive so right uh there are a couple areas or one specific area that that lends itself to maybe looking at uh an underpass there right at the creek you would pilot knobs kind of up in the air and the existing Trails a little bit lower so right uh an underpass makes a lot of sense to put in this area especially when you only have to worry about you know excavation and retaining walls on half the road um right so uh saff did add that to the project we looked into The Pedestrian underpass uh as far as ADA compliance SKS for that we can achieve 880 compliance uh but it's a little bit difficult to be honest at this spot um you know we want some nice easy slopes coming on in into the uh underpass as it goes under so you don't have a whole bunch of areas like think if you're a wheelchair pushing a stroller you have to pull off the trail every 30 fetish along those lines that gets tough because pilot knobs going up in elevation there and you kind of got to chase that slope and it becomes a little bit hard there um you know when we're looking at geometry right we can get enough cover in that area for once we don't have groundwater concerns in Farmington at this spot which I know is is a tough one over by the fire station uh over on the other side of town um and then drainage we have some pretty easy drainage here too with the pond and the Wetland right there we got to be a little bit higher than that and you know if we would see a large rainstorm you might get a little bit of water in the in your box Culver but um you know nothing that that's that's not manageable the tough part about this one was the cost uh construction cost for this one would be about 1.4 million 1.6 million for project cost for this and a lot of that is driven by those retaining walls that are needed on the east side when we're kind of chasing that grade to go up the hill you know I think your typical box covert uh you know the real simple ones are in that more $800,000 to a million dollar range so this one those retaining Wells are just a very significant cost that gets added to this when we're trying to chase some of those grades and kind of stay away from property impacts there you know so it's not to say it's not doable it's just uh the way staff put it was you know prioritize the trail on the east side and then possibly look at the underpass at a future date o sorry all right so and I kind of alluded to some of those uh estimated project costs there you know we're looking at total construction cost of about 2.34 million 2.35 million uh and then the Dakota County City split 8515 uh there's you can see at you know close to 2 million to 350 uh respectively for cost all right and kind of looking next steps to the future you know uh Kelly kind of alluded to what we're looking for from you folks as far as guidance but right we you know the city and the county they partnered up we did the preliminary design we had the open house we got input which is great when you're looking at things like funding applications a lot of those different agencies they want to see a project that's actually doable that's feasible when you're filling out those funding applications things like that when you're going after grants and so forth this also gives you a very real number to put on you know planning documents or planning in the future you know it might not have to be the whole Trail in one shot it could be cut up into some small segments things like that so this really gives you guys real numbers to fall back on when we're trying to plan for these improvements should you uh decide to continue right after that right after we fund it we would do final plans and then we would do construction with that uh I'll break for questions for you folks and I'll have Gina come on up and help me out uh with the county if there's any that I get stumped on thanks sir appreciate it Katie questions um so the the budget that you're proposing in there that doesn't include the underpass just for clarification or it does it does not it does not okay and as of right now the city portion of that is not included in our budget for 2025 or this year correct okay no it's not included in our budget right now okay Steve yeah same uh couple things one I was at the January 30th meeting and really appreciate the fact that you to put the resident comments in there so I just want to thank you for that um the roundabout at 195th and pilot terrifies me the way it's currently set up and I totally understand why the enhance pedestrian Crossing um and because I'm you know and I think a lot of drivers are familiar with it so kind of can maybe predict that you know what if there is a family Crossing bikers runners whatever but I think one opportunity that could enhance the safety would be to lower the burm in the middle so that way it's visible from the North or South to see what's happening on the other side I think the BM is a significant barrier um and while I know this is more of a county issue um and since we have a county representative here I mean that could be an opportunity to do that potentially but but that's kind of my one thought or comment yeah no problem Gina do you want to kind of maybe come up I know that uh some questions about the roundabout in pedestrian Crossings did come up at the open house and maybe can if talk about with it being a county and County Road right uh yes thank you and thank you for the question and suggestion and um I will bring that back to our design staff um I'm a planner not an engineer um so those folks um would um be able to take that recommendation and look at it um I do know our traffic staff is and we did hear some feedback about that roundabout at the open house um our traffic um staff is doing an overall County evaluation of any multiple Lane roundabouts like this one um the single Lane roundabouts tend to be simpler and and more straightforward for pedestrians but um they are going to be looking at signage and striping at all of our multi-lane roundabouts to see if it can um improve um the interactions for pedestrians um and I know our our traffic engineer in particular um has some things that he wants to look at in terms of the placement of even The Pedestrian Crossing signage to make sure they're not blocking pedestrians standing there waiting uh to cross so um we will be looking at that but I had not heard the suggestion about the burn before so I'll bring that back as well yeah the other comment I would make and I'm sure their transportation and enforcement people could drive all over the county but um you know we get those burms decorated like a Christmas tree with you know um you know open house or new construction whatever and of course we want to enable those Builders to be able to provide direction for where that's going on but you know usually on the weekends that's littered with signs and that creates an additional Hazard also so thanks that's also good feedback I think our permits staff typically try to monitor that but I I will I will tip them off to that as well yeah thank you anything else to add nope no Nick um I guess I was wondering if you could check some light on what how you determine like where that underpass should go I mean if I look at it just at its top level I mean there's no intersections around that area so I mean what would drive them to want to cross right there yeah I think that that was that was the most clear one uh as far as I saw there for a couple of reasons one it's right where the path kind of takes the left to go in so it's kind of a natural I need to go left or I need to go right uh if I want to go underneath there so it's kind of a natural left or right the other big thing you're talking like from the West yeah sorry Northbound if you're Northbound on the trail sorry right like that's right where that that's kind of a a juncture already in the in the trail I think I know what you're talking about yeah West Side there yeah no um and then the other thing is just that's that's the biggest area where there's a difference between uh if you would the the ditch side the side uh that's way far down and then the the street so it just naturally lends itself to a possibility of an underpass there you don't have any excavation on the one side making it cheap I mean believe it or not with that I mean I know that a big price tag but right you have less impacts less excavation on the west side there so really a lot of your excavation there was on the east side right the reason I asked is because I had brought this up I think the last time you guys were here to discuss this is I I live closer to 206th which also has a very significant ditch on the west side there and I think I even saw it in one of the comment cards that they're very concerned about going when you cross that ditch I mean you kind of take your life in your hands going down the thing right unless you if you want to shallow away you have to go South right now it's on the road you have to go south to get to the where it's flat to cross over and they're all their own brand of dangerous right and I know if you can't put a Crossing in there there are a lot of people who probably would cross right there and the the the road is pretty high up from the ditch so it it seems like it's a Manimal to an underpass but I don't know what your guys' thoughts are on that yeah it's something we can look at yeah I I mean that's just one area where I know there are a lot of people that cross and there is no safe Crossing there today so it's it's tough so that was it um I I appreciate you going with option two over option one even though there's a little bit of additional work and cost I think is as much as you can separating you know our pedestrians from traffic at that speed is is a good idea um can you refresh my memory real quick what was the expected total cost of the underpass where it was positioned one point what 1.4 million for construction cost 1.4 okay I know one of the questions that came up uh back at the January 30th meeting was redundancy right we've already got that path so if rather than constructing another path we gave a a safe opportunity for for residents to get under was it explored at all just to be able to connect to an underpass area and then only have the east side or was that not explored just for the purpose of easy access and and path of least resistance can you speak a little bit to that um it wasn't looked into specifically now that could be an option to build the trail you know because as Council maren kind of mentioned that right it's not add an intersection so you could look at getting to an intersection or something like that you could look at at doing that yeah I mean it would have to be one of those things where the study would have to make sense from you know pedestrian use but if we're looking at overall budget to me what I what I'm seeing is a very short section that we would need to add in on the east side and then a trail that already exists and a safe way to get our residents to that Trail um and if we're talking about you know 1.4 is as compared to 2.3 is without that I'm just my mind goes does it make sense for us just to be able to get them to that side rather con than constructing an entirely New Path and having that Duality on both sides yeah just a thought yeah I think it's a great comment yeah that's all I have the county does not have this project in their CIP yet they don't have it marked by year do they um yes mayor we did actually for planning purposes we put it in an oute um so those are our planning years which means we don't necessarily have budget authorized to spend on them but I think we were showing construction we've moved it back and forth um I think we show in our draft right now we're showing 2026 but we're we're flexible and kind of responding to where the city you know obviously we Partners in this is there's a cost share so we we don't we don't build it without you all so um you know those are the conversations we have every year when we have our CIP meetings is if there is interest to move it forward and what works with everything else going on we know we also have some other pretty big initiatives in Farmington with some of the other studies happening on on Denmark and um probably some other things that I'm not even tuned into but yeah no there's a lot I appreciate that I I just I remember when we did the community meeting that it was like you said it was an oute so but starting the preliminary design talking about a feasibility right um is it 5 years is it 6 years and that was going to be a tie in and I have to imagine that the engineers have have identified pilot knobs south of 195th is there any conversations of that going to four lanes like even in the next decade is is there even preliminary conversations about it um mayor I don't think so I when I when we're looking at the the corridor and actually looking I think we even had this question from a resident in terms of would it make sense to construct Trails if you're going to have to expand the roadway and I think right now our our we we updated our transportation plan in 2021 um and did uh traffic forecast out to them and I think right now our our long range plan is shows a three Lane section so basically what it is today where you have the turn lane a through Lane in each Direction and then turn Lanes okay um is what we're showing yeah I think it's right it goes up to 240 right I believe so I I yeah I would I would probably feel more comfortable if I asked the person who did that but that is my memory from the last time we spoke about it that's fair I just wanted to make sure because I I hadn't seen anything read anything yet um the last one was 7074 Ash basically in 2019 and that was a 20-year plan so I didn't know if there were more talks about Pilot Knob just to make sure that you know using option two there's enough you know enough room in the right away to get it out there but when you start talking about a retaining wall you start are talking about an underpass like just making sure that it's it's sized for the future and not underbuilt and we have to come back 15 years from now and change something um you know even during the open house the the point that I heard a lot and I happen to reside in the area there and we use the pth often is there is no good place to cross and if you're if you're on the west side of Pilot Knob from basically 203 North you almost have to go to 197 or to 5th across because you unless you're going from 10: to 2: in the afternoon you know after the school buses or before them um it is a long way to travel you are crossing five six Lanes of traffic and you see you see kids and parents doing it you see parents and dogs doing it and the underpass does make sense right to to the elevation point um you know Engineers are the smart people you'll figure out where it goes right um I don't know how this project doesn't get done without some component of an underpass to it though it seems like a substantial investment by a county standard right the county standard is to have paths on both sides of the County Roads so connecting the city paths to to have that continuity uh for the county standard without having the underpass it it seems like there is a lot of path that is being invested in that is not going to be sufficiently utilized because of the obstruction to Crossing pilot up that just and I see that every day driving through there so however we come up with a final plan um and we thank the commissioner every time he comes in for the 8515 and not the 5545 that we used to be on um I would encourage us to continue down that path of having some some type of underpass in there because it's unsafe otherwise um and then we just have to sort it out with our budgeting and scheduling and how that works so any other points to add general direction is we I mean we like what they've shown we y like what they're proposing just continue to work with staff on a few of the points that were made and and let us know how we can be more effective and helpful in the process all right good deal thank you very much thank you guys appreciate it yep no problem All Right Round Table Leah great thank you mayor and councel um judicial update this time uh judge I clerk for judge Timothy mcmanis is retiring um and so the application period's closed but we'll have a new judge in Dakota County shortly so they're holding interviews in early September so that's my update thank you ma'am nick uh I hope those of you that had a kid in school for the first day today had a survivable one and uh with that please stop for the buses that have their stop arms engaged that's all hie I don't have anything tonight got nothing I got nothing all right last call I'm good K I don't have anything either Steve um I wanted to thank our school board for I thought a really productive uh discussion that we had a couple weeks ago it was um you know sometimes we kind of have those let's get together and just kind of have a Fluff discussion but this was I thought a very productive discussion to kind of understand what they're doing and for us to kind of talk about what we're up to um I also want to thank Kelly and the park and recck staff and the park and rack commission and the senior sener commission R River for what I thought was a really really uh fun and informative um you know night of touring the parks and everything so thank you very much Kelly and then to Nick's Point um many years ago probably 20 years ago and I will never forget this um because it had it happened it would have changed my life significantly but I did used to drive a school bus and I had a car go around the stop arm and I just remember yelling stop as loud as I've ever yelled it and a first grader was at the bottom step and had that child stepped out would have almost certainly been killed so Nick's point is really well taken um they're big ugly yellow and have flashing lights for a reason so that's all I have I have nothing nothing for me thanks Julie similar you'reall breaking the rules for me tonight thank you mayor I'll use up some that time um I want to thank natural gas uh you'll notice that they remov their dewatering pipe and the hump Crossing by the school on the east side of aen they've mostly demobilized and completed their work so we had minimal inter uh minimal disruption to the school traffic uh when school started Additionally the 2024 Street improvements uh the contractor Hazelton worked they got all the concrete flat work done binous base was down last week and they're currently grading the boulevards for sad so again right around fingtown Elementary School uh I was in regular contact with Dan Miller uh and our staff uh Rich Str Rich was in contact with Kim the principal at the elementary school on a regular basis and they'd come to the weekly meeting so uh they didn't have any they certainly knew the effort the contractor was putting forth and thankfully came to fruition we got the work done before before school opened uh that's the 2024 Street improvements we also last week had an open house for the 2025 Street Improvement project uh the same evening as the Park tour I believe and had uh good attendance good comments and feedback and right now we're in the information gathering phase finding out what challenges they're dealing with um so we can address those in the project and finally the Denmark study that the county has underway um the limits were County Road 50 to 220th Street uh through conversations with the county they're actually extending that study because there's a section of 220th Ash Street that is rural still from Denmark over to the railroad tracks that area is going to be included in the study so we'll have a number planning uh budgets for that uh whenever that moves forward so we're very happy to that they added that into the scope and we can address that at the same time I like it thank you sir Kelly parks recreation has a number of uh F fun family activities over the next week and the best thing about them is they're all free so Saturday uh the houd done it hike it's at uh Ritter Farm Park in Lakeville you've never been to the park it's a it's a great walk in the morning registration starts at 9:30 a.m. the walk starts at at 10: it's a Sherlock Holmes type of event along the walk you'll get Clues and you got to solve who did it it is dog friendly so see you at RIT Farm Park Park on Saturday at 10: a.m. for the walk also Saturday movie in the park our last one for the season dis dead Park uh the movie is Wonka uh kids dance will start at 5:30 p.m. and then the movie will be shown at dusk so join us Saturday for both those events and then next Wednesday is already the homecoming parade if you can believe it so the tiger cub pep Fest right after the parade new location this year it's going to be in the parking lot of the former uh District Services office on Walnut between 4th and 5th there um so that'll be right on the parade route uh we'll have a DJ and all the fun games and trinkets uh so join us uh next Wednesday for the homecoming parade and the Tiger cup petfest and that's in cooperation with Community Education thank you ma'am Kim I have nothing this evening no pressure Chief September 18th is our open house for fire prevention week starts at 5:30 Station 2 I get one more council meeting to get it out to the public again so uh look forward to seeing everybody in the community thank you sir I thought you were going to uh add in the ribbon cutting that we had for Rambling River Park I know I should did you leave those for me I did okay all right I appreciate you're so kind all right set me up uh so yeah we had our ribbon cutting cutting at Rambling River Park uh and then we did our Parks tour uh but then we also had a visit from congresswoman Craig uh we had submitted a project again again for the um congressionally directed spending or the federal Appropriations bill whatever you want to call it um we had submitted for the veterans memorial uh ER the extension to it so the Pavilion um and she came by to look at it she we had given her brief and everything and and it obviously has her support and so that's a very long process we've been uh recipients two years in a row for um north of about 1.5 million for various projects and this is another one so that's a that was a big win to get her and her team here to to look at didn't see it and continue to to endorse it um on the on the school bus um you know stop arm violations and stuff you know I think one of the things that drivers forget about this time of year is how quick the angle of the Sun in the direction that you're driving changes so you know like we've been driving through town all summer long and you see people out and all of a sudden now you've got more people out you've got buses out um as the sun angle starts to change you know especially directionality whe whether it's uh morning or afternoon just take a little bit of time I mean there there's I can't tell you a number of times whether it's on Pilot Knob or you know Highway 50 it's people are going 60 65 and they and they miss those Crossings and sometimes they're not even looking and and you see it happen and it you know knock on wood we've had some close calls but we just slow down like more than anything just slow down um kids are going to be out for a while and we have to be cognizant of the buses and and the kids getting on and off of them so uh outside of that uh look for a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn motion by Steve second second by Katie all in favor say I I hi we're adjourned at 7:45 [Music] [Music]