order pleas stand meeting has called pursuers to provision of the open public meetings law this meeting I think this meeting February 12 2024 was included in the list of meeting notice s to 00 County Democrat and Courier news on January 3 2024 posted on the bullet board at burough Hall on that date and has remained continuously posted as required in addition copy of this notice is and has been available to the public on file in the office of the B clerk call please councilwoman Englehart here councilwoman fararo here councilman Lev here council president long here councilman Parker here Council vice president Bren here and mayor Carol have any presentations res I can all right we have presentations um okay so I just want to update um the council members on the police opening which occurred on Thursday afternoon and attendance were uh attorney corini um our Clerk and uh our CFO as well as um Angela goal from our architectural from PSNS there were a number of bits present um Mr Parker and I were both there as well and um there were six uh bids that were submitted they went anywhere from the mid 500,000 to $1.2 million there was a cuper in the 700,000 um they are the lower bids are currently being scrutinized uh by our urney myself and um by myself meaning calling references uh and our architect um hopefully we'll do an award in two weeks if not sooner as a special meeting um just for those of you that are new to government to the public that may not be aware of how public food and procurement law Works um we are obligated to award to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder and that is a legal term um lowest bid you understand responsive means that they filled out all of the paperwork 100% accurately and responsible means that we believe they can complete the job so we are scrutinizing them to make sure they are both my correct us Mar you say great El um so we are scrutinizing to make sure that their documents are responsive and that they are responsible and'll be able to project um so I think that is really my only report so I'm going to turn over to the council members Council woman anglehart uh thank you um um I'm going to be attending the next Museum house board meeting this Thursday we had a delay at a week um so that's I don't have a new report on that but we did have a representative attend the um 250 meeting last week from what I understand Marshall yes um Liz and I uh met a couple time three times actually on um developing some um grant opportunities following up on some grant opportunities for Parks committee so hopefully um we'll be able to be fruitful in that endeavor um the I did get a call from um one of the school district's um VI principles who's looking for um some volunteers for read Across America week the first week of March um schools usually do lots of events that week um so I'm I I told her I would uh try to find five volunteers I had already kind of page mentioned Tony I know that a couple of the police officers were interested in um volunteering so I'll be reaching out to everybody um see if anybody was interested in well I ask it's the first week of March um thank you Mar I was gonna ask you but I didn't want to ask you I love and then and then I'll I'll yeah I'll I'll I'll reach out to everybody anybody's interested in volunteering they appreciate that um gonna g be the spearhead on that um they did have an interviews um last Thursday for the Bur representative for frsd um so it looks like U Mr Kane will be um appointed to that um uh so uh for the rest of the to to fill out the rest of this year 10 months right yeah so um that's good I think the burrow um just in general I think the burrow residents are well representative represented there because he was a prior board member can just jump right in and represent um our constituents um interests and then finally I had a fun opportunity I know there was a few few of us probably half of us here were sick on the day of the um um ribbon cutting for axum but I got to attend on everybody's behalf um and I got to learn how to ax so it was a lot of fun um and maybe we could have our next Council Retreat a lot that be good or bad it was a nice time and thank you to the FCP thank you so much uh councilwoman forar very brief this week uh DPW meeting has been moved back one week due to the weather tomorrow uh we do hopefully we're having a planning board meeting tomorrow I really encourage the yeah I encourage the public to attend it's going I hope I hope so we all live right uh and then for the library there will be a board meeting this Friday and one of the things that they will be doing we need the permission of the board the friends of the Flemington Library will be issuing a uh questionnaire for interested residents um in the buau to see what types of services and programs they'd like in the upcoming year uh not quite nailed down yet at this going to be mail but I'm encouraging them to maybe do a mix mail for some of our older residents who may not be in tune with VI of linkings online as well as offering something perhaps on the website Direction the library so that's my big it's my big requirement Noti she looked at me when she said older residents well all right Mr love all right um I don't have much either but uh next HBC meeting is on Wednesday February 21st right here at 7M I believe they're still looking for people who want their house to be on the historic FL in um in June so if you have a historic home and think you might want to have about 500 people come through your house please reach out to them um Animal Control I got the report this month uh three calls but one of which I believe was actually rship so two calls uh great great job animal still under control um this is down from seven in December so 71% decrease and uh I'm not going to say it's because of me I'm just saying there's a very strong correlation here um and I did I did forget to uh mention last meeting right after you did it but um thank you mayor for putting me back on the which I appreciate that it's my pleasure pleas every okay uh and they are looks like they are meeting Monday night president's night um I think there's uh council president long hi good evening uh two things tonight fire department uh I will be meeting with them tomorrow night uh I have some January numbers um and I like to share these things so that everybody gets a sense of what's going on um but there were 23 incidents in January and these aren't all the events but real quick uh it was one building fire one outside trash rubb rubbish fire one person removed from a stalled elevator two gas leaks carbon monoxide incident four dispatched and then canel calls four smoke and odor scares three false alarms and two electrical shorts just a just an idea of how things are going uh the uh like I said these are just a few of the calls our Vol fire department responded to anyone curious or interested in joining the fire department please go to FL fire.org jooin for an application for firefighter fire police Junior firefighter those age 16 to 18 uh driver pump operator or social auxiliary member OEM Corp MCN will have a snow report but a couple weeks ago I sat down with him and for about an hour ran through all the OEM ropes I do appreciate him taking that time to uh educate me it's pretty thorough it's quite an operation we've got here um and we're in good hands uh finally any residents interested in joining the community emergency response team called it C can reach out to the Flemington burrow office of emergency management at 98782 3434 and that is my report thanks thank you council president Mr Parker yep okay so um couple of things I've actually been over the last week um been really spend a lot of time in the police department um I met with all the officers as well as the management team um and got a lot of feedback on on what's going on I mean obviously there's some things that we need to need to better um I am working on along with the management team um working on updating the policies procedures and things like that um under the guidelines I've actually been contacting some of the other police departments and other communities um and asking them about how often they update theirs and what we should be doing so getting a really getting inundated in it it's it's you know um people don't like the word change agent but this is really one of those AG that change agent work with with turning turning some things around um speaking of which um there you know when we talk about expansion of this to the May other is that there's going to be another set of of issues coming right and for the first time we we are experiencing forch Pirates people are taking just off of forches so I would encourage people um as we Chief would encourage people to um take the packages immediately and that's if you're not home to at least have a place that is um that is a little bit more discreet that that um deliveries can be made um or ask neighbors to pick it up the other thing is is that um that's also going with there seems to be a issue with stealing mail that has checks in so um it seems like they're going mailbox here I said this in the last meeting um and I'll say it again I do believe that Flemington is being stopped by Outsiders and I do believe that people are riding around to see what what are um what are who's home who's not home what's what so I just I'm saying that because we have to do things differently and I'm working with the um police force and they've got a lot of insight on this as well to come up with policies and things like that on how we're going to control different because now you got to control differently but just be clear that when you bring on uh new development you bring on another set of issues so one of the things that bringing the Poli Department to address those issues um we are actually working on a plan a three-year plan I think I said this last time um but we are actually moving forward with doing a three-year plan because we need to support not only the development that is happening with the hotel but future development and get ready for um event that's going to be happening here on the in 2026 so um again spend a lot of time with them the good news is bad news uh um well you know there were a lot of um thefts at Ulta and there are seven suspects have been charged um since New Years on ala and they're and we're working with more I spoke with the detectives spend a lot of time with them I actually did a I got out was school I'm always I try to think how I fashion it up a little bit um um but I spent a lot of time with them and and um and their insight into these steps that are going on in these in these shopping centers in the whole bit um and what they're doing they spent a great amount of time tracking these people down um and I I take my hat off to them on they do they do a really good job of that we just need to give them more tools to be more effective we did have have a situation in a DIY where a window was broken by a sweit can or something and a brick so and I I have a very long conversation with um George Ean and what we're going to do because everybody has a different story so I am gonna have George eckan sit with myself the police chief and the detectives next week and devise a plan here's what we're going to be respons for here's what we need you to be responsible for so we work together because with no plan it's just heper skills I'm all about planning and strategy you guys know that um I will say about the newsletter um the newsletter I'm working on to get out by the end of the month so again is focus on all of us um and some of the Departments so thank you agent for getting um they're due on the 16th which is this week and yours I'm sorry I just didn't get to my emails today it's just the one of us been a meetings I did get I did do a radio interview today with um uh uh w nbp d thank you wel that's it it was the last minute um it was about black history month but it was also about the black history event that we're doing here in Clemington um I would like I even mentioned this to them after I did the interview is that it would be great to have some people from Clemington the B um I even put your name in there mayor so don't you might be expecting a call soon um just because I just think we should highlight unlik what the town the girl oh to W yeah so um I did put your name in the Hat U as well as some others so they're willing to like work with us on that I did put it in for FCP as well so we kind of talk about some of the events that we do so that has been recorded um I will get a copy of the recording but you guys can go on and and and Source it it's on archived for two weeks so Source it um no autographs don't ask so speaking of black history month so we we have a resolution um the B has a resolution for recognizing um uh black history man which I'd like to introduce um here it is whereas every February Black History Month is recognized to not only encourage the study of African-American life and history but also act as a reminder that black history is an integral part of the history of the United States of America and whereas what began as a weak recognizing black history championed by Dr Carter G Woodson and Minister Jesse E Morland in 1926 when they founded the association for study of africanamerican life and history evolved into a month this is what's really really great a month um by 1976 After official recognition by then President Gerald for um and whereas each year the association presents a new theme and the theme for 2024 is African-American and the Arts and whereas for African-Americans the Arts have been a means of to express joy and sorrow assert Humanity um and communicate in a way that reaffirms one another and whereas Alvin Ellie pman Domingo uh Michaela J Rodriguez Billy Holiday and others made it clear black and lgbtq plus people not only exist but could do so openly and whereas women like berit May Angelo Queen Latifa McDonald Lola Davis and more not only exhibit black women aren't monolith but um there isn't a limit um there isn't a limit standard or any imposed glass ceiling that could hold their talent back from the Applause of the of the masses and whereas with every Black History Month there's also a need to remember black history is not only American history but the contributions of black amans go beyond those provide entertainment Michael Jackson populates popular popularized the Super Bowl halftime show as a musty event James E West patens from 1962 utiliz in 90% of microphones today allow over 133 million people to hear his set list and whereas Mark Dean while working at IBM developed the first gigahertz chip that laid the foundation for technology required to hear see and experience entertainment on a computer or phone and Bley Thomas a NASA data analyst Advanced 3D technology used in theaters across the nation in the world now therefore we have resolved on behalf of lemington burough Council having these names in honor of Black History Month and as the public to further educate themselves on those name and the many others who have shaped our country and World adopted on February 12 can I have a motion please want to move is there a second second what what what number was [Music] that 20243 and who else andle councilwoman angelar yes councilwoman phara yes councilman L yes council president long yes councilman Parker yes Council vice president R yes you very much are you thank you I was on a a I have stage and I would encourage everybody who gets checks in the mail to get automatic deposit they ever skill from the door believe their TR it I don't I I don't know it's just that they they're starting to steal TR so my what I can um include on that is that everything is vulnerable right everything is vulnerable and so we as Community need to be aware that that's happening first of all and protect ourselves second of all I am um working with the um with the officers with pman to keep to start doing a little bit more patrolling and getting out of cars and walking so that we can just kind of like see a presence all the time but remember we only have 15 offices right um so um we're working we'll get thank you Council vice president Rosetti thank you mayor um quick tonight as well uh I had a good chat with Dave Giuliani everything is up to Snuff code enforcement um the only reminder we have is to remove snow we've had this nice little spring break here and we have this weather forecasted so the ordinance I believe is 12 hours post snowfall or by Daybreak sidewalk should be cleared very important for our mail carriers emergency workers kids trying to get back to school after the storm um I also attended the shade tree commission meeting last week they're still working diligently to get their Community forestry plan um resubmitted and approved hopefully soon um they're they're trying to add I don't see it on the calendar just yet but they're trying to add another extra meeting and before their regularly scheduled meeting next month for a work session um to get really down in the weeds with that farry plan so that's um hopefully the 28th of this month at 7M um and then lastly uh as councilwoman Engle har mentioned we've we've been meeting a few times here to discuss potential grants for the parks and hopefully we'll have for the park not more than one but um hopefully we'll have more info by next meeting thank you well to public comments session number one you have any comments you want to make to the B pleas come up to the microphone uh state your name spell your last the record and please uh Michael Coons k h NS 36 Honeyman Drive uh mered in Township um first I want to thank you all for your service and what you do I know it's not easy we appreciate it you don't always get that so thank you um I'm coming on behalf of uh Flemington RAR and baseball uh Flemington RAR and baseball has been here since 1953 uh we have over 425 children that play from April until November each year um we have a 50-year lease I believe is down to six so we put a ton of money into the I know it goes Qui but um we put a ton of money into the Le to the fields the facilities um I know I've been on the board for a number of years we have 25 board members I'm currently the president Ryan flambro is here he he just uh stepped into the vice president role from the president role um so we're looking to invest some money into the fields for the you know the future um I have three boys I know a lot of um boys and girls have come up through the program so I guess we did we would just like to get on the agenda at some point to discuss how do we renew the past how do we uh we can that would be great for it of course no we years ago hard to find yeah it's probably in my dad's files I mean no we lovef you could send it as a as a you have it as a word do better you have a PDF that's fine whatever just it was written out to um football and I believe it was South so 50 years ago yeah the original well the original I there was originally four teams yeah that that was always South but now it's changed the pl so it's under Cal Ripken because there's little leue Cal anyhow um yeah we'd love to be here for for much longer and be able to serve the community and also um you know hopefully uh in the future be able to tie in with the community as well more to do some events over there and yeah if you can get us the lease um I don't think I have a my dad was one of those original for I play little with in the 80s a really big no back home Central New York it's a big deal for girl little so awesome let's keep that going so yeah if you if you can get it either to Carla you have my address because I'm supposed to throw W then then the weather blessed me poor you got R well if anyone's interested you have always have an open invitation to come out we have opening day this year I believe on April 13th okay which is a Saturday usually it's an 11: a.m. start we have a parade of teams that come in and then we do have an opening pitch that we'd love to have you come and throw out if you if you'd likeing on it you got that arm and Sh you X absolutely we do abolutely um I have a question for you m this is kind of a followup if you don't mind me asking um last year I believe you were the winners of the Elizabeth Town Gas grant that I had forwarded on to one of you guys were you able to implement that they good to work with keep an eye out for other opportunities like that for you and if you do see any opportunities as far as grants go that we can assist you with and you know in that genre please let us know we yeah we would appreciate that I know it was just a small one I think you were going to use it for like yes yeah as you know we're all volunteers 25 board members and again it's not for profit so the money we make we put back into the facility um but that being said we're starting as cost rise as you all know the fields to maintain them are resorb in cost um we spent 4040 to $45,000 three years ago to redo the field in fields uh and we actually will probably have to do that again and we don't mind doing it we spent $80,000 bathrooms there I would tell you we have the best bathrooms in the state for any youth program uh we we actually the best thing we did was we hired a cleaning service to clean them each week and they still to this day look pretty good so um but we we're just concerned as we get closer here we we would really like to put a lot of the money back into the facilities there um and we just want to make sure that if we do that that the children will have a place to continue Poli absolutely this early but look at it great right thank you so much thank you again I just came my beautiful anybody else public okay you don't feel don't feel obligated to stick around honestly um all right we have a lot of minutes did everybody get through all a lot thank you car all good all right all right so we're going to go through motions and seconds on all of these can I have a motion to approve the regular session November 623 minutes long second I need roll call sure all right all in favoring what abstaining Mr Le executive session November 6 2023 can I have a motion move is there a second second all in favor same with Council and Council special session November 17 2023 can I have a motion please move second all in favor any any exensions staining councilwoman and Council Trent regular session November 27 2023 can I have a motion please I move second did you get that car okay all in favor iOS exensions abing C woman Sor counc Trent executive session November 27 2023 is there second de November art seconded all in favor oos exensions extensions from Council William DeSaro and councilman Trent special session November 30th 2023 can I have a motion move there a second second all in favor you opposed exensions exensions from Council Council Trent special session December 6 2023 long move second all favor opposed bys yeah it wasn't here exensions are from councilwoman and Parker and then I will vote and break can I I should vote on right because got have four so like voting on that so yes it's not a tie it's not a tie F I guess I mean you don't have to obain here all I um regular session December 11 2022 wait did you I can vote on this yeah go ahead so that was yes six regular session December 11 2023 have a motion please second all in favor opposed exensions up stain I wasn't there that day Council Sor Council Vice presidentti Trent sorry stating so you can put me down as a yes as well executive session December 11 long second second all in favor any oppos exensions abstain counc counti Council and you put me down yes special sess now I know you are here you were here you were here so special sess December 29 2023 motion second second all in favor I opposed any exensions no exensions okay all right great thank you all thank Carla thank you for getting those all caught up beautiful thing uh consent agenda resolution 2024 36 uh resolution 248 SI and um deploy to Community Partnership in resolution 22437 approving a refund for over payment for taxes uh can I have a motion for the agenda is there a second second anybody want anything off this uh roll call please no one hold on one second because March March 14th you're not having so do we need to do something [Music] that make the okay okay councilwoman melart yes councilwoman carar yes Council Le yes council president yes Council Parker yes and Council vice president Rosetti yes yes we're on number nine the public hearing for the Community Partnership 2024 budget which um was presented to us at the last meeting um this does not require ask do have a number of people from the CL Community Partnership here um I'm going to open up the um public hearing to the public have a motion to open second public hearing is now open anybody has any comments name for Ali Norton just and your address oh 20 uh 29 East Main Street 52 Main Street 48 Main Street and 50 Main Street unit three so um I know we talked about in the beginning but I am uh recently appointed the president of the Flemington Community Partnership and um last year I was my president in the previous year I was Treasurer um I have worked on the budget with the uh entirety of of the FCP and I am looking for your support in uh passing the budget I'd like to think we're in a crawl walk run phase of the FCP in a transformation that has started a couple years ago and the more time that we are spending on looking at the exact information about the taxes within the budget the payments that we get plus the money we're looking to raise the more information we'll have to continue to adjust the budget over the next couple of years but I'm very confident in how it's been set up for this year yeah that's it anybody else cheing section here we don't get cheing Section often Tony got you g hu e bless you uh 37 stangle road um again I just wanted to Echo support for the budget um as a small business owner in town now almost three years the scale of events that the FCP is able to produce on the funds that we are allotted um is tremendous no single business owner would be able to do it by themselves um even a group of business owners banding together would not be able to do it um in trying to run events when you see the actual costs of insurance if you need security via the police department if you need an uh an ambulance on standby um you know advertising expenses liasing with you know other marketing firms um the FCP provides a to us that we cannot access individually um and so therefore you know as as a small business owner and also as a consumer I believe that it's money well spent to bring people to Flemington and to support our businesses thank you thank you right anybody [Music] else is this another board member all right from echelon on poers I'm just here to listen right now good it's okay don't all right anybody else in the public none to move second all in favor I can't we don't have this on as it's not an ordinance to create this as a tax I don't know I've never done this in ordinance um we introduced the budget but not not sure how we introduced it meeting I think that it I don't know if it's an ordinance per se but it's supposed to have a 30 day window between the introduction and the voting and we've always had a public hearing so okay so then so we introduced it the end of January January J the first the okay so um could do tonight then right can I have a motion to approve your budget long will move second any discussion um just uh I think just more of the Public's edification has this at all significantly changed since when it was introduced in can't shaking their no absolutely no they can't no that would be a change of though I real that I just going the public certification anybody else have any questions or comments from the council n the roll call please councilwoman Englehart yes councilwoman pasaro yes councilman L yes president on yes councilman Parker yes and Council vice president for yes okay that's it thank you again don't feel obligated to hang up to we're now on regular agenda number seven item three resolution 2024 38 for Flemington authorizing B application for $1.4 million um application to New Jersey water I bank for main stream sewer improvements this is the portion of the sewer lines from the circle to to Church Street traffic light um and we need to do that so we can get this loan done so that we can then this whole package out the bid for the street and the water and it is a complete Street project um can I have a mo please move any discussion I just had a question sure um uh for complete streets just so we all know what that means complete Street um is something the burough adopted doing about decade and a half ago so when we do a street now we do the sidewalks and the curving generally we've always done the sewer and water if needed this um this was put out in 2020 to do a complete streak but not the sewer lines the water lines are okay it's the sewer lines are not okay so this will make it a truly complete street so that it will not have to be opened again for decades so we have 1.2 million for the street of sell from the I Bank Dos this will add 1.4 million from the ibank uh d uh the dot is funded out of our regular capital budget this one is being funded out of the um the sewer utilities Capital bu budget which also you know is fragile but you know if we don't do it now we're going to be paying all this money to do a complete Street and then open it up in the future for these sewer lines that are uh 100 years old and very very deep in the ground this is we have two sections I believe in this part of the road where the sewer lines are 20 feet down uh it's going to require 15 foot hole to place those parts of the sewer line um and you know though so we only have a few of these areas left in town where the sewer lines are this old and Main Street from the circle to M Street is one of them so this is Phase One hopefully in a couple of years we'll be able to do phase two which would be from the traffic light to M Street but this is where we are right now um so anybody else have any questions or comments roll call please uh Council and yes Council councilwoman parara yes councilman Le yes council president long yes councilman Parker yesc yes Okay resolution 2024 39 approve an amended temporary budget Bill are you online yes you want to pop pop in hello Bill yeah I'm here mayor sorry okay thank you very much for coming in tonight um so I know there's a couple of items that you um added some funds to one is to the planning board budget that added $7,000 so that we could get the parking study update done for the Union hotel area the areas that were not studied in 2016 that include Maple uh and Spring Street and Bloomfield and Broad Street um so that we have a good idea of where the traffic is going um and new counts and new estimates and uh that's to engage J Troutman planning board engineer traffic engineer through the council pay for it where else did you put extra money for the police building so the main thing is the um accepting the grants the $250,000 Grant um for the police Renovations um that way the money's in place so we can award the contract okay all right so the 250,000 from the state of New Jersey cor for us last year um it shows now in our temporary budget so we can accept it yes anything else that's it okay yeah that's that's it it's uh you know obviously nothing here is final until we adopt the budget so any of those numbers can change all right any questions let me have a motion toe is there a second any discussion or questions for Bill yes s yes councilman Le yes council president long yes councilman Parker yes Council vice president yes have you gotten any numbers yet from M Kerwin from the county I talked to him today and he's uh gonna get them to me tomorrow I think all right have we have a good ide session session thank you appreciate it thank you all right um resolution 2024 41 resolution authorizing Shar service agreement for Mutual Aid U law enforcement agencies have a motion please there second any discussion roll call councilwoman faar yes Council I'm sorry councilwoman angelart yes councilwoman faar yes councilman L yes council president L yes councilman Parker yes and Council by the president yes we don't have a work session tonight we to public comment session number two any has anything okay Robin com out Aly okay so I just wanted to say that we've been working very closely with councilman Parker and my Champion um on doing what you asked emphatically which is having the signs disappear uh until they are um perfectly shiny and new and accurate accurate big word helpful for for way finding for today's lemington burrow so we are we are working on a new marketing um plan which I think 's going to really like that ties together the three business areas of Flemington with uh memorable names that are accurate and descriptive and something that encourages the sharing of customers which we don't have a shortage of customers they just if we could get everybody at home goods to go to uh all of our friends shops we things will be great so that is happening so you will see parking signs go up and wayf finding signs come down for a little while and the posts that the signs are on get painted and repaired Hallelujah you you're welcome thank you for uh for holding our feet to the fire um Additionally you C woman what's your target dat to close that out all done everything should be we we're just cataloging because um imagine you know taking them down and then trying to figure out where they where they came down from and what direction they're facing and all that so we're cataloging everything and um DPW should have them all removed and in storage probably by the end of February maybe the first week of March you know some things are weather depending so Adrian there's two phases right the first phase is the parking just dealing with that because that's the easy phase right and so what has happen is has to come be takeen down the painter has to come in and paint them they have to be sent to the printer to get get done and then DPW is they'll pick them up and put them up at that point in time and then they can only do four times right so I think there's 12 the next phase is for the bigger size that's going to take a little bit longer because that's whole marketing campaign and that's a whole it's deciding on the colors it's deciding on what's going to go on them so that's going to take a little bit longer so the answer to your question the first phase should happen with within the next within the next couple months the next phase is going to be a little bit the first one is where I'm because I live right near one of those and I get asked a lot of questions when I'm those should be all coming you won't see those anymore as a matter of fact I don't think that's going to go up in your in there any it's not position um real quick when remember the first time we visited this the color scheme is that same or you something different so the parking signs are standard regulation do green and blue you know same as Clinton same as every everywhere um the way finding signs which are currently now maroon with a building Koopa and a town seal those we are going to as a group have an opportunity to discuss what what are we pointing to and what colors do we feel good about so you will all have a chance to weigh in so will the FCP board I think the HPC um and that no idea except probably my mother it's a feather um we didn't get the whole bird tonight but anyway um so that's coming but all of the signs the the inaccurate signs will be in storage while we work out the mechanics of what they should say and and some of that is you know finding the right descriptor for our Highway shopping plazas and circles which doesn't sound sexy or like someplace you might really want to go so we're we're trying to find the right language to point people to our business areas and our important uh amenities okay sure I was just gonna ask second top but this relates to signs um and not specifically the way finding signs and I don't want to put the guys on spot this year um there was a lot of signage that was um associated with the holidays the Peace Love Flemington signs there is a bunch of those in up still in July there they're gone they're all gone last weekend I saw a few so they're all gone great we we did find one the other day that was like tucked in a weird corner I'll go around the corner how did that get there how long has there okay and there are some older signs that like ancient signs that are over umap on Rayville AB yeah in stapa those are coming down they're all faded yeah yeah okay good we're planning house we're getting ready great for tomorrow and 2026 and the next subject is we've completed our events calendar our sponsorship grant that we Grant to businesses that want to have events is updated for 2024 um we're excited to be sponsoring the NAACP event on the 26th and 24th I'm sorry and we found a way to incorporate a lot of businesses in that event and that's very exciting um and I've sent my short short form permit to uh to everyone who I think needed to look at it which is earlier than we have in the past right big props and um we are creating a new event which is going to be something like First Friday's ladies nights on Main Street which sounds like a drinking event it's really not it's a shopping dining sampling event that's kind of like Queen for night but we feel like we need to kind of invite women Shoppers diners friends back to Main Street to have a good time on a Friday night you know feel safe have fun walking around um so so we've s put that in our uh proposed event list we have sidewalk sales and the sipping strolls and corn tomato and beer the witch walk and we just have to find a good date for the kids Halloween parade because Halloween is the Thursday this year and that that complicates everything that's it thank you so much thank you anybody else from the public um seeing that before you came in bills well on puzzle uh M would you like to do a weather terrifying scare the the Jesus out of everybody I mean listen it's GNA snow um you know we have heavy heavy snowfall coming tomorrow morning um you're going to see precipitation start in the overnight hours tonight sometime after midnight the two Ines of precipitation this evening looks like could be rain um turning to a wintry mix and then snow sometime after the 5 a uh snow's going to come quick in the morning it's going to be during that morning commute hour um some of the school districts in the north county have already um gone into like twoh hour delay opening uh nothing reported by 100 c District as now 7:55 p.m. um but uh most importantly listen we're looking at possibly 6 Ines of snow so please uh just make sure the vehicles removed from the streets uh parking information went out today via social media via um our bur alerting system directly to your emails it's been posted so just if we can move those Vehicles into those parking lots into your driveways uh so you know the snow's going to come quick DPW wants to get it clear quick so that we can get everything reopened get people back to their streets get Main Street Parking uh opened up so my Campion and his crew are very effective at doing that um as long as we can work with them and get those cars and just so every knows we have a delay opening um which put in effect today to 11 o'clock tomorrow allow our norn most and Western most employees TR to get here okay thank you any questions for Brian yeah I have a question the last two SS I've seen something around the that haven't noticed much in the past I'm noticing people are actually parking in their front yards which I mean on their grass literally on their grass um and and I'm a little concerned they're rolling over the sidewalk to get to their grass and there's utilities under there and stuff like that um that allow well I mean so it's your private property you can you can drive you can park on your private property yes the driving over to public sidewalk is is always concerning so I'll speak with Dave Giuliani um in regards to that and if uh you know we see vehicles on those properties will educate those residents um via property maintenance code enforcement obviously the last thing anybody wants to do is wring a ticket but obviously if the police officers see it you know it is a it is a violation to driver I'm just concerned they're going to break their own water lines and they're responsible for them if they Doak one one of the things that my Camp is doing for the parking study is identifying homes that have big enough lots that could put in driveway and um with a suggestion from Mike that we could then wave uh the permits the permitting fees for people to create those driveways just to get them off the street legally so he has been riding around marking those up or making a list of them uh for this parking City to try to encourage more people to put in a drive to get cars off but certainly we will uh I'll bring back to the Chief and and Dave and we'll work to educate those res thank you right author authorizing payment bills in the amount of 8,996 80 and motion please move second roll call please Council yes counc yes counc Le yes council president long yes councilman Parker yes Council vice president yes we have two items in executive session uh one under contract negotiations our attorney Redevelopment attorney J Faron is here to give you guys an update on the Liberty Village pilot agreement and plan and where things are and then under number two uh under contract negotiations and discussion on uh candid lawsuit by one of the biders who was not successful against the successful bidder and the burrow uh can I have a motion to go into an executive session long move is there a second all in favor I want you guys to take five six seven minutes whatever you need so we're back in open I need to just um amend the topic in executive agend resolution you just ask for motion yes so to amend the um executed topic that was under number two contract negotiation lawsuit it should say ation Canabis lawsuit so have any motion to amend that move second second all in favor okay and then the other thing I just want to share with you is that um Bill Hance did confirm that he received a reported revenue from Aunt Mary's not an audit so I thought the law said we had to get an audit so we could verify numbers yeah I mean that that is probably have to look at to see if it was required but they did send us a check for 69 that 92883 that was the exact number we quoted to made okay but we still need to go Circle back Chris and find out where our reling start I believe I'm still waiting for what I've always asked for on this which is the dog is is ready to bark as soon as you got get that so that is always been he also told you he was into he was I haven't recommend I can easily follow up with him what I said what the Gathering of information um put the ledges next to I think has always been what I want but unfortunately at this point I have neither however there is it is irrefutable that they owe us a $110,000 licensing fee for 2024 for for cannabis retail and a $10,000 licensing fee for 2024 for cannabis medicinal what is inputed am you go back some issues with um um I have go I'm C on that something do Astros or something um I don't know but there is more in dispute than mly the 2023 fees but we we'll work on but the 2024 Fe the 2024 licensing Fe yeah as bill is preparing the budget in counted on that money last year we didn't get it so so well we'll get something yeah I'm G get 2023 numbers for you but 2024 like I said is not beautiful clear as far as I read well you it no come oh oh I would have written a little bit differently okay all right can I have a motion to Jour move second thank you all right you got it all right not going on