stand indice this meeting is called pursu to the provisions of the open public meetings law this meeting of July 15 4 was included in the list of meetings notice sent to the Hun County Democrat and C news on January 3 2024 posted on the board at ball date and has remained continuously posted as required in addition a copy of this notice is and has been available to the public and is on file in the office of the Bal clerk can I call please councilwoman here councilwoman here Council here counc president here councilman Parker here Council vice president here here um is Terry V on you want to start yeah we're gonna start with U the discussion on the posos issue um as all of you know we engaged an attorney who's doing that Cass action suit against the ETC and but we are still under you know EPA rag rule as is all of the country to address this issue so Terry um wanted some time to let you all know what was going on um go ahead Terry you're on you have to take yourself off the you AR there you go there hi everybody sorry about that it's okay I'm still a learning Zoom workplace here so just bear with me uh hi everyone um talking about uh the the the P status um couple things going on one uh there are um two of four settlement claims class action lawsuits against two of the former manufacturers uh who made these posos chemicals uh We've we've been working with uh the buroughs claims attorney stepen suvin uh and we're pleased to report that uh the initial claims um for the first two lawsuits where they're they're taking claims uh I believe those 3M and Dupont were filed last week uh the deadline was July 12th I just looked at the site tonight I think the deadlines were extended a couple weeks until July 26 but in any event um the the the two claims um for for for settlement monies where we could file uh have been successful sucessfully filed there's two others that'll be coming later in the year I believe it's Tao and BASF um and I'm sure that when the claims deadlines come up for those um we'll file for those as well uh the second thing that we talked about um this is a federal mandate um that that all the countries portable water systems are doing uh to treat for these posos chemicals where they've been found in the the the water supply and they have been found in Flemington uh we did a budgetary estimate in June uh that we provided to um modify and treat all of the existing operational Wells and we came up with a budgetary estimate uh of $3.6 million to treat all of the wells uh in addition to claims money uh we're ready to file an ibank application where ibank is currently forgiving uh principal forgiveness of 50% of the cost of the work so in other words based upon the current policy if the project came in at $3 million for argument sake uh you would get a loan if you went entirely through ibank and they would forgive 1.5 million of the principal and You' be paying on 1.5 of that uh we are also based upon uh last week's discussion at the Public's Works meeting uh possibly considering applying for USDA money as well uh and that would be an addition to wide bank but uh in summary we're trying to get ahead of all possible funding Avenues uh to help lessen the head on the Barrow very that 3.6 million that's for equipment right that that's for that's for treatment uh contractors engineering design everything but but the equipment there's the resin or the charcoal or whatever it is that's an additional cost it has to be changed every how often yes well that's an operational requirement and that's you're you're absolutely right May that's going to be a long-term maintenance cost after these systems are installed um we had talked with Josh and Mike uh there there there's two treatment preferences I believe one is activated carbon one is resin um they indicated a preference towards the resin um but it's going to depend upon how much material you're actually taking out in the filter media uh if it's a a slight amount the res is going to last longer if you have a well where it's removing higher concentrations of materials including posos um then then that filter is going to have to be changed more often I'm guessing you're typically changing a filter once every few months plus or minus uh we're we're not going to know frankly what the frequency is until we get these installed I know that um Josh is fear with the charcoals because we have such hard water in this town that it'll be taking out everything we're blow through filters like constantly versus the resin which will only target the P correct yeah I think the costs are comparable P or the iron resin may be a little more um but yeah absolutely we're we're going to follow what uh Josh and what the staff tell us three or four times the length of the charcoal then it's worth it yeah yeah yeah hopefully the ion res is going to be is going to last longer that's one thing about the activated carbon the activated carbon will filter out other materials in addition to um the the posos chemicals so um that would be an advantage what is the next step like um what's the next step are we you design like is Josh looking for systems are you looking for systems are we um are we waiting for some kind of settlement do you know when that's expected like where what are we in process thank you Ione say what's next up again I'm sorry I didn't understand that where are we in process right now what are what are the next steps really is going to be authorizing a preliminary design of all the facilities if we go the ibag and also um uh the USDA route uh they are going to be looking for some design basis to substantiate the amount of money that we're asking for so I would say commission preliminary designs and uh we can get the burrow budgetary numbers as to what that is everything that we do would be reimbursable ultimately against ibank but obviously you'd have to outlay money until you close on the loan so I think Josh told us that there was a six to eight month lead time to even get anybody to like price any of these things out right I'm sure it's in high demand now because literally the entire country is looking at these start getting us quotes or something yeah so hopefully he did that um yeah and when when does anybody expect to hear from the attorney like where is that the next step that I don't know like I said the original claim for the first two that the fre and the DuPont they were due last Friday uh I just looked at the website today and it looks like those two claim deadlines were extended until July 26 so um depending upon when they stop receiving claims I would imag on and I'm guessing I'm not an attorney you know maybe within 30 to 60 days we have toye attorney uh Steven svin uh he sounds like he's been in in regular contact with the federal government whoever the feds have assigned to this um and he's got real time information in terms of when these will be turned around I know that there's something else uh and I just asked my staff today there is some Phase One requirement that's currently due August 26 uh I have to find out what that is and make sure that we don't miss that okay but I I'm guessing on the claims since we got involved in a lot of the history on it and we got involved with a lot of the testing on the compounds I'm hoping a lot of the leg work in the claims is done and that when the other two claims come on board later in the year that's more a case of dusting them off and then resubmitting and hopefully more money's available okay does anybody have questions a couple but I know that um Carla and I have been in contact with the attorneys so if you want we can one of user see what's going on I know might can't be in he he's on here do you want me to him in why would it come on he come on because I think he was interview interview or something Mike m there he is take yourself off mute please hello hello hey Mike I texted the councilwoman frero our attorney um said by the end of the year checks should be going out for the settlement okay that'd be great yeah do you know do you know what this August 26th date is yeah that's something I just saw on on the site today if you go to my Engineers report I I put a copy of the web link into this posos claim site you can basically go look at the site I pulled it up today let me see if I still have a copy open hang on um they refer to this this is after um the initial claims which got pushed back until July 26 they have this down as a phase one special needs claims form so I I I have a question into my staff uh to find out what that is um and make sure that whatever has to be done is gonna be done correctly in time anybody else Mr Terry on this or M I may have for I think I just forgot what is the so our requirement to do this what's the due date on there what are we required to do that by I don't know if there is a firm due date on the posos uh this is an EPA thing that the whole country is doing I can get that answer I know for example on certain deadlines uh we're working on uh the Water Service lines that has a deadline of 20203 of of 2031 ultimately I don't know if there is a posos deadline or if so what it is but I can find out that would be good to know because it would be prudent for the council's budget to ESR the money every year into a line item um if it's five years away or six years away versus is reacting to it at that point and spending all that money at once without having anything down yeah and now when it's all due even if we get some prices and stuff um we don't have to spend the money now I don't want to spend the money now yeah we still have to bond for the full amount even if even if we get half of it back in my bank sure department is gonna have to bond from all of it now and they're they're getting way up there in their bond their bond capacity yeah well we have to get the ibank application in and then again if the bur wants to pursue USDA as well uh we can certainly do that um but I would definitely get ibank in first given that they're going to forgive at least half of it um we can put together numbers on some concept design between now and the end of the year that when we get a claimed hopefully by Year's End we'll know what we're getting in the claims on the first two companies there's going to be two other company claims which are going to be filed later um so we'll know what we're going to be getting on at least some of the claims near Year's End hopefully any anybody have any other questions on posos for Terry or Mike not Terry well we have you um I know there's other things with you on the agenda and I know that Council has question so even sing out of the agenda that's okay goad not a problem hi Terry I um had a few questions about the uh this is the municipal aid grant for CJ right uhuh on the agenda if you right go over that and what exactly we're applying for asking for project details how this was decided pretty much a general overview of the whole thing I get us sure sure this is an annual local aid grant that we and most municipalities in the state apply for uh NJ doot puts out an annual local Aid uh to all the towns typically most towns that that make application if it's an eligible project if it meets the do's objectives more towns get funding than than not it's not guaranteed but if you put in uh a do application uh that checks all the boxes you know they they have their own priorities and currs of what kind of Road what kind of travel is it a collector things of that nature um that we put in for we put in this year and this was working in conjunction with Mike Campion the decision was uh to put in for a portion of New York Avenue between uh Broad in Route 31 and then a portion of broad ey I believe between New Jersey Avenue and Maple Avenue that were for reconstruction reconstruction is when um you have major issues with the existing Paving and it's not a simple Mill and overlay if you see a lot of places people will just take an inch or two off the top they'll they'll basically Mill it off and then just put it back when you're doing reconstruction you're anticipating that you have to do repairs to the underlying base course Endor subgrade it's more than just a Mill and overlay we scope both of these jobs assuming conservatively that they were reconstruction um we're going to hear from the dot I expect the burrow is going to get a grant award I don't know how much um this is kind of an art to a certain point a lot of towns will will put in for 34 of a million dollars and depending upon how much money is available that year we may get a grant anywhere between three and $500,000 when we get the grant award we have to see what the award is versus what we estimated the entire project scope would cost uh and the burrow can can choose if you don't have enough money do you want to kick in your own or if you don't want to kick in your own money due to funny concerns or whatever we can dial it back we can actually reduce the scope of the project that we're going to fund but we may not get everything we we may do New York Avenue um and only one portion of Broad Street or or no portions of Broad Street depending upon uh where the grant came in versus the the projected cost but this is something that is typically done every year um Flemington from what I've seen at least in recent years you've gotten an annual Grant and and Bo house them when we receive the grant do we have to we have to complete that work within a certain time frame as a general policy yes and it's funny you mention that um typically doot will give you 18 months now if you don't meet the 18 months you can request an extension and we had to do that we have two existing grants that we've been working with doot at nauseum to get us to authorize one of which was a do grant that was approved it was a 2022 Grant I believe it was I believe it was Williams um where the burrow found out last year hey guys you have this Grant and you're about to lose it we requested an extension and got it uh we had to request a second extension because the do uh came back and told us that we needed State historic preservation office approval among 10 other things uh to get the project authorized so the short answer is yes you you typically have 18 months you can get extensions you kind of try not to if you can avoid it Harry this Susan yes is there a I know that in the past we've been given a really great uh kind of priority list from DPW when because this is kind of an annual thing is there a priority that priority list last year I think was more for sewer water uh utility work is there correct priority list um you know that DPW kind of um uh keeps up to date um and of course some things that might be on the top of the list one year get shifted you know one or two spots depending on what you know what's more Ur urgent is there a similar list to that that that DPW shares with you so that you have an idea of which um project you want to go for I guess the short end of the question is how is that decided um on this on this for this yearly grant that you know you're g a call Mike should answer that question maybe Mike is a better person sure I'll be glad to answer uh the local Aid Grant the do favors when the road ties into a state highway a school zone a county road so that's how we base the local Aid on yeah that's a good point and that's part of what we typically try to do in all our towns we we want the applications to be applications that we think are going to be viewed favorably by the NG do but is is there like a a kind of a wish list that you go through every year this is okay we got to file our local uh DOA Grant this year which you know what what are we putting on the top of the list this year knowing that those parameters are more um favorable than others I think we could work with Mike on that and and develop you know two or three top ones you for the next couple years the question well I guess is there such a list that's my question sure well we got a directive from May Caro to list the priorities of our roads between water store and then we'll call it the surface and that's how we came up with the list last year of the priorities it was the first time we did well no should say we did it when Carla tusi was on Council that was like 12 years ago but we did a 30-year plan and it just died out and then under uh mayor Carol's directive we put this list together which we're going off of okay that's that was the answer to my question is this the these this project is based on that list we received last year thank you that's what I was looking for anybody have anything else for Terry I I just have one more question I guess regarding selection selection criteria and stuff like that and um you know how we design this project right now it sounds like it's just um like what you said reconstruction of the road service and stuff like that are there any considerations or any projected improvements for things like Traffic Safety pedestrians anything of that nature included that you know we could apply for maybe scale back we don't get the money or was that taken consideration there are things that you can do within a road in other words if we get a grant for what we applied for do is fairly strict in terms of how they administrate the grant if we get the Grant and we we get a good Grant amount that we think can cover most if not all of these two roads there are items that are eligible under do will typically look at you have to do things like making sure that the Ada ramps are all current per Federal Regulations that's a given we may want to look at directional signage stop signage stop bars things of that nature all of those items would be do grant funding eligible um we can't do something that they would not consider to be an eligible cost obviously if the burrow wanted to they could put in their own money to fund something that the do may not fund um but they're typically going to let you do conventional safety type items so for example like you know the NJ has their 2017 a complete streets design guide stuff that's in there I would hope would be eligible for their own Grant and stuff like that if it's applicable to what we're we're doing on these roads yes you know these are two existing roadways we're not expanding the the the roads or redesigning the road so we're basically going to for the most part put back what is in terms of Paving and certain subbase repairs you know there are things you do as part of any dot project anytime you have Paving that's in contact with handicap accessible ramps you have to make sure that those ramps are all current or upgrade them uh you have a storm water requirement that anytime that Paving is in contact with storm waterer grates you have to install the updated grates uh there are certain eligible expenses but like I said it if we were redesigning the road if we were expanding it or relocating it we could look at the 2017 manual I think in this case sense we're reconstructing an existing roadway without expanding it um unless the burrow has any ideas about changing Direction Lanes whatever it's going to be the same road that we ultimately put back I mean it sounds like I I don't think we're improving part that I would imagine most people have complaints about but I I'm almost certain that residents for you know most roads in this town and I think that includes Broad Street PL of things like speeding stuff like that you know um and I guess just future projects and and grants you know kind of take that into consideration yeah that that that's actually a whole separate field of do or not even do traffic design there's a whole field that that's really emerged dealing with speed that's known as traffic calming and there's a whole world of ideas and technology that you can look at um if you need to slow down certain places you've seen some of them you you've probably seen speed bumps which very few towns like the people people who plow hate them because you end up shearing the plow speed humps are a little better but I mean you can if you have problem areas where you know you have speed issues in certain parts of town there's some pretty creative stuff now you you you can change the actual texture of the paving in an area you can change the color you can put in flashing lights there there's really many many many options that that you can look at uh if you have specific problem areas s nicker thank you anything else or Terry thank you so much Terry appreciate your time tonight no problem my pleasure thank you take care everyone thank you um report I just want to um mention that the shade tree commission and the environmental commission had a joint meeting for the first time I think ever uh to discuss a number of items um very productive meeting um one was the U the draft of the checklist for the for compliance for the planning board which is on the agenda tonight which they had no issues with uh the other ones are the uh tree cutting ordinance required by the state New Jersey DP and our our current list of acceptable trees for the BAU and that list is probably 30 years old there's a lot of trees you know the trend now is to go with with Native New Jersey deciduous not ornamentals that do nothing for the environment um so Beth commanders for planner attended that meeting as did councilwoman Rosetti and Le is on to shade tree myself as Le is on to environmental commission councilman L is a member of the environmental commission there as well and uh we asked Beth to take a comprehensive look at the state ordinance and our ordinance which um trees appear in a number of ordinances and um Mike DeLuca from shry had a number of suggestions so she's working to have something before the council um getting comments back from both commissions prior hopefully to the August meeting if not definitely in September um you know although this tree cutting ordinance was supposed to be passed um like in May the D had no teeth to that they didn't have an or El so we we're as long as you're working towards something and I think it's really important that we have a really good significant ordinance because we have so much flooding in this town now that having the proper trees that are gonna drink as much water as possible is a really good idea and um you know we've had a number of um residents and maybe some new business owners who have come in Cho down significantly large trees without permits and uh they fine for it and so we're looking at the the replacement part of this ordinance you know replacing trees contribution if there's no place somebody doesn't want to plant a new tree um you know as you're all aware there there shade tre's budget this year came from that tree cutting uh fund um so it does accumulate over time U but I think and I think uh the council members would agree it was an incredibly productive meeting and everybody left really I think very satisfied about the work they had accomplished so far so um that's really my other reports are all scattered through you know other topics in this agenda so I will move on uh council president H good evening uh fire department uh attended the annual fireworks display this year and everything went well and without incident uh there were 20 three incidents in June and these are just some numbers as usual these aren't all the incidents just a sampling of kinds of events the department responded to so five false alarm false calls two gas leaks two combin contained cooking fires one building fire one authorized wood burning I'm sorry unauthorized burning and one Forest SL Woodfire and since our department uh does help out um in other areas specifically R in the township uh 11 of those 23 calls were in the township with the exception of the wadin fire incident they were high Hazard incidents of either gas smoke or a fire in a structure OEM several things all residents are urged to remain aware of the excessive heat and humidity expect to continue to have an impact on the area through the middle of this week additionally some thunderstorms will be possible each day mainly during the afternoon and evening period heat index Highs are up to 105 from 105 to 110 degrees uh continuing through Wednesday residents needing to seek Shelter From The Heat may use the Flemington preu Library as pooling Center in the library schedule uh their hours Monday 9 to 8 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Tuesday 9: a.m. to 5:00 p.m Wednesday 9:00 am. to 900 p.m. same for Thursday Fridays 9:00 am. to 5:00 P p.m and Saturday is 10:00 a.m. to 3 p.m. July is emergency first a prepared this month disaster can result in numerous injuries to yourself to those around you including family co-workers and neighbors having an emergency first aid kit with the right equipment is essential for providing care to the injured and the hours ands to follow disasters often create challenges for hospitals as well which may be dealing with structural damage difficulties in getting staff to the hospital and a large influx of injured patients as a result an emergency first aid kit designed for use in a disaster must serve multiple purposes one contain Provisions for minor injuries and illnesses two provide life-saving equipment for severe injuries and three serve as a resource for longer term issues such as wound care or minor illnesses when access to a hospital is limited commercially sold Aid pits provide a great starting point but will require additional equipment to provide sufficient supplies the disaster consider buying a large kit and purchasing several smaller ones and then supplementing with additional equipment and supplies as needed residents looking for more info can visit for checklists and product recommendations that is my report thank you thank you council president um and on the note of the fireworks I just want to publicly thank marcan uh who raised the money for the fireworks basically by himself and uh as always contracted with the fireworks compan he's been doing that for the burough for years I don't even know how many years but he's a great volunteer um's also our highest extended artw Works how many people did you ask it's over 7,000 so we have a population of under five so I hope appreciat and our like the side streets were absolutely they were actually really fireworks this year I mean they're unusually really good this not that they were bad I weather perfect out $25,000 for fireworks and then the next three days people are blowing off illegal fireworks at their home was never like to New Jersey all right moving on Council vice president bti thank you mayor yes I would like to Echo thanks for the fireworks um I I can attest that there were even more people because everyone in all the backyards along my street was out too and we weren't even down getting counted so great show thank you to everyone involved in that um also as the mayor mentioned she went in great detail about that meeting environmental and sha Tre that was excellent I thank everyone for you know coming together and really trying to make some progress on those things um sha Tre also had a uh their regularly scheduled meeting last Wednesday and there was a lot of positive feedback during that as well on on this whole um ordinance that we're trying to get together with the trees so um that's all I've got though thank you everyone vice president right which did I go last week um cleart thank you um the s house had their ice cream social over the weekend and it was a big success and I think the he probably attributed to some of that because people like ice cream and they're um I want to make sure that we thank um our little shoppr for the donations I want to make sure I think the board of juses were doing such a great job um over the weekend um I love it showed up so thank you for that as well um the energy plan report the energy plan that um you'll approved two weeks ago um I've spent the last couple weeks take taking all of that word all those words that were in that big spreadsheet and making them into the actual report that's submitted to BPU and got some good feedback from them already as well as sustainable Jersey there is some um strange numbers um related to both demographics and our industrial um uh counts I think mainly because sometimes um the demographics gets mixed up with the 08822 area code um so they they you know they think we have like a lot of industry or you know so basically when I counted up all the percentages that we were over a 100% so of people so that didn't work so sustainable Jersey is looking into that um for me I actually just had a meeting today so that's um that final report should be coming out soon you'll see that in your inboxes and I'll ask um car you could also post that to the website as well um finally guess I also wanted to mention um uh all the thanks to the for the f fireworks being a big success and special thanks to Mark Kane Mark and I and and Trent spent a lot of time especially the week before together um and I wanted to thank the police the fire the cir the EMTs um you know I think um all the Emergency Services I think that as the county seat we're certainly honored to host I know personally I had friends that came as you know far away as Stockton um and everybody was really impressed and just said what a wonderful show it was so um we're well we're we're honored to host but it is a cost and um I don't want to put a damper on that but we do need to kind of address that earlier in the game um maybe later in this year before we go into the budget planning for next year that's all I have um okay uh Chris before I move on to another council member um issue with changing locations for so just so everybody knows um you all approve well not all of you but most of you approved last year having um a second cannabis location at 25 Burgers um that application is falling apart because her Township will not allow uh it to be heard at their playing board three and a half par spot something over three and a half par not a lot um so they have cited a new location that they are interested in and but those applications Chris were site specific that the subcomittee looked at did they and they also have to pay an application fee because they're going to have retail as well as the medical they only paid one appli patiency so um I don't know if it's appropriate like I'm asking you if I can disclose other location to the council probably or is that you don't I don't know if that's a real estate negotiation so we should that it's realate okay so yeah 100 so we can add that to our executive session just so I can them what's going on okay as of subjects disc what would it be under with us because it's really emerging from a a litigation matter it is um which but that's not with her in Township that was with another company liation or contract negotiation mean there may be some contract negotiation El to it as well okay I would be fine with get one well either way if there's an update to that know but we could do whichever I think under contract negotiations so can I have a motion to amend the agenda on the executive session to add contract negotiations um both PHS second all favor all right I just thought of that I thought there was something on the agenda for that there is that might have been the item that you and I were suring we were both saying missing something missing something okay um all right so sorry about that all um we love it um Everybody kind to all M that's the the shade tree and the environmental commission meeting I thought it was very productive that was a very good time and I'm very much looking forward to the updates of the ordinances that come out of that um the HBC meeting for this Wednesday July 17th will be cancelled we didn't have any applications or anything like that numers on occasion so no meeting um of course the the fireworks were a fantastic success I thought they a very good time thank you to everybody who helped to put that together and make that happen in Animal Control news I personally helped reconnect the lost dog to their owner by it on Facebook um the best my knowledge I didn't get free chat to them but it seems like they they got the dog and everybody was happy um yes the ice cream social was a good time I'm never going to say no to you free ice cream and I think that's about it for this week thank you T Dog thank councila okay so um the planning board meeting last week was canceled so I have no updates on that it was literally a matter of a light agenda much like HBC this week um I did am in possession of and have read all 21 pages of the library audit um the T the year it was year end 2023 they are an extremely strong financial position uh couple questions mayor and I had but we I think we can address those um perhaps publicly at a later date um but very very strong financial position um a few months ago as a member of the library Board of Le liaison we lifted the fines that people pay for return vots one of the things that came out in 2023 and 2022 in the audit is that we're only obtaining about $320 a year about in late fines or late fees so um I'm very happy that we did that um it's something that we have not really published or or publicized out there um but we do feel like it's a great way to keep people engaged in their Library um just making sure that people have the ability to come in pick up a book return it and again it's very very so um now having seen the result results and the financial results of it and popularity of it people continue to give donations even though they are so look them $10 or whatever which is great um those are the easy things so in our Public Works meeting it has come I don't want to say it's come to light when we first purchased the building for the new police department um I don't think that at the time we considered some of the infrastructure issues that we were going to encounter and so Kendal walked us through last week a very detailed here's what's going on with sewage in the police department um so I've got Tony you know this is more of a public works issue than it is a police department issue to yeah it's a public works issue um so the sore pipes that go that come out of the police department are really not designed for that building's current use um in addition to that we're waiting on Eastman approval which really drives the easiest way to fix these sewer lines is to access an eastment which would take that sewer line completely through the Broad Street 12 rout 12 I no it's 12 it's R 12 okay so it's Route 12 so this wasn't addressed prior to the building being uh purchased and so now we're once again trying to make something fit and fix it so um for the past two months the sewer pump and the basement has failed three times police department and it's literally coming up into the basement that's health issue for our officers and for anyone in the building my name understanding is that lower basement levels like it's actively used there's like an active targeted used Police Department so we are coming into decision time of are we going to need to replace the pump as it exists in the building do we replace the pump outside or do we continue to fix it and I think after three breaks in two months it's really ridiculous to try and continue to put a bandaid on this just and again the the health I have a health you know sanitary health issue for the the officers and anybody who's going into that building so now here's where it gets to the hard part so um Kendal and Mike KY and that team has reached out to the company who's been redesigning Police Department I think are you on right now she on you can see that for Chris so PSNS is on okay great Angela can you address any can I this back up a little bit sure so just to remind the council that you did approve PSNS to design a hidden pump um system inside the building to address this problem and that cost was a little over $8,000 um I think the DPW was caught off guard and how fast Angela prioritize this because it was shutting down active construction in the building yeah and she got it done so fast that even though DPW was at the the site meeting and even though yeah the summary of the site she had the whole plan done in three days and at that point the DPW was like whoa whoa whoa we we really wanted outside and she designed inside so so that's really um because they cons their concern Ken's concern is that we don't get de seasment and that if we don't get the easement having a pit pump inside the building which is going to sell every time they have to pump it out is going to be a long-term public nuisance it's also not g to be it's also not it's also it's not even I talked to the owner of the property on which we won the easement last week um he indicated he didn't know and he had been called by his attorney to let his attorney hadn't let him know that we had sent the survey and the Eastman paperwork um so he was going to call his attorney I didn't hear from him I called him again today left a message you know and I haven't heard from him and I asked we also he you never heard that Alex told him that all in the morning so so Ken is represented to me and reaffirmed to me um last week that if he had certainty when we were going to be able to sign to the seasment and start getting a new super line in was going to be a month six months or a year he would feel so much better about just letting this work proceed but I'm certain you know he's he feels strongly that it should be outside because then they don't have to access the police building and there won't be any any work being done in there or Snell or anything like that the additional work Angela um I mean I know Angela is sick over this because she rushed this job because I know trying to not hold everything up and yeah it yeah sent me a a quote today it was 45 or 4600 I can't 4500 4500 4500 now designing outside and you know Angel off the top of your head and I'm just throwing this at you do you have any idea would it be cheaper in the long run to put it outside than to do work instant I mean it it does end up if you don't get an easement right it IT precludes issues further down the line if if you know there's an overflow but I mean temporarily like hypothetically I'm making these numbers up because I don't have a clue if an inside inside Pitt pump cost 30,000 would the outside Pitt pump cost 25,000 where it's a wash spending that I don't I don't know that it's a wa that it might cost a little bit more because you're going to have to go down deeper um you're going to have to go down and you will have also um to heat trace the pipe to make sure it doesn't freeze so there's a little more added cost so it's it's weighing you know are you going to get the easement or not and if you're not then you want to do it properly and you want to have it with the with the um trace and all that clock is ticking on this building Adam is supended work on where he was um we don't want to hold up this project this is just freaking nightmare um this is really a gov 100 course on how not to buy a u you know unfortunately now it's coming it's coming back to us and building without having any contractor or any engineer look at it or any architect or your DPW super anybody knows anything I could buy the building um so my question is if we want to give Alex 24 hours to try to get this attorney to commit to when we might be able to sit down and you know have an emergency meeting where the C the town authorizes me to sign a contract and we get into this contract what what's our timetable what's our what's your Dro dead you think if we authorize 4500 toight and say you know until Friday or Thursday or something like that I um in order to find out if the uh the uh oh my gosh give me a second I'm a little tired it's been a long day um if the uh property um owner is gonna accept the easement is that what you're saying he told me he told me on the phone on Thursday he was very kind Thursday that he was very willing to do the the eement he was just protecting his you know he wanted to make sure about snow plowing and taxes and things like that and okay and of course all that's in the contract everything he required of us is in the contract that he has attorneys as well he just needed to yeah confirm it all yeah so I'm hoping that our attorney's going to get a hold of his attorney and say yeah everything's good okay call an emergency meeting of the council and we can authorize you know the whole contract thing and move forward but you know what's my drop dead if the council says all right we'll approve 4500 condition that the mayor doesn't hear back from the owner by Friday or yeah I mean the we will be out there tomorrow because it's our regular uh construction meeting um are you asking if when we would be able to get it done or how no I just asking you how much time you can wait or Adam can wait oh can Adam can wait to answer for you to to redesign an outside of system I would say that if if I'd have to check with everybody's schedule because everybody's you know now I got to get it back into the queue um but I would say and as long as we have have Ken's thumbs up on everything um I'm hoping within you know not end of this week but the following week or that Monday so maybe a week and a half thereabouts I have to hear from this guy that you can how long you need to oh before I you know what I probably by the end of the week if if you can get us that way we keep things moving along by Friday Friday Monday at the latest okay Friday if you want to give them the weekend to kind of I don't know if anybody's calling me over the weekend I mean I hope not I take over the weekend I don't know about other people so um questions from Council question um I hate to be a stickler on this but the mayor mentioned that it took only three days for you to turn that around which I really appreciate I know that that you guys keep track of your hours you know in order to stay on budget with you know your your you know how many people you're you're putting toward this work if if we're being asked to um uh approve a $4,500 contract with you guys as an emergent situation um you know three days one person is about $ 3600 just round number is $150 an hour so I'm wondering how how many people did you have working on this project for three days straight from your office I want to make sure that we're not the $8,000 that we spent that you design the inside for wasn't for not as opposed to now you're going to be redoing the redoing the design we have to spend more money on that design for the outdoor system okay do you have the backup you know how long yes we do have a back up and if the mayor would like it I have no problems sharing it with her yep I said I appreciate that thank you and just trying to keep everybody honest um if you didn't do it that quickly and you had two people working on it for three days no we have we have I don't know Plumbing we have electrical we have um structural and we have architecture so so there's different um disciplines uh going structural and Architectural at the moment have the least um lift uh it's much simpler for us but I still have time that we need to put towards it structure excuse me uh Plumbing has the most and then electrical after that because the pump does get bigger therefore they need to check the electrical there's other things that happen just because of the yeah yeah I just want to make sure that we're getting our money for for $8,000 that we spent you know x amount of hours over did more I just want to yeah we did did do a lot more worth of bills that were incurred with the going back and forth after the design Ur and yeah so I just want you to all know that she's eating about $2,000 in going back and forth to me to the DPW to me to Adam to the DPW to her staff um because of this um I don't even it's not a miscommunication I think it was like you know I always say government works slowly but it works and once in a blue moon it works really fast and like what the heck you know and I think that was the case everybody was just caught off guard on how fast it was done and I anybody ethics I'm just asking for the backup that's all absolutely thank you if I can just put like a period on on my comments on this because as you can probably hear my voice not faulting about sharing this with the public but we really and I'm really hoping for the next two and a half years that I'm on this Council that we really stop and think before we make boom let's just do this it seems like there's a lot of pain and I'm coming in on this at the tail end we bought a building we had to buy a building our Police Department was getting shoved out but it didn't seem like we really as up as a governing body we need to do a better job of not just saying well let's see what happens yeah we all come from different disciplines and and I know that in particular Tony and I have some some parallels in our work in our Industries and there's something to be said about worst case and risk assessment it doesn't seem like a lot of risk assessment was done when this purchase happened a few years ago so this is the natural result Angela is we have to keep going back until we get it right I'm just gonna add just to be clear though we think govern body at that point bed inform given I think we weren given that's what you're saying well I'm saying yeah ask we need to to do a better job of asking questions and just and I I do think that we're getting Andel I appreciate the detail and I appreciate Council woman angle heart asking extra questions I'm sure there's some resident or business owner someone who owns a property is going to have a question at some point and we're going to have to answer it so thank you for absolutely and this is why you know vetting these things in public because that building also was purchased without any public discussion which I brought up to the governing body there was no public discussion and uh when I asked the question uh the both the attorney to directly to the attorney and directly to the former mayor uh there was dead silence um as to one discussion Cod so okay so there's no other questions for Angela um and I have a motion to approve the additional $4,500 for the outdoor design of the Pitt pump system um but not to be expended I don't think expended is the right word authorized until Friday Monday morning Monday morning go Monday Monday morning um Monday morning ju directly okay what's that you'll heal from me directly Monday morning okay sounds good so can I oh we can we some condition give me a second I find it not it easier that way resol $4500 it's up to you I think that be easier to do it for extra work you would typically add money to the resolution the can add money to the purchase order that would be kind of my recommendation to the money that Angel's you can also add that in too if you want I mean she not asking for it so I'm not offering that's the best practice is way okay all right well I need to put in there that it's a wait to be authorized until Monday yeah we can do goe do that see I go back I'm gonna go back to the councilwoman and see if she has anything else councilor nothing else thank you uh councilman Parker really really this really you really want me to go yeah I want you to go I'm done talking well where start I'm take I wanna I want to shorten this now um so there's two things that I want to bring up for I want to address FC sorry I'm having a hard time hearing you hear me now yes thank you yes yes thank you okay okay so um what I want to address FCP I want to address events FCP I want to address speeding that you brought up and I want to address um what we're doing for events um and something with the police department that Trent had asked about so let's start with FCP so FCP I remember talking last um last council meeting that FCP hired a marketing firm um that is going to be helping with branding and also doing the signage and um and designating the that there are three distinct um areas retail areas Highway Main Street and of course SLE right and they're going to do a program based upon those three Ines uh the name of the company is called um uh oh God went up my hold on um sorry very um it's called called brand enchanting media and what I would like to do is put them on the agenda for the next council meeting as a work session so they can introduce themselves also explain what they're going to be working on and how they're going to be helping the the girls so that everybody gets a breath and a little bit more information about how they're moving forward and helping them how long did they need I would think like 45 minutes right 45 minutes maybe 45 do you want to do well you tell me presentation for 15 do you think they can do it in 15 minutes 20 presentation yeah I would I don't want to give them 15 I don't think that that's giving them Justice I work for marketing I mean that's that's that's ins they're just it they don't they're not showing they're going to be talking right okay yes so anyway so we we can put on um we're not going to put 15 that's just not enough time um so also they they've also been um hired a an attorney to help them with bylaws so we're redoing all the bylaws um this attorney has a depth of information a depth of knowledge and a depth of experience with other municipalities um and we can give you his information at another time but I met him he's very very Shar um I think the entire um board is really pleased to come and moving for moving for the name of that company it's called um brand b r a n d brand what oh brand brand oh brand enchant branding Brant brand new enchanting brand new brand enchanting media um anyway so so so this is all just to say that that FCP is Reinventing themselves and moving forward and getting more things that that focuses on helping with The Branding and getting the word out about Clemington not just inside Clemington but outside of Clemington is how you bring people in um the other thing that we're doing with with FCP is I am um having a meeting here this Thursday because one of the things that has dawned me even though we approved this new process for getting permits there's still a disconnect right and the disconnect is that not everybody is coming together to say how they're impacted and they certainly don't know how it's impacted especially for major events so all departments all stakeholder departments are meeting here on on Thursday to just talk about expectations talk about what Ro and responsibilities are what they need so that they can plan everybody can plan effectively and make this more efficient and that's not just for corn tomato and beer festival but it's for other big festivals and also other things that um that um other things that are in the pipeline to happen it's um so it's OEM it's the fire o Taco technical permitting but we should probably invite well let me well let's just do that as a side note I'm not sure that that's applicable in this case um because one is permitting and the other one is the execution um DPW is definitely in it all stakeholders that are going to be touching this at the execution phase that let's just put it that way um so anyway that's going to be on Thursday the the trend had asked me switching channels here Tren had asked a while ago about can you give something report about what's going on with police and got it up and I purposely have not done that because I've been working with the police department on some projects and we are just finishing up the projects so that I can at a point in time hopefully next meeting or meeting after that that I can talk about what's going on and some of the the accomplishments that have been done and some of the things that we are moving moving forward so to answer your question yes that's coming I purposely have held off because I wanted everybody to have time to get their footing and um and get things in writing and get things approved by console excuse me by um by our attorneys um as well as the me so that's for that so I will have something for you in terms of speed one of the things you in terms of what terms of the speeding um Tren address speeding one of the things I can tell you is that um the I talk with the police chief and he's working on especially on Broad Street because Broad Street you can do fast faster or fastest depending on how you enter Broad stre and so we're going to they've got some things that they're going to do and we can discuss those some of them will discuss publicly other things that you need to keep in their back pocket but um we are going they are looking at that very very hard i' ask to really pay attention to what's going on especially during the summer especially during the evening hours which seems to be like the like a go-kart session here on on Broad Street um and I've gotten numerous complaints so I just want to get that resolved he's going work on that um other than that um that be it thank you it's been one of my side door and I just watched too many little kids jump back off the street many years not only that but it's annoying it's annoying especially when you're pulling out you're pulling out of your driveway and all sudden this just like someone 50 miles an hour it's like f yeah add another stop sign on it tonight I stop hopefully hopefully that would cure but as you're going down you know on it's like when you're going down espe now with theh pment oh yeah that even better now they instead going instead of going 55 they can 7 Street it should be noted that Broad Street is the longest north south direct you know run in the entire T if you go from New Jersey to um to 12 you can go the entire length it is the longest north south and so it is used as a bypass probably more often than others because of that can um but that being said I know that the go C things as we call I know that's um they've had a very similar problem on New Jersey as well throughway stop atfield once the yeah once the C project is compl it be may be smart to give you that break have all the breaks on the on the one end right abroad right yeah but that that's a long stretch yeah but the other problem is is that I'm I'm not really I'm not really too sure that it's actual girl residents that are contributing to this I actually think it's more people who are cutting through the bu to get on 31 orever and so the point of it is is that there has to be a clear message that we're not tolerating and so the the chief is working on a working on something with myself to to to try to mitigate this a little bit so we can probably talk about that in the next we talk about's going on in all right thank you councilman um our attorney so I would like to chat with you in the executive section we we chat you and I we can make car's life a lot easier and we come out of executive res at that point yeah I mean I think Angela's hanging on and she's exhausted can let her goel angel very all right thank you appreciate it thank you so much Angel all right bye thank you so much take care thank I got you and M yours so look up all right um so we're up to public comment period one three minutes Robin uh anybody from the public who wants this zero online that's [Music] exciting very quick the shirt the shirt and and the Sparkles yeah it's that time of year there's no there's no year on it right no that's clever it's a smart it's a Evergreen that's what you call it in the brand Enchanted world so um uh very quickly we we ran out of spaces using every space we could for the corn tomato and beer festival um really in June and we've gotten about a creative as we could be we are five uh vendors away from having like perfect permitting we believe and U that's amazing so you know thanks to this entire team for working so hard to make so many improvements in everything and the fors and the communications and the in fact we kind of got yelled at for um lying to people that we had to have everything by July 2nd when in fact that's not really the case but we wanted to be early as we've been um uh told that we are sometimes not early with things so we've really buffed our game and everyone's contributed and I feel really good about it we actually put all the vendors on the gis Mac which is a very expensive tool to that we have for stangle but it really allows us to um see things at a bird's eye view when we're actually placing somebody we can like zoom in and see what what door they're in front of and um address people's specific concerns like don't do not put somebody with food in front of my door okay fine we now see your door we won't put them there so for all that and then we we've been asked to make other Innovations um and uh you know other security shifts that are very um responsible and right on and when you do only do an event once a year it's hard to you know make these changes but thanks to everyone here's help we've had meetings we had a great debrief last year that the mayor organized we're going to have a great pre event meeting uh we we've had a walk through already with the police we're we're pretty we're in a really good place so um so that's the good news with that and um you know our this GIS tool that we bought is incredible I can kind of show you how it works because I really think as we return to events on Main Street having this technology will will make it easy for you to have confidence that if somebody aside for myself does a festival with Crafters that like they're actually being put in safe places it could possibly help the car show you know there's lots of applications for GIS mapping um of of the the actual Street to the to the foot um in placing vendors and to that end we are exploring some new events on Main Street um and I'm really excited to have those conversations and I thank Tony for helping us um work with the police on putting some new things together um we're also looking at doing some things in Court Street Park that would be Innovative like a pumpkin Festival maybe some holiday events I know got the I've got the charity going I've got the charity and U so what the the of your it is uh Saturday or a 10 Sunday is our rain date and from what time what time it's always no till 8m hopefully W oh it's gonna be perfect yes but anyway so we welcome volunteers and welcome everybody's participation and help that day I'm sorry you said Saturday a 10 but then you said rain day is R dat the following day yes Robin how many new V there's a lot um yeah approximately I'm not gonna hold you to a number well you know um we're we're happy we're happy to have happy happy vendors and you know it's a very long day you really have be a how many do we think do we think like 20 20 new vendors 15 new vendors five vendors I would say that uh I would say about at least 40% are new V I saw a lot yes that's that's a high number yeah it's good yeah it's good to rotate in once more it is I will tell you have more we have more food than we've ever had ever ever and we have have corn and we have a some awesome we we ask people we tell people that they have to do a corn tomato um course maybe beer not beer it doesn't really matter but they have to do they have to incorporate corn and tomato things into whatever they're cooking so there will be cornbread donuts and Inter and yes a whole lot of interesting tomato products and it's it's we even tell our Crafters that they really should sell some corns made of themed things as well so it's interesting I went to a Festival this weekend typically asual pars festival and the reason I asked the question about the new vendors is because I asked a question of them on like several several years in a row and each year I they they rotate the vendors out and they have all new vendors and the reason they do that is because it keeps people coming right it's different food each time it's different arts and crafts each time um it's different music each time and and the reason they do that is because it does peak the Curiosity for next year so you're not going back do the same thing so that's why as we have a a rice ball truck we have a Hawaiian Maui barbecue truck with other things that's I mean we have some some cool stuff so we're excited and then we also have a awesome group of nonprofits including like Black River and Western Railroad and they do a festival Hopper train that's like a short train ride just to give people a chance who come to Flemington for the festival to like you know really experience things that are more authentic to what we're about how many people lended last oh boy I think we were sort of in the 7,000 is r so the year before was 10 to 12 and then last year2 10 to 12,000 it yeah wow so estimates I think between seven uh we had crazy storms that we had weather 2022 the weather was absolutely perfect it was like that's right last year we had that crazy Threat all day it got really dark but it didn't actually I me I was there all day I don't it didn't yeah but it's kept people away yes well that's what we'll do right yeah okay thanks Robin and uh just comment uh back at the SCP went out and got this argis software it's absolutely phenomenal for Public Safety planning we're so thrilled with what they did and put on this is what they use at the state level or event planning so to have access to what we have for this is Robin heard me screaming from the rooftops that we needed something better and got it's expensive you know it's a very it's a very expensive tool it is but it has it it has incredible value and uh elasticity so we could you know we can use this for lots of different things now it will benefit us townwide for years they have it thank you and with this software we do create a public map so that the public can actually oh just take you know uh open their phone see exactly where they are and walk up and down and you know if you see a vendor that you like it actually gives you their so many liers to it so so I will say this from the cons from a console standpoint because one of things noted and I want to make sure that I stress that Miss volunteers well she really does need to help her because I did it last year it there's a lot of work to do before people hit that pen so I'm going to reach out to all of you guys and just say please please please if it's an even if it's a half hour um to please support us I mean this is kind of like this is us and this is what we are about and we're inviting people into our neighborhood and so we need to make sure the table is set properly so please reach out to Robin thank you thank you all right we have approval of minutes uh May 13th regular session long moop there a second par second all in favor okay we have nothing on the consent agenda um we do have the introduction of the ordinance for the um compliance checklist for the plan board replacing the um old checklist and this will go back once you you introduce it tonight it will go back to the planning board um for confirmation then they'll send it back prior to the August meetings we hopefully tomorrow night to look at it because they they wrote it so they should be okay with it so I have a motion to introduce 24-8 long move there a second second okay uh roll call please Council angart yes Council yes councilman Le yes council president yes Council Parker yes and Council vice president Rose public hearing uh should be AUST what is that is that the 12th August 12th um August 12th meeting should be um all right we have one public hearing tonight which is ordinance 20247 which adds the four-way stop to uh Williams and bro Street uh as per recommendation by our traffic committee and our traffic consultant and the chief of police um and then we limit the spots that are in the site easement site distance easement uh to compact cars only um can I have a motion to open up a public hearing sorry is there second long second all in favor po hearing is now open if you have any comments on this ordinance please come the microphone or raise your hand seeing none a motion to close the public hearing move second uh all in favor I can I have a motion to adopt please there a second any discussion call please counc yes yes counc yes coun president law yes Parker yes Council vice president Co yes okay regular agenda resolution 2024 108 authorized in 2024 2025 School tax payments theun Central Regional High School uh a statutory can I have a motion to approve ankle move is there a second roll call please any discussion roll call please councilwoman art yes councilwoman Bor yes cman 11 yes president councilman Parker yes Council vice president okay thank you resolution 22419 approved to submitted Grant application and exe executed Grant agreement with the New Jersey Department of Transportation for the nj. ma 2025 nj. fy2 project uh as discussed earlier um I have a motion is there a second Mark second any discussion call please Council woman yes Council forar yes counc Le yes council president La yes Council Parker yes and Council vice president Bret yes um we're into our work session um so I want to apologize that I didn't get around to do any signs the way I did banners I actually got three quarters or more through it and walked away from my computer and totally forgot I'm gonna be totally honest um but I had basically done same I'm going to circulate that probably in the next couple of days way ahead of our next meeting and you all can hope find it's a little bit more complicated than this anyway um oh yeah we're gonna two yeah next month um can you repeat the work session the same thing same thing we see how far we yeah because the banner you know Tony and I discussed this all weekend and um Banner there's a lot of layers to this you know we got to figure out where it's going to get hung and what company you know what kind of banner me mechanics we want and um you know so so you know we wanted to be something that's I guess relatively easy and then you know the fire department going to be doing the hanging is DPW going to be doing the hanging um or is it going to be a private company which I don't I would not see that but we can avoid prives so much M so basically I kind of put into writing what we talked about the last meeting and the stuff at the top is really this applicable applicable to everybody that prior to ordering all Banner art has to be approved by the Flemington bough public art committee we have this new committee it gives them something to you know to to to do in absence of somebody actually wanting to put public art out we do stuff I know you do but it's like you know like you might get one or two public applications I know I know I know but it was too easy that I know I don't know how else to phrase it but the public but Tony suggested the bur of public art committee I thought that was a really good idea um and the bance must be supplied by The Entity uh on the permit so whoever's on the permit they have to buy they have to pay for them um ders are permitted to be installed anybody have a prop I I didn't realize that the public art committee was going to be um dealing with temporary signage we don't don't we have a don't we have a process for temporary signage yet like who you who approves temporary signage now nobody nobody they walk in and what they do or they don't pay $50 for sign they put up whatever they want that's part of next com the next work session comments so tell the idea with public art committee could look at the banners we're already doing and um I thought that was a good idea uh all baners have permitted to be installed 14 days prior to their event all batters must be removed within two days of the conclusion of the amend because somebody else is going to want that space I mean it's got to be a fast taked down um and U that's what the problem was what 20 years ago was that people were kind of on top of each other with the schedule so yeah that's coming down is important just as important as Going Up bling to has the right to cancel any B within three weeks of an event for any reason so somebody Township wants our space we say sure and then Robin comes up with this I don't know right the president's own is coming to flamington to play marching you we want for what if they paid for their son already though like why it's in here that we right to cancel any that three weeks and why our attorney sitting here looking so I mean it's legal is it nice very nice the United States decides to come with Wellington and we want isn't that a good reason to say to the Chamber of Commerce Sor you can't you can't advertise the I'm joking I'm joking um yeah I I just I don't I don't know if that's very nice I has a question no concerns over things like you know regulating content like it's it's not like people have a right to put this up and no if we don't like it you know we so the old Banner policy basically was silent on and this kind of protects us because committee will look at it it's got go pering process you know we just you know don't like some I don't know religious event or something go I don't really care we don't have to approve just because they're willing to pay and we have the space open we do not have to if it doesn't fit in our Vision Values then do that right I it's all about our vision comptition it's also about I mean it's just same thing withs at the bottom line does it fit with our vales values all yeah no I I that's valid point I'm not saying disc you know the public art committee is a question about an event well actually it'll it would start with with I assume Moren and Carla who doing the permit for this and raising a question saying you know uh you know before this goes on right so um I mean of course there's going to be some kind of this is just ideas for this is just a draft set of kind of policy Nots versus some legal document that they're going to have to fill out that the attorney is going to do all these layers you know that's why I said we're gonna be talking about this for a while we get it fun um all entities must the Burrows an additional assured applicants must fill out public art approval form and Supply artwork at the time of application notless than 30 days prior to the hanging of the banner upon approval of the permit fee hanging fee and insurance certificate are due within three business days of set approval separate check should be made up if it's going to be the fire department hanging it they get a donation so um we we don't know 100% right we don't know that yeah it's a suggestion and the fire department has to say yeah we're willing to do it let us know how much money they're thinking about his information um any event advertised in the buau would help outside the buau shall occur an additional $50 for the permit so for example um the Chamber of Commerce the County Chamber of Commerce they host the Christmas parade every year they're in the burrow and that event is in the burrow so that would be whatever they also host the County Community Day in RAR and Township that would Ur an additional $50 to the permit because they're now suggesting to people they leave our buau and spend their day not here with us um okay so far government permit fees so this is what the fees would be this is again this is a draft guys I not married any of this so Flemington bur burough approved events which include the fire department examples fire department SCP Police Department FLT Public Library Etc so these are official events hosted by the burrow capital T capital B no permit Fe Banner hanging charge some kind of donation to the fire County government events um since we are the county seat no permit fee required if the events held within the buau but a $50 permit fee for counties advertised events held outside the buau and then there would the expanation to the fire department an example of that is the county decides they want to advertise Deer Path concerts in Readington Township across clington bur they should pay for that versus having something here you know so and then our 100 municipalities uh again a $50 permit required they out of the burough because they're not advertising anything in Flemington they're going to advertise their own Community Day or whatever and also some donation to the fire department and then not for-profit organizations sington B not for-profit events the $50 fan of permit fee and then the hanging charge to the donation of the fire department uh the non wton bur not for profit events $100 b b permit fee um and then some things for the fire department and for profit edds Flemington bur for profit events $100 ban per and a hanging charge and nonf Flemington bur for profit business events with $250 B of perit Fe so an example of that would be for-profit uh blessed Wellness decides to do a big splashy opening and they want Banner announcing it it's 100 bucks because you're a burough business uh Township business wants to do the same thing it's 250 because they're taking them out of work to so those are just suggestions on amounts um Tony and I discussed there's a big difference between the little temporary signs we talked about potentially going with the event permit um so somebody pays an event permit fee and they get number of temporary signs included in Fe the banner is sign huh la la signs right right the banner is special it's different people have been having events in this town forever without Banner so Tony and I felt strongly that the banner should have its own fee it does not go automatically with any agree with that but I think we increase some of these fees to the county other municipalities like I said this is I just put something on here for you guys to react to just for you to react you think should be what do you think is higher like when you say high anything think it's G to take business out of lington yeah yeah but what do you think that should be you want to double it I'm thinking 150 money Lally have a surplus left I think before we start debating how much my question and I don't really jump on yours but I think my question actually could come before yours and that is is the minimum fees here does that cover the work that Carla and and Moren have to do in the office so I want to make sure that even the minimum fees cover the work that needs to be done I guess I get that's push okay well we just recently ued some of our fees because that because of that same reason so I want to make sure that's car so this is a dra maybe Carla maren can talk about yeah whether or not it's in line with our other permit Fe or should be higher my question would be what's the cost in terms of that donation to the fire department we don't know council president did talk bring it up their last fire meeting and they they wanted to consider they wanted to consider it well they didn't see they had any they a lot of questions like what's the mechan what is the magism and how expensive is it to maintain we don't know we're gonna have to know so we can make money off it think make it too high no business right so here's the point there's a lot of moving pieces Parts one on this my campign is actually looking into actually what kind of mechanism that would actually he's also working for with JCP see if they'll do the actual installation of whatever mechanis that's the second thing the third thing is the placement because the old mechanism was actually unjust your mechanism went from the union turn so we might have to push it down further um so but but again because it's got to go from here to here and so there's some limitations in doing that so that's what he's before we even get to that point he's doing all of that inv investigation for us to figure out what's best right and then once he figures out what's best then we will we we will talk about what mechanism will actually go after and then at that point we can talk about who's going to be like how the ease of taking putting up putting down that's what we're really looking for we're looking for something that goes up in five it comes down I'm just saying half hour the bottom line is anything that's easier than it was because my understanding before it was in Absol yeah but the fire the fire department I mean we just want to know what they would consider a fair donation to do this and if they if they are willing to do it if not then it's a conversation with DPW um and you know it would come down to like the average hourly salary of a DPW worker or requiring them to do it overtime because they're so busy to the price right it's just you know we have to find out like once we know what the mechanism is we'll know is this a two hour thing is it a on hour thing we don't know yeah a lot of people don't know but this is just starting to move things into place so that we're prepared for this we' like to get it done okay so regarding what you brought up about the money I think Carla and Moren should really kind of look at the fees whether they're in line with what they think about other fees and how long it would take them to actually do the paperwork so I think there's another there's there's a balance here that we need to find and and you know when this when this uh for those that were around when this when this old Banner was around I I distinctly remember and I probably I suspect it was probably because of the um the lack of cost or you know to people that want cost us so much money no no no I don't mean I mean for the I mean for the applicants not for the burrow right so I think there's a balance here that we need to find because I remember years ago we had people that were just on top of each other on top of each other trying to schedule schedule schedule and we were having a lot of conflicts I think that was also because we weren't charging enough we weren't charging anything or anything I don't even remember it was nothing was hardly anything that that the applicant was costing the 450 and no M said 500 to take up toose the street yes yes because they had to close the street they had to do all kinds of stuff somebody literally ran it across the street it up and then you had to have two people on each side that F you lugged it up that's just stupid but they make systems now where you have the cables that go across you hook it up on one side and it literally just pulls across the Tru which we don't have and that's my we need to find that balance of it's worth their it's worth the time for them to invest in the product but it doesn't it's their time and you don't know if they're available well but that's what that's what they're bring but that's what they're discussing so i' rather like discuss come it's I love the idea I love the idea you know as long as it's neutral we know it's a lot of money oh no no no we would we would absolutely definitely not no we can't we can't I mean if it's our if it's our thing irons you the bur of Flemington hosts something that's one thing but um just making making no no exactly you guys you know I mean you know hun Heth one when they do the salsa Festival their permit will get them X number of stable little lawn signs but they want a banner it's extra there's just you know because it can't cost the real money um councle anything else no I I my my point was made with everybody else well I think to Susan's point but Susan here's the thing even though that that was great it doesn't necessarily mean it's going to negate that happening again because people are PID right because again if the cost is $100 $100 for someone display something is not a lot of money so that doesn't mean that that's going to take that a Cadence away that Cadence may still exist I wasn't arguing that I was I was actually trying to encourage more more that we I want to make sure we were charging enough that was my both of you so I was going back to Adrian's point and saying but C that's what you started with so C may go up depending upon if it's 250 or 500 right and I'm not saying it's 500 not saying but I'm just saying that much so the Cadence but if it's $100 the Cadence still Main Street in Flemington bur is prime advertising territory because not only does the donut come through the whole constantly but um it's the county seat so everybody needs a passport or some kind of you know County record there's the court they're coming into town so you know if a business or an off for-profit outside of of Flemington BAU thinks that they're gonna you know bump up their visibility this is like way cheaper than taking an advertisement out of the Star Ledger or the CER news or something on 101.5 you know so um they'll make their own decisions based on based on their business but right so I okay so Carla and Marine will go over these seeds and bump them up um where they see applicable what else anything because the next step for this would be having our attorney turn it into a document people sign we need a uh the public Arts committee will Design they've got a form already I think they just need to maybe tweak it maybe not I don't know um that part of this whole will be done you're ready for that till you get your feedback from the gpw step the only part I can control is this I can't control because I wouldn't know even where to start looking at mechanisms and what's going to work thank you for working on this that's it's going to be a good thing it's always fun to see you banner across town it is it was it was fun years ago it'll be fun again and it'll it'll also not cost us anything adds it adds an excitement to the town so um what else Council coun I think I think and I don't think form that much the for all right well in that case we're gonna keep this on the agenda for the next month Carlo Marine Carlo give us some feedback um on the prices I got a consensus that it's probably too low especially for out of town and stuff not for theu stuff we w't encourage people doing stuff in fling um um and uh attorney you have a copy of this right I don't believe I do May it's right there I for some reason car need extra C you can have in fact you can have so you can right is good all right so uh he's laugh he know Sergeant redundancy is good right you wish you had redundancy um okay so that's that and then the next work session we'll talk about banners and the temporary signs and I'll be better organiz um okay we up to public comment session number two nobody online okay moving right along payment of bills authorizing payment of bills in the amount of 1,365 27791 cense I have a motion is there a second counc yes yes yes Parker yes Council vice president okay we have our executive session um negotiations Cardinal cap Courthouse Square contract negotiations on bless Wellness action will be taken afterwards on on the uh on the uh PSNS proposal to do the outside p uh I have a motion to go to Executive session can I have a second second all faor the resolution you have just I don't want anyone ever saying that you voted on something without um I talked to this resolution just now while we were talking um this just amends PSNS appointment earlier this year it adds in the money that you authorized last time which is did Voice vote I don't want to get in habit of doing that so I added that money oh it's fine you do it once but if you're gonna amend a contract more than once you should amend the resolution so this will get you to the number Mar should check my math that's the Break um now we strike 7855 is 83 8 is 91 uh 9212 I check my math my phone while people were cing so it's always dangerous3 entirely possible is 916 Oh no you're right you're right yeah I just the M of my phone and people were talking so I always want to do quality this resolution number will be 110 110 um so what do ution does is it authorizes the full extent of the work that was authorized at the last meeting and discussed in this meeting in a non-fair open contract that you ordered earlier this year um with regards to the spending of the money Marsh wanted to put some qualifying language I don't think it's necessary I think that Mar has to tell if Specific Instructions on when the money is to be spent if those instructions are not complied with then the money should not be spent working for you they must follow your instructions uh them and tell so yeah um and beyond that any any questions you may have I ask you but I better do it this way and I did the original resolution anyway so I yeah this whole this whole thing is very you know Angel's upset about it um she really upset about I mean it's like the bottom line is you know my Campion they were at the site meeting they went over everything Angela put it all in writing Mike was copied on it but I think that they thought they had more time to react and you know she just plowed right forward and did all this work like really fast and then and then sent them the final product and can out yeah and said you after the fact no I want it outside but you know like that was never it was never a conversation right during or whatever never a conversation so it's it's a there's nobody at fault here um not at all it's just it's just unfortunate so anyway can I have a motion to accept this [Music] resolution counc love yes coun president long yes councilman Parker yes and Council vice president said yes go quiet uh okay that's it um turn second second favor anybody want talk