##VIDEO ID:fCdNeuqP0gE## are we recording yeah okay good this meeting is called to order please stand aable for the flag United States America stands this meeting is called pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings law this meeting of August 12 2024 was included in the list of meetings not sense the 100 County Democrats and Courier news on January 2024 posted on the bullet board in Bur Hall on that date being continuously posted as required in addition a copy ofce is and has been available to the public was on file in the office of the W call please sure councilwoman Ang y uh Council yeah councilman Lev here council president long here councilman Parker here Council vice president GTI here and mayor here okay I just have a couple of things um Carla and attorney foring what did we decide to do about the complaints GNA do the reading of the that's not the resolution right there's no me to do resolution okay so no I don't want to do resolution but I don't have to do so is that here Carla yeah I gave you the whole letter what do I have to read to read them I would just read the cover letter especially the last paragraph where is cover from um it's stap I don't have a cover letter I have a I have a cover letter unless it got attached to something else no not sorry one class all right so um I have a couple things number one I just want to thank everybody um who volunteered from from the community from the council Police Department the public works department rescue squad the fire department um the FCP volunteers their board members have volunteered Robin um everybody who put together the um corn beer Tomato Festival was a huge success whether cooperated think everybody had a really good time um in a really nice event and uh I just want to comment that it was a great event rob you did a good job onward and upward you got a SI and St coming up next no rest for the we um and then uh the other thing I just want to say is that um our planner that mcis has finished uh her consistency review um for Liberty Village um to make sure that it is consistent with everything that was um agreed upon and uh I need to read this and then I need a motion to move this on to the planning board finally um so this is from Beth mcmanis um to to you all Council level um Liberty Village Redevelopment area was designated as a non-c comination Redevelopment area on October 12 2021 through resolution 2021-22 Acres located generally at the intersection of New Jersey 12 stangle Road and Church Street it is bisected by the Black River and Western River on December 13 2021 through ordinance vill Redevelopment plan in 2024 the B adopted an amendment to the Redevelopment plan for phase one of the project and an amended and restated Redevelopment agreement was entered into on May 13 2024 article 3 subsection 3.1 the Redevelopment agreement states the developers shall submit an application to the bureau Council for a consistency determination prior to applying for the site plan approval as noted below the majority of submission and other requirements have been satisfied the Redevelopment agreement section 3.2b Rees that the submission be substantially consistent with the Redevelopment agreement and the Redevelopment plan those items list identify below I'm not going to go through the whole thing um our most critical for satisfaction before the council considers finding a substantial compliance I recommend the council find in favor of consistency so um this is a public document so anybody wants to look at it can and um does anybody have any questions I have a motion to find this consistent and mooving on to the plan board for hearing move second second call please uh councilwoman yes councilman Lev yes council president long yes councilman Parker yes and Council vice president Rosetti yes thank you Carla can you please tomorrow email George below so that he can apply okay to get on the agenda I'm sure he's right now he watching no no okay um all right um and then I just also want to say we have a lengthy uh executive session tonight so I am gonna you know I'm not gonna I'm we hopefully we'll make some progress on these two issues of the science and the banner U but I'm not expecting you know I mean if it gets too long just continue it at the next meeting um so uh that's think everything it's been a quiet month a lot of meetings got cancelled um this month past so okay uh council president W sure a few things and councilwoman dle heart's running L she asked me to report uh her stuff as well so I got got a few things here so again as the mayor had said corn tomato beard was a great day uh always nice to see a bunch of people in one place having such a great time obviously congrats all around I spent a few hours with the fire department uh those volunteers we were busy pouring some beers and it was work um let me tell you but it was great it was wonderful you know a lot of fun a lot of great conversations oh they did um so again thanks to everyone involved and and I know in the OEM report there's some more notable people to thank um so yeah mission accomplished Robin it was great fire department there were 30 incidents in July just some numbers as usual these aren't all the incidents just a sampling of kinds of events that happened uh one passenger vehicle fire one motor vehicle accident but no injuries six electrical shorts two unintentional alarm system activations there was no fire uh one false alarm or false call Four dispatch canceled on Route uh 10 incidents were out of town responses three of which were for appliance fires inside a building one was a burning fixture on the exterior of the wall of the building the remainder were alarms that were canceled on uh cancel as the in on I'm sorry canel on as the instant severity and the response is reduced om yeah I have several things here uh the OEM department wants you to know that in light of the recent power averages affecting our region it's crucial to consider emphasizing the importance of hurricane prepars the ongoing hurricane season posed a significant threat and our community must remain Vigilant we urge all residents to be prepared for power outages recent averages have shown the importance having backup plans in place uh batteries flashlights all the essential have an emergency plan families should review and practice their plans regularly this includes nowhere to go how to communicate uh and what to bring if evacuation becomes necessary maintain an emergency kit uh well stocked emergency kits essential and should include non perishables food wise water medications first aid supplies and other critical items for at least a 72h hour span s for we encourage everyone to visit ready.gov for comprehensive information on preparedness and the sign up for local alerts and updates again Success With The Corn tomato Beer Fest uh this weekend our community enjoyed the successful corn Tomato Festival the event was a tremendous success largely due to the outstanding coordination between our police Fire EMS office Emergency Management and the community Emergency Response Team also known as C the uh collaboration between these agencies ensured the safety and enjoyment uh of all attendees the seamless teamwork uh demonstrated our community's commitment to to preparedness and efficient emergency responses the impact of C it's a special mention here must be made uh there were remarkable efforts made by Flemington and rert teams their joint efforts were instrumental in managing the event smoothly and safely these Volunteers played a crucial role In Crowd management first aid and general support embodying the spirit of community service and speaking of that our community continues to benefit from the dedicated efforts of volunteers particularly those involved with Ser those individuals are the backb of our preparedness efforts consistently stepping up to support events emergencies and Public Safety initiatives their ongoing contributions are invaluable and we are deeply grateful for their commitment to Flemington Community uh I have a meeting Wednesday August 21st with the first day and rescue squad the next fire department meeting is September 10th and then Council woman angle H stuff let me just get to that she wants us to know uh Thursday August 22nd at 700 p.m. there is uh at the jpk Middle School the board meeting has uh been scheduled for that day that evening sorry um and then hun Central High School will have theirs on Monday August 19th at 6: pm and then the last thing regarding Samuel Fleming uh sunflowers in colonial America September 14th at 10:00 a.m. come learn how these symbols of Summer have Deep Roots the colonial history and the surprising connection to George Washington this is an outdoor event expected to last about 30 minutes Under the Tent water will be provided a house tour will be available after the talk suggested donation is $5 per attendee and that is my report thank you um wait what when is uh September 14th at 10 A.M no August 31st or 30th for the first 22nd jpk Board of bed okay August 19th yeah sorry it's flipped yeah before before that see before I move on to other Council reports our auditor online um to talk about the audit this year I'm sorry who's I can't see that far who is on Bob uh Warren Warren Warren I'm making you a panelist did you have to accept that yep you want bill on it too yeah Bill's able I mean Bill's uh B bills One Vacation so he's working from home hello Warren hi good evening how you doing good I'm doing fine hold on we get that volume I thought it was Liz but I guess it's our TV this is so quiet well Bill Hans invited he said there was questions on the audit he just made a brief comment as that uh there was some type of questions is any questions we have two brand new council members okay first audit so if you could sort of explain walk through the highlights and what they really okay no no problem well this is this is the yearly statutory order by law in the uh State uh fiscal Affairs law you have to have a audit yearly by a uh registered Municipal accountant okay and uh it covers the entire operation of the uh the burrow including the utilities it includes all the Departments that you have okay and we come in there at least two or three times a year year at the beginning of the year we come in and we do What's called the uh annual financial statement that's just a preliminary financial position that again it has to be filed with the state and that's how you get your budget process starts okay from that document and then once that is developed then we come in and do the uh the final audit based on those preliminary numbers all right uh the report that you have if you have a hard copy of the report there's a audit manual at the uh division of local government services uh develop years go and these schedules in there have to emulate what the state wants and report it now the report's pretty thick because there's a lot of support schedules in the back uh that the state actually wants in here that support the numbers in the front in the front there's a lot of summary information but in the back it shows you how you got there from the beginning to the end and it's quite detailed so but and it does provide you uh you know a stepping stone from where you came from to where you are today U as far as Opera as far as the opinions in other words we give an opinion it's called the clean opinion and basically what that says it's called unmodified there's no exceptions or subject to qualifications in the reports uh the numbers in the audit can all be supported by uh Records in your uh municipality that have been developed by Bill H your CFO so anything that we have it's it's backed up by the records and it's done accurately and it's done on time so anything that bill is giving you as far as budget reports or finan answer reports they do agree back to the records that he's keeping um the report is all I mean I said it's very detailed I think I in other words one of the re schedules you should look at you usually have a statement of operations in there every year uh and you have a couple of different funds you have your current fund that's your general operating fund that you develop your budget from uh you did make Surplus this year your Surplus at the end of the year is $953,000 uh it's it's slightly down uh from last year add of a 953 you're using 300,000 in your current year the 24 budget that's the only thing you can use Surplus for it's for cash flow purposes and it's also for you know utilizing in your budget to control uh you know your your Revenue side of the budget you do maintain two utilities water and sore they're both considered uh self-liquidating that means you're collecting enough fees uh from the operations to support the budget and the operation of those two utilities and you did make Surplus in both of those two utilities so they're operating with the state forces you not forc you requires you to make a calculation whether it's self-liquidating and they just want to know if you're collecting enough fees to generate not generate but to cover your operating cost which you are so those are those are actually being done correctly um in the back of the report we do have a there is H one recommendation this year that we put in it's a formal recommendation in the back I'll just read it into the record and what it deals with it says that a determination be made if certain Municipal Employees are required to be enrolled in the Deferred contribution retirement program now what what that program is not everybody's allowed to be in the Public Employee Retirement System okay or the police and firment retirement system you have to work so many hours and for employees that don't work um the required number of hours for fringe benefits but they do make more than 5,000 a year the state uh developed this it's like a Deferred Compensation Plan um that's administered by them but it's uh it's uh run by credential life insurance and it's a pension plan it's not as lucrative as PRS because you don't have enough money I mean it's not enough contributions but it's something you have to be in okay and there's no option there are some employees I think they're making more than five grand I don't think they were enrolled old I I I don't know why I mean because there are this plan is only a couple of years old so you have to determine if they're qualified to be and it could be number of hours could be number of income or could be some jobs may be exempt from it so we're just asking to uh examine that and find it up they should be enrolled because you don't want someone to come back saying you know five years from now I should have enrolled in this plan and then you may be liable for a back contributions and uh that's basically it if you have any questions I'll take questions on anything that do recommendations B already responded to us with that um with your comment he's already he's made sure everybody who is qualified to be in the for compant now in it so he's already satisfied that and um can you just explain to them War about the fact that by law um all the council members have to sign a sheet that goes down to Trenton yeah it's yeah yeah it's called a group affid but there's in the administrative code there's a u uh a form that you fill out and it says you have to in other words you don't have to really understand the report I I mean if you do understand that's fine if you don't that's okay too but they at least want you to read the comment and recommendation section they don't want you to say that you know you never saw something you didn't understand or didn't ask questions so the state asks you to F to sign this form it's filed online the clerk files it down to the division local government services and it just states that you had you had a copy of the report you at least read the recommendation and comment sections of the report and you sign off on it and that goes down to the division of proof that you actually saw it and you actually received the report that was filed with the burrow do anybody have any questions for Warren it's a lot you know yeah even now now I know I don't know if you had to report for a while if you have anything if you're going through it's quite extensive I mean just you know our numbers on the report you know so you can call me anytime if you have a question of what goes on or what we do I mean I know it might be you know a little bit not overwhelming but there's a lot of information in here if you don't understand something don't hesitate to call I mean AFS budget financial statement audit just give us a call we'll gladly answer your questions I have one very small comment if possible please send a digital copy of this report it is 200 pages had to be scanned in to be emailed to us yeah we we I I do I have a PDF column I'll send a copy I'll send it to the clerk I mean if if you like the PDF that's no problem you all right thank you so much waren thank you for calling in okay thank you thank you moving back on to um Council reports Council vice president rosti thanks mayor not much going on here um there is no uh shade tree meeting this month so I just want to make sure everyone uh realized as that it's not happening this Wednesday and that's all I got okay thank you you reminded me to um I know that Beth MC is still working on that ordinance um she's been cleaning up a lot of stuff for us so um I think that's next on her deck um okay uh Council Loro uh yeah so I was had the opportunity to help set up prior the beer corn and tomato festival and I would really I like your priorities corn beer and tomato beer tomato but um if you ever get the opportunity to see the behind what what goes into putting these events on and being their first thing it's not glamorous it's sweaty it's hard work but it's actually a lot of fun to be able to help make this happen on the tail end um I did have a conversation online with Sheriff Brown a few weeks ago I was one of the victims of this jury duty Call that some of uh the residents in the county and in our burrow have been receiving and he encouraged me to just let people know um my background I've got a little bit of experience with dealing with fraudsters and post fraud review um and working with with federal law enforcement on things surrounding that so for our residents it is nine times out of 10 jury duty calls like this are trying to either get you out of your house or they're trying to get you your information they were really pushing hard even when I told them I'm a council woman and I never lived at my house uh with my B name uh so they're very aggressive um call call the sheriff's office or the law enforcement office my concern with calling Sheriff Brown and bring this up to them is that they were impersonating one of our sheriffs like an officer law so that's why I brought it up to him but he did encourage me to share that next the library has two positions one part-time one fulltime uh if you know somebody who has experienced with that and is looking for a work opportunity I would encourage them to apply um and then finally I continue to get feedback from community on walking and safety and pedestrian safety in particular and what um what options and opportunities we can look at as a council as a community to make it safer on our streets and that is it thank you um councilman Parker yeah just one question what do you mean by safety literally literally safety on the street so what I'm saying is safety is like safety oh I'm not talking about like I'm talking about people speeding on me I went down to bar yesterday and I literally had someone speed right through across watch I jump back that's a problem and um you know what I'm I'm not a young anymore I can't imagine a little kid trying to jump back you know I'm creaky I've got a little aches and pains yeah it put me back on my heels well I am a young end but I don't like to do I I un a lot the place when I get P up okay I just wanted me understood that because I because I know that the um and I'll bring it up later on in our discussion of Public Safety but I know the police are actually working on several initiatives for speeding I know one is on Broad Street that they're working on and they've actually been doing some things and put signs and things like that um and I do know that they're doing a lot more um walking the beach so to speak wonderful so I think that that will kind of dissipate and I'm I'm pretty much in contact with the CH like um probably a couple times a week and that is one of the issues that we bring up so as you know I'm always going to be protective of lemington spe our police our police officers and thank you um so that that's my next concern what if it's one of them you know what I mean that's I mean so anything we can like God forbid right I mean well my street it's not them it's it's another it's another place Department yeah exactly a drivethru exactly I just go high they're watching the and and the other issue I don't want to get into a but I also this is really rep and and I also think that when you get into block cameras that that will help as well um so con real quick there's a couple things first of all and foremost Robin phenomenal you know I think what you guys need to understand that I I don't think anybody understands this that it's all the things behind the scene leading up to that corn tomato beer f I think this was one of the first years that every Department was on the same page they met they walked the beach um we had a backup plan in case it was going to rain we were on the phone for probably three or four days um and reached out to every single department to get an agreement on which dat would be changed to um it just it was just flawless I mean it was it was just it was great and and um to Robin's credit you know I mean we championed but to her credit you know she just stepped up to the plate and just made it all happen right she she took some of the hits and just made it all happen nevertheless it was great I will say this people love beer that line check ID never stopped for three and a half hours I mean it was three and a half hours like I mean is there like a break three and a half hours people just going I was like I was I've never seen anything like it it was like Wow people really want their Feer and this starts at no um in the heat U but anyway I will say that I think Rob and we're looking at doing some other things differently next year for um CTV and I think it'll be great we're going to combine it with a couple things I will also say in terms of the um um FCP board it this is probably and I've been on the board for about a year and a half right um this is probably the most cohesive board that um I've seen I we had an amazing amazing meeting with outcomes and um people reaching in the same direction direction you know I've always said this one rope One Direction meet all Eos at the door check your Eagles at the door and just come in ready to really sure sleep to go um I think that um having Ally um as the president has really changed things I'm happy to say that George balone is now the BP um and I I I think his addition adds a different perspective and we we're already gonna work on some things with him um he's going to work on some things that that we we kind of brought up and he's going to delve into them so it's just great and we have a new member coming on who actually owns the shopping center with Brothers little brothers is um and and um I have not met her yet but she sounds amazing but I hear Rob talk a little bit more about her later and we'll talk more about her at the next meeting we were supposed to have the Marketing Group come this today but it wasn't on the agenda so I had Robin cancel them out they will come next week nobody asked me to put it on the agenda no we we had it at the last counc meeting I said that the next agenda you said 20 minutes and that was on there yes oh that was the marketing people yes yes it definitely was it definitely was so I apologize no matter it's all good it's all good we're not doing this not poting what I'm what I'm saying is is that it's fine because what we'll do is we'll have them come at the next meeting um and in person and they can actually have some of the um um colors of the signs and things like that beforehand so that we can look at them and then we can discuss that so it all works out everything works out need to get upset it's all good on MAR plan under presentation and then I just want to we're going to talk about um Public Safety at a later date but I do want to point out a couple of things that's happened in the police department that I'm just static about one of the things that I've always been static about is community policing and inclusion and reaching out to all the communities within the girl and they actually started by starting and you're going to see more of this um there is a um a momentum going and there is an actual strategy that's happening and and they're working through it but that said here's a couple of things that's already happened on July 19th they had um they had a three-part series of working with United Way um and it was discussed topics for the Hispanic reaching out to the Hispanic Community it was topics such as um domestic violence cyber crime and it was a meet and greet of with a K9 unit just so that people can start getting comfortable with the police and what that really means right because there's this disconnect we all know that it's not just here in this community it's throughout the country um there is an event that's happening on um August 18th and that is it's a safety night that's going to be held at um Hunter Hills actually in the complex um it it's going to be races and games and bike safety um you know this is something I I was just pushing and pushing and pushing so we've got to reach out to this community get them involved and get them and so they took the they took it and they ran with it there's another event that's coming up in October um that's going to be with the Salvation Army they're working on some other things the next group of people that um we are that really want us to reach out to is the lgbtq community um and and getting them more comfortable with police as well in this community um and I'm only addressing this community I can't address the rest of the world I don't TR this community um and there is another community that that I want focusing on so the bottom line is is that one of the things is is that it's it's it's all a matter of communication all a matter of introducing an autom matter of of of getting people the fact that they're they can feel comfortable saying hi to a police officer and not feel that they are going to be chastised or punished or whatever the case do and understanding yes um comment about hun Hills and and the police night community policing there years and years and years ago Flemington burough talking quite a while ago Flemington bur had a full Neighborhood Watch program um I think in all the apartment complexes and when that officer Sergeant whatever he was retired it went by the wayside and nobody has picked that up and um I think that's worth bringing back is the neighborhood watch program especially in the Department complexes okay so that's something I I'll bring up um in our next meeting with with I mean I I don't know if well I would just say this they've been receptive of whatever I asked them to do with this whole community policing so I don't think that's going to be issue I think one I mean I I I'm I'm just very happy that this is happening and that people are starting to walk me and I know it's working because I'm getting shop owners um that are saying thank you I'm getting some um residents that are saying I'm seeing a lot more of Poli than I've ever seen before so it is working you know it just takes time but I think that's a great idea there might be like like little neighborhoods you know should be that would be interested in an neighhood watch but I I know it was very successful for a really long time and complexes and okay like I said when that officer retired went way okay well we can we can make it come back no can we can make you come back bigger and better okay that's that's what I have thank you thank you councilman love it uh first off um I just want to start by saying after last meeting I didn't fact install bathroom me do number one that is my largest he said that meeting and said I am going to get a B I didn't know you that that is true Community the July HBC meeting is cancelled next HBC meeting will be on Wednesday August 21st at 7M right here in this room uh the planning board and HBC will be having a special joint meeting on Tuesday August 27th to update the historic district details of the proposed expansion are on B website um and the purpose of the expansion is to incorporate addal 35 properties that were developed within the bur's period of significance which is from 1712 to 1935 and I believe once these changes come to planning board they will then come here for approval and I'm sure we all be given a much more breakdown report but if we do want to see the document likely be sent it's already on website um of course I have to mention that the the incredible success of the cor beer festival I mean I was there all day and I I would like to find out what the official numbers were but I mean there must have been thousands of C there all incredible um and uh lastly the reies clinic will be held November 2nd from 9:00 a. to 10m at the fir housee um more information will be on the B November second November second yes great um thank you glad I'm glad doing that before I forget also we have um Lindberg month in flamington buau there six free lectures uh the night of the 5th which is a Thursday the night of the 6th which is a Friday and the afternoon the 8th um on the lindberg's life and then the kidnapping then on uh those are free No Reservations required here at this Courthouse the other three lectures are the 27th which is a Friday night at 7 the 28th and 29th Saturday and Sunday at 2 p.m all at the hisor courthouse all free uh no reservations required those are on um a couple of new books including one regarding what happened to F from burrow during the trial how it changed and the last lecture is uh the 12 theories of who actually might have taken the baby if it wasn't hman there is also on the 11th I'm sorry on the 21st of September a walking tour downtown given by Chris pel called Lindberg sington which is who stay where in town rain date the following day that does require uh a sign up tics it is free but require assign because it's limited to 20 people and then on the 18th of September which is a Wednesday there is a meet up in front of the Lindberg exhibit at the University State Police Museum again that's free the state police are asking for a sign up so they know how many people are coming um also in man and and uh the meet up is actually at 11:00 a.m. the museum opens at 9: closes at 3 uh must have a photo ID to get in because it is on State Police Headquarters property um further information call me you can call Natalie Z the county you can call Robin um that is being and there's also I should add that um County in conjunction with the speak Ur David uh who owns one of the largest private collections of Lindberg M roil of the nation uh the county uh and the Historic Society who have a lot of memorabilia are going to have a month-long exhibit at the historic Warehouse in the newly renovated Museum spaces downstairs um it's going to be the largest showing of Lindberg like some of them never before seen photographs um the morate exhibit was held eight years ago was slightly larger but this is second largest showing of photographs ever in New Jersey on Lindberg so those uh photog will definitely be able to you'll be able to see them um before and after all those lectures so Saturday Sundays and those evenings um I think they're going to have it open other times during the month I just don't know when so um just want to say thank you to the freeholders for accommodating all that and posting it downtown and of course we're encouraging everybody to D our restaurants in town before or after one of those talks um okay so I have public comment session number one um Rob try to keep down anybody else who want to say hands what said I'm tired you're so tired you haven't changed your clothes since I saw you on Saturday that's because she so order and you can look at my shirt um very quickly is this working yeah should uh I believe this is the 90th anniversary of the trial is that right no that was the it's the 90th anniversary of no it's uh the trial was actually I think in 36 kidnapping was in 30 three baby might the body might have been found now but there b in my head but that's not why why okay just doing because we did all M Series this year we did Civil War M series a water series because Jim was publishing a new book we wanted it first that's great and I just want to point out um that this is a a sea change and it's progress it's huge because we are such a historic place and we have very few places that are open to the public so the courthouse getting its renovation and um it was long process it was long overdue but the the galleries are gorgeous if you haven't been inside and it's just really important for a town that is so historic to have buildings and signage and all the appropriate things that tell our story so let me just add that this is natal the exhibits was Natalie's idea so for the county poos doing something like this with a historical KN for profit 100 300 is extraordinary K's never done out like that before and so it's it's it's a sea change and it's hopefully just the first of many opportunities for us to be able to do this and it's really exciting so I think this is a really exciting time to be a part of the changes in Flemington and the opportunities ahead and it really Falls to all of us to to um work in partnership with our partners and sort of direct the future of how we want things to be and to that um extent we have been having many meetings and many conversations about how to bring more events and Life to Main Street um you know stangle is a uh a model of amazing progress we called it a Arts and Cultural District and it has lived up to that reputation and I think that all of our growth has has um has uh Fallen under the the the plan you know and the sort of giving it a name and giving it a shape and wanting it to move in a certain direction and and also changing some of the zoning and some of the which is how you plan and how you get your vision to come into fruition um and also having really Cooperative landlords having tenants who really want to be there and work with their neighbors um and stangle is beautiful because it's one block and there's buildings that that are all right next to each other and it just you know when they're occupied and everyone's working together it's awesome and our uh corn tomato and beer festival has grown because of the participation of their businesses and I think we did have a about 40 Flemington businesses participate more ever from the highway like we had both Power Sports uh companies we've had um attorneys National Pool like you know we are reaching all the three business areas of Flemington at a festival like the porn tomato and beer festival and that that's really a great thing um we also heard that our businesses actually did more business in their businesses um than they've ever done before Main Street or down stle mostly on stain ball I but I also haven't had a conversation with um with the folks on Main Street about did you have a positive impact so everyone had a really good day on the Block including the businesses behind the the tents you know people went inside we also had great weather we had incredible planning this year we had fantastic communication and we also had of those tough conversations that you have to have if you planning community events about rain date about flexibility um and I really I have to thank you Tony because you made uh what were really difficult conversations in the past much easier and got us all to with our come with our best intentions and um stay really Mission focused and really be a team and you cannot plan you know it takes a village to make a corn tomato and beer festival and I'm so grateful to have support and to have everybody um all in you know I mean it's it's a great day but as you said it's a crazy amount of work and we could never have enough volunteers you could everybody put test to volunteering we could never have enough people so um I was I was really impressed that we had more than we've ever had before and I hope we keep going in that direction good job robt thank you maybe next year we can really push yeah help you find more volunteers I love so everyone who volunteered brings another person with them even better next year absolutely and you know the Society of neighbors have been have volunteered on a regular weekly monthly basis and so I think we're developing a culture and maybe there was one in the past and it kind of fell off and Co changed a lot of things but I think I think we can show how much you know like the Mark Twain painting the fence like how much fun it is to do all this work um so right now we're about to switch gears to we have a event on stangle called The Battle of I 95 and it's being produced by the county and it is to show that the two major media markets Philadelphia and New York and their sports radio and their sports fan and fans and the teams kind of runs through Flemington because you know we're as much Philly sports oriented as we are New York Sports oriented it depends on who you talk to but we definitely sorry I'm telling I'm speaking the truth okay but anyway the concept is you know it depends who you ask here some people listen to Philly radio and Philly TV and other people listen to New York and New York TV so we're having this thing called The Battle of I 95 I heard there will be a goat wearing a giant shirt and a goat wearing a Eagle shirt and there'll be a little bit of a race so is this is this Saturday 5 5 till 7 5 7 and there will be sports broadcasters and former uh players and end it's going to be a good time was had by all oh yeah but you would be asking the wrong executive director because I don't one guy's named Hugh yes Anderson and can't remember who is Anderson and I just I'm sorry I I if we were talking about Tom Brady I both they're both retired one is in from New York one is Philly from the Eagles yeah Mark actually reached out today so it's gonna be great he's all great yeah and my dad yes H Douglas those are two all time grades on both right oh you got we don't mess around my dad lives on case Boulevard burant Township he's coming down well and this right now but look we' got we got goats thing and two old goats alol so we do have open container thank courtesy of of our great work together there is open container on Saturdays in Flemington so you burrow so you can get a beer you can get a cocktail what but what do they what's the activity there are trivia contests okay there's a a burger battle okay that from with the local Farm Fresh uh products there's um this goat brace there's 's a there's actually a really cool video truck that will be playing mad mad Den football games so bring your kids yeah there's kids games too yeah yes it's it's really it's like go kids or just little kids I think you should all come so it's on stle road this Saturday this Saturday so this Saturday just just so everybody gets the full concept we have the Sangle Farmers Market from 9 till 3 we have the new regular uh Moon Market which is every couple of every other month I believe and that is three to eight and then this special event is closing stangle just in front of the brewery and The Distillery for two hours for this battle of I95 with with the county okie dokie that's it then it's Halloween following Thursday after that yeah Sip and stolls this Thursday this coming Thursday like in two days it's this coming Thursday yes and what's the theme hot to go thanks Robin I'm H go now mic drop moment thank you so yeah right thank you so much by the way you look great keep up anybody else from the public need your name and address for the rec J my exact address is it um first of all congratulations to the B on another successful corn beer and Tomato Festival um I enjoyed myself as well it was great to see everyone out and it looked like there was even more vendors than last year um it was also great to see people slowing down on M streate um again I'm not the first person to come to talk about walkability um I think it's something that's on a lot of people's mind in Flemington and nationally U I think there's a lot of conversations about small towns and being able to safely walk around um pedestrians um I think it's great that we're having those conversations but I would like to know what council is going to do in terms of concrete steps to make our roads more safe for pedestrians especially as we come upon the new school year we have a lot of Walkers uh there's a lot on mind Street uh I can tell you from personal experience on Main and M Street that again people really do not take into account the uh crosswalks uh I am hard to miss and yet I've almost been run over on M Street a number of times people just don't slow down don't care to uh I think there's a number of ways that that can be addressed um it's great to hear about leasing initiatives that's important um but what are some physical ways that we can make the road safer um even a new coat of paint um the two crosswalks on wine street that are nearest angle and then down far there by St mandelin they're not very visible to be honest um there's not great signage there's not great paint um things like that they're just small changes um also I'm sure there's grants available um that does take a good amount of grunt work but I think that there's also again community members who would be willing to take some of that on to do the research to write grants to get us money to make physical changes to our streets to make them safer and to prioritize pedestrians um I think that you know as Council we are asking you to step up on this issue but that you could ask us as a community to step up with you and to put in some of the work to make that happen because I think this is an issue that a lot of people really do care about um can I suggest some of that for you so in 2022 when I was doing DS I mean the exact across N Street is lethal I mean it is extremely dangerous especially during our shower um the traffic that heads West is unbelievable and they're not our people um I've had personally a number of conversations with the chief about you know more visibility of cops out there he has had the sign you know with the speed your speed limit on it I have seen more cops sitting there um the last couple months um we have a grant right now from the dot that we will be re um doing that road from this uh our our border which is Bridge down to oh she I want to say Academy it's not the whole it's like the first half of the road um you know I would love to tell you that it's going to help it's gonna make it's gonna make speeding easier because it's goingon to eliminate all the H holes um but all of that curbing will be new the sidewalks will be new I believe um but you know all the paint be new I just made a note about the crosswalks being faded we have a DPW meeting tomorrow um councilman Parker councilwoman SAR are on the DPW subcommittee so I'm gonna to see if we can get out and paint paint that when you said concrete steps to what are you referring today you said something about concrete steps in the beginning oh I'm taking concrete steps oh taking oh my gosh my head is in like totally different place and what you me okay never mind yeah so so TR I think maybe you and I can weigh in here because we did do a little walking together and uh we're both I'm very focused on sidewalks um expanding them out um we've always gotten PCH back on speed bumps with speed tables or something different um but I still also want to give the police department the opportunity to manage and control the traffic unfortunately we have a lot of people that drivethru they don't live here and if you live here you drive slow because you're my neighbor right we're going to slow down um I don't know how you address those drive-thru need a strong Poli pres no I mean that that that can't like permanently fix it like they cannot be everywhere there's many studies that show that you know increased police presence in a certain uh place you know if somebody already knows or they through the area often um it might have it does show like a slight effect for a number of months maybe decreasing speeding but like it can't it's not a permanent solution of the only thing that we can do really is actually design our road slightly better like if you look at the difference between pel Street and M Street they're two very you know pel street it's almost uncomfortable to drive over 15 20 miles an hour on there because it's so narrow you have the bump outs for the crosswalks making them more invisible can't have cars park in front of them it's like actual like the road itself has to be but now it allows parking on both sides of the street mine mine only allows parking on one side of the street parking on street parking can effectively narrow the street in such way that it does you know um decrease the uh speed that it is comfortable for people to drive you know putting a permanent cop on You Know M Street sure I mean if you ever driven on um I've been driving through Hillsboro for work recently and there's this one house that just has two uh old police vehicles in front of it and I fallen for that trip for years turns out they're they're not really um but until they are um until they are but you know like it's I get to find a way to try and get this to to actually happen the other thing is just it's it's cost I me there a lot of wants and needs in towns I reached out to I talked to somebody from the do about getting um those rapid rectangular inflation beacons installed for um the circle right I if you cross it obviously it's not a fun time I did it once last year and decided I would never do it again um but people have to do it every single day for work and they told me I don't know if it was forair or just one $50,000 per life and I mean that's insane um I have no idea why I do not acquire any furtive than that but you know it's tough um I would definitely like to see this year but hopefully the Safe Streets for all Grant is still working um next year and I'm hoping that we can maybe instruct our engineer somebody to help or something from that we we'll bring it up tomorrow and talk about meeting and then Thursday there's a parking committee meeting so I can bring it back up there too because our traffic there you know and and Trent you and I can sit down I mean I know we're one mind and maybe come to the table here with some of the ideas that we've discussed I'm the lone cavayero who truly believes in speed tables because I see how they work in i n and it's different than a bom and they are manageable by SLE go because it D tables which are been flat on top and when you use the top as a crossb block they're all they're literally right in front of the fire department I will pictur so it's not a speed bum it's a speed table in cities and it's it's I don't know again maybe that's something TR you and I look at what is the actual cost of okay I can do that because that's it's different speed bumps I'm from I'm from the Great Lakes Western New York Rochester SP Buffalo I know how dangerous speed bumps can be for drivers when it's torrentially I over them and go that way people want them and then they get them and then all they hear all night and all day boom bo boom and then they complain P what else so I'm gonna steal some more your your time I'm sorry um but good disc yeah thanks incidentally I this is my podcast sum we listen to podcast de listen to one today about traffic I literally about what listen to here so but another thing that helps with traffic and fling in particularly you saw that corn tomato beer people it's people you know the more people Mill it about walk around some of us remember way back the street shows on it's really you feel the difference yeah so people walking shopping living I think I to FL one person down on BR I mean the house tour because I love my house side doors on BR and I'm always f um yeah I think there's a lot of different solutions to consider and not all of them are going to be the right things for the bur but getting all the different people who are potentially involved at a table and to talk about what would be a good fit um I me something comes to change the um the trends that to be feing all of it place um but another community initiative I just want to bring to the council's attention um this came out of society of Neighbors which is a Facebook group that's just built around the idea of getting together with all the people who live around here talking to one another and doing small community service projects um I made it a personal project of my own to keep an eye on the free Little Pantry that is outside of lington DIY on stangle um and it has been very heavily used um all the time that I've been Wasing it for the past couple of months um and there's also five different or six different pantries in burrow uh number one being outside of the actual food pantry technically that's Ron but we're going to count it um there's also one outside of the Salvation Army there's one outside of a private residence on New Jersey Avenue another one outside the Presbyterian church on Main Street uh the DIY pantry and one that is outside of Aon Studio on road um again these pantries are very heavily used by our community uh and there are small groups of people and individuals that are are donating to them who are uh trying to keep them stopped but um it is obvious that they are more used than they are donated to um so I saw this need and asked myself what I was going to do about it um so I come came up with a proposal uh to work with lemington DIY to do a monthly food drive where once a month we collect donations we sort them out into bins and we have volunteers be responsible for stocking an assigned Pantry during that month um with let over donations are gathered um and continually trying to keep an eye on them them better sto to serve um community members who are needing care so I just wanted to bring that to council's attention um if you interested in collaborating on this we'd like to have as many people organizations involved as possible is there Carla is there a place inall put collection box it would be out of the way small you're welcome if you could maybe um a list what you're really looking for that's what I was gonna ask usually can goods there's a lot of can goods um we do also especially the one in dii have a lot of unhoused people who um they don't have an ability unhoused I'm sorry um who don't have the ability to cook um so things that are just ready to eat foods are great as well um I also uh sat down with a volunteer of the food pantry uh a group that is currently restocking the pantry that's outside of the actual food pantry um to talk about what the exact needs are and I have to go through their spreadsheet and see what the most needed items are based on what they've found um over the years that they've been stocking um to try to get a little bit more idea if you want to get like something to Carla we'll find a place she find Place list on my phone I'll show you when you come in I did it around Thanksgiving and gave it to the food pantry but it's like 28 days of buying different things every day it was really nice oh that's nice every day you buy something else in box and then when I collected all I gave it to I think I still have it on my phone thank you Jay really appreciate it anybody else in the public their hands up not let's move on every get distributed these minutes y okay I have a motion to approve the regular session J 10224 minutes move second all in favor roll call I'm sorry I have a motion to approve the executive session June 10 24 minutes long move scissor second Parker second roll sorry all favor hi okay uh I have a motion to approve the regular session June 24th 2024 long move second second all favor and can I have a motion to approve the executive session of 2024 for long move second all in favor um great thank you that agenda we have resolution 20242 resolution authorized remaining B9 developers exper account 66 C LLC held in trust lington number two resolution 2024 113 resolution authorizing a contract R landscape to aade Public Safety hazards at 11 East Main Street block 5 one and authorizing the tax collect in the property number three resolution 2024 1114 resolution authorizing a contract R landscape to obate Public Safety hazards at 309 Highway 202 block 44 lot 7 and authorizing the tax collection that property uh number four resolution 2024 115 authorizing resolution authorizing a contract with RNs landscape to Lo Public Safety hazards at 307 H 202 block 44 block 6 and authoriz that property uh number five resolution 2024 1116 resolution authorizing the donation of the Surplus security safe to the township of ritton uh number six resolution 2024 117 resolution authorizing the B ofon to conduct an electronic tax sale prior to December 31st 2024 and to change to charge mailing fees associated with the tax sale and number seven resolution 20248 resolution approving the 2023 audit do anybody want to separate on any of these items uh yeah because I have a couple questions uh items two three and four okay my question my first that's Sor okay can I have a motion to approve resolutions number item number one five six and seven your second roll call please love it was first wow you guys threw me off okay Council woman forar yes councilman Le yes counc president long yes and councilman Parker yes Council vice president Ros okay uh can I have together yeah I have a motion to approve resolutions 2024 113 114 and 115 7234 second discuss so my questions authorizing a contract with RNs landscape is that authorizing something expense related yes so these properties are in complete disrepair overgrown they have been put under summons by our property maintenance officer um nothing has been happening they either you know get the courts to uh adjourn or wait um this has been going on it's now dangerous at least one of these properties the post office has now refused to go to at all it become these properties are all either completely unsightly or actually dangerous to walk in front of um so this is coming from a property maintenance officer so this resolution authorizes the um RS Landscaping who we use to clean up properties under our health code which is under state law we can do this we have the ordinance in place so they'll go out and they will do the minimum necessary to make these safe cleaned up and um attractive and then the cost of those expenses are then lead against the property toay taxes so I guess the question like we can do that in a consent absolutely absolutely all right but you need you need we need a roll call yeah under consent because we always do it it's not something new that we have to talk about least I guess we did one in February the process like just so I know these people are noticed Property Owners oh yeah oh I think noticed and noticed and noticed and summoned and they know they know this is usually they're thankful I don't know about jery I live I well I've lived across from one that where the lawn would be this high and it's absolutely dispiriting the Eternal I I can tell you one of these three is the not withing wall I just was because the owner promised and promised and promised to clean it up and had enough he didn't I just know it all sry all right any discussion sorry Council yes councilman L yes council president long yes councilman Parker yes Council vice president rting yes thank you uh we have no ordinances being introduced tonight uh public hearing ordinance 2024 18 an ordinance replacing the land use submission checklist this was uh introduced at our last meeting it went to the planning board that concurred that it was in compliance with the master plan and they sent it back with a double thumbs up which is good since they wrote it um so uh the public hearing is can I have a motion to open up the public a hearing to the public long move a second second all in favor is now open for anybody any comments again this ordinance creates a checklist and places the old checklist is way more comprehensive for the F board use I have a motion to close the public hearing long move is there a second Sor second all in favor can I have a motion to adopt ordinance 20248 move is there a second any discussion roll call please councilwoman foror yes councilman yes council president La yes councilman Parker yes and Council vice president yes thank you regular agenda resolution 2024 d119 resolution approving the hiring of Ronald s of the crossing guard in the buau ofton a replacement was not an addition he had a retirement but I have a motion to approve is there a second I was second uh any discussion roll call councilwoman faar yes councilman 11 yes council president long yes councilman Parker yes Council vice president president yes resolution 20241 120 authorizing a shared service agreement with Bing Regional School District for school class three Law Enforcement Officers again we do this every year may we have you see the new version of car with this the increase in salary was kind enough to give you those yeah so there was in the budget this year you may recall we did give our last three police officer an increase um because ver Township he was behind ver townships um with very Place pay for class three that that amount is passed on to the school so do consistent payment Township lboro P those class same I'm not positive about that but he had not had a raise in at least four years okay okaying the agreement that I sent at 11:20 this morning right okay just making sure the new number is 61,000 to 15,250 right that's the land when it was on yes and like I said the school does reur us for that yeah can I have a motion to approve there a second uh Lo any other discussion call Council faar yes councilman Le yes council president long yes councilman Parker yes and Council vice president Ros so we're on the work continuing discussion on the sign we going limit this discussion to 30 minutes um tonight and um and we'll continue it until we get it right right and see or at least we get it to a point where we can't I can't get a consensus on some point and then we'll just do what we need to do with what we got so you know I'm not going to destroy the they good for the purpose so uh we could take up the temporary signage one um I think there was some kind of consensus on the first point of the first three points number Point number one events requiring an event permit both not for profit and for profit we get up to 15 temporary signs includ with any event permit um so if somebody's paying for an event permit they get free signage signs are allowed to be placed out 14 days prior the event must be picked up within three days of the events end everybody with that point just wanted to ask I know someone came up to comment last time we were discussing this a business owner and suggested maybe 30 days prior to the event is that something we might want to consider but that was a private business event not not an event permit that's different okay um but then we did get a written comment from somebody else who said totally totally disagreed yeah and from a business owner actually yeah totally disagreed that was way too long yeah so are we okay with this this is the these are events private not for-profit this would be like Sala Festival this would be like corn beer tomato this would be like uh I don't know what else Jazz vest um okay so it sounds like we have a consensus on that point two events not requiring event permit such as grand openings special sales etc for profit entities there would be a $50 fee not for-profit entities a $25 fee no fee will be I think that's change is supposed to be charged sorry typo no fee will be charged if signs are only located on private property a maximum of 10 signs for an event with business grand opening signs are allowed to be placed out 14 days prior to the event must be picked up with three days of the events end can you give me an example of what so sage has a sale trunk sale one years yeah sage has a trunk sale they always put a sign out on their own property sometimes they put them around town they put them up Township over there they put up um but they weren't allowed to put them up that's the point C part this would allow that this would allow them to put them up in in their own backyard right they would $50 let's say let's say yeah they're for profit so they would pay $50 to to go off their own property into other areas T berries grand opening whenever they get back up um hopefully soon they want to do a grand opening they want to plug some some signs around town again same thing be $50 they keep it on their own property um they would be to charge which just even an annual celebration think something like that that's that be that well so are we good with that it's Goodbody with all this first points okay next one private residential property uh $50 permit fee for any sign advertising a business or contractor Services the maximum allowed time of 14 days um I will tell you this is the thing one of the things that triggered our zoning offic property mantenance officer to ask us to address was both the fact that people had to pay $50 a sign which was United Way so that was the first trigger and then my conversation with both both our zoning officer and our property man official they really harped on these contractors who have business signs on lawns so are you all okay with this so this is Joe SMI is doing Liz Rosetti's roof or talk our uh FR love it is painting Tony Parker's house and if there's going to be a sign out there I'm just plugged you that was free that was free advertis um so uh are you all okay with this I'm just curious uh I know chrisy did some work on this um the other towns was this something that's done elsewhere around us the private property one yeah for for commercial sites not for the kids graduation or if the festival at their church this is they were typically yeah I thought they were kind of like these are like TRS just just how many days keep days and um geometry but as I reviewed it most towns had an exemption list and that type of town is just relaying what I observe okay that's that's for for me personally that's a that's where I paus on that is the fee the fee for out of town businesses coming in putting their plunking their signs down for a few days after the Project's done going to that extra Stu having to step in there and get a permit but sometimes it's not I mean I can think of a house I'm not going to name names there was a house that had a contractor sign on it for almost three months year you know that's a really long time well I get yeah that I time Li can we do that I thought that's what most of the to did they had the question was about the Fe we would put it so long as is X days like 14 you do 14 days no Fe it says after the done you get back when you remove it so well as I know my memo I think that at the end at the end of the I think that the key thing for the council think about is um enforceability which is always the homework of this right um will you be able to enforce it would be able to collect able to please it would be able to to enforce it consistently right from one resident to another um the or the business the is the OWN on the resident or the business own on the business be on the business I think right I hear what you're saying but if it's on my property and don't call them and say you gotta get this off here or I don't take it off then who's enforcing it to get it off it doesn't become point exactly right we just put leans on properties not business is underlying bus would be in the town send your becomes for Ability is so critical yeah if I hired a guy from parci do my roof I'll take it down when I'm in you're not GNA the first time you tiet a resident that what about if we just had something where they could leave a sign up advertising while they're actively working like while they're doing the roof in case I want to know who my neighbor used because I want to see if the roof is good after I like sometimes seeing who's working around town but then like as soon as the work is wrapped up they have to take their sign with them so then it's like enforcable if there's no active work going on it shouldn't be there I think that's what isn't that what one of the ordinances said they said that as long as you're doing the work but you had like 14 days after the work was done to take it down to your point you just but Liz has a really good point so the point of it is is that they just it's allowed up while you're doing the work once you're finished the work you take you get out and you take the sign with true who's going to sit there and count well they finish work on the 10th and has how many days has it been and you don't know you know so at least you know they're working or they're not and then it's up or down so we're gonna say on this one there seems to be a concurrence no fee for any sign advertising of business or contractor service with a maximum amount of time of what active work is OCC while the work is occuring period and then the homeowner could because there always those little you know so would like a real estate agent some of them use like little ones but those ones that go in the ground yeah those are considered permanent signs in the bur under our ordinance planning board so the reality no one's keeping Exact Track of dayto day right but if you get the first week second week third week and you see a sign still up there that you get a complaint on some go knock on the door right right okay we can it's simple too if we have an ordinance can't put signs up on our um T can't do it right right right and we had an a company was putting them up Y and simp call the number say hey got to get your stuff down right this is the same issue propag guy just drives by see all this rofie C let me call hey your sign's here Poli I just think the matter of educating the public sign can be out as long as the work is being done so I just make sure but I actually think Liz has the best solution and that is is that when they come into your house they put the sign up can I put a sign up because they have they ask typically um yes but the day you're done you need to take the sign with you car is that something that um we could was a little handout that Marine when somebody comes in for a permit they get you know if you put up the sign or your contract sign it must be gone when your fin work I just have put it on the permit itself or hand them a piece of paper that says so okay all right well we don't have an order saying that yet but thank you Liz uh but yeah we'll get that in okay so okay so those seem like they're the concurrence so moving on to the greater discussion on private property both residential and businesses no permit Fe required any sign displaying an event with a date certain so festivals for each Fair elections uh must be removed Within three days of the event um do you want to limit I I think there was a concurrence to that do we want to limit how long they can be up prior to that day certain so example is Immaculate Conception Church has a big Festival every year and they end up like a lot of members Lawns have them up um you know the for fair is coming now there those signs are around private property around the county um so we want to limit how long they can be up prior is this for private property again as B this is for both yes it's private property but these are these are things that have dates certain and do we want to see the 4AGE Fair signs up there in October that's what that's what messes up a town I mean for like having having those kinds of giving you know permit for them like we have for the other ones like not necessarily on Prop property yeah sure I mean take them down once it's once the event happens all right so they get three days to take it down so the fair the fair ends the 2th of August so they got to come down the 28th how how long like if they make the signs a month before the fair where we know an election is November 4th we want to limit how many weeks before that event or the election I mean just for like honestly for me for like any private property I don't care if it's contractor I don't care what it might be if you have a sign in front of your house it's your house you're free to keep as many dumb signs in your pH as you want to I'm not I just don't I have no desire to regulate I I not on board with that because it does junk up the town well it if I live next door to someone who has a bunch of signs I have to tell you I'd be pissed off I really would and especially if I going to be selling my house and there's a bunch of signs that dictates who's living next door to you so it's it's it's not that black and white I I think think that there has to be a compromise and saying that that if you have all these signs in your it's just not acceptable if I have the 4AGE Fair sign in my yard three months after the 4 AG Fair why no I think there's an agreement think the DAT certain have to come down three days after the date but how long do you want that for fa on your I think something like a fair specifically talk about fairs uh I yeah a month is completely fair and it gives time time plan I've been seeing it you know like 30 days Robin how let's Robin's right here Robin how how when did you put up the signs perform tomato because we follow the rules and we thought the rule was no literally we thought it was two weeks that's what the rule thought it might be 10 days not exactly two weeks so we thought signs were only allowed to be out for 10 days and we normally picked them up like all of our corns May down down today so we picked them up within like one or two days you could have chosen how long ago you put sign s well I so first of all I gotta tell you the lawn sign we try to make them pretty we have we have pretty ones and we have readable ones um but they really work unfortunately in this community the lawn sign is a really effective vehicle to let people know when things are coming so let's take SI stroll as an example that's the third Thursday of every month you know and there are times where we could have we saw magic show you know bookstore like you could you could have six signs for events I think the bigger issue is if you have a lot if you're going to have a really busy September October could somebody have could some Corner have 10 signs that would be very un can I just say we spent a lot of time this spring arguing and debating over the permit the whole perit process and we put a new ordinance in place and which which put into place that all these festivals and events couldn't put up signs more than two weeks before an event so so if it's two weeks for a big Festival that's the benefit of Flemington then why are we gonna do two weeks or 30 days for the 4H bear which is in Ringo or Immaculate Conception Festival which is in anelle I think we need to be consistent consist and we had two weeks but I am telling you you for the third Thursday which is a sipping stroll on stangle we put those out like two or three days in advance because it's it's every third yeah it's a lot so you want people will think it's an old sign you know take them down and put it up again and I also think it's unfortunate because that one's going to be out you know we take we put them out we take them back you know there's Town Pride and uh event responsibility and business owner responsibility those three things go hand in hand if you're going to keep your signs out break rules you know it's really problematic and it's the Bad Apple that causes problems for somebody like us who's doing umbrella events for the greater good for the greater business Community you know what I mean we don't want this sound to be this town to be overrun with signs um but they are effective so if you had a banner yeah to a wouldn't that be more effective because as I'm writing down I see you know a banner is a call up to a call to action my feeling is a town isn't A Town Without A Main Street Banner somewhere you know all the all the active sounds which also helps with your walkability and your everything you know main Street's going to feel a little less fun to speed down when there's banners and there are other things that are claring calls for this is the place people live here there's activity okay so so can I get a consens on this private property both residential businesses no permit fee sign display an event with a date certain must be removed within 3 days of the event end are we going to stick to the two weeks because that's what we have in the event I cons thinks I'm sorry I have a question for election law is it I took elections out okay because that's I took election out she objected that's different okay so so two weeks two weeks prior okay and then uh the next one other temporary signs on private property consideration we want to do something with these graduation College signs causes 30 days 90 days six months or I think that's a bigger to we revisit this some other time after after paternal the complaints again I don't know if we should I mean look I I get emails phone calls about noise annoying things happening in town uh you know every every kind of compain you can get there's an email there's a person telling me there's calling me pulling up to me I've never got a single complaint about that okay campaign signs campaign signs are we gonna limit these at all because some municipalities do they say you can't have it up more than x number of days before an election no no not at all unless we're GNA also limit flags and Banners and everything else well I think for election law you got to take them down with them I think five to seven days that's down but how long before talking about putting them up like a week far as I've see no candidates in this town any problem it's all the outside candidates that leave their signs around yeah what about putting them up putting them up not taking it's not about taking them right what about putting them up no restriction they months earlier so somebody puts it up before a primary they just leave them up and they say it's illegal for them to be in public right right not supposed to not supposed to that's fine that's how it is now keep it like that private property leave your sign there as long as you want I have a I have a question so I agree I think leave it on private property duration wise but is there any way um we can regulate like um content of some of these signs I haven't really seen it in the burrow but I'm just kind of thinking I've had to things that might pop up like I have seen it in other municipalities with like um exploitive words on signs you know for candidates I don't care which side of the aisle you're on but like my kids shouldn't have to read those curse words my review I have this issue in I mentioned this two two ago with a very obnoxious OB sign very prent way and I was shocked when I reviewed the other ordinances that I provided the governing body how many towns actually did ban or attempted to ban on sence and they did they hold up I don't know been tested much Bridge Water to at least attempt to solve my problem probably far still but I was surprised by it I would I I think at least two of four towns I survey Flemington exclusive um had prohibitions from yeah I think it's a great idea I agree with liid even as an adult want to see it I don't either but I mean especially my kid walking by and then it's like this whole thing you know me you have how many kids you have walking and up and down you have hard enough time trying toach put it in this word values I I think it's enforcable I mean the case law would indicate it's probably not unless it's hate speech oh yeah if it's like that word to Carla on sign spech versus that would be I would this issue I've described the having another town has vexed this for a long time and I don't know that we're ever GNA be take a movement on it um does the governing body want to do it a separate ordinance I included this would we throw it in there right um because these other towns have that was the one real shocking part of I think maybe we do a separate I know I think we to talk about that bring up for the first time isn't that but but if we if we do a separate ordinance for that then we can move forward with the work that we've done today because we don't want to lose momentum on this we want result I agree and not you know Naval days for another month I don't I don't have a problem with tbling now all right this is get table for now put it on let's put it onther discussion maybe Chris you can provide us with one of those ordinances to take a look at you have it's either two or three of them and I was surprised by it I said was interesting to me do you need my notes or do you take enough notes to write on I was no no just because I wanted to slow down if you want to give me your notse a but my file my intention is I'm sting go back so that's so that so it looks like you've got a consensus on Four Points which is great okay so let's take a look at the B one for a couple of minutes and then we'll take back the what what sign yeah because it mens the language right it has to go there for consistency what do you want I think you said 15 signs um with the event permit you have 15 is there a reason why 15 we just kind of discussed it at the last meeting and everybody sort of came up with the cons your objection uh we well for like corn tomato the how many use we we're somewhere closer like 40 so this was more like for the garage sale kind of thing um event permit or or isn't that more like for private sale like like the trunk cell yeah you don't need no for a big event I mean and you'd be surprised you probably say for an EV always but we were including in this you know we charge a garage sale permit or $5 for a garage sale know how many so that was where I think the number was coming like 15 15 is way too many for a garage sale and is it enough or so um but do you is there a category of your events that are big events well I know what we'd like to be considered but we we've never really had a I mean we a street festival maybe that's the difference maybe it should be street street festival part permits versus a garage or small let me let me tweet this language on street festivals to give you 40 um versus um and most people won gar sales because they're expensive I mean but if it's like a magic show in stangle that's that's a small that's 15 15 SS expecting thousands of people to come okay United Way yep yep yep okay so we're so street festivals 40 garage sales or stangle event 15 yeah okay I'll going TW how M verbage okay all right let's see if we can get to some consensus on the M Banner prior to ordering all Banner art must be approved by the Flemington buau public art committee banners must be supplied by The Entity on the permit right so I want to put up a banner I got to give my art in public art commit is goingon to look at it and say it's fine and then I have to also obviously Supply it from The Entity good all Banners are permitted to be installed 14 days prior to their event all banners must be removed within two days of the conclusion of the event now if we get something that's this like uh BR string drapery kind of thing no no they have to have gromets yep all around the edges because if one gromet breaks you need to hook it to the next one but is it something that like one guy from the DPW can do no you have to mandate that the sign come professionally printed on so it has to have all of those Fe it has to all it has to have wind Cuts so wind can like it has to be something that isn't going to pull down or blow away a sale but I'm just talking about robing the system to hang right is that these new systems they have versus what we used to have is that something one person can string and hang and or is it still going to require guys in a cherry fig bucket or is there something new that's out there I don't think you haven't answer to that question yet okay I think I think Mike was checking that out if you're requiring people to give you a sign it has to be it can't be you know uh it has to meet a criteria yeah it has to have the things that protect you from it coming down okay and the other issue with this past sign system was that these things are extremely large they're extremely heavy and people never came to pick them up so there was a Lut of you know 40 pound finyl so we can do a refundable fee as part of their permit fee but they'll get it back when they pick up their sign they have to pick up their sign otherwise they don't get it back with an X number of days what's reasonable Robin I mean you know as as an exhausted event planner today I me you want to give the people personally two three days after pick it up so like three maximum be so we charge like a $200 refundable deposit um with three days three days to pick up the sign to give money back I want to make sure the $200 is enough to cover like waste disposal cost you know in case they don't come and and some insurance is on here why don't you just do 350 because that's 350 refundable 350 not be a big deal is a big deal um okaying FLT bur has the right to cancel any B three weeks in event for any reason CC woman angle hard Obed to that but oh what sorry flon B has the right to cancel any Banner within three weeks of an event for any reason that was my extreme example that we're getting a dignitary showing up in flamington with very short notice and we want to put a banner up saying so and so is coming so soed something sus yeah and I mean I don't mind you know refunding something that we refund the cost of the banner 50% of the cost the my only question around that is wonder if I'm I'm some outfit wants to come in and put my banner up and I I don't I mean how it it's sort like before you put the banner up or I think what she's saying is before you put the once the Banner's up it's up I was going to okay that's okay well bitted would be 14 days PRI of the event but we can cancel within three weeks so be before they yeah they they would have had their batter up right and then we can reimburse them 50% of the cost matter for the entire cost and this is in case like Po Francis wants yeah we ex that's exactly it's an exact reason okay you know I was just wondering what's the problem I don't know I mean but you want to be right just want to make sure that they could recoup their costs obviously we would you know refund their permit fee I guess right but if they've already spent how many hundreds of dollars on the banner itself I would just want to make sure they're not out that money on our account changing it on them right well I mean it would have to be it would have to be a really worthwhile event right something really worthwhile for us to do that I put we're going to refund the cost of the banner up to that's what I was going to say up to $500 500 bucks okay all right that's a good idea that's a good idea um okay all entities must name the burrow as an additional Insurance damage occur from the banner applicants must fill out the public art approval form and Supply artwork at the time of application not less than 30 days prior to the hanging of the banner upon approval the permit fee hanging fee and insurance certificate are due the three business days of set approval a separate check shall be made out to Flemington fire department presumably if they hang it or to the DPW if they hang it we have to that out we not there yet any go I'm sorry Tony no no go ahead any event advertised in the buau but held outside the buau shall incur an additional $50 for the permit so any event advertised in the buau but held outside the bu shall be basically charge 50 bucks because I almost feel like maybe that should be more because then it's like eating up time that more events in town would be um potentially able to use the banner area right so I'm good with that you want make it $100 if everyone else is on board with that I think so because we want people I unless it's a county event I don't think that we should be advertising for anything except flemingon bur so R Township has an annual the Chamber of Commerce has Community Day streets and they have streets too but we are the county seat so uh but no but the Chamber of Commerce has Community Day down at the fair every year and there's the for fair neither of those are County I think they are County because the county sponsors and supports them with uh the the our parade is sponsored by with County Bo so I think the count sponsor but they're not the underlying permit they're not the ones the count it's about who's going to fill out that permit and pay for the sign so the chamber's filling out a permit for fair would fill out a permit that's on County property you know I maybe if it's on County property then it counts as a county event because I don't think they let uh anyone but the chamber you know what that the chamber is a countywide organization it's not like like a White House station so the deal with the 4 Fair which is on County property is the 4 AG fair is the less L and they can have they can have fun like they have a or us before Co I don't know if they still do they have a huge um uh antiques show Down Show down there every year because they charge the vendors and they make money in that put Fair on but is it isn't the forage fair for the county no forage fair is an enough for profit it is completely exclud from hun County they have lease agreement on South County it's it's hun in count but but the 4 Club yeah I'm sorry it's a not for-profit it is not in but not of the county it is separate the I think that because Flemington burough is very really needs really needs help in getting people to come here so that our streets are more safer and more walkable and they're more lively and the purpose of the events is to bring foot traffic to our businesses to our streets to solve many of our problems and create Joy do we want to to say no eventually be advertised in the burrow so on the in Clemington bur on the banner unless it's going to occur in the hold on yeah there's instances where we wanted to use County property and some us have to pay for a facility right I'm just saying if it's no no this would be if it's outside the burrow so they're if they wanna if they wanna Happ outside if they want to advertise the deer paath Concert Series in rington Township we were not going to allow it they're going to they want to advertise the Community Day the chamber puts on we're not going to allow it because it's not in the bur that's what I'm asking you guys do you want to say I mean if the county wants to advertise a concer series in the little park behind the courthouse that they own that would be allowed if they want to adverti Goat football that would be a lot what's the difference if they do it on a banner or if they do it on a la no just B more expensive there's only one and it's on our main street and it's in addition to offering an advertis it's also creating a sense of place making that this Main Street is a place yeah where we advertise what we do I understand what Rob's saying I I hear what you're saying I I don't disagree with it I'm just trying to understand full disclosure full disclosure I drive down Clinton Main Street in the town and you know you see duck racing and all the cute things that make the town feel like a special place that's I think the purpose of the banner Banner except we are county seat and therefore I feel like if the county was having a countywide event you know that that that might be as a county seat something so any event advertised in the buau must be held in the I'm agree with that that's okay I don't have a problem with that at all thank you Robin look the the county has been putting on events without the banner keep putting events on with you know so there won't be any they'll be fine like they write us a letter okay so Flemington is government permit fees Flemington bur approved events which include the fire department SCP Department Public Library Etc no permit fee would be required at all there is a banner hanging chart don't know what that is yet um because there going to be charged so we don't want to be out of money but there's no permit fee County government events no permit fee required if event is held within the buau taking out the uh the extra fee because there won't be any fee because it's not going to be outside the B there's going to be a banner hanging charge uh 100 in municipalities they're coming off totally because they're never advertising anything in our Baro right not for-profit organizations Flemington bur not for profit any Flemington burough not for profits uh $50 Banner permit fee um we had asked Carla to review these fees and Carla you said what did you tell me that you really had nothing to go on that these were kind of in line with our other permit Fe okay uh there is a banner hanging charge nonington bro not for profits um again a not Flemington bur the Flemington food pantry is not a Flemington not profit they in Township but they might want to do something in Flemington they used to have um they used to have the open Bowl the empty bowl event both at the St magdal church as well as the Methodist Church so nonington borrow and offer profits there's $100 V permit thing twice as much as um the burrow the burrow ones and then for profit entities Flemington bur for profit business events $100 B perit fee and Hing charge and nonington bur for business profit business events again I'm not sure who would advertise for what kind of an event an entity outside of Flemington might have in Flemington we think of an example Robin where sure um where I don't know well we I think personally businesses would come up with just to be able to use that banner and I don't know that that's really I I don't know that I don't I think you should be if lemington car and truck country yeah which no longer sponsors community events it's a new owner but hypothetically or shop right sponsored some event downtown they sponsored um so uh turkey truck the turkey truck's an outside non for-profit not in flemingon burough you know if they want they're going to be charged the nonprofit amount for an outside event being held in Flemington but if they want to use our Banner but if if W Fern wanted to sponsor something in Flemington burrow they are a business outside of Flemington that could very well sponsor something in the as long as it's a cultural event or a free public event I think those are the criteria the event has to be in right but I mean if it's like uh um Clemington department store is gonna have a carpet sale at that's in Flemington departments I they moved into the church yeah you want to have a carpet if they wanted to have a carpet sale uh you know at stangle factory or something like I think this should be for cultural events and for public yeah I see how you it could be taken absolutely I don't think the you know it could be a ticketed cultural event y but it really shouldn't be like um you know shot yard sales where those Sal ground okay all right I'm gonna take all these notes with Chris we're gonna try to get these into some kind of order and maybe actually have all right that was worth while getting close guys getting close Okay um up to public comment session number two anybody like lost everybody one person that's good um okay payment of bills authorizing payment of bills in the amount of 3,759 3819 a motion move is there a secondar second roll call please councilwoman farar yes L yes council president long yes councilman Parker yes Council vice president Rosetti um yes okay and then we have executive session um uh of asked negotiations cardal Captiva Courthouse Square to stay on this agenda so I could just give you guys updates as needed and Public Safety uh is the second one can I have a motion to go into executive session there a second second uh all in favor recess until 9: get a we're back out of public can I get a motion to Jour long move second par second all favor good Chris will talk for