can everybody please rise calling this meeting to order can everybody please rise for the flag salute is aable I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America Republic stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for allce thank you this meeting is called pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings law this meeting of April 8th 2024 was included in a list of meetings notice to the 100 County Democrat career news on January 3 2024 posted on the bulletin board of burough Hall on that dat and has remained continuously an addition a copy of this notice is and has been available to the public and is on file in the office of the burough clerk can I have a roll call please counc here councilwoman here councilman L is absent council president long here Council Parker here Council vice president Rosetti here mayor car here thank you all right we're going to start this meeting off with a presentation from Dan Banker from NW Financial regarding the Liberty Village pilot agreement uh for members of the public that are either in the room or uh on Zoom this is a presentation uh though if you have some questions at the end um probably will allow it there will be uh possibly an introduction of this ordinance at the end of the presentation and then when the public hearing is scheduled the public will be allowed to ask as many questions as they want um this uh pilot information is posted on our website so um Dan take it away thanks mayor uh good evening mayor council and burough residents my name is Daniel Banker I work with NW Financial Group as a financial advisor for the buau um here to present a PowerPoint presentation on the proposed project known as Liberty Village um so the proposed project will include 104 market rate for sale tow houses split evenly between two bedroom and three bedroom units uh the two bedrooms are estimated to be about 2,000 square feet and the three bedrooms are estimated to be about 2500 square feet uh they will be split amongst 21 thre story buildings um and included in those buildings will be seven for sale affordable tow houses uh same 2,000 foot and 2500 foot breakdown uh two of which are two bedrooms and five are three bedrooms in addition there will be 12 rental uh Apartments specified for veterans um and they will be in two three-story buildings the project also includes the renovation of one Church Street which will include 1,452 Square Fe of retail space this is the estimated project cost breakdown that was provided by the developer um there's a lot of numbers on here but the total project cost is estimated to be 73.5 million that's split between the townhouse component both market rate and affordable the rental component for the veterans and the retail uh component you can see the bottom table is the breakdown of of the construction cost that you see highlighted above so for example on the townhouse component the estimated construction cost number is $ 42.2 million that can be broken down between uh hard cost General conditions carpentry Electrical Plumbing um so I just want to point out that the uh townhouse component is estimated to cost $685 million which is the equivalent of about $617,000 per unit um the estimated costs are significantly higher than we would typically see uh but part of that reason is because of the uh significant public Improvement cost that are associated with this project um you'll see that there's about 11 a half million dollar of public improvements um and this is sorted by cost high to low so almost half of that is based on the New Roads and infrastructure you have $2.5 million in environmental remediation uh an infrastructure contribution of 1.75 million uh and so on you also have uh the donation of nine Church Street uh a 7500 square foot Park a new well at the police station and certain one-time payments for maintenance of some of these items Dan those those values all came from the redeveloper uh correct okay so now we get into the negotiated pilot terms and and before we go there I will say that as part of our analysis the first thing that we do is we look at the project under a conventional attx scenario to determine if a pilot is necessary um so on the next slide we'll go through how that analysis turned out and how we got to where we are today um but based on that analysis we determined that this property this project could not move forward under conventional taxes um and after significant negotiations with the developer um we came to an agreement on what we're proposing here today uh of on the market rate townhouse component the pilot will be based on a percentage of oat oat standing for otherwise applicable taxes so that is essentially what conventional taxes would be based on the land and Improvement assessment so in year one it would be 50% that bumps up to 55% in years 2 through five again it increases to 65% in years 6 through 10 and so on to 70 and 85% that would be for a term of 22 years when accounting for uh where we believe conventional taxes will be which has been confirmed with the tax assessor we've had numerous conversations about where we believe the sales values will be and in turn where conventional taxes would be you can see the per unit amount that those come out to so in year one for example the per unit pilot amount would be 6743 and that number increases as the percentage increases um for the affordable component it would be based on 30% of otherwise applicable taxes for the 22-year term um which comes out to that $1,683 number per unit and increases as uh sale prices increase on the rental the 12 rental units uh that are dedicated to veterans that one will be 10% of gross revenue for 30 years and the last piece is the retail component which would also be um based on a percentage this actually this one would be based on a percentage of Revenue um 10% for the first 10 years 11% for years 11 through 15 sorry through 16 and then 12 a half% for years 17 through 20 uh just as a comparison when we first started the negotiations of these Pilots uh the developer was requesting 3,500 per unit on the market rate units and that would stay fixed for the first five years and an increase by 5% in year six and on um so here we're starting significantly higher on a per unit basis on the market rate tow houses and as well as the affordable um they started at $1,000 per unit um and that stayed constant until year 16 where it increased to, 1500 here we're starting at you know almost $1,700 per unit so this slide shows the analysis that we did uh to determine if a pilot was necessary and if so at what level so as mentioned before we had multiple conversations with the assessor to determine uh where he believed the market was for these two and three bedroom units we also looked at uh recent sales in the burrow as well as nearby neighborhoods um that were sold in the last three years to determine what the comps look like uh this is a unique product as there aren't many new tow houses especially of this size in the burrow and the surrounding area uh but based on those comps uh we came to an agreement that we believed that these units would sell the two-bedroom units would sell for 43 $30,000 if they paid full taxes um and $500,000 for the free bedroom units if they paid full taxes and you can see what our our tax assumption is there it's basically based on the effective tax rate of 2.9% um so for example year one the proposed pilot would be based on 50% of conventional taxes so they'd be saving you know the same amount as they'd be paying so for the two-bedroom they'd be paying 6,2 $35 and they'd be saving $623 as compared to Conventional taxes now we have just uh in my earlier slide it's estimated that these projects will cost $617,000 per unit um based on our analysis we looked at the value of the pilot in two different ways first we looked at the what the owner would pay in conventional taxes over a 22-year period where they're paying full taxes then we looked at what the owner would pay under the proposed pilot for that same 22-year period and we took the present value of that number um so in the first case the low value of the pilot that number came out to for a two-bedroom unit of $59,000 what that essentially means is because the owner knows that they will be paying a reduced amount on their taxes they are willing to pay more Upfront for the purchase of the property uh that same analysis was done for the three bedrooms and that came out to a value of roughly $68,000 $69,000 the next part of our analysis was what we considered the high value of the pilot which is where we determined the sales price that would result in the mortgage payment and the tax payment being the equivalent of the mortgage payment plus the tax payment under a full tax scenario where they'd be willing to pay the same amount in both scenario and because you're paying less in the taxes you could pay more in your mortgage uh in that case with the two bedrooms the pilot would be valued at $74,000 and the three bedrooms would be valued at $86,000 So based on that analysis compared to where we are beginning with our assumption on where uh these units would sell under conventional taxes we have the range the average range of sale price between 529,000 to 545,000 um that is our analysis now that is based on what's in the market currently that's based on what we've seen that has sold recently and again this is a unique product um so the developer is assuming that the average sales price will be $625,000 um and that makes sense in in the sense that they're estimating the cost will be $617,000 so they will need that sales price to be at $625,000 to make a profit now they may be able to be more efficient on their cost so maybe that $677,000 number comes down um but based on what we see in the market today we believe that the range of sale prices is 530 to 545 the developer is taking the risk that he believes that they'll be able to sell the units uh so this is an analysis of the projected pilot for the market rate tow houses only over the 22-year period uh this assumes that four units are sold per month so 48 48 units per year um and you'll see so in year one as you go across and I know there's a lot of numbers here uh but you have the per unit amount and the percentage of otherwise applicable taxes then you have the gross pilot and that number doesn't become stabilized until all of the units have sold um so as units are sold more units are paying the pilot and the pilot Revenue increases for the burough um so really what we should be looking at is year four which is the stabilized year um and so in year four it's projected that the gross pilot would be $818,000 uh of which 5% would go to the county there would also be a 2% admin fee so the burrow share of the pilot in year4 would be approximately $800,000 um as a comparison we take a look at what the breakdown between the burrow and the school would be under conventional taxes but as we've shown before on our earlier slides uh under conventional taxes they would not be able to sell these units um at a profit um so a pilot is necessary in order to allow for the proper economics for them to uh make this project work work economically um so over the 22-year period you have a projected burrow share of the pilot for the market rate townhouse units of $25.5 million next we come to the affordable townhouse units um this is the analysis that we did to project where so affordable townhouse for sale units are unique uh they're somewhat rare but there is a calculation um based on U have on the percentages of area median income um the breakdown between the units of the percentages how many ones twos and three bedroom units are required and based on that information uh the calculation suggests that the average sale price would be $170,000 that's at full taxes but again if you offer a pilot it allows the sales price to increase because these residents are paying 30% of their income uh so in this case for example the one-bedroom unit one under full taxes would pay $125,000 in this case under the proposed pilot at 30% of oat that increases to $162,000 that same analysis as the market R townhouse component was done for the affordable um so you'll see in year one and we're assuming that all units um are sold in year one in this case and uh the projection is for $1,784 as a gross pilot again 5% goes to the county there's a 2% admin fee that goes to the burrow the burrow share would be approximately $11,400 and over the 22-year term the burough share would be $312,000 uh the veterans apartment same analysis this would be based on 10% of gross revenue these rents are also based on a percentage of Ami um it's based on uck standards uh you have certain units at low certain units at moderate income but essentially the average breaks out to 52% of Ami So based on those rents the growth pilot would be $22,000 of which the buau received 95% including a 2% admin fee uh so over the 30-year term the burrow share of that pilot would be approximately $970,000 last component is the retail component um this would be based on 10% of gross revenue increasing to 12 a half% by year 20 uh the burough share is estimated to be about $1,600 um in year one and over the 20-year term about $48,500 so with all that being said I know there were a of numbers there um but if we take a look at the project as a whole as compared to uh what the site is generating currently um you'll see that current taxes which is based on uh block 35 Lots 31 53 54 6971 and a portion of 22 current taxes being generated are $173,000 um of which the burrow receives approximately $64,000 a year under the projected pilot the proposed pilot um tonight across all components uh if we take a look at stabilization again in year four um you're comparing the burrow share of 67726 to the burre share of 831 956 so there will be additional burrow revenue of $764,000 and that number increases as the percentage of o as the percentage of annual gross revenue increases throughout um so over the 22-year period it's estimated that there will be an additional Revenue to the buau of almost $25 million that's assuming just as you know what the comparison is that's assuming that no Redevelopment happens on the property as it stands today and conventional taxes increase by 2% every year so the next part of our analysis was the municipal impact uh we once we've identified uh the pilot Revenue that could be generated by the proposed pilot we need to determine what the associated costs would be uh to the new residents and the new public school children that are generating um what you're looking at here is a breakdown of the multipliers that we've used to determine new residents and new school children these multipliers come directly from a study that was done by Ruckers University known as who lives in New Jersey housing that study was originally written back in the late 2000s it was updated in November of 2018 to include a new category known as uh new construction um and that looked at hundreds of thousands of units across the State and pulled real actual data of the number of residents and the number of school children living in those buildings and that's based on rental versus condo uh the number of units uh the median values uh and when they were built and based on on that information they generated multipliers that could be applied to different bedroom sizes within different types of units So based on those multipliers it's estimated that across the marer townhous the affordable town houses the veteran apartments that there will be an additional 27 74 residents generated from this project um and an additional 25 public school children to give you a sense of how that is in comparison to the current population it'll increase the population by a little over 15% and it would increase the current enrollment uh uh by a little less than 2% now that we've identified the number of residents in school children that are projected we need to identify a cost of those residents and school children um the division of local government services has what's known as the PA model uh the pilot financial forecast model which takes certain line items from the budget and applies a percentage to those line items that gets impacted by the fluctuation of population so taking those line items from your most recent budget um and dividing that total number by the 2021 population you get a per resident cost of $286 uh when it comes to the school children costs we use the total classroom instruction number um from the most recent board of education budget of $2,270 uh and we then apply the percentage of that that comes from local Revenue sources which is 85% so we get a net cost per student of about $10,500 so last two slides are the net benefit of the project uh this first scenario is based on the numbers that you just saw uh this is assuming the 274 residents and the 25 public school children um so if we take a look uh across on the on the far right you have the net benefit column so this is taking into account the pilot the burough share of the pilot Revenue versus the cost of the new residents and the cost of the new school children and you'll see you have a net benefit starting at 120,000 and that increases significantly as units are sold and the project stabilized um so over that 22-year time period it's estimated that this project uh would generate approximately $18 million in a net benefit now um several questions have come up about the public school children projection you know is 25 school children a reasonable number um and from the information that we have um on the actual data that we've received um we believe that the multipliers are accurate however we understand that there may be more Public School charges um so we also did the analysis assuming that instead of 25 public school children that's 75 public school children uh to give you a sense of what the impact would be so in that case you'll see in the far right the net benefit in the early years becomes slightly negative um and then quickly as the percentages increase um and the buildings become stabilized that becomes a positive number so even in this scenario where 75 public school children are generated instead of the 25 uh you still have a positive net benefit over the 22-year term uh and with that being said if there's any questions I do want to just um let every know that I did meet with uh Carrie McAn the superintendent of uh F rare school system and she concurred with that number of 25 they ran their own analysis and came up with the same number so um let's start with the council um can I just ask can you tell me is is Jim Faron or Redevelopment attorney on this call yeah he's a pan he should be a panelist okay because I can't see who's I I can only see the Council can we take down the financial screen so I can see uh the room and um as well as the women that are online this is Jim this is this is Jim Fon I'm on the line thank you Jim did did Council M love get a chance to call in no okay um all right we still have that Financial stuff up oh thank you very much um but I don't see the I don't see the whole room I only see shouldn't I be able to see like who's in the audience at this point just so I know if anybody has their hands up but meanwhile let's start with the um with the council as far as if uh anybody has any questions um or comments um councilwoman engleheart uh thank you mayor um first of all Dan thank you so much for that um really um extensive and and and complete uh report it was really helpful um lots of numbers that went out there was a couple questions that um might just because I I might have just missed some of it um the study that you had mentioned regarding the uh loads on the um public school children yeah what year was that done again so I believe it was originally written in 2007 and then it was updated in November of 2018 okay so it hasn't been updated since Co either it has not okay I'm I'm just no but but Carrie McAn concurs with the numbers that they have they she Al she and I met and she said that that's the number they have their their estimated number J that little tidbit of information that you met with with superintendent Manan that's fantastic so um so thank you for that what where did that study come from again I I kind of missed the beginning of your your intervention yeah sure uh it was the Center for Urban policy research at Ruckers University okay blowe School of course okay great I spent a lot of time there one um so my other question um relates to the the uh anticipated sales cost uh sales uh numbers that you you anticipate the the town loans in particular selling at you had two numbers um that stood out to me the 529 for two bedrooms 545 for one bedrooms was that wasn't what you anticipated the uh developer would sell the map but what you anticipated can you explain the difference between those two numbers first of all so yes in fact those are our numbers that we believe these units would sell for under the proposed pilot so the uh the average so if you if you look at the lower table on that slide um the 529,000 that is what we believe the average sale price on the low end would be between the two and three bedrooms combined if you want to look at the individual two bedrooms We Believe on the low end would be sell for 489 and on uh the high end would sell for 5 four and for the three beds the low end would be 569 and the high end would be 586 so all of those numbers that you just mentioned I'm assuming obviously you somehow take into consideration um you make an assumption that the developer makes some sort of percentage profit um on each sale what is that profit assumption you know in in uh in your when you do your when you run your numbers and where do you get that information from right so it's an interesting question because in based on our own analysis if in fact uh the sales were to be what we believe from our you know from the existing data that we have uh and based on their proposed cost of $617,000 it would actually not have a profit right that's why understand why this question and and I actually I spoke to uh the developer earlier today to talk about this item and they are willing to take the risk although and we just have a disagreement on where we think the sales price may be and we really don't know um and again this is a new type of unit brand new larger high-end so they may be accurate that it sells for six $625,000 or more uh and we hope that they do um but that's because they're cost $617,000 they will need to sell at 625 for the developer to make a profit and the did the developer explain to you whether they were planning on ging this project themselves or whether they were going to be engaging with the GC I believe they are engaging with the okay so that would be their that would built into their profit obviously I'm sorry General general contractor some developers um uh GC they are basically a design build and some are not and that but either way that profit that number would be built into their Bak into their profit so I was just curious because there's some savings there okay um I think that's all the questions I have thank you yeah no problem thank you council president uh yeah um so my question is more just I mean I know the answer to this question but I just want to on a record your answer so as far as this pilot negotiation could you just like how how did you do this like what was the process you're sitting there who were you talk like that's yeah sure just for the public to understand like yeah so um we receive financials from the developer as to expected cost expected revenues um any other expected expenses uh we go back and forth in terms of what we think are reasonable assumptions if we believe certain numbers should be tweaked uh we spoke several times with the tax assessor because in this case where the conventional taxes are is very important and very key um because that's the basis of our comparison as to whether or not these projects you know these could be sold at a profit under conventional taxes so we took a lot of time with uh uh Mr Kerwin um to determine where the conventional tax number would be um and it the negotiations took a while because we were pretty far apart from their original request um but after going through the numbers um the developer came we came to an agreement on where we thought it was a balance between the buau getting uh their fair share uh but also allowing the developer to potentially make a profit um because they are investing a significant amount of dollars into this project and especially with the public improvements that are involved thank you that was it I didn't have anything else thank you uh councilman Parker I just want to make sure I heard the numbers right so the benefit to the Burl on on the the units is about did you say 25 million over a 30e period I just want to finish our I will confir yes so on across all components over the 22e period 22 right and there are I'm only using 22 because the majority of the uh components are at 22 except for the uh affordable veterans they're at 30 but over the 32 year or the 22e period uh the burrow will receive $25 million more than they're currently receiving over that same time period over the same time period of 20 right we have no Redevelopment happen all in all in except for I'm sorry yeah so the um that includes the veterans but there's also an additional eight years of the pilot for the veteran so that's outside of that thank you uh Council vice president Rosetti thank you mayor no thank you very much for all that information and U my fellow council members questions but I've got everything covered for now thank you thank you woman toar wait hold on why she she must have got off I just promoted her Okay can she hear Council womano can you hear me there she is yeah she must have dropped off no she no I had to inv I'll come back to her is there anybody um go ahead she's on mute oh sorry un I'm so sorry I'm so sorry no um um thank you very much for the detail it's wonderful and it helps me to truly understand the benefit versus um the pain sometimes of of this type of development and uh I think you got my other question which was that final number Tony the 25 million more than if we were to keep that that area as it is today we would we would we are now going to receive 25 million more over 22 years in taxes in Revenue so that's it thank you um is there anybody from the public in the room who has any specific question questions even though this is not a public hearing uh Dan is here and he will be here from whenever we do have the public hearing Council council president long can you let me know is there anybody in the audience that's got questions yeah we do we have a resident question um can you come up to the microphone please state your name for the record and your address name is Lois Stewart and I live in the B of Flemington and I no longer like to give my street address because I've been told that's not safe for old women who live so you all know me and you know where I am um there was one slide that you showed where for so many years if the price was this that we would have a negative impact on the tax could you explain that better and also I'm very interested said because those years will be the years that I hope I'm still alive in the baral CL and I want to know what the impact is going to be on the residential tax rate for us having not having any positive impact on our on our Revenue to support our budget absolutely um so the I believe the slide that you're talking about is the final slide um where the net benefit yes yes so the final slide um that she's talking about is in the situation where this project generates 75 public school children right now the multipliers the study that was done by Ruckers is suggesting that it will only produce 25 public school children but we wanted to look at it if it does in fact generate more public school children three times as many as the record study is assuming what would be the impact so early on the impact if it was to produce 75 public school children but you did nothing between the 25 and the 75 where is that break even then where yeah so and and we could we could absolutely do that and I can give you an idea of what that would be so uh at 25 public school children you have a positive benefit of about $18 million over the 22-year period at 75 public school children you have a positive benefit of about 5 million so if you for example said 50 Public public school children were generated it would be about half between that uh so you'd be roughly $10 million in the positive as a net benefit and what year would that positive benefit be realized um I would I would have to do the analysis to just to make sure sure uh but I can absolutely get back to you um I concerned about the impact on the residential population that's already here in the town by taking in this new development yes over 22 years but a lot I think the population in Clemington I think it's like 20% of over adults and now a lot of us a lot of the older adults that live in this town are not well all so what we'll do Lois is we'll have we'll have Dan run those numbers for the public hearing for whenever that is and um you can make your public comments at that point for the actual record and he can provide that analysis at that point we don't have the additional 25 kids or 50 kids or 75 kids or however many kids and we don't have the additional 274 that no but the redevelopers contribution is going to also help us deal with some of the debt that the buau has been struggling with the last few years which is why the budget's been going up so but this is not this is not a a comment period it's a public presentation so let him let him work those numbers and you can come back for the public hearing and make your concerns known and he'll have those answers for you prior to um you you speaking we'll have him those questions ah time anything else h you need to get closer to the microphone I I can't understand you yeah I think she's done done okay is there anybody online that has their hands up no no okay um so Jim this question is for you uh are you satisfied that with this presentation by Dan um for the council to introduce uh the pilot ordinance tonight uh for the first reading yes uh yes I am uh just to put some context in this um there are three uh distinct actions that are involved in the uh formulation of this Redevelopment project one of them is the uh Amendment of the existing Redevelopment plan for the area in need of Redevelopment that process had begun at an earlier meeting and is uh has gone through the planning board and uh will return to the council for the adoption of an ordinance uh or resolution to um amend the plan um the second element is uh there will be a Redevelopment agreement uh there is an existing Redevelopment agreement but an amended and restated version of it will be presented to council at an upcoming meeting uh and then the third element is the ordinance before you which is the um uh for the financial agreements uh the payment and L of taxes agreements or Pilots um for the uh three uh components of the project um the um predicate action for your uh introducing this ordinance is the F was the filing of an application which has occurred uh and um accordingly uh it was a complete application to the extent it was possible to be complete by the applicant and um therefore U it is uh appropriate And Timely uh for the council to consider introduction of this ordinance I will note that uh for final adoption purposes uh we'll want to um have one uh ministerial I would say bookkeeping action taken by the state which um the State Department of Community Affairs um which uh whenever a um pilot entity is set up the these all these entities have the words urban renewal in them um whenever they set up these specialized entities to um receive tax abatements uh the paperwork has to go to the state has to be vetted and has be formally uh signed off on that process has not happened yet and that may or may not result in a delay of final adoption but there is no impediment I believe to the introduction of the ordinance tonight thank you is Bill Hance online and able to talk with us um I know he's introducing the watch budget tonight um I don't see okay yeah he's he's doing watch but he probably will get on at some point okay um does any the council have any issues with introduction tonight you're all good with introducing this ordinance and then the final uh adoption will wait until um sometime in the future when uh when our Redevelopment attorney says you're good to go and we have everything else in order I have a quick question uh for Jim the the DCA approvals the final adoption cannot happen until that those DC until DCA comes back is that correct did I understand that that that is that is my my position subject to getting contrary guidance from DCA uh what happens what happens often times is there's a backlog and they try to get through the I mean it I I can't express to you the frustrations that the uh legal Community has sometimes with DCA um their job is simply to review Articles of Incorporation to make sure that they contain certain required terms and then to sign an approval letter um so it's it's not rocket science uh they don't evaluate Financial wherewith all all they do is they look at the Articles and they Articles of Incorporation or whatever the formative document is ensure that it has the statutory requirements and then they say yeah um so um you know it's it's befuddling that it hasn't been approved yet um and ordinarily I would say yeah wait for approval but if DCA comes out with a pronouncement saying because of the backlog we authorize you to go ahead then I'd change my mind okay that was the the spirit of my question because I know the architecture and planning Community is probably just as frustrated as the legal community is with DCA when it comes to um just delays so I I was concerned I didn't know you know if we had to wait if that you know it could be months I want to make sure that that's still okay again I don't want to uh how to say this I don't want to cut off options um my my sound best practice is to have it in place uh but as with everything in life if you find that um you know that that that is no longer practicable and that it is become accepted to move forward um you know I I reserve the the the right to change my mind you know it's to Bas based upon how other Council and how DCA is advising people to proceed but we should wait I mean we should wait and it should happen fast and if it doesn't happen fast then then I'll explain my reasoning then best I best answer I can give you is the honest one thank you Jim I I I get your point okay so uh if there's no objections from the council to introduce and we will do that shortly under the main party of the agenda um Dan thank you you might want to just hang out a little bit longer maybe until we do the introduction yeah sure up to you um okay we have uh two proclamations tonight first one is a proclamation recognizing Arbor Day Council vice president Rosetti would you please read that for the record yes mayor thank you um so whereas Arbor Day was founded on April 10th 1872 to recognize the importance of planting trees and whereas Arbor Day is a time to recognize the importance of trees and an opportunity for communities to gather and plant for a Greener future and whereas Arbor Day is observed in all 50 states and across the world and whereas participating in Arbor Day activities promote civic participation and highlights the importance of planting and caring for trees and vegetation and whereas such activities provide an opportunity to convey to Future Generations the value of land and stewardship and whereas working forests have contributed to an increase in the number of trees planted in the United States and are sustainably managed with less than 2% of working Forest nationally harvested each year and whereas a key factor in preventing Forest conversion and deforestation is keeping the forest productive and whereas working forests are a critical part of a nature-based solution to climate change and by providing a continuous cycle of growing harvesting and replanting active Forest m management maximizes the ability to sequester and store carbon and improve Forest resilience and whereas private forests play an important role in conserving at risk and declining species and collaborative conservation efforts can benefit species while also helping to keep forests as forest and whereas sustainabil sorry sustainably grown wood can be used in a wide variety of resilient infrastructure and building applications from traditional Timber framing to high-tech Mass Timber and as a natural renewable and biodegradable material the significant use of wood Building Materials in buildings and bridges helps decrease Global carbon emissions and whereas the Arbor Day Foundation and the tree City USA program have been committed to Greening cities and towns across the country since 1976 and in that time more than 3,600 communities have made the commitment to becoming Tree City USA communities and whereas National Arbor Day is observed on the last Friday of April each year now therefore be it resolved mayor and Council of the burough of Flemington supports the goals and ideals of National Arbor Day and encourages the people of the burough of Flemington to participate in National Arbor Day activities thank you thank you very much councilwoman um our next Proclamation is celebrating National Autism Awareness Month uh council president long would you read that please absolutely thank you resolution celebrating National Autism Awareness Month whereas autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disability and coming a broad range of conditions characterized by challenges associated with social skills rep bettered Behavior speech and non-verbal communication and whereas as of March 2023 about one in 36 children has been identified with autism spectrum disorder according to the estimates from the cdc's autism developmental disabilities monitoring Network and whereas according to the CDC Community report a snapshot of autism spectrum disorder New Jersey one in 32 children were identified with ASD in 2016 and whereas autism is four times more likely to occur in boys than in girls but can affect anyone regardless of race ethnicity and other factors and whereas 2015 it was established or I'm sorry estimated the United States incurred approximately $268 billion in cost for autism research educational spending housing Transportation employment therapeutic services caregiver costs other insurance and uncovered expenses and pro productivity losses and whereas early diagnosis and intervention programs lead to significantly improved outcomes for individuals with autism and whereas April 24th 2024 is designated as a national Autism Awareness Month to increase public awareness of the need to support individuals with autism and the family members Educators and other professionals who teach and care for individuals with autism now therefore be it resolved by the governing body of the municipality of Flemington burrow in the county of Hunan celebrates National autism waron from April 1st to 30th 2024 and be it further resolved that the Flemington burough governing body recognizes and commends the family members of children with autism for their sacrifices and dedication and providing for the special needs of children with autism and stresses the need to begin early intervention services soon after a child is diagnosed with autism thank you very much okay uh getting into the regular body of agenda mayor's report um I really don't have anything it was a rather dramatic week last week in this week um I don't know how many more inches of rain the burrow has had a unfortunately a banner crop year for rain and flooding uh and then of course on Friday we had the earthquake um which really rocked this town and today was um the eclipse uh I am calling in from a small town in East Texas um I have been in not less than five small towns in the last two days uh when everybody in Texas asked where we were from and I would tell them one of two things and then both things uh you know the earthquake only a few miles from the Center they knew where we were but more importantly when I asked them if they knew and had heard of the Lindberg kidnapping case and we held the trial in our town everybody knew that um so Flemington is still well known uh in in Texas uh on the other side of this country for having Lindberg kidnapping trial it is still a significantly important event that happened if not the most important event that ever happened in our town um so it's I'm just cherishing the history uh um as the uh historic preservation commission you know has announced having another house tour and the courthouse the historic courthouse is going to be part of that um which you know played a major role uh the major role in the kidnapping case um so that is my report from Texas um council president long sure uh a couple of items tonight uh fire department um just some quick incident numbers for the month of March there were 19 calls in March uh again a removal of a victim from an elevator I'm going to ask about that I wonder if it's the same elevator I'm not sure uh there were five dispatched and canceled in rout calls there were four malfunctioning alarms uh and one uh system activated but it was uh in incorrect just a few numbers um Chief um gelon would like everybody to know that the fire department continues to use use the Liberty Village property for training that they would not normally be able to do over the past year this has been an invaluable resource made available to them with uh the assistance of the Fire Marshal's office and the developer OEM April's disaster prepared this month the flemingon burough office of emergency management urges citizens to take steps to prepare for floods hurricanes earthquakes and other emergencies as we have seen in the last few days any disaster can strike at any time residents are urged to ensure that they are signed up to the burough uh burough specific alerts from the offic of Emergency Management by registering under the alerts tab on the burrow website and that is my report thank you council president Council vice president Rosetti thank you mayor um I too have been eclipsing today so I apologize for the darkness I'm on the side of the highway in Pennsylvania um so just a quick reminder about the park cleanup uh coming up but I think councilwoman anglehart will give more details on that so that's all I've got now thank you very much drive safely um councilwoman farara while I'm online really I think uh information on the library we're going to be discussing that later so I will T that for for that time an apology to our burough residents and and business owners all stakeholders having an eye issue I promise I will be there in person the next time no reason other than a health issue so um looking forward to our little for our library discussion in a little bit thank you thank you councilman Parker yes uh just a couple of things so um we finally had a meeting with the Arts committee um and we're kind of working through processes and applications with Beth mcmanness who's been um tremendous help with um with the group um and we hope to have something up and running within the next um next month or so um so you will notice that on resolution coming up that we are doing several promotions for police uh for police officers but more importantly I've been working really really diligently with the entire police force and that is to put in um some some definitive structure and to enforce community policing so you should be seen over um commun over in the communities in which you live the police are actually walking through the communities um and getting to know residents and getting to know business owners and just having some visibility I just think it's important um that that their face PCH down um that said um I do want to talk a little bit I know that you guys have seen a lot of information about Ulta being um been these robberies in Ulta in the whole bit but rest assured I just want you to rest assured Ulta has a great system in place um for actually detecting um and identifying where uh people who have dropped them in Hit and it seems to be more of a professional type of um organizations to do that that said one of the things that that is happening is that that um the police chief has actually started putting cars um police cars in the parking lots and they're walking the parking lots as well so there's some visibility there to help um to help to to kind of mitigate that risk that's over there and because it's not only alter it's also HomeGoods and it's also anybody else that's over there so there is going to be police presence there and it's already actually started so really want to take my hat off to them for doing that um funny we are the newsletter is actually happening it was sent out today to be published um um I will say the focus on the newsletter this time which was my focus to be and I apologize for being too late is that it's on introducing all the professionals and the council people and the mayor that um that um served the Burl unfortunately Susan you're not in there um because I didn't get your information in time but um we'll put you in the next one but um anyway so that should be coming out next week now what I am going to ask is for the council to help with distributing some of the newsletters to even just on on their streets um on their blocks and I'll take care of the um the businesses but it would be a big help if we can just rally all of you rally to help get those distributed and that's it for me thank you councilwoman engleheart yeah um thank you mayor um the annual uh rius cores the uh uh reading fluming Intermediate School tours for the historic fluming house are coming up next week and the week after April 15 16 22nd and 23rd and the reason why I mention it is we are looking for volunteers you don't have to speak you don't have to present but we would love it if we could get more people familiar with the process um and um and our present our Public Presentation um and this is a really great opportunity to volunteer so if you are available um during the hours of 8 and 12 and 8 and 2 um pm on those dates um please reach out to me um the uh you don't have to uh volunteer that entire time we're looking for two hour shifts um um really uh want to get more people engaged and including the my fell council members if anybody's interested and available during those times you are welcome I'd love to see I'd love everybody to see um the hardworking folks over there and um and what we do as far as Outreach our um Charter uh one of our main items in our Charter is education and um it's really important um the I I just wanted to do a quick shout out to a new kind of organic organization in the community um a group of folks that named themselves the Society of neighbors went out and just did an impromptu cleanup around town on um Sunday my family did participate so I want to thank that you for that and kind of keep an eye out for that group um they're looking for ideas of again organic um ideas of um things that need to be done around town it might be an elderly person that needs help with their yard or there's something else so we're looking for ideas and want to um um engage with the community what I really liked and appreciated was there was people from riton Township and and the burrow and we all kind of came together and walked around um so I do appreciate um that that organization getting started and want to um put a shout out to Dave and Ally Norton for organizing that event on Sunday then finally um as uh uh councilman uh Rosetti mention um the parks committee and the garden committee um community garden committee decided to join forces and um organize our um Earth Day cleanup on the same day um so we got a a nice cleanup organized in to Kiran Park on April 21st from 12: to 4: show up for a half hour an hour 4 hours um we're going to have not only traditional cleanup items and um invasive species um removal um the americore um Watershed people are going to be there to kind of encourage us to get rid of specific plants and not others and really teach us how the right way to clean up and kind to the Earth but not only that but our local Habitat for Humanity has also been very generous to donate some supplies and man Tower so we're going to be doing some small projects um in the park as well as clean up that's April 21st 12 to 4 P.M at two come here again one big part thank you for reminding me is that a councilwoman councilwoman are you is that it yes yeah I'm done thank you okay great thank you so much okay um all right we have a public comment session number one if anybody in the public has any comments now is the time or at the end of the meeting um please if you're in the room and you have a comment up to the microphone I can't see council president can you just let me know yes yep yeah Miss Miss Stewart okay um Lois just your name again for the record Lois Stewart bur I have two things that I want to ask about please what activities are being sponsored by the burrow for uh Arbor Day it says encourage us to participate in activities but uh what is actually transpiring in this burrow we are tree C and we are I'll let Council woman Rosetti answer that because she is our shade tree liaison thank you thank you mayor yes so the um shade tree commission will be planting a tree at rius uh in celebration of Arbor Day um that is obviously mostly involved in with the students and they've correlated with the with the school the teachers um and then they're actually going to be on Saturday the 20th over at Echo Hill um there's an Earth Day celebration going on there um where they'll have a table with activities for children and such um to promote Earth Day that way is the tree planting being um advertised to the people from the community with now um I can double check with them uh they're they're meeting is later this week however um I think you know mostly it's it's just organized throughout the school the school kids come out and do um sort of a ceremony there um but I can get further details on that if you're interested Miss Stuart I can uh reach out to you once I talk to them well I just know that as a tree City we are required to have something from the municipality and I just would like to see that there might be a wider an attempt to get wider participation from residents not just sure I mean my my assumption is that with the school you know for security concerns they're they're probably keeping it somewhat limited but um I can ask them about anything else coming up moving forward for the rest of the community sure thing may I add that the the Earth Day celebration on the 21st at the park is going to be including um giveaways of some seedlings for for anybody body that participates and as well the shade tree commission has generously donated a tree in memory of Edna pedric um for the fling house so that's actually just the the end of our rain month so a tree will be planted at the fling house in her honor you're welcome the other thing I wanted on run tap into or something I got the impression that there was going to be a discussion about water allotments when is that going to take place I'm sorry on the water what Lois allotments for how you allocate water out for future developers and how far ahead they're going to be able to tie up our water supply oh yeah there's gonna we do um there's gonna I think we're gonna I I know that there was some issues I think we're going to be talking about that um maybe a little later it's not on the agenda because BEC Chris it's not on the agenda because we had some issues with um coming up with that point right that date you want to answer that the um the uh M post for the timing of it um Alex from my office who handles most of our water issues with the the Bros engineer Cherry boat um spent some time even today quite a bit of time last week working on this I I discussed you may or discussed with Council angle heart as well we have I have some new language that they they've come up with on their third huddle on this it's not easy um to come up with the exact language as to when the time frame should be um but I like what they' come up with thus far and I think that we'll have something for the next meeting so the next meeting we'll be introducing something in your you believe this is pretty close there some good points that I think councilwoman angelart has brought up to me that we're going to take a look at that was on Friday um so I think that that'll be sort of the the trajectory of this um but we should ask move for the next meeting spice um grandpa so it doesn't affect them so right okay okay M Miss Lois so the next meeting will'll probably be introducing something that's got a timeline is that it we're good is there anybody online that's got their hand up no but Bill is on now oh good all right um all right thank you for letting me know that because we'll get to that in a second um approval of minutes can I have a motion for the special session meeting minutes of March 5 2024 follow move is there a second second uh roll call please I'm sorry yeah go ahead yes Council fararo yes council president long yes councilman parer yes and Council vice president yes okay um there's nothing under the consent agenda um before we do the introduction of the ordinance bill um Hance I know you missed the presentation um on the pilot um at least I think you did I'm not positive if you did I just um wanted to know if you had any questions or issues or concerns regarding it is Bill on yeah he just became a panelist okay he has to unmute oh bill you got to unmute can you hear me yes we can he you okay yeah I heard a portion of it but um is there a way I can get an actual copy or something of that to review oh yeah absolutely I could send it to you in the morning okay yeah and then I'll review it and I'll see if I have any questions great if you do um we're gonna introduce it tonight and then uh we'll make sure whatever whatever you have any concerns um we'll get them addressed okay um yeah that would be good um and Bill if you can um hang out with us if it's possible for the library discussion that would be great um all right so item number 12 introduction ordinance uh the first item agenda is ordinance 20246 an ordinance of the Bureau of Flemington approving long-term tax exemptions for and the execution of financial agreements with uh um one HBC Liberty Town Homes urban renewal LLC two HBC Liberty veterans urban renewal LLC and three HBC Liberty commercial urban renewal LLC in connection with the Redevelopment project to be undertaken by such entities and Affiliates in authorizing pledge agreements and other documents in connection with the issuance by the burre of its Redevelopment area Bonds in an amount not to exceed 500,000 to finance a portion of the cost of such Redevelopment project and determining various other matters in Con in connection therewith can I have a motion to in is there a second angle heart will second um just before the before we do the roll call Jim Fon can you please explain for the record um regarding the Redevelopment area bonds the $500,000 how that in layman's terms how that works um to assuage any fears from the public that we are paying for any p por of this Redevelopment certainly uh can you all hear me I I stepped outside of my car I just want to make sure you can hear me yes yes okay good so uh Redevelopment area bonds are a financing vehicle um that would basically have a set of bonds in this case no more than $500,000 that would be paid in exclusively by a portion of the uh payment in Le of taxes that would be assessed against the town homes portion the numbers that were previously discussed about the rates of pilot regard the net amount to the burrow in addition to those amounts the 104 um non-aff town home units will be assessed a charge equal to The Debt Service component for the payment those RAB bonds so even though they are issued by the municipality they are payable by the municipality solely from and to the extent of of that supplemental pilot payment that will be assessed against those 104 U affordable units um it is in a sense an alternate financing vehicle uh by having $500,000 of the project cost being financed in this manner um the U developer had has $500,000 less of bank loans to take out or Equity to contribute um and it is also a required component where um certain terms of the pilot are uh required and and in this instance the terms of the pilot required the use of RAB Bonds in the process um and as a final step I will say that a condition to the issuance of these RAB bonds is that at the appropriate time uh the issuance will be subject to the review by the New Jersey local Finance board and their um you know they their their oversight function largely is to ensure that there isn't any um undue effect on the municipality and that the project feasability is such that the RAB bonds are likely to be repayed so that's my report thank you very much uh roll call please Carla counc yes Council forar yes council president long yes and councilman Parker yes and Council vice president Rosetti yes thank you item number two ordinance 20247 and ordinance amending chapters 4 licensing 12 Land Development definitions and 26 zoning to to clarify Cottage food establishments as a permitted use in the Bureau of Flemington can I have a motion to introduce please remove is there a second second roll call please yesc yes president long yesman Parker yes Council vice president yes okay thank you item number eight we have a public hearing tonight ordinance 20245 and okay when's the public hearing for that oh I'm sorry um you tell me uh April 20 the ordinance for 20246 will be ready and we'll be do the public hearing when he has his approval or when Jim Fon says it's okay ordinance 20247 should be April 29th right 22nd April 22nd okay thank you thank you uh okay uh public hearing ordinance 20245 in ordinance amending chapters two Administration and three police regulations to clarify the event permitting procedure in the Bureau of Flemington this is a public hearing can I have a motion to open to the public is there a second second all in favor I I thank you any members of the public wishing to make any comments regarding ordinance 20245 um please come forward to raise your hand if you're online anybody in the audience out there council president could you explain what the changes are uh I'm going to request that the soon to be Sergeant um MCN explain what this is going to do for us got um so basically this is a culmination of over the last uh 18 months we've been revamping how events are organized and permitted within the buau um essentially the way the old regulation was uh applicants filled out a parade permit um for events through the police department um and then plan was being done on that end vendor permitting was coming through Burl hall for food trucks uh information was being requested from the DPW and there was a lot of um different hands in the pot per se um so what we did is made one centralized application that starts and ends at Burrow Hall so that any event that's happening in the burrow the application comes out of burall it's then distributed from burall to the Public Safety professionals uh the DPW the fire department as needed and then uh the department heads can comment on that the applicant gets the questions back the questions come back to Burl Hall the permit is then issued from here so that the staff at Burl Hall who responsible for the food vendor licensing any of the fire inspections that need to happen at the event are aware that the event is occurring and that it's permitted properly so that uh inspections can be scheduled and that the proper fees are being collected so it just pretty much um tightens up how and when event permits are issued any other questions from the public or comments anybody online Carla yep no questions thank you all right can I have a motion to close the public hearing move second all in favor I have a motion to adopt resolution 20245 um a second yeah Council any any discussion roll call please Council yes Council yes council president La uh yes councilman Parker yes Council vice president yes okay under regular agenda item 14 we have a series of promotions within the police department these are um some of them are several years overdue unfortunately but I want to say thank you to uh councilman Parker for getting this um these things uh ramped up so uh resolution 2024 st64 resolution authorizing the promotion of Sergeant Michael marish to the rank of Lieutenant within the Flemington Police Department I have a motion please Parker there a second second discussion roll call councilwoman Englehart yes Council woman pasaro yes council president law yes councilman Parker yes and uh Council vice president yes yes motion passes resolution 20 2465 resolution authorizing the promotion Corporal Lou heri into the rank of Sergeant within the Flemington Police Department can I have a motion please there a second discussion roll Callan mle yes Council yes council president long yes councilman Parker yes and Council vice president rosti yes Okay resolution 2024 66 resolution authorizing the promotion of Corporal Bradley Bowman to the rank of Sergeant within the Clemington Police Department can I have a motion please second please any discussion roll call engart yes councilwoman farara yes council president long yes councilman Parker yes and Council vice president pres yes thank you resolution 20 2467 we want to table this yeah EX resolution authorizing the promotion of Corporal Brian MC to the rank uh the promotion of Corporal Ryan mcnell to the rank of Sergeant within the Flemington Police Department can I have a motion please moves a second second any discussion you guys call really go ahead he's Mee roll call Carla leart yes counc fararo yes council president long yes councilman Parker yes Council vice president yes congratulations Sergeant resolution 202468 resolution authorizing the promotion of patrolman Dustin kid to the rank of corpal within the Flemington Police Department could have a motion please is there a second discussion roll call please uh councilwoman in yes counc forar yes president wall yes councilman Parker yes Council vice president yes resolution 20 2469 resolution approving the hiring of a police secretary um just in case anybody didn't know our our let our secretary left uh her position so this is a replacement can I have a motion please there a second L second any discussion roll call Englehart yes councilwoman fararo yes council president long yes Council Parker yes Council vice president presting yes thank you uh number 10 resolution 2024-the approval to submit an award extension request for La 2022 ma Flemington burough William Street Road Improvement project 10 to the New Jersey Department of Transportation um just to let you all know if you didn't know um this road um we have a grant from the dot to do this overlay which has been done I mean this road it pre-exists me it's been done a number of times um suddenly the Department of Environmental Protection is requiring us to do an archaeological on this road so we need an extension and it's really out of control down in Trenton can I have a motion please on move is there a second uh any discussion roll call please what what triggers a an archaeological uh uh review we have no idea why they are doing this honestly councilwoman it is out of the blue um we've had this award for two years um do authorized to put it out to bid and all of a sudden um our engineer received notice from uh the state archaeological division under of DP that they were requiring an archaeological and again this road pre-exists my life it has been um Mill and paved I don't even know how many times they expecting something down there I don't know they're just in my my opinion there's nobody watching that hand house down in Trenton right now I mean d is really requiring way more than they've ever required before so is it a random or is it a could it be just the r you know luck of the draw like they they're just like you're required to you know re do reassessment every five years is it is it something that's random and we just got dumb luck um our engineer Terry vot is completely befuddled about this and he's beside himself as well I mean he just really he's very very very upset and uh no it's I don't think so I I don't know is there a process of appeal or can we ask Terry if there's a process of appeal well we can try but we got to get this thing passed tonight and then hold curious if we could ask Terry I mean I we can ask him I really don't know I I mean this is this just came out of the blue wow it's a shame they never call they never ask questions just out of the blue but when you open Pandora's Box be careful all I right okay roll call please councilwoman yes councilwoman faar yes council president yes councilman Parker yes and Council vice president coretti yes okay um resolution 202 2471 uh um I'd like to have this discussed um I guess let's do a motion and a and a second so we can discuss it because we can always table the vote um or or um table the vote definitely can I have a motion please may yeah I don't think this resolution yeah we didn't do a resolution oh that's interesting because this is on my agenda from whenever you sent it to me to print out Carla so was that off right for it but you're not ready right well the version well there's got to be a discussion about it so okay so there is no resolution for them to vote on um because I just you know I brought my agenda here so um all right so we're gonna have is it on the agenda to have a discussion about it no may I just move on from this it's gonna be okay so um Chris how do I proceed on this please just ignore mayor just go forward it shouldn't just there's no resolution okay thank you okay so um the library has work to do it is a commission and they are using their own money however um because they are coming through the buau um Bill Hance our CFO cannot certify their funds our attorney who I'm I'm going to allow copious conversation with um and our CFO both believe that the library should be handling this in a different manner um through a dedication by Ryder uh which is you know a very technical way to handle one of our commissions or boards paying so it actually creates more work for our CFO but it is a safer mechanism for the library um to present the funds to the bureau and let our CFO certify them and that he would be handling the bills um attorney crini do you want to explain this a little bit further or or CFO hands either one may I just you know the library conducted this bid here um and we're just working on a way to to award it um we have more work to do on it I don't have much more to say than that so what are they doing it's a repairs window there's window glazing repair that's one of the items um and I think I'm not sure if everybody on Council or in the room understands and Chris you'll correct me I'm sure or Bill the money comes from the funds on hand very nice to the library but I think because it is a public building it still would have to filter through some sort of Channel within our B government for payment I don't think we should be discussing until um Chris figures it out okay okay um Bill Hans do you have anything you want to just comment about how a dedication by writer Works he's not on yes yes oh he's not on now may I really do think that um we should not be disc they did where wait I don't think wait wait he can explain what explain what a writer is cany Chris yeah I really do think mayor we should probably discuss this a little bit more before we discuss it here we we have a couple moving Parts here that we that we discussed uh you me Carla and Bill last week I just think it's premature I think we be their next meeting so okay all right so at the next meeting it'll be ready to go you think something will be ready to go I think so like I said there's some some I want to review with regards uh to a couple prior procurements where we left this on Friday so prior procurements by the library in years past okay we're gonna get this on the agenda in some capacity for April 22nd okay okay um okay and uh Chris and or Bill I would ask you to have conversations with the with councilwoman fararo who is the library Commission leaon she fully understands what's going on so she can communicate that properly with the library board so okay moving on the agenda we don't have a work session we do have public comment session number two uh does anybody from the public have any comments or questions again I can't see um council president does anybody have their hands up uh yes Miss Stewart has her okay go ahead Miss Stewart Miss Stewart president flemingon burrow I just have a question about the police department I love the police but the thing is if my memory serves me correctly some number of years ago there was a resolution I think it was resolution passed by the C then Council as to the makeup of the police department corre and what does how does how do these promotions it falls right in line with that falls in line you have so many sergeants you have so many corporals and you have so many lieutenant and so these promotions abely support that anybody else from the public anybody online Carla Jerry um I just like to thank Council and mayor for moving forward with the promotions U well needed and well deserved by the officers and we look forward to having the saring in ceremony and moving forward thank you again con thank you okay the last item on the agenda is Robin has her hand up okay this is I have to tell you it's very annoying that I can't see the audience and I know we always get to have the audience VI so I apologize Robin no worries it's Robin lus executive director of the Flemington Community Partnership I just wanted I waited for the second comment period to officially thank um Sergeant mcnali for his incredible help with our um very very successful easter event some of our businesses said it felt like a second Christmas for them and they were just amazed by the 200 plus families with kids that came um and pretty much did a scavenger hunt through the businesses and we were very grateful to have the C volunteers who I think crossed people at five or six intersections and it was just um it was a wonderful day on Main Street and we're very grateful and I also wanted to thank the chief and and um all of the uh Flemington Police Department for increasing their uh visits to our businesses we've had many businesses call us to say how wonderful it's been to have the officers coming in and being present on a regular basis so we really appreciate that and um we're looking forward to a great uh spring thank you thank you um and please don't take this as a criticism Robin I was lunch Shaker Cafe that day and they didn't know anything about what was going on they kept saying to me there's so many people on me today there's so many kids what's going on so I think that when we do stuff like this the businesses that aren't direct participants really need to know also because they had an uptick I believe they had an uptick I'm sure a lot of the restaurants had an uptick in business they need to be prepared as well so um you know I mean like it would be good not a criticism I just think that I understand that AR yeah so we're we're we're hoping that as the level of activity increases will'll have better Communications in both directions yep okay thank you so much thanks anybody else that I've missed out there Carla nope okay I do not have the amount of money for the bills so there's no B okay well that would explain why I don't have an amount of money so that would be is that is did I miss anything else on the agenda anything else come out Carla no okay so that's it uh we do not have an executive session tonight um I want to thank everybody uh for calling in if you were traveling or sick or whatever and uh thank you to the council can I have a motion to adjourn second all in favor thank you have a great night travel Mara thank you thank you YouTu Liv in uh in Trent where