good I'm calling this meeting to order everybody Rion of the open public meetings law the meeting of April 22 2024 was included the list of meetings no Democrat and Cur on January 3224 posted on the bulletin board at B Hall on that date and has remained continuously posted as required when a copy of this notice is and has been available to the public and is on file in the office of the B clerk never W call please sure councilwoman Englehart here councilwoman P here councilman L here council president long here councilman Parker here Council vice president Rosetti mayor I'm here um I have a work session um I do uh want to move one uh I have two Chang to amend the agenda one is I just want to add to the executive session an update Ona um and then the other thing is um the introduction of um uh introduction ordinance 20241 which is number nine to have that follow the executive session I have a to please second favor thank you um okay uh so I just wanted a couple of updates there was a pre construction kickoff meeting last Tuesday on 4 16 with Nila um PSNS our architectural firm in clington burough I believe my Champion was there and I believe maybe somebody from the police department uh on Friday um the 19th NE picked up recept signed and seal drawing permitting currently NE is submitting allal PSNS for review a permits the DPW was working on getting the survey done of the property for the easement uh to 12 uh to local surveyor Dave Norton um we should have that within a couple weeks um I also want you know that Governor M personally contacted me about a week and a half ago uh before any public announcements that we had received a full amount of $1.42 five million from the FEA HUD VI Academy Street it is outright grant money um this is I can't stand enough about jingon Vernick for writing this you know I when I proposed them two years ago I told you all that they were extraordinary at sewer work and all their connections with EPA and DP and that they were they're amazing at getting this money but this one really surprised even me uh so um that award will be coming in soon we did get paper notice of that uh two days ago I think Friday um but um it was very nice to the governor to personally reach out and let me know um I did let the council president know right away and wanted to surprise you all because you know this is you know on the big list of all of the DPW Pro projects this came in absolutely last because of this small amount of territory it really affects and it was painful for all of us to like know people are hurting and we just don't have money to do that and then do something like Main Street in the sewer which is you know that's everybody and so um I mean this is great this is great and I just want to fortunately thank Terry vote and his team that wrote this Grant and they said you know he kept telling us he was very confident that he really believed that it hit every Bell and whistle and my gosh is sure did so um it's really exciting um also uh the parking committee um my little my little subcommittee met last week for the first time uh Council woman's uh women um withar and angle heart as well as um playing Bo M Jim Hill myself and professionals uh Jerry Rell U my Campion Jay Troutman and uh Beth mcmah were all pres our attorney was busy writing ordinances for us so so he could could D out um so it was a very good meeting um uh a lot of assignments went out including um uh some of us are going to be doing a major drive around the town on Friday looking at um parking issues places where we could get some more parking spaces get people off the street um the chief is investigating um different kinds of parking meter potentials um J troutman's got a lot of assignments on uh finding out what's going on with future parking in the union Hotel parking lot are they going to charge people who go there for dinner are they charging over a guest Hotel know are they charging people for a parking spot um if they have an apartment come to the second one go to cost we need to know these things so we can put them all into the mix so uh we'll be meeting again in the middle of May uh and moving this along everybody's got to have their assignments done and back to the group um for that meeting and um finally there's a lot of ordinances that state has been requiring us to do and deal with oh there was a second to tell you also about um um uh there's another one coming which is a tree ordinance that is also now mandated by the state um that's supposed to be supposed to be uh introduced and in by may but there's no enforcement in the in the state law uh they just want to know we're working on it there's no like they can't come after us if we haven't done they just you know it's just typical DP stuff so um shade tree has gone through it very diligently and um environmental commission um wanted to have a conversation with shade tree the chairs so I think we're going to be you know and and councilwoman Rosetti who is a very diligently Le a on shade tree you know they has indicated to me multiple times that they really want to have a big conversation about what we want to do so that's all on me because I've been like busy with a million other little things here but um you know we are moving that along and hopefully we can have something introduced in May I think is you know because everybody seems to think at the state ordinance it's probably easier to just adop it maybe they can even a little stricter uh as far as these inlies go um and then the only other thing I wanted to tell you is that can cormic our fire marshal important me that um our multi family home inspector uh has retired and do not he in blue killed and does not want to drive to Flemington anymore so he is not going to do our inspections any longer this is a very hard position to keep there are very few multifamily home inspectors the state inspector is currently doing our inspections I asked um one of the things about our inspections is that under the law every multif family home has to be inspected every I think it's like two years or four years and we've been paying inspectors to just inp but we have not been paying inspectors to do summons and so uh Ken is working out an hourly rate so that when there are um infringements found uh when there are you know 15 people living in a one bedroom house are found and uh our police officer in the back think of multiple places that this is happing we actually have somebody can go into the summons um right now we don't and none of our inspectors have been willing to do summonses so it's been an issue um right because we don't pay for that it's not in their contract we're get that fixed with this next round and get this under control uh at the request of both police department and our Fire Marshall um so that's the end of my report uh council president skip we don't have a work session oh we do have a work session I'm sorry oh right I'm so sorry I just skip over it is who's on for for this uh Terry hi Terry let me make I know you I would said such nice things about you bring him in who else I did I can't read who's Mark Mark is with his team okay well I assume it's not like what's the last more hu b a l yeah he's with Terry I don't know who joris is Terry just he's on mute Terry you're on mute thank you hey everybody can you hear me from your team besides Mark all right I have two people here tonight uh I see Mark Hubble Mark is our paa specialist um one of my other staffers is watching the meeting uh his name is James orus Jim we don't have to make him a panelist yes please okay yes it's not on the agenda but uh in addition to talking about funding for posos if the burrow has time we'd like to talk briefly about the uh the Le galvaniz service lines as well because that's another deadline and that's also ick uh Mark is here uh to talk about posos he's our specialist um to give everybody background posos are toxic compounds which entered uh Public Water Supplies including Flemington um and there's uh three or two chemical companies that believe 3M and Dupont uh for which class action suits were filed and one and claims are being taken against both companies uh Mark is working with an attorney hired by the burrow I believe Mr Sullivan uh to make sure that uh we have adequate claims in on both uh for any money that we do not get uh towards do doing the necessary work um New Jersey ibank is offering Blended low loans longterm including a minimum 50% principal forgiveness um so they're basically paying at least half of it possibly more um if we can get the principal forgiveness and the low interest loan and hopefully clay money hopefully most of the cost will not be on the Barrow dime uh and again uh Mark is our expert we've had meetings offline with both Mike Campion uh and Josh Parks talking about the work um we just have to make application right now okay anything else no well the other thing again uh there is another mandate that Flemington and other Water Supplies have which deals with lead and galvanized Services I believe this has been discussed at past meetings uh that's another one where you have a 2031 deadline to complete all the work which seems far away uh but we really have to get going in terms of planning design permitting um getting the work lined up uh again this is also I bank this would be minimum 50% principal forgiveness Blended low low into flown on the balance uh Jim Morris is here I believe um our discussion with Mike Campion and Josh on this was to get the process started um we have to get into permitting we have to do investigations to quantify the service lines and to to determine per state protocol um what lines are LED and have to be replaced and what lines don't uh there's a very strict process you're basically guilty until proven innocent with regard to these various Services uh if you cannot prove that they're not lead based in in some form um D and EPA is ultimately going to require the burrow uh to replace the service so we're actually looking to make ibank applications on both projects anybody have any questions all okay that's all I have mayor okay thank you all so much thanks again for the P Street money Sr pleasure it's nice getting money yes it is thank you take care everybody all right thanks um all right council president your report uh I honestly don't have uh much to report uh this this time besides the fact that as the OEM coordinator pointed out we've been lucky um storm and Disaster free for two weeks that's all vice president resti thank you mayor yes so um shade tree they are having their Arbor Day tree planting this Friday the 26th at 1M I did confirm the public is welcome to attend since it's being held Outdoors um at rius though um also they have an upcoming event dedicating the Holly treats Miss Edna petrick uh that will be held on Mother's Day weekend but this Saturday so May 11th um I believe that's also at 1 pm I have it my notes here and then um lastly I just want to say thank you so much to uh everyone who did the tidy up to keran Park this weekend I'm sure miss anglehart is gonna give more details on that too but um it really was a great day so thank you to K councilwoman Englehart as well as our americore ambassador Julia Whitley from our community here um we did amazing amazing work there at the park it's looking great so thank you all and that's it question the the tree planning for and pedric at um PL cast yes it is yes sorry yes it is sorry yes great thank you so much uh let me see where last week I went this way okay um councilman Le thank you um we had a busy month for the HPC they reviewed five applications and I'm looking forward to seeing all those improvements and as always thank the homeowners that come in and work with them to improve their buildings and you know honoring and maintaining our historic character uh we had a presentation there from um George lone about uh preserving One Church Street in there they're happy to see what's going to happen with that and they are still looking for volunteers for the historic House tours on June 1st and uh just as a reminder if you get a volunteer you get a free ticket and we'll say I did do it last year I'm going to do it again this year and I thought it was really good so think about doing it and over the weekend I had the uh honor of being a site leader for the Aman headquarters uh stream cleanup over at the old a site um whatever does anybody know what the name of that stream is over there yeah I said that's the Bush kill Creek well that's where I was and uh me and some volunteers cleaned up over 850 pieces of trash they did a fantastic job and uh I want to thank the DPW for picking that up today and uh lastly just wanted to say um yeah coun woman angelart and Rosetti did a great job with the uh tid over at thank you so much uh Cel Parker welcome back yeah thank you I think lag um yeah so so just a couple of things I did attend the construction meeting construction meeting police dep yeah yeah to ask a lot of question questions just to make sure that everybody was talking the same language on the same page and having the same deadlines um so I'm pretty confident in that I like both parties they you know they both have this I think they have a good Synergy I really do so I'm really happy that we just kicked off um also so we are um I I thank you Chris crini for going over that letter we I'm working with the police chief and he wants to send a couple letters to about the car show and parking and also about the beard and attendance and so we I asked Chris cini if he could um uh take a look at the letters and give us some advice and we sent it back and I think that was just one thing that I saw that needed to be add that's just about the ordinance and I think that's perfect we need to get this all under control and make sure that it's people are following our rules as opposed to doing whatever they want um the other thing I do and unfortunately I don't have the letter I thought I had it but uh one of our officers uh Nick civa um apparently there was someone who had a um a mental um health issue a mental health issue and Nick was able to bring that person down and get that person care that they needed and the person actually wrote Nick civa thank you for helping him out so you know one of the things things about Community you know I'm so big on community policing and it's starting to happen and I hope you guys have seen the police come around and if you haven't you will be seeing around in your neighborhoods but I know that they're stangle and I know they're starting to walk up Main Street but this is why Community Police is so important because people began to get to meet the officers and understand they're not just there to arrest them or to give them a hard time to actually support them and support the neighborhood and get them the resources they need so I'm extremely proud of that and I will make sure that we have the letters matter of fact I wanted him to come tonight and he's actually are so um I'm going to ask him to come to the next meeting so we can read the letters for you guys to give him some acces for that other than that that is it for me great thank you s okay this this is my big update here so planning board because the planning board has a bit of a lag and the meetings are always the day after Council meetings my reports are always going to be a few weeks behind there's no way around it so just letting you know there's been two things that have been approved March 26 um the planning board Mar uh mayor Carol and myself were recused from that uh they have approved Golden Heart homes which is a privately owned um daycare center basically and uh home health care aids uh to come in to 47 m Avenue and they will be they've been approved uh on variance with variances to provide education vocation social skills training and volunteer work to development F delayed adults 21 and over there will be 28 individuals at in this program there's no end dat or aging out it's they can stand there as long as they want to um there is no time no plan of is time to actually expand their footprint within the facility um so that you know by all intents and for what has been stated in the numerous meetings it will stay right there at 28 um part of that was hearing that there were 397 individuals in fer and count who could potentially use this service but um one of the people that testified on behalf of this business um they weren't quite sure of how many people actually lived in Flemington um so I'm not positive or or quite certain that there will be any kind of set asides for burrow residents who could actually use the service of which one of my neighbors has some you know three three doors up who would actually be per f for this program so I'm sorry I just want to make sure I understand there's something that's being approved to come into the bur but it's not necessarily going to benefit the Burl is that what well I think the understanding was because we're we are the county seat and um because there are 397 individuals and Fund in county that yes it would I guess benefit F and there were some questions it will benefit uh but there's no set asides for it no we we already have two of two facilities here High Point and allies are already both facilities and we're tou as one literally on our border on gr buard so um let once again that's you know so we get all the County and well just to be clear this is a private business so they reach out into Social Services of New Jersey New Jersey social services and New Jersey Social Services says we really need this we really need this program um so this private business which to date has really only been like in home care visiting they're now going to be opening um this facility at huning County and I think they also stated that they have one um in Freehold and one in Long Branch so it's coming and it's approved and it was a um in the 2022 master plan I don't think that it was definitely like defined for this use and then in September of 2023 there were four ordinances by the prior seed Council which gave this one spe where this is uh really wanted to use for things to do things to do as for the one of the places where you all change the Zoning for to the entertainment big box research yeah um activity Sports whatever so this is a d varant yeah so that's one and then two um we had an approval again mayor Carol and I were recused from this one as well Burk Appliance location so if you think at the end of stangle Road and M Street you Appliance building down there that will now be um that is now going to be Apartments some mixed use it will be two buildings three stories each um they actually were able to reduce the units by one in order to give um that way they didn't have to go for additional variants and to me the I think the parking requirements are been brought so that one is approved and um that's that's it on planning board so I'm sorry how many how many many pH it's going to be two buildings three stories big nine nine apartments and then there's the other building just lower like an L shape development but I think the Park's going to be behind um to do it was also yeah was a de So So currently the master plan allows currently the master plan allows the two-story buildings can go up to three stories if they put retail on the first floor of one of the buildings so they're going to put a small two small stores on mine Street and that allowed them to go three stories up in another a brand new building as well as whatever they're going to build infrastructure to support that that's a really good question running a Housing Authority well my C very Leed about parking on and was the um the variance was for parking on the first floor correct that was the only variant that they were they were um they were uh seeking they they met the parking requirements for the number of units but they but the variance was for parking on the first floor because they wanted to have the parking in the back building on the first floor is that correct there was only one variant that was being Sol no there no what a d Vari so I didn't right I know so I can't I I thought I was I I was under the impression when I first read about it that the variance was only for the location of the parking not the amount of parkings needed so I think they met their parking requirement from what I understand but I would I'd love to get an update on that if we could um just to make that to make it so we all understand and make it to uh other than to to just let you guys know with the library um I will be reaching out to Mr Parker to discuss the call box access for the police department um we've been awake since yeah yeah so the call box is basically if there's an alarm is set off a burglary alarm is set off um right now we're a fire Mark the fire department can get into a for some reason our Police Department can't get into that call box and so and there's only been like two calls or in the past maybe in the past year maybe two calls in the library so it's not a big deal but the last time they had to call one of the employees and the employee said no way it's 12:30 at night and I'm not coming down there um and I don't think anybody here wants me try and play police it's only two blocks away to come down and do it either so we'll work to get you guys the police department the access to do that silly little thing right thank you now woman angle um thank you um I wasn't I wasn't planning on mentioning this but um uh councilwoman Rosetti mentioned the Mother's Day Afternoon key at the Fleming um Sam Fleming house it is uh there is a the the um honoring um Edna pedri that is from 1 pm to 400 pm on Saturday May 11 um uh and with that um dedication to Edna as well so love to see you there um the fluming house this week including uh last day of tomorrow um has been just amazing the volunteers have hosted over 525 students teachers and Shop rooms in four days they have um uh uh toured around all the fifth graders from rius it's a traditional um field trip for these kids every year and they get very excited about it I was honored to um be there last week um they asked really tough questions um and they were just amazing the more importantly I want to thank particularly um Kelly and the other um really dedicated um volunteers of the Samuel Fleming house um these ladies um have do 16 tours per day times four days from 8:00 a. to almost 3 o'clock in the afternoon I did it one day and my feet were killing me I know how they did and they're dressed up in all Colonial Garb so it was it's fabulous um and we're really grateful for that and a great Le aison project with us and the um School District um Council woman um uh Rosetti also mentioned the two comman tidy up I want to thank all the volunteers that came over um specifically I want to thank um uh a teacher um Andrew um Avalon who is the habitat Club advisor for um Central High School and there um about 8 to 10 um high school students came over they were amazing they were the by far the biggest volunteer group they um um and all all of the all of the um volunteers were amazing but in particular um the Veron Valley Habitat for Humanity group um led by Tameron gilo um Jessica Abbott who happens to be also a a Flemington resident so thank you Jessica um got these kids over they um all the all the um volunteers they you know they did weeding um we spread mulch on the two playgrounds uh weeded everything um uh we repaired um the broken um railroad ti so there's no impalement um possibilities from from uh U you know old um rebar sticking out [Laughter] we got that no kids are G to get in pale um we collected garbage we threw out the um the old soccer net uh uh all three of them that were there since Co the kids were going through pricker bushes pilling Nets out and then this morning all the DPW guys you have a big thank you because then they went out and picked up all the garbage and cut up those those um uh tcer net so I have a thank you also I want to personally thank the Whitley um engleheart and bretti families because we were out there and and donated stuff um but most importantly uh Julia Whitley um who was the representative from and I want to get this right uh americ or um uh sorry the americ she's an americor ambassador for the um New Jersey uh ge and Water Survey uh program she documented what we did yesterday we collected 288 pounds of bag trash including large pieces of De debris two tires two reg uh three regulation soccer goals and Nets that I I mentioned volleyball net a car battery um home plates um a post driver and boogie boards 60 pounds of recycling and 247 pounds of weeds and debris we also painted three um picnic tables repaired three benches replaced the rotting um uh ra ties as I mentioned and spread M um at the swing set and the playground so please everybody get your kids out there and enjoy it and I do want to have a shout out to um councilman Rosetti um she can swing a sledgehammer like nobody's business and uh I have the we have the uh you know the photography to prove it I do I do she great um very quickly um I know it's on the agenda today the um the the consent agenda for the fireworks um so the uh date is July 3rd with the rain date July 5th um we are currently soliciting donations the fireworks committee and have gotten several um uh commitments but we still need a few more uh a few more donations to put us um within our budgetary goal as well um uh Please be aware that the high school is doing a new superintendent search right now um so please check out the um cal high school um website because there's been a lot of meetings Zoom meetings to kind of get familiar with the candidates that are being um interviewed for that process so thank you can I say one more thing so I just want everybody to know the newsletter is out printed out there and Jeremy has I'm asking all the council members to take a bunch and test around in your neighborhoods um I think it's important and Rob's going to work with me on getting into the businesses I really like all of them to get out this time um we got a plan so I need they're out there they in your office closet okay so we'll we'll I'll ask car to pull them out until we leave um so if you guys because I'd like to get out because this newslet focused on us and professionals um not that that's is the important thing I just want everybody to know who we are um and the last thing is that we are going to plan the plan the um swearing and ceremony of the promotions for the police officers so may may 1 5 May 5 at the storm stor see what happens when I'm gone I got the thank you for doing that I appreciate so May 1 store house do okay thank you okay um all right I just um before we get off Council angle Hearts I just do want to give a shout out to marcan who has been hustling for donations um to Banks and cardo ships and Shop right uh and our one neighboring municipality so uh he's been keeping me prized about you know every B $1,000 donation he's been able to get so he's been working really hard and um trying to get the donations to cover this Fe so um okay we're up to public comment period number one minutes you have longer at the end I be very Qui can you hear me for posterity okay so very quickly we had our first sipping stroll it was freezing people came bundled up um everyone was it was really very warm and very welcoming people were thrilled to see each other they were thrilled to go into the coffee shop they were thrilled to go into the greenhouse home and garden shop which is brand new it was um it was really sweet and community and um a lovely event and it bodess well for the future we also had um wonderful police detail at that event and um you know uh it was it was really great everyone felt very comfortable and very excited about um the new developments and the new level of activity where they or return to a level of activity that was sorely missing um without an anchor business and coffee shop is Anchor business in our community it's really important that we have these anchor businesses um for our next SI and strol which is the third Thursday in may we are talking to some of our Latin businesses about doing a extended sort of Cinco Deo thank you Tony for your uh insistence that we work harder and and smarter and um so we are actually working with Vana Fern who probably everybody knows for her delicious Tes Lees and uh other cakes and she's helping us to coordinate this so I think it's going to be great and you know we we don't have a sidewalk sale on Main Street until um may they were we were a little sad that we couldn't get one happening in April but we hope that that's a return to um some more ity for the businesses on Main Street it has been an incredibly quiet time you know since the winter for our businesses so um you know we we really need our community to come back out and chop and and we do something in conjunction with the townwide yard sale and which is the first weekend in May and get the businesses to maybe put stuff out there too and have a promoted you because I don't think we put in this newsletter so if you canot it have that date on our calar yeah it's the whatever the first weekend in second and third something I mean we are nonstop from Memorial Day Weekend forward to Christmas we have so many they know like you know it's a nice partnership to have the businesses put out do a sidewalk sale since there's the toyard drive sale and you know like I said if you can promote that on your site sure get it out to your people good Synergy Rob when's the next step be uh not until the third week of next yeah my suggestion would be is just send email out um and just we follow it up follow I actually think that's a great idea I think that would really work something abut well they they want they want to do more you know what you got give some of the reasons why it was quiet we had a lot of brain on Saturdays and Sundays in April so even if they have because I know that um tried to have something and it rain Ian I so bad for it she had been planning this a long time you know obviously weather does something with it but I really want to say thank you for reaching out to the Latin Community that's so important and I keep getting feedback from them so thank you thank I would say let's just just um I'd be interested kind of just keep me informed on who is saying yes and who is not responding so I can jump on that sounds good goe I just wanted to mention last year there was a lot of requests to post the locations of the yard sale um at addresses um and I think we did that online somehow on Facebook and I'm wondering if we could coordinate that again I don't think I was here but I don't remember I honestly don't remember how it was done but we did post it somehow um do they have to register with the town they don't I think I think last year what we did is said if you want us to advertise where you're located drop it was there was a reach out to Town Hall if you want your I mean you know we can put together Carl and I can put together I'm happy to take I can I'm happy to work with Carla and put it on the Facebook page and with Tren on the on the website if that's okay with everyone right just to at least if they register with us we will advertise your location and we can coordinate with I'm happy to take that on if you would like so there two things um last week I went to the te Arts Festival oh I heard the teen Arts Festival came back to hunon County hasn't been in hunon county in decades and um uh cultural and Heritage brought it back to the library it was spectacular and I went for all of the um the rius and the 100 Central bands playing uh and it was pretty impressive and then was one of the adjudicator of the of the owner of the new coffee shop and he and I were so impressed by the jazz bands from H Central they were so incredible and it was uh recruiting we were talking about having you know I mean the kids were I mean really really talented and and certainly you know speaking my language so oh my God it was it was amazing amazing so um the other thing Robin is um food truck ordinance are we going to see a version of do we have to do it ourselves uh we we've tinkered with one but we we've got to raise the fees got to raise the fees when when Ramis is paying $7,000 a year in taxes and a piece of food truck can pay $250 and go unlimited by By Invitation no it's not right it's not right un Unlimited in terms of days and location it's not right so we got we've got to get that addressed soon or rather than later by 101 please yeah no it's it's bad no per time it would be better 250 per time but it's 250 for an entire 75 as we always say because we do try to limit uh the number of food trucks we have at like a sip and stroll and we try to complement um a food type that's not U aail able in brick and mortar you know brick and mortars pay for food whether it rains snows pours nobody comes in they have a lot of overhead right and a lot of staff and they have to always be prepared and that's that's really where it's so can we just do this then here's my suggest can you put something together and let's kind of go through this so that we can get this in front of the C sooner rather than later um can you and Al and team come up with something and just like if you send it to me I can kind of read over and figure it out and can bring it your Cel so can we get that done before the next counil meeting sure okay thank you all right thank you thanks so much Robin you I'm just hanging by here um content agenda resolution 20247 resolution fire department uh I think this just means to say fire right yes I just right over fire department right fire department resolution 22472 resolution approving fireworks on July 3rd rain date July 524 authorizing roing the permit fee resolution 20273 resolution requesting permission for dedication by rer K9 donations and fees required by njs 48 45-29 resolution 22474 resolution olution requesting permission for dedication by riter for the historic committee donations and piece required by njs 48-5 d29 resolution 2475 resolution requesting commission for dedication by rer for Council on affordable housing fees required bya 482 a-3 at sa three four and five were submitted by um our CFO as part of the budget process does anybody want any of these taken off separate consideration I have a question about 2020 then 4 74 okay we're going to hold 20 2474 I have a motion to approve 1 through3 and number five before that I don't want to pull anything off but could could we just get a quick explainer of what dedication by ryer means sure bills to the budgetary device that allows contributions to be made outside I feel bad saying hands are yours all yours you're the CFO yeah basically it's a way for us to these are these are items that are donations and it's a way to set up a special account to accept the donations and use them um so it can cross budget years and things like that it doesn't affect the budget as a whole anything it could be anything and that's that's what uh these all came up from the um the state reviewing our budget and they said that these are ones that we didn't have in place at the time so we have to in order for us to adopt the budget we have to put these in place so you have you already have writers set up for things like like Adrian like just said the library but these are items that aren't addressed yet correct okay yeah so what is my question with what historic so the historic donations are the when you do the events like when we have that historic core and you bring in that money um that the people pay that's where it goes there's but I mean there is no formal historic committee so shouldn't I guess my my it shouldn't it say historic preservation commission that's I guess that's what I'm questioning here is that whatever whatever yeah I guess when we originally said wait who is this is this for this for preservation commission or is this for S the pluming house that's why asked to be pulled it off because it's it's confusing it could easily be like I didn't know if it was for the flooding house or for HPC so I think we're gon amend it to the historic preservation commission donation so you don't need to P anymore no I don't need it pulled anymore that was my simple all right um all right so with the amendment to resolution 22474 to change of dedication by R board historic preservation commission donations uh can I have a motion to approve one move is there a second second um call please Council eart yes councilwoman faar yes councilman Le yes counc president long yes Parker yes and Council vice president yes um to introduction ofin es ordinance 20248 the ordinance creating chapter 9 C entitled privately owned salt storage this is a requirement by the d uh briefly it makes sure that privately owned Sal salt storage like landscaping companies that do snow ping whatever um secure their salt and don't have it next to any of our stream corridors um if you didn't want to read the long lengthy version can I have a motion to introduce L is there a second anle har will second uh roll call please councilwoman Englehart yes councilwoman fararo yes councilman Lev yes council president long yes councilman Parker yes and Council vice president rosti that was that a yes yes thank you okay public hearing to be scheduled for M Monday May 13 uh ordinance 202 2409 ordinance repealing replacing chapter 21 entitled storm Warner management again this is required by the DP um I just send you the red line as provided by Alex fer from Chris B's office read and approved by both Remington bernick and my Campion uh can I have a motion to introduce move second second roll call please Chris um as far as this ordinance uh just just for clarity sake here repealing and replacing the specific chapter of storm water management does this affect any of our current developments that are happening they'd be grandfathered in and those are covered I think with mayor and other parts of the code too so the the DP say that any uh major development that is in the planing Bo phase is going to have to comply by all of their new rules Liberty Village has been working with the D so they are fine uh Cardinal has been working with the DP and finding it very difficult I believe Captiva already had hers um so uh and that's in there now okay okay okay and every civil engineer in the state knew this was coming down prior to it coming down so um according to Cardinal their civil engineer was quite taken off guard and wasn't prepared for it at all which is why they can I have a roll call please Council yes Council yes councilman L yes council president long yes councilman Parker yes and Council vice president okay uh ordinance 2024 10 and ordinance amending chapter 25 collection solid ways to clarify collection procedures in areas in need of Redevelopment uh as per prior discussions this removes um our uh bur will not be removing garbage from any residential dwelling in a Redevelopment area that pays a pilot and not full taxes uh can I have a motion to introduce long move second Mar second councilwoman Ang councilwoman yes councilman l no um council president long uh is it too late to ask a question I was just curious um the area in need of Redevelopment why specifically that and not just any develop like develop so in in the ordinance I wrote it I just to find area need of Redevelopment and um and qu and those developments are qualify for tax SE just in case in the future if some future ordinance Amendment wants to distinguish that for the purposes of this amendment they're one and the same all your areas of need and readel that F do not have any any do not have a pilot no so you could have a Circ I wrote that very specifically you could have a circumstance not tell common we had an area of need to Redevelopment that didn't qualify for long-term tax you may at that point because they aren't getting the benefits of the long-term tax that decide to treat them like you treat from a gap and all those other places and and treat them as an occupant under the or opposed to a resident or a tax this exactly my concern that will leave it open to do that if you wanted to um in the future um you would just have to amend the ordinance to include that specific development um if anyone was here the last time this was 2019 it was amended and it broke out it eliminated the definition for multif family home and then it broke out each of your multi family homes separately the ordin I don't know yeah they're all in there individually right which is the way ofine so in the future if you do an area need development you don't give a longer tax that but they would get Municipal garbage all the same um as this only excludes I think under L that because a tax G is being given um that is a benefit that the average taxpayer is not getting the tradeoff would be the they correct mayor correct so essentially it's actually saying that redevelopers will take care of their own so long as they have a long-term tax we come back to the drawing board I understand so they can't have it both ways they got it yeah and um if we break through our our contract and we have to go back out bid which we're going have to do in two years anyway the Tipping fees are root now and recycling is costing us being Bund so and that's that's a conversation that came up with DPW DPW is very much in favor because they are they are so concerned about our fees of the waste fees in govern that it's it's it's absolutely ridiculous and then it's going to pop all of the taxpayers and everybody will be back in this room trying to justify why X Y and Z when they find out that we had an opportunity to do the right thing and we didn't do it I'm just okay so councilman has not voted yet yes oh I'm sorry your call yeah Council yes and Council vice president Rosetti I just have one quick question also I just want to clarify so when a pilot is completed say 20 30 years so then we would be supplying them with removal depending like I guess I'm just confused because so if they have like a a large dumpster right like most most Town Homes would have is that something Our Town picks would pick up as well pay for the dumpsters now with several of the apartment complexes it does so it's something that's already been done okay our ordinance is we pay for one per whatever apartment each apartment building we pay for one and then if they need a second one they they have to supply it okay um so in the case of one of the apartment complexes they have a machine that tamped down to garbage like really really hard so that they don't have to put in another one and still phone but they do but that's how this work so we pay for the Tipping fees anyway for all the apartments all the other apartment okay great all right then yes thank you for the clarification close change I'll stay up I just want to that quickly that was okay thank you uh also public hearing on May 13 um and this is in the agreement with Liberty Village that they will be the homers Association is going to be taking care of the garbage already uh public hearings ordinance number 20 24-3 calendar year 2024 ordinance to exceed the municipal budget clost living allowance and to establish a cap Bank when the cola is equal to or less than 2.5% and ASA 48 col 4- 45-14 Bill do you want to say anything about this again this is the Appropriations path that we have allowing us to increase our budget by three and a half% and and basically what the this is is any amount that we don't go up that we could bank for the next two years and if we needed we could use it in the next two budgets okay can I have a motion to open up the public hearing is there a second anybody from the public wishing to address online raise your hand or in any room have a motion to close the public hearing second second all favor public hearing motion to adopt ordinance 20243 a second second any discussion please councilwoman engart yes councilwoman fararo yes councilman yes council president long yes Council Parker yes and Council vice president yes thank you ordinance 20 24-7 Nance amending chapters 4 licensing 12 land development definition from 26 zoning the clarifi cage food establishment is permitted use in the B of clington can I have a motion to open up public heing here second second all favor anything on this ordinance raise hand online seeing none can I have a motion to close orance 22407 move is there a second will second all in favor have a motion to adopt orance 20247 MO is there a second second any discussion I just want to comment on this I just think this is a really good thing I think that is there's going to be people in town going to take advantage of this who have been uh maybe looking for an opportunity um so this is uh for Fleming just makes sense just makes sense for us so I appreciate all the work you've done on this know that we had brought this up and something that was right there so that's all thanks I agre ccan Englehart yes Council woman fararo yes Council no council president long yes counc Parker yes Council vice president rosti um so I just want to comment that on number 12 the 2024 budget and then you'll see number 13 introduction of an amended budget bill before we get into either of these you want to just explain to the council about the amended budget and how this is going to work yeah all right so as I had said before the state reviewed our budget and um there are some new things I guess they're doing this year and so we had to make the the changes that that are in this amendment which are things like U adding grants and stuff like that but they all have offsetting revenues so this doesn't affect the tax rate taxes it doesn't affect fund balance you know we're not using more fund balance um one of the things in it also is probably for the first time in the state we have to amend the capital introduce capital budget to um match what was in the water quality report that was um submitted submitted by the engineer the DP is now strong arming Treasury Department and DCA local government services incredible so so that yeah so they're requiring all this to be made in this amendment um so how it will work is we have to have the public hearing on the initial budget you close that public hearing then you motion to amend and then you vote on the amendment and it's adopted we can amend and adopt all one all tonight okay everybody understand that any questions for Bill as um uh the the letter the email that you had sent kind of explaining this earlier this week yesterday um that $1.4 million Grant that's not in you said we had to add some grants is this included no no that that is not in there that came in I realiz that yeah these are grants um the like the body armor grants small grants that will go into play once we yeah I know we just got the letter of award but right once we're ready to do it then we can do uh put that into our budget with a chapter 159 which is how we normally would do it do it in after but I just wanted to clarify that that wasn't there okay so we're going to have a public hearing on the budget we're going to close the public hearing then we're going to make a motion on the amendment not on the budget to amend am to amend the budget and then that for the resolution and then you vote on that and that's that is the budget the budget okay so just one vote correct right okay got it so uh so this is the public hearing for the budget can I have a motion to open up the uh the hearing the budget to the hearing to the public long move is there a second paron anybody from the public have any comments about the budget online raise your hand please see none they have a motion to close the public hearing for the budget long a second uh all in favor okay um someone has a motion I need to have a motion to amend the budget please no yeah yeah motion to amend the bu yeah because you close the public hearing yeah okay now it's motion to amend okay okay a motion to amend the budget long move is there a second a discussion and I have a roll call on the amended budget oh I'm sorry that's um so I don't understand procedurally um if we vote Yes on this next you're voting for The budg you're voting for the budget completely not just vo to adopt the budget at with the amend right I have a roll call please to vote on the budget amended budget oh roll call um councilwoman faar yes councilman L yes council president long yes councilman Parker yes and Council vice president R yes I just want to um for the public uh for the record um just read some budget points um between 2019 and 2021 Municipal Taxes went up 7.4% which included a 3.5% increase in 2019 2.7% in 2020 and 1.7 in 2021 there was no increase in the 2022 mayoral election year the 2023 budget increased the tax rate by 2.25% and through careful and conservative operational spending paid down debt by $681,000 or 5.69% of burrow debt the 2024 budget increases the tax rate by 2.08% which will permit the burough to continue to aggressively address our high debt issue the municipal tax rate tax per 100,000 of the assess value is $159 or 0.216 increase from 2023 again that's 0 0216 not even 02 or 2% increase based on the value of the average house in Flemington this equates to about a $73 44 increase the increase per 100,000 assess value $21.59 several major cost categories went up worth noting including another increase in the cost of Public Health Insurance municipal pension contribution trash removal and recycling this budget aggressively replenishes the capital fund which had been depleted from $600,000 in 2019 down to 93,000 in 2023 by the end of 2024 the budget should have the burough should have approximately $333,900 in the capital fund this budget aggressively pays down principle on financing notes in the amount of $39,100 avoiding fosly and wasteful interest payment the buau avoids paying over $100,000 in interest payments and th avoids a more than 6% tax increase over a three-year period in 2024 we will pay off $614,000 in Deb principal or 5.5% of our total debt again this budget continues to keep burrow on track of Financial soundness and positions us to pay off debt and plan for future capital projects such as the long overdue Main Street project fixing the wet weather facility cademy Street finishing the new police facility and at least one additional well while doing so with a stable and predictable Financial environment we have appropriated $592,500 in capital projects in 2024 to fully F projects rather than issued Deb with an anticipated pilot of Union hotel project starting in 2025 income from Cannabis licenses starting um starting started last year and will increase this year and pilot payments from the future Liberty Village project we look forward to a future which allows us to structure a black budget with no tax increases for several years I want to thank bill for all the hard work he's done for helping me with these notes uh you know and for just doing an extraordinary job as always for The Bu keeping us financially sound thank you okay uh under the reg what resolution 2024 76 resolution authorizing the B of plumon to enter into a water preservation agreement with BD hes at the spice Factory for anybody who doesn't know that lemington LLC pursuing to chapter 11- 2.6 and I have a motion to approve uh long is there a second second any questions Chris is working on still working on that that res that ordinance stuff coming this week you know so we'll get to that one okay uh roll call please Council engart yes councilman faar yes councilman L yes council president long yes councilman Parker yes and Council vice president yes okay we're up to public comment number two anybody from the public are online say anything hand or can nope seeing none payment of bills authorizing payment of bills in the amount of 1,565 182 motion second second uh roll call please councilwoman Englehart yes councilwoman faar yes councilman Lev yes council president long yes councilman Parker yes and Council vice president Sor yes uh we have an executive session um we have negotiations under Liberty Village Cardinal and United CA and we have potential litigation Personnel matter and following executive session there probably will be action being taken which is ordinance 24 20 24-1 number n on the agenda um can I have a motion to go into executive session second favor take a five minute six minute break okay so we're back in Open Session um we do have an actional item which is ordinance 24-11 uh which we held from earlier in the meeting I have a motion to introduce ordinance 24 11 okay uh roll call please councilwoman Engle yes councilwoman fararo yes councilman L yes council president long yes councilman Parker yes Council vice president thank you public hearing to be held on May 13 have a motion toour move favor well this meeting broke up a full almost hour earlier than I thought it would