all right meeting order it's 7 o' this meeting is called Seward the provisions in the open public meetings law this meeting of this of February 26 20124 was included in the list of meeing notice sent to the 100 County Democrat news on January 3 2024 posted on the Bulet board at BR Hall on that date and has remained continuously posted as required in addition a copy of no citizen has been available to the public it is on file office can I have a roll call please sure Council here councilwoman farara here councilman Le here council president long here councilman Parker here Council vice president Ros here and mayor here we have a all right um we're gonna start tonight uh with a discussion by our CFO Bill Hance who is with us tonight um on an overview I'm going to stress that word an overview of the draft budget that he has it together for us um I have not gotten into this in any depth within whatsoever um so I am asking that the council um let him go through what he wants to tell us uh I have a few general questions for him myself and then I do want him uh of course you guys can ask questions too um but I would like to schedule why is this so I just feel like I'm getting just yours though so well because I'm the only one talking well hello T oh too thank you uh I'm just GNA sit back here a little bit more uh and then I would like us to have a special meeting um work session the following week next week um i' like you to look at your calendar so we can plan another night for Bill to come back where we can get into the detail because part of this budget and I am going to be asking him what he thinks and where is that it is overcap by about $35,000 so uh either he's going to have to make a suggestion about cutting something and we all have to agree to it or we have to find it ourselves and getting into the weeds of line items is okay so welcome bill um always love having you here live so why don't you give us um what you tell us what you want to tell us in overview this is um Council Laro and councilman Le's first Municipal budget so um I'm just going to ask you you know um plus whoever's watching it or watching it on YouTube later to keep it in the weed because public budgets are confusing okay thank you um so I hope everybody had a chance to look it over um I send it did last week the budget uh total dollars is up approximately 462,000 over the last year's budget um this budget provides for uh the money that's necessary to complete the renovations uh for the police department um you'll see that in the there's a capital line in the back um on the page page five you'll see the Capital Improvements these Pages number yeah down bottom no okay I can tell so budget draft detail correct well the Capital Improvements that just shows in your the capital budget is a separate section of the budget which includes any potential debt you might um authorize this is just the actual projects that we're paying for in cash out of taxpayer money so you'll see it says cap Capital Improvements excluded from tax uh we're continuing to put money in the capital Improvement funds try to build that up so that in the future we can do projects without borrow we also have $60,000 in there for preliminary Road engineering 12,000 for fire department equipment the $20,000 for office equipment that is there um for the I think when the instruction official came he explained to you guys that the they're going to have to get this new technology where it's a giant screen touch screen um I've gotten some on that that's approximately what that's going to cost it's for the well yeah it's these are for what the developers or anybody building a Houser know you're required to submit the plans digitally so that they can review them um online on a big TV like this that touchscreen um it's a DCA requirement yeah through a rule yes of course that way they don't have to okay I wish we could that the only good thing is we be able to charge the applicant or whatever a certain fee to to process this also we're just GNA have to change our orian to do that until it's paid off okay no it's because it's an ongoing um Fe like for sdl the software that the they're going to charge I think $15 every time someone submits something they're charge well not really making the money P off the 20 grand it cost big screen I haven't heard when it's coming into uh you know when they making us go through with this it's they've been talking about it for a while they've had a contract they got a fiveyear contract with this company and that was four years ago so they're going through the last year and they still have yet to implement but it'll the government operation yeah it'll be there if we don't spend it you know then it'll just go to Surplus at the end of next year um the building improvements 25,000 that's the police that's the police yes so we have the uh $250,000 grant that we received which I was reviewing this budget this weekend I forgot I didn't put that Grant in so it's going to change but it's not going to change anything with taxes because it has the offsetting revenue but U depending on which um contract gets awarded we need about $600,000 so between those two plus we add approximately 100,000 from the county that should be enough to cover so um since we're on this topic um last week I stopped and C bill regarding the article that appeared in cap about where in Township being requested from the rescue squad 1.2 million for a new rig and um Bill told me that they years in years like five years ago or six years ago bill started do you you just send them money every year yes but you've always listed as as for next ambulance yes so um this is a blessing because as of last week Bill had sent them over the last few years $215,000 so um you know we're a fit the size though I think we do about 35% of the calls are in the burough but um only because the circle is in um and the mayor R Township contacted me yesterday asking if we had been approached and what our position was in kicking in money and I was so happy you and I had that conversation Bill and told him that we were like you know because you and I calculated that our share would be roughly about 250,000 so we're roughly there which is probably why you know because he said to me was that actually line item in your budget I'm like yeah it actually was um you know earmark every single year that you know hopefully they've been squirreling it away in a escrow fund marked for that too and not using it for something else so um how much are you putting in that ambulance this year that budget another 20,500 20,500 so that'll bring us to about 140 240 roughly 45 something like that so we're just about 250 so I don't know you know if our our 1 based on population or 35% based on call numbers um um but I think you know I mean I really don't know because they you know they build for all cost so you know I don't know how how you decide anything is fair um but we're you know like 125 the size of Ron and want F the population ofon um but whatever it is um I don't know if that 1.2 that they ask rare for is rare and share because they know they've got this quar of a million from us but you know as you said to me it's a lot of money for a rig it's like the price of a fire truck so um it's a lot of money it's a lot of money but anyway um I just wanted the cital to know that uh we have not been approached this year by them for contribution from the truck and hopefully it's because they know we've been giving it to them nice flat gentle like this is the best way to do it flat and gentle so it's not hurting our budget with the spike not incurring debt no no that was the goal with the fire truck money too until it got rated was a nice flat flat flat flat so okay keep going I'm sorry I want to let you know more about that ambulance yes so then under the capital L thing is the purchase of police equipment and that is um the majority of that is for one vehicle they I think he said about $70,000 now vehicle equipped equipped 70 okay we're also going to be paying off about $614,000 of debt principle with this this budget um that is under the Municipal debt Service as well as the Deferred charges the Deferred charges of 229,000 that's just additional principle that we're paying off old capital ordinances so that we don't have to money I ask like well there's a pregnant pause here just for um the new council members you are more than welcome to schedule time with Phil uh and go and see him uh and talk to him about any questions you have and um regarding specifics in this budget or if you just need an understanding and clarification of how this works um if I can help you I'm happy to help you too uh but feel free to reach out to the whole Council directly to the CFO and it'll be a little bit confusing too to compare if you're comparing last year's numbers with this year's numbers in some of the Departments like um the construction in office and the club because um you know we we re figured some of those employees in there um construction we had retirements and stuff like that so we had to you know move some people around now we have another full-time person who's in the construction department so that's why you see that one went up and the clerk s went down a little bit because that person was in there personed um the group insurance for which is our health insurance went up about $110,000 that is should be the first P Bill a penny in the burrow in taxes raises what penny is 57 58,000 one penny raises 58,000 so to cover just the insurance increase we have to raise tax by two cents or cut by two cents cut by 110 so I just want everybody to understand that that's two cents okay and we are in the state health benefits plan um that the I know the police department went up a little bit uh more than about $440,000 some of that was for um those cameras that they're looking to get we have well we have with the chief that he's gonna find a sponsor we'll put that on but he still has to put in in the budget it's got to be in here for for us to purchase something and then a sponsorship would reim us and they get tax right off their sponsor so but it still has to appear in here for us to spend the money the sanitation line is up about $20,000 and that's just because of the Tage fees that we get charged it's based on how much they actually take to the dump and cost per T and in the end um the at the very last page the to you'll look at the assess valuation the total assessments went up about $48,000 448 million in the burrow um so uh and I think I sent you the breakdown from the assessor and he's going to do something where he usually gives us a comparison between the two years and so he's working on that he just got the the final number last have you got Surplus members we're still working on that we're having some issues with uh trying to um tie in some numbers with the the tax stuff because of the conversion of the MSI software to Edmonds it's it's been a nightmare but we're working on it we're getting closer okay so as is right now the budget is a 3.9 C increase um and that would equate to $398 for $100,000 in assessed value so if you had a $250,000 house it's about a $100 increase in your Municipal Taxes for $350,000 house would be about1 mat just Municipal Taxes that's not schools I'm sorry repeat those write per $100,000 assess value it would be $398 so if your house is$ 250,000 it would be $996 have our school years Ed what the school purposes plan doing or school no the high school is actually meeting tonight um and um school district is meeting Thursday so again to come in and May and present their budget but you know when I asked her she's told me she hadn't talked any of the board members yet was about three weeks ago so the county I going to stay flat again usually so so what else you want to tell us do you have any questions how much how much is it that we have to find to cut it's about $30,000 you have suggestion well like stress this to the council Bill does not opine on policy unless you ask him a direct question if you say to him put this in the budget he's never going to say uh that's a bad idea unless you say Bill what do you think of putting this in the budget then he'll tell you the truth so do you have an opinion on cutting this I mean one of the things I was looking at was the police department budget you know we could C some of that out do one camera or something yearing to do he's looking to do three three well three subscriptions of two cameras right because one camera was donated one camera is so one so the so the cameras are 150 to install it's a one time fee and then it's 3,000 every year for the license so he's got got one subscription covered in a donation of 3150 and then he wants to do two more AT 3150 then they'll dropped wait a minute no did he get the subscription or I think he just got the camera I don't think he got the subscription so the license right so they he got 150 whatever with the camera no he's getting he told me he's getting the whole subscription covered the 3150 I have to check that check that out that's true okay um but that's only even if we cut out One camera that's 10% of what you're looking for um the the money for the police in the capital line that's just to finish the processing center right that's not does that include the whole like the whole the 250 you mean well you said to finish the facility your it's really just just just we just yes Phase 2 a okay if not phase 2 B which is the kitchen and the yeah okay I'm sorry Phase 2 B isn't even in No phe 2 B we haven't even talked about it's not even corre radar the radar what so so even if we cut like I said that's 10% we still have to find another $27,000 or more um that the money in the police line item and you said it's for one car 70 plus the three cameras is 10 that's 80 there's looks like I'm not going to go find that page again looks like 130 so what's the rest of that um try remember came in D with us so it's the equipment to finish the the car the car that we purchased the last year's car that's not fully he didn't put enough I guess another $45,000 that's corre yeah that's yeah so we have a car that not outed yet because he didn't have any money left so we have to add to this year's budget to complete that car as well as here's the slippy slope this is the slippy slope the point of it is those cars are old and so the equipment is going on those inside the the vehicles themselves plus the vehicles are kind of hippy right but even if you save the vehicles the equipment is hippy my understanding so my my understanding is is that you correct me if I'm wrong my understanding is that there was a new part that was on board last year and a new car that was supposed to come on board this year absolutely yes yes that is true so so that's that's what B but the problem is is that the car that was in last year was not fully equipped so it's not really functional but just it's not fully functional I should say so so now you've got to make that fully functional and bring it up to code and then you have this new one that's coming on you're going to have to do the same thing so my question to you is do we wait and bring on the car at in like later on in the year the new car the new car later on in the year to save to to give some of that money to to salvage some of the money and then maybe bring it in Bring It On in like September or October well what what is what is does that do anything or does it not so the problem with that is in perfect world that would be great but you order a car now you're not going to get it until next year the end of next year so yeah that's that's where he's so he's got to order now and can we get it proba next June we have yeah that's what I we have to pay for it now no don't pay for it now you encumbered you have to do it purch encumbered money you don't pay just like the fire truck we did the purchase order money is encumbered but we don't pay for it until we actually re so this is in the this this in the capital budget or in his operating budget the police car that is in well it's a capital line in the budget it's it's so that it's out of out of the Appropriations so I'm still trying to understand if you're just quick I get it um so we would order it it's a purchase order but we don't have to pay for it until it's delivered right so it just has to be a line item in the capital budget yes but it's not going to be spent right but the money still has to be raised you're show get that I'm just trying to understand if if that can buy time it can't but what could by time and I don't I don't like this idea but is if we have him buy all the equipment he needs for the current car and then in the temporary budget in January 2025 we put in two cars and have them immediately order two cars the same problem in 2025 I if he orders it in early 2025 I don't know I mean I I said I don't like this idea I don't like this idea I don't want him to get behind in cars because he's there was a gap here I think in 2022 um before I got elected that a car wasn't ordered so he's already behind a car so um I don't like that idea but this is this is a problem because as Bill and I discussed we've got revenue you want to go over the revenue issues we have like where there's some short ball in Revenue hold on one second before we go to that so let's go back to the police Bo let's go back to police right I I keep hearing different things so okay so the bottom line is is that we do need to bring a are on we need to order one right we need to get more importantly we need toip the one that abely and that's about a $45,000 bit I believe think was like 45,000 it could be that's the car only cost $30,000 no no the car was 50 okay and so when he gave us the number we put I think it was 50 in the budget you didn't put put for the equipment but you said 70 recover a new car no well yes um so I think it's 75 okay so if this car was 50 can't be 45 to equip it it's got to be 25 to equip it's probably it's probably 20 for the lights I think or 15 for the lights and then I don't know what else is put so you know what before we do that before we do that because I'm not fing the way this sounds let me go back and let's let's drill down on this and make sure we have the right okay because I think it's just if we don't need to put the number in there then we don't need to put the number in there that might our right there right I'm understanding it is but but let's just be very transparent in terms of what he is actually asking for cost okay okay what other departments besides the police department was they they had the largest request and increase did anybody else have a bigre request um well put some extra money just as a kind of a placeholder in the administrative and executive that is um office okay for for stuff that they need I I know we you know need stuff here now with the code your e code and stuff like that um we have to pay for that myself but we might be able to take well that's every quarter how much is it quarter I think the last bill was like seven or 8,000 I got a last time sa it a lot and what is that I'm sorry into so you can find just finished it the other day we we do if we do for instance a on dog licing they put it under the right place so can find it right so that's like we have to do that that's not that's not an option I just want to make sure that I know that there was some some uh errors that we that we had caught so I want to make sure that we're actually getting money if we're spending how much money I want to make sure it's right no I was on the try it's 36 but I I don't know if that's the vendor's name but that's the program is it General code yeah General code on the code yeah but I do regulations for a living so love every day yeah looks like we spend over $1,000 year before was only 900 or 900000 you don't a lot right get right the first time not you not you so what like went up substantially I have a I have a question um I'm just noticing so for shade tree it looks like every year the last five years was $3,800 and now this year it's listed 11,300 I haven't heard them asking for more so I'm just curious Bill about that one yeah so I was just actually gonna bring that up um I spoke with um Sandy baroi who's on the shade tree last week and in the past we've given them $10,000 for shade tree improvements that we buy the trees throughout Town um and we had a a chunk of money in a capital orance that we've been throwing down for years um so she asked me if I could put uh 7500 I think it was in the budget this year to to help pay for some of those 7500 more $7,500 on top of their their regular budget's usually $3,800 so she asked for an additional 7500 for buying trees you do have about $7,000 in the tree Bank um which is an es that we have for buying trains you can always use that first if you want to do that so we could we could release that money to them rather than raising it in the budget that's probably that's from donations from people who have cut down trees correct or have been fed for cutting down trees correct right it's it's good but you it's a one shot thing yeah next year they'll be looking for it again right but maybe next year it'll be a better year when we get some stuff online yeah can I ask about specific line uh every year I always notice like some pattern somewhere first of all I want to know what this is and why is this pattern happening so on page four uh under safe and secure communities program local share and because the years are there I'm just looking at in 2018 it was 70,000 70,000 the year after then jumped to 95 then jumped to 109 stayed at 109 the year after and then uh 2023 jumped to 160 and now it's at 200 what is that what is going on so the safe and secure Grant is our share of police officers that are in this grant um the state used to give us $26,000 now they only give us $111,000 or so um to offset um so was this was the Federal program started by Bill Clinton is that is this is this is further back than that this goes back to the early 90s was that called cop something that was the Federal cops SC oh my gosh okay yeah way too long all right um so obviously if as the amount the state gives us goes down we have to cover more plus that includes within there is the health benefits all the you know stuff for are did the government we're not going to get like last year they promised us all this money back for our healthc care that went up last year because the governor allowed them to they didn't give money back the only thing they do allow is that um for you to put anything over a certain amount of increase out of cap I thought they passed legislation though that was that they were going to reimburse us for some percentage of what we went up last year but that they weren't going to give it to us until this year I out okay unless they're doing it through your bill maybe I don't know it's $1,000 more I know we had talked last year during the budget about trying to find another you know either um asking the county to go in with them on insurance and that was something that we had you know they they had gotten into a like a kind a a group program but they ultimately didn't they ultimately didn't do it either nope I'm wondering if maybe we should no because all of our all of our Union contracts say that it has to be equal or better than what they've got nobody's been able to what state Jersey offers well I'm just wondering if maybe this year we after this budget process we start talking to people again because it's like it's been pretty consistent going up a little bit but this is 110,000 more or less yeah but it was at least like you know 10,000 it wasn't 11,000 you have to there's something that's skew $100,000 last year was out of cap so it was on a different lineup so you have to look at that it's right after the right before the statement right after the library you see 101,000 last year 1,200 can I ask I'm sorry I'm gonna go back to police for one second I meant to ask you this question so on the overtime because if you look at it from 2019 to 2024 um know was study and then for two years and then it jumped and now it jumped even higher so my question is I asked this question so for overtime this is just the overtime the municipality is playing The Bu is playing it's not what we're doing for road work and all that so this is just for us for that much money and we have the same amount of police now that we had the beginning of last year we were short one cop until we HED but that was right but that was an entire year right six months mons six months okay so that that makes sense for 2023 yeah I'm just trying to understand why it jump It's jump $25,000 I'm estimating it was because of the promotion that as people geted but is that overtime in overtime no but their overtime will go up as their salary because because here's how in my mind I'm looking at this from from and this is where I challenge myself between government and private right so if I'm looking at this number then I'm thinking well wait a minute is it cheaper to find a or more cost effective cheaper but more cost effective just to hire another person and that alleviates that number brings that number down because that bringing a new person in is lik much money I'm just asking the question I don't know because to me this is like why would you do this when you can do this and your Roi is going to be better here than it is right here because you're because that Roi you can't sustain year over year the problem with that yes that no there's never a problem though the challenge is you have three officers whatever it is on duty and one calls out sick someone's going to have to come in that's over timeing but but however but if you had three officers but it's not always three officers on duty by the way but what I'm saying is that even if if if there's three on duty and one calls out you're still covered if you have the right amount of people I just think this number is outrageously High okay I mean I'm I'm challenged the chief with this because it it this doesn't Mak sense to me right what makes sense to me is that if you had and I realize over time is relative right so it depends on time year depends on this but if you're looking at this from a 12 month period And I say well wait a minute with Benefits bringing on a new person at a level one or a level two or whatever with Benefits is not going to be nearly this high right and so then that means my overtime I should I could I should recognize the ROI in overtime because the overtime is going down but you know the goal and objective achieve you know town for a 80 something years had a police chief and a lieutenant who walked the street and rot a police car and I don't know why you want to get me I have no idea why you want to do that and don't even go there with me right now remember my expression yeah no no because I and jeries so I'm just saying you know you you want to release it over time there's no restrictions to say to the chief like I'm working on it having said all of that um because we did put for another person you're gonna you're gonna go back and talk to the chief oh yeah and you're gonna have this conversation before we get into this line stuff next week oh yeah I'll also talk to I do want to go back to shade tree and we'll talk together because I want to hear what will go off online but here's the point the the point of it is is that I know we talked about bringing another person on so and we talked about when we might bring that other person on which I'm still fine with that but by my point of it is is do we need to accelerate that because I don't want to see this number next year I I don't think any of us want to see this number I I like to see this in half maybe that's not possible maybe I'm living in a pipe pip dream world but you know what if I say that it's going to happen and we shoot towards that then you know if I raise the bar then people meet the bar that you raise that's how I and it's just my business standpoint um sorry thank you that's okay I just want to Circle back to to council vice president Rosetti's question about the shade trade is there a consensus among the council to take the $7,000 out of the escro fund which will eventually get built up again uh to use that and cut out the 7500 additional money that they'll put into the budget from General funds and use that instead and just give them the 7,000 plus the normal amount we usually give them I say yes I say yes too that okay so let's do that bill and you can keep that line growing open because it'll get replenished probably might be able and there are no other Darlings we can go yeah what else what else is in there that you increased I have a question about something that was increased just because again looking at Trends and what Jeremy said earlier um the and this isn't a b thing that there's more but I just want to confirm why the property maintenance inspection line item online two it seems to be very very consistent since 2018 and it jumped up uh you know significantly this year from 17 to 28 so is there because I told to do his job and stop asking for forgiveness or permission and to just do his job so apparently prior Mayors have all um been afraid to let him go out and ticket and write summonses and this town looks like you know doesn't look the prettiest and shiniest because of that and I told him to just do his freaking job and get this town looking better so he's been working a lot more hours toing so you anticipate that's why you anticipate going up 11 I was basing it on the amount of hours he's been put the first couple months interated it I just was wondering how you got to the 11 that's why I had a feeling I knew why but I didn't know how you got more hours yeah lot of issues in this town as far as the way I mean he could spend a lifetime at Robin's favorite Lambo whose name I will not mention here um it's like juicy show up but um so Bill we're gonna we're I think this is a good time to like I do want you to just talk about revenues we haven't talked one more question real sorry um so sanitation I'm not proposing we stop picking up trash of course but it's gone up like $200,000 in the last three years so is there anything I know we're where we're are right now but like moving forward is there any way to kind of like suggest people compost instead of putting so much weight in their trash or like Bill do you have any ideas or you know on on trying to curb that or is that a normal projection that all towns are going through costs are going up just in general for everyone but I mean I guess you could limit the amount of garbage someone is what's in can in your can everybody has pretty much adjusted to that somebody's doing construction and they're throwing Concrete in versus out garbage you know we have no way of knowing it until they take it you know for tipping and then all of a sudden it's expensive and we really don't have any way of knowing that somebody's throw like they'll take whatever fits into that can so you have no idea what people might be throwing away includes construction debris I don't know and and there's a weight is there are they looking at the actual weight they take it they take it to the to the yard and they weigh it all and then um and then we get charged for it so um there was a lot of things at the lead last year about both and this year about insurance and garbage and insurance and garbage is coming garbage has been going up for years and recycling recycling you to make us money now cost this money so um we used to make a lot of money in recycling 30 years ago it just it sucks you dry I don't know how how much Liz's idea would you know really eat into the the number but it certainly isn't a bad idea to encourage composting you know anything to get the weight down we have a lot we also have a lot of properties with very small lots that it's not conducive to having a compost not you don't have to have a compost pile though so I do vermac composting with worms it's literally a container that sits on my kitchen countertop and it eats all of our apple cores and banana peels and cucumber peels like any it's I'm sure it's not significant in my house alone but if every house was taking out 10 or 20 pounds a week you know what I mean uh the worms eat it pretty quickly well I know we're doing you know Township is doing that to their green uh Green Green Team and they're interested in lemington getting involved with that whole bring us your household food waste and they've been composting it um it does have a cost associated with that and uh I know they want to come into the environmental commission and talk to us about teaming up with r because R's about to lose their Grant on it so they're looking for some cost sharing so it's a it's a good conversation to have you know because I know that it um the D'Or Farmers Market all whenever they're open they collect people's bags of apple cores and whatever else you said and they're also set up at the stangle Y so you can bring your compost to to stangle people know that so this is a good I this is a good newsletter article for somebody to write it seems to me it's a when we I remember when we switched the garbage companies we did some educating on you know when when that shift was happening but I'm gonna I'm going to put Mr uh Lan on the spot councilman uh as far as the community garden you're having composters is that not they are installing some composters I don't think it would be on a large enough scale to handle any significant portion of the town I believe mostly intended for the the gardens you know organic materials throughout the season um but if they have any extra room I'm sure they yeah I was that was just yeah know it's really it's for the the Tomato Vines when they out the and like that but it's definitely a conversation we're having is um how to say some of this money like garbage uh course we don't build any more housing units we W have increase of garv vision um there's also all Redevelopment projects that are only going to pay pilots and not taxes that should not be getting so that is an ordinance that mrini will be writing for consideration among Council um so all right so can we talk everybody done with with the expense that we talk just very briefly Bill about the revenue side where we where we got some hits what's down uh we could do better in um uh so go ahead yeah so the one thing that didn't come in as budgeted last year was U for revenues I don't know if that's you know it's it's been down ever since Co and it's gradually getting back up but uh hasn't gotten back to where we were preco you know we were collecting over 170,000 last year we only collected about 8,000 so there's the money for the car I'm sorry but why would fortet well nobody was showing up the they wer tickets to they were like there was nobody on the streets nobody was commuting um no I get that but's been over for excuse me may EXC May I'm glad you're over there okay so so I'm just trying I'll J side so it really is that it's because people are not writing tickets and or they're not to there was there just weren't held to it and if they're told show for the zoom you show show and then yeah there was less well well that's what they but it's obviously I'm just I'm just yeah okay gotta understood understood okay that we can do something that we can do something so how much 4000 no um that was pre uh preco now probably that but um last last year we had anticipated 110,000 based on how it was going and in I guess in 22 we brought in about 110 so it's down from what we brought in in 22 so we were at what I'm sorry we were 110,000 is what we brought in in 22 so we anticipated 110 last year but we only brought 9 I'm sorry can you repeat what what what exact W line wereing on the Municipal Court sorry I'm trying to hear that conversation that was the biggest Revenue only we have um this year we're anticipating 60,000 for the Cannabis tax revenue um that's based on their last year sales that's just for the one location it was only since August and I mean it's I'm projecting just based on the trends you know by December they were having $350,000 in a month sales so if that Trend continues you can look at probably being able to anticipate we get 2% of our totales yeah well that doesn't include the can we go back to Insurance just really quickly um Mara had mentioned um Mara had mentioned about uh could could you confirm that about the the state U thank you ordinance because I'm trying to figure out is that 100 that 10,000 in the cap or not in the cap what you had said earlier was that you thought that the I'm sorry I thought the legislation last year money yeah this year for last year's increase right that's an easy email to the right but the other one is you also mentioned in that same conversation just now that you thought that there was something that was the difference between the cost of health insurance from one year to another might be taken out of the C okay I'm sorry maybe it was VI I'm sorry I should I shouldn't Point can can you confirm if that is actually the case or not yeah if you on um page four of your your spreadsheet yeah um if you look health insurance out of cap last year was $101,200 okay you see that yeah that's the portion last year that was out of cap so if you take that 101 and add that to last year's inap incap which was 610 so it was actually 711 last year so it really only Up N $9,000 okay but isn't that 9,000 can't we put that toward the $30,000 over our cap am I not understanding that right no no because this year it's not out a cap because they they only allowed us to do that one year oh I'm sorry I was assuming that was the same rule this year as last year from what I so they they tried not to they they tried to give us a a break last year by doing that but they're still curing us again this yeah yeah okay just okay so there's $9,000 here that they done money they told us they were going to give us last year they give it to us this year then bu and there's no word on the street that anything like that's going to happen I passed last year to pass this year so I just have to I just have to email yeah let me know thank you understand that little the other the revenue stuff though um and I I guess this might be a cin question but as far as like um commercial areas that had been empty now they have something in them was there any did you see anything as result of that did it change anything at all we might have to ask him okay we actually by the next meeting hopefully I'll have that breakdown he what he does is he does a um a chart with P graphs and everything showing break down between residential Apartments commercial and he shows 23 numbers 24 numbers percentage increase and all that kind of and then I would also be able to tell construction me a number for that and FY I to everybody also I did ask our attorney to review the abandoned property ordinance and give it teeth if it needs the teeth to go after the properties that are sitting there empty year year here Bill if we enter into the agreement with Liberty Village prior to this budget being having public heing and being voted upon it's a big F we can anticipate that money into this budget structur movs yeah right so yes we have a contract or something contract yeah okay checky I don't know I don't know if it's gonna happen because I know just so everybody knows bill is on a quicker timetable this year um so the state of New Jersey we have to we have to do have audits every year on our budget and every what is it every three years the state of New Jersey does the audit themselves and the other two years Phill gets to do a self audit this is the audit year with New Jersey so he wants to get this I'm speaking for him he's s right here um he wants to get this done as soon and neatly as possible because otherwise the state is going to be they're gonna scrutinize everything anyway so I just want to make sure we have it right done early enough for him too so he's really he asked me last week if it was possible to introduce this budget at our March 11th meeting so which is why you know we're going to have a special meeting next week to see if we come up with anything um I mean I don't know if you can anticipate more in court fees for this year after talk to the chief well the problem is you can't anticipate more than what you brought in last year oh yeah that's true I forgot that rule okay unless you can uh somehow prove to them certify right right right right okay well um any other easy lowball questions for Bill otherwise let's take a look at our calendars could real fast I have two questions different are they in HPC um they actually lowered their Bud budget last year it's been 10 grand for many many years they lowered it to 7500 last year had a very successful event they've raised it to to 12 this year I was just wondering if there was a specific goal they had in mind or is it that was is it that um certific they're going that's exactly what it is the certification that they have to they have to yes that's exactly right thank you yeah so they did ask for a little bit more they didn't go to 15 again but they did go to 12 all right well I appreciate the fact that they went under budget last year and they have great events so yeah that comes all from the I realiz that I I I knew it was for the recertification but I think that they certainly deserve the extra two grand when they you know they prove that they could bring in how many people understand the the difference there and then there's an extra 10,000 for the planning board that was with the request of the chair to to some more ordinances for the master plan as well as I think the extra whatever they have to do with the recertification that has to come to do the public heing all that stuff at the fighting board or AGC they have to go take that stuff too so there's you know there's nobody to take those professional Fe but the buo right there's no there's no developer she a little extra where's the where's the bottom right about the store think I have a easy question we're going to talk about dates being and such um so you want this ASAP um it sounds like there's some more chatter that people want to have give us like a sense of what's the what's like okay uh you can go just this far before I start to freak out well the state has limits so go ahead Bill well I mean I have the the state budget document pretty much put together already but it's still you know once I complete it like once you give me the goad I have to then send it to our orderers take coup it's but the state deadline on passing the budget is this year so it's for the next meeting after that um so theoretically you could wait until the first meeting of right April 8 is the deadline on the vote of the budget introducing ucing the budget that's the deadline is April 8th we had to you don't want to do that oh I know you'll be here or you'll be oh I'll be I'll be if I'm here I'm running a zoom a zoom meeting from Houston right after the eclipse so um but I'll be I'll be on Zoom running the meeting so but I really don't want to have a public hearing if I'm not here oh that's just the introduction but I don't if it ends up being the public hearing I don't want to not be here for a but was the 20 March that's that's fine too I don't know that's so so I will I will clearly state that I think that we I think have a meeting next week is critical right I'm going to probably have some questions for you offline outside of the setting and um just having that open discussion with the public whatever the perception is versus what's actually happening but having those open discussions and giving them good time for everybody to hear these discussions and what's going on we'll alleviate hopefully some some some maybe negative feedback well we had three of those last everyone was in public every conversation was in public we'll keep that going we'll keep that going but there's no secret secret meetings between the council and myself and B they were all in public and making sure that that the public knows when we set this date so that they're here and they know well all I don't know how you make the public know anything when our agenders are made live and I know so uh okay so bill um or the council the only two days I'm not on Monday and Thursday okay so that LE us the fifth and sixth and probably the sixth is better just give everybody one extra day how does the six okay how is the fifth March March 5th March 5th is good online march is I'm going to be traveling all next week if if you guys want to set something though I'll do my best to zoom in anyway but I can't guarantee depending on our reception where we are no matter which state it is no matter any day next week we're going to be out of state so right nows like I wouldn't be Avil that yeah not not yeah and if we do there is a potential that we might introducing the Liberty Village um plan Amendment and Pilots that night then F would be here if we do so um okay so we're looking at March 5th uh what time would you would you all like to meet Carlos is gonna be like get me out of here the better how's the six o'clock work session be you could yeah okay I have does anybody want to do it earlier than six car really like I can be here right at 5 be here 73e right now we're gonna 530 5:30 so it's just a discussion it's a a work session but possible to also be that accomodates everybody hopefully Council vice president that's on theth correct that is March 5th March 5th 5:30 um and that's go to the real budget detail try to come to a consensus on cuts um uh and try to come to a consensus on the budget in general and so that we can introduce it on the 11 that's the goal and we'll keep fingers crossed that we can get there so there's a lot of homework to be done with various depart departments Council and um and uh we'll just all look at it very carefully and see um I don't like nickel and dining departments so it needs to be something Chucky you know like taking telling every Department you're going to lose $500 which is not the right way to do it the right way to do it is find something substantial come out so um all right thank you so much bill for all your effort all your time email me with any questions right now we have room 7500 out of the shade tree and we're giving them 7,000 out of esro um so hopefully they'll understand that $500 differential um and well right if anybody wants to set up a meeting with Bill email him and he will work out we call you I'll meet with the chief and then when we ready from his standpoint he probably doesn't know the overtime number last year he doesn't know because I've asked him about and he said that have yeah but now on I would like him to have it so we can track it I think it's just important probes Okie doie thank Bill all right so um next on the agenda is uh presentation it's really not a presentation it's a discussion so uh in your packets you saw um a cost estimate Proposal with a drawing um of a of a parklet um so Warren bucker who here in the audience who lives over on Pennsylvania Avenue uh his um beloved bride many years uh passed away so sorry last year um and uh Warren she was an educator and Warren has a an idea that he would like to remember her and do something nice for the Bro in her name which is to create parklet uh in the Court Street Park the Court Street Park is a county-owned park and it is not deemed for active Recreation it is deemed for Passive music Etc um and nothing really heavy duty Warren approached the county park Department about putting in this piece of Park equipment actually originally anti was four times the size of this um this is a top lot it is ADA Compliant it's sensory compliant and all this other stuff and this little tiny piece of equipment installed is $336,000 uh Warren has been doing fundraising in his uh wife's name um and is generously donating $25,000 towards this piece of equipment but the county would like to know and here's the process um they have they contacted me and for a meeting they asked me to confirm that we were basically in flamington the park desert which we are um when I was growing up there was active recreation equipment over at the American leion the ball fields and there was active recreation equipment over at rius which was k through eight um neither of those facilities have Park equipment anymore the only place that does in the burrow is uh tuckle Morgan um so you know I confirmed with them that we definitely could use more Park areas in the buau and they have um asked that the council confirm we could just do it by a very simple uh resolution tonight that we concur that we could we would U look forward to having park with in the ory Park the proposed location from the county deed is closer to the Women's Club uh not near their parking their parking lot that is dangerous for kids running uh but over by closer to the parking lot I'm sorry the Women's Club area there's a grovy area over there uh apparently they wanted to make sure this thing was not going to cover or damage any roots of any of the uh trees there because that is an ARB burum um and all the trees are marked in that Park and uh it's a county park so they will maintain this equipment they did not ask us to maintain it and the county will make pay the difference and donate the difference uh towards this project uh of 11 10 10 to 12,000 so if we concur I should say you all concur the next step is the county will start to move forward they have to get permission from Greenacres to do this there I believe there has to be a public hearing because it is changing the use the ACT Recreation um uh so it's still a process um uh to move forward um Warren is having a a memorial party an elbra or his wife Ellen Ellen on March 2nd and uh he is hoping to announce this park uh project there so anybody have any let's start with questions you all saw the proposal anybody have any questions that go ahead when well the process so you know government moves slowly but it moves so I'm gonna say if we approve this tonight let the county know I'll call the County Administrator tell it was a go we'll send them the resolution once it gets typed up and then they have to go through public notice uh it has to be notice it has to be so many days three has a lot of rules about 30 I think it's 30-day notification it has to sit public comments um there's no reason to think that Green Acres is Green Acres is going to be fine with it you just have to go through all these this these steps there's there's no way green anchor is going to say no don't don't do it don't right don't put a playground in an area that already has a gazebo um so um no no this is in a state house issue this is a it's different State House Commission is when if they want to replace the park put so no no this is a public hearing it would be held by freeholders so um so does any so nobody has any questions do any have any objections I just want to say that this is directly in my backyard and I don't mind at all I look forward to hearing children playing for years I've asked for another part this is something that I occasionally needle or because where I live on Maple Avenue there's just they all have to walk to T so I'm so exatic that our children can laugh and play and it's not huge but it's got a whole bunch of features this one only has one side of this picture on the other side of every piece of equipment there's like another thing to do so it's really multifunctional I like six pieces in three and um they're really creative pieces of equipment and then we this and then we get something on Brown Street we're rolling right yeah um so okay can I can I have a motion to um how do I phras this because this is really basically concurring to the freeholders at Flemington burough welcomes having a a top lot in the for Street park that's as good as anything there all right that motion is there a second second any other discussion uh roll call please um councilwoman eart yes councilwoman farar yes councilman Le yes council president long yes Council Parker yes yes okay all done see you on March second waren sorry I'll let you know why know you forever I will let you know tomorrow that this was passed and we'll send the resolution up thank you thank you thanks for coming if you don't have to stay I don't feel obligated to small meetings after the budget de um okay I have a couple things from my report I wanted to just announce it last night open cover three Pantry in Clinton Town uh with where Walgreens Pharmacy is burned down very tragically and um they are seeking it's terrible thing terrible terrible terrible so uh they are in crisis yeah2 place in North open cover F pantry is their equivalent of our fantry they are um the community has been reaching out as to how they can help and they right now because they're in such crisis and they have no storage they are asking um for uh shop right gift cards if people want to donate sure uh so we're gonna have a box here for that okay great thank you we had a box for food and everything but they don't want food yet not yet we'll collect it for them yeah I'll have I'll put the same box out but we'll change the sign okay as well as okay cards okay and later on we'll collect food and clothing but they're not ready for that right so Michael we'd appreciate that advertis we'll take your cards are we going to store Camp through from them or just taking the gift cards just take gift cards they tell us to go okay okay um I also want to announce sadly that our our vet who's been giving our R clinics for years here passed away at the age of 56 on Valentine's Day after a long illness uh he my dog's de and arguably the best de I've ever used uh he was a very very young wife who probably will take over the r clinics and the who happens to be the council president that uh dogs V so I just want to say it's U condolences to the Tindle family Long Hunter and County family and um so sad Chad was just lovely with our dos here at our um and just a couple of updates um regarding Li Village um we are still pending that survey we discussed um to make sure that whatever they went done on Sangle road is within our right of way um um we seem to have a full agreement now on everything else as far as the amendment and the agreement and the pilots um three of the four pilot agreements have been written the most complicated one is the one on the town homes because it covers the low moderate and very low income besides the market rates so it's very complicated ordinance to draft and our attorney asked for you know another few days because he's just being so cautious about getting those numbers right and the terms right otherwise everything's ready um we're just waiting for concurrence that um what he needs to do or wants to do on stangle um we can allow so um but that stangle part is part of the contract it is part of the agreement which is done by resolution so we it is possible if our TR gets that last pilot uh or drafted to introduce um on the 5th of March um um so just keep that you know it's it's very possible um and then just as a quick update on the police building uh bids um we uh our attorney offer to the low bidder um I just want to correct our our reporter at the audience the low bid was two low bids in the $500 $500,000 range uh the high viid was 1.2 and then there were three bids in the $700,000 range so the low bidder um who did 520 something, I don't remember exactly has been offered a tour of the building because he had not taken one nor had any of his sub contractors um and he has not gotten in touch our attorney wrote to him last week and again today and then again today and uh he has not gotten in touch with our our architect to arrange to see the building and go through it so he knows exactly what he did l on um he has also provided uh some additional references uh none of which exceed $100,000 so we've asked him for more references that are closer to his bid price so uh and then um I know there's been Outreach regarding uh you know whether he has any dings on his background from the division of proper management construction and Tre which he does not as well as his bonding Capac um his bond capacity his bond his bond letter was in intact for our attorney uh his capacity is $500,000 um our attorney wrote to him today regarding his capacity to find out if that is exactly what he has and if anything is out on that capacity because this is a 100% public project so it is 100% performance bondable and he did over his performance on the mount so we consider continue to do our due diligence to make sure he is responsible to complete this project before uh so it's going to continue until we get sufficient answers um so I just wanted you to all know that so that's my update um so council member reports Council presidentlee um so OEM I I don't have anything this evening to report but uh fire department next meeting will be taking place on March 12 um there were 16 calls for service this month and then I'll have a more detailed report for March in in March I should say uh also all members of this governing body are invited to ladies night being hosted by the fire department at coer Hill Country Club and that's going to be March 23rd from 5: to 10: so put that in your calendars and I'll have more information for you soon enough I went to this last year and Council former Council was there and I was there so I would really like to see Other M there lovely event was a lovely event and that's it that's all I got little little report tonight and you're invited with the guest so oh yeah yeah get that uh okay thank you council president Council vice president resetti thanks mayor I actually don't have anything tonight uh councilwoman anglehart um I mentioned very briefly earlier the two there the high school board meeting going taking place right now that's um pretty important also the Board of Ed meetings for the flare school district is this Thursday 7M at JP case uh and the museum board actually we ended up having too many six people to have a meeting last month so we had to move it you know just move on to next month um we are interested in um uh having more um whether it's board members or just committee members if you're interested in um helping out with the Samuel pluming Museum and have any interest in that um you know they I've gotten to know them over the last few months they're just lovely to work with and I encourage you to reach out to me and um show your interest um that's all I've got you counc okay there we go so Library meeting uh was we have our monthly well we only have de meetings a year so we had another meeting last Friday um snow removal we've lost our snow removal contractor and we've had to move to a new snow removal contractor and that's simply because the old snow removal contractor is no longer on the snow removable business so a little thing but um it's one that um of course all their operating expenses pretty much are coming out of um the money that they have on hand but they um I say it it is a publicly owned building so we have to keep you in the room one of the things that mentioned I think two meetings ago was we were having issues with the boiler return pipes on the boiler were replaced last month uh we anticipate having to replace gred pipes on the boiler in March so really in a a place where that just seems very old and SP our current assets sit at 917k which is decent um uh in terms of seeking advice they're going to Old York boilers and they have to do the minimum of to uh quotes same thing with the security as you I brought this up before with having security cameras we do have one quote we must do a second quote uh the fun thing Friends of the Clemington Library makers day is Saturday Saturday March 16th all are welcome all ages um it's going to be a great program I will make sure that I I remind everybody in two weeks um the burrow service on the library the friends in comington library we still need a little bit of a little bit of time in order to pull that together um we had a really really effective fruitful discussion last Friday but when you get a lot of people together with great ideas you're going to have a lot more ideas coming through so we're going to take another look at this in next month's meeting um terms of the planning board this is something that's new and it's come back in the past in the past there's been a discussion of having a checklist this you'll actually be able to find this on on um the Bor website tomorrow uh we are going to explore as a team not as any sub to mines a true checklist for those developers who would like to come in to the Bur and that may help clear up um what you need to do and when you need to do it and to save everybody time and save expense um so I'm very much looking forward to working with Karen gin who's our chair this year um and we had a great discussion this afternoon about some of the things she'll be bringing to the the table next year tomorrow we'll see start to see some presentations so I really encourage everybody to come online and or come into the the planning board meeting at the top so you can hear these discussions and that's it thank you love let's see we had an HBC meeting last Wednesday vations they are the other reason for the budget increase this year was that they are still working on the uh historic Map update um they also still need one more house for the house tours in June so if anybody out there is interested please contact the HBC and the next meeting is here at 7M on March 20th that's it thank you councilman Parker uh just a couple of things so um actually order here um FCP retreat was this last past week which is um which actually was pretty interesting um you know it's it's the Dave um handed off to Ally um and in my eyes what Dave did was build the foundation and Ally has taken it to the next level so I definitely want to thank Dave for all of his um all of his due diligence and dedication and hard work um and looking forward to working with Valley and having her take us to the next level in terms of this community um and Dave is very much still involved he's the vice president Al's just president I just thought that that was pretty cool for him to acest and let so um speak volumes about him as well um been working really really really diligently with the police department and um don't start um and you know there's just a lot of work to do there's a lot of reamping to do um we you know I'm just looking at everything and um looking at rules and regulations and working with our with our labor attorney I am working with the mayor and also the um council president on some things that we just need to to kind of dive into and kind of straighten up also facilitated a meeting this is kind of where we want to go is community policing and the police are walking the community so business owners know who they are and residents know who they are and people know that they're you know this exist as opposed to um just riding in cars they did facilitate a meeting with the landlord of stangle and the police because there's some issues in in stangle there's some things that he needs to do and there's some things that the police need to do so we're going to we've got a plan um on how we're going to tackle this and then we will um you know I'll constantly re-evaluate and go back and get feedback to make sure that we're all on plan I just think that's important that you don't have a plan that means that you don't just plan fail um and I don't want things to be thrown at this these things have hazly I really want some consistency and some and some visibility um met with DPW this week and I have to say meeting with DPW is such an interesting thing because every time I sit down especially with Ken every time you sit down with this guy you learn more and more and more some of it's very scary but but he's he tells the truth he takes a deep dive in he has a strategy what I appreciate about DPW That's Mike and this team is you know I always use the Expression don't just dump trash on my doorstep and don't pick it up right they literally give you what the problem is but they always come back with the solution here's some of the things that you need to think about here's what we here's what we can do I you know these guys this is a pleasure to be on this team with it's a pleasure um and and you know when you think it's going to be like an hour type thing about two hours but that's okay I don't mind because I because it's just so cool finally finally I just want to say Saturday night was probably one of the best things that could have happened to this world um the NAACP event black history event was way beyond my expectations way behind we actually had the count we actually had up to 3 300 people in that room at any point in time it was standing room only at some point in time um but here and you know the mayor um probably like three quarters of the way in the mayor was sitting and I went by the mayor she just said you know this is really good and it's not political it's just very very good everybody's in and she made a speech I I don't know if you guys heard it but she made a speech answer the question yes but it was it was done so well and you got so many kudos for that I have to tell you it was on the phone this morning and people um wacp was on the phone this morning they were talking about what you said it was just was really good when I ran for this office I said I wanted to do communication and that was the newsletter but I also wanted to really focus down an inclusion and when I looked out into that CL crowd and saw he people of all nationalities people of all religions people of all colors people of all you know male female gay stra it didn't make any difference they were all there and I just thought wow this like this is like a dream come true more importantly when one person stood up and said and this is how I know these people are coming back to flon this is what we created because there were a lot of people who were not from Flemington that were here at this at this event and said Flemington brought it so I mean so when I was leaving a lot of people said you know what I had no idea if Li was this way so it opened the door it did exactly what we wanted to do I I am so I am so proud of us and I mean us and I cannot thank this console and the mayor well you know how I feel this console enough because I think at one point in time Marsh and I were looking at each other getting ready to like like boohoo and I was like I'm getting away from you um a good way yeah um this console for supporting this effort backing this effort and showing up for it it it just meant so much that you guys were there and people saw and I did I did announce you guys um Susan I could have sworn I saw you and that's why I said that's why I said no I know but when when I was announcing bu I could have sworn I saw your face and then I said well what happened to Susan so I had no idea you but I'm just letting you know I announ it was just so funny sorry I was very sick she was well she was for bed she was but anyway I just want to thank you guys um you know I think it's just going to get better and better um every year they had a postpartum today and they just kind of drilled down on some it's just it's it they are so happy that lemington helped sponsor this and the console was on board with this they were static so I can't think it was a really good event and I also want to say than Rob I mean it was like really interesting because nobody was eating and and people keep saying it's free go eat and still didn't eat and then in the break it was like people were starving at I know supplying all that food that really uh it was interesting because like I thought are all these people here because it's free food from like Mexico but no they were not they were absolutely not there because it was fre it smells so good you know what when I walked in Saw swingle sitting there I was like who's you know and I'm I'm just talking about party lines with two of her kids I was like oh wow hey kids they had the early didn't matter didn't matter they they sh Republican freeh there there yeah yeah lot of political Figures were there both Democrat and Republicans it's there were and you know and that's I just like people were commenting to me something about being Democrats and I'm like I'm a republican they're like you are I'm like how do we get past that where everybody thinks that you know my party is this party that does not support you know because it is certainly not the party I was raised in and is not the party I experienced but well princess laid it out and she said George George W Bush was the one who did the and she is one of the people to whom I refer when I say you know history you have to be brave because history is about telling the truth no matter where it brings you so there are probably people in the room that didn't want to hear that George Bush was the one who laid the foundation and insisted to be on the allall and got the legislation passed any more than people in that room didn't want me to say New Jersey did not vote for Abraham Lincoln right like the truth is the truth and if you don't tell the story then then people tell it themselves and they they tell it the way they want you spinning crap on Facebook go ahead and on there us to church than thank you Tony for bringing in no that was great it was awesome it was it was it was a great time there was some amazing talent singing wise I mean amazing you have anything else on your no that's it thank you for okay I am now going to open this to public comment session number one Robin you have your hand up you want to talk about playground would sorry but that's okay so very quickly um at our Retreat we talked about really aw Echo came in a little we all e i you so anyway at our Retreat we did decide to up our grants to um for for business sponsored events um of which we were able to sponsor the NAACP event which was amazing that's a trick I do party drop the mic 1500 right what it was, 1500 we're going to go to 2,000 and in some cases we'll Grant 3,000 like for the car shows because it's such a prolonged period of time and then the same thing will be true for our sign grants and we're hoping that we can encourage new better cleaner more readable business signage with permits um and a process so that that's really positive the only thing I wanted to say about the I think any active use of um Coury Park is phenomenal and we've been thinking about doing you know like a a blaze pumpkin event for Halloween and starting to you know maybe do some winter village type stuff and the businesses on Main Street are very um they they really like the idea of having a park so close to Main Street and they think it will um you know have good flow particularly with what's happening over at the hotel so my only question about the Tot Lot is you can um get a permit to have alcohol in Court Street park so I just want to make sure there isn't that won't and people have weddings there so I just want to make sure there isn't any would be restri because you can also get permit for alcohol if your path in the Pavilion and there's a hot lot right there too that is not County uh that is not the county policy is to not continue all uses in Parks so awesome um I have a question for you from a member of the public member of the public asked what is going to happen to the old signs U because she was interested in acquiring one of them what are we doing with the old ones that have names of businesses on them that are no longer here they're all being repurposed they are oh absolutely that's why yes re yes that's F that was a like a $350,000 initial investment so the the sign itself has a lot of value and we found a treatment that will is very inexpensive and will allow us to keep them current uh regularly she was interested if we were going to throw them out she wanted one or they were for sale she wanted one but I told her I thought they were being purpose and she was fing at too yes so but I I told her yes so they should be coming down down now um I believe Mike was working on it today and um we'll have further we have a full photographic catalog of the 29 signs that we were able to find um and we we will uh prepare them to be resurfaced and have a discussion about what the resurfacing will look like but it's all in motion so question yeah get in touch with me over the winter village I don't know if you're aware of this but there's been some talk started by just a normal resident about the possibility of having a true Christmas Market or Holiday Market but not a farmer's Holiday Market no that would be your friend Adriano well I would like to I would really let you truly do it um just just so you know um we have a lot of people in central New Jersey that head to Philadelphia or Manhattan we want them to come here why would you drive from bridge right and because I grew up and was my my formative years were in West Germany and then being able to go back and see it again I fell in love with it so let's CLE Market I may I will I may call you yeah about that great yeah really thinking about um I I think that's a brilliant idea to put on the agenda for FCP to put on that agenda and make it a big event but also engage the county absolutely and the reason why we engage the county is because that's a county park behind and and really truly getting um it's not this year it's next year if we start next month having meetings determining how those boo look that's why the alcohol license I would like to see M why I'd like to see different ALS I'd like to see the different needs like to see all of those things that are you see in Philadelphia and New York City we are the gem of this County because it's a county that's where I think it's a bigger discussion than just even us working with our County connections with our Republican mayor you may have some connection those folks yeah you might have I sit on the um cultural and Heritage commission as a board remember and um and I was going to mention that they are having They're bringing back a teen Arts Festival they have 600 kids registered oh it is at the library for this year and it's phenomenal and I think the date is April it's a Wednesday in the middle of the day maybe April 14th but it's really exciting and the kids are really excited and um so anyway I believe that we are starting to work on uh doing things in courtry park that would be really special yeah thank you thank you yeah they're actually part of theat was how problemon for sport Street and use Diamond Nation and the banner and Diamond Nations to to identify businesses downtown bring people in because the diation you know when they're there they go to sum Somerset or whatever so bring here but but no one knows what's here well when the hotel's open he's gonna he hands out sheets telling them like when they sign up for yeah Sports uh tournaments he refers them specifically to hotels so what hotel is he gonna be referring them to right right right my point of it is even on their banners when they have the banners is that the businesses will advertise on the banners as well or it's say something right so it it's all about getting people ready for it and start talking about it now and so for instance the you know the event that we had last Saturday I almost wish we had a list of businesses that were in town and you know no one thought about that time the top of my head as I was standing on stage and I was thinking oh we should have done this but you know what you c walk run so next year we will have it um and there's other events coming juneth is coming so we'll use that event to really advertise what's going on not only on Main Street but it's in the circle as as well because the cir was kind of neglected so to speak as far as people are concerned they just don't see it as a part of downtown getting the um the bakery involved in that too that's that's that's on that's the right yeah part of the bur yeah know it's all but it's also the shops at Flemington so it's all of that it's it's re Road shops Flemington it's downtown it's all kind of connecting it together so when somebody comes here I'm caring they want some Italian PES and Gummies at the donations for gummies we went to gummies a joke um okay so let's move on thank you very much um did we get to January 3rd meeting minutes I don't remember okay can I have a motion to approve the re minutes from January 3 long move is there a second uh any discussion just wanted to mention it says that I was absent that but I I was present so if we could just edit that I'll it thank you you absolutely yeah well and in the report it says I made a statement but you know it's just the very beginning it just is absent okay inent agenda we have resolution 2024 23 approving the taxi licenses uh resolution 2 2444 resolution accepting water tank Improvement projects and resolution 24 45 applying for GR tuck Morgan Park um can I have a motion on the consent agenda second I need to pull out 45 for comment one because there's two words that need to come out oh right there are yes indeed take we're gonna hold three for a SE a separate vote oh sep separate sep can I can I have a vote on 43 44 please Council yes Council yes councilman lit yes council president long yes councilman Parker yes and Council vice president presti yes so uh councilwoman angelart would You' like to make a motion for an amended uh resolution 2424 202 2445 yes thank you mayor I just need to um uh take out two words that were um typo La of better words it's uh it it says executive site movements within the municipal B owned boundaries of Tu Park which includes uh but may not be limited to soccer field basketball court P shelter and Amphitheater repairs please take out the word sleding Hill right favorable he's taking out the sledding hill in that resolu sleding hill on the resolution please what paragraph okay can can I have a motion to adopt resolution 2024 second second please yes councilwoman yes councilman Le yes council president long yes councilman Parker yes and Council yes we Have No public hearing we have no nothing on the regular agenda Hallelujah public session comment number two Robin anybody from the audience in the public hands up n i one comment that I forgot to mention during my Council Council uh comments um I'm sorry the Samuel Museum house does have an open house next Saturday March 9th uh from 1 to 3:30 five and N Street if anybody would like to come by we'll be there what are we doing at this open house this is regular our regular monthly open house okay thank you anybody's interested come on by great uh next number on the agenda is payment of bills authorizing payment of bills in the amount of $ 24,37 44 I have a motion please move is there a second uh roll call please councilwoman art yes councilwoman farara yes councilman L yes council president long yes councilman Park yes and Council vice president Ro yes we Have No long will move a second I will see you all on the 5th of March at 5:30 in this thank you so much hi