##VIDEO ID:z8AUrrk5L0A## MERS are present we will start with the Pledge of Allegiance the pledge of Al to the of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for [Music] all ho Public School bring together students parents staff and Community to provide a quality education with an emphasis on developing the full potential of the individual H here and this hire came in after the agenda was printed last uh late last week and it is for a fully Intermediate School U EA na Anderson starting on August the 26 at step two 1958 per hour and up to 322 hours per week so that individual will be included in our hires the consent agenda also is the approval of minutes and the board v motion by Nathan seconded by Wayne all those in favor signified by Zing i i i opposed and it'll be duly noted that I'm abstaining um next we have the resolution for accepting gifts we have two donations this evening the initiative foundation for $1,750 the designated purpose is for Hands-On technology courses in new for high school we also have the vet Public Health with a donation of $16,000 for the Outdoor Classroom at the fley elementary school um is there any background information that we have on that 16,000 like what going for no isn't that the grant yes that's um it's Tiff okay all right so I would need a motion and a second for the resolution for accepting the two so [Applause] move I'm sorry mess I'm not certain what's happening Mr Anderson are you feeling okay I'm just getting Clinic I thought there was one I'm sorry I didn't understand what was happening okay so I'm sorry motion was made by patri and the second was Nathan thank you all those in favor sign signified by saying I I opposed motion passes um we have the Falcon Kids Care we're looking at some new r and effective August the 16th 2021 sure thank you so Madam chair M of the school board uh just looking for your approval to accept the resolution to increase our Falcon Kids Care hourly staff wages as the sen your board packets the all way wages current are there and then the proposed wages we haven't seen an increase in our Wes since we've started in 2020 and then we are Inc comparable to other districts with are similar just a point of reference we don't need the resolution it would just be a motion that's listed as discussion action in our are there any questions from Miss Stewart regarding the increase in the school um care programes hearing no discussion we just need a motion and second thank youa on the adoption of new Wes motion to approve second motion by Patrick seconded by Ken all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed we have our go plan for online ticketing it's also discussion action Mr all right Madam chair members of the board thank you for allowing me to speak with you today uh a few things we'll just kind of go through just a little bit of information I w't go too in detail uh as to what go on ultimately all the aspects that it has um and then the opportunity before you ask questions and then uh proposal at the end um that would be related to switching to grion that would uh require uh just a slight increase in Gate fees and costs uh to to bring us in line with other members of The grite Ridge conference um and to uh kind of accommodate for some of the featur that open can provide for us uh so there are a lot of online ticketing options out there um the Minnesota State High School league for this year for state tournaments is going to be transitioning to using volan from Hometown ticketing uh the Central Lakes Conference which is obviously called schools start raapers they moved exclusively to Goan uh and in our within our conference we don't have one particular platform that we're going to use uh Little Falls uses Gan the big selling point for us is that it talks to our schools which is our online scheduling program um so that you can have your schedules imported in uh for for Ticket links and that kind of thing uh they they charge no cost to school bus District to to use their platform um they have their ways of recouping their money through the ticket sales which we can get into um and another thing that was a big selling point for me is they have a fundraising platform in addition to ticketing uh so uh looking at acquiring donations for our weight room fundraising project it's secure and safe way uh to go down that road um you know explored using a few others um and it was kind of hard to remove a personal account for using Veno and that kind of thing and I just did not think that that was appropriate to to go that particular direction um this uh this helps out with with all of that so if we just like quickly I'll just kind of go through some of the so Kelly you can go to the next one um again it talks to our schools the schedules are already built um then they populate into the the ticketing experience you can use it um for uh your individual events to use it for your your season passes those kinds of things um um it's it's simple and easy to do been playing around with it the last week um should be something that we can get up and running with in a hurry so this is kind of what it looks like a little bit from the viewer whether you on a desktop or on your cell phone there's an app um all the just the our sprs calendar will populate uh your tickets will be right there you can purchase multiple tickets at a time um and then you can offer and and have and pin your student passes your your uh season passes at the very top as well um you know this is uh just just another kind of just what it will be like um you know all the the calendar will be up there easy easy to find easy access on both uh the phone app or through a computer to to purchase those tickets um you have the option to either pass gan's fee along to the user or you can absorb that fee um I've had discussion with all the uh activities directors in our conference that have transitioned to some type of online ticketing platform when they start they typically absorb the feed to start and aren't passing it off on the customer going so that it's a nice flat rate just like it would be if you were up at the gate um so that would be my recommendation would be uh for us to absorb that fee that's how Goan gets theirs um they have a breakdown of uh what they will charge I think it might be on the next one if not I can um we F charges any get over $10 which we don't have with the exception of you could do like prom or something like that on there your your tickets for that um they take a Dollar Plus 5% on those and then anything under $10 which all of our gate fees are they take they take a dollar per ticket that you sell um we can so when for our ticket takers what's nice about this one is with b and some of the others you need iPads you need um to be able to have uh Wi-Fi so like when we section baseball a lot of times with using that there have to be on their own personal device with this there's no need for an iPad everything can come right on the user side so they can just they just get clicked in as they as they appear um and then they just get checked in um and it states how many tickets that you use and you can group check in if you're coming with your family of five or whatever uh and take care of that and just a nice easy uh experience so you'll just see here this is just someone that just gets checked in they show their um you get checked in and once you're checked in on that ticket no one else can come in with that one so there's no like screenshotting it and sending it and texting it to someone else so that you can get multiple bu the same ticket um just one entry per ticket um they do provide us with a point of sale for free um so it would be something that we could potentially transition to as well um you know if you show up you don't have a ticket you can go online and you can buy one um but they do offer a point of sale for you to be able to use a credit card right on um and this is something that we could look at to for providing an option for concession stands as well um so they they provide you with quick and easy QR codes as well with instructions so these will get sent to us um if again you showed up to an event and you don't have a ticket uh you can go this direction um and and the main reason for for going to online ticketing is is you get away from Counting cash in a room afterwards um it's just better for schools um from the financial side of things to to have an account that way um the reports are great you can modify how often and how frequently you get your reports back um it can be daily weekly monthly um super nice for the business office in red to track to get to uh you know just how many people come to a typical game and and track that over time as well um so they get little reports that can come in uh they come the next morning after each event again you don't have to to wait for the money to get counted to get put in the bank to get sent down that report it can just be right away um keep moving and then again you can get a weekly statement that looks very similar to to a lot of our budgetary items um so I guess the suggestion that I would make to the board and this is what we would have to have discussion and action on um in order to not uh lose out on that $1 that we be that would be uh taken by Gan for each ticket sale um increase the price to $7 and5 um this is what MAA charges it's what Al charges it's what the vast majority of the teams in our conference charge at the gate the seven and five um and then that way when the person goes on and it says $7 for a ticket it costs $7 it doesn't cost seven and whatever gofan is going to take on their end we would absorb um that cost um what most schools will do then they still offer cash at the door they don't necessarily advertise it um but they'll still accept cash in the transition period um I do know Albany and a few others Cathedral they're going cashless um this year they're not going to accept that anymore I don't think we're ready to make that jump in one move um so you would still accept uh cash at the door um but the the price is a little bit more um just same for the students so the students wouldn't get charged any different whether they bought online or um uh in cash at the door slightly more for an adult it helps take on some of that fee that goes back right away to to go fan um and as well as helps promote the use of the online ticket if they're the same cop some people are said in their you know go to come catch a door what they expect um so that way you can help promote the the online sales um season passes uh what we suggested with these um to keep our current fe uh fee structure in place for a SE TK be all the exact same um but on this one um the the markup the convenience fee that goldan Chargers would go on the user if they choose to buy their season pass online um what's super nice about that is it downloads right to their phone um it's non they have still have to check in so it's not like a paper card where you could come in with it and then pass it back and have someone else come through with it you're still checking into each event and then it just resets 24 hours every time that you use it um so you can check those individuals and monitor uh those as well um the the paper passes that we hand out at the moment they cost us $600 this would take that off because it would be just part of the package of utilizing so questions first I have a question yeah um so this is also like for things like the call play correct um and I know at like fall play I don't know about sport events cuz my kids aren't jocks uh they they unfortunately inherited my athletic ability so U I'm probably not going to a lot of athletic events in my your future to watch them but uh I know it's play like there's a senior get fre like at a certain age how does this are we going to keep track of that with this as well or is that just going to be a Walkin as it is it would still be a Walkin as is we still keep the policy of 65 and over would be in for free um and that does help initially to with your transition to to online if they don't have a smartphone that kind of thing that wouldn't necessarily matter because they're not getting charged to get in yeah and I do know it's with more of a cost we could look at it uh with like the play you can do reserved seating too with your tickets and you can take your seats and and you can go that route um they do charge more on their end than a dollar per ticket to to be able to do the reserve seating but it's definitely another option that we could explore with the platform as well so fans coming here we do the same thing and if you're going to another school you do the same thing so these would be for we would go for go for all of our home events uh a lot of our away events have already transitioned to using online tickets um so when we go and and play a game at Albany you have to purchase a ticket online before you bill um and it's just it's it's a it's on the web page so when you are looking at the time of the event the location there just a little spot to click to to go right to to purchase your tickets um the ads we promoted out at a time um you know remind your parents and fans you know here's the online ticket order that kind of thing to try to help with easing some of that uh preliminary transition change um just a question about that um you know I think people are getting more and more used to seeing that or it's cash list and whatever um maybe just having some signage because I know I go to I've gone to a few events where people are like well if you don't pay cash list you have this QR code just like maybe as an option as people are transitioning and then some signage that we are going I mean that's kind of the ultimate goal is and we can make additional um but they do provide like these stands when we go Witham that they'll they'll have those for us to to set out with just some simple instructions on on how to get there and a QR code to to Pur your ticket as well to set out for the public and just so that they know it'll eventually like that will be the only option yeah right and and as far as activities go to any state tournament now is cashless you can't get in without purchasing a ticket online for any state tournament for any activity and we'll still use our ticket tap yes y there still be a need for ticketer you still need someone there checking people in um and you need more people some people say they need more um I don't think so uh I think uh we've done it for Section events where you're required to um to have uh electronic uh tickets and we've been able to to function through those section events which in theory would have more attendees than a regular season and been able to do with the same amount of ticket tickers and you still have passes for board members is that still I asked about that today there is it seems very simple once we're up and running uh to to provide complimentary passes as well yep um the the $10 K SC I I was going to ask what was your what is your timeline for transition away from cash done are you hoping to do that next year or are you hoping this I would I would say two to three years and just kind of see how it goes we'll be able to with the data that we get back see how many people are purchasing online tickets to see if we're ready to just pick the tickle completely cashless I wouldn't I would assume that wouldn't be next year but I would say two to 2 3 years seems to be the the typical transition period for a district I would advise um that if we're going to that $10 for cash versus the $7 that we're going to have these signs up we should say save $3 by doing this so people know that and and rather than phais as you're paying extra to pay cash what they're really doing is they're getting a discount if they to use online online and and the $10 was chosen just based on what other districts in the area had done when they made the same transition that's where that dollar amount came from now I'm hearing that the trend is among businesses they going in the opposite direction they want you to pay cash or they'll charge extra credit but I think to your point too Mr Ang is that you know here we're a little bit different with our accounting systems and the thousands of dollars that we're handling so for us and Auditors it's really a for us and those people that are working with our tickets and counting money how does the system at all talk with our accounting department no you get a report and so then you reconcile it with the bank and make sure but I have new SCH in the previous district and it works very smoothly okay and one of the things too that I did mention is if there's ever like cancellations or things get rescheduled G handles all of that the refunding and that has nothing on our end for doing that they they take all that on which I know can be a burden so that's a nice feature of that particular time so you don't have to worry about uh any of your if there's any fraud or chargebacks or anything like that they their service department takes care of that for you so I'm going to ask you the hard question yeah there's someone you're having trouble with this who are they calling are they calling you or they calling Goan or does it matter if they're having difficulty using it it doesn't matter we'd be able to in the activities Department to help troot any of the issues that they're having with it um and if it seems like it's something again that would go on one of those exclusive benefits of credit card processing purchasing charge backs those kinds of things we would maybe direct them to to customer service at gold as well this might even have an effect on Staffing for Ev you know you know the numbers of people coming then you yeah ahead of time you know how many tickets you sold so um a lot of people sometimes will wait till the day of to purchase their ticket to know if they can go but if they're buying it in advance you have a good idea right away if we're going to have a a big gate for sure indicator well to the concession stand too that could be valuable to them do you think uh this is just kind of do you think this has makes you more susceptible to like Ransom or anything like that AC nobody's would be the would be the ones responsible for all of that kind of stuff it wouldn't be on the so they're going to be the ones that handle the actual like account information not us um you mentioned a point of Sal system with this now I'll tell you as someone who almost never carries cash anymore I love that and I I would hope that you're going to be um aggressive at implementing that in like concessions and other and other places around the events that you can use that because that is a big thing and that's the that's what I would I had a preliminary discussion with the individual that runs the concession say about getting this up and running um as as something that we could definitely explore sooner for sure yeah cuz I think people are just in was not caring cash paper I do everything on my watch I'm done everything so okay so I have a question um we've had a presentation on the um Fund Raising for the weight room and so how is this process going to T in with that fation y this is the same Avenue for that would be yep so we The Proposal before had been usually using um Veno as a a spot to just get a online Link it to make donations and through talking through their customer service which is essentially PayPal because PayPal owns Veno is there was not a way to not attach my personal ven will account and just have two of them on there at once and I just thought when you're fundraising $250,000 I didn't want any questions asked as to where that money was ever going um so that this will allow us to to get away from that and again we would as a we're thinking a cap of 500 for a donation through this because again there'll be a percentage taken anything over $500 donation would be a check written out to to go into the boosters account where it wouldn't be an amount loss and we just think that just a way uh to cast a wider that to get more people that you know if you that maybe you know have a tie to fley or or something like that if they want to make a quick donation just a lot simpler and easier for them to do so and easy to promote so a person have to create a user name on the a user account on the app or can they do guest check out they can that's the that was one of the selling points to is you wouldn't have to create an account you don't have to create an account to purchase a ticket but you can if you want to expedite that process if you're going to be a frequent customer the only thing is and I did ask this question you do have to type your credit card information every single time it does not store it because that's the their insurance for fraud has has to be way larger if they're storing your and they is ail potentially if they Nationwide get bigger but as of right now you have to enter your credit card information every single time and so I want to buy tickets will there be a spot on our website I can do on the web or do I do it on the app or is it either or either or yep so actually if we you just go to the website but to redeem I'll have to have it on the app on my phone or you can print out that will give be my next question okay so that's really what I wanted to know I'm thinking again of um so if you just go activities calendar grandparents and whatnot out there who maybe aren't that 65 yet next week Tuesday the 27th so I was playing around with this earlier so if you're on our activities okay our home event for swimming you click on that and you're buying tickets right there so it'll it'll all be right there and then you can see like get Mal uses B but there popping up so anytime um if you just go back to just anytime there's the online ticketing just that that ticket option will pop up right on that activities calendar one last time I Wasing to a guy many years ago da recognize that name famous lawyer and they asked him how you could how we can prevent crime forever he says give herid the cash any other questions from Mr on this thank you for your work all right so we would need a motion and a second to go forward with the go plan for online to I would make a motion to go forward with uh everything Mr angas proposed tonight including including the pricing options that he gave us seconded by Nathan okay motion is made by Patrick seconded by Nathan all those in favor signifi by saying I I oppos motion passes and we are going to move on to the 2024 2025 student parent handbook and it looks like we're going to start with the fully Elementary School Mr M chair prior to starting um I wonder if we could entain the device screen running environment presentation first simply because that will support some of the changes that the principls are recomending if that would be okay and that was Nor supposed to be the policy area of the I think this is just separate because one of the things that I've heard with um the last time that the board had discuss this was the why behind this and some of the research as well so I wanted to be able to share that before the principles had introduced the changes to the handbook and interesting enough I know that you were aware of this as we've talked about this as a board that the Minnesota Legislature that they do require that all school districts in Minnesota that we do pass a policy on students possession and use as cell phones and that needs to be done by March 15th of of next year and there's a lot of research on um the the um the impact and the effects of devices in schools and I'm going to highlight just three specific areas one is um improving academic performance and the second we'll be talking about students mental health and then finally I'd like to end with just creating a better classroom environment for our students and for our staff so looking at um improving academic performance we all know those of us that have been in classrooms I know a number of the board members have also been in class rooms and that cell phones can be a large distraction in the classroom not only to students but also to staff having to um correct Behavior having students put their cell phones away and I have a couple different resources that I found that really interesting that students who frequently use their cell phones in class have a lower academic performance and again it's that adolescent brain that isn't able to task to listen to what the teacher is saying being involved in classroom discussion and again that's showing in their performance academically and again that multitasking and and today I I can speak from experience I was texting um Pi a board member and I'm trying to look at something on my computer with sending for an email out to staff and I'm talking to K at the same time and made a mistake I me it's just that multitasking that LEL I think for all of us that um we struggle with retention and understanding and looking ahead then at um enhancing mental health and um our mental health um we've seen that excessive phone use can be linked to both increased anxiety and stress and we look at social media so for those of you that have children around the table still and in the audience you know that it's important how many likes a student receives on um a post on Instagram or um being concerned that they haven't received a response from someone right away and just a constant of being I think on I think just being on and in in straight communication with um their peers at all times and and again um there's re research that supports that too with that constant level of need needing to be connected and uh connected to social media that's led to um mental health issues and the final bit of research is from the clinical psychological science and they had reported in 2022 that students who use cell phones dur in class are more likely to experience social isolation as well as a higher increase in depression rep depression and then finally um creating a better classro environment we know that um cell phones disrupt the classroom I think all of us that um are in the trenches every day when we've been in a classroom we've heard a cell phone um ring or beef or the buz or something that has happened and it stops the flow of the classroom so whether it's distracting students it's distracting the adults because the adults have to manage um the behavior and then just another more resources with the Journal of computers and education they reported that cell phones lead to potentially increases um of incidence of cheing as well as reduced participation in classroom um discussions and again that's linked back to academic achievement and then finally the last article that I'd like to share is from education science and this is more recent in 2024 that cell phone policies can improve the learning environment by promoting more face Toof face interactions among students and I think again um what's important to us and I think the principles will talk more in detail about this is that you know our our charge is really to provide a learning environment for our students we want our students to be able to concentrate academically and the one thing that I think is important for the board to remember as the principles are um talking to you about and um and Shing their proposed changes in their handbook this is really ground level work and this is um uh this is coming from our staff from our teachers in each of the building leadership teams this is where that this has started from so as the principal are presenting to you please keep in mind that um this particular change has been Ved through their building leadership team so there's supports within their buildings I I agree with all of these things I might just point out last fall when I was at the nsba Legislative Assembly which is made up entirely of board members about 150 board members around the state that resolution came up to be presented the state legisl I think this is one issue we um I think it's fair to say that government's very divided but this is a nonpartisan issue and and I do believe that it's wise um and I would hope that the principles would agree this has to be done and it makes sense to do it in the beginning of the school year rather than change patterns and behaviors once March comes along and probably the next question you would have is if the board adopts the changes um to the handbook we will need to communicate this out to families and luckily um we're not the only School District that is towards this direction there's more that are than I think aren't so there's a lot of great um social media examples already I've had a chance to talk with our communication specialist about how we would push this out we start with social media and then also follow up with a letter to our parents too so we would hope that that would be our Target would be Wednesday to push that out um I know when we were had a work session I think it was where we talked about this months ago and I I was like about it so um I went I started talking to teachers and asking and you know between subs and EA and teachers and yeah two a te this this is all exactly what they said so I I completely come around and I happy that changed my mind and glad that I brought my attention given a chance to change my mind and and I do believe that you know there's accommodations for students that need so for example we do have some students that have medical needs that it is necessary for them to have their cell phones and so we have that written um the suggested policy to that if a student has a medical reason for having their cell phone on their person that they would still be able to have their cell phone and I think ultimately going back to your point too Patrick is that we want our teachers to be able to teach and we know that there's some natural behaviors that teachers are going to have to manage but if we can take away of those extra things that to make it easier for them and then to make the academic learning environment better that's something that we should be doing for our students I know our parents say they say we need to be in touch with our kids at all times and as a former teacher I agree heartedly I just don't I know how difficult it's going to be in for you know so I agree you have to have students attention to the feature otherwise you're not going to not going to work but I hope it's enforceable you know what the horrible thing that was said to me by parents I kind of bring it up though it wasn't at all times it was in the event of a disaster or something happens they want to be able to call and know they want to be able to reach their kid and know their kid is safe which is I mean that's it's scary right I mean that's and I understand that as as a parent you know we always want to be a like oh we have this thing now I can I can check I can check and reach my kid and ask my kid are you safe but um at the same same time I mean they're trusting us with their with the safety of their students and we're doing our i' say we as a district but we as are doing our best and you know we're going to do our best to keep them safe and that's but I mean that's that was like ultimately like when you kind of like what's the that's what it is it's like but okay if they're not what are you going to do you can't reach them what are you you know if there's like a a fire or something it's not like you could run into the burning building as a parent and and you know we we don't live in in in like a movie in Hollywood or something where one lone person can can run in through amazing circumstances and say it's just so I I I think that's where a lot of that trepidation really comes from is there's is there fear and this was giving people a away to have a feeling of control over some of the uncontrollables and I think as we do our communicating and things that is something to keep in mind is what is the real concern a lot of most people not everyone I think most it comes from I want to know my kid is safe at all times and this was my one way I thought I had to do it well we can't ever know every's 100% say sadly and that that's a really good point because you one thing that on the crisis management situation that our protocol is that we wouldn't want parents calling cell phones because we want the lines to be open so that we're communicating with law enforcement and other emergency Personnel I've been caught long before cell phones ever came came in I never saw a problem of any parent ever getting a was that that is my I just wanted to do a precursor before we heard from the principal since had a bit of background before that they present changes all right so we'll go forward with the elementary school thank you um there AR a lot of Chang fly Elementary handbook um one cell phone personal device policy will get or procedures will get you um but what you'll see is if there's a change it's the new languag is in blue with the old language and strike out so the first is a change that we actually imple implemented last year just didn't have in handbook um students are allowed in at 750 used to be 755 um so now we just uh made the language in the handbook reflect we're actually doing um there's same thing there there's just a few grammatical things um um that's all very much the same um there's our cell phone and other personal electronic device section for the elementary school and um so we broadened it out to include not just cell phones but other electronic devices um so for example SmartWatches Fitness track headphones um at the elementary school the device that we see students trying to use during the student day more than cell phones is a smartwatch and they have very much if not the same capability as a cell phone so that's why we BR it out to include those devices um and we talk about in our school when a student if a student brings a device like that they should store it in their locker when they get to school and at the end of the day when teacher is getting the class ready to go they can get their device back out and wear it home but during the student day it really should be put in their locker and put away in stored for the day um and if a student doesn't follow that process kind of what our um what our response will be um the device will get confiscated turned into the office we'll have the student pick it up at the end of the day um if it continues to happen we'll call the parent make sure they're aware and work out a plan for how we're going to resolve that issue okay um keep going next page this is an added chart we had added this year we've had this chart uh for a few years at fully Elementary but now we put it in the handbook um and basically what it explains is how different student behaviors are handled a minor versus a major a small Behavior versus a large Behavior what those look like what are possible responses from school staff and who can handle minor behaviors versus major behaviors emergency closing just a little change in language um we still want students and parents to work out an emergency closing plan but we just changed our language a little bit and um water bottle snack break same thing we took out one section of notice app parent um we still have classrooms that do Friday folders but not all classrooms do so if a teacher does a Friday folder for paper pencil communication they can still do that but um not all students or not all classrooms communicate in that way um report cards is going to be a little different um in the past we've printed out paper copies all report cards for all students every trimester this year um we're start using Infinite Campus a little bit more a little bit utilizing it more to its fullest extent so um parents will be able to access their kids report card online versus having to wait until a paper copy gets home sent home we'll still print a paper copy if a parent wants it if they request it but that's not going to be um our standard procedure that's it I just one thing again about the uh bringing of things like watches and so y i i concerned when when cell phones first came out they were getting stolen all the time you know the kid going to be able to go back to his locker and check and see if he's gotten anything before he goes back to the classroom I mean probably it shouldn't even be allowed in school you come door that would be our preference as don't even bring uh but that's a hard thing for us to try and force I know yeah the I I want to ask about the why it is School deserves the right to uh refuse excusing an absence when requests become ex excessive one student has 10 absences all once a student has 10 absences all future absences will be considered unexcused unless medical documation signed by the health staff but um it says that they're going to go to the county social service at 7 m why why don't we make that the same is the county has um we have to report and work with our families at different absence levels so we'll do a three a five and a seven um communication with both the parent and then when it gets to the seven unexcused that's a County uh um educational neglect referral for students our age for 12 and under it's an educational neglect um so that we're required to make that that contact with the Cy but then we still allow it's by stat 10 I mean we still allow 10 before we refuse to seven is the unexcused absences so if we have a student that is absent for 10 days and then we're see those absences are excesses 11 12 13 14 and we're not sure why that's when we can request a doctors know really for any of our absences but the I think I think every I think every situation is is different because if there is a family that has count involvement and there are situations where we have to submit on a weekly basis the attendance whether we an excused or two absences they're just tracking to make sure that the parent is following through on on their end of whatever the county is ining par you I I can say from personal experience last year my daughter did middle school last year was bad year she got sick and she missed a week of school that was five and she'd been sick a few times PRI that we hit that 10 then you know we got that automatic thing like yeah well she she has missed a lot this is a kid that missed I think maybe one day all the four or five years prior for that so uh I like you know I'm glad someone's watching though that was kind of how I felt about it and I think sometimes when we watch the attendance that may drive parents to say geez they've been gone already this many days I don't know if we should do this certain trip because academically they're starting to fall behind and that's what we're really trying to watch too because it's stressful for kids to be gone for five six days because the work doesn't stop are we um anticipating passing each handbook as we go or at the end together I would recommend passing as we go okay I would I would do it all together all together all together I don't think you need to do them separately it's wonderful document okay so now we we're okay to move on to the P intermediate okay very good good evening everybody fun hand we talk for everybody so Intermediate School we're looking at U our cell phone policy also updating Mas we're looking to do a away for a day so what that looks like is as you seen your um documents we' be asking students not to have cell phones out from 8:00 until 2:50 on school day and we ask ask our students to have their cell phones and their lockers actually amount with them we also know all that research they have with them they feel that buzz it's a distraction they're kind of wondering gosh what's going on what am I missing you know so we are going out with most of those schools are doing in the area as far as doing the way for the day so that would be a significant change we have communication ready to go with parents and families um If This Were to be approved uh until let everybody know as Dr Perry mentioned also look at Blas social media to make sure we get really get that message out so everyone knows what the next steps are in the gameb our next change um uh under attendance we put a little statement in there about the authority decide whether an absence is excused or unexcused rest of the administration um sometimes as we were talking about earlier with attendant and stuff gets to be a little bit tricky and stuff so we just want to make sure we put that language in there that that we have final say we're going to accept that the absence or not I just want to back up just a little bit get back to the cell phone talk um I just want to mention our building did month worth of work researching um cell phon that that's something that came up from our teachers concern that they had that that really distracting learning uh learning environment so we literally took six months investigate that research that as BLT but back dooro staff and they really do feel strongly about um the cell phone language that we propos for our hand boy um really improving the uh learning enironment for our students one of the things I you know sometimes you hear something that really resonates and kind of sticks with you I remember one of our one of our staff from is mentioning that you know this students getting a one or two you if they didn't have their cell phone didn't have that distraction I know they have three or four you know I think that's telling about the distraction that that cell phone had for that student and that's not an isolated um occurrence I think that happens more often with some of students so sorry that but we can do a lot of work as a another highlight for our handbook that we're looking at adding is just the truy language Basics putting State Statute language in in our just so everyone's communicate clearly this isn't talkable as different levels as far as when we report the count when we're reporting the parents and then finally um one of the things we're looking at really tightening up this year um inter your me go is came from our staff also um tardies um soon tardies have gotten be an issue U kids kind of you know Milling around the hallways not getting to class on time so we are looking at tightening that up a little bit um as you can see the strike outs one of the things we don't really do a lot of detention so we want to make sure we're using our planning room in accordance with Adis to help kind of teach the appropriate behavior to the students so we did said it's going right from um a second time going the detention we want make sure we involve our planning room so then we kind of teaching proper behavior for our students and we will get to that detention um point after a few different hopefully after hopefully after this one time they know what to do after that but if it does get to be a recurring problem we do have more of a step as far as going to the plan room and then detention so those are the few but major as far as are there any questions uh from the board regarding inmediate School C change how much time do students have between classes um for some M grade look have three minutes those are all clustered really close together The Only Exception be like go to band or right and even that we've timed it and you can you can get from band room over to Mr dra's room in about a minute 15 seconds if you you know as much Social um are students are they are they I can't remember so forgive my bad memory here are they allowed to have like backpacks during the day to carry their stuff with it's class like it's a depend on the grade level the teacher we prefer them to be in in their lockers and not have backs with them I'm just thinking about carrying things in practice I'm thinking about people going from one end to another that's I'm asking thank you thank you all right thank you and we will move on to the high school Mr F so get I'll start off the cell phones um RB L had done quite a bit of work in this area whether or not the legisl passed this law this was going to be our proposal was do not allow cellones during class we're going to allow them in the hallways and at lunch our our feeling is if all we do is completely ban everything we're not teaching them to be responsible so we've got to kind of phase it in as they get older or they're going to college getting a job whatever it is cell phones aren't going away so they need to be taught somewhat resp responsible use so we're going to help them do that so that's that's our cell phone proposals that they will not be available to used during the school hour or during the class hour but in the passing time parents need to communicate I get have teenage drivers and these sorts of things you want to be in contact you have sporting events that change so we are so that's the first change the second change uh just adding the inter formal to allow guests we've been allowing it for the past couple years even though it wasn't stated here and we get questions so I just wanted to put it in there so it's so it's stated that way um dress appearance um proposing to allow hats to be worn in school a couple years ago the legislature pass was called The Crowd act where certain ethnicities and different religion things can wear head coverings so every year I get questions of why can that person wear something but I can't well I don't want to be the delineator between what can and what can't and again we staff had been we talked about this at length um cell phones might be part of a battle well are we going to battle cell phones and hats or pick our battle and battle the cell phones make that kind of PRI um under the graduation ceremony we're in the kind of the third year of phasing into trimesters so just changing things to be set for the trimester you can see the 48 credits by the conclusion we took out the the grad year 24 well 25 and Beyond because it's now 25 and beyond all the time so just changing that to get that updated for trimesters media media center used to be open 7:30 to 350 goes back to when the computer lab was attached to kids need to be able to get into a computer lab to do their work at times now they got Chromebook they can be wherever they want to be and be doing that so um tiing those hours down actually we did that last year during year I just putting it in the hand and then Senior privileges senior privileges were something that was tied to study HS when we haven't had study halls in since before I was here but the language was still in there seniors were able to do things and leave the building at different times when they had study hall if they don't have a study hall it's kind of a mean point so updating that and then the last one is just tying this um the device of the teacher the first time it's taken away rather than um the office for the day so along with the policy we change make sure that the discipline Matrix said the same thing yes going back to the cell phones you said they can't use in the classroom but they can hold and they have in their pocket yes cuz that's it's going to it's going to be tempting um we we have bought um a calculator holders that teachers can put and if teacher wants to have all students put them there they can we have teachers that haven't allowed cell phones for a couple of years they have a policy and a system that works for them that didn't have them putting them there so I'm not going to make that teacher put them up there if they have something that works I'm just going to say as pointed out that sometimes that they vibrate in the pocket y i I actually do appreciate that it's a transition in this time with the cell phones one because in the Google Classroom um like I know my son when as a senior he lived in Google Classroom on his phone said it was keeping track of everywhere um he came in obviously uh the Chromebooks came in just halfway through his time but it was really nice um because we also were on a Google classroom with him we can see that but also for him the the calendar aspect and learning to use his phone um as an like the agendas are used at the Intermediate School I thought was a very important skill for him that he gained at high school that he does use now at college and so I I do appreciate you're saying they have to learn to use the respons because that really did happen for my son and he learned how to use his phone not just for entertainment distraction but for actually being productive any other questions thank you madam just to clarify I would recommend um having a motion for the parent student handbook and then doing a separate motion for Child Nutrition and then Athletics since they're okay that's fine that was thanks for clarifying that was my question but that's what we will do and um I just want to add one comment that I have been in contact with the Kimble school district and I've been looking at their social media um posts out to their community and students in their school um community and um they are doing a top-notch job with promoting their no use of cell phone so I would we don't need to reinvent the wheel I mean we can kind of look to see what they're doing and other schools in our area and push that out as well and I think that um the State Legislative um body is on the right page with this 150% and I think we'll be thanked with increased student achievement with this one of our vales here so I would need a motion and a second to appr the handbooks as stated motion to approve the handbooks as stated okay motion by Patrick second by Nathan all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion passes and so Cher you have Child Nutrition yes this is part of the student um so just updating it um last year and continuing this year um meals are free for all kids Minnesota so we updated that in the yellow and then Minnesota Department of that also tells us what we um charge our adults which we have to charge at least that much or more and this is what they have um for this year as far as $2.50 the breakfast and adult lunches are $5 um the strike out is the old civil rights statement and the new one is put in that is LED and this is the updated civil rights statement as well from the Minnesota Department of Ed this needs to be on all Child Nutrition materials that are sent out to parents and then the other page is our Lunch um charge procedures as far as um even though students receive free meals if they bring a meal from home they have to pay for their carton of milk they um with the free me has to be a reimbursable meal which is at least three items and one is a fruit or vegetable so um if they want to have just a carton of milk it is 50 Cent so it isn't covered we tried to get that pass in legisl this year but it did not happen and then we also have an allar program where kids can purchase extra items for allar or after school snack so they have to have money in their account last year we put no charges on the account I mean negative balances if you have a negative balance you can't purchase anything and that did go pretty well my cashiers did quite well with being s with it it's not easy but it is what it is um we do notify electronically as far as when the household reaches $10 um and then it's going to continue until they put money into the account and payments can be made by credit card or online with Infinite Campus or they can bring money to the offices and it would be put in and then no food can be brought into the lunchroom from an outside restaurant if that happens I'm under the understanding that they go someplace else to eat not into the C any questions I have one comment on now we have a governor that's in the on the national se he seems to be getting knocked by a lot of opponents for the free lunch program what are you what's your feeling I'm not actually that certain that that's pertainable to our our educ our education food program honestly no no I'm just saying I believe it's been a good thing for right however there's other people that don't feel that way I'm not going to comment on that thank you any other questions okay thank you so we need a motion in the on the Child Nutrition second motion by Nathan seconded by Sharon all those in favor signifi by saying I iOS motion passes and we also have the 2024 2025 student parent activity all right um I do apologize I didn't make changes to it I didn't highlight them um so we're going to I have been going through it um most of the changes uh that went through in the activities handbook uh some of them were just updating uh the teams that are within the Granite Ridge conference are current coaches and advisers uh in addition to some subtle terminology changes the biggest change we discussed at the last board meeting uh was the the fees increase structure uh and some of the things that came along with that so that's now reflected within um the handbook as well in this section right here you know we did add girls wrestling last year um so that was added in um uh to to that girls Athletics programs that we offer here uh in Foley uh again the $20 increase was reflected on all of those as well as the there's no longer the now option or pay later option excuse me when registering uh so when someone registers for an activity they register and pay at the same time um they don't have the option to to pay later on down the road um in addition to that just some sub changes around the uh FIS um Intermediate School academic policy just changed it to to reflect um the high school one a little bit more that we're doing it four times a year uh the high school one we do it 13 um and didn't feel it necessary to to uh have the exact dates in there um even though the the ones that were in there weren't accurate um the high school one will change somewhat to just align with uh midterms and those kinds of things so that we're not running a uh reports you know 3 days apart um and so now the uh intermediate school policy will reflect that they run it four times a year and not just specific dates as well um it's a way y so there were the the fee up updates and changes there for for all of our activities again we discussed last Bo meeting uh the other the other little change is there's a a portion in there that you scroll ways down that refers to parents um attending an all activities meeting in the hall um we're going to be offering that meeting three times this year for for an opportunity if you have a a student that's only in AC in the winter or only in the spring um the the parents will have the opportunity to to come and go through some of the final points of the mines State High School eag ruls as well as the the parent and student handb as well with myself so is an opportunity for a question or comment on no you're good okay so in the past that was a one time thing in the fall yep so I think it's a step in a great way to offer it yeah and then the the was recorded and will be shared out with with parents as well um and then the opport the idea would be just to have a winter and a spring evening and then a a parent coach meeting after that to follow too so you to come in and go through the expectations of the specific activities that you're involved in as well Eric um well I have page here in the thing Granite Ridge conference sportsmanship pre rules yes um three places it mentions the word cheerleaders are are they recognized by the Minnesota State High schol they still are there are not a lot of schools that have part of the high school leag they're not they used to be yeah they're not as um I'm trying to think there's not as visible and there aren't as many schools that still have a set cheer squad like they used to um but there are still enough to to read so that can be there um and then further down on that page says masks or costumes that disguise identity are not permitted what about the mascot don't some schools have mascots there there are I do believe there are specific mascot exceptions in there um it talks about when where the mascot can be um and it's restricted to the cheer area as well so I that would not pertain to the mascot and on page 99 fly Falcon student athletic checklist and expectations a student must be fully enrolled can you define what fully enrolled is yes I I've got but if you want to to thr in so there's if if you're at a high school level you're you're taking courses either it's depending on if we're claiming you for the eight I believe so to be fully enrolled um means you have to be a res a fully School District or if you are open enrolled so we have for example Mala students that are open enrolled into fully Public Schools they participate in our activities if we have a homeschool family that's within the district they also can partic participate in our activities correct allst postsecondary students that are with in the fly District are also eligible to so you may ask the question what happens if we have a homeschool family that's in ALA for example can they participate in fully public no they participate in Mala activities okay having grandkids that are now involved in activities it seems that your are fairly reasonable compared to what they're facing large school they're quite lower here um but also they also run into things quarter selling quarters for savings books and things like this they give all this Stu everything else that have to be for fundraising I think anything to do for fundraising has to go through the school board is that right anything a specific team has to do for a fundraiser has to come through the board first yes okay um expectation as a y parent Guardian I agree to um one of the highlights are discourage the youth and inform my student about the dangers of drugs alcohol and tobacco I I think we need to find a stronger word than discouraged you know we just need a stronger word there but well to be fair though it also says that their student uses it that there are consequences right you know kids get discouraged by some something from their parents doesn't mean they won't do it and and on page 105 um Sunday practices Minnesota State High School league by law prevents scheduling of practice games meeting scrimmages or pictures on a Sunday for all League sponsors activities does that in any have anything to do with the night of a no no I haven't read through thisle I should have but I know that probably when Jo was in school if you were caught drinking it was the whole season is that right it was an 8we violation which in a 9 we football season yes was well yeah then even before you it was a whole season where is the state high school le maybe six weeks or something so first offense is two weeks or two events whatever longer okay and then the second offense is three weeks or six events whatever used to be the first Event Y so we implement the the Minnesota state policy any other questions for [Music] Mr thank you so I would look for a motion and a second on the 20 2425 student parent second motion by K seconded by Patrick all those in favor signify by saying I I oppos motion passes we have the identified official with authority it's um acronym is Iowa resolution and this is something that we have to do every year I believe that is correct and so um it's the time of the year to take care of that and um it's in your packing on page 114 and it Nom designates the superintendent as this individual and it will be signed um a signed document that we have to wish use that after I it seems like it's kind of making it specific M all right was there any discussion on this otherwise I'd look for a motion and second on that second motion approve second motion by Nathan seconded by Wayne all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion passes and we have a letter of understanding with the custodial um contract regarding juneth which is also discussion action superintendent you want that sure um with the addition of adding juneth as a holiday there is not much guidance and um what we were informed with msba is that we treat that holiday as like it is Fourth of July however as part of it um it's necessary work and so our custodial staff felt the work that they're doing in the summer C building is necessary work so we did work um with the SEIU membership um um are their Union person rer along with our Union steward and we came to an agreement that um employees were concerned that they lost um a day of work because it's not a negotiated Hol holiday for custodial um unit it is for others that are working though in in the summer for negotiations and if employees wanted to use um they could use ES1 or other Aven as of we that they could use to be compensated on again they concerned that they had lost time so our agre then um came that if employees wanted to work additional that they would need to let us know by September 1st and then complete the8 hours and then that way we would basically um put their their leave Bank as whole again and just to inform the board that the union does have to vote on any memorandum of understanding and this was ratified by the Union as well so it would be my recomend recommendation to have a motion to pass this as presented thank you are there any questions regarding this I I would take a motion and subit for the custodial contract regarding motion to approve second motion by Stephanie seconded by Patrick all those in favor signifi by saying I I opposed motion passes um we have the superintendent review that is up for discussion and approval um just to recap uh for records and for our audience and those at home um we did as a board um complete an evaluation on Dr Perry um the standard we use was a goals and standard-based superintendent evaluation and it was through the Minnesota School Board Association um we had two meetings and we did a Survey Monkey to um as a board we were able to do some readings some comments Etc and we did have a very good discussion at both of our meetings and um we kind of started out with some brainstorming on what we felt as a board was a priority to be evaluated on and so that's kind of what we did our first session and then the second session was to set some goals and such um in collaboration with Dr Perry Patrick did you want to add anything further on that um we chose the mspa for this go around simply because we haven't done this was the first superintendent evaluation since I joined the board four years ago um between Co at the end of and then we kind of came out of that with Mr newow so um since we hadn't done it for a while we wanted we just needed to have a system in place which is why we chose this I had participated in the training um chairwoman Howard had also done um some training with with it uh previously so it just seemed like the easiest way to get us going we're not like locked into anything for further evaluations as we go but this is a good place for us to start the conversation it is also part of our board Norms that we agreed on as a board to have a yearly evaluation of the superintendent um a formal evaluation like this but we also do have a check-in um around February I think it is and we we did that as well last uh last February and really what a lot of this comes down to is setting these goals and the ideas that hopefully we're checking in in February see how the goals are going do we need to adjust things or things we need to help on or you know that that sort of thing so that it's not like um once a year we're going to talk and everything we're really trying to make this a collaborative process and I um I had to sadly leave uh halfway through the meeting I um had another obligation that that night but at least a half hour was there uh I felt was a very good collaborative conversation and I think uh in that respect it was exactly everything I had hoped for out of this process but we we're working on it thank you and so at this time I'll just U kind of recap um the evaluation and um just kind of going by what the board had decided as priorities to evaluate um so the policy implementation was one and um that was scored as effective and consult with school board with questions policy interpretation um and follow School Board policy we also felt it was important to evaluate budget development and maintenance and that was also um categorized as effective engages in proactive budget actions that consider current information and data seeks to balance to meet the students needs of the Al responsible to our community distributes resources in light of school district goals and immediate objectives we also talked about relationships within the community and that was um based as effective and creates relationships with public and private sectors um we also talked about um informing the community as a whole and that was viewed as developing and um you know working on keeping the community members informed of school district issues and concerns um another item of uh discussion was Collective marketing and that is also developing I mean we had our first go around with that this year um we also had um topic of conversation Professional Knowledge of teaching and learning and that was effective demonstrates knowledge of current instructural programs and is able to discuss them seeks to learn and improve upon personal and professional abilities and we also touched on supporting of students and um deemed that as developing academics um Support Services extracurricular activities and accommodations to meet students um range of learning needs to create trusting safe inclusive and respective School environment and sustainable for most students we talked about ethics and professional behavior and that was um consistently models higher standards of ethical and professional Behavior including courage and integrity guide staff to articulate and reinforce High ethical and professional expectations for School District staff and interacts with stakeholders in a professional respectful and trustworthy man we had interactions with staff student and community and um this was our final um item of topic U to discuss and also um as developing and frequently examine School District procedures and practices for adherance to principles of fairness and human dignity and works to make the best of Union um relationships so that was the extent of our evaluation which was a lot of really good work and I thank the board for their participation and their willingness to um have great discussion and um getting the the survey in and our second um area that has to do with the evaluations read upon goals and so those are up on the screen and these are kind of smart pools that we um kind of develop just a group in collaboration with Dr Perry do you want to expound on any of those I don't think I need to unless there's any other F questions um well just to reiterate that you know looking at the this is the 2024 2025 school year that we were really Hing in on and um so of course we're going to you know work with our reap which is the in-house trainer um chrisy R is the instructor for that so that is that is going to be key for this school year um and then looking at the community engagement and we have some changes coming up so we want to look at um Facebook and and website changes in um you know have some positive control with the narrative and also um reporting to the board by committees within the district um those are listed there PBIS math science college and the school and we also have um our third goal is there was our indoor air quality um project I'm not sure what to exactly call it but it's going to be huge for our district it um amounts to a lot of um resources and um so that is going to be really prioritized this school year as well and then working on job descriptions was another um priority that we kind of set as a goal does anybody have anything to add on those um I just wanted to say that you know every year you know hopefully what we're going to see in our evaluations then is be looking the goals should help help drive that um when when I was doing the training to mention this for anyone that's that's watching at home or in our audience tonight the idea really is that you know the board has one main responsibility kind of at the top of their responsibilities and that is the higher uh and and help manage the superintendent and and of course uh if anyone has ever had a job you know one of the things goes with managing is setting goals right so the board kind of has this part here we work with the superintend to set these goals the goal should drive the next piece right that should you know so you look at at these things um Facebook website does this mean we've set the goal that Dr Perry is going to be the person updating the website updating Facebook no it means Dr Perry it's buck stops with her so to speak uh as far as the board's concerned but she's going to be delegating this to members of the the team here at at FY public schools to help accomplish this goal um same same with you know all these committees uh and everything the IQ project right but the idea is that we're giving aticles that we're saying these are the things that uh we're seeing as important for the next fiscal year Dr Perry has to accomplish these want we want to see these things get accomplished that's why Rob checkins how she does it um you know she's having she's delegating that that's up to her I I hope she's delegating because she's got a lot of responsibilities uh in general so that's where this all starts and as you think about as a snowball as a snow gets rolling we get a few years into this right some of these might be multiphase multi-year type goals where we're going to have to break it down okay well this is a big project what are we what can we accomplish over the next 12 months and that's going to feed into a goal for the next 12 months and that's going to be right and so let's say now there's something that's not going well we're going to have that February check in and dr's going to come and she's you know I I've been trying to work with Bon County News trying to you know I can't do a weekly column you know that's that was something you know Paul nuar was really good at and and good on him you know but she's like right now with the IQ project and all these other things I'm having trouble you know well then we say okay well we can help advise you say well well how about you know weaning on some members of your team you know and having like an elementary one week and intermediate one week you know things like so we can help give advice and and so when that February comes but she's not alone we're all in this together that's our that's kind of the meth the Mad the method behind the madness or the madness behind the method I guess depending on how you look at it with what we're doing all right and I will need a motion and a second to accept our superintendent motion by Nathan seconded by Wayne all those in favor signifi by saying I I oppos motion passes and we have um next contracts for Community Education staff all the same order and my order is coordinator of school Age Care First and I believe you'll take cont cont motion is that correct then I I'll stop and I won't keep moving on then no that's fine we can do it that way individuals that's how they're in the perfect um this position if you remember this was a a new position and so we didn't have to um adjust employment for the 23 24 school year but moving forward for the 2425 school year and I should also say that with Community Education this is a different fund and so we really had to work quite um hard on um looking at what the Community Education fund could support in terms of increases in wage wages and I have to say that ala St Community Education director was very helpful in helping um gather data for us especially so that we um comparables to to Area Schools as well so um looking at um the terms of employment and the other thing we had to adjust um prior I believe we had this contract as a stary based but um there's a salary um threshold for um exempt employees and so that's been increase and that'll increase in July and you mean that's like a statute have follow that yeah that's that's lot that's a lot so um we had to adjust them an hourly wage and so it equates still um the employee Works um 260 days and it is um a fulltime 8 Hour position so we did increase the hourly weight to $23.18 uh we did increase our four of three be matches and then we also added June a holiday and then we also increased Insurance to match um where we place other insurance cont contributions with like positions as this so that's the coordinator of school age care so do you have the percentage of increase has a 3% increase on wage and total package of me while they're looking that up um M CH like say that I I was working on this committee that with all all three of these um and I great conversations were had um and so these are from the committee as well for recommendation okay so I need a motion on a second on the coordinator of school AG Care programming support contract motion to approve second motion by Patrick second by Stephanie all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion passes um next I have Community Ed rap Care supervisor that's what I have okay okay um so this is a program um for an extension of the learning day for for students and um currently the services is 180 days and looking at um this year um we we increased the wage by 3% and this employe was working 7 and half hours per day this year and the board committee that was involved I think I hate to speak for the three of you but we really learned quite a bit about each of these programs so it was really a great discussion and I think we learned quite a bit about what happens in in wraparound wraparound care and one of the proposals that the employee had come forward with is increasing from a 7.5 hour day to an 8 hour day and did a great job of explaining the reason why we didn't know um with preschool being back to back um this particular person just did have any time um to prep for students um she had a lunch break and that was it and we felt that making this investment in this program to give a teacher the staff member she's not a licensed teacher but the prechool referal supervisor additional um time we thought that was very important import so um for 2425 school year we've increased the amount of time hourly so it's from 7.5 hours to 8 hours and then the increase on salary is um 3% and um this employee at one time um she received eight holidays and no floating holidays I think she was the only um person in the district that did not have a floating holiday so the board committee and they did agree to add floating holiday and um the other thing I believe in this in this terms of employment I don't believe she had a 403 this employment right there was no 403 match as well and so again we thought that was important to add because every other employee in the district does have a b fre match um insurance we um stayed the same for last school year 23 24 and then again moving forward um to 24 25 increased to 9094 and Erin I think my percentage is different from you so I'm going to trust your percentage increase total package over two years is a 12.28% increase so year one is a 2.39% year two is a 9.90% and it was still only a 3% increase on the it's because we added that extra half hour every day so just getting War all right I a need a motion in a second for the community at career motion to approve second motion by Patrick seconded by Wayne all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion pass passes and we have the Community Education coordinator contract so this um position is also 260 days and in the 2324 school year the increase is 3% and then for the 2425 school year the increase again is 3% and you'll notice that we did increase the 403 match again it's similar between all um three employees health insurance um again there is no retal for 2324 2425 is an increase to match um the other terms of employment and it's 994 um again we added juneth and then we um we did strike a few different things in terms of employment one is that there had been um onetime payment for monitoring social media that this employee does not do that anymore so we removed that and then there was also a sing for insurance if employ did not take insurance and so that was removed from the terms of employment and the one thing we did add for this employee is a stien for their cell phone due to um the many different activities that they host in the E using their own C and so um we did agree to the cell phone s overall package over two years is 6.08% I a need a motion and a second for the Community Education for me contract motion to approve sorry motion by Patrick seconded by all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed motion passes and that would complete our contracts for Community Education staff is that correct that is correct okay so then we will move on to the assistant to the director of Child Nutrition contract so this is a 225 day contract and um on year one and year two for salary increase it was a 3% increase we also added juneth as a holiday and the other um the other part that we added um I believe in this terms of employment the employee did not have any personal days either and so we added in the language um to personal days and we kept the language similar to other terms of employment where the employee can build the personal days to accumulate to for um personal days um the other thing that we talked about that was important is supporting attendance at conferences um we all know that we have a wonderful Food Service program and we want to make sure that we're still Putting Edge so we did feel that that was important to support that and I believe um that was the highlights for the terms of employment oh Insurance um thank you Aon um insurance as well um is to 9094 from 8611 and there was a stien um and that stien had been removed and so if you recall in a lot of our at will contracts we had Insurance sens there were four or five of them that fled around that was important those were REM from terms total package over 2 years is 14.8 and it's just from the increase from the stien to what in insurance cost thank you have need a motion and a second to approve the assistant director of child nut contract motion to approve and I will second motion by Patrick second by myself all those in favor signify by saying I iOS all right continuing on um we're down to IES requiring review um this is discussion first reading call for public comment on the following policies policy 103 complaint student employees parents and other persons policy 2032 order of the regular school board meeting policy 2035 school board meeting agenda policy 524 internet technology and cell phone acceptable use and policy policy 531 the Pledge of Allegiance policy 533 was wellness policy 704 development and maintenance of an inventory of fixed assets and a fixed asset accounting system policy 709 student transportation and safety policy policy 206 public participation in school board meetings complaints about persons at school board meetings and dat privacy considerations is there any discussion on those policies on policy 203-2 the order um recognition of visitors I don't know that's when Eric brings people here that have been successful but I would like um open forum for citizens to address the school board um um at the beginning and I'd like it inserted um where it used to be at the end and um um number six presentation of additional bills for payment I've never se you know we don't have additional bills they just give us our bills and we accept them nobody brings any additional bills to the table no but these are m m model policies so and written communication exactly what you know is that I think the policy needs to reflect what we actually do um other older unfinished business 10 or 11 we don't um add new new any new business some when you go to some meetings they do we we don't address it that way but um my main concern is want open form for citizens to address the school board I'd like that to be considered um at the beginning of the meeting and at the end of the meeting like we used to do I do find that interesting that this is our policy but this isn't actually how we do our meetings and I understand it is the model policy from msba um but if we're not doing I I are we saying ourselves for any um Eagle Eye wellwishers will say I don't think so because if you look um in the policy they use the word similar so I think that's where it's suggested and then um in policy 2 or 3.5 I believe again it's to that is the policy that sets the school board chair to develop the policy I I have a cleaner copy and I don't have my note copy drinking I was just curious if make sure we're always talk about our policies being followed just double checking run into more um potential difficulty if we go off the msba policy too far I we do a policies yes and then you know majority have the MSB model policies because their legal has gone through them so we're changing their legal that's where we run into potential and so this was discussion only in first reading so we'll move on to I agree with Sharon I really miss having no comments at the end like we used to I think I was very informant with the board we did something that the public didn't like at least they let us know right away I think that's important as far as not having transparency that it'll go back to the policy committee I I would agree with that after that my mom used to go to a lot of board meetings and she's a teacher and they say to her you want to say something now and she goes no because I don't know what you've done yet I'll wait till the end so uh