aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands na God and jce for all thank you yay chlo the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice and to ATT the meetings of public bodies in which any business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of the ACT report the board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published on January 11th 2024 and posted on the district website at published in the board's designated online media Outlet newspapers the record and the Star Ledger filed with the clerk of bur forly and mail to all persons if any who have requested said notice please be advised this meeting is being recorded and may be broadcasted on local TV and online at a future date the open public meeting act allows for remote participation in meetings and defines meeting as any Gathering whether cial or by means of communication equipment which is attended by or open to all of the members of a public body held with the intent on the part of the members of the body present to discuss or act as a unit upon the specific public business of that body call please Mrs K Mrs Curry here Mr Knight here Mrs Cen here Mr Lopez here M Morel here Mr here and here the board will be convening to Executive session to discuss legal personnel and other confidential matters the board will reconvene into public session at approximately 7:30 p.m. I have a motion to go into executive session motion second motion second Morel all in favor any opposed I to the flag of the United States of America and to theic for which it stands one nation of God indivisible liy and justice for all new open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice to attend meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of the ACT reply board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published on January 11th 2024 and posted on the district website at published in the boards designated online media Outlet newspaper the record in the Star Ledger filed with the clerk of the Bur fortly and mail to all persons if any who have requested said notice please be advised this meeting is being recorded and may be broadcasted on local TV and online at a future date the open public meeting act allows for remote participation at board meetings and defines meeting as any Gathering whether Caporal or by means of communication equipment which is attended by or open to all members of a public body held with the intent on a part of the members of the body present to discuss or act as a unit upon a specific public business that body roll call please Mrs buers K here m colbath is ABS M Curry here Mr Knight here Mrs Kang here Mr Lopez here M Morel here Mr Rino here Mrs RI here the board can be an executive session at 6:30 p.m. to discuss legal personnel and other confidential matters Dr Kitz will you begin by sharing the superintendent's report yes for everyone coming out tonight especially on Zoom I remind everyone that we have many events planned we have the academic Awards the visual Performing Arts Awards sports awards graduations and great things happening so please check our website and speaking of great things we are proud to see on this so since 1936 there's the scripts National Spelling de and this is the first year that we have actually have someone from Fort Lee who I would like to recognize her name is Olivia gree from the Middle School who is representing the Northern New or North Jersey spelling be champion and she's representing us this Sunday in Washington [Applause] DC [Applause] come Washington DC told Hey sir so no I always had the problems with the the smaller words so I guess you're going to do very well on Sunday pleas stand next to the trophy everyone in Zoom L can watch you take a picture and you want to say anything are you nervous are you nervous are you going to spell everything correctly no come on anything else okay can we give you a word or to all right thank you again good luck good luck on Sunday [Applause] we that's great things are happening in Fort Le and now we have two of our high school students Lily chart hello and T Jan screw that up apologize did you tell us what's happening in the high school three singers from for Le High School honors choir audition for The All State Choir and will be performing with the elite choir selected from the best singers from grades 9 through 11 singers are not included because the fire will be doing a performance next school year congratulations to Alexa Marie o Val de Jun King and Louis K T raced in her third professional race the pelli GT4 America at seab International Raceway in Florida from May 2nd to May 6th K raced the number e McLaren arura on May 10th 35 students attended the third annual team Awareness Day sponsored by the for Le police and the sad on May 22nd 10 10th graders will spend the day volunteering at the Habitat for Humanity resore our award winning band and choir will spend Memorial Day celebrating with the community by performing and marching Town celebration on May 10th our marching band hosted a triv night the 11th graders took the Angela science today and will continue tomorrow all ninth graders and 12th graders um and 10th graders will have a delayed opening the the fort league boys track team won their six league title in seven years on Thursday May 16th 2024 the fort Le High School competed in the NGIT chemistry Olympics with 15 other schools in the New Jersey region Fort Le had two teams in the competition the teams are composed of students in the 10th through 12th grade who have taken different chemistry levels and are interested in future steam careers the events that they that they competed in were chemical research in polymorphism of chocolate website design on Alternative Energy chemical nomenclature tests information search on an aromatic molecule instrumental lab on food diet and sports drinks and debate on the use of machine learning in drug Discovery coached by Mrs Constantin NOA and Mr ainson team a consisted of David Fang chamman Yao L winning Ariana Lee Joseph Kim Abigail Lee Fiona qua Nelson Nelson Richards and Nancy dong Team B consisted of Elijah Shin Jaden Kim Jaden Chen Ena song Elise law Stephan senin Clara wng inso King Jason M Andy dong Ashley on and Michelle Park thank you thank you very much I would also like to remind everyone to come out to the Memorial Day on Monday to show our pride in Fort Lee as well as to give thanks to the veterans who have served our country so proudly so please 10:00 Le to step off and we welcome everyone to be there we hope you're all there to celebrate thank you every everyone for participating in tonight's meeting thank you do we have committee reports good evening all are the negotiations committee met on Tuesday May 14th discuss the Affiliated contracts and we will will also be meeting again this Thursday to continue that conversation thank you any other committee reports okay any board members have questions or comments on the agenda or any other anyway I have a a comment um that I just wanted to say that I'm happy to see uh pomptonian on the agenda for approval tonight for to be our next year's Food Service uh company pomptonian has gone above and beyond every time we've asked them they they care about our students they care about the quality of food um pump tonian has done a great job I've I've been actually sitting here as a just shareholder uh when they brought food and they they everything that we've asked of them they they've helped and and done it and I sincerely think that they care about the students so I'm happy that um that was the recommendation that was put on the agenda I wasn't involved with it at all but uh I'm happy to see that I that that's what it is all right I just like to congratulate Olivia hman who was awarded a uh a scholar athlete award by the njsa um and from what I understand only one student from the high school is selected for that honor so I just wanted to take a moment to congratulate her and uh that's it I I do have U I do have a question comment u a couple a few things also want to congratulate Olivia hman um our award I do have a question on um 1bg and 2bg on the of The Proposal um would does that just want to be clear does that include construction who being the survey right at this point in time that they actually want to come out and do an assessment even of what the property is I don't really know if that's going to INE the construction because as we had in our B&G meeting I know PE people have spoken about giving a donation of scoreboards but as we found out there don't have conduits there so you can't get the scoreboards without the conduit so first they just even need to come and do an assessment of the field to find out exactly what kind of material with the Turk there's all kind of underlying material underneath there you have to even see even though there's lights where you could even put scoreboards up to see how you can maybe tap into that so as we go on we can find out more information but I think this is just to get it started so if people want to donate a scoreboard we can actually you know finally have the conduit there so then we can accept the donation yeah just there was that there might be additional cost down the line so I was just curious I I think it's probably going to be more as they delve into it more to find out exactly what's involved thank you I do have one administrative change on 15p um the teacher Chelsea yorski is unable to work in that program so we're going to amend that that resolution 15p removing that name okay I may I have a motion to open the floor to the public motion motion Curry second night all in favor any opposed or extensions okay we will hear first from any members of the public physically located in the cafetorium then we will take questions and comments from those participating remotely participants are limited to 3 minutes in which to make their statements for remote public participants please select the raised hand button you will be recognized by District technology coordinator Mr rero and in the order that you raise your hand please unmute your microphone and state your name okay on behalf of my mother I'm so sorry it took us a while um floor is all yours Mom oh is here thanks will okay um please limit your comment to 3 minutes do we have members of the public here with us this evening in the cafetorium who would like to speak um when can you speak Fay when 1415 at the Avenue um I'm a parent of a forley high school student so um we all BR together here to want to address the the problem that as a parent we are facing about 40 High School Maring that so um myself I have been volunteering since 1999 um every year among all these parents we go for watching B competitions um we participate every competition uh at the away competition so um first of all I have to thank everyone here um High School parents teachers um uh School administr administrations uh as well as all the staff and all the involving parents um in the last six years that I participated um uh we have tremendous success in the marching EV program so back in back in 20 back in year 2000 um in the midle of Co Marching Band still were able to put together over 100 students doing a virtual competition while all other schools have dissolved the B um in 2021 40 High School Marching Band won the New York metrop metropolitan Regional Championship um at the tournament of band competition in the New York Region um competition in year 2022 fortly High School Marching Bridgman representing state of New Jersey we were invited to the National memoral Day Parade in Washington DC in year uh 2023 um the high school marching richment won the US B could find New Jersey Championship that also include that also include the caption Award of best music best visual best overall effect and best color guard same year 2023 the marching band also won the US band good find national champions so all these success uh all these success music program award comes from all the supporting parents um we want everyone to be aware that the marching B right now we do not have a teacher for the upcoming season uh B program started in September sorry B competition started in September and it's a very short season that runs from September to November in the last six years Ben program actually start preparing a in the month of July and however at this point we don't know what's going to happen to the B because Mr Welty is retiring in [Music] June um that says that going forward we don't know what's going to happen to the upcoming winter compet Winter concert holiday concert spring concert and more um thank you hello um good to see everybody I'm Kim werman my address is 157 kington Drive um I also have a student uh son who is in the marching again um he's a sophomore I don't have all the history that they has um I'm a new a band officer just been doing this for two years um I do want to start with thanking everybody um Everybody sitting in front of me everyone behind me everybody on the phone um for all of your support for the marching band um it doesn't go unnoticed we really appreciate it from people standing in the rain and looking at somebody standing in the rain at one of our competitions last year for people opening up their wallets and Pockets to help support the band booster we really really appreciate it I know all the kids appreciate it I'm just echoing a lot with what uh B said in terms of sort of a time frame the clock is ticking in sort of where we are in position right now um that we have not hired a band director for next year it's the very short season starts September Ends November all the planning would be done at this point uh the kids begin practicing July they take off half their summer to dedicate uh to the band um this is their choice um just emphasizing just the importance of focusing and prioritizing if there's anything I personally can do to help the process not that I know anything about it I'm here I will get on the plane I will do whatever I have to do um we put a lot of time and passion into this band we know this is super important for the community um I encourage everybody uh who is available to come out on Memorial Day and to and to listen to our beautiful band play um this is our last performance with Mr walty so thank you hi um my name is Jackie of ch for5 Street I work with uh these ladies as a b boosters I have my son freshman in high school in a marching band so I was able to see my son closely for the last one year he started his Maring band practice when he was in the eighth grade because um practice started like I think mid June and July and in August they had um uh one week intensive um raning B summer camp like six nights seven days for the practice hard work um bonding and creating a sh together um he was even able to blend into high school life before September and in September they have practice practice practice um it was so amazing saying they have feeling of achievement accomplishment because of the hard work and the bonding they are making a lifetime friends I even feel like my son will be all right because he's in the M BAND I don't want to tell my son hey I don't know what's going on next year you may not Choose You may not have it next year just because uh we weren't able to find a marching B director it's so amazing I hope everyone is able to come to see the Memorial Day Parade um coming up I appreciate the recognition of the Town um thank you for all of you that but I just want to let you know we are desperate to find a new band director to keep the program alive thank you so thank you for your comments we do had a we went through a process of of several resumes multiple resumes um and we had two final candidates actually three two of the one uh was unable to to take it one was offered the job and then refused the position there were more interviews today and we hope to have someone by the next agenda who would be the the final candidate I I I just want to say that I apologize that I cannot be there in person but I appreciate and I know that the board is listening to Kim waserman and everyone's comments um it's just unfortunate I'm dealing with a lot of family issues but Kim what what you said is coming out loud and clear at least to me Paul it was loud and clear too um these speakers Keith Goslin 2185 2A um RoR and everybody else um I just wanted to update everybody on the special education parents Advisory Group the seag which I'll refer that um for the rest of this night um last week I believe it was historic we drafted bylaws so we are now an organized cpeg and know Michael you asked um the last time I was here how many people there were there were over 30 parents um at this meeting so that was pretty cool um we were able to draft bylaws we were able to get everybody to agree to the bylaws and now next month on July 12th we June June June 12th thank you I need that um June 12th uh 7 p.m. we're going to be running a ctions for the president vice president and secretary which are the positions um lined up or uh referred to in the bylaws so we're going to do that next month so it's very exciting um again I'd like to mention if you're a special education parent in the community please do join us the district is sending out the information as soon as I wrap up some uh minutes from the last meeting but we really want all parents who have a special education uh child in the district or adult in the district District um to join us we want all voices to be heard and we want to work together in partner with the district and making those things happen um thank you to Dr Kravitz as well for helping out and volunteering to tally the votes so we can have a a legitimate election and that's it thank you very much guys have a great time thank you and I would like to just say thank you to to Keith and everyone on CPAC and we start I think our first meeting was October I missed a couple but uh I appreciate the fact that we have been work together and got I think got from where we were last year we've done a lot and I appreciate the help in the parents it's so I just want to say that you don't have to be a special education parent to participate in this and we want the entire board to embrace it and move it forward thank you is there anyone else in the audience who would like to speak okay Mr rero you're up Annabella you've been promoted to panelist please unmute your microphone and feel free to share your video pleas state your name and address for the record you have three minutes Annabella Annabella you're still muted hello yes we can hear you okay sorry about that thanks so much Mr rerro first time joining from my phone um good evening everyone Annabella one Executive Drive I'm actually quickly calling in from a college fair in White Plains uh because I didn't want to miss the chance to extend a grateful thank you to Dr Kravitz and Mrs Lauren Glenn if she's listening on all their effort put behind recruiting for a new marching band director uh who also serves as a band music teacher during regularly scheduled class as well I I want to acknowledge that it is not an easy role to fill and I know that especially with the big shoes that uh Mr Harry Welty is leaving behind after 40 plus years so just thank you so much um at the same time I want to Echo what um The Three band boosters there in person uh spoke about that the sad reality unfortunate reality is that we are in a state where this role has not been filled yet again not due to the efforts but it's a difficult role and I speak on behalf of the larger band boosters uh the parents Guardians the students the community volunteers and Friends of our beloved loved marching Bridgeman that at this late stage in the game when normally the kids would have been given them music known the concept you know been preparing for band camp that uh we fear very much that this uh Marching Band program is in Jeopardy as well as uh there just simply not being a band teacher um who will teach the kids music just regular even concert program music and um the thought of them sitting through a period you know with with a substitute as we wait to fill this role um who probably won't even be certified to teach them music during regularly uh scheduled classes is really sad as well so uh again I I want to Echo whatever we can do whatever help you need we are here for you all um I've never recruited uh for a band director before in my life but you know I will do whatever I need to do so we are here for you and thank you so much thank you we are um I took a personal interest in in this um because if you don't know many years ago when I was teaching here I was in assistant with the marching band and I marched in college so I'm B person so yes I recognize that and as a band person through High School through college and then working with Mr Wy I was fortunate enough to do that for a year teaching percussion um we are working actively to finds a month there are no more raised hands hey may I have motion to close the floor to the public motion Mr Knight oh Mr Rino sorry second M Mor all in favor I any opposed or extensions okay moving on to resolutions may I have a motion to approve items 1B and 2B motion motion morale second second Mr Rabino sorry somebody said it uh roll call please Mrs buers Ken yes Miss K Paul I think you're M you're muted Miss Curry yes Mr Knight yes Mrs Kang yes Mr Lopez yes M moral yes Mr Rino yes this is Rick yes Paula are you able to um come back on uh yes thank you may have a motion to approve items one B&G and 2 b& motion second motion Byers Kang second Morel roll call please Mrs buers K yes Mrs K yes Mrs Curry yes Mr Knight yes Mrs kotang yes Mr Lopez yes M Morel yes Mr Rino yes Mrs RAR yes I have a motion to approve item one C motion second motion Morel second buers Kang roll call please Mrs buers Kang yes Miss KB yes Mrs Curry yes Mr Knight yes Mrs kotang yes yes Mr Lopez yes M Morel yes Mr Rabino yes Mrs RoR yes may have a motion to approve items 1 F through 13f motion second motion Curry second Morel rul please Mrs buers Kang yes Miss kbat yes Mrs Curry yes Mr Knight yes Mrs koten yes Mr Lopez yes M Morel yes Mr Rina yes Mrs R yes we have a motion to approve items 1 p through 14 P wait hold on sorry one 1 p through 20 P 15 p as amended by Dr crit motion motion moral second second second Curry roll call please Mrs buer K yes m k I abstain Mrs Curry yes Mr Knight yes and i' like to wish ad best Lu Mrs Kang yes Mr Lopez yes M Morel yes Mr Rino yes Mrs RI yes may have a motion to approve item one p second motion morale second Curry roll call please Mrs Byers K yes Miss k i abstain Mrs Curry yes Mr Knight yes Mrs kotang yes Mr Lopez yes M Morel yes Mr Rabino yes Mrs rner yes I want to wish um Mr Sher well as and I hope he stays as a teacher I I do know that there are different teaching styles I've experienced teaching styles at the high school that didn't agree with um the way that I felt as well but it agreed with many other parents so um I know that there were a lot of um athletes that went through his training and they did very well um he will be missed on the Bal court for sure um by many so thank you any new business may have a motion to adjourn motion second motion Rino second Morel all in favor all right