for it stands one nation God indivisible andice [Music] all Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon in ordance with the provisions of the act the forly board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published on January 11 11 2024 and posted on the district website at in the board's designated online media Outlet newspapers the record and the Star Ledger filed with the clerk of B for said notice please be advis this meeting is being online at a future date the open public meeting act allows for remote participation at board meetings or by means of communication equipment which is attended by or open to all of the meetings of a public body held with the intent or act as a unit upon the specific public business of that body roll call please Mrs V K is not here Mrs KB here Mrs Cur here Mr KN this C here Mr Lopez here Morel here Mr Rino Mrs Rick here the board will be convening to Executive session to discuss legal personnel and other confidential matters the board will reconvene into public session at approximately 7:30 p.m. I have a motion to go into executive session motion motion Morel second Curry all in favor any opposed okay States of America stands Nation God indivisible andice for all the New Jersey open public meetings law was [Music] enacted the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest discussed or acted upon in accordance with the revisions of the actly board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published on January 11 2024 and posted on the district website at published in the board's designated online media Outlet newspaper the record in the Star Ledger filed with the clerk of burough forly and mailed to all persons if any who have requested said notice things we advis this meeting is being recorded and may be broadcasted on local TV and online at a future date the public meeting act allows for remote participation at board meetings and defines meeting as any Gathering whether tutorial or by means of communication equipment which is attended by or open to all members of the public present to discuss or act as a [Music] unit just give us one second Dina sorry no worries okay thanks Miss Kat here miss Curry here one more second Dina yeah Jason the the audio is going in and out you recognize that yep yeah I'm gonna have just Frankie reset the cable he's working on it right now thank you told okay sorry about that I'll set your here Mrs kotang here Mr Lopez here miss Morel here Mr Rino here Mrs is RI there here the board convened executive session at 6:30 p.m. today to discuss legal personnel and other confidential matters Dr kevitz Will You Begin by sharing the superintendence [Music] report good evening everyone and thank you all for joining us we are happy to announce this week is Teacher Appreciation week so we recognize all our teachers for the great job they're [Music] doing I'm sorry nurs appreciation nurse's appreciation week as well and this is also the beginning of aapi month as well as Haitian heritage month I'm also pleased to share the forley high school academy of Finance reach the National Academy of finances Catherine BLC distinguished level and delivering high quality educational experiences for forley high school a high school students nf's annual assessment measures an academy strength and challenges in implementing nap's results driven design that prepares students for success in college and careers this is not the first time Fort Le high school has achieved this High highest honor 210m in the math Network have reached Katherine BLC distinguished level with 187 of theseis having reached this level more than once and 23 being new to the roster and now we ask our two high school students both sophomores to talk about what's happening in high school toras and Bella PL Tess Lee was one of two out of8 students to be given the metric award at this year's Tera North Jersey stem fair for her research project titled access to pharmacies based on median household income of New Jersey towns Tessa has presented at numerous Board of Education meetings over the past two years The Fortress class has officially moved into their CH Hunter building students from Chinese March fourth class showcas their cultural project at Cen Hall University on Saturday April 13th earning a remarkable third place in the state contest of Chinese Cultural research project with nearly 40 Projects from various high schools across New Jersey it was a competitive contest this marked the first time our district and students participated making their achievement even more remarkable the peer Outreach service team visited the fourth graders at schools 1 2 and 3 the post students presented workshops about using social media safely and showing respect for ourselves and others the fourth graders were excited to act out scenarios and share their experiences three singers from portly High School's honors choir successfully auditioned for All State Choir and will be performing with this Elite choir selected from the best singers in grades 9 to 12 congratulations Alexa Marie oal tun K and Lois qu on April 11th the SATs were administered to the 11th graders in school each year nap evaluates and certifies cies through a rigorous process all to ensure the highest level of support to students this year a remarkable 210 nafies have reached the highest level named the Catherine blasic level portley high school's Academy of Finance was one of them our student Muna Blake in 12th grade has been selected as one of the finalists for the stigma-free sticker contest there are over 160 entries from over 30 towns these stickers are created by students throughout Bergen County from middle school and high school levels we are proud to announce that many of our students have won the Scholastic art and writing Awards this year it is the longest running and one of the most prestigious Regional and national art competitions celebrating the creativity of us middle and high school students here are our winners Ino Kang with one honorable mention Juan sun with five silver keys and one honorable mention her and Y with three gold keys Rebecca park with one gold key and one honorable mention jamman Yao with one honorable mention and one silver key Raina Kang with one gold key and one honorable mention and Kiana Falcon with one gold key one silver key and two honorable mentions on Saturday the first police ver forley High School faculty softball game took place fun was had by all who attended and the police won a very competitive game 13 to 12 on May 2nd Guidance with help from student council held a career fair on May 10th the for Le police will host a number of students for their third annual teen Awareness Day congratulations to coach cic and our baseball team for qualifying for the prestigious Bergen County tournament for the first time in our school [Applause] history on our agenda this evening is the budget for the 2425 school year I want to thank Miss mess for all of her hard work in putting together a solid budget working with the finance uh committee as well as other various Committees of the board we have a new accounting set software in place that she has worked tirelessly to implement which will help the district moving forward as we continue to try to become more efficient and look at realtime data to support our decisions this m would you like to share the budget information so in order to prepare the budget we did uh several meetings we met with principals supervisors directors we reviewed all the programs the staffing needs the capital requests we also met with um the finance committee and then we shared that with the rest of the board the tened budget was submitted to the county office by March 20th and now we're approving our final budget as you can see from our Revenue sources the bulk of the budget is supported by local tax uh ly the balance of the budget is being supported by um fund balance there's some state aid extraordinary Aid and some miscellaneous Revenue we also have a capital reserve withdrawal which is going to be for the renovation of the high school shop on um vocational program as you can see over the years the state aid is slowly trending upward it's still not I guess supporting the budget at the same rate that we really needed when we look at the budget expenses if you look at just uh the contractual salary increases that's 3.2% that 3.2% is eaten up fully by the um tax levy and we have other costs that we have to take into consideration health benefits um health benefits is projected to go up 12% for regular health benefits and the prescription is anticipated to go up 25% next year this gives you the breakdown that you can see the bulk of our money is spent on regular and special education programs employee benefits makes up the other big chunk another large area is transportation the transportation costs have really increased exponentially the last couple of years and they just keep increasing uh you can just see the comparison from last year to this year of how much we've increased in our regular programming out of Replacements those uh tuition costs have also increased taking care of our buildings and grounds we're trying to start to do some improvements because there's some infrastructure items that we need to address as I mentioned before transportation is increasing and the same thing with health benefits the most important part is what's the annual tax impact on the um tax payer so on that average house that's assessed at $479 your property taxers are going to increase $165.6 per year and as I mentioned before we're doing the high school shop and um hbac program that's it Mr President right here that's all we have for this evening thank you okay do we have any committee reports hi good evening uh the building and grounds committee met on Thursday April 25th to discuss um the what Miss mess just talked about the hbac um or the the middle school so it's on the agenda tonight um for the bid and also um the money to be transferred it came in a little bit over um we talked about the scoreboard signs for the um baseball and softball uh the possibility of that happening and um the district is going to look into how that we can get power to be able to have those looked into and see if we can get them and uh also I did want to correct one thing I think at the last meeting I think it was myself or somewhere someone said something that we don't have bleachers anywhere there actually are bleachers they were there on the for the police and um teacher day so there are some bleachers floating around um it's just I guess they got moved so I wanted to correct something that wasn't correct I don't like to give thisinformation thank [Music] you any other committee reports okay do we have board members with questions or comments on tonight's agenda or other topics I have a couple of I was letting everyone else go um on the budget that we just saw are there any changes from the preliminary budget that we approved and sent to the county no the only change is that the um the town had the actual 20 uh 20124 tax levy increase so when I did the preliminary one I think it said like 133 but they hadn't finalized their 2024 budget so when the town got back to me the um the tax rate actually increased so that's why it went to 165 but all the other expenses are exactly the same okay and and you had a slide at the beginning that showed a 2.23% increase that was one of your first slides and then later you had the tax impact is 3.11% if if the increase is 2.23% H how do we do that since we have a 2% are we using waivers or something because otherwise wouldn't we have to go to the taxpayers for anything over 2% you don't have to go to the taxpayer when you're using what was we had a bank cap so Bank caps you don't have to go to the taxpayers for and we're also using a health benefit waiver okay I initially I think when you did the preliminary we were not using any waivers but now we are using a waiver in the preliminary that was also there that didn't change okay I don't recall we were using a waiver but that's how we're getting around the 2% cap is using Okay um um so I want to congratulate 3B Kim Curry um she is actually receiving two Awards tomorrow night at the Bergen County School boards association meeting um I know the agenda lists something I don't know three tier or I forget the exact verbiage but um she is getting a certified board member award and also a new board member award so she'll be up there on the podium twice um so Kos to Kim for doing all of her professional development um and then um I have a question on 4B or calendar yes um I know we've gone through a number of iterations I I'm have what I think was sent to us today and I I just have some questions on the Legend um so yellow says school closed and blue says district and school closed so do I understand when I'm looking at anything that is yellow that the teachers come in on those days so School Clos meaning it's the school calendar for for teachers and um contractual employees The District closed means that the district itself is closed for all of the employees meaning myself and non-affiliate staff members administratively as well there's a difference so if you hear the a contract yeah no no no I'm I'm still a little confused yellow like it I guess blue means no one comes in but yellow means certain employees come in correct and and yellow means admin central office is open yes so central office doesn't get like the April break that's correct okay now um so when they can use their vacation days we can use our vacation dat at any time during that night okay um I'm trying to figure out so so election day we're election day is green so the district is open but students won't be in school on Election Day is that how that's working that's correct okay um and the last on what's proposed for 4B tonight the last day of school is the 19th and students start on the 5th that is correct okay and then February just tell me what's happening on that Monday and Tuesday so Monday Monday the district is closed meaning uh everyone all staff are closed okay Tuesday central office is open open and I believe flag would be flag is closed whatever their contractual obligations I can speak for district office on the yellow wear there okay and the last one is a blue which was the legend says district and school closed for March 30th which is a Sunday which I didn't understand so we just as I mentioned at the one of the meetings we are recognizing elid on on March 30th [Music] I apologize for the pronunciation we are recognizing that on our calendar um we wanted to we mentioned that at one of our last meetings that we are starting to recognize all of the count the events that we can and on that particular day we wanted some recognition and so is the district doing anything special to recognize that holiday on that day that I do not know yet we'll as we look to plan things for the upcoming school year we'll be discussing that with the Administration but at least we wanted to recognize it on our calendar so everyone is aware of that H okay and then last I I brought it up probably the last two maybe three meetings um we've been urged almost that's a charitable way to describe it to get committee meeting minutes in I went on the website again today before the meeting to check on committee minutes um the ones I submitted are non-existent on there and I'm interested to know um if the RFP committee has met because its minutes for the February 13th meeting said certain things were supposed to happen by April 28th in order to issue certain notices to vendors for the district and that date is come and gone so did the committee decide that we were not going to change vendors or is there going to be a Pres presentation as to any kind of analysis on what came in for the rfps that would be for Food Services legal and banking the Food Services um the the the RFP committee is going to meet on Wednesday to discuss the Food Services because that one had come in later that um rfps were I believe until April 23rd and so the the RFP committee hasn't even met yet on Food Services that's the one that they have to approve at the May 20th meeting because it has to be approved and down to the um the state by May 31st and a decision hasn't been made yet I don't know if Holly wants to address legal or um banking the decision hasn't uh been made yet for legal or for banking in fact um we're going to be coming up with date at that RFP meeting for the RFP meeting to make the decisions for legal and banking so we haven't had the meeting yet so okay so the committee hasn't met to look at any of the RFP materials I guess I'm sorry excuse me say so the committee hasn't met to review any of the RFP materials we met we reviewed that committee report on that there was a committee report that was I'm sorry did I hear there was a committee report submitted yes okay the committee report is not on the website for all board members to view the only committee report that is on the website is the February 13 2024 so I would appreciate it if it since the minut are not there for those of us who would like to know what's happening um maybe you could give us a report as to legal and Banking and when the recommendation comes to the board for Food Services I would ask that the video that was submitted as part of the RFP for pomptonian be played for the board and the public and our RFP had um several Pages where we set for of how we were going to rank each of the vendors and I think that those should be made available to us well I'm sorry what video you talking about because I wasn't made aware of any video that we going to be seeing so do you know something I don't know well I had asked and and this is I think it's positive you asked a question let me answer it we had the entire packages for each of the rfps for those three vendors legal Banking and Food Services made available to all board members pomptonian as part of their RFP package has what I think is a very nice video that summarizes how they are out in front of a lot of issues and I would I would ask I you're looking you're looking like you've never seen it then that go to the link that that Dena sent to all of us and there is a video from pomptonian and I'm asking that video be made available the night that you make any type of recommendation it's short sweet to the point and I think um summarizes a lot of the things that we've noticed in improvements with pomptonian I know you're looking like what video am I talking about but they submitted a video as part of their RFP I looked at it I went through every page I didn't ask to have things put on the website just for the my help well then you're ahead of the game because I'm looking at other people I've seen that video so good for you okay well I would commend everyone to before they vote to to take a look at all the packages and pomptonian had what I thought was um a video that gets you into like the interesting and and effective things that we should be be thinking about as a district when we come to Food Service agree um I just want to make a statement I also I just like Miss Kath want to congratulate Miss Curry on her two Awards it really is um a big step on your way to certified board leader I also want to congratulate because because there wasn't one at the last meeting congratulations to president rcta on becoming a master board member which entails not only doing all the PD work but hold on one second Holly we lost you for a second I'm sorry when that happens is it just us that are remote Jason or yeah all the remote okay thanks Frankie would you mind double checking that cable again I think we got a a short somewhere on bed cable got two things real quick uh so first of all I'd like to thank central office uh for for digitizing those RFP materials so quickly casy they're trying to fix the sound they're trying to fix the sound let me know when you guys are good okay sorry about that no Frank Frankie would you check the other end that goes into the laptop okay thank you sorry about that right Mr Knight um Miss Morel was in the middle of finishing one sentence before they asked her to pause so if you could just hold on let her finish her thought and then we'll get to you so real real fast I just want to commend both our fellow board members on their um big achievements it really is is um it really shows that they've gone above and beyond to do all the professional development and to get to know what it is to be a board member so congratulations to both ladies yes right night you're up yeah so I just wanted to thank central office uh you know last meeting we asked uh for the RFP materials to be digitized and it seemed like that was going to be a really tough uh thing to achieve but it got done in like a day or two so I just just wanted to to thank you guys so much for doing that you know it makes our life so much easier when we can review those materials and you know I'd hate to think that some of us would vote on it without looking at it so I really appreciate that um and then also there was one item on the agenda that I just wanted to mention something about um and it was um let me just pull it up it was um let me find out the number on it it was the Columbia University study let me just pull it back up here um it's towards the end give me just one second let me pull it up here so sorry here we go so it is here we go so is item I think 13 give me a chance to P it up here it is 13 here we 13 oh nope is it B P 13p so I just wanted you know I was looking at that and you know I I actually open up the document that that talks about the scope of the research a little bit and you know I I just think I'm going to vote no on it and I wanted to share that with you folks for a couple different reasons I think um I I don't like the idea of our children being used as guinea pigs if there's not any actual gain from it and it actually says in the document that that the researchers provided to us that there would be no actual gain other than the children having an opportunity to do the puzzles so I just kind of have a problem with that and I just I think someone else's kids could be used as guinea pigs not ours that's my feeling on that so I will be voting no on that one that's it any board members with comments or questions I just want to make a comment on some of the res one of the resignations for sure um the nurse from school number one um Andre egof um I saw a resignation also um Charles Sal a resignation um these are uh two very influential people in the district who served the district very well and were very beloved so I wish them the best with whatever their new Endeavors are and as well as the other two people as well and not familiar with but I'm sure they were fantastic as well just a couple of um question um danam I know you might have mentioned in the past um can you share with us what are some of the um items that would qualify for waivers in our budget um you mentioned Health Care is one of them Healthcare is one of the waivers there's also enrollment growth so if you had an an extra large enrollment growth that would be a waiver if you have money in bank cap Bank cap is considered a waiver that you don't have to go to the um the public for approval for I think those are the major ones other ones you may have to actually go out for voter approval but anything with healthare or an enrollment adjustment and what is a bank cap Bank cap is that if you didn't use all of your your tax levy increase from the year before let's just say they put in there the waiver that you're allowed to increase your budget for a health benefit and then for whatever reason last year you didn't decide to use all of that that you could have used you're allowed to keep it in a bank cap and you get three years that it's carries forward for then you can use it in a future year if necessary so it's still part of the local taxt yeah um in in in your in the item that we're going to be approving 8f why is the um the local tax Ley and the budget item why is there such a big gap you mentioned earlier most of our most of our funding come from our tax Ley um yet the total base budget there's about six7 million difference between budget and local tax right because then you also have state aid you have some miscellaneous revenues um you get additional with your state aid is one set of numbers and then extraordinary Aid comes at a different time that's another form of state aid so those are the other revenues that get added into that in addition to your tax ly um and then regarding item Columbia study um the propos proposal that was sent or attached to this item um talked about the benefit may not be directly may not be a direct impact to participant but um but that the result of the study can help our um administrators and in in in our curriculum um developers uh create curriculums that are relevant to our students can Dr Prav can you talk about from your from from your perspective what are the benefits so sure she she handles that actually that's her that's her Department your volume is really low I don't know if I'm the only one noticing that no it's the same is this better yeah that's I don't have a problem with projecting my voice um so you know we get some of these requests and the requests um have to include certain criteria and so this request included all the right all the criteria that are required by board policy um uh so I guess the benefit short term is that our students these 30 students will be worked with and and be given practice um in this area so there could be a benefit um in that way um um but also research learning best practices always starts somewhere and that starts with research so I guess that would be another benefit um um in the long run also we have a student teacher in our building that would work with part would participate in this study would not be directly responsible for this study but would also participate in assisting with the study so we also thought that that would be a good opportunity for our student teacher um so we look at this not only as a benefit to our students but to the Future Educators that we may employ um that are now student teachers but we may be able to hire them at some point and this is always a great professional and experience for them to enhance their practice and and theb just in general institutional review board indicates protocols that would never harm any student any child so that this is part of their protocol indicating that you know this this goes back in many years when any research study is done everyone has to be checked double checked by the university that's presenting these IRB protocols to make sure that no one will be hurt whether it's a qualitative or quantitative study everything is usually blinded um so that there's no indication of the student and it's just very it's a common practice in IRB studies we get them a lot they always go through the assistant superintendent's office we've been doing it for you what type of study is that it IRB it's called the SOB anytime you're doing a doctorate program or a doctorate you have the internal review board make sure that there's no harm to anyone goes back to actually the Airmen you remember when they they gave him syphilis and there was no accountability of what was taking place so many universities research universities decided to create these uh review boards that make sure that there is uh no harm to anyone even through medical research if you're doing your doctor in that as well thank create these and that's the accountability piece that everyone is checking to make sure no one is identified all the data is blinded there's no indication of who what where any of that information usually they review also how you're taking the information what you're taking from each student as far as information so there's never that piece that identifies anyone or would hurt anyone just to add on to that well this is certainly pending board approval that's why it's on a board agenda and the board certainly has the right to vote um um to Grant it or not um this particular uh this particular study well any study requires parent um permission so the students that are identified won't be able to participate unless their parents grant them permission to do so and is this taking place on um in the school in the school yes and they will be randomly chosen students actually I don't know the the the the how the students will be selected that's something that's happening internally I did speak with Mr Diaz the principal of the school building um he notified me that the request was was on its way to my office um however I do know that you know no student will be able to participate without parent U permission so you'll only be in the Middle School yes yes no so our study focuses on students of grades 4 through 8 students will complete five graphs tests that require them to identify individual data points from graphs determine mathematical Trends calculate slopes select the graph that best represents the data depicted in the table compare information depicted in two similar graphs all the activities are directly related to the njs ls New Jersey learn New Jersey student stand so how did this um student come to our attention with this study so this student um is working on a project with another student who is a student teacher in our middle school so they are working together on a project and I guess this student needed to um complete this other student teacher not who is not a student teacher in our district needed to complete this project with Middle School aged children and so knowing that her student teacher colleague is student teaching in our Middle School she asked to use our middle school students with the help of the student teacher to assist is it to to table so that like honestly I I saw we were help you know doing something with Columbia and and I dig into certain things and and I gloss over others and I would like to better understand if it happens during school time the kids that are selected what are the kids that don't get selected do they feel that they're somehow left out of something important there's just for me some questions about the protocol how it's conducted at the school supervised by our staff and and I think it would benefit from a little bit more information I so I would ask that it be pulled so we could all learn a little bit more about it from from a procedural protocol standpoint the recommendation is from the superintendent Dr Kravitz um it's purely his project whether to pull it or to proceed with the recommendation the recommendation is brought forth um then by all means a board member can make a motion to table um if that motion is properly seconded and a majority of board members vote to table it it can be postponed or tabled to their time if that motion either is not made or does not succeed um the motion can be made to approve it and if that motion prevails then the program will go forward I guess um can I just say something real quick I guess not go ahead Casey yeah I mean I'm sorry I just you know I guess I kind of have a little bit of a problem with just the resources that are going to be used to make this happen too you know we're talk about how scarce teacher time is and and and resources are but it's you know like listen to get five 30 people to do one thing takes a lot of people takes a lot of effort I know we all know we've all done it so yeah again I would support tabling it otherwise I'm going to vote no on it um I just think our resources could be better used for something that will positively impact all of our children not 30 kids get to do a puzzle that they'll forget about in two days and we've wasted who knows how much money so well I'm not trying to Scuttle it I would like to learn a little bit more about it I you know having been I think well everyone here has been in college understands you have to do research and and everything I don't know if for Le is the only School District are they looking at five school districts so it's not whatever the data is something negative positive with us I I would just I have additional questions again I you know I'm not saying like for all time I'm I'm a no I feel like I'm voting on something that I should have focused more on and looked at the actual um research project detail so I would just ask that it be tabled so that all board members could make a more informed vote now if it's not going to be pulled by by administrative prerogative I will make a motion if necessary but I would hope that uh Dr Kravitz you want everyone to have information that gets them comfortable with what we're doing with our students I don't know what the timelines for the research project would be for the student I'm just concerned that if they are I support research for for children it's always a benefit um so I don't know if there is a motion if someone wants to make that as a board well I'll make a motion I'll second the motion motion table all right there's a motion on the table to pull item 13 to table item 13 table until the next meeting motion made by Mr Knight second by questions oh question yes I have question so this um This research project is scheduled for next year um Miss B no it be it would be conducted during this school year oh this school year correct okay for this school year so um so we have the njsla testing going on we got Phil day we got circle of the Arts that's at night yes but they are they're preparing yeah they're preparing there's a you know everyone's trying to figure out what they're doing for colleges there's a lot of things going on um so if we were to table it then then that means it's gone and then it's yeah if you explain a little bit I don't know I don't know what the deadline is for this project this student is a this person is a student teacher you know 20 20 21 years old they're responsible for their assignments um so I don't know what the deadline for this project is uh if there are specific questions that the board would like me to ask of this um researcher I'd be happy to ask those specific questions so that if it does get tabled I can provide that information either in an update or at the next public board meeting um should there still be time I'm happy to submit a listed questions and I am as well are there any other questions or comments on this motion that is on the table currently okay go ahead just to confirm this is recommended by um by Mr Mr BS and your team and the propos I mean the duration of the project is 30 minutes um I I assume from those two facts that timing is not going to be an issue for the administrators and school to to have this conducted correct if it would have been an issue I would have anticipated on knowing that but I mean I could always I just want to make sure that it's not an okay any other questions yeah has anyone spoken to the has any administrator other than uh Mr Diaz spoken with the actual person Evelyn Chow who's going to be conducting the research Diane is speaking about this Dr Kravitz say have either one of you actually spoken with the researcher who will interact directly with our students I don't think I don't think interrogating our administrators at the moment is is and I made we don't need to interrogate our administrators the recommendation came from one of our principles and they pushed it forward it came you have a motion no we're in a discussion order I made a point of order let's take the vote please Mrs excuse me I we're we're discussing the motion right now and I had a question I'm interested to know but point of order point of order doesn't Trump and say I can't ask a question we are now discussing the motion to table I have a question whether it this is being not recommended by Mr Diaz resolution 13p says upon the recommendation of the superintendent that's what the resolution I'm voting on tonight says I would like to know and and Diane is talking about the research and importance I think we all recognize that we just have questions about this particular project has anyone spoken with Evelyn Chow the student from teachers College who will be interacting directly with our students and can you vouch for her and her professionalism demeanor and the nature of her research if I if I may I was waiting for you I'm asking a question of my Administration who's who has make a recommendation with all due respect Lester it's not for you to jump in I'm asking a question I was asked by the president and vice president to give an opinion on Roberts I don't want your opinion though cuz you're not vice president ask for Paula and so from that standpoint a point of order was made the superintendent every item on the agenda is a recommendation of the superintendent he is in tance vouching for everything from his administration and is the sole person that is responsible to you with board of education for his recommendations the board president after entertaining five plus minutes of debate discussion and questions on this issue has heard from every board member who had a comment and she called for a roll call that is procedurally proper thank okay so you you are mistaken because not every resolution on tonight's agenda is recommended by our superintendent we have board recommendations that appear every meeting if you look PA as you were very well aware the board sets policy there are recommendations some instances that are through committees that are recommended to the board but legally and ethically pursuant to title njsa 18ma 12- 24.1 you know as well as I know Mrs colback that the superintendent makes recommendations to the board while Committees of the board make recommendations to the colleagues to support talk items are coming through the superintendent there are certain Finance issues that are on the agenda through the business administrator but legally and ethically they are still technically through the superintendent schools the only recommendations the board can vote on without a recommendation from the superintendent or to hire a superintendent number one on Professional Services as you are well aware pursuant to uh uh tackle at& procurement regulations um as well as a budget which is done in conjunction with your Administration thank you well we we have actually four on tonight's agenda Lester that that are outside what you just described you want the motion on the table vote it on or not because Dina has been trying to call the role to take a vote on your motion so I'm going to assume the answer to my question is no no we're moving on you're interrogating the administration in a public session and that is not appropriate I'm asking a question on a resolution if they don't want to no Mrs Co yes Mrs Curry no Mr Knight Mr Knight I'm sorry I can't hear sorry yes yes uh Mrs Cay no Mr Lopez no M moral no Mr Rino no Mrs RoR no okay may I have a motion to open the floor to the public motion second motion Morel second Lopez all in favor please I any opposed okay we will hear first from members of the public that are physically located at the cafetorium then we will take questions and comments from those participating remotely participants are limited limited to three minutes in which to make their statement additional time may be granted at the discretion of the presiding officer for remote participants please select the raiseed hand button District Tech coordinator Mr rero will recognize each Community member in order of the raised Hands by lowering your hand please un your microphone and everyone please state your name and home address for the record and begin your comments please limit your comment to 3 minutes anyone in public with us tonight have comments please step up state your name and address for the record and 326 Bridge pleas North for I'm just following up on a issue I've been talking about for the last two months um that is the situation at the high school with Miss um unfortunately resigning I believe was February 1st um and that there has been a I believe it's two substitute teachers that covering the class and as I've been um emailing her um G case Cas sorry Cas right gu okay and um that the situation basically is that since the uh m j left very first basically teachers ex like free R okay I mentioned this couple months ago basically this my boys one of the students what they do they do nothing they plan the phones um there is substitute teachers getting paid okay basically to Bab you could hire you know a college student you know a lot less than a teacher a substitute teachers now my understanding is there's been no class work given to those students okay therefore the students that class GED incomplete for the third marketing period as of today there was um classwork assigned in um Google notebook Google Classroom I think it's Google Classroom sorry I want be correct okay and that um that the teacher starting next Monday okay that teacher who's starting next Monday is going to be the permanent teacher sign to take over that class but the inter those students still rece the Inc complete now this is special class okay okay all those students in that class have IEPs okay now for two months they did nothing more than two months now there's about 20 school days left left of school give or take okay so now they have to do their R course plus the stuff that they missed doesn't make sense I'm not a mathematician but just try like do the me how they going to do it then they're going to be then once they do that work they're going to be great course work now my question I have a couple questions number one is what's going to happen if those students struggle and cannot complete that M course will they get a failing grade because that's not their fault the The Only Fault is is of the administration and the board not the students because they there's teachers in that room but not teaching my next question is moving forward so you know we can't I want rehash history but we can move forward okay to fix the problem so let's say a special let's say math teacher Le decides to leave in October or November okay because they got a job account for more money is there plan in place that that that class would be filled for that time frame and also I I noticed that at Central there's I believe I Wrong there's three supervisor of curul curriculum and instruction okay I don't understand why during this whole time nobody was writing curriculum put the work in Google class classroom whatever it's called sorry okay for for for then the substitute to you know to the students are and also where where is the supervision I mean by that is the administration checking to see what these substitutes are doing I mean I don't know don't these substitute teach have to evaluated by somebody how they been evaluated and what is the plan moving forward and also Dr trit at the last Mee you said you get back to me okay got back to me tonight for the first time Miss Glen has got get back to me on more than more than once I don't agree but I got I got to give her credit she did she did get back me I thank you for that so I just want to know what is the plan the plan those questions okay thank you for your comment you answer yeah thank you so um thank you again for coming out as I spoke to you before about the supervis are there today I know your Jan was abent last week and there was the the teacher came in and presented what the plan was with the students uh including making sure that all of them would pass and and all of the work would be made up um there are English teachers in there as far as the supervisors it really depends on so planning globally for any typee of thing like this if if there is a supervisor who's certified in that content area we would send a supervisor who is certified in that content area to assist um we just have to make sure that they that finish back so I just want to be able to answer your questions that's supposed to be um back and forth so I answered the question about the failing grade I know there was nine days ago that you sent me the emails the next day miss the principal got back to you in response to that I know today they had a meeting with well and the supervisors there to assist and they contacted you the original plan did include having certified teachers who would be in the room as well as working with students uh there seems to be a u there was something that went on in we trying to research that and get an answer for our own systems in place the other thing that we usually do when there is a deficiency in classroom meaning we're missing teachers is we offer um other teachers to work based on stiens unfortunately we were maxed out this year because of the lack of teachers that we had across the board and that but our goal is not to have any child fail and according to uh the principal and I spoke with her today multiple times and I know she did reach out to you it was copied on that email U that we there's a plan to make sure that all the children learn all of the content and there's our intent is not to hurt or harm anyone in that process just to just to clarify it's been more than nine days like was it's over two months because I did start okay sir command and start with sir your time your time has exped can I sit down come back up then know few minutes three minutes per person anyone else my name is m morray i will not give my address homeowner for 33 years I'm here for to give a for Mr fio and Miss Gabriel Browning they're amazing they are amazing they believe in the welfare of the child believe in education for the child and I don't know if they L it or not there are other teachers as well those two I just want to get accommodation I'm here because I tried every way conceivable diplomatically pray on how to go about this situation I sat with Mike rley twice I've met with the person that I'm here to talk about this evening twice and there's no resolve I just heard that they left but they're still involved so I'm here because uh Adam shrer has been the coach of the high school basketball team I have recorded every single game home and away and he yells like he is out of control he intimidates and scares the players he is an embarrassment at other schools Fort Le high school he's a bad representation and I don't believe that such a person the had political um was hired to coach these boys he instills fear in them he teaches with divide and conquer If the child comes to the parents and I'm not the only parent but I'm the greatest parent to tell them what they've been through when they go back to school there's a repercussion to them they're going to your parents children are supposed to come to their parents we are their advocators we're the nurturers and we birth our children if they don't come to us who else shall they come to so I was just told and I'm not going to go into any details I'd like to speak to Mr krait and Glenn who I reached out to separately but as he's resigning he goes to the whole melon drama making the kids feel guilty because several parents have complained that it's because of our complaints that he's leaving and his health issues our children shouldn't be there shouldn't have to hear that they go there for Education they go there to get coached and they go there to learn so I'm just asking you would you please V the next person in position and other teachers better because they should not bring their baggage their ills onto our children this is a very fragile climate Co has really hurt our children academically emotionally and socially and he was a poor representation and he was a bad seed in teaching the boys of forly and especially my child thank you for your comment we will we will actually speak with people get some information and if you don't want to email me anyone else present in the public uh my name is Brad Rondo I live at 2298 L Mo Avenue uh coming tonight because I know uh I am understand that the uh annual goal setting uh process for the board is ongoing uh I know I for want I'm very glad that that process is uh going on this year uh I think it's creates an important level of uh public accountability for the board to publicly State these are the goals these are the things we want to see get done in the district over the coming year so that parents and others members of the public can then assess after the end of the year how are we doing on that uh because I know that process is ongoing as a forly School parent and as a member of the public I did want to uh highlight a few things some of which I've mentioned previously that I hope will be incorporated into the goals that the board sets for this year uh Chief among them is improving the mainstreaming of special education students in the forly public school system uh there was a recent report from the state that showed that fortly was falling behind the most important goal of getting students with IEPs into inclusive classrooms 80% of the time I noticed in the budget presentation that while our transportation costs continue to go up the special education budget has barely moved uh from last year to this year I hope that's something that can be looked at in the coming year I am also curious genuinely curious about if there are any connections between those Rising Transportation costs and potential shortfalls in special education I know anecdotally that there are parents at my son's school who have said to me I do not plan to keep my child with special needs in Fort Lee past elementary school because I do not believe that they will get the same level of services that they will get if I send them to tenly or another District I think that's an important thing for the district to find ways to work on um again I think those Rising Transportation costs need to be investigated you need to figure out what are the root causes of that it's obviously a strain on the district and I'm sure there are ways to address them but I think maybe most importantly we just heard a a difficult situation that app parent came here to talk about and Dr kravit you indicated that one of the challenges in uh dealing with that situation is that at some point you max out on Staffing levels I think teacher retention is an important goal for the board to focus on and I think the essential ingredient to teacher retention is teacher morale and I would humbly submit that when a board of education or members of the Board of Education gain a reputation for consistently undermining or voting down recommendations of the superintendent for supporting student teachers in our district for providing professional development to our teachers that is the kind of environment that harms teacher morale and it makes teacher retention more difficult so I think there's work that can be done internally on the board on that front thank you thank you anyone else remaining in the audience wish to speak tonight okay Mr rero you are up Kyle Sanford you've been promoted to panelist please unmute your microphone and feel free to share your video please state your name and address for the record you have three minutes Kyle Sanford hi can you hear me yes Kyle Sanford 809 Harvard Place Fort Le New Jersey okay uh I have one little one question uh in the pie chart you guys showed on uh your your 2024 2024 five budget I just wanted to know whether whether um the transportation for the kids for school for uh Sports the academics I I talked about last week is that in the Athletics or is that in with the transportation it's one thing I want I was asking is it included and where is it included transportation is all in the one area and the transportation line so when you see I believe the number is like about $4.8 million that includes the transportation for athletics regular education students and special education students okay but I was told was under Athletics in an email that it was put supposed to be put under Athletics that's why I had to talk to the athletic coach that's why I wanted to know if why is it put in it's under transportation it's under transportation is it under transportation or is it under Athletics which one's it under under transportation that's what I said the transportation costs go under the transportation section of the budget so it doesn't affect the Athletics at all then that's what I'm asking there is a line in the transportation area that's for athletics so if look at the total transportation cost the trans the cost for transport transporting Athletics is included in that transportation number but does it go into the Athletics budget or the transportation budget that's the transportation there's in the budget when you break it down so Transportation GL go in the 270 area so even though we have it separated out by the uh Cod for athletics like we'll know how much is being spent and actually a lot of our drivers I do uh do a lot of the athletic trips it's all in the transportation line so it doesn't affect the Athletics director's budget then that's what you're telling me it's in the transportation line the athletic budget when you look at the 11402 in that area that all has to do with the cost of coaching that's for their uniforms their supplies all the entry fees okay all right thank you very much I'll let me know Jason you're on mute I'm sorry thank you kah Kesha you've been promoted to panelists please unmute your microphone and feel free to share your video please state your name and address for the record you have three minutes uh we we're having trouble hearing you Kesha hello there we go now we can hear you okay maybe it was my headphones um thank you um 484 M Street for Le New Jersey I wanted to ask um where um I need a question tonight where can I get a paper copy of the rules on how the schools and the grounds should be maintained um also I need a paper copy on the rules of how the meetings with the public should be handled and who's about to participate on them and other rules in regards to that the other thing is where do I get to ask where what level do I have to ask for the evaluations for the children at schools to be more oftenly done um they have one evaluation done probably once a year and we want them to be more often actually to be fair it should be every 3 months so is that at a state level or a federal level and also um another request is that for our children we want more field trips throughout the school year so they can get um to you know chill out some more um I need a qu um answer to my questions thank you that's all I had to say I I yield my time to the other parents thank you for your questions as far as uh how the board operat and the board agenda that's posted online indicates when every go through our process the agenda by definition tells you what what is taking place as far as the rules we follow Robert's Rules of Order uh every year the board reopt that as our our bylaws as well uh so that's Robert RS of order and the bylaws as far as the grounds I don't know if we have a there's from the state of New Jersey there's a 7.6 checklist that we I could also if you um email me I can send you a copy of the 7.6 checklist as far as evaluations state of New Jersey does one per year um the traditional njsla the New Jersey New Jersey state learning standards uh assessments that's given once a year the district creates our own uh assessments we use the star assessments three times a year in fall winter and spring to understand how students are learning and to see what they're struggling with and then we adapt the our educationals you know in the classroom to that um most question thank you Jay Rivera you've been promoted to panelist please unmute your microphone and feel free to share your video please state your name and address for the record you have three minutes Jay Rivera Jay Rivera you're muted you have three minutes please state your name and address for the record Jay Rivera all right Jay Rivera I'm GNA put you back in the attendees if you still have a question and you could sort out your audio uh please raise your hand again Ariel mayor you've been promoted to panelist please unmute your microphone and feel free to share your video please state your name and address for the record you have three minutes Ariel mayor you're you're muted Ariel you're muted Ariel Jason why don't we give her a chance to try again certainly next person Julene Stu you've been promoted to panelist please unmute your microphone and feel free to share your video please state your name and address for the record you have three minutes hi everyone it's jul statu in Wood Terrace in Fort Lee how are you thank you Jason um I just wanted to come on and say a few things I want to congratulate The Varsity Boys Baseball team under coach kic for making counties for the first time in Fort Lee history I'm super proud of them um it's fun to watch and I'm just looking forward to a bright future for these young men I also wanted to thank Mr salame um my son has him now for English and and when I heard the news that he was leaving I really didn't want to believe it my son really loves you and and and I really appreciate um the level of you know support and knowledge you give to Jake and the class so we're really going to miss you um it's a big loss for fortly so thank you for everything I also wanted to say um Good Luck to Mr Pachi um who's also leaving and was just such an integral part of Jake's life last year in um Middle School baseball and finally I I want to say something about Adam shrier um you know we we truly adore him and think he's amazing um we've been in clinics with him in camps for many many years since my son was young and I have nothing but the absolute respect and and positive things to say about him um he has overseen teams that my son has played on um my son you know goes to him for support um and I just you know want to reiterate the fact that there are many parents that do really appreciate um Adam shreer and what he's done for boys basketball here in fortl and you know this is varsity basketball this is high school sports so you know it's not like you know wreck so do get a little heated at times but you know I just want to say that we're super proud of him and we're going to we're going to really miss him too um as the basketball coach so that's about it I hope everyone has a wonderful evening and a great week thanks for listening thank you Leonid you've been promoted to panelists please unmute your microphone and feel free to share your video please state your name and address for the record you have three minutes Leonid can you hear me yes okay this is not about 57 56 this time so um I wanted to sign my daughter uh to an art school which is located on Main Street one once a week I was wondering if it's possible to make a bus stop on the way back to drop her on the Main Street I called the uh Transportation they said no but it was possible three years ago before uh Co four years ago would it be possible that's the question now we can't make special stops it's we have you know SE places where we stop and we don't do each individual child separately okay fair enough but just like if she walks is because I was told it's not safe but if she Walks from school this is a lot less safe if than if the bus drops her uh on Main Street and the mo just letting you know so traditionally school bus is that do you have any other questions I can answer them all at the same time so traditionally school buses go from portal to portal we are responsible and if there's a regional area that we would drop off the children that's that's how we do it we schools traditionally Do not drop off kids at at um businesses jobs um you know additional after school activities outside of our own within the district meaning if there was one if we centralize an after school program traditionally schools Do not drop off our schools Do not drop off at specific locations there a safety issue for time for for just efficiency for other students as well thank you David Lou you've been promoted to panelist please unmute your microphone and feel free to share your video please state your name and address for the record you have three minutes David Lou you're muted sorry um yeah it's just voice over sorry it takes me a little time so hi my name is David L 2160 Center Avenue um yeah so um still have the same question as last time I just want to know um just ask the board in the super um can we put the uh special education um as an agenda um for next year's goals um it could be anything as it could be nice about special education because I I see that you know you guys do um you know try to make the documents digitized that's cool right um you know try to do a scoreboard for the kids and busting for the athletes but I I don't see anything anywhere about special education our kids about maybe one out of eight are special education kids in Fort Lee so that's a big percentage you know 12 133% of the kids so um can anybody answer that from the board or the Super Why special education is not part of the agenda are there any additional questions Mr no so we do we do recognize special education um you know as far as the agenda so there are there components of our agenda that have special education as far as goals that's that's something the board can look at in other districts they they might set a goal regarding a specific topic as specific as possible um and that will be discussed at our board B meeting if the board votes to create that as a goal then we will take action from there I do know that we we do look regularly you know this is the first year that we've had many many uh PR all the year cpeg meetings and we're looking to increase those we M up the cpeg leadership this morning to create the agenda for next year as well so you know we are increasing our rication which is one of the things that was mentioned from cpag and if you don't know what cpag means it's SP special education parent advisory group I recommend everyone to come and come to a meeting we do it virtually as well as in person and that's the the form for a lot of that information that we take and it Gans uh our our direction from from that group it's r my parents and that's our intent thank you Jay Rivera you've been promoted to panelist please unmute your microphone and feel free to share your video please state your name and address for the record you have three minutes Jay Rivera Jay Rivera I'm sorry we'll Circle back to you again um Ariel mayor you've been promoted to panelist please unmute your microphone and feel free to share your video please state your name and address for the record you have three minutes Ariel all right okay seems like it's working now yes yes we can hear you at least I mean I'm I put the video on I don't know why that's not working but uh thanks everyone for being here this evening so I was looking at the agenda and the wingman budget was on there I'm just wondering my daughter is in it she was very excited at the beginning of the year um I'm just wondering like I'm happy to see it continue but I'm wondering if anyone like knows like of all the snafus that happened like the beginning of the year the kids were told that they were going to start going she's in seventh grade that they were going to start doing the program going with the younger kids in January they didn't start till April the first day was like very disorganized they like the schedule was off didn't seem as if there was much communication between the Middle School and the intermediate school and I just feel like you know these are the the kids that were having go into like you know examples for leadership and the leadership with the schools were a little off and it was just a disappointment she came home and was pretty upset some of her friends were upset that it just didn't run smoothly and I understand these things like take a little time but I don't think that this was the first year that the program was in place um and i' like to see it move forward she was excited the second time it seemed to run more smoothly I'm just know hoping with the training that's being like the money that's being put into the training with the teachers and and the administrators being the examples to these kids who are supposed to be leaders if there's going to be some attention put into the the program the structure and and what you guys tell these kids you know like you're you're giving them these expectations and especially coming out of the pandemic where like you know things were like up and down I'm I'm I want more smoothness with with what these kids are being told that they're going to do you know especially these kids that are in the wingman program like I know kids like my daughter you know they want schedule they want to know she's like she even says now she'd likeed to know more than just the day before to prepare for it to sort of you know she was excited for I want to see her still have excitement and not be let down so just wondering if there's going to be a little bit of attention put into you know the people who are in charge of it and being trained to take care of um the program so that's it that's what I got good evening Miss Mayo thank you for your comments um this is the second year that we are rolling out the wingman peer leadership program um last year I happened to go there in person to see it it seemed to be working well I'm not sure what to what took place this year but I'd be happy to reach out to the Middle School administration just to look into what you're talking about in further detail we would love to continue this I know we've been potentially talking about moving this up to the high school if we could um so thank you for sharing your comments and I will certainly be reaching out to the uh Middle School administration tomorrow just to see what took place and if there's anything that we can do in the future to miate those disruptions thank you male you've been promoted to panelist please unmute your microphone and feel free to share your video please state your name and address for the record you have three minutes uh hi can you hear me yes okay Miel kesco to F4 Tom Hunter Road so I wanted to say thanks to the teachers and the board members that set up the softare game with the for fortly Police Department it was a really nice event and my kids really enjoy it and uh it was a nice way to spend time out so thank you very much for setting up that one that's it thank you uh Jay Rivera maybe third time will be the charm uh J Rivera you've been promoted to panelists please unmute your microphone and feel free to share your video please state your name and address for the record you have three minutes hi can you hear me now yes I am so sorry my apologies finally okay so I'm Jay Rivera I'm 800 palid Avenue um hello to everyone uh I I know it's getting late I just have a question about the Colombia study that that was brought up in conversation for quite a few number of minutes but at no point did I hear what study is about what is the study about um or survey whatever it is what is the topic what are they looking to find what is the study uh and how are you informing the parents of the kids that are selected are you doing it via email are you sending papers to the home because as you know informed consent is key so I just wanted an answer to those two questions please thank you hi okay uh good evening so um I I don't mind reading the purpose of the study too but just so that you are aware the attachment is linked to the agenda item so you can read the entire documentation but the purpose of the study um is to collect information on how um the topic is representing and interpreting graphical representations and graphical proportional relationships um in mathematics uh so that is the purpose of the study uh parent as far as parent notification that's up to the building to the side I'm not sure if it's going to be via paper or via a Google form or email but I would assume a paper document is going to go home for parent signature but I can't I can't speak to that specifically uh tonight um but if you link if you click on the link to the agenda you can read the entire description of the study there are no more raised hands I have a motion to close the floor to the public motion morale second Rino all in favor opposed or exensions okay moving on to resolutions uh may I have a motion to approve items 1 B through 4B motion motion Morel second Miss Kang roll call please Mrs buers K I'm sorry I have to come back to me my computer is glitching for a second sorry Miss colat yes Mrs K yes Mr Knight yes Mrs cang yes Mr Lopez yes M Morel yes Mr Rabino yes Mrs RoR yes Mrs Byers K yes may I have a motion to approve items one C and two Cur motion second motion Morel second roll call please Mrs buers K yes Mrs colat yes Mrs Curry yes Mr Knight yes Mrs kotang yes Mr Lopez yes M Morel yes Mr Rino yes Mrs RoR yes may I have a motion to approve may I have a motion to to approve items 1 F through 12f motion motion Curry second second morale roll call please Mrs Byers K yes Miss KB yes Mrs Curry yes Mr Knight yes Mrs Cen yes Mr Lopez yes M Morel yes Mr Rino yes Mrs rer yes may have a motion to 1 p through 14 P motion second motion Morel second buers Kang roll call please Mrs buyers K yes Miss K uh yes 3p with big regrets and no to 13 p 3 p is regret and 13 p is no right Mrs Curry yes Mr Knight yes on all with the exception of 13 people which is a no without further information okay Mrs Kang yes Mr Lopez yes M Morel yes Mr Rina yes Mrs RoR yes okay is there any old business um hi I I'm going to say this is old business because we just voted on it the calendar um I'm I'm grateful that the the calendar that students can get out on the 19th and I'm wondering um two things I'm hoping that next year we can have a a couple more half day somewhere sprinkled in um God willing and then my question is since this is old business because we've already done it um is there a number of half days you can have in a year or half days count as a whole day there's no required number of days uh as far as half days since you have she need four hours of instruction count every day as SCH day so we could have sprinkled a couple here and there to but it's okay it's fine it's old business now so the the more obviously the more time on task we need if you just think about every student has certain number of absences teachers had absences by the time we do the multiplication it exponentially it's a lot of time lost so we want to keep them in school as much as we can we only we're limited by 180-day contract and and the goal is to get them as much contact time with teachers that is the best learning model as we can okay and then another thing that's um I think is is um is is old I I save to the next thing because it may be new business about the special education yes it could be old business because it's already developed we've already had the Committees all committees have already been formed um for this year um but the maybe we have a special education meeting so that's something I mean a special education uh committee committee um because I see a lot of committees and uh you know I just look through our committee list to make sure that we didn't have one and we don't have that so maybe that's something that we could think about but guess that's maybe for next month thank you just want to give a quick shout out to um the J program um the performance last week I want to thank um Madam etra for dedicating and creating a a feeder program into high school for the young children um and and especially for the for um the teachers and the principal who came out it was it was your evening time so as parents our kids were clapping their hands and and delighted that their teachers take interest in in in in in what they do so thank you so so much um have a wonderful teacher appreciation week thank you thank you m KAC or Mr Knight you have something say I business follow I have a follow-up question Mr Sanford asked about the transportation and athletic lines in the budget and he was referring to um some type of transportation from our Intermediate Middle School campus to Van Fleet he said I'm following you know that's what he came the prior meeting and asked about and the answer was yes it's in the transportation line not the a line so do I understand that you told him affirmatively that we are providing that Transportation next year no I thought he just wanted to know where Transportation was budgeted I think at the last meeting we discussed that we started to get just some pricing on what it would look like if we were going to transport the Athletics from the is and middle school to B Fleet right so where because he started his question off I'm following up on what I asked about at the prior meeting and that's what he asked about so we have not made so next year is there enough flexibility in our budget the transportation line Athletics combination um if the price comes in and is Affordable to do this we have to wait until all of the transportation budgets come in because we had to submit all of um this profess perspective routes to the jointure and to um the northern Valley until I have those figures I can't comment on that at this point in time so it's still a work in progress okay um also I know that we all received an email that Matt Lee is not available on June 3 has any been decision been made as to whether we're going to set goals informally as a board or what what are the next steps my email say he's coming my email said he's coming June 3 oh I understood he wasn't available on June 3D and not available until June 3r ah okay so we're planning on June third to do a goal setting yes that is what I I said unless you wanted to do a prior to that that's what my email said today okay I I misread it I but okay so so I just want to mark my calendar for June 3D Thank you new business Mr KN yeah I have new um so last week somebody mentioned something which I think is worth exploring and worth some further conversation um you know it was about uh people who are addressing uh the board having to provide their their entire address and I think we should I think we should take a look at that I know you know we've had meetings where people that were definitely from out of town shared and nothing stopped them so there's nothing to stop someone who isn't a resident from uh participating but I think I'd like to see us just confirm that they're a resident would be enough for me I don't think it's necessary for them to have to give out their entire address I know that there were specific instances where uh people had you know criminal activity occur at their residences you know as a result of um some opinions that they shared and I just think it's um there's no real I don't see any real practical reason uh for us to know their entire address so it's what I got thank you I have a motion toour second motion Rino second all in favor any opposed thank you