March 19th at 9:12 let's stand up and say the pledge pledge of allegiance Ali to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for roll call Dan blet Jim nickel Jim mouis Don Thomas Heidi youngworth Kieran Ferell and we're just missing Ron so I don't know if he's emailed in yes he did I saw that he he's an excused website okay perfect all right um start with a public comment anybody new there's nobody else I like to go my name is Christy thoron this is my husband Matt Bon um we are locals we live in northw Myers we have a r there but I come down to the beach often um I'm actually a respiratory therapist at health park by trade but I see there huge traffing problem here and so I came up with a plan to fix it and if you could give me a few minutes I'd like to present my idea certainly and I have some flyers here you guys can pass them around to um I have a diagram and I think you guys are going to appreciate this too this it's going to help everybody also just to add a safety feature to my my carts um I am certified trained obviously I'm a respiratory therapist supervisor and most of my drivers are going to be respiratory therapist from health park because they love my idea too ex I'm also going to put a on my cart because you know after dark it's really scary on the beach there's nothing around nobody around to help so here's my plan let's see let me put this over here so every can see you all see that okay we bought property on St Carlos Boulevard about a mile and a half back from Fort Meers Bridge it's about a half an acre it's got 100 ft of water line here which we're eventually going to run a water taxi out of here but for now we're going to um Run golf carts that are chauffered by us and our team that are going to be eight seaters and what we were what we would like to do is run a route to come pick up people from this far parking ride by Summerland back around go to this parking lot the parking right by the bridge come back down I Envision six different routes to keep traffic moving a left and a right route that comes off of the bridge and we need to keep these real short just loop back around underneath the bridge and go back over the bridge and service these parking rights both left and a right route I think we need medium routes that come here this would be down around Diamond Head and it would loop back around on the side side street come back around and then service back out to the parking right this right hand Loop the medium route would service the condominiums that are about halfway down to B ditch and what we would like to do is three times a day offer a service to Publix and to Bo ditch and back to these parking rids what we would hope that Lee County would help us do is use their tram keep the tram off of the beach on the weekends the tram is holding up traffic it's a it's not doing anybody any good it gets stuck in traffic like everybody else and in fact when it gets down by um nervous Nellies it actually clogs up traffic so my proposal is keep the tram off the beach keep the tram just servicing this area here and we with our golf carts will pick up people here and take them all over the beach on a Hop On Hop off service for $17 wristband cheaper than it is to park on Port Meers Beach you can park at our property can par this parking ride this parking ride hopefully um Fort Meers Beach or Lee County will build another bigger parking lot so that we can service it if we had enough golf carts that are constantly dealing these um short medium and long routes nobody would ever have to park in Fort Meers beach again that's my proposal we're called tripping we're going to I'm I'm rolling this out I bought this property I'm going out on a Ledge my husband's supporting me I'm trying to get out of help healthare so have you I have a couple questions um um awesome idea have you spoken with anybody at Lee County about the um like when you pick them up one of the things that I always think is you know you the park and ride that's over by Walmart yeah it's great but you still hit traffic you're still clogged up in that traffic you know all the way up Old St Carlo so our hope is I I went to the city council meeting two weeks ago I missed the one yesterday because I was out on the beach actually promoting my business and um but my hope is that Lee County would work with us and let us use the bus lanes the emergency lanes the Middle Lane down the beach because nothing is moving on this beach it is completely gridlocked I've been here you all were here the shrimp weekend and this uh last weekend was horrendous and we don't fix this problem now nobody's going to come back to Fort Mar's Beach so I'm in this innovation group with Lee health I was chosen to be in this group I'm in a think tank right now so what I did was I did focus groups I did them six consecutive weekends in a row and I talk to people I walked the routes I saw where the clog points were this is going to work it's going to fix all the problems keep the cars off of the beach my onee plan after this is to provide a water taxi from Stan Carlos Island just across the Waterway it's going to also be cheaper than parking as you can get a round TR round uh round trip boat ride maybe we'll poke out for the sunset on the last one back and it'll be a little extra perk my 2-year plan is we want to have a fair service from Fort Meers Beach that service of Santa Bell we we'll also have our tripping carts on Santa Belle so you can fly into Fort Meers we'll come get you from the airport on a golf cart take you to your Resort over the bridge and then you can go to sand Bell for a day trip if you want where you get on our triping carts there you get back on our boat if you want to go to Cape Harbor we're going to go there swing by PE pick up people there and make a loop back to Fort Meers Beach there will be absolutely no reason to park on Fort Meers Beach there will be three different ways to get here without a car I just have a question yep how can you run um San Carlos Boulevard in a golf cart golf carts only go like 25 miles right so we would need a tram for this service here with this gas powered and that's where we're going to try to ask Lee County to help us because this is my plan this is my thought if we could keep the trams just doing this loop on the weekends and then the golf carts are only on the beach and then we have a South Loop with the the tram Services Publix in back to like Lovers Key and we pick them up here and only keep golf carts on this strip and over the bridge it would greatly reduce traffic I'm thinking like 70% there's no place to park these people sat in traffic for 4 4 hours and got here and there was no place to park that where's going to get out nobody's happy on this Beach right now these chour us are not happy they're not going to come back if we don't fix this problem I have some questions but does anybody have any comments um moving up and down a stero Boulevard you're still going to have a lot of gridlock how are you going to move your golf carts we need access to the bike Lanes emergency lanes in the center lane to be able to keep our carts moving and the flow the flow moving well in the downtown area of course there AR none of the above well I mean unfortunately we are going to get stuck just like some other you know the other folks in traffic but if this works and we get the support of Fort Meers Beach and we can get some grants to have enough golf carts that are always circulating with a Hop On Hop Off wristband that you never have to carry a wallet for and by the way we want to cater to locals because nobody else does so give them a month wristband that's more like a silicone semi-permanent wristband if you only have to go four blocks to work or six blocks to work leave your car at home and get on our cart so we want to do things like that the other thing that I didn't mention is I am um a big proponent of handicapped accessible so I do want to provide bucket lless sunset trips for those folks that are too sick to get to the beach one last time I'm medical My Sister's medical and my husband can design a special wheelchair cart that I can take down the beach I'll get them on my golf cart I'll get him on that beach cart and I'll take him for their last sunset with a picnic that's going to be a community service that I'm going to offer and it's not going to be very expensive it's going to be very affordable um the other thing I thought about doing is remote Sunset trips where you could get in my cart with and I'll provide a picnic basket and I'll take you to another Beach that's not here with the matting crowd so you can watch the sunset and I'll come back and pick you up in 2 hours I will help fire I'll help PD cuz I am medical and I'll have an AED on all of my carts and at night we're going to be we're going to have a little bit low lighting so that we're a presence on the beach because it is dark on the beach and if you're walk into your car by yourself it's a little bit scary as a female I've done it at at 11:00 at night I had to walk way down the beach and I was worried so one of the things that we discussed at the Joint meeting with Town Council was obviously the flow traffic and we talked about a golf cart lane and I know that we talked with Tom about developing a path from around Beach Baptist as far north as we could go and create an area and actually I I got stuck behind the trim this weekend at 6 M an hour with no tra there was no traffic anywhere and it was four cars and we went took us forever to get off the beach so I wanted to move the tram over there as well but um have you been working have you spoken with the town um I mean this just came up a week and a half ago I know they're in the work some doing some things I went to the town council meeting it was 3 weeks ago I believe I put a PowerPoint um an a bridged version of this I didn't do Logistics on my PowerPoint I gave them the the a brid version about 10 slides um and they have not gotten back to me I've called my left messages and they haven't gotten back to me so I'm appealing to you folks I think you all know that we need something like this we need to reduce the traffic on Fort Beach if we can make it more if there's more incentive to park off of Island and and ride a cart here and not have to worry about anything once you get on Fort Myers Beach because you always have a ride nobody would park here so that was my question what what would what are you asking the Safety Committee to help you with or to do or to address use of the emergency lanes and the Middle Lane down a stero Boulevard and the bike Lanes when we need to otherwise if the traffic is moving which obviously it's not but if we have enough carts eventually even the flow of traffic is going to be better and everybody's going to be benefit from this so I need to know what permits do I need to first of all what permits do I need to operate on this beach secondarily I need use of the emergency lanes bus lanes bike Lanes um to keep the flow of traffic moving and I need to know about Grant applications because I'm coming out of pocket I I am my husband's a retired contractor and we have gone all chips in on my idea we sold a a house in The Yacht Club because I know this is going to work and we need this so we bought this property in San Carlos Boulevard it's a wing in a prayer but this is going to work well I think does any have because I was going to say something I was going to say I think our best bet is to put you in touch with somebody that you can talk with at the town because um I honestly do not know all the answers of what permits you would need to do all of that um I know that we've brought up some ideas that are just coming to fruition and Tom who will I'll introduce a little bit is our new or is going to be working with the town because there's so many things going on behind the scenes that we don't even know about so that people aren't doubling up but um if this is acceptable to you we will um got your information I think you have everything on here I will uh send do you have an email on here well it's very faint we printed this up at the last minute so yes this at the bottom that's fine our our parent company is Island Seekers and we are property management company of just a few of our our properties that we manage with that and my company that I'm watching is triping because you can go tripping on Fort Meers beach with a wristband you don't even need your wallet you don't need an app you don't need anything but a wristband you can get face drunk and I'll take you all over this beach and get you home safely I will uh I will when we're out of this meeting I'll do a joint email and I'll connect with who I think who I think it'll include Tom and Tom if I'm forgetting somebody I'm going to have him you add to it and then hopefully you can get the ball rolling on that that in thank you for your time I really appreciate it what are your thoughts about where you would stop well I do have a plan for that um my first stop obviously is going to be the park ride once I get over here I'm going to stop right I'm going to turn right here and stop at this corner at Surf style and this one right would either be this stock light needs to be fixed right here at Margaritaville it's it's really clogging up traffic but I would have to stop I was going to go talk to Margaritaville today and see if I would that y they could be good partners you know that little where they have the U the Little Shack for their pool they have like a little area that I could just hop up there pick people up and hop back on and then I want to make a stop either at the lonni kai or the diamond head because if I can turn left on Virginia and make this loop back out on a out on Ohio I can come out on a sterile Boulevard and pop back out on the bridge pretty easily and then the short route would just this first one would go down old San Carlos Loop under the bridge and go back up but the medium route would I'd have to figure out and that's where I need some help because I'm not really from Fort Meers Beach where the medium route would turn around would be where the condos you know I know we have a lot of construction going on those people need rides too and those people also have cars that are clogging up the beach so if we can give them a ride and there's no reason to take their car anywhere we're going to service that Medium route down to and then that far route down to Bow ditch because a lot I I did a lot of focus groups and B ditch is like everybody's coming they don't want to come to Bo ditch anymore because of the traffic so not only are we losing our local support for Fort Meers Beach but word is going to get out real quick that this is just nobody wants to sit in traffic for 2 hours before you go to the beach yeah how many cars do you envision you would be able to park in other words keep off the island by doing this well at our property this was zoned a an auto dealership right before the hurricane got wiped out but it was this is able to park 40 cars this parking ride I don't know what this capacity is um I went nowhere right off the top of my head but this parking ride needs to be redesigned there there's so much more room here that could be used but there's grass and dirt and everything it's like make some more parking and then right behind this parking ride there's another big lot and I don't know Fort Meers Beach the city owns that but they really need to expand off Island parking stop worrying about on island parking and stop work working on off Island Solutions this island is Tapped Out you you are aware that anything on the other side of the bridge is Lee County and on this side of the bridge it is the town y I'm I'm going to work on the county yeah it's going to be but I need I need the community support I think it's a very creative idea and I I see a lot of potential in it you have to make good you have to have Partners it would not I I think you should involve the Chamber of Commerce do you to talk Jackie lak Jackie lak she's the she's the president of the Chamber of Commerce and just discuss your concept with her as a potential uh business on the island and uh as well as servicing businesses I think you could have Partners uh involved in this that would be uh helpful to you I'm actually looking for multiple partners because I can't afford a a taxi boat but if I can find a captain that has his own boat his own insurance and just wants to put my brand on it and I can advertise that's what I'm looking for I'm also looking for other other partners with all of the resorts I want to cater to the people that have stuck it out here and have endured this painful time of Co and then the hurricane this place needs help and I can do it I can help get people to these out you know Resorts that have been forgotten about and they're going to rebuild and I we can service that whole thing and if I have the tram servicing public South and Walmart to the bridge I can handle all this in between we need the help this is the other thing we need the help of Lee County these trams need to stay off the beach are you looking at electric carts or or electric gas Elric unless we have to service this and we're going to have to do gas but I I would rather invoke the help of Lee County get those TRS off the beach they're not doing anything anybody any good service this area and service the South Beach let me do everything in the middle well we'll get the ball rolling we'll uh appreciate the concept and your ideas I I we love seeing the new things that people want to do because we all know that the traffic is is a bottleneck for sure and um I will after this meeting I will get an email out to everybody I really appreciate everybody's time thank you for coming thank you very much [Music] is there any other public comment okay approval of the minutes from February 27th I make a motion to approve the minutes I'll second that minutes are approved um staff reports and updates that's what I saying should we do fire first and then I think guessing it's all I'm riding the fire truck today so i' got the whole team I wondered okay good to see them tell yes uh so for February you'll see uh last couple months we've had even distribution between fire and EMS about 550 we're starting to see the EMS creep up a little bit back to our normal levels normal normal EMS is like 75% um the second page I started doing last month is kind of a breakout of the trauma type calls from our system so there's only one on here that is a vehicle versus bicycle um we see a lot of slip trip and stumble type calls um and other than that there's not a whole lot that jumps out you see one with a power tool injury there I will say I think this month the report coming up next time around I am hearing more a few more this month of us running on vehicle versus pedestrian vehicle versus bicycle really it's spring break there's more people out there running bikes and stuff so I'm not surprised but I think the numbers will be a little bit different next month are you hearing are they mostly in the congested North End or is it all over uh actually I'm just doing it off in memory cuz I I see all the calls on my phone I think it's been spread out I'm not sure it's all on the North End I do know we are busier up in the Time Square area with everybody that's here right now okay so that's it on the Run calls um the other thing that we had from last month was the um meeting uh at EOC yes the meeting g yep and um so we had worked back and forth on some dates and times we put out you had mentioned May 7th and May 14th yep May 7th would be the day that works with the county okay um then the 14th will be in a hurricane seminar training or something um and I proposed either 9:00 or 10:00 if either one of those is good with you either either of those will work from the county if those time and days don't work let me know and I'll throw some other times out you guys want just do 9 o00 9 o' 9 o00 9 o00 on the yeah okay May 7th or 17th work out logistics get there yeah will you email us all the address and all that good stuff we'll get that to you okay excuse me chief on the um the bike and auto AC to we don't with whereabouts that was was that North End South End just kind of curious if that was they were in a bike lane or kind of one of the combined I don't know on that one I can find out um I didn't have an address uh line on this report but I can look at the report okay great just trying to figure out if it's in a bike lane or if it's in the combined area where it's cars and bikes together what op what I'll probably have for my reporting will be an address it could be adjacent to where it happened it may not say it was in the bike Lane right right but I'll see what the report says okay any other questions on reporting we're good okay and then I think the last thing for me is the uh app for doing the sidewalk inspection yep think working okay did you get our stuff I mean did you has anybody because I did mine I want to make sure it work they will be there so when we're ready when everybody says they're done we'll get a hold of GIS and they'll provide us they'll provide Jason the full report okay okay okay compliments whoever set the app up that was pretty slick it was very slick well I heard you guys talking and I know what Amy can do with Gis for the county so yeah she's she's terrific thank you so much for setting that up for us yeah we'll find out after we get through staff updates where we're at with everything and then let you know but I don't know if everybody did theirs or not it's pretty easy I don't even have the app yet set me up it's it's pretty slick okay all right um no appreciate your time I have another meeting thank you very much thanks guys I'll out okay uh he's not used to carrying that we obviously don't have uh lcso but do we want to as staff report have Tom introduce himself and and um for those who were not at the um yeah I think we had a couple that didn't go to the Joint meeting this is Tom yazo and is I pronounce it right yazo yes Yaz thank and um he is new with the fort Meers Beach uh I'm going to let him talk about his role because and then we'll talk a little bit about what um he's doing and how he's going to help us and communication and back and forth hopefully that's my too I've been here for about a year now actually I got hired March uh 13th last year uh I came in as a base supervisor when base was still that so I basically took on the role of getting our records updated doing some different stuff with that I did some supervision on on the beach in the street as well um about 6 months ago I took over as the manager of the operation for base I was recently es Tak on code as well and then pick up Public Safety what I what I my goal here is and what I think what we're working towards is trying to get more information out to everybody trying to get this information to the right people um like this lady's this lady's uh presentation today is a great idea I I admire her you know intensity to it and want work there's a lot of challenges that I don't think she's really thought of there's a ton of that to that and I I think it's a great idea and I could love to see something like that happen but she's asking for the county just from Safety Committee safety issue she's asking for the county to come in take over their park and rid she's talking about going through emergency lanes she's talking about cutting traffic onto the island which would mean you'd have to restrict people from coming onto the island which is almost impossible it's a public roadway so anyway there's a lot of challenges so my goal is to kind of be part of that and try to help people navigate some of it but put her in the right place and there's a lot of Planning and Zoning that would have to come into this and permitting um with you guys I would like to be able to say what do you see and what can I do to help you with my people we now have I have uh code guys there so if you see something that looks odd I can set my code people to code officers if we see some speech that's an issue or we're talking about the we was discussing the theci sidewalks so I know you guys have each taken a piece of that you're going to go through that and take a look at where where your issues are and I asked if we get PW involved right away why don't we have Public Works involved and he explained to me that Aero is count property in the fact that their PW has to do it well do we take liability by not having them involved in this right from the start to say okay we've identified these issues as Town Representatives because we are Town representatives and we didn't have somebody there who could fix it so we at least notified the right Pro you know great Authority does that then alleviate our our issue on the end of saying hey we knew about it but we didn't do anything because the town is really starting to see a huge issue with trip and Falls as Chief just said and a lot of that comes back to us so the insurance company's constantly sending me to go out and take photos I have my people out taking photos we're doing uh Logistics on trying to get stuff squared away and one of those items were down on old San Carlos where there was a broken a broken storm drain space that we had known we we put cones on we're waiting to get some more information on how to get it repaired somebody drunk I won't use what how she said it but uh you know they were intoxicated decided to move the cone and then the next person new was in tox went through the hole so it's an issue so this is the stuff that I think we that I think should be addressed and I think it's a this is a good resource to make that happen so my background is I was I was a police officer in New York for 22 years I retired from the police department uh had a couple businesses I worked for Homeland Security as a private contractor doing personal protection through Manhattan the Bronx and Brooklyn uh going into Jersey a little bit I did that for almost 8 years I shut down my business last year when I decided to come here a full time sorry are you going to stay through this whole meeting so if we have questions as we go I'm here with you the whole time then we won't Grill you till we get to that area Okay um anything Jason for you for update or no no I mean just thank you all um I think Tom's going to be great as you know I'm helping him out with the transitioning over to so but I'm always here at the town to if you need me um we're working on working with Tom on a lot of different projects and everything so um I think he's a great asset to the town wead apprciate you turn over that was a FL fish you're waiting for to tell me what I had to do you don't have to do much we're pretty easy yeah it really is the communication because we have lots of questions too and that sometimes like as we said in our joint meeting when we know what the town is doing a lot of times it's common sense so if we know you're doing it then then we can keep up a breast and make sure that that we're not doubling up on things or asking you to do something that's making it more tedious so the only extra thing I think I have is just the town attorney still will be doing a sunshine public records training with you all so I would anticipate that at your next meeting but we'll probably we'll make sure you all know we'll put that on the agenda as well so there just I think there's only one other committee owner than yourself that U she's going to do that training with then we'll probably do the annual after that okay okay great okay um sidewalk project as we were just discussing um just let us know who has got I I mean let's say who's gotten them done Jim you said you were done complete I'm done I'm not complete negative it's pretty simple if you have the app to download on your phone and you just have to enable the camera function that the biggest thing and then it's pretty slick I have taken care of downloading the app and so forth um I've had a little bit of a issue getting around the last few weeks so uh but I did before the gout kicked up I took a ride on my bike and noticed that most of the issues in my area are around curving I agree with that that's where a lot of were too okay well are are you looking primarily for hazards or or anything cuz I for example in front of our place the sidewalk got stained terribly it's just like somebody poured black paint on it of course now it's wearing a little off but not the way it was before the storm I don't know if I don't know if they would care about that it doesn't affect the use of the sidewalk and I would go with safety hazards so the three issues they have on the app is a trip and fall um missing sidewalk and then other and and I mean I mean if we're beautifying the city yes I can mention if you see something like that I can so I didn't include like cosmetic things and and I didn't do the curb either I didn't do where the curb was chined up I did the sidewalk only where people would you know there's quite a few spots where the curve has a chunk out of it but it's if you step off the curb at the you know unfortunate spot you you could create a triping fall right so a couple key key things that I saw one was like the curb if it was a big section if it was a little like cosmetic I didn't include that but one was a big chunk missing um so I do to that there's some things like right across from the Oldtown hall there's um a construction fence that's on the sidewalk which should be on their property um and while it's on the sidewalk it restricts flow of the sidewalk plus the feet of the fence are trip hazards so I think you know just through this exercise I thought it was very productive cuz I wouldn't even noticed it but as you walking you're like yeah wait why is this here so there's um were they in building down there I saw in case they were tearing a building down they moved the they moved the fence out over the sidewalk cuz they didn't want pedestrians walking by while they were knocking the building down this is far in so it's it's one of those things like probably an easy fix and could prevent someone from UHS from doing that and then just um little things like even sand that had blown on onto the sidewalk onto the road into the bike lane so bike was going come along saw the sand veed into traffic and then back around so you know just simple things I think this is a great exercise just for this time around but I think it's something that we do more on a a regular basis part of this committee because I think it's it's always evolving and that app was super easy it could be just anytime you're on for my's Beach you find a location and report that in so that it was uh yeah definitely a a good way approaching and and helping Tom as far as the trips and falls just to be clear that was open by the old town hall you were saying that fencing that's up there now in that space um on the beach side Gul yeah beach side on the beach side okay but that's in the if you pull out the report I don't know if he get do you get these reports or just doeses uh Chief worth group get it figure out we just talking about that where they're going CU I was thinking the same thing when you're bringing up liability we need to make sure that when we're doing this if it's a once every two weeks there's some kind of output that you're getting so you go okay this is what people are saying or we missed it that was my that was my thought process like these reports are Fant fantastic where are they but where are they going how do you get them yes and have black does the county get them directly or I'm going to reach out to the County DPW and try to get a director over there and just find some of this stuff but I'll dig into it with Jason where that go okay um all right Public Safety campaign and messaging I I think this whole I don't know if this section I know I keep saying I I think a lot of the things that I want to talk about when we get to member items have to go with the lia on with the meeting that we had such as some of the issues that or not issues but ideas that they want us to work on that would go into a public safety campaign and messaging such as neighborhood watch or um the hurricane plan um any all the other things that we listed in here but um I don't know if we want to talk about now if we want to go into uh new items under under if I could under messaging we had talked I think right before the storm about the possibility of having an electronic sign at the big when you come on the island one about mid Island one on the other end that the town would be able to put messaging on and it it could be sometimes just reminding people you know stop for pedestrians in the crosswalk while you're you know other ones could be there's an evacuation that has been you know order has been put out you should be evacuating the island I mean just things we could we could put on this sign on a consistent basis to provide because our our clientele out here change it's not like we're a town of 100 you know people or 500 people or a thousand people that are always here right it's different people every day so if you don't have a way to communicate things to those people on a pretty consistent basis we can put together all the great flyers and all the great plans but they're never going to get the information to the people that are showing up today for a one week stay and then they go away well that's something we can we can propose to Town Council in our notes to say that we'd like it researched something like that that because you're one it's probably going to be something with the county too probably going to be along the county right think about sure the lcso had that board that was up that was electronic that they had at the base of the bridge during the hurricane you know residents only or whatever they said I me something like that if you can make it nicer that's Perman it has to be something nice and and maybe more you know cuz you could put on there like must have lights on your bike or you know different little blurbs just short that so many little things you could put into that and it would be just a constant reminder as people go go by to see it and if it's different every day people will look if it's the same thing every day they stop looking right maybe what we can do as a as a group is we can come up with a um do some research to see and just Google research to figure out what other towns are doing Ian they got to have signage I saw something that I was going to bring up on my um notes but uh and propose it to the town to say we'd like him to research into something like this cuz right now I think I know the sheriff brings it out and they hold it down with sandbags right you know or it's on a on a trailer tempor right but we could get something a little nicer that you do on the south end North End and I like the idea of it's It's tourist season stop for pedestrians in the crosswalk or you know watch for this or cross it cross at the cross cross cross how about that novel concept things like that that'd be refreshing okay um well do you want to take on Google researching it yourself or do you want I'll look into it a little okay send an email and and I mean I can look too let's see if we can come up with show them some ideas what other towns have done and maybe they can we can give it to the town and see what they they can come with um okay um you talking about on the stero correct like raise your come have to be on a steroid that's the main drag yeah yeah I I agree I just we're going to have to in that thought process get FD D them that because there's restrictions as to size you can put there that are not when you're not temporary if it's not an emergency board which some of these are so just something to think about right I don't even know what they would tolerate to tell you the truth so I think that would be a good start right sorry not no that's okay no you're fine um May me think of something okay all right next is [Music] um well going back to Public Safety campaign and messaging once we go through some of these items that's where I think they need to fall under the public safety campaign like some of the things we would like um the Pio to put out to you know right the residents so we can make bullet points of that once we get to there when we start going through our member items um you can interrupt if you want sorry go ahead we give you a little fluid just talk you can just talk so the Pio I don't know historically I was asking him does she just do it on our website and then local or does she do press releases she's supposed to do every I think she's in charge of everything so she's the whole of all Mark the marketing arm so I was just thinking that's something I think you would have to request though that she does a full press release as opposed to just put on website it' be something you guys would have to ask for with then just so she's clear you know just with guidance right that was one of the things and I spoke to her um after the joint meeting um I would love to see her at these meetings or at least have us do an overview of what we talked about because if she's already got things planned for example let's say um April is fire prevention month I don't know what it is and she's going to be doing a ton of of messaging already we don't want to overload the people cuz they're not going to read it and they're not going to pay attention so if she has a calendar of what she's already set up for her social media posts and all that then we need to either follow suit or give her tips and ask and show her different things to work on uh neighborhood watch that's something that we come up with we have um there's somebody at lcso will come up and speak to your neighborhood we've we've already done this once before it's another thing that we can pull out of the I think of it like a file cabinet we pull that thing back out she publicizes it it's probably the same on that they had in the past and she promotes that um twice a year you know whatever it is and then same with traffic she pulls that out twice a year when the pedestrians start getting worse and and during um so I kind of see it as an Arsenal that so she's not Reinventing the wheel because it's really not going to be that different each time um okay I'll send an email to her as well all right uh Bic bicycling Updates this is the one I I would love to take off this thing but that's fine I mean I don't we we have nothing yeah so I'm just going to skip this because it bothers me anyway um because we have nothing going on at this point with B did you have something no no okay I think we just need to take that off our agenda for a while I would like to take that off the agenda can we take that off our agenda for a while all right absolutely it's our committee yeah I've been asking I'm like I want it off Tom is there anything from your side that you're doing on the bicycle Lanes so the B you did get the report correct Jason sent out the report that they had from the the old bicycle 2017 that was one of my questions did people that when I got to my things so sorry I that's fine no jump in yeah so um I think that the bicycling is an issue here now that we have the we have these um electronic assistant bikes we know that we've talked about it I started putting signage on the street now they're temporary signs I'm waiting for have the signs created they've already been proved we're waiting the artwork's approved we're waiting for it to come back they're going to be attached to the poles um we were going to do that uh I ordered 40 to start to spread up and down the island focusing mostly on the more the more touristy space at the north but we are going to move that down if you have any places where you'd like to see one on A Street Post we will definitely do it they do have to be on the street post where they're going to see it from the sidewalks and we're going to cap we're going to cap the post on both sides it only allows us to say hey you you know this you looked at if you didn't see the sign I'm sorry but it's there so it allows us and lcso to then address it with our residents and our guests so I that's that's part of what we're doing for that we are working on it on the beach as well I don't know if you've noticed we did put up the new signs on most of the beach beach access that vehicles on the beach that has solved it a little bit we we've had we had two people last week again drive out right past the sign uh to go out on the beach our people caught them before they went too far and grabbed hold of them which is a big safety issue for us out there especially now with the burns they go up and they slide over the burn where people are laying on the burns so that's part of what we're addressing with people too for Education inside I don't know if I'm changing Pace I'm sorry no this perfect no you're fine this is we're a little more fluid in here so that being said we're going to address some of the bikes the ebikes downtown as well I'm going to have a couple signs down there if you have a different recommendation or a different thought process to handle that I was going to try to partner with the businesses to put up bike racks in a certain space but have something on their bike rack be conscious pedestrians on your ebikes or something and we're going to figure out something with that for safety issue down there with our with our partners that are running businesses down there because they want they want the traffic by all means but they also don't want somebody getting clipped by one of these bikes and this is going to start to happen we know that we're seeing it so that's have so far on your bike issue so refresh my memory what what are the signs saying they say warning no motor vehicle no bike you know Motor Vehicles on on the sidewalk at any time and these are actually motorized vehicles even though they're bler bike there's different schedules to them but they're they're a motorized vehicle cuz they're a motorized assist vehicle are they still last time they were saying if you're pedaling your electric bike you're okay or do it's just like no electric bikes on the sidewalk so the thought process to that now that comes down to a prosecution thing when they start talking about if they're pedaling not pedaling in the statute it does say they they're assisting with the pedaling and certain things but the statute needs to be updated that's on my list to try to talk to council about um to say none of those vehicles at all on the sidewalk at any time if you have an assisted bik we're not worried about the prosecution part of it to be very honest with it the idea of this is probable cause to stop somebody and have a discussion with them right and that's something I talk to LC lcso about you understand problem Clause right here they talk about prosecution prosecution is not the enforcement Branch's issue it problem cause is to at least have a conversation so that's why I made the the sign that way I can send you a copy of the sign so you can see it to I'll send you what we created right now they're created so I can't change them but in the future we're going to create more if you think something else should be on there let me know we did put the ordinance on there so people do understand it well okay let me ask you this because because we're talking about it you know you sent that path of the bike lane path and then uh I think Frankie said they were meeting with somebody uh some uh develop not a developer but like a city planner maybe two weeks ago that was going to look at is there a way that we can create another New Path yeah to you know if you really like what let's go back to her idea like you said there's so many Logistics here the biggest issue is you can't have the golf carts on the street they've got to have their own lane and a honestly I it's great on the south end up to Red Coconut for the bikes but after that you're kind of out of luck as well and that's where we're B we bottlenecking up and people are getting on those bikes so they can get up to the North End of the island so if we and if there is a way that we can take some small part of land we who somebody said can't we test over the summer that we take one of the sidewalks and we turn it into a bike lane and a golf cart lane going north only and then the one side is walking only we're just they're coming up with just ideas going what can we do you're talking about down in the downtown district everywhere like from umere Red Coconut up yeah okay you think of that traffic if you never have a problem going south so it's always coming north if there is a way to come up with a route we test it if it's on the sidewalk golf cart and motorized small motorized vehicles golf carts you know we're seeing proxin now on there you know the mailman could use it I mean the city could say we're going to allow a federal mail to go the mailman hypothetically you've got um all that empty lot all those empty lots even if you graveled it and say we're doing a small 10-ft path from here to here we're going to you know find a pathway figure out where they dump out will it eliminate some type of the the Northbound traffic it also could accommodate Rick Shaws that people are on the south end and they don't want to they don't have a golf cart but you have those companies and you've got them all over the big cities that someone's riding a bike and it's usually electric now which makes it faster which is great though they can get up to the North End no car I just I think with so much destruction on so many pieces of property I mean maybe there's a part where they cross a stero and they get on the beach side cuz there's more some more land over there I don't know but I know that um that's what take a city planner exactly that's what they said with objective to to map out some kind of potential path and that's what Frankie had said or maybe Andy said it somebody said it that yeah we we did a I think it's part of that R2 P2 project so we had a some site visits two Fridays ago um so they we gave them a copy of that plan twoo so I think they're taking a look at it we should know more I'd say by your next meeting their ideas on it as well that'd be great is that something that this committee could advise on cuz we're always looking at like how do we yeah I mean I think I think you all should have a copy of that plan as well so feel free to take a look at we could always add it to the next agenda to look over as well or today we'd love to hear what they have to say this is the perfect type of um plan that if the city is starting to look at something like that I guarantee you the people who live here will be thrilled and I I I really do I think people be like oh my God we're coming up with a a unique solution let's try it and um eliminate some of these this bottlenecking because people are getting so frustrated yeah and and part of that whole R2 P2 is a lot of the community engagement as well so they're going to hold public meetings and talk to council and workshops and all that too and I think that would be a great time that we can all kind of combine and Give opinions and everything on that too so I believe at this step they they all came out and did site visits to actually get a look at the island and see the traffic and it was actually the Friday right before Shrimp Festival so they you how busy it can be the farm market in Time Square and everything so they got a really good picture of anybody that isn't familiar with the beach uh they got to go take a look at everything and we just waai for them to to hear back so I imagine we be hear back soon and okay we'll let you know that that I I just think that would be such a home run for this town overall it'd be amazing that people could figure out a way to get up north and it would change things it would it would change things and would give people another option to you know if you don't can't don't want to ride a bike you you can get in a golf cart you can get in somewhere else but you can still get up north to be clear you're looking sorry go ahead to be clear you're looking to have like coming through with new planning and permitting where people who are going to come up with a new say the net let's use the Nune right here okay they're going to redo that space part of their plan would have to be they'd have to create that lane in front of their facility I think okay that was one of the things I brought up in that meeting is I think all of this new devel velopment Red Coconut anything that's coming down that we ask for 8 ft of a pathway or whatever that's with this going to be 10 10 feet whatever it is yeah of a pathway you have to give it to us that's part of this of a give back we want that and then there's some um lots that you can tell some of the smaller ones that I don't know how they're going to um I don't know how they're going to rebuild on there I don't know if there's tax breaks you can give to people let's say there's between two houses it's it's it's a little wider than normal or something hey we'll give you X something off that we can cut through this through your yard is it really going to bother people I don't know I don't know how far north it needs to go um I don't know how far north it can go because we do uh shrink a little bit at the North End uh like right around uh well around Lon Kai and those places there's a couple little spaces you can come out at poo but once you hit the whale there's really there's bottleneck there so you're coming all out by Margaritaville again but I don't know so that I'm not but there there is a way that that we can come up with that people can get up here from the south end without getting in a car and sitting there and and I think the residents would and guess it would just become an accepted use and it only needs to be North it does not need to go south it's always North so that I mean anyway there's that and I'm trying to connect this committee and why that's important to us um you know cuz traffic is one thing so from a public safety standpoint it's people that get frustrated when they're sitting in traffic yeah they do things like passing the wrong lane they do stupid things they do stupid things they get on the they get on the sidewalk and this is what exactly so what we're trying to from a committee standpoint I'm just trying to connect those and say why is it important to us it's because when people are they are doing the wrong thing right they're you know and putting pedestrians possibly In Harm's Way if they're passing or doing things because they're frustrated because they're sitting in traffic too long right creating mations yeah okay God it's um all right so I kind of want to add well all right so we're on member items I'm going to let you guys start cuz I got long long list or do you want to start kieren um my only one is I just want I kind of I'm looking over the notes from The Joint meeting with Town Council and just want to see if because I wasn't there what came of that I'm looking at the notes here but is there a synopsis that how things where they left us or with a mission of any kind or one of the things that they discussed with us well they brought up one of the things that happened during this meeting is there was a lot of things that we've talked about that the town would stand up and say we're already doing this uh we've already got somebody working on that we start we ordered those signs months ago and so that was one of the reasons why Tom became involved now with our committee because we felt like we want to get answers and our goal is as Safety Committee is to push those answers out to the community and and some of the things they're doing is actually beneficial that everybody knows what's going on like you're you're complaining about this well they've ordered them it's just going to take 10 weeks to get here so that kind of thing um some of the ideas that they came up with was um a neighborhood watch program starting to romote that they came up with um we talked about this traffic issue that we were discussing we talked about Jim's hurricane plan and how he still were into that thing which we'll get into that I'll let you talk about it we talked about creating barriers and I think the town was looking at things um along the sidewalks to [Music] um direct the pedestrian traffic the way we want it to be directed and which is the best kind of barrier and I know the town had some updates and which they can we'll have Tom talk a little bit about that um I'm trying to think what else besides that oh one of the things that they said is I should be going in or one of us we can take a turn need to go into the town council meeting um I don't know if they said once a month once a month we send somebody in and we give our update of what we want them to do to recommendation we've been discussing this we're really hoping hypo like we're hoping that you take this bull by the horns let's say we're talking about traffic we really want the study done with uh R2 P2 to say where are we at with we want to come up with some ideas second one uh we are going to be talking with um the neighborhood watch or like promoting with POI neighborhood watch and giving neighborhoods um the tools of where they need to go to set them up things like that so we would do um that communication and and then is there anything else I'm forgetting I think that all of them go ahead those seems cover most of them yeah that was most of them um I think there was one area was around advising for police department so one of the one of the um points that were made was like we can be that advisers to what the police department focuses on um and it's also related to like could be an info graphic of what of those Trends what's going on but then it plays into also traffic um pedestrians right aways and and so it was kind of this linkage between the community and the police department we could be advisers to that yeah to the um Community pleasing yes think of ideas so I think maybe we need to like make some notes like for a new agenda like we need to put on um neighborhood watch yep yep I'd like to put it under maybe it's under Public Safety campaign it's almost like a bullet like one two three four or no do you want it separately I think we could just do them separately all right so we have like neighborhood watch y that we'll start working on um the community pleasing okay uh what was the other ones um that we had um any placing we've got um we talk about the electronic signage for Jim right we can put that down yes that's a good idea um one of the things that came up at the meeting was you know we were working on uh the stops for the for the trams you know and having information signs and stuff and that all just got washed away of course and now they said the previous administration may not have been terribly excited about those ideas but this Administration might be so you might want to think about about that yep um so like it was um like the code blue code blue yeah we had we had gotten permission how long ago for them to order that and do that we were going to set one up and make it fully operational by the library yes and I don't know if that ever that had a um what is it a a yeah uh defat thing yeah I have a defibrillator thing in there and and also a means of of communication calling for help or or we could also put an information sign in that little thing that provide information to people uh if it were done correctly and cuz we did get the bench and the Little Shelter at the on the side there by the library for a while is it still there I don't know if it survived I don't know is a little bench and shelter I think that's gone it's gone faced sear grae Plaza right there on the corner now that was a real coup on our part we got that cor the library you know that's something like getting those replaced like get that replaced like at the major trolley stops you know cuz that's where the little tram comes through there and the trolley and there's no shade for anybody yeah that was the whole point of that that's true and this is really an issue for the whole uh the whole Trolley system um the benches they had bench you know they they designed the road to have a place a stock and benches so people could wait and when they don't have benches they go wandering off on other people's property exactly and they sit in the grass or they go you sit in somebody's lawn chair available because they're waiting for the bus or they find a shade so they're sitting in somebody under the tree under a tree so I guess nobody's there you know we probably need to be the town needs to be pushing lran to try to restore the bus stops and I think that we go through the um County for that okay because it's on the county sidewalk if I look back in the notes I believe that we we had to get permission from the county but I think we the town paid for them don't quote me on that but there was something I'd have to go back in um in notes yeah some some of the stops had we talked about having covers over them some of the stops would just be a bch and we talked also talked about at one time um in those little stops The Little Shelter things having like I'm going to say a light up board but kind of like your sign with different information right um in there yeah so as well so it's a means of communicating with people that are using the the system right so you can say you know there's restrooms located at wherever they are you know or there's if you're riding a bike you need to have lights on your bike if you're have you know just like little information things of and you could even put like you know this Festival is coming up or whatever like a little town advertising thing in there exactly for the Cod blue stations you were talking about stoling an a into those spes that was just a thought we had talked about maybe having one at that location yeah yeah one of the locations we were um cuz we were going to do like a test location we wanted that was the one that was that was one yeah it was the library one school it was like a test location but then we eventually wanted to put them have like four or five or I don't remember how many it was throughout the island on the bus stops so that and make people aware of where they were if somebody needed something challenges with aeds for the public are that you have to you still n of the Good Samaritan space you still have to have some training to use them even though they're self they're self-guided the whole way right I that might be an issue me well there was also uh we also had um where uh you could call literally call 911 from there right you could call 911 from there and they would know like we would put in it was like a a number or a code that they could cuz people don't always know where they are they fentic so we were going to put like a like B25 I'm saying and then the 911 would know where that was or whatever there was something like that we were working on and then they could always walk them through frankly if we were thinking that could all be handled by cellular communication they would know as soon as you soon as they answer the phone exactly where you're at right exactly I mean even if we were thinking we wanted to put a phone in in there kind of like kind of like my elevators they have a button and you think you're talking to the elevator but it's really a cellular phone and it's got an antenna on the outside of the building so they know exactly where you are right a lot of college campuses have those yes so it in the old days it was a wired phone so you had to tell them well I think I'm you know now it has the GPS yeah but that would be something you know I think it's a cost thing cost benefit you know we got money and it's well cuz here's the deal it's like would I be running trying to find one of those or just pick up my cell phone uh I know there's an assumption every single person has a cell phone but they don't or they did but they left it on the beach or they left it in their car or or they you know cuz there were a couple incidents um where people were walking and they got overheated and they didn't have their phone with them and they they needed help and there they could just go there and be like I need help yeah they're not that expensive like we put cellular Communication in our elevators for about $2,000 in t yeah that's um apologies for the phone by the way it's an emergency assistance keep it on so I can oh you're fine was not important did that answer your we answer your question thought it was kind of a simple question to realize we heading on that RAB it was a good meeting give us some direction and um there's the answer more importantly I think it gave us a lot of encouragement yes you know we may not hit on everything that we're going to eventually settle on down the road but we want you here we want to work with you we right you know we and some of the ideas you had in the past may work better now than they would have they did before yeah right it it feels like now we actually have a purpose a direction a direction and a purpose I mean we can actually change our agenda yeah thank God I've been seeing this same agenda for drives me nuts years and I guess the last thing I would offer would be hearing the conversations about bike lanes golf cart Lanes all that kind of stuff I think the thing we need to remember is the fact that everything available to everybody in the island is at Publix and North there is nothing south of that yeah the only hope so what I'm saying is that everybody who lives south of Publix has to go to at least Publix or north for doctors dentists food beverage entertainment so I think unless they go to Bonito they go to Flippers that's the first place you're going to go to eat is flippers so putting that keeping in mind you want traffic to move I think we all just need to show a little bit of patience until Santini opens until anything any other facilities open on the south end where the people living on the south end have a place to go right because right now everybody's in toward the North End and that's where we're getting this massive traffic clock I don't know that it everybody wants to pin it on Margaritaville light at Crescent yeah sort of but really it's the volume of people trying to leave the island who have come for visiting and then the people on the south end who are looking to goere Construction Construction constru and contractors heading out at 3:00 every day and that is continue for the next 5 years we've got five years of this and that's why if we can come up with ideas that are unique to eliminate like uh like I think the one who said in the meeting you know you look at some big cities where they say okay at 2:00 this road flips and we've got the the Middle Lane so the Middle Lane and the um right lane are all going north and the only way you can turn left is there's certain yes turnaround places so like I can't turn on W let me turn on poo after 3:00 I have to go down four more blocks and then flip up or something like that I mean that might might be the answer day but it's like Friday Saturday Sunday that's you know put those things again it all that takes a great Transportation engineer it come look at your situation yeah who has experience in other s in other areas that have done the kind of issues we're talking about and they can and he has ideas he can and he like a cadry of ideas and he can say well that won't work here but this might work here right and so forth but we're not going to probably be able to sit around this table and and dream up a solution that's not really our it's not in our wheelhouse right so Tom I did have a question for you while you're here um our contract with the Sheriff's Office to provide traffic direction at the Crescent Street light I'm hearing a lot of feedback that many days they go there and there are no police officers or the police officers are sitting in their car allowing the light to manage the traffic and it is the opinion of those individuals that it's not very effective it's much more effective if you have an active person who is directing traffic and allowing holding pedestrians longer not allowing the light to flip to Red every 30 seconds every time somebody pushes the button turn the light off put it on flash that's what we used to always do when you're going to put a man in the street and and let the officer handle it or the whoever is directing the traffic handle so what's our what is our contract or can the can the town get involved in that can your folks get involved in this yet um I know the sheriff is they got sort they got deputies as foreign deputies as well as their their volunteers so if their volunteers can be trained to direct traffic why can't we do the same thing so under Florida law um within fdot we can assist with traffic my people already went through the flagger training we've already put them all through that uh every Ranger here has now gone through that training we can assist at Cross walks and we can assist that intersections in an event of emergency you have to be an employee of a law enforcement organization to do lighted intersections now that's just the way FDD doesn't so that's with any training that's why you see all my people got the flagger basic Flagger training which is a 6-hour course we've done that already where we assisted at shrim Fest right uh down at several intersections because it was a special event with emergency conditions so you'll my guys were actually handling uh stero not San Carlos so we're totally at the mercy of the county when it comes to the to the lighted intersection in some respect yes and do I agree that their pic uh standards are a little bit different point of point of impact for control um they're a little different and I would I would have a little more conversation with Lawler about it Tim uh just because sometimes yeah they are sitting in her car and they shouldn't be sitting in her car especially when they're under contract so that would be something if you do see that please take a photo well this past weekend the past weekend Saturday and Sunday the light was on normal control and there was nobody out there Saturday and Sunday yesterday on Monday the light was yellow and that's to me that's that's a Manpower issue and that's that's CSO and yes we are at their we are kind of not word yeah but there were three sheriffs standing on the sidewalk between the beach and uh or between the pool and L on Sunday why weren't they out you know why didn't they different duties different du different assign posts a lot of the sheriff you're seeing down here right now are down here for spring break spring break D yeah they're they're safety roving patrols so they can't take over pic they have to be out there available to handle runs and I will say this they were busy this weekend the sheriff's department was running just like my people were running we had fights we had you know disturb issues disturbances we had altercations on the roadway that we all responded to to try to subdue and handle uh I'm not making excuses for it I'm saying that it's it's probably a Manpower issue right now um and that's something that would have to be addressed through the Town Council I think with them addressing the contract right so um it it just it just seems to me if we're going to put them there put the light on flash and let them do their job yeah and if they you know if they can't if they there does come a point it's a judgment call I think when it's like the light itself would handle this better than me because the traffic flow is has reduced enough but the problem we always have is pedestrians are activating that light put that light into red biggest issue there is not motor vehicles at the end of the day it's the pedestrians and and then if there is a replacement there and we saw this all weekend they just walk they they treat it like the way are they do not sit and wait for it to turn they just they don't you better stop and and they're not they don't care and and it's we well we've trained them in the past you can you hit a crosswalk you just walk and the cars have a stop yeah whereas like if you go to Chicago any nobody ever crosses a street when it says don't walk you wait and you're like catle and you go in and out we conditioned these people especially people who've been here a long time those is walk they'll walk out in the middle of it come and I don't know if there's a clever way to create signage you know something clever that we put on the signs you know we're trying to keep this traffic moving we ask you if you're walking please wait till the sign flips really that comes your message boards again you know please be conscious crosswalks pay attention to traffic you know and do something clever where you see the car run stick man over or something exactly you know it sounds silly and it sounds terrible in some respect but that's what gets attention right right well or like to see him they pushing the button by the one going to Time Square you're like okay that doesn't work and they're just you know pushing and you're like okay and then at what point does the cars stop for them because they nobody's stopping then but even the Margaritaville staff I've seen them crossing the sidewalk instead of using the bridge I I agree with that you know that yeah you know I understand it to to some extent with if you're uh pushing a a cart or whatever you know and you don't can't wait for the elevator whatever you know that's one thing but for just somebody that's uh you know a employee or pool employee just what to had the director security from reille get invited to come to one yeah we should that's a good idea you know what I mean have him come in and just have that discussion he's a retired police officer from the East Coast of Florida he's a very nice guy he would I'm sure be more than happy to take recommendations I think if we had deput if they put the light on flash and the deputies are directing traffic and they are holding pedestrians you're going to see more pedestrians say I don't know how long he's going to hold me I'll just go up to the bridge yes cuz it's very close yes at that intersection even if we took ambassadors for Latin better expression for from them or reille hey just you know there is a fly over if you like to take that that TR now you can offer it you can't can't force me can't force it but you could offer it even with some signage and that's something we can talk to him about you know save yourself save yourself some time take FL and burn off that Margarita yeah something something and Margarita bill has been very helpful that's something you can put as a sandwich board out there you know look up you know save a minute walk across or something like that that be something that they would probably be more than happy to create if we to have a conversation with that yeah cuz I will say that that was one of my comments like I saw uh there were a group of girls playing volleyball right by the Margaritaville sign and they're bumping and I'm watching that ball go into the street and they'd run out and grab it I'm like okay this is not safe so and I know it's spring break so yes okay so we I've added these things to our agenda which I'll make sure Jason has them or um well I'll help send I'll send it to J don't worry um all right we're going through member items okay down with Kieran Heidi um I don't think I have anything just because we it was the agenda and you can start working that way so I'm good okay um mine were pretty much addressed already except for I did see on Vanderbuilt Beach Road I thought this was an clever idea similar to the sign they have Beach parking there in your Naples and there is a sign that says there are 55 spouts left and as each car 44 spots left and I'd love to see something like that as as people are starting developing these parking lots that's the kind of thing that it almost like you make a requirement if you have a parking lot you know you have to have this electronic signage or something that we can feed into a something at the um I'd love to see it way farther off the island currently the beach has has 200 parking spots available or currently the beach has five parking spots available you're you know you probably want to park and ride or do something different weren't they working on something like that they talked well you know what they were talking about that there was an app they were working on the town was that actually was created you had part of that um the infrastructure to that is very expensive to make that happen and we actually we had to back out of that contract after the hurricane got it um and I only know that when I came that was part of the negotiations company was pushing on it and the town was pushing back because of finances okay so maybe it's something if Town gets richer someday then we'll start adding those kinds of things it's a it's a great concept and when you usually see those things that's that's an individual Park provider parking provider uh could be the town cuz we go through passport and it's something I can address with passport to see if they that service is available just for ours it wouldn't include private Lots it wouldn't include any of that other stuff without them diving in willfully and I don't see that happen right but that could even be part of that signage that we talk about before you go on the bridge Lon kite parking lot full you know it's like it's all these lots that people normally go and they realize well everything's full maybe I need to take the parking spot before the bridge exactly or yeah okay um where was my other thing um okay that one he addressed we address that okay that was it for me um only build that I have was um during that meeting I was listening to there's our role within Public Safety commit is kind of this liaison and advisor role from the community side to possibly Tom and then the council so one thing that we want to you guys um talk to the council about like what's our role one other idea I thought was how do we go to the community and ask them for ideas so I was thinking maybe we with the Pio um to just to maybe put one month would be ask the community for their thoughts on Public Safety um could be a good way of just engaging because we don't see them coming into this meeting that often but how do we engage them through like an online survey where they can put their ideas of what they're seeing and that could kind of feed into you know the things that we work on as well so I thought it was a two-prong great we went to Town Council now we're engaged with Tom but also let's hear from uh the people that live here in a good way that's a great idea yeah I think so too I can send her an email and ask her I I I don't mind doing that cuz I following up with her on the uh that hurcan preparation so I'll talk to her about both of those things and she was planning to be here I thought yeah I thought so too yeah right she ended up she had she's on she had to take some PT out she she did okay okay um that sounds good shortterm like or can I reach out okay thanks I don't have anything um I actually have a question for Tom uh relates to uh overnight parking on the beach so by Statute and ordinance you are not supposed to park overnight in any of our public parking spots and any map uh we stop enforcement on the beach for parking at p.m. most of the time we used to go to 10: but because we were trying to address some of the issues we people get down here and bring people back to the beach we stopped doing the enforcement at 9:00 uh so we've asked the sheriff's department to address it in some respect we're still working through that with them giving them copies of our ordinances and you know it's not such a big issue in our parking lots to be very honest some some people do park there especially some residents like resis that live off Old San Carlos who now are back in some of those spaces and they've asked for permission and I find they they have no place to put their vehicle at night so we've allowed some of that in public spots uh only not through a contract or anything just kind of allow cuz uh I noticed uh at 16 there was a uh RB from Massachusetts that have been parked there for a little while with the handicap front yeah he moves around yeah um and we've we've moved him on many times he's just this is his temporary home right now and he'll stay he'll stable there he waits till 9:00 to go set up and then he stays there be very awesome he'll probably come to PO on next yeah he'll he'll move around and we we have moved him on he's been issued summons we've done some he does not appear to be a threat in any manner he just he's around so I did I have one I forgot I had written it down uh one of the things that we brought up were the derel buildings and I know that Frankie had talked about they were going to produce a list I think to because I think Beach talk radio was pushing it as well and that was one of the things I think um I'd love um I think we should be able to communicate with the people for example especially the ones in the um high traffic areas or things that are really bad that look like they're going to fall down and I don't know if there's an update on that I saw them working on one downtown uh that one on the corner of uh um old San Carlos and I always forget the street yeah fth yeah so they were working on that that Surf Club that the back wall was falling out and I don't know if they're tearing it down or if they're trying to fix it which blows my mind so the the building officials involved with that they've uh they've actually gone into contact contract with a uh different developer that's come in there people own the other one across the street they bought that and they're they're trying to bring it back they are demoing part of the building and you'll notice at the side walk all block there we have we have some different diversions there for which nobody seems to follow and they still think they want to walk in the street but uh you know I don't know how much bigger we make the signs but they're moving around it so that's kind of stuff we are working on and now that I take I don't know you know this I've on code as well so I'm running code for the town as well so that's one of our major projects I have one officer dedicated to that in particular and they're working the stero first so we're going to be doing notice of violation through companies that we've been in conversation with what's going on how you doing this what's move forward trying to be the Educators as opposed to the hammer and now the Hammer's comeing a little bit more so we uh we're violating people we several different businesses down a stero as well we've already sent their notice of violation a couple other ones are coming this week so we are moving forward good I think the biggest issue I'm not you know it it it is for safety if you think about it I always just see the ones where um and I'll use the Surf Club as a perfect example the land around the Surf Club is a um a mess there's there's you know metal and things sticking out everywhere and when I notice it mostly if you're if there's nobody on the island you're it's like okay but now when you see all these people on the sidewalk and the people are going in taking pictures in the buildings and they're trying to see what what happened in there that's when you start noticing you're like oh my it's a recipe for disaster yeah it is by all means and we are we are addressing it the best of our abilities at this point great so that's and we're waiting for the attorney to send back a letter we're sending to homeowners and business owners here uh it's a courtesy letter basically sent explaining things and when that comes up as soon as the attorney approves it I'll get approval from manag I you see that sending out to I just think the biggest thing is communication with the with the Pio that she that that they let people know we are addressing der buildings B I think that's what people want to hear it doesn't even mean for us to approve it it's really this nice communication like we're not letting this slide everyone we uh we know um these things aren't safe we are taking steps and I know Dan had brings all those those comments up in some of the Town Council meetings but then may not hear about it and you guys are doing so many things behind the scenes and it it's just good to know that like they're addressing it they're addressing it be patient it's coming you know we're going to clean up this stuff we're going to clean up the way things look you know give us time and we have to follow this protocol yeah and it's it's all about protocol and it's all about going through uh the operation of compliance and that's a lot of there's a lot of legal backside to that that we have we you know we have obligation in a certain way to do it a certain way so we are working on that but it does take time and if the if the property owner or owners and that's an issue too with some of this don't don't agree or they're waiting on this or they're waiting on that and you also have FEMA issues where FEMA has promised something and at that point it kind of locks us up a little bit as to what we're able to do in those violations so there there's a lot of moving Parts not making excuses cuz we know but no I think it's just knowledge that's the biggest thing is knowledge is key and people then then they're not frustrated they're like it's coming it's coming don't you know it we're working on it it's just not it's not a f Quick Fix so they're going to try to restore the Surf Club or do something we I don't have that at hand I can figure that out for you though last I knew there was paperwork sent so I'm still doesn't seem like a possibility there's a lot of buildings that I see that they're talking about refurbishing and and I'm not an engineer by any stretch so but I look at them and I'm like wow why and the other question I had is the Windom I know they're using that property for sand distribution but that building that's bad has it has it poses a health problem as well as a safety problem because we have a lot of rats in that neighborhood that I don't think would live there otherwise and that's part of the contention with the letter that we're sending out too is it's becoming a ver a verman issue too for the island as well so uh they are still a sand distribution but that's going to be coming to close my understanding is uh just from a recent letter I got from the environmental engineer manager uh that they're looking to pull back from that so they're also going to be addressed in their own man too okay that one's bad I get a lot of questions about that in particular let me meing into that and I hope that answer for you next time okay that's the I think those are the ones that frustrate most people the most it's the ones that have done absolutely nothing there's still junk inside of it it it they didn't even try to make an an effort to clean it up and they're just letting it sit there and we're going on a year and a half well and the least they could do is post something like on their wind Facebook page or whatever that says this is why it is like this we're waiting for X Y and Z or you know you can clean up the some of it Le that particular property doesn't even have safety fence around the building no there's no safety fence they haven't done anything and and that's not right okay um public comment no um all right we're guys we're sending our next meeting the third it's the third Tuesday in April all right it is April 16th 16th that works for me 16th everybody this is the 16th of April April great I may have to call all right and then I'm a question mark on that day okay um and then I don't have the thing in front of me but uh does one of us want to do we want to go this month to Town Council do we have anything um I think we should wait until we start our new agenda and get after next so we maybe do for May May okay an update of what we're now focused on right this is what we're focused on all right and you know I will send everything out to Jason I'll CC you Tom what what I wrote out and then we can send out for proofing I'd like to have it proofed beforehand and then because I don't want to like I sent this out and I asked for some things to removed on this and and nobody nothing happen so cuz that bicycle thing gave me a headache I make a motion to a journ second all right we a journ I will say