##VIDEO ID:iygLHZX43As## call the meeting to order ready Pledge of Allegiance United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all he gooll call start over here with you Jim Jim nichel present Kieran phell present Don Thomas present Heidi youngworth presid Dan allers present um public comment we're going to move along today kids well said yep uh no public comment uh approval of the minutes from May 24th we don't have any minutes here we don't have any here so can we approve them did anybody read them I did read them I mean I read them I read them I read them here I got a copy here somebody wants to I'll make a motion to approve the minutes I'll suck at that okay um motions approved staff report and updates good morning good morning good morning Lieutenant Matt Chitwood Lee County Sheriff's Office don't really have anything urgent or notable to report for um the last few months all of our major events have gone off pretty much without a hitch we do have planning occurring for the Labor Day weekend so we'll have augmented Patrol extra patrols down here for that weekend and Labor Day itself as we usually do during those kind of beachy holidays um and that's really about it I if you have any questions I can do my best to answer them the officer in trouble call that happened can you give us any insight into the nature of that situation because did cause quite a St on the island so I I think I think there's been information out there but the the the the the bases we had we got called for a disturbance uh on the south end of the island when the deputies there was two deputies they got there they encountered a situation where someone needed to be detained that person resisted and they needed help so they called for help and we had deputies from the north side come and deputies from the southide come it was a extended uh situation where after several minutes the deputies were still asking for urgent help so that had that you know initially there's a couple units coming but then there's a couple minutes go by and there's another call for urgent help it made more people come so that's did that's that's what and uh in the end nobody was you know no everybody was fine um no no deputies were hurt the there was a what we call a response to resistance report I think I think the person was taser if I'm remembering correctly um but yeah so but no no serious injuries on anybody's part and good but that's that's what uh caused all the vehicles to come down you know come up so they came from the Bonita side Bon side that's where I was at I was on the Bonita side several came from the Bonita side heading down L ski when they started coming several came from the fort Meer side so I didn't know that so it must have been an absolute uh Ruckus well I think it's a testament you know a lot of times people think well I never see any of the deputies around especially this time of year how fast they could get here how close they really are yes they are fast and close I know I'm glad everybody was okay everybody everybody's okay and it was really they just they needed an extra set of hands to get the person from one place to another and rather than attempt to do it with what they had they just held what they had and waited until they had held so and they're done that yep nice um how have the weekends been have been been crazy or pretty quiet just all over cuz you know it seems pretty quiet during the week obviously yeah it's um again nothing major has been no increased requests for patrols or from the from the deputies that are working down here from the supervisors that are managing it uh seems to be status quo so I just got a message from Ron benck that he was supposed to be via Zoom but never got the link so oh okay he was planning on attending but okay he did not receive the link from staff so okay well we'll get that corrected all right um so we'll give him an excused absence yes um he made an attempt okay anybody have any other questions I think other stuff Republican asked um you guys finish all right thank you okay sir thank Youk you thank thank you thank you man um I have any other staff report so uh probably may go around while maybe the mayor update us on some of the stuff that's going around um so let's talk about the public safety campaign well actually let's go hurricane response plan um Jim's not here and he would be our giving us our update on that right um so we might have table that one till next time yep very quiet meeting yeah I can if you want to questions at the end do it all once sure that's our thinking we go through everything crosswalk messaging um we probably would get it from Tom Tom would tell us what's going on on that yeah we're really not going to have a lot going on F do roundabout meeting how's that going Dan do you want to cover it now or do you want me to cover kind of all at the end under an encompassing let's go let you know what we're coming to member items anyway and I we don't have an update on the survey because that's also gym okay so let's just start with member updates but you're the M main person to update us on what's going on and we can ask some questions sure do you want me to go first or last why you go first okay because might answer a lot of the questions yeah so F do we had a meeting with them a week ago last Friday so just over a week Andy and I and they the project manager of the job and then the two people that fall under him as well as the Pio from fot and a member of fot were there we expressed their concerns um with the traffic flow the way it's set up our initial concern was we did not know Lee County did not know and obviously marar reille none of us were aware that it was going going to be for the entire length of the project if this this traffic pattern was going to be put that way so it was obviously we were taking a little off guard when it when it happened the way it did um so we expressed that we expressed the concern with when we do have high tides and flooding down in that area how it could potentially cause problems with cars being stalled like we saw with Debbie right um we exper you know we didn't want to speak for the fire district but we certainly wanted to let them know that this could be a potential issue especially in the height of season if both traffic is stopped both ways and construction does not allow for fire trucks to get through um with traffic coming on to be able to get off the island that that would be a major issue um so we told them we would work with them with the biggest concern that they had was obviously parking for their employees and construction vehicles and stuff and that's why that area needed to be the way it is currently they're if you haven't noticed they're tearing up all the concrete and the center medians and all that kind of getting it prepped so the town offered some of its parking whether it's under the bridge or right behind that surf Style Shop to park their trucks um it was very they were very receptive and and understood our concerns we're not aware of some of those issues so after the meeting they went out to the the area and looked it over um they have invited us to be on their weekly call every Thursday their project update every Thursday we were not on the first one which was last Thursday we were over at the Florida League of cities annual event so we weren't able to be on that but we did get the minutes and the update of what was on it so going forward someone from the staff will be on that call every Thursday as soon as we know that there's going to be a change we'll certainly let everybody else know but at this point we're just kind of in a holding pattern but uh we'll continue to to work with them and obviously commissioner sandelli and I have spoken many times about it um they're from their side they're they're looking at it as well to see if there's something they can do to help because the majority of that is their property so um that's about the only update I have on that so it's being addressed as best we can um it's not ideal right now as we all know right um the concern is it's the middle of August and if you're waiting 30 minutes now to get off the island what's it going to be like come January February March so um do they have ideas they just haven't are there are there no I well I don't think they had originally looked at it because they didn't see it was going to be an issue um I think once we raised the concerns with them that maybe a light bulb kind of went off like oh this makes sense the bridge is the bridge there's not a whole lot of space there to be able to do things but as I told them coming from Minnesota and Wisconsin we know that there's five seasons and the fifth one is road construction and they always seem to be able to allow traffic to flow so I got to believe that there's a way that they can with that much space alternate you know a little bit at least to be able to and their concern was obviously time to be able to so they got to look at from their standpoint they've got to look at you know man hours is it going to take three hours for them every morning to set up and then take down at the end of the day to be able allow through so they're they're got to look at all of that um so it's going to take a little bit it's not going to be something that happens this week or next week but I think hopefully they'll be able to come up with a solution that works for everybody to allow those two lanes to continue to flow So currently they have them going one way on Crescent is that and then exiting um yeah you got to if yep you can only take a right on Crescent and you got to turn left on Fifth to go off okay um as we know cars can stack up there at the height of checking into Margaritaville I know people have have thrown out the suggestion we'll make it a one lane or one way on Crescent so that Margaritaville could check in on the left lane traffic go on the right lane which works until it doesn't when a fire truck can't get through or First Responders can't get through uh where do they go I mean with the hedges it's not like you could just pull up on the curb and you know part the seas so I don't know if that's a viable solution maybe this time of year it is um but you know trucks are coming on the south end of the island now there's another point that we pointed out is that was that lightning was right there it was close I saw it Oh my gosh I thought it was somebody's phone I did to at first I thought someone's flashing a flashlight in here yeah it was a Flash and a bang that was close Okay um so you not all the construction trucks come on the North End of the island they come from the south end and if they have to go to North Estero for whatever reason now they're taking semi- trucks through the downtown area up Old St Carlos to try to make and it's very tight and there when you have car on both sides so um we're hoping so their Pio is going to work with our Pio so that we have a unified message that comes out when it comes out um to give updates as soon as we get them um but that's about the only update they have for now is that we did have the meeting they are well aware uh we'll continue to work with them to to open that lane up has the has the fire department been involved in any of your discussions not yet no this was just the initial discussion um I I again I didn't want to speak on behalf of the fire district but I felt very confident thinking that you guys would have a concern have a concern with because our district extends over the bridge MH so you could have equipment operate moving from the island off the island towards an incident that's occurring this that's okay um so I don't know if the fire district wants to reach out to them as well and we can provide invol in whatever discussions well okay I'll I'll mention it to the Chief and and maybe someone could be on the call call the weekly call with them someone from the Fire District staff could be on the call with them to help alleviate cuz you guys know what you need and how you need it yeah I you know when I saw the way that was set up I thought well this is going to work just fine this summer but I don't know where we go from from uh there well what you're seeing now is you mean there's a lot of construction traffic on the island and on nice sunny days when people are leaving you know we can we all know 3 to 5:00 the storms are coming and when people are rushing in off the beach to get off the island and you have the construction back up you know that's that's the time we're really seeing it backed up quite a ways and I've seen it backed up past the old junkan already so that's quite a ways for the middle of August right which I have to believe has has some impact on your response times yeah well it could it will up there at Margaritaville cuz getting if we have to go north off the island M to respond we're going to have to get over that bridge and there's not a lot of space for cars to get out of the way so that a equipment can get by mhm so I'd be once if you got people stacked up trying to get into Marita bill there's going to be issues there yeah I don't I don't see a solution where you can make that a one one way down Crescent and make it work for the fire district or or for there's no room to come in the back way no it's it's it's it's not going to be convenient when it has to be down to one lane but we don't believe it needs to be one lane for the entire 18mth Pro project right so we'll we'll see what they come up with what about alleviate getting that stop sign just the one at fifth yes well is that I me I just in my head that I'm like nobody would stop the traffic would continue to flow the the issue is then you would have to do it on the other side probably as well I mean I'm no traffic expert but nobody's stopping at the stop sign very unless a sheriff's deput is sitting there true I'm I'm assuming we're talking Cresent correct yes so I had a conversation with uh Captain Waller last week about us sitting down and having a meeting about uh get in touch with fot asking for some M People to be there flaggers because people are also stopping at the red light and not making the right turn MH because and you know within caution they're saying okay I I can't turn on right or red even though there's no sign sure so as traffic builds thought process was we build a plan where we can at least have somebody at Crescent and stero and somebody at uh Crescent in fifth during the heaviest time frames and be like come on move move move move so that's his thought process I don't know how far we can go with that but it was something we started talking about last week I'm assuming I'm guessing you or someone on your staff will probably be on that Weekly call yes with f do every Thursday uh we'll be Frankie more than likely but if not then I will be there as well trying to get that square away and figure out whatever the best solution is you know ideally opening it up to allow the traffic would be ideal but ronon is on the phone oh you got him on the phone hi Ron hello behind I'm watching on YouTube though so I'll be a little B behind here um the other update is the staff has taken photos of all the concrete sidewalk areas that need replaced with GPS location um on the photos those have been sent to the county for repair they're in the process of finding a vendor to do that work so our part that is done is done a they they have all the all the stuff that they need to be able to do that can't say as to how fast it's going to happen but it's it's in their hands now the light at uh 5th we're still waiting word on when they're going to be able to or it's call fifth but people think it's north of sto Boulevard and Old St Carlos right um we're still waiting from the county to find out when they can fix that U haven't gotten an update but we'll check with them again this week to see if there's something that we can get done whether you or Frankie or I'll make sure someone looks into it um other than that I don't know if you have specific questions about something else well maybe we go back to kind of jump around a little bit I I want to bring up electric bike update because I know that we've were talking about no electric bikes and then santelle passed it that they can ride on the sidewalk and um I know people have been throwing up Solutions and ideas and I don't know if we if the town has if we have 100% we're done and that's there's no electric bikes on the beach and then the information officer is pushing it out or if we're still open for some suggestions no the ordinance is going to be a draft ordinance is come before Council soon we asked about it yesterday at the meeting that uh the lawyers are working on bringing forward so no it hasn't come before us to discuss it but the discussion will be to allow bikes on the sidewalk and or Beach I think is just the global kind of changes that are being looked at um but we have not got that draft ordinance back yet from from our lawyers to be able to to vote on it so there has not been a final decision made on it um probably won't happen in September because of the budget hearings um looking hopefully for October but it is on our agenda Management schedule to get done so someone had an idea that they shot by me this is totally off subject but uh or not off subject but um you know how when you walk to the beach in the walkways on the access they have those mats that are pretty sturdy why couldn't we put a mat like that from Red Coconut North on the beach toward as far up you know close to houses or whatever wherever we feel is the best part after Turtle season so you don't have the turtle um you know issues you roll it out and you could allow electric bikes you could have anything with electric on that walkway and the key would just be as to where it stops like maybe it stops um where uh Hooters used to be that area where they could come out and get onto a sterile Boulevard at that point and they bypass all the traffic and it keeps it that was discussed at our management planning meeting about doing specifically that yeah um staff is looking at that when we were over with Florida League of cities last week we were talking with a vendor that does specifically that and some other things um it's definitely a viable solution it's just a matter of funding timing sure you know the beach re nourishment is going on so working around that I don't know that anything will probably happen I want to speak out of term but I don't know that anything would probably happen until Beach re nourishment has passed that location but it is a viable solution and it's a you know obviously land owners are involved and you got to figure that out but uh we're we're we're really looking at any diff any way to get people out of cars and into bikes sidewalks and or off the off the streets and that is that is a very easy low hanging fruit one that could be done we're also looking at it's a little premature but again since we're talking about Moby mats and like people like to say Moby mats but that's just a brand name right there's other there are so many other things that out there we're also looking at how can we make a couple of beach accesses more uh Ada friendly we I've heard from some people that they love to come to the beach but when where the mat ends so does their adventure to the beach so we're looking at potentially a couple locations on the island where we could have these roll out mats that could be rolled out in the morning so people would know if they have Ada issues um they can get to the water and then maybe provide them with a floating there's several devices out there that we're this is through TDC funding that we could provide them with you know getting the water is nice but some people still like to get in the water and there's some really neat devices out there that people can transition into that have the big balloon tires on it and also float so if they want to go under the water and they have people with them they can they can actually go and enjoy the water like the rest of us so we're looking at that as maybe doing kind of a pilot program it literally just started talking about it so it's nothing that is gone before anybody for discussion yet but just things like that that are going to provide more flexibility for people that want to come to the island and enjoy the island you know obvious locations Palm Avenue where there's a restroom maybe Newton Park where there's going to be able people are going to be able to get out of their cars and and things like that but it would be something that would be rolled out in the morning and then rolled back up and so it's not interfering with Turtle season and these things are very light now very durable but again it's just in the initial discussion obviously have to talk with yazo and his team to see how that works and public works and obviously probably come before the public safety Comm to see how that works and maybe murf but okay just to give you an update on them but it has been discussed something sorry I yeah go ahead um I think that's I think that great idea from Red Coconut up with the Moby mat type of a deal um one thing that I had in my mind too was that um I know of a pedestrian brid um so that people aren't crossing the street to get to it that um as they develop the Red Coconut area there the the plan was to have a pedestrian bridge anyway um you make it so that it's it it um you know wi enough so people can walk and walk their bicycles across and then it but it when it does is it it kind of like a circular deal that you come off you circle around up to the top cross the stero and then Circle back down so that you can get out to the beach yeah the my understanding is with that plan that that walkover is going to be private for the people that would be buying the condos if that project is approved it is not a public uh accessible walkover right so that would be that would be my only key then is if you know we're talking Public Safety now we have people riding their bikes up to that point and now everybody's going to be Crossing to head over to the beach sure so I guess you know for for the public good um if if that would be part of the public good that they make that a little bit bigger so that it wasn't just private yeah I know that there's a if I remember correctly there they have a beach access there be on the north side of the Red Coconut property that you could access the beach um without having to go up and over but to your point if you're on the east side of the stero to get to the other side certainly something we can bring up with the developers and see if that's something they're interested in doing yeah well we have a little leverage we do yeah and I know it's been brought up at their meeting that they had last week at pink shell that was kind of brought up and the initial response was the space it takes to be able to do that whether it's stairs an elevator or the circular thing which he's I'm sure we're all familiar with we've seen in other areas where it's a ramp versus which alleviates the need for an elevator but it takes up it takes up a lot of space it takes up a lot of real estate so um certain certainly there something we can talk to them about and see if it's important to enough that people find that as a public benefit how much is it going to be used I don't know if there's a traffic study or anything that could be done to really show the amount of traffic that would actually use it but well maybe if we get to that point we could come up even with a way to call out a crosswalk a bike Crossing area you know that has some kind of lighting whatever view you know if it's going cross that street yeah I'm sure one of the one of the conditions um I shouldn't say for sure but my guess is one of the conditions would be to have some sort of flashing Beacon there to be able to like Lyell to be able to allow people to know that people are crossing the street there um because it's going to be probably heavily crossed area just like it was before when it was Red Coconut but so I'm we're still in the negotiation terms I guess it hasn't gone before LPA yet so we'll see what comes out of that yeah what other questions you have um well we had this also we've talked about um which I don't know Tom wants to get this an update maybe we'll go with Tom's update and I'll ask my questions CU I want to ask about the path we talked about another thing like a going north path for electric like golf carts or whatever from a certain area to start Meandering it to the North End of the island again to bring people out of cars and for the South and to be able to get up north and I know that you guys were having a meeting um there was a meeting uh with the company that's kind of projecting that right so there's really no conclusion yet this has to go to council and some of the suggestions that they made as well so uh we're still working on it's a work in progress uh when you come into that's a extremely complicated issue trying to dig into people's property or trying to shut down certain spaces or make uh spaces that are going through neighborhoods that it's a big process so uh the update is that we're still working it out going through staff has made contact with them again and we're waiting to hear what their answers are on some of that okay but the Red Coconut property and property next to it based on the comp plan that there will be a road going through there because that it's in the comp plan it has to be there so that connection from dinora will be made up to whatever I can't remember the name of the street where the old Bank used to be was that lovers lane lovers lane I think is that's it so it's getting from there to the North End how does that how does that work out is there easements that could go there's a lot of discussion and there's a lot of people that have to be involved to make that happen but if it's ever going to happen in my opinion it's now now is the time to do it yeah yeah I mean it it could be a game changer such a game changer um is there anything that this group needs to do for that or no the town is really working on that I think staff has been I think we understand what the needs are and I think that we've been have instruction from the town manager from Council and what we're supposed to be digging into and at this point it's more exploratory so uh to the mayor's point we continue to have conversations with them we continue to try to come up with best ideas best plans uh within the scope of what our ability is and I think the council and town management have done a great job by having these new uh new people coming in who are building here for us putting that right in their plan making sure that's part of the plan so I think that's that's a start so as you know to keep moving forward I think that's what we're going to have to keep doing as these projects come up kind of work that in and that's what these guys are good at so I think they're working hard at that too and the nice thing in this case is that it was 2017 all the hard work was already done yeah but at the time everything was developed and to make it a reality was going to be very difficult if not not possible so the blueprints there the hard work's been done the study's been done everybody's already I don't know that Public Safety Committee needs to reinvent the wheel I mean you've seen you've seen seen the plan SE plan so it's now how do you execute the the the vision that they had back in 2017 and can it be done or how does it need to be modified to make it work you know obviously the goal would be to to get it as far north as you possibly can on a sterile before it dumps onto a right or does it make sense to your point shifted to the beach now cut across there and you can still get to the North End via Moby mats or whatever you want so um sounds like everybody's on it just a matter of get yeah they even had MIM mats allowing the golf carts you know at some point that'd be huge I don't see that ever happening I don't either but it would be I don't know fdp would ever approve that but yeah well all right um Tom do you have any updates go with you because maybe we'll have more questions at that point L the lighting so that's was also part of the plan uh to the mayor's point about the sidewalks left the town manager instructed my people to do a lighting survey up and down stero started at the North End of the island to the south end of the island in particular where we have some lights out we've taken a whole survey of that that's been turned over to the power company now for them to figure out why some of these lights are not on theyve also understand that only the town manager has the ability to ask them or man so I'm assuming uh has the ability to ask them to turn lights off at any time no one else has that Authority so they're working uh to the best of ability figure out why these lights are not back on what they have to do to get squared away okay they've told us that they're all back on now so they had crew if you find one that's not out let us know okay they are okay you're saying because we noticed a couple weeks ago there were several that were out for whatever reason okay and they sent out a team to to fix if they were or turn them on whatever the reason was they were off okay but uh I haven't noticed one out so if you notice one that's out just let us know and they'll send someone take care of they understand the import we were applying a lot of pressure to fpl from the sterile Cove Condominium Association and they they turned on that light right in front of the the complex where there's a crosswalk y used to go to the old pentes yeah and that was very I thought that was very helpful and we were very excited about that I thank them for doing that yeah the issue that there was several issues there were some that that either burned out or weren't working and then over the years if if a light was got to remember these lights weren't all Amber before the storm they were they were white lights so before the storm if they were if they were potentially a cause of a turtle disorientation they they just were shut off whoever made that decision to shut them off we don't know if it was the then Town manager or whomever made the decision to just shut them off well that kept a rolling tally of every year those lights would just automatically be shut off again as opposed to reevaluating is something changed so that's why we saw before the storm so many and then once they were converted after the storm to fix them they put up the Amber fixtures which didn't give out as much light they were still continuing to be shut off and you know now we're noticing we noticed it and they fixed it so um hopefully in the next year we won't have an issue anymore with with lighting they are working on that so what is the status of the lighting project I saw but it's starving yeah so they are um putting the underground conduit in they started down EST and they're moving their way north um last I saw was a couple days ago they were around the fair viiew Isles area but I think they're even much further north of that so you'll you'll see them they have they're bunch of white trucks they're all in Orange vests they've got big orange spools of conduit so if you see them on your road that's what they're doing and they are moving very very quickly to get that underground they're and when they leave it you can't even tell that they were there I mean other than the dirt in the small spots so they're digging up certain spots along the way and they're underground boring the conduit through after that they'll come back they'll start setting the bases um pulling pulling the wire through the bases will be set they won't put the poles and lights in until after the end of turtle season so in November you'll start seeing poles go up and lights get hooked up and turned on initially they were going to to do it all and then go back but now it sounds like the plan is after Turtle season they'll start installing the lights and Illuminating from the south to the north as they can based on things that could put in place so there are bases there are poles they're already sitting at at the Town Hall property there is a bunch of equipment down at the South waterer Tower so they're they're moving they understand the urgency awes um we're going to do staff has been talking I've been talking to staff and we of of Old San Carlos of something that we need to do before um season to get that area illuminated um there's money to be able to get that done so we want to make sure even if it's a temporary solution the issue we're having with St Carlos is a power issue I think we're at the point now where we're going to have to rerun all the power downal St Carlos we tried fixing it caused another issue so there were lights and then there weren't lights and that's because there were shorts as you as you know how that where you get everything set up and then there's a problem you couldn't see so I think we're getting to the point where we just need to pull all new wire um because that's our responsibility not fpls and then once there's good power there then we've got the PS which are in the but which are in the light plan for FPL to do we may enhance it a little bit but um the importance is to make sure before season we get some good lighting down there yeah pulling wires is quite is quite challenging but do it is well it's professionals that do it every day for a living so it's it that's a and the way that old s Carlos is set up it's very some power comes from Bayside Park some comes from the transform that sits in Time Square and they come both directions so it was a little bit of a challenge figuring out what power what where it came from and then obviously when you've got you know high tide and tropical storm Debbies come through that put everything back underwater and got to start again it's it's yeah so they're looking at solutions to get that done but we will have we will have old San Carlos illuminated one way or another okay is there a solution for keeping the power like the Transformers out of the water in cuz that area is low to start with yeah I don't I don't know anything be overhead I don't I don't know for sure if the power that was ran when it was ran was even in conduit I mean there's some areas I know the conduit was corroded or busted and allowed water in and similar to what you had done at your condo right yeah so and you're at the point now where it just makes sense to do it again and do it right and make sure we don't have intrusions like we're getting now right the equipment they're using now that cabling is so much better than what was available when that originally installed yes the trick is getting it through there without nicking it and cutting it and compromising because it's it's so good that if it's not compromised it can be underwater but boy when well now they have underrated underwater rated sheeting that goes on and they also have the MDX that goes over it so wire is in conduit already and if you're running that through conduit so there's several things you it's it's quite technologically advanced as long as you don't compromise it in the installation process EX important yeah we learned all that I bet you did I bet you did it's amazing what people are learning after time like that and what you find out when you think you've got everything fixed you you don't really know what you don't know no okay awesome that's um that's good news I'm happy about the light um Tom anything else you want to give us an update nothing's changed from the last time we met um as far as other than the bike plan which has been worked on on the lighting the sidewalks uh the traffic is still you know still what it is and we're working on that we're trying to get ahead of it uh that's part of what this plan was meeting with uh Town management has already starting to think about different ways speaking of course to to our uh our elected officials but also trying to get together with lcso and F and Le do and everybody's trying to do the best they can and they're kind of digging into it for best plans so we know we know season's coming back and we want to plan for that to the best of our ability and with this diversion it's going to create a little bit more of a a hindrance uh for a little while why they they correct that and create the uh the circle but we are we are trying to get ahead of it now so just so you know that okay perfect um any okay so member reports anything no nothing here I don't I already asked my questions um I do have a report I believe my time in public safety is up in October and I I will not be reupping um I think it's been six years that I've been on the committee and now we have new faces and new people that are ready to pass the Baton Tu as they say so um I believe depending on the date of September's meeting I may or may not be here but this may be my last meeting so that's the case thank you so very much put in so much time and effort Miss I enjoy yes I enjoyed being on the committee but it's just it's time to move on we will miss you um Dan do you have anything else no I think we covered all of it okay public comment none uh set the next meeting which would be probably be the 17th of September right and you're gone and I will I will be back but I already have a commitment that day and I'm actually gone that day we can't modify that then I have to call in that' be my only I can call in that day do you want to table that for now until we can let's table we'll find some yeah and we'll we'll work all over town send some emails yeah just let us know uh if we get a different date okay 25th the 25th yeah yeah that would be great it depends on location depends on everybody I'll email the town and see what what we can do yeah we got to look at the calendar to yeah okay September is a pretty busy busy month yeah there's budget meeting budget and normal meeting so and then we'll go back and then we'll be back to the um like the third Tuesday would be October 15th that'll be that meeting so that one we're kind of back on track that is it all right all right uh thank you calling the Mee to adourn I make a motion to adour I'll second then meeting aour all right that's it goodbye Everybody by thank you thanks for calling