okay um we'll call this meeting to order it is Tuesday February 27th 2024 I am the town clerk uh Amy Baker for the town our chair Don Thomas is running a little bit late and we also have Heidi jorth um by phone but let's uh all stand for the Pledge of Allegiance right now congatulations to flag of the United States of America and to the republice all right thank you um I'll start on my far right for roll call Ron benock here Kieran Ferell here Tim bouas okay he'll pull the mic closer to you but Dan blanch and uh Jason Freeman town of Fort Mar beach perfect and um as I said earlier I have Don Thomas and Heidi Jor by phone they are wishing to appear by phone if I could get a motion for them to appear by phone so moved and go ahead second second all right we have a motion in a second all in favor say I I okay you guys don't you guys don't count on the phone okay um so we'll move on public comment I don't see anyone in our public so no public comment um I have approval of the minutes of January 16th 2023 make a motion to approve the minute okay I have a motion I'll second that in a second all in favor all I all right now you guys on the phone count all right um do we want to allow the sheriff and fire to speak first or you want me to keep going down staff report and updates or where Sheriff okay all right so we'll let the sheriff and then the fire speak and go from there good morning Captain Tim ler Lee County Sheriff's Office uh third precinct Captain uh this this last month we we don't really have any big trends to share um you know we as always we're telling residents to lock their doors we do that countywide and Statewide you know we get people leaving their cars unlocked and leaving the valuables and it just creates an opportunity um what we are doing is we're constantly attacking these traffic violations we're getting complaints regularly about passing into turn lane and speeding we're addressing that all day long we've got got the guys down there this morning hitting the the bridge real heavy in the school zones um the other thing notable is we started our spring break operation on Friday which the sheriff allows me to have extra Personnel down here uh so we started this past Friday night we have uh several shifts so we are definitely going to have a presence down here and we'll increase that as we as we see fit with the uh kids out of school so uh that's basically it for us any questions okay guys guys on the phone can you um mute your microphones until you're ready to talk Heidi or technology blessing on the curse okay yeah and uh Captain ler can you pull the mic closer to your oh sure how about now that perfect all right go aheading on okay we're doing our best thanks sorry we're so sorry that's all right and if you wouldn't mind muting your microphones while you're not speaking perfect thank you any questions for the sheriff no here I'm not the sheriff I'm just the captain from the Sheriff's Office Sheriff's Office so want to clarify um um just question and just want to see how the traffic has been flowing now that we have um from a traffic standpoint down by Margaritaville there been someone there you know directing traffic U just wanted to get perspective on how that how that's going I believe that it helps I've heard conflicting stories on that the traffic on the island has been an issue for many many years I've worked down here for over 20 years and I think what happened is we've got a we've got a lot of people coming back down so uh we're addressing it the best we can okay but we are definitely enforcing the speeding and the passing we're getting a lot of that in the morning so we're we're on it all right anything else for the captain okay thank you thanks for having us thank you and we have fire chief Worth next good morning committee members uh Scott worth Fort Myers Beach Fire Department uh fire chief um I put some paperwork in front of you just kind of showing the Run numbers for the month of January um very similar to what you saw last month we are we're seeing that division of calls um 50% fire 50% medical related um which is not our typical distribution but it is what we're seeing in the months and after the storm so same as what we saw last month uh last month when I was here we had talked a little bit about the traumatic injury type call so the last page of that if you want to jump to it um you'll see that there's a a list of incidents that I pulled up uh from our reporting system as trauma related and um just a few that stand out the first one a motor vehicle accident that was um that was a motorcyclist single vehicle accident that went down um with a minor injury wasn't a major trauma uh the Machinery accident we expected to see more of those with all the construction going on uh um that one was a a a amputation of a of a finger and uh taken to the hospital for that and then uh the next one physical exertion was a construction related accident and it was a a shoulder injury other than that typical trip and falls and stuff like that but uh that's kind of a breakdown of the trauma related calls for the month of January just to kind of give you a little bit of background on on what we saw any questions for the chief on on the Falls do we know if these are on personal property or are these in public it could be either it could be onp personal property it could be are you thinking like a tripping on a sidewalk nothing like that that jumps out but I don't know that that um that wouldn't really be picked up in a medical report per se um you know something of that nature so okay so we'll track this every month that'll be great then we sure if you want to see it the breakdown of these trauma type calls yeah I think it's helpful for us okay yeah we'll keep doing it this way any more questions no no okay wonderful thank you thank you gentlemen thanks Chief have a great day be safe out there all right staff report and updates uh good morning everybody um just a couple quick updates our Our Town attorney and their team are doing sunshine and public records training um for all the advisory committees so I believe that they still have this committee and one other one to uh to finish up with so I would anticipate that being at your next uh public safety meeting in March um but I'll make sure that we uh we update you on that but just in case you're interested or you know that'll get everybody acclimated to that um I believe we're going to try and do that as an annual refresher for everybody so if you any have any questions in the meantime about um public records Sunshine anything like that um always feel free to reach out to the town clerk's office Amy and myself and and we can help you out with that um we are anticipating moving uh to our new trailers which I think everybody probably Walks Behind or in front of at this point um we're going to move and be open on Monday March 4th uh so anticipate your March public safety meeting being in those Town council chambers um which are just located on the same property here 2731 Oak Street but just in the front the front area there so there's uh there's a whole section dedicated uh just for meetings in in the town council chambers um so we look forward to that and welcoming everybody in there uh pretty soon so perfect um sidewalk project I that might be a Heidi item that might be a Heidi item okay Heidi can you hear me yeah yep we can hear you um I sent the um different sections to um Jason I don't know if he sent them out to everyone else yep I believe everybody should have got that through an email I did my section okay was Dawn so I have my list there's only three things but I do have it of which I was going to turn in today uh I think we might need to clarify I guess who who has which sections yeah yeah that would help and I can always update that listen and kind of s that out after the meeting um if we want to if you all would want to do that yes please you could uh send out a list with the names on it then we can uh have that completed by next meeting well what did Don do already I went I did walk the North End so from Time Square all the way to the end and made uh note of pieces of the sidewalk that were you know either hazardous I think the biggest one that I thought was the one right by Time Square just north of it um right by the parking lot that's owned by Lee County there's a huge chunk that's bad and then I've got three three other ones north of that so I've done all of the North End this must be Heidi this Heidi yes that's the list correct I'll take any section it doesn't matter to me so then it looks like we have a crescent to Tropical Shores if anyone wants to volunteer for that one that would be from about yeah Time Square up to about town hall I'll take that perfect r r on then we have tropical Shores to Mid Island mid Mid Island mid mid Mid Island and then we have a mid Island to Publix s I'll do that perfect we have a Publix to Sterling I Mid Island as in like Mid Island Street okay perfect yeah we got that then we have a sterling to Albatross anybody Sterling Albatross don't let anybody jump at once I'll grab that one too that's I'm someone on the phone said that too okay doesn't matter I can R Jim N can take that one he's down by there oh that's right okay we can do Jim nickel for that one since he's not here so who did you give that one to Jim nichel oh then we have Albatross to Bay Beach I think that Heidi then we have from Bay Beach to the end of Island which would be esterita I can do from avat all the way to the end that's fine Don Don was that you I think that was Heidi okay thank you Heidi all right all right perfect what exactly do we want noted photographed I mean just precise a location as you can get or I mean I think so I think any information um I'm I'm trying to remember back to when we I believe it was yeah any type of uh cracks Hol CRA yeah and pictures I think are are good for it and then we can kind of compile all that and get it together so anything that could causeing injury Hazard correct okay and there are a couple applications yeah and there's a couple applications out there that can give you you know the L longitude and the exact coordinates of where you are um and so those are always kind of recommended they can attach right onto the pictures or even on uh if you have an iPhone on on photos it can give you the exact location on there too so and so I can uh I can update this list question how do you handle like a couple of my spots that I saw on the north end it's part of a driveway of a of a either a commercial property or a condo I mean is that the responsibility of the property owner you know to do that uh entrance to the street or is that the sidewalks portion because there were a few more like that but I was like well it looks like it's part of this building that they're gonna have to redo the whole driveway sure yeah we can we can confirm with our town staff you know code enforcement in and building um and and I think it just depends exactly where where it is on the property um but we can confirm and we'll get that back to you as an update with this list question um so we complete this and then are we sending it all back to Jason or are we going to present this information during the next meeting however yall would prefer um I I think you can send it to me and I we can compile it or if you want to just we can talk about at the next meeting and then get that out um yeah however you would all like to do it I think we should submit it all to Jason and then have it in a like a one big sheet similar to what Jan Fleming sent out that we have that shows the town I mean we don't need to discuss it I would think it just needs to go to the town to say here's all the places that you guys need to go address I think actually John I think it gets sent to the county because I believe it's a county sidewalk I could be wrong or to the county right yeah depending on the location um Mo most of his St Boulevard is is Lee County's or maintenance um but yeah we can oh just compile everything and and share it with the jurisdictions okay all right so agreed we um over the next two weeks we'll we'll send this off to Jason to compile and then to send it off to the appropriate um Department to have the the fix this made sounds great great thank you so that all for the sidewalk project okay ladies on the phone do you have anything for the sidewalk still um no I think that's all yep I think that's it for sidewalk perfect thank you um next up is Public Safety campaign and messaging is the new POI there to introduce herself and kind of tell us what she's got going on because that goes hand in hand with her so uh yeah I think as I think uh everyone anyone doesn't know yet uh the town did hire a new Pio her name is Nicole Beren um she was formerly here at the at boks for as the campus manager and has now been promoted to the Pio position and so I know Nicole is listening in right now um and I believe that she um we can check with her and Andy and see if she can come to the next meeting and introduce herself as well um but I know she's kind of getting acclimated everything and and uh pushing information out as quick as you can so but that position has been filled so is there a way we can get from Nicole um a list of what her plans are for the next six months I don't what happened last time with Jenny was we came up with all these ideas and then we were throwing them at Jenny and Jenny kept saying I ended up having a private meeting with her and she's like listen I've got we're doing all this stuff let's work together instead of you know we can piggyback on some of this she's doing so we're not overloading them with additional a different way because the whole goal is we want to get this stuff done and we don't want their plates to be overloaded so I don't know if she's already has if the town has set an agenda for uh Nicole to say all right these are your top five issues that are going on I know during discussion we talk when we go around the room for our group I've got some things to add and some things to change for our agenda but like I said I want to work with her so that's it's cohesive and we make sense I just want to let you know I'm on the island everybody also so I will try not to feed and get to B sure yeah we can we can check in with uh with the town and and see if we can provide an update to you all I know she is uh she just started recently though so I'm sure she's getting very acclimated to everything and and catching up to speed with um but she was you know doing some of the social media and everything beforehand so um we'll we'll get her get an update from them all Jason do you know off the top of your head I don't know if you guys discuss this in any of your staff meetings are there any agenda items that that you know she's addressing right now or that at least the town is addressing with visitors and with um you know res residence you know I know tra we just were talking about traffic but I didn't know if you were if you guys have something that you already know that's being addressed uh not specifically but uh yeah I can I'll check in with with Andy and Nicole and everyone and and we can get you an update of kind of like the the big ticket items that they've been uh working on promoting because I know that Nicole's pushing stuff out uh I think at this point daily you know so and multiple times so it's uh she's she's getting all that information but we'll we'll check and see you know what the priorities are and everything and we can we can share that with you all okay um anything else on Public Safety campaign and messaging no well do we want to talk about as a group or do we want to go individual about some of the things that we think need to be addressed at this point because we've talked about a few for example well I'd like to talk about we've got lighting like we've got all these visitors are on the um Beach right now and I know that I know we're getting new lights but from what we're reading it's going to be not this season so how do we address the mag ude of people on the north end with the lack of lighting number two how do we address the um traffic of people and work trucks going slow and I'm sure everybody's been reading about people passing in the Middle Lane which I literally want to do right now and um that as well as Crossing you know at the crosswalks basically how do I retraining new visitors of how to go about this island th those are three just off the top of my head I know um I'm sure I'm gonna think of the other one they're all my notes I just can't pull it out while I'm driving Heidi do you have anything else because I know you and I were complaining about something one day and I'm like we need to bring this up um I just think that like we need to do we need to find out what the council or wants us to work on I mean we're doing sidewalk projects and bicycling updates I mean we've been doing bicycle updates for as long as I've been on the Public Safety Committee which is a really long time I mean we actually I think we need to have something that actually makes a difference um on our agenda we're just not I mean what do they want us what do they want us to do so we have the Public Safety Committee and then we also have the the FNB which is doing public safety stuff I feel like we're overlapping or they're getting information from the town that they want them to do versus us having to do it I mean I guess we just we need some different guidance for something because we're just beating a dead horse down the road is how I feel and it's kind of frustrating I agree with that wholeheartedly I feel like we've got you've got this let's go FMB that are dealing with safety we tried to get them to come to our meeting we've got Town that's going to the let's go FMB meeting are they doing safety they're addressing the lights they're talking about tourism um and not tourism about the tourists and things we need to address where do we all fit in with the Town Council another thing I just thought of was the dilapidated buildings especially in Times Square or in our main tourist areas I know there was a list that was compiled of buildings that need to come down and I know there's a a a plan but what is like is that going to be shared with safety is that going to how do we know that these things like who's being targeted which businesses are being targeted to say hey you need to clean this up because you're unsafe and how do we address that again with tourists and people here especially in the heavily walking areas of the island personally myself I think that um at the next meeting when we have the Pio here a lot of this could be addressed with the Pio cuz um to me a lot of this is education um putting signs out um you know really it's hard to you know have any enforcement of things um other than just try to educate as much as we can and um the person with the town would be the Pio so I think it'll be an important meeting to have with the with the new Pi I think you've got a situation where you have a Confluence of entities we all want Public Safety we we all want better lighting we all want clean sidewalks but how much of this falls under our purview as this committee and again it's not so much about the principles that we're all for but the implementation so we all want better signage at the bottom of the bridge on this side to keep people from crossing any which way they want from the lighthouse to Yucatan or the lighthouse to Mr wave or wherever down at that where it's just a whole it's a whole mess of people randomly Crossing everywhere well that falls to Zer Lee County and then the lighting is fpnl so you have to get all these entities together to work to work in unison I just that's I think possibly where some of the frustration lies does that sound about right Dawn or Heidi I agree okay I do agree with go ahead ID go ahead after you you want me to go first um I agree with you wholeheartedly and I know that um like you saying you've got the lighting is FPL you've got the road is you've got the sheriff's department for the crossing and and the sidewalks is the county but I think the other thing is not so much who's responsible for correcting it but let's not make sure we're all doubling up on the same I don't know if I'm explaining this I want to make sure that if we're giving a commentary saying hey we need temporary lighting down close to Time Square until FPL comes do we go do we make this recommendation we talked to Town Council and and we're the ones who manage that portion or is Town Council already doing that same with the crosswalks you know we make the recommendation it goes to Town Council they also talk to the Sheriff's Department we make a recommendation that we want better uh law enforcement guiding people to cross at the crosswalks at what point do we it kind of goes I don't even know if I'm being clear here at what point do we we make our recommendation and then it's somebody else's needs to do it to to REM it because we don't have the power to remedy it is that clear what I'm saying I feel like sometimes it's like this the bike project we just keep talking about it but then nothing happens or well a hurricane happens and now we're kind of back to all right let's wait till the bikes start coming um I just thought of another thing um you know do we push to get the green stripes on the bike lane or is that even a high priority right now we've got so many other issues so that drops to the bottom of of our totem Poll for the town that we push to get done I think you're I think question for Jason what is our actual as our committee what is our committee's responsibility as a committee what issues are our responsibilities what issues are not our responsibilities I believe there's like a format if I'm correct that we have to follow that we look into certain issues and other committees look into certain issues am I ready sure so um% so we have our the town has an advisory committee ordinance um and that kind of spells out the the definitions I guess for every committee so that'll give you your your general you know description of what that is I know often times as well uh The Advisory committees whether they uh choose select somebody to go speak at Town Council the chair can come um and speak with Town Council and and kind of engage in that and see what the priorities are um there's also been joint sessions with the Town Council with advisory committees uh which would be another option if if you would all like to request one from with Town Council um and that that so there's a couple different ways that uh we can continue on with that engagement with Town Council uh however you all would like to do that but I I know often times um s you finish sure sure I was just saying that you know often times you know that someone will come speak from the committee with Town Council and they can kind of establish those priorities or or give updates and that sort of thing um at every town council meeting the regular ones there's a section there for advisory committee reports and uh so you guys are always welcome to come there uh we just always uh recommend that you select somebody whether it's Don as a chair or if you want to pick somebody else to come speak and give an update um but that's always there at the at the public meetings um and like I said joint session requests are always an option as well so that might give a request before we set another agenda or to figure out what we're supposed to do and what do they want us to do I my suggestion is that we request a joint meeting with the council to figure out our next steps and what they want us to do and how we proceed as this committee that's my recommendation would we need a motion to have that I think uh just for the notes yeah I would um the ne just so everyone knows the next meeting is next Monday March 4th and then uh then we'll have another one two weeks after that I need to make a motion on that correct yes I make a motion okay so there's a motion by dawn to um ask the council for a joint session with Public Safety at um are you going to come to the March 4th meeting or the March 18th meeting and ask that we can come to the I mean come to trying to clarify for the record what you're doing okay so there's a motion by Don and I'll second a second by Ron uh any discussion on that okay all those in favor I I uh perfect motion carries for I will be had a tone on the floor D is that something that you can handle I can be there at 900 am if I can get on the agenda before 10 that's the only thing I need I've got something at 11 sure typically that I is towards the very beginning of the meeting so we we can always put a placeholder in there that someone from Public Safety is going to come speak at the meeting I can do that then and and our to be clear our ask is for them to provide us with advice on what we should be focused on or correct or should we be showing up and saying here's the things we're passionate about you agree with those um up to yeah you know I think there might be few things that we could probably jot down right now that we've been talking about that says hey here's here's three things that we're passionate about doing we're running into some obstacles of actually implementing it um do they agree and then is there anything additional they should we should be focused on um and then the let's go FMB I think that's one conversation that needs to happen on how we navigate through that um another thing too I would like to ask if if Jason if you could share that we could all go through and find the ordinance for abut committees but if you could sh You' probably know where that's at if you my phone's with Heidi there but I can look it up on my computer I'll give it to you okay thank you absolutely and just for the record uh chair Thomas has is has arrived I'm here okay where were we at I just heard that whole discussion so I think Jim just made a comment about what we're passionate about I feel like and Heidi just said this on the phone you know we are going and looking at sidewalks that are not safe I mean there's I mean that's important but at the same time the hurricane um idea that you had that helps our residents become safe in the future is a little bigger project if there's other projects we can do that are more meaningful than walking up and down the sidewalk to see if there's a piece of sidewalk chunk that's going to stub someone or someone's going to trip on it I feel like we need to if this is a Safety Committee that the town wants us to do let's make it more meaningful that it's worth our time um I feel like uh let's go FMB they're addressing safety issues as well should we be joining forces there shouldn't be doubling up on all these different levels we all want the same thing and I I just feel like right now um like when I looked at the agenda and I told Jason this I said I feel like it's this it's Groundhog Day the sidewalk project okay you know that's low um on the totem pole um Public Safety campaign we have to work hand inand with what the Pio is already doing because we don't want to lump on something that she's already doing and we're changing her whole mission it's it's better if we know what she planning or what the whole what the island is um preparing for that way we can enhance her projects and make them more I'll just say meaningful that makes sense or if there's like volunteering we had talked about that like some type of you know it's a campaign where we actually attend those things that we can exactly those are again small right right you know two years ago it was bike lights and bells that that's nowhere we don't need any of that right now um we need the lighting we need to dress with um the magnitude of visitors that are here the lack of venues for visitors to go to so you've got everyone walking and wandering You've Got Time Square that is a partial rubble and that's not safe you've got buildings downtown on San Carlos that need to be demolished that are unsafe we've got a lot of issues like that that are a higher priority than some of the things we have on here bicycling hey Don yeah um the other thing is though are those our responsibilities the things that that's the problem that there's a lot of things that we're super passionate about but they might not even be our responsibility exactly as a group so we need to sit down with them I feel and we need to Define what exactly our responsibilities are and what they directly want us to work on because if they don't give us something to work on we're just feeding a dead horse again you know if they say I want you to do Project X Y and Z but it's not and we wanted to do a and C they only want us to X Y and Z so why are we worried about ab and C they're not going to listen to us about ab and C they only want to know about X Y and Z I got it I agree with you so I I feel that we just need to say we need to have a meeting we need to know what you want us to work on what you want our advice on what you want us to what you want us to do so that we have for our next meeting we can be like okay hey this is our agenda we got a lot of we got a lot of discussion now of things that we can come up with and work on for them so we actually feel like we have a purpose as a committee because right now I feel like our committee really and again this is my opinion I feel like our committee has zero purpose like we're just it feels like EV every third Tuesday or whatever we have a meeting like a waste of time I mean and we all volunteer our time I mean I've been on this committee for a long time and it would be nice to have something that has a purpose that we can actually work on I agree I mean a long a long time ago we worked on for numerous um meetings we worked on our thoughts of the base of the bridge um we went through we had crosswalks we had this and Jim Nichols not there but he was there I believe in those meetings as well and we worked on the it gave us a purpose did they take our recommendations the county no but at least we had a purpose of doing something we gave our recommendation to Count Council at the time some of the council took our recommendations some of them did not but that's that's how it is but at least we had a purpose of a project to work on right well okay let me throw this out I know that and I'm I'm more than happy to go to um the town council meeting on Monday the 4th but I almost feel like if I'm going to stand up and say what is our purpose to them it's not a discussion you're going to have right then so I'm wondering do we instead make a formal recommendation we'd like a joint meeting do I have to go to town council meeting and say we would like a joint meeting or can we just say now we want a joint meeting with Town Council similar to when LPA and Town Council does a meeting that we can work together on all of this we did it last time with the homeless situation and we brought in the churches and we came up with a quite a few Solutions so is that maybe Jason the direction we go instead of we go to the Town Council and I stand up and go we would like a purpose we would like to know what you want us to work on because they're not going to be able to discuss it then should we set up now instead we'd like to extend an invitation to them to do a joint meeting to find out where we stand and at the same time if let's go FMB is going to be doing things I know that uh councilman Woodson is uh the lia is on to that if they are getting credibility from Town Council and getting projects to do then they need to be brought into this um Round Table where we all discuss everything C so which is the right wait I go in and I just say we want to meet or can we just say that right now and we would like to meet with them uh I think it's it's up to you all I think uh typically in the past it's been done where uh someone would come to the town council meeting and request a joint meeting and then they can pick out a date and and time and everything with that okay then that's what I will do if that's the if that's the procedure but I agree with you Heidi sorry Donn I didn't hear what Jason said for the procedure he was hard to hear he said uh yes I go to Town Council and then I'll say we want a joint meeting so I will do that on Monday perfect and then just for the record uh ordinance 22-10 is the I believe the most upto-date advisor committee ordinance thank you abolutely all right okay I guess we're on member items and reports aren't we after that tangent who would like to start anybody um I guess I would like to I don't have anything that was my member item report okay um I I'd like to bring up something but again it would be it would be probably more appropriate when uh we meet with the pi but um there was an incident in the neighborhood with dogs over in our neighborhood and and um even myself out walking on the beach with mine on a leash and someone not having control we just just reinforcement of dogs being under control um when you're walking on the beach because i' I've seen a couple of incidences on the beach where dogs aren't under control by their owner and there's been some issues so we've got we did get a letter that um I think everyone received it I don't know if we forwarded on to everybody about that situation about is it a law are is your dog supposed to be on a leash on the beach because it is not a law correct so you just have to have your dog under control well I okay that's that's I know there's something going through the state right now on um that they uh that's in the legislature in Senate right now trying to pass a bill um for dangerous dogs and um I think that I would have to look it up I don't know personally I don't know but I think that under control is more than just on a leash um true uh for the record we go we did get a letter stating that there was um um someone walking their dog and another dog basically attacked the the smaller dog and they couldn't control it and they're finding it on the beach they're also um dogs are um going to the bathroom on the beach and the owners are not picking up the waste so we're having that issue now and um people are allowing their dogs to run run freely along the beach and again not controlling them if they're jumping on people or if there's children or things like that Heidi did you have something yeah I I could be wrong but I think dogs on a leash is a town ordinance I I believe so too and we can I can confirm that with you for your next meeting but I believe there's something in the the town code yeah I guess that's the thing is is is um unleash and under control to me is two different things I mean the dog could be on a leash and it's running around with the leash dragging behind it or the you see dogs running around with the leash in its mouth walking itself um where under control of the owner um has more Direction but if the if the ordinance is under on the leash then I at least say it's on the leash but so then that goes back to town I know the Town Council got that same letter is enforcement by correct Beach Patrol and then you know neighborhood if something happens in your neighborhood then them contacting Beach Patrol is that who youd contact or town code enforcement yeah I I can get clarification on that as well um so they've the former base is now the neighborhood services department so they're kind of covering a little bit more than just the beach Patrol um but between them and code enforce him I'll double check him we'll get you an update and uh we can always get you a copy of the ordinance for your next meeting as well of what that dogs on the leash okay thank you that's all for me I have no items at this time um besides the two items that I brought up about uh people passing in the middle lanes and we've also had issues with golf carts right now um driving on the sidewalk which and the um mailman sometimes drives is on the S sidewalk to get through traffic um again that's probably Lee County sheriff and but again I think it's a Pio thing that we need to start marketing to the golf cart rental companies and not so much the companies but they need to let the people who are renting the golf carts know as I was driving up the island late just now people are honking at the golf cart because the golf carts can't go as fast as cars and so then they're getting into the bike lane which is fine but um again we are encouraging golf carts on this island because it frees up the traffic substantially so and a lot of people are using that golf cart as a means to get up to the Northern end during high traffic they're jumping on the sidewalk so training the people who have that as well as um we've seen the pictures of people parking on Lots in the sand and getting stuck and their cars are getting stuck I don't know if that's some kind of signage that property owners need to start putting on their property to trespassing no parking I don't know but that's another thing that's been happening with the massive amount of clear sand that's open now for people to go right to the gulf so I would like to request the Pio either we have a special meeting with her or if she could come to our next meeting um with her marketing plan that she's planning for the next 6 months if she feels that I would love her to do a presentation to us of what she's going to be addressing and then we could interject how we can help her and also um complement some of the things she's doing and then maybe give her some other ideas of what she could do to enhance her communication efforts to both residents and to visitors and and then everything else that that I was upset about regarding um our purpose as well I just wanted that on the record so I will go to Town Council and let them know that we'd like more Direction and and meaningful projects Jim um all right thank you I was um just wanted to follow up I was just looking at the notes of uh doing that Emergency Operating Center I don't know if we ever did hear back on a visit I just wanted to follow up and make sure that you know think it was Chip would offered to coordinate but just want to get a feedback on that sure I think two4 um but I believe from the last meeting we were planning out maybe doing something towards the summertime but what cheap for again scottw worth from the fire department um yes I've talked with the public safety director and whenever you guys are ready to do that just a little bit of lead time because they'd like to make sure that some of the folks from the county can you know be there to to meet and greet and um you know kind of show you their operations so whenever you guys decide you want to plan that if you can just give me you know one meeting's notice and you know we'll get we'll get set up so we're ready to go do we want to choose a date now we want to throw out a couple dates for our group I think that's a great idea I mean maybe like we have you know we're going to get some directions from Council so maybe give us like couple meeting maybe like May okay that's just my thought as I was gonna say um April or May April or May they can get through season and the reason why why I'm bringing that up and just thinking through it is like is there another opportunity for us to make a a bigger impact um by you know having that connection as well to say okay is there a purpose between what they do and what we can do um so that's what I just want to make sure we follow that up with that okay um you CH yeah I did just get a message from uh vice mayor aderhold we actually can just request a meeting a joint uh meeting so could we ask them to check their schedules and you could send out a message to everyone and and then they pick a date you for Town Council or for Town Council a joint meeting with them yeah I will I'll check with uh with clerk's office and we'll figure out how we can do that great okay thank you so we have a May so say May 7th or May 14th plan on Tuesdays because our next our May public safety meeting is on the 21st right so could we uh we reserve the seventh or the 14th I can look yeah I'll definitely get with the county and make sure that works for them okay would you prefer the 14th being that it'll put you closer to your next meeting and kind of fresher in your minds sure okay I'll use both of those dates I'll use the seventh as a backup date very good fantastic sounds good and I'll communicate with Jason and um you know pass on the information thanks gief very good thank you thank you um okay and then um second was I um was present for the February 5th Town council meeting where I presented off um the idea of the emergency response system um we were at that point in time um providing just an overview of our thoughts on um how we would approach that the uh Town Council was very in favor of it um they had recommended that we take a look at how to engage um companies that are renting out prop properties so not just to connect with residents through the code red system but how do we connect better with um the external companies that are renting their places including Airbnb if possible um so that was one of their as back to this committee was to to work on you know finding out and a way of knowing who are the companies that are renting and then having them um provide the information if someone's going to be staying on the beach during a hurricane um that you know we can report that to force responders in case there is um you know just want to make sure that they're safe and health healthy so that was one of the asks um the other was that I was going to conduct a pilot with the new Pio Nicole so um I will be contacting her in near future sitting down with her to review the code red system and then um conduct a small pilot to see if you know the two-way communication is effective and it works um so I'll be following up um next four weeks going through that with her um and then yeah I just want to make a just a general comment I think conversation that we had previously makes a lot of sense still being a faing new member to this committee um I think at the end of the day we we want to have we want to make an impact and that's why I joined this committee was the you know having a purpose but also not just having the conversations I just got to text your mic stopped working here use M that was my big Spiel too um I was so excited about that so just uh recap okay so I joined this committee mainly to make an impact and one of the things that you know we just recently had this conversation about having a purpose making sure that working on on the right things um so I just want to reiterate you know that's that's why we do volunteer this is why we are here um and to to get to a point where you know the committee could help us but also just getting to a point where we actually drive the agenda I'd like to see how working with Jason in the committee um even with de's liais on to the committee having ways to remove some of the roadblocks cuz it seems like we run into the same with FPL or anything that we want to do it seems like there's another hurdle so just uh you know I think that's one of the things that during our Round Table we'll want to look at is what are what are the things that we want to focus on how we're going to make that impact what are those actions that go in place but also how they can help us eliminate some of those roadblocks of putting things in place for our for our community and making it a safer place so I just wanted to end with that and turn it over to Dan I want to piggy back okay I want to piggyback on the comment you were asking that Town Council asked you for your hurricane um response how we um communicate with the airbnbs and the rentals we can I think we should suggest a uh procedure a policy and procedure you currently have to register your Airbnb with the town you have to register any type of um apartment in your home or anything that you're renting it should be a packet that this is what you need to follow with your guest and it's a checklist so when someone signs up for your home probably I don't know you need to do it in February when it's not hurricane season but during Hurricane Season every new guest needs to get this information whether it's a sheet of paper whether it's something in their booking that it's mandatory that we have have hurricane procedures for Island so that you your safety as a guest is at the top foremost and I think that's something since you've created this wonderful system system once you get through the pilot if it works then we develop a policy and procedure for everybody on the island to follow if you're a homeowner if and then as well as if you are a um renter or uh uh Airbnb someone who rents you have to follow this policy and procedure and we lay that out and I think that's the solution for that issue next I feel that it's the responsibility of the business owner hang on I can't understand you you're like talking too close to the phone is that better no now yeah try that okay um I think it's the responsibility of the rental business owner or employees of the company to take care of their guest I agree with that came in I had some guest that we leaving the day before this said you guys you know I went that I met with him and I said listen you need to change your FL you need to get out here ASAP I mean I just think that if a business owner is not doing that they're doing their job okay so you're saying so to recap we still would develop a policy and procedure but to recap you're saying the rent the rental um property owner is responsible for communicating with the guests and putting it on them to get ahead all right then we make that a absolutely part of the um procedure okay I I don't you what did you say I said then we make that part of the procedure I mean I would think no I would think no property I would think nobody who is renting wants to have their guests go through some of the horrors that happened two years ago so they would follow this protocol so they don't have a lawsuit or a death or something to happen so you could we can only hope that they would um it's still fresh in their mind that this is important for your guests that you need to be very clear with them that one you probably should leave but if you're choosing not to this is what you need to do to reach out to the um public officials police and fire to let them know that you are here so that we can ensure your safety maybe it's a question for Jason question for Jason do we have a list of all the or do we have access to a list of everyone that rents their property on Fort Meers Beach uh so there's a the town has a short-term rental program um I can double check with the the staff that use that program and we can report that back to youall next next meeting as well okay thank you it it's public knowledge yeah it's public knowledge so they should must be registered and have a 24-hour contact okay good and the contact must live locally and the contact must live locally okay got it okay I think right on you're up I don't have anything okay um anything else for remembers before if you've remembered anything Jason do you have anything I know you did staff earlier but we've kind of been talking quite a bit yeah no um I mean I yeah thank you all for being on the committee um like I said uh just moving forward we're anticipating having all the town meetings starting on Monday with the Town Council in the new trailers um which are just same property here but just up a little bit everyone probably passed them on their way in um at the next public safety committee meeting as well uh we're anticipating having our town attorney here just to do a refresher on uh sunshine and public records training uh she's going through all the different committees so I think it's just down to Public Safety and and AAC are the meing to um so we'll probably have that on your agenda um for next for next meeting as well so you know I do want to add I know we're going to do this with the town council meeting could we also have an update of where the town is since Dan's not here today he usually does fill us in where are we at with um the owners of the buildings that are unsafe um with the tearing down I know that there was supposed to be like a 30-day window that they gave them notice that you have to tear down your building um and then there was uh then they tear it down then they had to do the um bidding for the company to actually tear down the the building and then the third thing was I think a Leen or or how they're going to do it but I'd like to know because I do think that downtown I I I'm looking more at not the individual Property Owners I know that each neighborhood has um homes or businesses that need to go but I'm looking more at where the majority of our guests are vacationing and walking around that we have the safest possible Island and venue for them so that they're not running into problems and there's wires and rebar and uh building walls that are about ready to come down in case because people are curious and they are walking through these buildings and they are looking especially after they've had alcohol so I'd like that update okay sure any public comment no uh set our next meeting which I think we have we should be back on track would be that be the 19th does that work for everyone I'll have to ask for I'm on vacation I'll have to ask for an excuse absence that's fine when I apologize today I was not supposed to be anywhere today and I anyway long story um that's fine 19th do we want to I think we'll still have Quorum even if you're on vacation I think we'll be okay does that work for everybody you sure yeah work for me I don't my calendar but should be an issue all right we'll put it down if something if somebody else has a problem let us know and then we can uh send out to maybe possibly change the date all right and um I think that's it yeah uh just Madam chair um wait wait wait this is just your opportunity to if you have new items between the committee that you want to put on the agenda for next uh next meeting we can we can talk about those now as well and we can get those on for your March I counil I'd like to wait until we talk to Town Council because I really think that Heidi hit the nail on the head if if they want us to do a project we will work on it but we also want something that's meaningful and and that that's actually going to be done there's no point of sending us off to work on something that we really have no say on no one's going to listen to us um I just want to cut down the redundancy and I'd like to cut down um the frivolousness on some of the stuff you know I know everything's important but it could be a little higher level than what we're doing right now so we can keep the agenda just similar for March but if we get updates in the next couple weeks we can update that as well right because it's your agenda to set so I would like to add one on the crosswalk signage I know that's come up several times just want to get an update on where we stand on putting those up you know at one point we had someone from Lee County here um from the roads do we need to try to get them back back a for at least one meeting to give us an update and is that do I reach out to them is it I don't even know if it's the same person that sure I can double check and see how we did before um I would imagine it might have been Rob felin with Lee County DOT it was okay it was so yeah I'll double check and see how we got yeah see if there's something that they can give us an update um you know we've got the roundabout at the base of the bridge do I mean they showed the that's F dot they showed that presentation at Diamond had a couple weeks ago well when is that actually happening cuz when that happens we're going to have a whole another set of circumstances that's going to transpire with traffic and pedestrian um you know I am going to throw one more thing out this is just an idea and I throw it out to Town Council I just thinking about this we've been trying to eliminate people crossing by the base of the bridge and there is a natural crosswalk under the bridge behind Yucatan and around you come out through Lighthouse and you byass that completely has the town or have we ever looked at different ways of getting people around the island with it takes an extra you know instead of you're walking all the way to Time Square you cut cut that um back path to cross and really start promoting that to people just saying these are different ways you know to get around or even make signage this is the way to go or it cuts out people walking right in the middle of the road I think that's a great idea I mean just to build on the idea of like signage but also like I can't think about like the Freedom Trail where you actually follow the path exactly you know you could do a lot of different things um if we could look at who owns that property but and do it in a safe way where you can you know put lines and make sure that people understand that's the way around um could well they've got all the colorful sidewalks and and the pathways to start guiding our people um I've heard a rumor I I think it's true that there's going to be a pathway from um nervous Nellies pass Moss Marina down that way so you can walk along the water another thing guiding these people that there's different ways to get off the main roads to keep this traffic this pedestrian traffic moving and that's something we can bring up to Town Council but that's not on Lee County L land that's on ours and we could really do a good job of migrating the people the way we want them to migrate okay I make a motion to adjourn Heidi she went off anybody make a motion to a anybody second it anybody second second second second all right me