e e e e e e e e e e to order the safety committee meeting on um Tuesday April 16th 9:00 a.m. will do the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all roll call Dan Blanchett Ron benock Kieran Ferell Don Thomas Jim bouis and Jim nickel Dan allers all right uh is there any public comment what yep y yeah we're not as formal like we don't read your name out and you just go to the little yeah hi Christy Hennessy um I live on St Carlos Drive which is on the other side of the matanzas pest bridge and I have an A pedalist ass track ebike and that gets me over the bridge so I don't have to walk it every time and then I can also keep up in traffic um that's a biggie and so my ebike my pedal assist um I can really stay with traffic like I I can be in line with the cars and I don't hold anybody up many most of the pedal assists you know they just don't have quite that much power and they hold traffic um I I don't ride on the sidewalk just because I'm not supposed to I'm a boring rule follower but um I yesterday even I was thinking gosh at least 50% of the bikes I saw on the sidewalk were pedal assist and I'd look to see you know where they pedaling so you know they might have been the push or whatever they're called but anyway you know they are going the same B same speed is the bikes that um that don't have any power and I I have been behind bikes in traffic that I register 0o miles hour on my car because they're going so slowly and then the cars are piling up behind me so it doesn't matter to me if these bikes going safe speeds that are pedal assist or whatever are on the sidewalks but I just think of all the older people that would have given up their pedal assistant ebikes because it's not safe for them to ride them in the street they don't have the balance um I have the balance and I wear a helmet but still I'm you know I'm really cautious too so just kind of putting in a word for if you're thinking about maybe allowing them on the sidewalks um something that takes up a lot more space is the um trikes that we see our seniors riding and we love to see them because they're out out on a bike and it gets them around on the sidewalk and that takes up a lot of space whereas the ebikes and pedalist they don't take up much space and I can't say they're zooming so I'm done thank you anyone else good morning Carol jacobe I live on Lenell Road um we're not ebikes we're regular bikes um but we do at times use the sidewalk because even if we're on the lane what says the bike can go I can't pedal fast enough to keep up with traffic so then they try to pass you and down you know by the Town Square that passing lane or it's not a passing Lane there's no passing is maybe 3 to 4 feet wide so they're almost going into the other lane of traffic to get around me they're supposed to stay behind me so then we end up riding the sidewalk where we can but if there's a pedestrian we get off and we walk our bikes around them get back on and we do that cuz that's you know we don't want to make anybody feel uncomfortable or have to get aside for us we're the ones that shouldn't be on the sidewalk but that's where it's safe and we have our grandkids we take them biking even where we're at like today driving down here I witnessed a truck with a trailer the trailer was as wide as the road so he's in the bike line he maybe doesn't even notice that his trailer's in the bik Lane and if he'd come up against someone they'd have to jump onto the sidewalk to stay safe and that was where it was painted green so another thing I think you could do is either highlight those more often because I see a lot of people wandering into the bike Lanes um you know stripe them green maybe they don't have to all be fully green the whole way also down by us up until the Catholic Church there's a lot of sidewalk that has weeds growing growing in it which is supposed to be grass but it's not ever going to be grass I would suggest taking that out filling it in with concrete so that sidewalk is just a little bit wider there and even if you you know like where I'm from in Minneapolis there's wide paths where there's both bikes and Walkers are allowed and there sign that says you know um the pedestrians have the right away and so you have to be careful of them but I think there's ways to use the sidewalks for regular or ebikes I don't see ebikes on a sidewalk going that fast um I think there's a lot of other things we could do to make what we have safe and yes if you want to alleviate traffic bikes are the way to go we bike um to Town Square to the concerts we bring our chairs with so we are on our bikes all the time and if it's not safe to ride we're walking them at for some point so thank you very much thank you thank you anyone else want we never have public comment this is exciting for us nobody comes to our meeting like oh my God go ahead sorry my name is Les Gorsuch my wife and I have started up Fox ebikes on St Carlos Island so we ride pretty occasionally in my mind um it the least that we could do is maybe regulate the speed of the bikes on the sidewalks bikes will be riding on the sidewalks it doesn't matter what laws you pass what regulations you set it's just to not have the bike lane forces the bike onto the sidewalk in safety um everybody knows you you get behind a bike you get impatient you want to go around them it could it just sets up a situation to where there could there then there is um accidents happen so maybe at least keep an high on um or announce it talk about it maybe have Beach talk radio talk about it you could talk about it on there um to um we understand you're going to ride on the sidewalk please limit your speed um get but there's still crazy people that don't but in my mind that could help um alleviate that part of of a problem and like like the lady just said um bikes are are could really help the situation for traffic but it is what it is thank you thank you anyone else come this is a record by the I know I'm going buy a lottery I'm Sandy Gorsuch Les's husband like he said we open foxy bikes um I really intended to come here just to listen but yesterday I rented two a couple and they took our bikes down to Lovers Key and they just had a blast she saw manity she was so enthralled with the environment and being able to travel that way and when they came back and I mentioned this meeting today they told me about a YouTube channel called just not just bikes and I would really encourage you all to look at it this guy takes examples from all kinds of different municipalities both here in America Canada Europe and how they've been able to co-mingle cars pedestrians and bikes and there is a phrase that's starting or it has been coming out about you know a city is not bike friendly or it is bike friendly and I would really like to see for Meers Beach become more bike friendly I think the more people that Rod bikes it would help relieve the congestion I can't think of anything else I'm sure I will later but thank you I check that out yeah was it not just bikes or not just ebes not just bikes on YouTube I wrote it um Mar and chiley I'm a full-time resident down on Island Pine Way I'm also on the town audit committee and a member of the Women's Club um I had chemotherapy last year so I have um permanent neuropathy so my ebike pedal assist is one of those tricycles that you see I got the big white tricycle so it is really not safe for me to be in the street I mean cars are flying and then once you get past you know where there's no bike lane you have to be on the sidewalk um so my tricycle does not go faster than 12 mes hour I mean I just I I'm not one of those Speeders and I've always been very courteous to the pedestrians and everything so I'm asking please let you know nice people say nice people that follow the rules have ebikes on the beach or the sidewalks because we do want to go downtown and go to the bars and spend money and you know we live and down on the south end we've got nothing so there's no pedestrians down there anyway but there's also no restaurant so um like I said it's it's a few bad apples I guess spoiled it for everybody is kind of you know but there is the Island's coming back and more people are getting bikes and going out um and there is no bike line and I'm sure you've seen the roads are not safe people are on their phones if you I don't if the cops look but people are drinking people are smoking they got dogs in their laps like you know it's really not safe to be in the bike lane it's it's really not so please let us ride on the bike or on the beach or on the sidewalk if we're respectful with a speed limit or something like that thank you morning morning my name is Jerry Foley a retired Marine konel um I wanted to First State the obvious is that you're not going to be able to legislate morality or legislate just plain simple Common Sense there's not a lot of common sense out there I ride my bike probably four or five times a week and down here and and uh in the in the the bike Lane if you get off the sidewalk and you're in the bike in fact Saturday I had a confrontation with a a gentleman and his son and I didn't even realize that he knew my mother um for the comments that he made because I was in I was in there and I I'm on a pedal assist and I was trying to keep I was keeping up with traffic but I guess he doesn't realize it that the law says I have as much right to that lane of traffic as he does and he and he took a took offense to it um mostly I would like for you to note that some of the places that have dealt with this for instance Virginia Beach Virginia they put up a boardwalk uh they've had it for years but it's a boardwalk and they have so much bike traffic that they actually built a farac area beside it that's strictly for bikes and and Rental and uh surries that type of thing uh recently we were down in Key West and they are trying to get cars off of du Street and you you're you feel perfectly safe riding your bike right down the middle of Duvall Street nobody's speeding or um the the whole thing of keeping up with trunks down there is a whole different issue but uh and they've done a really good job of of that and I think the more that uh Fort Meers Beach caters to the bikes or I think with the highrises that are bu being built the gentrification of of Fort Meers Beach it's going to lend to more traffic and it's going to into many more people uh one suggestion that was on I believe it was uh Beach talk radio site was is to take the the Beachside sidewalk and make that pedestrian only no bikes no trikes nothing just pedestrians on the beach side and on the other side on the non beach side take that sidewalk and make it strictly bikes you can pay U strip right down the center of the sidewalk and for one going east one going west and that way it would be easier for the police to maintain and I think that uh the Common Sense on the police side of of uh stopping the people that are being egregious the ones that are weaving in and out of traffic the ones that are swinging around pedestrians those are easier to spot I know when we come over the bridge we turn our our power bikes off and we just do a regular pedal and you can still keep up with everything going on so um thanks for your time thank you all right anyone else all right um approval of the minutes I appreciate everybody coming thank you um great ideas and great comment um approval of the minutes from March 19th move to approve second okay motions approved minutes are approved staff reports um who wants to start chair Chief not the sheriff not Sheriff chief chief Captain good morning Captain Tim layer Le County Sheriff's Office um just wanted to touch base on just a few things that we've had we just wrapped up our spring break operation happy to say as as we've been very lucky in the past we've had no critical incidents no major no major issues uh we had our deputies down here and and it got busy down here this year busier than probably I thought it was going to be but we were prepared and uh and things went well uh we're back to normal operations we've got our guys down here in for in the traffic laws and educating people and uh things seem to be good we have no crime Trends right now to report so that's it for us you want to add anything good all right Chief worth good morning committee members um Scout Worth or Chief Fire Department um I apologize for not having the printed reports this month but um I will say that trend-wise we're seeing nothing outlying as far as trends go um I know we talk a lot about you know bike and pedestrian we I do know that we had a you know two or three uh vehicle versus pedestrian or vehicle versus bicycles uh last month um none of those fortunately were critical um and I do know that we've had a couple of cut feet out on the beach um so I don't know if Poss possibly safety messages about wearing water shoes and stuff like that might be good um information to go out but um other than that no real outliers in the uh in the call volume or the trends when on those pedestrian and the bikes was that any certain area it mostly the North End is it the south end or is it all over it's it's all over okay but I would say I actually I think we're seeing it more towards the uh the South End actually yeah in the middle middle part of the island okay is there any commonality in these incidents speeding misdirection Crossing against the walk not nothing that would show up in our reporting okay we don't we don't do the investigations um as much as we go and treat the patients treat their injuries so and then last thing I'll say is looking forward to uh next month at the emergency Operation Center awes yeah Madam chair I ask question real quick yes on average Chief what would you say the response calls are for pedestrian bike incidents in in what fashion just a bike ran into a yeah it could be a car making a turn the bike hits it or not bike versus pedestrian but a vehicle versus pedestrian vehicle versus bicycle so you don't really have a lot of calls for a bicycle hitting a pedestrian not necessarily okay it's usually mostly cars and bikes I think so okay or cars and pedestrians any other questions I don't have anything any no no okay thank youone good morning Thomas yazo Fort Meers Beach operations compliance uh we've had a pretty good month uh now of you know our population's kind of went back down again so we're seeing our traffic decreasing the Sheriff's Department's done an amazing job I know they take a lot of heat for the traffic but they've done an amazing job getting down or getting stuff squared away uh the stuff on the the bikes on the sidewalks they've also been enforcing that pretty strongly which I thank them for no we have not had a lot of accents with bikes and pedestrians thank goodness because they especially with the ebikes if they're cooking they can hurt somebody pretty well pretty badly most of those interactions have come from ebike drivers heading down the way and then it turns into an altercation because they almost clip somebody and that's usually when they get to know his mother apparently my mother too when they talk to me so um what we're seeing as we're going forward though is as we're educating people because Theo is not just writing tickets they're educating just like the Rangers are we're out there talking to people every day so I think that has helped a lot and I think bikes are a great idea I hadn't heard the idea of the east and west side of the sidewalk yet so I think that's something to explore but that has more to do with the county than it does so much with the town other than us digging into the OR I think I thought we own the sidewalks yeah I got it now who does own the sidewalks sterile Connie so let com me right away okay so essentially from power pole to power pole is is the easiest way so if it's under County jurisdiction and riding on the sidewalks is a town regulation or law why why is still still within the town of Fort Meyer's jurisdiction the ordinances Encompass that so that's why we we do go out and have conversations with people and Lee County Sheriff's Office enforces all of it so so it's not about the sidewalks proper it's just the fact that it's within the town correct okay and I would I would have to ask legal but I would assume that looking at something like that would be something that the town could probably do through an ordinance no different than what is currently in place now I would think you mean to resend it or to well to to modify it to modify it to say one side or the other I would think that would be something that the time would be in the towns perview exactly okay that's it for me if you have any questions I can answer them uh we are still enforcing on the beach with the ebikes uh we do we do handle a lot of medical calls that doesn't go to the to the FD which just basic first aid for people uh the cut foot is still our biggest issue there we do have some people who have gotten out into the water and gotten tangled up with uh fishing line and stuff too we are rendering Aid to that as well but it's been nothing dramatic so far I'll bring up some this other stuff yeah I'll bring this other stuff up and you can jump back up get very good awesome thank you Dan since you have to leave early would you like to give an update on yeah um I I have to jump out at 9:45 for another meeting but um just a couple things at the meeting yesterday we talked about specifically this bike ordinance and revisiting that because I've always found it and what you heard here today A lot of I I I like to look at the E ande you know education and then enforcement whether it's bikes whether it's Turtles whether it's whatever I've always found it very difficult to make policy on what the vice mayor very eloquently says Bad actors you know Bad actors are going to do bad things no matter what the law tells them they can or can't do so to try to police that or to try to policy make for those bad people is for me very difficult I believe if you educate educate and educate and educate eventually you will get to the point where maybe those bad actor numbers dwindle a little bit and then that's where the enforcement comes in and I think being able to educate and then having the enforcement part of it as the backup as the if you're doing something you shouldn't be doing we're going to tell you once if we catch again we're going to you're you're going to get a ticket right and and I've always found that that's the best thing so we're going to look at that um I thought the idea of the sidewalk if that's something that could work I I don't know I've I've personally noticed more people walking on the beach side of the sidewalk than or on the the Bay Side of the sidewalk than on the beach side it seems like there's more people walking for some reason or another I know it's because they're all going north or what but um so I I think that's a good idea that you guys could look at um the council yesterday was was interested in this packet and and your discussion on you know where we could go with this and how we could maybe lay something out um uh any suggestions with the bike ordinance we we do we did uh approve to put it on the next M&P meeting for discussion to look at aot ing the bikes on the sidewalk as well as on the beach um so if you have any discussions or any points that you want to bring up before then that you could get to us I was going to say we need to get to your meeting um yeah it'll be on the next M&P meeting which will be next month okay um it's first Thursday of next month I don't know what it is off top of my head but um it sounds to me like there isn't a lot I was going to ask if you could get us a report for pedestrian SL uh bicycle accidents but it doesn't sound like there's a ton in this report was stuff that showed through 2017 but there's really been no data since then um I don't know how difficult it would be to get it but even with pedestrians and cars it might be something that the council would be interested in looking at um just just for reference to compare it to the last seven years if nothing else um other than that there's okay I was going to say Tom you guys were supposed to have a meeting so we have this packet I I'm just going to bring this up now we're going to jump around a little bit so for those of you you who in the out there there is a um someone came in with a presentation a long time ago with a pedestrian and bicycle master plan there's a lot of good data in here now this is obviously pre-storm post storm I think we have a lot of opportunity to grab some of this land or some of these places that we can create either a bike path or something it doesn't have to be right along the sidewalk we can utilize some of these larger swats like Red Coconut behind there and then behind the tops and behind the Old Town C town hall and then up behind you know um seag grape and it really could go quite far and then get creative but I didn't know um I want to say last month Frankie said that somebody was coming in to do a presentation but I don't know we haven't heard what happened or anything yeah we're still waiting to hear back from them so they're still working on that process for this next step in that past this that's more modern as new new data points and stuff so we're still waiting to hear back from them that okay um and is there any talk with this like they brought up a boardwalk have we ever tal I mean for the for the bikes I mean not a major one but you know you go to clear water or any well there been I mean back before the Margaritaville days in there was talk about doing a boardwalk of some sort at least on the North End and trying to expand that yeah I think working with homeowners is going to be the difficult challenge to try to make it an islandwide thing like they have on the other coast um doesn't mean it couldn't happen but I think it's worth having a discussion I've also talked with the town manager um about you know we want to obviously promote biking and walking in order to do that you got to be able to facilitate them right right now we don't have anything up and down the island where people could park their bikes right and get water in their water bottles there's no water stations you know we all see at the base of the bridge on the other side people lock their bikes up to the bridge because there's nothing there and before the storm there was talk about doing a bike station and a bubble station with water where you could fill your water bottles on both sides of the bridge so that people will bring their bikes and they have a place to securely lock them up I know we're talking about doing one out here where the the workout thing is going to be it looks like there's going to be a bubble station and a bike rack there so maybe looking at that throughout the island where make where does it make sense to have bike racks and water stations to be able to provide people that are walking or riding their bikes to you know Park their bike if they're just going to visit a friend or something they could ride their bike and lock it up safely on the boulevard somewhere and then they could just walk up the street or you know just something I think because as as we build out to the point I think one of the commenters made is as the island grows back there's going to be different things along the island and if you've been paying attention to the council meetings there's been a lot of discussion about how do we spread out that commercial use on the boulevard which is what the comp plan basically is called out for so I think as we start to get into that to be able to have places to take your bike and and to you know get water and do things like that it's something very easily that can be done very quickly very very inexpensive way to do things to to get it out there and you know you can have fun with it before the storm you saw there was bike racks that looked like fish and tur Turtles and all kinds of things and you know I like the idea that someone had about instead of putting planting is there in in that some places it's 2 feet some places it's much wider right um you know filling that in with concrete to to allow more space for pedestrians and bicyclists to to share the sidewalk it's something worth looking at I said that that's why I was thinking it doesn't go as far up as we need it to it stops when we start getting really busy but yeah so is there something the Safety Committee that we can be doing with action plan or do we need to wait until this company comes with their proposal and you you know I don't want to jump if they're already working on it and or do we just come up with ideas and an action that we can facilitate some ideas toward that for them I I think any ideas are good you know the more ideas the better maybe some will be running the same as what their suggestions are but it never hurts to have more ideas I know like I said this is a something that the council's very interested in in trying to figure out a path through the island to get people off of a stero balore because no not everybody does feel comfortable riding right on you know we've all seen the trailers going into the bike lanes and and you know the talk about the green painting the green that was something I was working on and the public safety Community was working on very heavily again it's County old road so they were looking at the data and the analysis and you know it does it make sense to put those little Rumble strip things down like they have coming over the bridge I'm always pulling a trailer and sometimes you're looking not paying attention and you feel the oh oh I got to pay attention you know cuz you're looking at the water you're doing whatever in Miami Beach they have they're a it's a big Hub it's a big circular Hub that I mean you cannot go over it you can't if your car hits it it bump your wheel and that's how they block off all the bike and they allow electric bike um the scooters all those things that everybody's in there in that little space and no car can even get in there yeah I I mean just across the country I think that there's there's such a movement whether it's electric vehicles golf carts bikes whatever it is there's there's a a very big push to to get out of the cars and and to find other modes of transportation so my guess is there's a lot of good ideas out there in different municipalities and different beach towns that we could look at do some research and see what makes sense here knowing that we have a very unique um you know very unique and that we don't own all the property but the county I I'll tell you is they're open to anything we suggest to them um they they don't shut the door on anything they bring it to their commission when they need to bring it to their commission and and they're very favorable to help us do whatever we need to do so I think now is the time if if you have ideas even if they're crazy you think crazy bring them up because you don't talk about them no one will ever know and usually I've always found that the more people are talking the more things come out of it you know may not be that you may not say something that's 100% but you may say something that inside that Sparks something that he might say or she might say or you know and then you eventually get to something that makes sense for everybody so any ideas you have bring them up we'll we'll listen Okay and we've got it you know beautiful s Mile Beach out there that it to me to not allow bicycles on that because they may or may not have a motor it it seems like a big wasted opportunity all right any other anybody want to add to that I would say whatever effort we could make working with the county to enlarge the sidewalks because people are going to ride on the sidewalk to get off the road and it would be beneficial and and it would help safety-wise I mean that's where our function and safety here that's going to make a big difference secondly if we can develop a way for people to ride a bike from the south to the north to the north to the South and sometimes they're on the Boulevard and sometimes they're off the boulevard I think lots of people would take it if they're going to a destination if they're just tourists and they're just cruising they're probably going to cruise up the boulevard to see what that's about that we have to make the boulevard safe and then we also I think have to provide an alternative to that to the degree that we can put together a plan to make that happen because lots of people say I want to go to Lovers Key they would be able to jump on that and get to Lovers Key quickly and safely a lot of people just want to Google watch you know sure Google ey so you know I think a lot of the the issues that we see when we all are aware this that live your year round it's 3 months out of the Year where you get people that come on vation and they don't it's not that they want to do anything wrong they just maybe don't understand the rules of what they're supposed to do and not supposed to do and that's where that education and eventually if you have to enforce it you enforce it but the other eight nine months out of the year it's it's people that live here and and understand you know are respectful to other people and not just walking across the road wherever they want to so it's really focusing in in my point in my in my mind focusing on what can we do for those three months out of the year as a town to promote whether it's you know education in advance if it's you know someone I don't know there's a lot of different things that you could do I've even seen people that have made you sign for instance in our golf carts you can't even rent one until you sign something that if if you go on the sidewalk your your rental is over there's no question about it you're just going to come out and it's going to be gone and and it's things like that you try to be proactive you still have Knuckleheads that are going to do things that they shouldn't do but those are the ones where that enforcement comes in so instead of penalizing everyone penalize the ones that are choosing to do things wrong versus penalizing everyone that just wants to support business or try to get to see their friends or it's pretty Common Sense stuff and places that rent the ebikes and rent regular bikes again if they had Master agreements like this that you have to sign or information they could provide to be the tourist that comes on the island that's never been here before so that they know what they're allowed to do and not allowed to do and you know many don't sign them and I but I could tell you every single person that I bring a golf cart to that's the first thing I tell them you can't do this you can't do this and you can't do this everything else you've driven a car before you understand it but if you do these three things and I'm going to reiterate if you do one of these three things it's one you're probably going to get a ticket and two you just wasted your money if you had it for a week or whatever it just and they people get it and then they're like well it makes sense I wouldn't drive my car on the beach well there you go it's common sense so it's just reminding them and repetition repetition repetition and and uh then they got to remind their friends so well I'd like to see everybody because you for those of you who did not get this email a few months ago I think you should review it um I think with the new town hall going on the south end we're going to need some solutions for Town employees to be able to go up and down the roads I still think there should be wide enough for a golf cart lane and the bike lane all together like anything motorized like uh that's all right I mean that's the thing with the RightWay that's why we don't have a bike lane on the North End yeah there just the RightWay isn't there exactly and unless you're going to take everyone's property which just there are some I think there are some solutions that we could at least cut off a few miles for people if you're a town you know if you're in a town buggy and you need to get up north and the traffic's speed up you're kind of you're going to sit there for hours so I mean they can take the beach because of the town but still be nice to have of employees you to get home back to a car or whatever they parked a little farther their North they could get you know past all that stuff and anyway but um yeah I think you'll find this very useful I me it's from 2017 if I remember correctly but it's yeah but there's there's a lot of good information that at the time was a pipe dream on some of this stuff because you the land wouldn't be available but right now if you look at it there I think that's a good starting point to to be able to springboard into something that could potentially work I'd like us all to come up with some ideas and come and look at this and come plan and be able to propose something to Town Council that also go hand inand with this company that's coming up with a plan because I do think we need to make this a bike friendly you know get more cars off the street because we're going to have a lot of workers on this island for the next five years well and is is it something that you know as the town is going through and redoing the storm water and anything like that and the easements that the town needs to be able to do that is there possibility to make that a dual purpose easement where right exactly you know if we need it for storm water could it be gravel or something where you could ride a bike on it I don't know if there's a way to kind of align things up through the design process to be able to do that but exactly love it well I got to I got to agree with the uh the uh the beach side of it um you know we already have you have a whole Beach which is going to be which is wider than the sidewalks already and um it just to me it just seems that you know stopping the ebikes from riding on the beach was bad policy because of a few bad actors um and then all of us have to pay the the cost of not riding the beach you know that there's there's already a well not quite seven cuz it stops down by the old pinch but um that's the beach is you got a great view too while you're riding your ebike pist so well once the renourishment is done it's going to go back out again so you'll be able I mean so then you can take it all the way South you should be able to yeah yeah I like how do we go about proposing that we to you know do a proposal that we want a boardwalk that you know I mean we just come in and S out I mean I think that's the kind of thing we need to propose yeah again I mean you're dealing with property owners there and we saw how difficult it was to get the property all the property owners sign off on the easement for the for the burm right so having a boardwalk through their backyard might be a difficult uphill battle but I think if you can show how I mean you look back at what Margaritaville proposed at Time Square when they their first proposal that Coastal Construction Wall whatever they called it back then I remember you know everybody's like oh no way no way and that would have saved Time Square if you looked back at you know if you looked that would have saved all the buildings in Time Square in downtown just breaking up the way of action so being Forward Thinking and and yes it may not be the most but at least it's something to talk about and it's something to look at um you know it doesn't have to be egregious but I think it would be something to talk about for sure I think so sure why not he probably needs to come up here oh yeah come on why not we never have people here appreciate it Les score such having a trail along the beach solves all these problems it does it's one thing that we have to come up with to solve all those problems with bikes and traffic you're assuming nobody would ride on the sidewalk still but we always have to address both yeah yeah I think it's he probably right it would you could Mo the whole length of the island pretty quickly if you had a way to do it rules two thoughts one is um when making it uh bikes one side I thought this earlier and I was going to say it afterwards for public comment if you have bikes on one side pedestrians on the other side then it's going to be a lot of Walkers crossing the street that was my first thought um and then Rick did you just oh the boardwalk okay Don knows me Dan knows me Karen like land the plane christe yeah um woman of tangents um so a thought I had maybe is you know people don't people with homes on the beach side they don't like people encroaching onto their property if there's a boardwalk going along that's a property line area then people would understand that's someone's backyard and maybe they would stop putting their chairs in people's backyards and that kind of thing thank you they do that in Tampa they have a they have a like a knee wall so you can't go over it but all right well I think everybody should need to read over this and and we need to come up with some ideas and then um this MMP I'd like to go I'll be at that meeting to talk and say some of the things we're talking about yeah I mean I think you got a lot of good suggestions that we're in public comment that you could bring forward to yeah okay wonderful thank you um we'll move on to your hurricane response plan wow that's great um okay so there was uh just for everyone know so there's a hurricane respons as we get into the season um coming up shortly uh one of the ideas we've had is how do we U do a two-way conversation with um anyone that's staying on the beach during a hurricane and we wanted to be able to have that list to provide to First responders so they know what houses to check first um during and after a hurricane um so that those people would get medical attention if needed so one of the activities was to um work with Nicole um Pio to figure out how we use the code red system um that is available to us today um so I did meet with her um last week went through some of the the opportunities um we're still working through a pilot right now with the the staff and uh just to see how it reports out because it's great you could go ask questions get the data back but if you can't sort it and go through it you get 10,000 response it's not going to really help us that much to go one line item by line item so we're working through some of the nuances with the the technology and um seeing of how we can report that out um one other aspect of it was with the code red system um is to educate everyone that's um a guest and or resident of the beach to sign up so um Nicole had mentioned that she is um in May this will be um active part of the um online um communication that will be going out to all um Fort Meers Beach and for them to you sign up for code red systems um so that that's kind of lands a little bit where we are there what we're trying to get to is um having this pilot complete within May so that it could go active in June um and sending that out to all you know anyone that is on the code rad system um to report back to say are you still a resident of Fort Meers Beach ask a question just to so that we have a current list of people that are living on the beach and um then as we wait for um a hurricane that would potentially happen this year um then that communication would go back out to them to see if they would be leaving or staying on the beach during that time period so work in motion um we're just still um working through some of the how you report out um what that data is I think you should go again to Town Council and maybe we both go the same day and give that update because I think it would get more people would hear it and hear what's going on and and it was a wonderful idea that you came up with so I think that uh need to present it again tell them where you're at okay and then so that we can get it more people to hear about it as well because and because you're moving along quite well MH awesome Jim will will it will it allow you to like is it a questionnaire kind I guess is what I'm yeah so will will'll allow you if you choose to put in the information of I'm going to be seeing at 123 ABC Street yeah and this is where we're trying to work through um we wanted to have it so that they could respond if you ask the question are you staying on on the beach during the hurricane if they say no then that's fine they don't need to response after if it was a yes we'd ask where location wise and how many people in your party very good which is what we want to get to um problem is I think we're restricted on how we do that so that's why we're still kind of working through some of the the the challenges behind the scenes just seems like we could only ask one question so if it then the response would be like yes okay then please tell us um in the same line you know your location and how many people in your party that data would come back and then we'd have to sort it somehow so you know it depends on how that data comes back through the system and that's what why we're still working through the pilot very nice um the other piece of that I heard from um the last meeting that we had with Town Council was really focus on how we engage all of the rental um properties you know from an Airbnb or like um some of the rental organizations here working closely with them so so if they're renting to um people on the beach that they need to be filling out you know if that's a yes or know who how many people are are um going to be staying in their units um during that time period so we're looking at for both you know how we leverage it from both residents but also you know the owners landlords Andor uh rental management companies what about condos and hotels that's uh it is um condos function like an individual household okay hotels that's a different that's a different yeah that'd be a different challenge well I mean I think most hotels they they know who's coming in who's coming out every day yeah I think it would be an easy thing for them to be able to provide information y I don't know if the sheriff's department or the the the fire district does that now or not collects information like that but I think if you could have the more information you could provide them I think the better off it would make it yeah it's kind of where we stand starting with the residents then we'll move into you know the rental properties and hotels I think as we start to prove out the technology and we may be coming back to Town Council and saying we might need to do something a little bit different with the code red system allowing us to have a a stronger report so that's where I'll work with uh Nicole to figure that out thank you um well we're back to Public Safety campaign and messaging um I'll come back I'll do that later we talked about electric bike messaging I know that she is I had um asked for the flyer that they were marketing getting the message about no electric bikes on the sidewalk whatsoever I know that it has been being promoted I know that beach radio pushed it out as well because this is why everybody's here um I think we need to continue to push it out but we also need to look at if we're going to start doing changes to things really get it out people because people are coming up with some ideas and and I I'm challenging everybody also to watch not just bites we might learn some things as well so um yeah maybe it's a good idea to hold off a little bit on the messaging that you're trying to put out until you know I know what the message is that you're trying to send out we infx or two just kidding um crosswalk messaging I don't know um I haven't seen any crosswalk messaging if she has done any from the pi about Crossing in the crosswalk we've talked about things like that as we are starting to slow down now so you know spring break was a little nutty with everybody just walking when they wanted to cross and we talked about putting up barriers in that downtown area so people aren't just crossing right when they go over the bridge and I don't know if we've done anything more with that Tom do you know anything we were focusing on bikes right now okay we were focusing on a bunch of uh other safety issues and with the turtle turtle season coming back so I know some of that was okay the focus so we are that is in the plan to get the crosswalk messaging out there uh I think during season we were enforcing it you know a little more of like having conversations with people I should say educating more enforcing of course but um I think that that's going to come around again as we come into our summer months because we do pick up a little bit there again so we are going to put that out with Nicole okay I was wondering that if it's just more of a timing since it's getting quiet I did notice that um um a lot more of the crosswalk signs were put up up and down the island so a lot of those were put up one thing that I got um just noticing riding um up and down the island is that um especially down in in my area where I live um a stero makes a couple bends so like LEL we have the flashing light that tells you the crosswalks coming up um in areas like that where where it is tougher to cross because there's a bend and the visib you know the the the line of visibility is a lot is more reduced is there a way for those crosswalks to get some of those blinking lights to let cars know that you're coming upon a crosswalk I think I can help you with that one because I was spent a lot of work and a lot of time with trying to get the lenel crosswalk in and it would have never happened without the help of the fire district and then Chief Martin at the time they provided us a lot of data that we could go to the county with and say here here's the incident reports that we can show you why it's needed here um there's no appetite from the county I will tell you to put them at every single crosswalk they feel that that is a you you you become numb to it then um but they certainly are are willing to listen if the data proves that there's areas like you're pointing out so if there something that the fire district can help us with on specific locations that maybe the Public Safety Committee determines that are more important than others to have it I know another one that's been brought up is across from Fairview ISS right there there's a lot of a lot of Crossing that goes on there but I think having the data from from the fire department and the in the Lee County Sheriff's Office having them on our side goes a long way with the county willing being willing to put those up um because they don't just want to not that they're extremely expensive but they they don't want to get eye fatigue is is kind of what they've talked about yeah I I can understand that if I could get if I could get with you guys at all to just see what the U see what your reports would show for some of those areas that I I'll go through and look at some of the areas where it's it's kind of a blind as you're coming down um and I just know from personal experience at night trying to cross and you know we don't have we don't have um public parking so everybody from the neighborhood is all walking trying to cross the street there and it's and at night it's it's it's blind there so um if if that's fine if that's okay yeah to get with you just to see if there's anything if there's more incidences that those certain areas there where it's kind of a blind intersection before I have to run off there's one other thing that just again that talking Sparks something in your brain you know when you're you're going through those uh things those clickers that you know it keeps track of how many people I wonder if there's anything if could look into a way fairly reasonably to to keep track of how many people actually cross a crosswalk you know this crosswalk gets a thousand people a week this crosswalk gets 20 people a week if there's something simple technology wise out there that monitors people when they cross you know if there's something out there that you could look into to do that because then that's really good data to say this this has 10 or 20 times more people crossing here than they do here maybe we really need to look at that because it then increases the potential of there being an accident at some point well I was just and I just saw that lonni Kai is going to start taking reservations in August so I have a feeling that area with all that parking it's going to be quite a lot of stop anding again yeah all right I got to run Madam go ahead real quick how achievable I've I've mentioned this before and I hate to keep bringing this up and beat a dead horse if it's dead how achievable are putting those signs in the middle of the crosswalk in the Middle Lane that say you know pedestrians have the right away it's a little like a bobber kind of a thing Andy Vehicles can run them over and then they pop back up or something like that I'll reach out back out to the county on that I know we talked about it before the storm and there was a reasoning as to why they didn't want to do it but I don't remember the specific reason to be honest with you but I I'll reach out and ask no electricity is required there's you know they're not that expensive I don't think certainly not like the light at Lenell but yeah I'll I'll I'll reach out to commissioner Sandell again and have him reach out to his team to find out there was a reason and I don't remember exactly what the reason was but we did talk about it before the storm doing something like that even just the you know the very narrow ones I believe they used to have one down by the the Windom there was something in the middle there if I remember that was that they had there so something similar to what that was but again I don't know that they'll put one at every single crosswalk but be nice at the busy ones though yeah I think having as much data as you can to be able to provide them then it's harder for them to say I think law enforcement and fire Public Safety to keep that lane available for their equipment to well you go over it they flip down these guys don't want to run over they don't have to no that's one thing that's it's kind of Dual Purpose one is it lets car it lets drivers know that there's a crosswalk there and two it lets pedestrians know there's a crosswalk there yeah well it's it's it's nice seeing the signs go back up you know the crosswalk signs are starting to go back up so yes that that'll certainly help bring your attention to it and I'm sure at some point there'll be some restriping that's going to Happ have to be done because of all the trucks over the last two years that have been going over it so yeah it's really bad um sorry I have to you I'm glad you came thank you very much um speaking of all this goes hand to hand uh F do is coming in on our May meeting y May 20 what is that may the May 21st meeting and they're going to be giving us a presentation on the um roundabout at the base of the bridge they've pushed back the start date I think it was supposed to be October and now they pushed that back again you know let's just started in the heart of season and um but I think it'll be a good idea to see all what they're planning and it'll be interesting if the barriers will maybe come into play at that point because once we get through the summer get through everything I think we're going to start seeing more businesses are going to start opening more people are going to start coming more hotels are going to start coming and I think next summer or next uh winter is going to be pretty darn busy and if that bridge is under construction it'll be um kind of a mess ride more bikes ride more bikes so I know uh Frank has gone to F out with some of that stuff about the barriers and stuff and I know that was part of their discussion yeah with that and getting that engaged and we did talk about some of the barriers along the sidewalk as well that's still a big discussion it has to come into the county saying okay to that and that's in some respect too sure um I will take I I'll will take the task on to figure out about uh doing I know in New York City they have mats that record steps okay so they know where pedestrian traffic is they do with some cameras but they are there was some mats that I remember seeing some P sometime in my past so I will look in see what if we can get them we'll partner with FD and we'll see what we can put together in those areas so we can see what kind of foot traffic is in moving in that space uh especially at the crosswalk spaces great because I do know it's limited parking down by you guys there's no place for anybody to go so all the residents do come across there and with lighting being subdued now and everything too it's it's definitely a safety issue I I hope so I I will I will look into that for the next meeting I will see what kind of information I can come up with on that okay that'd be great thank you Tom thank you um all right um member items and reports anybody have anything yeah start go ahead um so great to see public here um for mostly previous meetings we did not have anyone so um what we decided to do during the last U meeting was to reach out to the public and ask for their uh opinions on about public safety and this really comes about when we start to think about um Public Safety we've gone to Town Council started to review what their um thoughts were we've also um you know one to hear from the public and how do we keep our beach safe so what done offline is U created a survey so in front of everyone here's um a survey that was sent out previously and it's just a draft but what we intend to do is to you put this on to Fort Myers Beach um website and ask for five questions um and the questions are just what can be improved to increase safety on Fort Myers Beach was which is an open text um by the people showing up today I know what that would be um but you know you know reaching out to many people to figure out like where do they see their opportunities um second question is do you feel that you are informed about what is happening to improve the safety on Port Mars Beach um you working with Nicole Pio wanted to uh start to understand how many people are actually going to the site for information and using um the Fort Myers Beach site if you see a safety issue do you know how to report a public safety finding again are they using um the technology today or how could we actually enhance that or educate um this the public for that uh number four um we had talked about in previous meeting about a neighborhood watch program so question here would be would you be be willing to participate in neighborhood watch program a yes or no um that just gauges like everyone would say yeah sure why not but okay what does that really mean how do you participate um and we wanted to understand what level does that fit on as far as a priority for us and and the last is a kind of a Force ranking so we have like 10 areas that we wanted to focus in on um wanted to get input from the public on where do they think is most important to least important from Beach and water safety to bike safety pedestrian safety theft vandalism crosswalks Motor Vehicle Enforcement um neighborhood watch homeless Lee County Sheriff a ability response and Street lighting um so this is a draft wanted to open up to um the committee here to add build on it subtract stuff um what we'd like to do is get this out um probably put it online at least uh May or June and um start to pull the the community and and the public to get some more perspective on areas that we can potentially focus on in the future only thing I think about is on number four would you be willing to participate in neighborhood watch why not why don't we just say um Lee County sherff has a person that well it used to be a woman I can't think of her name right now that did the neighborhood watch she'd come to your um your neighborhood meeting she would do a presentation she'd give you the tips tell you what's going on tell you how to get a sign for the front of your neighborhood um why couldn't we instead of saying like making a question say if you want to sign up for neighborhood watch please contact and ask for so and so and do it as turn it around and say may we contact you or maybe contact you or contact yeah something like that so it's more proactive so we can shoot it out to them and say oh you're interested okay here's her name this and this is what you need to do cuz we did launch that about four years ago three years ago we had a neighborhood Hood watch we promoted neighorhood there too yeah and we had neighborhoods we don't have a lot now we don't have a lot of neighborhoods yet they're coming they'll be back they'll be back well that's a perfect thing as your neighborhood starts to fill back in right um Now's the Time to start your neighborhood watch get everybody have a you know a person that is your key person who gathers the emails and then set up a meeting so that the county sheriff's Representatives can come in with their presentation the only other thing I see missing on there that people are going to want to comment on is traffic flow in other words is that safety though traffic flow well I think it creates problems when people jump out in the center lane and take off and go around and do I when you asking people what's the big what are your biggest concerns it's traffic it's traffic trffic so you got to let them say it let them vent it if you don't say it they're going to type it in anyhow good point okay we'll solve that this is awesome so what any builds anybody else nothing here I had a question what's the status or or where are we with community policing has that been a speak to a dead horse or we'll bring well community policing I know that we've talked about it and then Town Council shot it down we proposed it and I don't know if it's come back up we actually said we wanted it we voted and we presented it to Town Council previous Town Council that voted no true and it was pre storm yeah right um I think it's something that we could I think we need to go back to town and say is this something you're reviewing if they're not if it's not on their docket there's no point of us bringing it up I think it's something as we continue to gain more residents and people here that are coming back I mean we don't even have the condos in on the south end quite yet so once people start coming back maybe it's something that we bring back up businesses as well and businesses we don't have Santini you know Mid Island um a great deal can be done community policing wise with businesses MH who work closely with law enforcement right so I think that it's not on their if it's not on their they're not thinking about it they should be for the future uh we can propose that to Dan and ask him yeah and we can shoot them an email through the contact and find out where they're at because it might be on their burner and I just don't know that's one's nice when he's here okay so what's your NE what um on this one so I was work with I was work with Nicole as well and um once we're we're good here um she'll go ahead yep she'll put it online and uh we'll start to get some input do you only want people who live here to answer this residents or anybody think it's every anybody um okay we couldn't well we could we could have another question and say are you a resident or a guest probably doesn't matter no just doesn't matter I just wondered how she was going to promote it okay great love it good job um any other member items or reports I guess I'd like to look at possibly in the next MMP meeting if either one of you is going to make a presentation that we include some verbiage regarding the ebikes on the sidewalk toward the town and lobby at least I think generally I think we all agree to resend ebikes on the sidewalk and in the same breath set a speed limit okay because it's really pedal bikes you know for lack of a better term pedal bikes non ebikes can go 20 M hour down the sidewalk as well ebikes can go 20 M an hour so there's really no difference except for the speed that's the safety issue I think it's we don't see people on EB bikes at 10 mph running into pedestrians that I know of unless if they have reports to the contrary I'm amendable to that but it's really comes down to like I said Common Sense which isn't all that common and I certainly don't want my mother brought into a conversation if I'm brought if I'm on the sidewalk um I think it's really a time and it's more immediacy I think if you're going to go to the MMP I'd like to see you Lobby for the resending of the ebikes on the sidewalk and create a speed limit I actually would like to see us throw out a couple of the ideas of splitting the sidewalk the I think great idea pedestrians the can or the canal side not the canal side I'm sorry the Back Bay Side is for bikes I was sitting here thinking did you go from the library to Time Square I mean well let's say to Margaritaville essentially right now I can't think of one business that's open with the exception of um well actually there's there's no businesses in there open um I was thinking back where the post office is that that mall has nothing open in there there is no Commerce on that side right now there's parking but everything else is getting built you've got you know the goods is going to start being built you've got um the whale the whale will be under construction 71 will be under construction so all that is gone if you think about maybe this is the time to test it and say we do this um we're going to try from all the way from the library well actually you go to Red Coconut whatever when it it divides up all the way up and it you can make it all the way I think to uh Crescent you can however I think that people if you make that side of the road bike only it's going to be Katy Bar the Door people are going to get on that side hey I'm on bike side and I get to go 20 M hour down the sidewalk well I do like your idea of putting uh speed limit on it 10 or 12 is 10 miles hour I completely agree with you yeah um but what if and maybe I'm overthinking this what if you split the sidewalk I thought of that too and you put a nice big white stripe right down the middle and you put a bike logo on one side and a pedestrian logo on the other and you do that every yeah pick a number 50 yards 100 yards what do the whole way down why not so that people know thought that too but today you you ride the bike toward the curb yeah keep the pedestrians away from the street well I I think we should come up I mean there's so many good ideas that people have come up with this is the time to try it and you know besides I want to look at this to create a path because I already have half of a gun I just kind of got to a point where I can't find where the bike could go but um I think it could solve so many issues right because like Dan mentioned earlier the problem you run into and I don't know if it's a problem necessarily but on the beach side you run into people's privacy you run into eminent domain you run into the Coastal Construction line there's all there's a number of factors in the beach itself that might make it prohibitive to have you know a boardwalk as great an idea as it is but you've got people who are going to be looking out their back patio or their pool at people zipping by on bikes walking and then you run into privacy as far as Hey listen I want to catch to tan and I got you know 100 people going past my backyard right so I just you know it starting small increments sure so there well I just want to say one other thing too is that last month um I had the same issue that that gentleman back there had a a car stopped in front of me there's myself my cousin and his wife were biking down in the bike in the street and a car ComEd around us stopped got out of his car and then confronted us right in the middle of a stero and um so along with what Karen said is that I think that uh if we're going to do for push for to allow the ebikes on a sidewalk I think allowing the ebikes on the beach is hand in hand is hand in hand allowing the ebikes on the beach the the beach is just the beach is just wider and it's open and it's just I just i' never understood that the ebike not on the beach same same ordinance same okay I'm sure the issue there was speed I mean the they're envisioning these ebikes going 20 M an hour and the poor person laying out on the beach get run over or little child absolutely playing on the beach steps out in front of the 20 mph bicycle right we have to you know you you have to regulate it just the same way you would on the sidewalk you have to put a speed limit out there well I do have to agree though like when when we're in season and you're at the or the beach is very crowded you should not be riding your ebike in the middle of those people you know from when you think about the beach at lonni Kai past Margaritaville up to Time Square you can't ride a bike through there I mean very fast I mean very slowly but there's too many people even then during the peak of the day then it is pretty dangerous yeah and I can tell you just from my own experience once you get past Lani Kai the beach is pretty much open exactly and once you hit there you can go I agree with that so I mean it's that's that's a lot space it's common sense it's not all that common um well I will put together some of these I'll write this up and I'll go to the MMP and and and list some of the suggestions and say that we've got some ideas Chief I'll call you committee members um as Jim was talking about uh code red reverse 911 I did reach out to the uh chief of dispatch so um next month when we get to uh the EOC uh Emergency Management does have a program it's called IPA and that will Blast by geolocation so whether it's a visitor without a without code red on their phone you don't have to have an app it's it'll blast it out it's a system that basically we turn on when we need it we blast everybody Geo located in this area and possibly an app similar to what we put together for the uh sidewalks they just get on and they say my name is so and so and I'm at this address and I'm staying so um we may be able to explore that a little further next month and actually maybe even get a demo of what a Howell it works perfect that sounds great are we meeting there are we going to meet at that at their facility correct I don't know we really talked about it I think I just have calar have address uh it's it's May May 7 I had May 14th 14th wait a minute wait a minute I know we picked both dates but yeah I believe the I believe it's May 7th and they were um they were doing a hurricane drill on the 14th so the 7th was yeah yeah I have it on my calendar at 9:00 a.m. but 9:00 a.m. May 7th 9:00 a.m. and I think meeting at the EOC would probably be the best bet oh yeah I have them both days yeah okay so we want to meet there at 9:00 a.m. or do you want to drive together or what do we want to do where however you want to get there it's on Ortiz between Martin Luther King and and Colonial so it's a pretty good trip most of us not know where it's at yeah gotcha okay we'll have yeah get you all the information yeah just send us an address yeah an address we can all go there right next to because we know where that's at yeah exactly okay all right got it I'm going to delete this one then all right yeah just let us know where we're going and we will be there on this side no thank you chief for bringing that up we'll uh you it's great to look at all options right now right out I think something that will blast the you know the people that are here visiting and stuff is probably going to be your best bet yeah they can hit landlines and then you know if you're hitting off the towers out in this area it shows that you're on the island or somewhere out here and it'll blast and say you know give us some feedback awesome perfect I had one question on the sidewalks MH do you think if you're partnering with the county on this that rather than trying to eminent domain land do you think the properties the commercial properties along the boulevard would consider a 5ot easement without giving away the property but an easement where the county could pay to widen the sidewalk and maybe that square footage would be taxfree for the county I know the town is on a pretty tight budget but maybe the county ad Borum or whatever that amount of property is could be waved it's funny you should say that because I that's what I look at when I look at I'm driving I'm like okay there's nowhere to go over here but if I look on the beach side there's so many spots where there's an additional like 4 five six feet yeah it could be a plant is there or there's a an extra curb a little farther I'm like okay that could be gone that could be gone that could be gone yeah and if the wider sidewalk part had the painted stripe yeah if it's dedicated to bikes then it could be a different speed limit somebody had mentioned painting speed limits yeah and then if they have to merge back together because a property owner doesn't participate you know you could put something on the sidewalk that says speed limit drops to whatever if they're on the sidewalk well you even think about um there are Streets back there there were streets um on the beach side that you would turn back into and there were some there were Streets back there that we could maybe take over for bikes that don't have a lot of cars you know where um uh Hooters used to be that was a whole Lane back there it's like about two blocks yeah well it's two blocks but maybe you can cut a little two blocks off here and move a little through there and yeah for the properties redeveloping I mean there might be some incentives that they could you know have lesser of green space in their development orders or something just to induce them to allow that Frontage to be used they have setbacks anyway right so if that front edge could be used to widen the sidewalks they don't actually give away the property but they just might get a break on their County abor or something love it so great idea thank you I'll add that to my thing okay okay um any other public com oh any more for us um just wanted to check back on the sidewalks program if did uh yeah I'm done I'm done I'm done I'm not I'm not these two not but I will be today yeah yeah it's okay all right let's get those done and I don't know if Heidi's done or not um I'll check with her okay so you're waiting for everyone to be done then you're gonna follow up with them okay okay sounds good but you have the reports I didn't okay okay that question yeah some of that comes down to zoning and it also comes down to utility right aways else so it's a it's a big that's a big question to dig into well that's kind of why I wanted to work with this to see what they're coming up with cuz they might have this whole plan that we're not even exactly you know it's like I don't want to reinvent the wheel and they're like oh we're 99% done and we're getting ready to propose it and and it's fantastic and it's so far above what we've even contemplated sometimes you got to wait and see where they've gone with it they've done a lot of the leg work I think I'll talk with Frankie I can ask him too um I do have one thing I want to add I was happy to hear that uh Town Council mentioned the derc buildings that aren't safe um and that we're getting on the town to start you know hopefully push get back to pushing them to get them torn down um I'm more concerned about the ones that are were like businesses I mean I know the homes are bad enough but um some of these ones like junkan new and the one down on old St Carlos that are just falling apart it just and you see people in they taking pictures and it's just not safe go ahead go over to zoning so I I did take over zoning recently I don't know if you knew that or not so I don't know what I was thinking next month have something new next month so uh what we're doing with that is we're addressing that through a couple courtesy letters that we've developed went through legal already they're going to be getting sent out but the more egregious spaces where we have health and safety issues because that's that's totally what code is about health and safety and Welfare right so we've we've uh sent out notice of violations to those places uh to speak to one uh of the men uh the Neptune it's right here we've been in contact with the owners the property manager they're they're willing to work with us but we had to send out a notice of violation to push it forward a little bit so we are addressing those issues uh we're addressing them a little more aggressively than we did 6 months ago and that's because I think time has come for us to to deal with the health and safety and Welfare these spaces to your point with people taking photos so yes we're sending out numerous notice of violations every day and we are going to start doing hearings in June for people who do not come to compliance after we've educated them to where they have to be what about the building that actually just needs to come down I mean it's just it's there's no fixing what about them why are they well that's part of the notes of violation some of that goes to where you know our recommendation is this is where you need to move forward and it could be a demo thing and that comes into the building official okay and that comes back to fire department they also you know they do some of their stuff as well so that's all part of that notice of violation we give them the steps to uh bring the property into compliance and that could be a demo situation CU because when I was listening yesterday it was I I because I think we talked about this it was actually they were going to start demoing this month I thought it was like they gave them a letter this so I just the sooner the better on some of them I get the ones that are fixing but not the ones that are need to come down we've done the education path I think is to the to the best of our ability so far and now we're going to the more enforcement side of it uh and that's where we're pushing with the notice of violation cuz then it comes into to a point where we start a case the case drills through and if they don't come to compliance within time frame which is 30 Days by State Statute okay they don't come into compliance with that space then it goes to hearing goes to the special magistrate and then the special magistrate at that point they have the they have the authority and ability to uh indicate where they're going to enforce that and then they can start fining we don't do fines Town can't is not capable of doing fines under the statute only the special magistrate can start doing that I thought they weren't fining on those I thought they were knocking them down and then going to then if they came into compliance they don't come into if they don't come into compliance that's where we have to go to the hearing the notice a hearing okay I I guess I was just like let's use junkan new as a perfect example just because it's it's not flexible it needs to come down they don't go to compliance they don't do anything after you've done everything it still looks like that I thought I thought that you guys had said at that point you were getting bids from a demo company the demo company was going to knock it down and then you were going to get them you they had to pay you guys back Bas so that comes through the building official that's not code okay that goes that goes on the other side of code okay and that's something the town is is pursuing that's through Frankie's uh space there as well okay so they do that okay do you know anything about the Windom situation I do not know I know that we are there's a case opened on it okay and uh there's going to be some paperwork forwarded to them coming up very soon on the south in that's probably the most egregious it is and they were it causes traffic to slow down people want to stop get out and take their pictures and part of the issue there was they were very gracious in allowing that space to be used for the sand replenishment stuff like that but now it's come to the point where it now needs to be squared away yes okay all right thank you um any other reports here any other public comment come on up wondering why you're were waiting so quiet clenching your [Applause] teeth I had a thought Ed Ryan's having a tooth pulled this morning so you know he's not broadcasting this um what about a public safety segment on beach talk radio each week just about anything you're trying to get the word out he'd make it funny it'd be quick he reaches bazillion thousands of people and it's people like I I have I'm on Code Red I get the the you know the town emails and you know and all that stuff but you know some my people don't I think most my neighbors don't so that way reached a lot of people and visitors that come that's the other thing too visitors don't know and so if it's on beach talk radio and she these little fun quips he's fun to listen to when it's even an advertisement we will find we will ask him if if and we can all take our turn and he will say yes well but it it can even just be that you send them the message if you have something obviously going to have on the show and we did I did send him the electric bike uh flyer too from the city so I asked him to push that out as well yeah yeah but then he also was saying wow but now they're revisiting he's kind of he's really changed his tune because I kind of went head-to-head with him I don't know a couple years ago about ebikes and so forth and so he's kind of changing his tune Kim's kind of talking about looking into getting one I'll talk we talk to him um that's a great idea I think potentially maybe we can have him talk about the surve I was say the code red the survey I think those are some good things for yeah you can promote that survey and then talk about like what the public says yeah once a month thank you thank you all right um anybody else we're good oh come on up sure on the not just bikes the first one he did was why I hate Houston and it will give you a different perspective on cars and congestion and I know that's such a huge issue here and then there's another one that I just watch cuz he has several it's called strods It's a combination of Street and Roads and the difference okay and we're closed right now we're not big enough to have employees yet so we're going to take off go back and open our store thank you so much um all right next our next meeting I think we already have it set for May 21st and that's when fot is coming in for the presentation right and um hopefully it should be good yeah anything else good all right motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second all right we're adjourn wow public wow