##VIDEO ID:4iOio_wslmc## okay uh good afternoon it is Monday August 19th 202024 um we are here for the bid opening of RFQ 24-6 a titled ongoing miscellaneous Professional Services I'm Amy Baker town clerk next to me is Jason Freeman he's the deputy Town Clerk and Le legislative liaison for the town and to my far right is Tracy Lewis she's the contract administrative specialist for the town um Jason's going to read the categories or the types of work for each um that they could or each firm could submit for it that way when we open the bids um we'll just read off the numbers instead of what they each are what what each number is again sure so included within the scope of work for this RFQ uh the following is a non-exclusive list of the types of work the Town of for Myers be been utilized from time to time um and then each type of work within that RFQ doc State the minimum requirements to be qualified by the town of Fort Meers Beach uh so we had code number 101101 was Water Resource one2 architectural design one3 storm water one4 water distribution including lift and Pump Station design 105 surveying Services 106 landscape architect 107 community and neighborhood Improv 108 electrical systems 109 structural systems 110 geot technical analysis 111 civil engineering 112 development and Building Services 113 Transportation Planning and traffic Engineering Services 114 planning zoning 115 flood plane management and then through that addendum there was also historical restoration treated as a separate category as well um 116 archaeological Services 117 environmental assessments 118 Marine engineering 19 and 119 geographical information system G and the bid added or the agendum added 120 correct uh so if yeah um 120 would have been for that separate uh called historical restoration okay so as of our Clos time of 2m uh the town received a total of 41 um proposals or solicitations or responses U so what we're going to do today is we will read the The Firm that has submitted and what types of work in what categories they have submitted for um then the all the bids will will go to selection um advisory committee members for further review um we'll review the documents for completeness and responsiveness um qualify the or not qualify but um go over all the the proposals that are submitted to us today the selection advisory committee meeting for this um RFQ will be on Monday August 26th at 2m here in our town chamber office is right behind me um we're hoping to have recommendations go before Town Council at their September 9th 2024 9:00 amm meeting um with the selection advisory committee recommendations and then the awards and negotiation to awards at the Town council meeting which would be September 23rd at 6: PM um and with that we'll start reading some names and some categories so the first that uh submitted is Bowman Consulting Group LTD and they submitted for category 101 103 104 105 106 107 11 113 114 and 119 the next one is AIS companies and give me just a moment takes a second for this to come up for us a companies it just says multiple bear with us here for a moment please did you say that's it okay so um without further studying of this document it looks like they have submitted for 102 103 107 108 109 11 113 114 115 and 119 all right the next one is Forefront architecture and in and they have submitted for2 and 109 next up is Weston and Samson Engineers Incorporated W and Samson has submitted four 102 103 104 106 109 11 and 119 next is dlz dlz has submitted for 102 just the one 102 lja engineering Incorporated is next they have submitted four 101 103 104 105 106 107 11 113 114 and 119 um I'm G to read those numbers again just to make sure 101 103 104 105 106 107 11 113 114 and 119 and that's lja engineering Incorporated all right after that is traffic and Mobility Consultants LLC they are submitting for 113 that's it just that one category k2m Design Incorporated k2m has submitted for 102 107 108 109 and 120 W maker Jensen architects they are submitting for 102 PSI is the next firm PSI is submitting for 110 and 117 all right so moving on to the next like we have BOS design and Consulting Incorporated their categories are one2 then we have rumel Clipper and call LLP one1 next one we have is Johnson engineering incor category all right Johnson engineer with the categories 10 1 103 105 106 108 113 114 115 and 117 next one we have is American structure Point Incorporated 101 102 103 104 109 11 113 114 115 and 117 all right next one I have is Cap government capap government 112 and 115 next one we have is Haley Ward Incorporated under the categories of 105 109 111 and 117 next one we have is dredging and Marine Consultants is under theories 118 next one we have it is respect company LLC R PC company LLC under the categories of looks like 1013 104 and 111 next one we have is the Tamra peacock company architects architecture which is category 102 we will confirm that with the here all right and then we have RG Architects PA under the categories of 102 next one okay all right moving on we have onsite Incorporated insight and onsite they are submitting four categories 103 106 107 and 11 and we have the cordino Group Incorporated they sub 111 113 and 114 shinkle and what Schultz Incorporated shangle and Schultz is submitting for uh 102 a DG architecture LLC a arure is submitting for 102 aim engineering and surveying Incorporated is submitting for uh 101 103 104 105 11 113 115 117 and 119 Hiatt survey Services Incorporated and then in parentheses it says wbe survey Services is submitting for category 105 rwa Inc rwa is submitting for 101 103 104 105 106 107 and 11 jrn Jr Evans engineering PA they are submitting in category 101 104 1031 112 115 118 and 119 j j e z e r i n a c group LC they are submitting for 109 radise radise r a d i s e International LC they are submitting 110 looks like next one we have is GF and they are submitting under the categories of 108 109 111 118 and 119 next one we have W3 engineering see under the categories of 103 104 and 11 next one we have is Castellanos and trante architects the categories of 102 101 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 11 and 12 next one we have is tetr Inc D under the categories of 101 103 104 105 108 111 112 114 and 119 next one we have is Studio a. d looks like that vid did come in as incomplete there was no document uploaded with that moving into blot Engineering in the categories of 109 111 and 118 next one we have is Coastal Engineering Consultants Inc categories of 105 and 118 next one we have is Bert hillol C Architects ink under the categories of 102 next one we have is Hans Wilson and Associates under the categories of 117 118 next one we have is Florida technical consultants under the categories of 114 19 and 119 okay and then the last one we have is from excuse me GMA Architects and planners LLC and they are sub uh for categories 102 and 107 I believe that's it it does not look like um looking at GMA Architects and planners at the 2 CFR FEMA 2 CFR language is included in the documents um like I said we'll review all these further to make sure we didn't miss any of the categories um that all the documents that were required included in the submitt um and then they will go to selection advisory committee members for further review um the selection advisory committee once again that meeting will be Monday August 26 at 2m uh at Town Hall in the council chambers and then hopefully recommendations will go before Town Council on September 9th at their 9:00 am meeting and um author to enter into negotiations and award a contract if negotiations are successful at the Town Council 9236 PM meeting um and with that it is 2:43 pm. and this meeting ised than you --------- ##VIDEO ID:xmXhpxGXT3s## we're going to get direction to do the um public speaking okay good morning everyone thank you for your today is Monday August 19 recreational As We Gather here to make decisions that affect our citizens in Island we ask you to lift your heads open your eyes and open your hearts our most serious duty is to look to the community we share the examples we make and the legacies we leave that should be our greatest most courageous and Noble intention amen amen Al to the flag of the United States of America to the for it stands one nation under God indivisible withy and justice for all SCH um yes yes that is correct um mayor just so I have my notes correctly on d uh we are going to open the hearing and continue that one is that correct and continue it to a date certain okay thank you and that date is September the 9th thank you um no it's it's been rendered moot based on some uh changes that were made in the transaction I can uh address that when we talk about the uh the resolution about me e um it it would e e e e e e e thank you mayor um yes because there's multiple changes to today's agenda um and then at the conclusion um the council will have to move to approve it as as U proposed to be amended so the first item under public hearings is ordinance 24-17 this is regarding advisory committees um this one is being rescheduled to September the 9th so it will not be heard today um the next item is um ordinance 24-19 this is uh regarding um immobilization payment options this one is also going to be rescheduled to September the 9th and would not be heard today D which is ordinance 24-10 um this is a second reading and a proposed adoption hearing however this one will be opened the title will be read and then um at the discretion of council to continue the item to September the 9th um under your administrative agenda B uh there is a revised resolution uh that is that the title will be read and the last item is f under the administrative agenda regarding the town hall purchase um this was a proposed amendment that would have allowed for a 1031 exchange which is not going to um happen the seller has changed their mind on that so that one's removed as six times the turn you got that memorize by now yeah two Nancy would you say something again can you hear me now that's good okay so I'll try your mic I think we're going on Central time today check check check El di hello check check test smart waiting for my wife to [Laughter] respond so Facebook's back on YouTube's back on it's it's on just delayed okay go ahead Nancy unless we hear something we'll try it again okay so we are going to propose some changes to the agenda today um and Council will have to take a vote to uh approve those changes the first would be the under public hearings ordinance 24-7 concerning advisory committees this one uh we are recommending that it be rescheduled meaning that it would not be heard today on second reading the next item is ordinance 24-9 this is regarding immobilization parking options we are asking that this one um be rescheduled to the 9th so it would not be heard today the next item is ordinance 24-10 regarding comprehensive plan adoption hearing this item we are asking that it be continued that the public hearing be opened the title read and then um a motion to continue it to September the 9th um in the event anyone is here from the public that would like to go ahead and place their comments in the record um I believe the mayor that you indicated you would afford them that opportunity um the next item under the administrative agenda Item B regarding the purchase of the new town hall there is a uh revised resolution and that title would be read and lastly under the agenda item regarding the town hall purchase the was a um a request to approve an amendment that would have allowed the seller to do a 1031 exchange um the sellers indicated they are not proceeding with a 1031 exchange so that item would be removed and not heard today okay are there any other changes to the agenda if not move the agenda is amended okay we got a motion by councelor King second seconded by councelor Woodson and any further discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I I opposed hearing none that motion carries unanimously next is public comment is there anyone okay um I have one signed up Bill vich come on up Bill hi there Bill V for the record can you hear me okay okay good couple things first thing I want to just do is just congratulate murf and and Jennifer here on this activity book I know that I think one of the great successes of murf has been their um their booths and the way they engage with kids um it looks like a lot of fun I may even go home and invest in some crayons um and I just want to also point out that this is you know murf has done a lot of things over the years we've when I was in the chair we always preached that you can there's there's three different ways to try to have a positive impact through um legislation through um direct action and through education and this is uh this is a great example of of education as a way of people um I think that the the I've I've heard talk that murf is is being radical I think that most of the things that murf works on um come from federal law things like The Endangered Species Act um migratory bird uh treaties things that are federal and state laws a lot of things that come through murf are recommended by the FWC as a model ordinance it's not radical it's the law and um and it's just a matter of that the federal law is prioritizing the safety of these endangered species over the conven venience of people especially people who live on the beach um but that is they're mostly following law these laws didn't come from murf they don't come from the town they originate with the uh with the state and the federal and and to that end too um I've been getting a lot of complaints about the um the redoing some of the planted spaces spaces that were planted with donated money with um donated labor that are being put with uh Fabric and rock and I understand the temptation to do fabric and Rock um the the problem is is that when you put down the surface under the Rocks then that becomes less perious means more water is going to run off and although it could be argued and I don't think it's necessarily true that it works better um it's more resilient for things like the storms that we've been having the last two years um is that the hundreds of other rainstorms that happen that are not of that scale the water's going to run off more the water's going to run off to neighbors properties and it's not just a small portion the town is doing it's that you're setting an example you're setting an example for the for the the homeowners and the condo owners of what they should do and if you put down native vegetation it's it's more perious more the water gets absorbed less goes onto your neighbor's property and it takes the whole Community to try to follow these guidelines so that it's better for everybody um and uh I've also seen there's someon across street for me you put down rock and plastic and after um after Deb is all over the street all over the sidewalk so we and in the that's in the parking strip in the parking strip that we have we had kind of native vegetation a lot of it died back but it's still there and it's coming back um and that's it I was going to talk on the comp plan but I'll do that when the um that comes up in the agenda okay thanks Bill that's all I have signed up is there anyone else that is here to speak for public comment seeing none we'll close public comment local achievements and recognitions Council Safford yes uh we lost dear friend uh last week in Al duret and I just want to recognize him and give a shout out to his family um Al was a a complete leader he was a successful businessman but he gave so much back to the community I mean he was a true gentleman and uh there's stuff he did that no one even KN knew about and uh I was fortunate enough to replace him on LPA and I remember asking him for some words of wisdom and he said yeah you get into a tough debate and a tough decision just make sure that you can justify it when you get home to your wife because she's going to be your biggest critic so good advice he was a great man speak of my wife happy birthday happy birthday Jackie happy birthday happy birthday Jack anything else that's it all right Council Woodson um I'll just agree with the comments that um councelor Stafford said about alderette is I didn't know him that well but I met met him probably only a few times and every time he knew exactly who I was where I lived you know came into his restaurant I mean he was he was an amazing amazing person so um rest in peace um I also want to comment on this coloring book I think this is the coolest thing I got a copy of it um last week and look through it I mean it's very very educational um and it's kind of fun I mean there's a lot of stuff on here there's a reason they didn't give us colors or crayons while we're up here because we would have been really really um beside ourselves here the other thing final thing I want to mention and I don't think we have closed yet on the new town hall given what I just heard we were supposed to close on Friday and then this um exchange happened and now it's going back but anyway I just want to give a shout out to Andy and his entire team for really moving forward on this this this whole building came up right after uh hurricane Ian and there were so many other things in the works that it was kind of tabled to the side but when Andy came in he picked it up again um got the state funding for this building um saved us as the community and taxpayers multi-millions of dollars um in having to rebuild our town hall so I just want to say thank you very very much for a job well done nice matter theing all great um Bren and I had a chance had the privilege of attending St Raphael's Episcopal church on Sunday uh they have a beautiful service there at 9:00 uh they're doing a great job of restoring that church um I on Saturday uh during the beach talk walk around U Ed was Ed was stopping by the church and I happened to notice one of our counselors working the grounds there doing a cleanup in preparation for Ceremony that I'm going to reference next but good good good job counselor Safford for being out there laying some sod and helping out the church on Saturday again the service on Sunday is at 9 o' uh it was beautiful service and they will it was the last service and they were were rejoicing on this will be without air conditioning there air air conditioning will be put in this week and it'll be ready in uh for what will be a ceremony on Friday August 23rd this coming Friday at 11:30 they're going to do a they're going to announce hurricane Ian Memorial plant in their memorial garden and the public is welcome that's 5601 Williams Drive I think be radio will be there to broadcast it uh again open to the public but I just what a beautiful Church just the the hard work that they put into making that church uh getting it open again and getting it functional they started at Diamond Head they were intent uh they're now back in the building they've got a lot of work to do still but it's it's just to see that beautiful dedication we've seen the same thing at St Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church uh we've seen the same at beach Baptist we have three functioning churches on the island now all beautiful Services all Christ honoring uh uh traditions and hist each church and so for folks that are wondering what happened to the churches on Fort Myers Beach we've obviously lost a few one will be coming that church of ension will be coming back in a year or two maybe we hope uh but certainly we have three open churches right now and may hold on you're we're being told your mic is not working you start here you want J you want to try this one let's take that one if it'll reach if not try it again so I don't want to go through that all again I'm happy to but uh again let me just do this for in case we lost sound I I just want to make sure the public is aware that St Raphael's Episcopal Church is having a good he having a service a special ceremony on Friday uh August 23rd this coming Friday at 11:30 their 5601 Williams Drive uh I was just mentioning friend and I had a chance to attend church there on Sunday it's beautiful service uh and uh the public is welcome for this I think it's going to be broadcast still not working not working still not working okay still not working Jacob can you guys tell if it's working ni we'll come back to you we we'll go to councelor King and then come back when we know that it's working give it a shot councelor King I can be heard whether there's a microphone or not but I'm not sure I can be heard on Facebook or YouTube but U I'll just uh Echo what councelor Woodson said about the new town hall thanks to the town manager and his staff for all their hard work thanks to our legal department Nancy and Becky for their work on it as well and also thanks to Senator Martin and representative bana for the help in securing the funds so that'll take care of it for me okay and I just have uh all the stuff has been covered that I wanted to say uh well said Scott with with Mr durett he he was a uh one-of aind person um the only other thing I wanted to add was uh kudos to the staff on Sunday I was made aware of of a big hole that was dug in the beach I let Andy know and within an hour our staff was out there filling that back in so uh good job by those two guys that went out there with the shovel and if it wasn't going to be them it was going to be Andy and I so so thank you for uh for taking care of that for us and just a reminder to people to please don't dig holes it it uh makes more work for everybody and it it creates a very dangerous situation so we do we have uh vice mayor ader Holtz is he back up we'll give it a try again one two three four Jacob give me a nod one two 3 4 One Two 3 4 okay one two three four we can work with okay well I I think take three we'll try this one more time but I just wanted to announce that uh on Friday uh August 23rd at 11:30 St Raphael's uh Episcopal Church is having a memorial service they're they're uh going to be uh revealing a plaque uh at 11:30 uh and the public is welcome and it's to honor those uh those who uh lost their life in Hurricane Ian and just encourage folks to come the church is beautiful they will have air conditioning for the first time since the storm in the church itself so it'll be a a blessing in that sense and I just encourage folks to come if they feel called that's all I've got thank you Mr Mayor okay next we have uh advisory committee items reports and appointments uh murf is here Jennifer Rusk you want to come up and start us off and then title Bas will give us their update right after that yes I'll be quick my name is Jennifer Rusk a murf member resident we pull it down a little bit there we go and new Vice chair yes and new Vice chair um I'm here today to present uh flippers and Feathers our beach friends forever uh it's an activity book that uh concentrates on our environment and it's a special unique little activity book for children for visitors uh just to let you know we received them a few weeks ago and uh they are now being handed out at Publix on island and off Island Lee County tourism development Lee County Parks nonprofit organizations resorts on the island Margaritaville ping shell Diamond Head um and the Roxy and Time Square the Chamber of Commerce children's camps of stega foundation FMB Town Hall has these Bay Oaks Recreation Center and the mount house the beach School received 175 uh last week and interim principal accepted them Daisy and Jasmine were the first children to receive these uh activity books they were super excited about it uh they um let's see these are free to all who want to distribute uh I'm proud of this town and I'm proud of this community I especially would like to thank um Andy hayatt and uh and the staff for helping me get this off the ground along with murf members I really appreciate it it warms my heart it's getting great feedback and uh I think we ordered 10,000 but we are now have given away almost 4,000 so they're going very quick within a couple weeks um if we want to continue to print these and you know we'll have to ask uh Community uh to help us out with that in regards I didn't know that murf was considered radical I didn't I've never heard that before maybe they mean we're rad I'd also like to announce uh that um the popup will be we've been invited by uh the farmers market to attend popups uh every other Saturday in September and I would really love to continue doing the popups uh I'm going to be uh applying for murf again and that will be my fourth term and I would be happy to continue on murf and that's it oh and also Al was my very first friend I made on this island and um rest in peace he was the first one to invite me and my husband to the PT P crawl and uh he actually uh wanted me was trying to get me to help out with Santini Plaza and doing um um you know having bands and activities he saw that I was I loved people and I loved that he was a wonderful people person and he was a he's going to be sorely missed in this community thank you any questions I have one so in your list of places that your have these I didn't hear Lovers Key no but you know I used was a first dosent um one of the first dosent there and I have a box that's going there okay CU we would love to have them in the nature Nook yes up in the welome Discovery Center wonderful thank you I appreciate that and if any other suggestions of um other places you might think would benefit from these activity books please you know give me a call or you can email me at J Rusk Rus FMB gmail.com thank you any other questions no good good job with you and and all the entire Murph it turned out better than expected and and I think people are excited to see him thank you and best part of um of um was when you said take it to print that was very very exciting for me I'm just a little sad I don't have crayons up here I'm sorry I'll get you some crayons Mur Supply crayons all right any other questions no questions just comment it iterate reiterate what the mayor said it's you have a lot to be proud of congratulations on this I know you put a lot of hard work into it uh the committee also and your illustrator uh so congratulations your smile says a lot and and you have every reason to be proud thank you so much I appreciate it anyone else fantastic thanks Jennifer thank you so much Title Basin come on up before you go too when you when you say who you are can you just explain a little bit about what you do for the town I know you've done it before but just in case there's somebody new watching uh we are a consulting firm for the town of Fort Mars Beach that we help I'm over the P pull that up a little bit thanks I'm over the maybe I'm over the public assistance part of the grants uh we also have detri Basset here over the hazard mitigation part of part of the grants so we just manage all the grants work with you work with FEMA to try to get all the projects moving forwards uh to get the obligated funding uh for reimbursement for the town so okay thank you you're welcome uh I'm Adrien Leblon with title BAS uh council members mayor vice mayor Town manager thank you all for having me I know I'm just giving youall overall update of the public assistance side like I said diet will come up right after me to uh give y'all an update on the hazard mitigation part of the process uh So currently we have eight projects uh obligated at right under $20 million worth of obligations um and we are working on pushing additional 22 projects for another about 28 million going for the town so as we move the projects forward we take them step to step could you just for folks who are watching that that's a lot of money yes and could you just once again as to the mayor's point just go through that again these are these this is damage that's occurred as a result of Hurricane Ian where you've assisted the town your organization's assisted the town and asking for reimbursement yes and and we're waiting based upon your submittal from FEMA for those reimbursement funds well that it gets submitted to FEMA and then once FEMA obligates it then it goes to the state and they do their review and then they're the ones that let us know once their reviews done that we can do the requests for funding which they call an rfr the term obligate is is sort of an inside baseball term but in essence approval is that correct yes it's an approval by FEMA and that is a major Milestone but after that it still has multiple Milestones to hit with the state so but it's a good once femo obligates or approves it's pretty good chance that the state's going to go along as well is that fair to say that's fair to say they do have a little bit more fine tooth comb than FEMA as far as just reviewing documentation and backup documentation but they've been working with us hand in hand on everything so far Point both you and your colleagues what's the aggregate number of dollars that you are are applying for in essence to be returned to Fort Meers Beach through right my SI right of 50 million so the total would be $50 million that's what we're going after yes we have right under 20 million obligated right now and when you say you're going after it given your your life experience with with the title basic what's the what's your if you were to guesstimate would we generally get half of what you go for 75% it all depends on uh the backup documentation making sure everything was you know procured correctly the work was done correctly everything like that so I can't make that judgment but do you feel good about the information you're submitting feel good yes sir okay so thank you no worries and just to expound on that a little bit more in order for the town to be able to start on a project I know we talked a lot about the Old Town Hall that was sitting there we couldn't do anything until the obligation process was done through FEMA to be able to start on it can you just explain to the public a little bit about why that's so important that you know often we get emails why aren't we doing something with this project or why aren't we doing something with that project and and it's it it's a little more in depth than just saying Andy you know procure some people to get this done so if you would just kind of give a little bit explanation of what the obligation process looks like and why it's important and there's two sides of it too as far as obligation is a big milestone but you have work completed and then work to be completed so the work to be completed like say we have one online right now for all the beach accesses it's in the final review stage of FEMA so it should be obligated we're hoping very soon it's in the their ehp review which is the Environmental review uh that's work to be completed so like that work hasn't been done but it was through our estimates working with Andy and all the staff and then with FEMA we got the the funding allocated to a large estimate now if it changes a little bit we'll change it at close out so like to say they obligate at a million and a half and it's actually a million and 3/4 we'll change it at as long as everything was followed accordingly sure we'll change we'll change that at close out so um but there's so what other questions you have I'm Sor I'm gonna since you're talking specifics here you mentioned Beach exes a lot of people ask about the pool do you have a could you take a stab at a guesstimate timeline on the pool the pool is um all of the Parks and Recreation facilities we had a meeting months ago between uh Andy and Frankie and ourselves and we're going to it's called a 428 project so all the Park and Recreation it will be a fixed cost estimate so we use all work completed and work to be completed uh estimate and it'll be a fixed cost that they offer the town and then we can either agree with it not agree with it and move forwards on that as far as negotiations you have a guesstimated timeline as to how that would proceed uh we're collecting the data on it right now we're trying to get it to femo in the next 60 to 90 days and then that's being FEMA hands from there so hopefully I'm hoping by the end of the year so that's once it's in FEMA's hands it's off of our clock we just push them as hard as we can but based upon your your experience you you'd expect FEMA to have a decision by the end of the year and that's that's what we're pushing for and then it would need to go to the State of Florida uh the fixed cost offer would come through FEMA and the state to us as the town and then we review it with the mayor Town manager and if we agree with it move forwards if not we count our offer back to FEMA on that good thank you I think you you added when you started talking about 428 you added a whole another mix that most people don't I unfortunately I fortunately unfortunately I understand what you're talking but a lot of people don't can you can you just tell us a little bit about the difference between a PA project and a 428 and why the town would want to go one way versus another the so 428 falls under PA but 428 is instead of like a standard PA is either work completed or work two be completed and it goes off of actuals 428 is a fixed cost offer program so it's we uh we submit them because some of the work is already completed so we submit that as far as the damage line items and all the summary sheets and then everything that hasn't been done yet through either insurance I mean sorry either through uh engineer estimates that we have gotten with the town and are we send it to the cost estimating FEMA ciders called the CRC and then they compile it all together and then give us a fixed cost offer and you can take that and you can use it to fix this or you can through FEMA's approval can reallocate some of the funds so to make it as simple as possible essentially 428 is it's a fixed set amount that you to agree upon yes once if it costs more then you're on your own to fix it sir whereas a regular PA to your point earlier if it's a million and a half and by the time it's done it goes to 1.7 or 1.8 million you can go back to get more funding only if it's uh so that's on a large project anything over a million so a lot of the uh a lot of the W projects are very small so if you a small project is hard you can do it at close out but then they have to review all small projects so it was just since there so many small projects on the parkks and wreck situation is better to do it as a 428 as all big one lump just to be able to do it easier and better so okay thanks didn't mean to derail you there but here to answer question besides the beach access can you give uh the public a little bit of feedback as to to the larger projects you guys are involved in right now uh obligated or not obligated or just any of them so the obligated projects we currently have give me a second I got list here so you're going to you're going to read a list of of projects that have already been approved by FEMA obligated yes so and does that mean we have a check in hand or they still waiting for the state or uh some have been uh drawn down on others are being reviewed currently by the state so the first one was the uh EPM or emergency protective measures which is right after the storm those are uh we had two of those we had 100% and a 90% % those are just you know immediate needs right after the storm that was the one that they fronted some money on FEMA did which is they did on the 100% uh c b up to 127 of 22 the next one was the emergency burm which we're actually that's our first project in close out currently we've finished everything on the emergency burm uh done all the requests for fundings on it and it's in the state's hands for close out right now we' submitted them everything they wanted for close out so they're in a close out review on that one uh next project is Beach re nourishment which they're just starting is pumping the sand and getting all that going uh that one is obligated and it is a large project but it's only part of the whole project uh is being FEMA funded so it's about 1.6 from FEMA on that one uh another one obligated was the uh vehicles and Equipment lost during storm towned vehicles and equipment that one is uh fully obligated it's actually on the next step is close out we're finalizing a few bit of documentation with the uh the state right now and it'll be close out so uh and then palm Palm Avenue restroom trailer same is on close out they've already paid us we gotten them all the uh information for that uh and then the temporary Town Hall facility is a obligated project but it'll be amended as it goes on just depending on how much rent is being used on the trailers till the New Town Hall's complete or ready and those are the obligated projects um the pending obligation is a another EP M which was from 128 Beyond to the end of March and that's a 90% cost share so the town uh gets 90% of the money back and then 10% cover yourself but the state covers half of that 10% so you only loable for five or liable for five I should say and that one is uh currently being reviewed by FEMA it should be moving to obligation we hope soon like they the epms are the hardest wants the review because there's so many small items where some larger projects are just big invoices and easier to review so I have you want me to go down each list of the non- obligated or because there 22 of them yeah I don't I don't know that you if we can just provide the list yeah on Andy if we can just provide that list to the public so they can go through it as they want it's in my monthly report that I email you and and Andy so I do I do have one question though on um you were handling the Elevate and rebuild for Citizens for for literally for residents and that was submitted correct that is Diet will talk about that that's that's the hazard mitigation part so the I'm just over public so a lot of confusing Parts it trust me it's I get questioned about it all the time but it's uh we have different divisions in the company and take care of different stuff so uh any other questions by any council members or and just just you had mentioned that there's $50 million potentially out there of that 50 million what percentage of the 50 million ion is already obligated it's 20 million so so 20 million has been obligated we have 30 million potential outstanding funds all right thank you it's to be exact 288 is what's being worked on so so Joe you've got 30 million out there do you does that factor into your budget process or do you okay all right very good it does just for the record Joe not has said no it does not so this would be 30 million in addition to what's already in the budget all right thank you all right thank you thank youall uh Dietrick will be up next come on up Dietrich morning morning I'm dedri uh Adrian just introduced me so my side of just state your name though for the records that we have it apologies my name is dedri my last name is Bisset I'm with Title Basin so I represent I represent the town of for Myers Beach um with Title Basin to the state and to F them uh he was referring to 404 with construction and elevation as he was standing so those are two different projects uh for mitigation that falls on the 404 funding and currently we've submitted estimates to the State of Florida FM for approval and review based solely on the Reconstruction elevation projects which includes for elevation if if my memory serves my estimate included 47 applicants and for uh reconstruction I'm at 59 applicants so the those are two separate structures with two separate estimates and 404 is a little bit different than what he was referring to he was specifically relating to public assistance 404 falls under Public Assistance however it's a separate bucket of money or funding source and it has different requirements in terms of what is defined as a damage and what could be mitigated so the State of Florida and town of for Myers Beach has decided on in the application of a couple of projects and two of the main ones include elevation of property and construction of property so just speaking I think to your point elevation what is the process or where is that in the process and and there's a lot of misconception about you can do things before it's gone through the state process or you can't can you can you touch on that a little bit yes I've communicated with applicants and I'm um very familiar that there was communication beforeand as well it's very important not to start any work for mitigation projects uh specifically for 404 there are some circumstances but without approval it is very important not to start any work before the project is approved in other words breaking ground or um put uhu sh shovels in the ground shovels in the ground it is very important uh those projects specifically we've complied to the latest rfis request for information from fdm on July 29 it was a Monday I think so we've asked answered all of the final request for information we're just a waiting fdm Florida to make a decision on the path forward so it's in FM's hands corre just waiting for a respon at this point it's in FM's hands and it's uh awaiting their response they're diligently working on verifying the estimates I've done the estimates it's in compliance with Federal standards and I've made sure that uh everything is accounted for in terms of the process step for FEMA to actually or for fdm to actually award the application so at this point it is with fdm that is correct and will you be having the communication with the res you said was 47 and 59 59 correct so will you be having direct communication with them when you get the final word from FM or is that something that the town will do or both I will um by the direction of the town I will and I have been communicating with him by email text and phone I've made a couple appointments for the week for some residents I've also communicated with with them uh previously and my details is on the website correct so just to be clear if someone starts on a project that hasn't been approved yet then that could negate their funding for that yes ma'am [Music] okay going any questions for dietr did you have more to to speak on or was that the only uh no thank you you sure well any questions I'm willing to answer I think it's just a time it takes time U I've worked with a lot of applicants all over the United States and a lot of applicants when I say applicant is the town of for Myers Beach is an applicant you have phenomenal leadership at for Myers Beach I think it's because it's smaller it's more concise it's more focused and the way they help and reach out honestly I've never seen a team this proactive and corresponding I don't think you issues your leadership I just think it it's going to take a little bit of time and it took a lot of time already I understand that but you have excellent leadership at for Myers Beach and even with f them Kevin guthy Kevin Atkinson those guys are phenomenal everybody's trying to put this at the top of their agenda and make a decision as soon as possible and certainly won't hold you to it but in your experience how long on average does it take from that find you knew I was going to ask this didn't you I can see this one how long on average because I'm sure we'll be asked and again we won't hold it to you but from where we're at to getting the final approval or do you think that there could be some more questions or some more things coming from fdm that we have to provide or you have to provide to be able to get these people to start so a loaded question it is these rfis comes in in waves and flags they have certain requirements to to review specific components to Federal compliance typically you go through the initial phase of figuring out what's going on I think we're way past that phase I think we're in the Final Phase of determining that there is everything has been complied to and I think based on my past experience that we are very close for them to make a decision now the questions and the RFI coming out is very technical and specific just to brush up on similar items that's not been cleared out or not specifically been address but it's not ineligible inel ineligible determination questions in my experience so I think you're closer than ever well we'll take that all right any other questions D thank you sir I'll be this week if someone wants to reach out for a meeting okay perfect thank you all right next is the approval of the minutes we have the Town Council minutes from August 7th 2024 and the M&P planning session from August 7th is there a motion to approve the I've got a possible correction on the MMP yes sir go ahead um I I guess I'm going from memory uh which is probably not very good but U Sarah propes talked about about uh code not being clearly defining a dwelling the minutes say I remember that as a kitchen because it talked about a 220 plug so I think it should refer to a kitchen instead of a dwelling or so um that conversation was about yes it is a dwelling unit definition um because our current dwelling unit definition says with or without a kitchen okay um which I think is I don't think most really doesn't need to be corrected that's why but but we could Define kitchen which would make sense also I have one thing it's just it the paragraph on page five is the same as the par first paragraph on page six it looks like it was it's just a typo but okay anything else minutes um the our council meeting it's on page F the bottom of page five and the top of page six are looks like paragraph Was repeated John did you have anything else you said no that was it any other changes may I received an email about the um presentation from Len jusic about changing the minutes he was not representing the United States task force on National and Homeland Security he was representing his company J&L resources and also the attorney Tom silky was he says while I'm I'm an attorney I was not participating in that capacity I was there on behalf of my company electric Island systems so we'd like to correct that also very good any other changes move to approve is corrected all right I'll second a motion by councelor King seconded by counc Safford any further discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I I opposed hearing none that carries unanimously next is a consent agenda we have nothing on that um nothing to remove from the consent agenda that brings us to our public hearing item a has been rescheduled as the town attorney has laid out that brings us to Item B uh the next item on our agenda is a public hearing for review of various land use requests for the benefit of the public Please be aware that these items are Quasi judicial in nature our attorney will further explain thank you Mr Mayor um so your next item um is a rezoning and rezonings um are Quasi judicial in nature and this requires that our public hearing regarding this matter um comply with procedural requirements that have been established in Florida law and in our Land Development code so these quasi judicial proceedings they're less formal than proceedings before circuit court but they are more formal than the remainder of our meeting and they follow basic standards of due process regarding noticing the application of the correct standard and decision decisions that are made on competent substantial evidence that is presented to Town Council in written document or through oral testimony so once presented the Town Council will evaluate the testimony and the information for this item and draw a conclusion regarding whether the criteria in Our Land Development code our comprehensive plan or in state law as may be applicable has been satisfied so pure speculation or mere opinion that is not based on competent facts cannot legally be considered by the Town Council in evaluating an aent this agenda item testimony by professionals who are qualified as experts um in a particular area has been considered competent evidence by the Florida courts as well as testimony by neighbors and residents who have fact-based information such as minutes surveys engineering reports or testimony that is based on their personal knowledge so if you are intending to speak regarding this item please keep these comments in mind when you come forward state your name clearly for the record and whether or not you have been sworn in and your qualifications or your interest in the matter so for purposes of efficiency um we are going to go ahead and dispose of a few housekeeping matters related to this quasi judicial matter so I need to ask our clerk has this item been properly advertised pursuant to Our Land Development code yes it has been thank you um and also at this time if any council member has a conflict of interest that would prohibit them from voting on this item could you please disclose it for the record at this time so we can ensure that we have a quorum present councelor King none Vice May none I do not have any councelor Woodson none councelor Safford I do not okay so right now if there is anyone who is present that would like to provide testimony regarding this item please stand raise your right hand and be sworn in by the town clerk do you swear or affirm that the testimony you about you are about to give is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth okay all parties have been sworn okay just a quick thing before I read this in the paper that we have the ordinance or the resolution number is different than what is in the agenda packet is it 2419 or 2418 find out just want to make sure I'm reading the right one into into the record lost my page it went down on me here it's on page 21 of the packet the whole packet closed on me oh okay looks like it's 2418 to me but on this it is but in here it but on the ordinance itself oh it changed so maybe I believe it's 18 okay this then I will read this this is the first reading this ordinance 24-18 DCI 20241 43668 I Street beach bar this is a first reading and public hearing on proposed ordinance 24-19 entitled an ordinance of the town of Fort Meers Beach Florida approving approving with contians are denying a request to rezone the property located at 1668 I Street generally identified as strap number 1 9-46 d24 dw4 d007 b110 Fort Meers Beach from downtown to commercially planned development CPD zoning with deviations for a bar and residents providing for other clarifications as necessary providing for conflicts of law scrier errors severability and providing for an effective date I'll now open the public hearing if any Town council member has had any expar communication to disclose please let us know the subject discussed and the identity of the person group or entity with whom the communication took place any correspondence that you received or observations made of the site ccor Safford um I'm very very familiar with the property um I've had conversations with the engineer the architect the Builder and both um meline and Greg nothing though however recently okay Council Woodson I know the property but I have had no I had know the property obviously as well I've had just brief conversations with the applicant uh but uh councelor King as I recall I just know where the property is but I don't recall any other U okay issues and we'll have to wait for 1 second for vice mayor adalt to return I think he might be going to get his umbrella it sounds like mayor the correct ordinance number is 2418 okay and that's what I read here comes our social butterfly Jim we just need to know if you have had any expar communication not to my knowledge but I also have an important ANC shut water off here for about 30 minutes as they're working on the building so if anybody needs to use the restroom and you and have a sense of urgency about it you might want to use it now because it'll be out for about 30 minutes so that's all I've got Mr B but no no expert day this okay at least to my knowledge I can't recall any you want to yeah so you've lost a a council member so you probably just take a f minute recess she'll be right back okay okay can I just read this and by that time she'll be back before we actually start yes instead of taking a recess yes did she make any disclosure any she did she she did she did her expart so I will read very slow go ahead okay Sarah PR has been qualified as an expert already by This Town Council and based on her education and experience as has been accepted as an expert in the field of land use planning and development in the town of Fort Meers Beach are there any other individuals who would like to be qualified as an expert witness on behalf of the applicant at this time Mr Inc I believe he has been qualified in the past and Mr Ambrose I believe he has as well yes so we do not need to do that again correct correct okay has the property owner applicant seen a copy of the agenda backup materials from staff yes they have Sarah go ahead and proceed sh should I wait till just give it a second yeah but you can identify yourself just in case people forget who you are good morning Sarah propes with Community Development I tried to go as slow as I could here she comes okay Sarah take it away good morning Sarah Pro with Community Development James Inc on behalf of BNB properties of Fort Meyers Beach uh owner Fort Meers rather owner of 1668 I Street is requesting a rezoning from downtown to commercial plan development for the Redevelopment of a bar and a dwelling unit the residential use is allowed in the downtown zoning district and the bar use received approval through Lee County Special permit case 9510 173 and has been in operation since 1995 the proposed development will contain a ground floor open area used as a bar with some retail space which will be open to the beach where a sand seating area is located a residence is proposed on the second and third stories of the structure the applicant is requesting a CPD in order to increase the allowable floor area ratio from 1.0 to 1.4 to allow additional square footage of the proposed development this parcel is located in the 1.0 F area of the downtown zoning district and the lot contains only 4,159 Square ft of downtown zoned property an F of one would allow a maximum of 4,159 Ft of development and the proposed development is 5,822 so a difference of um almost 2,000 um the LPA unanimously recommended approval of the request at the June 11th meeting I'm available for any questions you may have and the applicant is also here John any questions for Sarah none Vice may atal not at this time Council Woodson not at this time counc Safford none at this time and I do not have any at this time thanks Sarah Jim morning mayor councel uh can we get the oh good I'm here this morning to talk about the beach bar this is uh DCA 2024 0143 it is a CPD but it is probably one of the most straightforward cpds you'll see on the island since we're only asking for one deviation and nothing else our team is here uh Greg as you know is the owner for BMB properties I am Jim ink from Inc engineering I handle the planning and the engineering Albert Ambrose is the architect that gets to draw this wonderful looking building that has that beach Vibe and and still brings it into the the modern era of the beach and our construction is by Stevens construction is under contract to to build the project at this point the request as as Sarah stated is we're just asking for an increase in the F in this area under the current Land Development code the f is 1.0 we would like to do a little bit bigger building twostory overp parking as as you saw which requires a little bit more F and and one has to realize when the the town was created this 1.0 F AR is probably in outside of Times Square in Old San Carlos it's in the downtown district it's in pedestrian commercial the comp plan allows for a 2.5 F under the comp plan so we're consistent with the comp plan but the 1.0 in in the modern world is is a little strict based on how we calculate the F on this property here's a picture of the area that shows I know it's kind of far away but I think it's in your in your uh packet is we have the lot and the uniqueness of these Gulf front Lots is we have the old d78 Coastal Construction line that when the town was created they decided that was a good place to separate future land use categories so the downtown district is in less than half of the lot and the seaword side is in environmental critical and recreational zoning and and that type of thing with the F calculation we cannot use the lands that's below that line we can only use those little Lots so these lots are very small they're almost Cottage Lots in some instances so it creates a a problem of what we can and can't use for for our F calculations uh little bit on the on the property 16 18 I Street pedestrian commercial is like I said its zoning is a downtown district um it's a 23 acre lot 0.1 acres is the uplet portion .13 acres is the uh recreational environmental critical part uh we have been working at this project diligently for a while uh it has existing entitlements from a 1988 variance and a 1995 cop from Lee County which has given them the entitlements to to work under we have applied for the do we're we're essentially real close to being done with the do we've applied for the building permit we're also real essentially being done with that part but we got into this process because of the F and we kind of guess going at it backwards is we're having to do the zoning with the do and and the building permit essentially reviewed and done with just some some minor comments that are left uh we have also obtained our Coastal Construction line permit from D so in reality we get through this process if if you decide that this is a good project which I encourage uh this project is going to be under construction within weeks after we get everything uh cleaned up on on this part wanted to talk a little bit here about why we have the fa are this is a little bit zoomed in in blue you can see it the the salmon color is the Upland portion that's all we can use for f f ARs and if you look down I Street and Alva Street you can see that there are a number of lots that are there there's still three existing houses that are there and you can see that those lots are uh a lot less than what they own to that bright yellow line is actually what they own their triber rights too this shows a lot the yellow is the Upland portion the green is the is the uh environmental critical portion Jim I don't want you to skip over that last point that you made because I don't think a lot of people understand that that even though you own the land that goes out there because of the Coastal Construction line where it is you can't use that land as to count towards your F your FL area r that is correct is previous when it was Lee County um it was a 40% lot coverage of the whole lot but when the Town Incorporated and they made their own comprehensive plan they decided to make this environmentally critical land which is the green and in that land you can't use it for density which doesn't apply to us and you can't use it for intensity for your F calculations so they kind of maybe extracted some property rights that's Beyond My Testimony but it it is creates a problem is we just have these little parts of the lots that we have to work with but it's the main source for the reason for your ask but it is why we're here this this is why we're here um site plan and and uh you have to kind of go with me we've now flipped the site plan so the building is in salmon and the seaing area which I'll explain in a minute in in the area that's existing so it shows the salmon area we have a build to line that we have to build to we have setbacks we we meet all those requirements with with our house the old 88 and 95 County entitlements has a list of uh eight or nine conditions of how the bar has to operate we can have 75 seats it has to be curtailed we have to have it roped off you can only provide alcohol from the actual person that pours the drink or or hands you the beer it has to be consumed on the property it can't be walked off there's limits of hours there's there's all of those uh conditions on there so as a CPD we had to create our own property development regulations because this is a standalone ordinance it'll be outside the Land Development code so what we've created is the setbacks and the fa building coverage and height those are all identical to the downtown zoning District except for the F where we bumped it up to 1.4 schedule of uses we have to create our own schedule of uses downtown is a very liberal number of uses well we've whittled it down to what we need to operate this facility and you can see some of them uh on there is on premises alcohol bar and cocktail lounges and the retail store but it also says existing conditions so we're tying it back to the original entitlement nothing new nothing different than the way it's been operating for the entire time the deviation request is asking for 1.4 over 1.0 and I want to use some there's the justification is there in verbiage of I Street and this at and the other but I wanted to use the graphics a little better this shows Back to the Future land use it shows the uh the salmon color the that's there and as I said before there's three houses that are there there's these three houses which 70 Avenue E is right across the street big yellow one and if you look at that they have a larger lot so they F the way we calculated and this is is done by aerial interpretation so it might vary just just a little bit is 0.7 but if you take that building and you pick it up and put it on Greg's property then it goes up to almost 1.4 so that is similar to what's there if you go down the street to Alva Street the the one in the middle and you and you do that that one is higher and it's actually a 1.44 so it's not conforming today it was built when the code was in effect but that was previous administrations and I have no record of how that happened but it's at 1.44 on down uh the other part of I Street that one also is non-compliant and if you put that on Greg's lot it comes out to like two so we we've designed around it um one of my suggestions as you go through the land of Elma code that you've hired Sarah to to rewrite the land of Elma code is maybe you need to look at this 1.0 in that section of the beach is that appropriate or is a 1.4 which is allowable up and down a stero Boulevard more appropriate I'm just looking for the potential you you make that fix you probably don't have a lot of people in here doing what I'm doing right now if that if that's appropriate um the conditions this is a rewrite of all the conditions that are in the old 8895 language specifically to put it in this ordinance so we're basically taking a bunch of collection of papers and things that were done a long time ago and we're bringing it in and we're updating the ordinance so that the ordinance is clear and concise and and can move move forward and it's also as a as a safeguard uh condition number 10 says that if there's a difference between this ordinance and the original uh variance and and cops the original is the ruling document so we're not changing anything we're not taking anything away we're not adding anything it's just operationally going to be exactly the same so in summary um all we're asking for is this increase in the F from 1.0 to 1.4 in in my professional opinion as in the planning aspect here I think I've presed uh competent evidence that this is reasonable it's in the interest of the property owner it doesn't cause any health safety welfare issues with with the town and at that point I'm here to answer questions questions and if you want to get into the architecture Albert's also here Jim I think in reading this I think a important point that you didn't bring up but you probably maybe should is you're decreasing density Tex you had two units there prior to the storm correct that is and now you're going to have one yeah we looked at the build back part of staying within the build back and it had a house and it had a very small accessory apartment to it and by going to the new code we're just doing one single family house so essentially uh the mayor is correct we lost one density unit which by traffic is 10 trips a day or you know one or 2 a.m. p.m Peak so we're actually Less in the intensity from that standpoint Scott questions for Jim yes sir Karen no I'm good thank you Jim did you say that Greg was here the owner he is Greg is right I couldn't see it could you just have a few questions if you can come up non-technical in nature first of all good morning thank you for thank you for bringing the beach bar back first of all uh second of all can you kind of walk us through the first floor the ground floor of the new Building compared to what it was before just give us a flavor of what it'd be like well it's going to be extremely similar to what it was Craig just to say your name for the record record please before you go oh and I didn't I wasn't sworn in do I have to swear in I didn't stand earlier yes she'll swear you in it's not a problem thank you for your honesty all right if you'll raise your right hand yeah exactly U do you swear or affirm that the testimony you were about to give is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do all right he's been sworn like I say it's going to be extremely similar the two your name for the record please bathroom you still got to St your name for the record oh Greg Boyd all right take it away Greg the two big differences are are the bathrooms and the cooler you know the bathrooms we can no longer have downstairs so we've we have designed we have we haven't put the order in yet we've got a a builder and everything we're going to build a mobile unit that we can push right into the thing we're going to connect it to the system so there's not going to be any pump outs and stuff same thing with this cooler we have we have one designed ready to roll we're going to back it in and when the weather says we got to get out we can drag them right out very good but for the customers going in will there be a stage for the band a formal stage or it be similar to how it was before or how will it be laid out I'm not allowed to have seats in that place so we never did so it's all going to be on the beach all the tables and chairs are going to be on the beach and those table and chairs will be on the beach so your toes will literally be in the sand is that just we just like it is it just like it was and just like it is today very good very good um this is completely out of balance but I've got to ask you this how do you how do you get those bands at the beach bar I know it's a blues bar theme but these are bands that rarely ever come to the island if ever except to come to your place how do you guys do that well have you seen him dance I gotta tell you it's it's just through the bands these guys introduce me to guys they they know guys that want to work we stick with this type of music this theme yeah and these guys are hungry for work it's great stuff and it just you just don't see it on the island anywhere else well again it's not the popular it's not a rock and roll it's not a country it's not it's just a little different you know great and it's not music I was familiar with yeah you know I get introduced to these guy by these guys and we kind of ran with it a little bit you know and meanwhile I just completed a three-day harmonica course and I'm sitting in with these guys now very cool oh no very cool Greg you're trying to sell you're trying to sell now people and in a perfect world Greg assuming everything goes smoothly when do you hope to cut the ribbon to be open well 8 months after you give me the price okay to get shovel in the ground but the construction would only be 8 months long well we hoping very good thank you very much that's all I've got thank you John no questions uh Jim will the existing conditions include the PW VL that are currently there will those stay or those go away with the CPD the existing conditions from the 8895 yeah those are Rewritten into this ordinance okay but they also stay with this ordinance as as backup so there's not any confusion okay you answer the question that I had any other questions for for Jim all right thanks Jim thank you we'll now open it up for public comment is there anyone here that would like to speak on this item seeing none we'll close public comment bring it back to council for discussion make sure I'm saying it the correct way hold on uh are there any I already said that um are there any additional comments rebuttal or closing statements from the applicant guessing probably not no okay I will now close a public hearing and request a discussion or a motion from Town Council to approve approve with conditions or deny with reasons or a continuance to a Time certain is there any further discussion is there a motion I move we approve ordinance 2418 uh dc1 12024 01 43668 the beach bar second I'll second to to ad to the second reading on date certain September 9th we' got a motion by councelor Safford seconded by vice mayor ader halt any further discussion roll call vote councelor Safford hi Vice May edal hi councelor King hi councelor Woodson hi and I am I as well motion carries unanimously next is item C that has been moved that's ordinance 24-19 amendment of immobilization payment options that is being moved to the September 9th meeting yes rescheduled rescheduled to the September 9th meeting next is item D ordinance 24-10 comprehensive plan adoption hearing as stated at the beginning we will read it into record open it up for public comment and then close the hearing or reschedule the hearing to entertain a motion to continue to a date turn what you said yes okay this is ordinance 24-10 comprehensive plan hearing this is the second reading adoption and final public hearing of an ordinance entitled an ordinance of the town of Fort Meers Beach Florida amending the town of Fort Meers Beach Comprehensive plan in its entirety pursuant to 1 163 3184 3 Florida Statutes providing for adoption of the town of Fort Meers Beach Comprehensive plan 2040 including a amendments to the Future land use element and the future land use map the community design element the transportation element the housing element the historic preservation element utilities element the conservation element the coastal management element the recreation and open space element the intergovernmental coordination element and the Capital Improvements element inclusive of all Associated tables exhibits and Maps authorizing findings and administrative actions providing for Trans middle providing for severability providing for scrier errors and providing for an effective date with that we'll open up to public comment would there be Y come on up Jim for the record Jim ank uh here representing the Women's Club had come to my attention this morning that their property on Sterling and maybe the mosquito board and and a couple others may be changing future land use to commercial Boulevard and I just want to I have no idea what that means right now that I'm saying but I want to make sure that it doesn't create a problem with what our existing entitlements are okay thank you thank you Jim any else Bill come on up so um of course you know we sat through the LPA joint meetings at Town Council meetings and this been going for quite some time just one concern concern I have is that during the myerside hearings um in the uh in the staff notes it mentions as talking about the multiplier and about density and specifically says that the new comprehensive plan that has been transmitted to the state for approval applies only F to commercial uses um though not fully adopted the um the crest be appropriate for that increased density they had so my concern here is I don't think there was in my recollection I don't think there was any kind of appetite for the LPA or the Town Council to give people this additional density by right in a commercial property um I've talked to Sarah about this a bit there's also you know the LDC change in the LDC portion of this and I would have some concerns about something in the code that would take the Town Council out of the out of the equation that would give people density and Commercial properties that they would not not have before these changes and so that you're not ability you don't have the ability to determine if that's appropriate or to use that for negotiation the other thing is that there's some corresponding LDC changes that go along with this comprehensive plan and that make sure we don't create a window where you've allowed something by the comprehensive plan the the intent is to restrict it in the LDC but until you make those LDC changes you have a window where it's where it's open so that's just my caution is to make sure that the Town Council and the staff are still the ones that are going to approve projects in in determine their appropriateness and not have it not have prop um some of these projects be able to add additional density by right okay thank you Bill anyone else seeing them we'll close public comment bring it back to the council for a motion to continue until date certain of September 9th yes so moved got a motion by councelor King uh seconded by councelor Woodson any further discussion you want a roll call vote on this as well okay councilor King hi Council Woodson hi Council Safford hi councelor Vice may I and I an I as well motion carries unanimously next is the administrative agenda item a is resolution 24-16 Aero Island Shore project or protection project a resolution of the Town Council the town of Fort Meers Beach authorizing Town staff to submit a funding request to flor Department of Environmental Protection for the Estero Island sh protection project and authorizing local matching funds for funds rece funding received from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and providing for an effective date Chad hey morning everyone Chad shoots environmental staff for the town um so we were insistent on getting the uh Beach uh maintenance uh hotspot maintenance or after we've done renourishing the beach we're anticipating more storms uh scour erosion so in order to get ahead of that uh putting in this application so that we do have funding should the need uh arise to uh repair the beach questions for Chad counc K none Vice may all nothing I do not have any counc Woodson so these are additional funds that we're going after just in case correct yeah correct um you know this is a big project that we're doing right now it's uh broad Strokes uh you know after Mother Nature does what she does over a year we may see some some scouring and um and yes so additional funds from fdp um and then we can work with uh TDC and the beach uh trust fund uh Steve Bell and his team to uh get funding from the county as well as a local match okay thank you yes ma'am you're welcome Safford um I don't have a comment but on the blue sheet this says it's resolution 2024 186 but here it says 160 just want to make sure we're it should be6 page 247 I apologize no that's does want to sure we get the money yeah it says blue sheet number but it doesn't say the resolution is that what you're referring to yeah 2024 186 those match though no that's that's the systems number for the oh okay thing sure that's the blue sheet number yeah the resolution will always be below the blue sheet line right correct so even though Nancy even though it doesn't say it in the agenda packet the resolution number but it does say it on the printout that we have um that's fine but the print out that you have should be the same number that's on the resolution in your packet um just as we had a little scrier error before on the ordinance just validating oh it does say it down under the attachments it does say attachment number one it shows 24-16 yeah talking about this number on page 247 but the resolution is correct yeah the as long as the resolution has the correct number on it we're we're fine okay I see that's the critical document okay okay thank you no other questions no further questions all right thanks Chad thank you all right is there a motion to approve resolution 24-16 the sto Island Shores protection project I'll go ahead and move that mayor got a motion by councelor King I'll second seconded by councelor Safford any further discussion you want a roll call on this as well okay councelor Kane hi councelor Safford hi councelor Woodson I vice mayor Ado I and I'm an i motion carries unanimously next is Item B this is resolution number 24153 this is a resolution of the Town Council of the town of Fort Meers Beach Lee County Florida approving Grant agreement number HL 277 with the state of Florida Department of Commerce in the amount of $8 million for purchase of a new town hall approving a required budget adjustment number six ratifying the mayor's signature and authorization to sign any and all necessary documents to acquire the grant retroactive to July 1st 2024 and providing an an effective date Joe good morning everyone Joe anzuk Finance director so it is my privilege this morning to present this resolution accepting the $8 million Grant from the state of Florida to fund our new town hall I put together um just a couple of slides just to summarize what this involves um I'm sorry I wasn't anticipating being in this venue so this probably is a little bit too small for you to see but we can see we got copies of it okay very good um so the the town as you know is purchasing the building at 6231 a stero Boulevard for approximately $7 million to become the new town hall the town is also purchasing adjacent property at 622 EST stero Boulevard for approximately $1.7 million to provide the parking for the new town hall the toone was awarded the $8 million Grant from the state of Florida and that was part of the general Appropriations act and this amount will be administer or this grant will be administered through the Department of Commerce we also have insurance reimbursement from the destruction of the former Town Hall that will also o be used to fund the difference between the $8 million Grant and the cost of the Town Hall replacement properties the resolution authorizes acceptance of the $8 million Grant and also the budget adjustment that is necessary to fund the purchase of the building and the adjacent property um and just so you're aware there is an an additional budget um amount that is provided in next year's the 2025 budget that would um take care of the actual uh Remodeling and renovation that needs to be done to the building to have it become the new town hall so this just summarizes what you're approving in this resolution so we have um as far as the funding sources it's the $8 million State Grant there is $735,000 of insurance proceeds that are carrying over from that we received last year that will be carried over to pay for this that's the a total of 8,735 th000 $7 million of it will be used for the building $1.7 million is for the adjacent property and then roughly $35,000 of closing costs so that accounts for everything that's included in this resolution and if you have any questions I'd be happy to answer them if if I may I add a little bit so um working with Joe um we uh basically are in the closing mode right now um Joe and the mayor and um our town manager authorized the expenditure of the money for the acquisition um the funds are sitting um in the escro account waiting for the documents from the seller um we received the documents just a few minutes ago so we're reviewing them as soon as we Val verify that the documents are correct uh we will then wire the money to the seller and record the deed upon the recording of the deed the property would officially be um under Town ownership but we're not there yet but we're really close so close VI mayor sure you have the correct wire instructions that's what we're double checking yes vice mayor yeah I I've got a question first of all great plan Joe Andy perfect great great great strategy one of the things that struck me and has nothing to do with Joe or Andy and has all preceded you but I have to say I'm I'm stunned uh the insurance proceeds total $735,000 it's a conservative estimate to say that to build a new town hall was $24 million is that the entirety of the insurance settlement that 735,000 is there still some dispute or what oh no that that's only the portion that's being used for this resolution there's roughly if I remember correctly it's at least $2.5 million that we've received all Al together so far for the building and the contents of the building and it's still um it we're not finished working with the insurance company there's still still probably more coming but that's what we have so far and so the remainder of of that insurance proceeds you know beyond the 735,000 is what's incorporated into next year's budget to help pay for the renovations of the building excellent thank you very much just out of curiosity Andy there's a lot of folklore out there that that uh it may be very true it certainly appears to be true that the town was underinsured for Hurricane Ian have you had a chance to do an assessment uh since you've been here as to whether we were underinsured A and B have you changed insurance carriers are we still using the same insurance carrier and see have we do we have additional cover now based upon your reassessment of things since you've been here yeah yes no and yes um yes we we we were you were under underinsured um no we have not changed the carry it's Florida Municipal Insurance trust very reputable um and yes we have elevated and continued to look at everything to make sure that we are fully insured that it it it cost a little more but U it pays a little more so it it as we all know it's it's something that uh you don't need until you need it so so you have formally enhanced our coverages since you've been here correct that's that's very helpful thank you very much that's all I've got counc K nothing for me just to you had referred Jim to the numbers just to give you a general idea in today's costs and how how great this is for the town and the taxpayers to build the building that is sitting there currently if you just eliminate the time that it would take to do it in today's construction cost at 18,000 feet it would be right around $155 million so almost double to build what is existing there versus what the town is acquiring it for so I think this is a home run for the town um and good job by you Joe and staff to to get this across the Finish Line hopefully later today thanks Joe we stretch this meeting off we can probably close while we're here don't jinx it all right thanks Joe is there a motion to uh approve resolution 24153 budget amendment number six for the purchase of the the new ton Hall and acceptance of the grant so moved second motion by councelor Woodson second in by councelor Safford any further discussion counc Woodson I councilor Stafford hi I Vice may adhal I councilor King hi and I'm and I as well motion carries unanimously all right next is item C resolution 24159 IC materials inks T tropical storm Debbie Beach cleanup a resolution of the Town Council of the town of Fort Meers Beach Florida ratifying action of the Town taken August 9th 2024 under the emergency procurement policy to contract contract with IC materials Inc to take emergency proactive measures to remove hazards to the public health and safety from the beach and providing for an effective date Chad hey Chad shoots environmental staff uh so IC was already mobilized so we didn't have any mobilization costs that we typically have for such a Beach clean up um the rates were in accordance with fot rates so all pretty straightforward they did a great job uh pretty much done on the beach uh we're going to be putting some sand hopefully in the scour near the pier um kind of remove that um Hazard if you will um but they did a great job have some before and after photos I'll try and share them with the town manager to get get with y'all and what's the time frame to remove what's now at Newton Park and is it going to be going off Island to a a dump site or what is the plan with that uh so they have two weeks so within this week um it'll be off the dry weather did a great job at keeping the uh the smell down um uh so yeah hopefully this end of this week but it's safe to say when it starts getting moved anybody that's been around silage knows that once you start disrupting the pile the smell's probably going to come back for a little bit but hopefully we'll do you know how long it's going to take them to remove that pile uh shouldn't be long I'll get you an update okay just so people are aware that when the smell comes back at when it's going to be there and how long days two three days ma all right questions for for Chad Scott no Karen no Jim no John good job thank you all right is there a motion to approve resolution 24159 IC materials ink tropical storm Debbie Beach cleanup so moved a motion by councelor Safford second second by councelor King any further disc discussion councelor Safford I councelor King hi vice mayor ADH hi councelor Woodson hi and I'm an i the motion carries unanimously next is item D sta 14 GIS mapping and Technical Support approved supplemental task authorization number 14 for GIS mapping and technical support in the amount of $36,000 performed by AIS engineering and authorize the town manager to execute the required documentation Mr Town manager thank you mayor council we Sarah here if you have any technical questions but this is just a a process that's necessary to get everything GIS mapped of course our town is is uh deficient in that area and lacking in some areas of GIS mapping but this would just help speed get more information as we continue to recover and and progress in uh moving forward with comp plans and everything else we have and Sarah I don't know if you have anything to add about that Sarah can you can you just come up and explain real quick um as vice mayor Aderall says 10,000 foot view of what GIS is and how that relates to storm water things like that and what exactly this is going to do so right now we pretty much solely rely on Lee counties uh GIS mapping and Lee property appraisers um but we don't really have an agreement to ensure that everything gets put into the system um and we found that there are um I when I went to look at the uh CB zoning District I ran into a reach ing out to Lee County to find out what the zoning was and several you know to find out who was Zone CB it was very unclear they have a list a big long list and a lot of them are not accurate so we uh started going through the rezonings to figure out you know what actually was Zone CB and realized we have a lot of potential inaccuracies in our GIS um so our mapping may not be accurate and we need to go through and really clean up everything and make sure that all of the data in our map is up to date so that we can tell anybody without a doubt this is what your zoning is it's been this way since this date and be aware of what is included there so it could tie into public works projects it could tie into Beach projects it could tie into a whole variety of projects but we have to start out with that initial map that we can dump this the information into with this saying would this seems like it would be very important to have maybe potentially before a new future land use map comes into play or does it really have a anything no the future land use map isn't truly related to the specific zoning districts um the future land use map is more Visionary it's more uh large scale what you want in different parts of the town and then the zoning is sort of the underlying like detail um but that detail does need to be correct and that's where we do appear to have a lot of gaps in our data so um for GIS it's called metadata that you tie into those specific Parcels so that when you click on a parcel you know you know you're on public water and sewer and how large the parcel is and what it's zoned so just getting all of that information accurate is what we're needing to do okay Council King questions for Sarah one for you Council Woodson I'm good thanks Stafford not this time all right good thank you is there a motion to approve sta 14 GIS mapping and Technical Support so Move Motion by councelor King I will second any further discussion uh councelor King hi I'm an i vice mayor ad hi councelor Woodson I and councilor Safford I motion carries unanimously last uh item e sta 15 continued Planning and Zoning Services approv supplementary task authorization number 15 for continued planning zoning Services performed by access engineering and authorize the town manager to execute the required documentation Andy thank you mayor uh this is just U continuation for a supplemental payment for Professional Services with the fiscal year fy2 24 through October it's actually through uh September 30th I think uh as needed but we want to make sure that we have enough funds in there to pay access for their U technical support okay questions for Andy Andy I I just have a quick question it's been said and and if you could just help clarify that a lot of this cost is actually uh incurred by the applicants particularly in commercial developments is that is that a fair characterization that is correct they do pay for the services so Sarah can do and Sarah can can probably go a a little more detail about it but yes Sarah yeah I I car I think I just just if you don't mind Sarah just explain when a a large commercial development or Redevelopment comes forward with a CPD or development agreement the your cost to assess that that that that proposal are not borne by the taxpayer and explain how that works so whenever we have a large project uh currently and and for a very long time since I've been here um the fee schedule allows us to pass through costs um with I believe a 3% administrative fee um so whenever we end up with a large project uh the way I look at them is once they're assigned if I've put in more than 10 hours then that additional billing so if we end up having five or six meetings with the applicant or you know going back and forth and back and forth to get these details worked out then I will put in my um time sheet the number of hours that I spent on that specific application above and beyond the 10 hours that that most you know that I I think 10 hours is probably actually very uh gracious and then for that excess do you build that build them or does the town build Town bills so you pay us and then the town gets but we do have um there are some subs that should be going directly to being directly invoiced to the applicant or so there are different ways to handle that but at this time the way it's happening is we are billing the town for our hours and then then we're letting the town know what those hours are like if you know different projects cost a different amount of money then we're billing them thank you that's all I have okay thank you anything John uh just how much are we talking Mr manager this is 25,000 I thought it said 3 say 93 I mean I'm sorry wrong one 93,000 it's addition to what we've already budgeted and for clarification this goes I believe it was intended go through the end of October because we are uh we're hitting a a different deadline because of our library and we wanted to make sure that the town didn't have any time where uh you didn't have Services because the library hadn't been renewed even if you had a new budget that is correct yes thank you uh councelor wien any questions none thank you Safford n all right I don't have any either is there a motion to approve sta5 continued planning and zoning services so Moe motion by councelor King second second by councelor Woodson any further discussion councelor King hi councelor Woodson hi councelor Safford hi Vice May adle hi and I'm an i motion carries unanimously item F has been removed that brings us to final public comment I do not see anyone else here so we will close final public comment Town manager items thank you mayor I have a just a few things not very much but U we've already discussed voting of course tomorrow's voting day they've already delivered the uh voting machine so the back the council chambers is locked off until to any um uh visitors or residents until tomorrow when they open up uh the front hall Town Hall the the One-Stop shop will be cleared out they'll be using that for registration for people coming in to vote we'll also have staff located other places we encourage people to enter in through the administrative trailer that faces the pool so we'll have signage out there in the morning to to to direct people uh we did talk about the town hall closing um and Rehab uh we will get going on that as quick as we can to to be as efficient as we can uh and expedite the project a little quicker um expeditiously was the word I was looking for I found it um but we we've got some work to do obviously on um the top two floors not a lot it's more cosmetic carpet paint that sort of thing uh a little bit of lighting but very little at if if any other um work up there the downstairs obviously with the day and the the offices that we will have down there is going to you know carry the bulk of it of course uh painting the building and then of course working on closing for the the 7-Eleven property getting that project going getting that uh property elevated for for storm uh control we want to make sure our water uh our storm water stays on our property that we don't dump it in the street we will probably see an improvement in that area just just from the mere fact of what we were are starting to plan so those things are coming um and our MMP coming up in September I'll have some more information discussion about the strategic planning proposal I've got it Jason and I are re reviewing it now before we bring it to you for uh full approval um and the funding source we think is available through the cdbg drr money we've got $1.5 million I believe so we're making sure it qualifies so got to spend the money so it's it's a good area and there's some things that that we're looking at to be creative with how we we spend money on on some of the things we are doing comp planning things of that nature so it might be that we can can get really creative and it doesn't hit our general funds or our our uh planning um building fund type area the other things uh lighting project uh has started that begun a couple weeks ago um we anticipate to see probably our first lights come on not till probably November they wanted to get through hurricane season but they're working and we'll continue to push and continue to push and do what we can to get that that uh done u beach R nourishment continues Chad is on top of that and we you can see the the the the dredge and everything out on the North End of the island so right yes North End of the island so they're getting everything um going there that should be uh ongoing um Chad can answer any questions about that if there are and also the tier one project continues we have a lot of things going on in our town as you will know besides just rebuilding and and the things that we we that everybody else is doing and I think you know a big thank you goes to you guys for having the the vision to to see the the new town hall and the things that need to be done here and and support and and just just the way that we're approaching things we talked a little bit about insurance this morning we are still dealing with uh our insurer we're disputing a little bit so we're trying to get more money there so we continue to to fight that battle um and it's not really a battle but it's just a discussion and we've got we we prepared documents and submitted those and the gentlemen that was that received the documents with fmit told our consultant that that was were the best documents that had been submitted that that he'd seen in quite a while so I think we've got a really good chance to see our our our insurance uh uh payments go up or what we get reimbursed the other thing and I guess the elephant in the room that everybody's looking at and addressing is the uh the fot project on the bridge it was a little concerning um when the mayor and I were talking Friday night they closed one one down I think the biggest concern not I that's a concern but when I came over there about 10:00 it's like I couldn't see the flagmen I couldn't see the people that were supposed to be there stopping the traffic and that's just a disaster waiting to happen so I am going to be in contact with them today uh to express my concern um about them following their mot plan that is a that is a document that the state requires the federal department of transfer or the the federal department of transation but also the state um very familiar with those documents anybody working on Street projects understand that you you don't do anything without following your mot and you have to submit that so I'm going to get a copy of that to make sure that we are on top of what they're doing we are not part of the project except for where it's located so we will continue to work on that that's all I have you want to just to expound a little bit I I know I've talked about it but going further obviously the traffic pattern that we're all concerned with yes you want to touch on that we had um we U the mayor and I were having a discussion I guess uh just right after after they closed the road and and I was looking at it and and we've all been looking at it and trying to figure out why they closed the around marar rville on on um Estero Boulevard and taking it down um um Crescent uh obviously we're going to be getting a pump I've already talked to Jeff we're going to have a pump down there in case we get some heavy rains and all of a sudden that's flooded and we're just in gridlike trying to get off the island uh but we had a meeting with them I guess it's been a little over a week now um and they brought everybody to the table we expressed Our concern we ressed you know our desire to have them change their plan um the mayor had left and happened to see them down there you know looking at things I noticed in some of the minutes on the agenda they had on their Thursday meeting was a discussion about that so we continue to fight that um and I'm using the words fight I just have those discussion and work with them to partner with them to make sure that our our residents and and visitors have a little cleaner access it's not going to be easy it's going to be a challenge for the next year plus so um you know it's it's going to be something that if you if you can go the other way but then you have the bridge at the other end so we we just got a lot of things going on on this island at all at the same time so we do continue to work with with the partners that uh um not only with FPL with the lighting project but also with the county and with the state on this project and the contractor and Nancy to that and in the discussion that we had with fot one of their major concerns was having the ability to park some of their construction vehicles when they're down there and that was the need and we had talked about it that you know the town would be willing to look into providing spaces close to it for them would now be a good time to get consensus from the council to empower the the town manager to make that decision should it need to be made or does that have to come before us for a policy decision that would expedite I think if you go ahead and um and provide that direction and authority to the town manager um we would create a document with fdot identifying what spaces or area that they would be able to use but yes if you'd like to do that what we had we had talked about in the meeting specifically was the lot the town owns behind the surf style place there that's the closest parking to it that and or under the bridge were the two discussions locations of potentially putting their vehicles if they need to if they can find a way to get traffic through there um so would just ask for consent from the council is that be the best course of action yes um authorizing the town manager to proceed as as discussed and directed and um if you'd like he can bring back the document um just if you want to see it to ratify it or just delegate the authority to him okay would that need to be in the form of a motion yes it should then I will make a motion to uh give the town manager the discretion to do what he needs to do to potentially open up a through fair for the fot project um I do not necessarily need to have it come back for ratification unless you feel that's NE legally no um the areas that you specified is that the areas he's to look to or do you I would say the area that the town owns behind the surf style shop and or underneath the bridge what we those those two locations I'll second any further discussion yes go ahead I just going to say consent okay uh all those in John I'm sorry are you asking for my vote or I'm just asking for if you have any input no questions okay Council wson all right got a motion by mayor Aller seconded by councelor Safford any further discussion all those in favor signify by saying I opposed hearing none that motion carries all done a couple just a couple thought things Andy received a number a number of constituent inquiries I'm trust me when I say this I'm not a subject matter expert but there seems to be a a a a a debate Brewing about the proper Landscaping uh next to Time Square by the wavy wall and I just wondered if you'd be so kind is to reach out to the Garden Club and see if you could sit down at least hear their concerns and see if we can I don't know what the answer is there but just because I'm not a subject matter expert but that seems to be a matter of concern yes absolutely thank you uh and then uh I had a chance to meet with Jason on Friday and I wonder Jason if you'd be so kind as to give us a brief update we talked at the last meeting about uh the town pursuing through the Florida various uh land uh Grant organizations land trust that uh that we would Acquire The Strand View Property next to Newton Park thereby almost doubling the size of Newton Park and I I just wanted to have see if you could give us a little update based upon our conversation on Friday you could go ahead do it now I was going to say we could do it under the council I didn't I thought it was go ahead yeah either uh Jason Freeman for the record so I've been working with Andy and our team on reaching out to a couple different sources um there's the Trust for Public Lands which is that nonprofit that came initially to you all probably about a year ago at this point uh sets of funding source then we're also looking into a couple FD uh opportunities for their parks and recreation grants uh the Florida communities trust there's a couple different options we're going to try and focus I think on the Florida opportunities first um so we're in communication with them we're kind of right at a great time to start looking into it uh from initial conversations with them the grant Cycles are opening up towards the end of this year uh so hopefully we can kind of stick with it and keep those conversations going um from what we learned so far funding isn't immediate so but I think identifying a property helps and just keeping that process rolling um through I think all different ways just to see who can uh who can help us fund that so thank you Jason absolutely see Mr Mayor I won't have any Council items so it's going to more efficient in the long R it's a horse peace anyone else have anything else for Tom manager I would just like do you have a a timeline uh I know in the past we talked about you were hoping to get the council in there after the November election and then the rest of the staff if you have a timeline for that the new town hall as we sit here today I I think there's a couple of you that have never really been sworn in in a in a a town hall that would be all of us so all of you um so what what the plan is at this point um no matter where the construction phase is in the in the downstairs we can have a squaring in down there or upstairs in that the bigger room so we're going to have it in the new town hall I think you know as soon as it's supposed to be done right after the election in November so we'll be we'll be doing that we'll be getting that information out um we'll also continue to you know push a contractor as soon as we get them we've already I've already worked started working with the architect uh to kind of do some some design things down there uh they were on our our preferred list so Professional Services so I went ahead and kind of jumped the gun anticipating um the closing today knock on some wood somewhere um but um we I think in a perfect world we'd be in there by the first of the year but U we're really and I think we have the luxury the thing is the elevator and if we can get the elevator in the next two to three months and we can get the upstairs carpeted and painted uh we actually could probably have Council meetings on the second floor upstairs um by the first of the year not necessarily downstairs in in the official council chambers but upstairs in the I'm not sure what the word would be but the unofficial council chambers so we're we're going to work really hard to get that accomplished and of course then we got to work to get trailers removed and get the park project going and the swimming pool and things like that so there's a lot of things that are going to be coming to you over the next you know um 30 to 90 days that are going to really make a big impact on our town thank you all right Town attorney items so this week I sent um an email about um some new legislation regarding public sleeping and camping and I was hoping that today um you can provide Direction on if you want me to come back with an ordinance that would basically um not authorize uh public sleeping and camping the new legislation basically creates a um cause of action by certain members of the public in the event that someone was sleeping or camping in a public area and the town um didn't do anything about it in order to do something about it you need to have an ordinance in place which you don't do not at this time so it's almost like a half full half empty um this the legislation uh requires you to authorize it but if you're not enforcing then you then are authorizing so I'd like to present a um a draft ordinance for first reading um as soon as your next meeting I'd support that I'm in total agreement with that can you give us just the Genesis of this issue and how it how it came about what's the what was the discussion of the legisl the concern of um public sleeping and camping and area is um there was also some findings made that it really is detrimental um to the individuals as well as to the public um because of the conditions um that they find themselves in and the areas that they're sleeping in does not provide adequate Shelter From The Elements um you know um adequate U facilities do we have a do we have an ordinance already on the books about sleeping on the beach we do have one on sleeping in the beach so this would B expanding that correct okay thank you John anything for Town attorney please move forward with it thank you okay anything else anybody have anything for I just have a a couple of things one could you give us an update on the CRA how you've been looking into that you and Becky were going to kind of look into what that would entail or uh it's to do um it has been a few months you're correct I think the next step would be um looking at getting that study in place um and we can follow up with the town manager about the mechanics of of getting that going and would that funding fall into the planning of the money that we've gotten from the cdbg funding would that be I believe I believe it could yes okay seems like it would be a good pair okay um and then the other thing is I know you emails you have been emailed some concern about the the street preacher and trying to find legal ways to we are still working on that we haven't we don't have a proposal yet for you okay but we'll try to expedite it okay can I ask a question on that Mr Mayor the it's been reported that that the town had to pay a settlement with him on a previous uh uh there was a lawsuit but but what I thought was interesting in the in the account that I read was that we we've paid 2,000 of the of of the settlement do you is that we we only paid a partial amount of it is that did you see that no I I don't know the specifics of it but I have heard that there is a there was a prior lawsuit that was settled so that's part of our uh can you check and see what the status is of that settlement did we has it been paid in its entirety or just a portion of it that could be that our deductible was a $2,000 and that the insurance company picked up the rest I don't know but could be what it was very interesting y that's that's helpful thank you okay okay I have one last question for the attorney um where are we and maybe I missed it where are we on um bicycles electric bicycles on the working on that one too okay um it's just as things come up we have to somewhat rep prioritize but we do recognize that it's it's important to you and I'm I'm just saying with season coming up um the closer we get the more it's going to become an issue okay if I may um coun we've also ordered some some Universal signage to be put along um the stero Boulevard uh our signs we put up is a lot of words and a lot of reading so we've kind of trying to be a little more proactive with or reactive at this point I should say with universal signs and the symbols instead of so much so many words and you put the symbol and then C ordinance number Town ordinance number at the bot bottom of the signs we've got those in in progress should be here by this hopefully the next 30 days anything having that reference to the ordinance is is critical nice to know that that's the first anyone has ever told us that anything else for Nancy all right thank you council member items and Report uh councelor Safford we'll start with you uh I have three uh number one um there's going to be a ribbon cutting on Wednesday at 400 p.m. at 1:22 hibiscus which I think is going to be a landmark event um homebound built this home in 10 and a half months and uh man Hibiscus Street if you go down there that that place is rocking so if people can attend I think it's going to going to be a great event um also on Friday the 30th of August uh the chambers putting on their mini Masters tournament Dan it be a opportunity for you to win the illustrious Green Jacket you know I'm just going to say not you know you look good GRE well you know somebody's got to be second right so right and then I've got just a question I I I know we were planning on having a pretty long meeting today and and uh it seems like a lot of things are pushed back to the September 9th meeting do we have a time yet figure it out because I think that's going to be a long meeting it's gonna be a long day that was 98 that September 9th meeting is at 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. one on the 23rd will be at 6:00 p.m. following the 50:1 p.m. heing okay so 9:00 a on on the 9th on the 9th is the 9:00 amm regular meeting 51 PM first hearings for the budget both of those meetings Scott are on the 9th yes the 9 and the 501 yes y y and then the same on the 23 on the 923 the budget hearings are at 5:01 p.m. and the regular meeting will be right after after at 6:00 p.m or as soon after 6 p.m. as they can be heard one of the other things that I met with Amy on Friday she informed me as well just so people are clear that there is no M&P on the 12th of September can I speak yeah okay um but we have uh narrowed or uh the the special joint session with cell cab for their Maps assessment will be on the 19th at 9:00 a.m. that's a joint session between you Town Council and cell cab for their Maps assessment what time 9:00 a.m. so there's what when is the M&P meeting going to be there is is no September MP okay awesome so we're looking at the third 19th and 23rd for meetings correct no nth nth no the nth 19 23r nth I'm sorry yes that's what I meant the 9th 19th and 23rd perfect anything else no sir all right councilor Woodson yeah I have one thing and it has to do with the public meetings that Cate so generously put on for us at um the pink shell and I think everyone is entitled to their own opinion there's no doubt about that but I also think that there is a respect and a decorum that needs to happen at public meetings um there is usually an agenda there's a presentation taking place where they are trying to present to you all aspects of a project and I feel that at the pink shell meeting um Matt from seate was very rudely interrupted multiple times um by our some of our residents on the beach and I just really feel that um these meetings should have a respectful flow there's a process that goes into it they said right at the beginning of the meeting they were going to give their presentation and then it would be open to um questions and public comment they would bring uh the microphone around because that's the only way if we're having it uh broadcast on beach talk or any place else that's the only way you can hear of what people are saying and to be rude and just boisterous and throwing out your opinions and interrupting I don't think is appropriate we don't do it in our Council meetings and we certainly should not be doing it in any other public meeting my opinion um but I just want to go on record and say I was I personally was extremely embarrassed um and I think we need to pay attention to that okay anything else nope that's all Vice mle all my items have been covered thank you all right councelor King I'm good thank you and I do not have anything either with that well I guess I'll I'll just touch a little bit on our Flor Ley City's trip um Andy and I and and Frankie went over for the annual Florida leue of cities uh conference we I think we made some good contacts I think we found some things that will really Propel us into the future being able to do some things and I guess stay tuned Andy will fill us in as as he's able to work through some of the things and some of the people we got to meet with but uh it was worthwhile trip and with that is there a motion to adjourn well with that I will say the Bengals sit at best when it's a manic Monday and I'll move to adjourn we got a motion by councelor King is there a second second by Woodson any further discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I we are adjourned at 11:37 I wasn't sure if you were going