e e e e e e e e e great good morning it is 9:00 a.m. Wednesday April 17th and we'll call to order the Anchorage advisory committee and please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge Ali to the flag United States of America please put your phones on vibrate and do a roll roll call here um Chris King is out of town excused absence Jim hawkett um not here excus absence we have Ted lell um chair Sam lurry um vice mayor Jim aderhold John Wesley Nash and Ed skover so was Chris gonna call in she was but I don't think she I don't think she was able to arrange initially she was then I think she got her her meetings got soly conflicted yeah okay okay let's um look at the agenda and we'll there a motion to approve the agenda I'll move to approve the agenda Ed moves a second I'll second it from John Wesley um any discussion on the today's agenda all in favor say I I I opposed that passes so we'll proceed with our agenda um does anybody have a copy of the minutes they were sent out Chad sent them out a few days ago and uh I got a chance to look them over does anybody need an extra minute to look them over is there a motion to approve the minutes I motion to approve the minut John Wesley Nash a second I'll second from Ed all in favor I I any opposed and these minutes are done and turned in thanks thank [Music] you okay is there any public comment today no comment from the public um our next item is the moing fied budget and Joe Anzac from the town is here the finance director from the town is here to give a presentation good morning everyone when um Austin and Chad first spoke to me about the possibility of speaking to you and presenting some financial information one of the things that was mentioned was um just like a history kind of put together a little history of where where things been and an update on where things are so my first slide because and this kind of correlates to the handout I gave you this is just the summary version of those first two sheets that gives you all of the um more line item detail of the operating revenues and then the operating expenses that would be on the first sheet and then the second sheet would be the capital related revenues that came come in and mainly those would be the grant revenues that have come in and then the capital expenditures below that so this this slide here is just giving us the summary the total of those I don't mean to interrupt you but I just thought it'd be helpful for people who may be watching just to kind of set the table a little bit you're here because we're trying to get a sense as to whether we're meeting our our guidelines with our lease agreement with the state is that correct Chad is that what we describe it we have a a formal agreement uh that's that's part of it and I think there was an ask from the committee to understand what is our kind of our break even point and what what are we spending on the moing field and looking out our our our our incomes and expend but just for the people who are watching I mean there's a lot of mystery around the moing field in terms of what it what's what it's what purpose is and then and its funding the goal is is to in in a perfect world is to raise enough money by charging fees Etc to the folks who utilize the Ming field to offset the costs and and in essence have it be a Break Even proposition there's a lot of other ancillary benefits but that's kind of our purpose and I think with you being relatively new not new Anymore Joe I think we're just trying to get a better understanding of the of the sort of the the meat the financial meat behind that discussion just just in case people are watching this I it's helpful to kind of sort of get an overview before we get into it well I I appreciate you establishing that context okay um so what I've prepared for you then would be um if just going back back in history the furthest column over to the right would be the 2021 actual revenues and expenditures and as you can see from that we just made a small profit of about $24,000 but then if you take into consideration what was expended for Capital Improvements on the second half the $74,000 there we actually um came out you know to below we had a shortfall of $50,000 2021 um on the operating side we had a profit of about 50,000 and then that in comparison to the capital revenues and expenditures we came out a little bit ahead $37,000 for that year 2022 we came out ahead in terms of operations by almost $50,000 but when you take into consideration all of the improvements that were made to the morning morning field at that point and the revenues coming in to help offset some of those costs we actually um spent $262,000 more than what we had brought in 2023 was just this last fiscal year that ended September 30th obviously because this was the year after herc Canan we hardly had any revenues almost $28,000 but we did continue to have our expenses and so the we ended up with a shortfall of $22,000 for that year let's see I didn't want to lose track here and we also continue to have some Revenue coming in to offset the previous year's improvements that were made to the moing field but even with that we ended the year with $127,000 shortfall and now where we we are at year to date for March we have brought in about $882,000 worth of Revenue in operations we have $158,000 of expenditures so in terms of operations this year so far we're have a shortfall of about 76,000 and there have been no um Capital Improvements this year there there may have been some expenditures related to emergency repairs but that's not reflected in the assets being paid for um out of the emergency fund insurance and that type of thing so that that really has nothing to do with the the moing field Revenue itself and then the 2024 budget is what was put together um as best as was known at the time this was put together last summer and so they're anticipating just roughly $149,000 of Revenue but then the expenditures were anticipated to be $415,000 so that would be a budgeted shortfall of 265,000 and then there is very little cap New Capital Improvements scheduled for this year which would bring the the net impact in terms of budget of a shortfall of 268,000 I think um that gives you an idea of where we are stand in terms of actual terms I I know it's concerning to see the large negative figures for 2023 especially 2024 so far um but this is where one of the reasons why we were um awarded that bridge loan from the state was to help offset some of our lost revenues and so this would this would be one of the legitimate areas that we could use that bridge loan for to help cover those expenses um so I just wanted to make sure that you're aware of that side of it and as we um my next slide would be just kind of a summary of this year's budget so by category so that this may kind of put some of this into context so if you look at total Personnel budget it's about $230,000 and that's for the Harbor Master and this was anticipated having two and 3/4 Marine operators and the 3/4 position was only because it wasn't going to be full full-time so it's for total of 3.75 positions and that includes all of their salary benefits workers comp there was a portion for training that was added to the budget and of course you got the cell phone um phone internet electricity utility type expenditures which is 9,200 um the rent for the harbor Master's office ended up being 7,860 there's um the town vessel moing rent was 7,800 Upland facility uh cost the the rental cost according to the agreement is $22,500 we ended up with roughly $50,000 left over for contractual services this was just kind of a ballpark figure put into the budget to because it was not sure at the time exactly what all may be needed because this would be the first year after the hurricane and um getting back to normal so that that maybe a little bit high but that is what was put into the budget and then we there was $1,750,000 $750 for repairs and maintenance supplies 28,500 and of course that would include Fuel and those types of things and then liability insurance this is a relatively new item that's added to the budget it it wasn't in the previous year I mean it was in 23 and 24 but it wasn't in 2021 or 22 it was being charge to Public Works instead but this is the moing field share of liability insurance so we thought it was important that that be included so we can make sure that um whatever rates will eventually be um calculated to charge that'll be enough to cover those expenses as well the next slide and the reason why this is important is this is kind of our best guess right now for operating expenses is 414,000 where we're in the process or of just beginning the process to budget for next year and so this figure will change as it may go up or down um probably up rather than down but we're just beginning that portion so right now this is our best figure is 414,000 the next slide then I I just try to create a another type of context for you the best I knew how with the information I could work with so if we look at the 2022 carbridge user fees that was almost $245,000 that was collected and so if we think of 2022 is maybe quote unquote a normal year I was trying to calculate what the normal occupancy rate would be so if we had 70 slips in that year then if you divide that 70 into the total harborage user user fees we'd end up with an average revenue per slip of $3,000 almost $500 if you buy that by the monthly monthly rate of $312 you end up with average months of occupancy of 11.21 now which is 93% and this is all based on using the monthly rate and obviously that's not all people use there's daily rates there's weekly rates but just going on a monthly rate basis the average occupancy rate in that context is 93% so then if you take that 93% occupancy rate on my next slide here I tried to project out you know what type of Revenue this would bring in So currently there are 70 from my understanding there's 77 slips that are available right now that can be utilized the current rate instead of the 312 that it had been is now $410 per month if we use the average occupancy rate of 93% then the potential revenue from utilizing all 77 slips would be 352,000 we do have some other Revenue coming in like for um pump out Services or's some Grant reimbursement Revenue that comes in based on what came in in 2022 that was $1 6,232 so if you add that potential harborage user fee Revenue 352 plus the other revenue of 16,000 the total potential revenu is at 368 then if you compare that to the 2024 budget at expenses of 415,000 we'll have a shortfall of about $47,000 and that's again is based on that currently available number of slips of 77 slips if you bump that number of slips available up to 83 three which would be the total amount that would be available excluding the the six that were um currently being eliminated by the Coast Guard so that leaves you the 83 we would have a $119,000 shortfall and if we were able to fully utilize all 89 slips as was originally intended we would just about break even with $8,000 um o over you know overage I should say so I wanted to give you this information to kind of give you an idea of where things stand with the current rates the different scenarios of occupancy this this isn't perfect by any means and we can go into more detail in terms of daily rates weekly RS and dig into that but this was I think a good overall picture for you to start with hey does anybody have any comments or questions for Joe um I have a beautiful uh presentation sir uh I've been following the the finances for 10 or 11 years and this is very nice the only question I might have when we put in 10 new balls who pays for that purchase new balls well as I understand we put more balls in and I'm wondering where that shows as an expense or a where it shows up yeah so um you know the recovery uh funds and that's what uh Mr Joe had mentioned came from the loan essentially no uh we had uh we had well the for the expansion itself that was funded by grant money okay that was the question but but it's wasn't fully funded we also had to contribute a portion of it and I I I'm sorry I don't know that percentage but we also had to contribute a portion so and then the the the SE the the central field and the East field that were replaced was FEMA reimbursable yes any repairs and Replacements should be feem reible are those expenses in here no yes sir well not not um not the repair and replacement expenses okay they Grand supported so they're not in our budget yes well if we're talking about FEMA I mean the hurricane related repair and replacement that's not in here that would be in our emergency fund budget but anything to do with the moing field expansion which was like pre hurricane and and maybe some of the expenses spilled over until after the hurricane that is here and that was funded by a por primarily by the Grant and then also some of our own town I the tried to figure out where the grants fit in into the system and they're not even in the data so and the shortfall is not in the data or is it well it is so if you go to the handout that mean the details are there so the second page of the handout if you look at the um third column over from like from the right I guess the fy22 adjusted column you can see that the that c capital outlay expenditure is $241,000 okay that's primarily the expense of the moing field expansion and then if you look in FY 23 column that's 65,000 that's a related expense like to finish the the mo field expansion I mean there may be a few other things in there but it's primarily more field expansion and then if you look above where it says um the grants moing field expansion you can see that there was probably about $140,000 worth in total in 20123 that came in as a reimbursement okay for that and then we also in 2023 there was a pump out boat that was purchased and that I believe was if you look down in the expense side that boat line is 155,000 so that was our cost and then the grant if you look above that was 116,000 okay so you can see I can't figure out yeah thank you very much congratulations sir sir any other question John yes and I apologize up front for the rookie question is this annual is this I'm sorry my my apologies um apologize for the worky question is this from January 1st to December 31st or is this from June July 1st to our fiscal year runs from October 1st to September 30th yeah so I yeah I apologize I should probably include that so for people who wouldn't know then then would be more clear for you and for the public I can include that in future presentations thank you you're welcome and that's everything with the town well I just quick question Sam uh Joe I think you said the aggregate uh shortfall uh as a result of Ian these last couple years was 268,000 ballpark right did I'm I'm trying to remember if that's what I said but in what context are you referring to like you just talked about because of the storm we we were short yes so and what I'm looking at when I said that was the 2023 column y so but here's my question it might help you because I I don't I'm not I'm not I I I appreciate those numbers but I guess what I'm asking is the mayor in partnership with the state legislature uh requested $8 million in Revenue replacement for the last two years of the storm and to the credit of the legislature they've granted that obviously we're waiting for the Governor's signature on that yes is that 268 million part of the 8 million yes it would be yes so that would be offset by this legislative appropriation that hopefully is forthcoming is that fair that that is fair yes I mean that that would be a portion of it and also I mean we're also temporarily we are and can be and will be using the bridge loan right in the short term in the short term until we receive that Revenue so they'll just kind of swap out but that is the purpose of it and that will help this great thank you you're welcome anyone else any questions I have one the it's a a very general question this is the most asked question that that we get Ted's had it to um we're trying to be a break even Enterprise one way or the other it's you can't make it break you know you you can't possibly do it every year what is the is there one yearend accounting adjustment and what is that adjustment if we go over or if we go under how does that how's that handled well I think one of the the purposes of what I was trying to illustrate here if you go like to the SEC let me is this the right display let me go back on the monitor also um to that very first slide so that bottom line there you can see that we're far from Break Even if you if you take into consideration what's going back in for Capital Improvements so the town has had to contribute and sub subsidize the moing field every year except 2021 so I think if you take both into consideration the operating side and the capital side I mean we we are putting more into the morning field than we're we're getting out of it so if we isolate the years here so yeah we we can't have a negative checkbook so we're putting in the town putting in some money so let's use for example that fiscal year 21 yeah where we is there an adjustment at the end of the year because we're we're hopefully going to get back on track to where we had a full field and less expenses what happens when we have a profit year what what is that adjustment at the end of the year well it's at this point I mean there there is no adjustment really I mean it's it's just absorbed into the general fund balance because this the mo field is part of the general fund and so as a result of that that that I mean that's kind of like how indirectly the general fund is fun funding the the um subsidy now if it were the case where there was like a we started making money in the mo field and it was starting to turn positive then what the type of adjustment I think we would be doing would be to take that um well for like of a better word that profit and then maybe put it into the capital fund reserved for the mo field like for the next years or future years expenses that that way it stays with the moing field thank you anybody else any question one other question the deficit uh in uh 24 is some of that going to be reduced by these funds that uh are coming in from the FEMA and so forth well not by FEMA one by um like for example what um what Jim had just referred to as the revenue replacement yes although I'm not sure that we would actually put it here in this fund I mean we we're I don't know that we're going to go to that level of detail but we certainly would take that because I think it's important to show that we did have these losses and if it weren't for that loan that that or the grant then we would not be whole but I think in future presentations we can show the amount that was offset by by the um the Grant I I'm thinking that's a a big number it but it may not come out to be that big a number if it's some of it's reimbursed well that's that's true that's true okay right I mean the entire amount should be reimbursed theoretically because that would be you know the that would be the Lost Revenue anyone else Finance director Joe onac thank you very much very good [Music] Ted will be able to sleep at [Laughter] night okay next item is uh Waring field marketing does anybody have any um our marketing specialist Chris isn't here today and she's kind of been leading the conversation on that does anybody have any comments on marketing just uh we talked in the past that uh we'd have a presentation by the new uh public information officer um to start marketing and that is Nicole is that yes sir yeah and we've invited her but and and she's probably going to try to make it one of these times okay so I I guess from past discussions that's on hold the marketing um discussions on hold until we get her involved right and um once again she's invited if we could extend an invitation to her to or sir do the um along those lines um you know doc was online if you go to the town's website there's a link to the moing field uh which links to daa and maybe as a little homework this time if everybody on the committee could go there I went there this past few weeks and all the unless you put your dates in to make a reservation I'm not finding all the information there it says $25 tonight there's no monthly rates or anything on there and I don't know um if we can get that um a little more user user friendly but people are signing up and people are in the moing field so they must be finding it once they put the dates in and the information in fact maybe I'll do that go ahead and try to make a reservation and see what else comes up and if all the rules and rs and everything comes up with with that I think it's common for that to Simply initiate a call to get more detail rates but as you say I think it's a good idea to put as much information up there that's that's accurate and everybody seems to be happy with with doca all the people that I'm meeting down at the dinghy dock they're they seem to have no problem getting online and making making their reservations of course those are the ones that are there um okay next anything else for marketing for now we'll get into that more next next meeting when um Chris is here and him also um third party Marina operating Waring field that is our Upland is that what is that exactly third party Marina uh the mayor had mentioned um at the last meeting whenever you had done your committee report uh that something that maybe the uh Anchorage advisory committee would like to look into yes so I'll put that in there as a placeholder for yall's discussion okay is that um looking at our options for Uplands and other things and and pump out boats and everything else I I think just having been in the discussion when the mayor mentioned this I think what he's referring to is prior to Ian uh the town of Fort Meers Beach had sort of RF peed the the running of the uh of the of the moing field particularly the Uplands facilities to some of the marinas in the area Chad correct me if I'm wrong and I think we didn't have a lot of uh interest from the Marines for a variety of reasons um uh I think we found out later that Moss Marine was interested but they the at that time the town manager was wanting control over a lot of the minutia of the decisions and I think I think Moss Marine was interested but they wanted to have more control over the operational aspects of the of the uh of the Upland facilities so I think it remains as a potential option for us in the in the long term um I think there's somebody here from matanzas uh who wants to to maybe uh give some thoughts as to where they're at I'm thankful they're here um I think I I would just maybe this is the best time to say at the last meeting too we talked about out a new location for not just the storage of the boats but and the pumping facilities but also potentially the Upland facilities and that was the Bic uh uh docks and I was charged with reaching out to the to the Lee County Commission and I did I had a long conversation with commissioner Ray sandelli he was very interested in in in working with us he reached out to to the to the director for for Lee County uh uh uh Dave horer and to to create dialogue between the town and the county where we could begin to see uh uh some kind of a symbiotic relationship but because those those docks are still under repair I went by that same week and took pictures of the docks that were under repair that were right next to literally right across from the restroom facilities which are quite which were quite nice prior to Ian uh at bich and and there there is a a potential symetry there between those the the the restrooms and and the docks and and the space but as I understand it the county just hasn't been very re very receptive in the past but I think postan all bets are off and I think we have a new chapter possible as we have conversations with the county and I I just talked to the town manager yesterday about this and and also the director of operations Frankie was on the phone and and they they are they have a they have a great relationship with the county and they're looking to begin those conversations on bage but I think because of the recent FEMA action I think it's all hands on deck right now for to respond to FMA so we could maintain our flood insurance discount so as soon as that crisis is averted hopefully and and hopefully uh in in a way that's favorable to Lee County and to the town and to other municipalities hopefully then we'll begin those conversations on the uh on the on the moing field operations uh incl initially obviously the boat storage and the pump out station but also the potentially down the road again this is they've given us no indication that's that it's an affirmative but certainly they're open to having that conversation on the Upland facilities whether that'll manifest itself in a solution we don't know but we we'd be crazy at this point in our history if we didn't at least try and I think everybody's agreed that that's a great location potentially for all three but even if we could get one or two of those three that would still be a win um so that's kind of the status we're at and I think to the transition of the Harbor Master uh I think I think Frankie said he was going to be here today but he must have gotten called away oh Frankie's here I'm sorry I to see you sitting out there Frankie I apologize um well I don't want to I'll let Frankie speak then because you know he's do you want to update on the Harbor Master as well assuming it's okay with the chair yeah that'd be great yeah I didn't see you there Frankie I'm sorry he's a busy guy come on up good morning everyone my name is Frankie kachik I'm the operations and direct compliance director for the town of Fort Myers Beach um I saw in the in the perview here that we're looking at different options for moing field I think moving forward the town has a perfect opportunity to take advantage of a burgeoning boom in boating so to speak um what we started a few years ago by expanding our moing field now getting it back up and running I think uh we're right at the precipice of really turning this into for lack of a better term just a go-getter for for the town of Fort Myers Beach we're not so much getting the mom and pop little 20 Footers looking up we're on the verge of getting some really nice you know 60ft catamarans some nice Yachts coming in here um and as we grow as a town and more amenities come online with Resorts and restaurants in our downtown area gets back these are the driving fors for us to be able to build towards having a nice first class five-star facility going into the future that was Andy and I's Vision coming into here um unfortunately as we expressed to vice mayor you know you you have to prioritize sometimes on where you can do things um staffing issues aside um we don't discuss what happens here most of the time if you don't see an employee at a town it's because they walk themselves out the door for some reason those reasons don't always have to be expressed um that's something that you try to keep inhouse not only protect the employee but also to protect the town um we have gone through a intensive search to find somebody that did not have ties to the area somebody that was impeccable that had what we need to take this to the next 5 years down the road um we have Whitted it down we had a really good conversation with the candidate um it's one of those things what I personally believe that you could build on you you could take this person and let him run with it and he had that Vision I always tell staff give me a you know I'll give you a sentence you give me a book and this is the kind of gentleman that can do that um and and I think we all know where the morning field is we know how it got to where it's at we know the people that did that this is the the the chance for the town to take this in a totally burgeoning different direction forward um and and and really make it the centerpiece of the bay and what we're about as a boating community and I think that's kind of what the cell has to be going forward um as far as I I caught the tail end of uh Vice mayor's uh discussion as far as bage um that's kind of an ongoing discussion um there's a bigger fish in the frying pan right now between us and the county and few municipalities around here that we're trying to sort out but um we do have just off-handed comments and conversations uh when we do have time um um and they're well aware of not only what they need to do on that property but our interests as well um and I will just tell you this that there are a lot of unknowns coming up in the future uh with development that uh you know that old public want uh list can get very long and um when we ask a developer to come into the area what you're going to give back to the town one of the very first things that comes to mind is helping our boating community and uh whether it's to help with canals whether it's to help with anything and uh I think in that area of the town there there's some great opportunity that'll be coming in the future here so uh that that's kind of where where we're going at least you understand we where my thought process is um and I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have questions for Frankie just just one quick one um any estimation on when we will complete the process of uh putting on a new Harbor Master or is that an open-ended uh process we uh actually we had the call back this morning uh we kind of postponed any offer until we were able to come and make comment to you today hopefully or or or get that um we're ready to proceed right now and he's ready to to move forward um with that he's also going to have the ability to add new staff um and take New Direction and um that's uh that's something that this candidate is well versed in um and he understands our vision on where we're going and to be totally honest with all of you gentlemen you know it'd be easy for me to stand up here and say five years down the road we're going to do this right now in your town I can't tell you what's going to happen next week um you know so until we get to that stage where we're comfortable enough talking about 6 months or a year I I know that where we're at is not where we're going to be a year from now you have my word on that um but every step we take is going to be forward it's not going to be back and and I think with getting a hire like this in place getting a crew underneath him that can do what our vision is as a town and what he believes he can do for that moring field I think it's it's a win-win so it's a very short period of time that we can get this thing up and running quickly we have not missed out any opportunities our reservations are booked uh we have staff filling in um uh constantly taking those reservations going through that they're they're doing the pump house like they normally did before um so we we really kind of haven't missed a beat but having that that that face that we can put to the harbor that that's going to be here very shortly thank you sir yes sir and Frankie is there any Direction you'd like from us regarding the harbor M or you're just reporting on that no I I I I think again as an advisory committee I mean uh you know my background is in County government so um our advisory committees we had many um you know subcommittees to committees and and and so it kind of gets daunting at times but a clear direction we know what we have out there we we have uh the potential is far greater on the upside than it is on the downside barring a disaster uh we're in the process of coming back to where we thought we could be before Ian uh it's taken us almost 18 months to get there um and but once we get there again it's nothing but positive if it's done the right way um ideas for for marketing ideas for expansion uh the gentleman coming into this job um from the northern part of Florida he's dealt with huge Harbors uh huge expanses of water and and getting everything from huge shipping containers down to a little 20ft John Boat so it it it that's the kind of people that we kind of need and the vision that we need not that we're going to have shipping containers back here but at least to understand that the volume you know I I want to see every buoy hooked up I want to have us to have a discussion about expanding our field either to the west or to the east that's the discussions I want to have I want to have the discussions on how we can look towards finding areas where we can get Upland facilities now not in the future uh we had matanzas in um and we're still in the process of looking possibly at at recouping some of that as an office space to get out of the the Contemporary trailer that we're in right now um but yeah the town would love to have an opportunity to have their own thing will it come with a development will it come with a county partner that we still don't know but we're open to all options so whatever suggestions you have I'm always open and I'm always available so please feel free to reach out to me I know something we've had in the past hopefully when the higher M or when the harbard master comes on board he'll attend our meetings every month and that was one of the features of the meetings um Chad and the harbard master they gave detailed reports of you can look back at the reports there detailed reports of occupany what everyone was doing and everything going on so that would be real helpful and if you could he somebody on board that's he definitely will be here that's going to be great now well we got you here yes as far as our function also um and Jim you can help with this we're last time we did this we went through five different options and we rated them would you like a similar process where whatever all our options are we did pros and cons and we selected our you know primary Choice secondary Choice third choice is you find that that's probably going to be our function and going forward with Upland services and pursuing boage and all these these other locations yeah I think it's very conducive to the process because that that way we have staff has a a a good way of of evaluating that material and knowing if it fits into our master plan or not um there's a lot of things that we don't share with the public or other communities because honestly it's on a whiteboard you know and until again we can get past that six month to a year then two years and and so on and so forth any type of of data metrics that we can come ining brought to us that can add to our little dashboard as far as what we need to pursue so we're always looking for suggestions and a rating system is perfect because I mean you all are are are sitting here for a reason one you have an interest in it two you have a desire to make it better okay so those two things alone Drive what we do every day um we're not I mean I love boating and and if I could retire for the fourth time I would be on a boat um but I I I my passion is to build um and and that's kind of where I'm at um so we just need to all get together you I I value your opinions I value everyone that participates and and donates their time freely to help the town um to me that's an invaluable service um you know it's easy to come and take a job it's something else to take your own time and your own passion and your own efforts every day so I greatly appreciate what each and every one of you do um and I gladly take whatever information you can compile and pardon the pun but we'll definitely run up the old flag pole and put it right with ours hopefully very soon we can match or mirror both of those to what we're thinking and what your vision is and we can have something for the town for a while we were bird dogging all the locations and we had a very prominent realtor on the board um you know before the storm and we were bird dogging locations however I think we pretty much exhausted all that maybe it's time to start start grading them and let you do sure you know and like I said there's new options coming down the road so and when I see new options it it could be a new development it could be an expansion of an existing development those are opportunities for the town to say yes I love what you're doing here but hey how about uh throwing me a bone here and and providing the town three slips uh building an Upland services facility and leasing it to the town for $1,000 a year for the next 25 years these are things that not only bring people and and whatnot into their establishments but really help the town I mean we did that on the county side I know our town manager Andy Hy has done that in other communities that he has worked in to so it's it's all about getting that partnership not only with you all up here on the Committees but also in the outside Community uh Community rather working with us as well so we're actively pursuing every angle believe you me good things are changing fast there's a lot of stuff you know you got B you got MOS you got um yesterday you might not have watched but the maritime on San Carlos Island that was we considered that's probably not a consideration right now but that's one of an example of something that we consider that they're you know redoing you know as we go um anything else for Frankie and again the vice mayor knows my my I'm always available so whatever you have a concern or a question please feel free to reach out to me I work for you I got one more um sir I should ask Joe the fiscal year is running from October 1st on on when is the budget the budget meetings so that's going to we're going to be talking to council more on that getting a little bit more information so towards the end of this month I believe the next town council meeting we'll have some more information available to everyone as far as how that process will unfold we'll just need to know the deadline um I don't think we even submitted anything but as we move forward we always did a little bit in the budget for our Cruiser depreciation day and some advertising so as long as we have enough notice on that we'll definitely make sure that happens sir be good yes anything else for Frankie thank you all for your time and thank you for what you do for our town thank Youk thank thank you Frankie Mr chairman I I just happened to run into the gentleman while he was asking for directions uh but the the the general manager from atanas is here this morning and we're very even with all this talk we're very thankful for the services that your facility has provided the town and it's been a great resource for the town I just didn't know if it's okay with the chair did you want to say something this morning uh yeah want to come just come up to the microphone and we have some questions for you how's everybody doing great good my my name is Eddie paresi I'm the new general manager obviously at the matanzas in uh PD's Upper Deck uh I started there in November I'm coming on six months uh this is my first meeting thank you for having me um you know some of my questions that I have I know Frankie answered some of those about you know about when we're going to have or who the new Harbor Master is and you know matanzas even though I'm new there we like to do anything we can to help all of you and the morning field um you know we're also doing some repairs recovering from Ian but we we we're are in a good place we we really are and um you know one of the questions that I have is you know obviously what can we do more for you guys because some of the issues that we are having is there's nobody to communicate to the morning field on where the bathrooms are the showers if laundry is available um you know there's deliveries coming to our our Resort for the morning field which we're unaware of and you know that's you know if that's something that we want to take on you know we need to know about that as well um some of the other things too is you know the bathrooms right people coming to us asking that there's some things missing out there they're not being maintained like they they were from the beginning and again we can do that we just need more communication we need a face and somebody to report to to have these conversations with um and that's that's really the realm of what what I have here um the questions that were kind of put together from my staff um just real quick on that first part is that um our Patty not your Patty but have you met our Patty in the trailer I did when she first started yes I think that's made her her main thing is to be um y Lea is on with the with the field there and when people want general information um they're open from like 8: until 2: 2:00 p.m. they're open you know they keep good morning and early afternoon hours so I mean they're still going to come into you and and ask you because they always have but if you could refer them to her and she has a direct land line too that goes into the office there and uh she's pretty helpful and I did want to say I I try to talk to everybody that uh you know that comes down there and visit the dingy Dock and yes we have pipe dreams of the Ritz Carlton bathrooms and everything but in the meantime everyone's very satisfied they know what we went through everybody's very satisfied that I've talked to with the facilities um that they are being kept up the laundry is clean the restrooms are in in good order um you know they're not perfectly ideal and you know we've got dockage back there that we're using so what are your plans for further down the the road we're probably going to be moving on at some point but we got a long way to go before we do anything um what are your plans with the resort now are you doing a rebuild or what's what's going on with so we we are going to do the rebuild downstairs um you know we currently have the upstairs PD's Upper Deck available we're seating outside we did a little remodel uh of our kitchen downstairs to expand our menu a little bit um but currently as we speak we got some workers over there redoing the bar downstairs so we can expand our kitchen so we're kind of doing it in some phases right now we have this going for the outside these guys are rebuilding the bar we got a new walk-in cooler going in tomorrow um once all that's said and done then we're going to start working on the expanding the kitchen to bring back the original menu that everybody talks so highly about menu's getting better yeah menu's getting better every week before I even started and I did my research on mantanzas and all that everybody spoke about how great the food was and all that and we want to bring that back so that's our goal hopefully um beginning of next season that would be all 100% completed that's our goal um how about the hotel resort side is that a remodel or is there so the whole the two-story building and most of the one-story building is all remodeled everything is all 100% remodeled especially the first floor because you know as we know the water was all the way up to the ceiling on that first floor um but 100% up and going the whole entire Hotel the resort The Cottages across the street everything's going any questions for Eddie about mananas Eddie I just wanted to on behalf of the town I just wanted to say thank you to matanzas for being that interim solution and a good interim solution for the town as we sort of wrestle with a longer term strategy and plan and maybe matanzas is part of that we just don't know yet obviously everything's up in the air post Ian but we just wanted to thank you for your service and and for for what you've done for the town and and and it's if you would just leave your name and number with Chad or Frankie we'll have the new Harbor Master reach out to you as soon as they come on board per perfect that's what we're looking for and then also you know um Patty's been great by the way you're you know she's been there but we're still missing that piece on the weekends there's nobody in the office on the weekends you know everybody that's in the morning field they're kind of lost they don't know where to go so I don't know if we can do something there CU we're we're trying our best when they when they sign in we're trying to get them a welcome package we're trying to trying to do a lot of signage um down by the dingy docks okay to try to direct them but you're right there's you know maybe we can help by putting a sign or something on our property over there let them know where to go cuz they seem lost you guys are underneath that bridge and that trailer and you know I know that Frankie mentioned in the past I guess you guys had a unit across the street on the corner so you know that I think it's available now like the new owner that took over Miss tanas he's now has that on for listing now for sale and our shop is right there on the corner which we're moving that shop out so after our bar is done and all that our shop is going to move over to where we're keeping our beer and liquor storage and that whole corner lot I think it's two units 109 and 110 is going to be available so have that as well well I'm I'm very happy I've been affiliated with matanza since 1983 it was the anchor in I think back back when I was running a business out of there and we appreciate everything that you do and anything you need from Patty or I'll give you my number too great and um yeah and I got my card too like here's my all that and I'll give it to you too Frankie um but yeah I'm I'm here for you guys any anything you guys need you know I'm only a phone call away or you guys can just stop in and say hello um yeah we're we're looking to help as much as we can and Frankie is right it is starting to pick up out there bigger boats are coming in it's looking great beautiful boats I mean just this past Monday and Tuesday our our whole dock was filled with boats you know people are coming in it's not it's picking up it's not dying down so yep and um we're in the shoulder now summer will be summer will be good anything else for Eddie thanks for coming we really appreciate it I appreciate you guys having me thank you thanks and anything you need or any issues just let someone know that Patty me um and you're you're welcome to come to our meetings anytime it's great to have you here yeah um I'm sure you know Penny as well she's the one that informed me about the meeting if I knew about I would have been coming to more so I'll start coming to these meetings as well so you guys have anything for me and we know you're busy so if you decide or Penny or Pat whoever decides to come to meeting if you decide to come to the meeting we know your time's valuable so you can always request to go at the beginning so you don't have to sit through to everything all right I appreciate it thank you thanks Eddie okay we're making our way through are we yes what exactly do is the third party Arena operating I I I don't understand what what was meant by that I think correct me if I'm wrong Chad but I think we we actually put an RFP out to see if a marina locally would take on the the whole process the registering the the the the office the the Upland facilities because some of these marinas have nice facilities and I just we just didn't have strong interest and then and those who were interested didn't like the Str that were attached this again this was all couple years ago two three years ago but that was kind of the the concept is to maybe Outsource this and see if that made sense I mean that was just being explored I don't not a lot came of it but I think the mayor had remembered that that that that process and was just seeing particularly with all the changes Post in if that's worth looking at again okay all right thank you okay going do M do you want to do a staff update before the member items in case the members or no we we can come back to that you want to do the uh members items Ted don't have any headed I have nothing John um okay today okay I've got a few just a couple quick ones I did see a uh the pump out boat out there filled with uh crew of like five people yesterday someone was touring the touring the field good and um I did want to Frankie's got this Chad's got it already uh I didn't want to send it out I just wanted to give it out me I just wanted to give you guys Jim Jim had one also you got that that's the email I sent out on oh right after last meetings and basically it's just Sor I'm okay and Karen I think you got this I think you got this too um it was just basically an email um expressing my concern over um the Harbor Master leaving um and how our general I kind of spoke for the group our general satisfaction with the former Harbor Master but the main concern was that it's an ongoing maintenance feat out there all the time and that it we finally got to the point you know F before the storm we got to the point where we were really doing great and now after the storm we're we're back at that point again and I just wanted to express to the town and staff that we really wanted to keep up on the maintenance um get a good Harbor Master in here it looks like they're on top of it um and to work with Coastal Engineering and whoever else we're going to work with to make sure that um we don't let things slide because we do have obligations to Harbor management plan and our submerged lease and uh all these other things that we don't want to let slide and and have any issues with going forward so that was just a letter concerning that it was and my personal views there um also something that that Karen brought up and Karen Woodson brought up in the um Town's meeting on Monday regarding Workforce housing on the moing balls um we do have 10 designated liveboard balls everyone else is supposed to be limited to six months we do have 10 that are liveboard um I'm pretty sure those are filled now I'm not sure whether have to read it over over our management plan I'm not sure whether that's a minimum of 10 but I think it's a a limit number of 10 also um I think your idea was to have it available so it could be affordable people could live there yes yeah oh Oh I thought you were oh I'm sorry that's star surewood she lives on tropical Shores oh I'm sorry hairdo same haird same hair do similar yeah okay then I'll talk to Jim about it I'm sorry we'll bring you up you can speak next if you want to um she brought that up up and I think her her goal was to get something affordable where you know there's a lot of people working Hospitality um that would enjoy living like that I I it was a it was a relatively brief discussion but she did raise a very interesting point and I think it's something maybe we should put on our agenda for a future meeting for for this group to discuss and get a sense of what the restrictions are parameters are and then the pros and cons and then make a recommendation to the council at some point because I I know that there was 10 set asides specifically for that but I'm not sure if that's a limited number or not CU that may I thought Chad said it was a cap but we can we can check into that I think yeah my understanding it's a cap and at our at our discretion is my understanding okay um the six slips that were shut down by the Coast Guard is there a way to get those online or what's the what's the does anybody know the status on that uh no updates was it for okay but that's something that we're communicating about trying to get those back was it that we were out of the territory or the channel or something right so my understanding and uh we've worked with our Coastal engineer uh in communicating with the US Coast Guard and kind of come to a head um or come to a an impass as it they they switch over their leadership there every every few months or every uh whatever the period is D so um talking with them uh my understanding is it's been permitted um they're at you know the the moing balls are in their permitted spot which US Coast Guard does have a review on the channel shifted and now there's some back and forth with regards to uh whether those should be allowed to be uh have vessels more there or not with the proximity to the new channel alignment and whether that channel alignment can be shifted back to its previous alignment or um what's happening so we can work with our Coastal engineer and uh Coast Guard staff to sort that out good so they're all they're in process and it's it's possible they're moving the markers or something like that or just changing the territory a little bit hopefully okay great Chad um in the past I think Army Corps of Engineers was involved with that is what the regulatory Agency for permitting where um Channel markers go and where our uh moing balls are placed that permit so they're still in the loop or there would be brought in after you had some sort of positive interaction with the Coast Guard uh yes they should be kept in the loop yes sir any other member items Mr chairman uh it's not I'm not I know not a member but I do have an item just on behalf of one of our members um I was having a a text exchange with Jim hawkett who again was again his business obligations prevented him from being here today and he's he's concerned about the future he wants to he's a great member of our committee but his uh business obligations are on Tuesdays Wednesdays and Thursdays and and he doesn't he didn't ask this but I said I would ask on his behalf if there and I understand if we can't do it and I think he understands too but he said if there's any way we could have our meetings on Mondays or Fridays he'd have a much more High likely uh uh Hood of of being able to attend um Monday mornings are definitely out for me because that's when we have our Council meetings but I could possibly do later in the like like like uh ccab meets at 3 o00 uh when they meet so I mean there's an opportunity for a later afternoon meeting I just didn't I don't want to impose upon and I know Jim doesn't want to impose upon the the members here but I I did say that I would raise it as a discussion item to see if it would be something that would might work for the committee in order for him to be much more actively involved and so anyway just I promised I would raise that so okay um well I think the Monday thing you know what sometimes your meetings go 10 hours so that's probably going to that's probably going to be out on that you're not going to leave that town hall meeting to come to our meetings but we want you at all our meetings so um maybe we'll put that on agenda for next for next meeting to discuss that and um in the meantime I mean is he able to call it or he's working he's he's today I don't think he was a i he was traveling for business yeah and I think he's got a challenge in may as well but I'll I'll I'll I'll reach out to him well we can't talk to him about that maybe you'll talk to him about that and why don't I why don't we put on the agenda for for next month and that way we can discuss it hopefully he'll be here if if he can't be here maybe he can submit some comments through you or sounds good so we'll throw that on the agenda for next um for let me make a not of that your staff you didn't you didn't uh talk out of turn Chad do you have any uh re reports for us uh staff-wise yeah just uh General updates on the operations of the moing field our dingy do design is due uh should be any day now uh from our Coastal engineers and uh hope to get that uh up and going to replace the temporary structure that we have out there now um we have also gotten uh debris reports for uh both the moing field and the all the waterways uh the canals so uh we are working on a I believe it's an RFP M uh for a debris contractor which will include uh Marine debris uh in that uh in that ask for the the town to clean up waterways uh working with the FEMA and um and uh hopefully with the a legislative grant that would help fund uh debris pickup and uh as well as dredging as youall know the waterways got overwashed by hurricane in a lot of material from the Gulf washed in especially on the canals that are uh adjacent to a stero Boulevard um we also got some preliminary bath metrics uh you know uh as they were doing those debris Target uh searches they ran bath metrics and gave us kind of two lines down Rec Canal which shows us some hotpots for um shallow areas that may need to be addressed The Next Step would be to work with uh an engineer um to do some cross-sections and volumetric uh estimates to um uh prepare that for permitting and design for a uh a bid for the or for the yeah for a bid for a dredger to uh address uh shallow areas um of course all that's dependent on funding and again um fingers crossed for a legislative Grant to be signed off by the governor and working with FEMA as well and uh um see if we can get that funded uh also been talking to folks uh mentioning funding on Laguna Channel um getting a uh Municipal taxing district set up um we don't need to really rewrite the book that's been done uh in years past where the benefiting properties in both lagona uh Shores neighborhood as well as the uh Marina Towers um that benefit from that channel to um set that Municipal taxing uh District up um it's a process so just ask for your patience with everything else going on and hopefully we can get some resources to uh help facilitate that um and that's all I have for now great and um by the way thanks for adding Marina Towers because originally I've lived in that neighborhood for a long time originally Marina Towers did not need to use that entrance but it's filled in so they used to go like hug the bridge it was really dangerous they used to hug the bridge but that's all closed now um so they will be sharing that that Alleyway uh to get to the bay and hey thanks for doing everything you got your plate full you're uh but thanks for keeping up with all all our stuff and we'll work on getting uh occupancy figures uh that we've done in the past as well as our our pump out uh figures um to y'all and also what we'd like is probably we did the um red light yellow green light um with each moing with the uh maintenance and I think everything's kind of up to speed now but right now with all the new systems but uh maintenance of the lines of the uh of the zinc um to keep stuff from uh corroding down there um does need to be looked at maintained and um I uh I imagine with our new Harbor Master coming online whether that that's something that's under her his perview or we're Contracting out will'll continue to get done good and and hopefully we'll we'll keep up with that maintenance schedule so that you know all the even if they're not rented out everything's available and up and running as best as possible absolutely anything else for Chad John quick thing Chad um the last couple meetings Austin had identified or reported on 12 hot targets underwater um debris that was meant to or was hoped to be removed um has there been any update on that is there any um movement towards that so that's the part of the uh we need a marine debris contractor our service boat really isn't ideal and that work you know doing uh that debris recovery from there is challenging so getting a marine uh debris contractor to get in there uh once we get that RFP and get some options for accomplish accomplishing that work work is when that'll get done okay that's pending is that is that part of a grant or funding that we're waiting for or is that already funded uh so I'm not sure if we've gotten the uh keyw of obligation on that from FEMA and I know we're um but debris you know in general hurricane debris would be funded by by FEMA so now that we have that Target report and get a competitive bid from contractors that should all be reimbursable thank you Chad yes sir and also just an update um lcso says they're continuing to work on uh you know any derc vessels that may be also impeding those balls from being uh occupied um I think going forward we're um maybe next meeting we'll take a look at our when we got a full staff or full committee here our strategic action plan and update that um if you wanted to do a little homework it's just a a few pages but everything's it's on it's on our town website it's one of the uh one of the links uh when you just go to matanzas morningfield um it's one of the links and it's very outdated but we can use it as an outline and um as we move forward and hopefully we're going to do a lot of planning here in the next several months and Mr chairman just curiosity I know Ed lives in the neighborhood as well um could you just give us an update uh on the status of that Channel at lagona Shore is is it can people actually I just came through it yesterday are people is it based on tide are people literally prevented from getting to their homes or going out or can you just give us a kind of they're totally prevented however I came through in almost a high tide yesterday like 2 in the afternoon and the perpendicular channel that comes from from the bay into um lagona Shores it looked like I did not have a depth sounder um it looked like the right half to 2/3 was pretty shallow it was shown both but there it looked like there was room to get around with local knowledge to get around I have talked to Mike um P yeah Mike P and uh he he sees people he talks to people going in and out there all the time he said it's on a medium to low tide he he's saying don't even try it in almost any boat so you can do it but low ties everybody's going to bump and even on high tide it's pretty limited so so it's a it's a very serious situation at this point yeah okay so I I don't know the exact soundings going through there I think they did them a while ago but I'm not sure they've done them after the storm my understanding is you need a pretty shallow drafting vessel if you're going to get in and out of there yeah High time and you need to hug the western side of the channel and you can you can see it the water's really been clear lately you can you can see The Sandbar um going through there once you get in there I think that the controlling is pretty good they'll sound that but I think the main I think the main part to be dredged is just the entrance that perpendicular entrance and then you hug the seaw wall thank you so this is going to be a lot of fun the next uh few months we we get to do it again we get to help them plan UPL facilities and moving forward my my hope is Mr chairman since we have concerned neighbors here in the audience as we do this research we can begin to now that we have a couple of really good prospects outside of the neighborhoods we can begin to sort of take the neighborhoods off our list of of of uh objectives for these Upland facilities pop out station boats and and more aggressively pursue these other options uh and then so they don't have to live in that uncertainty of of of just you know once's the town going to come knocking on their door next and and I I I don't mean that in a mean way some some of it I think I know people were well-intentioned but I I just would like to let those neighbors be able to take a sigh of relief for a while and then uh and then and have the town sort of have the committee and the town focus on these areas that that are are less impactful for the neighborhoods in in a perfect world yeah unfortunately the tropical Shores issue is one that um that is zoned the the lot in in question is the one that is zon commercial so hopefully I know they've been dealing with this for 5 years ever since the town bought that property they've been dealing wondering what's going in what's coming out you know they have to deal with there was garbage cans back there for you know after the storm there's you know Vehicles there now um so I'm not sure that's even going to be an Anchorage issue but if it is we definitely want to give them consideration they've taken time to come to all our meetings um anytime this topic comes up so hopefully we won't be the bad guy in that and we have a lot of other options going on on now it seems like anybody else for uh any staff any members okay any public comment for okay um no public comment uh set the meeting or set the agenda for next meeting next meeting is Wednesday May 15 9 a.m. and let's keep the agenda and let's add on possibly uh consider changing our meeting day we'll just I think that's the only thing to add on there and the rest of the agenda we can keep saying anything else to Pi the Pio oh yeah yes I I sent a calendar invite so we'll see what her schedule allows good and hopefully she can help us out and that'd be good if Chris was here at the same time because she's kind of the marketing Genius of the group along with everybody else um think does anybody have anything else do I hear a motion for adjournment I'll move to adjourn Ed second second Ted all in favor I I any opposed