Sam Nicole is here as well oh and Nicole I wasn't sure who you were Nicole and um for the Anchorage committee John Wesley Nash Ed skover Chris King Sam lurry Ted lell Jim hawkett Doug emman everyone is here um is there a motion to approve today's agenda I would like to make an addition that I don't think is reflected here we were going to talk about um changing the date possibly the day of the week for the meeting yes and let's put that under just current items okay and then also um I'm excited to hear from the captain's priority list for what's coming up okay we'll add that to the agenda um there a motion to approve the agenda with that addition approve Ed scon over motions second I second it second by John all in favor I I any opposed passes unanimously um did everybody get a chance to go over uh last meeting's minutes um is there a motion to approve the minutes no they approve well by by Ted second I'll second by Ed I'm sorry Doug by Doug and um all in favor hi I all opposed and there was no discussion sorry about that um I don't see any public but is there any public comment seeing no public comment move on to the current items um before we get started take this chance to introduce our new Harbor Master Captain Curtis lewig would you like to introduce yourself uh again yes absolutely um name is uh Curtis Curtis lewi as you all know Curtis you want to pull that mic closer to your M there you go absolutely so my name is Curtis lwig um I am uh born and raised in Jacksonville Florida so I'm a Florida native here um I uh I grew up on the water um as a kid I was down at the marinas um um fishing on sport Fishers and being a mate and that kind of stuff um I was um I worked as a a dock hand down at one of the marinas in Jacksonville um when I was going to college and doing school and that kind of thing um Curtis go ahead and pull that closer to you just because folks are interested in your background yes yes absolutely sorry um so from there um uh I went into the coast Coast Guard I did 10 years in the Coast Guard I was on uh I was at two I was at two um on my small booat stations I was on a cutter overseas in Bahrain for about a year and a half and then I was on a Tug and Barge a construction tender at a Mayport Florida uh for about four years and we uh we punched the inter Coastal Waterway Channel markers and we punched the piles and built the built those structures and everything like that um my background it was a bosen mate so I uh I was uh big into navigating navigating the vessels um I also was the first was the first lieutenant on the Tug and Barge so um I was in charge of the deck crew and ran the deck and everything on that on that vessel um from there I went into the maritime industry um I was a vessel Shipp agency agent for a company called belan company so we brought in the um bigger um commercial vessels uh into the port of Jacksonville um it was a lot of um Logistics and uh communicating um we were the liaison for the captain whenever they came into Port so I handled all of his documentation um checked him into the port of Jacksonville got his got his clearance to go to his next Port uh paid his paid his taxes for him and I did whatever he needed to set up uh stores and oversaw the cargo operations um when they were whenever they were in in Port in Jacksonville um I did that for about four to five years um kind of stepped away from that I landed my uh found myself in a uh project manager role for a for a marine engineering uh um repair company uh we worked on Navy vessels and we um um we oversaw um we oversaw um the work of their AC plants so we worked on the Navy ddgs and LCS vessels and uh I traveled a lot when San Diego Puerto Rico worked on their vessels there for them and overol uh that uh we also did some LED lighting changes for those for those vessels as well um from there I got called from Carlson moing which is the sister company of Bean Company so I went back into the kind of the shipping agency realm but for there what we did is um we we were a uh moring and launch company so I ran the company in Jacksonville for them um and that that operation they mainly operate out of um uh um I'm a Houston Houston Texas and they had a small office in Jacksonville I ran that down there for the company we tied up the T an vessels into the port we had a 26t um uh a workboat so um we were and we were an asset off the tugs so the tugs would push the ship against the dock the ship would drop the lines to our boat we would pull the lines and hook up the vessels to the big uh ballards in the middle in the middle of the water um and I ran the dayto day and set up everything for that for that for that company and then from there I took I took this job so um that's my background um very would say a very good uh extensive Maritime background um I felt like this job fell you know fits what I like to do more um and I feel like um the jobs that I've had in the past has set me up for Success um um to do this year and to help this this town so I appreciate it welcome thank you excellent we are glad you're here Mr chairman I'm just curious for somebody with your background and you come to Fort Meers Beach and now you've had this last week just to sort of see in a very superficial way what what we have here what facilities what equipment we have what's your first impression uh surveying uh what you've seen so far this week um say I like I like what I see I mean obviously you know um I think that there's a lot of work to be done and a lot of room room for growth you know um which I think is not a bad thing whatsoever you know um that's uh it's another reason why this job was appealing appealing to me as well um it's um an opportunity to come in here and to to help and to make something better than it already is right um um I think that you know we're not necessarily in bad shape whatsoever you know but there are room to make things make things better so um you know I like I like what I see um I've had great experience thus far with the people I've ran into and the people I work with so um I'm I'm liking things so far very good thank you chairman I'd like to um yeah welcome I uh your background sounds sounds great for because we do have a lot of things to do like the shore facil ities and all these things we've been talking about since I've participated on this committee and uh I think it's time to start actually getting projects done and I like the project management background and uh sounds pretty solid so welcome thank you anybody else for Curtis well definitely welcome and in the past we've gotten um if you can make our meetings it'd be great if you could give a report and Chad knows the routine pretty well he'll he'll help you out um usually we get a report from staff including you know how your vessels are going how the pump outs are going um the status on the maintenance of of The Moorings you know from bottom up yes um as time goes and um anything else you might need how the dingy docks are doing just your dayto day your RIS out there so um yeah if you could just provide us with that and anything that you need you can bring up here but ultimately it's council's job to you know provide we just advise but but we this committee and the council particularly with a new set of eyes we welcome all of your suggestions okay and if you have new thoughts new ideas new ways of doing things we're all ears absolutely and you're on the ground floor because we're getting ready to do a lot we've got you know decisions to make and um variables to way out for our Upland facilities and how the operations are run we're we're always open to suggestions on the operations you'll be out there seeing that um every day so anything you can do to improve that we're we're on board right welcome aboard thank you thank you okay do we have any report on the moing field budget any items on that that we need to go over we did that kind of last last meeting I would like to ask some questions if I could and I'm sorry that I wasn't able to make it last time but I did watch the uh replay and one of my questions is you know we talk about this as being a moing field budget but I know that Marine operations is bigger than just the moing field so is this is this a right thing to call it just so that we're not confusing people because you know I know Marine operations does debris removal and they work on canals and there you know they do site inspections for the beach to find where things might be buried is it I mean is it is it misleading to the public to call it truly the moing field budget and put all of the expenses against that when there's so much other value hey morning Chad shoots environmental staff um so you're right and we do have a couple different uh buckets uh the two big buckets are mfield and Maritime in moing field we have the CVA Grant which covers the pump out uh pump out operations maintenance um and then there's you know anary you know the buoys um the systems themselves all that can be uh in the moing field budget um then we have Maritime which is kind of everything outside of that uh moing field so there are there are two buckets and we can um get something more detailed from Finance for you with that yeah I mean that's good to know I just don't I just just didn't want to see all of the operations cost put against the moing field because I know that there's been some comments from people that oh it's not doing it's not breaking even it's not doing what it needs to do and I just don't want to see all of the you know the cost against it when there's so much value with what Marine operations brings to the town that I you know through marketing and communication I think we have the opportunity to do a better job and explain all of that value yeah absolutely and it's it's a little bit more complicated by um the uh hurricane recovery funds that we're getting in and those projects even though it's a mfield project or Mari time debris removal um what have you uh that's coming out of um I think Finance calls it emergency funds or they they have a different bucket for those you know the monies the grants that we're receiving to get back on track yeah yeah and I don't want to complicate any budgeting because I know it's already really complicated I just wanted to bring that up as I think that's important to note that there's there's a bigger umbrella that the moing field operations is part of yes ma'am thank you Chad you're welcome can I also come and I appreciate Chris saying that and I apologize also I was not so both of us were not at the meeting so that's my fault but I apologize I hopefully get that budget my question I guess um and I think that's an important point because our goal is to be budget neutral you know so if you don't know what your expenses are it's hard to be budget neutral on that but so I think it's a great point but currently on our budget for 2024 simple question are we budget neutral because there was a lot of stir from the last meeting there was a lot of comments that I've seen across social media about should we fund you know should the town be funding the moing field I mean I think everybody would say no to that I think that's a general idea and but again you got to know what your expenses are and you got to manage your expenses based off the revenue that you're bringing in if we can't do that effectively then we're going to have to look at rates but I'm still not sure we have great information to be able to make those decisions and I just want to make sure that we're clear if it's not budget neutral right now and the grants aren't going to cover us for this year as long as the grants cover us we're fine I think that's an ongoing conversation I mean I felt that the information that Joe provided if you watch the replay was really really helpful um but it's sort of operational cost and then your Capital expenses and how do we do better job we're going to know what operational costs are those are kind of fixed expenses how will we do a better job going forward of understanding what the capital expenses are and what what year they need to fall in so that we can you know minimize the overage in certain years but it may take a while I think just because of all the repairs we have to do to get to somewhere where we're actually neutral or making money I think too you're you're right about expenses Jim I think the challenge at this point is we just haven't had a normal year for a while on the Rue side and as soon as we get some sort of average or normal Revenue information then I think we could budget accordingly to make it Revenue neutral but I think that's the challenge we just don't have any numbers and probably won't for another year in terms of what a normal year is because we had Co before the storm and I just don't think there's been it just hasn't been normal around here for a long time but I think that should be our goal absolutely and I think Curtis can help us to do that once he gets in and sees how that is so maybe it is a year that we have to get through and then focus on that next year well also I think it was prior to co excuse me that the uh Waring field expanded and that greatly threw off the numbers for that year Y and I believe it was the year prior to that that the the morning field actually laid made a little bit of money but if you look at the way the budget is set up we've got salaries and retirements and and things like that a person like this gentleman is not going to spend 100% of his time just on the moing field like just mentioned he's going to be working in other areas in that and the moing field is covering the entire salary and benefits of of the Harbor Master and some other staff I believe is that true Chad is that all all of the salaries are put under uh the CVA Grant covers a portion of it you know their operational time um that they're putting into it so again it's complicated um and we can get a uh more detailed report from Finance to to see how that's broken up between the maritime and morfield budgets um I don't know off the top of my head uh speaking to Mr hawketts comments and and all of y'all's concerns um I did read some of those comments and I thought some of them were a little bit unfair um it's no doubt that the moing field um has been an investment for the town but that's an investment in the quality of life that it brings um all of the residents and visitors here uh not just in terms of economics and bringing voters in but as well as boorder quality um which is important to all of us um it's a great benefit uh you know reducing the derc vessels that were my understanding historically out there and um were becoming an issue years ago and and also the uh benefits to water quality in uh providing those Upland facilities and pump outs Etc is a benefit to the town and if you look at the um the revenue and occupancy as we're ramping up to Ian I think you will see uh positive numbers and um be optimistic about the future of the moring field and its ability not only to uh you know break oper uh Break Even operationally but uh looking at the fees to fund the capital expenses to run it well and I'd just like to build on what you said there Chad I mean you talk about the value and benefits of maritime operations is that what you're is that at the moniker well the moing field and then you know maritime operations everything you know we have lagona Channel we have um all of our canals that um service or give uh Waterway access um to to all the residents and visitors that live here um so you know getting those dredged getting the debris targets removed um uh you know the list goes on there's a lot well I I think they fall into like three buckets of value so you've got your economic value you're actually making some money from the people who are not only paying to more but coming to shop and explore and you know experience for at Myers Beach but you've got the environmental things that you talked about so the clean water and you've got safety you've got debris you've got control of the people who are actually there so there's three buckets of value that I think we can do a good job of explaining to the public so they don't just see oh moing field done that's that's not the whole of it almost a part of our marketing strategy is marketing to our own residents to say this because I think the fourth thing is and I was thinking about this when I was reading all those too Chad is think about going over that bridge if you had all those derel boats there I mean the value of aesthetically of us being able to cross that bridge and see the moing field is almost you know immeasurable you know and if I hope the residents understand you know what what we're doing here is much more than just letting somebody come stay on the boat Goosebumps just thinking about it you know that Sunrise right over the morning field it's a so sight to see it's postcard perfect yep yep morning chck I've done some study since the last meeting um looking at how we compare to other um Waring fields and ports up and down Florida and what type of comments we've gotten and everything's very positive um we got a reputation as a first class um more field option uh it's uh it certainly should bring a lot of Revenue to the town that's not directly associated with the moing field uh but we we stand out in our ability to uh attract business simply on our reputation and on our amenities we offer anyone else on that I had one more comment on that for for for Curtis I'm not sure you can discuss with staff I'm not sure exactly how much you need to be involved with the finance and the budget you need to be involved with it but I'm not sure you're going to need to be involved in every detail but you'll you can pick that up from from staff exactly what your I'm not sure what your responsibilities are on that but I know it's not keeping the books for every penny and everything but probably coming in under budget yes being aware yeah being aware of all that definitely to definitely to a point I will be keeping track of the budget and certain things now the entire realm and value maybe maybe not but um but for a good part of it yes I will be I will be keeping track of it yes good anything else on the budget and follow up from last meeting okay Waring field marketing and Nicole would you like to introduce yourself and start off thank you okay hi everybody my name is Nicole I'm the public information officer for the town um I recently met with Chris and Chad about a few marketing items so just from where I'm at right now um I updated the website a little bit Curtis is now on there um and then at the bottom there's a link to the Anchorage committee page so that if people want to find the agenda or anything like that they can click on that link and go right to your page um and then we also talked a little bit about the Facebook page because most of you probably don't know this but the moing field actually has its own Facebook page it just has never really been used um so if that is something that you guys would like to see be used to Market instead of just going through the town's page um we can do that as well and then I would share everything on the town side so that it's seen even more people and then anything else that you guys would like to see just throw my way John uh first off I I've seen your update and it's wonderful thank you um it it really reflects a lot more information that was in there I certainly want to encourage the committee to consider to consider more fulfillment action uh on the Facebook page most of the bo voters that I know that's the first place they're going to look they're not going to go to the town's website and search through there to find the um page that addresses the Anchorage it um even if there are it's it's not easy to do it's it's simp it is hard but between daa who's uh showing us very positive information and our Facebook page I think our marketing um capabilities or positive uh entities would would be a good thing I hope the committee sees it that way just add a couple things thanks Nicole and thank you for meeting with me Chad and Nicole um I second what Jim said about it really is important to I think have that communication ongoing communication with our residents on the island about the value of the mar time operations in the morning field because I do think that can cut down on a lot of the negativity when they understand all of the things that are coming from the great work that that Curtis and his staff will be doing um and then the other thing is uh Chad asked me to work on a welcome kit which I think you mentioned at the last meeting Sam and I've reached out to the chamber they have a bunch of things that I could assemble to actually hand a packet to somebody so my question to you Sam is um you seem to be really connected with the voters when they come in and the welcome type of thing do you see this as more of something virtual that we would put links on the Facebook page to hey these uh these restaurants these grocery stores are boat friendly please check them out we can do that but do you also see a value of having some actual handouts maybe some very small a hard copy of something very small that would have the websites phone numbers and the pertinent information but probably not a large probably not a large pamphlet or booklet but at least something that we can give to people um because pretty much everybody's got their phone but they still need the links to get to where they want to be okay Curtis um I think that's a great idea we have a section right outside the dingy docks um information section and I can put those there okay and that way that would you know a lot of people come in they have friends we can spread the word that way um I think the Facebook thing is a great thing I mean for today's you know world and how how the world operates now right it's all it's all social media now you know um sometimes I wish it wasn't like that but you know that's the way that's the world world we live in now right um I don't know if we have an Instagram or not um I don't know if that's something we can look into and do both do Facebook and and the Instagram page for the field um that's something that I talked about when I when I interviewed to bring to bring in more more business and stuff like that um and we could do like short clips or little stuff and I think um you made a great point about advertising what to do in the town if you do more in more into the moing field so um I think that that would help us out tremendously and bring more and bring more people in you know so um the big thing for me is um you know for daa and we're changing things on that to how we're going to operate and um um and uh how we um position position the vessels in the morning field and um for that I would like to that would help us bring in more and then push people we have designated spots between the three moing fields and what type of boats are going to be going in so um all that will I think I think help out and we could get the word out as well better through the through through the social media you know so so if I do the research Nicole and get you the information in some sort of a package are would you be able to put it on Facebook and make sure to socialize it the right way yeah definitely and I can look into adding an Instagram for the moing field also so it's going on both sites and then Chad just made a good point um maybe a rack card it's just front and back it's easy so um that could be what you actually hand to the people that are moing with phone numbers and websites John I agree totally daa is is by far our best form of advertisement not that it should replace anything else but that is a that is a true Focus to um that that's what my experience is in in other boers looking for a place to to more or a place to to dock um I also want to say Sam I I know there's a couple other U nonprofits one in particular that are in the process of putting together a welcome kit for anyone that comes uh uh new to town uh I'm not saying we should use as a substitute what we choose to do direct directly but it would probably be to our benefit to add a card or a pamphlet that you're talking about uh because it's it's going to go to people that really are focused on other things initially but eventually is going to be focused on the amenities in in the town who who are those organizations John Women's Club okay is is is working very hard to put together a welcome package okay all right I'm so we missed the coloring book that would have been a good one oh coloring book yes coloring book's awesome maybe we can put a sticker on do Nico do you feel like that you have enough information you know I mean I we talked about the you know the various websites the Facebook pages like the town page which to me sounds like a great way of marketing to the residents and then the morfield page which is really to the customer so it's almost like two different uh Target markets I think yeah if you and if you don't I was going to just say if you don't maybe there's an opportunity to do like a quick subcommittee you know of a meeting or two with you know various stakeholders to help you to know how to build it you know for the targets um I think that I do have enough information and then for just like the details of it I can always meet with Curtis and see specifically what he feels should be out there on the social media um I think the videos and everything is a good idea so I think that I have a good general idea and then we can kind of get together for the details Nicole I've got a I thought uh after the storm we did this little series we did key questions for key staffers and we we went out with the previous Harbor Master uh Jacob back there has amazing skill sets as a videographer and that was the most by far the most watched video of all the various folks we talked to um I would think with a new Harbor Master and with your your your social media skills and with Jacob being with us especially once he gets his feet on the ground have a sort of a welcome to the to the moing field uh Fort Myers Beach moing Field hosted by the Harbor Master and have him go out in the boat with Jacob and yourself and and just tell the story of our our boing field then you've got a nice you've got content that's very userfriendly and people can see and feel and touch and hear the the the the moing field where do you go to with your digging dock you know how do you how do you how do you hook up where do you go how do you pay just just to and then I think that would be interesting to the Islanders as well cuz a lot of people watch video where people that don't even boat but they found it fascinating just to see what all was involved and then the boter were particularly fascinated especially when you throw out some of the lingo and some of the your background I just think that would be really userfriendly inexpensive you could attach that to a number of different links you could put you could put you know post it out there as well but also have it on the on the website have it on the uh the the uh the uh moing Fields website or link that that that f 5 minute 10 minute video and and people will watch they they're they love this stuff so they they'll watch 10 minutes or 15 minutes that's the one we did was over an hour I'm not suggesting we need to do an hour but just the highlights of the boring field so people can see it and get a flavor of what we're doing maybe maybe you maybe maybe it's a little early maybe it's premature but soon I would think we could be able to do that when you get your feet in the ground and get most of the fields up and running Yeah we actually just talked about that right before this meeting about doing a video and um I'm not sure if you guys have seen but I've been doing shorter Clips each week with the different departments around town so we've already done Mount house and we did B Oaks last week or the last four weeks so um we could do it that way um where where they're shorter keep people engaged for a minute or two minutes and then the next week they have something to look forward to or we could do one big long video Whatever whatever we think is better I think in this area because it's it's an area where there are people that are very interested I think you could go more than two minutes particularly if someone's to John's point if someone's looking at various Waring fields and they pull up the video and they may you know most of it may be through daa but if they decide to Google Fort Myers Beach Ming field all of a sudden this video pops up and then they could at least see what our facilities are and and see what it looks like and see all the places to visit and just get a sense of what what what that experience would be like it's so inexpensive and and that content will be shared and and it could be helpful anyways but I think that's great yeah we'll definitely be doing that soon I I think it it may be a good idea that we um move forward as quickly as possible to create a little introduction um video for Curtis um I've seen it in print but like Nicole says people don't read anymore they watch and it would be uh be wonderful for our Facebook page to say um this is our new dockmaster this is his background this is his experience in moving forward yeah that could be a good say I think the vice mayor maybe minimizes his value to that video because I watch the video and he asked great questions as if you don't know the answers because I know a lot of them you do and I think that may be something if you're willing to do that you have a lot of respect in the community and I think that would be great to have you still a part of the next you give me credit for knowing thinking I know the answers but I learned I learned a lot that day but you knew you know the right questions to ask which is often more important than the answers that's a good point so I I think that's a that's a great way to do it and if we could script it a little bit um to include some of these frequently asked questions the ones that we really know are going to come up that you're going ones that you'll be getting asked every day after day if we can script those in there that' be a good place to put them agree and key points like what's the value of the moing field it's not just economic it's also environmental it's aesthetic it's what's my other one oh safety all of these things you know let's let's have four or five key points that we always talk about anytime we talk about the moing field and maritime operations just to make sure that people are paying attention yeah I think that that's good so what I'm kind of getting from this is maybe we can start with a short one just an introduction and that can kind of Kickstart the marketing and getting the Facebook and everything back up and running and then we'll continue the post and we'll get hopefully with Jim and we can do a video actually going around the moing field and everything yeah give him a whole Rabbit Hole to go down yeah and um if we could throw some Drone footage in there cuz that's awesome that really that really highlights everything else for Nicole I have one more thing Amy is there an extra copy of that strategic that you hand it to everybody I wanted Nicole to have one of those and when I get you know what you can oh great are you going to stick around or are you out of here oh that'd be great if you can stick around while we talk about this soon that would be that will be very helpful thank you thank you okay marketing um is there anybody else on that um maybe now would be a good time to to pick up the Strategic action plan just for a just for a minute um Town Council for big bucks hired a strategic marketing or a strategic action plan Workshop I think that was a couple meetings ago Jim that that's correct I think it's funded by FEMA but yes right and it was uh it was it's like an all day thing and last time we did it we ended up with this and we did it probably five or six years ago it was an all day thing and I don't think we need to pay to get it done but I had this printed out so I thought maybe we could use this as an outline and revise it simplify it and get to the that way we have some kind of some kind of vision uh for the future here and if you want to take just a quick look at at the front page is um it could use some improvements but it's basically just our goals and providing a safe and welcoming experience for Mariners and become a premier destination Sam can I stop you for a second just one question didn't we go through this uh several months ago and we did and it was kind of outdated and that's we're going to do so we're up we're going to update it now so we're going to update it first page is probably going to be fine but from then on um we got new staff we've got new items um I mean I could think of one right off um that doesn't need to be on here but that I wanted to ask Curtis about when you get to the dinghy dock there is a little bit of signage there that there's a lot of room for improvement there for excellent information so as you go along maybe you can you know add to to that and uh tweak that and improve that a little bit um cuz that's the first stop and that's you know it saves people from asking a lot of questions at the office correct correct but most of these these short-term goals about you know customer experience um we're definitely going to have some items in there as we go forward with whatever we're doing for our Upland Services um to add and subtract from that um growth and capacity we're in the middle of that and um with what's going on with our expansion and I should asked Chad while he was up there um but I can ask him during his during his presentation during his staff about the Six B I know we're not to capacity now but the six balls that were Coast Guard while we're thinking about it that were Coast Guard restricted so what's the status on that and maybe just a general field yeah that's one of the things that Curtis and I have discussed and uh will be uh one of his priorities to get that resolved with the Coast Guard okay and that's for lack of depth or is it going to be a matter of moving talking about on the west west west uh field yeah those the six ones that are the first morning field the the realignment with the channel and um oh that's realignment with the channel markers is that the issue no yeah so they were permitted they should be you know they're permanent to be used Coast Guard is a is a uh commenting Agency for the uh Army Corps permit um so it's just a matter of working it out with the appropriate Curtis as a a coast guard man so District or so it has to get approved so we're going to have to talk with the Coast Guard and get them to talk on our behalf with them with the with the Army Core core of engineers so um through my past experiences with getting Channel mark or balls moved right it's the Army Core Corp of Engineers will have to pretty much survey that area and they give the coordinates to the Coast Guard to where that ball can be can be can be placed um that's just now that's with my experience with operating in the Coast Guard and things like that now that might have changed a little bit you know but that is those six balls are very high on my on my port priority list right now um I hope to get some more work next week and improvements on that and um how we're how we're going to get those balls open but what what from what my understanding is right now is that those balls are outside of the channel which they can't and the vessel when the vessels tie up to the Anchor ball there when they when they swing on that ball their vessel gets inside the channel right but now we also have another issue when they swing the other direction outside the channel right it's we got a we got a grass bed or a sh right there so the vessels don't have complete Swing Swing room on that ball so that's why those six balls are down and um that's what we have to figure out of where we can get those balls moved for us to have those uh back in operation so um it's work that um that I'm working on right now that's that's at the the general idea of everything that was west of um of the bridge was for those larger larger vessels couldn't get under the bridge or needed a bigger swing um but there may be a resolution if those six balls cannot be resolved maybe we want to put a length limit on that and then it would comply as a last resort right right I understand what you're saying they would hit the I agree I hope to get those balls back I think it's important to get those balls back for those bigger vessels because that is our bigger bigger moing field and just since I've been here we've been getting more requests for the that's a very that's the high high priority field Is that West Field right the first one and um I think it's important for us to be able to accommodate those bigger vessels and the problem is we get those bigger vessels especially especially the big um sailing vessels and the um catam with mass they cannot fit Under the Bridge so um you know getting I think getting those six balls back would be very important and help us out a lot I mean that's you know it's um that's kind of what we're working around right now so as we improve we're definitely attracting the bigger vessels to clear it up Mr chair uh the balls were in the correct place prior to the hurricane right so the hurricane I think the channel I think the channel markers got moved they moved the channel markers is kind of what I've been told now I don't know for sure but I I think that's what what happened they actually they moved they moved the channel they moved the day boards I think is what happened and then it caused the the balls to be more more in the channel I believe so and the balls be moov to the new channel um does that but that has to be gets approved by the Coast Guard move over then we get to the to theil the and grassy area that my point is my point is who made the change who made the change oh the markers that moved them in that made these moing balls so that they're not be able to be used it wasn't the moing balls weren't changed the um I think the channel Mark the channel and that's the Coast Guard and though the channel markers or the channel itself the channel the channel itself meaning the channel markers moved in which caused the channel to to change or they actually widen the channel didn't they so when you say they was it a storm event was it a natural event or did the Coast Guard go in there make this change so our moing balls don't work anymore because if that's the case then then the Coast Guard should probably be helping us find a location for these balls or our submerged land leas which covered which we expanded to that um would have to be looked at somehow chairman uh just for record can we get the numbers of those balls u I think now that we brought it up it's uh it's going to be a subject that you'll look into oh absolutely I don't mean the physical number I mean the identification number do we do we have those uh I don't have that well they're right in a row aren't they I mean you can easily see from the top of the bridge the morning field looks great and then there's and then there's six then there's six balls yeah it's the very West it's the very West six balls or is there one or two that are they're right in the middle in the middle they're in the middle it's in the middle so out of the 19 there's like 10 then the six and then there's another three or four or something like that right they're they're obvious because that that section is full although the entire moing field is not full right now um so now's a good time to try to get it get everything is you know so we can have full occupancy when everyone starts coming back Mr chairman if I could take you back to your comments about the action plan um you were right that we did talk about it I think it was like back in November or October and it was one of the first things we talked about and we talked about how um it's probably not tremendously helpful the way that it's organized today because there's a lot of rep ition I think we can get rid of a lot of redundancy but you know I would suggest that we not necessarily take this up until Curtis has some time to get you know more of a POV around what the priorities are so maybe in one or two months we my suggest was everybody take this home and Mark it up there's going to be stuff you're just going to cross off and you're going to have ideas as you go through it maybe mark them up and then we'll just start with one next meeting we'll start with one topic um may we originally made up this this was a paid seminar for a day by I think it might have been the same person that did last month's for Town Hall well this is way back from 202 it was a dayong workshop with a lot of exercises and a lot of things but this is definitely a good a good outline for us to I mean none of the stuff is is valid anymore it's all obsolete well that's what I mean my point was May Curtis could go through it and and he could he could update this the pros and cons of a ship store I mean he could do that himself and bring it back to us unless you think that we should go through it I think we should all all do it and what's going to eventually happen is um the reason I think we should do this now is at some point we're going to be discussing Upland with um with Town Council or sending them some recommendations on on Upland and if we have this in order it'd be a L clearer on the our priorities yeah I agree with you Ed that you know it'd be helpful for Curtis to use this as a starting point to see are these the priorities at all anymore if not what are and then I think we can do a better job of bucketing them into like operational Capital some other things because right now there are too many categories that just compete with each other and you mentioned the same thing multiple times so I think it could be really streamlined into a couple or three buckets I think we just have a new head of that Committee of that project can we get an electronic copy of this it's it's on it's on the website on a link but is it a PD but I don't know if you can I don't know if you can change you might be able to overwrite it oh you can send up a one where we can uh amend and yeah and then you can type all over it and yeah but I figured if we if we had this to start with everybody's got the same thing to start with and uh probably we don't need to work on it today but um as we go along it this would be a good outline to get us moving on all those items so um Mr Sam just real quick to answer uh Mr John's question it's uh balls 4 through n 4 through n and the channel markers are G13 and g15 I'm sorry the uh Channel markets again G13 and g15 and that was just because they decided to widen the channel correct is that that's what I was trying to get at did the storm do it did the Coast Guard do it why did it all cuz it is OD pretty wide now yeah that's in front of pink shell there and that was pretty wide yeah yeah so um this I can I can read an email into the record if y'all like um this is back in uh June 2023 uh our Coastal engineer uh chasing it up with uh it looks like FWC and the US Army Corps um so in an email to FWC uh Town requested the US Coast Guard to temporarily remove five moing systems the town was requested by the US Coast Guard to temporarily remove five moing systems um I think that's the not the count is six but um from service while they investigate relocating to adjacent Channel markers Federal authorization to install the moing field was obtained from the US Coast Guard and the systems were installed in accordance with the permits permit drawings depicting the configuration are included in this the attached permit uh shortly after completion the local Coast Guard raised concerns about The moing Field's proximity to the federal Channel US Army Corps did not coordinate with the US Coast Guard because the moring field and the submerged landle are outside of the federal channel right away the existing Channel markers G13 and g15 are also outside of the RightWay and do not Mark the channel inflections relocating the two markers will resolve the issue um and then goes on to speak about the dredge project which happened last fall so um I think there's just been a um uh lack of response from the the uh Army Corp so we can reopen that channel of communication and and Chase it up they may have tried to make that as wide since we had those big cranes and everything come in maybe that was one of the reasons that they tried to make it as wide as possible down there but we can look into that hopefully we can get those balls back operational um next item third party Marina operating moing field Mr chair I know you talked about that at the last meeting and I just you know had a comment it seemed to me that um there's a lot of synergy if you work with a third party for maintaining your Upland facilities because it not only helps I mean it's the same boers got voters who are at a dock you've got voters who are mooring if they can all use the same facilities and you know a third party who has a vested interest could maintain that to me that seems like a real win-win um and then the other thing that I liked is can't remember who brought it up but talked about how in oh I think it was Frankie talked about how in our um review of proposals coming to the town really looking for that bonus that value ad from some of the developers on okay what can you do for the town for maritime operations can you give us a dock for our boats can you help with pumping so I thought those were really great ideas it's just the way that it's worded that still has me confused because it says operating the moing field yeah I don't and I asked a question well it could be debatable but I asked a question at the last meeting and I believe Mr adol told me that this was something that the mayor was was was throwing around at a at a council meeting and if the mayor wants us to look into it I think is that the direction that we're getting cuz this is the second time it's been on our agenda I'm not sure why it's on the agenda at this point I think I think it came up in a discussion we had as a as a is an advisory committee because there was a time in the previous uh for lack of a better term regime under the previous Town manager where helped me with this chat that we we put out an RFP for private enti parties to run the moing field and I don't I don't think we received any formal uh uh responses to that we had so I understand it from one of the third parties potentially uh that was Moss Marine they met with the the then Town manager and there were so many stipulations put in place to micromanage how they would do it that they they they quickly lost interest they they this person told me from US Marine that Hey listen if we had operational control over it and we could we could set some boundaries and and and have some input on the policy side of it we would be much more interested again this was three four years ago so uh it doesn't mean it's not ripe for discussion again but I don't it may be premature at this point because some of these developments are still in the sort of exploration stage as you all probably saw the Moss Marine folks are going to kind of go back to the drawing board and and just kind of take a look at their proposal and and and see how they can adjust it uh I think they're still very interested in doing that and and and and when they adjust it and how they adjust it may be Germain to this issue here because there may be a Synergy there between what they can offer and what we need and and where where everybody benefits as sort of a symbiotic relationship if those negotiations would be complex but certainly worth having I would think but I think maybe a bit premature at this point but but I think that's the background Ed as best as I can tell yeah I don't think anything's been happening on it in the last couple since the hurricane at least especially with moss Marine because they may go back to being a marina strictly or a mix or or a number of different things yeah got a question I mean and I think I know what the bage maybe an ultimate end goal at some that was the other piece of the puzzle that's more of a public uh interlocal agreement with the county uh and again that's the nice thing about having options you could weigh that against what Moss Marine could do for us versus with the county how they if they're they willingness to partner with us because the county that option of bage could be tremendous with the facilities they already have in place they're rebuilding the dock maybe there's a a tremendous opportunity for partnership the county I talked to commissioner sandelli about that he's very interested that that our town leadership has a great relationship with the county now and there's there there's great opportunities for partnership and Synergy there as well so I that's where I think this committee will have a have a significant role once those I I think I think the town uh has been leadership has just been swamped on a number of fronts but I do think now that we have a Harbor Master in place I think that those conversations can begin with the county to get see what those options are it's more long term but have we looked at if we considered or would we consider salty Sams as an option you know one thing that challenges me with any of the locations on the island is there's no parking parking is not going to be good anywhere whether it's bage whether it's Moss whether it's tanas salty Sams has parking you know I mean get on the other side of the island the people are still going to be coming to this side for their entertainment but they don't have to drive over the island the people who have cars and some of them doad do you remember Chad was salty Sams one of the entities that was approached with the RFP few okay we used to have our Upland facilities that salty Sams it was very successful for a long time I think it switched when they when they changed ownership um but it was a salty Sams for many years it was very easy to get to for the dingy people lot of parking traffic on the island traffic Elin it solves a lot of challenges I didn't realize that that was that was the host of our facilities years back it was for quite a while in fact I think they might have been the first one really yeah back there where is is that something we could I think they should be included with all the other options in fact I think they were included with the the options last time we looked at them um as but and last time we were looking we're looking at things we owned um but now that we're open to pretty much anything Amy can we change maybe for for next meeting would everybody be okay if we change that to third party Marina or property cooperating well I Mr chair I would say I would say that let's take it off of the agenda because as uh Mr adol mentioned it's probably a little premature to actually talk about it but let's make sure that we um add it as an item on the action plan for consideration when the time is right I think that's a great idea yeah let's take it off of there and I think there's a lot of ideas we could explore with that option of maybe even a partnership for The moing Field's quite long so I think you could deal with one more than one entity when it when it comes to uh dealing with a partnership yeah the only thing I would say is right now now that's a rebuilding going on so if somebody's going to need to build a dingy dock or something like that and think about their strategic plan you don't want to wait too long to engage with those correct private yep I agree entities why don't we replace that item with um Upland facility discussion we're going to be discussing that probably at any of all of our meetings I don't see any any Upland is that also a little premature I mean well we're kind of looking at Alternatives um fact we'll ask vice mayor about if there was any bodic communication and and get updates from him on that kind of stuff every meeting I think yeah that's fine I think at this point I don't think I think they were waiting to hire the Harbor Master and then and then begin those engaging in those conversations with Lee County okay so I I would I would yield to the Harbor Master Chad and Frankie on that at this point but I think that's clearly on their list let's take it off and it'll just come up under staff report it'll come up under staff report when there's something to report so we we can get rid of that one I think vice mayor is there any update on the ferry system that we talked about previously that would make a place on St Carlos is more practical the water faery uh uh entity is still progressing uh they still have significant interest in financing and and development I think they're to make their their model work they're they're they're not sure if this coming season they may do some pilot programs this coming season I'd like to at some point have one of the principles of that entity come in and just talk to this group and kind of give us an update and let you all ask questions and kind of have a little back and forth because this entity also discussed uh working with the uh moing field or the Anchorage advisory committee to offer a water taxi to supplement the moing field like you had suggested John so I think there they're open for suggestions open for Partnerships I just think they're it's a longer term plan for them them probably fully operational and not this coming season but the following season but uh but it's still very much alive but I'd love to have this group hear from them at some point that is very encouraging news because options on the St Carlos side would become much more practical if that was and I think they'd be based there is for my understanding that's where the base of operations would be that's where their boats will be as I understand it thank you the beauty of having all these options is we're still going to retain the dingy dock underneath on the island side of the sky bridge and that's Central to everything so no matter what we do on San Carlos island or bodic or down towards Bay Oaks here whatever we do we're still going to have that Central dingy location or whatever we do with water tax or anything we'll have that Central dinghy location which is key for everybody to get around get groceries get on that's true but it's also it's we've talked about it being overcrowded so I it can't be our only option that's why Upland facilities kind of make sense in a different area so you're not tying up that dock let people come in for entertain and it is open to the public and Curtis hasn't seen it yet he's just seen like three or four dingies there but they raed out pretty good Duron yeah it's been full and everybody everybody that's one of the reasons we ask everybody not necessarily this time of year to use a a 10-ft painter and that's one of the things I'm not sure if it's on the sign or not but it's kind of in the rules rules and regulations we like them to use a 10-ft painter on their dinghy and keep their engines down that way they can you know get off and let it float out and raft off but the tide I'm sure you noticed the tide rips through there oh yeah oh yeah anybody else on that okay next item um members items want to start with Doug do you want to talk about changing the DAT of the meeting yeah do you want to do that under let's do that now let's do that now so there's a suggestion that we change the meeting to possibly third Monday or the third Friday of every month um vice mayor brought up the the Monday probably is not going to work because that is okay is that a problem that is Town Hall's oh there's Amy okay Amy Baker for the record um third Monday is a council day so that won't work Fridays are usually open if everyone nobody likes meetings on Friday but if that's when you want them great I would agree that nobody wants meetings on Friday the problem with Fridays is it's it's hard to get people together but who has the the conflict is it is it well I I didn't ask for a meeting to be changed I appreciate no let's hear what I I don't want to lose Jim let's hear what let's hear what your issue is and let's see have a fulltime position full-time job where I travel pull the mic closer people the mic most people who travel travel during the week you know most people don't travel on Monday or Friday those are very typical days that they would be in the office so that's my situation so I'm not there's times I won't be able to be here I knew that when I um you know applied you know to participate so you know kind of is what it is um yeah In fairness Jim Jim has not asked for the date to be changed I just thought if we could if we could if we could work out of time it'd be great to keep him on the committee and keep keep his uh his uh input involved so Chris also has a full-time position and I don't know what if her travel situation the same or not but no I don't travel but my husband is on the council so sometimes he has Wednesday meetings and so I mean Friday is fine with me but if it's not fine with everybody Friday's fine with me the fourth Monday of the month is also available what's the second Monday another committee audit committee so consideration Thursdays some some Thursdays are available too just depending on where you I don't think that solves Jim's problem th you want a Monday or Friday we keep you on your in your Trav the fourth Monday is great for me fourth Monday is fine does everybody work for the fourth Monday is that is that better for you Jen it's better for me yeah I certainly don't have an OB objection to it no I think I think Monday might be better than a Friday the only problem with Mondays is sometimes there's a holiday but if there is we just do what council does you make it the next Monday what do we do for fit a holiday Amy if it's on a Monday you'd have to reschedule that day um we'll and we can move it later in the week or we can work with open you know check the open calendar or or if you leave it on Wednesday I just try to call in when it's possible so again that's leave but if nobody cares if it's Monday and it helps you right yeah why why wouldn't we let's let's entertain then we'll have some discussion on it you want to do that and just to just to let you know June 19th if we were to keep the Wednesday right June 19th we will we will not be able to meet June 19th we're closed so it's um juneth correct it's what oh and that's a Wednesday yeah that is a Wednesday so we do keep Wednesdays June 19th right now is not available we have to change the meeting May now 20th the 21st so I think right now would be a good time be a great time to discuss it the town of Fort Meers Beach is closed on juneth yeah yes one of our Hol New Deal get with the times is it really it yes sir we have it off as well my company yeah okay did not know that don't worry there'll be a 4- day week work week pretty soon too okay um would anybody like to I'll make a motion just for discussion that move that we move to the fourth move our meetings to the fourth Monday of the month moved by Ed scon over or do I hear a second I'll second it second by Chris um and discussion maybe we'll go around and just do a yes or no and then we'll have a discussion but Doug Z going to work okay with you um yeah it uh will uh but I have an announcement I'm going to make later but I think okay as a as an idea it's probably good I work full-time too and it's probably midweeks a kind of a tough time okay we're going to cut off your mic for that announcement okay yeah I I only have one concern and that is as soon as we do move forward with it I'll have a meeting that I have to go on a Monday so that'll be the only concern but for the part it'll give you it'll give you extra one here and there so we'll have you more than we normally would absolutely vice mayor is that works well for me and love to love to keep Jim as involved as we can yes definitely Ted is that going to work okay with you okay work fine with me Chris good for me Ed no I'm fine with it and I I also want to keep Jim on board yes appreciate I appreciate the consideration I think Curtis is okay with it whenever we have I can make that I can make that work okay we have a motion on the floor takes care of juneth too any more discussion all in favor say I I I I any opposed it passes unanimously um our new meeting time will be the fourth Monday fourth Monday of every month when just just for folks who are watching when would the next meeting be all it would be the 24th of June it appears 620 I mean to that to that point let me ask a question do we now that we're in this room do we have the ability if we're ever out to be more remote do we have the technical Chris does it all the time she um well I called it I called it on like we set a set a phone on the table it seemed to work fine it worked great yeah put you on speaker and listen and it's also live on YouTube we have the ability to zoom somebody in um I think um yeah like on LPA they do we have one member that has a hard time making the meetings and there's some rules like you can only do it be for extenuating circumstances they do Zoom meetings we like it works notice that you're not going to be here for it so it it it also helps the committee to know you're not going to be at the next meeting but we can we can do it electronically if need be I do just want to be up front and advise you so after looking at this date the 254th um I will I will be I will not be here on the 24th so um I have a uh that's my family vacation scheduled then so just to just so yall are aware so I don't know if I I just realized that so I saw I know I apologize but um um so I don't know for this next me meeting if you want to try to move it just for this and then go back to the first um for the fourth Monday of every month um whatever you would like to do well I don't think we can do it this month because it's our it's a holiday right well we I me for June to the Wednesday or so and she's back with her calendar or we can go Friday where would I be without my calendar um yeah Friday the 21st possibly I just want to congratulate Curtis on his negotiating skills of getting vacation before he started impressive I think Pur is out that whole week that's my only family vacation I do every year with the entire family so was already on you're going to deserve it um 21 the 21st does would be would would work for me yes yeah that works um I can also um I can also like Amy said I could zoom in and um I could also come in town for this meeting my vacation where my family vacation's in Englewood so let's see what Amy has to say about uh just doing that do do you want to uh June 21st is fine June 21st and then from then on we'll do the fourth four Monday so June 21st and then the fourth Monday following that do we need any motion for that or I apologize for that no that's okay thanks for telling us no we want you hear because we're going to that's why I wanted bring it up I want to be here as a chance to go in the field and get you know do all your duties you'll get a chance to do everything you really haven't had a chance to really make all your rounds yet but by then you'll have a chance be able to give us a report and yes Mr chairman just because we have a lot the folks who really care about this watch this uh uh watch our proceedings and so if our next meeting is on the 21st 21st of junee at 9:00 a.m. then the following meeting based upon our conversation would be the 22nd of July at 9:00 a.m. is that no we have July off don't we it's a great question oh we haven't uh we haven't talked about that do we want to take July and August off I think we usually take July in August off if we do next meeting we will have to submit what we want towards the budget for um for next year if we're not if we're not going to meet in July and August cuz the budget meetings are do you guys take off Jim for July and August or just August July it's just one month I believe one mon you'll be discussing budgets starting soon yeah probably August but yeah I I that's a great question for Chad and in terms of what in I don't know historically what the does the committee asks for additional funds for the operations of the committee because otherwise we're going to this year only because and it's only a few hundred um cuz we're going to as far as you know I'm planning we're going to plan on having Cruisers appreciation day next spring and the one item that we need we need a little bit of money to as a cushion in case we get rained out because we have a little bit of expenses but we will need another a little bit of money for a premium gift we used to get the key chains or the hats you know whatever we're going to get and it's only a matter of a few hundred I have to look back on it's been in past years but we usually give it to you um and I think it's a line item specifically for that event you have 5,000 in the budget right now I think for the Anchorage committee I thought I saw it somewhere well then maybe we'll just uh asked to maintain that to maintain that Amy would you just make a a note of that if you see a uh yeah that was our only finus item I think that we puts in put in budgets every year and only a bailout amount usually yep 5,000 advisory committee I I think that's more than we usually even have at least it's at least it's there that will totally cover whatever we're going to I think that's pretty standard for each advisory committee so if you'd pass it on to Joe if you see him that'd be great otherwise we could mention it on the 21st of June but and our our our uh cruises appreciation day has all even the day even the times it got rained out people showed up and we always at least broke even but we just when is that usually Sam that's usually the week after Easter while the moing field people are still here but it's not super crowded because we used to have it at matanzas Courtyard or someplace like that uh or we had the parking lot of matanzas um should be kind of near the end of next season it's going to be the probably the weekend or the Saturday after the Easter weekend okay um and depending on when Easter is we try to do it while people are still here but after that Easter rush I I wonder about the uh cancellation of two months seems like we're right in a transition period and hate to lose too much information if we could maybe skip one month why don't we skip one month but um so what month would be the skip month would that be August July because that would be in accordance with what the town does what the town does okay we can um my suggestion anyway yes I'd agree with you yeah so the next meeting would be August the following meeting after the next meeting would be the 26th Monday the 26th of August at 9:00 okay right yep so now we have the schedule for June's meeting is the 21st June 21st skip July and then August 26 which would be the 4th Monday of the month and we'll continue like that on on the fourth Monday of each month okay that was we're on Chris's members items was that you uh uh I have nothing just uh welcome to Curtis so glad to have you aboard and this has been a very productive meeting so thanks to everybody on the committee anything I just had a question for Curtis and it might be too early for you to know uh the last meeting we had a gentleman come in from a local business that expressed concern that his staff was getting bothered on weekends because we didn't have staff at underneath the dock there uh underneath the bridge and I'm just wondering if you've done anything to resolve that not yet but it's in the works it's what we're it's what um it's a concern to mine as well um I've been talking to our staff about that and um how we need to move forward on that right now um the process of building building the team and adding adding some people to that team so it's going to be a little time until we start having presence there every weekend but it is a goal goal of mine to have to have presence down there on the weekends um there's been some things that brought brought to my attention that I think it's a necessity that we have to start doing so um yes that that will that will be um something that is going to be be done here in the near in the near future for sure yes anything else add no John nothing new um just want to say uh really appreciate moving forward with the Facebook and the daa updates uh I think Amy you're doing a wonderful job and that's Nicole I'm sorry Nicole but Amy's also doing a great job Amy too both of you um but yeah I'm very encouraged that we we're going to we're going to increase our our exposure and probably our rate of um Dockers M just so you know we have a history of getting names wrong here oh okay you you you don't you just wait seriously cheater and we're going to move seats next time and he is not going to know who we are well I want to thank Amy for coming because all this stuff you get comes from her email box if you don't notice that so thanks for for coming and thanks to Nicole for coming yeah and um as in addition to looking at the Strategic plan if if you could um go to the website click on Nicole's all the links and any suggestions you have for her you know pass it on to her either through her email or um at the next meeting and thanks to Curtis um a couple questions we still have uh those members over there who might have updates okay okay I just didn't want you to forget them I thought I already went through no I didn't I I passed right over everybody so I'll just keep doing my how is the um staff updates next we'll give you a chance but I just wanted to ask why how's the pump out schedule and your crew going so far uh so far everything is going um is going well um pump out schedule has been um continuing um um as it is right now um not made any changes to that um as of the staff like I told you we're in progress of um putting putting together a full sta down there at the morning field um um for us so um I'm actually um in the process of that right now so um that's where I'm at and how are how are all the boats running um maintained and and running okay for now yes yes everything's running fine um the little stuff we have uh replaced a fuel gauge on the pump out boat um just little stuff like that to keep it to keep it up and running but um as as of right now everything's operating fine good how far did I get did I get to Ted did I already get you Ted yeah okay I'm G to have you go to Doug first because I have to say something after I think I think what I'm going to hear yeah I think what I'm going to hear I don't want to hear but I have I have a request cut his mic I have a request um I'm finding myself spread pretty thin and uh I'm on the LPA which I really takes a lot of time and we've been uh having two meetings a month lately what I heard was uh before Ian they would have like two or three issues a month now we're having like nine or more and the agenda packages are like 350 pages and it's just and I work full-time too and I'm sort of struggling to make even their meetings which I really try to make time for but it's I find that well one thing I I have to call out Sam Lori and uh is really doing a great job because after Ian when we reassembled the uh Anchorage advisory committee it was just a couple of us like that were even still here and without Sam's leadership and continuity we would have really we wouldn't have known what to do um but uh I'm asking I guess I'm asking permission to and resign but I also o see I need to mention six very active engaged committee members that are clearly paying attention to what what the uh Anchorage uh needs so uh I guess I'm asking permission to resign from the committee so I can devote myself to the we're not getting you permission well regretfully the and I just want to say that Doug was the chairman of the committee for a while and he's worked very hard on this committee however I did watch the LPA meeting and that's that's really a a big job you've taken on you I know you wanted to do that for quite a while now that that was your your main interest and your primary focus I think my uh my background and skill sets better served on the LPA so well you're going to start getting emails from me on that committee yeah now we can communicate that's that's a lot that's a lot of work and and you do have your hands full with that so I appreciate all your stuff and by the way if you have any suggestions for us you're welcome to come to the meetings make comment email us because you do have a pretty good background on the Anchorage now I think the uh the goal that I'd really like to see is the first class Shore facilities that we've talked about and tried to make happen it's very difficult I understand all the opt but I think U Fort Meers Beach could be a real destination I mean it is now but I mean after the Reconstruction from Ian and we have first class uh maintenance facilities with moss marine and with u um the pl you know I think it's like one of the largest only one of three uh repair facilities that can handle certain size boats in Florida right there so I think um you know the potential is huge and uh I think there's work to be done I think our new Harbor Master's got a good background for actually going to an to the next level so it's going to be a lot of work well on behalf of the committee we really thank you for your service and wish you good luck with LPA your gold watch is in the mail y maybe he can take his little you know Advisory Board and um if there's anything you might want to talk to him if there's anything you need to do in writing yeah I don't I don't know if I have to I don't think you need to do anything and maybe since he's announced that we can go ahead and advertise or put that put that out for a new member thank you Doug and thank you thank you [Applause] everyone and yeah so I watch I also watch the LPA and the council meetings and you guys amaze me the dedication that you put into that so that's thankful for that and opportunity to serve you a brief time here Curtis welcome to Fort Myers Beach U I think it's great to have somebody with the operational experience that you have and I'm excited to see how that works and thank you for the prior service with Coast Guard so apprciate thank that's all I have vice mayor I would just say uh briefly thank you Doug uh I watch all the lp LP all the LPA hearings as well and and meetings and you guys are doing Yen's work over there and thank you for your service on this committee as well uh welcome Curtis look forward to working with you um I just wanted to challenge this committee with Doug's announcement because this is a committee that has a subject matter expertise in this area think about your neighbors and friends who might have an interest in serving because somebody with some background I know I when I first talked to John first met John he had mentioned that he had a lot of friends in the that have similar interests in boating and and and I know some other folks of this committee do as well so just encourage them to engage everybody's always some many folks are looking for ways to volunteer and give back to the community and this is a great way to do that particularly given this is a kind of a special subject matter expertise don't have to have it but I mean Chris has been a great addition because she's got a different brings a lot of different skill sets to the table so it's nice to have a mix of everybody but but but this group would know folks who would be interested in serving and it's it's always nice to have a couple candidates to choose from uh when we go forward as a council so and uh so that's all I've got thank you Mr chairman yep thank you anybody else have anything under member items anything from staff okay um any public comment I don't see any public no public comment um set the agenda for next meeting I think we did that we got rid of uh number 7c the third party Marina that'll just be included in our member discussions and um the next meeting will be June 21st and then there will be no July meeting and starting in August we'll meet the fourth Monday of every month which the first one will be August 26th anybody have any other items do have a question just to make sure we're on the same page so um for the for the items for the uh for the next meeting um I know we're taking out third party operating morningfield what are we replacing that with what we decide to replace that with we're going to replace it with your member item which will be anything you want to talk about so um because you're going to come across stuff that's not on here in the next few weeks so uh anything as you go through your month um just make notes anything you want to discuss with us did you yeah I would suggest that yeah we get Curtis's thoughts about what's on the action plan and you know committee committee thoughts as well just do we want to add that on to our agenda strategic action plan let's add it on because I think what's going to happen is let's add it on what's going to happen is we're not going to be able to do it all in one day we'll take we'll take um maybe Chris can pick out a section that's going to be the the primary one and we'll we'll take it one observations I think if we can start with key observations and then we actually started with how we're going to do it yeah and uh everybody get a chance to look at it this month and just mark it up make some notes on it um so I think that's the agenda for next meeting anybody else have anything else do I hear a motion I'm going to let Doug do it oh yeah and he can second make a motion to ad journ I'll second motion by Doug second by Ed all in favor I any opposed this meeting is adjourned at 10:28 thank you like was thank you