e e e e e e e e e e we're going to call the meeting to order today is Monday April 15th it is 9:00 a.m. all council members are present Town manager Town attorney town clerk if you please rise for the invocation followed by the vice mayor leading Us in the Pledge of Allegiance we are thankful for this day that you have given us for its blessings its opportunity ities its challenges may we appreciate and use each day that is given to us we pray for strength and guidance for each day as it comes for each day's duties and for each day's difficulties may we be challenged to give our best always and may we be assured of your presence with us amen amen Ali to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all [Music] thank you next we have approval of the final agenda is there a motion to approve the final agenda mayor I'd like to pull um off the consent agenda B through G for further explanation please further discussion B for the through the the rest of the entire okay everything but a you got it anything else any other changes amendments there nothing else well Mr Mayor uh just just for the sake of uh uniformity let's pull a as well so just so he can draw attention to the event so much for conern maybe we just need to get that off the agenda completely yeah okay with pulling a consent agenda in its entirety is there a motion to approve the final agenda so got a motion by CER King second second invite counselor Safford any further discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed hearing none the motion carries unanimously public comment Madam cler I nobody is there signed up anyone like to speak in public comment yes sir if there's another public comment at the end of the meeting right okay sure you don't want to say something oh there's a long pause there all right seeing no other public comment we'll close public comment local achievements and recognitions Concor Safford uh I the Community Foundation did a fantastic job Saturday and we had a wonderful time and it's great to see the community come back together um thank you so much for all you guys did it was it was a great event very good didn't uh so you were sitting at the poker table were you the last man standing yeah I won a lot but I didn't win any prizes how' you win a prizes I didn't win anything I didn't gamble one penny my wife is the lucky one he bought him we had a lot of fun a great event it was uh concer Woodson I just I was sorry I had to miss all the festivities this weekend but I'm just really really happy that everything is moving forward and things are happening again on the island and I'm excited for that very nice Vice mayol I just want to recognize uh Chris King this morning she is so and and many people like Chris King I see on the beach who are so faithful every morning to walk along the beach and pick up trash anything they see anything they can stumble across they pick it up and they dispose of it properly really makes the beach special and I it's not just Chris although she's very faithful I see other people do that as well with their public bag or or their yellow bucket or whatever they happen to have with them they pick up that trash and just makes a difference I just wanted to recognize those folks as well Chris also serves as the vice chair of the Anchorage advisory committee that's all I've got this morning very nice councelor King I'd like to recognize Chris too but she's gone she flew back to De Mo today but for a week of work so she's not picking up anything but in her heart she is I I just want to express I had a couple meetings here on Wednesday and as I was going home it was so nice to be able to pull in on the way home off of aah Boulevard and fill up my vehicle with gasoline welcome back 7-Eleven and uh thank you vice mayor for all the assist in facilitating uh helping them get open and that's it for me all right I Echo what the councelor saffer said that the Community Foundation event was was very nice I'm not sure who ended up with my $2,000 worth of funny money to play with but sounds like maybe it went to you Scott if you probably a donation I guess but uh it was a good event and little piece of advice for anyone that decides to leave early and give their tickets to someone else put your name on it the basket that my wife won there was a disagreement between whose tickets they actually were because it involved Chocolate and Wine so it's the important stuff so just make sure if you're leaving early to put your initials on the ticket so um she's going to kill me for saying that but love you honey um and the other thing is I'd like to to give a shout out to Mark Ashton back there I saw him this weekend a couple times once walking around the neighborhood and then the other time I I don't if it was your personal car or what but I was driving by and I I saw you opening up the back door and there was a bunch of PVC sitting in there and you were at Time Square looked like you were fixing something on this weekend so thank you for your for your extra above and beyond uh a work ethic there it was very much appreciated if I can add he was putting in irrigation so the plants down there is that it was he looked very intent on what he was doing so had some good I didn't want to bother him but we had some good conversations about that last week so thank you Mark we do appre it is it is noticed yep um with that we'll close local achievements and recognitions advisory committee items and reports May yes there's an item under local achievements from oh I'm sorry friends of the M house went right by it sorry I don't know how I missed it with that big old check so yeah maybe we should be the photo this is accepting on of wow all right so you see this L we have a very lovely unrounded number of $2,814 and we came to this sum because in recognition of kind of the financial situation where we've all been in post Ian uh the friends of the mountainous asked Adam what he could use in order to really move forward and and get the Mountain House truly truly back in business and we asked him to present what his needs were and we said tell us what your base needs are and then tell us your dream big number and his dream dream big number came to 2,000 excuse me $2,814 so we decided unanimously as a board to give him that amount of money because the whole business of the friends of the mount house is to raise money to give to the Mount house so Tada very nice Ellen could you introduce yourself and everybody you're with and also could you let people a lot of people watch this could you let people know about the friends of the mountainous and how they can support it thank you very much for that Jim so my name is Ellen vaugh and I'm the president of friends of the mountain house I'm Nancy Smith I'm the treasurer I'm finina um I'm part of M what's your title my title is um Museum development coordinator Museum development coordinator so that means that uh Karina makes everything run but but Ellen if folks want to donate to the Friends of the Mountain House how do they do that so so the friends of the mountain house is actually a membership organization and we encourage people who like the mountain house to consider becoming a friend of the mountain house and to become a friend of the Mountain House the increase from becoming a member of the mountain house which gives you access to the facilities and lots of benefits um it's another $10 and we we hold events throughout the year our primary one that we held in March in spite of some very inclement weather um what was the the primary source for this sum of money that we are now turning around and giving to the Mount house um but we hold we hold events we host a lecture series a monthly lecture sh series that's typically on the first Tuesday of the month but sometimes if you have a speaker that's quite extraordinary you'll do it on another Tuesday of the month so you just have to watch the calendar and do you have a website we absolutely we use the mound House website because the we are when when the friends of the Mountain House became inter well it's a complicated story so the the we are twinned with the mount house so we do not have our own identity we are the friends of the mount house intentionally because we are here to support the mount house very good thank you Jeff hgy wants to accept this on behalf of the town okay he just thought of that why don't you come up here come up here I don't want to give myself credit I know come come up here step up we'll stand behind you how about that yeah you want to set it up here so everybody can keep an eye on it that's a wonderful idea got to add 14 to that bot L there though 14 oh yeah you're right thank you need a little donate here sign thank you thank you for allowing us to very nice job thank you awesome all right next we have advisory committees items reports and appointments there any Mr Johnson come on up uh Steve Johnson chair of the uh Marine environmental resource task force Advisory Board uh at our last meeting uh which was this past Wednesday April the 10th there were a number of recommendations we had uh we had arrived at really it was the the meeting was a debrief from the coastal resilience uh Forum event that we had run which had very good attendance good live attendance we've had over 200 views um uh replays of the event and the purpose for the meeting really was to debrief and uh digest the information we received from our panel of experts and make some recommendations so the first three here were uh were approved unanimously the first was uh very simple it was basically to amend the managed Beach Zone Dune plant selection uh which is a part of the F fep permit for those uh um property owners that will be signing easements they'll be planting their managed Beach zones that a requirement of the easement and right now there's three separate uh planting selections that are are fairly limited and so um from the information we received from our panelists there's quite a few more plants that should be planted for diversity uh in addition uh there's limited availability of Dune plants really in the entire Southwest Florida as the the entire you know Southwest Florida is revegetating after the Hurricanes so uh these additional species should add diversity but also increase the total number of available plants available to us so um that's the first one second is a recommendation to direct Y when you add that list is that is that a state requirement or who who who who formally keeps that list uh it's not a formal list it's our recommendation or our suggestion I think as part of the um as part of the permit so I think they were it's actually historical uh the last renourishment we had 15 or so years ago that's the I believe that's a selection of of plants so so the town has the ability to add these plants to the list I think so I think our to a now would have to determine whether or not that's an issue with a with a change in the fep permit I I couldn't imagine it is but that's you know just curi wrong of course so um yeah and most of them are seats dun daisies railroad vine or combination of the three depending on if you want a high one or low one um Etc so uh and the second was a recommendation to direct staff to determine if this uh the newly released resilient Lee plan which I think you may be familiar with will actually address the needs of Fort Meers Beach and if not to pursue a vulnerability assessment and the procedural Pathway to apply apply for State funding to improve Coastal resilience so there is a resilient Lee plan that's out there I think um Lee County has uh developed that for the benefit of all the municipalities in Lee County uh our understanding is is that it's a very general report most of it's about compound flooding so fresh water you know rain as well as if the surf was to come up uh let's say in a storm and our understanding is it's not very specific for communities so what for instance what what Naples has done is uh which isn't in Lee County but ker County was doing the same is they just forged ahead and uh actually performed a vulnerability study and once that's done you can you can actually apply for um funding from the state uh to pursue that and uh upon receiving it you put together an adaptation plan which actually uh Naples is in the process of and an overall resilience plan and then the funds then um that are secured can can um can be available for that did I say that right councelor King you were in on the meeting I believe so I think what you're looking for though is maybe more of a Lee County is doing a vulnerability assessment and that should include us and the ability to obtain State funding via that for a more specific to Ford Meers be okay upon their completion of the vulnerability setting okay so there's funds available there and it could go toward uh Coastal resilience here for the island you know if I can just mention because I'm on that resiliently um the whole idea of Lee counties it's an overall overall plan for all the county and then the expectation is and I know Andy and team are working on this the actual municipalities then bring it down to what is important to them and align it if you will to the Lee County plan so we have a lot more control than you think on what is actually happening in that resiliently and I think Andy can probably speak to this a little bit more if I may mayor absolutely we have um we've applied and pretty much been been not guaranteed but we're we're going to be getting a a this is a different one but yeah we're also going to be working toward you know the vulnerability assessment there's some some other things that we're doing as well that we're getting getting funding for but we also want to make sure that we we tie everything together and just cover the whole town everything especially especially the dunes and the beaches accesses okay thank you Karen thank you Andy uh the third recommendation was is a simple one it's basically to direct staff to work with sandil staff on their research for beach access design apparently they've um collected a bunch of resources to to do some research on what is the uh the ideal beach access design granted there Beach accesses I think are are longer than ours but I think we can potentially benefit from that conversation uh shouldn't be too difficult I think Andy's had quite lately had quite a lot of discussions with Dana okay yes and and and we are we're you know we're trying to make sure that we work you know hand inand on a lot of things U that that we're aware of they're aware of and we meet in the middle and and and discuss everything that can can be a huge benefit for both of us perfect thank you and the final motion here was uh something we learned uh again through this resilience forum is um is EC Zone protection is the recommendation is to town C Town Council to discourage approval of variances for construction in EC Zone ensure the viability and purpose of the buffer established to provide Coastal resilience and prevent encroachment on the beach uh we have a very narrow Beach uh we're built up very close to the beach and um that space can be used as a buffer for Coastal resilience amongst other purposes I was Steve I wasn't able to watch that meeting yet are you recommending all even if there was something there before allowing them to build back what was there before but nothing new what was what was the discussion well the discussion was and and there were two descending votes on the uh on the motion but essentially uh obviously there's a there's a special exception and a variance process with really any anything we do with this town um but of course when that Land Development code and the comp plan was originally put together it uh essentially it had very strict language there not to build in the EC Zone and for that uh that discussion we felt had already occurred through whatever our forefathers had decided that if something in the EC Zone was destroyed during the hurricane uh to not allow it to be built back because it was basically grandfathered so when the the Land Development code and the comp plan was put together uh of course they were um working with the land owners and said sure if you're already built out in the EC Zone then your grandfather like we do so much of but again in that uh in in the in the um in the comp plan it certainly says that you know upon you know destruction or whatever you can't rebuild back into it and uh I know that's something that the the town has pursued or allowed and um I think from the perspective of murf uh they would say abide by the you know the Land Development code and um and and and prevent that if you can because uh ultimately the same thing will happen again to those structures or whatever might be built in the in the EC Zone okay so that was uh a recommendation of course yeah I just wanted to get some context to what the conversation was about yeah yeah yep but I think what we've allowed is repair yes repair and maintenance of due to the storm not newly developed well that's why I was trying to get the clarification was were they recommending not not even allowing what we've allowed so far for people to build back what they had previously storm and it sounds like that's what your recommendation is is to nothing gets built back in the EZ zone right I think if it's um like you said again I mean I hate to speak for all merf but yeah I think if it's a repair that's a little bit different than a new structure or or something along those lines and I believe maybe the the pool um decision I think might you might be referring to I think that was basically if it could be repaired it can say if it had to be completely rebuilt it couldn't I can't recall if that's exactly what it was but y um but yeah I think that's uh that's where it's at okay any other questions any other questions for Steve thank you Town Council thank you thank you next we have approval of the minutes we had the town council meeting from April 1st the management and planning session from April 4th and the Town Council special meeting from April 4th is there a motion to approve the minutes so move a motion by councelor King second second by councelor Woodson any further discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I I opposed hearing none minutes are approved next is a consent agenda the first item special event for the July bridge closure vice mayor yeah I certainly not opposing this I think it would be helpful is is Jeff the contact person on that yes Jeff would you just come up and just sell this a little bit and encourage people to not only attend but if they want to participate how does one go about participating uh yeah so Jeff hogi uh cultureal Parks and Rec director uh so yeah we're we're already starting the planning for Fourth of July um we're going to have both the parade and the fireworks uh which is exciting again we I think we had a lot of success with not only the last parade we did but uh the fireworks we had for New Year's so um right now we're just in the the permitting stage right now we have to get approval from the council to to close the bridge before we can do the permit um especially for the you know the parade uh and the fireworks so there'll be two two separate ones um we will have stuff out for the parade very soon um we're going to be working a lot with uh I think uh Beach talk radio as well to put that on and and get that promoted so the more information to come on on the parade but uh we will be having it and uh should be a spectacular event and uh the same same company that did the the New Year's New Year's fireworks is going to do this one so I and I think if you saw the New Year's ones you everyone should have been pretty happy with that I think 4th of July you don't have to stay up us late correct No 9 900 p.m. is when they're going to light off the fireworks that's uh that's pretty typical yes we do not have oh my god really you know and that's that's with a little bit of an aster I mean might have to stay up a little later if it rains or something well it be delayed but the schedule is is 900 p.m. uh for the fireworks which really coordinates with a lot of the other communities around around the area they do it all at 9:00 and it's kind of neat to see them all along the beach uh going off all at once and Jeff just I know you don't have the details yet but just general guidance for folks who may want or companies who want to may want to put something some kind of a float or a display or you know whatever they want to do for the parade what what's the general guidance um we'll be sending out applications or I'd say in the next probably month month and a half we'll have that all set up with the fees and and that but yeah it's a simple application and if you were in the last one it was it was a good time it was it was a great time so yeah thank you very much challenge anyone to beat the crew of sloth this year yeah we encourage you know a lot of floats I think it makes for even a better time and uh we'll go back to our our probably our normal route um down Crescent so you know I think it to to councelor safford's point uh the crew of sloth is usually always put a pretty good float in uh I would suggest going back and getting a couple of those pictures not just to the creu SLO but and get it out there just to get the juices flowing if you will cuz friendly competition is always fun yeah but expect expect to be let down Chris L is coming if I may if I if I'm if I may at when it's a Level Playing Field it's fun we'll just leave it there okay CH and Jeff if I could well there's such sour grapes on that one on a much on a much more deal with it get over it or get counseling on a much more friendly on a much more friendly and positive note uh there's a rumor that the king Elvis Presley will be in the parade from graceand special that's what I'm hearing will said King be showing off their vocals uh said King uh it's it's it's it's very speculative at this point of course you know all the various weekly uh uh uh magazines you see in the grocery line you know there's a lot of speculation about the king's uh where he's at you know where his presence is you know is he alive uh but but he's alive and well and the rumor is he's interested in coming to Fort Meers Beach yeah well that that's fantastic that's that's great encourage that yeah so one thing I I want to comment on is this parade is is essential for our beach it's just it's a continuation of of we're getting back I mean we have 30 40 friends come in they rent properties they they get hotel rooms it it's an economic benefit and the more more we promote it the better off we'll be and it's thank you yeah and we're starting early um you know with with the New Year's one we kind of started late uh with the push and this one we're starting early we'll get everything done early and get the word out and and make it make it a great thing and uh we're trying to I guess just to interject a little bit more as a a Parks and Rec Department we're trying to do more we're going to try to schedule more events throughout the town too so whether it's you know just smaller pocket pocket events or bigger events we want to you know we notice other cities Cape Coral Naples Bon I know different Dynamic there but we want to really push that on on the the town and get get more activity going in events very so what is the town float going to be so well there's the Bay Oaks float well there's well there's Bay Oaks but there's needs to be a town float that that could be a whole special session on a council meeting okay that a challenge we can do that that's a challenge still not going to beat Chu L that's been record Al accepted the friends of uh Friends of the Arts is helping us with is that Friends of the Arts is helping Bay Oaks out with with their float this year they're going to donate some time and money and and make it really great it's going to be more of a project for the kids uh we're in prary talks about that Karen's definitely uh spearheading that one up a little bit and yeah so I'm I'm on the um board for friends of the Arts and and it's one of those things that you know we have it it's been so dormant for so long and we're trying to get back the swing of things and the whole idea of friends of the of the Arts is to support any kind of art and culture whether it be music or art or dance or whatever and so we wanted to provide some scholarships for Beach kids Elementary and get them involved and thought the best way to do it would be through uh their after school programs um to help design the float have the older kids take some leadership positions with the younger kids um we've already met with Dr kler and she's totally on board and I think we have another meeting coming up next week I think y with um actually I think the beoke staff and and the kids kids yeah yeah we're trying to make it a kind a fun leadership thing for our older ones like Karen said so they can take some ownership have some say in in what their programming is and what their float's going to be very nice it's going to be fun it they'll beat the crew of sloth I'm telling you right now they're kids IDE who wow okay City I'm scoop to the right a little bit Mr Mo mayor I'll move approval of consent AG agenda item a special event Fourth of July bridge closure now a second any further discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I I opposed hearing none that motion carries unanimously next is Item B sta number 12 access engineering John just asking for further discussion about what this is yeah I don't know if Sarah feels like or wants to get up but I'll try to do a decent job of this obviously we value our relationship and our professional um partnership with axis this um is is we know that we're doing more and more and more as is evidenced by the town rebuilding and so we're asking more and more of access and while we are still trying to get some in-house planners and things like that and we both know that it's difficult to hire people we need to to you know P this to keep them engaged there's there's so many things that they're doing with the comp plan and other other things that you ask them to do so it's just this C this is a restricted fund and this only comes out of a fund that can only be spent for these type of things so Sarah I don't know if you have something does not know she's going for the sympathy vote now um so in the past in past years we have done a similar thing um um we we put in the amount that will get us through a portion of the Year knowing that we may have to ask for an increase at some point Thank you could Mr Town manager could you just explain how you utilize Sarah's firm in other words how do you bifurcate uh what you delegate to her firm versus what we do in-house and and then how is that build appropriately to the applicants I'm actually going to turn that over to the director of compliance and operations who actually works at assigns things so as far as what we use them for we use them for everything um Sarah is obviously probably one of the smartest people in the state if not on the planet when it comes to planning and zoning um she's constantly working with our staff and with me trying to get us to somewhat compability at least in my case um and and understanding what we need to do to move on so when we need to do something big project little project that we don't understand her and Jason have those answers um and that's kind of why we rely heavily on them for that as far as how we tie that into the projects all that time is build um accordingly to like a big uh project uh depending how how how we're doing it but she's constantly on the phone with myself with Andy uh with staff every single day um and and that's invaluable so just to just to I know these are it's much more complicated this but but just in general they're handling the comp plan and the larger commercial projects for the town is that a fair generalization yes sir okay all right thank you any other questions I'll move SDA number 12 access engineering a motion by councelor King I'll second seconded by councelor saff any further discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed hearing none that motion carries unanimously next is item C resolution 2 4-74 final renewal of environmental engineering firms under RFQ 20- 06- a John I think these a bunch of them kind of run together but uh I noticed today when I was watching the local media that we're re nourishing the beaches with BMS and stuff on the north end today so the media was all over that so I would just like a little further explanation of things they are not wasting any time either if you saw that pile of sand they had at the Red Coconut and how fast it was gone it was it was gone it was gone they are not wasting time it's crazy hey morning uh Chad shoots environmental staff so uh this particular St is for continuing Services we have um uh those firms on hand to accomplish uh various uh marine and Engineering task um as we see fit uh for that item with regards to the north burm we are you had questions with regards to that project no I didn't have questions but I just knew it was starting today because the media was on on top of it yep yep yep I've seen you quote it a few times and uhoh you want to just give a a couple sentences on the North burm project sure yeah um we're going to be getting into it with these next um couple of items but uh we're going to be let's wait yep no worries well I think the most significant thing on this too is if we don't extend these then we have to go back out for rfqs and that's just going to delay everything so we've already decided and we just need to yep all good capable firms y all right any further discussion I'll move resoltion 2474 final renewal of environmental engineering firms under RFQ D20 06- a second motion by councelor King seconded by councelor Woodson any further discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed hearing none the motion carries unanimously next is item D resolution 24 -78 sta number 11 Coastal Engineering Consultants Inc John I just usually when there's money associated with it I just usually like an explanation of what's what's this regards to and how it's being paid yes sir uh construction phase services for the uh North uh burm um project that's uh starting today so uh that includes uh pre- and post construction surveys uh to verify volumes um as well as the plans and uh quality control that goes along with that uh construction phase um Service uh that will be 53,000 tons from Crescent Park to bage park um again starting today funding comes from funding will be both the uh the engineering the uh sand itself as well as the Contracting Services to deliver and place the sand onto the beach are all paid for by I believe it was a Senate Bill 4A uh that the governor signed in uh at the end of uh 2022 that 1.89 billion uh million doll um will pay for all three of those items to accomplish that project 100% thank you Chad I know the folks from the Best Western are extremely appreciative of your efforts on this but I thought I'd just say that publicly that's a big deal for the they feel very exposed right now and this is a big help for them thank you yep yep that whole north side is very uh low and susceptible to to overwat any other questions for Chad mayor I'll move resolution 2478 sta number 11 Coastal Engineering Consultants Incorporated second motion by councelor King second in by councelor Woodson any further discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed hearing none that motion carries unanimously item e resolution 2477 Soul Source Steward mind materials John again for um what we're doing and how and who's paying for this yeah so we're uh um you know this this this project was made possible by uh both um the competitive bid that uh earthtech Enterprises gave us allowed us to stretch that 1.89 million which would not have been enough to uh lay out that much burm prior but once that competitive bid got in um that that made the numbers work as well as this uh direct directly purchasing the sand from uh steuart mine rather than having a a markup um by a contractor to buy it and then Mark it up and give it to us so that's great um this is some high quality sand too yes sir it's uh it matches our our uh color requirements as well as the grain size for FD where's the mine it's uh it's in amach CER County straight out east let me tell you $1.76 for a ton of sand is a good deal that doesn't include the trucking yeah and the cost is covered under yes sir again yeah the the the cost of this sand as well as the engineering and the delivery and placement onto the beach are all covered by the uh FD Grant of 1.89 and change million dollar okay thank you for the explanation and thank you for all your hard work in putting all this together yes sir you're welcome thank you all right any further questions for Chad these are running away I'll move resolution 2477 Soul Source Steward mind materials I'll second got a motion by councelor King second by councelor Safford any further it steuart or Stewart because in the writing it says with a t and in the explanations it's with a d t with a t Stuart thank you motion by councelor King second by councel Safford any further discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed hearing n that motion car unanimously next is resolution 2473 concrete work for Bay Oaks Recreational campus John just an explanation what we're doing here and the cost I guess yeah uh Jeff hogi cultural parks and direct director um so we had a number of projects here uh Around The Bay Oaks Campus we are using the funds from the the Capital Park improvement loan um that we have so for some I mean if you've been out to the ball field we did a concrete wall makes it look really nice uh we did some sidewalk work some curbing um we had a number of projects that were kind of separate projects but added up to a bigger total um so we this is a resolution because anything over 25,000 has to come to you all um so that's why that's in here is these little projects added up with the same company to to that so um that's kind of where we're getting it at thank you Jeff yeah is there any plan to use that F I probably should ask you this before the meeting but is there any plan to use that fund before it expires to fix say like the concession stand over here or anything like that cuz I know that the time is running out to be able to use that yeah we have until the end of May um to have it done and completed so time is really running out uh but we do have some quotes we're just trying to figure out I'm waiting on one more um because we need the three for the uh the FEMA sure reimbursement so uh I talked to him last week he said he was going to have it to me last week but we'll see I'll I'll reach out to them today and then we can get started on it most of the people that I talked to the other two actually all three said they could do it in a fairly quick manner okay but yeah we do have some some for that as well yeah just very low interest loan so it's we're not going to get that interest again yeah that's why we're we're trying to use it I mean we had you know we had ideas you know like the dog park idea kind of got nixed a little bit just because of um being by the waist the the wetlands we can't do that anymore so possibly going to look for a new location for that but no plans yet for that um we ordered a couple things uh nice amenities for uh Bay Oaks uh one is a curtain that we ordered um that'll go across so that the gym can be separated uh which is great um so you can have one you know one thing going on on the other one the other side so okay any other questions for Jeff mayor I'll move resolution 2473 concrete work for Bay Oaks Recreation campus the second okay got a motion by councelor King a second by councelor Woodson any further discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed hearing then the motion carries unanimously next is resolution 2475 the restroom trailer for Newton Beach Park John just an explanation of uh this and the cost and how it's being paid yeah absolutely so we've been talking a lot about Newton beach park and putting it back at least uh you know a portion of it for a restroom some parking uh and a beach access going to the beach um so we're we're still going forward with those plans um we need to replace a restroom we had we have TDC funds uh tourist de development funds to um we had put in the budget to rent one um which was about 45,000 at the time um now that we went back and got new quotes of course everything is is more expensive it was more like 55 or 60,000 um to just rent it for the year so we we asked TDC if it was okay if we if we allocated some of the the staff funding costs that were uh supposed to be and Associated for Newton Beach Park um to put towards buying one along with that that rental uh cost that we had already requested and they they approve that um so we're actually using the whole thing will be TDC funded uh to put it back uh restroom trailer um a great job on doing that and do you have an estimated time when this will begin yeah if we can get this uh past uh and get it in fairly quick they thought by Memorial Day we could get it shipped to us and and hopefully get plumbed in and and put the electric to it so your plan is to hard Plum it just like the Palm Avenue one it'll be exactly the same same exact trailer okay thank you sir any other questions for Jeff mayor I'll move resolution 2475 restroom trailer for Newton Beach Park second a motion by councelor King second and by vice mayor adhal any further discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I I opposed hearing none that motion carries unanimously next are the public hearings we need to swear anybody in no no okay let me go to the first one the first is the first reading and public hearing on ordinance entitled an ordinance of the town of Fort Meers Beach Florida amending chapter 34 article 3 division 5 sections 34- 675 building size to one change Building height from two stories to three stories for properties that front on Times Square and Bayfront pedestrian plazas the north side of First Street the south side of esto Boulevard between old San Carlos Boulevard and the main pedestrian Crossing and two change building Heights height from two stories to three stories for properties that front on Lagoon Street Crescent Street 1st 2 third and Fifth Street East of the skybridge only providing for severability codification scri reserves conflicts of Law and effective date we'll now open the public hearing Sarah good morning Sarah propes with Community Development the ordinance language that is before you corrects a code issue that has been noted in the code before but prior to Hurricane Ian there were no vacant Lots in that area so the code had was sort of on the back burner um since Ian these properties are trying to determine what development potential they have and this code it change is necessary to resolve that issue the code currently allows buildings to be 30 feet above base flood elevation but limits the number of stories to a single story above flood elevation the proposed change would allow the building to be a total of two stories above base flood elevation and 30 ft this code glitch applies to several parts of the downtown zoning District Time Square and Bayfront pedestrian Plaza north side of First Street South Side of Aero Boulevard between old San Carlos Boulevard and the main pedestrian Crossing Carolina Avenue Lagoon Street Cresent Street 1 2 third and fifth east of the SK skybridge only north side of Estero Boulevard West of Old San Carlos Boulevard and east of CR Street Primo Drive poo Circle Miramar Street north of Estero Ohio Avenue and Virginia Avenue at the lpaa hearing on April 6th the LPA unanimously recommended approval of the request with one member absent staff asks that Town Council provide any feedback and schedule a second hearing all right questions for Sarah councelor King not at this time B may uh Sarah I watched the LPA hearing and this this appears to be and I don't want to mischaracterize it but this appears to in essence be a technical correction is that a fair characterization I would say so I I think that at the time the code was originally written um well the flood code was not the way it is now um the way it is now it only allows one story uh which is is not functionally worthwhile in in that part of the Town um so yeah this makes this makes those streets the same as every other part of the island every other part of the island is allowed to have two stories about flood right thank you mhm Council Woodson no I just think it to note too that it's you're not increasing the height it's still staying at 30 ft but you're just increasing how that's laid out yep Council zff I'm good thank you the only question I have I know there was some discussion a little bit at the LPA meeting about having Stories versus height and I'm still kind of on the fence I'm not understanding at the end of the day if 30 feet is the Land Development code that maximizes the height that you can do above base flood does it really matter on the stories and from a staff's pers perspective does it do you think it's important to have that there does it matter one way or another and I guess what I'm trying to get at is if someone can fit three stories in the 30 feet at the end of the day um as long as it meets all the other requirements does does the town really have a need to worry about that um I guess it would depend on if you want to allow additional stories in that area that aren't allowed in other areas um so right now the code is pretty much um I think there's one section that may allow three stories over flood um but the rest of the town is only allowed two stories over flood so it's and and I'm not exactly sure constructionwise how that would work if it would work um but it's certainly up to you I couldn't speak to the advantages and disadvantages of it I can't see how it would benefit but if if your wish would be to not have any limit on stories no it was just a a general question globally I wasn't specifically talking about that but islandwide I mean if someone wants to have three 10 10 foot high ceilings versus two that you know are taller does at the end of the day if it doesn't change the density or if it increases the chances of a layout or somebody doing something different is does the staff really have a any skin in the game or really feel any detriment to that and maybe this is a future conversation but yeah um I I don't know that staff um partly has an opinion on it I'm because I'm not sure how it would work um and that may be a really good question going forward when we're doing the Land Development code update you know if if it's appropriate to even have that or you know even if the town wants to consider allowing three stories in three stories over flood in some places yeah I've just always struggled with if 30 ft is the requirement or the ma that you can do what's inside that is it is it really matter the outside height is what it is if you have three stories in there versus two and I can say that it is it is typical for most communities to have both of those measurements in there both the number of stories and the height um it's not necessary always but it it does ensure that buildings kind of have a similar look um which is a lot about what zoning is sure okay I just had general question I know that they felt it was important to keep it in there so I just wanted a little more clarification from my mindset good okay um no other questions yet thanks we will open it up for public comment is there anyone that would like to speak in public comment seeing none we'll close public comment and bring it back to the council for further discussion or a motion is there any further discussion is there a motion to approve moving it to a second reading I'll make a motion to approve ordinance 24- 08 downtown Building height I'll second we got a motion by councelor Woodson a second by councelor Safford any further discussion you want a roll call vote okay councilor Woodson I Council Stafford I Vice May UL I councelor King I mayor allers is I motion carries unanimous the next is first reading and public hearing on an ordinance entitled an ordinance of the town of Fort Meers Beach Florida section 34- 232 required hearings of a division 5 public hearings and review of Article 2 zoning procedures of chapter 34 zoning districts design standards and non-conformities to require only one public hearing before the Council planning agency LPA for variances extensions and satisfaction of conditions of previously approved land use approvals if the decision by the LPA is unanimous and the CL town clerk does not receive a request by anyone for any additional hearing before the Town Council within 10 business days after the LPA decision a public hearing before the Town Council is required for variances extensions or satisfaction of conditions if the decision by the LPA is not unanimous or if anyone requests such hearing within 10 business days after the LPA providing for codification severability scrier erors conflicts of Law and an effective date I'll now open the public hearing anyone okay all right yes all right yall had asked to shorten the process on um some of the variances and what this would do is it would allow the um for a variance that was unanimously decided by the LPA and if no one from the public came in and requested any sort of um a a double hearing before the Town Council um this would allow just one hearing before the Town Council to approve it so it would just it would hurry things up if something's not controversial right just for clarification if they don't have seven people there if it's still 60 somebody's not there somebody recuses themsel whatever as long as it's a zero on the back end right okay yeah I think it's wonderful I think we need to again get shovels in the ground and it still comes before Town Council for one yes reading yes whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa that's that's not what it was supposed to be right no yeah Becky I'm I'm confused by that we we if if the whole purpose of the exercise was it first of all it affirms our confidence in the LPA uh but if it's unanimous and it's it's in these categories which is a subset of of what we do here and it's unanimous from the LPA then it's then it's immediately affirmed and it does not come before the council unless unless there's that request it actually says it in the it actually says yeah I was I was answering the question it definitely would come before the Town Council if it's not unanimous or if someone has some kind of an objection to it yeah that's what I want a clarification on sorry I didn't answer your question correctly obviously and the someone could be anyone it doesn't necessar have right okay yeah so I just would say a couple things if I could first of all thank you Becky this is something that I've been trying to do prior to Ian uh and I thank my colleagues for this I thank the LPA for this uh but the town attorney in particular I think because I posited this to our previous Town attorney and we just never really got anywhere but you you're you're getting stuff done Becky and I appreciate that very much this it seems like a little thing but it's actually a big deal for a number of reasons number one it affirms our faith in the LPA B when people have to come before the LPA for something that's not controversial it takes a a big part of their day uh and then they have to come back to the council again for what rarely ever uh uh manifests itself as controversial and it's just a procedural exercise where many of these folks have attorneys they've got land planners they're spending all kinds of money to sit here for an exercise uh that really Bears little fruit because it's often just uh uh just we affirm the lpa's decision so not only does it take the time of the applicants to come and cost for the applicants but all the people in the people see our agendas are very long so all the people in the audience who are waiting for their item to come up they're also delayed and it just for from just the in terms of respect for our citizenry I think it respects their time and their resources particularly poan when we're facing all these challenges and and and and let's be honest it does make the council more efficient as well so I appreciate your efforts on this Becky and I and I would move approval of public I'm sorry I will not move approval any question any questions for Becky before we all right public comment is there anyone that would like to speak and public comment on this item seeing none we'll close public comment bring it back to the council take it away vice mayor and before I make the motion Becky I would ask that you and Nancy incorporate some kind of a notice if you will in the script that Nancy reads before each LPA hearing so that so that anybody in the audience or who's listening could actually hear this prerequisite so they may not be directly impacted but they maybe have a friend or a neighbor that they could call and say oh you may want to object to this this is in your neighborhood and here's what you need to do I think it'd be great to have it in the public script so people could have an idea that this is their recourse and that everybody can certainly have D due process and with that I would move approval of ordinance 24- 06 expedited variance extension and condition review I'll second all right we got a motion by vice mayor adhal seconded by councelor Safford any further discussion vice mayor edal you vote I councelor Safford I councelor Woodson I councilor King hi and I'm an i motion carries unanimously to the second reading next is ordinance a first reading and public hearing of an ordinance entitled an ordinance of the town of Fort Meers Beach Florida amending and restarting ordinance 23-05 to permit temporary uses in certain zoning districts in response to and as part of the town's recovery efforts following a natural disaster or other emergency situation one by a governmental entity for the benefit of the public two for the residential manufactured homes mobile homes motor homes recreational vehicles or other temporary dwellings for residential purposes and three for movable commercial structures for the delivery and sale of goods and services to the public providing for conflict of law scrier errors severability and providing for an effective date we now open the first public hearing Becky okay all right this is an ordinance which would um we have a current um ordinance relating to Temporary placement permits but this this is to clarify the intent of the previous one and this includes um temporary commercial uses and this allows um its prospective an application which is important because there are some um uses which are here which were not prean we're not kicking them out which would result in claims against the town um but this would allow going forward um I know that there were some questions as to whether there could be temporary commercial structures here under the existing Provisions okay questions for n Nancy sorry Becky that's okay counc King v m well I appreciate that explanation Becky but if you were walking into a coffee shop this morning and somebody said what are you doing what are you working on today at the council could you explain this in a little bit maybe use an example so people can understand exactly what the impact of this would be okay all right under the existing um provision that we have right now it talks about governmental and residential and it from um I wasn't here but immediately after Ian there was the understanding it would also include commercial because people whose commercial businesses were wiped out by Ian um they wanted to come back in using some kind of a portable structure or whatever that they could operate um so that they you know could while they were planning on rebuilding the brick and mortar they would have a source of income going forward um the actually the wording of what we um what we have on the books right now talks about governmental and it talks about residential I don't know why it didn't have commercial in there but it was always construed to be that and I know that the town um particularly once going forward to allow businesses that had um a a presence here to be able to have a temporary presence while they're rebuilding and so that's Becky what you're doing in essence if I could just characterize it you're just codifying the original intent of the council which was not properly codified when it was produced by the prior attorney that's accurate all right thank you Council Woodson so just for further clarification um if there was a business let's just say a retail place and they wanted to take their spot and put a food truck on it that would not be the same business that they had prior to the storm is that is that like a cart blanch on this or does it have to be same business so a rest could have a food truck a retail could have a popup kiosk or whatever it may be but it has to be the same business because that was originally the intent that I remember okay um the way this is written it's um or a similar business um I I that that doesn't that to me wasn't the intent and the other questions that I'm getting is okay if I had a rental property and it was destroyed and I want to put up a um RV trailer whatever and rent it as a short-term rental because that was my business on that property before and I don't think we've addressed that either okay um um I believe on the residential um it it varies specifically what we have right now says uh you can't use it for a short-term rental under I think to expand on what you're asking in our code does it say that if you have if I'm not mistaken three units or more that are used that is considered commercial even though on Lepa it may say it's residential but according to our code it's considered commercial that's not no no it's just considered multif family at that point it's it may have to meet the commercial building codes but by zoning it's still residential okay that's that's the difference is the building codes would be considered commercial but not the zoning that's correct okay um and to speak to your question regarding um similar uses uh when we were drafting this new one it was decided there are some businesses who are not interested in coming back and that property was previously a restaurant and they're allowed to put another restaurant there another temporary restaurant or you know a retail store maybe they just they can't do it but if somebody else wants to come in with a very with a similar business so that's so the idea is to keep the same uses there we're hoping that the same businesses come back but in the instance they don't we don't want the property owner to be out and say well I don't I don't have that business anymore so nothing can go there so that was the intent of that so okay using that idea so if it's a if it was a retail business and Sh apparel shop or whatever and they're not going to come back they then could or could not put a food truck there no they would have to put a similar business um so it have to be sort of a similar category business it is going to be difficult for staff in some instances to determine what was previously there especially if there was a um you know like a strip center and we're not really sure of what all the uses were in there it might be difficult for staff to determine that but the intent is that if there was a restaurant a restaurant can go back it was retail retail can go back okay so I mean I really believe if staff can't determine because I understand that we have new people and that type of thing that there should be some check and balance as to what was there before asking the question going online doing and what I'm trying to get at is to protect our businesses that were here and not face competition as they're trying to build back too yes no and and we're certainly going to do everything that we can to determine what was there using I mean they should have applied for use permits so we should have a record of that but in some instances it's kind kind of hard to tell what was in certain places um but we are going to do our best to understand what was there using Google Maps using a variety of sources um just letting you know that it's not always perfectly clear for example the goods um you know they had multiple things going on inside that business if you didn't go into that business you wouldn't have known um so you know I for instance I've been here a long time I've never been into the goods so if somebody said there was ice cream there I would have been like really I wouldn't have known that um so just just saying that we're going to do our best to understand what that business was and we'll ask a lot of questions but that that is a hurdle that we'll have to work with to your point Council we're also um implementing what we're calling administrative review so everything that comes in we have for lack of a better words a little a little get together and discuss this so this does not happen um to Sarah's Point using everything at our uh availability to determine what was there and if it does meet the use category so what about the businesses or the food trucks that have already been allowed that probably shouldn't be there again that's more than just food truck I mean there's all kinds of businesses being used on land that wasn't what it was used for before so my bigger question is are we setting ourselves up for litigation by doing this because of our favorite Senate Bill 250 we're changing the rules now again and we're making it more restrictive than what was there originally because if I can tell you if I was a person that owned a piece of commercial property and I'm seeing this I would be extremely upset because other people have it now on the island that didn't have things in that location and doing a different use than what was before and now you're telling me that I can't do it could I make an argument that I'm you're restricting my ability to operate my Commercial Business how I see fit um the existing uh provisions that we have right now don't address commercial at all so this is actually I could make an argument in court I think you know you never know how a court case come out but um when the what we have right now talks about residential and governmental doesn't address commercial they the fact that we um I'm not sure who drafted that I I assume it was the former attorney but he apparently did not draft it in accordance with the the council's request but in fact what he drafted didn't address commercial so we're making it actually more liberal oh okay so I mean that would be my position in court you know there's an argument on the other side um you know that in fact the town did allow certain things but that could be scratched up to human error sorry I didn't mean to jump in on you on your no I'm very sensitive to sb250 um I I don't try to get um obviously I don't try to get the town in trouble because I have no desire to defend stuff but when this is what you want to do and this is I've got a good legal argument you know hey if somebody sues they sue and we defend so anything else Council wiin nope no the only couple things I had were one I've already stated and you answered that but the other one was didn't we talk a little bit about there's got to be an end to this at some point and and and what made me think about it is there's a property on the island that I know has submitted a develop a CPD or development to do something that is extremely outrageous and I'll be shocked when it actually comes through but based on our discussion would that then eliminate them from having to do anything with their structure that is totally dilapitated and not being touched we'll get to that later um and it's sitting there but now because they've put in application to do something does that give them the right to let that thing sit there forever based on what we have in front of us today or or are we not putting anything in place to I mean it's we can't let something temper it's it's it's it's a different issue but specifically to this we had talked about putting an end date to it the temporary use unless you had put an application to build a new building to do what that's what my recollection was of the last discussion about this but I don't see is there a sunset on this that's trying to get at if there's no sunset on it and within that Sunset if someone just comes in and throws some ridiculous thing out there just to put an application in so that they don't have to take care of their property there's no recourse in here to to get someone to do something or is that get covered under a totally different statute I think that is touching two different things because one could be a public safety versus one is giving the right to have somebody do what they want or extend a business so if they have a dilapidated structure even though they're putting through an agreement it's still if it qualifies as an unsafe structure that that's a totally different game and we can go after them and which we are well that's a good way to put it is is how I want to make sure one doesn't supersede the other no sir meaning giving the person the ability to do something versus the ability not to conform are two different issues you look like you want to say something back um this actually we didn't put a specific sunset set in this because we wanted if heaven forbid there's another storm and we are faced with this again this would give us a way to deal with that eventuality but we could Sunset a hurricane Ian issue or Adalia issue until the next issue or does it have to get that granu can it be not storm specific but you have after the date of said storm you have this much time where this is app is applicable you know what I mean we could yeah but that way it doesn't have to be changed tell me the amount of time and I'll stick it in for a second we had discussed three years years to coincide from the from the storm because of what is in the Senate Bill 250 as far as residential side I thought it was two two years but we're it's still two years isn't it well no we talk about it move to three years now it was it was 18 months originally and then it's now 3 years through from the date from the date of the storm for residential residential but we had talked about doing that the entire ordinance so that would give them till September of 2025 to be able to provide application and that's where my question came in with see that in there actually so it's another year and a half just so there's certainty well it and it gives people enough time to understand that this is you know this is your window of trying to do something because the intent as far as I remember our discussion was to not not allow this forever to not let someone just have I've actually spoken to business owners and they appreciate that there's a sunset claws in there so they can make a decision they can move forward they've got a game plan so it's it's not like we're making a rule that is is bad it's actually a good thing because they can they can make plans and and move forward that make sense MH so is everyone okay with adding that I guess we want to call it sunset clause and and would it be wed as though so that this can stay in place unless it has to be amended at some other point not specific to Ian but any name storm any hurricane but then you say yeah well exactly I don't want to bring bad thoughts I just want to make sure that the you know that we don't have to go through this all over again so that we have it something in place that people know going into it or coming out of it unfortunately where they stand as far as getting back on their feet and and I think it probably would need to have a provision that talks about um a resolution kind of reupping it well could we say instead of giving a Sunset date to coincide with State Statute because if Senate Bill 250 were to get extended we would have to then change this to meet the state statute wouldn't we yes so maybe the wording is to coincide with the state what this that way if something changes we don't have to do this all over again um except that there has not been yeah there hasn't been anything I don't think I've missed anything um relating to commercial at all it's just residential so do you want the commercial to tag along with the residential because that might not be a great idea because who knows what they're going to do with residential yeah sp250 is just strictly I understand but I you're talking about when you say tag along you mean the Sunset date or in other words if for whatever reason they extended yet another two years for a total of five years I don't think you want to do that with the commercial so could you do separate you could do Residential as to coincide with State Statute commercial is up to three years after the date of Nam storm something along those lines that sound about right I agree with that natural a name a name how about a name natural name a name disaster a name natural disaster doesn't have to be a natural because the plane crash not is not natural name disaster disaster yeah how how about well I don't know if they name plane crashes but um but a disaster recognized by resolution of so you know does happen 6 months after the building collapse a plane crashed on Collins Avenue and in outside of Surf Side so it does happen just least expected yeah we just had one 75 that's true well I think you understand kind of still where we're going with it I hear JS vice mayor adol you look like you're in deep thought and would like to say no I think this has been a good discussion I support the changes Concor King are you okay with the changes I am most certainly okay with them okay okay what you need yes okay then the discussion got a little dark there for a while but to make a motion still well we got to do public comment oh I I'll open it up for public comment would anyone like to add their two cents into the discussion come on up it's only related to this item just so yes M somewhat retired 40-year contractor in several States including the State of Florida uh a couple of things that I'd like to say about this resolution and something that you you might want to put in there U looking at it from the standpoint of a contractor you're looking at several different things you start basically by putting the idea out there working with engineers and working with Architects I think there should be a proof that this is moving forward and then give it a Sunset date after the proof has been amended or approved at some point in other words what you're doing is putting a Sunset date in there but what what happens to the contractor and what happens to the commercial building when the contractors gone in put the documents in place started with engineering started with architecture working on LPA trying to get approvals and then all of a sudden that Sunset Clause comes in there has to be something in there that states that there has to be some kind of movement in this and if you don't then what you're going to end up with is you know just putting it out there as a contractor engineering can take a year year and a half sometimes you know if you've got to look for the three-eyed lizard toad or something you know that somebody put out there or some bug it might take way longer than that because then you have to go back and you have to look at what's the environmental impact so what I'm what my suggestion is and I'm saying this for commercial as a Commercial contractor you need to put verbage in this so that they're putting something forward they're not just getting three years as a lump time because you're going to run out there not enough time in other words give them something so that they can move it forward and if they need more time it gives them that voice of more time does that make sense yeah well you yeah you got it okay you're good anyone else like to speak in public comment oh we got a public comment at the end um all right we'll close the public comment bring it back to to address his issues that's what I was talking about at the beginning we had talked originally about having to move forward the sunset was there to make sure that you're trying to move forward too you putting in some sort of application we understand it it's going to take time yeah just just for clarification it's not three years from today it's three years from from the date of the storm correct so we're we're at and a half yeah halfway through the the period and that was what I was trying to bring up at the beginning and understand maybe it's a different issue but if I own property a and I come in on the the second to the last day and say here's my here's my thing for Sarah and the staff to look at and it's 50 story building on a quarter acre loot it's so ridiculous that but they' technically have put something in yeah you know what I mean how how do you Safeguard against that because we I think we the intent for the discussion that I remember was we certainly want to encourage people to Brick build back brick and mortar but we don't want to give them something to just say I'm not going to do anything and leave it sit here until it sells so I'm just going to throw something in and pay the fee so that I'm technically no longer on the Sun or the the sunset list you know so I'll address that your that's in your wheelhouse absolutely is everybody okay with that I mean that's I think that was the CU we've now seen one that has come in that is is pretty egregious I will say and does that then take them off the we're trying to do something list or off the list you know what I mean that's kind of what I was looking at I'll address that here all right any further discussion is there a motion to move uh where we at ordinance 44 emergency temporary uses to a second reading I'll move the ordinance 2404 emergency temporary uses to a second reading second motion by mayor Aller seconded by councelor King any further discussion uh roll call um I Council King I vice mayor adhal I Council Woodson I Council Safford I motion carries unanimously next is the last public hearing it is the first first reading and public hearing on an ordinance entitled an ordinance of the town of Fort Meers Beach Florida reaffirming its prior Amendment to the qualifying period for Town Council candidates for the November 2024 election to noon on the 71st day June 10th 2024 purchasing policy oh I did I'm sorry let me go backwards gee I got two things here just kidding just warming up well glad you guys let me get halfway through it before you you were testing us we thought you were testing yeah I my peripheral vision wasn't working because I would have been able to see you guys doing all right let's try this again this is the first reading and public hearing of an ordinance entitled an ordinance of the town of Fort Meers Beach Florida amending division one purchasing of goods and service policies and procedures of Article 5 Finance of the town of Fort Meers Beach to transfer purchasing to the town manager or design from the finance department to increase the authority of the Town manager for purchases of goods and services to clarify existing regulations and to implement recommendations provided to the Town based on the disaster Readiness assessment and abatement plan prepared by the Florida Division of Emergency Management providing for conflict of law scrier errors and severability and providing for an effective date well now open the public hearing who's going first this uh Mr Mayor this is something that uh my name is Frankie kachik I'm the operations and compliance the Town Fort Meers Beach sir um members of council uh this is something that we've been trying to work with with uh ny's kind of taking the spearhead on this one and uh we've just try to uh modernize this to give us our town and our town manager a little bit more flexibility in these situations and to make us more concurrent with other municipalities in the area with the help of Staff like our finance director um and with Jason Freeman our legislative liaison who's uh working with uh our frro uh initiative in our abatement plan we wanted to get something that had a little bit more teeth in it but still gave us the flexibility to be competitive with other municipalities in the way they go about purchasing goods and services was this a recommendation from the frck process their abatement review type of thing or it was um our our current purchasing policy was not that it was outdated it was just subpar compared to other municipalities um and with frck you get a point system for updating being concurrent following different statutes and things uh this brings us into that realm um and basically what we did we shadowed the counties uh 18-22 purchasing ordinance and scaled back then from there to create the basis of this and then also with some revisions from our finance director um which were really well taken um put in there and given us the the meat so to speak in the ordinance so this would this would increase our point total in the frck program that is correct by making this change okay and what is just for those that don't maybe understand what frck is Stereo 98 FR Rock there it's krock I do have our legisl east or west of the Mississippi Jason if you'd like to come up and just give us a real quick quick overview of what it is and and how it the point system is very important too uh going forward yeah absolutely uh Jason Freeman for the record so frck is the Florida Recovery obligation calculation uh it's a new initiative with fdm I believe we're in the middle of the first opt-in year uh and essentially they go through uh pre or I guess yeah they do a review U before emergencies or or disaster events um and check procurement procedures and debris removal and bunch of different Public Assistance uh efforts and then they give you a score um and we're in the middle of we had our initial score um and now we're in the abatement plan or a batement activity uh section of that process which we have until May 15th to to update procurement ordinances and uh policies and procedures um and provide those to FM to get our final score for the hurricane season uh starting in June of this year um and the higher the score the more money upfront that you can receive for uh public assistance in the future with FM that's the important part I wanted you to get out so yeah um and they give you a baseline score um and that's so we don't know our final score yet up until after May 15th once uh the division of Emergency Management reviews all of our baitman activities and we provide everything to them uh we should have that score and then we'll let you all know what that is but yeah the higher score you have uh the more money up front you can get in category a and category B set to PR removal and then I believe uh the emergency measures so so it's very important exactly thank you thanks R and so basically when this process is done not only for the frro but also for the town moving forward it gives the town manager a lot more flexibility into doe to the day-to-day operations that we need to do okay any other questions for Frank or I have I just Frankie or Andy I appreciate the process importance of this and and affirming with other certifications and so forth and how we're evaluated but what what's the Practical policy changes here in other words does the town manager now have authority to spend more than 25,000 I mean what what are there any aside from the process update piece here and sort of good practices or best practice is are there any any subsid of changes that a vendor should know about or that we should know about in terms of what how we Empower Our Town manager so yes to your question Mr vice mayor um moving forward this would allow a better or a larger spending limit initially to the town manager um based on where he's at right now I believe we're bumping it up considerably right from 25,000 currently uh before coming to council actually $249.99 um now up to 75,000 um that's in line with all the other municipalities in the area um and that gives us a larger ability to do the things that we need to do at a moment's notice we still always come to council and we still always do keep the public advise on what we do and how we do it um as far as contracts for goods Services those type of things our whole Contracting system too is the way we wrote contracts and what we provide in those contracts and how we keep those public or get those to the public uh as far as our vetted services will also be more uh they were always transparent but a little bit more visible so to speak um there'll be a a bigger area for them to be viewed um on our town website moving forward so all of our purchasing policy again will mirror sort of what the county did when they established the 18-22 purchasing policy but it'll just be scaled down to fit our town so currently the town manager authorized to spend up to $25,000 without Council approval and is that $225,000 is he required to or he or she required to go out to bid it depends on what we're doing if it's just for a simple service or even for a maybe a professional contract and it's a oneoff we do not um if it is something that is going to benefit or uh we are going to use it as a lasting service then we always try to uh to put it out for a bid and then that 20 in essence what happens after if if this should be approved is that 25,000 number moves to 75,000 that is correct sir and you're you're also telling us that in municipal government in Florida today that 75,000 number is more common than the $225,000 number yes sir it is okay that's what I that's helpful thank you yes sir any other questions all right we'll open up for public comment anyone like to speak on this item seeing none we'll close public comment bring it back for any further discussion or motion mayor if I may ask um we also go through the budget process every year we try to anticipate what's going to be spent during the year that a lot of This falls into that category where you've already approved uh concrete purchase for for for this is simple because we talked about concrete for a certain project and it's you know and we know we're going to do that project and we anticipate it costing you know $73,000 that kind of gives us the me the ability go ahead and do that get the quotes do whatever we need to do to follow the purchasing Pro policy but if there's something outside of that that'll always come back to the council we won't just do that if it's not a budgeted related item it's very rare obviously we've just come through probably the worst you know 18 months that that a town could ever go through with that type of thing but being under the emergency order that opens everything up that puts this aside and there's things we can do we're still in that we still have the emergency orders we still got have that going on from Ian but we still that says that we we can I can do that make a contract do whatever but I still had to follow the purchasing process and still come to you to get to approve everything it's just on a post versus a pre but there's a lot of things our communication process is is extraordinary I think um we I'm really fortunate to have a good communication with each one of you and I think that helps when you purchase things just to let you know what's going on and and you won't see you know 25 bathrooms showing up down through here that that's you know aggregate cost is to much but the onesies things like but we'll still be letting you know I know Joe's been a I think he's in here Joe's been a big part of this and I don't know if Joe if you have any comments or anything to add or bless it or uh but Joe we we obviously included him in this we think it's very important that that the village looks at this internally before we bring it to you but we we do think it's a better way and plus not withstanding the points that we get in the future for what what um is um fd's Pro program Jo sorry to put you on the spot but just to kind of you know close things out a little bit sure um I'm Joe ANUK Director of Finance I I did review the changes I'm not sure if you had received the updated changes that were made they do have them okay great so the most important thing is that we are always in compliance with our purchasing ordinance and so I don't think that's changing in any way shape or form it's just maybe changing some of the the ranges um for certain requirements and I should have pulled this out I think I've got it here we go okay just to highlight some things so what we're we're trying to do is like purchases between the range of $10,000 and $75,000 they're always going to require three quotes and those would be written quotes anything between 5,000 and 10,000 would require verbal quotes um and then anything under 5,000 would only require one quote certainly people do the best they can to find the best prices always we don't seem to have any issues with that but then this just makes the parameters more um more reasonable um in terms of um the amount of work and effort that people have to go through when they're doing purchases so we just trying to bring it back up um these were my recommendations based on what I've seen like in for example our neighboring um um Annabelle um that this is comes from from what they're doing as far as these these smaller um ranges changes to the ranges that I've suggested so and basically it's just making sure that all the language within the purchasing ORS is consistent and so that was the only thing I did so it's just between the town manager myself with Amy all the people involved in looking at it we were just trying to make sure that we're consistent and that um it's it's reasonable very good thank you Joe I don't want to B this but just for the just for the public who are watching this one of the things that's been somewhat I think it just hasn't been discussed very often uh since I've been on the council is the selection advisory committee process that's referenced in this as well can you talk a little bit about how you go about finding these people to serve on the selection advisory committee and how that process works and is it a sort of an additional Safeguard in the process so basically what we do is we we the town manager would select three directors um to look over the qualifications of the people that were bided so say you had uh three people putting in for uh balloon manufacturing and we're getting in the balloon business we would look through what they had to have qualifications did they meet the basic criteria that we put out into our our our bid document um and then they're scored and that evalu of that recommendation then gets back to the town manager and that town manager either proceed I guess where I'm curious Frankie is that I've seen situations with the town where they have they're not just directors these are people these are residents of our Island they're brought on to the selection uh advisory committee how is that how's how does that work are these just people that you know in the community are pertinent involved in that activity if we're looking for a specific type of vendor um and it has a group involvement with it um we would definitely reach out to those groups and have one of those members on that committee as well it's at the discretion of the Town manager but we do try to to keep everyone involved that is in that active process um if it's just a town function and it's a town service or town good that we're trying to meet then it's usually just directing staff but if it's an overall large project that we're going to put and we do need that public input we would look out to those uh uh community groups and whatever for their help and the town manager would more than likely have several people of those on on that committee as well okay that that helps it's just it's an area that is rarely ever discussed and and I don't I don't know if you have a Rolodex of people that if youve come across who have you know their subject matter expertise and you just sort of randomly select them when it's an outside issue like like Frankie described or do you have how do people if people want to participate in that process they should they let you know obviously they wouldn't they certainly wouldn't want to have a conflict of interest correct yeah yeah I think what what what I've I've seen in the past hasn't happened here because we haven't done too many deep dives into construction or purchase of land for instance that type of thing but I know in in I'm not sure what they did in the past but I I don't have a Rolodex I'm still learning a lot of people but we depend on people that are say on borab uh maybe a Committee Member there somebody from Anchorage committee if we're doing something related to that um we we we if we're doing beach related type things it would just be makes common sense to do that you're right have to watch conflict of interest that that's another thing uh we don't really have a procedure I I don't think in in place now it's pretty much a okay we do we'll deal with staff maybe the attorney sits in there the clerk um the finance director and then the director of the department they they look at that to make it more broad-based um currently how we do that but it's always opportunity to expand it to make it more user friendly for the whole community to make it more um transparent that sort of thing so we we do record those I believe Amy if that's correct those recordings everything has to be recorded uh we keep it in the sunshine keep it uh as as as open as we can can keep it and that's the selection advisory committee process is optional to the town manager or is there a threshold where you have to Institute one it looks like it it looks like it for any bid greater than 250,000 you have to have a selection advisory committee is that that's and on any capital projects I think the only thing we had was the tier one project that we did the storm water project and I think that was we had people involved that were subject matter experts in that field okay all right thank you I think uh as long as Joe's sitting up close again um obviously you were involved in this so you're comfort able with this but remove the current occupants from the position is that something that you'd still be comfortable with are there safeguards in there that uh as a finance director you'd be okay with um in terms of moving the purchasing from press Department well actually I mean in practice that's that's sort of but also the amount as well the amount yeah maybe I'm not understanding oh the increase in the amount yes I'm I'm comfortable with that in fact the main I mean the main thing for for Grants and for um like FEMA and that they actually have much higher levels like on a federal level so our our levels are are below what they would require so and and it's comparable to what you know our neighboring um municipalities are doing so I am comfortable with that okay thank you any further questions for staff mayor I'll move ordinance 24-11 purchasing policy amendments second had a motion by councelor King seconded by vice mayor adhal any further discussion councelor King hi Vice may I may allers say I Council Woodson I counc Safford I motion carries unanimously now for take two this is the first reading and public hearing on an ordinance entitled an ordinance of the Town Fort Myers Beach Florida reaffirming its prior Amendment of the qualifying period for the Town Council candidates for the November 2024 election to noon on the 71st day June 10th 202024 to noon of the 67th day of June 14th 202024 prior to the August primaries to be held on August 20th of 202024 providing for scriveners errors conflicts of Law severability and providing for an effective date we'll now open the first public hearing Becky okay um this is to um fulfill the request of the supervisor of elections this is not a change of anything the supervisor of election has asked us to um have this ordinance okay questions for Becky then this doesn't really move anything then from the town clerk to the supervisor of elections um we currently have an inter local with the supervisor of elections that they are qual ifying officer now that was signed back in I believe December of last year okay so this is just clarifying because they are our qualifying officer now we run on their schedule no longer on ours it moves it back from election date the 6771 days is from primaries so it's um better for them to get the the ballots printed and overseas ballots mailed and get those mailing ballots back but also as a candidate all forms then go to the county instead of do you we believe that is the correct answer we're going to clarify that this afternoon I've had that question just this morning all right I I think there's a little confusion on the County website on that John just okay any other questions for Amy or Becky we'll open it up for public comment is there anyone that would like to speak and public comment on this item seeing none we'll close it and bring it back to the council for any discussion or a motion I'll move ordinance 24-2 elections second all right got a motion by councelor King a second by councelor Safford any further discussion councel King I councelor Safford I councelor Woodson I mayor allers I Vice may I motion carries unanimously next is the administrative agenda I don't believe there's anything anyone have anything administratively no final public comment this is your time to shine I'm Christy Thorton from trip and rides I came here um probably a couple months ago now um I brought you a flash drive I left it with you so while I've been um rerouting my map plan and drawing things out and actually there was a really good um um public discussion opened up on Facebook about a comment that I made in the interim while we're redesigning the traffic flow here with the roundabout and everything I came up with an idea that maybe the southbound traffic on a sterile Boulevard could first use the bus lane coming over the bridge and then turn um left and use the Middle Lane going down a ster a Boulevard that would keep a one-way flow of EV bikes golf carts or regular bikes if they can keep up the flow of traffic and then they could turn around um down at Virginia Street and come back up the sidewalk opposite the beach end um in the end term until we build a roundout that would give electric vehicles on the beach a way to travel around with traffic and not hold up anything while I was drawing this out I came up with another idea which um this is my husband Matt is holding this map what you all have here a long-term solution to trying to fix the flow of traffic going around that little square by Time Square in between Crescent um Drive in Old San Carlos Boulevard I propose that we make a one-way flow of traffic after you come to the base of the TR the bottom of the bridge make a one-way flow of traffic that comes up to Margaritaville and the right hand lane would go straight the leftand lane would be forced to turn left down Crescent and make a loop around and you have a series of networks of one-way flow traffic so that you don't have any bottleneck and choke points because we are stuck with the bo the choke point at Margaritaville currently there's no way around this so instead of having the Northbound traffic come up and be subject to the pedestrian traffic at Margaritaville which is absolutely necessary that we have a light and a crosswalk there every time that crosswalk is activated the Northbound traffic has a free flow right hand turn down Crescent and then up on the bridge and they bypass this whole mess M this corner and if you look at your map here I've drawn in this roundabout that you're all about to put in um and I've Incorporated I think as a network of flow of traffic that is um compatible with electric vehicles compatible with bikes compatible with pedestrians and compatible with cars all in the same way and I think it if we could make this beach more accessible to electric vehicles and pedestrians and bicycles a lot less people would drive here anyways so that's my two cents I hope you and I oh in the meantime I'm really looking for access to use the bus lane up over the bridge for electric vehicles and golf carts right thank you thank you and the Middle Lane down a sterile well if you want to hang out I'll address some of the concerns that I have with this okay for your benefit in case you don't know I'll I'll address it under my items anyone else like to speak in public comment ain't seeing none we'll close public comment Tom manager items thank you mayor I have a few things um first we to talk about Staffing uh we continue to work on Staffing um we have a an interview on Thursday uh Tuesday with with what's the title uh Harbor Master Harbor Master sorry it just slipped my mind um also been discussion I had with the planner looks like um she's going to take a job somewhere else so we're back at square one but Sarah and I continue to talk about you know planners and things like that how we can do this how we can have somebody in house to help she's looking we're looking so we continue to keep that in front of us um we got a going to be putting a budget calendar out in front of you very soon it's getting to be that time of the year Joe and I have already been talking about this uh we should have U you know receive tentative property appraiser value by June 1st and then we will continue to discuss this at MMP um excuse me Council on June 3rd MMP on June 6th and council meeting on June 17th um going forward um we we may need to discuss the the seven U I think we're good with the seven the June meetings yep we're good all right just thinking of of of people being here um strategic planning we continue to work to get get someone to come in to lead us with strategic plan planning we should have that down nailed down the day but right now the I believe it's the 29th is the date so we'll get more out in the next day or so for that I think the big thing in the elephant the room is is is our uh FEMA National flood insurance program uh Kristen's here um we've we've kept I've kept you apprised of what's been happening we've got a lot of work to continue to do we feel like we've done a lot of work we feel like we've answered all of their questions to this point we have a a representative coming in tomorrow to meet with staff tomorrow afternoon to meet with Frank Kristen and I um to discuss what we have have given them there's been some concern that some of it never has even been looked at um since we gave it to them back um not just from from us but from other municipalities and the county as well Andy just to clarify that it hasn't been viewed on their end not our FEMA in that is correct thank you mayor um however that having said that we we've asked for some more backup information uh it was supposed to be a Friday it showed up at 5:20 on Saturday afternoon and this morning we could not access the information that came from FEMA it was more of the windshield review um that they did by the core of engineers immediately following the storm so we continue to to research that Kristen's reached back out to them this morning to get that information what it what it I think what I think it boils down to and what I have been told and the first thing that I was told when I met with FEMA we met with FEMA last week uh I believe it was last early last week was that we are basically fighting to stay off probation and then the tone changed a little bit the next day but now we seem to be back it was it's kind of voling back and forth we won't know until we know um they they are giving us a 30-day reprise a 30-day window to bring them more information I think that's till May 9th so we continue to work obviously with them not getting the information to us that we needed by you know earlier we can't I'm not pointing the finger it's just we needed that information to be part of our information so obviously the clock's ticking you know so every day that goes by that they don't come and and look at a sampling of what we have to say is this is this what you expect is this what you expect is this we think we have that information we believe that we've given the documentation so it is we're there I'm going to turn it over to Frankie a little bit and he can he can opine a little and then um Kristen's here if we have any additional questions I'm sure we will have some more questions yeah currently the situation is not only on compliance but also on U review as far as structures uh we got out ahead of this back in October when um Andy and I spent uh some three or four weekends uh cruising up and down the streets compiling that uh dreaded list of non-compliant structures um at that point when we sent those letters out we didn't realize that a lot of these people were in the mitigation form pH with FEMA and fdm as far as raising their houses and getting them um that those people have since uh that were involved with that reached out to the town uh back in October November and through December saying oh wait a minute here uh this is our whole situation um those were taken off the supposed list uh both FEMA and us do not like the word list because it is actually a living document it changes it go it either grows or subtracts itself um and and that's kind of where we're at at with FEMA uh with that um as far as a town standard Council has asked several times where we at with a demolition um either RFP RFQ to take care of these unsafe structures uh going back to Staffing uh we had uh a short period of time where we did not have a code compliant Department uh we're back up but they are just getting their legs under them so to speak um at which time talking with councel Not Elected councel but legal counsel uh we found a different avenue to pursue with our building official and red tagging properties of unsafe structure um and that's where we're currently at right now our current bu living official Joe spec has taken the list that we have given him he goes out in the field daily he looks at these structures and he is compiling his information he as the building official has the authority to go on any property he does not need uh like where code would only be able to assess from the driveway uh in legal means that way um so he has been starting his list um and as far as how we're going to proceed uh we're looking at piggybacking off of two other communities one was North Miami who did the same demolition thing through their um process and the other one is Midstate of Roca where they had hired a firm to come in and take care of unsafe structures um after a tornado that went through that area so between Nancy and I we're currently going over those documents and we have Joe specked out in the field and we continue to take photographs with code it all kind of falls into the same situation FEMA has been requesting what plan did we have in place immediately after the storm what place do we current our policy do we currently have and how do we fix it going forward I think to address this on on the FEMA end so you're all aware of it um right after the storm they sent down the Army Corps of Engineers to do the window uh surveys um then there was expressed to me explicitly from FEMA that uh you know what those Army Corps guys uh we don't follow what they write down that's not in compliance what we need so my direct response was well then why did you send them why couldn't we have gotten people that could have actually done the job the first time instead of coming back months later and saying that this information is no longer good or sufficient um their reply to me was we do not have to answer those questions um so uh that was an open phone conversation that the town manager overheard um that I had um we've kind of gotten a lot better at our communication over the past week and a half um but at this point until we actually see results from their end it's lip service um so that's basically where we sit I'll be free to answer any questions that I possibly can no go ahead Frankie when you use the term the building official will red tag a property how are you defining the term red tag so this follows under the a loophole in the Florida building code is is not a loophole in the building code it's a loophole for us with FEMA um so instead of having a code an active code case out some communities went out and actually um noov notice of violation every single property on the list that they were given by uh by FEMA and then backtracked uh City of Cape Coral comes to mind they also have four over 40 code officers at their disposal um so we had two we subsequently uh subtracted those two and added a new Department in the interim what we had done is the building official has the authority to go out in any community at any time and if he deems a property as an unsafe structure there's X number of days that he communicates with that property owner and at which time if they haven't made compliance to that that building can be written for Demolition and any unsa structure is an unhabitable structure a structure that should not have anybody near it could have some kind of contaminant exposed those type of things and that is totally within his realm of obligation to do so with the building official going out and red tagging structures it's it's accomplishing two purposes it's satisfying femus concerns but it's also potentially ridding the island of isour and unsafe properties right that is correct sir now he has not just we're clear he has not red tagged any properties as of yet we are still trying to get clarification with myself and Nancy on how we need to pursue this and how we can tie it into the FEMA thing so there's a few questions out there on that and then also he has also been compiling the list off of what we gave him so that original 100 and some OD properties that Andy and I cited and took pictures of uh we had code go back out take those prop pictures again so if it went before magistrate they were all timestamped and in the photos would be acceptable for evidence uh we are now saying being told from FEMA that a lot of the stuff is a a photo of a property is not evidence going in front of a magistrate um that just puts that person in non-compliance for maintaining their property what FEMA is looking for is actual action taken against that homeowner or that property we we don't have the information that FEMA has that they promis to give us so that that's part of that equation this kind of simplifies it as far as the town goes and still meets all the requirements moving forward not only with FEMA but also with our compliance to the Council as far as getting rid of the eyesores on the island both residential and commercial that have not been addressed yet councelor King look like you want something to say that's up still pondering okay thank you Stafford so I I've been asked this by several people this quote unquote list why is it not public can you tell me or tell our tell us why it's not public because federal government told us not to make it public we've signed a document that says we cannot make it public it's a federal thing it's not a town thing okay thank you Council W any questions on the the elephant in the room I guess no it's one of those things I just roll my eyes well the and just for the record for clarification the question has come up and I believe I've answered it correctly but I'll let you guys weigh in of the list that we don't really want to refer to as a list have all of the people that are on said list been communicated with or contacted with at one way or another knowing that they are on the list so the original compiling that Andy and I did and then turned it over to our code staff um and then we sent those letters out in October uh a majority of those people have reached back to us there are at least a handful I would say about eight or nine that are either out of country or have not lack of a a better mailing uh but we have tried to make contact with everyone that's contact and what we've done then in those cases where those letters have been sent back to us as non- deliverable we scan those in and keep that as part of our record okay that's all I wanted to make sure that I was communicating what I thought was correct so I just have a quick question on that so if they're non- deliverable so what is the next step after that or how are we trying to the the next step is if we were pursuing this just as the town which that's the path that we're originally going on before this whole f thing started was that we were going to go and and and get a firm to come in here and demo these properties and put a lean against those properties okay and and that's still pursuing where the end goal would be so you don't contact us we make every effort by law to reach you we still can go ahead and pursue that as a non-compliant property unsafe structure that has to be taken care of you're not going to do it or we can't reach you to do it we will do it and put that against that property all right I guess for me it's I'm trying to get it clear in my mind we started out with this is what we want you to do and then it was sending letters and things like that then we moved to a quicker area of we don't need to go through all those Hoops because we can now red tag but now we're not red tagging so I guess where are we so so there's actually two different things sir to to and they merge together and that's the that's the odd part about this we were going down a path to take care of and address the structures as the town without FEMA interference or with FEMA looking over our shoulder at that point we knew we had unsafe structures from the complaints from the citizens calling in whether they be Tall Grass Tree fallen and not been picked up or houses that were just in really really bad shape we took it upon ourselves to compile those properties into a database and that's the path that we went down as far as either trying to to get them to comply with uh through code enforcement actions like other communities have since Ian um and and again not dealing with the FEMA elephant in the room so to speak um we chose just because of our situation without staff um the the path of leas resistance was to ask the building official if he would if this would fall into his purview and it does so that's where we're currently at as long as he is up to the task and he has been um just looking at the database that we had there are properties that have come into compliance in other words they've taken those unstructured unsafe structures done on their own and so when he gets his databas uh base that matches what he needs to do that's when he will go and and deem those properties and the whole process is not just putting a notice on the house that it's red tagged you're making every effort possible to reach that homeowner or that property owner and let them know that you are not in compliance your structure is not habitable based on Florida law and and how we intend to pursue so those instructions will be made clear to those properties when that process starts but it's two different processes FEMA then comes in with the series of letters this started back in I believe February of 2022 when they asked uh town to make clarifications on a few things and addressed a series of letters that they sent out to municipalities that's kind of where we're at with this one now they're asking for for uh clarification on properties that they did with their boots on the ground uh coming into communities without letting us know that they've been here and just looking at a structure and then all of a sudden asking hey what are you guys doing on this fortunately for us a lot of the structures seem to be and and what we know because that information has not been shared with us at this point but there is some generalities that a lot of the properties that we had taken the steps to address would be on their purview as well okay but I'm still trying to understand I guess it was originally this was the process letters whatever and then we we're going to expedite it by Red tagging yes but we're not red tagging so because we're not red tagging because we've reached received enough information that those we currently are going going to red tag those properties sir well that's kind of where I am okay red tag or not red tag um because that was supposed to expedite this whole thing and now we're not red tagging but is that because people have become into compliance or we still need to jump through other Hoops red tag help Fe right they're not talking about the FEMA no so the red tag is is continuing sir but that that's red taged anything though no because we want to make sure that we we just can't go up to a property even though we see it as unfit structure and the building official may we have to make sure that we have tried every so the red tagging process didn't expedite anything really at this point no sir it will it will as far as taking the magistrate out of the the the mix and it'll be more of a state supported process because he's a a he's a registered building official with the state of Florida not the town so then we can eliminate that step and then go to removing those structures correct and that's what we to do in the beginning all right thank you so I now I'm confused so there's two separate lists so we have a female list and we have a town list so can we make the town list public it has been it has been so it's not address not okay that's we can't do attorneys are told you can't put addresses out there okay what do you put just what what it was the clerk put it out at F per we put a list it's just super it's it's super confusing for the for the public and we want to be as transparent as possible everybody can see the places I mean it's not like a surprise you can drive around and see them but you said the clerk we have redacted addresses correct with information correct correct they get a letter basically and a either no attachment to it or a big Black Box covering the attachment on it um it's not not helpful at all really not at all because of that privacy policy was it like Hippa I mean I've made that I'm just yeah look we're getting questioned all the time I mean it's above it's above us well so there are two lists that we can't so there's a female list and a town list and nobody because of privacy laws can see those lists is that correct as the attorney I'm not an attorney yeah the Federalist we cannot touch guess that's what I understand correct so it it's it's not me you know poking the poking the bear it's it's people are poking us all the time saying what what's po yeah so well they're worried are they on the list and that's they on the list that's why I wanted to make sure we've made we've at least tried to make contact with everyone that is on whatever list you want to talk about corre if they're on our list our list they got a letter okay they're on FEMA's list we can't do anything about that FEMA has said we cannot publicize the list no no no no no if the list that was provided to us from FEMA those people have been notified that yes and I'm guessing that there's probably an overlap of the same the same people are on both list FEA is looking at empty lots too they're not just looking at damage structures out here they're looking at empty lots as well so people might not even realize that they're on the list and it's not a list and I got you list with them it's with the town has nothing to do with two different lists or or separate things it's a it's a it's a structure list an unsafe structure list which we started with Frankie said grass and stuff no it's not grass and trees and stuff it's an unsafe structure list okay that's a different list FEMA is doing other things houses are gone things are already done it's that and it's our documentation that supports that there's two lists separate to they might not even be information on their list might be part of our list not all of our list Kristen you look like you want to say something I was just going to say the female list is protected under the federal Privacy Act of 1974 so that's why we're not allowed to submit or publicly give out all the information if we have our other lists as Andy said that we can we can provide that as long as it doesn't say oh this is what FEMA gave us I don't want to say as long as it doesn't say our list is a completely separate list than what FEMA gave us well here okay I I appreciate that but I guess here's what to try to sum this all up the people that either have unsafe structures or on FEMA's List have been contacted one way or another we've tried to send them a letter we've tried to do something to at least let them know that their structures unsafe correct yes so if that gets asked for from FEMA down the road we have all that documentation already saying we've tried to do this my bigger question is when are we going to get the ball rolling we've been talking about it for six months and it was going to be in February and then it was going to be in March and now we're in April and you know when when are these buildings going to come down so so to that point it's not as simple as just getting a contractor in here to demolish the properties or having a building official or Code Department and go through a magistrate it's the legality of putting a implementing a policy in place that you're physically taking down a structure and putting a price against that property owner and I understand the process Frank and that's kind of what's been taking time to make sure that we get everything just right so it doesn't come back against the time and all I'm asking for is a realistic time frame we've been told three different times now we've given direction that this is a very high priority for the council to to get these unsafe structures down every day that they aren't taken down there's a potential for someone to get hurt correct not only that it's it's they people are moving into these places I mean it's they're squatting squatters there's so if if all kind of stuff going on I mean if you're saying it's legal holding it up put not putting words in your mouth but essentially it sounds like one side's saying it's legal one legal saying no it's not it's building official what there's a disconnect here it seems like that is going on on and and people just want to know when are they going to stop looking across the street at a stove that's been open for 18 months and it appears as though the town is doing nothing and people are getting frustrated so if there's something legally that we can do why aren't we doing it or are we doing it and it's not I understand the whole getting someone to come in and do it but when are we going to get to the point of your building's coming down whether you like it or not I I believe we're at that point sir but so and it's not it's not not putting the the the ball back in in legal court at all this is a discussion that we've made uh and how we can pursue and if we can piggy back if we have to put out for RFP the quickest way to get this handled on that end of it the quickest way to handle it and and get the people to notifi again of their unsafe structure would be with the building official as far as things out that people are staring at appliances things like that those will be code m and those have been starting to be readdressed so notice of violations have increased exponentious in the last two months of what we can visibly see and visibly take pictures of from the road or from a public right away and those have been put into new categories and are being pushed through through magistrate that's not how we want to pursue the unsafe structure part as far as abandoned cars appliances things like like that things that we can actually take and put in front of a magistrate that's what those properties are noov we've noov every single structure commercial structure on a sterile Boulevard uh regardless of if they've come back afterwards or not there's most of these people are still not in compliance Frank I've got a question so you you stated a couple minutes ago that a picture will not do anything with the magistrate but you just said you're taking pictures a a picture of trash a picture of a pile of mattresses those type of things will go in front of a magistrate but it's a separate issue from the structure itself you may see a house that looks like it's bombed out but the building official goes up there and says you know what this house is structurally sound all you have to do is is clean out but only he has the authority to go on that property and do so Cod does not have that Authority okay then where are we at with the building official doing that or do we need to give you more resources to allow another building official to help get this moving because if I understand he's very busy and he's one person and if you're telling us this one person has got all of these hats on to me that sounds like a lot of work for one person and if it's going to delay it 6 months or a year from now for him to be able to go out and determine red tag properties is there anything that we can do to help expedite that to give him help to be able to do that we we do have the resources available as stor through the Jacobs group for additional help on that and Joe like I said has started going out in the field the last two weeks he has made progress on getting out and looking at these structures so that's two weeks ago that he's already compiled a list once he gets his list he will go back we will work up a letter with uh our our Council get that to the property owners by state laws which we have to and those those properties will come down that's kind of where we're at sir no I understand I'm just a little frustrated because it seems like that was the same time frame that we were told 3 months ago and now it sounds like it just started weeks ago but I was under the depression it started months ago and now it just started two weeks ago my next question is can it run concurrent can it we know how many people we have now can we start the process with them even though we're working on compiling the end of the list I'm guessing you're going from one end of the island to the other defitely it it's just people I'm telling you people are getting extremely frustrated people that are trying to operate business that are trying to draw people back to the island we're trying to move back into their home and it just appears like we're doing nothing right we don't want to be the road block we identified a funding source to be able to pay for that to be reimbursed when the properties are sold after we put the leans on them there's a lot to it that the attorneys have to do and we but but we will we will make a a better um effort to get this uh underway as soon as possible so Becky you've been you've been doing this for a while you've stated this is because we had the international thing in place before the storm that we can put these letters out do we have a letter ready if not why not and can we get one ready quickly so that when they do have the red tags available that these letters can be supplied to them quicker it just it to me I'm sorry I'm not trying to throw everybody to the bus here but it seems like we're we're fighting against each other here on this issue and not making any Headway and it's we don't have a letter we have a letter we don't need a maybe I'm maybe I'm we do have a letter we we've we do have a letter so it's that's ready to go so if it's red tag that letter can go out and how much time from the time they receive that letter do they have to come into compliance before we can have a firm which we haven't gotten yet come in and remove that unsafe structure have to look I don't remember I don't remember the number of days okay it's it's it's not a terribly long period of time though can we by for the next meeting can we get an update as to what those days are what the letter looks like maybe provide a sample of the letter of here's what's going out to people here's how many structures we've deemed now up to this date that are red tagged they're going to be receiving this letter I understand we can't maybe we can't give out the addresses which is fine to me that's not as important as they're getting what they need to understand that this process has started and you've got however many days it is to come into compliance or the bulldozer will take care of it for you good yes sorry I didn't mean to jump up on a soap box there but just it's it's a it's a it's becoming a very heated Conversation Piece out there that we need to address so it is right have one other item yes sir um it's only going to be on the Lee County Board of Commissioners tomorrow it's the cdbg before we go on can I just ask just a procedural question if I'm the owner of a if I'm a bad actor and I'm an owner of one of these properties and I've not been responsive that sounds like you first of all shame on you shame on me so but if if if that's the case is there a pen aside from you all having an outside firm come in and demolish my property and so for then charge me for it through a lean on the property is that is there a fine in addition in other words if you're if you're if you're you know out of state or whatever and you're not really worried about things and you get a bill for the demolition what's the difference between that bill and and have it calling a demolition company myself and having you know somebody tear it down in other words is there an additional penalty to that negligent person or or entity if they if they if they if the town has to go through that exercise unfortunately no the only way that we can issue a fine is through the magistrate the town does not have the authority to go out and find people additionally we can make a case we can make a case through code and and that's where I I mentioned before the two are kind of intertwined both on the FEMA side and as far as code goes but you could see how somebody could methodically kind of think well just if the town's going to do it and they're going to build me I'll just I'll just deal with that it's easier than me go out and trying to find a contractor it's probably going to be a lot more against the property owner when we do it than if they would have went out and did it that's what I'm trying that's what I'm trying to get out okay all right thank you okay go ahead um so uh uh what what Andy was uh referencing there uh was through the cdbg uh that we're actively involved with with Lee County uh we've been awarded um uh our first bucket which is uh recommended for uh be dispersed to us and that's on our planning side um the buckets are concurrent so that you you need to be involved with one group to advance to the other group uh currently we uh have the next group coming up in front of us is the low income housing uh bucket uh this one here is for the long-term recovery plan um it it'll help uh we tentatively getting awarded uh $1.5 million uh towards using on planning of R2 P2 project comes to mind uh also a FEMA funded project um and that givs us our downtown recovery our islandwide recovery uh looking at all assets of Green Space uh things like that as we move forward so this was a a big win for us um in that first step so this the ask we had for these funds was how much 1.5 million yes and that's what's on their agenda for tomorrow yes sir just needed to clarify and that's all you can apply for it was just this this is the category right if you want money you got to apply if you don't I think it's important that people understand that there's different buckets of money that comes out of move forward try to explain those as we as we get close to them uh we have one coming up on infrastructure and that's where Jason and myself and uh ficity Edwards and her team from Title Basin who are the subject matter experts in cdbg are currently putting together our ask for infrastructure very good what else you got oh oh come on up hey uh Chad sheets town of Fort Meers Beach uh environmental staff so I had asked uh if I could um we are going to be we were supposed to be opening our bids today for the big beach renourishment project uh we were asked to clarify uh in the specifications on whether or not the town would allow for Trucking sand um 24 hours a day for a period of approximately 75 days uh This would run from the uh Northern Corridor which is around the 500 block which where they would be bringing sand in from the offshore Burr area and one option that they would have instead of building an entirely separate Corridor straight to uh the southern uh segment would be to uh truck the sand from that Northern Corridor to the southern segment it's just an additional option um for the contractors to possibly have uh cost savings for the town uh but the Crux of the issue is would um um us as a town allow for 24-Hour Trucking again it would be for approximately 75 days starting around the September Mark after shorebird season's done I think the big question I would have with that is what kind of savings would we be talking and how would it affect the taxpayers who would be most impacted by these trucks running 24 hours a day but you're probably no way to tell that until the bid goes out yeah it's it's tough to predict I I don't I I would not be able to answer that and have we reached out to any of the homeowners or businesses on the beach that I'm certain many would have a problem with you know the onus you know wherever it's next to there's going to be noise issues the only Silver Lining is that it's during summertime storm season um a downtime for the island if you will um you know the the contractor would be responsible for procuring that staging lot uh so it would be difficult to you know necessarily predict exactly which neighbors we would need to talk to um but it's uh again how far are you talking about uh so we'd be there would be trucks running um from the so approximately you know somewhere around the 500 block of Aero so north of the pier all the way to uh the Windom is our uh our uh planed state enging access for the southern segment so to the 6,000 block so if if we didn't allow excuse me if we didn't allow the 24hour how much time would that add on to the whole Beach project because they couldn't get the sand up and down as quickly had they said anything yeah it's it's tough to communicate all these things with the cona silence um I'm not really supposed to be talking to contractors and all that kind of stuff so um I don't have a great answer for you it would I would I would guess it would at least probably double the time um daylight to to nighttime then we running into the holidays and Christmas and right well it again it you know there's still that southern Corridor so if that's not an option then they just use the there's a southern corridor from say the metanis epsh show that's you know off towards Santa Bel we have two corridors one that's going to the 500 block um to pump sand in there then another one straight to the uh Southern segment uh nearly an AO arm so those options still exist again this is just um uh our Coastal engineers and staff trying to make as many options possible for the contractors to give us as competitive price as possible and you know do we as a community want to say we understand as is going to be noisy for a couple of months but uh you know there's cost savings associated with that not that I can quantify those right now but um that's why we're we're asking for it are you looking for a decision from the council today on whether or not we would be okay with allowing trucks to run 24 hours a day yeah looking for a consensus our our addendum is is due out um to respond to the contractors and we would be looking to push the opening of the bids to to next Monday so we would need um well with with Captiva um also opening on Friday um we were it was suggested um in emails this morning that maybe we don't want to both be opening sand projects on the same day so there may be some some jostling there that I haven't spoken to Miss Amy about yet yeah they kind of touched on that a little bit at the TDC meeting which I know you were at as well sir about trying to get the same contractor if possible to do all of it so they're only staging one is this part of the reason that's part of the reason why we don't want to open it on the same day um the same the same biders are all you know the same contractors are all bidding on all of these projects and there are um going to be um you know for the successful bidder that can get all the regionalization going they will be able to save uh Mob and demob costs for all the projects together right and the county as a whole how many biders do you think will end up bidding what they say there's only like six the TDC meeting they said there's only like six or eight companies in the country that do this yeah for the offshore the one that's thir 30 nautical miles it's it's a it's a lot smaller group um Us by having both the uh closer burrow area as well as the offshore uh that does open it up to I believe the the mediumsized treasures I don't I don't necessarily know how many of that is were you able to look up the samei here yeah it was there it wasn't a wasn't a large number number no Chad can they give us a bid for eight or 10 hours or 12 hours a day and then an addon for 24 hours a day just go ahead and do it and just just give us the comparison with the bid because you haven't done a 24-hour bid yet you're going to have to ask them to do that right right is that sound like something we could do we could do that yeah we can do that in the end whatever you tell us to that way you see the number and you can see the option you can see the route you can see I'm I'm very concerned about the route and the noise I think the biggest thing is like councelor Woodson said price and time frame so just hey this is the price for 12 hours this is the price and the time frame for 24 so we can we could choose solving problems cost benefit I mean that that work for you we we do that I hope so yes we can we can do any of that okay we just have to comp you just did we just need to compile it pretty quick and get that out there all right yeah I think that'll be beneficial then people can wait we on one way or another let they see what it is sounds good thank you a motion you need a motion to do that I would okay ackn CH just a just one one additional clarification and and and it it seems like the contractor if they worked with the town there's there's areas that would be less impacted than others in terms of that 24hour sand in terms of its impact on residential folks and the Windam property is pretty good property because obviously the windom's vacant and Sandra is still working on getting it you know coming back and the Red Coconut property is that a property that could be part of this process it's it's possible excuse me but the uh proximity to the north Corridor is probably going to dictate the choosing of the staging area so the north Corridor coming into the 500 block um is going to uh make lots around there more preferable what is the 500 block it's around so C Palm is 600 uh maybe maybe Kaz south of us okay yes no north north of the north of the to water tower just before north of the water tower shell Okay pink shells so Chad I'm sure they're going to do this but the number of trips I mean they know how much tonnage how many trips how much in a truck and all that we can know the number of trips as well probably per day would probably help as well yeah I think as much information as you can get out of the bid for people to make an educated decision on whether or not they want to allow that or not that wind location is good except in a perfect world if the Windom folks could allow folks to have a beach access on the other side of the building which I think they do um I just don't think people know about it that would take some of the pressure down in that neighborhood there because I think they just they're just concerned they're obviously they'd like to see the wind them torn down a b they'd like to maintain their beach access uh but that's possible on the other side of the building um and just I just think we just need to think with the contractors just to do it in a sort of a user friendly way if it's possible I know these are are are challenges but um yeah just just food for thought but I I your your that that Red Coconut property seems to have worked pretty well too without having any cu just nobody around there I mean it's it did yes sir yeah awes yeah even where they move now down across from the water tower is a good site because there's not a lot around that right now either that that was a good choice I don't think the selection of the property is going to be as important as the 24h hours trucks running up and down the beach where they place the sand to move it is going to be the least that's where the trucks beep though is where they're going and reversing and you know going forward and back and forth and the tractor there will be 24hour construction on the beach itself with the dredge there has to be right yes it's just the the the addition of the trucking that's a very good point okay it's good thank you thanks oh wait you wanted a motion right okay yes I'll make a motion to instruct staff to get two options 24-hour day Trucking and normal daylight daylight daylight Trucking less than 12 hours and length of time and cost yes well I think that would be part of the hopefully would be part of there because it can make the decision very easy all right I got a motion second Motion in a second all those in favor any more discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed hearing none car thank you that's all we have mayor okay go ahead I I I thought I was going to say because it's been such a short meeting I have a question but it's getting longer and longer but but so so if you could just give a brief 10,000 foot answer Andy Frankie or Joe we haven't heard much recently from Title Basin and that process is FEMA actually starting to write the town checks for reimbursement or are we still in the filing process stage So currently um and I apologize for that um with the switch over from an compson to Heather pritchet with the Title Basin uh there was a little bit of Disconnect there as far as how we wanted things to go stillings every week tell us but the switch over I don't even think and Thomson was the original person in charge of the the group that came from Title Basin in the beginning at least she was here when I I don't think she was the original but right yeah and then uh you know she was coming and talking before Council uh and giving you information uh there was a little bit of a disconnect uh we still get our bi-weekly briefings on what they have there's a lot that have been put Upstream so to speak um and uh let's just say the flow backwards is is a trickle so there's a lot that's been submitted correct but not a lot that's been no check not a lot of checks have been written at at this point thus far I was just curious cor basically for administrative costs and a few other items like that um that we've received but the big projects have not been uh allocated yet and is that just a time it's twofold it had to do with the budgetary process in Washington okay and how FEMA gets re funded um there might be a little break in that this coming week uh from what I understand on a few things that's tied to other bills and whatnot um so there was been a lot of push back and forth on both sides on how to get that stuff done so but yes we we seem to have that and I will have them by our next meeting giving you a regular monthly overview as Poor Joe tries to do a budget in this in this environment I assume that creates challenges or are we relatively optimistic that it's more than challenges they will come through come through it's just the process sir okay all right well I think the important thing that I'd like to see and we used to get them but we don't get them now is one what's been submitted of all the 200 plus million dollars or whatever it is that we've submitted what's been obligated because then once they obligate it that means that they're they're going to write they're going to write the check so I'd like to see what's been obligated and what is still pending review to really get an understanding of how much money is out there that we're waiting to get back Mr Mayor you just you just said something interesting i' never heard that we've submitted $200 million I want to say that we've identified a couple hundred million dollars worth of projects yeah really and I know I don't know how much has been submitted but it would be nice to see that it' be great to see a general breakdown of that that I didn't realize the number had gotten that high because the key word there is obligation once they obligated that means they've looked at it they concur with the numbers and you'll get a check for it wow you still have to put the money out for it to your point now Joe's got to put on his magic hat and yeah all right and make make magic work but um but that's that's an important list to see that's I mean everything else gets very granular in there as to what is in the project but I think just a brief overview of the list of the projects the total dollar amount what's been obligated what hasn't been obligated and where it is in the process yes sir appreciate it that'd be great thank you anything else for Andy before we move on to Becky you're up nothing nothing okay council member items and Report councilor Safford we'll start with you uh just for public record um like to inform the council that uh Joe Finance director uh and myself and Wade Sansbury who's one of the Auditors from Marin Jenkins had a conference call last week um with regards to a forensic accountant and from a financial aspect he felt at this time there was no need to engage one at this time and we've also had heard from Council as well that just the cost benefit right now just would not make sense okay very good anything else nope Council Woodson yeah I have two things um so one is more of a question it's kind of been brought to my attention that with the moing balls um that there is a limit on the time frame that people can be on the moing balls and it's not for residents so I guess where I'm going with this is like you can have people living on their boat like in a marina MH um but what about people who want to live on a boat on a mooring ball that possibly work on the island that would be a lot cheaper option for them than trying to find housing either on the island or off the island if they could live on a boat have we ever talked about that or brought that up or that that actually came up in the last Anchorage advisory committee a Workforce housing option through the boing uh facilities I I think that the the struggle is that is a good idea the struggle is the the the the the longer the boats traditionally that have been at the moing field the more those boats tend to become problematic and Abandoned and challenging um but that's that's before we've actually had a formal program to encourage Workforce housing through the boats so we actually had a pretty significant discussion about that I don't know if Jad wants to comment on it but I I think uh it's an interesting concept uh I think there's there's reticence because again the boats many of the boats that had been there for a long time were were sometimes I I don't want to overgeneralize but were dilapitated and problematic and uh uh but at the same time there's also a limited number of Ming balls and the the the it's a very popular facility and the more we turn those around the more economic activity we generate for the community so it's a it's a it's a it's a I think it's a great policy uh conversation for the council because it does have an impact on the on on the facility and uh and what we're trying to accomplish broader with from a tourism and from a pump out boat and from a but but there's also the workforce housing piece as well so it's a I I think it's a it's a big policy discussion that that that would be good for the council at some point um could I say something I think we need to look at the agreement we have with the state that's good point um to see what it allows it may not allow that but I can look into it I be I mean it'd be an option even if you limited the number of you know annual living or something like that you know just had like 80% open to turnover and 20% that could maybe be affordable housing space yeah the um the harbor management plan I believe allows up to 10% um to be greater than six months at the discretion of the town so check it out okay oh my other thing um forgot about that no no just one more this is more just FYI and making sure that we're all still in the same page um so the Lee County Commissioner's meeting is tomorrow morning at 9:30 um and they are awarding the contract to stantech for our peer and I wanted to speak at public comment and just reiterate um our position on it knowing that we are you know still looking for a bigger better peer if possible that the council endorsed that and that we would like to be included as progression goes on and design and and have input on that and I just want to make sure that we are all still on the same page before I voice that for our Council I don't know has anybody changed their mind as far as it certainly doesn't hurt to to make a point yeah I'm comfortable for it I mean I had I had talked to commissioner sandelli at a meeting that we had on Friday totally different um topic but I had made mention that I wanted to do that he encouraged it so I just want to let everybody know that I will if everyone's in agreement I will make that stance please thank you okay anything else that's it all right vice mayor just uh two questions for the next M&P meeting um is it possible and maybe it's already planned Amy I don't know know uh we were going to have a discussion uh on kind of how things are going in permitting and and almost sort of like a a a input from staff on best suggested best practices for so how businesses and residents can get their stuff through as quickly as possible just kind of a an interchange kind of a little dialogue if you will most common errors they're seeing most common challenges that people that could be avoided best practices what are they seeing what kind of what's their most common questions they're getting just have a maybe a maybe a discussion like that uh and then we were also talking about maybe having a discussion from the vendor for the lighting for a stero Boulevard just come in and just kind of talk about their plan of attack and and what their what their what their what their schedule's going to be and how it'll all play out it's you know in a in a high level to to that point we had just got an email over the weekend that they are going to start uh with a office a mobile office at our south tower facility and also start ramping up Logistics as far as bringing in procured items and to store them at our South Water facility which is under lock and key yeah that'd be great at some point as they get started to put up a poll just so people can see what the I don't think I don't think the Public's fully prepared for what's coming uh I think it's great what's coming but but I think with the more they could we could just kind of just give a an overview as to what they're how it's all going to play out and in what order and what it'll look like and just a kind of a I just we haven't heard from the vendor yet and I think that might be nice I think did jump in there on if you want to see what it's going to look like go to Crescent yep looked recommendation those polls it'll be the same pole same light with the exception of instead of eight bulbs they'll be six but I think for the public to see how many polls will be involved and how it won't impact these will be in addition to the power poles I think just there's a in the side streets and how that'll work I just think it'd be very interesting for people just to get an overview of what's it's a big deal have we received an updated I know they sent us the original plan of where the polls would be on both sides of the road and down the side streets we haven't received an updated plan of that have we no sir I can reach out to Christopher Powell and get that for you if it's I mean if it's something that we could get out for the public that really wants I mean this has been a seven-year project so there are some people that would like to see where the polls are going to be located um I did notice a couple spots where it's going to be a huge conflict that they're going to have to adjust which is in any project you ever do when it com to construction things change but it'd be nice to be able to get that out for people to kind of help answer some of the questions of the we can get that and put that on our web page if it's available but if the vendor could come to an M&P and just just answer questions maybe just give a little bit of an overview and just kind of walk people through what they're going to do we can do that assuming they're a good presenter I don't I've not met these folks but if they're some are some are good presenter some are not so if that's not a good fit was that a shot at the 2017 Mo presentation I never thought about that yeah that's what I thought it was certainly our maybe our lighting consultant [Music] maybe that's all I've got thank you councelor King I Have Nothing Mr Mayor but I would like to reserve the balance of my time uh for right before adjournment okay I didn't know you had a set time but now you do I have just a couple of things um the first thing that is there's a um been some discussion out there and if there's someone that would like to revisit it um to add it to an MMP is the bike ordinance been getting a lot of people talking about uh the bike ordinance and the the it's amazing how things come up when enforcement gets ramped up so um I would certainly like to take a look at it you know we are trying to promote walkability bikability and and uh there are some things in that ordinance I think that are counterproductive to that Vision or that goal so if there's someone else that would like to see that attit to MMP for discussion I would love to see that added Mr Mayor can we can we add that and then also add in conjunction with that something that came up when the chair of the Public Safety Committee was here about that alternative bik path potentially you know but that would involve the Red Coconut property and behind we have a meeting tomorrow so I'll make sure bring it up there would love have that be part of that conversation CU they're I know they're different but they're related and and I was going to plan on asking them tomorrow to talk to about the fire we we had got something in the past that had given us numbers when they were originally looking at a stero Boulevard as far as pedestrian and bikes and accidents and things like that but that only went up to 2017 it would be nice to get the numbers over the last five or six years to see how those correlate to what those were before and be able to make a decision when we I think those numbers are important to discuss at that point if we could if we could figure out an alternative bike path oh yeah it would be tremendous I just noticed Jason's shoelaces wow those are on fire he's got those on every week um the other thing I got three other things but they hopefully it was brought to my attention this Sunday that there's evidently some fdm letters going out about the Ian debris cleanup thing people are starting to receive letters um in conjunction and I don't have all the details yet but if it's something that we can reach out to fdm about they're sending out letters now people that participated in the end debris cleanup I did hear that are are now getting things about insurance and one lady said that she got it saying she owes $32,000 for a slab and so I don't have all the details but it sounds like there's and I did get an email from someone later in the day that day saying they got something as well asking them to sign and it has to do with insurance and insurance payouts so if we could get some clarification from ftim to be able to put out on our website for people to to understand what exactly that is because there's some people are afraid to sign things that they don't understand and I'd hate to see them be charged for something that they just simply don't understand so I know uh representative Bano yesterday talked about referring them to his office yeah and yeah that's a good resource too as well to reach out to him and um just so that we have a better understanding so when we get asked about I had not heard about it until Sunday when it was brought to my attention so um the other thing is the we had the TDC meeting on Thursday of last week and I brought up the Times Square um issue and it mentioned that our legal team had reached out and uh the attorney that's there we just say was very short um it was I spoke I spoke to your attorney and it was evidently it was she said it was over ownership and to me that's confusing because we know who owns that we know who owns that so what I'm trying to get at is what there someone from Cape Coral made a presentation to try to get some funding but it was through the the the um Shoreline Beach and Shoreline bucket well evidently there's more buckets that things could fall into so I'm just trying to get clarification as to why I keep being told it's a state statute which is in your realm so if there's some State Statute that I'm aware of or someone can provide me as to why Time Square can't be considered a beach access even though it's the most visited beach access in Olive Le County and why we can't I just want to understand why we are not able to receive funding out of any bucket through the TDC if there's $60 million sitting there in reserves and some of that could go to help for public safety for anything else that needs to be doneer for the peer whatever something that makes that beach access now accessible to receive funds um the temporary trailers that are sitting there for the bathrooms things like that the services that people expect to have when they go to that part of the beach um I just I just if you can help me out with that because it sounds like the communication between Nancy and their attorney didn't really go anywhere um I just want to make sure when I go to the next meeting I'll bring it up again because I'm not getting any response as to why so far ever since I've been involved in politics on the island it's always been beating our throat that it doesn't qualify well why doesn't it qualify and is there something we can do policy-wise to make it qualify that's what I'm trying to get to the answer of and then I'll leave people alone about it um and then the last thing is the traffic plan that was was presented here at the I mean just to be blunt this is never going to happen and I'll tell you why there's a lot of entities that are in your plan here you've got F dot that owns the bridge then you've got the base of the bridge in a stero Boulevard which is owned by Lee County so we can't even if we wanted to make the changes that you have on this we can't do it that's something that has to be done at their level and I can tell you we've been involved with this roundabout for many many many years and we have through the Public Safety Committee and through the council have voiced Our concern with the traffic pattern that was presented to us to basically be told this is the way it's going to go so is it possible I could tell you the bridge they looked at the bridge and there was a big thing about expanding the bridge and candle Levering the bridge and having some of the things that you have in your plan here and it just structurally cannot do that so to be able to do the bridge part of it um some of the other things where the roundabout is involved again that's Lee County we we can't change the traffic patterns there um as far as the light my guess is you know you got a sidewalk going through the middle of Margaritaville I don't know that they're going to want a sidewalk through the middle of their property but maybe they do um that's the existing sidewalk said need sidewalk it says need sidewalk but anyway no I get it well that's county-owned again that the county owns that we don't own thaton um and then some of the EV and the bike lanes that you've proposed great ideas going down past Crescent the issue is right away there's not enough right away that's why there's not a bike lane specific bike lane in that area till you get down to the Red Coconut part of it so I would I would suggest if you want to make some of these changes I'd reach out to F do or reach out to the County Commission and and present this to them because they're the ones that make the decision on what the the most decision on what you're trying to propose here that Mak sense right now again that's controlled by fot and it's for and it's only for bikes and and uh buses so that's a no I I understand I I I know I yeah I don't want to go back and forth and you have to be up with the mic anyway I just want to let you know your I appreciate your intent and the time that you put into this but I want to make sure that you're you're driving that at the people that actually can make that decision one way or another and those would be the two entities I would start with cuz nothing else on here Works without what you're you've kind of got going on there and I I wish you luck and I hope you have better luck than the entire town of Fort Myers Beach is head because we have not been able to move the needle okay no understand there's no idea is a bad idea that's right you know I'd like to pigb on that a little bit if you could um the public service uh Public Safety Committee when we met with them jointly um wanted a presentation about what was happening at the base of the bridge I coordinated that with the project manager uh that'll be happening at your meeting in May Mr Mayor but at that time he wanted me to let everyone on that committee know that the uh fot has moved from taking input to implementing now yes now obviously that's been delayed now because it was supposed to started this month but I just wanted um I don't know if they'll be willing to listen or not so I just wanted to share that no I appreciate it it's and I think they've kind of started some of it I noce they were marking on the other side of the bridge they were doing some utility markings and and that was going to always be before the base of the bridge roundabout stuff anyway as far as their progress all right you said you need some time here before we get to the uh if you indulge me today's tax day so that brings out the old dis chocky and me way to bring down the meeting FR Rock stereo 98 on your dial um I instantly recall um artist I used to play country music with called Johnny Paycheck and it brings to mind a song and it's not take this job and shove it so that's for my detractors but uh he had another one that was more appropriate called me and the IRS the ironically name Mr paycheck saying from now on I'm keeping my pay ain't going to deduct none so put your 1040 form where the sun don't shine however I think as Patriots we should subscribe to the Robert craze 1040 blues that says you know I'm thinking about moving somewhere else but I can't because I love America too much and with that I'll move to a journ sounds like a flashback Friday got a motion by councelor King and a second by councelor Safford any discussion if not we all those in favor I oppos None we are adjourned at 11:48 Jim you might have some competition