##VIDEO ID:nKXqTOAxIGc## e e e e e e e e e e e it's 9:00 am on Monday August 26 I call the meeting to order for the Anchorage advisory committee and we'll say the Pledge of Allegiance IED Ali to of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation God indivisible spr good morning everyone after our Hiatus um in the roll call today we have an attendance Harbor Master Captain Curtis Ludwig John Wesley Nash Vice chair Chris King I'm chair Sam lurry Ted lawell Ed ster Ed skover sailing away yeah that's right Jim hawkett and our special guest today the king of rock and roll on the fourth of July Circa Diva Las Vegas slim and trim Elvis has left the mainland and is on the island vice mayor Jim adle must we bow is there something just throw hotel room keys okay and call for public comment I don't see any any public except council person I do see possible public any any public comment today um seeing none I'll move to the approval of the minutes did everybody get a chance to review the minutes or does anybody need a a second I just have one correction under public comment um council member King stated that key and I celebrated our 20th anniversary that was not what his comment was about it was about the Anchorage committee's 20th anniversary he was he was the moing field I'm sorry yes so he was he was celebrating that and saying congratulations on that 20th anniversary so whether we just want to strike that or correct it well we know it's always on his mind so we can uh we can just leave that okay so we'll take the minutes as they are is there a motion to approve the minutes Mr chair just for the record what is the year count for your anniversary uh well just for the we celebrated 34 years on May 5th congratulations so John wanted fulltime for credit served I I guess chairman I uh I make a motion to accept am do I hear a second a second all in favor I All oppos Passes unanimously um on to our next item which is Staff reports and updates Curtis do you have H anything for us today yes I do so there's uh I got a few things that um we have done and and um I need to advise yall on on um since we've had a month break and stuff like that um so the first thing I have on my list right now is um I just want to advise all we are looking into um a possible rate rate increase for the morning field um now it's not official we're just looking into numbers and stuff like that um and um we want to um we just want to be fair and you know in the middle we've kind of done some research and stuff like that um we're we're we're kind of at the cheaper end of it right now which is fine you know but still I want to be kind of in the um competitive nature with with um other moring fields around so um we have uh and it's something that the town is looking right now we don't know if we are going going to do that or not it's still um it's still being being um looked at and assessed right now I ask you Curtis did you put any more thought into the tiered pricing that that Mr Nash brought up one time and I think I I repeated him about the tiered pricing for the U the front of the field being more popular than the back of the field so um yes we have we have looked into that but we are looking into more just increasing the price just as as a whole just just where we're at now um we've thought about doing it by foot and um things of that nature and that's still in in discussion honestly but I think the if we were going to to uh bump it up it would be be just a rounded a rounded number um and I think that's kind of what works best for for how the morning field is set up right now um like I said um nothing set in stone right now we're still in discussion ask a question on that I mean are are you thinking that Curtis because you're trying to make sure you got Market level pricing to other moing fields or are you thinking that to try to cover our budget and make sure that we're covering the cost of the moing field through it's both okay both are we upside down on the on the budget no no we just want to um um you know that that price has been been like that um the prices that we have now has has stayed the same for you know years and years you know even through the inflation and stuff like that so um I think it's um you know I think it's only reasonable and fair right now um but um it like I said again it's something that we're still still um um talking about and And discussing right now so um I just wanted to advise y all that it is that is it is it is possible um that it might happen in this next physical year episode um Curtis can you confirm exactly what our current rate is yes so we we charge um $26 a night um and then our monthly rate is four4 5353 so my INF foral survey that I did up and down the U the east east coast the West Coast um in our area um we're we're pretty close to what other people are are charging at this point in time although there is a range correct correct yeah I would we're not in our increase what we're looking at doing is not going to be whole lot you know um maybe you know for the daily rate it's going to increase you know five or five or 10 bucks more we're not talking a huge a huge increase certainly a $5 U raise puts us pretty much in the middle yes it does yes it does we're not we're we're dead we're dead in the Middle with uh we're not the highest and we're or anything like that it puts us right in the middle so um which I I believe it doesn't doesn't throw us out of any you know competition or or um anything like that so right very few places currently do a step up over time but there are some Naples for example they they do a step up so um of course as everyone I'm sure will agree staying competitive correct important Mr chairman just to to Jim's point just for the record for those who might be watching yes sir just historically the purpose of this organization and what we the services that we provide under our charge it's to be Revenue neutral it's not to generate profits for the town correct but at the same time the town is not necessarily subsidized this operation it should be self- sustaining So that obviously should factor into your process that it sounds like it does yes just for the record just want to want to make sure everybody understood that who might be watching thank you and I guess you know another consideration is the amount of amenities that we have comparable to some of the other Waring Fields I mean we want to make sure that we're not trying to overprice ourselves but we don't have the type of things that other people do and I know that we have a a reasonable amount of amenities right now so I think that's another consideration yeah course would this be May a calendar year um date did you have any date in mind to uh implement this no we're looking at it to see if um we could implement it moving forward on the next fiscal year so um and this might get get push back till next year you know what I mean it's just what we are you know what's best right now for the budget and everything like that so and we can consider this as the process moves along for changing facilities and as we progress with that correct um my next item I have is uh just to give you an update from the um tropical storm Debbie um we did pretty pretty good down there in the morning field I didn't have any any boats um come off the balls or you know anything like that the biggest thing that we had is we had to make some repairs uh to the um uh dingy dock um just just minor stuff um some of with the high tide coming up um um and the flood that we got uh some of the brackets we have on the dingy dock with the high tide rying it's sheared off because two of them are you know connected together but we've we've been having to make repairs to that do and kind of keep it keep it going uh since I've since I've been here um we have it we have it set pretty good now um but that also with that being said uh we our our trailer our trailer did not flood thank God I don't know how that didn't happen um you know so we were so we were all good so really really the biggest issue was the dingy duck and that's not that wasn't that big of a deal really at all so um that that has me um going into um uh into my next item which is um we have the new uh dingy dog bid out right now we just had our meeting last week um so we should be so we should be um uh awarding awarding uh contractor here um within the next couple weeks so um we hope we hope that is going to be uh getting under way here in the next month or two so and that'll be big and I've I also heard that the state is moving forward and taking down that uh fishing pier the old fishing pier that got knocked down so um I think that's going to start in the next couple weeks actually so I hope to have that might be down before we start so everything's kind of aligning aligning nicely right now so um I was I was very happy to uh to um hear that news Curtis how how would that effect or how what is the effect of that in the process of what you're doing other than it' be nice for it to happen at the same time is is is currently having that bridge up or having that bridge down partial Bridge Fishing Pier how does it affect your operations um for us it would um it just it a little a little narrow in there we don't have a lot of room to operate that into of that fishing pier sticks out right when our dingy dock starts right so the boats kind of have to go around that it kind of gets in the way they kind of bounce off of it coming in and leaving the pier um so um and it would it would also give us um kind of some more room down the road um if we wanted to to um uh add to the dingy dock um which would uh be able to give us another another section running out which which would help out a lot so certainly a definitive Advantage when it comes down absolutely but during construction deconstruction will there be an impact to the boers who want to come in to use the existing dingy do or will that yes so um so when the construction starts we're going to take a section of the dingy dock that we have now right and we're going to put it atanas Feer alongside there so that'll be the temporary dingy do Waring and uh um I've talked with Eddie at at matanzas um he's you know over there they have they have opened their arms up wide open for us they have they um uh help us out a lot so um you know I appreciate him and you know they do for us and help us out in the relationship we have with them over there so are you just going to move it um East along the seaw wall no no it's going to go parallel to their dock oh okay forward yeah there's a section we're going to put it there so at the end of there do not at the T but down closest to the bridge side there's a spot where there's no um uh no pilings in the middle there correct and there no boat boat slips it's just open docks so we're going to lay one of our dingy docks up against that and that'll be should be any more difficult than it is now with the tides actually be a little easier maybe because it's farther out correct correct I mean you get some current right there but not anymore you have to come through that coming in anyways right so um I don't I don't foresee it being in too much and is that just temporary is that just a temporary spot for correct until we get the D dock built the new one uh uh built and then what will you do with this this old dock we're going going to keep them in case uh for future stuff down the road you know um if we can put that somewhere else down the island for another access you know kind of what I have maybe we could store it at Mound house while while we're waiting to use it yes well we'll we'll figure out where we're going to store it but no I mean and use it correct correct correct but no we will yeah I have't we are um we have some ideas that we're kind of discussing what we're going to do with that and how we're going to use it and stuff like that so um all righty um my next item is the pump out boat um we have uh done done some repairs and some maintenance to that boat um we got the 300 hour service done on that vessel um which was needed um we also um we also we also purchased a brand new pump um and that's in right now so everything's running great um actually we had a clog this morning that we fixed and everything in the line so that was kind of worry maybe we got that so um um I'm cleared and everything's up and running now so um pump out boat is in is in great great shape right now so and then um the next item I have is our uh is our um um pontoon boat that's our maintenance boat for the buoys um we have ordered ordered uh I'm a brand a brand new engine it's a Yamaha 90 horse for that um that's on order right now I hope to have that in in the next in the next uh couple weeks and the rep power will take place on that boat so once we get that back that's our maintenance vessel will'll be full board doing maintenance uh I'm on the buoys um we have we have already already been doing maintenance we've been uh clearing uh the pennant lines and um and um uh also I'm uh I'm scraping the balls when we can um we are also uh we're also looking into um contractors to assist us right now to do to do maintenance for the for the downlines for the morning balls and get those uh get those uh maintenance so um so all that is starting to uh progress pretty pretty quickly here so um I'm glad to get it to finally be up and running and doing and doing the maintenance and everything that the morning field needs so um happy to get get on track with that all righty um and then then the next item I have is um we also updated uh the website um we kind of we kind of rearranged it a little bit we made some links uh clickable um our rules you can you can click um if you go on there and and look you'll see you'll see the changes I think everything is reads reads a little bit better it makes it um a little bit more I would say um a user friendly user friendly for sure so um just uh whenever yall get a chance I would like go on there and look at it and uh tell me your thoughts and um yeah yeah I looked at it um yesterday and it does look great so thanks Nicole for you know upgrading things and breaking things out into more digestible chunks rather than here's everything there's everything in one little block my only one suggestion and I saw that you added a bunch of links at the very bottom I'm just wondering in some one of the sections could you move up that kind of things to do chamber link within that copy so that people can plan their trip or something like that and not have to go down to the bottom to try and find it but otherwise I think it's great I love how you broke out the amenities and the services and it looks good one comment there in Nicole it's it's something that um I'm sure you need to look at and see if it's possible I I still think the page is a bit buried um okay so if it would be possible to consider a um clickable button on the homepage that says that will take you straight straight to it and Nicole I don't recall if you have such a clickable clickable button on your Facebook uh Landing but that would be another place I think you should consider having a clickable take you right to um that that page the doc the Page moring Field page just still find it hard to find is it is you can get to it from daa easy but otherwise you have to really Google it otherwise it's I have no idea where to find so me and Nicole have talked about that it is something that I have already already asked her about but um let explain um just for the record Nicole bur and Pio um um yeah so we did talk about that on the Facebook for example there's not anywhere that we can put a clickable link just because we already have the town's website directly there but on the moin field Facebook I can make sure that the page is linked there just to correct that's where I was speaking of oh okay perfect so I'll double check to make sure it's there because if it is not it definitely can be put on there and I'll make sure it is as for the website um when you first go on to the website you'll see all of those little sand dollars so we can only have so many of those on the homepage at once so I'll have to go in and see if there's anything that's not um necessary at the moment to be on there because I know we have like the special events application the temporary use application is directly on there so if there's anything that we're able to currently take off then I would be able to add that the only issue is that we can only have so many so I'll just have to kind of play with it a little bit um but there are ways to make it a little bit more maybe something else to look at is to make those scrollable and make them naturally um like a carel like a carousel exent point and uh giving you the ability to add several more if you can think of several more there that are interesting um so you know go on to the homepage and they rotate yeah yeah I can look into if our page allows for that because I mean I think right now where it's embedded the matanzas moing field is under things to do I would never think to find it there and even from the committee I mean I don't think there's a link to theing field page from our AAC committee I mean okay at least I didn't see it maybe another very good point yeah yeah I can check on that too and if it's not I'll definitely add it there as well if we can't do a sand dollar would be appropriate to put it in more than one place things to do and maybe under another drop down yeah definitely um I can't think of what all the different drop downs are titled at the moment but um I can definitely put it in more than one place just so that it's a little bit easier to find maybe things to do and then also in a general one okay definely whoever you can put because we can put it as many plac we don't want it everywhere but if you could go in a couple that might help a sand I think bound house has its own sand dollar doesn't it so I'm wondering maybe if you could combine Town facilities or town something there and then you could have the mound house and Bay Oaks and I don't know I don't I don't know how people search so I'm not sure if you can tell the path that people are taking to get to things but I just under things to do that doesn't seem like the right place that I would I would look I'd rather see it directly linked for boers right boers that come across the town they're they have no idea what the mountain house is and things like that if you said dockage or moing field that would be excellent um also on the AAC page maybe have a direct link to Facebook okay um because that's that's a super good addition that you're added um and then I don't know uh if you have a direct link to Facebook on the moing field page that may be another button you know I don't think we do I think it's only on um like I know on the Pio page there's the links to all of the different social media but I'll add it to the so do okay so I will look into all of those things and I'll try to see if I can't for some reason get it on the homepage I can try to make sure that it's in multiple spots just to make it a little bit easier is there anything else I know we had talked about um doing a pamphlet or a welcome package or anything if you guys are still interested in that I can get working on it it's I think we really talked about it being more digital and maybe there's is a doc card like you said that would then have a a QR code to link people to the appropriate pages and I mean I think if you had that and it was available at matanzas and then we could give it to the chamber to put in in there you know the Roxy I'm not sure where else it would make sense to have it maybe at some of the do side restaurants that or um we have our we have our board outside the uh the morning field or or or the dingy do I should say we could post something in there which I I believe we already have something of that that sorts in there um as a map shows shows uh where the restrooms are and the facilities um we also have all of our amenities on daa as well it lists that and on the website so um so yeah that is something start start say if like some of the restaurants have like a you know where people come up and put their business cards stuff like that like that is that what you yeah I was thinking I mean just a basic hey welcome to Fort Meers Beach if you came here by boat here are some things to do it's a card and then the QR codes would take you to the wherever we think there's more information about things to do so to take them to the chamber site it could take them to whatever whatever makes the most sense I mean you guys are voters I like boats I don't have a boat but um you know you guys would know better what people are looking for when they get to the dingy dog what what do they want to know and how do they want to get there well we have good signage for general information but if they had something to take with them if they forget to take a picture of the sign something to take with them just with the pertinent with the pertinent stuff like you said maybe I think I think they're looking for restaurants you know most of the people and and you know if there was a QR code that you could you know even chamber or somebody helped with to be able to say these are the restaurants particularly close yeah and the Chamber has a great um site of things to do broken up by places to eat places to go all that sort of stuff so if you link them to that they could just scroll during all the restaurants I mean could we put that link on our well I guess it's already on the website but a direct link on our page right yeah that's what I was saying put that things to do chamber link up higher with the information and maybe something about your trip here's information about restaurants shopping Necessities Nicole something excuse me Nicole something else that you may want to reach out to and look at is I believe at the Women's Club was talking about making a physical welcome to Fort Meers Beach package uh for for for new residence okay um so maybe a flyer in there could an excellent thing to to add definitely I don't know where they're at in that process but I I know that was something they were talking about yeah that's a good idea I can reach out to them and see if we put something together if they can add that Mr vice mayor if um if we include a link to the the chamber we might be excluding some people is there any way we could I mean do we have to kind of watch that I mean we could put a link to it but we don't want exclude people who aren't aren't members I think the uh I think the chamber is is all inclusive I mean it's not it doesn't necessarily it's not just members it's just pretty much all information and members get get and I think the chamber is probably the safest entity that that's all-encompassing versus singling out individual restaurants or hotels so I think probably the so they cover nonmembers the chamber list it lists maybe not the restaurant list all of the but they list they list the business I'd have to defer to Chris on that but as far as I can tell I mean I think it's got pretty much all the Times Square restaurants it's got all of you know pretty much anything that's open right now on that list so I I don't think there's any other entity that collects that information particularly Fort Meers Beach Centric that could that would that would match the chamber as long as we're not exclud I've never heard anybody complain about that about being excluded yeah I think that that would be okay since we use them on the website but if you guys wanted us to be safe we could just link it straight to our website and make their link more visible but I I can check but I don't think it would be an issue yeah I think they're pretty inclusive yeah and I will I will tell you this um a lot of the boers that uh come in they already have a game plan like they've researched this place way before they you know know get here when they get here they ask me kind of where is a certain a certain a certain restaurant and things like that but um um but I think it it it would not be be a bad thing at all to um you know put that link on our yeah it's one of really good advantages to using a QR code is it can send you to an informational source that easily modified yes it's better than putting that information right on the card where it could change exactly and why we create the wheel I mean if the chamber has a full list of everything and they keep that up let's just be partner exactly is there anything else you would like me to focus on or I can try to get a card um put together so the next time you have a meeting I can bring a sample of whatever it would look like and you guys can kind of give the green light sorry Nicole Chad sneaking through can I just interrupt you for a second before Chad escapes good try Chad just just because we have a kind of a marine Focus here it's really not ger main to why we're here I'm sorry Mr chairman but I just saw you I just was uh just the beach re nourishment project which is Major I was just out there yesterday and I noticed that that the bage area is not being renourished right now and it looks like they started a little further south can you just kind of explain to people why that is and where we're headed and how things are going sure so good morning Chads town of Fort Myers Beach environmental staff um so correct yeah we're not going to renourish bage park that's outside of the uh outside of the project area it is permitted to be renourished but uh number one Lee County did not want it to be renourished the reason being is that sand is going to transport that way uh anyways number two is we are getting FEMA money for this project and that is a the Cobra Zone um which is it's an environmental designation similar it's basically a federal equivalent of the CWA um so uh the feds don't necessarily want uh disturbance over there um so it's it's fairly restrictive in that in that regard um but we did get the BMS put over there and we will be planning it um so uh it is not going uh completely I'm not just this is more informational not being critical I I think it's really helpful for people because they see they see the renourishment starting but they don't see it starting at the North tip yeah it's going to it's going to get there it's just um uh kind of delaying the infill of matanzas pass as well for the for the arm and Corp of Engineers so they don't have to uh dredge that pass as often as well got you thank you very much sorry Nicole sorry Mr chairman I just he sneaks through and you got to grab him when you can going going going yeah thank you Chad question sir the opening up of the uh pump out at stun bite has that relieved your load a little has hasn't it um it allows us to focus more on um maintenance to the morning field and also um working um working with code um and uh doing um canal canal visits um or or um I should say um uh inspections of the canals uh debris things of that nature that we can still uh clean up and make sure the canals are fully fully um ible anything else for Nicole I would also maybe suggest getting with Jackie said talking about the chamber I was just looking at their page and I mean they list currently 19 moing systems available for wet storage which can accommodate 85 so I think they need some updating and then they only link to daa so maybe Jackie could also link to our Facebook page or something definely I will get with her yeah might want to help keep active yeah keep it updated anything else thank you Nicole y thank you thank you is that your list that is that uh that is everything I have as of now I know so that that does uh complete what I have on my list to share with you all great any questions for Curtis I do so how are you feeling in general about things I'm feeling good I'm feeling I'm feeling really good uh we have a full team now so um fully fully staffed which I'm uh thrilled on that so and my team is great so what are your current and upcoming priori ities so um priority number one right now would be um you know uh I'm I'm I'm doing the dingy dock right now um making thing making sure things are in place for that making sure our peer gets moved everything's set up for the voters that it's an easy an easy uh transition um that's that's the biggest project and my biggest concern right now for all that to go um smoothly so um next is um the maintenance of the balls that's my for for the morning field specifically that's my biggest concern and what I'm what I'm focused and my team is focused on um is cleaning is is cleaning the balls and get getting them ready for the season coming up so um we got a few more months before that happened so we're kind of um full court press kind of on that right now so on that subject are you working in coordination with Mark cancade I am yes sir okay yes sir and how's that how's that going have they been hands on or they have they have um I talked to Mark and his staff uh once a week um uh here here as of late especially with the dingy doc as well they're involv involved in that as well along along with the uh the M more involves as well I I call him for advice and things like that a lot so um he helps me out tremendously what's what's going on with the six balls that are you know so um I have a meeting with BOS and Neil at the Coast Guard Station uh this this uh this coming Friday so um I hope to get movement on that um the um sector side of things have kind of gone silent right now so I'm trying to talk with Bose and get her get her on board locally and see if there's something we can arrange uh moving forward and then um that'll help us fight the battle down the road as sector so um it's it's it's not a quick process right now um so what what are we trying to achieve are you trying to get those inoperable balls back into operation that's my ultimate goal that's what I would like to do that's what um um I think needs to happen if not like give us like half of them right because I think there's a few a few there that um could be could be in service right now which I don't think if I just have to watch what size vessels I put there right to impede the channel and things like that so that's that's what I'm going to talk to bosen about and see if we can get get somewhere on that on that level um and then and then to move forward to move up the chain if we could get those certifi even though they're we want 50 Footers in there but correct if we could get the ones that are marginal certified for 30 Footers right you know at least when we're full we could we could use those well my biggest concern with that area is um I need that to be bigger bigger vessels right because um everybody wants that wants that Front Field even the even the vessels that can't fit under the bridge I mean I mean that can they still want to go out there and like you know I have to I have to push them through because um I gota I got to keep at least one or two open just for those last minute reservations things of that nature and um so um getting those balls open for me would be would be huge so um that's moving little slower than I anticipated it to but um I'm still if that stalls ctis Ian I just don't remember I don't understand but if that stalls I mean is another option just to move them back in a certain amount to get them outside of that Channel with the same length is it too shallow back in there so so the problem that we are facing is that there's a seagrass area a sh behind that so we can't move them too much or um we have to be cautious of the vessel's draft those bigger Vel that have deeper draft sets to 8 ft we're going to be running into problems there they'll be they'll be rubbing the bottom and stuff like that so we don't we don't want that to happen um you know that could cause damage to their boat and um that's something you know that's kind of the the hard the hard thing we're facing here you know we don't have we really don't want to because if we did move them we'd have to get surveyed again and go through the whole entire the whole entire process so trying out of us having having to move the balls and seeing if the coar can kind of kind of help us out in a different different angle for that so how far would the channel have to go out to accommodate so I don't think the channel would have to go out I I I just think the um the Green AIDS need to be put more more on the inflection points of the bend of the bend of the channel for it to like maybe an extra maybe an extra marker or something um yes they could they could put in an alpha marker which kind of bends it better or or put in a secondary that's what the Coast Guard calls it is a like a 15 alpha or something like that which would be a second second one you know marking the change I guess but um you know really I guess the Coast Guard was concerned of if they did move those it would it would Less in less in the channel I don't I don't really foresee that I feel like it would it would the channel would be the same it would just putting them them on the bends of the of the channel which would make it a more of a straighter line where the balls would be have a lot more a lot more room I mean it's really not that far of a a distance to move them you know we're not talking like a big a big change here at all so um but um so you'll be discussing all those options I will I will yes sir they're still bringing in big barges so they're probably thinking every every inch counts correct correct y so hopefully um hopefully uh the bosen and I can uh you know um get to an understanding an agreement and see if we can move forward on this uh my hopes if I don't get I mean right now if I could get maybe like two or three back in service that's a win for me right now so that's uh that's kind of how how I'm moving forward and going about that Ted did you have something that you wanted to ask I did it did it okay um how can we best support you Curtis what do you need from us um as of right now I'm not I'm not I'm not too sure I think after I talk with the B I think that's when I'll know what route specifically we need to go and where it's going to go once that happens and I will I will I will give with yall and um I need Jo's backing well I'll be sure to ask well I mean in general is there anything other you know in general that you'd like us to be keeping our eyes on um I do not have anything that comes to mind at the moment um um maybe that's something I can think about for next meeting and bring anything for Curtis um at one point here a few months ago we talked about exploring vage for Upland facilities maybe that's more of a question for you where are we at well the first ctis in case he knows something I don't know but when in talking with Frankie I think he is looking at uh not only that option but at other options as well uh particularly with the Moss Marine Dynamic that's fluid at this point forgive the the the fun there uh but it's uh I think again Curtis you probably talked to Frankie about this as well but the last time I talked to Frankie he's I think the town is looking at a variety of options so I don't think that's Advanced I think there's some I I don't I don't want to speak for Frankie but I think he's he's thinks that as those negotiations with the county progress or digress I I don't sense his optimism there but but that doesn't mean it's been thwarted by any sense of the word but I think he's looking at a variety of options is that fair Curtis that is that is fair okay so we're still kind of wide open on that I think so we are and then another one that Curtis you maybe aren't aware of this but uh shash had maybe when he was here but he talked about setting up a separate taxing district I believe for the dredging of the the Lagoon that at least Sam and I live very close to um on the south end that I I don't have um I cannot I cannot speak on that because I don't I don't have information that was being researched by our inim town manager Keith uh and I did see Frankie earlier W through here maybe we'll catch him again because this is kind of a Transit spot but I go walk through here we're going to we're going to catch him if he because he has an orange shirt so we'll see him but I I I don't know the answer to that the status is on that I know it was being explored but where that's at I don't know all right thank you that's a hurts thank you I had a question so we're fully staffed with new hire so you got a full crew yes sir and um just curious how many of those are either LIC captains or certified divers I got one one of them is licensed uh is a licensed Captain um the other two are uh working on their license right now um right now none of us are certified in diving so that's why we are looking in the maintenance and Contracting that out to get it started we are also looking into getting our Dive Dive shirts that's something we are um looking into now anybody else for Curtis for the moment okay moving on to member items John any member items not this one chairman thank you Chris I do I have a couple of things um I just just wanted to say that I was sitting out on my Beach on July 20th and a man named Leon came up and started talking to me apparently Leon lives on his boat we know yeah okay I figured you might know Leon very Charming Man lovely um but I just wanted to pass on a couple of things that Leon mentioned first of all he's overall pleased with our services um he would like to see the derc boats out of the water he'd like a porta potty near the dingy dock um future 24-hour pump and water um he like a dingy or floating docket bodic pink shell snook bite so that was you know that was Leon's wish list so apparently if you all know Leon maybe you've all heard his wish list before and then I have one other thing for vice mayor aderholt um with murf at sort of a transitional period you know we've had these conversations about where do they end where do we again what is that defining line perhaps is this a time to look at redefining responsibilities and kind of clarifying the roles of murf versus us I think Jim Hackett has has well stated our purpose that we're really about Transportation we're about waterways we're about the bay ecosystem and we see maybe murf as more about the beach ecosystem and the wildlife that lives there and those sorts of things so I know that murf has a really long description and we kind of have Warfield so I just wonder if now is the time with perhaps a you know kind of a a transition for that committee if we could if if the Town Council could think about maybe redefining I I think it's a great idea I think a great time to it is a great time because we it sounds like we'll have significant transition in October probably be great after that transition occurs to get the leadership of both murf and uh uh Anchorage advisory committee together I think Ed's question about the various uh uh uh canals and dredging and all the issues that that that involves that is a great example of an area that I think actually falls in this camp but but at the same time there's been some discussion that it may fall in another camp but those are the kind of conversations I think would very helpful because that's a that's a huge issue that Ed just talked about and it's not just relegated to his area although that's a priority because that's been long standing and and we've been working on that for a long time but I think every Canal has a challenge now and I think that broader discussion of a solution uh is is is going to be a big piece of the puzzle and I I think this committee is is a great position to help try to address that uh uh it will be thankless task but it could be a good public policy uh for the whole island going forward particularly since after Hurricane Ian as everybody knows those those canals were not properly uh analyzed on a regular basis which prevented us from getting any FEMA help to have them dredged uh and if we do proper analysis and maintenance going forward that will enhance our ability to get help in the future should God forbid we have another issue so I mean there's a lot of public policy advantages aside from just making the canals better for everyone and easier to use and properly dredged uh there's so many pieces to that puzzle that will be significant there'll be a lot of public input uh and and but but yeah that's a great example so to answer your question yes I think probably maybe wait till after that transition if that transition occurs in October I think it's early October that'll be discussed and then uh and then well we could talk what my item uh is it just relates to yours so I'll just say it now is that we have a number of folks that are have to reapply on this committee and I encourage you to do so we love this great committee great makeup uh we also have a vacany and so if you all have friends in the business and and when I see the business in the voting world who have subject matter knowledge who would be add value to this committee please encourage them to apply uh particularly for that vacancy I'm hoping all the incumbent members here reapply um but but at some point Curtis you may want to check with the town clerk I can't remember the list off my head who's up you all may know who's up for Renewal this cycle but have it have it right here oh please go ahead so um um Mr Nash is up Mr hawkett uh lawell and and uh Sam yes I've reapplied does anybody need information to reapply I do have you reapplied yet no okay you can help you with that see I need information to okay if you want to stay afterwards we'll we'll go up front and I'll get you set up with all that information thank you I have no and again encourage folks in the who have an interest in voting uh and experience to to uh particularly for that vacancy that's still out there uh did you repeat that are I said I have not also have not reapplied okay so maybe you want to stick around afterwards everybody that hasn't I'll walk you to am Amy would be a great place to go just to heads up I don't believe Amy is in today so but somebody else can probably give you the sheet it's a simple onepage uh thing doesn't require any notary or anything you had something to add well I mean I kind as a Jim that is also my item that I was going to bring up but I do think it duve tells into this if you don't care but that was thinking about that that example and this may be way outside of our Charter but um I listened this week and was paying attention to London Bay and the meeting that came down and all of the residents who had concerns about that particularly in the canal and the safety of you know bringing a large boat into that area and having two-way traffic come back around and turn around and I was thinking at that time when I saw that I thought that might be something that you know the council because the LPA and the council's will be voting on this at some stage do they need an advisory committee that's made up of a large degree of captains and other people with you know concerns and knowledge of that area to kind of investigate that and make a recommendation from an advisory position if they did I would argue this is a great committee to you know be utilized for something like that because there is some concern I think I think back to Chris's point if we can establish more defined uh um jurisdictional guidelines for each of the Committees putting the the canals in this entity's orbit would would allow us to do something like you suggested yeah I just think the canals have never really been included in any particular orbit if you will of jurisdiction so I think that might be something for for us to kind of give some guidance on yeah and i' like the idea of the two committees meeting and Leadership or whatever and just talking through and maybe making a recommendation to the council that here's how we see it and you guys can make the final decision if you think that's a way to go I think it sounds great it really follows Curtis's role it's Anchorage advisory and Marine operations that's really just you know exact perfect sense so Mr vice mayor we um I think there's a consensus here we'd like to be involved in the canals um you know opinions on the canals also water taxes if we're going to implement any of that AB and all those things that we discussed I think you're aware of all that um as our L is on you can try to maybe get us included in those discussions is there should we make a motion about that or is pretty much well known that we would like to be involved in those areas I think back to I think back to Chris's point if we could just Define the boundaries of each of the two committees in a way that there's you know there's not overlap and try to create some a little bit more guidance for folks as to where to go depending on the issue I think that will address the point you just made which is a good one okay I'm done Curtis I I have a question um Sam you just mentioned about the water taxis and things of that nature do we have a plethora Water Taxis here because I know the morningfield there was somebody that let let me stop you okay because it seems like a a little Nuance but it's a significant Nuance there's water taxis and then there's water fairies okay what's being proposed for the island by a private entity is a water ferry service okay uh there have been water taxes in the past that that have serviced this island uh and but this water faery system could be transformative uh I've talked to the one of the principles in that group and encouraged them to come here to give us an update they said the issue is not quite ripe yet to to come before the Anchorage of but they would be happy to do so once they get a little bit more information and get things a little bit more uh cemented uh in terms of their business plan but but I think that is a because you know one of their suggested stops uh it's not formalized just anecdotal is the mountainous which is obviously the town's facility uh and obviously that we want to have them partner well with all of our other facilities I just think there's a great Synergy there certainly the given our transportation W the town has a public interest in seeing them be successful for so many reasons um but but yes that that that will be I'd love to see that be the charge of this committee as well um so I forget what your question was but that that's you you you pretty much answered it Mr vice mayor so um uh I appreciate that I the moing field I guess there was a water taxi that kind of um the boter could could um could um call and uh he would he would come out pick them up it would just prevent them from if say some of my voters are leaving their boat for the weekend going out of town and not having their dingy left at our dock all night and that kind of thing one of the things that came up in conversation came remember it was Ed or Jim that brought this up but but but the con maybe it was John we we discussed the water taxi but we then I think maybe it was John who suggested maybe approaching this this entity that's doing the water ferry to see if they could have a side business to do a water taxi to catch people who not only you know you've got some folks of means who may maybe maybe they missed the ferry and they're willing to pay X to have their taxi come get them because they don't want to wait a half an hour or 45 minutes to the next ferry or you've got the needs of the moing field that would need that that that that water taxi as well and they seemed interested in being part of that process too so I think that could really be a nice Synergy as well for everyone because it would help them for people who missed the boat but it would also help our folks as well and hopefully create a market for them aw hey Jim could you just briefly give the definition of a fairy keep schedule in a taxi like on demand yeah it's yeah on the taxi is on demand but as I understand that the potential for this this private entity coming for with the water fery the boats would carry I think there's a state regulation that had sense them to have it be 49 people and uh and and they would potentially have they would have bathrooms on the boat they would have serve beverages on the boat and uh and they would run a regular schedule uh obviously from you know they would do none of this is announced but I mean for just for theoretical purposes they do fishtail snook bite the mound house Moss Marine pink shell head over to San Carlos Island for a Litany of stops maybe a restaurant I don't know definitively but it would it would be a circular Dynamic and come every 45 minutes and it this could be a huge game changer for particularly folks on the south end of the island who can't get North because of traffic if they could hop on a ferry at the fdale marina and get down to the North End and just have Plus it's a it's it's just a great experience versus sitting in traffic for an hour it has so many great advantages and and and the the folks tell me they can make it work as an economic model in the private sector which would be and apparently there's some on the East Coast that have been very East Coast of Florida that have been very successful so it's all it's all being discussed and planned by the private entity and hopefully they'll be able to come forward soon I think there some of it's timed around the recovery of the island as well to make sure you know that the the market ready to to take advantage of it but now um Mr vice mayor um now if this would this plan would have um you know work out and everything uh gets off the ground with it uh where where would they be operating from or launching out of well if you look at the the most recent Moss Marine uh proposal they actually have a terminal for the uh for the for the for the ferry I think they'll actually be working and functioning and headquartered on Stan Carlos Island uh as I understand their business model today but they'll have a Litany of stops along our Island as well which will be obviously critical for the whole thing to work so okay does that answer your question yeah yes it does I don't know exactly where they are in St Carlos Island but okay so Vice M um your description is very consistent what I would consider a water faery um I think what Curtis is talking about and a water fery couldn't do is service an individual boat out a moing and that's my definition of water tax the water fairy company would have a separate boat that would do that water taxi function correct your point Water Taxi one to one water fery one to many and water taxi on demand that's right that's right and um vice mayor just to um hit on that you know there's some things that we could offer as well to kind of help the relationship and things of that nature sure obviously i' have to talk with management make sure you know things are we could we could do that but it's something that we could look into if you know the taxi service you mentioned this thing having having restrooms and that kind of thing um the theory would have I don't know whether the taxi would have restroom that might that might fall into a different different thing but I was for pump outs and things of that nature if Moss doesn't have having the town partner with this entity to have a because we all win if this is successful that's certainly at least my personal opinion as a council person that we do everything we can to partner with this entity and help them be successful uh but but yeah to your point whatever we could do to partner and be helpful and because we all win it's it's a symbiotic relationship absolutely I agree not to mention parking and traffic and anything else for CCE or members items I was just I'm done you're just starting no no I'm no I'm done no just to you now do you have any members items um no I don't have any members items oh I do have one member item on regarding the we have people over there go ahead regarding the the tier rates and and you know variable rates I think length overall doesn't seem to ever work because the length on the title is different from the length on the registration it's different from the length of the person you know when they're talking about their vote it's always bigger when they're going to pay it's always smaller and you know that happens in every Marina however if we could possibly do a tiered system with the bigger slips in the more you know maybe a three TI system or something like that and keep it fairly simple you know um charge maybe a little less to be in the back on the East and obviously more to be on the west side of the bridge um but I'm not sure about the length overall how everybody feels about that it just seems like it's very complicated and you know if you have to do it one well if I if we do a tiered system I mean there would a length overall would have to come into play right because it it would have to be for the bigger boats right so it would kind of have to that's why we kind of have looked at it um and I said nothing is set in stone you know things might might just stay the same right now um we might we might end up going going to a tiered tiered system all that is still being still being worked out right now but um you know that's kind of what I after looking at everything my my suggestion would have been just um I think would it would get a lot more complicated with the tier system or the length of vessels charging them per per foot right um so um I think for where we're at right now um that's why recommended you know the one total total uh price price um or really um for the daily rate so okay I just thought my my opinion was if you do it by the foot a tiered system based on length would probably be okay but if you do it by the foot it gets into you know complicated uh you know computations one of the ways I've seen that um done be previously is you go away from length overall and go to waterline l by the manufacturer so every model has a defined waterline L that we know exactly what it is just by by a reference I mean just just a thought I mean I agree it gets a little complicated like you said you got to have some you know people got to be honest but it seems like the seasons you know for us are the biggest you know Factor so you know to me I don't really like the idea of raising our rates in offseason because I can look down there and I mean unless we're full then I don't really from a price elasticity kind of standpoint I don't think that makes sense but in the season you know we get full and I think that's when you know you could look at a rate change personally are you ready for me uh Curtis I was at the it was you opened up uh your request for the uh dingy dock construction yes and the the town's ask of the of the people bidding was to remove some old concrete sections that are kind of stacked up in the parking lot under the bridge there correct my my question is if if F dot is taking down that the the fishing pier wouldn't those big chunks of concrete be there their responsibility so those big chunks of concrete are actually the old the old dingy okay so there are respons I assume they were connected at at one point um that I'm not sure I was before my time I don't know how that really I've seen a little bit of pictures I don't I thought that dock laid underneath that here and that's how that's how that piece got ripped off is because the the dock you know come up came up under it and shared that section off is from what my understanding is what I've been told now um don't please do not quote me because I'm not 100% sure that's just you know no I was just I was just wondering about that and um the only other thing I had was uh Mr adah hold spoke about um the challenges that we're having with with dredging right now because maybe the proper maintenance wasn't taking place beforehand and I'm wondering if we're doing that now and uh who's responsible for I believe the town has has hired a firm to do an analysis of the canals so we have the proper documentation should God forbid something happen again that doesn't it's a separate piece of the puzzle than than the actual dredging and maintenance right but it's the analysis of where we stand so we can then show thema exactly where we were when what it hit and then and then where we are after the the destruction so the analysis is being done but we do not to your point earlier your question earlier we do not have a system set up to finance the maintenance Dynamic yet right but we're at least monitoring yes they are doing the analysis of of where each Canal is how how much what what the needs are depths it's way out of my subject matter expertise but but yeah there is doing they're doing a full analysis that will meet the standards of FEMA going forward and then do they report back to the captain here or that's a great question I don't should be under his offices I would think yeah that's a great question when when that's complete hopefully Curtis you might ask Frankie about that that you can report back to the committee here yes absolutely I I don't know when the when that analysis will be complete but I know it's ongoing yes it is it is on goinging perfect thank you you're welcome anything else for Curtis or members items would we like to move on to Vice chairman Chris King would you like to a session on this U on our well I'm not sure that there's much to talk about I give a brief outline and well we talked about it last time so that was the kind of the uh premise of thinking about what's now what's next what's later and according to Curtis's priorities really the two things on his mind are the dingy do build followed by the maintenance of the moing balls so I'm not sure that there's a ton to talk about until you know Curtis you maybe bring us a few more of your priorities and we figure out what um you know what else we can talk about I would say that maybe for continuing discussion we put on the agenda to keep talking about is um the redefinition of the jurisdictions of murf and AAC and then also continue to talk about priorities and where we can be of assistance and probably upcoming in the next couple months will be some Upland discussions depending on what the council brings to us and really what what the town management brings hopefully to this committee before councel yeah good yeah and we would welcome any of that and are excited to get working on that when it starts when it starts going um any other member items just addressing what what Chris has been mentioning I know we talked about having specific definition of exactly what committee um wants to Define itself as and I don't think I see that on here that may be a um a task that should be added yeah I I think so I mean this was really this page that you're looking at um was really just sort of the overall right explanation and definitely as we redefine then we can recreate that right yeah I guess I'm this was a placeholder and it's I'm just thinking about U is there any sort of organized or projected movement to actually redefine what AAC is and what do we need to do to move that well per per uh vice mayor ater hold after the murf committee is sort of re assigned there's going to be some transition in the membership he suggested that perhaps the leadership of both those committees come together and hash out some some projected definitions maybe with you sitting in and councelor King since he is the adviser on that committee and we can then come back to the full Council and say hey here's where we think our jurisdictions are do you have any issues with that does that sound like a plan uh uh no ma'am um and actually I should have picked up on that more clearly okay but I I I do understand okay okay okay I think vice mayor understands that we would like to be involved in all the things we discussed and I'm sure he'll try to include us as much as possible along with counsilman king um there's going to be some overlapping and I think you know where our interests lie in pretty much everything on the water anybody else Mr chairman yes just a just a Point here uh I'm my calendar has the next meeting on September 16th at 9:00 that's correct a question mark is that is that are we yeah let me go let me just get to that uh is there any public comment oh okay wow councilman King just John AR K before I head over to Bay Oaks to do the treadmill and take more abuse from my wife later on apparently uh I just wanted share a couple things first you talked about U reapplying for the committee all applications for all committees are due by September 19th to Amy Baker the clerk so I just wanted to clarify that so people know and don't miss the vote there we go the other is personal courtes you were clean shaven two months ago and I'm really jealous that fills in nicely thank you thank you John is there any other public comment um seeing none um we'll set the next so the next meeting was this to accommodate your your travel I can't remember oh no it was accommodate uh that there was something else going on with the meeting room but our next meeting is scheduled for Monday September 16th and that's the third Monday and subsequent to that we will be on our new schedule which will be the fourth Monday so we have September 16th and then October 28th at 9:00 am and we should be receiving our minutes a week before that or I'm sorry our agenda a week before that um so mark your calendar September 16th then October 28th and moving forward it should be the fourth Monday of every month after that any other comments so wouldn't all right I guess this because you guys what is the council schedule for September for September uh on the 16th it's open okay but on the 23rd which would be when we normally we we have a five o'clock 501 budget hearing and then with the council mean to follow okay okay because you missed that first week because of Labor Day so you're doing the second week instead I think is is that what happened I think because of the budget well you know we're meeting at night because of the budget the state statute requires us to meet in the evenings okay so we usually meet the well I see your point we usually meet the first Monday and the third Monday but something with conflicts yeah maybe yeah but but um that's confirmed September 16th October 28 and October 28 which is not Thursday yeah I know no we're not on Thursdays anymore move to Mondays conflict to why we moved into the September 16th point I don't know exactly that wasn't your vacation that was last month right right we may want to look at November when we get in there I mean it's I mean if people are traveling because that's the week of Thanksgiving right right good point so that's the the November meeting would be scheduled for the 25th of November which might be challenging that personally won't be that's my that's my birthday oh well then I'm going to come yeah in that case your vacation so I'll try to R I'll try not to start too definitely want to meet on your that's right but somebody's got to bring cake um we'll bring that up next meeting maybe about but that is the Monday before Thanksgiving not the Monday after so that might be okay with everybody so maybe everybody check your Thanksgiving plans as we get closer to that and the sand sculpture competition is once again and starts November 21st and goes through the 24th and and we'll end the day before our next meeting in on the 25th and I know you're very excited about that aren't you Diamond Head yes there's a vicious rumor that Barbara Hill and I will be signing up for the amateur competition sand sculpture how did that get started uh I don't know I think there may be some an element of truth to it and uh as far as setting next meeting's agenda I think we'll just keep everything the same is there anything to add or delete I think we can talk again about uh moving forward with committee redefinition and then courtes priorities which I'm assuming you'll do as part of your your normal report to us yes I do do that under one thing to add under my priorities something that I saw on here that raised my attention um just um I just want you all to be aware of so um as of to the uh der vessels um right I've been um I've been working on that um um mainly with the um uh I'm a I'm a attorneys here um with the town town with the town's attorneys um we are working together to get things in place to be able to fight these Dar vessels and and be be legal uh to remove them off the field so I'm I have a meeting with daa this week actually to toh get some information put put on doca so we're so we're legally um you know so legal to be able to move forward to remove DLI vessels abandoned vessels in the moing field on our on our on our balls and that's something that I'm also working with Lee County as well uh share how about the one that you could can hardly see during high tide that's near ball number 30 or something there that's just got a little Mass sticking up it's in the field itself that one sunken boat oh you're talking about the sunken boat itself so so there was so there was there was a sunen bell boat over there and I think it was around like ball number 58 going into the third third field right that had has that is that is gone now it's been it's been removed now we have we have a second a second one over there by by ball 30 um uh lcso is aware of it they told me that they're in works of of getting it removed um it barely it barely shows during High TI correct correct um can we Mark that up a little bit yes yes absolutely and that's something I can reach out to them on for sure safety boy safety balls there something around it well I I thought that it was already supposed to be gone by now um from from what I talked to them I I actually notified them before it actually completely went down for them to get it but they have a process of what he told me that he has to go through you really can't touch it until it actually sinks which I don't know why that is but um that's something I will look into yeah if we can request just to have it marked perimeter maybe I mean you could see it but during high tide it's only you know like maybe I'm sure with this blue super moon it probably wasn't but we were out there Friday on the high tide and uh you can still see it it's Mass can see yeah I mean you can see the whole whole lettering on the side of the side of the vessel so um I will um that's something um me and my team have already have uh discussed that that's on our radar it's in it's in the field but it's barely out of the Channel you know correct correct I'm I'm sorry um Curtis yes sir um in reference to Der vessels you were talking about daa yes how how do those two connect so what we're doing is uh we're having we're pretty much revamping our reservation process for daa so um and this is something I'm working with daaka to see if it is if we are able uh to um uh um get it all set up this way which I think we can um so my goal is to Once once once a voter puts in puts in a reservation correct um you know they'll fill in their dates and all that stuff but it'll bring them to a prompt with our rules and uh they'll have to go down there click a box and then it'll prompt them to another page which it'll be it'll be uh an agreement y pretty much like a contract so that way they have that's pretty much them signing it right and uh and agreeing it to our terms so um so that way we'll have the backing to move forward and and all that so I can be in a more legal legal standpoint moving forward so they have to consent to a terms and conditions agreement correct y any other comments I your motion for adjournment motion motion toj Jim Lockett motion second second Chris all in favor I I oppose we are adjourned at 10:22 good