it is 907 today's Tuesday February 20th we are at the Bay Oaks Recreation Center all council members are present Town manager Town attorney and town clerk please rise for the invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance be with us today as we consider and take actions for the overall good of the town of Fort Meers Beach help us to choose the wisest and best Direction to take and help us to arrive at those directions with interactions that are dignified respectful and well informed thank you for your solemn honor of serving the public in our roles and continue to bless those who are fortunate to live here and work here amen amen new M Safford would you like to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the republ for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all next we have the approval of the final agenda is there a motion to approve the final agenda so moved got a motion by councelor King second Mr Mayor I would like to pull on the consent agenda items C and D if possible well you got to approve it so if you're going to change it you have to make the changes now before the approval fin sorry you said c yes please and which one and D just for further explanation and D where is that one p nourishment is there any other changes to the final agenda got a motion got a motion by councelor King seconded by Council W Woodson any further discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I I opposed hearing none motion carries unanimously next we have public comment I have nobody signed up but I think John mlan would like to speak Mr mlan come on up uh good morning mayor vice mayor staff counsel uh thank you for the opportunity uh I'd just like to take a minute to announce my application for candidacy for the open position at the LPA um I've been a homeowner here on Fort Myers Beach since 2014 and a full-time resident since 2019 um I'm very passionate about this island and I think I bring a very balanced and pragmatic view to uh decision-making I recently retired in 2022 after over 20 years uh working for AT&T as an executive and actually a lot of my career was in uh business continuity and Disaster Recovery now most of that is not hard infrastructure uh but is telecommunications however it's really given me an opportunity to understand what resiliency uh growth that's sustainable yet maintains the culture and vibe that we have on this island um I just offer myself if any of you have any questions that uh I'd be pleased to meet with you indivi individually and go a little bit further in my background thank you so much thanks Sean anyone else Mr Rude good morning Council um I just want to to uh pull that mic up a little bit good morning Council um I I came this morning to uh bring these um information uh panels for the critical Wildlife Area and to present them to the town um I don't know if everyone's aware of the the background but the FWC the the the information panels are three of them were blown away during the uh during the storm and lost I guess or or damaged Beyond repair anyway the FWC uh informed uh Chad I believe that they would not be uh paying to replace them and so um we we have a a nonprofit that that I think everyone's aware of also the friends of little Estero Island it was organized last year and so we uh put the funds together we got the artwork from the FWC with Chad's help and uh had the signs made here locally in Fort Meers and so I I just wanted to show you what it looked like and we have all three of them and so we're going to present the give them to the town so that Chad can make arrangements to have them put up and to begin to put uh the area uh back together so to speak and uh there was some discussion I think already about uh the uh the dog signs and where the boundaries the boundary signs uh someone is working on putting those back up and so this will be the uh the three information panels that that uh inform the public of the area and and what what it what it does and what it serves thank you thank youed thanks Ed and if you could Ed make sure you get that to Nicole so she can get a picture of it out for for the Ed if we Ed since we have since you have the microphone do you want to just grab one of those and read from that sign because there's a lot of good information on that sign do you want to just read it into the record it it's a reproduction I get are the same as the signs that were there uh the materials a little bit different we request go back to Ed go back if you want we can read it into I'm sorry we we um we requested this time though that the framework and the mounting uh be constructed in a manner so that the signs can be removed uh easily so it if there's an impending storm in the future uh there's there's only three signs they can your public works for someone can run out there and remove the panels and then put them somewhere for safekeeping and that was that was the only request that we had um that you you know to help keep from having to buy them over and over and over sure um it it shows the uh it shows the imperil species the nesting Shorebirds and the seabirds and it makes the public aware of um it shows them what they look like and makes them aware of the area and that they are protected species so all right we'll we'll finish public comment and then we'll Jim if you'd like you can read it in after public comment if you're all right with that sure I just I just some there's some nice information on there thank you for your efforts on that yeah anyone else for public comment seeing none we'll close public comment go ahead vice mayor ad well my my vision's okay but I'll I'll give take a stab at it I think the key key thing is that there are no dogs permitted in the critical Wildlife Area and it also suggests that don't feed birds or litter trash that should go without saying uh food attracts Predators critical Wildlife Area was established by the Florida ficient Wildlife Conservation Commission in 1992 to protect nesting seabirds and Shorebirds people and dogs are prohibited in posted areas per state rule with your help we can conserve our Rich natural heritage for the enjoyment of people today and future Generations why are the nesting bird areas close to the public shorebird populations are threatened by disturbance and habitat loss several species of birds and nests that Nest here such as snowy plovers and least turns are imperal in the state of Florida when birds are flushed from their nests and their eggs and chicks are exposed to extreme temperatures and predators share the beach help protect Beach nesting Birds by staying away in posted in posted areas and share this information with others avoid disturbing birds feeding at the shore if Birds flush or take flight you are too close watch your step to avoid harming nests or chicks with which sometimes are present outside posted areas that shows a picture of the sooi Plover Wilson Plover and leas turn thank you very good very nice again thanks Ed and and the nonprofit for for taking taking that task on local achievements and recognitions Council Woodson I actually have nothing for today okay Vice may I will just uh briefly once again thank all of the residents and uh visitors who are kind enough and patient enough to take the extra two minutes to walk over The Pedestrian overpass at Margaritaville right there at Estero and Crescent uh they have a wonderful little staircase and elevators and they have a beautiful walk over with a beautiful view and if you just take a couple extra minutes to use that walkover uh you know it really helps your fellow residents your fellow visitors it helps them catch flights it helps them uh make their dental and doctor's appointments on time it helps them uh catch their reservation and just uh just improves the quality of life for everybody and allows that traffic to flow I was going to say this for Council items but Mr Town manager if you could when you talk to our our wonderful folks in law enforcement uh a suggestion was given that we really encourage our our the the the regular uh Le County sheriff's deputies the folks we contract with and also the volunteers if they could just have a gentle word of encouragement to the folks who are gathered to cross there at street level just it's just a friendly encouraging word to encourage them to use that pedestrian overpass and point and give direction as to where it is my guess is 90% of the people would be kind enough to do that and allow that track to flow so if we could just encourage those officers to encourage folks to use that pedestrian overpass particularly our visitors who may not be aware of how easy it is to utilize I think it's just a small piece of the puzzle to uh help folks and help the traffic to flow that's all I've got thank you Mr mayor council King I Have Nothing and I have nothing as well mayor yes sir by me sure um back in December we had a uh a vacancy occur in the public information officer or position and um we advertised and we interviewed and we looked real hard and and tried to tried to find that that fit and and my professional opinion um was that I already had somebody on staff I just needed to convince them to convince her to uh that that she was the right fit and Nicole B uh agreed and she is our public information officer she's in the back if anybody wants come on up and introduce Nicole you'll come up a minute we're excited to have her she's she's a great addition to the staff and really fits in with what we are trying to do here and the personality we're trying to to portray to our our residents and um I'm excited to be working with her and and she'll be working with you as well as we as we go forward in the days ahead well I can tell you that when Santa Claus made a surprise visit to the Mount house with the sleepover for the kids her patience is something that so I've heard her patience Santa Claus wrote me and told me that your patience is off the charge so welcome aboard thank you very much I pull that up so you can thank you very much I appreciate it well we're not going to let you off that easy talk a little bit about your background and what your vision is okay so um I'm originally from Illinois but I moved down to Florida 7 years ago when I attended Florida Golf Coast University um I started working for Bay Oaks about 3 years ago and I loved every single second of it but I was convinced to move into the um public information officer position and I am very excited about the opportunity and to work with all of you guys and if I may add she she's been doing it since January so it's it's not like she's just stepping into this and it's it's completely forward and and Jeff HGI is has I spoke to him at length about it and and he agreed that that I could bring her over I wanted him to be okay with it because she was such a vital part of his staff so now we've got a position to feel behind her her and so we'll we'll just look for that next person to step up I'm a big proponent for for lifting our our employees up uh they're here they they've been through a lot and they deserve to to reap some of the benefit and and she's an excellent addition to our staff well people have noticed and and keep up the good work thank you congratulations thank you next we have advis advisory committee items reports and appointments someone's from borab is here I was told morning Joy good morning good morning my name is Joy Sullivan and I'm on The Bard cab I'm going to give a little report about what's been going on at Bay Oaks uh first of all I'd like to list the folks that are on the board cab uh our current board is uh Betty Simpson Barbara Hill John deair Bruce butcher Becky gidry Jesse field and of course Karen Woodson is our current current liaison for the Town Council uh Bay Oaks is up and definitely running uh there's many activities going on right now including senior softball pickle ball the weight room uh senior adventure activities the workout and spin classes and yoga um the current newsletter is chalk full of activities and the gym looks great right okay it's nice and warm so um the Boke staff actually helped convince uh the foundation that it was a great idea to do h a pickle ball tournament so we are going to have a dinky pickle ball tournament and the reason we're calling it dinky is it's not huge but we're also going to do a little dinking uh along with that and it's March 6th 16th all right we are looking for some additional folks to sign up uh we have 25 folks signed up so far and um it's going to be a great time a great event and um we're really looking forward to partnering the Community Foundation is partnering with B Oaks to make it happen joy joy for for people who want to sign up who might be watching who how how would they contact who they so we we have it um on the fmbb Community website and um on Facebook we've been advertising quite a bit um um Beach talk radio has also put it out on their website we I do have um a flyer with a QRC code however um it's probably just as easy to go on FNB community and you can register we do have two different sessions um so one session is for beginners uh in the morning and in the afternoon we have people that are a little bit more advanced so that we can make it a little bit more of a fair tournament very good thank you sure um however Bay Oaks does have a few opportunities um the pool things are slow um it's one aspect of Bay Oaks that I think um residents are a little frustrated about because we want it to happen sooner um whatever is required funding what you know whatever um whether it's FEMA we we just would like to see that move faster um the open area that was once a ball ball field is is really dirt and I think we have some opportunities to either make that pickle ball tournament uh pickle ball courts additional courts or um uh a a multi-use field like soccer or or lacrosse um we understand understand that the trailers are really temporary the town hall trailers and you know I know Andy has expressed some interest in building a fantastic building you know I think we'd be interested in in what that would look like um we also proposed a reenvisioning of the beach access areas called Beyond parking and embracing active Lifestyles where we add calisthenic equipment bike racks children play structures so we have some opportunities to leverage those open areas to the beach um we also believe that we need to sit down and have another uh go at the the Strategic plan it was done I don't know three or four years ago um and it was a great plan at the time um but of course you know Ian kicked us all in the butt right and so we have a chance to redevelop the the long range plan and we believe that our Advisory Board is representative of the community we have young family uh Representatives we have some older folks um and so we think that we bring something to the table to add to a a strategic plan and we can provide input thank you for the opportunity to give this report any other questions questions for Joy thanks Joy thank you approval of the minutes from the town council meeting February 5th 2024 is there a motion to approve the minutes I have one correction okay under uh item 10 public hearings a ordinance 24- 01 uh it says uh the motion carried 3 to one by a roll call Vote with mayor Aller abstaining and doing the math which I'm not very good at that's impossible so it would have to be 3 to zero with you abstaining I believe okay since there are only four of us can we make that correction then I'll move to approve as corrected all right got a motion by councelor King is there a second I'll second any further discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed hearing none the motion carries unanimously now we have the administration of oath for Scott Safford for seat number five I believe Jackie Le Zach is here to read the swearing of the Inn you want to do it come Podium yeah come over here by the so they can hear it that 21y old reaching for glasses that's what Ian does to you this is Ian's fault make sure you pull that mic up Jackie so that everybody can kind of okay tell me you guys ready whenever ready when you are all right okay State of Florida county of Lee and do you want me to read this so that he repeats back to me or how how you want this done put your hand Becky you want to kind of lead them along so he's going to repeat back to me correct okay all right okay our oath of office I do solemnly swear or affirm I do solemnly swear or affirm that I will support protect and defend that I will support protect defend the Constitution and government of the United States and the State of Florida the Constitution of the United States and the State of Florida that I am duly qualified to hold office that I am duly qualified to hold office under the constitution of the State under the constitution of the state and that I will well and faithfully and I will well and Faithfully perform the duties of Fort Meers Beach Town Council perform the duties of Fort Meers Beach Town Council on which I am now about to enter on which I am now about to enter so help me God so help me God okay and I think that's it correct yeah very good congratulations congratulations there you go welcome [Applause] AB coming this way run the gauntlet there need find that NOP higher okay and then right about Midway through the P did you have I don't remember your it was at a table right was okay that's right John who did yours who did yours swearing was it Haron Chris Chris did yeah I took pictures of you face you thank you you know I just find it this a little bit of History I find it very odd that everyone sitting here has really never been sworn in at an official di you know when you and I and councilor Beach were sworn in it was via zoom and then you guys were in a tent and now we are in a gym so some would say that's progress a gym with no heat but it was nice Scott to class it up today with a sport coat yeah yeah yeah I'm surprised it fits actually all right next we have the consent agenda is there a motion to approve the consent the remainder of the consent agenda uh with items C and D being removed so moved a motion by vice mayor adhal second second and by councelor wood Woodson any further discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I I opposed hearing none I didn't hear you Scott did you I said I oh I didn't hear okay motion carries unanimous items removed from the consent agenda item C Vice May UL yes I I'm I'm I'm removing it not in certainly not certainly an opposition just it's such a massive item to have on the consent agenda and I wanted to give the uh Town manager an opportunity to opine a little bit about the uh scope of work for Florida Power and Light it's not really Florida Power and Light it's their it's their deregulated uh Energy Services Division which is different and I I think it's important for the residents to know uh not that this is a bad thing but but it's just it's it's a whole paradigm shift from what we've had before with respect to our street lighting and I've got a number of questions but I before I ask this maybe the the town manager would incorporate many of my or answer many of my questions and just giving a brief overview as to the scope of work but also post uh uh installation does this include uh service Does it include maintenance can you just give us a little bit of a picture as to what our street lighting will look like postan as opposed to preen right um this will be a team effort because I know the mayor's been a big part of this for a while but uh you you're looking at 442 Amber fixtures that are going to be put in you know that that's a lot of a lot of lights a lot of poles there's going to be undergrounding um going on there's uh uh 258 um lighting poles that will be coming in which means they'll also be putting you know some more po some of these light lights on in other areas of the streets 2462 Mi of 1/2 in lighting conduit will be put in 24 62 um what they call five and 10 gauge lighting conductors uh Directional Boring of 13.25 Miles Directional Boring um on the side streets of 11.36 miles so you can just understand a little bit you know it's a s Mile Island so there's a lot of underground conduit that's going back and forth and across the street new polls are coming in this project should L take I believe it should finish up sometime in early 25 so it's a a little over uh a a year give or take probably about this time about May or so of 25 U of course it's been something the Mayers and and this this Council and and the town's been looking for for for quite a while U there is service after the sale because there's there's maintenance of the lights that that they will be cond conducting because we pay for that you know we'll get a bill uh just like like any other time but of course majority of this is going along a sterile Boulevard which we don't own but that's just something to help with the with our safety there'll be some intersection improvements uh that the county will be doing that's kind of separate from this project that we're paying for but they will be paying for that mayor I don't know if you have anything to add yeah I think it's just important to point out that the town has always paid for the energy bill for stero Boulevard this will be a 10-year maintenance contract because it'll be a town-owned system um the poll because of that that's why the new polls have to go in they can't be attached to the FPL as you probably well known they can't attach them to their polls because is the unregulated side um it does include the side streets but they are working in conjunction with the county because of the County's project is the crosswalks which we're all familiar with but they're all kind of welding together the amount of funding that we got from fdm for the project is to cover everything except for the crosswalks but that is what is coming from from the county to cover that so they're working in conjunction with the county as well as the town for permitting and and uh making sure the project gets done all at the same time there's not two separate projects that's really helpful and I just just again for the for public uh interest the uh these this system will be owned by the town of Fort Myers be or are we leasing it for 10 years we own it we own it and previously we did not own our light polls correct we just paid a monthly Energy bill I would assume that is correct yes I just want to make sure people understand understand that and then and do we know what the lifespan of these polls are not the polls necessarily but the fixtures hopefully the polls last for a long time I I do not know that I mean of course it it's subject to to weather events as we've had but I would imagine they they would you know last the 10 years that's why they've at least tied that 10 year main have we seen any estimates as to what the overall aggregate energy cost will be uh with this system as opposed to what we were paying prior to in I have not seen anything I don't know yeah there was I don't know the exact numbers but the FPL way back after the storm did kind of lay that out as to the I'd have to go back through the emails to find it but it was going to be less with this system we'll be paying less per month by I think if I'm not mistaken don't quote me on it but I think it was like 50% less energy cost than what we were paying for the the the the non-energy efficient lights that were out there before so Mr Mayer we're in essence getting a new lighting system for both the stero and the side streets at no additional cost obviously we're all taxpayers but no additional cost of the residents of Fort Meers Beach and potentially cutting our our our energy uh our monthly energy bills in half is that what you're saying yeah and and I want to say it's around that I have to look at the exact numbers but it was cheaper with these lights obviously they're more energy efficient because they are LED lights than what we had before well I would just say just as a taxpayer and as a as a as a council person I think that's a great story and I thank you Mr Mayor for all of your efforts and town manager and town staff because this is a I think it's a tremendous I know it's taken a lot of time but it's we've all wrestled through it together but it's a it's a tremendous step forward for the town of Fort Myers Beach and it would certainly have my support and therefore if there's not any additional discussion or question I think it's important vice mayor to add that these lights and I know I've said it before and we've said it before many times but it also meets the safety requirements that both the county looks for when it comes to F out of the one foot candle so the photometric study that's out there will show that there is from sidewalk to sidewalk there is one foot candle of safety lighting which is the minimum required from f Do U so it's not just environmental friendly lighting it is meeting the safety requirements that fot looks for well said uh with that Mr Mayor I'd move approval of resolution 27-38 ratifying fpnl sea turtle lighting contract I will second any further discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I I I opposed hearing none motion carries unanimously uh next we have resolution 2439 budget amendment for Beach renourishment item D vice mayor I just again want to take a moment because it's a it's a very significant development for the town and and I I hate to just gloss over these things I wonder if either the town manager or Chad could just give us a a thumbnail sketch of what we're what we're considering here with item D we'll have Chad come up morning everyone Chad shoots uh environmental staff of the town of Fort Meers Beach uh so we have this is for the $8 million uh Florida department Department of Emergency Management grant that we received uh I understand that there was some um finance department uh resolution to approve this you're looking for just details on the project itself vice mayor I want to just this is an additional $8 million yes sir that's a grant not a loan correct and I I just think it's important for folks to realize the enormity of of of this of this project are we still safe to say Chad that that the aggregate number of of of Grants is roughly $40 million for the town of Fort Myers Beach for for beach renourishment and Improvement yes sir and importantly this is uh money that we're receiving up front um so it's not going to be on a reimbursement basis this is a upfront $8 million which um takes a lot of Heartache out of it and I I believe there was also and also an additional staggering number of is it a 1 million cubic yards of sand aggregate will be infused onto our beach so that's that's a separate project it gets confusing with all the different uh funding uh sources that we have and the different projects that we have going on um with the 40 with the 40 million what's the what's the amount what's the aggregate amount of sand collectively with all of that all of those dollars just to give people a ballpark idea of how how massive this renourishment project project is somewhere on the order of 1.25 million cubic yards of sand yeah more or less I just think people need to realize that this is a huge infusion of capital and investment in Fort Meers beach by the feds the state the county and the town of Fort Meers Beach to some extent of that 40 million the town is putting in roughly is it 1 million uh on the order of we haven't finalized the Ila and that's what's going to determine it but on the order of about 2 million 2 million for and which which which which leverages $38 million infusion is that fair yes sir yeah I just I just think that's significant I just didn't want to gloss over it and with that if there's not any additional questions Mr Mayor I would move adoption of resolution 24-39 budget amendment for Beacher nourishment second I think it's important to U what you said there about it's an upfront or what you said I think it was you Chad that said it's upfront funding that's coming from the fdm grant money that came through from last year's appropriation along with the lighting as well so that's all money that will be if I'm not Aken that's all up front now that they've worked out the contract agreements so that's almost $16 million in upfront money from the Appropriations from last year's budget cycle that's going directly into the town and not directly costing the taxpayers of the town of Port Myers Beach so thanks for all your hard work Chad got a motion by vice mayor adalt seconded by councelor King any further discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I I opposed hearing none the motion carries unanimously next we have administrative agenda genda item a cdbg-dr planning and infrastructure evaluation committee appointment who's starting this off so basically what we're looking for is someone from the town uh that would qualify as a non-employee of the municipality to uh help represent the town at the cdbg voting segment on the voting committee um backgrounds are various we're looking for people with building experience uh engineering experience Public Works experience um again you cannot be uh direct employee of the town or any of its committees but we are looking for someone to uh be willing to sit at the council and be a voting member for the town of Fort Mars Beach yeah just to expound a little bit more on that the the county had put out something where there's going to be for lack of a better word policy makers that are going to have how many people is it Frankie I don't have in front of me how many people are going to be on that as far as there's going to be there's going to be 11 people chosen six by uh whatam call it excuse me five by and one for each five by the municipalities so there's five people that are essentially going to be the policy makers but the we aren't exactly sure why yet but the rules are that it cannot be a person that works for the the the municipality they can't be an employee um what was the other restriction there's two restrictions it can't be an employee canot work for the county um any any of the municipalities in Lee County that are stricken yeah so and you can't be on an advisory committee is that correct you can't be involved with the county or the town at all to be on the policy however we can appoint someone from the general public that is not involved with town government essentially but I think it's important that someone have background in cdbg funding it's it's it's very complex it's very detail orientated so Mr Mayor could we take somebody on a committee and then they resign from that committee is that possible or I think it's possible we're still trying to work with um commissioner sandelli to find out exactly because Bonita is not very happy about this either um we feel it's important that there's been so much work over the last couple years and so much has been learned from the staff of every municipality to not allow someone from staff to be on this board we feel is doing a disservice to uh for lack of better Words Be is a disservice to to the communities to allow proper representation for making policies for the voting members that will do the vote um that's why we feel it's very very important that whoever it is from the community that we put on these this um this committee is very well versed because it's a it's a steep everchanging learning curve when it comes to cdbg and most of us on the island have never even heard of that acronym before the storm so it it's going to take someone with with the ability in my opinion someone with the ability that if they don't know it or at least familiar with it that's willing to engross themselves and take the time it's going to take to really represent the community as best as possible when it comes time to vote because this is going to be a 5 to 10 year process of of sending out $1.1 billion doll to our communities and uh we need a strong representative to be able to do that what is the timing on this or what is when there's the applications for the community voting member uh not the policy board but the community V member which we are seeking here um is March 1st so not a lot of time two week yeah it's like two weeks 10 days 10 days and that was the time frame that we were given last week again this is we're we're still working on it with the the county to see if there's uh what the urgency is and try to get a little bit more more detail at least with commissioner sandelli and I know that uh Andy's reaching out to Dave and hner and and trying to get some more input but I think you know this agenda item if I'm not mistaken is just to give direction to the staff to to start finding someone to get in place to be able to nominate my question is how are we going to do that if we don't have a meeting before the next deadline are we going to have to have a special meeting to appoint someone or can we leave it at the discretion of the Town manager to appoint someone there probably would need to be a special meeting would we even have time to advertise properly for a special meeting before the March 1st deadline oh sure what would be the deadline to be able to get nominees in to be able to meet all the legal requirements for advertising if this is the only item going on that special meeting yeah that would be my guess hold on Becky Becky Becky are you saying we can't formally vote to authorize the town manager to make the selection are you saying that that's not if if if you do that the decision of the Town manager and it's not impossible but when you authorize him to do something his decision has to be made quote in the sunshine okay and sometimes that can occur we can actually have a meeting of the city manager and we'll have the um the clerk be here I can be here I I would suggest we explore that as opposed to yeah I mean just seems to make sense so I I have a question is this a snooze or lose deal if we don't fill this by March 1st then we lose the seat that is correct so basically with the town or with the county is U the organizational board uh developed by the county um they had five seats being appointed by the Commissioners themselves uh I believe those are all been filled and then they have five being at the communities at large to step up and and nominate somebody from within their Community if you don't meet that March deadline you don't get a seat at the table and I don't mean to be blunt but that's basically it that's the ultimatum that we're basically given with those instructions are we 100% sure of that that's the first I've heard of it I I mean this has happened so fast we don't really know I'd hate to say something that isn't 100% true we we can definitely go back and and and retrace that um I don't have the documents in front of me yeah um I'd like to look at the documents because this sounds like a trap of some sort um I I think it's very unfortunate that they would give something with that short of a deadline um but I want to make sure that the document itself says you know something that would allow you to authorize a third party to make the decision could we uh Mr Mayor uh since we're we're this is almost a record uh town meeting in terms of time length can we take a five minute break to would could you do that in five minutes Madam if if the paperwork is available a you have the paperwork absolutely just take a recess yeah let's let's take a a 10minute recess just to give you time Becky to take a look at it and give us some advice we'll take a break at 9:47 and come back at 10:05 we'll say a little longer than 10 minutes e all right we're going to call the meeting back to order it is 10:05 pick up where we left off with administrative agenda a cdb gdr planning and infrastructure evaluation committee appointment Becky okay um I have looked over the paperwork and the nomination is from the town so it does not say the elected officials so um it would be all right to go ahead and um put that Authority on the town manager the town manager because of the Sunshine Law when under Florida law if one person holds the power to make decisions a final decision on behalf of the Town um it has to be done in the sunshine we could have a um a meeting um yes um Amy figured out that the meeting could be since this will all be set up for the LPA on the 27th um there could be an 8:45 meeting um of the Town manager and he'll sit here the meeting will convene and he will um make whatever determination he needs to make there'll be minutes kept so that takes care of all the sunshine issues um the appointment is actually made by the um the county commission but the recommendation and the um nomination comes from the different municipalities so and it also provides that the members do have no governmental Powers whatsoever it's purely an Advisory Board which means um y'all could actually appoint someone who is um a member of an an Advisory board or an actual governmental board like the LPA if you wanted to um to be on it there wouldn't be a dual office holding issue with regard to that but it couldn't be their requirements are that it can't be um a city a town employee and it can't be an elected official of the town and and by the way they do an evaluation process and they have um lengthy applications which go into you know the the background of the people so you need to nominate someone who has the um the qualities that they're looking for the background that they're looking for and I believe you stated what those were um and I would be concerned if we did nominate someone who didn't have um an appropriate background they might not be a appointed because we don't do the appointment so you're saying on the 27th we would have to have all of us here for no no no I apologize no it would just be um the town manager but you would need to take a formal vote and um authorize him to make the selection and we'll properly notice the meeting before then well I do appreciate the opportunity have all that Authority um having been here only 10 months I don't know that many people in the town my my it is limited the number of people I can count that would fit this these qualifications more than happy to confer with each of of you but then that could be five nominations and I have to decide those out of those five so that would probably be my choice to to solicit information from each one of these separately of course you know not not to violate sunshine I would I would I'm I'm comfortable with that Mr Town manager you can solicit uh all five of us but I would also still would be comfortable with of uh allowing you to have the authority to proceed based upon the suggestions you get from the council members yeah I'm certainly okay with that um getting someone to come forward and want to do this is going to be the challenge but if we have someone we recommend they reach out to town to reach out to Andy and Frankie and then you can then reach out to us for input and make the decision on the then I'll I'll go ahead and make a motion to approve the town manager to make the appointment at an early meeting at 8:45 on 2 the 27th of February to fill the cdbg drr planning and infrastructure committee uh recommendation second got a motion by mayor all seconded by vice mayor adhal any further discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I opposed hearing none motion carries unanimously next we have administrative agenda Item B no citizen advisory committee provide staff with direction to seek a Community member to represent the town of Fort Meers Beach is there a motion to approve to give direction to to staff for the member of the no advisory committee so move second motion by councilor King second by vice mayor adhal any further discussion the position's been open for a while um uh I've mentioned it at a few Council meetings uh since I represent the town on the on the no Lee County M so anyone interested please contact us we'd uh sure be happy to have you represent us yeah it's a very important committee to to be involved in any further discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I I I opposed hearing none the motion carries unanimously next we have final public comment is there anyone that would like to speak at the final public comment seeing none we'll close the public comment Tom manager items thank you thank you mayor um just a couple things um I really want to address one thing that was brought up by um the report from borab we have a $1 million grant that goes toward that ball field and some of the things that are are related to that ball field any changes at this point we'd forfeit $1 million so I would not recommend making any changes to the ball field go as is and then make some other changes in other parts of the park so we are ready getting ready to proceed to get that going and get that out so we can get that accomplished soon so that's just one thing other thing the new trailer uh and the move today they're going to be setting up to to pour concrete for the sidewalks and and the the um Ada ramp to the the main building we're anticipating Furniture this week um we're anticipating getting you know everything in line next week we have been made a promise uh commitment from FPL that the electricity will be hooked up by March 1st which is next Friday um our plan as of today barring some unforeseen incident is that we will shut down the current Town Hall at on Friday at 5:30 March 1st and move move into the new town hall on March 2nd and open there on Monday March 4th which would mean that your next meeting would be in that building on March 4th um again any unforeseen circumstance we'll we'll know by the first of next week and we can make those changes accordingly but we really anticipate all that happening um instead of peac mealing it and moving you know one office at a time during the week and you know some confusion that'll create it's going to be a uh an overtime situation where I have people come in to to get the move accomplished so we can just turn the light switch off lock the door and open the door the next the next Monday in the other building so I'll keep you posted on our progress there and and we'll also uh Frankie got a call yesterday about you know they're ready to come start moving these trailers so we're we had to we had to temper that a little bit and put that on hold but in the next 30 days you'll see you know those trailers will be moved and we'll be off the fire department property um and functioning out of the new new trailers and moving forward with um with the the government's business from there we'll also have a video tour uh now that we have our our new Pi we're going to do some you know a showand tell uh video to kind of once we start the move and do some things so people can understand how we're going to do the One-Stop shop um it's going to be a very um unique situation I've not had in any Community before but what we'll have in the front office will be reception the clerk's offices will be in the front uh we'll have somebody from Utilities in the front somebody from permitting in the front somebody from code enforcement in there and also from our neighborhood services our former base so if you had to P parking permits so you uh parking uh uh fees or get permits everything you want to do with the government you can do in one office when you walk in the front office I think that's very important for excellent customer service and and and raising the bar if you will in our community I feel like we've done an excellent job getting better um I think this is will be a difference and then of course there'll be everybody in other three trailers will be uh will have access to people but it will be you know by um um escort we just not going to you know just have people just walking into every trailer like we do now which you know kind of interrupts some of the days and we'll have individual offices and some people in in cubicles in in the open front area in the back area we'll have public works we'll have our our the back side of the Town Hall property we're putting fencing up going to have our equipment stored there so we'll be completely off that property uh sometime next week with our equipment so we really uh it's kind of exciting times but uh again it's just another step as the mayor was saying you know we moved and we actually will have a de and if you feel like having a ceremonial rearing in we'll be more than happy to do that and on off B that's all I have mayor all right Town attorney items nothing this morning thank you okay council member items and Report we'll start with you councelor Safford well first of all thank you for the opportunity on a lot of emotions but I you know I'm committed to doing the best job I can to serve our community and our citizens and the town thank you all right counc Woodson couple of things um so I inherited the um resiliently Le position from councelor Beach when when he left and there is a meeting this Friday uh of the resilient Le task force and it's to approve the overall County plan um they kind of addressed that at our M&P meeting and how our specific Town plan will duvail into it um but this is the approval of the overall plan for the county and I just wanted to make sure that everyone was on board with that approval you've all read it it is a very overarching encompassing um General plan I think but I think the plan that really makes a difference is what we're working on for our own town and our town manager and our town operations director have all worked really hard to put that plan together um and I know Jason has helped in looking at how our plan dub Tails into the resilient Lee plan but I plan on um I plan on going there and approving what they have unless I hear anything different from any of you this week so it's Friday morning at 10: a.m. are there any objections to to councilor Woodson doing that go ahead no objection n none no okay so then my second item is um last week I was at the TDC meeting um and actually it started with the board of County Commissioners where I presented our resolution that was from Our Town Council to build a bigger and better peer so I presented that at the last BCC meeting I then was at the TDC meeting last week um where there are $60 million in reserves for TDC and presented our proposal as to what our new peer could look like um it was very well received I will say we had a lot of great input from people we had a lot of endorsements there so yesterday with the help of our town attorney Our Town manager our assistant town clerk um we sent a letter I sent a letter to commissioner Pendergrass thanking him for that opportunity to present it TDC um I copied all the rest of the Commissioners and asked them to put the town of Fort Meers Beach on the agenda for March 5th to talk further about uh the pier and what it could look like and to endorse the funding from the TDC for the extra money that it might cost and that estimate right now without having a plan or anything is probably somewhere in the 8 to 10 million um so I'm waiting to hear if I will actually be put on the agenda for that meeting if I do I would really love to gather support from the town um from citizens that are interested in building a bigger better peer um for public comment at that meeting but I don't know yet if I'm on there if they probably are just seeing the letter as of this morning so I can report back through our town manager when I find out when is the meeting the meeting is March 5th at 9:30 okay so a week two weeks from today you know I kind of got some things that you know we know that the pier is a county-owned asset and and I think we've discussed that you know going through the TDC makes the most sense to go after that funding I just wonder if it's premature to go to the BCC they just hired a design firm um the money has to come from them irregardless I agree it should come through the TDC I have an item on mine that kind of Tails into this that I'll talk about when it comes around but the I think focusing on the TDC makes the most sense to me um because they are the ones that eventually make the recommendation to the board uh I think we've made our point I just I'm just a little leery what I've learned over the last couple years is is you can push your point too much sometimes and and then it starts to go the other direction and I really don't want us to do that um you know it's gotten to the point now where I'm getting things emailed to me about how much money the county has put into the community over the last five years to me that's a shot across the bow for a lack of better terms in that we've heard you we understand you we we certainly want to do what's in the best interest not just for Lee County but for the town of Fort Meers Beach but I think going just is my opinion but I think going through the TDC is the proper Channel at this point to to try to get the funding especially since it was so well received when you went up there and talked to them uh they are the funding mechanism for exactly what we're talking about with the peer and then once we get that recommendation then I think we can rally that support to go when they have to talk about it on a council agenda it or a commissioner agenda item and then we can go show support to make sure we can get funding that way that that's just my suggestion um but I'll certainly entertain listening to anybody else's point on on that I just for me I think it's a little too premature to try to get on a bccc agenda item without getting Buy in from the TDC first but I I appreciate you sent that letter to to commissioner Pendergrass I think you know he'll take that back and and uh I saw his comments so I think we're going down the right Road well and part of this of getting on that agenda this is what was recommended to me um by two of the County Commissioners um to get on the agenda to so that they can move forward with their approval and their plans and that type of thing so that everybody knows where this money could possibly be coming from but the other thing too um and and really I think the only the only area that we are still pushing for in my opinion is really the length because after the last meeting that I was at and before the TDC meeting I had the opportunity to sit down with commissioner sandelli and um Dave Harner and they are already talking about the design which is why it was like we need to get this moving um but they are already looking at widening the pier to 16 to 20 ft and that's just for more resiliency um the bait check has to come off the pier we can't have any Mechanicals that's that's just code now and that's the way that will be um they are already looking at separating the fishing pier from people um so that it's in two separate areas um and they had the caveat to engineer it for future length but what we're really hoping for is that and and then they're looking at original plan and then an alternative plan so those were the two so the the additional length is the alternative plan basically um but you know I was taking I was following the lead of two separate Commissioners on presenting at the March 5th meeting with this yeah I I I appreciate that I didn't know that but I'm just how are how are you discussing funding when you don't know what it's going to cost yet I guess that's where I'm kind of I understand you know we want to see two options and what the funding costs are but is it my I guess my question is it too early to ask for funding when you don't know what it's going to be yet we want them to fund no matter what it costs no yeah that's the idea no I and I understand that but they're also saying in order to get these designs in place that they kind of need direction on where this is going to go is what I was told so they they didn't think it was too early at all actually at and at the um at the TDC meeting it was like are we too late in getting this and I'm and that all came back and said no not too late but we we need to keep this moving forward and keep the discussions open so you haven't heard back as to whether or not they're going to put anything on the agenda for their March 5th meeting yet or not no I just sent it yesterday and that was a um you know it was a holiday basically for everyone so so what is it that the two Commissioners told you you should discuss I mean if they've said you should get it on the agenda is it just about the length of the pier is it about the funding is it's about the funding it's about the funding so that they continue to move forward in their design and that funding then would include additional length have they have they told you whether not they've had the discussions with their designed from that they hired about coming up with multiple designs or is it just one specific design I just don't we don't know what the direction was that was given to their design firm they they have a a like the replacement pier and then the alternate so the alternate is the one that is wider that is two- tiered um that could be longer so they're they're working with the design firm as we speak and so that's why it's important if we do get approval from TDC that'll be a separate meeting with the TDC but it'll be endorsed by the County Commissioners and I see it but it just to me seems backwards usually the TDC recommends to the to the County Commission but I mean if if you've been given Direction I mean that's two of five I I don't know what if one of if our County Commissioner was one of them or not and I'm not asking you to tell us who they were but it uh it just it I think that we have made our point and I think keeping the pressure on and keeping making our point is is certainly what we all would would hope for but I just want to make sure that we're not pressing too hard and well and I can get feedback on that this week as well to make sure anyone else have any input I'm learning quite a bit just listen it's good that we can have this conver it's the only time we can ever have these conversations so it's good to have these conversations well that's why I wanted to bring it up here because obviously we can't talk any other time but if we if there's Direction you know if uh our town manager has anything else that he hears this week or anything like that we can talk about that um but we do have two weeks yet until that March 5th meeting I would just say that uh originally before you brought up that the Commissioners asked you to be there that I was uh agreeing with the the mayor U so but obviously that changed I think if they want you there then I think we should be there uh I just uh thank you for what you did because um that that presentation was warmly received by most of the TDC uh folks and I thought that was a great thing thank you so that's all I have if I get it further updates I'll uh work through okay Andy and we'll go from there anything else NOP I'm good congratulations Scott thank you uh my item is not as interesting or or or as as stimulating as the as the most recent conversation but I just I wanted to I was waited to to till we have our new member here uh this is something I've talked about for the last I want to say three or four years the mayor probably remembers this and and it seems like we never really had much opposition to it but just seemed to never be able to pull the trigger and with our new uh uh legal counsel who's doing a wonderful job maybe we could figure this out I don't think it's that complicated but it's a it's a it's a it's a it's an amendment uh or an addition to our rules and procedures to try to help speed things along and make our process more efficient and I would call it either an expedited procedure or a FASTT tracking procedure um for items that are not terribly controversial particularly uh uh zoning and variance items this would this would this would not Encompass most things but there are occasions where items come out of the LPA where there's seven to zero vote from the LPA in support of an item I would ask that we our town attorney put together a process and I know other min PES do something similar where we could we could add these seven to zero votes from the LPA to the consent agenda unless a member of any member of the Town Council objects or a resident during public Comet objects because sometimes things go through the LPA and that sort of serves as a canary in a coal mine and it gets some coverage people watch it they hear about it and then all of a sudden we get a lot some concerns are raised that reach the council level that may not not have people may not have known about it in order to to to voice those concerns to the LPA so a written objection would not remove the item uh from the consent agenda unless a member of the council or again a member of the public objects during public comment I just have seen over the last few years doesn't happen all the time but I've seen the council spend time on matters that that the lpa's already voted seven to zero on WE generally after a lot of presentation discussion we we generally it's a five to nothing vote and it just seems to slow down our process many of these are things that the staff could have possibly decided if we had procedures in place to allow the staff to decide again it's it's an efficiency uh exercise that that has all kinds of safeguards in it for the public for the council uh but again we do have a number of items that come through that are unanimous at the LPA and if we could expedite that it might have some impact on just making things more efficient if have a lot of people in the audience who wait for their item to be heard for them to go through a and hear an item discuss that's that's not controversial and that would normally sail through people have to hire attorneys I just think it could save money it could save time save hassle anyways just food for thought I'd like to have the town attorney uh aop Pine on it today and see if they could if you could draft something up that would might make sense along these lines and again very interested in my Council or in my colleague uh input on this again is going to change the world but it's a it's a procedural step that I think could help us uh just be more efficient any thoughts I'm 100% behind that I I think it would save time and money and right now we need to build back and build back and I think the members of the LPA they they take a lot of consideration into these items and uh you know if it's unanimous like and like you said if something comes up between the LPA hearing and and it gets on our consent agenda then we have that trigger to take a look at it but I I think everyone wants to save money and save time at at this point especially Post Yeah I think we all in agree we want to we want to speed things up where we can legally and save money where we can for for the residence but if I'm not mistaken when we were talking about that didn't John wasn't he telling us that if I remember correctly something about if it goes into the LPA process then it has to legally go through the whole thing it can't be the LPA isn't available to do but you could do administrative agenda things but once it goes into the LPA it then has to go through the council cycle okay well it it all depends upon how you write your ordinances and you can change your ordinances obviously um one thing that a lot of municipalities do is that they have variances granted by whether you call it the LPA call it a board of adjustment call it a Planning and Zoning Board they all have different names but the variance is decided at that level it doesn't have to come back to the you know the entire Town Council so that's an option um I've never seen this done but I yes there would be a possibility that if there were a 720 vote um at the LPA that it wouldn't have to come to you um I'm a little concerned about um allowing people to just assume if it has to go on the consent agenda but could be pulled from the consent agenda they might not have their attorney show up because it is very expensive to have an attorney show up um and if there is a chance that it'll be pulled they're going to have to have their attorney here so there might be a way to write an ordinance so that if it is 7 to0 at the LPA it doesn't even have to come here and it's also it's it's definitely okay to not have it come to you at all so I think I just give me direction and I'll write that's a really interesting idea Becky I think the concern with that is that there there have been uh a number of occasions where the LPA heard something 70 and just by them hearing it and then the public often watch some of the public are our hardcore residents watch the LPA meetings I know the council members watch the LPA meetings uh something is triggered by just the that discussion that may somebody may not have been noticed uh somebody who is interested hears about it from from a neighbor who saw it on the lp and it just again that Canary and the coal mine concept and I would I would want to build into that maybe after the LPA having maybe a week or two week uh uh period of time where a council member could then say look this is there's I'm hearing concerns about this I think I'd like to bring it to the council but if if in other words I'd like to leave it if if you don't hear from a member of the council uh then then I think your your process is good Becky I think that that would work I do think the members of the council ought to have an opportunity to at some point say look this is heard by the LPA but but now since that's that that that discussion has been had we we've heard we've gotten a number bit we've got quite a bit of feedback from other folks who just weren't aware this was an issue and now it's an issue I just think we need to have a safeguard in there where the council could say well probably ought to hear that hear it at the council level because there there might be some controversy that we didn't foresee at the LPA level I'm just thinking I just want to have some kind of a safeguard in there because we just just the LPA stirs it and then and occasionally it it it it's not known at that time but it's known by the time it gets to the council so if we could think through that I I like like and maybe it's a we we create a dynamic where if you don't hear anything from the council then it goes ahead and is approved after X number of days or does that make sense yeah I I guess I share your yeah I I worry a little bit about not giving the people their due process to be able to come in and we've seen it just being in the gym here a couple people that came in and said well wait a minute this you know either I didn't know about it or I couldn't make a flight or whatever and I didn't have a a chance to argue my point I guess when we talked about this I thought it was more about and we always talk about the fence you know we talk about Anita fence and something like that to me seems like a lot of wasted staff time LPA time when it's something that was pre-existing that's just trying to be built back to exactly what it was to me that's but when you're talking about building a pool or encroaching on three or even four setbacks on your neighbors I'm a little hesitant to just say go ahead if it's a 7 to0 approval because you're losing that process of the neighbors to be able to voice their concern for whatever reason if they couldn't make that so I mean May if we can that gets back to more of the original proposal then uh which allows Folks at public comment to say hey hold on I've got a concern want to have that heard but to Becky's Point how do you know whether to have your attorney here or not I I think that's that's something I had I got to think through but I I do I for example the fence issue I what I'm trying to avoid is if there is no opposition that both sides have to do this formal presentation we have to rehear the PowerPoint that the LPA already heard that we all watch because we watch the LPA and there's no objection if we can avoid that somehow without infringing on anybody's right to to to opine or object or remonstrate I just think that would save a significant time you know I've never seen this done but it there probably are some municipalities out there that do it I guess there could be a procedure where within let's say 10 days of a decision of the LPA that there could be an appeal filed and you would hear the appeal at the next meeting and that way only the things that quote get appealed could come before you i' like that but I would like in that 10 days if one of the members of the council objects for whatever reason then it would then also come well yes I y'all could file the appeal y yeah okay right we could file an appeal I like that sure or could it be too that so if it's on the administrative agenda and it gets pulled then then it's not actually heard that same day but it goes to the next council meeting so that would have actually give the person time to get their legal staff or whoever had to present it could that would hold it up though for another two to three week period yeah but only if it gets pulled from the administrative agenda or from the consent agenda you know so if it doesn't get pulled perhaps I mean John unless you have something make Maybe makes sense to have you take a stab at what you've heard here okay and bring back some sort of thing at our next MMP meeting that we can discuss and give you once you have it's easier than just to me it seems easier than you've gotten a lot of Direction but having some sort of draft ordinance that we can look at and and have time to digest and come in and make edits and and and would this only be for ones that were 70 yes okay what if it's 60 somebody's absent that's fine too unanimous okay so the next M&P is March 7th is that correct okay no I thought it was Fe oh are you sorry well I didn't want to muddy up the waters with what I had been thinking um well you're the only one that hasn't said anything I I yeah can't the Crick can't get any muddier well we had talked about giving staff bigger and uh more powers to handle things would it be as just as simp as let staff handle it and then the appeal process is go to the LPA and then to the council yeah that's kind of where I was leaning with the administrative you can have administrative variances sure and I I think that that allows the staff and flexibility if they don't feel comfortable for whatever reason but you know I I do think I think that's a great idea but I think it's a separate issue M I think and we've we've tried with our original building official to try to beg him to to to assume some of these administrative variances and he was reluctant without some additional direction from the town so I think it's a I think it's a great idea SE I think it's a separate issue than this process we're talking about okay but I but I but I'm in support of it I think but I think we I think we have a person in place now that would could very easily take that on and has done it already I agree and you know going forward whenever that person retires or whatever next counselor staff comes in someone that comes for that position will know know that if they're not comfortable to be able to make those decisions it's probably not the job they should apply for I me if you're just going to send everything and up the you know up the chain if you will and not make the decisions because at the end of your point I think vice mayor the building official is right now one of the most powerful people in the town when it comes to allowing build back so to allow them to have the administrated they they're the ones that know what the guard rails are yeah I I agree I agree I think but again think it's a little bit of a I think it's related but a separate issue but but a good one and I I I think uh the LPA spend so much time on these issues the ones that are not controversial a it respects their process their role in the process but also B it respects everybody's time not just the councils but all the folks in the audience who sit through these meetings if we could just expedite that a little bit I I think it's a great idea to have have Becky take a crack at it and we could talk about it in an M andp but but I would love to to move forward with it in some capacity I agree you okay with that John I'm good Karen I'm good Scott I'm good you got enough time Becky between now on the seven perfect I didn't have any doubt I just wanted to make sure I asked you that's all I've got councelor king um I had brought it up previously I don't know if we want to revisit uh Lea's on duties with committees now that we have a a full Council again or do that at a upcoming meeting Nancy how do we have or rebecky I'm sorry what I what did I say at least you didn't call you John or you guys are keeping me on my toes over here is how what's the best way to go about doing that because I think we do have some committees that don't have a liaison on it now with okay can you ask the question again I'm sorry go ahead do we want to at this time visit uh a signing Council Liaisons to committees since we do have some committees without Liaisons I think it's usually done on an agenda okay and then just go through each one again is everybody okay with that sure and do we do that with LPA replacement as well on the fourth no we're talking about just liais on for the Committees but yes I think that that is what she's going to do you want all the Committees brought back up or just the vacant liais on positions I if we're going to do one we might as well do them all I think do them all maybe some maybe some people want to switch or okay maybe some people have now we got a new member maybe there's his skill set meets better for a committee that someone else is on everybody okay with that I'm very good with that thank you that's all I have okay uh the only thing I have kind of ties into what you were talking about councilor Woodson I I found out um over the last week I've been talking a lot about you know through the TDC you never been able to get funding for Time Square and you know as the most visited beach access in Lee County that also has the pier there why is that not something that and I don't know I haven't had time to track it down yet but I just want to get a consensus from the council if they're okay with directing staff and and Nancy to try to look into it but it sounds like evidently when the town turned that into Time Square that road was never vacated and that's the holdup with being it's technically still a road again I haven't had time to dig into all the details yet but if it's not designated or vacated to be a public space or park space that that's part of the reason why we're not getting TDC fundings and again I have not looked it up but that's I just got this information this week so if it's okay with it I'd like to direct staff and and and Nancy to to dive into that to figure out if that is the holdup and and if it is that's something that we can change to then help the arguments that we're we're we're trying to go down the road with TDC funding so because I think it to me it's very important that that should be something as a beach AIS that if it's the most visited why does it not qualify for funding and if it's something that we're holding up or have been holding up and we can make the change I think we need to be proactive and do that as we're you know asking for funding for it so if everybody's okay with that Nancy you up for the challenge to look dig into that and what did I say say Nancy again okay we name it's it's John's it's John's fault he's got the donuts there I more no too much sugar from the first one everyone did everybody said they were okay with that you're okay with that okay with okay perfect that's all I had uh if there's if you'll indulge me a minute Council um past eight months I've been pondering the words of the great tower of power what hip I sit here at the precipice of a life altering situation with that in mind I hope to report at our next meeting the philosophy of hu Lo in the news that it's hip to be square not only here but There and Everywhere hip hip so hip to be square with that I'll move to a journey oh my hip hi second before you vote a family photo after the meeting please we got a motion motion to adjourn by councelor King seconded by Vice May adalt any any further discussion all those in favor signified by saying I I opposed hearing done we are adjourned at 10:47 I doubt it couldn't get it under an hour