all right we're going to call the order at we never start in time right what is it 7:31 2 yeah makes a difference um I need to put down okay so we have a quorum because Bill as an alterate can step is the wor person I thought Jason was coming but he may here okay so the first thing our minutes of the last meeting which was the January meeting right um yeah yeah January 22 you all got they okay yes yeah anybody want to make a motion a motion to approve the uh January minutes okay a second Margaret all in favor any opposed through with it I don't think I can vote on that because since I wrote who knows maybe oh you think so yeah sometimes it's not so clear um guests have any particular issues right unless you can bring it up under new business if unless you have something you want to bring up now I'm a guest guest guest sometime St opportunity right in Jud very I know last year there wasn't um a push to ask for what's made it from so right know we us to draw up a budget that you know would have including the that you trying to get up it wouldn't it be a good idea if the right commission brought up a budget to P committe that they're aware of what the what the needs are yeah this right what because yeah if out want the BS but they weren't going to Out Bait anyone well they all out I now the business administrator told me that they were not in so um I think they're maybe for some exist I'm not sure I was just told well we had Carolyn it's because she was an employee of the township an assistant Clerk and she was just really interested so if somebody else but you know if she had she was able to do it her children were grown that one same thing I'm not actually text some down thanks um see the last time he got Grand money and fom took the money on the township which I think it's as far as I'm concerned I don't remember what it was no I think it was the bond issue for the park for you mean the bond that was going to cover Lake Park may have been I don't remember and I'm not sure the money was first real to our commission here to get to work on I think it was to the park to Mala Park yeah and uh they didn't use it they used some of it for for the the rank the hockey rank seven and what was remaining just probably got absorbed into the budget I think maybe well where I asked about it from Mr Philly he said that um 26,000 of what was left was spent on um just like looking into what inform should be done to mway park even though we already had already provided all that information and the rest of it he said it's no it's not for to it but that it's fine yeah you know it wasn't Finley it was it was a different administrator was it under before that this not I describ because when it was borrowed way quite a long time ago like in 2016 or 2015 somewhere in that era so there were a lot of different people in charge and the money got spent and it bil looked into it he playing brid like saw me and we said it was really quite to track what even happen to theault about Mar and they're satisfied with it know that so much was spent on the wrong when Public Works is working on didn't sound good so I I don't know that's kind of the up back what really happens to find money no one really so it's unfortunate cuz that money could have fixed the playground at least yeah thre um I remember that I have to ask again I forget who we check with regarding Emergency Management I believe it's the CH didn't say that it was the for a while Des yeah it was the Environmental um emergency man with your pointel I would check with okay if he's not in know just right M say name down pull a question Mar there oh yeah no I it was just that John stipic mentioned somebody else that he would get the emergency management information from so if there were I guess there wasn't any there wasn't anything but I didn't think to ask in other words if there was correspondence to the environmental commission from d for example those usually should if there was like mail that you know they should that should be handled the Town ball like when the mail comes in right you know a copy should be made for the environmental commission problem is why don't if say there's no bin right anymore that needs to be a b the town hall where everything for the envirment ofion would be put in there any now right any reports um any any of the plans or anything so that right before the meeting like the week before whatever I would go there and pick the lot and bring them to the meia um but my understand is they did away with that for some reason that there isn't you know a small B I think I was supposed to check with Barbara FR mil and uh I didn't think to do that all I did was contact UM Katherine is your name uh who's doing planning board applications and desire who's doing zoning board to see if there what there was and there was no planning board application so but I forgot about the mail so we have no mail but any like of those D reports bar to email the ones like the incident reports the Spells or whatever that John usually reads he P land get a email by like B to John to whoever the was okay so and the chair we work to everyone on and if they been if there had been anything and it had been mailed emailed John he presumably would have forwarded it I would think but I don't know I'll check on all of that um okay so we have no emergency management report and um I guess our qu the next question I have which was not on the agenda was if John sppi is not our chair or even if he returns and it doesn't want to be chair should we go ahead and elect a new chair this evening no we would elect the person he can well they don't need to when they appoint the members of the commission it's sort of who was like really Vol things are not popular I would wait till your next meeting I think Johnson be back we can see but I don't think but I already told him that we would not require him to be chair yeah he never really wanted to be chair that's right he only took it because I wasn't reappointed so he felt like you know everyone looked it I'm like yeah like they're looking at you no when I look I'm I'm staring at EV um it's just um yeah he did a very good job as chair but you know it's not something he has to continue to do because do it's if it's stressful you know energies are being put to where it's most effective because he's so stressed out yeah it doesn't make sense to put up not here let's wait to see what happens okay if you if want to wait until the next meeting that's fine too um then we can confirm that with with him if he returns just want to say that if he doesn't want to be sh and he doesn't return or you know whatever uh I will be if if everybody because I know we've been talking about you know be meing but so I would be if you know nobody else wanted to be I just don't really know what I I don't really know how to do it exactly would be a learning curve um but we should have a a manual for that yeah B learning yeah there is a bit of learning curve and we should have a manual for it I probably I feel like I've watched John and other people be it before so I could probably just fake it for a little bit and then like get used to it so well we could all help and do different different parts yeah um yeah uh have developing some kind of a simple manual would be a help anyway I think but I'm big on things like that too you should see the size of the manual for this Jersey water trust for new board members okay so let's go into applications we have one I keep getting this last name wrong berardo I keep wanting to misspell it pronounce it and that was uh ZB 2401 and it was for block all in front we have 205 Lots three and four um buying to basically construct well applying applying to he wants to demolish the existing family single family structure on lot three combine Lots three and four together and then construct a new uh garage uh on Lots well on the combined lot and the new garage plus the existing garage would exceed the 1,200 square feet so he needs a variance for that um any comments on this no that's should okay yeah didn't seem to have about neighbors is are there are there trees separating all this from Neighbors or are there any going to be this garage what's going to go in the G oh I don't know but that's not question yeah and the the the actual new garage is 960 ft yeah I assume that the existing garage where he put car his car and they will make is undersized um setback from the rear and does it have to as opposed to 50 right any one impervious oh you garage and also they want to add more asphal um which I don't know if we can really help that anyway because it be to the new garage but on there it says propose uh Paving so I don't know if that would be anything we have to say anything about but I know that would be what we could say we'll see the next rain right yeah and I don't think it exceeds the limitations however yeah it doesn't trigger at qu acre of near also get TR off now that the house is gone that was in ferv the house that was there yeah so I think you added all doesn't trigger any if you subtract the house and you add the driveway probably comes probably a tradeoff might be a little bit more with the driveway but not necessarily because the house was relatively small the rocks are undiz they were summer homes that beened to year round summer Community it was water why not rest it up it was poorly it was a plan for so all summer but more talking about years ago or something probably the 20 subject there well think of sh rank part okay uh you know on the left side as you go up Fries Mill these different houses close together also the same thing is true next to Franklinville Park all those streets with they were all somewhere okay you would come down you would stay in these several houses that were not insulated at all that and you could through in the lake and they all had cess pools and um then people wanted to continue living there so they changed the houses and fixed them up I remember coming as a seven-year-old down to Scotland R what's now Scotland R when there were houses next to the lake and staying in there it was wonderful and then we would go out in the lake and swim it it was one of the most fun experiences I ever had then I came back years years later I think but where are the houses that that they tore them down when they turned it into a park uh the ones next to Franklin the ones on the west side of fries Mill up there by Scotland Run and this neighborhood those people been converted into your round houses but they're close to each other because they were Cottages little Cottages yeah it's it's problematic like what setic said problematic because I had to deal with without work with there out do water the street narrow lots of tying tons of death pools you know environmentally T the B so the see them eliminated P to put in a garage which eliminates the flow like SE that wild is found children for water quality yeah actually and you know is a better idea than sell r c CR out there on such small are I can't imagine how emergency vehicles get through but through the streets in front of every one of them yeah but there's now well they are I don't think you know I'm not sure what the wi of the street back are they're not very wi no but the on next to not too bad yeah I'm not sure about this neighborhood it might show you the street with on bigger drawn runs dark you want to say it head back supposed 16 something 15 it is a 50 foot right away on P so that's good so uh they can always move that building but the travelway is only 4.8 the what the actual travel way which would be what's oh what's Driven on is is only 15 ft so think about how wide your far then if people are parking yeah like I said emergency vehicle have could have a bit of a problem yeah getting through the kind of things so people are kind of the edge of the payment is here but the RightWay all the way here it's very narrow in this neighborhood very but we still have no comment is that right yeah I think that's what you looks like the r okay um old business we don't have any report I guess on Piney Hollow right you're in anything SLE for the engine or no I they put it off the bed they did put it off the bed I know your B to put it out the bed adver it in the pi I thought did sure everybody I thought that they did though I thought they did once we voted on that I asked on thatt U I guess right before we put it out and he said I don't think he was expecting to hear anything fact to then we looking to Shi the lot spots go instant APW to save some of the money right well there it's not really that big of an issue because um the matching funds can come out of the open space and farmland preservation fund and there's enough money in that so I don't really know that it's a big deal to match depends what the CL the walk well true but it's already been scaled down so much hope Bo fall yeah of course you know you don't want it to be excessive were unreasonable but um anyway they're supposed to have help anyway to reduce qus on the gr itself and that would that would constitute part of the match as well I would think maybe I believe it yes it does that certain rate volunteer as well good he good anyway um make them more familiar with the area yeah think maybe they'll feel more responsible for that area have ignore that's right not having them go out there you kind of fall love with awesome in are you guys able hear okay you're feeding into an open dark doorway back there yes it's Aly hello I can see you now thanks okay and then here's the other song of the table there's more of us present than usual oh my goodness yeah Evan and Roger everybody okay um malago Park uh John had talked about doing a cleanup and in what it around Earth day do we want to push forward on that or wait till J it's back okay because one of the things we were going to do is actually try to repair those posts um we really need to do that at bothersome that they're out there broken and we have this thing I know where I forgot PE public works was creating a sign to put by the entrance to the trail I sent them all the details um the Galla Public Works whose name I forget right this moment What's the secretary's name there anyway she's very responsive but um yeah yes yes thank you she called back the the manufacturer of the sign wanted to know something about materials I responded to that and now I realize that was a good over two months ago and I've never heard anything about the sign and there's no sign up so I don't know what the story is but I meant to call um that's my fault I was going to call there and find out if we were to push forward with it do you mean just like AB like what do you mean by that like advertising it or yeah we can probably wait if we want to wait until next month I that'll give us another month oh yeah there enough time okay we just need to make a flyer and okay and then we really need to think about how to advertise it besides getting it up on the website yeah if we can you know put in Fire as a few places or something I guess we we would probably know if John GNA come back a little bit before next meeting okay yeah it's not that hard to put the fire together it's not that hard to our best response in the past for cleanups has been Girl Scout Troops yeah well with the waterers shed and and the Watershed ambassadors yeah but they they're scheduled uh for different places of you know kind of farther out unless the local Ambassador recruits his some of them and his own friends um I think as far as repair of the trail that's I would just recruit my brother well somebody he he has a post hoold digger I guess that's critical and uh he also has oh you told me there's some scraped Lumber out there Lumber out there out there that we might be able to use yeah black with where the garden so we need some numbers to put on the tops of them we have to need a Sol and cut the angle and we need to P them in the ground that's was there I know to Cate but I don't know it may not be enough right it may not be IM want who know someone's got have the inventory with down they just knock down what there I mean going to be like things that where they just knocked over and re yeah I don't know all John knew this because he's the one who went out and looked yeah I haven't been out right thinking about making thing that we have oh the um label maker yeah but I don't think that well haven't even used it yet so maybe I'll use it first and see what it's like yeah does it make bigger numbers think no no not really big I I don't really know 100% yet we're gonna use it to label our plants uh but um what do you need to label like numers you probably the on one exactly me worry about the problem was the I think I think most of those things brought in what do you mean permissions well remember about you can't findy anything you have to ask the for him to buy it for you to get it I contribute a set of numbers from Home Depot and I rather than go but for what $8 maybe more rather I can't they at least give give me permission some kind of cash like a really small amount like that or $100 or less that we free to spend without having go through an administr if it bothers him that we that we were paying tax then give me a copy of count exemptions form the Sam's Club card to get tables I went into the it went into town hall I play need tables C that and Maria who or Marie who worked with bar and da a lot the financial stuff she said you know go to St Club here's the card bring the car back and I went and back them had account with them U and like you said she would get me a piece of paper with the where they or they say go to puches just had you if we had account they have account with I just told them what I was there for and they build well there has to be a way to make it's not like the environment spend go online yeah so it's not unra we have a let's just say $3,000 budget it doesn't matter we still have to ask if we're allowed to spend this $50 bit or one this well you verify that with Mr fidley but that's kind what was said the the grow when I when I heard John talking about it she said that pH said you couldn't spend any money you Wen supposed to buy anything you're supposed to ask for it they would get it for you which seems like a waste of Municipal um time you know and you have to wait for them to purchase it for you because because they had to count certain places and it would be tax exempt if they did it all but again there's ways around that that would make life much easier not was paid time go supplies and get supplies when you know you're not spending lot of money I mean when I put the good planing going there the way and they kep getting mod by public works so we put Bening around them I went out to gacos and I told them where I needed and where I need it for and I they could build a to they decid not even to build the town they just gave me the stuff you have wires to wire or to put it in the fence in itself I was like yeah thank you but they don't own that place anymore no what SC I don't know out to make money buy anything yeah good business all there shut right yeah the kid that the daugh oh on the oh so wait what's BOS and Cho right's connection buttino that owns all the Shar rights doesn't one the one in mville the one work that L sh bre yeah the land in ATL whatever it is that's not there another okay I didn't realize that thing okay they on the one either they're on they do they do yeah don't okay um other old business okay new business well um the master plan committee or rather master plan process has started um guarding on landside well they also sent out uh some of the documents that were put together by C I guess Chris the planner I don't know who the planner is I was wondering they know they have a pepper planner so there's those if uh with and you know they follow the process that you use with the master plan so they look at existing uh assumptions goals and objectives they look at uh to give demographic update um and then uh look at the previous plan of what the goals objectives were and which ones were met and which ones weren't and then they have some preliminary recommendations and most of those are pretty good they're not that much detail this will be needed but and that's on um that's open to the public on Wednesday and then it's it it closes is that right no I have no idea okay I mean I'm I'm sitting on that committee and I didn't get notified about the meeting oh so no I actually somebody told me last week maybe it was you bber I don't know who it was but and I forgot to put it in my calendar so then I was thinking there was no meeting but bar reminded me I have to go on it notification they signed up for and they yeah yeah and that's so there I guess they're assuming doet is assuming that everybody gets an alert you can go on and get put yourself into the alert system for the township because otherwise I would have known about the meeting I would have missed it there shouldn't be any complications that because over was make a few changes for and against it and they don't have to you the whole thing no no a lot of it's fine yeah some of it the some one of the suggestions was to consolidate some of those goals and objectives together which made sense but most of it has to do with either things that were supposed to before that haven't been done like a new open space plan um or Corrections like the the Zer solar solar or and um I just thinking that yeah yeah and B had mentioned when I talked to them a while back about the shed the the cream like we're revealing the big out building and some other things about being more specific about zoning um conditions conditional uses and um well actually here this is those are the preliminary recommendation what this is the well there's a couple of larger documents and this is changel in policies and assumptions am I the only one with this one yes I only got one of them I do I can send them to you yeah just it along Susan I just don't mind to spend too much time on it okay so anyway this meeting is this Wednesday two days away at 7 pm I assume it's in here I think that the noic yeah I bet it I still have to get on the alerts because uh I would like to know what the meeting schedule is I'd like to know more than two weeks ahead I had to change a meeting for Wednesday night that I already had scheduled uhuh yeah and it's a pain because there were six people involved beside myself and it and I'm you know it took me an hour at least an hour of text trying to the date that would work in place of one that was already scheduled so I need to know further ahead so who made the this these goals up that's the whatever planner it's it's uh it'd be really nice that they sound like like you you look it over there's more no just a couple more this yeah that one has got to do with just I look that you or things that are relevant to what they're suggesting so if anybody wants I assume this will be given out when something like that you know you've seen that that why pass it all uh I've gotten up to you Qui to see what thats is saying well about the about the schedule first he's got different idea of something yeah they're not like the people the found you well and the master plan is very clear on retaining rural character it says it over and over again we voted on that right didn't we vote on it I don't know exactly when though when you say that I I don't either I mean there are certain things that help retain World character one of them is no sewer saying some yeah no no Municipal steart right I don't think and it wants that do unless they have to there are problems that would be solved so when we were talking about the Cottages that got converted into uh year round dwellings in some of these little pockets um they're on old cesspools and they if you had the ability to put in sewer locally like that would solve some problems in those places uhuh same thing with uh the businesses on in malibo they had to pump out all the time because yeah so things like that would get resolved but uh maybe but unfortunately you can't just open with it sure do yeah it opens the whole Township Bunch absolutely it basically I remember that um je j m talked to uh the guy who used to be in charge of Farmland preservation for the county J yeah no he whoever it was gu who he would at one time had been the mayor of Washington Town Sha yeah places have their own yes have you ever eaten back there what one place along there in Malaga they had a little outdoor place to eat and oh my gosh there TR it may have been I don't know but it was unbearable the gun they are prob the and Thea they take care by having almost daily pump house yeah which is you know expensive and I think the only system there that works yeah know it's possibly the rean system works but the only FL with a system that works with ding donuts and that's because was designed with Advanced treatment and that was one that was approved without it and I had to get the stadium to get them they had to actually stop some truction and get the rights the C scw up and the WR one for that was changed in 2012 after I left and what does advance what it does it it does it trips the sewage water before it goes into the B reduces the bad oxygen demand which is mostly the particular organic matter and stuff so lot of a a then break that down it's much more c yeah but all that stuff clogs the bed and by doing this the beds will function properly whereas if you let all that stuff out of the tag untreated and into the bed you're just setting it up failure they can't handle the waste like at your HS there's a lot of dilution going on because you got showers you got laundry you know it's not just all food weight going in there right you have basically night 59 food weight the system can't handle it without some kind of treat that prior to being released since the field bands right okay makes sense yeah and also Duncan donut had to have a reserve area behind the building so that if that system of front fails they would conet the back uhuh you know that's all part of the cars but that's the only place that was built with the retail food with that food prep since the code change in 2012 so we got all the those place says that don't work right because they were built before that yeah and nobody has spent the money to put in the advanc treatment instead they're pumping it you know or who knows what or the sub you know are doing what their sewage did you finish passing oh you Comm did you all see them that's all of them yeah did you all right well okay anything anybody wants to um recommend or you'll just beat it right yeah we'll see how it's approached as well um one of the things that you have to do is you have to go through the assumptions and and the goals and objectives and see if they are still all desirable so that would be the starting point I assume I would assum a planner yeah I assume too I'm just don't know who it is I'm you're on the the committee self is small relatively it's like 10 people so why would it be hard to send out a notice to the 10 people you make one you know L and you say meeting the 28 and you tell and that would be is that would be he'd be in charge of this well he seems to be chairman of it I don't go for sure so it should you should ask him to M yeah I will I will and I'd like to know what the upcoming meetings are because yeah I need to get well yes and I don't know that it's on Zoom uhuh and I will be in soly in Pittsburgh through part of April well you have wa and see the yeah the B coordinate better and it should be on Zoom anyway okay um any other new things we want to do my one feeling is looking at that it it mentions the first preliminary recommendation is a new open space plan yeah um that's fine there's absolutely nothing wrong with the existing open space plan the problem with it however is that it was never implemented so to me getting a new one is irrelevant I think that they instead we should put the T should put its money towards a new an updated open uh environmental resource inventory so we can take a look at what's that updating it's over 10 years old we didn't update the environmental resources in that's a whole project all right Bes that the one where the photos for the um the store no that's historic there added it to it I I dropped them in yes I dropped in all the historic information it was 2012 yeah yeah and it's now 2024 so it you're supposed to do them every 10 years and and we can't get any points for it in Sustainable New Jersey either with it because it's too old yeah and there's no reason that the money for it couldn't come out of the open space font it's it's the basis for the Open Space Project yes and planning so I think that we should be uh requesting an updated ER forget the budget let's go for no I don't mean that yeah perhaps in conjunction with a budget idea or part of this master planning it's it's pretty much impossible for Town Hall to guess what it is we or yeah say wa and what the needs are there were other projects mentioned I didn't bring a copy of minutes but there were other projects mentioned in the minutes that were brought up one of was trying to get the files do you have any idea what they're going to do with the um all the file in Old ambulance building they're mostly empty I think there're only two that are have Stu one of them is Alex is the E has that building been sold for a while they still there well they it's it was sort of transferred for use by the Recreation Commission know what I'm saying what has that building been sold for a while we didn't know that you said you said the one on top to we're talking about the main one main sorry Tu yeah you're right they sold the the one on Tu the one on Main Road the one right next to the Oba yeah yeah yeah yeah um there's Le four maybe more maybe six of those file cabinets are completely empty and I'm sort of concerned about the one that has the environmental commission records in it that they don't get dumped if Sly put a big sign on that F cabinet sure we could do that just like I put the name environmental Commission on each table and everything else we store there but I don't feel very comfortable with it and I personally don't think we should have to take it to one of our houses any of that stuff um or yeah and if they're going to get rid of any of those file cabinets I'd like to buy one I need a new legal siiz fire cabinet not new a new used one cheap well I have one the bottom drawer doesn't work and it's not repairable so I would like to replace it that's what it amounts to um but I am concerned about the record cter and I there used to be those file cabinets held all kinds of legal records I think building still in operation that's still working no no no it's just actually it's just ours right no after they meet there meet there well I think they meet there they did last year yeah oh I what they doing not wonderful meeting place but I I mean when I went to the Recreation Commission meeting it was it it was in the library yeah when I went it was there too I saw too fit into that build they're so many but they do have stuff stored from Community Day and then the big hay wagon is there the big giant hayw that gets pulled by a tractor the back it's the tractors out there but the looks so tiny it's got two big garage stores okay I'm gonna have to go in there sometime so we don't have the keys though right it's not a key it's a code and I have that oh so we have access to it at any time we don't have have permission to go in I asked for it because we store our stuff in there right not add toe and I have the code and um I asked for it because I I was I would have to call Public Works and arrange for a guy to come to open the door we've been there and then when I took the stuff back I had to do the same thing so it ignored me so I saide please give me the code there's nothing in there of any value except AR and that filing cabinet that you need yeah I I did not however take one nor so I gave the code to John and so there at least be you know somebody else would know it and uh but it we were turned down first by the liation commission that did not wish to share it oh great they have nothing of value in there but anyway I have it now so I can the new chair is going to be the the creation oh I'm sure it'll be the same that Richard bling I he got a reappointed but it's on the agenda for tomorrow night that they replacing never because he retiring from ath and going a separate way oh okay where do you see the agenda um again you get the notifications call email and Stu and then you go to their website and look at what the notification you know will say new agenda planning board good well if you go to if you go to Frank the township website if you go under well if you just go under right this say agenda minutes so yeah it does but there wasn't anything there for a long time yeah there were minutes from missing there were no agendas for any committee and it's better they've been updated since I've been on oh okay yeah it was pretty bad until maybe last year it maybe got better um and then you can also get to documents by way of the archives but you have to know the date or else you you have to go through Page after page to find something so when I went to look at the Farmland preservation PL I think it was uh it it wasn't that easy to find inti you now it's better okay um anything El on new business and if not we're going to have a short meeting because we have no mail maybe we can get for mail or we give for our taxes yeah I was just thinking because I know we're well that's when we had that little basket where we got mail I don't know where it is now well it doesn't seem to be a pin so we haven't had mailed for a while I don't think you have yeah I know we used to we used to always have mail dumb stuff on the environmental that they just didn't want to deal with well they used to give us newsletters and stuff that would come into the township that were relevant you know wen't really Arts but they just didn't they want to do with them so they give inside I did submit the anj application um because Don was going to do that so I did that um and I you means be members for us to be members yeah the in application we had agreed on doing in January you and I are already members yes so our names are not on it I just put everybody I put um uh the other five Commissioners the two alternates and the two daon list uhuh and then they get the magazine yeah uhuh good the email and the email okay and been sending I feel like I'm forgetting something but actually still getting them they don't have a take be there that's an now I'm giving you double H I never know when they stop yeah news I can share you get good ideas from it yes um where you see the ideal anyway done news what all right um so what am I forgetting but we only had one application so you're not forgetting anything other topics other subject oh okay sorry that so do we have a motion so this will be the shortest meeting we've had yet because we started on time for a change um do we have a motion to adjourn yeah I'll make a motion okay I else are you second yes I thought I first did it now that was it's sort of the all in favor say and it is 8:23 stop recording and yes I will thank you