I'd like to call this meeting to order notice of this meeting has been given as required by the open public meetings act in the annual notice of meetings a copy was posted on the township website and notice of this meeting was sent to the Sentinel and a copy was posted at the Franklin Township Municipal Building I'd like to ask everyone to stand at this time please of United States of America to the stand na indivisible St and the yes reappointed members please before I do that I'll explain why I'm here tonight um the attorney who was on the attendant to be appointed tonight Mr hongo I found out about three something this afternoon he contacted me indicated that because he had been appointed as municipal court judge for Winslow Township he was advised by the superior court system that he could not serve as a solicitor of the plan so we find out until around three this afternoon so I was available so in order not to have these nice people not have their applications heard coming in tonight um but T is going to have to move quickly get somebody get somebody new for next month so so we'll proceed as normal tonight and when it comes to Sister appointment Joe you just appoint me as like a hold over until until the next person you know end of the month or whatever okay so we have Ralph and Frank and Steve I think are the three people we're swearing in if you all stand and raise your right hand do you have your o with you read okay all right I state your name Sal are you going to read it okay good want to read it well I usually do it you read after me let's do that like they do with the Supreme Court do somly swear that I will faithfully and partially and justly do Solly swear that I will Faithfully partially and justly perform all the duties as a member of the township Franklin planning board perform all the duties as a member of the to to the best of my ability the best of my ability I do somly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States I do swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the saint that I will bear true faith and aliance to the and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in this state under the authority of the people so help me God and in this state under the authority of people so me God thank you congratulations [Music] I like to do a roll call at this time Mr Mady yes Mr Cy here Mr cahoot here Mr Constantine Mr doy Mr Ranson here Mr swed here Mr Clark here Mr Bruno Mr tralon here Mr pesh here okay at this time I would like to open nomination for chairman [Music] [Music] nomination [Music] [Music] okay as Michael was indicated the um there was two applicants that responded to the RFP one individual came uh highly recommended and the second indiv there's problems with some paperwork so leaving no one left in the pool uh Michael has FTE here to step up and fill in for the applicants this evening and at this time I think we ought to have a motion in a second to appoint Michael temporary solicitor from January 1 2024 and Mike what do you think about February 20th which is the date of next meeting which allows you the the opportunity to fill uh do resolutions and stuff from tonight's meeting so I think the uh the Township's going to put out a new R for uh solicitor for the board and uh if the mo someone would want to make a motion from January 1 through 20 uh February 20th Mo second second all in favor that okay all in favor except for one I got one exension okay at this time uh I'll entertain a motion to for vice chair okay I have a motion for Ralph is there a second second moov in second all in favor I okay and we'll move on to uh board secretary um Christine is the current uh secretary is there a motion to reappoint her for 2024 make I have a motion a second second all favor I okay uh next on the agenda is uh appointment of a engineering and planning uh firm currently at CME is there a motion motion for CME for plan engineer move is there a second second mooving second all in favor okay so [Music] noted next is a motion to approve the calendar uh submitted for the 2024 and will be uh SE uh third Tuesday at the same time a motion is there a second second all in favor I and the last one is the motion to approve the official newspaper which is the uh GL County Times and the U COV second all right all favor okay [Music] oh Jo I just wanted to clarify some records I did not put in a proposal forting this year so what you appointed was just for me to have p over so the board can conduct business without interruption correct yep Mr chair the paper is South Jersey South Jersey I'm Lo I'm I'm used to one you used to be 10 [Music] cents okay all right um next on the agenda is uh the resolution PB 2313 falal concrete concrete that's why you're here Ral is there a motion to approve motion to approve PB 2313 resolution F conre second roll call vote Please Mr Mady yes Mr call yes Mr yes Mr ransy obain [Music] Mr Clark yes Mr s yes Mr TR yes and chairman yes a bit of housekeeping let's um we have Mr Ranson for mayor BR uh mayor Bruno and Mr Clark for uh Mr think we should I'm Square interest for the year Y and when it comes next time we can do that okay okay all right so for the year s throughout this calendary yes I do all right uh did I miss anything on the rework here good yeah okay uh tonight the first application is pb23 14 dou [Music] Sparks good evening members of the board I'm Ryan Hoffman Hoffman Muse on behalf of the applicant uh Douglas Sparks and Jessica slokum I have Mr Sparks here with me tonight um if you want to swear him in he's going to provide some testimony for us testimony about be truth but the truth be got yes thank you all right so we are here uh for uh Mr Sparks is opening a or hoping to open a uh Tattoo Studio in community Commons located at 2205 Deli drive this is a would be a, 1400t unit um it's an existing unit there's no new construction uh planned here for the building or the site at all uh there would be no changes whatsoever with the site or the building and again this is in the highway commercial zoning District um I do wish to utilize the planning board engineer and planner's Joint letter uh to go through this U for the uh the letter uh that the existing building meets all the minimum bulk requirements of the highway commercial zoning District uh and thus there would be no new variances or variances for any existing or non-conforming uh conditions um I do want to ask you sir in regards to the site itself can you tell us in regards the tattoo studio just in general what is that kind of use that you're going to be utilizing uh typically I'm appointment only so it's that's pretty much what it would be it' be myself and my one client you know each day um just have to typically do like one tattoo a day okay so yes inclusive that's all me um so how many employees would you have uh to start it would just be me um potentially within a year maybe two gotcha okay and so it's appointment only so really it's oneon-one when you're there if you had another uh uh artist there would be maybe two in two M okay any administrative staff that would be there with you someone taking the money or anything like that no it's typically handled by the artist okay um and so in regards to parking spots at first really all you would need is something like two could could grow to four um do you think it's from a timeline standpoint we're not looking at three four artists even for a few years probably no no i' say at Max within a year maybe Me Myself and one other person gotta okay and what would your typical hours be uh typical hours will be 10: to 600 10 to 7: are you open every day no what days will you be open I'm open uh for it would be Tuesday through Saturday okay and it's appointment only appointment only okay um so would there be times if you didn't have an appointment that you're not there shop is closed or how does it work for you feel I would be there like when the hours are what they are you tend to have to show up gotcha okay and um how long have you been a tattoo artist I've been a tattoo artist for 16 years this summer will be 17 have you ever owned your own Studio no I haven't okay um do you have a healthy client base guys girls that come to you if they need something you know things like that it's Word of Mouth I'm assuming yeah typically right now I'm booked probably about 5 months out okay great um now in regards to the signage would there have to be any construction of a new sign or is there already a SP spot where a sign can be placed a sign would end up just being the window front it's just probably like a decal in the window that's all it would be there's there's not like a like a a light box that you I'm not positive but you have no plans to construct anything no no plans all right um all right and then let me look through my notes a little more and do you think this would be a positive uh upgrade to the community be able to utilize this space always good to have more business but um do you have a lot of customers here in the Franklinville uh area um I I have some I mean a lot of my clients are all over the place over yeah okay so you bringing in new business from other towns and things like that okay um and is there any detriment you think that this would bring to the town and none that I could say okay all right all right I uh I close my case if I would uh move to the engineer and our solicitor with any questions that they would have for our applicant I no I don't think this is on the side where is pretty much around the side of the liquor store so there's a lot of space over there talking right now okay yeah I I don't really have any questions just to go to my report this is a permitted use in the district um in case any of you are wondering the only reason they are here is because they don't technically qualify for a waiver of site plan even though they're changing use and not changing anything uh technically speaking they're required this is a minor site plan what we recommended in our letter uh is sort of a a workaround to almost Rand waiver of site plan we're essentially saying they can be deemed complete waving all of the actual site plan submission requirements since we understand they're doing absolutely nothing to the exterior of the building I assume there's some interior renovations to tattoo studio um the only potential issue would would be parking uh I don't think that's really knowing that shopping center I I can't imagine that uh there's ever been less than four or five parking spaces uh available at any given time so it really seems like a non-issue to me I also would want to point out that U there is a shopping center sign on the Frontage on Deli drive and they should have individual tenant spaces so assuming you've working out with your landlord as part of your lease you would be entitled to put a sign for your studio on that uh the larger sign as well as there should be some band above the top of the stor with a little bit of space for sign usually but otherwise there there's really not much to say here it's it's it's a permitted use in the zone and there that's moving into an existing vacant tened space in a shopping center okay Michael as far as notifications go for the record I just got a question um one of the storts here next toour is Tech Communications is this old I mean does that make a difference or should be I don't I mean I'm just asking [Music] sure my assumption is that they did not have a surveyor or engineer prepare a new site plan for this is just a scan of probably the last time that shopping center was before this board if I'm not mistaken this Su right next to make cies uh yes we that last year right next Eng it's it's the same all the s are the same they line up there's a coup I I believe tenants have changed right now it's between I guess the bakery and then the Jiu-Jitsu place the just all right this time I'll entertain a motion open to public second motion second all in favor I we're open to the public on this application is there any public comment close second mo mo all in favor all right pleasure Mich I also have theop all right I have a motion to approve the plan waiver second roll call vote please yes Mr Kelly yes Mr kahoot yes Mr Ranson yes Mr cour yes Mr swed yes Mr traval Leon yes chairman PES yes congratulations best of luck thank gentlemen thanks thank you first one of the things we do uh in my in my business world one of the things we do to prevent that from happening is uh we call them tenant spes in the mall a a tenant will move from one end of the mall to the other end of the mall and trying to label the fire alarm for those individual tenants most most of the U larger facilities just go and use space numbers versus to prevent exactly what happened here has no bearing on the application but it's confusing when the tenant move from what is it no longer there or move to the other end of the ball the complex probably pry frequently in shopping center tents could switch spots or move in move out without no to find the township and and and now and now they're going to the wrong end of the building okay let's move on to uh PB 2316 for [Music] Paul good evening Mr chairman board members David Patterson of the firm Russa Patterson representing the applicant Paul cinella Jr uh with me this evening is Paul and also our licensed land surveyor Michael simman if we could have them sworn in please teson you're about to go something but the truth so we got yes if we could recognize Mr simmerman as a licensed professional land surveyor in the state of New Jersey for any testimony that may be necessary would you like to present a short uh brief your please sir how long you've been a licensed professional surveyor in New Jersey sure this will be my 20th year 20th year have any questions okay thank you uh this is a for a minor subdivision for Block 5701 lot 50 and uh 52 Q form um few housekeeping items I have a letter from the Gloucester County planning board uh they State the subdivision does not impact any County Road Bridge or drainage facility so they have no interest in the application I'll provide that to your [Music] attorney also of record we contacted your tax assessor to confirm the blot lot block numbers for the subdivision and he has agreed that it'll be lot 50 for the large lot and lot 50.01 for the smaller 1.5 acre lot where The Farmhouse is located I would also ask if we can mark the deed to the property which identifies Mr cinello as the owner of the property you mark that a one and if we could also have the minor subdivision plan marked for any testimony that may be necessary for men that2 okay thank you very much any comments You' like to make in regard to your minor subdivision plan other than what it is um minor subdivision plan plan all takeen acre and a half as per the township requirements and uh just a m minor subdivision taking an acre and a half around the existing house and cutting off the farm field for uh Paul's use [Music] I mean the minor subdivision plan pretty much speaks for itself as to what is there uh you have the larger 7 37 plus acres for the property which is being farmed right now and then you have the 1.5 plus or minus acres for the house in the barn the house is vacant right now I'm going to ask Mr guanella if he can ask answer a few questions number one uh you're the owner of the property as we've already uh provided to your solic to the solicitor for the board with regards to the 1.5 acre piece of property where the house and the barn is located uh what is the proposed use of that property uh so actually selling that to my manager of The Paintball Park uh he currently lives an hour away his youngest kid just graduated college they want to down size so instead of getting a house in Burlington where he lives he's going to fix up that house and live there uh he'll now be you know walk away from work so it kind of works out for him the the rest of the form is going to stay be formed by the pangas I just bought his buffer I'm not doing anything with it I just want to leave it the way it is so really it's just a way of helping my manager live closer to work which helps me but the remainder of the property will still be cultivated will still be at same farmer same thing nothing changes y right and you have no other use for the property at this point I do not no just buffer for me yeah all right now with respect to on the subdivision plan you notice that there's an easement to the rear of the property uh what's the purpose of that I just need access so that gives me access to the back of my property um not planning on doing anything with it yet I just want to have it for later so I can not have to you know come back if I need to do something but mostly just to get like I mean I have a contracting business myself so I want to get trucks or trailers back there it gives me access to it and it gives you access to the paintball facility yeah if I Ed the back of the property I have no access there now sir right with respect to the uh 1.5 acres in regards to the engineers report I'd like to address that right now if we [Music] could first I'm going to ask Mr simmerman on the report are identified four things that need to be completed on the subdivision plan be acceptable you agree to make those changes yeah they can be making once the once approv okay than that relates to further identification of the 200 foot property owner list meets and Bounds description of the properties location of any streams or water courses and identification of any adjacent lands that have been assessed as far farmland and we agree to make those changes correct yeah make an update on the survey now there is one question on the engineers report and that is uh the Farmland buffer with respect to the 1.5 Acres where the house in the bner located we meet the 50t requirement if I'm not mistaken however we don't meet the 100t requirement the barn is within 80 is only 80 ft and you need a 100 foot buffer um we would request if the board would grant us a waiver for that this evening so that it can say the same way it is it's not harming anything it's an existing use where the barn is we're just creating that 1.5 acre piece of property for as he indicated for his manager and we like to keep it at the 1.5 Acres so the remainder can continue to be formed as it should so we would request a waiver for that I would ask your engineer if he has any issues with that I I don't fo buffer is required between residences and farm properties and considering this is both within the same subdivision and under coming ownership uh the assumption would be that your your manager moving in also would be aware that there is a farm backyard that would not be complaining to the town about Farm activities happening only 80 ft from his backyard shed rather than 100 ft y uh so it all being the same property I I don't really have to take any issue with it as a member of the agriculture advisory committee who reviewed this application earlier this month and typically the a buffers are enforced to the fullest extent of the law on a major subdivision seeing how this is a minor subdivision this Quest and as our plan stated St farmer farmed as he's done for many years I want to make another comment about this property I don't think the owner knows this uh he purchased it from the Widow of uh our former planning board chair Mr neon uh he was here for our planning board all through the70s and 8s yeah he was still a power of attorney she was she's in Spain she's in Spain right so she wasn't coming back that's okay we have no other testimony before the board CH I do have just one question about the eement you men just to access the the property in the back where your paintball facility is do any plans on putting in a driveway there eventually I mean not as of right now but like I was scared to not do it cuz I would have no way if I sell that property I have no way to access the farm at all to maintain just the main yeah so like maybe someday in the future driveway okay so for now it's totally fine there's a possibility of depending on um how the driveway is configured uh they might need to come back before the board but unlike they don't need I don't think there's any setback requirements there for a driver but there would be some clearing of vegetation in order to put in a drive light okay but with no construction proposal this time really a nonissue okay just something looking at that kind of wondering why you need access to the the woods behind the pain ball facility the farm field is back there so to farm it that's the only that' be the only access yeah that just kind of stood out to me as a scratching my head a little bit when I first saw the subdivision plan but they want access they want access that's fine and I can that could be part of the subdivision with no no no violation of any law do that [Music] way question we had there's no they did give notice because of the um yeah all right and I'll ENT at time for record all noes were appropriate yes you're satisfied with that this time I'll entertain a motion open to the public second all in favor I we're in public portion on this application is there anyone wish to come for hearing none seeing none at this time entertain a motion to close public motion to close open public second all in favor I anyone have any questions for the applicant or the engineers none is there a motion I'll make a motion to approve PD 2316 uh the um waiver for the agricultur buffer and the um minor um items that are going to be taken with the engineer moving second all uh R fore Please Mr Mady yes Mr call yes Mr cahoot yes Mr Ranson yes Mr Clark yes Mr Mr yes Mr Travon yes chairman P yes congratulations thank you very much appreciate [Music] it okay Christine do we have any correspondence this evening no time entertain minut motion to approve the minutes of December 19the motion to approve minutes of December 19 move second all in favor Mich for public for session okay uh comments from the board there is a directory that the uh Chris had provided here if you would please review the uh directory with the uh email addresses phone numbers and addresses so that we have a uh or so she has a accurate uh L I understand there was a couple Corrections what'll happen is that she'll forward this directory out after again after the corrections are used there are some mistakes on here so don't go use don't use the copy that was submitted tonight just let her know if uh it's good with uh your information is correct um see as far as the master plan review uh the subcommittee uh the uh CME has cor uh Chris you want to touch on the four are you prepared to just to touch on the Highlight the four elements that c so what I I forwarded to you yes relatively recently was the master plan reexamination for ultimately D1 document I droke it down into uh four initial sections for a quick review and that is essentially the the background information which the purpose of the master plan reexamination report like the name implies you're reexamining the existing Master plans there's not a brand new master plan start from scratch those town uh there are certain components that the law requires being every reexamination report um one being a review of all the goals objectives principles policies takes from previous Master planning documents and seeing whether or not there's still B so it's literally just a listing out of all your previous goals from the last master plan kind of lengthy think about 15 pages worth of goals and objectives from your last master plan uh noting what's changed since the time of the last master plan for 20 13 when years was last adopted so everything in terms of uh updating demographic economic information of the township based on census data which frankly there hasn't been a whole lot of changes there uh listing out all the changes in state laws that impact planning and land use in New Jersey um so there's there's a summary of all those changes uh what else did I say Goals the third one was the prior goals uh is a list of previous goals and objectives from the master plan and a summary of what was done done and to improve uh Implement these goals what what's been done you so changes Statewide in terms of uh new legislation that has been adopted things like requiring electric vehicles uh stuff like that and then another part along with the goals is what has actually been done in the last 11 years now in the township where the town has tried to address things that are identified as issues in the last master plan uh and so ESS what we've done so far is we put together the background information little form what we'll discuss with the sub commmittee of where we want to go looking forward into the future do we think the previous master plan is still a valid document do we do we think this it's getting old and dated and junk now and we need to start over that's the whole that's really the task of the subcommittee as well as myself is to look at the master plan have some discussions on how we feel about it and one by one take every every goal objective policy statement assumption Parts through it and say is this still valid do we need to change this um and make recommendations for for any other changes going going for so um it's it's kind of a like I said not a brand new master plan we're not starting from scratch it's not a full vision of you know how do we want Franklin to be 50 years from now it review of the previous master plan but at the same time almost anything is still kind of on the table in terms of recommendations for changes to the master plan so it it's it's setting the framework for for any minor changes to your your Landing ordinance um and revie all all the previous gold obors from the previous master plan to make a determination whether or not you know state of course or or or change direction a little bit thanks thanks sorry sorry about blindsiding you here I I actually could have read I had the pet there uh okay with that said the uh just I had emailed um Barbara earlier on and she's on vacation this week I'm trying to Tuesday nights are pretty well tied up the build this building is pretty well tied up on Tuesday nights between planning zoning and Township committee Thursdays is courts so I'm looking at trying to get a Wednesday night uh availability of the building on Wednesday night uh the thought here is um this is a subcommittee uh so uh with that said I think what i' like to try to do is take public input at the first subcommittee meeting that the uh that the subcommittee organized take public comment and then we can after that in the evening we can work on the lets of boths of this and then present it to the full plane Bo for public comment at the end as well so uh there will be a piece a time for public comment in the very beginning um we're looking at Wednesday uh Wednesday nights and uh you know with that said I I just want to confirm with Barbara it's okay to use the building those B and it's not tied up the I realize that uh Chris you you know there's certain Wednesdays that you have problems with and other ones where you're available so we'll work around professional schedules as well my schedule in general just where first Wednesday of the month I'm already double book for the entire year so I've already got which meeting I'm going to who's covering meeting second and fourth Wednesdays I I technically have AB seen I'm the planing board planner there but they only meet about once every other month which is on my calendar as have their meeting so there's only a 20 25% chance I'm actually actually have to go to one of those meetings and more than likely if needed I get to C here it's just the first Wednesday of the month that is definitely already okay that works and we you know obviously as a self commmittee we can work around your schedule as well you um well I would like to thank everyone uh for the honor to serve again chair this year and uh does anyone else have any this time I'll entertain any motion to adjourn I have a motion to adjourn is there a second move second all in [Music] favor