everyone it's uh June 18th 7 PM this is to Franklin meing please rise for a black C oh she sir he Chris what do you have a public meeting to sement please notice of this meeting has been given as required by the open public meetings after the H notice of meetings theop was posted on the township website and notice of this meeting was said to the senel to was hosted at thank you Mr M here Mr toy here Mr cahoot Mr CL here Mr D here Mr Ranson Mr s Mr Clark here Mr travali here chairman P here tonight we'll seat U Kyle Clark for Jake BR okay next on the agenda is the uh PB 2304 the gler solar LLC well solar one LLC resolution is there a motion to approve have a motion pleas Mr M yes Mr C yes Mr r r Sor Mr PR yes Mr tribal an yes Mr P chairman P yes sorry okay at this time we'll move on to PB 2307 kenye good evening sir good evening uh name and address for the record please uh Kenneth Dy Jr 22 Valerie Court malan New Jersey I would ask to swear you swear yes what's going on um at this point I I really don't really I'm not too clear we got the approvals through in front of your board and then we went to the county the county took about five and a half months to get the um I guess the the offsets and and and um I don't know the easements and everything approved so by the time they approved it I guess you're we're expired here okay okay so what you're asking for is an extension on existing approval because of delays as long as it's not a delay because of the septic system not being installed timely fashion we certainly can entertain it but uh uh it's in set the is okay so uh what kind of time are you looking for that you be comfortable with where you want have to come back I don't even know what happens really next at this point I mean I got to get your extension for them to get the approvals I mean I'm it's been two and a half years I'm ready to go I going jump in real I believe the law allows for two one year extension to here I'll make a motion to do the first extension okay one motion second a second all call please it Mr Mady yes Mr yes mrtin I'm Mr un State Miss well what tell me Mr clar yes Mr TR yes chairman yes all right motion carries with two exceptions all right never hear thank you thank you guys have a good night okay moving on the next one is the presentation of the master plan Susan Harris said do you want to come up uh come up and sit next to Chris by microphone Susan shair that committee start yeah okay uh who would like to start Chris you want to start Oran all say it's the board's pleasure whether you want the committee chair or me fler to explain but I'm happy to let her go through the report if she sees fit and I can jump in as needed or de well it seems to me that Chris up should explain it um how he can to have been and you be jump in and out yeah there's no need there's no needs you're you're invited as the chair so you can jump in and in the conversation at any point in time Chris why don't you do the highlights of this okay I'm going to go through a brief summary first we'll take just a minute to explain what what this is this is a master plan reexamination report uh not necessarily a full master plan reviewing um starting from Ground Zero quing can scratch to develop a master plan or New Vision for Franklin Township as a whole uh it's a review of the previous Master plans of the town the last time you had a master plan re-exam report adopted was I believe in the spring of 2013 and by law they're supposed to be reviewed once every 10 years so technically you're about a year overdue on this now but process has been going on for for a while so not really a huge problem there but the purpose of the master plan re exam is to review periodically every now and then every 10 years or at least every 10 years what your previous Master plans were what the goals and objectives what the vision for the town is and make a determination really is is you know is this where we want to go the goals and objectives or recommendations of previous Master plans is that so what we want to do is that represent who we want to be as a town and in terms of primarily land use regulations um because by law your zoning ordinance and other land use regulations are required to be consistent with your master plan and so to a large degree the purpose of reviewing master plan is to also review Your Land Development regulations to see if they're consistent with what you're trying to achieve uh you look at things like variances have been granted by the zoning board what applications they're seeing to determine is there something in your regulations that are just out of step with reality or out of step with what you're trying to do and really make adjustments as you as you go forward so purpose of this document is to review previous plans review what's been going on in the town in the last decade as well as review Trends uh and other things Statewide or nationally for that matter to see how they might be impacting the town and make some recommendations to are there adjustments needed to your land use ordinances and other policy documents going forward to uh correct the course or or more or it could be then you're saying we're we like the way we're moving we want to stay the course that's the the primary objective here is is really a review of previous plans and a review of Your Land Development ordinances as they relate to the plans to see if there's uh any changes that need to be made to make sure that uh develop development can occur where you want it to occur and you're you're protecting areas that you want to protect and to S different reward to the the so he please call me don't call was sent to all of you but there's a graft of the document there the subcommittee have been put together about uh we had our first meeting was back in January or February F close yeah February Essen we met monthly since February uh so that be February March April May uh so we had at least four meetings in the subcommittee uh which made up of several members of the planning board and several members of the public uh to undertake the task of reviewing the previous Master plans and reviewing the land of el ordinances and hashing out the issues of of where we want to see the town go in the future um we have it the full version of this is in in draft form it's not quite ready to be adopted because uh by law the planning board has the authority to adopt a master plan and all master plan re examination on ports the the subcommittee's role was to put together a draft of plan um so we we've done that there are several sections of the plan uh that are required by law so I don't want to necessarily say that you can skip over certain parts but in the uh how big is this out approximately 48 pages in here uh 30 pages of it are just things that are required by law such as a review of demographic changes in the T from the 2010 census to the 2020 census which are required by law to be in here but are largely not that important in terms of the substance of plan uh the pr substance of the plan is the the recommendations at the end uh which is something like 10 to 12 pages of uh suggested policy changes we quickly skim through we have a quick overview of the town you know explaining where Franklin is uh how big it is what's there now um with view of recent mention of environmental constraints in the town and work Frank sits in terms of the overall mate plan there is a review of what all the previous go and objectives from previous Master plans where we includes your original master plan which I think dates to 97 2004 subsequent planes 2007 I think there's one in 2009 one in 2011 and one in 2013 literally reviewing all of those prior goals and objectives and and making a determination as to whether those goals and objectives are are still relevant or or not to what degree they've been addressed and there is a a section discussing what the town has done what what's happened here and what's happened in the state ter terms of new laws in the past decade since your last Master played so I don't need to go through all those put reference of things like there's been changes in ort housing legislation uh cannabis was not legal last time you did a master plan now it is um quite a few laws signed by the governor various Governors throughout the past decade that are things that need to be addressed the kind AG ORD then there have been some changes at the township level there have been ordinances you the town has adopted at the township committee to change Land Development regulations in the last 10 years those are all referencing here so make sure that we're taking account of that and then I I go through changes to the uh the demographic Profile s which anybody who's Liv here for a while uh should not be a big surprise from 2010 to 2020 there was not any massive changes of Prim in terms of your population or ACC composition with the people that live here well I'll go and Skip to really like I said the important part beginning on page 35 of the report is the recommendations and the first recommendation is a little bit lengthy add something that I thought was was necessary given that you have four different master plan re exams and have all reviewed previous goals and objectives from previous plans and then added some their own goals and objectives and recommendations but perhaps it it's time to consolidate those with some goals and recommendations because there there a bit duplicitous a lot of redundancy in there so we've kind of reorganized the goals and objectives and the assumptions that go into the master plan so it's a little more concise a little more clear see what what's the overall bu is of the town and what what what the goals of the master plan are so that you don't have now it's only it would be about three pages of goals and objectives and assumptions rather than 15 or whatever was in your previous PL so it's easier to read point being it's easier to read through the plan and get an idea of what the plan actually is instead of having to jump back and forth in various goals and objectives that kind of all said the same things I have a number of recommendations for ordinance changes and know going to mention a few and I'll jump back to one there's a few in particular I think weren't during your discussion for the most part I mean there's a lot in here for the most part at the subcommittee we uh largely came to agreement on most of these there are are a few issues that there wasn't necessarily unanimous been said that I think weren't through the discussion at this board before finalizing any plan ready for down uh first one we think the regulations and the ra District to be clarified and with particular for uh smaller lot developments the standards in the ra District seem to be written with the assumption that every development was going to be a major subdivision and as you know 50 to 100 units developed when mostly we're seeing uh you know two lot subdivision or a single family home being built and a lot of times those are being required to go to the zoning board so both varas is would probably they shouldn't need to do that I think the ra District standards could be simplified uh I'm going to go skip over number nine on page 4 just more we need to come back to another discussion warehouses but have they know relatively likely set of recommendations in here on onw warehouses would be appropriate inappropri in town that is a that hasn't come to Franklin just yet it it's throughout South Jersey that's been a big issue and I'm sure everyone here has seen if you've driven outside the town plenty of places where massive warehouses are being built and a lot of towns did not have any regulations at place to address those warehouses anywhere basically industrial uses were mid in stord were able to build 500,000 Square 1 million square fo warehouses with very little infos speed so we will we are trying to address that I'll get back to that this p uh next recommendation we suggest um your Highway commercial Zone covers the majority of the frontage of of paring Highway and delc drive and there are pockets of existing residences in the highway commercial District uh along those Frontage as as I'm sure you're all aware and right now the highway Coral Zone doesn't expressly permit single temping hes so anyone who own a house fronting on Hardy Highway if you're in the highway commercial District if you wanted to expand you probably have to go to the zoning board for use variance rather than just you know being able to know add expand on your kitchen or add a add a fourth bedroom to your house by W and that uh would think there should be Provisions in the code to um accommodating system residents as well maintaining commercial zoning along the highway cred dist uh next we're suggesting that um because the township did opt in a few years ago to allow certain cannabis businesses but the the zoning code hasn't been updated that um specific standards for those cannabis business have been put in place as of right now you've opted in for the industrial cannabis uses not retail and not delivery but the uh cultivation storage distribution and um manufacturing businesses would be permitted in your industrial districts but without any specific Provisions to uh address them uh next we have quite a few relatively minor recommendations to clarify by your zoning code in terms of accessory structures how big they they're allowed to be where they're allowed to go and what districts um Co there's three or four recommendations in here and the the overall uh I guess the Crux of them is that we're recommending that accessory structur be permitted a on a sliding scale based on how big the structure is going to be the larger setbacks would be required uh and depending on the size of your a lot would would also dictate how big the accessory structure committed to be instead of a one siiz it's all approach to every property in town uh mention of battery energy storage systems the potential new use that's not addressed anywhere your code that uh could be coming down the line that somebody might want to actually uh do that as a as a principal use somewhere uh not something I've seen with the exception of now they are installing though you put some solar installations um but it's something that's not not addressed in the code AS sort of a newer energy storage system that might somebody might want to do that that should be addressed in the code uh mentioning for accessory uses right now storage as an accessory use isn't permitted in the business district I I think it should be allowed that if a business wants to go pay there to store some of their materials they should be allowed to do so uh provided it meets the accessory structure standards that we discussed earlier uh next recommendation there's uh a few gaps as well as some possible inconsistencies in terms of do you have a few different sections of your code that address major and minor development both in the definitions of your zoning tode there is major development minor development and then I believe major subdivision and minor subdivision are defined and minor site plan is defined but major is not uh there's a little bit of inconsistency there and then between your zoning ordinance your storm water code uh and the two other sections of the code is not exactly clear what constitute the major development what is the minor development and that can possibly trigger uh a lot of different things in terms of that somebody who wants to build a house uh you want to make sure that somebody just building a single family home isn't being forced to go to the zoning board planing board just because they're disturbing uh you know 5,000 sare ft I want to make sure that somebody that is doing a really big project that's considered a m development and that there's consistency among the definitions in the various sections of the code so that's just something that needs to be cleaned up uh we have a right up come back to number 19 in a minute that's about uh on the same line is the the minor subdivision suggesting uh there' be a provision in the code that minor developments that are uh really essentially very small uh they be exempt from having to submit ring planes to the township for for construction permanent FAL right down the code reads that uh any development you have to demonstrate that you're not having an adverse impact in terms of drainage on your adjacent property and that could be interpreted that uh you're putting a shed in your backyard that you got from gold Depot that's you know of less than 100 square F feet and you got to have an year prepared radi plan and what we're saying is if you're significant distance off of your property line that you're not anywhere near your actual neighbors and the they know whatever you're doing is rather small they shouldn't have to go out and hire engineer or surveyor or somebody and you know spend $5,000 to the be grading plan but is very clear that they're not going to have an adverse impaction see we making some recommendations to uh correct what I think is an a uh possibly an error in the code but uh in the side yard you should be allowed to have fences that are 6 ft High not just in the rear yard so have been triggering quite a few variances uh we talk about updating your code to have a moratorium on road openings within 5 years after a road is baked with exceptions for AR ships or if there's just no other way around it uh the purpose there being we don't want to repay PID money to repay the road and then have six months later somebody come in to tear it up when it could have been avoided hey few more recommendations to clean up the language of what is considered a front yard once a front lot line there's uh a little bit of confusion or a little bit of a gray area in terms of if somebody has a through water and property uh which one you treat as the front yard and that's not exactly defined that should be cleaned up that is it path uh there's a provision in the Cod that we felt was unnecessary that we think should be deleted and the design standards it specifically says that um even if you meet the minimum required lot width in a district if the depth of your lot is going to be more than two and a half times the width then that automatically triggers a a a a design waiver um that seems a little unnecessary that if you're reading the minimum lot area and the minimum lot width U I don't know that it's necessary to have a a ratio of the size of the lot being triing relief at at the planning board or or zoning board whatever the case may be depending on the application uh that otherwise if you're meeting all the build of board requirements that that should be a permitted lot uh we want to Inus the buffer requirements between residential uses and non-residential uses as well as uh clarify a few Provisions where they grants planning board the this uh I guess some leeway to Grant waivers from buffer requirements that uh frankly language in the code that says the planning Ward and Grant to waiver is unnecessary because you already have that Authority any time somebody request to S A waer and by having language in the code that specifically says plenty more can grant a waiver from this it almost makes it seem like you should be granting it as a right if somebody asks rather than making that prove their case and that should probably be deleted to a Cod uh we're suggesting the Landscaping requirements for new subdivisions and site plans be enhanced uh possibly through adopting an updated Landscaping requirements code which would then uh got TI in with the enhanced muffer requirements and that there would be a little bit clearer and more strict standards of what's required um the type of landscaping required bu area as well as other General landscaping for for major developers uh we suggest that architectural design standards or guidelines should be developed to uh for larger projects or for non-residential structures to uh kind of Ensure or give some guidance to developers in terms of the types and the character of architectural styling the looking for and in your wor um next we have the storm water management Reg tion uh even though D did just put out new rules not too long ago on the township as far as I recall is is compliant with those although I I want to say somebody had mentioned to me the the either D or Finance might be amending their the code again soon which you know they do that all the time new uh but even though the town is is consistent now with the requirements for stor management there there's a suggestion that you consider um you are allowed to go a little bit further than what D requires and and particular um we want to encourage some of the Alternatives just water man rather than just a standard Basin want to encourage things like rainu to be a bit more attractive than just a you know a Hole Round it in the at the side yard surrounded by a fence as well as we want to take into account the conditions of the soil when somebody i s water to make sure that we're properly addressing groundwater recharge uh so there there is possibility if if the town wishes to go take it a step further from what mind already requires and we're we're suggesting that you consider that the last sections of the plan are regarding Redevelopment and U the reexamination report by state laws required to uh basically state where you have Redevelopment areas and whether or not Redevelopment plans that are existing uh should be incorporated into your raster plan so we're the last two sections the first three devopment we're simply pointing out where you have existing development areas uh just so it's acknowledged in the master plate really we're not really recommending changes here is that you have a Redevelopment area at Meredith Farms there is a property uh South BR Street in 55 near Clayton Township that was designated in need of Redevelopment in 2009 and then we're also suggesting that for any future Redevelopment areas the township uh really focus on areas that actually have uh development potential potential and that they're they shouldn't be a need to examine for redevelopment properties that are going to be undevelopable anyway such as if the property is entirely encumbered by Wetlands even if you designate it need to Redevelopment and try to encourage development there ke Islands regulation for I know you can't build anything there anyway so the exercise of even pursuing Redevelopment on completely developable properties is really um unnecessary kind of a a bit of a waste of time and then that resources and so that's really the only recommendation for Revel those master we're not getting into it's not not a Redevelopment study we're not looking at any particular properties to say this should be an area need to redeveloped and that would have to come through direction of the township committee during this Bo in future if they wanted to but we're acknowledging the existing Redevelopment are reveled areas that are already in place and making a suggestion that Redevelopment be focused on uh if there if the temp of food wants to go that route was be focused on Prop that are have a development potential anyway uh the last section which is I believe maybe 2 or 3 years ago if that was added to the municipal land use law to be included in the reexamination report is a uh basically an assessment of where electric vehicle infrastructure should be located and we kept this rather briefed in my opinion this is something that I I don't know why it needs to be in a master plan it's fairly obvious uh you would want electric vehicle infrastructure at least public charging stations would be along highways where you have people traveling and possibly in public properties where you have uh where you actually have some control over parking lot which would be your parks and Municipal facilities yeah and other than that the new state law requires electric vehicle infrastructure with every new parking lots above 25 spaces anyway so that that that would take care of itself and that in a nutshell is what we have in the in the master plan draft at this point uh so now I will go back like I said I think more St of discussion page or actually I'm sorry before I get into the specific discussion on warehouses I'll let Suzanne see if she wants do simple that my uh summary that you do have to go back to 19 9 and 19 yes light not minor some submission okay actually I'll do 19 first I think that'll be quicker right we had a discussion on right now your your ordinance uh the distinction between a minor subdivision and a major subdivision uh is five Lots total so if you have a property of let's say 10 acres and you want to split it into five properties each of two acres that's uh think that triggers a major subdiv and as you have as you did it only four it's a m subdivision the primary difference between the two being a major subdivision triggers a lot in your um submission requirements you have to do more Environmental Studies uh um curving side yes it triggers what you have to do in terms of uh H how you improve the property um whereas minor subdivision you you just draw you have lot lines and that being said what also would trigger a major versus minor even if you're only doing two lots is if you are extending utilities or building a Ed Road uh that that automatically triggers a major sub division regardless of how many Lots you're you're you're building so if you're building a new road you you have to the curves that you have to build the street Accords with rsis all those things so there was a discussion and um I don't want to say you nous consensus but we what we got to in this report is that we would drop that by one and four Lots would would trigger a major rather than five um so would like that to be you know is that five bches through the away SP this make this this planning was headed for the first time tonight the board members part of the have not had the chain you know so right before we go into any discussion I want to make sure the board members that haven't been a part of it haven't seen this report have the opportunity to again this report so I don't want to start discuss at this point tonight just had something that um so probably this fortun enough to be a subcommittee enemy can't hear you J put your mic down please uh you know I was fortunate to be on the subcommittee as well as obviously explaining and um you know for the most part this report that is being talked about tonight I think that the some committee members were pretty much in agreement with most 98% B it pce that I think that we did not reach consensus on is what Chris is going to talk about section n and I uh I have an is best um I don't believe that subcommittee is really finished I think that they should be provided the opportunity to ask the questions that clarify and and make sure that the entire subcommittee and of Bo who worth presenting this VI uh it's my opinion I think that's all fa the subcommittee was charged with that role and I don't believe that that go is okay than for let me go to Kate Kate the has been presented to the place we have PL more members that haven't seen it other them walking into like that this is not the federal government where there's a 10,000 pages and you get to mag4 and vote on it it's too important my thought to to Jim's recommendation can we do we need to have a uh a motion in a second to have the entire or or welcome the entire subcommittee into the discussion where the discussion takes place I I strongly believe that the Board needs to review this right so uh giv them the opportunity and to Jim's Point allow the uh subcommittee to be able outside of the public portion which will have a public portion there's no question about that after all the discussions are done uh but allow the subcommittee to address the board fre in the conversation so we're basically adding the sub committee to the P board for open discussion I me you could certainly do it that way um I think that I don't know if the subcommittee is here this evening U I know that there was a discussion about when the shot we could um introduce it to the planning board as is right now with some additional discussions taking place with and there is a little bit of discussion that wir for remained as to section 9 and that supplement any additional we could do it that way if everybody's available to see B ask your planning board the planning board seeing it for the the plan board memb is not part of the subcommittee is seeing it for the first time right and they need to digest it to view it and be able to talk they're going to be called upon the vote on this thing make sure that they're in board so I'm looking at moving it receiving at the C and holding a public securing and Jo as long as the self committee at the you know prior to the uh is is uh you know complete with their recommendations and their review of it and and uh they they had their have done their part we're receiving it so you we know we have a gra right um the uh so anyway to Jimmy's Point uh yeah I think the sub committee needs to R and clar this pie it's only fair and I would do it with the full board I I would do it with the full board presid and allow them to speak just as we do here and not hold them to the requirements of the public session which we will have as well but allow them to intertwine with their uh with their thoughts and information because they're the ones that sat there and developed this and they have the history of how we got to that point so I have no objections I just want to make sure legally we can do that right the subcommittee can come in they wouldn't be undering the same standard as a regular right being right so they wouldn't be um subject to that that they can come in on your motion um to allow them speak night okay all right so uh that's my thoughts so John I interrupted initially I want the board members to have the opportunity to review this that's way too important to do it on to fly uh like I said it's not it's not a 10,000 page document that we got the night before gu one thing that I forgot to clarify in my sort of opening presentation this is only a discussion item for this board right now this has not been noticed there there is no notice it is that's another right tonight would be just basic we're basically accepting the document for you right and then you would be sending a date for a public hearing well I bet but it's got to be clear that you're acting a document that's incomplete I I was going to say why don't we allow them the reaming to clean this up yeah and approve it and then we G it because it had we have once it comes to board in the future would have the we we would end up changing it I would rather have the subcommittee group and the planning board grou talking face to face uh because if they came back with a change you know this floating thing is a problem uh I don't think you know I I don't think anybody uh I'm not sure if anybody agre or agrees or disagree um I'm not sure where they on the flo but I would like the input for the full board that H have the opportunity to hear that discussion which the on the subcommittee was toar the plan and it to what then for recommendation right or so really should the plane the plane work should not be part of that warn of the plate to can I make a suggestion no 10 what' you talk about Jimmy I we're we're agreeing with each other I want to bring the playing board into that conversation because once it's presented and whatever it does say um the members of the Playard can change it so I would rather have them after after the the subcommittee presents it final play to do add amendment that's that's no I just want make a iron out the difference is he present a a unanimous agre of time plan to the planning board which then can accept or not around I going gos yeah tell you what that that that subcommittee was pretty much in agreement with like I said differ just I have problem I think that but but we never even had the chance to talk that's problem don't we SM only the comment would be an unbiased comment would be is one more meeting to discuss it going to change number nine or anything else if not then there's no there's no this then it could is one no and that would be my the the floating Zone issue is a thought and nobody's happen with so that's really kind of what section n talks of it so going there is going to be there's going to be discussion but would it be better for the F board and the subcommittee to have that discussion you know where I stand I would like to hear from y same thing okay would you rather would and and actually quite honestly it's be your choice you rather have another subcommittee meeting on the number nine issue and uh or would you rather have a discussion with the board on the number nine issue where you uh you because there's a lot of questions about that I think you've heard both of our positions I think we should have another meeting on the number nine issue but I think we could present everything except item number nine Toth Andy Mon and so that we well we talked about having a meeting on the 26th of June and people seem to be available for that I'm not sure I'm not I'm not I'm not but doesn't okay and I and there's certainly no objection to any of the word so for being pressing either I mean we've had lots of people in the audience and they have actually been arounded to spee in years of GS and there's no reason why the fing said that but I do think we need to iron out section nine as they go the rest of the plan we can present board now as complete and then add that that I would say that you know you present you're you're presenting with plan and planing board will be exceptional exception right and then that will be presented to the planning board in advance of the July meeting so that everybody on the planning board has an opportunity to really look at it just from an OP operational standpoint if you called the meeting on the 26 then by the end of the month so the play the plane board members I don't want to go into July and have the plane board members here's what we came up with for number nine uh I would want the plan board members uh to receive the uh draft to add it to we would accept everything but number nine this evening turn around and you hold the subcommittee me iron it out and forward to Chris so that the planning board members have the opport to review it prior to the meeting couple weeks yes cuz this way we we'll put ourselves right back in the same position we are right now we get on the document to see me say vote on it and it doesn't it doesn't make sense with that it's hly take it very clear that we're accepting it and sit up accept you you sit down start writing start writing the motion because you're going to make the motion all right so oh Frank there doesn't need to be any Motion in terms of accepting the document is it's a matter of once it's ready to be adopted there will be minimum of 10 days notice in the paper there'll at least two copies hard copies will be on fil to FKS office we can't even if you said it was okay I couldn't just you know finish it the night before drop it you know come in here and say Here's the plane now no I don't want to do that everyone out here has to have a minimum of 10 days to to be able to access okay so it doesn't require emotional but I still want an effort to reflect that your con presented um will be accept except between by the yeah I I have no problem with that we're tabling number nine and the subcommittee will uh present a uh amended report on item number nine and Christina will distribute it prior to the meeting for the plan board members who AR part of the subcommittee to be able for do it I could I can live with that and you can do you rewriting TR if I'm rewriting one section which is about two pages long assume whenever we meet that's 26 uh then basically the next day I can you know what shouldn't take too long an hour or so at most so then just rewrite that section edit this and then send it to Chrissy and she can get it to you get me back and then then we'll we're all make sure we get the proper notice in the paper and get the I think we got to send it to the pilin send us to the state send us to yes notice in the paper all that stuff too much yeah we'll get that and in the meantime the members can start anding everything number n and this way in a couple weeks we get the so TI together and we're discussing is it's with Ash if if that's the sub commmittee wants I'm okay with that is the subcommittee going to Eng the general the P yes I prefer every other reading has been open to this one I see a reason to not to to change that okay so we're tbling number nine this evening there's really no reason to discuss it Chris do you have anything else sign still in theine uh there is one other thing I want to bring up this was this was the brought to my attention by the uh Town engineer administrator maybe a few days ago they had suggested to me that we also look at we we talked about the existing houses in the highway commercial andone making sure that they are permitted to remain uh sort of the the opposite of that is there are a few areas um the majority of the town along both Harding Highway and Dela Drive are the highway commercial District or one of the two villes either Malaga Village or BR Village um but there are I think like five or six properties that are technically in the ra Zone even though they have Frontage on either Harding Highway or or delene drive and the suggestion was we consider adding those into Highway commercial District so you have uniform Highway commercial zoning across your well if the iral zone is also amended to allow the existing residences to stay then there would be Provisions that if an existing house would would be grandfathered in and would not be considered an Mor use so do you use that actual that's one of the recommendations we already have in the pl is that if you own a house that's currently in the highway commercial District uh you would be essentially be allowed to stay as a permitted use it still wouldn't be a necessarily A you can build a bunch of new house is have a commercial Zone and the general idea is you want to that's your your commercial portal where you want to see the residential development keep on highways but if you already have a house you're not treated as a non-forming use that you're not allowed to expand in any way you're allowed to still utilize your property to your enjy the your benefit like anybody else would in a residen district and so the idea then would be those few areas that are zoned to residential the ra the residential agricultur in uh that those would shift to I commercial but there's existing houses on there they would still be the grandfather same way El sorry we i' like that we've had issues with Butters with more B but go to Rewards or whatever some our things St out clean wild problems that so to clean that up just because that's happening by yeah I didn't realize it was a mortgage issue but that all the one reason to uh C GE I guess this I have a phone okay right let the record note that the plan was presented with Mr plan report that the uh we're not accepting item number nine uh subcommittee is going to still work on that and supplementary as quite supplement report I got so uh first I've been um don't know thought about this master plan what uh sh Sarah Ralph St Jason um and also um first same we see a lot of these P PLS in the St if you f up that's s i for being address that's pretty s you guys were dealing with all at a spectrum and was I was pretty impressed well we're never going to make everybody happy but thank you thanks and the second thing was did not tell my name on BOS but I'm still with so I can I follow I don't me but Suzanne he did a very nice job of him and uh and the rainow of of spectrum and trying to maintain a B you very nice job I appreciate it all right uh we're good everybody's good I I wanted to ask you I know um when had s been on a meeting with the doll General with they or that they were supposed to care the save leg I andan I don't know if we received their notice of um that they had noticed and they were supposed to submit those and we had not received them uh we were going to announce that they um as was to announce that they would beov to the July meeting um subject to had a pred all of their proofs that they had submitted um notice uh of you know of their meeting but um I have not seen it in I okay wanted to announce that that they were moed to the July meeting um if if well if not July if you're not already the agenda from the July they to re advertise at this time I'll ENT a motion to have the Dollar General application re advertise of the meeting on whether it's uh July or August uh is our motion so move and is there a second two second all in favor notify they have to reage each and then uh course that's a heavy application we we need to look at uh if we Mo move it's going to be easier for us to move the read exam so it's either July or August with 10day notification on legal notification not Facebook um legal notification on right now we're planning on doing it in July unless that application is coming in all right and then in both cases both publicly uh advertised 10 days part all right so let's move on correspondence there's none uh entertain a motion for the minutes of April 16 2024 motion to approve the minutes of uh 416 and 521 okay um let's go separately because you can't bur here so R call on the uh April 16th jimy was on a second lady yes on Mr C this is 4 Mr CL yes Mr B stay on Mr Tavon yes sh yes all right we'll move on to the uh May 21st meeting which was canceled non quarum and I'll just uh so who else check do a me P at this time I'll make the motion to accept the minutes May 23rd which only for the record was that the meeting was canceled due to a non- quarum I will second for May 21st nomin sorry ibody here we sit down I say well it says 21st I have it on my calendar just like there okay I think okay just us all right um hey there's no reason for enclos session no there's no reason for Clos session um I'd like to get an update if it's necessary we can wait till the next meeting do a close at that fing time on the um lawsuit uh paining zoning lawsuit uh where are we in on that can you talk on that without being inclose session or uh where you need a chance to uh reveal it um I actually can give you a brief update without the any with holes yeah it says um so there's litigation and connection to the oric and um that is now being uh settled by way of consent where so um the parties have agreed to Amit the with settle and um the sett like consent order but it's also be dismissed by the court without F that it could be called back necessary now as to the other issue with the Zing Court appeal that has been appealed to the next level to the tel court so have they breach submitted on they waiting a schedule for oral argument most likely that would take place sometime in August so we're just waiting on that all right so we're in Wai Des okay does anybody on the board have anything else to have see no just time can't motion to aour you a motion here's a second oh look ajour no we came here to say something and you're going to ajour D yes why why I'll explain why I'm not I don't want to talk about the warehouse I have other things to ask the planning board and to ask these people nor we cannot have a discussion on the master plan because we never advertised it just because it was on Facebook doesn't mean that we're going to we receive the report allowing the opportunity of the members to review it we never advertised 10day notice for a public hearing on the reports so you're saying that if a public member comes to a planning board right any planning board not necessarily a master plan planning board and wants to say something to the planning board because you didn't advertise the master plan thing I can't have a public portion to say what I want to say about something else correct it's okay oh so you in essence decided that the planning board meeting is just not going to have a public portion anymore that's correct anytime it feels like it it was abused excuse me I have a motion and a second before we Jour all in favor all any oppos NES a that is poor e