##VIDEO ID:-cYfS7SknRY## after 231 public laws of 1975 this meeting of advertisement South Jersey Times in s the municipal part of the township has been duely notified the requirements of posting have been met please stand to of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice here cing here Doyle Oro here Michael Wilson here Smith here SAR here BR here we have a bar all right um under presentations evening we have done but Mr Peters here want to do that executive session the Safety and Security plan uh makes sense so we'll jump right to uh our first public comment for agenda item fromation we have to the public second all in favor anyone from the public like to comment on any items on the agenda evening good evening Mo anyone Grant the new superintendent probably should be address this to I was wondering if there's any changes as far as the children as far as educating kids I hear there's a lot of stuff that should not be in the schools today and I want to see mingting things that going to get these kids to a higher level second what is it kindergarten first grade here uh kindergarten through sixth grade our district yeah here kids to learn all the stuff with these these books that should not be in the schools today trying to change voice of the girls girls in the boys boys in the girls bathrooms that's got to stop yeah we don't really have much of that here in our district uh due to the age of the children and I I said we don't really experience much of that type of thing here I don't want to see to school yeah I don't think anyone here does Mr wal you want to CH in on any the education well the education this year they've actually updated the ELA Mass standards actually just postpone the mass standards till till next year so we're focused on the subject areas but and our kids are actually doing very well to be are yeah academically we doing well our already scores are good and M gold will be given a presentation on our njla scores the Bo going to be very very pleased with what they see this year great it's it's my taxone going for Education after all I junp want to put into these kids heads there's no place to work in the schools yeah I think M agree with you here Mr I think majority of the board would agree with you on that point so and what's nice the way our district is you know we only go to sixth grade so we're able to tailor our policies that slightly more appropriately to the age level whereas you know you're in a different District uh you know the kid 12 you know maybe some policies that were appropriate for you know older children uh that be applied so on and so forth so it's nice that we have that ability to do that here hopefully that answers your question if I can real quick I want to thank Miss kinsky she wrot a box of supplies and stuff that she does each year and uh you know we'll make sure that yeah Greg uh any other public comments see n make a motion to close with the public I second second all in favor all right um can we go through the rest of the agenda uh I mean is there anything in human resources [Music] um let's just do the reports real quick I don't have anything specific to report um this evening just want to you know wish everybody a happy and healthy return to school it's hard to believe that that'll be coming up next week um Mrs shank is there anything from was there any lay on reports on assuming none since we're in the summer okay um I'll do the approval of the minutes uh we have the minutes listed from uh our July 10th work session as well as the July 15th regular board meeting make a motion to approve those minutes I have a second second is there any questions or comments on those minutes any revisions not all in favor I in favor but I 15 yeah noted two OBS um the remainder of our agenda will'll be going through uh when we exit our executive session um I not really sure how long the anti be ex [Applause] session could be went you're all more than welcome to stay um however it could be an hour or two I really have no idea two just thr I don't want to say I don't want to say now to you know so maybe more than could it could be yeah in accessible um so at this point I make a motion the executive for the purposes of uh Personnel uh security which we talked about the review of our Safety and Security plan and contract litigation negotiation I make that motion have a second all in favor that we're move session second second all in favor it's actually a lot earlier than where are um yeah where are we yeah Human Resources we discuss Human Resources anything we discuss 20 minutes two hours um so therefore I make a motion to approve human resource items G1 for G13 recommended by the superintendent second second uh chur please Kang yes Cunningham yes foro yes Wilson yes Smith yes St yes Brit yes motion carries all right uh next item uh is our motion to approve the intern superintendent contract um that for Brian Brian um help me out in detroy real quick uh someo background for the public on Mr pets he comes from retired out ofv upy District before Rob he was yeah was I don't remember before that Robinsville yeah yeah so um so we're excited to have Mr P come on board help the transition here so with that I'll make commission to approve the contract is listed to have a second second any questions roll on yeso yes Wilson yes Smith yes star yes Chang yes Hingham yes BR yes motion um and just for the public Mr bets had reached out to inquire whether he should be here this evening and uh we thought um that given the summer month was that need for him to be here I'm sure the staff will probably be meeting Mr bet prior to our next meeting that should be yeah great um General Administration superintendent education education just a couple items in education so under two there professional development for and Ted F conference um I three we have a couple of fundraisers I4 we have presenters for our beginning service I five a couple of practicum students three practicum students and then I six we have some hous TR what's DBQ implementation database something that's I'm sorry um where am I I4 no I4 it's at the bottom it's the okay I was gonna say that's what I thought I yes thank you I didn't want but okay thank you any other questions I education I motion approve education items i1 through I6 is recommended second comments cam yeso yes Wilson yes Smith yes star yes Shang yes BR yes motion carries all right chair Administration yeah just two things number one's our enrollment and number three is our emergeny girl from Su questions motion Administration items J1 through j6 is recomended yeah second by Michelle other comments Wilson yes Smith yes star yes Bang Yes Cunningham yes foro yes great yes motion cares operations uh item number one go list hero nothing was added [Music] later none be gone item number two are the budget transfers for June of 2024 three is the budget over exat certification with the board secretary report and treasur report for the month of June 2024 and the Board of Education over expend certification again for the month of June 2024 no cafeteria report no out of District Services I number seven there are three out of District placements listed one we just got the contract for today so that's there that's it in yellow um you will see the extraordinary services listed separately typically not had that so that's why it may look a little bit different um but they are listed there as per [Music] I eight nine are none number 10 we have the contracts I did have one on that the mville that just got added is there Transportation separate I didn't see it under the transportation contracts there will I thought that was under joint unless I missed it I saw the transportation for yes that is listed in number 10 Silver Run Elementary School oh gotta what is that blue it's not full b silun elementary school mile yeah I'm saying we're sending student there for correct these like what are they how long these sessions it's not yes the student is going there for school they are in the BD program so we are paying tuition for the student to go there some schools include Counseling in their tuition mobile does not and anywhere you go OT sessions are going to be above and beyond tuition oh so this is in addition in addition to the 27675 corre we okay correct and those are estimated um but again if the IEP may change those costs May either increase or decrease and what's PD ex thatly Michelle okay so then transportation number 10 listed there item number 11 Transportation joines this one we did change table a little bit because we are um the host district for the one student that's listed esy was ratify and firm we are transporting that student that student is now a seventh grader at DC so we are getting income from performing that rout 12 and 13 are none item number 14 as we do every year the bus routs there say school at the end of them are the routes that are picking the kids up from home to come to school those that say home at the end of them are from school 15 is the list of streets and or roads and or cacs that we will either travel down back up on or turn around on as well as um you know in accordance with policy and state regulations number 16 we have the contract with h psychiatric for the outside consultant that's for the schedule and 17 we have the PT service proposal for B special services to provide pt1 that's it for operations any hearing n make a motion to approve operations committee items K1 through K 17 is recommended the second um any com star yes yes ham yeso yeah Wilson yes Buc alarm yes I'm sorry I'm oh my gosh on the the disaprove list help me out Smith yes BR yes just real quickly I want to jump back to Human Resources uh we're uh moving through so efficiently I failed to um mention or acknowledge um two retirements that we have on the agenda this evening um Mrs Kimberly ke um will be retiring with uh 30 years of service uh toal service 24 years in Franklin um and Denise Hanam 25 years in our transportation department so I just wanted to ackn their retirements and on [Applause] the um with that we have our old business listed um standard items for your review um new business nothing with any new business the board I have an old business sure let's update on the Canabis so I know about the lead again there meeting scheduled I I want to say I was at the meeting where I was postponed and they continue to just announce that it's going to be at the following month's meeting I me sometimes is sometimes it's not so I think the last announcement it was uh going to be heard at the September meeting U are you planning to attend yeah I I attend most of the meetings but any event either way I can keep you guys up if I see a pop up on the attendance again and I nothing's changed on our end I guess I object to the right any other old business or new business right make a motion we to the public second all favor we're to the public you guys waited so diligently something the part ofation um we don't yeah how long have already yeah it's not a simple question I mean the the study has been completed by um the consultant uh each board has reviewed the study um independently uh in executive session which is what our board was doing this evening for a majority of time that we were um we an executive session and I believe the consensus was that um moving forward now that all all three boards um when I say three boards I'm referring to El Township Franklin Township and dely regional board have reviewed the study that the next step will be uh the study itself will be um released for uh for public consumption and then I'm assuming sometime thereafter uh there'll be public hearing scheduled um with the respective boards and the Consultants to answer any any public questions so is that everyone else is understanding the time went so there AR do you have dates no there's no there's no dates there was a discussion of another steering committee uh because there's there's a couple other dependants um to the study mainly uh tax allocations that need to be agreed upon between Franklin and El which have not yet been discussed so um you know it's just one more component in the process so I mean I I know there's been some real advantageous dates thrown out there um by different individuals I mean I you know don't mean to be glass half empty or anything but I'm assuming we're talking months before there's anything of any any substance I would think anybody want to disagree with me on that there's no than any other questions I mean I I'm not I going comment about the the regionalization if it does happen the status of your guys appointment thinking you guys probably be retired by the time somebody will I mean I mean that I mean so uh any you got anything for us nope um would I make a motion to um close the public comment by second um our next schedu meeting is the 23rd at 6:00 uh will that be here or we're going to do that all purpose room we have the meet stre um again yeah wish everybody a safe return to school um before I adjourn um if I could I have to speak with my board members regarding extracurricular activity so before you leave this evening if you could meet me in the uh whatever room that is back there the yeah talk you guys real frequ with that make a motion to for