the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible liac and justice for EXA statement was was to the official of on January 4th 20 Court Mr here here Mr K here mrce here may BR here uh can get a motion of first public portion for Resolutions and ordinances BL motion sorry all in favor very right that's always a plus back here da Marshall 67 New Road malag uh just some questions I have about bringing out some things of c and this is in re excuse me reference to Revolution resolution 0524 uh and again this is I try not to to pick on anybody but I just have some concerns is this one the agenda yes 05574 five five okay yes sorry well that's how it comes up on the online version put there I on am that's sorry uh just some things that have happened since I've been involved in and I'm just concerned with that needs to be a very fair and open-minded individual that does this and just a couple points to remember back when we were having the issues with the Redevelopment we had a meeting at the community center where there was some drastic overcharging them on uh it was addressed finally but it just some concerns about again being fair of this position uh we had a peaceful protest and we were told we had to be in the Accord off area which again is just like the first part it's it's the borders on discrimination which eventually got to up but still the fact that it was going to happen there's been at least in my case complaints about it been this for over a year and two months before the court date finally happened on the date of the Court the same individual went in and told him that dismiss the charges because there was being a progress which at that point time it had not happened although some of it has happened since then when a resident didn't feel like it was being treated fairly he came there to speak up about a noty and he was called a liar publicly here and then the not moved again just concerned when I brought forth complaints about the agendas being posted late it was told I was spreading false information narratives even though I provided truth of exactly what had occurs again ordering on discrimination so you're really careful when you vote on who's taking over any position because it falls back on your shoulders if that person doesn't hold up their end or there is discrimination that goes on that you hands motion to close L first close second call in favor I motion to approve correspondence and reports motion approve correspond on side B call in favor I uh give your motion to approve the minut from February 27th 2024 motion to approve second all in favor I again motion to approve the goal list motion approve goal listy Mr yes Mr Allan yes sister King yes Mr Mar yes mayor yes Mo to approve throughing wish approve anal second all those in favor ition resolution 5324 bring toing license within C with Franklin from April 1st 202 24 March 31st 2025 is this does this all res this new people come I know addition where where's this person go they are located I'm not sure where their shop is about you it's um be uh East sat east of how far ter is that uh it's within the what the word face they inspector that need that they applied within the time trations and uh as we don't have more than 10 Towers we have to do the due diligence and SP on West B just want to make sure his TR our Township residents aren't driving 10 to 12 miles to get their car SP and cck going out of our town we already do one I got Township I don't agree with having toes outside of town especially that far least to 55 it's like to ear what that what's the oran how many miles from the edge of town or where you better I don't know exactly what the the uh distance is you just say respond within 20 minutes 20 minutes I think it's within 20 minutes you keep track of that correct yes so that's something we have to address the audience triun Co ands so do we show the one that's on t Road over in Williamstown they have yes that's a heck of a ride foren have Forcht toown bruus Ste Steves de side and now this would be Ian per so five out of the seven are in down two are significantly out of town 34 rides dri Mr Mr oils right that would be the way would you read this the this afterin Chief and his staff they're just applying it as it's written so he up to B he does all the inspection and all that correct best but then the meets with the ordinance that's yeah to dire right I just wasn't sure that it's in the ordinance for if you have to be so many miles from our from the town line to the but there is nothing CH frame I know the 20 minute response time for to get there that accident scenes are be something you to list with me that word are we have thiss we motions can we have to appr to I I I don't think it's advisable to yeah we have stage ordinance where we're gonna be okay I got to address this to separate we'll address by General PR I'll make a motion 53240 second Mr do yes Mr Pier all yes Mr keing yes Mr Mar yes yes and will keep track state to make GL uh resolution 5424 poting Patricia Robinson to a position on a Franklin Township Library Board of Trustees first4 s Mr do yes Mr F yes Mr de yes Mr March yes may brain yes resolution 5524 authoriz acceptance and delivery the one 2024 PE Bill 567 with gal boff voice VI sour World 41217 dwq from midle a waser systems State East Maryland 5 Mr yes Mr B yes Mr King yes Mr Mars yes uh motion for resolution 5624 make the mission and table that second motion second all in favor uh resolutions 5724 Appo administer Matthew thle is a municipal athlete great7 com sick Mr G yes Mr P yes Mr ke yeah sister Mar yes they bring yes take motion for second public portion for any comments motion open second public portion all in favor good evening CH good bar trans I wanted to ask um how things were with the Ping H BDS I believe the bids were opened on the 7th I think y so we got six bit uh C is leing their new diligence or references hading that did were they didn't Marge or correct so have a Findation on them did the thing could have fored everything under the gr there was a wide range of probably $280,000 or any ofation from C I also wondering why is um CH still being put on the I guess the new Trail in the newspaper it said that the trail was getting crunked down which I thought was OD because all the trails are in pack sand the not kill soil and they hold up well with nobody drives the pickup track on them the nots on the the stuff to Pro greed and P all that so we had a put out and has some spec of what they wanted so that's why that they they wanted Ultima have to talk to Pand that the things out the simly by the drawings that have been around for years it work by Pine as they ti so we had no change that they finally still it might be worth looking into whether it could go just with the negative sand that's there because in the and cost right and that like make the projects a little cheaper the I guess said the trails that are out there were in fabulous shape and held up for decades until people drove their pickup trucks in there and trash PL well hopefully the B the stock that so yeah that will be one thank you rock you te work 67 new route What's the progress only still M from dollar and still on the funch list the same name still list of thing that that or asked they to get C so it's all there address have about 76 Truck stock that was suppos to haveit to and it's up been running so I'm just wondering if that's that's on that's also on a TCO I mean they they're find Co inspection on paying B in for he par so yeah miss him like over 100 different planks in in trees and TR so PR that's coming just want to make sure motion to close second portion motion to close portion second tror report first first and then they got what's that 23rd meeting yeah it's for the say good weather exact teacher you know for that 27 got from 27 right for baseball take around so which one do um only up the hisorical society since last time they published their article on the El Crest next month I'll be I'll show you on History some to I do God yes Mr may I met with the economic and education development group for the TS yes the county so two key takeaways from there the one is called The Internship scholarship program as as an employer we are able to apply as an employer and they would be able to provide us with interns um in town and then in return that intern get a scholarship to uh the college so this is something that we can look into if for looking our works force or just be able to um provide students and get them a good work experience and it's good the clar is it outside would the clim any so we are able to provide uh the position to the uh just a job description we have to appoint one person to oversee the intern and that's it so we can ask for anything we guaranteed an intern but they will go through a tit of match if we have it you know a business position they'll try to get a business ad to have something CH that's fine and then another thing um is going to be funds for septic repairs so we were identified as one of the rural areas in County as we know so the county is allocating significant amount of funds for uh citizens to fix our septics um so they're going to reach out to you Mr Man myself Mr Bley I think when that comes in we need to um send up the Communications Commission of the engineer and this is initially for seniors and it will provide between 20 and $35,000 for seniors to go end on selling their homes to repair their subs if they've lived uh in town for a while is that a load or is that a grant it's a grant it's a grant they have actually by I saw from addition sale they actually have this hope they lost their keys yeah they can't sell the house right years yeah I mean sorry Jas yeah so it's strictly for Citizens but I think that there probably are some citizens who can make good use of that and cool yeah so as soon as that comes you've already seen that information I'm me K the last but something Miss say you keep eye out for the next okay this is one exactly yes so they're still working that out but um through talks with her at the committee just said they're potentially going to expand that program um to other individuals outside the seniors and potentially even our buildings as well would be mment to that word of the schools so we can look at that as well as the municipality to web EXP playing those sat starting to see you go around the courts make the West um c will be getting you long M that's on shortly and of fertilizing down uh the how way people on staff thank me he's coming be on best SC while as far as H Town RS um also want to thank all our employees especially Matt Finley uh one of the oddest things about C years certain people are never happens it's amazing um I remember when AB Cesar was still in Chief stop for $1 yeah at people home playe I'm sure that's doing the housing officer not foring people complain the same people will complain through HS so the war story is just cuz keep people doesn't me there's a complaint so he would just have you know nothing about her to do so I'm glad my job I don't get criticized and know than refer told to work every night I just want to thank all the face that come here you put up with the ridiculous Missi two pet them uh I just wanted to tou Mike said you know get out support Breck this is their biggest fundraiser um it all ties everything that you do for go by to day so it's a one so Tim said uh thank you to our cles it's not easy is not anybody in this this this uh line worked but um they are doing their best and they're doing pretty good job with the me with that said take a motion to a Jour motion of C second for