the quite United States of America and one under indivisible in pursuance of the old public meeting at the sen and the timesi meeting was posted in the municial morning and also on the website you want to take Let's uh let's swear we have one m has to be sworn and then we take gold you think okay where got a r test than SAR I got down new solom Square I faith we all the D is asked about for couch prate board best my States up State jersey believe this insane and esta United States and in the state under the authority from the people guns thank you that okay guys ready to take roll when you get two seconds Mr Hammond here Mr G Mr chairman dear okay in the absence of Richard Glaciers are all Andy right the meeting meeting minutes of the previous meeting gentlemen is your a motion to approve I make that motion Mo by the C all in favor I oppose was a the last M stat okay first on the agenda tonight is ZB 2401 in the name of John penardo Mike all papers in order yes they are okay you pleas come forward and I'm yes I'm John Fardo how you doing sir okay this is my engineer okay we swear you both and them raise your athletes you SAR to tell the truth about testimony you're about to get I do take your name and address please John berardo 557 Castle Franklinville New Jersey Kyle Denny base of Maintenance plus PO Box 120 Franklinville New Jersey okay what is that yeah that's our Lis fact so I apologize okay as fellow residents of this town we just want to thank you for your service on the board and also for hearing our application so the application in front of you uh the current property configuration is located in the ra Zone it's two separate single family properties 557 is Mr pono's primary residence and 567 is a uninhabited structure that Mr penardo is using for storage and essentially as a garage uh the proposed application is is to combine both properties demolish the existing dwelling and then construct a new garage on the rear portion of that adjacent lot um the proposed garage is 24x 40 which is 960 Square ft um the height is proposed is less than 15 ft so with the 9t high wall and a 612 pitch the average height of the roof is 3 ft so it's actually 12 but for um you know some Flex ability and variance in construction we're going to indicate it's less than 15 ft uh as far as the use goes Mr penardo is looking to store tools and household items in the garage and store not more than three personal vehicles on the property or in in the garage I apologize um with respect to the criteria on the application we are looking to use the C1 hardship variants because the front yard setback requirement is 75 ft where and the rear out is 50 ft which together totals 125 ft which is the depth of the property so essentially you can't build anything and since there are no accessory building setback requirements in the ra Zone the principles apply uh Additionally the side yard is 20 ft which meets the criteria uh additionally with respect to C2 criteria um the proposed structure meets the intent of the zoning plan to locate the building on the rear uh portion of the property we're proposing to line up the front of the structure with the adjacent um garage and then um additionally positive criteria criteria um we're going to store the tools that he has out yard on the inside uh and storage of his new Superduty pickup truck which is about 21 ft long and his antique pickup truck which is about 19 ft long demolish the deteriorated building which doesn't really have a proper Aesthetics to the adjacent um structures which is supported by the neighbors a number of neighbors have reached out to Mr pinardo talked to uh called me and uh supported the application and then additionally you're combining the Lots so there won't be any septic or well so it reduces the load on the the environment uh as if as a with respect to a negative criteria there's no impact um or subal detriment to the zoning plan or the intent or the adjacent structures and with respect to the engineer's letter my understanding that he's not here today I don't know if you want me to go through that in specifics or if the're going go through okay through that okay sorry do we can do that right now if you like addition you have any questions we can ask okay B said the application actually is for uh construction of the garage that exceeds the private garage space that's basically the the the application so there um there's an abandoned house on the adjacent lock that he's purchasing anat it and no I've owned it for you owned it okay for 20 some years oh but still two separate Lots that's right so this going to demolish the house on that second loot cons solidate the Q lot the lot where the of aband out right so the garage it will be the second um freestanding garage and it will exceed via private garage space allow in his so out of approval is inition the bomb Demolition and consolidations for the Lots so the Varan says that they mentioned in his letter car created by this basically by the size of the lot um so there's a couple of those from the rear yard sent back um of the garage um and there is one for the maal garage area which are are trust and then there's a couple pre-existing such as the lot area um even with the combination of these two lots is going to be SE that below these actual area require all watch there are small Hoops yes that's correct things are pretty pip bacteria so you already addressed the use of the garage it has to be official use that there be pricard do that's correct um the other garage you have it's really a PA like a two-story is that the what do you have just basically just a little workshop table set up in there and mess around with chainsaws and just tanker build things trying to retire great why is the a front yard setback existing non from garage I believe that is for the exist structure uh for the the house shoes onore yes that that that 17.3 is in relation to the front left of the existing structure on 557 Castle which by combining it I believe the engineer was considering that part of the application for a principal building setback so we talked about the use of the new new full Barn set is vehicles and some other personal tools of equipment yes um we talked about a consolidation the Lots um there's an issue regarding the paving so wejust that issue with j s where David indicated we F should remove some aing this A lot's pretty small you're going to have too much your CER is covered yeah I did have a chance to reach out to David your board engineer and discuss it and he expressed some concerns about having two driveways in additional impervious um so we would be willing to reduce that uh Paving in front to 24 ft in front of the garage like I indicated both of his trucks are 21 ft long so getting out and trying to turn he's trying to stay on the pavement and then we could eliminate that second driveway so I understand May yeah too I'm not really sure see yeah so that's the existing driveways for the house back to the garage right to back to the garage so this was the existing driveway and I don't know if I can hold it up if you guys have the plans in front of you or not know how that oh okay I do have some extra copies if you wanted some might as well get him take a look this okay y That's water it's that I apologize I wouldn't enter that into Rec have I got two right here John I I apologize M as you I that yeah that drop box assum okay so I will use uh solicitors one so the driveway you see uh right above the 175 lot line Dimension yes that was the existing driveway to the residential structure that's going to be demolished the other driveway is for his primary residence on 557 so we were proposing to continue that second driveway into the barrage um and have 30 ft in front of him for additional turning but since the board engineer had expressed some concerns about the inferious coverage we would reduce that 30 ft to 24 ft and then eliminate the whole second driveway only Le the one driveway just a p in front of the building in other words front seat out and that's y okay make a DAT at it's St well water attack there I know what range I mean there's no place for the water to go wise yeah the it's a as you mentioned the ra zoning doesn't really fit that area it was a pre-existing development all the average lot size are about 12,200 you know 12,500 square feet you know and there are lowly areas on the backside on the the other Street I think there were somewhere college is that what it was they were they were all for the lake okay thank you anything else we best think we covered I think so any other comments what open up I make motion we open up say anybody public like to be heard regarding this application I make the motion we that one motion second all in favor I post okay any other questions for for The Advocate sty going to be for uh recreational yes sir we're eliminating the the the baving the driveway coming in prob had com out on yeah yes it's for baming well you accept it but ter you still to get yeah that's a show the county if they said that then have to give us a diva consolidation it should would be Consolidated and have to give your permit to demolish that should all be part of the commit for and and there is a second sheet on those pages that show like what's proposed to be demolished says the h m paved area in front of the brother's garage 30 feet it it will be 24 it'll be 284 is that that actually go trade across yeah yeah it's I bound out that's all right so that be 24 so might deal like that here Y and is if you would like me to submit revised plans indicting the changes just to happen on record I could I could do that no problem go be in the resolution okay sounds good so I don't think you they need to Pi that one the line change any other questions for the the applicant r m make motion we motion to very nice condition we talk about yes thank you very much appreciate your time okay that's for regular agenda but we be going to you come do that we might as well that it won't be any action after the go out okay so uh resolutions make a ro Mo we approve a being 23 dirt motion the second all in favor I oppose will last um we can do the secretaries of cour finish everything but close session then they mo on and fig it back right I don't have anything specific this week but since you me open some things in job I just ask if you guys have issu to send me an email or calling that way I can figure out why okay all do all right for the record we're going to close now we a Jour yes make a motion to do we second where we going this is for legal W yeah yeah they're guess you guys are okay okay is at a tiny R me okay motion to open the meeting back I make motion we open motion by day the second by do that what F gu all in favor I oppos and just for the record that we met in close session to discuss the um settlement agreement the rash at time adopted the last Tu we CH involved Zoni for in litigation we JC company that was the purpose of our of our things s she I I second that motion by to Second by Danny all in favor I