##VIDEO ID:L3vjxeTi7yE## in accordance with the open public meeting Act of the state of New Jersey adequate notice of this meeting at the Franklin Township environmental commission was made by posting on the B board in the municipal building posted on the township website and electronically transmitted to the officially designated newspapers indicating that this meeting will take place in person at 700 p.m. on August 5th okay and we do a roll [Music] call she's here I need to say yeah easy he not here but he's coming stand yeah AR hello yes Robin is ABS didn't want make you feel better Maria and Ed and um Tas W so I'm first in the attendance the first one now I'm so used to being last cuz my last name is vasta I'm always last I just go by whatever I don't I don't know you're still in front of PA right yeah good good good point okay um very short chair report I just want to bring us everybody up to date about an application that we've been looking at for quite a while the zoning board held a hearing on the Lan proposal to construct a 200 apartment house complex on the site of the vacant Kmart uh the August 1 meeting was mainly concerned with traffic and expected trips there was a lot of um back and forth about how many trips would generate from the building and of course they got a McDonald's on the corner and that adds trips to the site so that's what the whole thing was about so they W getting that anywh the next meeting will be September 19th so we get postponed another two months yet okay uh secondly I want to mention our motion that we did last time to have a youth representative on the um environmental commission has been forwarded to the township Council by Ed P so now we'll wait to see what the council does I think he our proposed candidate seems eager and interested but we got to go through the right channels somebody okay here e good okay um approval of the minutes from the July 15th meeting motion second second any comments changes modifications Corrections nothing nobody perfect okay motion to adopt all in favor abstain one okay motion minutes are accepted very nice uh public comment move to we have public we we have public move to the open to the public second all in favor public comment no second all in favor I Clos okay take care of that correspondence you have any letters correspondence mail I've been checking the correspondence because I got into the uh EC email so we don't have any emails to report this month but I did get into it and it's all set up and ready to go so that's good news I checked the mailbox and it's been about a month since we've got a letter or anything yeah they send those usually electronically too with the applications okay so did we have anything last time sorry that when did you get access uh I'm trying to think did I have it the last meeting I no I didn't have it at the last meeting I had the next day so yeah so since then no new correspondence oh I I I did get this letter in the mail somewhere somebody did you send this to me oh yeah that's on our agenda oh on the agenda okay that'll leave it for the agenda okay so then you said there were four site plans yeah we have site plans yes so we're going to start with Ted's is that okay Ted we'll start with yours marel okay so Ted did the review I'm going to pull up your uh marble Builders all right you're up Ted so on how do you say darar or d d e l d e l a r doar okay doar Parkway is where it's at Chris delar was no character actually Mike papis his uncle oh he had one leg but he would speak up in Council meetings at on Wow interesting okay I don't know probably nobody else here remembers but there's this big three-story house there that's now it's on roing house oh you sent the picture of this right this but no what's proposed now okay let's go this is a small house that they proposed to take down and it's a rather long shallow lot long L Parkway and the end toward Route 27 is behind is next to Brunswick urgent care okay but interesting and they propos a twostory house and asking for variance for rear yard but the interesting point is there was no indication in the plans about vegetation I thought let me go take a look it's not too far to go okay show the pictures the pictures okay pictures so this was the existing house we looked at that one already uh trees there's some grass around it and that's at one end in the inner end of the prop the rest okay let me get the next one more trees weeping willow oh wow where is the proper I didn't attempt to penetrate in oh good yes is that all oh and this one trees at South is this the same one no that's the same one maybe I did send the same one twice no that's okay anyway interesting okay this one I think is the end towards 27 so all the trees on the picture are on the property yeah here's the map I meant to email Mark hey and say uh do do single family houses have an exemption from showing trees on the plans and after all this is proposed to be a twostory two family house it's in the cluster residential Zone got it okay I'm going to put up the site plan then so I okay anyway they should well I I suggest they be push to move the the opposed twostory house two family house more towards the inner end so they would make more use of a small area that is clear got it okay so they're but they ought ought to have to uh do a train inventory and they did not submit that and there's nothing sort I don't think these guys it's a small Builder address is somewhere in Som how big is the property T [Music] it's okay I'll get it uh it is hold on up here 61 AC 61 Acres yeah the building is 2790 ft I thought it was um for um residential had to be over an acre or more as far as trees were [Music] concerned I I I think that's what the ordinance say what did did Mark respond back to you I haven't size of the lot itself 0.61 Acres I think they know what they're doing it's about about 30,000 square ft they're proposing that is so there's two separate driveways proposed on either side yeah so outside of the veget the finding out about the tree inventory any other comments or no well they speak of the existing house having a gravel driveway well that is being generous there is there are small rocks there with grass growing up between them but they should be told to remove that when they if they remove the house to remove the driveway that goes up to with the gravel okay will PR coverage come into this at all res um I know I figured it out I don't it it certainly is within the limits particularly since this is cluster was probably L is probably 4% right okay thank you Ted all right that takes care of that one easy you might to go to yours next or okay um actually you no one since I'm in under zoning I did the other two zoning and under planning I'll just do these real quick so I don't have to go back and forth is that okay okay I did two small ones uh that are before the zoning board the first is Charles D Filipa uh let me get up my uh here we go okay perfect uh oh wait Ted did you do def fipo you did yes you do okay we're up you're up for de leave all that too okay this is on Gates road which is off deont and Gates and Ellison there are old side Lo the house is a it's a 100t wide lot that's 595 ft ft deep so they have area but they what they want to do is put a two-car garage on the side of the house um in order to do that they need side yard Varian system got it that would be only only 9 ft on the side with with and they'll knock down they'll take out those trees on the side of the house um oh yes I I remember this now yeah I remember this so let's see he has he needs the sidey yard uh plus a dimin Varian what did they say about the trees I remember garage is to be built where there is Pres ly as for pavement so there's no increase in impervious surface in fact it would leave some asphalt pavement behind the garage and they ought to be instructed to remove that that's really about all I can say let me get the site plan I feel like they were they were going to use the existing footprint for the most part so I don't think there was no I'm pretty sure there was no tree removal I'm like 99% sure but I'm going to just double [Music] check okay here we go uh there it's not much of a site plan no but the heavy line there would be the garage so you can see the asphal driveway and how some of it is behind where the garage would be m so it's like a canopy now instead of garage so no there at present apparently there's just asphal driveway there and I want to build a garage so how does he want to get behind the garage when there's that's why they ought to remove the for driveway back [Music] there yeah this one also they're basically applying cuz they need a variance for sidey yard they're supposed to have 25 ft they only have nine yes however that is existing the building is already only 9 ft the the garage decreases the sidey yard from I think 41 ft down to I'm thinking of a different n yard the other side uh side yard is 32 ft okay yes so they need variances for both the one side yard got it and the total of the twoos side yards I understand what you're saying okay that makes sense so yes so did you have any comments on that any comments well if they're building where those ass for it removes for environmental comments they were previously granted a Varian but it's expired it's expired that's why they're reapplying what some about the Dem minimis uh variance instead of 10% they have 10.16% oh yeah yeah that's right there's a coverage variance down to the level of aund of a perc wow 0.016% right trying say anything the house is centered on the property which does not allow for the proper set packs for the addition of a garage that's why they're saying they need the variance saying the shape of the property does not allow for you know a larger garage very very narrow so this is a two garage that's looking at that the minim is can be flipped both ways I mean how why he couldn't design it such that he could eliminate that that minimum right why does he have to design it such that he needs the variance building on the foundation of the existing building if you put it on the other side it will still be within 19 there's no way of of if they're going to have an attached garage no way are they not going to have side there yeah and there lot coverage those little sheds back there presumably contribute to it yeah well a but I mean that is almost the definition of a de minion yeah any other questions on that one thank you Ted all right I will then I'll do this one that I did Gregory Booth um since it's under zoning and then we'll head over to E's uh that's why I was getting confused cuz I'm like oh I had a garage also which I did two garages okay uh Gregory Booth is on 33 Washington Avenue uh I'll bring it up in a second um on this one they want to use the exact same footprint on a 4x10 concrete pad um they want to what you say one of my fellow fact members they want to replace the existing 10x 20 garage with a 24x 24 garage which would also have electricity uh the existing concrete pad and footprint will be used the existing garage is within 5.7 ft of the property boundary as will a new garage which requires a variant 25 foot yard setback so same basically almost the same thing different property they're looking to use the existing footprint they're already within the 5.7 feet of the property boundary so they basically want to replace the garage that they have now with a new garage and let it basically stay where it is which is not complying with the sidey yard requirements it's like 20 ft 25 ft yes about 20 ft more than 20 ft yes more uh I can show you that there was really nothing else no new construction no new uh construction area the existing Footprints being used just replacing a garage so this one's kind of straightforward um and this is their plot plan here me shap yeah so here's their house right over here and they're looking to just put the garage back again in this area and as you can see they are but they're moving it closer to their property essentially um the but the a big foot it's a bigger footprint but the side where they're putting it is going to still be within the 5.7 feet so that is where they need the variance if they were I see they they not changing the side that it's outward correct that okay correct any questions or comments on this [Music] one all right so then easy I think you had more of a detailed detailed one so let me just get to the plan you can just open the word document that's one okay oh you are this one okay blow it up a little more so I can see oh blow it up I'm sorry I move it up yeah got it so this is a proposal submitted by aen Tone is a company that's trying to build um 14 single family homes on a 16 and 1/2 acre luscious green plot with one lot you know for St water retention and improvements and a new color sack I believe if you look at the a view um there the plot is waken I think there is a there's single home I think it's completely waken they want to demolish all of it and build these 14 new single um uh units over there uh so the variance they're asking is I don't know whether we have a say in it they're asking for a frontage uh lot Frontage variants I think the the ordinance says 200 ft of distance is needed you're asking for the uh properties on the cesac to be 130 and something something U so that's that's the property I believe yes this is it yeah so they want to have 14 houses 14 yes single family each house of 40 40,000 square ft it's a 16 and A2 acre property 14 single 16 and2 acres 40 14 14 yeah 40,000 sare ft what's the what's the main street there so that's that's across I believe from where they're building the 32 houses yeah this is SE gr what is nearby before is just to the south of it okay and the intersection is just down right here right there this is um memorial for my head it's next to Lake no Lake this is Como right here uh the owner of uh the agriculture on north of it is it a lake Patty Lake T probably no the next one is is okay the next I know cuz I remember the shape of that block okay cuz it's all right let me put your that's there there's no one it's a vacant property no one's living there nothing so that the variance what they asking for you go down yeah it's a C1 C2 variance they're asking for so as for the ordinance section 112 schedule 2 the corner Lots need to be 200 ft of lot Frontage thewar is needed for two of the Lots around the cat 133 and 167 I don't know whether we have a say on that do we have a say whether we can weuse that or what do we do I have no clue the Z board well we can recommend you know one of our comments if you think is appropriate you know we can recommend that that variant shouldn't be granted for whatever reason so the reason you can go down so that's the only thing they're asking for right it's a very the only VAR that's the only variance you're asking for but if you look down at the so this is the property right and this is the the site plan of the uh single house units what they're building so on the top this the image on the right the you know the diagram on the right the top right is the retention Basin that's the single PL I think they believe they're leaving aside for storm water management and everything is built around that um if you go down can you just go down so the total AC acreage of 16.54 the wooded area that they're going to take off totally is 9.7 AC so if you look there's a large amount of trees are going to be cut and you look at the figure anything that's you know strip shaded is what's they going to cut off all the trees in that area how many do they say all in the next page so that's a lot that's a lot thousands so the number of trees traffic that it yeah the traffic number of trees on the site is 26 2,623 they're going to remove 2436 they're required to replace 23 2314 they're only replacing 334 and they're going to pay for the remain remaining that's what they say 19 80 they want to pay they still don't charge enough yeah it's a big lusious property that's going to we charge what 300 now per 300 1980 is a lot of money depends on when the when this um application that's a new there a new application but we have nowhere to put the trees yeah there's no space on that side to ever give us the money or the township where the township can put the trees if we are cutting down on the land yeah that's that's kind of primary reason why we have a almost 600,000 it's almost $600,000 yeah keeping in mind we're spending about $250,000 for trees on Hamilton Street we do okay and we do have some space wow okay so that's a lot of tree removal I just want to look lot yeah such a waste oh yeah all back here yeah wow really strong U we're going to be we're going to be down to 30% uh soon l oh okay anything uh so that's I don't know the recommendation is I don't know whe you can ask him to decrease one lot one house and just leave that space is not enough is Zone to be res they're going to lose a lot of wildlife there's a lot of wild that's going to be displaced totally all that wildli is going to go They're not going to come back cuz but it is zoned to be 40 they don't need any variances except for the lot Frontage which is although Cedar Grove Lane is a county road so they will require approval from the county in terms of the access and traffic would traffic but 14 houses is need to 14 houses isn't going to be a lot of traffic we're have 32 houses across the street family combined those and that's already a pretty bad intersection there especially in rush hour so that'll be something that they'll take a look at this is a temple there I don't know two temples in that street right I believe so I don't know whether that comes um I believe no no on B what do you call it [Music] u i not see if there's any so this is the no Wetlands nothing no I put on um threatened and endangered species layer and there's nothing there not that there's no Wildlife there I just was like oh maybe there's a Ander species identified species that doesn't mean that there's not important species there there's just none identified a loss of treat so the other thing I want to look at too is you said I wrote the numbers it's 24 back up here 2436 divided by 2623 so they're removing is that correct 92% of the Tre CH wow literally the wiping off everything to be we can mention all that in the what was your thought about the um you were saying something about the variant about we should recommend that the variants not be granted there's no shade there's no or could we or is that what your recommendation is can we do anything with that variance just it's just like 70 ft of variance I think conforming with the with the zoning variance well except for a lot Frontage except for but the the it's allowed in that area the only difference is the Frontage Frontage that's that's a hard thing to reject them because they're because they're asking for that variance maybe we might want to request um to get that variance that they cut off two two houses at the end of the the lot or something so they don't take down as many trees yeah well if they had one house at the end then they'd have the front engine would that's the thing yeah if they take that that is that's a tricky part cuz so if they take that off the table then they actually don't even need a mar they take what off the table the frontage because I'm put at the front the front I'm talking about trees in the back oh trees in the back right yeah yeah if you take trees in if you leave trees in the back instead of you leave um you take out remove two houses that they want to put way in the back right and then you can you don't cut down as many trees can you show the yeah area view one more time I'm sorry hang on let me get back to the other view cuz this doesn't help okay the Border your town house okay so there are lots of trees in the back right yeah but oh but they're on it's who owns the property behind [Music] it that one what is it labor because because I think somebody will be also thirsty about that because it doesn't have any trees sewers water electric doesn't have any information about the loans I could look on the other system no but that that L does not have access to creating that one this lot no this lot yeah where are they getting in from this lot yeah me I couldn't figure that out who ACC there's no access there's got to be access is it elizabe oh on the line go down a little bit at the corner yeah right there right there's an open area that one but it doesn't look like a driveway no oh that is yeah it's off Elizabeth they somehow looks like getting in through here maybe they have like a shared access or something with these guys some of that I think the township finally too many trees too many yeah I like the idea of not the last section yeah you got two two buildings yeah but they going yeah yeah they're proposing to demolish and everything oh let me get the plants out it's almost 50% of all trees the the rear part that's bad really yeah that one one I'm like I that's a lot of trees removed but the trees being that side they will be providing shape when Sun is setting from the west and they erosion they keep temperature down yeah Frontage for the corner Lots is all they need the Varan for it's only the corner Lots they are proposing 133 ft they need 200 otherwise they comply with everything apparently parking spes right here they L that would be the ones on fronting on seated road so what I'm saying the what I'm saying is tar this is all trees back here correct yeah so if they put the C back they cut the cut it sure with the culde saac here right you don't have these houses here that's more trees that you get to keep that they don't cut down I agree with and I'm just saying use that as leverage to give them their variance right just make that recommendation I hear you the only thing is with the in Ted you probably know better from being on the zoning board and the variants they're requesting is not one that really I think would require that much pushing take yet you know if they're only short on the Frontage by 70 ft we can still ask we can still make the suggestion I almost wonder if we could I'd have to look at the zoning could I mean zoning think there will be more more pushes to cut down because the traffic I don't know what the fire safety would be like we they look at that Planning and Zoning will look at that yeah so combine fores and and will especially during construction that's the only way to get in and out right right that's the only way to get in and out scary light and that part of Cedar glove is there just two lanes it's not extended [Music] Lanes wow that's incredible I didn't heard about this a couple of months you did yeah we going to be making a request because of this is just the back portion they're showing this portion yeah I just want to see if they have like the tree removal not that we really you reading anything in there about SE systems they have an but switch what say he's asking what system no I I heard about this a month or two ago maybe maybe longer ago um and there was an issue with the I think the um the Wastewater the Wastewater management the sewer systems um and what was going to be done with that maybe they're not in the sewer they are in the sewer service area they must they must build it of course they won't be able to build some of the houses until we get the water Bur said well no the SW they try Wells they I think it was a matter of of having to have it you know I'm not not exactly sure but there was talk about maybe I don't know if it was a pump station or something and who was going to be responsible for there was something it's not really our responsibility for that under engineering yeah let me see if they put something in here property survey fully executed sewer access agreement why don't we see what the environmental assessment says okay hang on one sec let I'm sorry the internet here going to switch slow tonight all right so there's a sewer sewer access agreement in place yeah it's terribly flat area [Music] that's the 3 that's the 32 family homes there yeah this is oh that's the one across the street are they they're teaming up with them across the street yeah to get the so they'll cuz that one across the street probably also has to like pay for extending the pipes or whatever it was a matter of having some kind of a 40 year yeah deal or something that they will be responsible for I don't remember all the okay all right so that takes care of that one um was going to say I no problem problem all right let's see all right environmental assessment uh well you want to look at a particular vegetation 295 what's this say project soils we want to get here we go vegetation and Wildlife umly Disturbed former Farmland Vegeta Community it goes on to list what's here the 16.54 Acre Site contains a woodland 75% canopy at this point site contains individuals ranging from less than 6 in dphh up to greater than 20 in dphh individuals scattered in the treed area mea represent did not observe any outstanding or unusual species or spe specimens during the tree inventory uh they're saying they see some invasive species poison I and that's all I have to say about that oh Wild Lake here we go Suburban Disturbed sites are not typically habitat suitable for diversity of wildlife the following list of wildlife can be expected to be present in urban Disturbed areas then they list this which probably came I don't know where um are they talking about Wildlife that are permanent residents what you would typically see they're saying I mean they don't take into account Labratory no I don't think so noes no evidence say threatened or dangered species okay utilities they have a conclusion at the end I believe somewhere a new 8 in water M will be extended to the existing main to serve the 14 new developments water yeah this was at least a more thorough environmental usual soil ocean it's not currently an issue it's not an issue because it has a trees right right oh here we go destruction of vegetation now the projects implementation requires PL requires approximately 9.7 Acres of tree removal destruction of vegetation decreases the available suitable habitat for Resident Wildlife uh habitat loss results a reduction of native Wildlife species ERS neighboring proposed planting plan provides some mitigation from the loss of vegetative cover and wildlife habitat the plant incorporates the use of materials that afford limited habitat for Resident species planting of native trees and Evergreens provides a nesting and resting area for Birds while providing shelter for Mammal species but they're only planting what they take 300 trees yeah and small tree 6 ft at I think uh cutting on the two houses at the end has another good benefit because the property that is next to it it doesn't have any trees no trees somebody could come up with an idea to extend it and make uh development use the AIS road across the the the kesak and and keep developing behind so well here's the Landscaping plan so there's not much really to see with the Landscaping plan but it looks like the trees that there're I have to reduce it just to smidge okay along the edges they're proposing to plant some trees and then you know shade trees along their access road and caac um so yeah the the plantings are basically going in along the property boundaries and then along the road that's going to service the development so this um the method that the developers come in they come in and clean sweet cut everything so they're not they don't want to take the time to just go oh we're going to build a house here let's build an access clear the trees there it's just clean sweep everything yeah it's easy for them I know I know that's how they that's how I got my house incet how big how big are these houses you might how many the the house itself is uh 4,188 ft oh I'm sorry I'm talking about the houses 2500 square ft or let me see 2,000 let me see if they wrote it somewhere which would be ni I'm asking cuz I'm wondering how much they're going to how much they're going to um try and sell these houses for and if it's going to cost them almost $600,000 for for trees if they realize it's going to cost them almost $600,000 for trees yeah would you divide by 14 that's one house yeah mhm that's maybe than that let's see I'm trying to see if it's like anywhere 2600 Square living area car garage that's what I said he's the one any want let me get the exact number of the house because I thought maybe it would be somewhere like 50 [Music] cars three cars 14 houses yeah you're right so they say oh uh they don't say anything they don't say what the size of the house is on the drawer you know what's what's more important than the size of the house I think is if they all have three car garages it's a lot of pollution in that area there yeah yeah yeah we want to recommend that all the garages be equipped with e charges yeah well that's given them but if they can afford two cars they can afford a charge Char which means that the entire area has to have enough power right right to account for E charging yeah why won't they tell you how how it probably but they really should say on like this application the is nothing they say there's a cover letter but I couldn't find the cover letter I know all right let's see okay they need to have more than one Mega Power extra we can figure it out they don't rate the whole vehicles me first floor on this one is 135 10 * 14 okay I made one de what how will that how will that impact the 14 14 if you consider 10 why don't they just say the whole so I'm going to have to do the math on this because instead of them just writing how much it is wait it's 130 13525 no the lot is 4,334 Ft where the heck's the house sorry Ary I'm trying to find it it's it's not that it's not that important I think the just not readily available which it should be like how much is the house all right one the I'll keep looking car garage but easy you said you couldn't like EAS it wasn't like readily available no I couldn't find those things well this is a approximate I guess I don't know I okay so for I got the three part look at architectural plan I did it was just the actual drawing um uh I have the for comments you know that we recommend keeping as many trees on onite as possible not having the back two lots as an option right I mentioned the because of a heat island effect yes heat island effect tree canopy loss wild light loss of Wild Life habitat um so you're saying suggest um not having a two back house there I don't know to keep the trees I say I don't know what we can definitely suggest it for sure well the very least if they could try to Mo those houses as far forward in the lot possible they can maybe leave a a strip of woods I can't see them complaining about the heat then for the three car garages we have it should they should have EV Chargers EV Chargers and they need to reserve capacity 10 K I was going to say the same thing can we recommend that they only be two car garages or or at least ask them why because people use car garages for storage not only that I think because there's no place for guest vehicles to park oh they can't par there's no storage is it on a park on the street there Lane the No No not on Cedar Grove Lane on the the new street that oh you probably can but you know I'm sure right in front of the right in front of the house I mean how how many people when you have a garage when guests come over park in your Park in your garage I mean that's not something no I they might have a little dryway right they do yeah so that at minimum you can ask three more cars that Mak I'm just okay don't us build thinking of parties closer to the road should we ask for more information on the actual like size of the um of the proposed houses although they didn't submit a site plan they just submit the subdivision so I don't think it's that important you know as long as they're you know in the you know maintaining the appropriate impervious coverage yeah anything about um they're not required obviously to put solar up or anything and you you know can you say sold ready are you can you do that on residential you can recommend it that could offset the EV charging station it's so already mean that the roof needs to be shaped such that it is friendly for right oh good because they have complicated things on pel adaptable or whatever a matter of wiring largely wiring yeah speaking of which I just had solar put on my roof oh congratulations congratul finally how long so speaking of power they need to add 140 kilow worth for the EV charging essentially 10 KW per house okay got it all right thank you easy could you just tell me one more time how many trees I think you said there were 2,620 the W document has yeah so there's they're on site existing 2623 they're proposing to remove 24364 36 which is 92% do they show any trees around the detention B that's always a good place to I think they did not many which one I think that was 16 to 20 I feel like it was down the second or the third one yeah is this lighting no yeah the next one oh yeah yeah yeah yeah so they're going to plant how many trees 334 see a grow in and how many will live after you don't know that requ it says Turf though where's it is on the cedar am I on the back end here oh I'm sorry uh gosh here's the front end right there the go down a little further see trees that's I can put more trees maybe let's say a little lower and if these trees are that close to the m section they will block view oh also they they could have plings in the detention Basin I was wondering about that help purify the water and also they could look at the B9 instead of a sand bottom they should have they got a sand bottom yeah that is interesting we can definitely recommend that more plantings in and around the Basin yeah well you have to use the appropriate trees like you know willow trees and stuff like that I was thinking more of the sort of plants that you have in a rain Garden yeah I think I did my math WR if they if they are cutting down 2,23 trees and they're replacing 334 of them that means there's they 2436 is what they're reing 36 there's 2623 on site they moving 2436 or something 20 yeah so it's 2623 minus 2436 they're only proposing on planting 334 of what they're required to replace which is actually easy here [Music] 130,000 EAS said they are required to replace according to our tree ordinance they would be required to PL replace 2,314 trees they're only planting 334 of those which is a deficit of 1980 so that's 1980 * 300 is where you get the 594 [Music] 94,000 it's almost 600,000 yes all right we'll get that one out now thank you e for doing that all right that took a while yeah well you I just did it yeah definitely I mean this is yeah we' moved Beyond these cut grass detention bases agree agree I agree all righty that's that that completes the C thank to all three of you for doing this okay so new business Pur pursuit of electric vehicle and adoption leadership certification is that what this was about yes so so I um to bring more information but anyway so um this is a doe funded program now uh that is uh and it was and the certification program was developed by fourth in Oregon and uh within New Jersey Easy Ride is is the implementation party uh the eval certification is a certification uh for employers who Implement sustainable transportation and commute options for their employees so uh it involves lots of action steps just like sustainable Jersey um with the focus on uh EV charging stations but it also includes uh things like uh pedestrian friendly uh bike friendly environment uh collecting points for charging stations being uh energy STAR certified uh whether the charging stations are shared with the public and things like that so the charging station that we have here was not really meant to be uh for employees but inherently the township is employer so uh they can be considered as an employee benefit they are not The Ripping of the customers because they charge very little I think it's like a dollar per hour I think it's now per unit of energy they reprogrammed it right uh and so the township can get easily uh silver certification it's just my estimate um it is rather easy to actually file it because that website eval certification. RG um uh a person who is uh um who who is in the position uh within the tach which I think would be Tara can uh register answer a few questions and the Tachi will get the certification the certification is free until end of October this year after that it's going to be paid service and the good thing is also it doesn't require recertification so once we get the certification it was stay you can see on the wall we have the electric vehicle award went back in 2019 we had e show we got it from kmm uh odly enough keep middle six moving right um we so to get this to work would the township have to allow employees to use the um St they they inherently employees can use it the police can use oh okay employees employees like like a manager accountants CLS Engineers so any well how about anybody that makes it even better no I'm not talking about the public I'm talking about anybody that works for the township yes yes so so it would have to be written in there that anybody could use it I I think it's already given because it's I don't know it's public and public means also it's a public station so yeah I'm I'm not talking about the ones across from the library yes those those well those are already public yes I was talking about the ones no in the back there no oh I think those are just for the police and DPW Vehicles well that's I thought that's what we were talking about I was not talking about it but since you opened it if the town uh reserves maybe two spots because they they don't use them they are heavily underused right so if they say some of them can be used by the employees right that will actually increase the certification level because um the the certification is calculated as a some sort of loose percentage of how many parking spots are equi with charging station versus how many parking spots for our employees how many by where the police or whatever the town uses know has those other stations how many of those how many are how many stations are there in the back there 10 there are 10 back there 10 wow and technically right now they would be good just with two of them yeah because they use them so little right so they could have be using two of them and eight of them could be for employees yes not that we have lots of employees true electric you don't know but but uh but you can but you still put it in the application yes if if the town allows it yes that they're available yes and it would be maybe better to deliberately uh uh designate some of those to be for employees and you are not tapping into the allotment for the public you leave the public for public and those in the back 10 out of those you designate six or eight depending on what them decide mhm uh that would be for the employees and that would certainly make uh the T look even better yeah I think you'd probably want to put it in it's for employees only during working hours forget it that's that's a detail it's a detail no it's a detail but it's EAS you know if the town wants to charge their cars they can put their other their cars in there and charge them overnight because we know that oh that's okay people will it's a way it's a way to Cox the township to allow yeah well and and again you know uh if the charging stations that designated for employees are available for public outside of those hours that gives you more points when I was talking about the public stations that inherently well that's 24/7 then that's 247 yeah also we also I don't know if this count stand or not but at Inman Park we have an e charging station and that is public but it's not workplace it's not workplace right right right okay but at DPW we also have that's really so that what we can do we can the eval is actually recognizing sites so if a company has more sites each side has its own certification so you know have separate certific so there is a bulk of questions that you answer like do you have sustainability plan right do you have travel policy when somebody travels you encourage them to rent electric car versus that one this is all together but when it comes to Counting actual charging stations it's site specific right okay do we know if any of our schools have electric charging stations uh no they don't but I would bring it to them separately they don't they don't the library on 27 is talking about a charging station yeah I know St when they have it I'll tell them to get Evo C he's right I remember at the time the plans were approved we noted that they deliberately did not include a charging station well they had wiress uh sticking out ready for the charging station but the way how it is you have the building then you have the parking in front of it and the wire is sticking here as opposed to there so that you can you can charge only the one vehicle next to unless you extend it here it'll be kind of on the sidewalk in front of the library but then you can have one nozzle here one nozzle there and you can charge at Le two vehicles the the chair Library want to get a not a level one level two judg level one is just your house C right he want level two is but are you talking about the fellow who wants to have a fast charging station Place Nick champ champ Nick champ yeah he's the chair everybody's telling him forget it and he's doesn't get it well I think from what Stan you submitted it looks like it's relatively easy to do it so if if everyone wants to pursue that if you make a motion and then I can talk to Bob born Locker about it I don't know if it if the application requires like a resolution or something from the township Council I can definitely get that that's no problem um if not I mean we probably could just submit for certification and if we get it so so I move that environmental commission supports that Township gets eval certified electric vehicle adoption leadership certified second okay any other discussion from anybody else okay all in favor I'm adding it to the to okay where's that document that's up on the screen there oh that's the uh storm water that's the uh the Wastewater oh the sewer access agreement that I showed you before yeah no I just saw the the engineering firm the name MMO oh yeah I have so many tabs open here it's incredible okay okay micro Mobility studied that your area yes so I I on Friday Friday night I received the draft of the micro Mobility study um I finished reviewing it today uh I am going to give so I had some paper copies made I had to have them made with color because of the mapping that's in there so I'm going to give it to Stan Paul and uh Chris gond on the trails committee because they're kind of the the um you know the subcommittee however I can give all of you the link and you're welcome to print it out or if you want to it's very easy to review honestly on the computer it really is um but anyway I just since I just finished reviewing it and we're still awaiting comment uh I'll just give you a quick look at what it looks like so it's in PDF right now when you print it out so I'll pass around the print out ignore my writing for right now on this but uh when you print it out it's basically printed out like all in landscape page and it has all the maps so I'll pass around here uh and while I'm passing I'll just talk let me give me cop so don't have to you can pass these around so we'll get here Paul pass one that way and I have it up on the screen too these are Big that's a volume it basically goes through what is a definition of micr Mobility what are the proposed routs that we're looking at and it's basically bringing people from uh the eastern part of the township specifically from near non Williams Park and the youth center over towards the municipal building so those are the two proposed routes our study area was confined to the two routs it's not a Township wide study it could maybe one day lead to a Township wide study but the grant money we had was enough to cover you know studying two main quarters um it talks about uh shared mobility in terms of scooters and bikes uh the map right here for example see I can blow it's hard to blow it up on the screen but this is the existing conditions map in the study area so this is the study area that he that uh nv5 that was our consultant looked at and so the study area includes up here is the DNR uh Canal State Park you got am wall Road and on Hamilton Street portion is right down here and then this is the Border over here with New Brunswick um and you can see here's non in Williams Park for reference and did you say it was from there to the municipal building basically yeah there's two Roots I'll show you that I've been identified to basically get the general area of non Williams Park over to the municipal building and then the thought is is that once you get to the municipal building you're also going to pass some open space the youth center you can get to the library and the township building and then hopefully from here you could maybe in the future at some point we can figure out how to get you further down or you can connect to other types of where is the municipal building there uh the municipal building yeah it's all the way over here so that's so right up up top there is the um football field soccer fields up there can it be extended so they can get to those fields also well yes so we can definitely talk about that I guess the thought right at this point is to get you in the vicinity of the municipal building so once you're near the municipal building you're pretty close to these fields and uh and in the future yes we definitely want to expand that so for right now this is the study area here um this is the micro Mobility Network so this it's when it comes around here you'll see better but uh this kind of shows where the transit stops are where the County buses are if there's a bicycle Boulevard uh proposed which is these yellow and they talk about a bicycle Boulevard later down the road it's a safe area that really promotes and encourages the use of bicycles for people of all ages and abilities so places where people might want to stop um whether it's Plus station or whatever are they going to be you know they bicycle racks yes and that's talked about in here not only bicycle racks but bicycle lockers uh they call them Corrals which is basically you take up the size of a parking space for one car and you make it so that people can actually it's a place where people want to put their bike cuz it's like got a safe area for locking it um it's away from traffic it gives ample space for people so that's like called a Corral um there's a lot of different maps in here this is an overview of the proposed routes so you can see one is they called the New Brunswick Road to Highland Avenue route and one is called the middle Bush Williams route and as you go through the maps in the study and I'm going to send you all the links so you can take your time and look it over but as you go through you can kind of see they're shaded they talk not only about bicycle racks and places to store your bike but also places to share and rent bikes um increasing the shoulder painting striping for safety uh putting uh traffic cing devices in to slow down traffic so it's not just you know hey here's the best route so we're going to put this in it's also talking about different ways to promote safety along those routes the good thing for example about the non Williams Park and middle Bush route that we really liked is it actually proposes going past this some schools so there's a path that actually would go right between Hil press Elementary and Franklin Middle School um and then you you're going to pass mcae you're going to pass Inman Park where there's a pathway that goes up JFK Boulevard so there's lots of ways to get back and forth here um and you make your way over to the municipal building so that's just one example so uh for these paths M um is it going to be it's like this is the road and then on the side of the road is the path yes where that's possible that's the that's the goal um it go so every map has a table like this and it kind of goes through exactly what they're proposing at each site so so so there's bike Lanes like yes so shared Mobility Lanes right so what I've seen in some places where instead of just having a yellow line or white line or whatever to show this is where the bike lane is they have a small curve yes that's an option that could be that there's many they've basically given us a lot of different options which is great but painting striping sorry um let me just show you one example of like so this is map A1 for example and this corresponds to a portion of the area that goes toward middle Bush Park and each map in the plan has a corresponding table that basically says okay see it's like labeled number one right so if you find number one it explains in detail exactly what does this entail so it's basically saying here there's a mid block crosswalk by ordinance there's two driveway access points on either side um and then their recommendations here is they can consider installing an rrfb which I forget the name of the whole thing but basically what it is is the motion activated where The Pedestrian or the biker can press a button and not only does the walking man come on and gives you extra time to go but lights might flash sound might come up come on I'm seeing lots of benefits that it will slow down traffic in some roads where it's excessively fast like on JFK Boulevard I'm very near and I'm seeing here uh the P Burger will get to JFK and then it will continue on Buton wood I think it's called and so that area and and they they they will have to implement Crossing somewhere there yes and I think it it's so much needed because people are crossing JFK in that area a lot because people who are in that area um west of JFK and they want to go back and forth to J to Inman Park yeah so it it will have more benefits than just for uh true very true bikes some of the other approaches that they recommend are providing advanced warning signs at least 150 ft before the crosswalk um this one I was showing you before the crossing at deat by the municipal complex uh they say consider removing the right turn slip lane and reducing the curb rate eye to slow vehicle movement so some of their recommendations are actual Road improvements some are sign some are lighting some are so it really they've tried to really um and that was one of our requests is really please look at it comprehensively not just like give us a list of you know Road improvements for example um so an example of what you were talking about Stan is on A2 is that what you're looking at A2 actually I was mistaken I was thinking about the entrance to the Inland Park this is this is actually Burger got it so burger if you look at A2 so for example ex number seven here they're saying burger street bike Boulevard that was a very Burger Street Bike Boulevard um if you look over here they're basically saying their recommendations would be add bicycle Boulevard components which are considering reducing the speed limit to 25 M hour consider improvements such as striping which are allowing travel lanes that are 10 to 11 ft wide daylight all Corners daylighting Corners is basically you paint an area near the corner that prohibits parking or stopping oring standing there so that it provides sight distance for cars and for Bic bicyclist and pedestrians um they're talking about marking off the crosswalks with high visibility striping provide ada8 compliant curve R curve ramps and consider traffic calming measures such as horizontal and vertical deflection so that's like some examples so I'm not going to go through everything only because I just finished reading this today and I want you all to have a chance to review it but I'm going to send you the link okay and what I would ask uh let me go forward just a little bit they give some pictures and examples of like what are some of the striping treatments that they recommend so there's a lot of visuals in here the rrfp is rectangular rapid flashing Beacon so that's what it means um they reference uh they give us references as to where we can actually find information from the state of New Jersey about what the requirements are for this type of uh device they show us traffic com traffic caling measures um then they talk about this is a bike Corral so you can see it shows like that takes up the space of one car but it allows for 8 to 12 bike parking spots and it's actually set off the road so bikers don't feel like oh gosh I can't pull over I don't want my bike to get hit or stolen you know things like that uh they recommend bike repair stations which we already do which is great um they show all kinds of Bike Share programs here and and bike Corrals and things like which are pretty interesting um what else and then they give us very site specific recommendations uh maps that are zoomed in exactly to the area so for example middle Bush Park they're literally talking about here's the trail head we think number one you should put a bike Coral here and up here and that you should also consider reallocating parking spaces up over here in number three so they go through extreme detail in a lot of our areas that are proposed um and then they also provide some next steps and additional recommendations and a lot of those are uh Community engagement based which I thought was great so kind of finding out what how did people travel in Franklin in terms of micr Mobility what's missing where areas we should focus on to figure out what our priorities should be and uh and things like that so the next step for us is I'm going to email you all the link it's 44 Pages um I will leave your comments by the next meeting because I have to get them back to the consultant so we can meet our deadline um I'm also going to give it to the trails committee because they're kind of like partnered with us on this and then we'll get our comments to the consultant he'll finalize the report and then after that the consultant will come and do a meeting with us and the public to kind of discuss hey this is the plan this is like some recommendations we're going to Now work on prioritizing it and maybe implementing some things and and that's that what comments are we looking for um so if you anyone who has my copy probably sees my handwriting is terrible a lot of my comments were grammar not I didn't really have many substantive comments um but if you see something that you know for sure is like oh wait I know that this area here is very dangerous for example because cars come like that kind of comment if you see a grammatical comment please address that as well but if you are in an area that they're proposing to do something that you think would not be appropriate or something that's missing that would be a great comment as well like you know appreciate that and that's it okay so if by the next meeting you can send it to me early if you'd like or if you want to talk about it at the next meeting that's fine I'll get them to the consultant and then we can finalize this plan and then we can have like a public session on it basically you you don't happen to have any extra hard copies do you so I printed out um four uh three cop well actually you can have my copy if you want what I'm done with just typing up my comments if you don't mind like having some right W on it no okay I'll type it up and then I'll get it to you okay that works okay good see we get a couple more copies yeah yeah I didn't want to print too many because they're you know expensive and because we have to print them in color which is you know but I can definitely share mine and then if you have any problems you need I could definitely you know print more but I mean I don't care about printing in color I just I'm looking at the words and I hear you I hear well I'll give you mine this way I don't have to print one more cuz mine I finished I just got about my comments so yeah I was very pleased with it I thought it came from what I reviewed I was I thought it really was good and I thought it was very detailed yeah so I will share that all with you and then uh you can let me know okay promotional that what we talked about last is that is that she she don't you need that I do if you want to look at it right now you can then I'll take it at the end or whatever and then I'll give it back to you unless you want no I don't want to look at it all right so then yeah send it back and then I'll give it to you awesome I'm sorry go ahead thank you so much Promotional and educational items for the tabling events we had some of them here last meeting oh two yes have so at the stand you keep one because you're on the subcommittee for that so you keep that one unless you don't want paper if you don't want paper then give it to Arie so awesome okay cool then that works out um but so St you'll review yours digitally then you're okay with that okay great um you send this and I'll get I have one for you and I'll send it around I'm going to send the link to everyone soon good okay um Maria yes so at the last meeting there wasn't a lot of us here and so you had put together a list of promotional materials that we should use for the budgeting now that we have the budget um I just got to get it up here so what do I have it under uh communic are you Communications or education and Outreach your education and Outreach right all right let's see if I have it here education no no okay sorry I have to think recomend here we go okay got it okay so Maria and the education Outreach team put together a list of items that we should consider purchasing for tabling and promotional items you did right M yeah that's the that's I have it up here yeah um at the last meeting we didn't have a lot of people here so it was recommended we talk about it at the upcoming meeting okay um let me just check so while you're let me just check one more place for something give me one second I want to tell you the exact amount of money we have that we have in the budget now so the budget's been passed so we have funding that we can use for uh some of those not this one I clicked the wrong one I'm sorry uh okay what did we request here uh education signage $650 so if we want we can start talking about which of these we want to order the one thing I will say is the printing bid expired in on July 31st so we are currently seeking responses for our printers as soon as we get those in they get approved then we we can order from them so right now we couldn't like place an order tomorrow but I think by September the printing bid should be approved and then we can order so that's just a little delay just so you're aware okay um I know Robin has been really interested in this standing rectangular Banner that's like the banner that it almost looks like a screen you pull it up and it has y uh stretch tablecloth that was one that you said it actually wraps around the table yeah we are going to get a tablecloth from our Energy Efficiency Grant but it won't be that stretched one they only give like the standard tablecloth so just so you're wear that not saying that we can't order a stretch tablecloth I'm just letting you know the one we get is not a stretched one uh polo shirts for the Commissioners uh that's to basically wear you know at events or whatever so you kind of identify yourself uh thank you cards with the ftec new logo and business cards without a specific name just that it has the FTC website and email so if those are all things everyone's interested in me pursuing I can definitely get quot the first step is I Bas have to get a quote from the vendor I can tell you how much everything is that we can pick and choose choose what we want once we know what we want to order we do need to send like a spec to you know the printer so they know what they're going to print so that those will need to be like the standing Banner for example you just we got to figure out what we want on it same thing with the tablecloth oh yeah uh the cards you said will have I guess a web address does the FC have a QR code um do we have a QR code I don't know well QR code you can develop I mean what do you want what do you want to encode in it is it the website or email address or what do you want I would think wouldn't you want the website yeah I know we can create one I know for sure we can create one so that's I had somebody do it for the cihc she did it in five minutes oh you can do it even free online but our it can create one that'll like per you know so that's no problem okay I don't see a QR code I have seen a situation that um um somebody gave me business card and the QR code was such a fine resolution because it had lots of information embedded in it the phone would not read it so we have to be careful when you have it on the screen and you enlarge it your digital device will always read it but once it's in print it may not print nicely neatly uh and you don't know until it's in print okay no understand we didn't have any problem how what my comment is that we want to have only a simple message which would proba the website okay cuz you can have a QR code where you embed uh your contact information and then when you have lots of little fine uh divisions I just suggested it yeah I like it Tara um I just went through this with another group I'm involved with with the business card things and they were um generic mhm um except for the president of that organization in this case it would be the chair who the chair might have his his or her name on it okay I won't object to that that's a good idea so I guess the point is right now is everyone oh I'm on the I'm sorry Paul uh where's your p uh here we go does everyone want me once we're able to like get prices on these four or five things is there something on here that everyone does not want or something missing I guess but I think this is a great start we've been asking about business cards for a long time yeah I think that's a good start there a way way to get to them you have to write your name on it but it'll be it'll work are you looking to do things for handouts at different things like um the night out thing National Night Out thing which has been cancelled by the way yeah a lot of people a lot of towns have yeah I guess expecting rain but are you looking for things like that um to hand out things like that so this isn't on this is it's not on here right now I guess the standing Banner would be educational in nature but we could also we have money in that printing budget unless we so we probably should hold some back in that printing budget for things like that print outs we have Franklin day coming up in September this isn't this isn't a printed thing it was something the same organization I'm talking about they getting pens with the name of the group on it and and and the and the um website or you know whatever you want on you know on one side the name of the group The Other Side the the website um there as a handout I think I think it was like it was like 60 cents a pen or something like that and they were you know relatively nice pens so you got $500 for you know $350 or whatever it was something like that something for handouts so the trails committee recently um ordered it was a really good giveaway actually we actually gave them all away it was a great giveaway they ordered um these whistles that you can use on the trail to like like you know if you have an emergency or whatever we did like a walk with a cop and it was really smart and it worked out great so yeah so we it could doesn't have to be a pen it could be if you guys want but if there something you think of M we could definitely do that and I think once the printing bid comes in I'll be able to see like what exactly can be printed cuz there's a lot of options but I just got this pen the other day from El Forno restaurant and it's not only a pen I thought it was also it's also flashlight multipurpose and we had 25 of us for dinner and the owner came out and gave every one of us a pen with the name on it well I think the with the flashlight on it or the light on it probably cost a little bit more I would think yeah I would think I'm sure it's an LED but it's still you're right there's more circuitry yeah all right so one once the printing bid comes in I'll look into it and I can at least start getting quotes for these kinds of things you know how much is it per item and then we can figure out how much we want but at least we know this is what we're we're going to start with okay but Paul I get your point it's good advertising for the restaurant yeah of course or you know whoever's name is on it yeah there's a lot of stuff like that mhm you see it's for INF for certain that's the you watch the same channel okay now we talked about a little bit about the annual environmental Congress but um so we talked briefly so Maria said she's interested in attending the environmental Congress the anj environmental Congress yeah uh we also have money in our budget to send some of the members uh we asked for how many days is it um hang on one second here oh $750 is set aside for not just the Congress but for educational opportunities for our members uh I believe it's $125 it's one day September 27th from 9 to 4 and it's at Rowan College Burlington County Campus so it's in M that's what so we're andc members so it's a $100 a person it's a so if anyone's interested we have money now we now have our budget we can send some of our members okay but if anyone's interested you just for us to pay for it the township has to register you we have to do it so when is the deadline for registration uh let's see here um I don't know if they give a deadline I know I've gotten a couple of emails I have too I Haven really focused on I would have to persuade my employer to send me officially in which case they would pay for it in which case I could not represent the environmental commission includes breakfast and lunch oh what this there at least 10 bucks out at 100 right so I know Maria you said you're interested right so I'm going to find out about registering you is there anyone else now there if you don't have to go to this we have you know you can maybe if there's another opportunity that anyone's interested in it's a Poss September 27th 7 huh Friday September 27th from 9 four because on 26 easy rer has the annual Awards uh event by the way uh if we submit the eval and get it done you will be invited for the annual Awards on the day before on 26 oh okay all right where's that do you know canel worth it's um Galloping Hill Park and Golf Course oh yeah any okay um you you are someone who represents the township but I think that would be you all right because you would be making the record right yeah yeah that yeah okay well so what I'm going to do since we know Maria you're interested I'm going to start moving forward then with your unless you want to give it I have to think about it you tell me so let me know let me know last day um to give you a I mean I would say let me know by the end of August if you can oh by the end of August everyone can let well I mean really before that probably better let's make it August 21st just for if you can let me know by August 21st this way I can tell um our administrative staff that you know they can register everyone on one purchase order it'll save time it'll make life easier okay ell you too you know you're eligible if you want to go is any part of it available online maybe we should it's not and that's one thing it's not available online I'm sorry Congress during it wasure for in person oh I usually go do you want to go the environmental representing environmental commission or well I I could or you can or I can go separately and you save the money for somebody else I mean if someone's going to go represent us there you know think about it August 20 just everyone let me know by August 21st I think would be best okay how many people can go well so in our entire for the year budget of educational opportunities and educational out you know um including the swag the stuff that we are ordering no that's a separate line so 750 but that includes you know like going to other conferences and things like that so 750 for the year and it doesn't include the membership to Che it does not it doesn't include the membership and it does not include the we typically don't have expenses like that right no this is the first year we have a budget with like line items so yeah so so since we are members the fee is 100 so you can technically get seven people that's a lot of you could but then there would be no other funding until next year for so if there was another conference say that someone's like I really want to go to the solar they have one right yeah okay so EAS okay e EAS thank thanks for coming okay are there any reports from subcommittees Mar go ahead go ahead because I was going to say um we have I just not really a report I email I forward the immobility video yes Teran Robin and also um Robin sent an email about um the possibility of a film but as Stan is taking the on there cuz he already well well I was not here last time did anybody report on our status for the film showing no I wasn't probably not because I didn't copy I mean I did but are you done because I can I'm done so so we were we we had pinpoint the July 88th right uh for the screening and we had to cancel it because what was it um Common Ground uh we we have only long version right right which was like is it hour and 40 minutes or something like that and we don't want to exhaust people there there will be shorter version in September okay so we'll we'll do that um I had also uh asbo City I I kind of regret that we should have because asbesto city was shown at Princeton uh F film festival or something earlier this year and maybe we should just promote it as a you know we endorse it and just go there because that was the actual occasion for someone to see it because other than that we are we cannot bring it here right maybe we don't want to I don't know but um uh another was the something about coral oh oh yeah that was brought to my attention by by the lady from montgomer okay yeah um not uh the vasileski but someone else okay um because um they they after all like the idea of cross fertilization that if these towns have some screening that all neighborhood in towns should be promoting it then so that we invite uh residents from from the neighboring towns so um that's how I got to uh to know about the the dying Coral or something chasing Coral chasing Coral but there was a similar Problem the full film was too long and the short version was not really available there there was something on YouTube which would be a okay but I was not quite sure it was a half an hour uh kind of presentation by the author which was mixed up with the uh sections of the film shown um so I I think that this is something that um we we want to keep in our mind um but no other than that I I didn't prepare anything any specific report oh yeah um um Robin sent us link to uh screening the screening will be in Monroe okay in middle sex County and I think that what we want to do we want to mail um to our mailing list now since you have access and just invite our audiences just to go there you know it's not too far it's free and uh it is environmental what is the title of it remember or I can't look at it let me look into do you do you know which place it is in mro is where where in Monroe we went to Something in Monroe and it's in September what 8 of September oh Monroe Library film screening September 13th that's right 13 Friday I was going to say hopefully it's not a Friday it's from 2: to 4: it's it's and what is important it's a screening and author talk right the green Amendment oh oh here's the story The Green Amendment oh yeah we we she send us the link to register and here's the link yes yes the link is included there it's from 2:00 to 4:00 so it's a little bit into the working time for some of us oh we're going to be working yeah I can send it but I'm going to steal the hours from my employer I'll go there I just got to put an email up so I don't I don't forget okay okay good thank you Stan um anything in Hot Topics or things we haven't covered yeah I wanted to bring one thing up I I think U I have something to go I sent an email um I think Paul and Tara were both copied on it this had to do with um uh property at Pierce and Elizabeth yeah um it's the second property in where last year they just cut down all of the Tre you have about Schoolhouse Road no oh oh I know what you mean Southeast corner of piar I don't know Southeast but it's it's right across from those condominiums or apartments yeah it it's I think you know where I'm talking about where they cut down all of the trees we had talked about it here maybe with shade tree last year um but they cut down many many trees so it's a whole tree lot I think it's five 31 Schoolhouse Road right could be that that I don't know the number um Schoolhouse no not Schoolhouse no 31 Schoolhouse is that's another one that that one they were okay that one they they took down all those trees and they did that plan um the plan was approved before it was changed from $30 to $300 got it so they cut down all those trees I think they're going to take down the building and building building they're putting a warehouse there it's Elizabeth and Pierce Elizabeth and Pierce yeah right got it okay Southeast I don't know what corner is if you're if you're cross Corner down by the by the gas station yes yes Dan there is a gas station no there's no there's no gas station down further where where Joe danielson's offices it's way it's way up from Joe Danielson it's a pierce means if you're coming from Joe's Place you make a left on Pier Street there's a building right at the corner there on the right right after that is a property that used to be all trees last year they cut down all the trees and they didn't go through the process of saying anything to anybody they didn't have to pay the 300 steel Protection Corporation is it this one AR the one that's up on the screen I believe I believe that's it right there because that white building that that's Elizabeth there this is yeah on the so that white building there right right right right so all of those trees that you see there uh from the from the building to the right they have all been they're all gone well jeez on my picture I don't see them cuz you got an updated picture it looks like it's gone wow oh so last year they took down all the trees okay um and they they went through some process they went through some process that they said they wanted to farm the land and they got approval from I think it was the county to farm the land they had to go through whatever process it is and now they have now they're selling it and to farm the land they I believe they had to farm it for like a year or something um before they could do something with it um my understanding is that they took a hog which is a big lawn mow or some oh they planted Rye on the on the property so that was their crop but it's my understanding that they just plowed that in they used a brush hog and just mowed it all in so the question that I was bringing to that I think I sent to you guys and other people um was if they didn't sell anything did they farm and if they didn't Farm F then how do they get away with um not paying for cutting down the trees and if they didn't Farm are they able to sell it at this point also that I that I didn't put in the in the email because I think the um I I thought I thought it was I thought I saw somebody say that this went to the attorney to rown um but uh I just thought I thought you were involved in that part of I don't recall that and Paul doesn't either but I do cuz when I searched you that's why I said oh 31 Schoolhouse but what you're saying is interesting cuz you think they planted Rye which is interesting I know they planted r b puskus planted Ry on okay so we would have to look at what the agreement was reached and I guess the attorney would have to do that because if they were required to say plant like a cover crop then Ry could could fall into that a cover crop would the operation would be mow down let it go back into the soil not necessarily sell it or does the agreement require them to sell well it's like and I use this example because it's the only one that I know Christy Todd Whitman many years ago it was in the news that she had Farmland tax assessment on a big property and she got it because if she sold $500 worth of something crop then she would get that form land assessment um and so what she would do is she'd cut down trees and sell firewood and sell $500 worth of firewood and she would get the Farmland Assessment so that was what brought me to the the thought that do they have that formally an assessment can they just mow it into the ground or do they have to actually sell it and show receipt receipts that they actually sold some crops from it so it's interesting so with Farmland Assessment the goal is to show that you've sold however there are uh some I would say exceptions like for example if you can show that you've had crop damage um and you weren't able to sell anything for whatever reason that could be an accept a cover crop I'm not sure how that relates to Farmland Assessment because you are planting it but the purpose is to basically root the soil and put nutrients back in so I I would have to look at the tax assessor's form but I think what they want to do is they want to sell it to build something right I know what you're saying so they don't they don't need the root system for that so the whole idea of this it sounds like I don't know but it sounds like they could have done it just to if there was 2,000 trees there they cut them all down and they didn't have to pay $300 a tree for each tree that they cut down and they just plant it in the meantime as you're concerned they they they put it off for a year they planted Ry for a year how is it zones let me look it up on the other system be business and industry that's interesting yeah so the agreement if if some because it's not under if it was Farmland preserved um they would have to maintain Farmland Assessment which would mean they would would have to sell something right but I don't know what the agreement is that they came to so that's the question right there what did they come to this is a business Zone then that the yeah that' be a tree rules apply so what's the yeah but they try to do an end Round Here by I didn't know it exists such a thing would you describe yeah neither did I until I looked into it found out about it interesting uh I am not I really am not sure about that but so you haven't got an answer on it yet no I I think maybe it was maybe it was Steve gly cuz you know she's on Shan tree and I brought it to his attention and maybe he's the one that said to me that uh emailed me and let me know that it was sent to uh rown possible it definitely could be possible yeah I don't recall and you said Paul you don't recall I don't I don't Rec well while we move on with the meeting I will see if uh I can find an email from Steve 201701 okay all right let me see what I can find in the meantime okay that's crazy yeah that that was going to be the thing though why were they and who would have that information I wonder if Mark would have it Mark Hy maybe maybe Mark Hy would have it I can ask him I should yeah okay but did you say that this was more a county agreement I'm you know oh Bow oh I okay yeah b a l o g h okay and guess what what 31 Schoolhouse also ballow yeah yes okay that's who the owner is yeah so can you make SE I actually went to the uh mun he came here and tried to find out cuz I had heard that it might be the same property owner but we couldn't find it on the whatever Maps they had so I'm glad that you just you came up with it nice and easy I don't know why they couldn't it Zone B and I so it's in the business and industry uh what else can I I'm just looking to see is it is far assessed I don't see the qualifier on it's not qualified as Farmland assessed he's a crook can you do reverse search what he owns in the town um I don't know if I can do that from here I'm not that I've never done I'm not sure I could try and see I'll definitely try and look and see just to kind of get early read on what else can we expect from this guy when did you say these were cut down you thought in April no last it was last year last year well these are April cuz I remember talking about it at uh Christmas uh get together last December interesting Department of fire oh this is Department of fire prevention okay so that's yeah that was a separate email about the 31 school that was I believe a separate Str of emails that I I brought up and I think oh yeah and you looked into that one and found out that it was it was uh approved before the change from $30 to $300 so it was right around it might have been the same day it was right around the same time that I sent these open up that report again this one here I think there was some a whole bunch of stuff was checked know yeah attic basement roof hatches skylights exit signs all right let me do a little like digging into this and see what I can find out um now I know what this is I'm sure I I can talk find out tomorrow probably uh I'm seeing a lot of emails regarding the 31 Schoolhouse yes that we talked about I hav found uh this is the address is 411 Elizabeth F 410 I don't it's it's a year later wait it it's is it I don't think it's Elizabeth a it's a pier it should be a pier shet address I would think it's it's listed as 411 Elizabeth f is it it's the same it looks like their access is off of Elizabeth F so because the the white building that you showed on that actual map the one that you you had the trees on if they have front edge on Elizabeth they can claim in Elizabeth I don't know what they do insruction involves that building yeah St that's maybe those trees in the back there are part of their property I don't know so maybe maybe there's it's all gone are the trees behind that white building gone also Stan oh just tell me just tell me no it's like a it's it's C are the trees behind the white building at the bottom there are they gone yeah they're gone okay you mean South Service okay so okay South all right yeah like or Southeast well now I can see that's north south I can see on the map which is north and south interesting I'm trying to see where the heck is their driveway I think that might I can't well that probably does give them that gives them front of Journalism about half of the property has been cleared how many what half of the property was cleared wow okay let me see what I can find out about that I'll look in uh I put that on my list wow interesting no it's supposed to be a form and it should be PR but there's no okay I will check it out and see you want to find you know find exactly what the requirement is to avoid paying for the trees cut what was requirement okay I'll find out I can't find the it'll be easier for me to look at on my computer where I can yeah look on uh you know just not it be easier look on my laptop all right in the meantime I'll see what I can come across okay okay so then we move into Old business old business I'll just run through it real quick I don't really have any major reports on it the Energy Efficiency Grant they did send me these postcards so this is like an example of some of the things that we'll get from the grant like Outreach so see here it says coming soon join our campaign to save energy and then it has a QR code and the link to the website so once the website is up and running then we can start handing these out so these can get handed out on Franklin day for example um uh they're working on putting the website together now which should be you know to us soon which is exciting um how many of do we have I forget how many they said are in here 250 maybe I mean do you have more packets no I just got this in the mail just this for now okay for the entire program well this is just for now cuz it's like a coming soon card then we'll get cards that say like you know visit our our actual website you know like the thing so yeah we'll get more stuff for sure that's just like the first thing um green infrastructure projects at na Williams I met with Carl you know a month ago and waiting for him to get back to me he is going to uh he was planning on doing elevation measurements into the wooded area Carl H from DPW he was going to do elevation measurements from the path into the woodlands to see you know so we can kind of get a cost estimate and materials estimate about what can be done to work on that ponding area so I'm waiting on that um and then any other other old business could I come back to sorry Walter no I see the governor's call for calling for the environmental excellence awards and they're due by September 14th but have we had any history or ever looked into that know anybody around who has received those on the governmental I mean it can be an institution or individual is very broad we got one oh when John loose was the open space coordinator and I can't remember really what it was for I mean this is over 20 years ago are you talking about the but I remember going to Trenton Governor's environmental award yeah environmental exence award yeah they said they a couple years ago you did then yeah oh well here um oh here past winners let's see so you in Franklin we got one too you're saying Ted right yeah way back again uh really oh my goodness interesting it's cold let's see if I can find if it [Music] was I my my Hello I found so when call back oh you got for it when when you I'm not sure I'll read some stuff you okay we just talked about you and I'm at the environmental meeting so okay that'll work that that was the chairman of the library commission nice okay what I got was New Jersey Governor's Jefferson award my daughter got one of those Jefferson award Jefferson a award in 22 2022 environmental stewardship yeah that's that's a world that's a Countrywide Jefferson my daughter from Rochester got one that's awesome yeah congrat you got one all said no oh no no I take I got it at the same time as Heather fenic oh okay and I was actually I I the East Brunswick environmental commission was a past winner of what you're talking about Walter a lot of categories one of them is the governor Florio award my goodness interesting I actually want you to nominate Theiss Robin do you want me to look into this Walter and see if there's something that you know would be I don't know we we might want to aim for something but um certainly if we do something that is worthy we want to make sure we you we get it in yeah okay I'll look and see what the criteria is and stuff like that I'll keep it up here I saw yeah they when you say the New Brunswick one was for East Brunswick it was in 2003 but the East Brunswick environmental commission they were given an award for was it 2004 or 2005 I just saw oh like the sourlands planning Council looks like they went for clean water oh I schools I have schools too where I so it is different one it's not the Jeffers right no this is a different one yeah this is for this is different yeah the post service yeah the Postal Service yeah but it's Excellence award but some of them have names of individuals yes uh to highlight what ocean county yeah little HB Scout Pack 30 I think this is oh here we go so the East Brunswick environmental commission won the healthy ecosystems category um for doing a Vernal pool protection plan wow I'll look into it and see if it's you know but it's something to keep in the back of our minds anyway all the work you did on the energy plan something like that yeah I think one person did win though you're right um oh there's a Richard J Sullivan award Walter mugan one the first D he's from EPA yeah and his final yeah yeah I the Govern oh yeah here's the floral award yeah all that okay cool what sh yeah Neptune Township team Wilderness do you get anything besides of black I don't think so it doesn't look like it oh yeah Ocean County Department of solid waste management one all right good I'll definitely look and see what the requirements and whatnot are good there's a lot out there all all right I think so let me just get back to this um so I found an email here it's a string of emails um and I can forward this to you Tara but okay I'll read I'll read this for everybody here um and this is an email from me Monday July 22nd we were advised in the below December 3rd 2023 email from the township employee um this property on Pierce just east of the property at the corner of pearon Elizabeth made application to the County Agricultural Development board so they could Farm the property Franklin has the right to farm by ordinance on every property in the township um Township repres Representatives met with um the board I guess that's the the County Board uh so they could inspect the site and make a right to form determination it was determined that the property could be formed but needed to be properly tilled and then in parentheses St Etc removed and seated to stabilize the site these actions were completed including the planting of rye by bauscus now the question is this person is saying that they needed to se seed it and stabilize the site in the in the real agreement is that all that it says does it also say anything about selling it maybe that was just left out of this so what I went on to say is I recently learned that the the r crop may have been brush hog mode not harvested for consumption if this is true does the act of just planting a crop accomplish the requirement to qualify for the Farmland exemption is a sale of the crop donation to a food bank or other appropriate use of the crop also needed to satisfy the Farmland exemption does the township need proof for example sales receipts donation acceptance Etc to determine what happened to this crop to determine if the Farmland exempt still applies so I will forward that to you wow interesting yeah so I mean I it maybe maybe it doesn't I I don't know it's just you know it just sort of burned me up a little bit when I know that they're really just doing an end around to plant you know cut down all the trees plant Ry for no reason really other than to not have to pay for all the trees that they took down not to mention there they're you know we're losing several Acres of tree canopy yeah jez be worth looking at good question yeah yeah I'll definitely and I went to the cad huh interesting okay okay there's nothing all right I'll look into it and see okay good okay I can find um at that point then I would ask for a motion to open the quar yes comment so second somebody second okay all in favor Bill anything new no the last hour nothing new I want to go home he said no I want to go home stay to the close close second second okay all in favor I all in favor of having build a home all favor for motion to adjourn so move second all in favor okay