in accordance with the open public meeting Act of the state of New Jersey adequate notice of this meeting of the Franklin Township environmental commission was made by posting on the Bolton board in the municipal building posted on the township website and electronically transmitted to the officially designated newspapers indicating that this meeting would take place in person at 7 p.m on May 20th 2024 okay now um we'll do the um the roll call Walter Andrews here Ted Chase here easy yep Jessica's not here Stan pres Arnold I don't know Arnold's the can we count him or not not he's absent right now but he'll be back he comes in later note of Robin's on the way to Wyoming Maria here me I'm here Tara's here Ed pnik is not here okay that's the call uh report from the commission very short I don't have a big big thing but I I'll give it to you I've got it here uh I want to commend Marie and Stan they did a very good job at Frankford High School Green Fair U significant number of anes sto by the table and there's a sign up list also had a chance has to meet the chair of the shade tree commission uh they had their own table and it was suggested that we work closely with them as request for tree removal rid we do look closely at the types of trees being proposed for replacement and the number of trees required for replanting a whole discussion of amending and redoing the tree ordinance really calls for joint submission from both commissions maybe that would give us a little more strength I don't know but it's better than just us by ourselves so that's for the thought of I also want to add credit to Stephanie elu uh she's a student she was volunte oh that's who was standing yes yeah yeah she deserves credit and although Maria like a number one because she arranged for all the stuff for to be displayed so they get you already mention she from yes yeah and I got my picture taken she took the picture nice very nice okay um so uh next would be approval of May 6 2024 minutes so move okay never got any resolution as to just what present presented I suspect that it was that Council was taking up the and S yeah I think it was something like that [Music] um I got mine here too you had something to read down there about uh meeting on next C to adopt the for in sign so did that happen do we know T said it did happen they aded it well no they they've introduced okay it's on first reading then they got to go yeah very good so that that's that's the only thing that they put in right so uh since Arnold is not here I don't think we have any more editing so I would ask for a vote on accepting all favor okay good minutor approved now we motion to open uh to public uh time second fav anybody on the public have anything say yeah um I heard from a neighbor of mine that it looks like I guess it was at the planning planning board meeting that Kmart wants to come back into Franklin and build a new building and my first thought is the building they left is still [Music] there not okay I miss it's full applications I don't know if it's an environmental concern I think it is why break ground for a new building when the building they left a number of years ago was still there and unoccupied Lan wants to put a 200 apartment has yeah building on the site they're going to put 200 apartments in there that's 11 yeah like to but it's been postponed to July okay there safety concerns environmental concerns all sorts of stuff and it needs a zoning variance cuz that area is not zoned for residential yeah it's own for [Music] commercial I can't imagine Kmart coming back when so many of these rilers shut down doesn't really make I liked it when it was there oh I know yes but people are buying from Amazon yes so I'm a 20th century woman no I the Amazon truck does not stop in front of my condo every other day all my neighbors yes but not me I'm going go to the store see it buy it bring it home but you know unfortunately in agregate and so so Amazon CED up another piece of land right and now we have unused land because nobody wants to use it so we have to figure out what to do with it maybe Mother Earth wants to use it yes but she doesn't you know [Music] where I want to speak for the deer what was that line in that one movie I speak for the the Tre pict thank you so uh since Bill's not here and uh y if you wanted to say something you could okay you can speak for the trees too we had a deer in our backyard this afternoon we always see deer triping through our condos you know the back there yeah I like them I just don't want the TS you know I actually saw right outside of Canal Walk when I was driving shop right there they was that giant turtle the T the makeig tour yeah I saw it the police were trying it was like the one that's in the basically there's a picture of it I'll get a picture of it I was driving past it and I saw the police standing there and they had like a big stick with them and people were and I was like what's going on I thought someone fell down or whatever and I was coming back and Shop right and I was like that is a huge tortoise I actually pulled over so I'm like have I seen that correctly and it was it was no there's a picture on the Franklin Police posted it on Facebook I'll show it to you I have no idea well there's a stream back there is a stream back there it was huge uh Franklin prob way a snapping turtle that's the only turtle that gets big around here that's what I thought here it is that's what I thought I'll pass it around so you can make it bigger if you want but yeah it was big wow it was unbelievable I just had me driving by at the right time and they posted it you can they posted it uh the police posted it on there I rescued a turtle he was going the wrong way he was trying to cross the m and I said no I stopped my car got out turned him back to go back into this would know that it was him yeah you're right this one was so big you couldn't turn it like you would not have enough pick it up it was unbelievable I would right right right on West not that school [Music] house you can show Ellen Walter this way she can see in Gale if she wants to see it here pass back to Ellen this way she see just ta too excited how did we end up with with the turtle because we had public oh well because someone was saying they saw a deer so I just added in that I saw zip W crazy right how is it and I saw pictures of it y we have wild turkeys here it's like it's amazing what we have but it's a fox I love Yeah cuz see no no Fox yeah it's a fox all right to close the public mve to close to the public second all fav okay I don't have any correspondence I check the mailbox nothing in it wow I don't either I have nothing on and there's no no um site plan after there is easy did it yes thank you easy I have it ready I'll just put it up on the screen so this is um Muhammad guda which it well you go ahead can you just make it a little big F yes what do you want me to go to the aial what yeah just go down to the next I think I put recommendations yeah well you may have to zoom in then okay I'll go up a little I think I have a text and is itation of five new single family lots okay so this is a proposal coming from um moham um this is a property 360 Franklin Boulevard you know just very close to Hill uh school elementary school yes I'm just going to show them on the map real quick just so this is the property here just so you knowm is here okay so Frankl Franklin is here on your right right down there there's a Church Mount C church I believe here's FR boulard here's eternal life Christian Center it was the table here already it was this is a resubmittal okay easy go ahead okay so they want to um I I forget the acreage but they wanted they want to cut off everything 100% of the forest land to create every person everything want to kind of all the trees and you know build in five properties with five single unit housing that's their proposal with the new roadway coming in from Arthur I believe to next image yeah yeah so that's they going build a new roadways the whole area is going to be you know the trees are going to be cut down and you have five properties there's a retention Basin here which I believe from the church all the water goes down and they're going to save that but apart from that everything is going to be you know completely wiped off all the trees that's what they do and what I don't like is the next if you go to the next page the three the threee replacement right so this is what they're going to as for the notes and as for the diagram it says there are 10 trees that will be replaced of the 26 5 is it 265 226 226 yeah 226 is what they required to replace oh okay I'm sorry so it is uh where is the 282 yeah 282 is what they're cutting down that's the calculations what theyve done they're supposed to replace 80% of them they're replacing 10 on as for the table but as for the image it says I look at there are 17 of them so there's no proper match between the numbers and what they're actually planning and they count the remain 17 with that the plan schedule less than 10% that's literally negligible n% is 28 so that's uh less than that between five and 10 yeah so and they want to give give money to the tree fund wow that's be really rich 300 $300 a tree that's couple hundred, wow you got 128 tree deficit that area nobody have so easy they so they this is for a subdivision so they also have like are they planning to build the structures at this point too do you know or what structure the houses like are they building a house everything it's full it's a final plan building the five house five houses to my go so 282 trees will be cut they're required to replace 226 of 2.5 in caliber why we need to have new triers which will avoid that exception that um they can choose to pay the balance oh 25 C we don't have the space where where do we actually gives us money where do we put that right we are running out of space space too uh why Robin and I took a tour of the area east of Franklin Boulevard and located spots where the town could plant Street trees watered I drive here every day I pick up my son from Franklin from Hill Crest that's on my way it's totally gone look at it it's the only place that hasing no no no that's going to be that's the only green spot in the area imag people Laing up on wow that's incredible that's why I want to purchase the my house blame yet what was cool it is I got to go to the top easy says it is uh 2772 Acres yeah 2772 Acres be some open spaceship by I was going to say the same thing yeah but at this point it's probably so far down the road I bet but something we can look at we have open space tomorrow that could be one of our recommendations we could make make a recommendation what do everybody take it see if open space could buy that he probably got some investment in the he owns the the whole thing yeah particularly if this is already in rised as yeah I was last year some what were our com comments back then because did they want to cut all trees previously yeah yeah but I thought we commented that there was space for more trees yes that's I made remarks that they there is space you don't need to cut up everything right yeah any other uh thing you want me to focus on like what were your recommendations so can we go back go down I think I have have some recommendations at the bottom the page it's just that the whole calculation is not C they didn't their application didn't State what variants they're looking for so they didn't state that right so all I'm saying is you they need to uh be mindful about what they're cutting they need to sort of you know uh the 80% replacement they have to sort of account for that what they going to do right um uh what else did I say should be considered considering green roof you know giving them options that you have to have consider green roof to mitigate any of the tree removal schedules can we suggest them to do four houses instead of five three I would say three instead of five because we could I mean we I have to look at the zoning and see like resal r10 r10 okay are they single family residents they don't come under the state law mandating solar ready or EVS it's not a commercial build I mean we can recommend it but it's not no no be required so r10 yeah you required 10,000 square foot 10,000 square ft area of each lot 100 ft of Frontage so they have to be seeking a variance for the frontage right yeah but they've not asked for any variance they've not highlighted any variance in their application oh wow and not justified anything so oh yeah application doesn't list variance type required huh interesting why what's the Frontage that you said that it's 100 ft of Frontage is required yeah where is the 100 ft each lot yeah each each each lot they're making access road yeah huh yeah because they're proposing an Access Road off of Belmar right that's where it was from how many trees was that being cut and22 I believe 282 282 okay they going to 10 17 as for the uh map but 10 in writing that's what they put and right but I have no clue doesn't it doesn't reconcile those numbers but 17 as for their map what what if the seven that you see on the map is just the bush or something no no so they have if you go back to the diagram on top again s so how come that they one with so the one in the big circles are the ones are 17 total trees and they give the schedule of what they're planting most of them are above 2.5 2.7 caliber so five of them are the October Glory red what is that what is these are no trees no retention Bas yeah there are some trees there that's one spot it's within that retention Basin now he's saying so like that that this like shape here that's the ret there is some trees they're proposing some bushes there the trees are only the big circles you see the the big CES yeah those are the trees so so these are not trees no those may be bushes likely but even so this October Glory red maple that's one of the trees that is they 27 trees it's not 27 but 17 Street trees in parenthesis so 17s are yeah 17 are those additional T somewhere probably in the Bas that shouldn't count towards the trees though cuz that's a storm water but so for example one of the things they're recommending is this October that's one of our trees that we recommend from shade tree commission but like they're proposing 2 and 1/2 caliber so that's like the isue you know what I'm saying there a couple trees but that's that's a bush that's not a tree spice bush yeah but the bush is not a tree that goes in the retention Basin okay yeah so even what they're planning to replace is so small something about SW yeah white oak there y white o two of them yep swamp white oak and white oak for reg is the village Greer is it Village Green zova four of those oh the quantities right there yeah five six so it looks like they're on the front Lawns of the houses exactly yeah yeah you're going to have so much heat that might be something we want to consider for the tree ordinance I'm just thinking of this now too cuz it's not specifically in the ordinance but any trees that are proposed within the retention Basin those should not count towards tree count I don't think because they're being used for storm water purposes they're not really replacement trees like I know it's kind of picky but they're really not serving the same purpose of why they're being taken down it's a good way to get them to put more trees on I think you know or pay for more trees or maybe take away less trees what about the gray area to the back 1 2 3 four this here yeah that that whole can you go up there's another IM cup take a it's a lot it's a lot it's a lot lots that oh yeah why is it gr though maybe I don't know why it is here's a lot here's a lot so you got two on the cold to sack and then one two three 2 5 yeah yeah yep and they're a family s un family and they're taking every single thing down everything P what is what is this area what does it me I can't see where you're pointing that that is a walkway and a crosswalk so it looks like it's the for storm drainage it's also going to be cross-hatched so it's kind of like a multi like I guess you can walk on it and they're going to do some type of drainage under there it looks like it it seems to me you put more trees on those two lots the ones on the circle there's a lot of room there for for more trees yeah let me go back to the tree plan I don't know why they go back here instead of got some circles there at the back of yeah not not the one in the corner not the one the corner there was some slope there interesting but I think you could you could run trees along the bound yeah they don't need to take off everything that's what I think too to take off everything they don't need thing is if you putes here so so that they could oh would also how wide is this road doesn't this road look really wide like it's you see how wide this road is why is that [Music] that probably would it's it's an Access Road in and out it's a double it has to be a Double L andak is mandatory cesac is mandatory I don't think it's mandatory because it's also Tak actually rsis would say only one sidewalk not sidewalk on both sides okay that could be a yeah this like taking up a lot of room this road in particular but then you are making the road morean see said proposed road we on the straight side there's a whole area there where they could put trees behind that other house there's an open area there that's what we talked about when we looked at this last time that there was more there was room for more trees well yeah I mean first they're going to annihilate everything that's there and then still even they're going to replace what 100 trees they're probably taking down how many I mean 282 that's done by the sampling it's definitely more than 282 oh you're right Cal [Music] yeah minimum is 280 maybe more than that oh it's probably much more than that more than [Music] that okay I got to find our old one I think our old one was done a long time I we did this before I would remember that one it was a couple years ago yeah I don't see anything here for it but it could have been done like a long time ago well 2 3 years maybe yeah what it wasn't longer than that unless it was name something else up other thing it could be but it has a different name problem does it have a whole new zoning uh like a 24- something let me say um hold on cuz it is a recent milil no it's pln 20 20 so years 2020 originally yeah I don't have anything in my file for it but you might have something yeah that's okay I mean you know I mean four years ago nothing would be Val anyway the name is G yeah g [Music] u all right anything else easy to add so can we recommend them to reduce the number of houses is that are we allowed to say that yeah we don't have any power we only recommend so it's pln2 D what pln2 Das um sorry that's techn the way you can fulfill the requirement of keeping the trees just don't develop as much that's the most straightforward recommendation we can recommend par that you know to keep maintain the three numbers of required three numbers you don't you you avoid building another property decrease the number of uh units units to fit the the um and meet the zoning require I don't know what the Zone I got to look through and see cuz they didn't even put a variance application and so we don't even know what are they I thought I saw something flash up on the screen variances yeah there's nothing in that I no that's the environmental like the environmental impact statement basically planning board so they don't have to go why they don't have to second phone where you state the variance and justify the variance yeah there's no way they'll need a variance for anything yeah they CED off nothing nothing Peter the freak yeah they say they need no now that's the thing maybe they're saying they need no variants but once it actually gets reviewed it'll be you need a variance for whatever it is well you tell maybe we can contact the TRC and see if they've done let's see what they have to say yeah do that yeah want see something really Qui here so like one of their lots for example where they go um is here it is so one of their lots for example is like I'll take the biggest one 0.456 that's 10 yeah they make it it's 10,000 square ft yeah so 0.456 is 19,000 Square ft yeah so they actually wouldn't need a they can have all those lots yeah they meet the they actually don't even need a variance they meet the zoning oh I see the smallest one is25 actually I think the the 19,000 is the detention Bo yeah right but the smallest one they're proposing is 0.254 and that's still 11,064 ft so they actually don't need a variance for the size at least I have to look at everything else your [Music] setbacks okay well we can make that recommendation still that you know in order to save a tree canopy or you know yeah okay this this is part of Ward five right uh Franklin Boulevard is yeah four already lost so much tree canop be yeah all right I can write this up I'll look at what I can find in terms of the zoning PA look and see if he can find the old report and then and that's that but that was the only one we had for tonight yeah put not to myself I'll look look tomorrow okay okay that complet the review yep no more review so we're looking new business Community energy plan okay so the community energy plan I sent we talked about it last time I sent out before our last meeting um I did get comments from a lot of people which is great thank you so much for reviewing it I'm in the process right now of making the edits um so I got through Ted sent me a lot of comments which is great and so I got through half of those um Paul sent me some which I've already implemented Robin sent me some so what I've been doing just Maria uh would you would would it be helpful to wait for other people to or you want to close it well I have to close it it's under Grant so before we can close the grant out which is due in I want to say July um it has to actually be reviewed and approved by the planning board so I have to give them time to review it um so what I have been doing I'm making the comments right now if anyone can get me any more in the next few days I would say I guess it's okay but what I've been doing is kind of I always keep keep a list of exactly what comments I have what I completed what hasn't been addressed for example um if there's a reason for you know if I have a question things like that so um so for example this is a good one so Robin had mentioned under the micr mobility area she said shouldn't there be some discussion of bicycling to work using bik lines bike Lanes which are common on County Roads um so here's one comment I didn't address it I'm not saying that I don't think I should address it I wanted to get all of your feedback on it so that's an example of do we want to delve deeper into that it's already being addressed in the pathways and trails plan and the micr mobility study and I think to add on more for something like that I don't know if the somewhere very laate on because I know it was in my five four comments um there's some discussion of micromobility without defining and but the discussion is almost purely in terms of vehicles and my comment was that it should also mention Roots right and I thought that was being studied by the current cons it is under the micromobility study it is but that's like a good question a comment like this do we want to include that in the community energy plan because it's just going to add on more and it's already being worked on under different two different sources so that's like the kind of I read part of that and it was really uh discouraging the one it said there wasn't any real uh good path that could be for bicycles unless you went through residential streets there wasn't going to be a member reading it right so they're already you saying well this doesn't quite work yes for the micro Mobility you're right I saw that part and I said I if if that's going to be the approach we don't gain anything by putting it into the energy report right I mean we just got to be careful of what we put in the energy report because it's a very um what's the word it's like a very Niche and kind of targeted plan so I think it's good to mention the micr mobility but I don't know how far we want to really dive into that so that's like one example of you know how much maybe maybe just a comment that's being studied on the receptor plan right right mention that yeah that go we made that for our comments you have to create a doc I create yeah anytime I do a planning document I always like facely inventory all the comments this way we can say how come this wasn't addressed how come plus we have to submit it as part of our public Outreach we have to submit that we actually like documented comments so yeah yeah yeah you have to be very like detail yeah it took a while just me looking at typos and offsets and you know that kind of thing and that took I was not really paying attention to typos because oh no you know yeah if you have something substantive that's what's really important at this point you know um so yeah let me go through and look I just want to look real quick while I have here I know we don't have everybody but it is what it is okay uh another comment that I said unsure of was um under housing there is no mention of some of the categories and owner rented owner owned oh wait don't ignore that i' I've come to terms with that let me move on to the next one yeah we talked about that um okay so here's one so Ted one of your comments which I think this is a good one uh along with the inventory this is under the uh Fleet inventory the municipal Fleet inventory there should be a list of vehicles have EV Replacements available and If there is Grand funding so I said I think that's a great idea but again it's like do we want to that's the question if you guys want me to put that in there I absolutely will it's like but do we want to go that far in that's the I think I made comments somewh along that idea was that you know the goal is to Electrify but there was a disclosure as long as options are available right so it it's it's a it has two meanings you know you on one side you say I want to Electrify and that's then you create condition and and how how do you define what means available because if we agree that it's really priority to to curve the covero footprint and and then then it's more important to find solution rather than saying give me direct one to one replacement because I see it all the time yeah the only problem with government is though so meaning when if it's available able is that we have to usually I think I'm right in saying this is we operate under the state contract for buying vehicles and things like that so if it's not under the state contract I don't know that we have a lot of I don't know I just figured that some specialized Vehicles it's very unlikely that electric versions will be available like sewage Authority trucks for pumping out Pipelines or whatever DPW does for pumping out cash bases everything can be done El there were comment it can be done not at the automotive companies do it will they provide such the reason why we have status quo because they have chassi which is gasoline and if you want to have a the vehicle that pumps Swit that they just put that equipment on top of it and they call it this is truck for sewage but if you have electric version okay they put it on electric sh so uh you know I last week was um there was three uh Fleet shows I attended two of them and I have seen electric sweeps street street sweepers oh yeah I have seen electric trucks bags box and bat trucks I have seen uh utility crane uh I have seen um front loader back hole so um and garbage truck so um it's just a matter of time when when everything will be electrified so just you know we could we could mention getting a list without having to provide the list at this time so that's one thing I could put it in our next steps to say maybe we should collect the list okay so I'll put it in there then okay to do and it'll be add two next steps okay so that helps me there all right let me just change this so I know what I'm doing here okay uh then the other ones were okay figure 17 not sure if it's necessary and not sure about the data about cost of home and rent okay right so figure 17 I just want to show you what it is if it's not necessary we can definitely delete it um what's figure 17 and where is figure what is this one good luck I know figure uhoh somewhere ear on 27 yeah 27 um find I don't think it's this though 15 okay you good pills which one 17 17 yeah and I think it's the one that shows like where different where people work mostly in the township [Music] um be one yeah doesn't have number comeing the pictures don't have cuz they're not really figures okay that one no it's a graph I know what what I like now that he said it I'm like oh yes I remember this hold on worri to skip too far ahead okay I think this is 16 so this was not yeah okay this is it it's this graph and it's from um the census buo J by and it shows jobs by industry sector so I don't know if that is necessary and it's under the section of um this section is this is supposed to be this is under commercial and multif Family Properties Community energy multi family Energy Efficiency plan and jobs because this section is talking about how do we incentivize workplaces to have you know EV Chargers or um yeah not taking it to so this we can get rid of if we want got some things to [Music] discuss yeah and choose what so take it out and we can definitely take it out if you guys think it's unnecessary yeah okay okay so figure 17 okay that going make you have to change all number that's okay though I'll do it at the end I don't really like to even enumerate anything until the very end but because you guys were going to don't you have automatic numbering that when you take it off if Will re number everything no I don't I didn't know you can do that on figures oh okay you have to show me at the end um cannot do it but Microsoft does oh are you using word yeah word y uh not okay so we also have information here about what is the average cost of a home and rent in the plan and that basically came from the local Health assessment we added that information in it basically basically it's just like a paragraph that says the average cost of a home in Franklin Township is $357,000 I think the average cost of rent is ,750 and so I brought that in from the local Health assessment because I thought that in terms of like understanding why Energy Efficiency is important that would be a good piece of information to know but if it's like too far we can remove that too um read it in what purpose does that serve so in my mind it was that you know basically describing the cost the High Cost of Living it's like that's how we can also incentivize people to reduce their energy use and cost because it's like the cost of living is so high as it is but then it would have to be compared to something else as a russal yeah we compared it to the whole of New Jersey and the United States yeah yeah now that says figure 19 where's figure 18 figure 18 is oh well there's no comment on figure 18 but I can show to you if you want but there no comments no this is literally just a list of comments yeah y okay um so is it okay if we just keep that in okay all right so then I will do some ration help yes say no okay that would explain why there manag I'll uh need to ask oh need to introductory statement on page where e oh yeah I'll go back to you on that on you with that t cuz it's literally just like I just want to get your comments uh okay so here's another one so Robin had a comment shouldn't there be some discussion of bicycling to work using bike Lanes which are common on County Roads and the micro Mobility study so I think I think I'm right in saying you guys all said we're okay with just refence referencing the pathways and trails plan and the micro Mobility um yeah it shows we've looked at it but we there's another reference okay I will take care that then um bear with me okay uh okay so how can real and potential OB supposed we discussed when you haven't told the reader what the proposed is okay so this is under the land use policies and planning section and I went back and read what you were saying Ted and that I agree with you so the land use and policy section it does really kind of describe what we've already done right instead of being like this is what we're going to do we can take out that initiative if it's something that we've already done we can take it out and move it into the background of the report which is fine the only thing is I hate to take out land use and policy planning from the you know things we're going to focus on because it's like that's important no so that's where I'm kind of stuck but I don't have enough information to write something up about it so that's the conundra woman so basically the initiative is really supposed to talk about things we're going to do this section the land use policy it talks about the anti-idling ordinance and the warehouse ordinance and all that but those are already done so having it in the initiative section doesn't kind of fit but I don't want to really take it completely out so I'm worried that we miss a big chunk of it so I don't know I could and just move it to the background and reduce it well if you don't know what we want to propose under this initiative is it Justified to have the initiative there probably not probably not take it out take out move it to the backgrounds okay all right that's fine I can do that uh okay I think that makes sense yeah cuz anything we've done we have like a little blurb at the beginning about we've done this we've done that okay another comment is um Robin wanted to add to the section about when people choose renewable energy like through Community solar or solarized campaigns that people can also choose 100% renewable energy without doing community solar but this is under the Community solar initiative so I don't really want to say oh here's a whole initiative on doing community solar but also you cannot choose Community solar if you want so maybe the point there this was not my no this is Robin yeah um it is proposed that through energy aggregation that energy aggregation plan must include a 100% solar option okay we don't yet know whether we will get anybody to agree to that very likely we will because it will be a somewhat higher cost but um and remember that in community solar has to be at least 50 % lower Mar right and so basically I think people who have signed up who are not low income have signed up but they have to wait until enough low another so there's so I should add that in there there's s of complicated okay anyway well so there's a reason why people might do 100% solar through through the aggregation plan but you have to state that this is only something proposed as part of the Township's energy agation plan got it okay sure that sounds too I get it I get it okay no that makes more sense now no okay so I can fix that all right and let's see here's I'm sure uh okay so Ted this was your comment and this was a good thought I thought you had so basically this under the energy audit section our recommendations are that we are now eligible for free energy audits again through the local government energy audit program for BPU and Ted's point is which is a good point that I didn't think about is that you know during the last audit stage the municipal building uh audit showed only a savings of like 10% or so so 11% and other buildings that were audited the savings were less than 10% the difference the distinction is because sustainable Jersey would only give you credit for greater than 10% savings right so the question is is it even worth going through the audits again we are eligible for free audits which is why I think keeping them in would would be good but it's like going to yield anything well we certainly can do it for the Youth Center because it hasn't been done on the youth the youth CER has all the modern stuff yeah I mean it's really right right up to stuff on everything green meal yeah it probably is already very good better than any of existing is it it probably is worth having the data for the benchmarking but you're right we won't get credit probably through sustainable Jersey or anything but it's like if it's not going to cost us anything should we continue it but Ted's point I think is a good one it might not we might get them done and yeah it'll be free but is it really going to well of course it's always possible that new ways of improving Energy Efficiency have Chang the appeared since the last August so why don't I just like kind of clarify this area and basically say you know I'll add in what you said which was last time you know about the 10% I'm was going to put add in Ted's um comments and reference SJ these are my notes okay I got it I'll I'll add I think it's important to put that in there that's you know might not get a whole lot get would it be worth listing the changes that we've done as a result of the last previous audits oh we are just you were yes we had there's one part in the plan that I went through dpws I found their information I put in what changes they made so I did listed it further down the other comment I had was that it seemed as if you had brought up doing another round of energy audits several times in different initiatives y y if there's a way you can cross yeah that I saw and just just once you do it once and then you can um mention it very briefly and see the initiative you're right I noticed that too you're right about that um another unsure comment was and so this is in our um uh energy Outreach campaign for residential so you know we just got that grant for doing an energy Outreach campaign and Ted's point is a one again which is that holding events are probably not going to be effective enough to reach this objective and we need to really focus more in contacting people where they live through churches social organizations so I think possibly high school students yeah I me if if you can get people to people from a neighborhood to knock on their neighbors doors right and provide this information that's the best possible way not easy but it's the best possible way I think we can add that in we'll still reference our grant that we have going but we will add that in as well um is it possible like when you go to grocery store you get receipt and somewhere at the bottom or on the other side is advertisement for someone else that we would communicate through that channel possible yeah you know I mean yeah yeah we can talk when we do our grand St with st Jersey we can talk to them about that for sure like for the materials that we make yeah it's just a different way of communicating yeah if people read the back and if they vot well if I noticed myself that there was some advertisement at some point I take it from my hand yeah one other unsure this one I was of really unsure about so in the commercial Energy Efficiency section Robin had mentioned that we should also talk about that njbpu has a credit for nonprofits So the plan really only is to talk about residential commercial multifam is with real industrial and that's all the data we have not that I don't want to mention the nonprofits but I just don't know that it has place here in this plan so I'm wondering if then we might have go in a sense there are some class of commercial they are but I don't want to have to go back and come up with data and everything for all the nonprofit which is what I'm worried about that if we just put it in this one spot we don't even have the data like when sustainable Jersey sent me the data that we're supposed to work with no nonprofit it's industrial residential commercial just so yeah so not that I don't want to include them but I don't know that it's for the scope of this project I don't know how many nonprofits we have I don't know the nursing home so are we okay if we don't address that one are on not for profit all the H are not for profit I think it's going to just take it to the next level basically um this might be the only other oh no there's twoes off prob the last one guys for you guys the last unsure is that Robin said so we'll probably see a new Food Bank building by 2027 2028 and in new yam s by 2030 happing her lead type uh Construction in these semi Municipal properties so we don't actually know for sure that that's going to happen um and we really can't I mean we would encourage it through the site plan process but I don't know if I mean a whole thing to get into this document will go through planning board yeah planning board will be involved with new construction anyway well yeah we would get the plans to R more yeah I just remember Ed pn's comment about the clont Avenue school this lead gold they couldn't afford lead Platinum right right lead Gold's pretty good lead gold yeah but but it just makes the point they have been trying to get a YMCA for at less 15 20 years so I don't know if it's worth putting I think when it's there we can talk about it in the next iteration of the plan but so that that was the only unsure comments I had for you guys to review the only thing I also want to bring up is that we are also supposed to hold at least one Outreach event for this community energy plan so I was thinking maybe as part of our upcoming EC meeting you know like you can set aside a portion of it for the public like I can do a presentation on it and if people come that's great or if you want me to do it separately I can um I can also do one virtually if you want to have two I can hold one virtually and I can hold one in person I don't mind doing that whatever works what do you think um this is something I saw I saw in U an profit working outreaching the community and they're getting a ground for them but they're doing by Zoom so right right and I don't know if that will be something that you would like want what are you going to focus on just presenting the plan it's just like community outreach and I can definitely do one in person I could do one virtual because it's a requirement of the grant is that we have to hold at least one Outreach session how long should that Outreach be um I mean I'll do a very brief like 10 slides Maybe of this is why we're doing it this is what it is here's the grant we got 15 minutes yeah I think 15 20 minutes unless for some reason a ton of people came and asked like a 100 questions then that's but other than my mine it be 15 minutes by the movie screening that'll be a nice opportunity as well yeah yeah I could do it there too and we could even do it after the grant is closed if we want to just publicize it that's we could do that too so I so does everyone agree if I do one virtual and one in person and are we okay if we hold it just as part of one of our outcoming agendas cuz then no one has to go separate it's just easy we have very poor experience with those impers should we try to get the council chambers just in case a lot of people come that's a good idea yeah we can do that tried it for the eeve presentation yeah well that's an example of you hold an events but will they come I wonder if we can get the videographer if I put in not the next agenda but the following I get the videographer and even post that on our website and you don't have to do two I don't have to do two but yeah at least yeah and I but I mean or I could do another one too I do a second uh iners one but we can do that okay Mery Clark well you know a virtual one may elicit more comments than an inperson one it's easier for people close it 10 put stuff in the chck Box yeah so once we get so once I get this to planning basically they're going to you know I don't think that planning is going to do an in-depth review because they understand that like we were given a very specific list of items to talk about and that is exactly what we've talked about um we were also under the Grant and BP has to get sent to sustainable Jersey and BPU which I will do and do the presentations and then do you have in your marketing plan included brat um so we do talk yeah in the um in the grant you're talking about that we got this one because what I noticed I'm receiving emails from Mary Clark and some of them are related to the environmental club or something that it's not exactly sponsored by school but it has something to do with education so it would be good to tap into that mailing list and ask her can you also promote this program yeah so the way that works is we email them what we want the Board of Ed has to approve our correspondence and then they can send it out but we can do that we've done that before y yeah yeah um there were two initiatives that I felt really shouldn't be there MH they're right at the very end so you haven't gotten to them I haven't but I read your comment I let pull it up you're right cuz you know what I'm glad you brought that up because one of them is better is energy storage I forget what the other one was there was two yeah two initiatives and Ted mentioned I don't even think these should be there and honestly when I was writing them I was like I don't think this should be here either but it was like part of there they're not really things that a municipality would do right that things was that Private Industry would be Li to do was it in part four or was it yeah energy storage energy storage was one and what was the other one you said micro grid no I I do have a suggestion about uh about microgrids that is conceivable but there is this thing I always heard about that you can have a micro grid but its wires cannot cross streets oh okay and I don't know whether that is still in effect I have a dim feeling that Bob Smith was going to get it repealed I'm not sure have to look into we might possibly SM office no energy H meaning that it cannot go over or it cannot go even under the the wire that I wouldn't know for sure I I mean one assume that they man over since most whe the goal is to keep it within block or whether the goal is to avoid overhead uh wire I think Theo the the reason is to avoid competition with PSC and G yeah the the energy hubs in that write up we had talked about giving tax incentives to companies that come in here and we're not going to do that as a as a so you said energy hubs and energy storage were the two ones Ted is saying we should just remove those as initiatives because it's like we're not take it out I have this this feeling somewhere I have this memory of somebody saying well Vince dominc said no we don't want any that's what exactly yeah maybe it was you it was me because I spoke the Vince okay I'm right yeah so if I can take that out I'll take both of them out then just take both of them out but you can you can leave in micro grids as a possibility because we've got um Spring Hill which even under that restriction could be on a municipal complex based micr GD and if you get beyond that restriction youve got Regency uh and the whatever the residen is there I forget that was called and if you willing to run the lines far enough you've got a nursing home I think at Parker that's on in the middle of the but is the street that becomes 15th Street I don't know I'm sorry yeah that I don't know I should remember but that's the kind of memory that I know I hear you I hear that well well thank you all for your comments I think I now know like exactly how to finish it up and Ted I'll go through the rest of your comments if I have any other questions I'll reach out to you directly okay um and I will send an email out basically when I'm like okay I'm done with all the comments that's it you know sending of mar key and he'll go through it I'm sure and he has any comments but it's not really like writing you know like the pathways and trails plan he's going to go through with a fine tooth comb because that has a lot of connections to our circulation plan our environmental resource inventory this is a very you know we've been told exactly what has to be in there so it's it stands alone yeah okay yep Co so I think we finished the final draft yes what now the next thing says Outreach meeting schedule that's what I was talking about with the virtual and putting it so I won't put it on the next agenda I'll probably put on the agenda after that as part of our E I think that will save everyone time okay so um partnership with we love you Foundation okay so we so we I should say Wendy white from the youth center yes she got we she was contacted by this foundation called we love you and I talked about it last time um and they want to do a big planting or some type of environmental project so I had recommended to them maybe doing it at NE Williams Park um because we want to plant trees there as part of our green infrastructure plan um and we also need to like dig some trenches and things like that so they said yes we want to do it there has been a little bit of confusion since then because I guess originally when they talked to Wendy they said we will provide everything and the more we go down the road it's like well we would like the money from the shade tree fund for the trees which is allowable that's allowable so they're going to go to the shade tree commission meeting this week and present to see if they can get money from the sheet which it isn't appropriate use really I would actually suggest that yeah because it needs to be spent right um I agree so they're going to do money is there yeah uh Wendy's working with them directly because they want to schedule it and have people there from the township Council so she's working on that but my thought was is if we can get the we love you Foundation to plant trees and their pay for out of the shade tree commission fund that's more money out of our grant that we don't have to use for trees we can use for the other actual green infrastructure projects so so that's that unless the township is required to replace the trees on different grounds right yeah okay because right yeah yes if Township is cutting trees and not paying and then yeah not be that would not yes no that would not to Mr G yeah seriously right Tre from them yeah so I'll keep you posted what happens with the they have to present to the shet Tre commission this week or is it no fourth Thursday is that this week yep no next week right fourth Thursday this is the third week this is the third week so yeah so once they present to them I'll let you all know how it goes okay okay now we've got SJ PS partn in energy efficiency grant yes so we had our meeting with the uh samel Jersey um they called it the intake meeting and it was to kind of describe you know the uh residential Energy Efficiency Grant we got I think most of you were on there Stan you were there Paul was there didn't we the sunshine I'm sorry didn't we VI the sunshine now no I don't think so who else was there Robin mhm yeah no I don't think so I think that was it you weren't there Walter no I was Ted was just three of yeah I don't count as part of it so she a voting um but we had the kickoff meeting so since that basically what they said is they showed us an example of Somerville um already got Grant and they put together this great website for them let me see if I have it up here still it really looked I do it really looked nice so through the grant they sustainable Jersey made this website for Somerville and so you can see it's a whole separate page on somerville's web page when you go there it's all about the residential Energy Efficiency campaign they have you know the scrolling Banner here and they talk about things they've done they have a participation button here that you can just click on and try to figure out which you know program you want to work with this is the video we get a video too and they post it right on your screen so if you have a chance later you can always look at that um and then they talk about you know how to find a program they they build all of this for Somerville as part of the grant so we'll have a page that looks just like this for us which is great um they have information about how to talk to PSC G so I think it's a great web page I'm excited for us to get it um you know so after that meeting they sent me a list of things we have to send them send them information we have to send them I honestly haven't had a chance to even like begin that but I will as soon as I finish the comments for the community energy plan and then they can use that to start building our page which will be great so yeah good so it's a done deal we receive the money right yeah so we get the 2500 $0000 and then we get all of they do all of this like outside of the 2500 yep so I think it's going to be really good yeah and that would so that that really take care of all three of those y okay y promotional educational items for tabling events which we just had yeah Maria asked that this be added to the agenda because there's some budget to right so Maria was basically saying for tabling events in the future it would be nice to just have like things that are available and I agree and in our budget that we proposed uh for this year we proposed I want to say it was like $1,000 for print outs and things like that so the budget passed and so we should have availability of that money very soon so we will be able to order things like that I thank i pref instead of a business car in my my we should have some sort of identifier mhm we can absolutely do that have to be necessarily t-shirt but t-shirt is it's nice t-shirt's fine the trails committee they have hats for example they wear these orange hats yeah so they we couldn't get calling Crut when we get shance well because we had no budget so now we actually have a budget we actually have a budget all the money has to be put into the account and everything but as soon as it becomes available I would put together a list we can talk about it at the EC meeting and then it has to be voted on once we vote on it and it's approved I can send it to Mark and say here's what we want please order it and then that's that and then we can do like for example in those events that you are going go later on Raffles okay you you ear a pen that says enviral commission or B you know like like giveaways QR code with the website eded so that people scan it they can go to our website yeah and the other thing we're going to get too is part of this energy efficienc Grand through sustainable Jersey we're going to get a huge stack of door hangers and flyers and things like that so we'll be able to also use that at tabling events but I agree with you there should be like oh we're going to get a tablecloth from then too cuz I know you ask about a tablecloth so we'll have the tablecloth we'll have these things yeah but users are Frank right we'll be able to have those things for sure for tablecloth I have experience from New Jersey Eva that we have table skirt it's awesome okay it's made of natural material it's kind of spandex but the good thing is that it's a windproof so you you stretch it across 6 foot table oh okay and it goes down and you hook it to the feet so that you can actually see oh so it doesn't blow around and you you have a logo I like that idea smart doesn't blow up smart Okay so this is this is really good I like it the the think is that you get only one size because you cannot use it for 8ft table like a couple days ago in in uh this there were actually two tables we first received 6ot table then we want to have more space and they give us OT table and I was like come on this is too much so we ended up actually transferring everything from the 6t to 8T and it was just good size and we were lucky that the cloth that we had was kind of both sides but it was not the stretchy stuff got so it has advantages disadvantages you would have to kind of make an executive decision which table size is more what we're going to use predominant if we go with the skirt got it which I would really no I think that's a smart idea cuz when it's blown around it's pain so but for all of that stuff we need to have [Music] our image our logo right for sure the the logo that we have today I have a little bit of issues with that even though it look pretty good on the frame but when you have event and you have partners and you want to put several logos next to each other and you have to size them appropriately you can read environmental commission badly but what's inside is just the brown spot got it okay so maybe something we want to reconsider yeah yeah okay all right so so Mar I'll find out about when the money becomes available and then you can start you and your committee if you want to start putting together a list with prices approximate and then you need well right yeah well no if we use the vendors we have printing vendors on contract we have them on bid or whatever if we use one of those if you tell me what you want I would get one quote from them and then no whatever you choose find and whatever we have we need to have a storage for that no right yeah because so far do you still stock it oh I brought everything you brought it okay you're talking about my garage yeah his garage is storage yeah but for you're to share and I need okay yeah I mean I gave what you saw what I gave I had that pack of Spanish language things about idling and I had the banner and there's more stuff in there a little out of date cuz now it's about 2 years or 3 years and and AJ was the the game that you energy quot quot quot it and we have it there um they they told me to keep to keep it to the commission but it has to be uh laminated yeah so where you we got time till September I think we got September is the Franklin day set up I'm not sure I think it is yeah [Music] um think 28th 28th I I you show that September 28th 12 it going to be a Colonial Park like I just closed it I think so let me double check frankly day right sometimes out colal Park Saturday is it Saturday the 28th y 12 to 5 Colonial Park 12 I don't have any light bulbs we have to get something else yeah have to get something else little trees I guess who who's managing it Wendy or I think Wendy I think Wendy still yeah okay okay so um we've really had reports from the sub committee I think yeah we do already okay so we don't need that well want we have an energy report no no no no no we do we do youil Phil okay so uh we got contacted by Kathy I don't remember the last name from mon um and uh the email stated that she apologized that uh M did not follow through for the film screening um um and and uh she wanted to get in the loop so I sent her email that we have a film plan for July 8th that we have two candidates common ground and asbestos uh and I sent email to Janet Timar from Recreation uh to book the consolata because the consolata is it's a good thing when we come somebody is actually there you know the building is not locked that's Stu fun intended so um um Tara you mentioned that you want to figure out whether we can project the asbesto city right right yes I did reach out to the person but I didn't get a response so I think he's very busy because they're playing it now like the they were so they have the festival on June 6 or something so I'll try again yeah and see if I can get a hold of them yeah uh for the other Common Ground I think we have a DVD right yes Jessica has it has it so uh when we prepare uh the marketing which I guess I'll do through kba it would be good idea to know yeah what do we got good good check perfect okay I'll see what I can find out yeah all right okay so I think that's it hot topics we've covered a lot yeah when do we want to make a final call on which film let's say that you follow up you still don't hear um if you want to wait until the next meeting maybe I guess or is that not enough time it's still enough time right yeah junee I would say the next meeting that was probably the last opportunity because we would have just about month for the so I would say next meeting everyone should decide what movie they want makes sense yeah the latest I mean because because uh it's what it's spending I guess we would prefer to go with asbestos City know I think that's what it sounded like everyone would prefer but it's if yeah if they get back if you if you get the information earlier I can start develop is still a problem in a lot of areas well it's not about asbestos they just call it asbestos but it's about flooding oh okay in Manville oh oh Manville that's a guy from it's a person from Manville I produced it so yeah so it's it's a bit to create as besto City but maybe the reference is that it's a double cursed Town yeah first first through and then oops we flooding okay is there any other Hot Topics news or policies no okay so we're up to Old business we talked about the micro Mobility study already yeah so the only thing about the micr mobility study is that uh Kevin the consultant from mv5 that's working on it he wants to meet with us in person the week of June 3D at some point so I'll send around uh potential dates to everyone um it's not going to cost us anymore or anything like that um but he wants to kind of go over some of the their what they come up with in person um so if any I'll try to work out a date with him and then anyone who's interested can come um maybe he can come to one of our EC meetings I think we actually have an EC meeting yeah so maybe he can just Monday yeah maybe he can just come to that meeting and then everyone can be here no I think it would be better to have a separate separate okay otherwise you you'll feel cramped for time that's true okay so I'll see what I can find out how about a time that works on your end during the week of June 3rd so I'll reach out back to him we'll see a date that works and then who's ever interested in coming can come and see what they've planned and then you know move from there okay um update green infrastructure projects and name Williams I don't really have any update just yet yeah and I don't I don't have any other old business anybody well walon Robin wants to keep she go the trails to rails Rails to Trails oh yeah she wants even though it seems a little dead in the water right now to make sure that we keep it live and on the agenda she was going to talk to uh the head of the transit authority but dinner with him oh I don't think that happened yet but it's it's a good friend of hers and um cuz we did meet with Walter Lane you know at the county and didn't really get anywhere I know County's very slow moving on stuff and they they're blaming the railroad in this case they're blaming you know I did talk to the township manager though too and he had the exact same read is that that railroad they don't want to give up any of their rights in case they need it in the future so I did take it off the agenda but the only reason I did is we have so many things that have to be done right now that I figured I'll put it back once we get complete yeah cuz right now we have like three grants that are all up in the air that have to be finished so it's like once we get those done then we can focus on that but yeah I agree with you it's kind of a difficult thing because as long as Conrail has those rights they don't they're worried maybe one day they might need it for something you know so maybe for um airplane you know Landing or something yeah rail maybe what they still have goes as far as the Commerce Drive industrial buildings and they might I would think that it's possible that yeah I hear you okay somebody might want things delivered by rail yeah I get it but be beyond that I mean it's the right away is no longer there I mean I know that those lot at the back of Gary Court do have pieces of the railroad right of way so yeahuh it's given up there yeah I mean that just seeing that is in connection with the laal application yeah yeah absolutely yeah okay okay so um now we're up to opening the floor to public we open meeting public all in favor hi hi ell nothing I know I've got you trained to look at me I could say something I just want to say no more warehouses please there are agree with that there are a couple warehouses that are moving along there was one on Campus Drive that was approved a while ago on there no I know I see them I see them I mean I I listen to everything and we're still developing here in Franklin and part of me wants to say are We Done Yet is Franklin full up yet I don't know what the master is there is room for other stuff ones speak Tre we we need we need Mother Nature well you saw we just looked at I know I know I always speak for the trees and for the Wildlife well at present we have ordinances on the book that say no more warehouses all everything you you've seen has already been had had already been filed the applications had been filed for the ordinance first it was an ordinance calling for no warehouses and properties I guess within 500 ft of residential Zone and it was just no Warehouse of course there were lawsuits about yeah yeah it's just you know I'm a biologist I worked at records I became an environmentalist it's like we need to preserve our natural environment you know for the health of the planet and our future generations and it's you know Franklin is desirable I moved here the you can still build other industrial things in the bi Zone unfortunate I Wonder has anybody ever thought about going underground I mean I love to watch science fiction what if you know I don't know or you know as opposed to hor izontal maybe more vert you know I don't know well this the proposal has been put over till July you know the one by Somerset run that's been postponed and I'm a big one for zpg did you all read that book last century who was it oh not Paul Paul gotle no zpg is zero population growth if we stop making humans we don't have to you know keep spreading out well that's why there Wars because they are too many people then they start fighting for the resources that are deting I mean you look at nature when you know an animal or you know population when gets too big they you know either they move on and we can't move on and and then they compare but then there's that speci there's that species of frog I never can remember the name of it where when the the pond gets overloaded they all become one sex so they're not reproducing right that's the better way may we should maybe we are doing that you to be woman right nature is amazing I don't think we you talk about underground I remember visiting a Roman period site in Bas weate change up we need the trees our air conditioner they take in CO2 speak for the trees Ian thank you for being patient with me out okay uh so we're done motion to adjourn we close the public meeting all favorit I have I had one more thing I just because we were talking and I swallow the uh it was it was about was about and I SW it oh okay different thing but um I guess there is nothing we can do now but since uh the our email account was locked for some time I wanted to uh when we get access now uh look who sent pictures a result of the safe mode till Earth Day oh okay it's opened again the account is open again so I can ask Jessica if anyone sent in yeah okay so that we can look into and and find out who will be the winner so to speak and I'm going to write a article postm you like to call it okay I sent you you at least a picture yes yes that's you know and and I I have seen folder from um from Jessica with her pictures I think yes I've seen yours curiously her husband sent that to my New Jersey conservation email address which I do not normally look at I looked at the picture I don't know but we should reward someone outside of our because otherwise it would mean that we did it for our and I hope that Jenny Who coming that she submitted something she might have yeah we can check it it's open again so we can definitely check it I would Target Jenny to be motion toour accept we don't have quum they lost 1 2 3 4