all right good evening everybody and welcome we're going to try to start on time tonight because we have quite a bit to do um in accordance with the open public meetings act 1975 this meeting has been appropriately noticed and I hereby call it to order uh we'll start with the the roll call um we'll just go around the table starting with you Mr ort yeah I'm here ncad Andrew J wa W first Jessica Johnston Carla viser p shamala and our staff person Vince St we do have a quorum uh tonight we have several review actions uh I I know we have a lot I think a couple of them will be quick um I would like to start with amending the agenda uh and moving application and the second shamala so with that uh application that's uh 1465 East Avenue come on down we're going to get you out here really quick how you doing doing good good to see you again this is a pretty straightforward application you want don't you just give us a quick overview of what you're doing uh so our de um needs repair because of rock and so we replacing um the the panels that you walk on and we're fixing the fence around so so it's essentially you're repairing the deck and you're replacing the railings yes um and we're going to replace the railings with what we have as the fences the gate so it match so the the railing is going to match the new rub iron aluminum fence yes and the decking is just going to be replaced decking yes be easier if I had to so that's the railing family on the back and um if you recall they put they're putting this same fencing uh so so Vince as long as the it's not a not really our perview but as long as the uh new fence SL railing is 42 in to meet guard rail requirements they have nothing to worry about correct okay does everybody have this packet sh okay uh this is a pretty straight forward anybody has any questions or comments for the applicant are you doing anything with the arbor piece over the railing here um no they they got rid of it so we're just going to to make it match no other questions any other questions um wow f um seeing that there's no additional questions or comments from the board anybody from the public have any questions or comments on this application seeing no public come forward does anybody want to make a mo I'll make a motion to approve as submitted second so we have a motion we have a second report get this thank you you're welcome and then just to be on the record again cuz I know I asked in the winter time I'm building a raised garden bed should I put in the application for it I don't care we don't care about okay and I'm just put dear all right okay goodbye thank you have a great night all right you too thank you okay moving back to the original agenda um we have who do we have uh we have uh 4575 Route 27 yes and you're replacing windows and a roof over Windows uh so I'm here for the owner go to the photograph uh your name for the record please Jans Rivera r i v e r a and you are uh you represent the owner are you a contractor or correct one lot of paper tonight so so tell us a little bit about the project I think this one is pretty straightforward as well so um um the Project's right on Route 27 it used to be uh I guess originally it was a residential home then it was a doctor's office back in the 7s that's when they did this um kind of ugly High carbonate the so um one of the things to you know better improve the property is to um change that to the like a regular bay window which was probably originally there which is in the drawings um and the um the design is basically based on the existing window that's already there so it's kind of mimicking the same language taking out that that oh this poly carb right uh and then it'll have a little metal roof which the Jason Bay has a little metal roof are they going to be true divided light windows or are they true divid so no internal grills okay and are they wood uh yes they're wood uh clad exterior they're Anderson 400 series um bronze color cuz they're going to go with a bronze color down the road with all the trim work I guess part of the roof they already change and all their down spouts and gutters are a bronze color right metal going to be copper uh it's probably going to be like a Brun collar are you going to redo the other window of the match the other roof yeah well that roof is a u it's a that that's going to get restored that's a um probably like a coated uh tint and it's going to get PT it's right now yeah and it's painted right now so it's going to get sanded and painted and you're going to match the trim we know that you're going MCH the trim detail that you have on that the yes so that's kind of the idea you know it's very simple pacious step Pati so on okay did you draw this uh yeah I helped them out with the drawing I like your [Music] drwing uh what are the what are the frash just breake metal um everything's going to whatever the roof material is it'll it'll match that color which really on the top the bottom flashing there's really everything's concealed because it's all U made out of um Boral U like a nonroot but the dimension of that it's just like to be using wood so it's just flat panels everything is sealed and c and and the the metal roof what is the profile is that standing seam is it flat seam it's going to be a standing seam but it's like the distance between the bottom of the gutter and where that uh leing Edge is going to be it's anywhere between 10 to 12 in so it's not going to be very big right but it's uh is it it's not going to be it's not going to be a gr the standing no it's going to be small if you look at the side yeah yeah probably going to be like an inch 3/4 are you going to put a gutter on that uh no not really because the other gutter is there and that roof some this really to protect the window for them rolling usually don't have that inch D to to roll that they're going to do that [Music] buta and there's no there's no SE on the other roof right now on the other um no it's not not not a standard seam but you barely can't see it because it's basically flat you only see pitch on that on the new one like a two if you look at the front you only going see like 15 in yeah there's not you only can see the drip edge on the other roof and then the only thing you see in the back is the counter flashing on the brick and you're looking up at it so you're not looking to see much yeah you're not and it's it's really on the side right it's not on the front elevation it's on the side elevation front is it the I don't oh that's right got re oh no this is on the the dri cor come on get to the it's on the U I guess on the east side yeah on the east side good okay anybody have any questions or comments for the applicant any more the contractor yes okay Jim Miss uh so given that there's no more questions or comments from the board does anybody from the public have any questions or comments on the application I got to do it and seeing if that there's no public coming forward does anybody want to make a motion on the application I will go I just appli for so we have a motion the court as submitted and we have a second for Glen uh all in favor any opposed I didn't do that on the first application but I'm assuming wrong we're trying to move everything quick cuz we have so much all right um that was simple thank you okay the only question I have is um do I have to submit more drawings to the zoning officer does he get a you have to give us a construction permit package okay with his zoning with his zoning permit and another I I'll sign off on it you give it to me I'll sign off on the historic and give it to them okay thank you good evening Council M good evening sorry meeting no problem um I'll move over Clos you got notes on this David all right good cuz I I've lost track you're my man all right so we have the next application um this one might take a couple more minutes but we have uh 4485 27 this is an addition to the house anybody here from 44 8 uh he's parking all right then we're going to skip you and come back okay done um with that let's go on to application 20249 uh Excellence engineering that's 1065 e that's the [Music] McDonald's feel like I'm up speed tonight you got to all right uh good evening your name for the record can you that f as a h u l l a h thank you last name z a m a n i and you represent the uh McDonald's so you're representing the owner your engineer yep so so this is um the current soon to be former McDonald's correct correct why don't you tell us a little bit about what your application proposing um we're just changing the slope on the we're removing the the the the the uh the roofing material and the sheathing and changing the slope from a double maner to a single single slope roof I guess the French fry lights are going away yep you know there's an argument for them being historic yeah I mean there's not a lot of those McDonald's around anymore yeah there's a there's a I'm going to digress for a second but there's a whole fascinating phenomenon on fast food and um architecture related to establishments like this and how uh the architecture or so much of the brand identity and the architecture has become so good that the brand identity is no longer tied to the architecture it's all an advertising fascinating stuff but I so um you're changing the slope you're you're removing the lights you're um making it a single pitch mansard uh and then I guess you're infilling what engineer trusses to make that happen just uh two buys uh two bu yeah two bu and then plywood sheathing and then it looks like you have a roof sample so um I I try to keep it as you know what it is um the shatow green five tab a three tab shingles but they don't make that anymore they only make the architectural the green or they or we could get the three tab which would be a different color um okay so I don't know which would so so you're looking to do either an architectural or a three tab architecture for that with that green color that's what what's there right now it's a green color but what's currently there is a three tab green color and you can't find that combination anymore just continued um does it need to be the green or oh it's up to you guys what whatever you guys well we don't dictate color typically mhm but um you know maybe something that doesn't stand out as much may be appropriate until you find till they find a tenant right yeah so I I would I was going to go some a light brown or a charcoal charcoal color yeah that would probably be more appropriate yeah I think so yeah just like a standard commercial building at that point yeah and you guys prefer just a three tab shingle versus architectural no I think an architectural I agree just because uh three tab can't handle as much capacity or wind as an architectural could yeah I I hate to say that we're erasing character but we are already erasing character of a McDonald's building um but if McDonald's is moving out there's no reason to make it a McDonald's building so I I think um fundamentally I I don't opposed to changing the slope and putting a generic roof on it but it's kind of sad at same time is there anything going to be done to the rest of the no the the rest of the building is going to stay the same is this um like a matching color with the shandles um we could we could we could put put that in there but as of right now there is no no plans to to paint a building just because there's no uh right so so I assume that once once a tenant is found there'll be other modifications to the building most likely y so um what I'm understanding cuz we just talked a little bit um changing it to a single slope vanard doing like a charcoal gray uh architectural shingle and removing the cred got it Rubble Rubble what about um any gutters or down spouts cuz they don't currently exist on the building so typically they they haven't been doing it just because it hasn't been required um but I mean that that would be no it's it's whatever you you as the applicant want going to leave it just as as is so it going to be just a drip edge a drip edge correct [Music] okay any other questions or comments anybody else sad that they're changing the architectural character of the McDonald's it's like a piece of childhood going away right yeah seriously um no more questions or comments see no more questions or comments from the board uh does anybody from the public have any questions or comments on this application bill you look at this from your window nothing you're good uh seeing no public has come forward does anybody want to make a motion um on this particular application I'll make a motion to AC so we got a motion Dominic stand and it sounds like we have a second the court for what with the what we discussed the AR sing Single SL man architectural series shingles and the recommendation on color yeah gr and and that um with it being known that any other work has to come back um we have a motion we have a second all in favor I anybody anybody want a second the death of my you happened a long time yeah it did all right awesome uh motion carries moving on thank you thank Vincent U do I need to um submit anything else I have your I have your construction we have everything yeah I'll process it excent thank you all good great night okay 4485 you're ready 4485 every good evening and uh and your name and your name for the record please way the manager right na good um so tell us a little bit about the project and what's going on here just CL Mr scum all right um we have bu like not faing this C over there this great all right everybody find their place nice the TV last yeah it's nice having scen that was nice we could use this we just never have can I think it's a good ide the yeah all right thank all right right we're s so take us through the project please all right uh as you see here uh I'm going to miss so this is the front and the pictures you have the photos are from the state basically basically this area here like little L shape right we just building we raising the roof in a lighter shaded area and we're building this new little roof which is darker little basically okay so the PO the darker poet is the area of the addition that's correct all right and the other one is just raising the changing the pitch all on the back see yeah all the alterations that work are on the back side of the house and you're not doing this a door you're raing the entire back side yes [Music] correct you have a side elevation in this package so are you leaving um any any that shows this is the existing right but when we come to the side elevation of there's that shows that exting it's all going away yes from one side yes and we using simar yeah it must be yeah no that's it this is Sear's house right yes it's your house yeah my didn't you come before us a couple years back or something same thing same thing okay we just ran we just ran out of time Coe kicked in we time the permits what did we say last time we proved it I remember we changed we changed a few things this time we end up doing the bathroom got the print of the bathroom on this side and we we we didn't extend the house before we was extending the house so he has an identical house it's a Sears kit house it's uh what is it SE present and what's the number on it's a kingst by the way which in the S office you want to see similar houses go to Brooklyn us are the same design I think they three them in kst the same two on one okay well let's continue to go through [Music] it so why why don't you tell us what the what the specific changes were cuz you're right I remember that yeah all right the change previously it was addition in a bag and the there is a sunroom here we added the sun room to the house basically each CH mine maybe budget wise or something now we're not touching this part period and we're just going to use whatever we have there and go up so basically we splitting this part here to prove the reason we set back this here is we have set back we don't want to go for variance for the set back because the distance from here to this that's why and that's variance anyway but said so are you changing the the overall height no as opposed to last time when you were here stay in the same that was our concern back wasn't there a deck or something alteration or this is the that was that was but we're going to keep it the way it is okay remember I do remember we that back we really so the windows are the same and everything that's in the back stay I think my my only concern is that once you change you know you lose you lose this line side on the side side so you have an asymmetrical aame it's no longer the same but I going at 100 mph on 27 that way well maybe you go I mean I've seen your accident picture so three different states he said a little I don't think it's a big deal are we doing the siding the same what what's on there now is it aluminum or know but I think it might have he he took a piece of it he's trying to use vinyl if it's acceptable because it's very hard the color just to much the color so you're going to replace all the sing to make consistent yes in the back or in the front too in the in the in the back and the sides and because how how are you going to patch it in on a side you got you have to do the whole side you have to do the whole side yeah um this side this yes yes probably change some dressing window right cuz then you're going turn around those so I is there a way to keep line no well the problem is that there's no way to resolve the line right cuz if it's coming down to nothing I mean and there's no point in carrying anything across I I think I guess it's okay I mean it's got over you could be the over you know the fun thing about this year's kit houses is the same thing about an early rdet hous is they all got modified to be what they needed to be right so I mean we could be a stickler for it but we'll do that with Weaver's house same are you going to take these home so you can use time I will send you fish copies that overh there right like is that that's all going to get cut back probably that overhang there you're saying this this you want to keep that but it's but it's not going to resolve itself into anything that's what I thought too keep that line you're going to build off the front of that gu so you're saying you're saying keep keep the rate line it STI yeah it sticks out from the wall anyway like the opposite yeah yeah yeah you still get that about this on the roof line and do the little tiny pork chop thing on the end yeah I like that that's what I would probably do that way I think that better really nice you see what we're talking about kind of I see it so so you leave the what would have been the roof extension all right uh coming down the side just so that it leaves the proportions of the original it could resolve itself but a return yeah I think that that makes sense no my question is between the new s for the new that triangle with the rest how we going to solve that the whole that that almost could be well yeah that'll just continue down the only STI out is going to be the roof there's nothing I'm fine with it I think that actually look nicer architecturally keeps the proportions correct and it we have the other side view just for what goes on there basically mimic the same side all right we'll mimic that yeah yeah I see okay so you're doing the same right this is further in I get it except except you know yeah this steps back but instead this is just going to die make it feel less like yard elevation it looks like it's offset from the corner of the building anywhere so you will have that line coming down does it do that in plan doesn't do that in plan no you're right yeah look at you Jess e yeah it's showing that it's off the corner in elevation you know this this is basically um no that's the second line is the is the end of the siding that's what you mean that's not the way it's drawn the way it's drawn it shows that there's a little bit of a little bit of a return at the corner oh no that's the chimney line then that's the chimney line oh all right if you see it is different hasch a little bit I see that just eag I sended okay but even just doing this give that asking for yeah I think it's going to be the the same result that it's already got now cuz the the wall the walls are eing up if you look at the you have like a you turn this corner black right that be nice I mean Jess are you are you suggesting that that you're suggesting that that wall gets pushed in yeah that will just 6 in just to just to give a shadow line that'll allow the trim to come down like you're saying it shifted [Music] that would save him some [Music] s okay that with a piece of trim too without taking away footage yes right no think a pie of you take away I don't I it like to chop two off I know so question here and the that will is continuous first thing Andrea says every [Music] think the [Music] driveway punch bag the set the floor I need take that away new Sugg missing the second floor just don't work on the third floor well that whole wall is coming out though the whole back of the house going know how if you I understand I understand you're asking no I don't have it here but I do believe they depending what's happening in there right which needs a bedroom right we don't know bad the first floor is bad well maybe you keep the first floor and just and then let the roof come and just job that's mean we going to have a line what's on the what is on the first floor there's a kitchen on the first floor is that existing or is that existing so so this is an existing there's an existing piece here yes like you're just building on exactly there's no point of J in the wall yeah keep trim board back one just do the roof so this is existing just do the roof one is there there's no window here then in the kitchen we don't know there back in the back not side yeah it's not the side I just do the roof that yeah I I I can I mean so if this is already doing this right it's already coming out don't worry about that line just bring the roof down and then yeah and then that'll then it look like you know exension that way yeah cuz this becomes implied anyway you almost have to do that because you have that roof overhang anywhere well I wouldn't be opposed if we did a a trim board there that's would be my recommendation so either way you want a trim board I why don't for trim board just to to resolve this aesthetically if that's something you want to go for to put trimboard down there I don't think I I'll you because I think this is a long wash it's not and without a window here that kind of okay hey you're I'm okay with difficult what's your what's your procress on on Glenn's idea of basically bringing a half a corner board where the existing Corner would have bed making a basically making a four corner instead of stepping in like you were talking about make that line it is a KCK house and we they keep that original yes right through here yeah they just put a trim a trim board going down to define something vertical to Define you know you almost taking a oh I'm not sure it does anything but yeah I don't know might look like gutter coming down you need a place for the gutter we do need a place for the gutter so the gutter going to come down there anyway yeah he's right so bring it down there you go yes all right for that's an option I would I think your ego's getting wow not that um so so um I think I think the proposal I'm hearing from from us is just to to respect this Edge to bring down the existing roof line and and pronounce what would have been the corner and that gives you a place for the down back all right oh um everything else seems to be relatively straightforward right I are you venting the sofs or not it's going to be vented SS so and you're filling the cavity with insulation too um siding material what do we what are we what are we doing for we going to use vinyl same color are you going to use that piece I was trying to C FS so so I don't melt it down for you originally it's aluminum right it would have been aluminum aluminum are you okay with keeping aluminum doing the vinyl just well the problem is is is the exposure going to match is it you know meaning meaning the width of what each board looks like that's going to be the big question the exposures or 6 in or something six I think they're typically six find I don't that's they still make one did they still make the one well you could you could find the aluminum get we were looking we could find if you I get put U Ian we don't typically I prefer VY went to the old old all the old places keep this and offer something that well well I think I think that the I think that the answer is and this is this is a slight this is a slightly more expensive answer and I don't like to do that but do fiber cement to match the exposure you goard that' be less yeah and and if you're not doing all of this you that's not a lot to do it's not a lot to do yeah like like I mean with with the smooth surface it would match the aluminum really well yeah cuz V know the mag it's going to move on you and it's going to be horrible a 6 in and that way you can keep the aluminum so you're mat the existing exposure using fiberous cement yes cement also not as hard the the flat side yeah matching color flat uh not uh smooth correct at least for the now on the back side continue with that yeah yeah the whole thing yeah so the thing would see with vinyl siding is that they always have that faux texture on it that fa the only time you the only time you see wood grain on siding is if the siding is really deteriorated right it's always is flat cuz it's supposed to be maintained smooth and then it's little piece the whole dust It crack all right um there's pictures of the front railing um are you doing anything front railing no this is from the older age just we because we had the you want to show us how beautiful it [Music] is and shingle on the back match the first application couple years ago that's yeah and and Glenn your question is the roof the roof shingles are you matching what's existing yes or something on there [Music] a your house and bring it's leaking now cut people I wasn't sure what you guys man anyway so he's going to rebuild it piece by piece here the all right so so just to recap the conversation um the the the roof shingles are going to match existing uh siding will be uh uh smooth finished fiber cement with an exposure and match the existing aluminum you're going to do a trim board at the corner to show us a COR where the corner was and we're going to keep the rake on okay and then for uh second floor oh I guess that really sums it up right CU everything else is existed yeah so yeah anybody have any more questions comments or [Music] whatnot seeing is there's nothing further from the board anybody from the public have any questions or comments on his application come on nobody all right um with no public coming forward does anybody want to make a motion I'll motion to approve based on our discussions and recommendation so just to clean up your like Meander call speak thetion motion is the the motion is to approve conditioned on um the the the things that we we discussed including the r the roof the exposure um and all that good stuff right yes okay we want to see revise so so so since I amended your motion do we have a second on the amended motion do I get to second that as a you do actually I will second no how you amended my perfect don't want be do you want to see plans for verification maybe we see that okay I think I think that makes sense with the additional condition that resubmitted plans just for verification uh should we send the whole set or just just send a whole set yeah you give them to me just send them one digital email email them to me then I can email them to the chair sure and then we'll just review and then you don't have to go back the chair so I don't have to reprint no no just email a copy and I'll email it to ENT I love paper um okay so we have a motion and that's been amended twice um so that means we actually have to make don't we have to take a vote on the amendment so we have to vote on I would draw my original motion so you can have your yeah there you go make a new motion then he can amend he can amend his motion you could amend your own motion I'll amend the motion to what you all right that's fine anybody want to anybody want to Second this mess yeah Mr Sear's house himself David weav will second uh all in favor any opposed thank you thank you for put thank you thank you very much it's a goofy it's a goofy night I texted Vince about I don't know 6:30 said I'm a hot mess today applications pretty damn good thank you gent all right now we get into the difficult ones anybody want a seven in stretch all right um application 24-7 are good friends at ruers prep 1345 E Avenue good evening ladies and gentlemen how you doing good how are you how's your dad he doing pretty good remember always remember yeah good we had lunch a couple a year ago yeah yeah yeah that's right good they call your stash always call no this is install STL uh course golden poliy and yellow I'm install and an occasion landit UMAS occasion he he did want to be here but no no he was he had his flight but he had a shoulder replaced and now he has a stress fractor and and he can't move it he didn't want to come up he had everything I we chairman it said the application for a multi-purpose building be uh constructed on site and the representation is that there be no increased faculty no increased students no increased uh trip generation it's be used for various purposes I have represent of the chech here if you have directed questions I have my intimate my eminent not intimate my eminent engineer uh Mikea from meno and I have an architect uh all to answer your questions so we can bring a board up or show the question so take us through the actual addition it's it's you're saying a pretty multi-purpose remote but it's actually a pretty sizable Edition that comes across the front of the building build um and it's a new building it's a new building application can you Orient me are the soccer fields here yeah I might might me can I spell your name at least sure DCA engineering so if hopefully everybody can see this clearly so this outlines obviously this is the entire campus uh this is a drone video provided by the surveyor so it's fairly current depiction of what's there now uh below this is the area in question where this box is and these are two images showing kind of a before and after scenario all right so the uh the application is for a uh multi-purpose building addition to the uh common building uh included with that is also upper and lower Courtyards and a sidewalk connection between the two or have the board to you with regard to the canal yeah the canal is up here at the path following my so these are the um the sports Fields soccer fields tennis courts baseball softball fields and the uh so the building Edition sits uh next to the music building and below the uh the so you're you're reducing parking no no no parking is being reduced this is a drive drive a same Drive AIS sits here the parking is below so the parking sits in this area here we're going to pick up and drop off area what's the great changes steps right there's a there's a great change from front to back this is a lower portion of the site so we're providing stairways but we're also providing accessible access through [Music] this doesn't exist now [Music] well this is currently used uh for that purpose so I don't believe there's any uh accessibility issues current we're not changing [Music] this well we are lowering this portion of the sidewalk to provide an accessible entrance here okay so no no this is higher but it slops down this direction and we are lowering this sidewalk to provide an accessible through here our architect here is here also Mr chairman and our traffic engineer hear that we don't typically get involved in traffic we leave that to the Planning and Zoning Board all that no we don't want to we don't want to miss anything hard what is the int best obligation is it for review or is it for approval that's a good question and we lost Vince well it's for vin it's for cerative appropriateness it's so is this does this have to go the Planning and Zoning still yes variances on this at all Elations or anything are there any variances being asked for on we don't know one time where well no well we're going to use Rob just right SE well I need I need to show the identify you okay now your question was Mr chairman then we'll walk you through what do the describe the use of the building what what are we using this building for so the there are two two primary three primary uses in the building there's a large multi-purpose room that's meant for lots of different activities from like science fair to a little recital uh School Gatherings they have uh a very important um meeting every morning for the upper school where all the students come together um and they don't really have a space for that right now that's accommodates the whole group uh there's also some classroom space for some of special programs like um robotics Baker space space architecture architecture um and they also have space for admissions um uh for for folks to arrive uh on the campus uh so pretty straightforward uh elements that are just uh adding to uh and is going be fixed audience seting here it's a combination of uh fixed and um removable seating we have a revision we we develop that a little bit more from that the the seating is actually now going to be rotated uh 90° uh I can uh walk through that the plans if you need to uh as long as it doesn't impact the exterior it does not okay um behind so you're not doing like a fly lock there's nothing withous height no fly off no so no overrun nothing like that no there's what about Mechanicals is there any Mechanicals on the roof of this there's some mechanical on the roof yes okay we talking big package units what we have uh right now we have it it's smaller than a package unit it's a do do system so there's outside it's an outside air system so VF so it's not quite as bulky as you get B pack am I see you're imch like the Contour of the road to the facade of that building is it like running in a sidewalk oh the sidewalk is that what we're doing in the parking lot yeah yes yes the sidewalk matches the Contour of the building yeah it's the the building is been at that end in order to uh make sure we have the the uh the the Clear View for drivers that are coming up and Below because just because of the position of the existing road we don't want to change the existing Road I get gets out of the way aesthetically it's kind of like it's being wedged into a spot I mean if we if it could be some landscape or something in front of that and bump back to be straight across I don't know what like this go like this just just before you get into that Vince is this is this a called it a board so it's a recommendation it's a recommendation planning planning board okay what it looks like up there is the sidewalk goes with this it's kind of wedged into I'd rather see this come straight across some landscape or something to kind of not look at like we're trying to picture it also BEC What's happen in this and in this cuz here so so just the part of my question Vince is this imminent to planning or yes okay so so I mean I don't mean like next week but the hope is the recommendation like we usually do in principle we're okay with it but if we need additional clarifications so so we don't need to give a final decision tonight necessarily but we have to little planning know that in principle it's okay yeah they're not they're not coming for a little bit they were coming here first to make sure you were okay there's no there's no application filed at yet the plans are ready we want to come to you first as V says to get your uh in other words they're doing it the right way rather I don't know what that does in here s that's push this back that's so so let's let's refocus let's go through the architectural plans let's better understand the project and then then hit them with our questions so this might be a little bit uh little bit repetitive but uh overall um this is just another version of the site plan you just saw uh from Mike um and uh really looking we just want to give you that context the buildings that we're connecting to uh are dining Commons and some classrooms here that's label two and their music building here is label three and then seven is the upper school and then across the back you have middle and lower school um and uh and so as you move down here the new building sits uh here it's a it's a we'll show you in in a minute I'll show you in a minute but the the building actually um is essentially mostly all the same uh height um but the site drops down quite a bit from where the parking lot is to where the dining comments is located at the back because it's sloping down consistently to the canal uh so the taller building uh the um the multi-purpose room that's been set down on that lower slope so we can reduce its overall scale and impact uh from the road uh and then this piece across the front uh is really the classroom Wing that also has the missions office Etc uh in terms of the overall plan uh first this is the this is the the ground level uh floor plan at the level of the existing uh drop off road this year uh where we have um a welcome space admissions conference room on this floor uh and then you uh you walk down to the level of the multi-purpose room here uh there's a Lobby also at this level to to enter because there's events coming uh people coming from two directions in some cases there may be folks coming from the parking lot uh this way into the building but uh most days for students they be coming likely from the upper school and from the other programs uh through here uh so that being on the lower level really works uh for them um and the uh the building is actually attached to the dining Commons and uh right now this is kind of an open lawn area the the thought for the building is really to have it the circulation and the movement all around a couryard so there's a new campus open space that's uh can be used for uh outdoor engagement teaching Gathering Etc uh you can access that from from this area which is kind of the open space in front of the Upper School uh it slopes down and into that space and then it also can continue out to the rest of the campus so so this whole area is is open and connected to outside um on the second level uh you'll see a series of uh classrooms across here from uh robotics architecture um maker space and then some general classrooms we also have a blomberg lab there as well is a pretty cool space uh and then there this is not an accessible spaces this is just the upper level the upper space within the multi-purpose room uh and it connects into the existing dying Commons building on both levels um so that so while you're while you're flipping this clister space in the middle will have direct access out to other Open Spaces cor so it's not a concealed closed off space completely correct yes so um the uh there's a ramp down into that space from from here um and there's some tiered seating a gathering area for different activities and then it's connected back out as I mentioned on the other uh sketch to the to the rest of the campus going down toward the canal so it's like a courtyard space in the sense correct okay en closed Courtyard space so the building's impact from the canal is fairly limited because of the existing buildings you don't see a excuse me thanks so just to give you a visual idea um this is a view uh kind of imagine yourself flying over the canal um the the new building is sits right right here so uh here's the parking lot um here's the existing dining Commons and the little music building here the music building is one story and then the dining comments is two uh so you see here's the the building here in classrooms and then the multi-purpose building sits right next to it you see the tree here that's part of the real Courtyard space giv you just an idea how it's setting and it relationships in the canal Etc um and then just we did do a quick view of uh from the toe path so let me just back so uh from the from the very north side over here which is the only place you might catch a glimpse of that edge um uh you're mostly from this side uh seeing Fields here so there's a little bit of the building right right there um but otherwise it's not it's not visible to from the canal so that's the only spot where that's visible from the canal and we've cleared actually some of the trees out of the way so you can kind of see more um just to give you a little more context um so this is the this is what you see today so the one star music building is here and then the dining Commons TW story building is here you see the metal that's on the outside the building that was uh where another building was supposed to go uh which was a Performing Art Center which never got it was approved but never got built uh so this is a much more scaled down affordable project uh so um the the uses some of the uses uh around uh Community Building are really what's essential here to make sure that they uh uh make that happen uh so this give you a sense it's a little hard to tell but there's there's quite a drop to and grade from the sidewalk here where you get dropped off down here slopes down quite a bit maybe about like 8 to 10 ft down to the 7t 7t it's a 7t drop so it's pretty significant drop for a building uh but it also gives you a sense of what the materials are uh for the uh building as well this would be this area would be what will be become the courtyard uh here uh and the building will take these off so I don't run out of space um and then we in terms of the different sides of the building um you can see starting at the top this is the north edge of the building that faces the fields uh so this is the existing dining Commons building so we're essentially matching the height of that building um this is the multi-purpose building and then the classroom ring is here the long piece of the classroom building that faces the parking lot you can see in this view um with this white piece being the second floor and the uh ground level floor is is very glassy and open and connected uh and welcoming uh and then you can see this is looking at the existing music building with the dining comment here and then you're seeing the second floor of the wall beyond the courtyard you can see the trees that are in the courtyard there and then here's the end of the building that comes up to the level parking lot on the top elevation all the way to the right side where the glass extends all here what what what is that on top of that is that is that mechanical unit is yes is that an accur accurate representation it is is there going to be any screening on that or is it just ugly units uh right now they're ugly units that are that are recessed so we're still looking look at how deep the recess goes um we also want to share this is the courtyard space to give you uh an idea of that so there's Paving there's some steps and so the interior building all faces out to that uh Green Space um so it's made to be a very social space for students uh and their Gatherings inside uh and uh very open for uh sunlight um putting some new material on the back side of the existing music building here uh like a slided wood or something like that uh to warm that space up right now it's complete block just to give you an idea of that it seems like you're still working through some of the materiality of the elevations we are yeah so the what we're showing across the bottom here are the existing materials that we're adding the building that we're adding to the two two buildings that are close by uh so there's a pretty wide range of materials from a concrete block um and then there's metal there's tile uh corrugated metal brick um so a lot of different materials going on in a very small amount of space um are all those materials kind of present on the buildings that are there now that is the that is the building that is the materal that are there now that than now okay that makes sense um so just looking at the the front piece uh we're imagining this the front piece as uh as being brick like a lighter colored brick uh because the piece is up in the air uh it seems like it needed to be lighter uh we do have a lot of other light materials on the buildings around us uh in terms of the um much of the existing music building is concrete block we want something a little nicer than concrete block but still har harmonious with the concrete block uh and then because this is really uh connecting the school to the public having that be more glassy and open and connected so folks coming to events in the multi-purpose room feel that sense of it being connected uh that one enters here in this public place uh the canal lever provides some nice relief uh right at the entry uh um and then we're looking at a number of different materials um from uh obviously we're we're looking at a brick for this base piece here um and then uh we're looking at the lighter brick for here we're looking at um a blackened wood material for around the back where we have the multi-purpose room uh so that would be it's kind of like a pre-aged uh wood material so that it doesn't gray over time um there's a like a sinker Cyprus or what are you thinking um we're not sure of exactly what I'm not sure exactly what wood that is yet okay um but uh there are there's a there are a couple of Manufacturers that that have uh they heat treat the wood uh it's kind of like charred it Char it so that it and you can get different levels of char and protection uh for it uh and then there's uh some warm tones and wood which would be the underside of the exterior here would all be a warm wood tone um and then obviously we have some places where there's concrete Paving Etc uh pavers on the ground um see if I have one more here I think that is my last image I can flip-flop these around as needed to come to any questions you have so one thing that jumps out is kind of an engineering and architecture question at the same time is you have a large expansive roof and you have a lot more hervy coverage are you looking at any sustainable features with the roof to minimize your storm water requirements and the second part is that we don't really care about storm water on this board other than if you're putting detention basins we want to know what they look like so so is there any strategies being employed to kind of minimize some of those yeah what we are providing on that uh we're using a system called storm trap which is an underground yeah uh infiltration Bas has a open bottom um it allows for plantings of 12 so uh I'll show it on my exhibit approximate location so no there's no building features that are sustainable it's it's a well it's more of a passive that's a different question uh they're tied together but yeah the the question of Sustainable Building features yes there are okay do are we putting green roof on the building to help manage the storm water at the moment we are not that that that's the question yes so what we're providing from an engineering standpoint is an underground Basin that sits in this area in the open grass area um it's an open bottom system sits below the surface it allows for planting above so we can restore that area back to its current condition and it meets all the requirements for groundwater recharge for red reductions of volume and flow um it was previously approved by the drcc on the previous application and we're just mimicking the same uh the same system sounds yeah yeah we've seen systems like that that me yeah separate question so it's going to meet the new green infrastructure regulations yes yeah we're providing groundwater recharge to meet the D requirements uh we are reducing uh we ensuring that there's no net increase in volume or runoff um for the current conditions for the up to the 100-year storm including the uh the per uh future storm events which the DP requires that every six month 100e flow exactly also just to uh build on the question of sustainability the building is intended to be lead certified what what level uh we haven't confirmed yet what level I mean you could achieve silver very easily yeah certified or silers is is likely the the two uh possibilities um it it will likely have you know uh pretty intensive uh ways for us to reduce water usage within the building uh save energy within the building um using certified wood uh looking at um we're looking at uh reduced carbon concrete to to reduce the carbon footprint for the building construction uh so we actually are looking at quite a few initiatives uh within the building that kind of balance uh ways for the school to uh really make a statement make this an educational thing for students to learn about sustainability how to be responsible uh to the environment uh but also things that add value from the standpoint of energy use so they're reducing their the energy being used in building over all which is going to keep we all know is going to keep increasing uh the goal right now is for the building uh to uh we are eliminating gas from the building uh so again for reducing carbon if we can make that happen economically that's most kids don't notice a waterless urinal but they act they notice things that they can interact with in other ways so bringing interactive sustainable features is a great way to make it an educational tool yeah and a lot of times we'll also integrate signage with that so that they know that there's things around them that are cool that are done that that are intentionally made to be more sustainable it seems um seems to me that you still have development that you need to do on the final elevations oh yeah absolutely um and and so I mean just given that I'm you know there's not I don't think we have the ability to give a full certificate of appropriateness until you resolve those um but I mean we can still provide to the the planning what's your question I'd like to see the top path picture again I'd like to see maybe some Evergreens peppered into it the one you have you know add the a little bit to I know you took some away just to make the picture what it is but if we can just you know defer to our landscape Guru here well the problem is there soccer fields right there I mean there's nothing that you can do to plant towards the edge yeah you can plant some stuff towards the edge just pepper some things to in 10 years you're not going to you know from the path maybe some Evergreens cuz I don't see any kind of of that in there right uh this well we're just trying to give you an approximation it's it's actually kind of impossible for us to actually get this 100% right for you uh in terms of an accurate depiction um so I think I think GL trees right sixs at eventually probably took about hours to get it to look this when was this picture taken uh this picture was taken last summer okay you guys we've removed some trees in here and thinned out the leaves in in the picture itself in the photograph okay no we yeah well we have some we have brought some so there's actually there's more stuff there okay all right is there is there a landscaping plan included in the pack yeah we like to see that there I see some trees and stuff that like depicted I believe it's in the set in your set M Mike do you have the should be I saw should be a lot of don't don't see that get trees so you guys the tree line along E Avenue that's there now that's getting Disturbed correct okay yeah we're limited to beyond the parking area along EAS Avenue so we're not touching anything along it just drops down where the mechanical units are that's the only area that's lower hey hey Jim when are you going to make the application to the planning board as soon as we leave this room well because what because what I'm thinking is we're going to get comments they'll be able to come back before they get on an agenda so because you haven't made the application no so you want to come back was well because they're they're going to give you comments and they want to see the Landscaping plan too so you'll you'll you'll have several months before you're going to get to the planning board so you'll have plenty of time to be able to come back is going to have them tomorrow but no no I I think you're right I think we should have architectual and our uh I'm just saying from a time frame because you may if you're going to make an application this week you're not going to get you're not going to get on the board for two or 3 months at least no it's not going to happen I was teas so so we know the point is that we have time to work out K the issues that's helpful yeah so we don't have to push ourselves to prove something no we're anxious but I you know I you know I was joking when I said the ready tomorrow we're so I think you should make the application to the board as soon as and you can in dur that time frame incorporate come back B on what the actual view is that would be just to keep you moving right now we're not getting an accurate 50% what actually there you know when it get built best in the winter though or actually survey what Tre I mean in the winter see right through right so space there as landcaping go I think we'd like to see something that maybe helps a little bit me person would mind seeing something in front of the building I you have the sidewalk kind of really close there it's impossible impossible we've got a very very tight budget uh uh and that's not a reason to not buy trees sure but it's a reason to not rebuild the whole parking oh yeah I'm for us to get a real tree in the space we have in front of the buing we need to push the parking lot and there's just none of room we're so tight uh so I got to just to be honest with you it's really tough are you talking about screening or screen I'm saying you know if you put a couple of colar maple trees in the front of that building might help you might help the scale of it a little bit are you saying on the E Avenue side or you saying I'm saying E Avenue side yeah so is there room for that no there is not yeah that's what I I mean building actually comes out to here I think you need to expand your conceptual idea of the site of it you know cuz there's room on the other side of the parking lot between East Avenue and the parking lot so there there's you know there's other areas where you could throw trees that would help it's is that you're taking away a big green space I think like that people are seeing through to and you're putting a building there so if you if there's some way to get creative and soften that a little bit I think that might be helpful right there are already trees uh so we could certainly come back and share with you what trees are already in the parking lot if we need to add a couple more trees in the parking lot I guess look at that and I think that's part and partial with the request for a planting plan and a landscape plan idea yeah and a roof plan please yeah sure it's on the list okay there we go and is there any um any purpose for this uh extension to be a skew other than architectural fler uh well it has to be a skew because this road is where it is so we can't move the road they they earlier said that they needed it for traffic saf so there's two different two different SKS right so uh the building is this building is angled because of that and uh what in studying the the safety for for for drivers here we needed a clear view in this direction and so we champer the building in order to make that yeah but you could square off that back piece take out that W you also got that triangle in the front there square that off and you get the exact same you have a a suggestion to look at it can't say for sure that I'm just saying everything else on the plan got right angles and um that is we got this thing here it's going to be more modern looking it's going to be you know more at of place of the rest of the characters of the rest of I would I would disagree I I actually feel like if you look at the existing dining building it's actually quite modern there's very little about it that's but it's Square where this is a skew as I said the the in order to get this building to fit and make this space a reasonable size there were a lot of factors that went into that uh positioning uh and trying to reduce the cost on the school of trying to rebuild this whole road so uh that's really what's driving that choice I I think one of the things that's going to help with Pat's question is something I was going to request any way and it's something that we would typically request especially on like a campus like this it's just an overall elevation showing from one of the extent to the other doesn't have to be a full beautiful line drawing but just something that shows all the relationship down the line well the buildings I mean we could do that that's have to go we had that we have to go and then draw all of those buildings that we don't have drawn uh so it could be photo montage should do that it could be photoage I will say that's not the way buildings are actually understood experience so I would want to make sure that we could share that with you as well so you could see that it's it's not it's not purely an elevational problem traditional architecture and the way buildings are designed is in elevation so we can build them but in reality they're not understood that right because we walk around and move and things but we're we're happy to look at providing as much as possible you're creating a sense of place right and you want that sense of place to be cohesive with it surrounded as much as possible given the nature of how the varied surroundings I I I understand the Dilemma very well I'm just saying that I think that that would help understand the relations of the massing sure and the relation of of the the skew as he's calling and understanding how that fits together understood I I I I would say I I disagree that this that a skew and a plan is negative I have designed lots of buildings that are straight and and I'm just sharing a perspective I don't think anybody saying was negative I think we were just trying to understand why yeah it's while in people don't experience buildings in plan we experience them in reality uh so we actually felt that it made the angle makes this space more Dynamic um we thought the angle here was given that we couldn't move the building was actually kind of interesting and added some flare to the building uh so just a different perspective on it yes but we're happy to go through it do the photo montage or something of the of the different buildings and give you more pictures of all the different buildings so you can see how those buildings what their language is what their materials are Etc so you can see how they're not all kind of you're missing one architectural word for my bingo scorecard ju Theos okay I'll be sure to is this a drinking theing down here yes the bathrooms are not the bathrooms are not we need a building section s section I don't think we because we can see the elevation you know I'm sorry um see Richard King and you are you're not the architect I am the architect you are the architect cuz you were discussing you didn't have an opportunity to be introduced yes I so my point was you know kind of most of our stuff is to have things conform and he wants to add flare yeah that doesn't bother me at all you know it's not that it's bothered I'm just bringing it up you know well I guess going to make more modern the question is conforming to what what's the conforming to what exist well it's a modern insertion right so an architect I'm just I'm a country boy but when you look at other campuses they all are not cookie cutters I mean I no no I just my I can give you you know Princeton I can give you ruter I can give you prep school other prep schools I happen to live near at lawrenville and and all these schools they have something I personally think but I'm Prejudice the the dynamic of that mov I'm just saying you're at the historic board no I understand you're not at the Modern board so well I mean I know I I hear you I get your comment P but it's still modern Insertion I just want to building and the to to us also the the the the first criter is a thing we're adding to right which is the dining Commons so finding a end to the music building which is right next to it and so making them uh somewhat coherent is is certainly probably the highest order of it um so but the other part is you know a desire for the school to have a presence from the street and right now because of the um because of the terrain all you get to see from East Avenue is cars yeah it's true the buildings are are set down and so part of the reason this piece of the building is LIF it up is so that there's something that says you know this is this is Ruckers prep this is the future of Ruckers prep an exciting new place for students uh and um that will you know stand the test of time uh and be be a place that they can gather builds their community and things like that so uh for them that the the this piece along the the facing the road is is pretty important so so I I think just to recap some I'm hearing so far is is the things that that I think we need roof plan um more developed elevations as they come um Landscaping plan was something and an overall elevation study from East Avenue um that kind of sum up what everybody thinks we need yeah the landscape plan including what's there currently um by the canal and site so you're you're worried about more screening over here I'm I'm thinking two or three Evergreens to throw in the midst of this just to soften it there's nothing there like that so the winter people you know pre- Spring Walk that no need you see everything so if you had a few I mean six Footers in there to let them go and do I don't know what's there though I don't see anything you know any kind of landscape right I mean I could we could we happy to do that I think it's a question it's that's a big question because we would need tree surve we'd have to do a survey cuz the building area is I think need to ask for a survey of the trees no I don't think I don't know what was entailed with that I think what I would say is if you want to allocate a certain amount of trees maybe say okay when when the building gets built if there's a if there's a need for blockage will allocate you know say five trees to get put in to help block that area yeah because that you know like you said that picture that you have there is not completely accurate it's possible and you don't know how how how much you're going to see the building how much you're not going to see the building right yeah I mean what we're really talking about I mean you can see how dense it is here is really the are right in here um so you're see you'll see more cars and vans than you will see this building but that right that probably is an argument to put in the put in the Evergreens anyway putting a couple of Evergreens in and and and you can actually see clearly in this this image the the line of trees along eastn Avenue right right and the idea that I think Dominic you were talking about is somehow more density to kind of just offset the green space that's lost right yeah yeah or maybe to your point are there shrub is there Shrubbery down below that's hiding the cars but you said like all you see is cars there's being sarcastic but there Avenue side where you have the road trees along there there is low are there low Stu there hiding the cars cuz even if you did something a little bit taller there to hide the cars and see the building more that might there is and we can bring back thing Lighting in that parking lot you're you're expanding the parking lot what's going not touching that okay nothing with the lighting or yeah the whole the whole reason why the building is shaped this way is to avoid any more parking lot work okay except that they building building and it's going to get damaged right well yeah the parking lot's going to get that's very impact on those what's going to damaged you're building a large building you know those are going to get damaged yeah well there might be some patching and things that be resurfacing or something like that that might to be done that's resurfacing now that's not full no it wouldn't rebuil it's not going to get rebuilt I guess the question this too is lighting plan on on the building itself what's facing that canal and um there's no there's no exterior lighting plan for side that faces the canal well the building doesn't face it with the sidewalk or anything it doesn't no I think you're just talking about the side that you can see from correct there's no lighting outside there whatsoever that be added hold on one second the focus is not just the canal it's the district I'm I'm serious we go through this every time we're protecting an entire District while the primary concern is the canal there's other historic components like the old Marone site other things that need to be considered so while while we talk about the canal a lot remember it's not just the Lights On the Canal the lights towards E Avenue there things the lights towards E Avenue too are there new lighting going up on that building at all we are not we're not planning new exterior lighting that faces the street or faces okay okay how about additional signage or a name for the building we have not nothing like determined whether there's going to be a big name on the building or where that would go if you don't break out your checkbook it could be the p i some of the questions are pre lighting plan we're going to have to provide landscape plan uh if there going to be facade signage we'll have to you know demonstrate that overall so I think um I think the way we leave this is with the recommendations we provided we're not going take any action tonight since there's time for you to come back between now and the time to go to planning right yeah so um you can take the recommendations we provided make a revised uh presentation and then we'll go from there but I I I don't think it's far off it's just buttoning up some things okay appreciate it I hope my comments are seen in the spirit of dialogue not trying to be argumentative with you you discussion I I have AIA after my name to on thank you thank you much you grumpy down there sorry are you getting grumpy I am I'm getting grumpy too you got to remember only eight more applications guys I know hey that's your I'm Vol we 23 um where are we 23 war that's right this is a roof this is the uh this is the school house oh yeah right ladies 23 Wartman is the applicant here just here to listen to what they have to say it looks like you wasted your time there no show 23 I just asked this gentleman are you 23 wman he said no I not work in their favor I I was talking to a neighbor today who said oh he told me it was Thursday oh and I said no no no no oh you know this is the one we visited we need to speak about that a little bit well the applicant's not here but you know what we could talk about it for 5 minutes I think uh because we have done a subcommittee review of the property we've already delivered the discussion on the subcommittee review but um I know we have one more applicant but we should take 5 minutes especially since we have public here um I think the the finding of our sub commmittee just to rehash the report from last meeting was that uh they wanted to replace the roof they had asked us on an emerging to just rep place with an asphalt stringle roof um unfortunately we went out there and saw that it had a historic Cedar roof um that is still uh showing on the rear elevation and we asked them that um what they want to do was more of an intervention than we could do in an emergent matter so we asked them to come here and make presentation uh apparently they did not show um but that presentation should include um just butting up the elevation of the building and make sure it doesn't go any more disrepair putting a new roof on it um and making sure that the critters are no longer getting in and stuff of that nature they they have a long-term plan based on what they've submitted to us to subdivide that lot restore restore the S the two room Schoolhouse building into a residence and build a house on the second lot I thought it was already subdivided yeah we went through this years ago so I don't think the subdivision was ever approved right I don't because the subdivision was conditioned on things that were going to happen on the schoolhouse building so they have a whole application process that they're going to have to go through um to make all of that happen I'll confirm that tomorrow going to be that easy can St going back back and forth for years they they have and and and I'm going to say this and it's not telling Tales out a school but their delay is causing significant deterioration to that building building I think we're concerned that it was done so that it could be Tor out well that would be that would be called demolition by neglect um it it would take um it would take the applicant a s a significant amount of leg work to prove that it's worth demolishing that build so um we have very very specific requirements in the ordinance that they have to go through numerous steps before they're able to demolish so so um and that didn't seem to be his plan and and I don't I don't think any subdivision would be finally granted without the condition of that building being properly cared for and mean at least that would be the recommendation from this board to zoning who would Grant something I'll reach out to him I I just they were just told last Thursday or Friday and they said they were coming so I I can't tell you what happened so so we're very keen on protecting the building as well didn't they miss the last meeting too they did miss the they miss they missed the last two meetings last two all right we should move on to the next thank you thank Sor there we can't unfortunately we can't force it to show up and you can't take public testimon there's no applicant thank okay um final application for the evening is Garden State natural green 4597 27 this is um uh replace a chimney that was uh demolished without uh approvals and um a condenser and a generator yeah let me just say for the record that they did submit revised plans just for interior work no exterior work whatsoever and those are being reviewed but there's no exterior work which is why they're here tonight for this because they can't put those on the plans construction until you approve them so this is just the restoration of a chimney the placement of a emergency generator and air conditioning equipment all right so this is um my name is j de Matos I'm the architect rer and um these are pretty much the same plans that we have we submitted and as you've mentioned um there is no work proposed to the exterior of the building um with the exception of rebuilding the existing chimney that was uh taken down uh by the contractor by mistake so um it is a a a brick chimney but the entire building is being gutted and the existing chimy inside the building is being removed so we're going to rebuild it out of wood and with a stule finish which is what's what's what was there so um that's what we're proposing for for uh for the exterior of the building so so was it a BRI chimney it was a brick chimney the whole chimney is coming out the building is going to have uh an HVAC system so it won't require the old uh you know it's going to have a high efficiency system it's not going to have the old boiler or how water he so it's all Breck inside it was all taken down inside inside the building so the brick on top was not going to float in the air so the whole thing had to come down this is obviously not the contractor's fault that he wasn't aware that uh the building was a a historic it was in the historic loc so your goingn cut right to the chase so your proposal is to build a faux chimney on the roof out of wood correct and wrap it and cover it in stck up to match what was before even though it was a brick uh existing brick chimney it was covered with stco the original one I don't remember so we have pictures we we have pictures you can actually go on Google Earth and see it also um so um you know the impact if if it was made out of brick we would have matched and found a you know a a fa brick yeah I don't like it either it's never successful and it always peels off it's horrible but in this case it was it was never that or at least for a long time it wasn't that so we we're going to propose to do the same thing okay um the the other exterior work is that we're proposing and I think I have you have the side plan showing a uh generator and two condensing units in the back of the property there's actually along the the uh Northeast uh side of the building there's actually a very high bamboo uh you know Greenery that you won't be able to see that from the neighbor's property or from the front of the building uh so it's tucked in right behind the building uh the two condensing unit and uh and the the generator that we're proposing so that will be that will be the other additional uh exterior work um essentially everything else stays the same this is the new ordinance requ bambo if it's encroaching I 6t from 6t from the property the age of the existing building in the 20s I think it was it was in the 20 no that I believe that was like the framing because the shutters aren't from the 20s you know what I mean yeah signing it's it's uh vinyl it's vinyl everything is vinyl uh the windows are vinyl so these are this is not the original obviously but um maybe at the time they pretty much mimicked was made out of wood at was that I believe so I believe so uh yeah I believe so but we're not proposing to change anything uh so you know everything is going to stay intact for now uh there might be in the future a uh a different application to replace the the roof chain goals and things like that just because of Maintenance um but as as of today the only thing that we are requesting is approval on on the the faux chimney and the um condensing unit and Generator that's going to sit in the back out of sight um and there's a a better view of of those elements on uh on a150 and this is a the original construction set so forgive me for not having you know just a a set for your um you know committee uh this is the what we submitted to the building department um and you can see here we have the two condensing units and a a generator and it's sitting on a concrete pad that's it's in the back yeah it's fine was there uh is there an elevation showing the chimney other than the photo um there is yes I knew it was here yes 8200 all right so it's just going to be a basically a wood frame box you're going to try and simulate the uh the cap detail that was there and it's going to be flashed in and you're going to put a smoke you're going to put a smoke machine in it so it looks like they're smoke coming out I said we could do that let's see what the business is uh yes it's it's a cannabis store so um yeah smoke is not it's not part of it anym a lot of animals and things like that I I wouldn't know I'm not an expert that stuff um it's this being recorded I good I'm glad I'm glad is this to me a contributing factor given that the building's been you know renovated in a nonic no idea uh I would just make the argument that it was removed without consideration um so that's why I think would go back you see it anywhere else that one on the left you see the chimney everybody Laurel so you're going to build that whole on the back side sees it see want to bring it up part of it but their front wall sense and they said they were doing something with to these people so um I know what you're thinking I want to agree with but um I also don't want to agree with you okay I you know I think if there's going to be a future application for exterior Renovations then that might be the time to take up restoring that house with more historic character but I don't think there's going to be cuz if you saw what the original proposal was it was basically to turn this into a a modern storefront oh so I'm not saying that they would go back to that as their proposal but I'm saying that this is our opportunity to write the wrong okay I understand we likely wouldn't go we wouldn't go back to that original would exactly that's why we we took this approach now we may in the future like Al mention maybe a new roof or paint job you know years to come uh but nothing like the original set so so I would I would make the argument to write the wrong and see what the future holds okay I'll support you cool and Glenn sees it I mean he wants to be able to see the I can see everything see everything from the helipad you would if it was 2 feet long I know worse anybody have questions comments there's no public left not on that but just the the front walkway with the the stuff that's falling down people are tripping on it do you have any I heard that you were going to do something with it yeah so our we're just waiting for our landscaper to kind of fill us in I met him uh probably about 10 days ago at this point um there was an incident I believe on the sidewalk yes with some a couple of them yeah all complaining um we reached out we met at the site um he kind of gave us the the overview of what will occur um I did send it over to Vince I believe for you know yay or nay whether or not we need the board's approval but um the current stone wall is just Stone stacked on top of each other there was no mortar Concrete in between right so over time it looked like the soil was actually pushing the retaining Vines and pack of sand everything else sh them there right yeah there's a lot there's a lot going on there um so the proposal was to remove it all in the front rebuild the retaining wall with the current Stone just mortar it up so we don't see that um that that wall fall over in the future anymore okay so the based on the original application um for the location of the condenser and the generator and reconstruction of the chimney and any questions or comments yeah kind of cap on that chimney are you going to is there going to be a decorated cap or something you know do you want one I don't know coer I no I mean I should replicate what was there right I don't know what was there with regard to a c well there was a c there was a stone cap and then there's a metal they might have that gets on going to make a little what kind of stone cap would that have been like Limestone BL St BL probably a pre like preast concrete is what this was obviously without the uh with flu much later you're going to just stucco it so is it going to be just scratch coat on chicken wire three coat stucco it's going to be the three coat stucco um Brown scratch and finish and then with a wire and then we're going to we got to put a cap on top we're going to try to mimic as much as we can yeah and I mean you're going to basically kind of replicate just a mud cap right to get the rain flow off correct and it's going to over you know it's going to over may an inch and a half or so with the dri Edge I think that's right what do you think don't this Weaver's phone so do be one with no I I like the the kind of the girth of the cap that's there showing I don't right exactly a 2 in a 2 in I mean 2 yeah it's probably a 4 in band around it and then you're probably right it's probably a 4 in pre-cast cap that's probably what it is and then you and then just get you don't have a 2 in relief from set out right and then a 4 in yeah taper that's right I think that's that's pretty accurate I think okay so we'll yeah we'll definitely um incorporate that into the documents um we've already submitted I believe updated documents for no for for building oh for the per yeah okay uh anybody want to make a motion good we'll make a motion to accept as um with the condition that the cap is replicated to mat yes exactly and then we have a second I'll second I'm going to give it to Carla okay I'm all in favor and oppos okay thank you thank you anything on the outside right sure they come we come here we okay live loock on your door yeah we don't we don't want Toy Fair any more phone calls or anything thank you guys have a good night thank you very much um there's no public so no public discussion there's no incoming correspondence that I'm aware of anything from open space uh we talked about I I did send you the um it's really the diversion plan on the dun housee so it's going to be basically stay the owner whoever if somebody buys it they're going to have have to strictly adhere to all the historic um [Applause] um things whatever you know the historic preservation for the state um right Secretary of exactly thank you y um I also asked that his anything happens with his the that building historic is told and involved in watching everything so what they're going to do is they the diversion is going to be um 4 to one it's about an acre almost 2 Acres so we're going to have to find another 8 and 1 half 8.8 Acres somewhere else which is probably going to be over by um on the other side of 287 close to southbound Brook there's an area over there it's about a lot of woods so that's probably where the the version is going to be also uh let's see we're we're just waiting for the state to give approval so I got to read through the uh the agreement right um and I had one question Vince um which is that the agreement with um the I guess it's the not shipo but the historic trust right basically takes all review of that building out of Township hands so that it would be the New Jersey historic trust that has the final final Arbiter say of what is modified about that building um and I'm wondering if that should also include this board for any modifications made to that building since we're divesting from I asked that question and I was told yes okay cuz cuz I like really like clarify from Bob vau Locker um because yeah it really the it's obviously a New Jersey historic trust document and it's all onerous on them for all review but I think that we uh as the body divesting and trying to protect should have also say I will send an email on the way home to our open space consultant okay to tell her that that's whaty that's uh what's her name Tara Tara ter cuz I think it would also be helpful she knows about that but just remind her I I will cuz that needs to be would it be possible to have Tara come here and give us just a little presentation on on the regulatory portion of this absolutely um cuz I think it would be helpful for everybody to understand you're doing a great job Bob but I I know she's more into the Weeds on the agreements between the trust and I'll bring that up an open space that that was the only question I had reading through the agreement it was pretty much straightforward but it it completely removed Franklin Township as having any line to it like I didn't know if that want text her I I'll text her right I I should do it okay okay because it's coming okay um at talk talk about it at the next open me so that they know because you're supposed to inter mingle but I should tell her because the Chairman's asking okay yeah I think it' be good if she made just a quick presentation on that uh and if we can clarify that point and the you'll be able to right now so let's say that this is the house and and the there's an access road that comes this way it's right away that they have or an easement that comes they're going to block that off and there's going to be a section over here that you'll be able to come on uh in the back of the houses off of like people Line Road and stuff like that let's take this up a notch why don't we plan on having a meeting at the house no be great so we could see the property and talk about it and then understand it see if they want to they want to do that I've been there you I've been there but no no no we I'll I think do we have a full commission or we could do a full commission for something like this we we we we can we can do that my suggest we have to come up with a a date that you want to do that Tara is typically available unless she has another meeting so it's you she's a paid consultant so you we tell her and as long as she doesn't have to be at some other meeting then who else wants to see the gun housee I sure yeah it's it's beautiful it is beautiful and and what what breaks my heart about it it's got this gorgeous Pond right in front of it well the the the the the question is would you want to do that like an hour before the next meeting maybe I'm I'm just asking you because I need to give her I'll poll everybody and see what works yeah you you you tell me and then I will yeah the only years is got traffic on South Middle Bush which is or or or conver or conversely it might make more sense for her to give her give a presentation here and then just have somebody from the township open the building for us I mean that way we don't have to waste all of her time she may have pictures on the inside I'm not sure we Andrew all you need to do is tell me when you want to do it and then getting the building open is is is easy and I know it's neia stun right if I said that wrong B would have uh can I just something keep in mind um May has um a fifth Wednesday and a fifth Thursday and usually the fifth of you know no body has meetings um in terms of conflicting that is that is that's a very good point yeah that's a good point that's 2 days after Memorial Day which I expect only you to come to theor they great absolutely so you you poll tell me and then I'll talk to ter what was that date Nancy the um sorry 30th I think the 29th is the Wednesday and the 30th is the Thursday all right I I'll look at that then we can all Circle back I think that' be good uh to to get in there you see you saw all what Mr dun did how he did all the electrical work extension cords I had attack the wrong ceiling in the wall it would actually be good for everybody to see it cuz then we could talk about the things that are in the document that's protected I think it's good I we were talking about one thing during the meeting we get a lot of paper here I send everything digitally do we want to get less for the meeting so that I don't I don't have a whole table full of cut this Stu I get 12 of everything if if they have the capability to digitally project absolutely yeah planning board is going into having their own iPads or Ps yeah it's a good idea I mean didn't need 12 sets of these from the architect so no I I I think we should always have at least one or two sets well I was thinking I was thinking about cutting it in half for the for for the me and then let's see how that goes with this because the 12 sets of this is manage we end up sharing on the side everyone get I send everything digitally the Friday yeah yeah right well this moves in perfect is a segue into bylaws and ordinance update so uh we're still working on that I with the agenda was it was tonight I didn't want to bring it up but just remember next meeting we're going to be discussing that okay um and then I'm also working on the review action form um I'm sorry Bob did you have anything else you were good right I'm sorry you were you were good right Pro and space um and then uh new business anybody have new business I about the conference um president reservation conference is coming up I pulled everybody I think a couple of you want to go um I'm going to settle that up with with u Mar uh in the coming week and then we'll we'll get registered for that um I I know Anthony asked no we're not providing Transportation you don't get reimbursement transation but the township will pay typically for your attendance at the conference um but it's it's a good com to I think this one's going to be exciting look especially since um it's actually in one of my favorite buildings in the state which is uh the the old C&J terminal building which is a um uh great building done by a Boston Architecture Firm I like it um Peabody PE Stern hey congratulations less than two hours for Seven applications that's really and and and all done we've done better all done appropriately yeah that was good that's that's we went through the you know we spent time on Rucker prep let them know we needed more so a very good job I thought we were going to be here for three or four hours to be honest with you well the bad news with that is um I I need to let everybody know that I am moving out of Franklin you are so uh I'm not moving far we're moving to Hillsboro I will stay involved with the commission through my term but that does mean after the expiration of this year I can no longer sit in an officer position you have to reside so I think one of you needs to step it up um it's uh it was a tough decision for our family but we're we're busting at the seams in our little tiny house and uh we needed more room bigger bedrooms and unfortunately took us across the river um but I'm going to be here for a while uh my my term is still a couple more years but I can no longer steer the ship so somebody's got to step up so thank about that in the coming months Dom can't either because he's in we're both out Out of Towners now I'm moving too he's moving too State maybe we're still on tape yeah we could do that but I I need to make that announcement okay um any other new business that anybody needs to be aware aware of no so the upcoming meeting is uh scheduled for June 4th and with that do we have a motion to adjourn the meeting I make a motion we have a motion and a second meeting's adjourned thank you everybody