all right I I am going to call the meeting to order the policeman hopefully be here all right before we get started um I had to cancel the last month's meeting oh over there this I had a cancel last Mon's meeting because I was I was just to by the mayor so we didn't have minutes from the last meeting but we we still have to okay the minutes from February 28th which you all receive so I need a motion okay motion second uh were you here or were you I wasn't but I read the minutes okay all right so I'm going to get started um we're honored this evening to have the new president of the boorder of Education um you of course all a no on because uh she's been active in the township for a long time but she assumed the head of the board of education so I'm going to open the meeting to her she's going to give a presentation there'll be some questions we'll take it from there than you're on thank you thank you so I know most of you I'm going to stand so it's easier to see everyone um going to briefly talk about our district goals for this year and where we are it's a midar review so we presented that um we have a public session but most of the public doesn't show up we had a mid year review in March so I'll just briefly tell you um the first goal for the board of education is on health and safety which is continue to ensure the health and safety of student staff and the community and seek out those who benefit through policy procedure and promotion of Wellness programs thereby addressing food insecurity and physical mental and emotional Wellness so by mid year we have uh done food security initiatives the first one is the active participation with Fisk which I'm assuming most of you know is the food insecurity initiative that my vice president Samy Shian has been you know sharing that a lot with the food bank we've applied for approval for an enrichment of dinner program at Pine Ro Manor we've done a feasibility study for the Franklin Township food bank to construct a wellness Hub at Pine gr Manor because we have space there so we've done a feasibility study so we can get a wellness Hub there we're working on a snap Gap Grant uh implementation and also doing a summer grocery program for [Music] communication also we're doing mental health initiatives we've done the nj4 as Statewide student Support Services we hosted social emotional learning week activities in all schools um we're doing surveys we're anticipating the adoption of the Danielson 2022 evaluation rubrics um if if you're not aware our teachers evaluation is done through Danielson model and the model that we have is redundant now so every few years we adopt the new rubrics and the most current rubrics is the Danielson model for 2022 which is the one that we're anticipating adopting that and there's been a 50% increase in number of students Services serviced by effective School solutions that has helped us a lot with physical health initiatives we've done three phase is Transportation safety audit as some of you might be aware we lost um a special need Student in a bus um due to the um tightening of the seat belt and the aid that was with the student was not taking care so we did a safety audit um initiated a safety audit and because of that uh we did a three phase Transportation audit and because of that audit when we sent the transportation bid out this year we made clear clear instructions that you know whoever comes back with the bid the buses have to have cameras make sure that the bus drivers are you know trained there will be uh professional development for those bus drivers within our done by our uh transportation and safety department so there were a lot of parameters based on that audit and uh yes I just want to know this audit that you did was that for all kids or was that for special needs only no it was the audit was done on Transportation so it was not on kids the audit was on Transportation so that when we go out to bid this year we've already gone out to bid we wanted to ensure that whichever bus company comes in they're more stricter so that was a third party private third party that we organized to do the audit so that we can ensure safety of all kids yes are the buses in fact down no so it's going to be for the uh new bus transportation audit for the new school and the company that you use right now is Monto right now it's yes so we're we're in the phase of the bids have come in and hopefully we'll have you know in this meeting or the next meeting we'll select the final was cor the Board of Education any other own buses no we don't we have probably maybe one or two small vans that we own yeah yeah that's all we have right now yeah any other questions and please feel free to stop me in between Yeah you mentioned something about the Pineo gardening uh well Wellness Hub what what is that is so the food bank came to us and they said that they're running out of space and we had them do a feasibility study most of our kids at Pine grve Manor actually fall under the economically disadvantaged and use services from the food bank and their Hope was that they can create another Hub at Pine gr Manor property we have like a large prop property at Pine Ro Manor so we we've given them permission to do a feasibility study if they can get a hub off the food bank at the Pine Manor location well I know you have I used to help them goild to Garden they have a garden there they do have a garden there yes Gardens at the other Elementary scho also and at uh NE Williams Park was a part at op plan and uh the county has also be a part of that whole plan but the one of you talking about you're talking about specifically that your garden is is going to be I can't use the same word that you I'm not as intelligent you are but you're saying is that going to become a part of the the children's food wellness program correct so we might have like a satellite Food Bank location right see yes see and that's why you guys appli for that $10,000 Grant I think did you apply for a grant no we haven't we've just given them permission right that's not us right now we've just given them permission to come and do a feas ility study if they can have a satellite building there I see correct I see yes so does that mean that if there it were that would be a satellite for the food bank that only H grow families or would families from WB the area throughout the area neighboring areas could you know have an advantage they can walk there instead of if they're not able to get transportation to go to where the food bank is currently because they're so running out of space and everything they'll have another location to you know access services from it was it was for originally was for all the people in that area even though it was at triangle School correct right correct yes absolutely and then continuing with the physical health initiatives we actually increased Health Care access through a partnership with zual health zual Healthcare is another nonprofit they actually started with bringing their bus to uh Franklin Middle School at Hamilton campus and they were servicing students who are some of them don't have health insurance and they were servicing those students Time After Time their bus would break down sometimes or you know they would have some technical issues so we gave them space inside the building give them a room so they could come and service those kids and we've created a partnership with them and we've given them space there we're constructing a zual health center there so they can service more of our children and their families so we're creating that partnership right now as we speak construction is ongoing um we also opened a Franklin Warrior partnership Health Center um that is on Veronica Avenue so all our staff that are on our health insurance plan can now visit the health center and get Services of not only a primary care physician also an occupational health therapist a behavioral health therapist IST there is a pharmacy on site and that partnership has also become partnership with the township so Franklin Township Municipal Employees who are on the Franklin Township Health Plan can also go to that Health Center so that's created a partnership so that's another one of our health and safety initiatives and then we're also doing sustainable Health jersey making sure that our schools are sustainable we have solar panels at claremon elementary that giving that are giving us a lot of benefit and we're looking into studying where we can get more solar panels into other buildings uh that we currently have and of course we're doing active promotion of fitness center memberships you know around fitness centers there general safety initiatives that we've also taken place we have um collaborated with YMCA we're doing water safety programs for grade two uh we already have a collaboration with YMCA they do our before care and after CARE program for our public Public Schools so we've done the water Initiative Program where they'll take our grade 2 kids to the Hillsboro why they bust them there and teach them about water safety and teach them swimming we do know that we've lost a few kids in town because of water safety so we're already proactively making sure that those kids are you know getting water safety programs we're up we have updated our safety plan to include major revisions for re reunification process were completing our surveillance system upgrade we've completed our secure vestibule projects that were ongoing we've upgraded our communication systems to align with our Franklin Township Police Department upgrades so that you know all the systems are aligned we can work with our police department and we've also uh distributed the Franklin Township Police Department child identification uh program kits recently so that's goal one which was health and safety any questions on that yes no I have a question uh about the water water I'm going to make a request because I was asked to make a request from you guys to test the water in the primarily Fourth Ward as in the area of the sanon Smith School um the other um middle school and the daycare areas in the area then in the fourth wood the primarily and the fourth and fifth Bo that there be a immediate request or study of the lead in that water in those particular areas please and for the report that comes back to the human relation commission to let us know because that's been an an ongoing request for the residents in the particular areas in which the schools are R I don't know if you make that request the council you'll have to go to the council for that but I can tell you that we annually do lead testing this is only Board of Education not the council yes we do let testing regular get things done that's why I would let at least know you know what I'm saying but I will make a note and I can you know definitely send information to Gary and he can pass it on thank you very much absolutely thank you very much AB I just had two questions number one is um you're you're cut on the budget so right correct I mean you didn't get your full funding on there we have a cut on our budget we have over a 400,000 cut on our budget and we have to first time after many years we're tapping into our reserves and that's how we are going to you know make sure that we are good for the budget this year and then the other question comes up in a lot of schools is um in U Frank no different than other schools is a chronic ABS ISM how are you addressing that and the through the Board of Education through schools so we are definitely looking into that Co has been you know Co is behind us now we're into the new normal but we are still struggling with chronic absenteeism not only with students but also with staff so those are the social social emotional learning programs that we are bringing in or working with rugers Behavioral Health to address those issues and with a lot of restorative practices that we're working on those thank you yeah so I'll go on to goal two which is on equity which says continue to progress towards the elimination of systemic racism and lingering white supremacy and remove access barriers so all students have equal access to rigorous academic programming ensure that inclusion and belonging of all Franklin Township Public Schools community members are embedded in the structure of the district and any attempt or practice to discriminate will not be tolerated to meet our goal in Marsh Midway we are at we've done professional development and implementated CLR which is culturally linguistic responsibility we have done professional development and implementation of restorative practices we piloted this year an AP program of African-American studies we have fully implemented race gender and Equity graduation requirements starting 2025 our seniors will have to complete a race gender and Equity graduation program that will be a requirement for graduation we will be holding our second annual diversity night festival which is scheduled for May 3rd uh next month we continue to work with equal opportunity schools and we continue use of n83 assessment for nonverbal students any questions on that so I I want to just commen you on uh you established I believe the U Equity inclusion supervisor Darren plumber yes and Darren was here Darren's graduate the fa Frank and did a great job and the committee is and we are participating in that uh yeah event next week awesome the we'll see you there thank you we're going to have a t on there awesome great good so that was goal two goal three is Staffing which is huge for us so continue to build capacity in current staff through high quality professional development and opportunity for growth towards leadership opportunities while recruiting and sustaining a diverse high quality Workforce when I was growing up I didn't have teachers that looked like me and that's our struggle and that's what you know even we see today kids don't have teachers that look like them so spring 2024 we had a recruitment boot camp for aspiring teachers we hosted job fairs for recruitment of instructional staff we continue to be members of CJ Pride we have restructured our supervisory and support staff in areas to enhance collaboration we have implemented board approved Recruitment and Retention plan where we provided High difficult High areas like World languages special need teachers who also can teach science and math we provided bonus programs and we also incentivize special education substitute teacher placements in the recent months uh this year any questions on Staffing so what is the current percentage of when you say they don't look like mean what is the percentage of the students versus the staff what is they Des we're getting there slow and steady so what is the gap I would say initially um maybe 10 years ago it was 90% white and 10% people of color and we are slowly closing that Gap we are we've come down down to at least uh 60% white and 40% people of color so you will notice that our administrative staff is becoming people of color we're hiring people with intention who are not only qualified but qualified people of color in terms of administration as well as staff so we're going and attending a lot of recruitment fairs being intentional of CJ Pride job fairs so we can attract teachers we recently signed up with uh an international company that can do H1s for teachers who are coming from um Latin American countries because we are and not only Franklin there are a lot of other public schools that don't have teachers of uh World languages so we're trying to get those teachers from other countries who can come and teach World languages to children we have a high uh Hispanic latinx population we have a high so how did that bit go on that particular company that went through the bid through the State Department of Education they are helping us with that yeah this is a lot of sorry so what is the differentiation between the administrative staff versus the teaching staff what is a percentage so administr staff is fewer anyways because there's like a one principal for every school and you know two Vice principles but School uh teaching staff is definitely more and we're seeing that change coming in that wave is slowly moving in we have students here and they can you know really tell you if they see you know the change happening in the teaching staff for sure no we continue to hear that from our kids too so this is a general question right backing up for a second so there's a lot of good work that you guys are doing a lot of efforts initiatives Partnerships Etc that the board of education is driving um with these efforts initiatives how are you getting this word out to our communities because frankly this there's a lot of misconception about the purpose of the board and about the actions related to the board yeah it might be a really good idea for you to think about Avenues where you can get the word out to the community we use uh you know Franklin reporter does a lot of articles for us we have uh tabin does articles for us we have our Franklin Township newspaper that you know half of us they let us put articles in there we use that um unfortunately Public Schools don't have funding and we're not allowed to you know sent out flyers and stuff that other private schools and Charter Schools can send out to you know parents at home so we can't really use that Avenue that we can send a newsletter we can definitely use our website so we've enhanced our website we're working on the second phase of enhancements and it's a lot of Word of Mouth like every board meeting we tell people we're hoping that people are watching those board meetings on TV if they're not coming in and you know we tell them go on our websites our PTO I can say have changed a lot with the generations like when my kids were little we were at PTO meetings every month we were at board meetings every month we don't see that parent engagement anymore and we we understand you know times have changed parents are you know busy with jobs and you know taking care of kids taking them to economic survival yes so it's I will I will offer this so I live in a 500 home community and I'm the president of the H if there is and some lives in that Community right and you still don't know I mean I will be honest me Sam and I have stayed in the same community and I knew none of these initiatives yeah and efforts that you just if it makes sense table I'm sorry uh if you want to come in and talk to the community we can facilitate that it doesn't take would love to would love to definitely since you mentioned it I was going to ask anyway and what said as a board of education talk a little bit because you have some uh competition in detach with the Char schools yes how do how do you speak about that someone Char you know pretty well pretty well funded and they so how does the board handle well charter schools are funded through public school so they're not funded anywhere else 10% less than what the public school gets okay I'm not going to argue that that's that's a little uh it touches my neres so I'll leave that for another day that's why yeah we we give like more than 4 million to Charter Schools and you know okay it's it's still the same amount of money but it's still 10% less than what the public school gets from each student so they keep they get a lot of incentives and uh but you know they have a free hand in doing whatever they want to do and public school is restricted by a lot of guidelines by the state so you know we have those issues but Dr rali and you know mayor Kramer have done a lot of town halls we did a lot of town halls through Facebook live and everything but you give us the opportunity Dr rali and I will be happy to come to you know homeowners associations we've gone to senior citizen associations and we'll be happy to talk and share information you know we're always open for that yeah you have a director of communications at the Mary Clark is our director the older people always say I'm pay taxes in the schools of course so we have to shend says we have to of today absolutely in in a past life I was an education reporter for a newspaper and I would rely on a director of communications to so that I could get material to put in the paper know so the state doesn't allow us to hire a full-time director of communications so Mary Clark does part-time director of communications and part-time technology for us and that's how you know we're able to use her as a benefit you know so she helps us with our website she works with the web cators for all the 11 schools and there is you know a lot of stuff that she is able to handle but she still is able to get out communication yeah the the problem part of the issue because I think awareness is partially an issue with getting the word out even through media correct I mean we have two great local hyper local we call that in the news business Publications that do a great job but you know if if the home News Tribune or the Star Ledger are going to do a story it has to be something that is of Interest Beyond just for and they will only come if there is something bad happening they won't come but if you but if you pitch them something that is strategic and like something with Dei for example without knowing all the uzi Watts I'm saying this you know if that fits in a puzzle as to what's what's a trend throughout the state or even in the country we would get into those stories you know so um and we have been you know over the years we'll get into one or two stories but I and superintendent tables you know I am the President of the Somerset County School boards Association Somerset County knows about Franklin how we are way ahead you know you talk to the other schools they know that we're so good in you know ESL we are you know we've won awards in that they know we are very good in Dei they will call us to become speak ERS at panel so the education Community knows the phenomenal work that's happening in Franklin it's unfortunate that our own Community does not know about so many of these programs that's that's at the point I was getting that I'm with com at the gentleman over here um Mr our major problem in the low economic Strat of different communities is lack of communication M they don't know the families don't know anything but let me first say this you are an excellent your last name is Mrs SE yes and you now the director I am impressed with your presentation and I think even I understood everything was saying and I ain't right individual but uh I Bo that that you are that person but the major problem as gentleman had spoken for is there is no and the things you're saying that you're doing you know I know about some of them but nobody else knows anybody in my neighborhood nobody knows nothing at all even with the new Youth Center there's no communication with the residents in the area at all and there's some way that the the educational process and is going to have to find a way to I know you say you guys don't do we old time people I do leaf you know I going around I know how to do leaf and all that kind of stuff you know I don't know if we have to go back to old school or whatever but the problem has to be solved in terms of your resident Franklin Town residents who pay taxes in this town be able to see what's going on and be in their town and be accessible to the different types of programs that's going on in town and it's not happening that's one a major problem for that's what I'm going to [Music] say Mar Harrison WhatsApp audio okay so couple more goals um fourth goal which is responsive programming support policy and programs that address learning gaps learning recovery and learning acceleration to assist students in reaching their full learning potential identify engage and support students who show the need for expanded levels of rigor continue the expansion of innovative College preparation programming and place emphasis on the development of career Readiness programs so we've addressed these learning gaps by implementing virtual high impact tutoring programs at the elementary levels for students who require tier 2 and tier three we've implemented iners high impact tutoring programs at elementary for students who require tier one interventions there is after school credit and seat time recovery program for the high school students and we continue virtual summer school offerings we have also expanded intervention compet invention competition to to all School levels we have competed in the New Jersey school board steam tank competition we have expanded CTE offerings to include business marketing and future teachers we've expanded our prek 3 programs with another 75 seats we've expanded our Aviation club which started as a club to an elective course and now we have a drone Academy at the RTS which is the road to success program so that's what we've done in ter terms of responsive programming any questions on that you have robotics we have robotics we do have robotics in fact I'm a part of the robotics club and I know a bunch of people who are on the aviation Club I did not know that they were actually that this was actually going to now be a class but I hope I hope for success with them that people can actually educated particularly you guys got any a people in there we actually have a pilot now from the aviation club and that's why we're going to those now and then our fifth goal is on sustainability and green initiatives to reduce food and energy based Foster environmental awareness continue increasing clean energy projects increase recycling efforts and encourage the Franklin Township Public Schools Community to engage in environmentally sound projects support each school's pursu of achieving sustainable Jersey certification we're continuing green projects consistent with sustainable Jersey we hosted we're hosting our second annual green Fair scheduled at the high school in may we have already five additional schools that have achieved the status we're maintaining a soal Panner at uh Claremont Elementary we've applied and obtained two grants to replace chillers at Franklin Park School and the high school we've applied for a local government energy audit and we've revised and adopted a sustainability policy and then finally our sixth goal is community engagement which is what we were talking about work to further relationships and incorporate a multitude of strategies to listen to connect to and partner with stakeholders to address Community needs celebrate and proactively promote the school district within community at large and ensure family engagement of students attending our schools we have completed and adopted a new three-year strategic plan we continued recognition of community groups by the board of education so at every board meeting we invite a group of volunteers who have been very active with the schools and we recognize them we celebrate them so Mary Clark does a phenomenal job with that and it's been like you know our booster club parents our band parents um we have you know parents that have constantly given scholarships to students we invite them over and you know recognize and celebrate them as well we have CTE master classes hosted by our alumni who have come back and done that we are we have our high school dance students that perform for and instruct younger students now so they go into the elementary schools and perform for them and instruct them now we facilitate spe special education parent meetings beyond the required scac meetings We are continuing our partnership with our Township as I mentioned before to benefit our community so three things that we've done uh the middle Bush building we are working with the township to convert that into a full prek program because we've run out of space so the township will help us renovate that building and we will pay rent to run prek School classes there so Township and us it will be a win-win Township will get rent from us and they will help us renovate that building and we'll be able to accommodate much more uh prek 3 and prek four students from our community and I already mentioned about the zual health center and the warrior Health Center and I also mentioned that we're doing the feasibility study with the Franklin Township food bank to construct the um Warrior um Wellness Hub uh for the food bank we continue to contribute to the township newsletter um our high school fil students recently entered the Garden State film festival and won the New Jersey Hometown documentary they will be recognized at New Jersey school boards this year in October our alumni successes are shared via electronic publication we have a newsletter with resources for the community that is published uh by Sac our family FYI updates are provided with information on a variety of family engagement opportunities and our Franklin Township youth center and other community groups are you know actively participating and sharing that information so that's my presentation than any other questions answer look like you're busy yes we are busy definitely you said that's a good idea I'm happy Johnny make sure you coordinate yes I you got me whenever you need Mr tub you to holl Mr tub I come running okay you know I'm already involved in in the sustainable garden committee with our opinion in them and I know you always get you got your own thing over in Pine go school but I just now got the word from Bob last night at the council meeting that I'll they going to come in and put my gard and they Williams part you know I have a lot of senior citizens in they did a whole study on the health aspects of the sustainable garden and and the health Greenery and so forth so we're trying to get that started he said as of today they start rebuilding the plots and so we can start our garden so I am involved in that aspect of of of the part but I I'm a I'm a Lely be a part of many volunteer I'm not working any I volunteer whenever you guys need me for anything at all well we volunteer on the board too we don't get it get paid at all so whenever you guys thank you so much now there's something going on I'm with you know Walter Walter Johnson yes you know Walter Jackson Walter Jack he my buddy he's a friend of mine him his wife both Minister there's something going on I just seen it had a that they would some men the guys are teaching the young men how to do certain things or something it some kind of a summit Do you know what that is not I remember seeing Summit and The Young and the men and the I know he is sitting on a panel but that's not part of the Board of Education that's a separate panel separate type of thing yes and I'm trying to find out who that is what that is that's not domain okay thank you very much but I my email is on the board website my phone number is there you can reach out to me anytime you want and I'll be happy to show up come with the superintendent without the superintendent however as long as we are under four board members we can come and visit so we don't have Quorum and we can answer questions and help out as you can tell the HC is very interested if you you need anything from us just call me ask me definitely and this presentation is also on the school website so if you want to read more and share more you know Word of Mouth works best you know share it with other people and spread the news and then we'll have a final report at the end of the school year this is like a midyear report what we've done so far but there'll be a final report presentation at the end of the school thank you so much thank youc you to stay I'll stay for a few minutes police report hi everyone how's everybody doing today uh sorry for the inconvenience there was a a major accident acent yeah it was a major accident on am Road I can't get into the details of it but it was uh pretty severe um that's why there was a a hectic traffic changeing um there's a whole bunch of you know plane officers detectives out there helping with traffic Hur uh yes injy but I can't go he said injuries but can't go into details um so just be careful when you're driving that's number one safety first uh you can be a safe driver but however you're supposed to look out for other drivers uh that's what my grandfather always told me and I stick to it to put other even though you're safe then make sure that you look out for other drivers as well right um to add on we uh we've been attending a whole bunch of job or Career Fairs all over the count County uh Somerset County Essence County Union County um you name it we're going to colleges we're trying to recruit uh people to come to Franklin now uh we're supposedly sending people to the police academy the test is the test will be May 20th and uh we are still holding applications available online for 75 hours so if you know anyone who wants to apply for Police Department uh I strong encourage it because uh we don't hold the test every year we do it every two years and this is probably like our only second or third one ever what is the website they need to go sure I will provide the website that are interest so the website will be online our Facebook and our Instagram and also uh you can go on a Township website and figure it out it's and you'll type in Somerset County Franklin Township and then we should pop up and then that link will draw you to where you can pay for the uh the application and then we will receive it and then we will based off of your email we will send you uh additional details uh when uh to arrive here at headquarters or the park or depending on if it's a written the uh the written exam is different locations than the PT assessment all right so anybody uh that you refer um just let me know and then I can uh make sure I got them in the right direction uh pool distribution will be coming up soon first Wednesday of the month what's up [Music] guys is there no police recruits that uh yes yep so I'm recruiting new so they're not police officers yet but recruiting you know some future uh police Improvement that's what we're doing so um doing well last year we hired Franklin Township they trying to get recruiters recruit Franklin town and not only the police department need to recruit I mean if you're a resident you you know you're going to be seeing these officers on the street scho have you come to the high school we had a job career we we had a career there last week at the high school might one it was already last week yeah uh there was officer Gregory and officer cornate was present they are the school resource offic of middle school and high school okay uh we went to keing University into R uh Valley College okay um so like I said we've been all over all over the county uh and we have the food distribution coming up first Wednesday of the month at 9:35 hton Street community relations uh and that's it anybody have any questions comments or concerns or for me Linda yes Linda so so I've been getting a lot of complaints in my fifth board complaining about the cars parking on the wrong wrong side WR side direction that facing yes even the Amazon drivers really are starting to park on the wrong side of the street especially on major streets like for instance Winston Drive mhm um it's a huge cup so that's pretty dangerous from the it is um Foxwood Drive M and I've even actually said to one of the guys you know you guys can't do that you need to park on the where you're delivering the pages and not Park in the opposite direction because a lot of people are now out walking MH and all of a sudden they get ready to cross the street they got to run because here's the car coming in the opposite direction of where they're walking so a lot of people are starting to complain about the cars being parked on the opposite side of the street where they live okay well I'll Rectify that and uh I'll let the Traffic Division know okay the Traffic Division will then uh have an approach to that area around what time you believe all day long because people just think that's okay for them to park in the opposite direction that live in their homes right so they just pull up and they just park on the opposite side and they think it's okay I can see how bad it's alarm because Wiston to cut through to get to Frankin Boulevard and JFK you you'll receive a lot of um that's ax well this traffic going that way between just that area between Winston it's not justst and Franklin Boulevard between that whole area it's huh between pretty much JFK and Franklin bouevard that whole area that whole area that that whole board the people are parking on the opposite side of the street I'll make sure I notify uh detective Sergeant Leah and then she will then notify Sergeant Rees of the traffic divion because I think I think at this point it should be a notice to the people in a Township that you cannot park on the opposite side of street landed not in the country and if it's absolutely and uh I want you to feel safe especially if there's going to be a lot of Walkers there yes um weather is breaking and uh if you do see something you know call and if you don't want to wait for the tra Division and they still didn't issue any tickets or anything call you I've called many so I'll let Sergeant uh Leah know because she's the supervisor of community relations unit then she'll relate that to Sergeant you probably heard this already officer um B B I got a problem I talked to Bob last night he was well you got to see the police department so forth now I've told him several times that one of the kids going to get killed I'm going to come look for him now I told coun three times now M now up and down Mark Street you know by the park the GU be coming up 100 miles now down it's down back for down the street man you know on Mark Street on Mark Street just from the corner M of uh and Matilda right coming from Matilda you know until just that one Park just pass the Senor just that one St just by the park from the park to the one park now somebody going to get hit some K get hit soon or later and I told him three times to at least put put a couple them things in the road speed bumps yeah speed small one just a small thing just to slow the guys down MH and this about the third time I told him last night you know he said well he tell us all right I'll tell the police department you know maybe we can do something about it but I it's the third time I done told him now you know there's nothing else I can do there's signs in there but they still coming now you know you can't go up that Bast down that far they all the kids live Short Street right there right you know I mean I know where it is so I thought I said mention to you that you can tell the C Department if there's anything they can do just that little by the park that's how we talking about by the park from from Matilda to normal Avenue you know that would be great okay I will relate that to them sometime they're normally before a speed bump they will put speed signs there to collect data and then after they collect data they'll see theend on the data is possible for speed bump and then the township will have to Grant that's a traffic division issue that I can relate that to if they do it fine but if they don't do it I I notice a hassle if they you know they don't I understand but I thought absolutely to mention it anyway absolutely and if anything in the summertime we'll try to he just said because two on Winston Drive same thing you need to put a speed bump or something because even the school buses with the company that the young lady just left that talked about what was the name of the bus I I can be in my window and I could videotape them coming down and they're not doing 25 miles per hour it's pretty dangerous they're doing like 45 sometimes there so they're not even on in the right lane they're across the double yellow line and coming down so okay so this is a big issue so I'll make sure I'll notify the traffic dep there's a new development coming up gr L am am she The Grove am what's what's that the cones no no there a du development some kind of development yeah there's no sign there what is it behind you're saying behind the Shell gas station Cedar Grove yeah so right behind resters building building apartment I didn't even hear behind buers there's no kind big huh big houses big big houses houses who's who's building oh that's a Township issue I like the police wouldn't uh a't got nothing to do with it right you yeah any other anybody all right let's move on so I want to go now because I'm probably going to be needed for that that accident right so if you need to leave try to leave out the back way oh okay thanks yeah thanks problem right let's move on um regarding the Kmart Shopping Center now you know I'm on the zoning board that's that that application is going to continue next Thursday tonight so next th come to the Z board thank you very much you so okay um say that again girl you did that quick man Peter do you want to also I want to make sure I didn't get her thing I can be real quick um the president of Board of Ed just mentioned the fact that uh they have the diversity night festival coming up uh this Friday May 3rd 68 we have a table there right so if anybody can be there you I'll be there obviously what time is that 6:8 over at the uh Franklin Middle School that's the U Hamilton Street May 3rd you said May 3rd yeah Friday May that's what I'm thinking about it's Friday is it diversity is that diversity night yeah they had the issue was the first initia they have about four or 500 people away okay so if anybody put a half hour in I I'm going to be there from 6:00 to 8 it's a Friday right it's a Friday Friday right the only thing is your know resources what do we give out that's one of the things we talked about in the future maybe is having a pamphlet on our mission statement our goals and also the members on the commit I have to go to Guss we have no money no I I yeah we have to go to the garage so what will we have there then uh well I'm going to try to get some information from um New Jersey State Bar Foundation they have some things on diversity and on bias so I'll have some things on the table there I'll go up the website there and have our our mission statement and also the names of the members on there and uh we we actually we're on YouTube which is pretty something that uh we're on YouTube I don't know that can help but anyway have something there but I think the mo most important thing was to you know there's a uh a unification or working with the Franklin Board of Education and the Franklin Township this you know both of so that was that was Prett last year we really know about till the last minute this year with the presentation and everything else and it's you know good uh public relations we working with the schools okay so anybody that can help that would be great B the location it is at um the Franklin Middle School the Hamilton Street camps right and we do have a table there so it's the old high school you know one of the things is uh I don't know if the town I'm going to reach out to see if the township we don't have obviously Banner says you relations but they do have uh uh table Clos I this says Franklin Township that I'm going to try to get if not we'll get something to put over from the down store just to make a look little professional we have a symbol on our website right Ed on the flags all um so I I I sent around um the website to the uh Hometown Heroes Flags program which is what it's called um so that you could look at it and read I there's a fill-in form on that website if you want um to speak to someone on behalf of the organization the people that are every Community district has someone charged with help towns like ours to organize so I filled out the fill in form gave my phone number as the contact UM and haven't received a call back yet I also reached out to the Bound Brook um uh to Kendall Lopez who was a council member um in Bound Brook because they organized one he put me in contact with the business Community there the um equivalent of what we used to have with the Hamilton um uh business district so I have called her like three times I've left the messages haven't heard back from her yet and then um today actually I spoke to the Chamber of Commerce president um who invited me to come and present the program at their thank you yes um who invited me to come and present the program at their next meeting um because uh and their next meeting is in approximately 3 weeks it's the second Thursday in in in of the month so second Thursday in May so from what I have investigated so far it appears that most communities pass along the cost of the flag to the families whose loved one is being represented in the flag um there are flags of different sizes you know that's not the only way to do this though there are um instances where nonprofits have helped to fund the uh the creation of the flags and the the raising of the flags um I think there are many things that we have to consider once we um find partners because I think this is something that we can't do alone the human relations commission obviously the council has to give us permission to do it but we also need some Partners within the township um to join in the effort of organizing this if you have the chamber behind you yeah so that would be good and I will reach out to the Hamilton um District pricing yet on what help for our family for those flags to be hung are you still are you still on of BU no and I I'd say it's a great idea you know a lot of towns either do the signs you know or the baners as you're talking about um recommendation is be involved in in another town that I was at living in is is that uh reaching out to the American Legion the BFW talking to them a little bit and get the support with them for it I'm I'm sure there's not going to be a doubt about them and then maybe they can give you some direction yeah I mean and give a subcommittee together I think ideally it would be great if we had that you know so my I the CH I'll present can Canal Walk yeah actually but I you do have American are you a Canal Walk I am we had a program today actually they have the LGE yes they do yeah they have about 50 so yeah so I thank you for that I'll be GL GL to help you out a little bit with that sure especially a little bit of a liaison with the American Legion and the VFW not necessarily in Franklin but in North BR it was so I know you know the program and miltown does have a program with the banners there so I I see this as now that You' mentioned them most definitely the chamber the uh the representatives of the Hamilton Business community also which of course some of those may also be members of the chamber and probably are as well as these two groups that you're mentioning now too the they proba some direction on funding because no one turs out of that you know when it comes out funding how soon do you think we would be able to I mean I think this is going to take months so I would see that we would have something um up in November like for Veterans Day yeah sometime in the fall just a right D your suggestion is you probably get a little subcommittee together all the people you just talked about and and meet you know what I mean to start putting some things on the table Yeah I think one question though I need answered is how soon would we go to the township can we go to the council now welli is not here tonight LA's on so we'll have a check with him and we ask him he he goes to the Counsel on our behalf on mhm he's away but uh gu send him an [Music] email okay just so we can get on the agenda are we thinking of well I think that's something that collectively has to be decided you know whether we would look into putting these flags um you know on Hamilton Street um that's where it used to be but our heroes yeah or would we um think about doing something on this campus because we have uh Memorial sculptures on this campus you know for each of the Armed Forces so I I again I think that's still up to discussion a lot of towns have them within the township not just in the one there and a lot of those towns though like in Bound Brook have a designated damn town I for all for all intents and purposes Hamilton functions like that but it's not the same as you know like in raran for example it's downtown you know but Hamilton is supposed to be the interested yeah you have got to the county yeah I would think so might want to check with the count Street yeah she's our County person yeah okay thank you that that's very good thank you for the okay um the next month is a memorial day we do not meet because Memorial Day so our next uh HRC meeting is June 26th which will be last we did not have a meeting graduating June you know where you're going to school um I want to go to the new brunwick campus forun yes I will be there for Jun because that's your last meeting yes that's your last we have to find a new have candidates in mind well who is this young Manan if he's still a young yeah well he's our he will become the new newest commissioner he next year yes have else anything else thanks for getting the Pres here it was very interesting oh yeah oh yes it was last time with the police had a whole I know of information because he was very pafic what she was talking about too you know you people have a lot of gray are's article here [Music] thank you all I got I got the sh I had a chance to meet her on the national Democratic Convention Atlanta really cuz my husband I had for you you put in your your I got I got a chance to me I got another I very gracious very nice that's the first black that's the first black woman have a for the president of the United States that's what that is passed away and I had in my car in 196