this is the Franklin Public Library Board of Trustees meeting it's Wednesday April 24th 2024 I'd like to call the meeting to order and start with a pledge of allegiance to the flag I pledge Alle aliance to the flag the United States Amica and to the for stands God indivisible I would now like to call the role NBC present Nick Champa I'm here Kevin mcneel is not he said he would not be here Tiana no Agnes yes yes May hello hello yes Iris kislin is not to be with us and Amy SAA hello January Adams our director of Library services and Bob wlaw are also with us this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meetings act also known as the Sunshine Law the schedule and notification of this meeting have been provided to The Courier News the home News Tribune and the Franklin Township Clerk copies have been posted in the library's vestibule and are available at the reference desk new business mayor kraman yes uh yes um I think we need to have a policy about um the public portion as far as how much time we allow for a speaker if we have a policy then we won't get into trouble would you like to make a motion I would um motion is um that the um once the public session is opened but prior to the first Speaker the chairperson of the meeting will indicate each speaker may speak for up to five minutes there is no yielding of time and at each public session they only speak once speakers 18 and older will state their name and address speakers under 18 shall only state their first name if the speaker engages a member of the board in a conversation the time the board member is speaking is included in the five minutes the situ if the situation warrants I.E many people wish to speak the chair at the chair's discretion can specify a shorter period of time in five minutes but must do so prior to the first Speaker last time we had 15 minutes for the lady is there a second second oh Agnes has seconded it thank you Agnes Agnes it's there any discussion do we all understand the times and the U conditions yes I think it is fair enough because some people come just to argue and having a time limit is very fair yes we do need the time limit and and I think five minutes is generous yes very is there anyone else who would like to discuss any aspect of this motion see we have a weird we have a weird Roberts rule issue I don't know how to answer before Tiana came on I was a voting member now that she's on I made the motion I'm no longer a voting member so um Tiana did you hear the motion yes then you should I think you should make the motion okay then I make the motion five minutes okay good Roberts was quite a guy okay is there anyone else who would like to discuss any aspect of this motion it's previous motion seeing that uh those in favor please signify by raising their hand I TI is your hand up oh there it is okay this motion and I'm I vote in favor this motion has passed unanimously thank you philli an Tiana for your words motion okay is there any other new business um is that a new is that a new business um today the the um people from the library were at the senior center doing some presentation and they left some flyers I was late to get there but when I got there we were discussing it one of my friends said that um she's in a reading club and uh she all every time she she wants a book when she goes there she's not able to get the book why is that happening I'd have to know more information about it to answer that question yeah which Library these um I think books on taps or something like that reading club is using books on tape no not what do they use she she she she complain that she goes to the library uhhuh and requests some she's she's not in the library reading club she's in another Reading Club a private one yes but when they ass sign a book she goes to our library to get a copy of the book or to get the other means what the other means you have to get read the book but she always tell her she has to call to call in earlier to get the book and she she she said she does uhhuh but she has never got a response she does not get a response and the book is never available at the time can you ask can you ask her to call me and I'll I will yeah please I will I would do that okay see if see what we can work out okay I would do that when is the convenient time she can call you can call anytime you know she misses me please please leave a message when the best time is to call her back okay I will do that thank you okay is there any other new business I would like to open this meeting to public for any member of the public who might want to uh say something at this time is there any member of the public who would like to speak if there's any member of the public who would like to speak please understand that the time limit would be 5 minutes seeing no one I will close I would like to close the public portion this public portion of the meeting and move on to the minutes of the March 27th meeting is there any discussion of these minutes well let me do it the way Roberts would prefer it is there a motion to accept the minutes from the March 27th meeting I will make that motion body if no one else will oh okay second the vice president was second okay so there's a motion on the floor to accept the minutes of the March 27th meeting is there any discussion on the motion or the minutes seeing none I'd like to ask for a a vote those in favor of accepting the please raise their hand okay I see four and Agnes you are you opposed oh no now I see five hands um good motion has passed unanimously even though Agnes wasn't sure okay thank you uh moving along to the dire reports January well if you could please look at the financials first and let me know if you have any comments or questions comments I have are that the biggest big biggest expenses of course are for personnel and they're well below the 75% and that means we're as usual in good shape okay if there's no uh questions comments on the financial reports um January let's uh hear your about your program okay the uh migration to Polaris is uh full steam ahead we have a tentative live date of May 15th everybody in the staff has been getting ready for it uh there's a lot of there's a lot of prep work with something like this and uh we the we just sent out an email blast earlier today to tell patrons what to expect there's going to be a week where we're in transition where patrons are only going to be able to check out books they won't be able to put holes on books um there's a few other things that'll they won't be able to do but then on March um May 15th we'll be live with the new system and hopefully all will be well um the gallery roof uh I thought I'd give most of this to Nick since he was at the construction meeting today but uh there's been progress I'll leave it at that leave Nick talk about the rest of it the Adult Services Department had 40 adult programs that 641 people came to the youth services department had 34 programs that 1,150 came to and the um the annual teen online poetry Jam started on March 22nd and as of April 10th we had five teens and the summer reading buddies volunteer program the window for that opened up on March 6th and as of April 10th there were 16 applicants and that program if you're not familiar with it is where teens come in and and read with younger children and that is all I have to say January told you that I was going to talk about a construction meeting that held that was held today um I will just say that uh I attended and it was it was uh well attended by Greg who was a Library uh employee in charge of uh maintenance and projects January was there John quinon who was uh the owner of all Action Glass the contractor that's doing the the new roof was there as well as his uh assistant Pat scanland Joe from the uh architect's office was there I was there and uh the the thing things that were talked about were uh things like scheduling some safety issues some procedural issues with uh access to the building during construction um delivery have a delivery of the uh panels was being staged where the trucks where the uh containers for the panels would be parked in along the library properties um some startup difficulties that the contractor had with uh how to where to put the screws and they got that settled up and they're putting about eight panels per day their schedule was talked about um payments scheduling was talked about and uh it was decided probably before today that there'd be a construction meeting every two weeks and that will happen there was also discussion of um a July 3D uh period when day when uh there'd be a fair at the grounds and parking where parking where the uh uh equip equipment for the construction is now held so that was talked about and settled that's it although we will have in Old business there will be one more item that was discussed at the uh um construction meeting and I'll talk about that under old business it was a change order so going on um under correspondence and communication January thank you for copying out things from the library Journal um um would anyone like to say anything about the Articles we all read um reasons to love libraries and the authors against book Banning and anyone well I enjoyed them and thank you January for copying these out and sending them old business they uh we were asked to um sign a change order uh for the amount of $ 5926 and it was because of an of a change in the price of materials as quoted from calwell cwall to uh all action it wasn't clear why there was this change it was a little bit hazy um it had to do with the the original quote being based on as drawn as built drawings that didn't match what's actually up there on the roof uh we objected to this in a light way um this $ 5926 or let's say approximately $6,000 my proposal was to split it three ways between calwell the library and um all action well and in proposing that I found out from calwell cwall that they had already absorbed $3,000 of the $99,000 cost so it left six roughly $6,000 and um I discussed this with uh John kenon the owner of of all action and uh we finally came to an agreement that since cwall has already absorbed $3,000 of the $9,000 that U perhaps uh the library and all action should follow suit and each absorb three th so agreement has been made uh to settle this for three uh a change order that we will write for $3,000 This concerns the um um the rain Garden roof butterfly garden but butterfly garden roof I'm sorry yeah yeah R Garden is not here I'm looking for a motion I would like I would entertain a motion to approve a change order of $3,000 oh by the way um in discussing this with the mayor and who discussed it with the township um administrator M Township manager the first the first opinion was well it's $6,000 let's just go with it but um with a little bit of pursuit we changed that a bit NBC did you have your hand up to make a motion to approve this yes for the motion yes yes for the motion it's okay and see who's going to be the first one to put their hand up to Second it Tiana seconds the motion okay is there any discussion seeing none those in favor those in favor of the uh passing the motion please signify by raising their hand one two three four again we have a unanimous approval of this motion thank you is there any other old business seeing none I'd like to open the second public portion of the meeting in case there's any member of the public who would like to speak at this time get their five minutes worth seeing none I will close the second public portion of the meeting and confirm that our next meeting date is May 22nd of this year yes is there a motion to adjourn NBC I so moved Agnes so moved second two seconds any discussion about adjournment those in favor please signify by raising their hand uh it's unanimous plus one to adjourn thank you that's