okay this is a meeting of the Franklin Township Public Library it is May 22nd 2024 and this is being held virtually on Zoom I will now call the meeting to order we'll start with a pledge of allegiance to the flag I pledge Al States of America rep stands one na under God indis indivisible with thank you now to for the role NBC here Kevin mcneel here okay Nicholas trampa I'm here mayor Kramer here here uh Agnes kab no don't see her Iris kizin excused um and Tiana gram Amy Aral Aral neither of them are here okay this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meetings Act also known as the Sunshine Law the schedule and notification of this meeting have been provided to The Courier News home News Tribune and the Franklin Township CL clerk copies have been posted in the library's vestibule and are available at the reference desk I would now like to open the meeting to U the public for you any member of the public who would like to speak and uh each speaker may speak for up to 5 minutes there will be no yielding of time and each speaker may speak only once speakers 18 years and older shall State their name and address those under 18 shall State their first name only if a speaker engages board member in conversation the time the board member is speaking is included in the five minute limit okay is there anybody who would like to speak seeing no one I would like to close the public com this public comment portion of the meeting I would uh I would seek a motion to accept the minutes of the April 24th meeting is there such a motion well I wasn't there I don't know if it's appropriate for me to make the motion I wasn't have you read the minutes okay then yes I'll make the motion to accept the minutes from uh last week's uh meeting last month's okay the April 24th meeting April 24th meeting thank you is there a second second okay was that is that the mayor I can second the motion that was Nick it was Nick yeah the mayor right okay what doesn't matter the mayor okay I didn't see your your hand okay the um there's a there's a note there's a motion on the floor to accept the minutes is there any discussion of this motion or of the minutes see none I'd like to call the question those in favor of the motion to accept please indicate by raising your hand um this motion has passed unanimously with four votes thank you director's reports January on we have the financial reports first uh I think they're self-explanatory but if anybody has any questions or comments I would be happy to talk about it I understand them I have none no thank you how about your program report okay well first of all our ILS went live is scheduled on May 15th and it was it went well um usually these things can be pretty hairy but it went well there were some glitch is but we either have worked them out or they're being worked out and I would like um to mention that many staff members worked on this project but um mostly it was handled by the head of Adult Services and the technology librarian who really did um The Lion Share of the work and they deserve my congratulations for a job well done good now the gallery roof the gallery roof is not going as well as the ILS went um they started in Earnest uh we've had some ups and downs with them learning how to put the tarp on the building roof correctly um so we had a couple of leaks because of that there was no meal damage to anything because we had everything covered with plastic and they did keep working on it and they finally went out and got themselves a gigantic tarp that they don't have to fit together because that was causing a lot of problems it was leaking where it was connected so that seems to be uh under control but they did say the other thing is that we asked that they not leave so many um panels that they've taken out um such big gaps because that was creating problems when it rained with with um puddling in where the torps would sink right so they have done that and uh they did say it would slow things down somewhat hasn't really slowed it down too much but um other than that things are going okay with the roof good and let's see how much more time is Don't into July into August here we go um The Adult Services Department had 49 programs that 548 people came to and the youth services had 25 programs that 679 people came to the AARP tax program uh Ended as it should have in the middle of April and they uh confirmed that they filed 487 returns for people and that was a 10% increase over last year and they also helped 120 seniors file for property tax relief programs and April 22nd was the conclusion of our annual teen online poetry jam and the application window for the summer reading buddies volunteer program ended on April 19th and we've got 19 students who are going to be participating this summer and let's see I think that is all I have to say once again if you have any questions or comments we can talk about them no yes okay I would like to uh reinforce January's report by saying that uh the uh contractor and the architect Tech January and sometimes myself are meeting every two weeks um with the to discuss progress on the roof and uh they discuss every detail and work them all out so although rain has held up some held up some work uh it's going I think it's it's going quite well one can look up and see what's already done starting at the back and it's quite impressive okay yeah it looks very nice okay there is no president report and uh correspond communication we U have all read um what January sent us on manga goes mainstream yes any discussion of that any questions about that I just said it was interesting I never really even I guess I'm no longer hip well and when my daughter says it by me saying that I'm using the word hip just rein marks you that I am no longer hit but it was very interesting reading and thank you January once again okay is there any other correspondents from anyone is there any old [Music] business see you no old business let's go on to new business where the main where the item here is the proposed budget for the 2425 um fiscal year new budget I know we've all read it and memorized every line of it so um you want me to talk about it think you've said it and your introduction and uh I guess I only had one little question um did your interest income um take into account that the FED might lower the rate uh no I did not take that into account yeah probably won't happen too soon anyway you know if it does when the past we've been I think mainly due to you we found some other places that gave higher interest so we could always look into that okay I like the budget it seems very much like last year's with a few tweaks um and of course there is the U the excess and uh January in her introduction has uh suggested that we uh earmark this $762,000 for a capital fund um I have discussed that I I have thought about that and U that sounds to me reasonable me too would someone like to move to uh accept the budget as presented and Al well let's do two let's do two Mo okay so I would um like to uh accept the uh 2024 2025 uh Library budget as presented um to us in the package okay uh would you like to add to that the total amount um 4 million I would I would like to add it but I just can't find I have it if you'll accept this number 4,11 17,9 70 that's the number I was looking for I'm reading it right off of you okay yeah do I have to repeat that no okay is there a second to that motion NBC has seconded the motion is is there any discussion seeing no discussion I'd like to put this up for a vote those in favor of passing this motion signify by raising their hand I see that there are four yes votes and that's unanimous as passed there is a um suggestion or a request that we uh designate the excess for Capital expenditures and um for future projects and I know there is an in internal layout project that's been discussed so we will continue to have Capital expenditures um so I I uh make a motion that uh that we restrict the um $762,500 Surplus towards uh Capital fund for future projects is there a second mayor Philip crer has seconded the motion is there any discussion seeing no discussion like to uh put it put this to a vote those in favor signify by raising their hand I see Four Hands that's uh this one is also unanimous is there any other new business seeing none I'd like to open the second portion of the public comment portion of the meeting um and I'm not going to read the statement again unless there's somebody here who would like to speak is there seeing nobody I would like to close the uh second portion I'd also like to confirm that our next meeting date is June 26th Wednesday June 26 2024 at 5:45 p.m. is there a motion to adjourn some of and second NBC I think yeah stand up first um any discussion on adjournment seeing none those in favor raise their hand okay all four members here are in favor of adjournment okay I thank you very much for your attendance and see you next month