okay this is the January 24th scheduled board meeting for uh for the Franklin Township Public Library it is 5:45 this meeting is being held via Zoom uh first we have call to order and then we're going to have a pledge of allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag FL of United United States America and one nation indivisible Li and justice for all uh roll call Agnes yes Iris is not here NBC yes mayor Kramer yes Amy Kevin yes yes Tiana no and Nick here and me January here this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meetings ACT public law 1975 c231 otherwise known as the Sunshine Law the schedule and notification of this meeting has been provided to the career news the home News Tribune and the Franklin Township Clerk copies have been posted in the library's vestibule and are also available at the reference desk first order of business is we're going to have nomination and election of officers so are there any nominations for the office of board president I nominate Nick second are there any other nominations for president can I have a show off hands all in favor I hi hi okay congratulations Nick thank you thank you okay the next office is Vice President actually now it's Nick's meeting what now now Nick is in charge I have discussed this with January and she's going to continue with the elections and then I'll take okay then the president will take over that's at your discretion okay are there any nominations for the office of Vice President treasurer who is the Nom NBC by the way self nomin okay I'll second I believe nominations don't need a second but uh are there any other nominations Treasurer it's the same thing right yeah yeah uh can I show of hands all in favor I congratulations congratulations are there any nominations for the office of secretary no I would like to nominate Kevin mcneel to the office of secretary I second on that does see a show a hands all in favor are there any other nominations I'm sorry are there any other nominations nine show a hands all in favor okay congratulations Kevin thank you over to you Nick okay I'd like to open this meeting first public portion of this meeting um and we have a guest with us to talk to us um mayor would you like to introduce Stan Stan is a member of our environmental commission um he's also the president of what what is the organization EV New Jersey Electric Vehicle Association um he's owned multiple electric vehicles and is extremely knowledgeable in the um field uh we're lucky to have him I asked him to uh speak to us about EVs and I thought we'd just get to know him and set up a meeting that will at which we can do that Stan you're up okay thank you mayor Kramer and thank you the library uh board for inviting me for this meeting um as May Kramer mentioned um I'm I'm member of the Franklin Hashim environmental commission since 2018 I'm actually me uh resident Franklin since 2008 and um uh uh I'm also Al president of the New Jersey Electric Vehicle Association originally it used to be Central Jersey and I was the founder of it uh but then we switched to New Jersey Electric Vehicle Association um I have in D Electric since 2012 um and although my education has nothing to do with electric vehicles I have PhD in chemistry I uh self-educated myself and also through my experience about the topic of electric vehicles sustainable renewable energy and how it all interrelates uh within my role of within my role in New Jersey Electric Vehicle Association uh I'm organizing numerous uh electric vehicle shows across New Jersey particularly during spring and during fall um so uh our organization is working with u green teams with uh counties uh municipalities and uh we uh bring electric vehicles and people can ask the owners not the dealers about their personal experience um we also have uh quite of a policy Outreach we uh serve as a we provide expert witness at various uh state agencies meetings uh BPU um Department of Environmental Protection um and uh we advocate for policies that are favoring uh electric vehicles uh because we believe that electric vehicles are better Vehicles they are good for better environment for National Security um and uh they are quieter they require less maintenance Etc they our solution to our resource intensity um so um and last year I started working in uh EZ Ride which is a transportation management agency and uh among my uh roles I'm I'm my role is EV accelerator um and I'm working on a workplace charging program as well as on fleet transition uh the company it's a nonprofit they have a fleet of 25 shuttle buses they are all fuel-based and uh my role is to eventually convert them to all electric so this is all very exciting project and uh uh because I have lots of experience uh with electric vehicles and charging I'm uh open to provide you my insight and advice on how to proceed uh to install electric vehicle charging at library well thank you thank you I think that uh at another meeting perhaps our February meeting if you would be willing to come speak to us in more detail and let us give you some questions as well um we'd be delighted to uh if that would work for you yeah and so that I can prepare if you can uh provide me with some um um basic insights like what is your expectation where do you plan to install charging station or do you plan to buy electric vehicles um and things like that so that I can better prepare and maybe even a prop site plan like a very rough site plan for you so this is uh about installing uh a EV charger uh at the library new Southern branch in Kendall black right so nearby the school right right Bes the school yeah and the there's there is a uh PVC pipe already there so that we can pass cables there's discussion about how many charges we should have um one or two is the uh the debate right now um where who how does the payment go should we uh do it for free should we charge should we do it for cost uh lots of lots of good questions and also my question to you would be do you want to have the charging station open and available to the public outside of the business hours right this is very important these are all things we'd have to uh we do have as you very well I'm sure we have two public uh St parking spaces at the municipal complex and uh we are interested in knowing just how much they're used and also how better are they than something that somebody that some of our residents might have in their garage and U mayor Kramer did tell me a little bit about uh the difference between the 110 volt home 220 uh well just to be brief uh the level two is something that you can also install at home uh pretty much what is installed it doesn't have to be like a big pole uh as it is in front of uh the municipal building on deot Lane but uh uh the thing can be quite small box because uh what is called charging station is in effect just path through device it's a communication box it doesn't have to be overly big and um but for outdoor outdoor public use it it's better that it looks a little bit robust so that it earns respect but again you know uh speaking of the power uh capabilities whether it is in front of the library or in your garage or or your driveway it it it's the same stuff okay so is there there is no Transformer in this uh um no no because we are talking about level two okay fine well these are these are the kind of things uh we'll probably have some other types of questions for you but uh I have a Tesla charger which I think is a level two and it's about the size of a football oh okay how long does it take to charge how long would this uh like complet so that's that's a good question um you know uh one way how we we can frame it is how long does it take versus typical visit in the library right because um typically the question is that uh can we provide a charging service for our patrons right so if um if somebody comes to library for 15 or half an hour the amount of charge that that can gain during this time is pretty neglecting yeah right um and for me as a like a many years of driving you know if I go to library I don't plan on you know years ago when the batteries were small you know and when the charging and it has to be free otherwise it's really uh then I would not be bothered but it is more of a enabler for communities that cannot charge at home so that's that's very important I was looking into the map lots of uh residents uh in the close vicinity they are privileged of having driveway or garage right uh so but but certainly you can think of allowing it to other audiences who uh live in apartment and who cannot decide on whether they can install charging station because they do not own the premises so that's the the the justice social justice in in charging is a big deal actually okay this is this is where the library can actually be part of the solution okay appr approximate price what would be the approximate cost on us um I would say whatever you typically um uh pay for electricity then you should pass it on on the customer without any U it it's not about making money so I don't know how much is it in Kendall Park but here in Somerset we pay 18 17 cents per kilow hour 19 yeah okay what do you think fellow trustees um February meeting February meeting have a session Stan Stan that s yeah uh and and and Stan is it right he will be available yeah so what what is the specific date and time uh it be um 28 February 28th 5 feary 28 28 so you have always Wednesdays right at the same time okay4 yeah yeah I should be available okay thank you um do you have the parameters of what we want to uh hear roughly um the how much and and um right the cost for the um installation for the installation um can you can you said that you have already the pipe uh prepared we have a inch and a half PVC pipe that can certainly take okay so what I would need to know is uh what is the capacity of your service panel and how much is available capacity we'll get we'll have all that information right you would need that before the meeting right I'll get you connected with I'll get that all to you I'll get also I would like to see uh the floor plan of the parking lot okay um and where the PVC pipe ends we'll have some information like that for you but but uh Dan if you could email me your preferred email address I'll connect you with Vince Dominic and he's the one who can most readily answer questions if you have multiple questions sure I can put it into the chat we do have a 300 amp panel or two 150 amp panels and there's quite a few empty uh slots because yeah okay I got it okay well thank you very much for for this and uh you've opened up some new areas of uh uh of the question to me anyway that I hadn't considered and primarily the people who don't own a garage or a driveway that's no driveway you need driveway you need a driveway that's the minimum requirement I mean any vehicle is happy in the garage and I know that people choose to use garage for storage if they have it um so so the minimum requirement is driveway okay well and and by the way any question that I didn't answer today um I gave you my email address send me the email send me your questions so that I can prepare right thank you thank you you're very welcome thank you thank you S have a good night thank you good night thank you stay and listen um you're you're okay to go thank you for allowing have a good night exting part is already over yeah good all right thank you um is there any other member of the public who would like to speak at this time I guess Jason doesn't want to say anything okay um I I therefore I will close part one of the public comment and U move on to discussion of or approval and or approval the minutes from the December 27th meeting does anyone have any uh comments or questions no there a motion to approve the minutes from the December 27th meeting all so moved second Agnes and NBC dueling it out again well iris is not here I'm sorry Agnes Agnes and I is's not here that's right she's not here okay the minutes are approved as I see no those in favor those in favor I see Four Hands Up Now They unanimously approve and AG plus Agnes I don't see her hand but I hear voice thank you um moving on to the director's reports January is there anything you'd like to point out um not so much with the Financial okay been on to the operations and I have very cleverly misplaced Oh no I got it okay as far as the new ILS um system uh as I said it remains un schedu but actually our part of it we six weeks ahead so that's going very well the gallery roof the tentative start date is going to be between March 18 and March 25th um I've enclosed in your packets a proposed change order for adding the butterfly garden roof to the scope of the work it's deteriorating it actually has some holes in it it doesn't leak but there's holes in the outer portion of it um and it's actually more cost- effective to have that done now while we're doing the other Roof then to come back and have it done later on as you can see from The Proposal the original contract is for $1 million $69,700 and uh the board can discuss this during new business The Adult Services Department had 40 adult programs that 503 Pro people came to Youth Services had 33 programs that 1,89 people enjoyed the uh winter reading challenge is underway and to date we've got 18 adults and they've logged 30, 101 minutes 40 teens have read for 19560 minutes and 63 children have read for 28320 minutes and that's the way the state does it they do it by minutes I know it seems like a lot but that's the way they do it and um I'd also like to conclude my report by pointing out something that happened at the Franklin Park Branch with a snow removal on that snow on the 16th the uh the parking lot was done but the sidewalks leading from the parking lot to the building were not done and when the staff called uh Public Works about it they were told that the roads had priority and I understand that but there's not much point in doing the parking lot if you don't do the sidewalks going into the building and then the other thing that happened was a few days later on a patron came in and said that the sidewalks in front of the building um by the street those were not done the ones by the school were done but ours were not done so I don't know if you want to say something to somebody about this or wait and see if it improves with the next snow but I just wanted to let you know that this had happened so this the uh parking lot was low but the drive sidewalks sidewalk yeah and the sidewalk leading up to the library the sidewalks by the street they weren't done were the sidewalks by the municipal building done I think so okay that's I know that sidewalks here were done at the library yeah I'm sorry then where were they not done Franklin Park Franklin Park oh okay thank you and that's it I have that's all I have to say thank you um there is a president's report somewhere um January and I have been in contact with our uh attorney and um New Jersey library laws uh point out that uh ownership of Bill buildings Library buildings should be with the township rather than the uh Library as it stands now um the library owns the Franklin Park um building which we just built we bought the land and built it built on it and so forth but um it will be turned over to the to Franklin Township so uh mayor you're uh you'll be a little bit of a stronger mayor now a little more of an in okay H it's my intent that when every any remaining items that may be du from the contractor are settled that the library ask Township attorney dra draw up the necessary documents um well it was fun while right to me I'm sorry what was that mayor sounds right to me oh okay why don't you send the letter to uh January send a letter to Bob and Bob will know what to do with it okay sure okay we is there any correspondence or Communications not for me um old business old business we're back to the EV charging stations that's I think we've uh pretty much settled what we're going to do here February and that is invite Stannis L back for our February meeting is there any anything else that we should be discussing at this point under old business see nothing um let's go on to new business and here again we've had some uh inkling of what one of the items is Galler Gallery roof replacement change order including the butterfly garden roof um I've looked over this project and um uh and Greg uh who was the maintenance man for the library has been doing a lot of work on it I've even talked to the uh contractor who has won the contract for the big roof I'm satisfied that between Ken Wall the pro provider of the materials and all action medal contractor who is going to provide the metal work and the uh installation uh along with Greg and January that they've touched all the bases pretty well pretty very very well and I'm U encouraging a motion here to uh let me I just want to uh explain I'm I'm looking at the cost breakdown uh the price breakdown butterfly room skylights work to be done concurrently with work contract is that one line and that's 97,000 yes6 and it says if we were to perform work at a later date that that says 24,000 I don't and but then it says subtotal it looks like those two were added no no no the 105,000 was reduced to $97,400 sharpening the pencils a little bit between um Greg and January and John Quinones who is the president of uh all Action Metal and glass right so the the the $24,000 that um is would be a premium if we started a project a new uh rather than do it at the same time concurrently with the uh big roof so what we have is 97,000 added to the total for the large got 1,769 okay um so these numbers work okay I'm not okay I'm just I'm just the only the only number need to be worried about is the top one the 97,000 those other numbers are if we had the work done like maybe a year from now or something yeah okay okay okay all right got you and um and talking to u a representative of the company that's providing the M materials to the contractor um his word was give them a lot give them as much time as you can to uh work out the uh butterfly room material so what I'm asking for now is a motion to approve um to to approve the go-ahead uh for a total of 1,867 94 is there a second a second Kevin seconded see um any any discussion uh just uh it would seem silly wait and get a leak and then have to in a hurry those in favor of the motion to proceed hi hi okay I see four hands and Agnes's voice so it's unanimous yeah okay is there any other new business seeing no other new business I'd like to move on to the second public portion of the meeting is there any member public of the public who would like to say anything now here seeing none I will close the second part of the public portion confirm that our next meeting date will be February 28th and uh plan on a a longer meeting because we will have Stannis come back stanislav come back and uh talk to us okay is there a motion to adjourn NBC I beat made it is there a second I'll second that um those in favor of adjournment okay unanimously we have adjourned and I thank you all for your attendance