Township Public Library Board of Trustees meeting it's Wednesday June 26 2024 this meeting is being held by Zoom let's start with a pledge of allegiance to the flag I pledge allegiance flag of the United stes one na I see Amy you're coming on thank you very much for coming no problem my apologies just we're traveling tomorrow so I was gonna say but I'm glad you called because yeah I help good everyone doing well good um I will call the role Nick Champa I'm here Amy araa you're here NBC here Agnes kulab is here mayor Kramer is here Kevin mcneel is not here he uh is not able to and Tiana gram is here uh Ira kislin is U not here as we will hear later and January Adams is here and Bob wllo who makes this all possible this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meetings act also known as the Sunshine Law the schedule and notification of this meeting have been published uh to the provided to The Courier News the home News Tribune and the Franklin Township Clerk copies have been posted in the library's vestibule and are also available at the reference desk I'd now like to open the uh public portion of meeting the the first public portion of the meeting and uh is there anyone in the public who would like to uh speak at this time if not I think I'll not mention the uh the rules of the public meeting and close the P the first public session of the meeting um is there a um moving on to uh the minutes is um there anyone who would like to make a motion about the minutes passing them yeah NBC motions to uh accept the minutes is that what is that your intent yes sir is there someone is there a second Tiana seconds this okay is there any discussion about the meeting the minutes which have been uh distributed to us I abstained because I wasn't there yeah seeing no discussion I'll call the question the motion is to accept the minutes from the uh May Meeting those in favor signify by waving your hand one two three four and Agnes do you abstain or yes I do I see four yes and one abion okay moving on to the director's reports January first we have the financial and this is the next to the last one for the year and um it's looking uh good um we would be at 9165 per of the budget and all the branches together it's 81% and the Franklin Park Branch by itself is 89. 82% and there's nothing really um to speak of that's outstanding on on any of them unless you have questions no questions here guess the U financial report should be post um set for set into our records and U your program report January sure our new ILS system is uh we're all getting used to it and every day that goes by the staff becomes more skilled with it so um that's going well now the gallery roof which is not going so well we continue to have problems with the constructions crew um not placing the torp pr um properly at the end of the day uh despite we've had many meetings about them Nick has been there um they swear up and down they're going to do it right and of course they don't and then there's a rainstorm and the rain gets in the building the last time was Saturday I should add that uh this afternoon I had an impromptu meeting with um the architect uh one of the all action um higher-ups and uh Greg and my self um there was a lot of clear in the air basically um one of the um all action person wanted to blame the weather forecaster for not forecasting the weather right and that went over very well but uh just but we're getting towards the end so um they did get their act together more for this weekend for now um they've got more covered with plastic they' got the tarp they say better so we'll see we'll see it's supposed to rain tonight maybe so we'll see 10:00 rest assured I am staying on them uh elsewhere The Adult Services Department had 37 programs that 467 people came to and youth services had 27 programs at 597 people came to the three summer reading programs started on June 24th and they're going to end on August 18th see what else and at the branch at the Franklin Park Branch the branch manager had 13 School visits uh between May 13th and June 13th so that she's been very busy down there with all these class visits and that's good that's what we wanted and let's see oh and also down there they've started a teen sewing class and that seems to be going well and I think they the first thing they made was like a um bag so um I'll keep you posted on that and that's all I have to say thank you very much January um the next item on the agenda is a president's report and what I do have brief as it is and sad as it is is a letter from Iris kizin um dear trustees after 14 memorable and pleasurable years as a trusty of the Region's finest Library it is with sadness that my current circumstances do not permit me to continue therefore I offer my resignation from the Franklin Park from from Franklin Public Library Board of Trustees effect of July 1st 2024 I will long recall with fondness and meaning the meaningful relationships I have enjoyed especially with January Adams Library staff fellow trustees and public officials I leave confident that the library will continue to serve Franklin and Somerset County with the highest of Standards very truly yours Iris kizling and she signed it and so an era has passed um she's been he's been u a trustee for what some 14 years I believe time okay um moving on to correspondents there were three uh pieces sent to us in our packet Mr chairman are we going to give her a plaque or that has not been uh I mean this is fairly new so uh we can we can yeah well I don't have take I can take care of it should I I think this is something for us to uh discuss and uh yes if I would like to uh ask for a volunteer to look into a plaque and report to us either soon as they get information or at our next meeting which is not until August but uh is there a volunteer to do this I volunteer January not how that's not how Works look into it um I could send January I could help January and maybe uh I have a friend who has a crystal business so if she could make a plaque and then just give you a design of what it could potentially look like I'm happy to send you over um January something if that works wonderful thank you nice do we really have to work do we really have to work on it that hard can't we just say give her a plaque yes we can but someone has to determine whether it's going to be 8T wide or 6 in wide whether it's going to be made out of bronze or marble aluminum we gave vce Dominic black and we give him give the same plaque I mean obviously different words she's a female let's her get something elegant please okay no discrimination government okay so it's up to the board um yes well the board has acted they've they've assigned Amy to uh okay G get some a no they Amy has volunteered to put this together and uh I'm sure the board will act favorably sure as long as it isn't 12 feet wide and six feet high okay thank you thank you very much absolutely anything to help okay is there any old business you skipped correspondence no we didn't oh still on comment on it okay correspondence there are three uh pieces that January was kind enough to send us each of them interesting uh is there any uh first of all is there any comment on the three second of all is there any additional correspondence okay seeing none is there any old business yes mayor Kramer I'd like to move forward on a Char EV charger in the southern Branch um Nick and I discussed it he's been pushing for one I've been pushing for two but there are relatively few parking spots there um so I think one would be appropriate for now if we could at least snake the wiring for two but Nick tells me the conduit may not have been sufficient for two so uh whichever we can get going there um I think as many EV Chargers we have out there the better the mayor and I did discuss EV Chargers in general we did discuss the site at the Franklin Park Branch um I guess what has not been decided is um what type of charger how big and so forth so um I I I think well I know we're committed to follow the recommendations made by the planning board recommendations now but they're committed to follow that and put in a charger um discussion with um Mr Hal I think would and perhaps with uh mayor Kramer and uh some others might come up with the best solution the particular charger that we want sizewise and so forth capacity wise um does that meet with your expectations mayor as long as we're moving forward we're not we're not standing still yes yeah okay yeah you uh go forward into the charging station not back okay I I understand very good uh I will I will try to get some input into this as well if I find something that I think is attractive on pointed out um is there any other old business is there any new business under new business I'd like to propose a uh tweak in the um libraries vacation scheduled policy um we now have well what I've done is uh looked at uh three organizations one is our library one is the Franklin Township municipality specifically the group that that they have who are white collar workers uh I uh this would not be the police but it would be probably wouldn't be public works either but it would be the people who are most likely to be similar to the jobs that we have at the library here's what I find uh the Franklin Township Public Library uh goes up to 22 days after seven years and then there's nothing after that okay the Somerset County library system is extremely generous they give 26 days even beginning with the first year that somebody is a a me um an employee and that continues it doesn't change the township white collar workers in the township um they graduate U after five years and after seven years and after 10 years but they end up um with 20 days with 25 days um vacation after 20 after their 20th year we our library ends up with 22 days after 16 years I'm proposing a change in this policy at the at the long end um to say that after 20 years that is beginning the 21st year uh 26 days of vacation so that would be the same as the county system gets the first year but we'd make people wait 20 years um and it would be similar to what the white color workers in the township get how many did they get after 20 years pardon how many does it Township get after 20 years 25 days how many people do we have over 20 years about five what would that do to your Manning January peopling it's what it would be a 4- day difference um it can be worked out [Music] um it it's possible to work it out it's not it's not a hardship it's not a hardship anyone else have any thoughts on this just think May if you if you if you remain mayor for 20 20 years you can get 25 days vacation no I can't no I can't I get no vacation Tiana do you have your hand up or no no fine okay Amy do you know the um School policy oh they have summer vacations so I guess that's they don't take vacations during the school year it's different you don't yeah um school policy vacation time there are full-time uh Board of Education employer employees I did not ask how I did not find what it's a different world yeah yes I withdraw my question schools have day offs when they have holidays when there's a holiday school closes election school closes so I think it's quite different but our 12 month employees like myself sometimes we have to use vacation time it doesn't yeah would is there anyone who might wish to uh make a motion to accept this change I think since this is new can we study it a little bit more table it and study it a little bit more before we make any decisions okay that's my suggestion that's a motion to table you that should ask for a second no there's no motion on the floor she just made a motion to I I I yeah I said since this is new can we table it okay can we make a motion to table it sorry I I I didn't hear you say table I didn't the word table but okay so this is a proposal and our next meeting is in two months in August and um January can you put this on um the agenda for the next meeting under old business and meanwhile I'll I'll uh write out what I just blurted out to you all so you can look it over yes and okay is there any other new business seeing none I entertain a motion to go into a um executive session for the purpose of a Personnel matter and some litigation I so move that we go into executive session Agnes moves to go into an executive session is there a second okay Tiana seconds and uh we will now go into executive session we can close um ex executive session and um make a motion to implement this increase in salary when we get back to U our regular session I will call Bob and ask him to uh continue the U regular meeting hello Bob we are finished with executive session can you uh okay thank you yes yes thank you [Applause] okay so um when we get back to Executive session I mean get out of executive session someone uh perhaps NBC might like to make a motion to uh the salary for January to be moved to $151,200 [Music] oh here comes January I'm here okay and is there a motion to uh we don't have the public yeah can't do it gota wait for the public and Bob's not recording now yeah he left it running he just left the room he's here so he's going to edit that out yeah yeah he came back hello anyone is there anyone of the public other than you um Jay is still in the waiting room shall I admit him back please yes okay we also had a member of the public for a little while uh who then left again they didn't stay long Jay has return yeah now make your motion Miss J returned or yep NBC yes okay can you state the the motion you can't say it for me moved that the director's salary for the year beginning July 1st 2024 and ending June 30th 2025 the increased to $151,200 per year is that I thank you thank you that's correct is there a second I second that Amy seconds that thank Amy discussion seeing no discussion I'd like to ask for vote those in favor wave the hand say something I see one two three four five in favor okay unanimously nobody opposed oh okay um so we go back to the second portion of the public comment is there any member of the public who would like to make a comment there's nobody seeing nobody I won't even read the rules and I will close the second portion of the public com comment um I would like to confirm that our next meeting will be August 28th 2024 is there a motion to adjourn NBC Agnes seconds second okay those in favor I adjournment is unanimous enjoy the vacation have a sum good summer everyone have a good one thank you all for coming and Tiana there is a rumor that you might work for the Board of Education no no I work I work at I work as the on a child study team already oh you do wonderful yes at the high school in Franklin Park and Hill Crest but hopefully just us to high school next year oh I didn't know that I gotta stop by and say hello yes oh congratulations well thanks thanks thanks see you in August see you happy summer see you guys have a good one by Bye by bye thanks bye by