good evening this is the Franklin Township Public Library Board of Trustees meeting it's Wednesday February 28th 2024 this meeting is being held as a hybrid meeting uh by zoom and also in person now call the meeting to order and we will uh there pledge allegiance to the flag which is over in the corner there pledge allegiance toes stand indivisible andice call the role NBC not here Iris kizman he is Tiana Gresham Nicholas Champa that's me I'm here Agnes K yes thank you Amy arala she was here and said she's coming right back her name's still on the chart okay okay and Kevin mcneel is here yes mayor Kramer and also we are graced with our director January Adams our our technical Guru WLA and Amanda beer who is who runs the Frank Park as well we have a guest this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meetings act also known as the Sunshine Law the schedule and notification for this meeting have been provided to The Courier News the home News Tribune and the Franklin Township clerks clerk copies have been posted in the library zest and are available at the reference desk did I call you mayor did I call you okay F and now like to open the meeting to the first public portion and we have tonight a u a guest Dr stanislav jarck jarar jar who would talk to us about uh charging stations electric vehicles thank you so much it's my pleasure to be here uh just uh so that I can plan properly how many minutes do I have what you need I'm here say that 20 minutes okay good uh so um if you can uh share this slide so that you can see it um yes that one okay so so again thank you for inviting me it's my pleasure uh to be here I will take you through uh the charging station at the South Branch Library as well as some other ideas that are surrounded uh um with that um as uh as Paul mentioned I'm U president of New Jersey Electric Association I'm also on Environmental in this Township um I'm employed by Easy Ride uh so so want to just mention that uh trying to be more collaborative uh on the next slide is the picture of the library uh as seen from internet uh it's a beautiful new building um and on the next slide I just want to mention a few things about new jerse electri electric vehicle association uh was uh uh found in 196 67 100 chapters and the New Jersey chapter is one of the most active if you would like to have more information you can scan the QR codes to sign up for our mailing list or visit our website next slide uh as as I mentioned we are very active we Reed the award in 2022 for being uh one of the most active uh chapters in in the United States we are partnering uh with many organizations we organize electric vehicle shows we Comm communicate the benefits of electric vehicles so electric vehicles uh to uh broad audiences uh didn't I mention that the mission of electric vehicle association is to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicle right uh and and the method is is uh education and demonstration ofic Vehicles we also offer ride and drives presentations such as this one um transportation management agencies uh we have collaboration with ridewise within Somerset but also with others um and we also provide testimony of public hearing support Pro uh policy next slide so let's let's get into the specific uh uh uh theme today so and and again thank you for sending me all the information uh from the engineers uh so this is kind of the section of the uh site plan for for the library uh the gray section is the building by itself on the right is the parking lot and uh on the here you can see the power line there will be zoom up piure uh on on one of the future slides so I uh contacted Engineers I asked about how the electrical service was set up so on the next slide you can see that from the utility pole the wire is undergrounded it goes into the building there are 400 amps uh service in at the meter and at the panel is 300 amps it's a 240 volt Serv two separate panels of 150 amps each that's right if you're um on the picture is is one panel but uh it's okay go ahead yeah it didn't didn't work out that way because we couldn't get the 300 but we have two ah okay okay that's a yeah so um and I checked with them on the next slide how much is uh the actual load calculation and what is the available load so um out of the 300 208 is taken up for the library by itself for the building for all the services that it needs so there is about 15 kilow power capacity available according to engineers and that is good for two level two charging stations with decent capacity about uh 7.7 kilow um essentially each of them would have 40 amp uh circuit um and by code it can be uh uh loaded only with 80% of the 40 amps so that would be 32 that's what I'm saying here 32 amps * 240 volts and that makes 7.7 KS um this is pretty decent um on the next slide is a little bit zoom up of where is the actual wiring located so somewhere around here uh would be the panel on the inner side and uh here is the wire under the ground and it ends up in this location so mind you that the first parking spot is here this is grassy area right and you have 1 two 3 four five six and I think this one is uh for disabled people so uh it is located here now the next slide is a picture how it actually looks like today right right so it's just a pipe yeah we have put it so so uh the way how it looks to me is that that wiring is is friendly for only one vehicle that is just adjacent uh the parking spot I don't know what it takes for the engineers to move it a little bit uh but on the next slide I had specific suggestion what would be ideal when you have capacity for two in stations um it would look better actually if we go to the presentation mode if you go to the slideshow somewhere here is a button go to slideshow yeah yeah yeah right so if you press uh the arrow one time down or right that one is good it doesn't matter actually so uh just once yeah so here would be preferred uh location for the charging station and um these two so it it will be dual right so these two spots would be labeled as the charging stations I assume that you would be applying for Grant from the uh which uh is very generous and also psng uh will cover the cost for installation so the EP will cover the hardware and psng would cover the cost of install the good thing about this location is that um while today the the the rule for using charging station is such that when you have done charging you have to remove the vehicle so that others can use it right in the future much better is to have adjacent spots available and one click and so what what you can actually do that when one vehicle is charged as opposed to removing the vehicle you take out the plug and you plug the vehicle that is next to those PS are typically 18 ft long you can purchase 25 uh and so this is more than enough to reach the next vehicle so this is much much better strategy uh again I don't know what would be the specific uh solution uh uh from from the feasibility Viewpoint uh if if we install charging station here where the wire is coming out of the ground you can charge only one vehicle if we put it here we you can charge two vehicles and in the future you can have another one but if you move it one spot further not only you can charge two vehicles today but in the future when there are more people um you can actually use two charging stations for four people so this is a recommendation for this uh specific site and I use that outline to to uh draw some sort of General recommendation for future projects if you go to the next slide just yes uh so I I kind of moved it can we go to the presentation mode or how do I get to the next slide in presentation mode um and then the upper Arrow please okay well okay open them so just up please yes so uh uh in in this scenario here there are uh uh parking spot for disabled people right and uh we want to be uh prepared that some people who have uh disabilities they also bring electric vehicle right so this is very good solution to that because you put one uh charging station here and label this spot now you can actually say well we can designate this spot this spot this spot and this spot to the also for charging and now when this guy is down you don't he doesn't have to leave the next person will just take the court unplug and plug this thing or that thing probably getting way ahead where we want to be okay yes we have in this near this building two charge Point stations they're what I call moderate speed kind of slow actually um my own observation here is that very seldom are they used um I I come by quite often maybe one out of three times I see a single car at a double station never have I seen two cars at two stations so I think I'm thinking about this what I the conclusion I came to is well there's not that much demand a lot of people have an even slower charging station in their garage at home and a lot of the people are depending on that overnight and it's adequate um where the ones we have here I I believe there're yes it's about six and that would charge what would that charge a Tesla 300 volt Tesla uh so uh that's a good question uh charging stations in location like that are pretty much opportunity charging I'm sorry opportunity charging opportunity charging right you don't buy electric vehicle because you come here to charge it it's rather vice versa you come here and if you have opportunity and it's available you plug it in right um there is a bigger better scenario for for these charging station which is workplace charging I had actually slides after that so um imagine that employees in the library here or in southern Branch could be from disadvantage communi uh they could be um from U area where from where they rent their home or multi multiunit dwelling they have they may have hard time to get their charging installed at home and and this is perfect locasion uh that workplaces such as Library can actually offer charging for employees and for employees this is completely different story because when they come they work here how many hours right and so so to 2 hours will give you um about 13 for this would give you 15 kilowatt hours and each Kow hour is good for about four miles uh so you can get easily 60 miles and uh in two hours in two hours okay so think about how far uh the employee is commuting to come here it's probably much less than that so it is it is very uh helpful for employees who cannot have charging station at home that they actually can plug in here okay let's let's talk more about them people who don't have a charging station at home um let's jump from level two to level three right level three charging station is expensive takes a lot of power but it would be great for people who want to char a vehicle in 20 minutes or 30 minutes and as far as I know there are none in this in this area I looked on the Google Map as a matter of fact and it showed that resta's Shell station which is right around the corner here had one not true they don't have one shell put the put that on the Google Maps but uh Frank restus says no we don't we never had one so supposing rather than spend money for two additional slow Chargers here suppose we went for some grants and said let's try to get one fast DC charger that will charge a Tesla in let's say 20 minutes half an hour something like that and there's a perfect spot for it right nearby as a matter of fact because the township owns the old middle Bush School which has huge three-phase y connection power to it and not much use for that power because the building is mostly empty um what would it what would the cost of a fast DC charging installation be so I I I do have slide on that as well uh if we uh if we show it uh but first of all I I want to say that um and I've been driving electric since 2012 uh my first electric vehicle even did not have fast charging port because I was not believing that it will take over I thought that some politician will kill it and that's still trying um so um there are some very good reasons to go with level um one of them is that level two charging station is always cheaper to build but it's also cheaper to run because you do not have spikes in energy when you have spikes the utility will charge you for that Spike and all of the energy will be substantially more expensive so right now residents pay about 17 cents per kilowatt hour Supply delivery combin businesses they pay depending less or more uh but if you have fast charging station and uh you will have first customer um and I tell you people will be trying it but um so I want to say that will be very expensive okay the other is the actual user case because no matter uh how fast is the fast charging station you still have to go there right most residents in Franklin are privileged they have at least driveway when you have a driveway it's just much better case scenario that you plug it into your own home it doesn't have to be super fast charging as a matter of fact um many people even with Tesla still use Level One charging because they they take completely out of consideration the service upgrade in their home and they get about 40 to 60 miles a day every every night uh Mr Mayor I mean what how do you charge testing charger so you have said 35 inste 44 right just for the battery so um and I'm charging at 16 amp um and I have two electric vehicles so 16 amps at 240 single phase single and it's AC charging it's AC charging yeah okay so it's it's much better because I don't have to make a stop elsewhere outside of my home this is one of the biggest advantages of electric vehicle not only that I can charge much cheaper at home but I don't have to stop anywhere I do stop only when I'm on a road trip and then I need the power as quickly as possible yeah and that's where the Nei program the bipar uh infrastructure that was pass in 2021 is is financing lots of fast charging stations and uh they need to be uh installed along major corridors New Jersey Department of Transportation is handling this they have a plan first they want to have them spaced out 50 miles apart and then 25 to add more so in our town the only location would be um you can go to next next the arrow doesn't work no tap on the typ on the screen this it now it will work so we can skip the work charged work program which is fantastic uh Franklin Library could get a certified just like a lead certification you can get also certification for implementing workplace charging um next um next so here um this is from uh one of my networks um uh screenshot of uh the the Nei uh funding applications and uh he kind of blinded all other uh applicants but test TLA and Tesla can do one fast charging station for about 19,000 everyone else 19,000 for one one fast charging St everyone else is um six digit so well 6374 96 and then you go over 100 the median is 120,000 St per this is a shocker this is a shock and and mind you that Tesla is that cheap because when they put build them they have like 20% 20 or 10 right that's how you want to do it because when you are on a road trip and you are planning right you don't want to charge when your batter is 50% because the battery will charge the fastest when it's empty so you want to actually stretch it go as slow as possible and when you arrive to that charging station you want to make sure that it works so when there are several people there you want to make sure that there are many other stores that you can always charge so if you put something here it will be just one charging station how people will be actually certain that when they come here that it will be available or it will be in use or it may be broken that happens too it's lots of electronics involved right so the 19,000 is for Tesla that is part of supercharger complex right and that doesn't involve uh that doesn't include the service upgrad that's just the charging station and I think it must include the installation and commissioning but still um and it works only for Teslas oh I'm sorry Works only for Tesla of course buy a very expensive conversion the uh the adapters are coming okay so it is possible that that quotation is uh the Tesla Supercharger with magic dog magic dog is built an adapter which allows uh people with ccs1 uh uh protocol to use the uh use that yeah so two years ago about the time Paul that you were looking over our plans for building the southern Branch we concluded at that time that uh charging technology is under continuous development and what I'm hearing tonight is that it's still under continuous development wait a second maybe I was not uh I I can confused you like uh you think it will be what is not good about them I it seems that they're still evolving and you know as as to price technology will then no no no so um uh speaking of fast charging protocols I I should say there are three the historically the oldest is chademo brought by Japanese but that has been already announced on face out two years ago then ccs1 combo which is uh for everyone else except for Tesla and then Tesla and Tesla last year announced that they open up and then few months later for said we are going to adapt Tesla we will build all vehicles starting from 2025 with Tesla for and starting at the beginning of this year they will provide adapter all existing Port owners so that they can actually plug it into the vehicle and use supercharges Tesla supercharges because Tesla superchargers the the the the nozzles are so much sleeker they're much better and they pretty much they are called now North American charging standard so today right it it has also SAE um uh designation J 3400 it's a all mine right yeah so today regardless of whether you have ccs1 vehicle or Tesla vehicle you are covered because uh if if you don't have Tesla today there are lots of charging stations that are compatible with your vehicle and in the future you will be able to use test which is really awesome Stan do you have any idea about what percentage of electric cars are made by Tesla the ones that are in use now they have so Tesla is a is the major manufacturer um and uh uh they started with um maybe 80 or 90% market share now it's a little bit less because uh other car makers are catching on um but they are still over 60% I okay maybe 70 and um last year they slash prices a big time um up to 14,000 per vehicle so do you know uh is there any information about how many people buy electric cars that don't have the uh capability to charge them at home I mean is that no it's a default every vehicle can be charged every but I'm saying so you was talking about the uh you know people coming to work that may have electric vehicles that don't but I'm saying I can't see I don't know if that's a if there's a if there's a a huge amount of people who are buying Electric Vehicles who don't have the capacity whether if they live in an apartment building know Curr okay and this is actually Equity problem because me driving electric I am saving lots of money on on every mile that I travel why people who do not have the privilege of owning home why they cannot afford driving electric so this is one of the things that we really try to address and workplace charging is the thing plus of course there are lots of uh incentives to incentivize to motivate uh Property Owners or rental apartments to install charging stations but we really want to make sure that everyone has access to charging right because going to fast charging station on a routine basis that's a no go there will be always more expensive and you have to wait right so that's not so so what I'm saying is like as of now it's probably be a while before you know somebody who lives in an apartment building will say I'm going to go and buy a an electric uh vehicle until they see more you know these charging stations in places like the library and things like that so so again library is opportunity charging um when you go to library how much time do you spend in the library 20 minutes 20 minutes ahead that doesn't give you much charge and and you know I tell you library is not a charging station like it's not a place where you would go charge we you can debate whether you want to allow local residents to come at night after hours and plug their vehicle I would say go ahead and make it available the thing is that everyone who is around South Branch they have driveway right why would they do it right they will have to bring another vehicle to drop the vehicle and drive away that's not practical right there are some developments in Kendall Park in that area and and they did apply actually for brand last year and now they have charging they have level two yeah level two yeah yeah yeah okay so in other words having from what I'm hearing you you saying is that it's not so practical to have a fast charging unit at the library no no no because it would completely break the budget here or there um the one kilowatt hour could be in dollars per you know one kilowatt hour it would be you will not be able to recover the he from from the client okay I have a question for mayor Frank uh the township has within a couple hundred yards from here uh 12 uh charge Point stations did uh they get a grant for any of that so Spanish SLO just said grants are available yes for yes New Jersey is very Pro electric vehicles and uh um I'm just electrifying Fleet at easy ride and uh Department of Environmental Protection they have uh very broad um coverage for um many client many stakeholders who would like to implement workplace charging uh mean charging of to even BC fast charging and utilities they will pay um depending on the structure residents they pay $1,500 to install charging station they pay up to $55,000 for service upgrade for service service upgrade oh I see yeah yeah this is in a home a home yeah that's pretty and every time the charging is public you're in they give you the money uh I'm managing Fleet and for Fleet it's private so they're like I want to money but the D still gives us money because we are serving Community with the fleet so what are the safety hazards safety zones for these these charges how safe are they compare when you think about fire and all those things electrical fires so um unlike gas stations um the electric charging stations do not store any fuel and they are Ur certified energy star and all sorts of certifications uh there are no problems in that effect uh in this slide uh uh somebody was asking I think you submitted questions uh so this is kind of screenshot from one of the companies just representative ABB um and they are 50 kilow charging 120 180 um and they have they need s pays they need the 480 volts um uh power factor 0.96 um think so the next slide would show even faster up to 300 50 kilowatt Peak and 320 kilow continuous and these are really really fast um they are actually uh upping the voltage normal charging station has 400 to 500 volts and uh some vehicles are compatible with actually doubling the voltage um battery pack is actually kind of dual so when you connect it in series you can actually double the vol smaller wires same amount of energy correct like hyai Kia and Genesis that all build on the platform and you can um charge up to 80% in um 12 minutes it's like that this is really so things are moving along and changing yes yeah they also have the ability to preheat the battery which is very important uh so you know when you heard about U those guys being stuck in in uh in uh Chicago uh they didn't communicate to the vehicle that they want to use the supercharger they pull to the supercharger with cold battery and the battery refused to charge the first thing that happens the vehicle is warming up the battery which may take half an hour 40 minutes or even more and when that happened then the vehicle start fully charging so U but I'm kind of digressing here but yeah it's good that's okay yeah well uh so we've given us a lot of information that we didn't we never have as cold conditions years so as Chicago but it gets cold do I have anything else on the next slide all the questions yes so next so so the only place where we can conceivably have fast charging station is at Route 27 couple years ago I was like no because exit 13 at Target they have Electrify America but Electrify America they have only three stalls they always occupied sometimes they are not fully functional so this location would still earn lots of business and the good thing for the local businesses is whoever comes to charge they always buy Sandage Refreshments or something so here if you click once is the Quick Check uh this is old uh old satellite image but when when uh the site was at environmental commission for review we made comment put at least two fast charging stations didn't happen are you telling me that there is there is no not exit just telling you if you would like to have something in Franklin this is the only spot right click again here is exone Exon is unlikely but they have good location and one more time please here um this is the plaza with the imperior Bottle King Bottle King yeah yeah yeah that would be also to right those are very busy intersections and busy is actually well from traffic it's not good right but but you want to have close to the exit that's very important okay and you want to have some services and they are Services right I have no idea how much power is available in that area the utility would have to probably deliver some extra but um I would say this one be probably most most and you you conceive of say 10 Lo 10 10 ports I I I was not I don't go to gas stations um I I would have to see how many they can squeeze but ultimately the engineer would have to make the yeah but I mean to to be a practical to be a practical you want to start with six six okay and that means that all six might be operating at the same time yes so the power power input is yes it must be it must be there yeah but they already know it they already know it thank you that's that's very enlightening uh stanos slab and uh my initial reaction is we're not ready for that many stations at at Franklin Park but uh you know but in the future you you've set out a a road map that has to how it might evolve yeah when electric car use gets about what is it now about 5% we are in Upper single digit adoption in New Jersey upper single 9% n between five and 10 between five and 10% of all cars in New Jersey are electric and of those may be 60 to 70% are tested that what you yeah yeah they have the ability charge vehic go at home in a home environment right right and that's irrespective of brand right and it's actually the best charging because plugging takes uh 30 seconds unplugging also takes 30 seconds and that's ends the involvement you know you can do measurements and and measure how much energy are using and then try to compare it to gas which I do but it's optional than a utility will give you also a a peak actually uh rate just for the car right you don't have to subscribe for time of use service for the entire house but when you have it installed through the incentives and you charge it after hours you pay like n cents per kilowatt hour uh yeah this is part of the incentive when when you install a eligible charging station in your home then they they will so I well you might actually benefit from time of it depends if you have a a heat pump if you have a heat pump water heater um and you can kind of shift the load to um off peak and if you have solo small Sol on the on the house it actually produces Peak most of the time five to two because five business days is PE and two weekends is lot going on here do we have anything else ask question how much does a driver pay to pull into one of these and and charge the car uh you mean at home or fast charger fast Chargers home not at home the fast charger ing stations um it varies it varies the rule of a th is that the fast charging station will give you electricity at the higher rate such that it will be about the same cost as driving on gas wait and so they're charging much more than the 18 cents per kilow yes they are and and here we charge about 18 cents okay but we're we're charging roughly the cost of the electric delivered from public service we're not tripling it or quadrupling it and what you're telling me is that uh the fast charging stations uh maybe quadruple no um I I don't use Tesla because I cannot my vehicle is not Tesla I've heard that Tesla is actually not too expensive the supercharger um everyone else is like 40 cents 50 cents per kilow hour I have seen 70 but it's it's rather exceptional 70 cents as opposed to when you're at home it's it could be it could be nine I am on off and if we and if we um have this at the library is we would be charging is that what you were saying oh we probably we probably still pay Public Service what we're paying now right and we would how would that we would charge the people to use it or that is that how I would recommend uh always charge because when it's free then it's abused well yes plus you don't want to take away something so I would recommend charging less than 17 18 cents maybe like U 12 Duke Duke arms has one where for two hours it's a low rate if you stay laer then the rate jumps up I see a bunch of char so those are not fast charging St well it might be because it's not in Franklin but I see a bunch of them off of um group one by where there's Panera Bread right Panera and are those fast charging yeah those are fast charging but yeah that's not on l on route one that's over BJ's Costco know by the movie theater but on the other side is it's on the side going north coming north cost where where they just built they're building all sorts of things there they just put a shake chat obious I know too much about apparently everything is based on where but anyway I so there's a lot of them over there I don't I guess you know I don't see a lot I'm not over there all that much but I do see people I do see people over there but like you said when I'm not thinking that that's not Franklin Township said there wasn't any but it's it's close but yeah that's not frankly and that's on a major you know I guess a lot of people use U one to to go up and down so warehouses require so many charging stations as a percentage of how many parking spaces have that's one things we look at all the time okay well I thank you very much you're very welcome if you have any other questions you know my account I know that more than 20 minutes I'm sorry I'm glad that you guys have questions yeah very informative you almost got me thinking about behind we have we have drag electric Earth month coming up the entire month of April lots of shows coming up uh we actually have first show uh in College of New Jersey on March 16 Saturday there is a the Trenton computer festival and we will have 10 15 vehicles for test driving all free do is this what is this this is um the College of New Jersey Jersey Electric Vehicle Association Jersey Jersey when is the one Canal Walk Canal Walk is April 7 8 19th the 19th seen emails go back and um Friday but can is close yes personal question like upkeep maintenance on a vehicle it's easier move L move in but is it is it is it more I mean is it more expensive I mean windshield BL off I'm saying make you laugh because that's what it is about yeah it's cheaper it's cheer it's cheaper to maintenance anything Tires Tires yeah they maybe wear a faster because we like to them I replac mine at just replac them at 28,000 okay how often do you buy a new electric vehicle like I'm we're the type of people who buy our vehicle and pay for it and we drive it go yeah but is that okay so for information that vehicle that I purchased in 2012 is still on the road okay and it's registered in my name and how in different Nation how high can you charge the battery I love I mean have you lost battery I I lost about 20% after 12 years that's pretty good and the technology has improved yeah right yeah my second vehicle I lost it because I to but it had 85% state of health after s and I Nissan n kind of they bad reputation early models but today oh my goodness and Tesla basic model model 3 has LF battery lithium iron phosphate which can withstand many more Cycles because before it goes ra charge it to 100% prefer they charge but right now it's not easy to drive an electric for like 10 hours across country or across uh how a couple times a year to the Midwest so that wouldn't be an option I wanted to to challenge that notion that it's not possible and I took the entire family in December in our Chevy ball to Orlando we made it and back yeah but we're driving in Cross Pennsylvania about 80 so yeah it's not the same it's not the same they are charging stations go to and it is comprehensive list of all Char AC Pennsylvania yes I went to I went to Hershey that's not yeah yes but I just didn't have the need right but if you challenge me I'll find a destination I'll go there I it would be it to you know R you day to day to day if you would save that much money during the year because I'm like you I drive to Georgia not far as you cars right and that's very good good thing because you need to try it so when you have more Vehicles get one and have the ability to both those people in a will try I I love it now what what about what's your feeling about the plugin hybrids uh you have two power trains in one vehicle you have to pay for them they weigh more you have to maintain both the efficiency goes down and you have less available ru have you seen a Ford F-150 Lightning that's a pickup truck it's a pickup truck yeah you open the front hood cargo you can fill it up with stuff if you have plug-in hybrid you need to have the engine you need have the electric motor need to have the battery tank have to go but not a plugin I'm just regular hybrid and I saw this winter I my miles per gallon went down because the battery is now 10 years old but it's doing it's still I'm getting 40 miles to the gallon but well okay Stan stop right I just have to meeting thank you so much this was a very you're very welcome take another five minutes the rest of the meeting is not going to take I don't know thank you pleas was very might have got it where are we now start looking public comment is there any other member of the public who would like to speak at this point we're looking for another part so yeah maybe maybe we'll look and see contact me thank you so much public portion of this first public portion of the meeting go thank you see you soon discussion and acceptance of minutes for the January 24th meeting are there any comments is there a motion I so moved Agnes has moved to AC to accept is that Agnes yes yes is there a second I second Kevin has seconded any discussion of the minutes or of the motion those in favor signify by okay um still with us I'm here no Amy Amy is not um we still have a quarum yes we do have a quarum and it has passed unanimously okay director's reports does anyone have any discussion of uh the financial report okay how about your uh operations report the uh the ILS project is currently six weeks ahead of schedule the Galler roof project uh some of the um people that are involved in that were actually here today some putting in new display doors for us so I had a chance to talk to them and uh it looks there like the beginning of the project is going to be the beginning April and then the last through May um The Adult Services Department dep had 45 adult programs that 556 people came to youth services at 33 that 1,89 people white the the young adult librarian has kick is going to kick off the annual teen poetry jam on March 22nd and teens can submit up to three original poems for chance to win a $20 Target gift card and the winter reading ch challenge is over we had 59 adults 52 teens and 101 children wow Franklin Park has been doing very well particularly with programs yes and they now have their own book club down there too parking lot not to full capacity not where every spot is that's kind of get back to the Sol okay now I'm done thank you January there is no president's report this month ourr respondents thank you January for sharing the uh articles with us from the journal I show it was an interesting aspect about yeah social connection and libraries and now the library is a health care center okay so let's apply for Medicare okay yeah that's that was uh good read good reading thank you anyone have any questions about uh these two articles I just have a comment to say that um our library is doing fantastic very well considering the fact that kids are now on either their iPods or their uh phones and Etc but the hearing that they making use of the library especially during the reading program is really really fantastic thank you very much um January for what job well done also yes I would like to add that I've been doing a school visits at the Franklin Park School that started in February and um as of that director's report I've had nine classes visit I just did two visits today five on Friday well last Friday I'm doing five more this Friday when does this end I don't know then June um but it's been very exciting to see every child or just about every child in that end of town because you know you're getting the kids whose parents don't bring them to the library right and that's really exciting and you know I ask every class do they have a library carded the event in the library most classes not maybe half the kids raise their hands not even so I I just SP that really interesting but I always mention how they can get a my cards and I will say that after I've had maybe three four kids come back after school after their visit to get a card and they were very excited about good it's lot of work it is a lot of work but it's really it's really fun to see the kids do you predict that you'd never be able to EXP this to the Claremont School well that's no I could okay okay it would have to be a lot more it's only meol I mean it would have to take more plan to coordinate Transportation yeah yeah yeah the reason we can make it work so easily Park well it's on their end but because the kids walk over walk five minutes I had two classes walk over today in the rain but didn't at most of okay okay thank you is there any old business seeing none we move on to new business and I see one item on the uh agenda it's our AIT for the year ending June 30 2023 I'm sure every one of us has read this two or three times and memorize most of the numbers so do anyone any comments on that that's much it seems to me that uh part of the reason it's gotten so much thicker is the grant one of the stipulations of the grant was they had do a more comprehensive audit so there it is okay so be it I don't believe there's anything we need to do with this rather than acknowledge that we have it U I don't really need a copy at my need one copy here okay I I'll throw out the last one okay I still have the last okay um any other new business anyone with new business no okay uh public comment second part for public comment would any member of the public like to speak now see none close this and confirm that our next meeting is March 27th 2024 do I have a motion to adjourn mayor Kramer and Kevin has seconded any discussion of adjournment seeing none please any all those in favor of the uh motion signify by okay I I okay motion to adjourn is unanimously passed okay thank you all