the meeting is called pursuant to the provisions of the open public meeting law the meeting of what was today the 21st May 21st 2024 was included in a list of meetings notice sent to the newspaper to what newspaper was it sent to uh the home News Star Ledger um I think Star Ledger I think um and on whatever janary and advertised in set newspapers on Siri January 21st janary 1st y a posted on the bulletin board in the municipal building on January 1st and has remained continuously posted as required notices under the statute in addition a copy of the notice is and has been available to the public and is on file in the office of the municipal clerk proper not having been given the municipal clerk has directed to include this statement in the minutes of this meeting that's it you can stop there all righty okay thank you Ary good job and now if you would like to do the roll call okay uh Bob puskus he's on his wife uh Arnold Schmidt here Bill Connell here Bob Lort here Mary La here Robin Sudan is absent John here Stephanie toel John hling I haven't heard from him yet Davids here um Ted Chase Bob War Locker is that going to be absent right mayor Kramer Y and Vanessa Jones I just heard she's on her way so we have a quorum can I have a motion to open to the public make a motion I'll second it all in favor hi anybody from the public have anything to say nada I'll take a motion to close to the public I'll make a motion anybody second second John second all in favor oppos and noted that uh the Chase has arrived at 704 um next up is approval of the April 2024 meeting minutes can I have a motion to approve the minutes we don't have the April minut February February well who put April in here originally I put April and then I forgot no reminded me February was tables okay I resend that approval of the February 2024 meeting minutes I'll make a motion a second all favor all right okay open for discussion any comments I I gave a Tara some comments in writing um and I was not at that meeting um but if there's no comments motion to accept all right second we've already done that so all all in favor of approval anybody opposed thank you for speaking up everybody hi than uh next is the financial report Cara would you like to go over that no I abstained from the April meeting we don't have April yet yeah just February okay financial report I sent out with the agenda I also put copies on the table and I'm putting a copy up here on the screen if anyone has any questions um probably easier if anyone has questions to go through [Music] it um on the uh it's about six seven lines down on the right hand side under notes it says mower back batteries and parts are we going do we have electric uh um mowers lawn mowers um I am not sure but I'm assuming we do if we're getting batteries and parts for it so that was put in by vpw so I'm assuming yes that we must have something that's electric or something for the mowers okay well it's just good to know that we're going with electric as far as that's concerned I think it the automatic starts things like that you know uh could be could be that yeah and then down down about a third way where it says monthly expenditures $40,000 and after that it oh it says professional consulting services and then there's nothing in the notes other than security keys and locksmith for non Williams Park right um okay so security keys and locksmith that should be that's for the line down I need to put space in there that's for other contractual Services I believe and then the 40,000 started off the balance was 80 40,000 was spent um but I believe that was from the last report actually so that should be it should be 40 is the balance from April 1st zero monthly expenditures because the way it worked out there was no charge for the the way the billing worked out this time so I have to fix that it should be balance is 40,000 zero for monthly expenditures 40,000 is the balance so I I'll fix that right now okay thanks I was just looking at the thank you yeah the larger things and the next one down the larger thing is a 19,000 from landscaping and it says plumbing supplies for that I don't know what the plumbing supplies are so the note that DPW put in the in the uh edmin system which is what we go by was Plumbing suppli so if it was at it's for landscaping Parks I'm assuming it must be for like one of the bathrooms maybe at nean Williams I'm assuming cuz they were doing a lot of work there they were also putting hey how are you uh it wouldn't be I guess it could be called Plumbing but really are putting drains in uh under the pavement at certain points so I'm wondering if some of it is that but I can find out exactly what it is if you want okay those are just the two big monthly expenditure that I was just interested that's not covered under the morning part no so the name in Williams no it's not because that was part of when DPW paid the other supplies like the stone and everything like that that'll be covered that's green in infrastructure the piping is actually considered regular conventional storm water treatment so it's not covered by the grant if there's no other questions for financial financial report um um Bob huskus has arrived and just a point of clarification I noticed um for the um more batteries and parts then down further you have the gas Propel lawn mow and parts shouldn't that be one category what you know so that I can't answer only because I didn't do like I didn't do that charge so I don't know if there was a reason that they were put in two different uh accounts let me see what account the gas where's the gas pump thing that you're talking about so I see mower batteries up here is under equipment repairs and maintenance come down oh gas propelled mower yeah other equipment and supplies $30 yeah I actually like that it's separated because it shows that if you just said mower parts or something like that you wouldn't see that there's actually were using electric in someway instead of uh fossil fuels yeah I'm not sure why it was done in two separate lines I can definitely ask um but that I don't know why either when I was typing it I kind of had the same question but I just didn't get a chance here back yet so I can definitely ask question for the mayor during the budgeting process of you discuss getting electric like like I'm thinking it's just batteries for stuff so you don't have to it's key start stuff not not really environmentally friendly like that would be my guess what we're talking about battery wise is a back Hub maybe I'm calling that the wrong thing but some moving equipment like that um that's that's an electric vehicle we we've been considered I don't know where we are with it me we liked it it costs about the same we run for about 8 hours but that works uh for a lot of things um so that's a consideration I haven't heard anything about mower I don't think that would be very practical or but they especially this time of year they they are flat out and people we always um pointing out to us what is in mode so I wonder if it for like Edge work or something maybe I I have no idea I'm guessing bills right it's batteries like you have in your lawn trackers so you can start it could be it could be blowers too yeah I can ask and find out if we have an like what it is for sure I can definitely get that in let you start batter by way you said buil right on [Music] camera scrub the table I'll ask all right thank you star meeting Ary sorry I'm Wate you we just have to approve the uh financial report the financial report all right there's no other questions on the fin report you have a motion to approve no I'll make a motion second second okay favor very good next on the agenda new business hter you got some data yes I have some not as much as I would like but I do have some so uh okay so let's see we time begin so we have 75 responses out of 143 permits that were issued uh after tonight's meeting I'll be sending another email to to the people that have not responded for sure so so 75 out of 143 that's a little under 50% of a response rate uh the totals for season 1 is you can see that there was 46 antler lists and four bucks and that was a total of 50 so that was about 40 a little over 47% of the total season was in season 1 which is between September 9th and October 28th that's bow only uh season 2 not including the 6- day firearm allowed season there was a total of 20 miral 13 more antler list seven more Buffs and then we have season 3 which is firearm season that's January 1st to February 17th plus the 6 day firearm season which is December I think it was December 6th to 10th this year um there was a total of 35 so we have a total so far of the 75 responses there's been 105 reported deer called through the program um I went through and looked at which areas we're doing the best so before I get to it I'll show you so basically for every area has a sheet and I can tell you by permit what was done I then put the answers of all of that into this main sheet up front and we can look at each area so Butler Road for example there was a total of 23 deer cult through all the season there 15 were anist deer in season 1 so again that's bow only um that's actually an increase of 21.74% % from last year which is great uh the next area is County rout 518 property so you'll see there's an increase of 200 100% but that's because last year it was closed so yes are de identifying themselves differently what's like ant means do yeah yeah yep um I can say dough but I sometimes I can say an so is the right cuz you get a buck without antlers just checked in as antlers deer or a button buck a year L right right that's true so an is the right way to track them okay so County Ro 518 we did have it open this year um and so we have reported a total of two deer now that area is missing a lot of its responses so we only have four responses in so I'll be trying to get more information from them shortly uh the next area is deont Lane we get a lot of responses deont Lane Hunters are great they always get us their responses right away which is awesome uh they had a total of 13 this year eight responses so it was down 40% we are missing um two responses and then there was one person in particular that got an injury right at the beginning of the season and couldn't hunt at all and normally he hunts a lot he does a lot so there's kind of a reason for that um let's see Elizabeth AB we only have three reported but only two responses at this point so we need to get more from there uh neger nepot we have a total of 14 deer reported for the whole season five resp responses are in that's actually up uh 177% from last year uh 10 mile run um we have 16 there was 2 24 reported last year through the program so that's minus 8 but again we are missing a lot from 10 mile run is where we have most of our permits and we only have 16 of the responses back so we're missing a good amount from there um what else do we have here got to scroll over Willow Road uh five reported in eight were reported last year uh we have six responses there's only seven perament there so that one's actually pretty close uh to what it's going to be then next should be Wilson yep Wilson Road five total reported deer there were 13 last year so again that's minus 8 we only have four of those responses in so we're still missing more than half of the permits from that area uh Weston Road I believe yep Weston Road so there was six deer reported for the season which is two less than last year five of the responses are in I think that area we have seven or eight I can't remember from the top of my head but we're pretty close I'm just missing a few people from that one uh Memorial Forest uh we don't have any responses in yet so it's really I mean it says minus one but it's not really worth looking at that cuz we don't have responses in yet tune there were seven reported deer uh of two responses that were submitted we're missing quite a few from there and zero resp reported in I'm sorry not zero this is we have seven deer reported in from the Scot Farm um this should say four I changed that last minute four responses in from there so that's up a lot from last year five more deer taken from there and this is the done property only two of the responses dun and Gunther were in quite a few permits so please just keep that in mind but there were three total reported here Gunther there were two I believe Gunther is the last one yes cuz we don't get permits out there so I basically then looked at that and looked at all the properties uh so the number one uh property at this point in in terms of how many deer work called is Butler Road which that really tends to be the case Butler Road really tends to do well we actually increase the amount of permit there year just by a few because there's always a lot of requests for Butler Road so uh they are the first ranking property in terms of the amount of gear that were called followed by 10 mile run which is where we have most of our permits and that allows firearm and bow and Then followed by um negri Depot then by deont Lane deont Lane's an interesting case study because it's one of our smallest properties but the group that hunts there has been hunting together for a very long time and they're very active so that even though that's one of our smallest properties and we give out the fewest permits there it's because there's a strong group that is like really committed to hunting there so they always do very well um and then you can see we kind of just go through the list from there so after tonight I figured I would show you all what we have and I'm going to send out an email basically saying I need the rest of those responses usually when I send one I'll get like 10 or 15 back at one time so that'll give us some more info and I can keep you updated as we move on um we're going to start working on the applications and the permits for next year soon because we usually start ordering the signage and everything in um after July after it goes to the July council meeting so we get the resolution on in July and then start ordering the applic the assign it do the applications and we usually have a due date of beginning of August and then we get the perits out by very beginning of September um Bob I have a question for you when I'm looking at a number like 23 or 13 what is how many events is that really like like if you go out hunting on a Monday are you getting one deer two deer is that like is that 20 does that represent 23 days does that represent 10 days when you're looking at like 23 like it's like come like like if you get one deer you say I'm done and you're and you leave the property or do you go or do you do multiple oh guys guys go multiple times you don't get a deer every time you go there's no there's no report of how many times you go right but I'm just saying so if you get one deer are you done for the day or no now it depends what depends on season it depends what season you're in right okay the very first season now this is off the top of my head so I you get it right or not the first season you have to shoot a dough first before you shoot an ant deer all right so that's the first season but then DWI ant go back to ant terminology antlers you can shoot all you want you you shoot two in the morning and check them in go back in the afternoon shoot two more antl deer is not limited in New Jersey you're limited now they're changing it up a little bit this year you're talking about right now the hunds are allowed six bucks uh legally they're going to change they going to change it they have seven bucks so guys can have a little more opportunity um to get an extra deer to get more guys in the woods type of deal because because right it works now if you shoot two bucks and St firearm you you can't shoot one in the um permid season for an so what they're going to do is leave the two bucks in six six day and add one to the the firearm permit season before if you shot one if you shot one in six day and you didn't have you had then you had the right to shoot one during the the permit shotgun season it's they're trying to make it simpler they makeing it more confusing I I yelled at them the other day about stening this St I had a private meeting with somebody writing their walls up and and I said you got to make this hell a lot simple what you're doing they trying they're going to they're going to change zones this year they going to be a lot and looks like from our numbers looks like we're doing okay because Statewide the numbers are way down yeah we do I think pretty okay so so Bill like one answer your question maybe so if you look at Butler Road if you look on the screen this is Butler Road by permit now so this is I don't know who I mean I can find out who these people are but it's by each permit so you can see it also depends I think by the hunter so like whoever this one is number eight they had eight for the entire season which I'm assuming is pretty good right but we have quite a few that it's like you know one two summer zero like this person here number six I don't know there could be a reason why but zero all season so I don't know if it was just bad luck or they didn't go out it could be a multitude of well one thing one thing I've noticed uh at middle Bush Park in the surrounding area yeah is a steep drop off of deer and I don't know what the reason is but I'm assuming it's coyotes cuz I do find deer Parts like uh and I do hear them at night after they make a kill it sounds like hyena is like could be them for sure yeah so um but I mean a steep drop off of the amount of deer I see every day oh wow okay could be that and then Kathy blumi from our agory committee she had also mentioned that um the disease that was going around is that still a problem they said didn't find any this past year but K KY just don't be get a false sense of um Peace because KY do not kill that many deer if you find a bone they probably dragging the road kills and stuff in the wood feeding on them they they'll C catch a few fawns in the springtime but they catch an adult deer let they're hunting attack they're not a fairly small deer based on the size of the herbs and leg there were two legs and some in catch it wasn't near the road so I know it wasn't Road in the park by the detention Bas I I can back and I can hear them I can I know when they make a kill because you can they it's like a they surrounded like a feeding friend they surrounded oh wow okay it definitely could be that for sure yeah well I could back up what Dave says in my yard personally that forever it seems like we've been in this house for 19 years we see four or five 10 deer four or five days a week I haven't seen a deer in my backyard in the last 2 weeks really over the last year I would say we've seen very few deer program working we we live between de andk count that by four deer sitting on my front y eating my brand new Garden saying hey how you doing EA you know last night like 10:00 at night they're just hanging out munching on my stuff dear and nice to see but it's a good the population any any other questions on report if not we'll move on move on scoping for the hearing for the division of counil diversion yes so uh we held the scoping hearing for the diversion at Castleton Park which is to put the valve in uh on the existing snowco pipeline so no one attended which I think kind of expected you know so which is fine um I stayed until 7:30 just on the safe side so no one came from 7 to 7:30 and uh but that happens with those kinds that are just like replacing a valve or replacing you know some type of equipment not many people will attend so so we H this scoping hearing so now uh the public comment period ends on May 27th so as soon as that public comment period is over for written comments we can then start doing the official application to Green Acres to get that to get that going so which is is lengthy it takes quite a while to do that but the people I'm working with at sonoko they're very helpful putting the application together they have a lot of information already set so so far so good good all right National Trails day so National Trails day it's always the first Saturday of every June so this year it's Saturday June 1st it's going to be at the Bunker Hill Natural Area at 10:00 a.m. um the New Jersey Native Plant Society is going to have a table there one of our new trails members is a member of the Native Plant Society so he's going to have a table there we also teamed up with the Watershed Ambassador so for our area the watered Ambassador is Claire Paul and she worked with us on the garden at The Meadows house which is great um so she's going to actually do a presentation and a game for kids and families and then Vanessa she's on her way she's going be here soon she's going to lead a walk for anyone else who wants to a trail walk so I registered on it I registered it on the National Trails day website which I always do we have a flyer that we've posted and so hopefully you know we'll get good amount of people if you're interested it usually takes about an hour you know yeah all right old business anybody else need a new business to bring up we have any update about the softball field that's over by Canal Walk on um whether that's completed yet I don't I don't personally I don't do I'm not sure if you have any the one that's been donated by yes I'm I'm I'm told we they're finishing up the little things that we had on the list to accept so it should be soon okay and I understand that uh middle Bush should be done this coming week with Mr B I discussed it today okay said there was a puddle form in there and they they were regrading it okay uh mayor um there was a comment made on Facebook about the plan changing the amount of parks and whatever they were giving us changing from the from the time of the approval to to now that plan changed you know like I don't understand like it's like a baseball field it should have been more soccer fields or whatever it was was like whatever they offered like 2 or 3 years actually was longer than that who who they Su I gu Summerfield that's what we're talking about here what okay you so you talk about the same thing it's same thing yeah so did that plan change from what they originally offered to what we're actually getting I'm not aware of a change but that doesn't mean it didn't happen there's there's no change it's a hardboard Sal ball and I think either Cricket or soccer that hasn't changed there was a playground thought there was a play well I didn't hear about the play at the playground I'm sure there's a playground there not heard whole business franking Pathways and Trail Roby plan final draft so I compiled all the comments that you all submitted on the Pathways in Trails plan thank you I appreciate all of your comments I read every single one of them and implemented them where feasible there was a few that I had some questions on that I had to bring back to the trails advisory committee so at the last meeting we ended up running out of time because there was a lot of planning for National Trails day happening so at the next meeting they'll finalize those comments and then I can send that draft to planning so it's only a few small outstanding things were you able to talk with uh Chris Kelly from trails at all County no I was not I will do that as soon as our Mary sees it then I will definitely work work at the same time with him on that or however he wants to do it I defer to him but oh we will absolutely yep we did use the County's plan as one of our foundational sources for that thank you all righty next on the agenda is the Grant from sustainable Jersey for name Park so it's still ongoing uh Ruckers helped me put together the supplies list that I needed for all the green infrastructure and they gave me the amounts and everything which was really helpful so I am setting up a meeting with Carl at n Williams Park to figure out how we can actually get the work done and how we can like purchase it and get delivered and all those things one thing that's kind of interesting it's it's a little separate but there's a foundation called the we love you Foundation it's like an International Volunteer Foundation they reached out to Wendy white from the Youth Center rec center and basically what it is is they do these large scale volunteer projects around the country so they wanted to do something around here and they were looking for a big tree planting so I met with Wendy at non Williams Park and said maybe they could do the tree planting for the green infrastructure cuz it's like 50 trees and they did seem to be interested in it so she's kind of handling that part but if they are able to do that that would take you know save us money from the Grant from using it from the grant that we could do that so I think the plan is right now that someone from the it's called we love you you like not y you but you um they hoping to present to the shade tree commission next week and see what they think about you know using this week or this week yes this week they're going to be presenting there um and to see you know if they can find out what kinds of trees does the shade tree commission approve can we use money from the shade tree fund for those trees so it's a whole thing they're doing but if once I find that out if that's approved then we will instead of just focusing on one priority from the grant we can instead of use the money we were going to use for trees from the grant we can use have to do more of the green infrastructure would be great so we'll see so I'll keep you posted after they meet with ch Tre I'll keep you posted at the next one do you need like a a resolution or decision from the sh Tre commission about whether the tree fund a tree fund can be used so I told the person from the foundation that they need to put together a comprehensive document that explains how many trees what their plan is for plan them you know what experience they have when they will be to put everything I haven't got anything yet I checked with Wendy right before the meeting to see if she had heard from them she didn't yet but I said when they go to the shade tree commission they have to be prepared so that the shade tree commission can actually give them a response so and I think Wendy is also planning on attending just so you know like she'll Wendy Wendy white white yeah everyone calls her Wendy Wendy Williams yeah it's Wendy white yeah I do the same thing so she's going to be there I forget the person's last name but his name is Alex yeah Alex from the we love you Foundation they'll be presenting and explaining and I explained to them that there's a list of trees that are to be planted versus not planted so they understand all those parameters I was planning to the commission a couple months ago discussed what a few species of trees for that park because we think doing like a one AR day planting there so I think we're already but it it didn't happen but we already have some trees in my mind so I'll be sure to bring a list to that meeting excellent so we can all okay yeah they understand that they are to defer in terms of the types of trees and and say they ask for 50 trees but she tree you know wants to only approve 30 trees or something they understand that there is you know they're limited by what is approved so I have a question um because some some trees that really like water are very messy like Willows messy um River Birch are messy like they drop a lot of twigs and stuff so would you like like stay away from trees that create like clean up problems I mean possible I think there are other trees that are also yeah the main thing for that is that they have to be trees that will be effective in soaking up water cuz it's for green infrastructure purposes but yeah if we can reduce any extra work that DPW has to do I think that's important so like do you do you want like a lawn maintained under those trees or is it okay if they have like they're talk about Cyprus which they bring up like knes you know so I'm not sure I think it's okay if underneath those planted trees if there's you know vegetation but I don't want DPW to have to go in between trees and things like that that I think is too much so yeah I think you know yeah I'm just from my own yard I know got it you know that makes sense that's why they're coming to you guys yeah so have you heard anything about the tree maintenance plan that supposed to be developing um no I know at the last me what was said up they were working on we're trying to get a consultant I believe I haven't been updated I don't know if sh has been I think I mean we had the quotes for the work to get them and I think last time B uh War Locker said that all those things are moving forward okay okay and the money is taken from the shade tree um fund it'll be paid for from the shade tree fund okay I at the last sh Tre meeting um it was discussed that uh that they're putting together a plan right that first is going to before it's approved it's going to come to shade tree for our review got it okay and we have not seen that yet and right yeah I'm not sure where that stands exactly you guys would probably know better but I can also try to find out so yeah yeah I mean our chair person does the communications so we'll remind him at the meeting we'll remind uh St at the meeting ask that plan has yeah Steve is on top of that yeah okay the other thing under old business it was discussing the last meeting meeting before about The Meadows Foundation get look at their books and why they're why they're such bad shape can we get a hold of them I mean are they quite have they have they been asked about the record so I reached out to ask to and I have not been able to get in touch with her I know she is working a lot recently so I think she just didn't get back to me yet which is fine um but once she does I'll ask her if we can see them from what they shared with us I think a few months ago I presented that spreadsheet when they asked for you know help with some utility bills and stuff um it looks like from what I can see that the first of all their events I mean they only charge you know $5 $10 for each person the other thing is the leases they're working on re doing the leases because I think what they're charging they feel is a lot less than what they should be charging or could be charging so I think maybe when they get the leases up to well I spoke to one of the tenants the other day at length about her relase and things what's going on and there should the tenant the white G and tenant tell me what their paying and what they're charging back to The Meadows from M the lawn and stuff like that there should be money to be had in that in that situation there but she was saying that like the right gison house they want they people in charge want to keep the heat going to winter time at 60 70° they run it you know they keep it up too hot they run out of propane they're buying a propane from one of the most expensive places you could buy it from um it's just a lot of this some Mis management going on because they're pay them X number of dollars a mo loan you pay you only pay them not even 6 months out of the year for that and it's not that they're not paying that great amount of money so where where's and how much could the electric bill be for that place I I I don't get it from Talking heard that that house should be turning close a 10 grand profit a year at the current rate can at some point we rather than buy the highest put out a bid for a propane and uh uh yeah you may have companies who may want to donate some of it too or just give it or sell it for cost possible yeah I mean the spreadsheet they submitted to us last time just let you know that their P Bill February through April for the all the houses was $5,400 the propane anticipated through April based on last year and this was submitted in February so February March in 3 months $670 hey Vanessa um they also have accountants fees caretakers payroll they have oil Skyland oil 2750 um then they have you know Insurance that's we didn't pay for insurance or anything but they do have insurance payments they have to make construction loan which isn't that much 9 [Music] um so that's I know I know they're eating the sedan house but you know what are these heat set at in these houses you know 45 50° is more than enough to keep a house with a pip toe but you don't need to have it really warm if someone's liing in that some if someone's liing problem that house has been empty for five almost going 5 years now but the other right van um Garrison someone in I know hman and white but I don't know about the other one's nobody not van L but van Wile there's somebody in there well like I say I think it's a Mis people don't know what I don't want say not know what they're doing but I call mismanagement or what I want to call it but I think they can tighten the help them some no you know there's ways they can save money and they're not doing it I you know I don't know who how they figure out what they're doing or why they're doing but and I don't think they get a big turnout for lot some of these events they get big turnouts some they don't I know they're having a some kind of doing something at the V wle house that like two Sundays at a month or something coming up for the next couple months and you don't see anybody go to them well you don't really hear much about it they don't really promote it they don't either you're 100% right there not there's not of a presence that you feel that it's there and something you go to you know they promot it I don't know whether the town does well I the promotion is low if they are promoting it it's not enough in front of the white cor gon house there you know it's about this big it's it's and you can't you know I sitting there coming out of the tractor look at I can hardly if you could say to Bob and safy that we should probably look to have the Franklin times at least this their events and the other thing put a calendar in there there events yeah so there I you know on the community calendar they can post the events but that's a good point do they adver does the township advertise they don't so the only way we would be able to advertise unless I was watching their website to see whether are they having an event is if they send it to us so I can tell suan hey anytime you're having an event please send man I can get it on Facebook whatever but I need it you know order the van house across the street for me is just a spectacular I know they're doing work on the inside they're there nothing going on not been worked on at all nothing zero theyve got a big Grant to fix that house and they've had the grant for when it was done a year and nothing's going they didn't cut the grass for the first time last week and I don't know how that poor lawn did it why grass was that high yeah because it's rained a lot I mean grass has been growing there's the first time they anybody's even cut it I mean they didn't even cut it down on the road they didn't even finish it all I'm sorry they used to have Civil War encampments packed okay different events that is it that's probably one of the best spots in the town to in the sunset yeah right over the sour mountains I mean it's just a spectacular I wonder if cuz you know at the county I remember at least when I was at the county Tom Deigo was in charge of historic there and since he retired I know he used to do a lot of stuff with The Meadows maybe since he retired it it has been advertised as much or something I don't know I don't know what the reason is or maybe they change their ways of where they advertise I'm not sure I get EMA I get emails whenever there's events at these places but I don't know if that's because I signed up through them get those emails but if there's a way to advertise to get people to sign up for those to those emails one thing emails you do so you probably I don't get the emails but I don't know that I've ever signed up I saw that they had like the fall y Road did you guys already talk about that uh no but I don't yeah that must be that was a couple months ago that it was great I saw it on social media I saw it on Facebook and they had where you could visit all the houses within half a mile it was four houses within half a mile and they had there were people there I went to each of the houses there were people there it was they had people dressed in Period clothing talking about the history I I found it that's and I've been to some of those and it's and it's nice but they need to get advertised so people can see it they're they're attracting Die Hard people who know about it or registered on the website but you're not going to get new interest what they're doing because you don't know anything about it give out coupons I feel like we have the same issue with Trails though like we have such a hard time getting people to come uh the only thing that we've done that's been successful is Parks Recreation yeah when we partnered withs and W we saw a big increase in how many more people come so like all of our Trails ev even though we really don't need people to register most of the time we've noticed if we have a registration with parks and wck we get a lot of people to come so maybe maybe they can do that too I don't know maybe they can a little paranormal like once or twice a year over there at White was I don't know what they charge half of what the deal is they get money for the Paranormal people to come in but it's always booked yep you you know 20 bucks it's it's always booked I don't know how much the metals gets out of it but I mean it you how many people they allow but every year every time they have it that is definitely booked and the afternoon te's are fabulous when they have them but they don't have them that many times they had two events at the house near you that were sold out one of them I went to is the [Music] Ein yeah oh one thing she did say too actually just sparked my memory so um cuz when I went to see all the four houses with suan we put together that inventory of items that they need replaced or repaired and she did mention I think they used to have a lot more events like showers um weddings things like that and she did say that has come down a little bit now I don't know why that is she didn't explain to me why but um like for example when I was at the yof Garson house it was set up they had just had a shower there but I think for some reason you can only use half the house now for some reason maybe there was work being done so that limited a shower of like 10 12 people not many people are going to have a shower of 10 or 12 people so maybe that's an issue too maybe that's it they always had showers and and things across from me might see it yeah and weddings rights yeah it's a great spot yeah I we can I'll ask her she'll definitely pull me back um I'll all righty let's move on um any other old business if not any questions on the consult for month activity report if not move on motion to approve the activity consult activ report I'll second all in favor update for other committee anybody got anything they want to talk about I I mentioned to Tara about and I kind of want to just on come the record the um the historic commission wanted to take a tour of the dun house to see what the inside looks like so um just to bring that up so T can go to either Bob or Vince com pick a day so we can go over there and take a look on the inside back let me in that's it and you leave a fish pole at home I I have to bring one of those little ones do we do we have any meetings scheduled this year at any of the uh historic houses we don't but we can talk about it we can definitely talk about setting one setting up for one for I think last year we did the September right or October September see can do with Van l i mean it's just they should be set up by by then we've done van Lou but I'll do it again you know van van Lou long time ago yeah which is Sarah's house hag right Hagen Hagen Sarah's house that's what we did last so you'd like to try to go to Van Lou instead everybody yeah yeah yeah fine why not if if they can't do it there you want to do it back in the barn again if you do a little earlier or do it goinging it you know do something different bring some lights bring some lights yeah you want to do it early start at 6 and S do that I know BR wh you know what I mean like one or the other see if we can set something up uh this is I I have something from the environmental commission but it should probably go in executive committee but just about um last night's environmental meeting there was a property discussed about the possible per there's recommendation about the possible purchase of it we'll take it up later nothing else y public comment open to the public uh you sh it his head no wor about going into it close to the public second all right uh motion to go to Executive session and there will be no business taken I'll make a motion to go executive executive session so first from Bob and then take somebody there you go all favor very good