uh in accordance with the open public meetings act P 1975 chapter 231 adequate notice of this regular meeting of the planning board of the township of Franklin has been provided for everyone can please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all uh uh I don't see Sammy but um Mahir Rebecca and Mark all ask to be excused this evening councilman EMB Barrison here the chase here Robert Lort here Sammy sioban Jennifer ragno here Charles Brown here Robert Thomas here and chairman arini here um the minutes are going to be uh for Onyx are going to be carried because um first of all they only came out every other page and second of all um we're going to need more time to review those to make sure they're accurate so they'll be at the next meeting um we got a resolution uh for the Jane Center of New Jersey pln 230011 um I'll make a motion to approve it second councilman Barson yes Ted Chase yes Robert Lort yes Jennifer ragno Yes Robert Thomas yes chairman arini yes and let me add one thing so been brought to my attention that um the Jane Center planted a whole bunch of shrubs sort of U right in the middle of the lawn um not really within like a landscaping board or anything like that so that's U that's their issue if they want to mow around all that um but that said we asked for trees to um screen the um caretaker residents that's in this resolution and um the Landscaping to you know be um I think according to their Archway thing um add Landscaping in the rest of the site um if their solution is to plant shrubs in the middle of the lawn that's not a good solution so let's make sure they he he to this yeah and just so the board is aware I um basically the condition of the board's approval part of it was that the applicant had to meet with me in the field with their landscape architect to finalize the plan um basically to maximize the screening to some of the neighbors um so we did that um and they submitted a reev an updated plan to me I haven't seen what they've done so far all I can say is the plans are what they are they have to plant what's on those plans um I can only guess that they're some portion of the way through so at the end of the day they will absolutely have to put in the field what's on those PL I just want to make you aware of that cuz might not be off to a flying start which no surprise um let's see extension of approval BSR ep3 Logistics acquisition LLC um anybody here representing that uh no okay so I don't know what they want um they want a year they want want want to do your I mean give a year might is this how many is this it's a 22 dated plan 22 dat so it's the it's the original two-year period iring so this is their first okay thanks Peter helpful uh I'll make a motion for a year what's with the actual date it will expire on 20 July 20 2025 if you were to extend it all right let's do that second councilman and baron yes t or chase yes Robert Lort yes Jennifer ragno Yes Charles Brown yes Robert Thomas yes chairman Orsini yes um Boe capital what's that and do we have somebody just presentation yes oh uh okay yeah can you come up and use the microphone please can I just HDMI please you can donally steal it you can to have it oh the I thought you meant the mic okay that too the other one you can only bark I would be answering a lot of questions microphone all right thank you very much for having me I I am Tammy stko I am principal at SSP Architects and we are the architect of record for the board of education so I've been asked to come here this evening and give you the presentation and an update as to the capital project for Zu fall Health Center they've I know Dr aali and Fran Palm from Zu fall Health have been in front of the council and uh we've had a lot of internal meetings but this is just an update as to what is happening so zual health is currently working out of a mobile van uh at Hillcrest and I believe they're in the parking lot of Hillcrest right now so we are working with the Board of Ed to put a permanent facility for zual Health Center in the top left corner over the tennis court at Franklin Middle School the Hamilton Street complex so this is the location that we're looking at the work involves removing the tennis courts so we're actually going to be reducing the impervious surface we're putting in the building there uh what you're seeing going up the left side is Burger Street the road going down uh below the property that you're seeing is the parking lot of the Middle School currently underutilized so uh the school has no problems letting that back part of the parking lot be utilized for the clients of Zu fall health and uh being right off of the back of the parking lot it actually keeps the traffic going in and out of Zu fall away from the school the children in the school activities so this was a very good solution to what we were looking at this is going to be built off of modular construction and then a site work bid so they're going to do the site work connect the utilities uh we're bringing utilities off of Burger Street connecting into the building and then the four pieces of modular building are going to be constructed on top of the footings and foundation and uh what you're seeing here is a 3300 square fet plus or minus Community Health Center that is housing um we're a little upside down I'm sorry about that so the ramps on the top the ramps in the stairs on the top of the screen is where they'll be accessing from the parking lot so that'll be the main entrance coming off of the parking lot the clients will come down into the lobby area with reception there are three medical exam rooms three Dental rooms a procedure room then they have the typical photomy consultation room uh the sterilization everything that is required by the Department of Health we've been through the preliminary Department of Health review and we are doing the final Department of Health submission I believe that's going out this week so that is zoof fall in a nutshell if there are any questions they'd be happy to answer them and this serves the student population of this serves the student population of any anybody within Franklin Township Schools uh zual got the initial Grant to be in this specific area at Hill Crush just because this is an underserved community so what zall does is a sliding scale of payment and they really Target the underserved Community getting Medical in there and I believe there especially with it coming outside of the school uh they will work to increase their hours and the conversations if I'm correct councilman Rah is uh that they would open to the community and and anybody within the community that has a need for that sliding scale Healthcare that's great um and and you're also still fairly quite close to Hillcrest so you'd still be able to easily serve that population as well I I think that they'll they're serving all their students so the school is actually getting their students to they'll get the students to there as as needed so the the discussions have definitely been evening hours and weekend hours as well as uh getting the students there during the school day thank you so so the council appropriated about $1.6 million from the a AR funding to the for the hospital that's great again yeah and just to remind the board when the Board of Ed comes to us for um building and stuff uh things of that nature we don't really have a resolution or veto or any say in that we certainly are they've been really good over the years coming to us for planning advice which is appropriate and in taking that planning advice um I know they did with the Claremont Road school and and and other projects over the years um and and this is one of them but it seems totally um totally a great thing to me um anybody else on the board have any question I just have one question is not uh I I think that the project is is a great project and everything I'm a little surprised does the board have any plans to replace the tennis facilities so I'm surprised that they would be giving up something like that that exists I don't know what the answer is from the board's perspective the conversations that were had in relation to this uh was that the courts are underutilized and they've been locked and not really taken advantage of which is why they were willing to give up this space as for plans for tennis courts in the future they would have to answer that okay it's their decision else no thank you very much thank you okay so we have um general public comment so um I'll make a motion to open the public for any general planning comment all in favor um anybody who doesn't have a comment one hearing tonight which is out which will open again to the public for any any uh discussion on that um if there's any general planning comment beside that now is your chance seeing no takers I move to close the public second all in favor I okay 287 has uh delivered you here um okay be an hour and 45 minutes from Ros I don't know what's going on lately it's like every freaking day from so I I talked to some of your team and and gave them a little overview of what how we could do this fairly quickly because you've been here formerly once we gave you some feedback you came here for informal um Everybody AED an agreement on the board that your general direction was what we were looking for and so now um you can hit the highlights and U tell us you comply with staff reports and we can we can probably move forward pretty quickly great wow that doesn't usually happen when you sit down doesn't it no doesn't I've got I've got a onepage uh opening uh summary here for you that I was well that's that's the benefit that you derive from coming to us for a discussion beforehand so now we don't hear it for the first um all right so uh thank you uh as everybody probably knows now my name is sea McGowen I'm a partner at greenbound Ro Smith and Davis in rosand New Jersey which is blocked by a truck uh accident on 287 right now um and I'm here to represent L'oreal USA Products Inc um with for their uh application to expand their existing manufacturing facility not a warehouse uh at 100 Commerce Drive uh in Franklin Township um as the chairman summarized uh we were here originally in December 6 uh on December 6 uh with the application to expand the warehouse um and received feedback from the board uh that you know while they liked the overall plan they wanted to see uh better uh execution of screening materials Landscaping uh potentially a uh fencing and potentially a sound wall uh to Shield uh the uh noise and visuals from the expanded facility um L'Oreal then met uh with the uh Township's planner and engineer and presented them with a concept plan and they suggested that we present it to the planning board which we did on uh sometime in January uh I'm sorry we were back before this board informally on February 21st uh to provide um you know just a glimpse of of the uh mechanisms that we're going to be put in place to screen the residents from the sound and the visuals um since the February 21st hearing uh L'Oreal's project team has uh developed a fully engineered site plan which was submitted for your review uh as well as the architectural documents um and storm water management storm water management reports and the like um the building being shown to you tonight is substantially the same as the building that was informally presented on February 21st with one uh relatively minor change to the interior side of the building where it abuts the existing building nothing affecting the screening and sound mechanism sound containment mechanisms that uh were shown that night um you know L'Oreal is uh you know very deeply committed to creating a uh positive impact in the communities that they all home call home including Franklin uh and Somerset uh so they're very happy uh that the board um you know looked positively upon the concept plan on February 21st uh and they're very happy that the plan being presented tonight still contains no variances um with that uh tonight you're going to hear from uh the architect uh Erica I'm sorry I don't know your last name Goden Erica Goden uh from wear Malcolm architecture uh she works with claudo Bretta uh who was presented here twice before to this board um and then we are going to hear very briefly from the traffic engineer uh the site engineer uh and then potentially a sound engineer if he makes it here tonight um and then we'll have a a representative of the applicant uh to answer any questions that remain from the board um so uh if Mr chairman if you don't have any no it sounds good and and should your noise expert not make it I don't know if you could represent on the record that the the noise level will be we don't want to have to continue you for just our our site engineer uh has the exhibits that he would be showing and can provide the basic testimony uh it's actually you know very you can visually see how the sound is being contained by uh the wall um and then there's a full report that is going to be submitted after tonight it wasn't ready uh within the 10-day window so we couldn't submit it beforehand uh but there'll be a formal report to verify the testimony that will be provided by uh Mr tomus tonight if the sound engineer should not make it in time okay sounds good I don't know if he's coming down to 887 uh so Mr chairman if you have any further questions I will uh introduce uh Miss Goden thank you if I could s you in quickly if you could raise your right hand do you swear the testimony going to provide is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes if you could state your name spell your last name and give us your address for the record please oh hello sorry I'm holding the mic not using it my name is Erica Goden G un and I reside at 302 Wood Avenue in North Brunswick New New Jersey licensed professional architect in state of New Jersey yes I am okay then you are qualified thank you very much thank you uh before we actually get started with the testimony do you plan to show anything from your yes okay so why don't we get that set up I need PL while you're connecting are the plans you're showing the same plans that were submitted to the board they are the same plans uh plus a couple of renderings that were have not submitted perfect great if we could just identify those as they pop up yep my computer which was on is now not there we go okay uh so miss Goden uh your firm we malcol uh and yourself prepared the architectural plans for the expansion of the building at the project site correct correct uh great could you just uh walk the board through a very quick uh summary of the uh changes that are uh proposed to be made to the site and to the building absolutely to the building I should say okay so we're looking at the proposed project located at 100 Commerce Drive in Somerset uh the project includes a new addition of approximately 158,000 Square ft onto an existing building the addition will be for the manufacturing of new products as well as storage of such products the addition has 10 loading docks plus one drive up ramp for smaller uh box trucks you can see those on the plan east side of the drawing the construction of the new addition will be pre-cast panels to match the existing building they won't match exactly because the existing building has been in existence for a while but we're going to do the best we can with that the height of the new addition will be 50 ft from the finished floor to the top of the parit and these next two images will give you an overall view of the addition in relation to the existing building from two different angles yes just to clarify the the addition is the the dark or the white uh is the white sorry okay and then now I'm going to show you the new renderings that hadn't been previously submitted the first one is a view from the truck court if you can see our lovely building with the plantings that are intended call that A1 uh well we we previously have A1 and unfortunately I don't have it in front of me where we were so why don't we call it A1 B1 B1 sure okay high stakes negotiations going on know it hey I just like it when they agree we've got C D and then the view from dmer Road and that concludes the architectural presentation for today if you have any questions yeah I just I have one question for you uh before we wrap up direct uh the previous uh rendering that you showed that was from within the sound wall you know you're not a site engineer and you may not know exactly where the site where the sound wall is to go uh but I think you know that there is a proposed sound wall that would be behind this rendering correct yes if we went to the other side of the sound wall you wouldn't really be seeing the building so we did the rendering so you could see the building very good thank you so so this view you're kind of inside the wall between the the wall and then looking at the new building that is correct Mr chairman yeah to you um it's okay if there's any other No Other Board questions I'm I'm good um question oh you have a question um are you designing the wall as well no that's part of the the Civ is there an architectural design to the wall that uh can give us a visual what it may look like there are many ways to design there are renderings of the wall uh that will be shown okay thanks good question thank thanks Charles okay I'm your next very good thank you all right thank you next we're very quickly going to place on the record uh testimony from the traffic engineer who submitted a revised traffic study based on the revisions to the building it's you're not going to use it right so we we can we don't need to do it right now um so uh Mr um you did not testify at the first hearing I believe I did not so we need if I could swear you in quickly if you could raise your right hand you swear the testimony going to provide is the truth the all truth and nothing but the truth if you could state your name spell your last name and give us your address please for the record yep uh David fem FIS and Frank David oh there we go yeah sorry it was a little off uh David fem uh FIS and Frank ah i m is and Mary uh and I work at Atlantic traffic at 30 Independence Boulevard in Warren New Jersey and I'm a project manager thank you uh Mr fan you and your firm uh reviewed the traffic impacts that will be created from uh the proposed changes to 100 Commerce Drive uh correct that's correct and you submitted a report to the board yes could you very quickly please just summarize that report for the board's benefit sure of course uh so our office went out and actually collected data at the existing L'Oreal facility uh what we had essentially done in our report is we wanted to look at a couple things the more important one being levels of service at the nearby uh roadways uh and at the L'Oreal driveways as well so what we had done is uh taken the uh existing traffic generation that we observed at the site and extrapolated it based on a rate that we observed for the property uh for the expansion so what we did is applied it to a future network and essentially what we did is compared a future without the project construction and a future with the project construction to show uh really analytically and from a capacity set standpoint on the roadway Network How uh the roads would be impacted uh when it came to looking at trip generation for the site we really only saw an increase of a little over 30 trips which based on uh research from The Institute of Transportation Engineers which is a a National Standard uh even NJ doot I know it's not on a do road but they classify anything less than 100 peak hour trips to not be a significant impact in traffic and that kind of correlated to what we found in our results when we compared the future without the project to the future with the project uh we found very little impact to uh levels of service and vehicle delay on the adjacent roadway Network and at the L'Oreal driveways so you have 15 Bays now you're you're adding 10 for so correct it's actually nine right nine nine nine in a ramp are being added all right so essentially essentially yeah um let's go with 10 just I don't know what the ramp is for but you know it's still right can be accessed by a truck right so um so your 30 additional trips are per peak hour or over the course of the whole day how how is that it's yeah it's during the critical peak hour so we observe the 30 Evening 30 morning or 15 pretty much roughly 30 evening and 30 morning and that's total trips in and out okay and this is a road that you know it's an industrial uh Street generally to reach 100 Commerce Drive correct correct exactly yeah no I just want to get a clarification of there you know so yeah 30 30 total in or or out one way and then you know yeah yeah and I can give you an exact number so we we estimated about 28 entering trips and eight exiting trips during the morning and four entering 25 exiting during the evening peak hour so on average it's about 30 for each of the peak hours and just out of curiosity as you mentioned you this is not a warehouse is a manufacturing facility so your products are being loaded on the trucks and and taken to assuming a distribution facility so is not not a warehouse in that sense at all um so um I I I guess my question would be where do your trucks generally head out to towards 287 I mean where where do they want to go 287 okay so you're going to go make a left out of there go down Veronica probably go down Amwell um Cedar Grove to 287 north or south or something like that or I suppose you could go down JFK JFK Street oh no I know yeah you're not sworn but so tell tell him he can tell yeah exactly um you say the magic words but yeah it's like ventriloquism in sort of in Reverse um so um yeah so okay okay just trying to get an idea for like where you're looking at the major intersections and where you're looking at the you know increase yeah and and also just to kind of piggyback on that we're again we're not looking at a significant increase in traffic here so if we were to be adding in additional trucks it would be pretty common to what the corridor is already seeing today and you know with that yeah I was just trying to get to like you know if they're going in six different directions then you're splitting right the load off of different if they're all headed to 287 then that we want to know that too so that's where I was just trying to get clarification understood let's talk about this idea of like what's significant and not like sure the 18 wheelers that you're talking about what's the typical dimensions of them 53 feet roughly right WB 67 so this is where it is flawed in his estimation is falsely equating the impact of an 18 wheer with that of a personal vehicle which is around what 12 13 ft um in dimension so we're talking talking about when you say 30 trips that's equivalent to 90 to 100 vehicles on the roadway personal vehicles if all truck mention size right well you you said 30 trips I'm just making sure if it's truck sure so um like I mentioned before we we collected data at the existing L'Oreal site so when we created the rate we based the rate off of the passenger car vehicles and the truck vehicles that we observed at the site and applied that to how many trucks are we talking we observed right here and this is just for future discussions for the board we often hear hey it's only X many x amount of trucks there's a huge difference when you're sitting in traffic when a truck is taking up 53 ft on the roadway which could be the equivalent of three or four cars at that given time sure so when we collected the data we observed a maximum and this is in andout 16 trucks during the PM peak hour which was not as large as the am peak hour yeah and that equated to when we look at the additional we're on average between the peak hours maybe about five additional trucks I mean at its highest that's at least 20 cars the equivalent of 20 cars right but when we run the analysis we do consider um heavy vehicle percentage and apply that to the roadway Network so it when it's analyzed that is included in there yeah though there's the number there are the numbers and that's how it feels when a truck is next to you on the road right and we talk about the impact to traffic seeing an additional that number of trucks just sitting in traffic is a huge different than the number of cars that we would be talking about just want to point that out because we often hear well it's not a significant impact when you only looking at one truck at a time which is equivalent to three or four cars so just want to make note for future discussions here understood okay yeah you were just the example for that fortunately our use is permitted so yes it is it is totally totally totally well another thing is is you mentioned that with a higher rate of in trips right and out depending on the peak hour depending on the peak hour right which is somewhat I mean the intps could come from any direction right not necessarily 287 no could be coming from Parkway or the turnpike and coming through North brenwick or wherever sure um it's the out trips that you know I want to get clarity more on which you just didn't in response to Charles very good questions well but Mr fem some of these trips are also uh you know there's going to be more employees at the site because of the larger facility so some of them are are just local trips as well from you know residents of the Town County and you know Regional I have I I do have one question these are just 18 wheelers they're not double right no no just yeah the 67 WB 67 tractor trailers yeah okay think we can proceed to your next next witness okay great thank you thank you thank you Mr rheim uh with that our next W witness is uh Mr akmad tamuz from berler engineering uh Mr tamuz has been sworn in before uh uh for this hearing I like to swear people in all the time it's the only joy I get at these meetings you swear the testimony going to provide us the truth the old truth of nothing but the truth if you could state your name spell your letter name and give us your address for the record please Ahmed tus ah m t m o us um branch manager B engineering 10,000 mlan Drive um M Lael New Jersey and your licenses and everything are the same as last time are all up to date yes sir okay good thank you uh Mr chairman so uh Mr TMO after our uh December 6th hearing um and then the uh February 21st informal concept plan presentation uh L'Oreal charged you with fully developing uh the the site and the site plan for this site um you know which uh contains some very critical elements uh most critically a a sound wall and fencing and Landscaping uh so could you please uh give the board the benefit of an overview of the changes to the site certainly so what we have um in front of us is um exhibit A1 I believe B2 B2 B2 U this is an aial exhibit of the site and the surrounding area um and it shows the current um L'Oreal facility it shows the access point to the site um which is uh two driveways of Commerce Drive to car access one truck access and we have an emergency access that is ly chained off of dmer Avenue uh we do have two pockets of wetlands to the West uh in a wooded area um and you can see the site uh to the east is surrounded by um similar industrial uses uh to the South uh similar industrial uses uh to the west where dmer and residential homes and to the north we have residential homes and an existing um railroad easement or rway um one of the things when we presented um to the board back in February you know and I'll go over that with the next plan but one of the important things to note here is the the rear of this existing facility uh there is an existing um paved Road this area has all the infrastructure all the utilities the electrical transmission line sewer water everything runs in this area and that resulted in us um changing the plan from what we previously presented to the board back in February uh one of the other thing I would like to mention on existing condition part of the traffic uh you know part of this change is to alleviate some of the concerns currently the trucks come in and I believe that the Township in one of the earlier meetings that it was noted that the trailers actually Park on Commerce Drive trying to get into the site uh so you know some of that traffic volume that uh fim uh indicated that is already happening on site and the need for the expansion is to alleviate the um the staging area on Commerce Drive bring it into the site but also uh improve the production for the facility based on the uh Services they provide so to tie things together from the architect's presentation to yours because all utilities are there when you you sort of showed the new building has like a little um bridge if you will yeah there you go that must get you over the utilities right and then your building is going on back correct so you know this this will alleviate a lot of and this is B2 exhibit B2 this is a color rendition B3 B3 I apologize okay it's all right so um this exhibit basically is a color condition of the S plan uh it shows an overlay in the back it shows the existing roadway that we maintained but we kept the majority of the infrastructure in there um and basically this will become the corridor that ties in the new building to the existing building uh there was significant saving if you recall the plan we presented in February basically encompassed this as a enclosed figure um so that was one of the major changes between the February plan and the plan we currently have um so this is exhibit B3 it's a color Edition uh it is dated October 20th 2021 and last Revis April 15 2024 um as you can see on this exhibit the plan is to add an additional 156 048 uh square foot of the building that brings the total of the existing and the proposed building to 30582 so that is um I'm sorry that is 461 130 the existing is 305 we're adding 156 so the total square footage of the both the existing and Theos combined is 46113 sare Ft uh part of that we are adding um 64 parking spaces along dmer Avenue uh we also closed and we eliminated the emergency access of dmer Avenue and we planning to landscape that area to bring it back to its natural condition this area also shows that the Wetland area that on the east west side of the property has also been filled we obtained uh General permits from the state um and I believe the township have records of those applications yeah so that that Wetland is a problem when it comes to overflowing to dmer so actually it's it's not obviously High resource land it is I mean during the last two or three inch rain we had probably in early April um you really dmer was down to one lane so it's actually good to see that taken care of um and one of my concerns which you've addressed is making sure that there's a green nice green buffer similar to the one it's existing in front of the original building it's dense enough that the residen on one side of dmer can't even really see the building Y correct so that's good um so that was that really really helps because um literally dber was down in one lane you're absolutely correct Mr chairman the the existing Wetlands were actually formed because there is um a low laying area but also the pipe that's supposed to be draing this water into dmer is actually undersized so by filling the area and we're actually diverting that runoff from that area so hopefully that will alleviate that that condition in the future and and and just one uh note one one question ALB um you know there are will be additional trees planted on site that are actually not shown on this so uh probably there will be even more screening along that area uh along dmer to further screen the visuals from the residents on dber than what's actually shown on this plan right correct so you know in one of the comments in um I believe it's the engineer lad uh it's about the tree replacement calculations and the number of required trees that we are the site is the fishing tone so we looked at that and we will provide the required number of tree replacement on site uh the area in front of dmer area um the boarded area facing dmer uh we'll do a best to plant that area but because of the salt condition the constant moisture it might not be it might not survive long so we will take that into account we'll work with the township its professionals to come up with an appropriate location to provide the additional trees required to comply with the tree replacement yeah and I'm sure Mark can guide you you know as could I truthfully but I won't do it here um as to what species of trees are very tolerant of wet and constant wet uh soils so that they will have um not only a chance to survive but Thrive you plant a tree that doesn't like wet feed all the time it won't survive like cherry trees if you plant a a scarlet oak or you plant a red maple or like October Glory Maple they're very wet tolerant um so there's there's certainly species that could we we could use to do that absolutely uh so that that is that would be one of the uh condition um we would be complying uh in the lad um just had a question on the emergency axis uh you blocked it off completely Andre is there an alternate location are you providing so um what we are proposing to do here U there is a second axis of of dmer here um it's existing it's not fully paved so what we're going to do is we're going to pave this and we're going to chain this axis so allows you to access that but eliminating the other one with um didn't provide that much uh honestly and and also provided the additional Bu from the residents which was a requirement is the exist is the existing access that you're going to eliminate is that the one with the lawn and the Ballard and chain because it was one that I always was amazed that fire prevention let that go because they normally will not let you put grass in an access because they don't want the you know multi-ton truck sinking into it I don't know whether that's grass pavers it sure looks like just plain grass to me so I was always I was always surprised it got through John house if it did it's diff um Mr sham if you look at the aerial image I believe this is the grass one referring to so this one we're actually keeping but we're going to pave this pave it okay but we're eliminating the one further up um toward the end of the property okay I don't know if I even realized that was there which is probably not a good thing for it's not visible you have to actually you need to know it's there to to to go for it I I drive by there I be literally every day as I'm going down to am so um so some of the other changes um I uh mentioned the we improved the truck access we added another Lane to facilitate the moving trucks get the trucks of cameras drive as as soon as possible and then we will have three Ingress lanes and one exit Lane and all they're going to be controlled GED for security checkins um the additional change um storm water management for the site anyone who's familiar with this area um this industrial complex was developed long time ago and if we go back to the aerial image um we can see doesn't show this but if you go back in historical areas you can see that there's a stream that used to run through most of these properties um that was rerouted constructed somehow uh probably uh prior to DB established some of the regulations um and we have two existing basins that handles the majority of the industrial complex when it was re when it was approved in p uh one to the East off of Jeffy Road and the other one south of Commerce Drive our intent is to utilize the large existing Basin off of Commerce Drive to for the U volume mitigation uh since it was designed to handle that runoff from the site uh additionally uh we provided two P retention Basin one is north of the propose building one is to the east of the propose building these are small bio retention Basin these will handle the water quality runoff associated with the uh ous surface the water depth in these basins varies from 1 to 2 feet at most they're a little higher than that but they will handle most of the runoff the water will infiltrate go through uh the bio retention and then it will discharge Into the Storm sewer pipe uh um connecting to the existing Basin where the solar field is um one of the other additions two small additions as you can see here there is a 2,000 uh square foot shed Equalization um shed that will be utilized to have some equipment and an equalization tank and we also have these two red dots uh next to um north of the building these are storage tanks um they're roughly about um I believe they're about 10 15 foot diameter and they could be as high as 20 foot high um this has not been finalized but uh these would be required as part of their operations uh and that will be uh part of the detail will provide on the final plan of the resolution associated with these TS um question I obviously not for the tanks but for that equal that's shed the equalization um is there going to any like equipment noise associated with that or is that just sort of operating in the background um I would have to defer to L'Oreal so no noise associated with it um one of the significant changes on this plan than what we presented back in February we represented this gray line which represent the sound barrier um since then we've conducted a sound analysis we placed three sound uh sensors along our side of the property line we did not go into the rway uh and roughly one here one here and one here and if the acoustical engineer get your time will'll be able to share that or I can share his report with the board uh we've done the studies on a course of 3 days uh they were done from April 10 to April 13 and based on that studies uh we noticed that uh the sand level in its existing operation um was slightly higher than it needed to be in its current condition so um and then he modeled the proposed side condition with the building expansion and the location of the trailer um and the L and duck based on his analysis um we he extended the uh sand barrier to to the east from where we stopped it all the way to the property line and from where we stopped it to the West slightly to the West the height of this wall varies from 18 ft on the west continues 18 the highest point I believe is this right in the middle of the C saac which is 20 ft high and then drops down to 18 again so it's from 18 to about a 20 foot high sound barrier um that will be constructed and um we did not have the high the height noted 18 to 22 feet I apologize the highest point is going to be 22 ft and we did not have this um modeled already when we submitted the plans so the height of the fence might require a variance um because in in all Essence it's would be a structure it's a fence so I don't know if that's going to require a variance or not is a sound wall considered a fence yeah I I don't think we have any regulations that would speak to this to tell you the truth I I wouldn't consider it a fence um and we actually don't have a height limit on fences anyway thought were like mostly six feet or something there yeah but there's no you can go higher but you just need permits so I I don't think this triggers any variances I can't think of any or provision or ordinance that would prohibit this okay I appreciate it just wanted to be um just abundance of CTI and again you know if correct me if I'm wrong about any of this there's two points I want to make that were different from the original plan that the board asked for one was original plan I believe had parking and or the loading docks in the back towards the nearest residents that has now been moved to the side by dmer and then to the east where I think you're showing the the the the Bays there so essentially there's going to be nothing right up against the residences and where you have the cold to sack and all you're going to have the wall so that that was a huge change and everything was moved further away from the property line right Mr yeah I believe I do not have the exact distance but it leave around 100 ft back further away from the resident everything was bolt closer to the com and I don't know if it's off the picture that you have here but could you roughly indicate where the rail road line is so the railroad if you're looking at it it's this second line so you have these homes this void area here this is the railroad line okay because the railroad line it's some distance it's it's another 50 ft that's beyond and so since the railroad line is obviously you can't I I mean it's not an active railroad anymore right it used to take wealthy vacationers out to East Millstone right I believe that's what it was used for every now they would push a train through there you know across just to keep the weeds down and stuff and and now they don't even do that so I I don't can't be used anymore but it's it's going to be a Regional Trail yeah that's what we were looking for Rails to Trails but you know yeah that would be nice we try that and people really don't want people like walking through their backyard when I was in open space that was that's a different St keep trying yeah keep trying it's a great idea but yeah I mean that was what it was used for so that's a substantial buffer right there um and since you can't go back because you don't know the railroad right away then or purchase it from wherever it is I think it's Conrail um you can't you can't really do much with that so that's kind of just what I want to get perspective of is how far away that you you are now with the not having the uses that were in the original plan back there um which are you know would be intensive um noise generation for any residents before you change can you show us the uh truck movement on site um because Beyond noise the lights from the truck would be a concern uh especially where you're showing the bio retention it's going to be at a lower height than it would be if it was covered with trees so can you just show us on that sight plan truck movements um the one that you add up previously the render drawing so Mr thos right now you're showing the plans that were submitted right it's not a new exhib it correct and I'm trying to see if I have the the um the exhibit handy well I like the exhibit you had I just want you to use the cursor to show me how the trucks would move on site okay so right now so the trucks will come in and this white line that's where the existing curving is today so we widen that up that opens up the throat so it's a little bit wider than it needs to be and then we have three angress Ls going to the side and the trucks will either go to the existing loading area or they will continue to the rear and the reason for this turnaround area if the truck makes it all the way back and realizes that all the loading areas are occupied then they'll be able to make a full turn and exit the property without causing a traffic jam thank you then the sound wall obviously will shield the light as well for money headlights from the trucks back there correct correct I'm just curious of this the sound wall um is there any uh what's the defening level from active side to the passive other side so the what we need to meet is the 50 dbel at Night level so at night um let me see if okay so this is and I I'll do my best this is the uh engineer U analysis sheet uh the three dots represent the three location where the sensors were placed on our property um during the study where they placed sometime from April 10th to the 13th uh for three continuous days based on that analysis uh he uh the sound level were as shown here so you can see that some of these sand levels uh in day the limit is 65 at night it drops to 50 you can see these levels were slightly higher than they needed to be during the day um um and that was consistent um throughout all three days some days were higher than others but I believe this the first one is the highest level we had um when you go to the proposed and this is uh slightly rotated correct so the red line that represents the 50 Foot limit that we cannot cross the blue line on the exhibit represent the proposed sand barrier and you can see um with the placement of this sand barrier we were able to take back all the sand to 50 ft within our property so these three homes were 50 DB you're you're saying right 50 D so um these homes were were impacted or were by impacted by the current operation this will alleviate a lot of the sound impact on those three properties with the proposed sand barrier just for my my clarification with the sound on that so what you're saying is with this proposed sound wall sound would actually be less than it is now correct okay right yeah about the seasonality of the measurement do trees impact the sound it's a rhetorical question they they do not but um and and if if Norm Norm is the U this the acoustical engineer and he will uh go through that in detail but sand travels through void so that the trees will not have any impact with whether it's in the winter or in the sum that's not it doesn't matter the season in which you do the sound test right it does not okay thanks I'm not feeling it this is probably your the last witness uh I just checked my phone to see if the he had texted me if he was on his way and I have not received a text yeah and don't think it's looking good I mean we'll just stipulate that you know his report will be in the in the correct uh this is a report that uh has been finalized um and was just finalized after uh the 10day window um so it will be submitted and you know your uh professionals will be able to verify I think we just got a really really pretty good synopsis of what we needed um which is which is I was personally very impressed by the color graph showing showing how the sound is limited it it's very easy to understand no I I was going to caution the board that the testimony on sound was not from a sound engineer but it was just reporting his findings but I actually didn't feel that compelled to do that because I understood everything really well I think just for the record the applicant will voluntarily agree to provide that report as a condition of approval demonstrating that the sound levels will be at a compliant level I didn't want to say it myself but yes absolutely cool the the colorized exhibit what was what number was that the one that you just the that will be B for the colorized sound exhibit actually yeah so so the B4 will be uh the colorized of okay that's B4 is the graphs of the current conditions I'm sorry I should have been more clear um the the one where you showed the sound wall and the Landscaping site plan that will be B5 no this oh wait oh that I'm sorry that was uh B3 okay so um or not yeah so so again so what you showed on there was an extension of the wall um that wasn't on the plan submitted to the board so correct and I'm assuming if the board was to approve it this would be part and parcel of the approval to extend the walls as shown on that exhibit and the heights that you indicated that is correct okay thank you and the um going through the exhibits uh so so this will be B3 this would be B4 and this would be B5 and this would be B6 and this is the 3D um color rition of the site this is looking at the building um you're standing in the back at the property line where the fence is you're looking through the woods looking at the building and the sand barrier you can barely see it if you move forward to the next page this is a rendition of what the sand barrier will look like we have some landcaping on the opposite side of the um fence um I call it fence the sound barrier um and this is um as close as we can get to the material and the looks the Aesthetics of the sand barrier uh it's for all intensive purposes I mean it's a wooden fence it's it's post that's 20 ft in high and they come wooden slats uh that get inserted to buffer that there are different material but that's what this shows uh it's natural tone and blends with the current site they probably denote the importance of a maintenance plan for that if it's would um I don't know if you want to speak on that not being a sound expert but over time how do we ensure that it maintains the barrier that is intended for obviously maintenance is important with with anything we do um I don't know if there's a mechanism uh I would note and this is actually one area where I don't think anyone has the knowledge to comment uh but the report that will be submitted to the board uh notes that the inside of that wall will have a special material um it says the side facing the truck operations should be sound absorbing some such as the material provided with the AIL sound wall silent protector product so it will be wood but it will also have special uh materials on the inside as well um I know that doesn't quite answer your question that answers it yeah so promise me that those aren't our provider that you're showing because you get a free hedge trim from the deer up to six feet so they need to be like um maybe uh either blue or Norway spruce or something like that I mean anything that's an our provided they just you can go through any part in the township any industrial place or any backyard that has The Misfortune of planting those um and if you don't protect them in some way um you will uh you will have a u very very thin base followed by a normal looking tree so what we have is um a combination of eastern white pine Norway spruce and red cedar cedar are okay I would lose use the white pine only because you know you would you can we replace those with spru a combination of spruce and Cedar you can use blue or Norway the white pine as Ted would point out uh and quite good at doing that is uh they will lose their lower branches over time so the spruce will retain those okay thank you um Landscaping on site as as I've indicated um we providing a lot of landscaping and we will provide some additional Landscaping uh to meet the three replacement um requirements which um I think it's an additional 105 trees so we'll work with tension professionals to make it whole total trees on site we have um in total we have about 73 uh shade trees 42 uh oral trees and about 401 evergreen trees that is what is shown on site uh plus some additional shrubs and and evergreen shrubs uh roughly another 400 of those no that's great and it's fortunate you have room on the site to you know comply with the shade tree uh replacement and and and can plant them all on site which we always like to see um you know with that so good the U last thing I'd like to cover is the lighting on site um you know with any type of dis Improvement we will have wallmounted lights and um with those we will have uh about 25 of those um 25 and another 20 is about 45 W mounted lights on light the Light reading at the property line is zero so there is zero encroachment and we comply with the ordinance and have led they're all LED they're all the 3,000 Kelvin they're the yellowish Hue not the white Hue and yeah and I assume they're downward facing so that you're not going to have any spillage into the uh BR I mean you're obviously going to have the wall there and you're going to have quite a buffer but you know again to the extent that u i mean I can say that I have a wall back of my house that protects a few of my neighbors and me from Fredo and the wall has landscape with pine trees sandy took out a few of those they replanted them but they really didn't live but the the worst thing is the light is not shoe box and it's not LED it's one of those old you see you know back from the' 70s bulbs um and and you do get light spillage I don't any more now my own trees have taken over but in the non-growing season uh yeah it does it does make a difference so um that that is correct and there are LED lights and we do have a um a detail of the U proposed light fixture on the suet plans if you B with me one second um getting closer promise there it is so these are the um pole mounted lights and these are the wall Pags or the wall mounted lights very so all right thank you um one other quick question just confirm one more time that trucks would not be allowed to go around the entire site so could you rep that the trucks the 18 wheelers cuz right now on your existing plan you know we see um when you go back to the site here truck trailers parked on the left hand side of the image here just want to confirm that trucks will not be allowed to circle the entire site right oh I apologize okay so that is important thank you this axis that's connecting the um the cisac with the car this is emergency access only and this is uh half chains on either end so this is not open to the public only the fire department have access to this road okay all right so if it would be helpful if you had a sign on site for the trucks uh denoting that just so it doesn't become a problem yeah we'll incorporate that and and you can see it's um it's noted clearly on the S plan but that's what this line with the ACT uh presenting on on here great thanks you're welcome all right I think it might be time for staff reports uh Mr chairman I'm sorry I just have uh like two quick cleanup items so um part of the um CME letter dated um May 3rd um under the stor Water Management comment uh they there is a mention of purest pavement um and in fact there is no Pur payment on site all of that was eliminated with the redesign we do have the bio pret basins uh but there is no bis pavement on site okay well I would just say that you can just note that if you um plan to comply with all of CMEs that you would just say to them that note that fact and that's that's kind of the one of the last things I wanted to bring up is uh you know Mr tus you've reviewed all of the latest review letters most of which actually date back to 2023 but most critically uh the CME engineering review letter that we received on May 3rd uh and with the exception that you just noted uh and anything else uh in your testimony earlier which I don't think there's anything the applicant can comply with all comments correct that is correct great thank you so I just want to know we we have an incomplete report from the fer the township seage Authority I assume you'll satisfy those them um what was the other one I wanted to just double check on uh Tara kenyon's letter dated April 7th you comply with all that I mean the EV charg stations you need more of I guess and and and dated April 7th 2023 two well I mine says two okay yeah no it's probably right actually April 2022 uh yeah I mean we have we have compliant well let the engineer uh confirm but um we have compliant EV spaces perfect fire prevention uh that was dated more recently additional fire hydrant blah blah blah ball and chain should be upgraded as a gate that was the two main there from last year I I do not recall saying that um fire department letter but um from the prevous letter that's the one date of July 13th 2023 it's May 7th this year oh I don't think we received that one yeah there there two comments additional fire hydrant are required and some fire hydrant need to be relocated the applicant should contact fire prevention to discuss the Ballard and chain and the emergency access of Commerce Drive and dmer road should upgrade it to a gate and then we reserve the right to make additional comments yeah we have no objection to that Mr chairman and Mark do you have anything outstanding in your report um yeah I have just a few questions um so just you have my May 6 report we did not receive a report from you uh May 6 for May 6 okay um all right so uh go to the top of Page Three so my my question here is the um the screening the supplemental screening I should say that you have um behind the trees that are proposed to remain along dmer um those are all deciduous um and by number um based on the the the buffering requirements you're basically at half of the required trees there uh so my question question is if you would replace those with um more and more closely spaced evergreen trees we have no objection to that okay um the the next question relates to the fencing and I believe at your last presentation uh I suggested this right now you have U the requirement is that it be a solid fence and you have a chain link fence with um privacy slats which I believe is what you have Elsewhere on the site um do you do uh my my I think my suggestion was right now you have it right up on dmer and the suggestion was to move it back behind the existing trees or maybe even behind the um proposed trees um because the thought was right now the the the um chain link fencing with the Privacy slats is kind of back in the forest if you will and not up on the road so suggestion was to keep that so if we look at the site I believe this is the existing fence on off of dmer so you have it's basically few feet off of the existing parking spaces so the intent is to okay I think I thought I read on the plans that you had it up right up on dmer but bottom line is you're saying you would agree to that to keep it to kind of continue that existing line correct and then when we get back to the property line we'll place that along our property line and then come back back um going along the property line and then you'll tie into the existing fence somewhere here okay okay um and I believe those are my two questions I mean I think most of the the rest of the comments are um are technical in nature and I don't believe they're they're new so maybe if you give yourself a second to read through them just let the board know if you have any just generally if you have any problem complying with the rest of them certainly so under uh two c regarding the load and dock talks about whether we should extend the wall further to the West so in essence we you've addressed that yes perfect um I think 3A I believe you just indicated you would comply but my number is different than your number so 516 b710 I have a deficit of 194 guys can work you you guys can work that out yeah we can work that out we were going by the uh calculations in the cem letter so I don't think yeah I mean it'll it'll it'll come out in the wash um I think you will have the ability to plant what's necessary on site I mean if you don't then the deficit would be made up in a shry commission donation or Tre yeah which is something the applicant can comply with right Mr Thomas yeah we have no objection we'll comply and we'll work with your office addressing the outstanding comments in your letter okay thanks Mark um any questions from the board for any of the witnesses before we open it up to the public all right and with that I'll make a motion open to the public for any questions on this application sorry all in favor I anybody from the public wishing to speak once twice want to speak can you come up to the microphone please if I could just swear you in quickly if you could raise your right hand for me do you swear the testimony going to provide as the truth all truth and nothing but the truth sure and if you could state your name spell your last name and give us your address please for the record Winston Belmore sir if you could just sir bring the mic right up yeah have to speak right into the mic okay got my name your name my address is 69 d Road Winston Belmar Belmar Belmar thank you dmer Road um I have a question for L'Oreal when if everything goes through got all permits when you expect this overall facility new facility to be functional um roughly I mean between getting all the permits Outside Agency approval which is uh another 6 months maybe uh this time and then another year for buildout maybe about a year a year and a half roughly yeah best case scenario right yeah if if everything goes smoothly and and and things move quickly two years wa two years I think two years is probably you know the most realistic years okay best case scenario just because nothing ever goes that way yeah that that's true just to reinforce a comment that um chairman marcini made I driver along d Road every day during the most recent rainfalls that we had I drove through like one foot of water MH several times back and forth okay and as I sit here listening to this dialogue I do have flood insurance on my house but I was speculated but I need to increase that amount I'm very concerned I'm very very concerned Mr thos to answer the question could you just kind of give a highlevel requirement of what is necessary when anyone L'Oreal or any other property owner uh upgrades their their site uh or improves their site with a you know 150,000 foot building certainly so there are certain regulations that handle the Sor Water Management that is mandated by this Township State and County so there are and in this case the drcc um so we have four levels of approval we have to obtain for storm water management uh the storm manage storm water management for the site currently when it rains the water sits in the west side of the property um there is a an undersized drain it states there it doesn't drain and then when it overflow dmer is the um the what it gets released so by in essence by proposing this Improvement we are managing the stor management the runoff but also we're directing it away from dmer and taking it toward commas where the large Basin will handle most of the runoff this should alleviate a lot of the concerns and eliminate the ponding and we have the permit from theb to fill that Wetland area that's causing this bonding in that area so in short these improvements will not only uh you know improve the drainage on the L'Oreal property but should also improve the drainage from the offsite properties as well along d Road there correct well I I hope so you know I'm really I hope I'm I'm looking at it from a very optimistic stand but I'm there I live it every day I mean we talk a lot here about the decibel levels I can speak to that every night I mean like from my ocean requirements I what is it 90 DB or 50 50 at night 65 in day yeah the plant is still noisy very noisy well I think there was testimony that uh yeah actually I live it the testimony was that yes at night there is actually uh it's too high right now and that these improvements will bring the noise back within the requirements how would it do that though through the engineering I'm talking about real life situation now my experience is you know would this augment the situation and that's my concern so the yeah the design of the site the layout of the site um we took that into consideration the truck courts most of the loading operation which is the heaviest sound generator it's toward the east side of the poerty where the other similar uses are and that will plant with the other noises um alleviated by there um also keep in mind that you have d Road uh currently between uh the site and the residential homes on dmer and that road have trucks cars that generates a level of noise that that we do not have control over I understand that so you know one of the things I think Winston is talking about is is probably not so much the noise that's emanating from the new but maybe what's emanating from what's there now because you can you're going to build that sound while you you just talked about all the engineering controls you're going to do question that I would have and and it's not really related to this application so I can't I can't connect the two legally but think about whether or not anything can be done to the existing sound generation on the existing building protect that in some way whether that be something on your roof or something around the existing equipment um you know probably doesn't need anything more than administrative approval for the township it's not a site plan it's not but I mean just think about that because I'm you've convinced me that what's happening with this building is going to be within requirements and in fact improve the current situation what I'm not entirely convinced is that everything that is existing with what's associated with this will uh the existing conditions now will will totally be mitigated just because this because I mean let's face it I don't know when this um this existed when I moved in 25 years ago so things weren't the same right engineering techniques weren't the same codes weren't the same um so just think about whether you can do anything to help people like Mr Belmore with the existing because I I know where his house is and it's going to it's it's more the existing you know I really appreciate your comment CH you know I'm I'm looking at it from the perspective of improving overall quality of life I'm not I mean I I I understand business you want to expand your business you want to make more money but I can't re really live within a facility where you see a denigration of the quality of life and you know I'm experience in it a lot of people come back and they talk to me give me feedback I I invited some of them to come to this meeting they don't show they show you know but I live it I know what's going on now the question I would have we talk I think um I I don't know your name you asked very good questions about about traffic you know and my concern is I sometimes I see trucks going down on dama Road and making turns going down probably off of Bennett would be a bad place there be no reason for a truck from this facility to go that way Tru going that way I don't know but I've seen trucks going that way yeah I mean there there' be absolutely no good reason for any truck from any facility on car whether it's L'Oreal or or or any other facility that's that's there to go any other way than sound Claude I mean that's the access is right there I mean you'd have to make a bunch of turns Bennett's Lane is one lane like for a tractor trailer and a good part of it it's old Bennett Lane by the way not Bennett Lane that goes out to 27 so yeah yeah sure I've seen them you know I I am a good neighbor you know I don't want Lael to feel I'm not but I'm all for them improving and extending the facility andot then AGR the quality of life noise level I mean this water containment facility in itself there I spoke about it last me I think in December there are additional issues and to be fair I don't think you shown any noise tests um near his place of Resident on on that road just to be the the exhibit that we showed uh had noise everywhere most you were probably paying attention if you could show it again he should show the full thing then to verif proba focusing on the back of the property but it no he was in his exhibit he was focusing on the back right I think he did point it out three houses the three houses off of the back of the property where the railroad is so and and red is extremely High you don't want to be in the red the sound level based on the placement of the monitors you're roughly in the green so you're you're not within you're not exceeding the limits of what's Allowed by DB um and and regarding the noise um and I'm sure Mark's aware of this the uh if there is a noise complaint um the residents could reach out I believe it's the health to the county um who no reach out to Township Z zoning I mean zoning zoning and Township would en force that right yeah we don't force that it would be it would be Health Department yeah Health Department because they they that's subject to DB so they uh f file the complaint goes to the department they do the study and then if in fact there is a concern then they they'll they'll mitigate it because they are required to comply with the D standard okay I hear you I suck it up now I have a living experience I mean you're the engineer I suck it up now can you scan up just scroll up a little more just so we can see the full thing no go down towards dma area okay so it's still green all right thank you yeah you know so I mean I know what I'm experiencing now we have a ma major expansion you know I don't expect my quality of life to integrate it there issues now and I want to be a good neighbor I am a good neighbor well I I I think I think that the testimony um and the plans that were developed um you know really at uh the direction of the board um have taken uh great care to uh make every effort so that your quality of life is not further denigrated um you know it complies with all uh requirements of the township which are in place those requirements are in place to ensure the quality of life of the residents and the board pressed us at that December 6 meeting to do better and we hired the sound engineer and are building a very uh wide very high sound wall to make sure that we are bringing the property into compliance from a noise perspective um so uh you know we completely understand your concerns and uh you know please appreciate all the efforts that have been made over the last six months in order to hopefully not denigrate your quity I really do appreciate the last meeting I attended what I think was the December meeting but you know I'm just concerned the noise level has been very and well I I think we're at the point where we have to just say okay we have to take the applicants testimony at face value and and they've admitted that the noise levels are higher than they thought they would be and for that reason are extending the sound War and and doing these other mitigations and and Winston the only thing I can tell you is if they fail to comply then then then by all means will report it and and to the township health and and there there is a remedy um you know at this point I I can only take their testimony at face value um I no reason not to believe it and they're noise expert and it realiz it may not be comforting to you to say oh you know it's 50 DB only we don't really know what 50 DB all the time is right I mean it I I'm not saying your concerns are invalid or or you know living with it is is very different than abstract we sit up here on the board um but we'll make we'll do our best to make sure that appreciate it seeing no one else from the public U move to close second all in favor I any there questions from the board any witnesses to this applicant just one question so the the sound um or the noise report does that detail the construction of the wall to some degree um I'm sorry go ahead it it does not so the resolution compliant plan will show construction detail the wall will have to be designed by a structal engineer um but um they only speak about the height the construction the material that is in essence left to the applicant okay but there was some discussion before about there being some type of sound absorbing material on side and then the outside so I guess my question is this you know if again if the board approves this what they're approving is what's on the plan so so you can take basically basically the testimony and whatever the specifications in that report and then somehow reflect that in details on the site plan correct these walls that are handful of company that actually specialized in this yeah not for the level of construction permit but at least as far as it's height and the manner of it construction and its sound absorbing qualities can be fle reflected in some way on As a detail on the plans correct all right thank you okay um Sean do you have anything you want to summarize for us uh no um well yes I just a brief statement um you know I think I I kind of just re uh stated it in response to Mr belmar's uh question that um you know your job is to make sure that even on a fully complying plan that it uh is doing everything that it can to minimize the impact to the town the county and and The Wider region um and you know we were uh somewhat surprised on December 6 when we came in here and uh you know we were met with some resistance on what was going on at the back of the property or the proposed uh improvements at the back of the property because we were fully compliant uh but you know at the board's Direction uh you know L'Oreal had their professionals take a very hard look at the site and it turned out there could be some quality improvements made to the site that L'Oreal is very proud to uh incorporated into their proposed plan um they think it's a better site overall and uh you know as theyve they've said they're very proud to be a corporate citizen of Franklin and you know hope to continue uh that relationship for long into the future yeah and and you know got to thank thank lauel for for um you know the compliance with it so so yeah I mean I think you hit the nail on the head a compliant plan is not necessarily the best plan it can be technically compliant but as you know we can shape it to be the best plan and I think that's what the board input did to your credit you came and took it you came and talked to us um before you we wanted we we had this hearing um and I think that made this go a lot smoother and board had a good understanding and you had a good understanding what direction because there's a cost involved to paying all of you to go and and then do a plan that we we dissect and and don't approve here we didn't have that situation so very much appreciated thank you Mr chairman all right with that would you want me to go through the notes of what was discussed tonight just to clarify might could help form a motion yeah um I could make the motion and then you could maybe add to it let me let me let me take a stab at this and then you can add anything I don't I don't have um as I do it off the top of my head which is always the way I do um so um I'll make a motion to approve um W with the condition that um all the staff reports um are complied with um including the ones that are are outstanding from various outside agencies um the tree the replacement uh calculations get worked out um that the noise report from the noise expert who um might as well text any tell him turn around um um is um um included in the plans as well as um the sort of the construction detail that Mark asked for or the the parameters of of the of the actual sound barrier um what else did we have those were the major things the trees I think we got that um Mr chairman yeah uh one thing I didn't highlight in my opening but is very important um we highlighted it when we came back at the February meeting but I didn't formally place on the record tonight although there was a letter submitted uh previously lauel was asking for a phased approval that's been eliminated the approval that we're asking for tonight is preliminary final for the entire site yeah and that was one of the things I think we discussed with you back in December that we didn't like that bifurcated thing so that's that's good we we understand that um Mark um take over because those are the things um well you had made uh recommendations for substituting certain plants um Charles made this suggest about edct signage to inform um trucks that they can't go around the building um they're going to replace the um deciduous trees along to the rear of the um buffering with with more closely spaced Evergreens they're going to place the fence along dmer to the rear of the buffering in line with the existing fence um the wall will be 18 ft going up to 20 ft in the middle back down to 182 22t F feet oh 22 ft thank you um and they will extend it as per exhibit B3 and I think as far as trees go I think the testimony was that they're going to um take the the maximum effort to meet the the um um replacement value as much as possible and then the payment in L would only be basically as a last resort if they can't meet it in full right but they'll have to make an effort to the satisfaction of staff to do as much as possible M sounds good so that's that's my motion second Mark do not ask for the specs on the sound wall yeah that's going to that's going to come I I did put that in U specs on the sound wall and and the whole noise report which if the noise expert made it tonight he would have testified but your engineer did a great job um hitting the highlights so thank you that y okay so we had Mike firsted and Charles second okay okay councilman and Barrison yes Theodore Chase yes Robert Lort yes Jennifer ragno Yes Charles Brown yes Robert Thomas yes chairman marcini yes thank you thank you Mr chairman to the board it's been a pleasure working with you on this and and we look forward to resolution compliance uh and then ultimately uh building the project hi qu thank you and I hope this serves as a example to other applicants that we have that are um maybe not as uh willing to listen that things can go quite smoothly U when when people come to the board and we have a discussion so I'll put that out on camera for okay uh before we all run away uh we had a minor subdivision committee with myself um Bob Thomas and and and and Mark hey tonight um Mahir um ask to be excused because she's the other member of the minor sub and Mark is going to give us a synopsis of that yeah so just to remind the board as well uh that this is a um per our by rules when it's a minor subdivision that doesn't require any variances it goes to the minor subdivision committee for approval not the full board um but we do have to report um the committee's actions to the board so the committee reviewed a a two lot subdivision that's been approved I think at least three times prior um it's a two lot subdivision on Garfield in the r10 zone um the Lots I think because of Mostly because of um they're both on they're both on septic and Sewer are much larger than required one's about 20,000 Square fet the other one is almost 40,000 I think because of Separation requirements from other septic fields Etc they had to make the Lots large um it was approved under the previously under the name of Warren capital and then most recently uh under uh North viw Associates um again it's basically it's a two lot subdivision um residential obviously um on the uh on Long Garfield just just to the just after you pass um 287 um and the board approved it with certain conditions related to um limiting the amount of um the the limit of clearing and trying to maximize the buffer from 287 basically the report yeah so there there's just a couple of things that I want to add to what Mark said so there's it's an r10 um one lot is 37,000 the other lot is like 20,000 so they well exceed r10 um the concern I had was wot to the person whose lot is hard up against 287 I mean that so I was going to um have Mark ask the applicant um if they can actually they have room to shift so you know the Lots away so I mean they've got more than enough you know they can just shift the lot line or whatever um see if they can do that um their limits of disturbance are you know basically not much more than the building area of the house which is not realistic so um what what we talked about was making sure that um they will comply with the tree replacement when inevitably they have to clear more I mean this would be like placing a house down in the middle of a forest we've just cleared the area barely enough for the house it's not practical so for that reason we know they're going to clear more so they're going to have to come back and comply with that and to actually um make them comply with their limit of clearing for the house closest to 287 to maximize that buffer there is no sound wall um unlikely they would provide it for a two lot subdivision um because it wouldn't be worth doing it probably for the cost so those questions still need to be answered but um I don't believe there's any variances otherwise they would have to be before the board so with that um you know I mean I suggest we approve it with those conditions um but because there's only two lots and they both well exceed lot area yeah and just procedurally so I did look in the board or the committee you did adopt a resolution when this went before you previously yeah um so then so I I've already updated it and sent it to Christine so we'll put it on the agenda for the next meeting again this would be for the minor subdivision committee to approve right and those conditions are in there already yeah because this is like Mark said the third time and so that already should probably tell you something about the applicant just saying they're at the Finish Line they're at the Finish Line they just they're at the Finish Line each other time too 10 well I just remember that the the general condition in this area is it's r10 if the property has water and sewer and typically the properties lack one or the other of those I think mainly sewer but these are un septic yeah septic so that 20,000 is the minimum really yeah and the other lot is is again much bigger but but that's why they compli so they had to yeah all right and I think that's why we we normally don't do a separate resolution for a minor sub I think it's good in this case to get all this like on on paper mhm um for this particular applicant and given the history that theyve been close to the Finish Line a few times and not quite gotten there maybe there's a reason for that so the more it's memorialized the better yeah so we again we'll get it back to the minor subdivision and then get it to the applicant and they'll have to abide by those conditions okay well yeah I mean yeah Maha could was could be here tonight so she's the other member well I think but I don't think she can vote right because she didn't only be resolu that's just she's just going for and technically only has to be one of them right Peter to the resolution yes well you got a choice anything happens to me or Bob protected oh boy so we're uh we're we're done our next meeting is what June is July 10th yeah so I know there was some question I usually try to write real big across the email like this meeting is at Route 27 all the rest of them until July 10th um on your calendars that you got in the beginning of the year I have you for July 3rd because I really wasn't thinking so we are going to reschedule it's not going to be a special meeting it's just going to be rescheduled to July 10th and then July 17th right after it June yeah June 5th so it'll be June 5th and June 19th and I believe for the planning board we're kind of got a lot going on but we have a lot up in the air too just so you know unfortunately I'll be out on the 10th um Family crew so on the 5th you're not on the 10th of July oh the 10th put on record that I'm not like skipping those intentionally right no I think you sent me an email when I sent that yeah yeah yeah June 5th you will not be here I'll be scheduling my cruise on the 10th as well just you're going to be out no yeah he had said that he had told me so he couldn't he going to tried so I know he's out well who would chair if they're both going to be out no I'm just kidding well he said he he told me I I didn't know he was kidding come on guys all right yeah you she was going to get you guys no I just said who's going to chair I guess Ted or Rob will have to chair is yep you are correct all right so make a motion to J second all in favor have a great night