I believe that serves the public good not just of the neighborhood but of the township as a whole all right thank you any other questions before we open to the public I just want to say I think with with that being said it reinforces the idea that should the use of a daycare center go away there must be a requirement to come back to the board to accommodate another use thank you I I I just have a number of things that need to be clarified because I think since we had the applicant go through quickly there's another things the board for them to clarify so as far as the buffer I heard two different things I heard from the engineer that they he'll work with me and I'll know what that means since the other I we heard from the planner that you'll totally comply the answer is which is it well to the extent that we there may be areas where where there we can't comply because of the width but we will buffer the entire perimeter of that property and we'll work with you to do that well okay so you may need some so the way that the buffering again this is not my this is not my preference this is what the ordinance requires right the rear of the property is supposed to be a 20ft area clear of parking and building and within that area there's supposed to be fencing and evergreen trees to provide the buffer um so so we just heard about the parking and building setback again within that supposed to be a buffer so it sounds like you are asking for the relief to the degree you can't accommodate it fully on site we we can't do 20 ft but in the 5T or 5T plus because it varies we will put a fence along the entire RAR of the property and we will put uh landscaping or Evergreens between the fence and the building along the entire rear of the property so schedule six that buffering requirement you're not seeking a variance we as far as the width of it we we are seeking a variance because we can't put 20 ft because we only have 5T but the the trees and the fencing we are going to put in okay Mark for my own edification the public good requirement here is that because it seems like this problem was created by the building that we're then solving with saying the public good was accommodating the buildings requirements for all that extra parking is that what the public good I in my opinion I think you I think you summarized the testimony very well I I think Mr O'Brien can certainly it's his testimony can clarify but I think what the gist of it is is they're proposing a building of a certain size with certain parking spaces some number of units and the sum of this development is is beneficial to the Hamilton Street area and that those the by providing a development of this scale in this design um that that's that's the public good that's being um satisfied and that benefit is outweighing the detriment resulting from this variance is that a fair summary of your testimony Mr Lanford can you just give yes we need more than a thumbs up thank you Mr Hy I agree okay so then as far as the buffering again so because I do have a number of clarifications because we just want to make sure the record is clear so what we've heard is that the buffering to the degree that may not be able to make make meet the the width but they're going to provide fencing and the buffer and there's standards in there about the number of and size of Evergreens that they're going to comply with correct okay um architect um again as far as clarification um Mr Brown had asked about you know that I think it was the brown accent and you'd said we'll look into it do you have any other clarification so you know if it's going to be in the resolution what does that mean and what's staff going to be looking at to to try to if it's approved what are we looking at to try to see if you're complying with the board's intent good question what I was thinking was to do a corner detail similar to the front of the building so that the back thank can you go back one yeah thanks so the the top drawing is the rear view so um when you asked that question I was thinking that that far left Tower going to call it that in the far right would include that same detail that's on the front corner so so all four corners would have that wrap around detail a positive head not from the gentleman who asked the question that meets my concern yes okay thank you okay the down lights uh what sides are those going to be on the accents light yeah see the lights is that they would be along the front and around the uh the immediate corners on the sides okay immediate corners but not so where where the brown is but not going down the rest of the side correct all right thank you uh signage um just to clarify testimony was that you're going to comply and I'm I this is just again this is what the ordinance says not necessarily me but the top the one on the top where it says 752 Hamilton Street that's actually a variance CU ordinance says you can't basically put it up to a certain height so you understand that that if you say you're going to comply that sign goes away entirely yeah I was I was made aware of that so that will not be there yeah okay lower or if we feel it's an an architectural benefit to keep it we'll come back and ask for the variance but all right thank you uh refu uh we heard the refu is going to be brought out to the street that's going to be on Hamilton Street is there an area where this is going to go how many how's that going to work I think on other sites it's all to the side street now this is this the only place for this to go is right on Hamilton Street right by your entrance how does that work well my my intent when I did the layout was to provide uh a trash compactor that immediately uh turns on when trash is put down the shoot the uh pods uh you would have several pods inside the the trash room that would be switched out and then a truck of the size that can go into the building would would access that area to remove and switch out the pods with empty ones I heard testimony that it would be done on Hamilton Street but that was not my I guess it goes to whoever gave that testimony okay somebody provided the testimony that that's that was me and so uh when I testified I said it was my understanding it would be brought to the street I stand corrected uh I did not design the building and if there's uh a smaller truck that can go in to get the pods then that I think is a a better idea than having it Street side or curbside just be sure that it's not the kind of trucks that lift the pods up over the truck to dump it in that's correct that is trying to come into right the first floor let's see if Mark is done with these questions first then we come back let's let Mark the plan has a Transformer along the Hamilton Street Frontage is there any opportunity to put that in a less cons conspicuous location or if it has to stay on Hamilton Street is there a way to screen it uh I believe that's the preferred location for the utility company and I'm I would assume if you could correct me we could put Landscaping in front of that somewhat you're going to land okay you have room for all right you might want to look at some type of architectural treatment I don't know how you're going to landscape that with this with the area provided but you'll you'll look to screen that in some way right yes yeah the building steps back at that point we stepped it back for that purpose okay but we we will look at that all right two two last questions um we had heard that the busing uh is going to be dropped off they'll be dropped off in the street how do they get to the building we we've heard that there's those this the doors on Hamilton Street will be locked and the way that I read the site plan the only other way than to get into the back parking area from Hamilton Street is through the vehicular Drive unless I'm reading those plans wrong so if kids are dropped off by bus on Hamilton Street how do they get into the space typically when we do have kids come into our after school program the the kids are dropped off on Hamilton Street we have people ready to take them and then bring them into the daycare from the side okay uh and then you we heard that there's 20 employees where are they going to park most of our employees actually either live in the building or they come around from the houses around it if they were to if they were if they did take their car they would park in the grade area the the first you know the parking grade area Mar he didn't answer your first question there's no side entrance here so where would the children be they would we would have someone ready to take them in at the front of the building then you know walk them through that Corridor theot uh the side the sidewalk right so the door will be open no they would walk through that side through the which is what we already do for the bigger school buses on 510 Hamilton Street but is there an opening there I I'm reading that as a wall that's why that's a that's a door that's so they would go probably through the apartment lob where all the blue arrows are those are doors there's four small arrows there will be an Open Door on hamton there Will and that that I did that so that John could have flexibility and also if this was never maybe not a daycare someday that that would be so that was not answer that I got to my question then I'm sorry yeah no that was not the qu CU I was told specifically that there would be no access from Hamilton Street and now I'm hearing that there will be access from Hamilton Street so which one is it well when I designed the building that was my reasoning but as far as John's uh so it would be it would be a case by case scenario right like we could either we could what we do at 510 Hamilton is we take them from the we take them from the front of the street take them around the back walk them through walk them through the the apartment Lobby or if if the room permits we can definitely let them in we can definitely open so then my concern definitely still stands that parents will opt if there's a stack to to that's only for the bus that's only for the bus that's not my understanding that door so you're telling me that door is closed for every other reason yes even even for like even for the the guests that are coming in like an Uber or any lift I mean how are they getting into the building the front of the building is the main entrance for the residential units that's open that's open to the public and where is that that's that's that big blue arrow the same Arrow we're talking about am I mistaken here that's strictly for the so look I'm getting like five answers I just need one answer what is going to happen is that door open or is it not open that is for the apartments we the testimony that Mr Park gave da and I concerning the Dake the commercial space is that it is not his intent to make the commercial space available uh for occupants along Hamilton Street but that door will be open and it will be possible for people to walk through it to get to the daycare if they arrive by bus you you haven't addressed the question by bus how do they get in by Buzz so if they do like like I said it's an operational thing and it's we have to do it circumstantially right if it makes sense to do open one door just for the purposes of getting students in from the bus we can and there is no classroom right directly behind that door we could definitely make that accommodation if it's a if it's a planning board's strong recommendation that we just have them go through the apartment Lobby and then bring them through the back we can also make that accommodation as well as I understand the testimony the kids would go through the resident Lobby out into the parking area assuming there isn't a car parked in that particular space in front of that door and then turn right and then go back into the building through the rightand blue triangle is that right that's correct that's one option that we can explore we don't want to know what you're going to explore we want to know how is going to operate So currently in our existing daycare we have 12 kids that arrive by bus for the 12 kids that arrive by bus we have them actually pull up in the back because the bus is small enough to come in through the back and we let them out through the back you also have a back you don't have a back here this we would not have a back here but we also have kids that we receive by daycare we also have kids that come and the buses drop them off on Hamilton Street these are the after school kids we take you take them to the back you don't have a back here we want you to speak to this building only how are you going to handle dropping off kids from the Bus kids who arrive by bus we would take them through the to through to the back no that's show us the path use the cursor to show us the path they would go through here go through the lobby and then they would come out right through here so the kids would interact with a residential space of like just private residents who live there there'll be an interaction potentially between the kids and the residents living there yes and that's currently what we have at 510 Hamilton too okay but you'll have in place employees to control the flow manage everything cor of course all right I I have a question oh here uh behind you yes um why not have a separate entry just for the children we can create a separate entry on the front if if the infrastructure of the DAT for the school bus just for the students that are coming on the school bus we can have an entrance on the front um if if the board's preference that we do not have an entrance on the front we we will like not even have that as an option yeah from safety perspective I find it a little problematic to go through common area and then open parking lot understand you know the preference would be to have a direct entry to you to the school what about in the event of an emergency uh do you have an alternate exit for the daycare maybe it isn't such a bad idea to have you know an entrance on Hamilton Street yeah that that's a good question though the doors that are along Hamilton Street will also act as egress requirement and emergencies only open out if there was a need for egress okay any other questions any other questions go ahead um so I just need to say this I hope you'll defer to your director of the daycare with what is safest and best for the kids because the directors and the teachers who work with the students every day will probably come up with the most creative and safest solution um it is a little concerning that one of the solutions is walking through a public space where anybody could walk through and then having small children working through a parking lot even with supervision that's not a great great solution so again I'll just stress that as an educator myself usually the teachers on the ground and the directors of the day of care come up with the creative and safest Solutions so I'll hope you you'll take their consideration I still haven't gotten an answer on trash removal because the answer I got was that trash was being picked up from the street so could we get an official answer about what's happening with trash collection sure the official answer is that all the trash will be picked up up within the parking lot area and typical trash removal trucks will be able to fit in that space comfortably not typical trash removal trucks a truck that is geared to go in that area of the building and is able to pick up the uh pods and deliver new pods so you're saying that there are special trash removal companies that can pick up these specialized p correct that will fit in that space yes Mark did you have more or any more questions yeah I just had one more question sorry the the testimony from the planner just back to you um was that you had no alternative but to truncate the amount of parking where you to comply with our 20 foot requirement there's a huge Court like a huge empty part of the building what happens if you just move that part closer like is the impact that you just lose Apartments if I could answer some of that you we would lose an entire row of parking yeah what I'm saying is if you made the entire building shorter to comply what would happen what's in can you still get the circulation you need for the parking does any does everything else work in that circumstance is the only impact really that lose Apartments well if you comply if you were fully compliant you would lose an entire row of parking stalls like one next to the other the entire width of the lot would be lost and you would um yeah that's the main reason well if you reduce the number of Apartments then you reduce the number of parking spaces required it's just that you've designed a building to fill a lot as fully as you possibly can well it's I I I hear what you're saying I also design the building so that the front you know we're we're talking about a 4ft setback in some places it's uh8 or 9 ft we gave the building some Dimensions so it didn't look boxy um and that added to the need of a smaller rear yard okay um I do want to give the public an opportunity here to be heard from is there a motion open up for public comment second uh all in favor any oppos all it is now officially open to the public okay good evening Mr chairman my name is John wisneski of the law firm wisneski and Associates I represent 11 properties who is the owner of the adjacent property block 154 lot 9 I guess as you're going south on Hamilton Supermarket or yeah it's where the supermarket is and there's a couple other retail uses there and so I want to say at the outset that my client's not opposed to the application here tonight but does have several concerns that we'd like to put on the record for the board's consideration um as a matter of fact the the addition of 120 or whatever the number of residential units will be uh would be welcome uh from my client's perspective running a retail Center immediately next to the uh apartment building and in fact it's something that Levan is working on elsewhere um but uh we do have I had to get that in that was really well done but we do have concerns about the let's call it the density of the application because we understand that the Zoning for this Zone allows for zero lot line that's a decision municipality has made and and that's fine but when you uh have the building not comply with the rear lot setback and you have the overall building coverage being about 30% above where it's supposed to be the building occupies as I think one member had pointed out the entire available land and what that does for my client is their retail Center as you drive south on Hamilton you can see it at the property line at the beginning of this project once this is built you will not see that retail Center until you come to the very end of the building and so we lose visibility and that's certainly a major concern and that's really a function of the building coverage and the rear setback uh the other concern that we have is the parking uh I understand the shared parking analysis but if you just for a moment entertain the fact that you've got uh with the number of two bedrooms and one-bedrooms and Studios if you just take that and you assume in the two-bedroom apartments there might be two cars right and then you assume that each of those apartments half of them might have a visitor that takes you to 196 parking spaces and the concern that my client has is that we've got a really convenient place for people who can't find a parking spot in this building it's our surface lot right next door and so our concern is simply by not meeting the required parking we are now going to be the recipient of the cars that can't find parking in this building and then finally one concern is is I noted I think it's on page five of seven of the application there's a depiction on the back where there are leaders that drain to the surface now the current Contours of the property between this property and the Len property this property is a couple of feet higher and so the concern that we have is that if that water is draining to the surface and our property's lower maybe in the summer it doesn't matter that much but on a cold day in the winter uh we could have icing on our property and therefore put either our employees or customers at risk spoken to the engineer he says that the design will prevent that and I hope so but I just wanted to put that on the record but that's a concern that we would have so ultimately it's the the setback blocking the view and and I would submit that that's part of the density of the project uh the parking and the drainage thank you Mr chairman thank you anyone else on the public please start lining up so we can get through it quickly Raise Your Right everyone as you come up if I could just swear you L do you swear that any testimony you're going to provide is the truth all truth and nothing but the truth yes I do if you could state your name spell your last name and give us your address please Timothy Kelly k l l y 136 grower Road Somerset New Jersey uh I've been at township resident for 60 years I have worked on Hamilton Street own business on Hamilton Street since 1988 I am very familiar with everything on Hamilton Street and I also am on the Hamilton Business District board um a lot of people when you drive down Hamilton Street it looks different okay and it looks better but there are still problems on Hamilton Street majority of crime in Franklin Township happens on Hamilton Street people get killed on Hamilton Street businesses get robbed on Hamilton Street we have businesses that are suffering on Hamilton Street and one of the main reasons why we created this board was to somehow get people on Hamilton Street because people will help the businesses they should get rid of the crime because the more people that are on Hamilton Street and out and about it's it's the one way that we got to get Hamilton Street better now if anybody's been down Hamilton Street since Co you can see there are a lot of abandoned buildings okay there are a lot of stores that are hurting okay because Co has affected everything now I don't know if this counts as public good but if somebody wants to take the chance and spend $40 million on building something on Hamilton Street that you know we you have four major buildings on there and we can see they have improved Hamilton Street okay I am on Hamilton Street every day I also own a business on Hamilton Street and a lot of these businesses you know we can go down up and down Hamilton Street when there's not a school bus you're flying up and down ham Street you shouldn't be because you should only be 25 mil an hour but we we don't have a parking problem and to take a line from Vince when we have a parking problem is when we finally did something right okay but right now we don't the uh Apartments I already built I drive by at night I used to own a bar at New Brunswick I would come home at 2: am. 3:00 a.m I would drive up and down at Hamilton Street and the buildings that are there now the parking lots are Never full not at night time you know people don't have as many cars Co did that too A lot of people got rid of their second car CU they're working from home um so I I I look at this as a win for Hamilton Street and everybody on Hamilton Street and it's also we have to look at you've approved I want to say like four uh buildings already on Hamilton Street that nobody's doing anything with you know it's like you got to you know building costs are higher than ever interest rates are higher than ever Mr Park did already build something okay which looks good and that was actually I believe the first major building on Hamilton Street he also did buy the raid Aid which I honestly believe if he didn't buy the raid Aid that would be sitting there empty because what would you need a I think it's a 9,000 ft building what would you really need it for you know so um I think this is a good thing for Street and then I'm going to address the five story okay he is doing two stories of parking so really it's technically a four story resal building but um part of the the five story thing is we are on our board okay unanimously agreed back in 2019 that we wanted to go five stories because we were getting less interest in the street and you have to remember we're competing with boundbrook which is doing six-story buildings Somerville which is doing five and six story this is who we have to because you know we need to bring them in here and that's really one of the reasons why we all on the board you know decided on five stories and I think somebody asked about how many people on the board are Franklin residents there's nine on the board I can almost positively say seven are Franklin um one of the other members is here I believe he lives in Franklin too so he might be eight and one I'm not sure where they live at but we're all Franklin residents and a lot of us been on the board for 10 years don't donating our time just like you guys do I think Mr violia is the only one that gets paid up there so the rest of us are here for free so thank you bye the best thank you thank you um and I don't know how much credit you want to give Vince uh he just turned the eat on in here so know sir if you could raise youro if you could raise your Hamilton one I do not how it's a Pier Street do you swear any testimony you provid us the truth the whole truth or nothing but the truth I do thank you sir I got Bill grippo 199 Pier Street I think Vince did you turn the heat on for some reason because I mean just for me cuz they're ready to fall asleep back there um I'm going to give you quick history real quick real quick real quick first of all When Miss Felicia spoke before about um the socer thing take that seriously back in the 60s the reason why 287 came through and the reason why we have World's Fair Drive and the Travel Lodge from years ago is because the World's Fair was in Flushing so they prepared for it so you weren't too far off another piece of history when I came to Franklin in 77 to work for the school boards but like 47 years now there was a lady in town does anyone here remember that name oh boy I'm really dating myself Nancy H Nancy Henry was the first black female mayor of Franklin Township and I was the first Adult Ed director and she said Bill let me take you for a ride around town and she did and then she came to Hamilton Street which she lives right on that there on top was her apartment still there that little store little Boutique it's a food store anyway she said this town has no Town Center Bill we have no Town Center we can't even do a parade Bob Lort we can't do a parade nothing there's just empty buildings now of course in the last few years you see some beautiful stuff I actually uh swing the golf club and part of play uh trying to beat this guy over here but uh you know there's there are some nice buildings there this is a win-win this is a no-brainer put a picture of that thing up real quick can you just of the build look at that that's what need to be there now you all have some very legitimate concerns Sammy Shaban you you do have concerns and I think some of that stuff has to be reflected in your resolution but you got to vote this in this is good for Franklin I mean uh you're not you're not getting anybody more Franklin than me nobody andon street is the entrance from New Brunswick this building will put live bodies in the hospitals that work there in the doctor's office in rutkin University it's a great housing project for Hamilton Street final thing today's June juneth right well Saturday it's so hot in here it's you guys got to fix it Saturday I marched in the parade I was the only Board of Education member Sammy that was marching in the parade okay and down the street there were people coming out to try to build community but one person was here 50 feet there's another person you can't have a parade like that Bob Lort does a great job on a Memorial Day Parade the M Lane's not the place to have it he knows that Hamilton Street is when it's built up it's going to be a great place for a parade do what you got to do whatever little things you got to get fixed up with the garbage with this and that voted in with some resolutions and let's get the job done thank you good evening sir if you could raise your right hand for me do you swear any testimony provides truth old truth and nothing but the truth I do if you could state your name spell your last name and give us your address please my name is John oo the last name is o k o y e I've been a resident of Frank Franklin for the last 34 years I own a property on Hamilton Street I have my business on Hamil Hamilton Street as well I'm a member of the board uh as well uh we we as a matter of fact I've gone through most of the projects that we have on Hamilton Street and we applaud people that build something like this I was on the street when there was nothing there I owned my property my property was one of the abandoned properties in ham on Hamilton at the time we bought it there was nothing happening and we are glad that the street is being beautified I've sat in so many meetings where the studies were made on parking I remember asking questions in one of the setings where the analysis was that the the most of the uh Studios and the one bedroom are young young youngsters that are currently using Uber and walking and sharing commit so that creates less of an impact on parking that's one of the studies that was done and I was I've been on several studies that was done in the street this project as it looks the winwin situation just like the other guy said there are kings that you guys have to walk out that's where you belong but at the end of the day we want to see something like that thank you thank you anyone else all right quickly please line L up please line up if you're going to speak please line up we got to get through if you could raise your right hand sir do you swear any testimony you provides the truth whole truth and nothing but the truth I do if you can state your name spell your last name and give us your address please uh Nick deago d i m g l IO 18 nepot Place Somerset and I'm here on behalf of the Franklin Township Chamber of Commerce um and I'm also a member liazon for the Hamilton advisory uh committee and yes I live in Franklin so um for us obviously we want to generate promote and advocate for our businesses so this is definitely a winwin for Hamilton Street for our local businesses and um as Mr grippo said sure there's um things that need to be worked out with it um trash parking um but we definitely support this we discussed it at our last meeting and this is something that we believe that would definitely benefit Hamilton Street um in the development thank you thank you all right final call anyone else coming forward anyone else coming forward can entertain a motion to close the public so moved second all in favor all opposed seeing none motion carries go ahead thank you Mr chairman I'm going to try to be brief uh I first of all want to address Mr Wes's comments uh with respect to his concern about the uh surface ponding or flooding or icing uh Council called me we spoke last week I I alerted my engineer my engineer reviewed uh the site plan and I think spoke to Mr wisneski and we can uh un ially go on the record and indicate that we are handling all our drainage on site and that his concern will not occur because the way our storm water management is handled uh he will not have that situation now his other issue about his building not being able to be seen your ordinance requires us to be where we are at as a matter of fact we are set back as indicated by uh our architect and our engineer about 4 feet from the property line your ordinance requires us to be right on the property line and and so we can't do anything about that and his argument well if we made the building smaller then that would go away it won't go away the building has to be where it is uh so you know that really is is not I think something and if we could have worked it out and done something we would have but we can't because your ordinance requires it regarding the parking first of all again I think you've heard ample testimony that we have enough parking on site to accommodate our facility uh if we don't and somebody parks on his site have the car towed you know he has a right to protect his property and if somebody trespasses upon his property you know that car can be taken away but based on the testimony of Miss Dolan and Mr Zulo it is clear that our site will adequately handle uh the day-to-day operations for both the child care and also for the residents uh I don't want to take a lot of time going over all of the testimony concerning the variances I think the the variances have been supported with respect to Mr Chase's comment concerning the height we The Zone requirement is 50 ft we're at 5211 if it is that important for for this board for us to cut the building or each apartment down by 6 Ines we'd be happy to do it uh which would bring us at 5011 however we do not think as testified to by uh Mr Ludwick it's a great idea but if if it's that important that that that 50 foot height be there again we can get it down to 5011 and just have 8ft ceilings in each of the apartments but I think having the higher ceiling higher volume is is is an amenity and a benefit to the residents of those apartments um other than that I don't want to take the rest of board's time I thank that you for your consideration and I would hope that you would Grant the site plan approval with the variances and reasonable conditions as may be uh enumerated by Mr Veno is there a motion from the board a move to approve the project uh you have a list of conditions and the recommendations we have the items that were placed on on the record the one item that I think that was kind of up in the air was uh how to address the parking issue uh there was a question over whe whether or not it was a deed restriction requiring a payment upon the change of the first floor use or a deed restriction which would require them to return to the board for amended site plan approval so it's well I'm making the motion my preference is to require them to uh return to the board in the CH in the event the use changes there's a motion is there a second I'll second second been properly moved in second it all in favor let's do a roll call let's do that yeahor chase I'll vote for this one thing with the audience approval Mr wisnowski would dearly like to have I'm sure um and it is very much in line with uh the way we've been trying to develop Hamilton Street I'm just concerned that in the process where sort of pushing all the limits in the zoning ordinance without really good justifications Mr O'Brien's justifications are mostly sort of boiler plate uh but I don't think it will cause any great harm particularly if we have five stories rather than four and uh as has been testified more people walking on the streets assuming they have homes the better uh it's it's just a sense that we're we're letting our zoning ordinance being pushed out all around the edges and and up um but that I guess is sort of a theoretical concern so for the record that was a yes that was a yes a somewhat reluctant yes all right Robert Lort yes Sammy sioban yeah similar concerns to Dr Chase um I think it's an Amazing Project and I'm very grateful that these types of projects are coming to Franklin um I just fear that we are continuously pushing the limits of what's acceptable um and so uh it is a closer call for me because it is an amazing project and there's so much to be had from it that that is the public good that's accomplished by the Restriction the the need for the the 20 uh although I I get the sense that some more could have been done there but um but will uh I will move for this to to be approved um with the conditions that I agree with Bob and in in the motion that if that daycare were to change that we would like to see you guys here uh to to discuss that further so thank you Jennifer rag now I also appreciate that if the daycare center changes to something else that the applicant would come back to review and touch base and see how things are going so yes M herei yes with uh the same uh condition with the daycare Charles Brown oh this is um a difficult one for me um I do get my haircut on Hamilton uh believe it or not um you know I I2 was someone who arrived to New Jersey about 14 years ago wondered where was the downtown for this beautiful Township and um helmington is a is a place that I I visit frequently I think it needs a Gateway uh considering the pros um I vote Yes but I am concerned with the vehicle drop off for children the potential stacking on Hamilton and the overall pedestrian safety as a result of that concern with with stacking but I see this as a as a huge Improvement for the corridor and for the township so yes Thomas uh I'm going to vote yes I remember uh for you know talking about history lessons these projects started back around 2000 and it was called Renaissance 2000 not the Hamilton Business district and I there's an old saying that you should be careful what you wish for because you might get your wishes come true this is what we were wishing for along with the other buildings uh this is what was intended for this area maybe I understand that and S and and you know sympathetic with some of the issues involving uh the daycare the walking of the kids and things like that but I think these are some of the issues that come with this type of development which was something that we have highly desired here for now 25 plus years and and we're finally getting it with the Investments uh that people are making uh it it's benefits in my opinion far away the detriments I just want to make one mention the project next door uh you make a good point that it might not be visible if you're driving in One Direction in a car but this whole area was being redesigned for people to live there and walk there and use the facilities there so if people are walking and using all the other uh stores and Facilities they will find your client's project uh anyway I spoke longer than I need to yes and good luck with it Rebecca hbert um I think over the past few years especially we've heard a lot about the need in the state for more housing for more day carees and child care so I think this is a really good project um I do agree with some of the conditions and concerns that the board members have already shared but overall I'm excited to see this coming to Hamilton as someone who's a little bit newer to Franklin I think it's going to give it a lot of character that a lot of the surrounding towns have and really improve life for the residents so I'm going to vote Yes Mark Dancy yes and Mr chairman before the vote's announced just one clarification uh unfortunately since Miss Rafi got here after the application had started you wouldn't be eligible to vote on the application so if you could just make that notation I would appreciate I'll do thank you thank [Music] you it carries right all right passes uh do want to say AR the architect you did a fantastic job thank you you all be well take care all right uh all right so we appreciate your celebration take your celebration outside please take your celebrations outside we still have a meeting please take your celebrations outside please take your celebrations outside response all right everyone please move out we still have a have a meeting in order please move out we have one thing to be done that involves please move out good luck with please move we're still we're still having a meeting everyone please move out we're going to do the traditional countdown five four you got to the teacher come out through door and bring them in that way excuse me sir but it's just the bus all right thank you thank you you can do that after the meeting if not thank you take care all right um Mark we um Christine we had a discussion around the subdivision committee I think we now have the representative here or no uh yeah we do have enough people Mahir and Bob I I yeah I think because of the hour I I'll just coordinate with Mahir and and Bob and uh and Mike and see if we can convene unless want to stay after but they don't want to stay after all right just want to go back to we'll I think again we'll do it between now and the next meeting and then uh we'll have a resolution for that next meeting all right uh there are no more committee reports any new business no new business all right is there a motion to adjourn so move second second all right everyone enjoy your night happy juneth