##VIDEO ID:aQd9Erm-b2s## [Music] welcome everybody my first meeting take it easy on me uh Mr banano can you do a roll call please Mr grippo Dr Hopkins miss inosencio Mr Jackson here miss Lort here miss Maris here Mr Miss s Mr Shabbat here you have a qu fantastic thank you uh Mr Rano can you also read the open public meetings act in accordance with the open public meeting ACT public law 1975 chapter 231 Sunshine Law copies of the public meeting notice were sent to The Courier News the home News Tribune the star lier the Franklin reporter tap into Franklin Township Franklin Township Clerk manager district schools offices and associations president and post it on the district website thank you so much I will entertain a motion to go into confidential session second moved by Nancy seconded by Lori uh motion to adjourn to confidential session for the purpose of discussing confidential matters including special education settlements workers compensation settlements and personal matters minutes of the confidential session will be made public when the reason for confidentiality no longer exists so moved let's go than calling the meeting back to order uh we've returned from confidential session and when the confidential session I guess again as Juniors and if minutes of the confidential session will be made public when the reason for confidentiality no longer exists we read this before um e can you lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repu for it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you uh Walter can you read our mission [Music] statement Franklin Township Public Schools Embraces its diversity Foster's excellent educational Innovation and empowers all students to achieve their Highest Potential thank you so much um I will entertain a motion to adopt the agenda move moved by Nancy seconded by Bill uh all that approve say I I hearing okay great so motion carries do we have a student representative here today no okay sumary res sayess okay yeah great and so we will move right on to the presentation by Dr V on the NJ GPA and access all right so we're just setting up the audio right now this is the New Jersey graduation proficiency assessment which our Juniors took in yeah they're still working on their sound do you want you can use mine too testing y so our Juniors took the New Jersey graduation proficiency assessment in May uh also that is the time our um multilingual students took the access for L's assessment so we're going to show both of those um scores in just a moment uh Alfred is checking the sound and soon as uh we have our sound we're going to hit play it's a 10-minute screencast that's being added to the district website um I think it goes through it slowly enough but I'll answer all your questions right after we play it and it will be posted up on the website for folks who aren't here tonight curriculum instruction and I'm I have a good vibe Alfred's going to nail this any second now results followed by our access for L's results NJ GPA is a exam given to all 11th grade students designed to measure the extent to which students are graduation ready in English language arts and math um the e I'd like to present hello this is Dan lochran assistant superintendent for curriculum instruction I'd like to present to you our New Jersey graduation proficiency assessment results followed by our access for L's results the NJ GPA is a is an exam given to all 11th grade students it's designed to uh measure the extent to which students are gradua ation ready in English language arts and math um the ELA component is aligned to grade 10 standards and the mathematics component is aligned to Algebra 1 and geometry standards um each year students are required to meet the cut off scores um for graduation uh again as Juniors and if a student does not meet the minimum score uh then in their going into their senior year they'll have the the opportunity to receive additional supports and may take the following steps they can retake the ELA Andor mathematics components of the NJ GPA uh or they can meet a designated cut score from the menu of substitute competency tests or they can complete a portfolio appeals process um when you take a look at our recent results pretty close to what they were last year 7 77.9% of our Juniors uh were deemed ready on this assessment uh as compared to the state in which 81.6% were deemed ready um in parenthesis below that number are our numbers for last year in mathematics 46.5% uh met the cut score whereas a 54.7% of the state um students uh met that that cut score when you look at the subgroup data for proficiency uh the percentage of students proficient on the assessment in ela uh nearly 80% of our female students uh were proficient in ela uh whereas 45% were uh proficient in math with our male students about 76% proficient Ela and almost 47% in math and 5050 for B non-binary students um when you look at different uh ethnic demographic data you can see here Hispanic or Latino the blue bar on the left is Ela the gold bar on the right is math American Indian Asian black or African-American native Hawaiian White two or more races so the blue bar on the left is Ela gold bar on the right is math additional subgroup demographic data multilingual Learners economically disadvantaged students with IEPs and students with 504 plans so when you take a look at the math scores you'll notice that the pool of students was larger this year um by 114 students compared to last year uh last year 243 students were deemed graduation ready this year 286 students were graduation ready um students with I APS who are graduation ready increased by 7.8% when compared to last year and seven out of the 10 subgroups had an average score of 725 which is the cut score the passing score um this is likely due to targeted efforts and differentiated instruction to support diverse student groups and demonstrating graduation Readiness um this year um in the 23 24 school year we had a primary focus on differentiating instructional practices to enhance success rates across all student subcategories and although the graduation Readiness levels were slightly declined the significant improvements in graduation Readiness among students with IEPs demonstrates the effectiveness of differentiated instructional strategies implemented this year year when you're looking at Ela you'll notice that 91 additional students were in the pool this year so last year 386 of our students were graduation ready and this year 452 of our students were graduation ready uh students with I APS graduation Readiness increased this year by 7% and students with 504 plans graduation Readiness increased by 18.8 % so similar to math uh we focused on differentiated instruction and even though overall graduation Readiness levels declined there were some significant improvements in graduation Readiness among multilingual students students with IPS and students with 504 plans so in summary it's important to note again we had a large increase in the number of students in the pool this likely influenced the overall Readiness metrics and while the overall percentage was slightly lower the targeted efforts and differentiated instruction have notably improved graduation Readiness for diverse student groups um such as those that we just showed highlighting areas of success and opportunities for further Improvement when a student does not meet the graduation requirements via State Testing or alternative assessments the student can graduate using using a portfolio constructive response task method which is how we have um we've certainly been uh upwards around uh upper 80s to 90% graduation rate each year uh as we do support our students um you know with still some room for improvement if you wish to contact our supervisor of secondary math to learn more about the NJ GPA there is the email address right there uh our supervisor of secondary English Dr chopra's email address is right there as well or if you have questions for me my address is on this document as well so access for L's results also from this spring the access for L's is a suite of Assessments used as a tool to measure English language proficiency annually to all K12 students identified as English language Learners um this assessment allows us to monitor student progress and learning academic English as well uh overall score is determined by 35% of it is reading 35% writing 15% listening and 15% speaking and the performance levels are entering so students are entering and just beginning to learn English uh emerging developing expanding bridging and reaching and the access results are a portion a component of the Essa accountability profile so this year 113 of our students out of approximately 856 who took the assessment were deemed um uh had had a score either 4.5 or higher or additional measures that are also used to exit the program um as you can see the the largest group of our students are in the developing category which means that they're close to expanding and bridging um but that's the total breakdown of of all students in the district and here we're looking at just K5 students again similar pattern um you have a large number of entering emerging but developing so students are right on the cusp of being in that four to five range of 4.5 which would um potentially exit students from uh the e SL program so 84 students in K5 and in 6 through 12 29 students um you can see the percentages here entering emerging developing expanding bridging so um it is notable that in 2425 this upcoming year our multilingual students in the bilingual program will benefit from fully staffed bilingual home rooms where bilingualism as a resource will be used to increase native language literacy and Aid students in building the cross linguistic bridge to English thus increasing English language acquisition uh the implementation of the new curriculum atalante a core literacy program for K5 will be used as bilingual support to strengthen students native language literacy and as a result strategically increase English language proficiency uh also culturally and linguistically responsive instruction will continue to increase student motivation and academic performance with the addition of the International Alliance Group teachers who are working with our district um in this coming school year so if you wish to learn more about the access for L's assessment um and You' like to reach out to our supervisor of B and ESL instruction Miss kolina Smith there is her email address on the screen and also you are welcome to contact me uh if you have additional questions thank you very much I hope you found this presentation to be helpful [Music] hello all right thank you um I do like that it's up there on the website but it is always weird when I'm standing here listening to myself you guys have played along so nicely so um but I I will say whenever I do present the things it does take longer so at least it's about as efficient as can be but I do want to take the time to answer whatever questions anybody has you should lipstick it next time uh Walter uh no questions for me uh once again thank you great presentation Nancy good job Erica Lori I should remember this Dr longer but um graduation Readiness in the junior year does that is that defined as have already met the graduation level by their junior year or does it mean they're on Pace to meet the graduation level by their senior year Well theoretically I mean this is the second year of this assessment so kind of keep that in mind when you talk about that assessment but it means that should they meet all of their other graduation requ requirements they have to also meet a certain score in math and language arts and if they do then they're eligible for graduation so what happens if someone doesn't meet that cut score in their junior year there's still time for them to retake the test either the summer the fall or take alternative tests that are similar or when necessary because some students just are not great test takers do a portfolio assessment to demonstrate they know how to do all those skills but maybe not in a sit down and take a test mode more like a let me show you what I know and go a little slower but I can show you that I know it and then they get credit for that in the portfolio so the 70 odd perent let's say that met that made the mark in their junior year in ela still have to pass senior English to pass their other English Club but assuming they do those other things they're yes okay thank you I appreciate that put some of the numbers in context for me so thank you B uh the other night at the curriculum meeting we had all of our questions answered in detail thank you there thank you yeah I I did have a few questions so um and I did also have lots of questions before so thank you um for all your hard work and and for the presentation as well but just double clicking on I guess I don't know if we can go back to slide 12 but you there was there's a particular line there that I thought was really useful which um with within the yeah we'll just go back to that one keep going yeah this one so then just the the the first point but the the last bit of it where it says the targeted efforts and differentiated instruction have notably improved graduation ready it's for diverse student groups so I guess a few slides before that you showed how you know kids with IEPs and so on are actually notic you were noticing a much higher trajectory upwards so can you can you double click on that for me just what is it that we're learning from that and how can we take that and apply that to all the other students so that we get those types of jumps there it's a great question you usually the sort of the most challenging group groups are ones who have special needs right right and so the differentiation is showing success in those groups right now right uh what was also pointed out was there was a much larger number in the pool many of those could be General educ likely general education as well as special needs and the idea is okay we're doing a better job at differentiating but clearly we still have room to grow with the whole group right so they I think there's some pride and look we're showing success in the most challenging uh populations in terms of need um that's great let's make sure we get everyone's attention a little more and make sure we're ready for that junior year assessment a little bit better so that the general population sees those same kinds of growth patterns next year right well are there like more specific things that you saw in working with that population that you can pull and sort of extrapolate across the general population because that those are some great growth numbers like really fantastic growth numbers um I would to answer that I would say this is what we have been drumming uh beating the drum on especially since the pandemic that wow we have to make up for L ground and it's a significant you know situation students across the country are facing yeah um and you know we want to be out of it yesterday we want to be out of this last year but we're still overcoming what was challenging a previous year so it's still you know it's still incremental and want we want to kind of flick a light switch and be back to normal but this takes some time plus I think Dr Val is going to point out about some of our other demographic um challenges no I think I was point out was if that works uh I think what Sammy is saying is what can we emulate that might be working well with for example special needs population at and in the General Ed population so one of the things I can point to is um we have and for a number of years now with our reading program our English language arts program at the special ed level at the high school we've been utilizing achiev 3,000 we hadn't so much been really relying on until this year introducing ISL correct at the second right it's now at our Middle School level we had use it for math in the high school correct so I think we're starting to learn that you know we maybe need to introduce some of that progress monitored type of support like they've been doing for the last couple years in special education at the high school level as well so we've been working on that um I think that's what you might have been driving at um yeah there are definitely things that we have to now dissect and dive into to say hey what helped to create those numbers and how can we emulate that in in with the general education population like if you're doing that with the the toughest population to do that with then whatever we're learning there extra you know using that with everybody else I mean shoot if we can have those numbers with our general then that that would be fantastic it's a great point and and Dr valy thank you for reminding me we also have a person who's really in her second full year as the supervisor of English for example just talking English right now and one thing that she's been working with her teacher and with Dr Solomon on at the high school is looking for something that mimics a little bit more of those successful parts of the uh workshop model that exists naturally at the middle school level so that we're not sort of treating all the kids the same way in English class but more like okay let's read something together but then you read something independently and let me go address student need you know specifically a more in a targeted fashion right right that's all I had thank you so much awesome anything else no I think Mr Bano [Music] oh thank you so much doc apprciate it thank [Music] you on to the superintendent report yes no problem soon as I turn this thing on again uh I just want to make everybody aware that extended school year ended today uh it was an exciting program attended by uh a number of kids uh we had all over I think not to be quoted but somewhere in that neighborhood of around 200 plus um excellent program we had abili day on Tuesday the 23rd which is like uh a celebration kind of ending the program and we picked Tuesday because it was supposedly the nicest of the days which is why we didn't reserve for today although today didn't turn out so bad but um you know that was more or less a carnival and uh it was you know the kids had a blast and it was really uh a nice time I was over there you know bouncy houses and ice machines and uh fire trucks and it was really a good way to kind of end the year and start the summer for kids who did a little extra work during the month of July so kudos to the team that planned and implemented our program kudos to the teachers the kids did a phenomenal job the parents uh really was a huge success and I just wanted to make sure that I said thank you uh other than that it is July so I'm going to turn it over to you when you're ready thanks so much doc on to the board vice president's report since our president uh Eman is is out she told us that she'd be out um let's see alumni success continues we recently learned that uh Franklin High School alumni Josh G Class of 2020 1 Who currently plays baseball at ruter was drafted to Major League Baseball Oakland Athletics as the 75th overall pick amazing congratulations to Josh and his [Applause] family the number of professional athletes we have coming out of here is fantastic uh secondly staff success celebrated towards the end of 2023 2024 school year we learned that the Franklin High School teacher Rochelle Gordon was awarded the regional computer science teacher Excellence award from the computer science Teachers Association congratulations to miss Gordon as [Music] well and I'd like to just give a quick update uh on the Franklin Fisk project uh many of us here are aware of that we we as a board of education teamed up with the township Council uh a little bit over a year ago to solve one problem in our town which is the food insecurity uh and safety of our of our entire population and we had our meeting yesterday uh summarizing sort of all of the pieces that we had done the past the previous two meetings where we had about a three-hour session we invited everyone here but all of the the key stakeholders from around town many of the key stakeholders from around town to literally map out food and Security in our town a venture that had never been done before so if you were to mindmeld the 50 from Township Council to the YMCA to 70 houses of worship to a lot of our staff and teachers um that came from our schools and principles um put that all together in a room and try to figure out what are the most prevalent issues that we see in front of us for food insecurity and then how do we prioritize those things and then now put specific numbers and then stack them all against each other pressure tested in a room against each other and then have a final uh list that's exactly what we now have for Franklin and so yesterday we actually within the room and everyone here is welcome and whoever would like from the audience to come to Now work on those projects so we now have a list of projects and joint ventures that are out there to actually fundamentally move the needle actually not even just move uper curve of food insecurity but move to a completely different curve of food insecurity and just as a a kudos to us the mark dingling who's a food insecurity expert for New Jersey he's the only expert under Governor Murphy he's hired um actually mentioned that Franklin is the only town that he knows of right now that organically is doing this in all of New Jersey and he wants to model this in all the other towns of New Jersey so this is a huge step forward hopefully for our Township um the food bank prospectively going to the PGM campus is just one of the things that came out of these F Fisk meetings so anybody who'd like to attend you're more than welcome uh we will announce the the date at for our next meeting in the future uh that is all I had for the vice president report I'd like to now open it up to comments from the public I don't see much public here but um 5 minutes per speaker agenda and items only I guess Bill if you so move Mr President open to the public second move by Bill seconded by laori and Nancy seeing no one from the public coming forward I move to close the public session is there a second do I have a second do we know specifically that we that's that he did he waved great um so uh because we had the presentation tonight and because we're we're running a little bit late from our our confidential session we will wave the committee Lees on reports for tonight and uh they're all posted online if you'd like to review them um they're all there uh on to new business can I of course i' like to make a motion to move R1 monthly reports M1 minutes of board meetings A1 travel and related expense reimbursement A2 affirm harassment intimidation and bullying decisions A3 special education settlements A4 reimbursement a five um donation a $500 donation from mayor Kramer for the high school B Club $500 gift card from Wegman of Princeton to be use for staff needs and a $500 gift from Mr Mrs gal from to be used towards student meal balances um A6 uh Safety and Security statement of assurance A7 2024 2025 paa budget revision A8 student safety data report A9 code of conduct A10 facilities use A1 Ida Grant submission a12 semi reimbursement corrective action plan a13 comprehensive Equity SOA submission A14 revised policy second reading and adoption a 15 revised policies first reading uh B1 warrants and payrolls B2 Financial reports B3 contract approval which goes from a to JJ before change orders are't any at this time B5 Award of bid School based Health Clinic B6 School breakfast lunch and milk prices 2024 2025 school year B7 F uh fiscal year 24 25 Insurance renewals B8 deferred compensation B9 third party administrator B10 state aid reimbursement b11 acers reimbursement b or C1 out of District students 2023 2024 and 2024 2025 school year C2 field trip destinations C3 field trip applications are on at this time C4 computer science grant funds C5 UB Consolidated Grant funds for fiscal year 2025 C6 s consolidate Grand fund fiscal year 2025 application C7 F Frank Public School 2024 25 emergency plan for virtual or remote instruction C8 new courses C9 new textbooks C10 Franklin High School Franklin Middle School athletic schedules C11 athletic ticket pricing for 24 2025 C12 njsiaa fall season start dates P1 worker compensation settlements P2 increment withholding P3 Personnel [Music] report well that was M full okay thanks so much Nancy for that um so just to summarize uh there's a motion to move uh R1 M1 A1 through 15 B1 through b11 C1 through 12 P1 and P3 do I have a second to that motion second great all in favor say I I oh roll call yes please Mr banano roll call Mr grippo yes Miss inocensio yes Mr Jackson yes Miss Lor yes Miss Maris yes Mr shoban yes motion carries great thank you so much uh we will now open to comments from the public again 5 minutes per speaker any topic moves by Nancy seconded by Walter all in favor I okay I we are now open to comments from the public say no [Laughter] one public comment motion made by Nancy to close second seconded by Lori favor I I great we are now moving on to good of the order uh Erica can you please kick us off um just hoping that everyone is enjoying their summer so far and being safe out there um and that's really all I have to add thanks well thank you Lori I Echo Erica's comments and also hope that you're starting your summer reading in your math don't forget about it don't leave it to the last minute well great bill yeah I just want to piggyback on what uh vice president Shaban said about the food the Fisk committee food insecurity committee um the tie-in with the Board of Education and the YMCA is really about health uh you know having the availability to give food to people is one thing teaching nutrition is something that we need to look at as a school district I actually talked to Dan about putting that on a curriculum committee because there's a direct parallel with nutrition and health and learning and test scores and all that stuff there's a direct parallel and so the Fisk committee has a an education component to it our superintendent sits on it two board members sit on it Sam and I and uh a whole Cadre of people as he mentioned the ministerial committee so if people eat better they learn better and so I would just suggest um that we all as board members keep our ear to the track sami's doing great work with that so is Derek Smith at the food bank the food bank is doing a phenomenal job for people it's really amazing and uh so I just wanted to piggyback on what he said that's it thanks much much B uh Walter no nothing for me uh tonight um everybody just continued to enjoy the rest of your summer stay as cool as possible because it's been brutal um I was out of uh AC for a while so actually got it replaced yesterday so Cino was about to leave me honestly but uh just enjoy the rest of your summer and be safe thanks thanks so much there Nancy [Music] I'm was going to piggyback on what Laura just said don't wait until the day before school to get your summer reading done don't be in Adel and Dickerson with three weeks to go and 10 books to read um and enjoy the rest of your summer and stay safe and see you in September well for [Music] school great and this wraps up my uh my time filling in for Miss emman sing as our president uh it went by quickly so thank you all for your support um I do want to thank drali for attending the fist meeting as as Bill had mentioned and really pouring his heart and really putting a lot of the district uh we we have it as one of our strategic goals to help with food insecurity and the educational component and the school component I mean Derek even mentioned how critical the school is to the communities that he's been in in the past where so many services not just the education of kids derive out of that school district you know um trainings for parent anyway there's a lot that's there there's a lot that could be there and Dr rali has been a real leader in terms of of thinking through some of those things and and and and his willingness to participate so Pops to you uh other than that uh close we are adjourned [Music] [Music]