[Music] Colin's meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. Dr Roach would you please to roll call Mr an baronson yeah Miss Davenport here miss Francois here Mr Schmidt pres Mr Fugi Mr Fugi you're muted commissioner okay and chairwoman Ford here okay we please stand to say the of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and and to the Republic for which it stands one nation Nation un God indivisible indivisible with liberty and justice in accordance with provisions of chapter 231 New Jersey public laws of 1975 the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by giving notice to the Korea news posting the agenda in the public Lobby of this building 48 hours prior to this meeting delivery of this notice to the Franklin Township Clerk at least 48 hours prior to this meeting and mailing notice to those persons properly requesting to be mailed notification of meetings at least 48 hours prior to this meeting is there a motion to open this meeting for public comments M Miss uh chairwoman if I may maybe we should swear in the two members now so that you have full compliment of the board voting on things um why don't we start with M dport members Brian we have is there a third here to be sworn yeah oh I'm ah oh that's right I'm sorry my mistake he's not on right right he's not on I apologize yeah so we'll start since there's an alternate and and a full member we'll start with U Miss we'll take you separately uh Miss Davenport uh if you can just uh raise your right hand and repeat after me uh I and state your name I Vanessa Davenport do solemnly swear or affirm do solemnly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will fa faithfully impartially and impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of all the duties of seage authority alternate number two member sewage Authority alternate number two member of the township of Franklin of the township of Franklin according to the best of my ability of according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations you are now alternate number two congratulations congratulations and Miss France Miss France you have to be sworn in as a full member say it again we said congrats oh congrats thank you very much thank you very much thank you uh Miss Francois if you can raise your ey hand and repeat after me I and state your name I Kimberly franois do solemnly swear or affirm do solemnly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of all the duties of sewage Authority member sewage Authority member of the township of Franklin the township of Franklin according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations thank you you are congratulations number congrats conations commissioner thank you that's again down okay with that is there motion to open the public excuse me the meeting for public comments the'll move there second all in favor I I any oppose motions Carri seeing that there is no one here from the public is there a motion to close the meeting for public comments I close second all in favor I I any oppose motions Carri with regard to the minutes from the reorganization meeting of February 6 this year um is there has everyone received the minutes first of all I would take that as a yes since no one says they they haven't they won't read it um is your motion to accept those minutes as is motion to approve as is okay all in favor I I any oppose motions Carri with regard to the working session board meeting for February 6th of this year um the minutes for that meeting you've all received those minutes is there a motion to approve those minutes as is motion to approve there second second all in favor I I any oppose motion is carried now we'll move to the executive summary professional reports executive director thank you chairwoman just bringing that up now okay uh our legal team has been very busy in the last month uh many of the items uh some of them but not limited to uh the review of our public bids for Somerset uh Street Pump Station Marcy Street issues uh been addressed uh development applications developers agreements interlocal agreements won canal rebuild project the brook line project Personnel policy for 2024 the grinder bid the grinder public bid the rules rates and rs uh and then General support uh and for meetings uh the Marcy Street sewer um sewer shed Rehabilitation project uh has been complete the flow meters that were installed and that study is concluding this month and we are awaiting those rep reports solar project and electric vehicle project uh a meeting was held with a solar Advocate and a vendor uh nothing concluded from that meeting but we are continuing our investigation into options of a power purchase agreement versus owning our own system uh the finance platform upgrade and migration I'm gonna uh ask uh Dr Roach to just give us a quick update where we are with the Edmonds upgrade okay we uh did a systems uh capability and compatibility test with Edmonds and we did pass so we are set to move forward on the financial side and the Utility side uh we will begin the uh implementation uh process in August on one and November on the other we're looking to go live in September with the financial platform and in November with the utilities platform so everything is moving according to schedule thank you Dr Roach you're welcome the high the high Bay garage project we are in phase two we did uh the uh engineer did coordinate with Franklin Township to install to receive the water uh meter pit equipment and the installation that should be uh completed this month and the engineer is continuing to work with the Delaware Ron Canal commission for the 100-year flood elevation study and he has also developed a hydro soil group and limited detailed study of middle Bush Brook Brook decet Street Pump Station uh Rehabilitation um we did accept the bid evaluation and awarded uh that bid to the lowest bidder and we are waiting for schedule from them along with the shop drawings and the review of the same the Brookline Avenue sewer uh Rehabilitation project which is uh the cousin project to the uh Somerset Street Pump Station we did re U the S did approve our bid schedule the addendum was sent to the EP with the contractor qualifications and that was uploaded to H2 loans for our financing we are proposing a schedule that would advertise our read vertisements 7 the Weston Canal Pump Station uh rebuild and relocation project a meeting was held in febru February with all interested parties I did send the land appraisal to psng uh we're waiting for them to complete their review of that and we are finalizing the survey base map of that uh of that property Commerce Street Drive Pump Station rehabilitation project the S did approve uh there we did receive the S approval for that project and I just got noticed tonight that we did receive the njde engineering review and the engineer is preparing a response to that so that's good news uh that project hopefully will go from yellow back into the green Shirley Avenue Pump Station Rehabilitation project flow meters uh uh have been installed until the end of March a meeting was held with ftsa staff to review the concept plans however alternative options were introduced and they will be presented to the executive director in the very near future Campus Drive um Rehabilitation project there's nothing new to report on that um the project from Hell the uh window and door replacement project is still continuing uh the vendor did replace uh several damag glass window panes uh I believe on March 1st and the remaining touchup items uh are to be scheduled uh under General there is nothing new to report regarding the New Brunswick agreement or any amendments to that I'd like to ask my operations manager who's back and healthy as ever to just go over his operations report real quick before I move on to the executive director report thank you Joe good evening everyone uh under operations for February 2024 general maintenance at all of our pump stations is always ongoing I'd like to make note that our staff did rebuild uh a total of six pumps submersible pumps at a total of three pump stations two pumps at each station um we did have a force main break on a 6in force main leaving the Wilson Road Pump Station this was a challenging uh excavation we brought in an emergency contractor to perform the work uh as there was a large uh drainage Culvert and storm drain and the pipe was excessively deep everything worked out great uh various inspections throughout the month for both commercial and residential developers our staff flushed and cleaned 54,2 ft of gravity sewer they perform 3100 ft of Mainline sewer inspections as well as 100 feet of Sewer Lateral inspections we did take delivery of our new sewer uh combos sewer cleaner truck we took delivery of that on the 14th of the month we also received our Franklin Miller grinder that did go out for bid last month uh we had received that put it assembled it and put it in uh in storage for spare rotation use uh the the high Bay garage that Joe mentioned the water connection was supposed to take place uh tomorrow but with all the rain this week it's got postponed to the 12th which is next Tuesday um our building Insurgent uh protection project was completed today the township inspector is coming out on Thursday the 7th under our safety floor truck lift in the uh in the maintenance shop had its annual OSHA inspection performed as well as some repair minor repairs were made the annual maintenance inspection was also performed on our crane truck that's also oosha required uh we we had a slight accident on uh during the snowstorm the 10-in snowstorm on a Saturday the 17th one of our G one of our drivers uh backed into a poll within the Western Canal Pump Station Parking Lot some minor damage to the pickup truck nothing to the pole and nobody was injured the truck there was no connections for the month of uh February we are total to date of 81 and anticipated for the fiscal year of 2324 is 80.3 that concludes my report thank you Scott before I go on there's a little um inconsistency between the connection report from last month to this month last month Scott reported 16 or 18 connections and the engineer reported none and this year this month Scott's reporting none and the engineers reporting 16 or 18 and that's because of just simply when that data came in and when they wrote the reports uh both have the same number if you add up that February and March so in case anyone wanted to catch me on a mistake uh that's where the inconsistency was okay uh Joe before you move on Joe yes sir before you move on um I have a bit of an ask and I don't know if this is realistic or not but looking at the report from Mr Bernstein's team looking at the first one for example it says Hamilton Street Pump Station another further to report so does that mean that that project is done yeah and there's and there's no date on it so um so yeah go ahead so for the benefit of the Commissioners I have the vendors keeping historical data on the report and then anything new is either colored or bolded so any new for the last 30 days that they got to highlight it one way or the other so this way uh when you see a project or details within a project it's somewhat relative to all the other projects and sometimes the details within it but in fact we could just delete that off the report and I do annually tell them just to remove stuff from the report so the reports don't get too voluminous well that that was one of the things that I was going to suggest removing or also where it says no further report nothing further to report if the project is complete why not just put project is complete you well you make a good point uh for example we have two projects that are complete Marcy Street and commerce but there are uh things that we talk about and some things that I haven't even mentioned that could arise and resurrect those reports I choose not to bring up so I leave them on on the on the list uh you know for example Marcy Street we still have I mean literally now the flow meter flow metering study concluded there's nothing more but the vendor could you know um the vendor could file a lawsuit seeking money that he is verbally seeking for us and so I don't surprise the board I keep that on there now Commerce street that that was a small project Commerce Street rehab was completed uh not Commerce Street campus drive that also was completed that was completed within two weeks uh but the there was so much change in that company that they never sent us an invoice so again if if you don't want to say project is complete fine but I would say say at least put a date on when you're saying no further nothing further to report if we put a date on it because I don't know if that means from six months ago a year from now or yesterday okay um so if if it can be updated that way 17 and I'm just GNA use one other example uh on number 17 design build construction proc procurement act still awaiting feedback from Authority again a date would be helpful to know when you know when that comment is coming from okay is that the same as the city of New Brunswick I mean is that complete is that no so something just Linger on for you know there is no end date really I leave it on the list so we it's not forgotten and actually even in the engineers report the internal engineered report I leave a I created a whole list of things and either they report something new or they leave it nothing to report but like New Brunswick we have no there're always going to be a project ongoing so like this month under um my executive director summer report I have it on there and I have nothing to report for this month right and I'm I was that was one of the things that I was looking at um the city of New Brunswick and it says at the end we are waiting for the direction from the executive director as to same um and again when was the last time that there was a discussion that took place it's not very clear here so if we can get a time frame um on that that'd be great so for the vendor reports that's CME CDM and the attorney again anything that's new within the last month will be highlighted or colored they they they do something to make uh the wording that new uh to jump out at you everything else is just historical usually in line but I I I'll work on getting something a little bit more um intuitive well the report is the report is dated for February 26 2024 so that should be the date of the report everything that's current on that report should be based on that date is that not correct that's the way I read it that's the way I read the reports so the like next month the report would not be dated February 26 2024 would have a different date on it for my report no I'm talking about the operations report we're discussing the uh Bernstein report I'm sorry correct so he he he's leaving under my direction he's leaving some within his report he's leaving some of what's in that it's historical it's kind of old and I was just I just did that to help you the board members remember hey what what's been going on for the last six months and he kind of they're kind of writing a narrative and at the end of that narrative in like in his his report would be um whatever is new and he'll either bold it and or he'll color it with bolded that is just this month right so for number two number two for the summer said Street Pump Station my understanding was that where it's read and underlined it says our office received the three bids that were received by the authority and prepared a resolution awarding a contract to so that's the latest and greatest as of this report this report that actually that actually talks about that there's a board meeting scheduled for March 5th so that's really up to date so that's talking about that but I understand what you're saying that this report is as of February 26 but again going back to New Brunswick city of New Brunswick report um there's nothing in there I mean the what's in red there could have been and I think it's the same wording that was at the last on our last report at the last meeting and possibly the last one before that so I just don't know how old that red highlighted wording is at the end of that you know so I'm just looking for a more something more specific and and just to be and just to differentiate the to if if you look at the CME report at the end of each project that's delineated the first in Marcy Street at the end of that it talk it gives you a a date of you know where they are what the last date was it talks about January 18th 20124 um and other other projects on here the Western Canal home station at the very end it talks about January 17 2024 and that there was going to be tively scheduled meeting with PS February 28th 2024 so that gives you more updated information so each of the CME reports on each project has a date at the end of it that's what that's all I'm looking for something like that okay I I I'll make sure it's delineated um and I have one more comment um since Joe you were talking about the project from Hell about the window replacements before yeah I think I think that since uh commissioner EMB Barrison talked about earlier that he had gone to hell and back that he should be able to um he should be able to put in for expenses for that trip I like that thank you was part of our benefit wow more food for thought no All Right Moving On all right all right but uh I'll I'll redesign the reports I'm sure won't be difficult thank you okay if there are no other comments or suggestions or questions I'll move on to the executive director's report for uh the month as of uh January 31st we received 5, 27,1 1857 which is above average the year today collected is 12 12, 96388 one33 we still have an open balance of non-metered billing of 10,354 21.92 the penalties for the month generated were $1,230 6 which is um much higher than average the expenses as of I'm sorry I have a typo on the next two dates uh it says December 31st it's supposed to be January 31st I apologize expenditures for the month to date is $478,900 $55.42 we have spent 55% of our budget calculated and we are at 67% of the calendar fiscal calendar for our cash position as of January 31st and again typo on the report it says December 31st it should be January 31st our unrestricted cash position is 1,618 C9 75 under our restricted category we have 13,467 n4884 mil 849 and 86 we have a total net position of1 19 m378 18214 the discussion items our budget process for 2024 has begun I do not expect any increases this year but I do have our uh budget specialist and our Financial Consultant already working on it and my operations and admin staff are in the process of putting their pieces of the budget uh to present to me our 20124 audit we did put the auditor on notice to begin scheduling it so we do not run into a late schedule or schedu in Conflict uh we will be putting two smaller projects on the project board um one is going to be a rehabilitation of a gravity line gravity sewer line on the Belmont Drive area another one will be um uh I guess we call it the East Millstone gravity line more details to come as we develop those two projects uh in uh under internal engineering again we had 16 connections for the [Music] February or if you ask Scott we had zero but we had 16 in January uh we did have uh four applications reviewed by our engineer that were sent to the TRC Committee of Franklin Township under Staffing uh I did send the chairwoman an email that the executive director's annual performance review process should be beginning I'm waiting forther to hear from the chairwoman uh New Brunswick uh water sewer bill that's in progress always in progress continuing status uh our federal grants that are coming through Somerset County and M and Municipality of Franklin Township I did send an email to our engineer they're both asking for the bid documents for the Somerset Street and Brook line projects and once they receive them they'll start processing our 5.5 million grant money uh under shared services uh for the Minal uh maybe councilwoman councilman and Barrison could tell me if you guys had voted yet on Council to block off the very end of the Brookline Street do you know if you voted on that yet I thought we did okay we we discussed it I don't know if we voted on it I do remember discussing it not sure what the vote myself yeah all right I was I thought I was told that by your manager that you guys would be voting on it and getting that done Joe with your permission with Joe with your permission I can I call Bob on that tomorrow yeah please go because I was bringing it up for you so yeah handle letter you see appropriate but I think appreciate I think he can't shut down that street without the council voting on that yeah I thought he told me they were voting on the 13th of March no I'm sorry of February yeah that's that's what I thought that okay thank you agenda I know we talked about it okay yeah check in with him we might have already voted okay uh under our standard resolutions uh we do have payroll operating expense general fund renor replacement and escrow we do not have any North track resolutions to vote on under standard resolutions under additional resolutions we do have a resolution adopting the 23 um uh audit uh a resolution uh for the Developers agreement for with royal Somerset a resolution executing the utilities agreement with the New Jersey Department of Transportation resolution authorizing that execution of the utility agreement with NJ doot and a resolution authorizing the award of a of a contractor Sovereign Consulting uh for the Somerset Street Pump Station as the lowest better uh just other notes I will note that uh commissioner devvo she served us very well her term expired on January 31st whereas uh councilwoman franois has replaced her um and councilwoman francois's term will begin February 1st and she will be a regular member for five years and we will welcome uh commissioner alternate number one Robert Kovac when he swears in and we are welcoming commissioner alternate number two Vanessa Davenport who is on our meeting and sworn it that concludes my report chairwoman Joe if I may and chairwoman if I may I uh forwarded out to all the resolutions for tonight's meeting Scott thank you for just giving me a heads up that you did not receive them so they are under uh Dropbox but I also forwarded them to all of your email addresses as well so you will have them there but we will read them tonight as we go through them chairwoman you're muted sorry about that now for the committee reports um negotiations and Personnel committee I don't think we have anything to report on that okay uh what about the municipal liaison just want to say I was not at the February 13th council meeting so if they voted on it that's why I don't know but I have nothing to report thank you uh the construction committee commissioner farooqi commissioner and baronson do you have anything to report okay seeing that there's I'm sorry SEC commissioner and barison I don't have anything to rep not thank you uh as far as the Safety Committee I think we've already heard um that there were no safety issues during um the connections excuse me the connection the operations um report is that correct correct there was no injuries correct for a month okay thank you okay uh now we're going to move on to the resolutions um the approval of the resolutions will be done by consent agenda all the items listed below are considered to be of a routine nature um thereby requiring one motion and one second for all items and if any member wishes to remove an item from the consent agenda please advise me at this time which resolutions need to be handled separately and they will be addressed and voted on separately resolution number one uh payroll account $167,450 122 resolution number two the operating expense account $2,481 excuse me 81800 8654 general fund expense account 621 for $151 Renewal and replacement count $3,770 31 the escr fund account 9,161 is there a motion to accept these to approve these resolu Solutions motion to accept is there a second second all in favor I I I any oppos motion is carried okay with regard to the additional resolutions there will be a motion for each one resolution number six it's a resolution authorizing the execution of capacity allocation and developers agreement with the developer of real property designated as block 02.01.2012 motion is carried resolution number seven it's a resolution certifying the annual audit for fiscal year 2022 to 2023 is there a motion to accept that resolution motion there a second second all in favor any oppos motion is carried resolution is carried uh resolution number 8 resolution authorizing the renewal of an agreement with privatier Technologies LLC is there a motion to accept that resolution is there a second second all in favor I any oppos resolution is approved resolution number nine resolution authorizing the execution of a utility agreement with the New Jersey Department of Transportation is there a motion to approve this resolution motion to approve is there a second second all in favor I any oppose resolution is approved resolution number 10 resolution authorizing the award of a contract with Sovereign Consulting Incorporated for the Somerset Street pumping station Rehabilitation project is there a motion to approve this resolution appr is there a second second all in favor i y oos the resolution is approved resolution oh strike that that's the end of the resolutions uh do we need com I may went through the February 13th agenda the council agenda I did not see any resolution on the consent uh agenda so usually there's several of them that are there but I didn't see the one related to okay you didn't see the resolution related to I'm sorry missed the rest of it the Brookline uh street closure is there a motion to open the executive session I don't don't have a reason for executive session myself chairwoman unless you do nor nor do I miss chairwoman thank you we will move on uh is there a motion to adjourn the meeting Mo I'll make that motion I beat you to everyone wants to make that motion is there a second is too soon okay all in favor I any oppose motion is Carri thank you everyone have a good night good night night [Music] everyone [Music]