##VIDEO ID:aLMeQ5rvUzE## he may not know that he was doing that so give him a second okay if there is to be peace in the world there must be peace in the Nations if there is to be peace in the Nations there must be peace in the series if there is to be peace in the series there must be peace between neighbors if there's to be peace between neighbors there must be peace in the home if there is to be peace in the home there must be peace in their hearts amen amen Madame clerk if we could call the role please microphone please check the plug maybe is it plugged in [Laughter] right please hold technical difficulties we'll be right with you disruption of the service switch the seat that one works and there's plenty of cord here in so just take that may don't worry about okay councilman EMB Barrison here councilwoman Francois councilman Kazi mayor Kramer councilman Oni Jaa yeah Deputy Mayor pnik pres councilwoman udine councilman vasella yes here councilman Wright and the mayor is at another meeting right now so I'll be uh continuing through the first item on the agenda is commendations and proclamations so I can invite the Franklin Women's Club and Master Gardeners uh for the best community Improvement program to come forward and I'll read the resolution and give you guys a chance to share some words about your great work you're doing zero button zero did I it's not working no let hello hello there we go there's two of them there take one of them not but still oh that's a good idea we're going to need it okay back to business here whereas the Franklin Women's Club a dedicated member of the New Jersey state Federation of women's clubs has been steadfast in its commitment to community service empowerment and Improvement embodying the federation's mission of enhancing the lives of others through volunteerism and whereas the Rucker Master Gardeners of Somerset County and the Ruckers environmental stewards are dedicated our dedicated group of trained volunteers who work under the offices of the Rucker Cooperative extend exension to provide research-based Horticultural knowledge and best practices to the local community and whereas the Franklin Women's Club the Ruckers environmental stewards and the Master Gardeners have undertaken an exceptional Community Improvement program that has significantly impacted the Franklin Community addressing the threats to pollinators due to habitat loss increased chemical use among other factors and harmful consequences of large scale pollinator loss and whereas this program through the Innovative approach strategic Partnerships and tireless efforts of volunteers has resulted in a mle pollinator Garden adjacent to the township gazebo and educational signage for the benefit of our environmental for our environment and the education of residents in Franklin and whereas the Franklin Women's Club along with the Ruckers Master Gardeners have been recognized by the New Jersey state Federation of women's clubs as the recipient of the best community Improvement program award an honor that reflects their outstanding dedication leadership and ability to inspire and uplift the community it serves now therefore be it proclaimed by me the deputy mayor and mayor and Council of the township of Franklin the county of sumerset in the state of New Jersey hereby congratulates and commends the Franklin women's clubs um the Ruckers environmental stewards and the Ruckers Master Gardeners of Somerset County for the positive impact they have made here in Franklin for our community and setting a standard of Excellence in the community Improvement programs across the state so congratulations to you and I will just mention too the last time I saw Phyllis you were actually gardening at the Gazebo um and if you hadn't have a chance to look at the uh gazebo and the plantings that are there they're specifically designed to be attractive to our pollinators without pollinators we don't have food and I can tell you that because I have two cherry trees and the tag said if you have two you're good but cherry trees are kind of unusual they need a different species of cherry tree to pollinate them but they don't pollinate themselves the pollinators and we're talking mostly about bees and butterflies are doing that work additionally mayor Kramer has the monarch butterfly pledge which pledge pledges that the things that we do as a municipality will make the habitats acceptable and available for our pollinators so we can rely on them for food so congratulations on the work you've done it's a beautiful project and they're tending to it constantly with the Innovative placards to educate the community as well so we really appreciate that if you want to share some words about [Laughter] it okay this uh is a this was a really exciting project that we thought about around five years ago it took a number of years to come to fruition it would not have been possible without the help of Township uh manager Mr vorn Locker Council people and especially I'm G to call out um councilman anbarasan and uh councilwoman Udin who helped to see that we uh did get a spigot there because Mrs Gail was carting water so much we do have a rain barrel uh which we are using but the addition of that uh water spigot has been really helpful so uh thanks to everyone and uh Lauren is Randolph is an amazing uh ruter environment Steward and Master Gardener and she and her team and including intern were really instrumental in the design of the part that is the pollinator Garden awesome congratulations thank you take one photo [Music] the next item on the agenda is public discussion is there a motion in a second to open to the public on any topic for five minutes go moved second moved by councilman Francois and seconded by councilman vasella all those in favor say I I opposed abstentions eyes have it and we're open for public comment you're welcome to address the council limit of five minutes per speaker if you're over 18 please state your name and address for the record thank you and then there's just a little green button well there's a button where you say push it'll turn green when your microphone's on oh it's Greener that's gooder it's working Mrs Peterson 12 Lake Avenue in Somerset um I'm here tonight to talk about enforcing ordinances but I will tell you this much I have a nature backyard because we have bees several different varieties we have flowers we have pear trees we have a cherry trees and we have an apple tree that feeds the deer in the front yard so don't get after the deer if they like the apples um I'd like to keep it that way too because we worked hard because we want the pollinators we have hummingbirds Cardinals uh blue blue jays a little new type of Finch with a red head and we'd like to keep them as well my concern is the neighbor who seems to not be cleaning up anything but it's doing more junk that now we live near a trash dump we used to live near a little old lady who liked nature she had trees and because of her age and her illness she couldn't always mow her grass so if it got too high she got fined for her flowers she got fined for her grass now I have a neighbor who's deciding to mow most of the grass in the front yard but he's leaving a big patch near the fence in front of where he moved his garden to I told him he can use the our fence so he doesn't have to put up another one but I can't go over on that land and mow to keep the juny weeds that I'm allergic to under control so one could somebody please see that he mows the whole yard and not just part of the yard he has bamboo in his garden I don't know if he's growing it or whether he's just bought it brought it in from some some place the other thing is don't ever let anybody have no garbage disposal in the summertime because he doesn't have it and so if you've ever smelled rotting garbage in this heat we've had it's not a good smell and he lives on the corner of Ten Lake the other thing is that he still has trucks that idle uh we think now he's doing it to harass because there's more morning he leaves and doesn't make any noise at all with his trucks and there's other days that and nights and nights are becoming a ridiculous and as the police have told me we can call them but they may not get there or they can turn the car off or just stop talking there's arguing loud voices loud radios cars coming and going from this address consistently I have had young men left off in my front yard on several occasions where they go after they go there we don't know and what they're doing there we don't know but another neighbor and uh who lives opposite them on Hill thinks they're up to no good so when you have traffic coming and going at your house all night you're either a house of prostitution drug trafficking or you're just taking in illegal immigrants and moving them along so we think somebody it's time from construction wherever go out and check and see what's going on so please start enforcing ordinance and when they're enforced please tell them the township is driving by so I invite you all to drive by sometime and see what's going on at at 10 Lake Avenue and my last concern is with idling trucks sitting over where major pipelines go through if the the street is already cracking only in those places what's happening to the pipelines underneath the gas the water the sewage because they could be breaking as well and suddenly just explode or or who knows what so enforce the ordinances and thank you very much thank you screen so I'm good right okay uh Phyllis beels uh six Alma Court Somerset I'm here to bring to your awareness an event that is taking place Wednesday August 28th 6:30 p.m. this is a hope and healing overdose awareness vigil together we can the strength of coming together this is for people who use drugs and those who don't for heartbroken F friends and family members of lost loved ones for activists who fight for sorely needed policy reform for health care and harm reduction workers for tire tireless Advocates overdose can affect anyone and we encourage you to remember the tenacity of our community lean into the power that we can have when we work together this event is a heartfelt initiative by Central Jersey family health consortiums Perry fatal addiction prevention project Empower Somerset stigma-free Franklin mayor's Wellness campaign and community in connection which was formerly known as communities in crisis and they are coming to Franklin and providing um Services uh for consumers and people in recovery and uh in uh right now First Baptist Church Lincoln Gardens it is an event to raise awareness bring us together and Testament to our resilience and strength join us on August 28th to honor those we have lost support those still fighting and stand together I just mentioned that among the speakers will be a mother who lost her adult son to overdose uh a person who is in recovery and uh we expect we're going to there will be a speaker from the county um Council on uh drug and addiction uh and you know it could be a very moving emotional event but I hope that um as many people as possible just to be supportive uh will come and um you know I think it's a it's a first thing first attempt I believe this is taking place in Franklin at AR gazebo it rain in case of inclement weather it will be here in the council chambers so that's Wednesday August 28th 6:30 pm p.m. at the Gaze please spread the word to your any contacts you have thank you thank you uh Benjamin guy 35 P Drive uh just want to make everybody aware of uh one event that's uh attended this week uh week the people will be in um in uh the in um nean Williams Park um on August 17th uh rain date will be August 18th um to 2 to 5:00 p.m. in the um in the park so all is welcome to attend uh be fun games book bags giving away to the kids and other events will we actually planned for for all the community that is all that that is available during that period of time frame um just wanted make two suggestions to the Town Council because sometimes we need to revise stuff as it goes along it's probably been a decade since we've actually implemented stuff one is um um just because I sit on the board with it that hilon street board um I'm just making it aware um that because we're growing in size as far as the city is I mean the county is I mean the township is concerned um we might want to look at some of these things where we adopted Hamilton Street in the beginning because of the extra growth that is there and what the research study that we actually did with um with the company that we hired in um probably about four or five years ago um the reason why I'm saying this is because in order for the Hamilton Street board to grow and the businesses to grow we might need to adopt some other codes and other things to actually incentivize businesses to come to Hamilton Street um whether or not it's uh food businesses or whether not are ordinances that we might need to pass to actually grow that economic economic prosperity of what what Hamilton Street has to offer I've always suggested that we adopt it and um classify Hamilton Street as a main street in our area but we have never done that specifically because with Main Street classifications there's certain State and County governments that we could actually use to actually use that for Hamilton Street as a whole and because our population density is moving that's something that we might want to suggest um uh that that's a conversation I want the Town Council to actually look at and that's probably a resolution that could be passed by the Town Council because the Town Council actually put the Hamilton Stree board um back together back in 2014 I think um based on what I remember for recollection um the second portion is because just from awareness um just want to see whether or not there's another thing that we can actually look at um as we expand and I guess everybody in the town probably probably knows this between the first four Fourth Ward and actually the fifth W the massive amount of cannabis doors that have been opening dispensaries and everything else that is in in the town when you ride up and down throughoute 27 or anything else I think it's time to actually have a conversation with all of the um dispensary owners and talk about awareness training and other things that we actually do just like when was doing the cigarettes at all um because because of the consumption that's going to happen during school years and everything else and I just want to see whether or not we can maybe put an association together um I guess Mrs uh I won't speak for her directly but Mrs mazone and myself have also advocated to actually have this done to actually help regulate what's going on in the industry especially in Franklin Township in this area and because Joe dson is one of the main Advocates that helped get this law passed with the dispensaries I think we should step up as a community and do this together before it gets out of hand so that is another thing that um I'm just suggesting as a whole um and with that the reason why we put that Association together is because the regulate what we're going to be doing with the sales tax spending that's going to go forward as you're collecting the collecting the revenue off of uh cannabis as it goes along because that's going to be something that you need to appropriate for awareness for the you know for the um for the community itself whether that is prevention or anything else that you need to do as you go along because that sales tax will start kicking in and going into 2025 all right um the other thing that I just want to make the Town Council aware of is just uh we had this conversation roughly about the public housing needs around this state I know that you're going to do your assessments but I want to also look at the public housing needs that are going on in their in a local area not saying that we got to do it but the appropriation for what we're doing and how we're going to manage that as we go along whether or not it's going to be through our a municipality or it's going to be through the county we need to talk about public housing needs because as count as Frank Township is expanding we have elderly people and we have um new immigrants in the in the area and we need to be looking at how we're service in them all together and right now I don't think they're getting their property service in based on what I've been getting reports on for the community service at all so that is my time at this specific time frame but I just want to point those things out thank you thank you if there's anyone else wishing to speak if you could just kind of line up too so we sometimes we'll close down the public comment before uh um you're because we don't see you there hi hi again if your name and address for the record as well Mariam kuray 1483 Lincoln Highway Amina kuray 1483 Lincoln Highway um to be honest with you we actually came here today to um Talk to the township and find out what kind of education like the town was interested in getting from um the dispensaries that are opening we are opening up a dispensary taking us a little bit of time we're moving a little bit slowly because we want to make sure that we have the right people aligned with us the right investors however today our reasoning for coming year was we actually have a um a Sur a survey for people to um scan and fill out for us so we can see what everyone is interested in learning about cannabis whether it's like the the method of Transport the method of the route to take it or or how it can affect them in a positive way um on an Health standpoint from anxiety depression um even like ahead good um even like um ways that you can use it for like um anxiety depression I'm so sorry PTSD yeah so um that's why we're here so um sir like once this is over like we would love to have a conversation with you or anyone we're going to stay for the rest of the meeting to see if anyone has any questions for us or can give us any insight on what direction we should be going with education because that's what we plan on um providing in our dispensary that's going to be our main F Focus Education educating the community on um why we're here why it's a positive effect and um how we can help in any way that's it thank you thank you okay thank you anyone else wishing to speak seeing no one else coming forward um Mr Deputy Mayor a motion close a public portion motion by Mr vasella second second by Mr EMB Barrison any discussion all those in favor say I I opposed abstentions eyes have it public discussion is concluded um we generally now uh do give some response um I'll take a crack at a few things pass it over to the township manager and then welcome comments from uh my colleagues on Council um I think most of the things Mrs Peterson that you talked about is best if the township manager uh addresses um including um you know cleaning up the the bamboo there is an ordinance that we passed recently about that um and you know part I think it's related to the running bamboo has to be containered um and if they don't um fix it then we will go in and get rid of it and they have to pay us so we can put a lean on the property but he can talk more about that as well um a couple of event notices I noticed the weak of the people that Mr gu had on there is listed for the 17th is the rain date sort of under the subtitle I didn't click on it there is no rain date I didn't think so okay so it's just the 17th 2 to5 okay thank you um and then the Hamilton Street ordinance adjustments that Mr guy mentioned I know there is going to be a study that the township manager can talk about related to Hamilton Street it's not on this agenda particularly no it's not I think that it's already been discussed I don't know that there's really much more to discuss about it to be honest with you yeah at the last meeting we had a conversation at looking at that and I think that's very much aligned with what you had mentioned um I don't think the council has anything to add about a cannabis Association if the businesses want to get together I know a lot of us I speak for myself um the the quantity or the amount of the cannabis dispensaries is really up to the free market to decide we don't say how many uh pizza parlors there should be or other types of businesses um and we've adopted uh the policy of just approving that they're allowed in a Zone they're not outside of the regulations the state is required like too close to a school and then you know let the business owners make their case to the public and hopefully they can be successful and um you know Thrive as a a important business partner in our community um as far as the sales tax revenue I mean that's something that there's been a some of in the budget um you know going to community policing is I know something that's been important to the uh the council but others you know we've had lots of conversations um with regard to that as well um and folks can chime in on that and we appreciate hearing from the folks opening the dispensary I didn't write your names down quickly enough um and then I'll turn it to the township manager to address anything that I miss in any other members of council no I I I think that I I don't want to sound like a broken record but Mrs Peterson has been here before and my instruction is no different than it has been in the past when violations are noted the police department is enforcement agency for the for the township for times that are after hours for anything that would be a violation of law that should be reported to the police department immediately and for Health Department violations and Zoning violations those both of those agencies already have open investigations and there's really nothing that I can speak about here in a public form okay thank you i' like to add something yep in regards to cannabis education and awareness I think think there is an opportunity Mr guy and the Cannabis business owners to partner with the municipal alliance against alcohol and drug abuse I think that would be a home and I see philis back there and she's somebody you should talk to because I think we can kind of fold you in to that entity and see what we can do there there's a lot of opportunity for that and and and I'll and I'll just add to that and and so I while I agree with that but I also want to kind of um couch that respons with this the alliance for drug abuse is specifically related to um prevention as it relates in particular our emphasis while not all all municipalities but our emphasis has always been on minors as opposed to adults and that will while there is certainly an issue cannabis is legal all right so it will not be a focus of the alliance as it relates to adults because while it it the use of alcohol and drugs by those under the legal age has always been a focus of the alliance against drug abuse for legal substances just like alcohol is legal for adults there is not an emphasis on use there might be some discussion about abuse being different than a use um however the the the monies available to the town to address drug abuse both opioid and others is we have a sufficient amount of funds to do that as Phyllis knows there's the opioid settlement funds that will continue to come in for a number of years into the future that will be used specifically to counter drug abuse both the focus we want to initially focus on young people because if we can focus on young people and get them from beginning to abuse drugs then you don't have to focus on them as adults that when they are already abusing drugs so that's that's a a a great discussion but I think that the alliance for drug abuse is certainly one that it would benefit from discussions with those who are in the Cannabis industry I just caution those in the Cannabis industry to understand that the focus of the alliance against drug abuse is to keep people from using substances not encouraging them to use substances so that's all I that's a good point Thank you anyone else have comments yeah mayor just a piggy back Deputy Mayor Deputy Mayor acting maybe I don't know acting mayor Deputy Mayor no the piggy back as I'm listening to conversation um you are the deputy mayor the C yeah what the manager said it it it may not be uh too much to do with the drug Alliance I don't know if our health Advisory Board but I think our Deputy Mayor mentioned the any businesses that want to be involved in education of any kind to their uh perspective clientele or just anybody in the public whatever the business I I I think an association amongst the uh uh businesses that are in that industry is probably best suited I don't know how much government and then I'll just mention this because I know the last time I recall you were talking about um I would suggest people ultimately talk to their uh their doctor or therapist or uh Professionals in their lives that can guide them and maybe give them information and maybe an association could give general information or provide um form or or links to wherever they can get more information but ultimately it's a legal drug and it's really a decision that people should be discussing with their doctors or therapists in my opinion anyway but um it sounds like you're in the right track and I admire your approach to uh how you're looking to roll out your business um and I just want to mention something came up about affordable housing uh the county doesn't really get involved uh this is mainly uh because I've been through two with them so far we're in our third round cycle um and it's uh state statutes we're doing well we're reviewing presently as the managers mentioned in past meetings um but affordable housing even with what we have and may add to it with whatever our requirement is that will be determined probably in January I believe or approximately at least start to be determined of what we need to build the way of affordable but quite frankly the out of control prices for rentals and purchases is is not something government can and my opinion should get involved with um it's an open market and it's horrible because I know a lot of people cannot afford places but it's not like uh a municipality can go in and start dictating uh prices for rents or prices for purchase um you know so housing situation not problems are not unique to Franklin I think we've done very well on the agenda tonight to put in the little clearer perspective of what a Township can do um we have a program where we do housing Rehabilitation so people are in their homes and they're getting old and they need uh required repairs we G well say give them the money give a grant and then over time they don't have to pay back there's certain rules but the point is the kind of things that we can do to keep our housing stock up to a good standard and the people that are here to stay in their homes we have done almost everything you can do is a Township with that the marketplace is the marketplace and again we'll see um probably in six months or so what actual affordable units will be targeted to be built over the next several years also when that is decided how do I put this some of the projects happen quick some of them never happen so it's a complex issue but I'm very proud of what we've done as a Township thus far thank you if there are no other comments we can move to council comments anyone else I'll start with councilman vasella oh quickly just a couple other things we at people was mentioned um congratulations to the Women's Club Franklin Women's Club and the Master Gardeners um we have another event coming well maybe that was mentioned um oh September 7th that event wasn't mentioned at Franklin food bank is having uh what become I guess their annual concert party 2: to 10 p.m. on Butler Road 110 Butler Road I believe we're passing a permit for them to have the event from what I understand I haven't been to one yet it's getting bigger and better every year and of course uh helping raise a lot of money for our food bank other than that main meeting we had was a public works meeting tonight and on the agenda is lots and lots of um money being allocated for road projects if you need to see a lot of stuff's going on and we just got an update on how much more we'll be doing um this fall and next spring but it's it's on the township website um as far as what's being paved or roads are being closed or anything like that so but that was the main meeting we was at tonight with uh the deputy mayor and and uh councilman um um that's that's it have be oh before we meet again here school will start no I sound like a broken record every year but please please be careful um be a lot more people in general and especially children out there in the roadways during the week coming up um in just a few weeks and um as a side note congratulations to Team USA we've had a handful of athletes from New Jersey yes we did wonderful I'm not going to go into detail but we had a lot of athletes from New Jersey and of course we're proud of the whole team from wherever they're at in the United States thank you thank you councilman Francois well no all Noah allows the fastest man in the world's father went to Franklin High School I was I didn't want to get thank you yes they you have a connection to that we have a few other connections fastest man in the world by 5 1000 Second I I can talk about Olympics all night I been interrupted counil but thank you for that he's made Frank Franklin very very proud proud very very proud yes um the only thing I was thinking of when I mentioned the municipal Alliance for drugs and alcohol young people need to be aware of and educated about the uses of marijuana that and that could provide prevention as well so that's what what I was thinking when I when I bought up that comment only have one thing there's the the Franklin Youth Center is having a Ready Set School event on Saturday September 7th from 3: to 6:00 p.m. so we know going back to school sometimes can be very stressful for our young people so we're having that event to give out to have fun festivities to give our school supplies let them know about what we do at the youth center uh introduce them to our Arts our academics and all of our athletic programs that we have that are free and they're amilies are invited and uh certainly we want all the people in Franklin Township all families are invited all children are invited and hopefully that'll get them in the right frame of mind to start back to school in a very positive light that's all I have Mr Deputy Mayor thank you thank you councilman councilman and Barrison I'm going to try to do this very quickly before the mayor returns um we had uh number of board meetings surage Authority historic Pres reservation commission and the planning board um the last couple of weeks the planning board there were two hearings the one was rejected one was uh asked to come back both were subdivision applications uh other than that uh I attended Imam husin day at the Majid Ali as well as at the pine grow the Indian national cricket team for the blind uh played a demo match last weekend that was uh really really hot Waring to see these legally blind players uh from India uh come and show us how they cope with uh uh their games and and you know one of the things that I noticed is we all talk about what we can do because of this this this and these kids are showing to us what can what they can do with uh even despite of their blindness really really uh moving experience meeting them um anyway um talking about India uh the August 15th India is going to celebrate their independence day 1.4 billion of them it be celebrating uh the freedom from the British rule that's on August 15th I would be flying a flag Indian flag in my house that's all I got Deputy Mayor thank you so much councilman and then Council yeah Deputy Mayor I don't think I have any T world is in order everything is okay in Ted world so I don't have much to say I love that report that was great the winner um real quick um everyone have a great Labor Day remember the folks that help build America and then secondly I'm going to be uh a delegate to the this is on a personal note the Democratic National Convention leave on Sunday be coming back on Friday and I'm looking forward to uh a really inspiring time both for our nation but also the Democratic party which I'm a member of um and I look forward to reporting back to all of you um the maybe sharing with you some of that inspiration that I pick up and that concludes my report I'll pass it over to the township manager thank you Deputy Mayor um just a couple quick things to report on um some upcoming events um if you are interested in learning what it is to be a police officer and you are an adult in the past I reported about the youth uh Academy that's run by the police department now we'll talk about the Citizens Academy that's run by the police department um for those of you who are 18 years or older and want to learn what it is to be a police officer and all of the different things that a police officer might do in the course of their uh career um there is a Citizen Police Academy that's being held between September 4th and November 20th at the community relations building on 935 Hamilton Street Street they'll meet every Wednesday from 6:30 to 8:30 and information and an application uh online application is available on the township website um it's in this in the news and in the spotlight on the homepage um excuse me um tax bills are out I know that no one ever likes to know that but everybody wants to know that tax bills have been mailed um the uh grace period has been extended to September 10th so you have to pay until September 10th to pay your property tax bills for the third quarter without penalty um and then the last thing I wanted to report on is for those of you who might utilize the tennis and pickle ball Courts at Inman Park um those those tennis courts um have been budgeted for um reconstruction um recently it came to my attention that there were some um condition issues that might create a safety issue at the tennis courts and pickle ball Courts at Inman Park I had them uh inspected by our insurance uh company our joint Insurance Fund safety inspectors um a decision was made to close the tennis courts until they can be reconstructed that will probably not take place until the spring of 2025 I have to think of what year we're in um it'll be this upcoming spring um in the interim and and and what had already been in the works through a uh several conversations that I had with the superintendent of schools the Franklin High School tennis courts have recently been resurfaced um the board of education has agreed to make those tennis courts available to Franklin Township residents for their use um they're available daily um during the summer and then they will be available on the weekends during the school year obviously you can't go there when children are in school is in session at high school there are six tennis courts there three of them are uh set up as tennis courts and the other three are set up as six pickle ball courts so it's actually a net gain there were three tennis courts and three pickle ball Courts at Inman we now have three tennis courts and six pickle ball Courts at the high school and even after our courts are reconstructed in Inman Park those courts will continue to be available able at the high school for our residents so it it's kind of a step in the right direction I we had kind of hoped that we would be able to get um the Inman courts to be able to kind of withstand the weather conditions uh right on through the winter and into the spring unfortunately that's not the case but we're going to move forward with the Reconstruction as was previously planned in a in a capital project um that had been approved by Council previously um and I think that's what I have for you tonight well thank you thank you for the great work working with the schools to make that SP it was a great I mean it just everything kind of fell into place it was actually to be honest when this conversation first started Deputy Mayor you were actually there it was in our senior center when we were at a Fisk meeting when we were doing the group settings and uh Dr rali and I and the athletic director at the uh at the high school had a conversation that started off with the popularity of pickle ball and it came out that they were resurfacing missing their courts and they were going to establish pickle ball Courts at the high school and Dr rali and I got into this conversation about how popular it had become here in the town and he said well why don't we make our courts available to the public I went why don't you um and so yeah it really worked that well awesome um next item on the agenda is the approval of the warrants warrants in the amount of $11 milon 825,000 7786 are presented on August 13th 2024 to the township Council for payment I move that I move that the warrant as read be paid motion by councilman franois second second by uh councilman vasella any discussion we have a roll call please councilman EMB Barrison yes councilwoman franois yes councilman non Jaa yes Deputy Mayor pazik yes councilman vasella yes um the eyes have it and the warrants are are approved the next item on the agenda is ordinances on first reading ordinance number 4449 d24 amend the municipal code of the township of Franklin Somerset County New Jersey more particularly chapter 226 vehicles in traffic section 226-13 parking prohibited at all times on certain streets the foregoing ordinance is presented to the township Council for adoption on first reading posting publication in accordance with the law and public hearing and final adoption at a meeting of the township to be held on Tuesday September 10th 2024 at 700 p.m. in the council chambers is there a motion for introduction so moved motion by councilwoman Francois second uh second by councilman ER jaka any discussion we get have a roll call please councilman EMB barison yes councilman franah yes councilman Oni Jaa yes Deputy Mayor basnik yes counc Vella yes and this is a a section of the street that's going to not be for have parking so that the sewage Authority can have access to a facility they need 247 um for S Public Safety so that's what that is and the next item is the consent agenda uh items a through AO as listed in the consent agenda portion of the meeting are presented to the township Council for adoption is there a motion so moved moved by councilwoman franois seconded seconded by councilman EMB Barrison any discussion or any specific items you want pulled out to have discussed or voted on separately okay if we can have a roll call please councilman EMB Barrison yes councilwoman franah yes councilman Oni joa yes Deputy Mayor pnik yes councilman vasella yes and items a through AO are approved and the last item on the agenda are old business uh appointments to boards committees and commission vacancies does anyone have any appointments that they want to move at this time I do Mr Deputy Mayor so we talking about the municipal Alliance and the Youth Services Commission I would like to um make a motion that Jennifer Gomez Hernandez be appointed as a member of the municipal Alliance and Youth Services Commission she's the coordinator at the youth center also Sheena Britain she's a Franklin High School sack Joshua Duncan Franklin Middle School Hamilton campus sack Jamie Morales Franklin Middle School Samson G campus sack phis be bills be are you getting all these bills recorded okay yeah cuz we we talked about this Marine you not stop um Sigma free campaign in private citizens with interest or experience in issues concerning alcohol or drug abuse addiction or juvenile delinquency and Joel pays on voice councel and he's also a employee over at the Franklin Youth Center we we've had these meetings and people come to the municipal Alliance and they've never been officially appointed to the committee yes all after all these years and so I said at this meeting I would make thank you for bringing that to our attention yeah does anyone have any other candidates for consideration for the min ipal Alliance in competition with the candidates presented by councilman franois the interesting thing is this is one of those committees that we can have as many people on it as we'd like you would like to volunteer please let any of us know and I don't think we need to do a roll call on this um do by acclamation acclamation um all those in favor say I I opposed abstentions eyes have it and a large slate of official now members of the municipal Alliance have been installed and can work due to on behalf of the the township which we appreciate their volunteerism um there's no executive session tonight and I'll take a motion to adjourn so moved motion by councilman Francois seconded by Mr EMB Barrison all those in favor say I I opposed eyes have it meeting is adjourned have a great night good job