I am dressed uh Clinic ran late and I had no time to change Madame clerk in accordance with the open public meeting Act of the state of New Jersey adequate notice of this work session regular meeting of the Franklin Township Council was made as required indicating that this work session regular meeting would take place at the municipal building at 7 p.m. on Tuesday February 13th 2024 we could all stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and remain standing for the invocation by councilman EMB barison flag of the May those assembled here today enjoy the many offerings of our Township may we abide by the rules we have established those of trust fellowship and ethics and may we place service about self in our daily Endeavors and may we always test ourselves and our efforts to be sure they are the truth good for all concerned of benefit to Mankind and provides peace and understanding amen amen Adam clerk please call the RO councilman EMB Barrison here councilwoman Francois councilman Kazi here mayor Kramer here councilman Oni jaka here Deputy Mayor pnik pres councilwoman udine councilman vasella councilman Wright uh councilwoman udine was called away on death in the family um um uh accomodations and proclamations accomodations for student authors which C person I almost called you Deputy Mayor EMB Barrison former former well someday we'll all be Deputy mayors it was working at 6:30 football didn't gas wouldn't be a council meeting without an AV problem got one with green thank that works good evening everyone all right today we are going to recognize three high school students uh in Franklin uh these are young these are our young people these are our future leaders um while at age a lot of us were just playful and spending time with our friends but these kids really sharpened their writing skills and they wrote short stories and competitively competitively got selected by ramapur college uh a collection of story books that got published and it the book is available on Amazon and it's my great pleasure and honor to recognize these kids and uh give them a commendation um the teacher the the English teacher who was the inspiration uh Miss Sarah she was going to be here then because of the weather she couldn't make it and there are three kids that we are going to recognize and I see only one the other two are not here but I'm going to read their names as well a commendation to ilanga elamaran Kayla Washington and Isabella robbles whereas Franklin Township residents ilang elamaran Kayla Washington and Isabella robbles have had their work published in Ramapo College's book collection called the helpers and whereas these students shared stories about people who helped them succeed most in life and and whereas ilang Kayla and Isabella are now published authors with a book available on Amazon now therefore the mayor and Council of the township of Franklin County of Somerset state of New Jersey hereby commend and recognize ilanga ilar and Kayla Washington and Isabella Robel for their exemplary accomplishments and wish them well in their future oners L would you like to come [Applause] here y keep it up like to see more work from you all right actually uh just published a second book I translated a work uh from my native language Tamil he he and his father they ha from tamilnad which is which is where we speak Tamil and he took a book in Tamil and translated to English and that got published as well congratulations uh thank you so much for this Commendation and I want to say thank you to my English teacher Miss Sarah montinari she gave me this opportunity to uh write write this short story that got published in a book she wasn't uh able to be here today but I want to say thank you to her and thank you so much for this [Applause] Commendation we now have a black Black History Month Proclamation Kazi will'll be reading good evening um actually I had the opportunity uh last week week to attend uh an event in the Township in a recognition of Black History Month which was organized by the uh the uh Black Caucus it was a wonderful event and great performances and great speakers and uh truly it was very educational and not only um it was a an opportunity to enjoy and have uh learn but also uh it brought some of the history back from those that they have come here as slaves those that they endured unimaginable hardship and Injustice for almost 250 years and U also we the recognition of the the leaders both White white and black who put their lives on the line to fight for freedom and Justice not only for African-Americans but for anyone who were or are marginalized and I encourage the community members to take advantage of these uh events that is taking place in New Jersey this month to learn about the history and the more we learn about each other's Heritage and history the more we appreciate each other and we we become United and have mutual respect now councilman Kimberly franois could not be here so I have the uh the honor of reading a proclamation on her behalf and on behalf of the council the proclamation reads as follows whereas Black History Month is an occasion to discover the enduring stories of African-Americans and the gift of Freedom purpose and opportunity they have bestowed on future generation and whereas it is also a time to commemorate the countless contribution of African Americans many of whom lived through and surmounted the scorge of segregation racial prejudice and discrimination to enrich every F fiber of American Life their examples of heroism patriotism and and Enterprise have given people of old backgrounds confidence courage and Faith to pursue their own dreams and whereas the many local organizations and many individuals throughout our Township are dedicated to the principle of fostering Civic economic and educational programs throughout the township of Franklin and are dedicated to encouraging reflection on the rich history and teaching of African-Americans and bearing witness to the progress Beauty and achievement they have made throughout our community and whereas Black History Month is a call to each and every citizen of our community to reflect on the cultural scientific political and economic contributions of African-Americans which are woven through American society and we remember learn from and build on the past so that together we can build a better and more prosperous future for all Americans now therefore we Philip Kramer mayor and Kimberly franois councilwoman of the township of Franklin County of Somerset New Jersey on behalf of the Franken Township council do here do do hereby proclaim the month of February to be Black History Month in the township of Franklin and urge all citizens to join in celebrating the diversity and character of our community and highlight the importance of sharing our culture customs and tradition with those around us thank you thank you now time for public discussion do we have a motion to open to the public so moved moved in seconded all in favor say I I I say nay motion is carried we are now open to the public um the weather out there uh the some of the streets are still not quite cleared the weather is getting colder and streets are going to freeze so I'm going to try to move this meeting along and uh public speaking time to 3 minutes anyone wishing to come up can speak for three minutes no yielding of time state your name and address you may only come up once good evening hello uh my name is Kiki anastasius uh 3204 Enclave Circle um uh firstly I would like to commend the esteem Council for um deciding to purchase the land on for El Elm Street in East milstone um and designated as open space I think that's um that's a wonderful development and I hope that those efforts um to protect um open lands in our Township uh continues um and second I have a question I was wondering if um you could give us an an update on the ongoing traffic study um including the traffic study uh that's uh do uh funded for Eastern Avenue there are two issues I would like to um to address and they are both traffic related quality of life related one is uh the um possibility of a uh Warehouse um I believe the application is uh in front of the planning board uh in the corner of Elizabeth Avenue and um Schoolhouse Road um if uh this um I'm very concerned because the area is a hub of activity there is um uh a CVS there is a uh Supermarket a shop right um there is um a strip mall near there with um restaurants uh pizza and and um Japanese restaurant and then uh uh there is a dollar store on the other side the intersection is already highly congested and um uh the the line in front of duning donuts uh which often uh uh flow flows into and extends into old schoolhouse creates a very dangerous situation I think the combination of uh these trucks if this Warehouse were to be built in combination with the um other Warehouse which is a few yards down on Elizabeth Avenue um would would which is much more massive would create a nightmare scenario for those of us who do our daily food shopping and other activities and number two I would like to say that I'm very concerned about the uh the Leen um uh proposal for um uh residential areas in in um in the raters Plaza in the old uh Kmart building and I would just like to say in closing that what Franklin Township needs is more retail what we don't want to be a retail desert where most of us seniors end up in other nearby towns and we take our money out of Franklin Township to do shopping in kls in Hillsboro Target in Bridgewater and Costco um and and in um in other nearby towns we need a very careful assessment of what what are the needs the retail needs for clothes and uh home household goods uh so that we can keep the money uh and seniors do spend their money trust me I speak from personal experience we don't want that money to be bleeding out of Franklin thank you so much thank you shamala thank you very much uh respective Council uh my name is Pat shal 15 Market Street East Millstone this just a public service announcement or reminder that uh this weekend February 17th Saturday is fire district uh fire district elections and so uh come on out and vote for the budget and um uh support your local firefighters I am running for commissioner as well um here in fire district one so um come out and help support the cause thank you thank you anyone else hi folks my name is shandu sing six freetop Circle and I'm representing Princeton Highlands um here to talk about the need for a pedestrian Crossing at the intersection of Goldstar Drive and Route 27 and a traffic signal at the intersection of Princeton Highlands Boulevard and Route 27 so first off I just want to thank the mayor the deputy mayor our Township manager and the council for your support up until so far a lot of our residents are here today and I understand it's a cold and freezing evening so um several of them may opt to not speak but we are all here to let you know that it's an important safety issue for us and it's a critical safety issue for us and our families there is a petition that I have brought along with me that have been signed by 300 close to 300 of our homeowners and the purpose of this petition is to urge an expedite action on this project so we appreciate all the continued support that we have received from you and on behalf of Princeton Highlands as well as Woodfield Estates we look forward to uh positive action from the township thank you thank you you can give that to the clerk if you'd like just Paul those of those who are here to support this please raise your hands so we see the numbers great thank youone else wishing to speak Alex Strauss 285 H way just a piggyback on what people said at the last meeting a public comment that Onyx Warehouse is an uh bad idea I'm talking about the one old new burnswick road of course near shop right by Somerset run and basically almost across from the somerset Woods Nursing home we need another Warehouse really like well like like we need a hole in the head and we need this Warehouse like we need two holes in the head this is a really dumb idea um I'd like to know how much how much work has been done by the township to try to help uh get stores there maybe they recently of course closed off the shop right the second entrance so now everyone coming out of shoppr of course uh can actually see that brickface building from where they come out on that entrance okay so there's better sight lines um I see that there's no executive sessions scheduled I know you want to get off with the weather but maybe that's a good time to figure out how you're going to get rid of this Warehouse it needs to be it needs to be gone um there's no excuse really uh of course we have the uh giant warehouse behind Mavis Tire it's been vacant for uh over half a year now and we have another one of course behind shop right going up and those aren't the only ones obviously so this needs to stop um we need to find a way other places do it they find ways to get rid of the warehouses um whether it's Edison Branchburg Hillsboro they find the money to do it Franklin needs to do the same okay this is just lunacy thank you you anyone else wishing to speak good good evening everyone um thank you uh mayor Kramer and the councilman um my name is shaie madova I'm from Leaf house we recently open um it's um uh on 900 Eastern Plaza um I wanted to say that on behalf of leaf house uh which is situated at 900 Eastern Plaza in Somerset we kind of request the approval to allow Leaf house to maintain uh Signs and Banners outside of its business premises and waving requirements itemized in article I don't know how to read this in section 253 of this town code so please be aware that leaf house operates within highly regulated cannabis industry and we are signific significantly Limited in its ability to uh advertise through online and printing uh channels right as a result Leaf house heavily relies on banners signs for visibility and attraction of customers so in the presence uh of this um business in Franklin benefits the commercial ecosystem of uh this Township our neighboring businesses uh at Somerset Village also rely uh on Leaf house to attract customers as it serve serves as an anchor tenant in the uh commercial Zone these businesses are in support of our petition and would like indirectly enhance their customer footfall and an overall business uh success we understand that Township concerns regarding signage and potential uh for clutter or visual disruptions we assure you that the signage or banners that we will display will be uh Tastefully designed uh professionally produce and maintain in a way that will respect the Aesthetics Integrity of our shared Community I also included um the signed petition from our um uh neighbor tenants uh in our Plaza uh unfortunately a lot of because due to the weather they were not uh able to show and I there's one neighbor that came in um who's also his business really suffering they see only if you want to say yeah my name is Kevin I'm the owner of promo nutrition um we're a couple doors down from Leaf house and we've been open up for like a few months and we've been in the negatives and you know I can only do you know iners promotion as much as I can but at the same time not many people know to come to our shopping plaza because the monument sign is very small and by the time they read everything on that Monument sign they drive right past it so it's not a very convenient entrance to get into so we would like to put up more signs so people know to come in to shop with us you all the businesses on the shopping plaza yeah I only like seen like five to six customers a day which is alarmingly bad cuz our other six locations we've been getting like 10 20 customers per day so thank you so um I just wanted to my last thing is uh the leaf house uh currently we serve about 92 clients per day in order for the customer for for us to be positive we need approximately 300 clients per day and it's very tough with this signage issue where a lot of people just pass the you know pass us our Plaza because the exit just come thank you that's your time thank you so much Mr grippo you're out of order Paul litzky 13 Republic row I just want to say something about the Onyx because I've studied the TRC report and it's something we should all realize in the TRC report it talks about the bucket pipeline being under the site at and the the the plan call for it to be 21 ft from the pipeline when you're supposed to be 100 feet that's a variance they're looking for that's dangerous so I just want to we we've done that uh looked at it real closely I just want to make that on the record thank you anyone else wishing to speak seeing no one and knowing that water turns to ice at 32 degrees I move we close public comment are you science teacher I second that it's a complicated motion but uh all in favor say I I I oppos say nay motion is carried public session is closed um address public comments so for all of the zoning planning board issues that were brought forward us thank you for your comments I'm not going to go into them in detail um and I wanted the uh attorney to comment on um sign issue sorry if the applicant if the um property owner would like relief from those the provisions of the sign ordinance the processes that they file an application to either the zoning or the planning board our staff will direct them which way and so it's not here that that happens we the council doesn't grant that relief that's relief that's granted by the zoning or planning board so you you know my my suggestion is is that you contact our planning staff probably Mark Hy is their first place to start and file the appropriate application with the zoning or the planning board that's where the application that's where you can get the relief from those Provisions in the councilman EMB Barrison do you want to say something about what we're going to do uh yes um mayor I think this is a uh known issue that uh that our signage in our Township uh probably doesn't support our small businesses that well because I've heard this sort of complaint from other businesses in the past uh but um I spoke to the township manager he informed me that the signage ordinance that we have are uh is quite uh dated I believe it's 2009 is when uh it was updated so I think it's uh it's appropriate for us to uh revisit the signage ordinance and and see whether there's any amendment that we could uh propose to uh promote our small businesses as such I would like to propose a uh uh ad hoc Committee of the council with some help from the staff uh to study the ordinances and and come up with uh anything that we can do to um ease the pain that some of these businesses uh go through um in in terms of promoting themselves um so I make a motion to form an hog committee to study the ordinance and the signage related ordinance so it's something we go over quite frequently I'll second councilman Kazi seconding it Mr Mayor uh if I may just add one other thing here so our goal in Franklin Township is to make our Township business friendly and we appreciate the fact that you come and talk about some of the issues that you facing not uh not helping your business to be successful and we we like to hear those kind of things so we can work on it or guide you how to go and resolve the issue but our goal is to make Franklin a business friendly Township and we appreciate everybody's help and the businesses at our any other discussion I agree with all that I just um as much as I like new task force and commissions is there any standing committee of the council that this would make sense to uh bring up in whether it's Administration or public works or it's actually the responsibility of the landuse Comm landuse so I just wonder if if that Comm committee wouldn't be sufficient in this uh scenario what the what the reason would be and what the membership difference might be right I I think that we we thought about standing committees I think mayor and I discussed about this uh where this would fit um I think this would be a temporary committee ad hog committee uh which is focused just this issue so we can do some work uh and bring it to the land use commit that's where it belongs yeah that's one so we can we can bring it to the land use committee for recommendations and and then it can come to the council so mayor okay I think uh if we set up a committee with they and we have um land use responsible for this so how are the two teams going to work together well typically we would do the uh we'll meet with the staff and then we we plan to interview several businesses uh along the main uh business corridors and take some input and then come up study the uh ordinances that we have and uh perhaps come up with some appropriate uh improvements amendments whatever you may want to call it and present it to the um land use committee I'm in the land use committee so I I can bring it there we can discuss it and then that's going to come back to the council Okay cool so my only I'm not objecting to creating more government committees but it sounds longer to me to create an ad hoc committee that reports then to a standing committee that could add one to two months in the process is there does the council member have any objection to just having it be through land use you think that would be disastrous in some way I'm just not understanding yeah I think the timing wise I think this can get started to tomorrow it's it's really we don't have to wait for the land use committee which meets once a month whereas this is a very focused temporary committee that has a very specific uh goal in mind uh get it done in 30 to 60 days and then uh recommendations so it's really uh I think it's a more more efficient way of doing it okay for my comment um you need to look at this sign ordinance uh periodically I take councilman pesnik point we're getting a little ad hoc committee happy lately uh but I'll I'm going to vote for this uh I think in the future we do need to think how we can fit it into our existing committees um their discussion why don't we do roll call Madam clerk councilman EMB Barrison yes councilman karazi yes mayor Kramer yes councilman Oni jaka yes Deputy Mayor PNA yes guess we have to Name the members mayor myself and she Cilan shipin thinking and then we will ask uh Mark Hy and Vince domac to help us on St side anybody else would like to volunteer but not necessary not interested in volunteering but I will tell say one pep peeve and it's not the sign ordinance particularly but the blaring lights around the borders of shop windows that make it impossible to see let's not get into the 32 degrees um if there are are there any objections to those members okay I don't think we need to vote on that members um Mr manager did you have anything all right there's several here that have gone unanswered um so I'm more than happy to answer them if you'd like yes so Kiki in reference to our Municipal Traffic study um the data has been gathered and it's now being um integrated into the plan the overall planning study as far as the master plan reexamination of the bi Zone um I believe you actually personally should have received if you haven't already a phone call from Mary look forward to one within the next day or two we were off today so um well I wasn't off they were off um I'm here right um so so that's the that's in reference to that the data has been collected that's and now it's being integrated into and and analyzed as part of the overall planning study um The eastn Avenue study um for those of you who are not aware there is a long-term Carter Improvement study being undertaken with Federal funding by suers SEC County um I would tell you that for updates on that particular project you should go to this website you have a www. eav all one word a.com and the information related to that study and um information on future public meetings will be on that website and there's also an email address Associated that's a link on that website if you want to get updates by email so that that's what I would I would suggest you do for that um mayor if I if I just for a moment talk about the route 27 go old star um issue there's actually two as I I'm not I'm not telling you what you know um for the rest of the the people here there is a pedestrian actuated um Crossing signal requested at Route 27 and gold star that would service both sides of Route 27 in particular that area is of a high volume of pedestrians because of a New Jersey Transit parking ride on the South Brunswick side of Route 27 um the dot has given General support to that project and now it comes down to funding I know that we're about to enter into we are in budget season now I am in budget preparation season the council will soon be in budget hearing season and that project on for our part um we'll look to try to fund that project in this Capital project um budget year um I I will tell you that I have just a personal issue with the state of New Jersey and their their requirement for municipalities to provide 25% of the funding for signals such as this on a state highway and the reason why there's such significant pedestrian traffic is a New Jersey Transit parking ride and I can't quite understand why the state of New Jersey won't fund it 100% And it's an issue that I've to have conversations with our local legislator about because it just kind of irks me a little bit I understand when we look to put in traffic signals that are primarily serving a a residential neighborhood in our town that the town is asked to fund a portion of it and that's where I'll get to next is your second request and that is a traffic signal at prinston Highlands Boulevard and Route 27 and Alon road on the K Kendall Park Side um we've had discussions internally among staff about that request again the uh the direction from the dot was for a what they call a traffic signal warrant analysis be done those are done by a a licensed professional engineer um I've had discussions with our engineer inhouse um who works for CME our Township engineering firm and they're putting together um the uh NE Neary paperwork to move forward with that warrant analysis so we're moving forward with the warrant analysis as directed by the do I think that's I I think I answered them all I just want to make a comment um I was driving on Route 27 North uh last weekend and lo and behold there's an accident on the left turn out of the uh driveway uh from pron Highland into Route 27 there's an accident so I fully support uh the concern um that you all have and we will make sure that we push this thing through as much as fast as we can and I I would just add to thank you Township manager vorn Locker for taking those actions particularly the warrant study which is you know going to help make the case the state ultimately has the authority on adding that traffic signal for the cars um and The Pedestrian Crossway I think are both you know very high priorities for me in w one we hear you all loud and clear um you know ultimately we're going to make the best case that we can to the state on on both of those issues um the the one that's probably um you know sort of no-brainer part of this is the the crosswalk light I mean the fact that there's a parking ride there is and it's particularly at night with like this season when people are getting back from work from New York City and particular uh it's at night and you can't see and it's it's very dangerous the way that that Hill is um and to councilman EMB baris's point about the the accident I will continue to reiterate things take time in the meantime please cut through the development which the two exits that were made there Woodfield court and Summerfield Drive I know it's hard sometimes to make a right out of there but there is a left turn on Bunker Hill um to not get into the the accident on 27 and I think particularly that development was designed that way those two exits are available to you please just reinforce I know it's a little bit more time it's not ideal but it is safer um to to go out that way make that right turn I know there's a timing issue on that light and we've made a note of that too so but but better alive than we you know build more time in and stay alive I mean ultimately safety is important and um sometimes you got to not go 200 miles an hour because it's dangerous you got to go the speed limit which is safer and and and that's a meantime strategy I don't mean to downplay those requests fully supportive of them I just want to reiterate I'd hate to have anyone be injured um just because they're you know not using another safer Corridor thank you uh now we're moving on to council comments and reports remember the public comment short so out of respect I hope Council will be brief 32 degrees councilman 32 degrees go ahead or 0 degrees F uh Celsius and I won't transition to 273 Kelvin okay um I want to just reiterate fire district elections which are coming up this weekend and I think it's the same in every fire district um from 2: to 9:00 p.m. why these are important is our fire companies are volunteer they have budgets those budgets are publicly approved and my estimation is if you add them all together they're as big as the municipal budget which you came to this meeting tonight for and I wonder if you ever been to your fire commissioner meeting um which is about one of of the taxes that you pay um it it helps to show up and and support the efforts that they have um and it was nice to see someone from the uh Fire Commission come if you get a vote by mail application you should have already received that or getting it soon um I do highly encourage folks to to do it that way and sign up for all the elections in perpetuity um so they don't miss any of these important elections and um and that's really all for me thank you mayor thank you counc Harrison thank you Mr Mayor uh my comments will be very brief I think we had um attended one new business uh coming into town on Route 27 uh ASM Tax Services uh a uh that's a second location in the state the one in Edison they just opened up office here to help uh uh prepare your accounting uh related projects and and taxes tax forms uh other than that there was a surage Authority um board meeting first Tuesday of the month last week that um I attended um all I have thank you mayor may I think I don't have much to say that I'm highly impressed the way the township this know today just very clear and you cannot even imagine that we have a up to 3 to four Ines no as is a very good that's what I have today May thank you councilman razi thank you Mr Mayor uh before I give some highlights from the committee and board of advisory meetings that I've attended I'd like to share a couple of programs that uh especially benefits our seniors uh there is free online classes for anyone 60 or older through division of agent services and among the offerings are uh classes that promote health and wellness of older adults uh teach user friendly ways to experience new technologies and expand interest in the Arts travel and cooking and these classes are 24/7 and if you want to get information you can sign up at get set up just one word get set up so I encourage anybody who's 60 and older to take advantage of these free services the another one was an announcement by the Human Services about expanding income eligibility limits for pharmaceutical assistance to the Aged and disabled and also senior gold prescription uh discount uh drug assistance program which they increase by $10,000 so I think anybody who is uh single about 52,000 income is the limit below that they can take advantage of these and I believe for the uh couples it is 59,000 uh as far as the uh meetings I attended human relations commission senior citizen committee and Advisory Board of Health meetings and during the HRC meeting we had a very informative meeting with our own Deputy Mayor thank you Ed and uh the next meeting is on February 28th at 700 p.m. across the hall uh I also attended a senior citizens uh committee meeting they have appointed chairs Vice chair and secretary and also they have uh three clubs and they had representative one is the Franklin Township Club Franklin Park club and Parkside club and uh a couple of things uh one is they are planning to start functional fitness and yoga classes in February and they're also looking for talents ages 55 Plus for audition for the talent show we have a talent show which is going to be on April 5th and I was told the show is great and uh I'm looking forward to the show and I will be one of the judges their next meeting is on February 22nd and 10: a.m. and the board uh Advisory Board of Health were pretty active I'm glad to let everyone know that soon we will have a special bench in the senior Citi Center this is a a bench not for sitting but it has a QR uh code as well as uh some information for people to get information to find alternatives to opioid as you know p is a major issue and you can find alternatives for that and uh again I want to thank uh Dr Donna leisi and Comm Amanda kovis and Jerry Kino for working together to make this possible the bench is going to be in the township for about a month and also they had three during the meeting they had three speakers and they talked about Addiction Services mental health resources and they have a news service you know when you go to their Public Health to find information is pretty tedious so now they have a new service called County Behavioral Health System Navigator so if you go there you'll be able to get the information that you want and the next meeting is on March 3rd and then we also have the tra uh Trail advisory committee meeting which will be for uh uh actually will be tomorrow at 7M across the hall as well thank you um I to would like to thank DPW and contractors we hired for handling this the snow um and those of you who missed Black History Month uh celebration the came was outstanding just incredible uh my comments M actually Mr Mayor it's 33 degrees now so I have no comments have a good night thank you fastest Council comments ever uh we're on to the council discussion item there is none minutes approval I present the following minutes to the township Council for their approval Township Council executive session December 12th the council regular meeting of January 2nd and the reorganization meeting as well and the regular meeting of January 20 have any we have a motion on the minutes so moved seconded then seconded any discussion any correction Madam clerk councilman EMB Barrison yes councilman karazi yes mayor Kramer yes councilman on jaka yes Deputy Mayor pnik yes approval of the warrants in the amount of 20, 475,000 184 on February 13th representative to Township Council payment to have a motion on the warrants the Moe second then second any discussion anyone like to pull an item or question an Madam clerk councilman EMB Barrison yes councilman Kazi yes mayor Kramer yes councilman on jaka yes Deputy Mayor pnik yes dbg time again for the um again um sfy 2024 Community Development block grants um it's time for a public discussion public session do have any do have a motion for public session some moved and seconded all in favor say I I oos say nay so we're open to the public same rules as last time all kidding aside cdbg is uh some money we get from the federal government that we can Source out in certain ways uh to help those who need it uh it's a important program we do spend a lot of time on it because it deserves it there anything you want to say really briefly um just want to notice everyone that we are now open the accept applications for our 2024 funding year last year we receive $ 48,6 uh the exact amount for 2024 is unknown at this have an approved federal budget however we must start our planning process uh applications are out and available on the website um are are due March the 7th 2020 and then I'll be back to see you again March at which time all our applicants are are invited to make a presentation to the council and the regarding their plans it's not required but they are welcome to come and explain their projects and what they do um and at at that particular point in time we ready to prepare a plan for uh submission and that also is contingent on hopefully knowing what our budget is going to be by that time um the plan should be ready to submit between July and August of this year so I'll be back to see you one more time before we're done that's all I have could you pre briefly describe um what how to qualify for one what kind of projects qualify um you in order for an applicant to apply for these funds they must be a nonprofit organization uh they must have 501c3 status and um that's the basic criteria for that um the funds may also be used for uh acquisition of real property relocation and demolition Rehabilitation a residential and non-residential structures construction of public facilities and improvements and public services and also Economic Development activity um we have um had some really good applications in the past and I'm looking forward to having a good uh funding round this year as well some of the projects that we're undertaking for 2023 uh includes Renovations at two for Alternatives uh we're also doing some more work for uh the CER for Great Expectations good stuff any anyone else wishing to speak on this subject seeing no one I move we close public comment I second it move then second and all in favor of closing public comment say I I I fose say nay motion is carried um Franklin is lucky enough that we decided our own funds uh because we're over what 50 ,000 correct over 50,000 so we're the 19th or 18th largest town in the state so not that many towns get to their own money otherwise it goes to the county and the county dos it out um number 14 2024 Hamilton Street Improvement District budget resolutions 2020 sorry resolution 2455 uh I present the resolution for introduction for calendar year 2024 Hamilton Street Sid budget and Set uh public hearing date of March 12th 2024 to the township Council for their consideration to we have a motion so moved second seconded any discussion this pretty self-explanatory Adam clerk councilman EMB Barrison yes councilman Kazi yes yes mayor Kramer yes councilman on Jaa yes Deputy Mayor pnik yes o hearings and adoption on second readings so first readings are where we introduce to the world that we're have an issue coming up second readings are the when the public gets to speak and we decide whether to pass or not um ordinance 4425 -24 an ordinance amending the municipal code of the township of Franklin County of Somerset state of New Jersey more particularly chapter 384 water more particularly section 384-1954 anyone wishing to speak seeing not a Flinch I move we close public comment second it moved then second it this is something we do every year Ed to set the fees for connection water system essentially you're kind of buying into system that others have have a motion to adopt mve seconded any discussion work councilman EMB Barrison yes councilman Cari yes mayor Kramer yes councilman on Jaa yes Deputy Mayor pazner yes exciting what exciting meeting this exciting meeting they're enjoying it they're enjoying the meeting there you go Mr Sing I can't blame you have a good night didn't mean to chase you away buts this is believe it or not this stuff's boring wow now there's one highlight my life work I'm sorry I'm not a politician I tell the truth okay and you make it flow so smooth because of your work so thank you for your work ordinance 44264 an ordinance amending the code of the township of Franklin County of somerson state of New Jersey more particularly chapter 2026 vehicles and traffic uh providing a new section 20 26-35 road closures uh except for emergency vehicles provided for the closure of a portion of Brookline Avenue to all traffic except emergency Mercy Vehicles is presented for public hearing and final adoption the public hearing has been noticed as required do I have a motion to open to the public move second okay sorry Alex I didn't see you move go ahead move in second and we're open to the public oh I'm sorry all in favor say I I oppos say nay God forbid I do that wrong um we are now open to the public uh on this item only it's the closing of one and of work Line Avenue so that the sewage Authority has better access to their building seeing no one I move to close the public session second who' then seconded all in favor of closing public session say I I opposed motion is carried public hearing is closed we have a motion to adopt so moved second moved in second any discussion on the item Adam clerk councilman EMB Barrison yes councilman Kazi yes mayor Kramer yes councilman om Jaa yes Deputy Mayor basner yes the next two ordinances has to do with the acquisition of uh lands in East Millstone to no the conservation eement first oh okay where oh you're right I ski yep you're right I skipped it thank you ordinance 4427 d24 an ordinance accepting a conservation easement from Royal Somerset Incorporated to the township of Franklin for the property known as block 502.040 2 also known as 315 Davidson Avenue has presented a Township is presented for public hearing and final adoption the public hearing has been noticed as required we have a motion to open to the public vot second great work Council move then second and all in favor say I I oppos say nay motion is carried anyone wishing to speak on this item there no one coming forward mayor I move to public hearing second move then second and all in favor say I I I oppos say nay motion is carried public session is closed I always laugh at these things because it's the property known as block and lot but also known as the address the other way around it's refer to it as block and lock we have a motion to adopt move second then second and any discussion on the item pretty self-explanatory Adam Clerk harison yes councilman karazi yes mayor Kramer yes councilman Oni jaka yes Deputy Mayor pnik yes now we are on to the two ordinances that that deal with uh acquisition of uh what will be open space in East Millstone uh 4428 d24 ordinance to require by purchase or condemnation certain lands within the township Franklin County of Somerset state of New Jersey pursuant for the purpose of open space preserv in the township of Franklin pursuant to njsa 40a 12-13 a for property also known as for property known as East Millstone United Methodist Church also known as block 73.1 lot 4.01 commonly known as for Elm Street East M New Jersey is presented for public hearing and final adoption the public hearing has been noticed as required we have a motion to open to the public so moved second moved in seconded uh all in favor say I I I post say nay motion is carried we are open to the public same Alex Strauss 285 Haslet way not to reain on the parade of folks in East Millstone um I'm not against this purchase my question though is when are we going to talk about things like warehouses and the open space fund uh Hillsboro spending almost 10 million to keep a warehouse away out of their open space fund uh I think we need more transparency when it comes to open space fund I don't even know how much is in the open space fund and I see the letter Q of the consent agenda Q is in quiet Q is bonding almost a million dollars for operating expenses okay isn't that well it's not is it acquisition though is it acquisition I think most people would be surprised that we're not acquiring a lot of land can we maybe change the law to say we should be using 75% of the open space money for acquisition okay um Edison's starting an open space fund because of the warehouses that's what they say but Franklin has a million warehouses Hillsboro can't even pass one and of course none of it is we're not talking about any warehouses at all okay I'm not saying you have enough money to buy every piece of land and keep it away from warehouses but there doesn't seem to be any effort and the idea is well we don't look for it we don't look for it you pass the business in Industry Zone it seems like you were looking for warehouses so I think more can be done and should be done on the open space fund thank you anyone else wishing to speak seeing no one I move we close public comment on this item second it move then second and all in favor of closing public portion say I I I those say nay motion is carried the attorney has to speak I I I just to correct record I don't believe Edison Township is uh considering an open space fund to stop Warehouse development um I don't know I'm their Town attorney so I probably would know because I have to write the ordinance I I just haven't heard that as part of a discussion in Edison of course Edison is the home to I think the largest industrial park of warehouses on the East Coast so I think every everybody should know that I don't I have a feeling that Mr borlock will probably answer the rest of the question but over the course of the 25 years that I've been here I probably purchased a hundred million worth of property using open fund and Green Acres funds and warmland preservation funds now you might not think that they were all done to prevent warehouses but they were all preserved land and when you add that to the land that the state of New Jersey has preserved in Franklin Township there probably is no municipality in the state who has as an aggressive open space and Rec and um parks and um Farmland preservation program anywhere so I I Mr BN Locker probably knows how many acres it is but it's pretty dis ingenuous to say that ever consider buying land and the fact that one town decided to wake up one morning and spend $10 million it's a drop in the bucket to what's happened here just in in in my my observation over the course sure um first off Q is a resolution that authorizes the sale of bonds for three three different purposes in this particular case those were bonds utilized to fund the water utility bonds that were General um general purpose bonds out of the general fund of the township uh and open space bonds um open space bonds uh since that seems to be the topic are utilized for the acquisition of property um that we generally um asked Bond ordinances over the course of several years that would be the same for the water and general purpose bonds and we fund them out of our general fund or our open space fund or our water fund and then there comes a point in time where we need to sell the bonds which is what that ordinance authorizes us to do because ultimately we have to incur the debt by the sale of the bonds that was authorized by the ordinances that were passed by Council over the course of several years I think the last time we sold bonds was maybe 2017 so it's been a number of years 2017 2018 so so that's the purpose as far as um the amount of land that's preserved in Franklin Township certainly since the Inception of an open space trust fund in the early 2000s there have been hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of acres of land that have been preserved in the town overall um we're about 48 square miles and about 16 square miles of the town or about 1ir um is a little actually a little more than onethird is preserved and I think that in the last I want to say in the last five years we've preserved just about 500 Acres um uh out of the open space trust fund so while this this might be a smaller purchase I think it's about a quarter of a million 250,000 um and th this particular purpose uh of this acquisition is to establish a a Greenway belt and continue that Greenway belt around what is a historic village that's on the national and state registers so there there would be a desire to preserve that land as it encircles the area of uh of that historic village and the opportunity arose and the open space advisory committee made the recommendation to purchase would you please comment on the openness or secrecy of the what how much is in the open space well I mean it's a it certainly is something that's discussed there's a the finances of the open space trust and the open space um funds are discussed at every open space advisory committee meeting um there's a there's a financial report given by the consultant um I I believe if you're going to hold me to a number right now I believe it's at about $17 million um in the open space trund uh open space trust fund um in in cash um and obviously the open space um the township has the ability to bond for large purchases and incur the debt for those Acquisitions that um it's not advisable to purchase with cash so I just I just want to make a comment regarding this subject I I believe our average uh purchase price per acre uh is about 4 $45,000 an acre uh some of these uh Marquee land um that is owned by Property Owners command few million dollars an acre and to spend that kind of money from the public funds would be uh rather irresponsible I think we we have to deploy our funds um efficiently for the purpose of the entire town and um just going after one property and spend uh 20 $30 million uh would be uh quite irresponsible and and and along those lines just just as a a last point on the on the questions and comments the bi Zone was not necessarily created to facilitate the construction of warehouses the reality is is that when the bi Zone was um a was a product of the merging of three zones that had previously existed in the town that was the CB or corporate business Zone which was comprised primarily of lands along the Davidson Avenue and World's Fair Drive Corridor the M1 and M2 zones which were light manufacturing and warehousing in zones the areas where warehouses have been um proposed since that change and and combination of those three zones into one have included those areas where warehouses were previously permitted and then areas where they were not permitted but the goal of the combination was to allow for warehousing uh facilities to be constructed in the pre in the prior CB corporate business Zone which is what um what has happened in certain cases as far as the um the development of that type of business along the Davidson Avenue Carter um so it's not that the bi Zone made it so that you could build warehouses in Franklin Township the bi Zone made it so that warehouses could be developed in an area the corporate business Zone that previously they were not allowed however in the M1 and M2 zones which includes the area along New Brunswick Road and Old New Brunswick Road that entire area Falls within the old M1 Zone it is now the bi Zone those uses were previously permitted in fact the building that we're talking about at that particular location was a manufacturing plant um before it was gutted and and there was uh the the it has had multiple iterations but neither here nor there um it's going to be a uh twice it was going to be a a charter school I mean it's been a number of different uh possibilities but that's that's the history to be accurate and adding to what councilman embarrassment embarrassin said if your goal is really to preserve habitat many people from Canal Walk came up here about habitat and trees and birds and all the rest than buying the most expensive land in town with open space money does not make sense any other comments on haven't introduced we have a motion to adopt so moved second move Dan second discussion on the item um Township manager VN Locker can you remind me again how many houses this purchase would stay it's about I think it's you're you're catching me I I I want to say it's like 2.7 acres and it's in the r10 which is um 10,000 ft Lots which would mean four lots to an acre uh with some infrastructure it's probably about six houses that's what I call thank you any other discussion CL councilman embarrass yes councilman karazi yes mayor Kramer yes councilman on joa Deputy Mayor baznik yes so we have ordinance 4429 24 Capital ordinance providing for the acquisition for the property known as East Millstone Methodist Church also known as block 73.015 one and commonly known as 4 Elm Street East Millstone New Jersey in and by the township of Franklin in the county of Somerset state of New Jersey appropriating $261,500 therefore uh they from the open space trust fund of Township of Franklin to pay for the cost thereof is presented public hearing final adoption the public hearing has been noticed as required to have a motions open to the public aot move then second and all in favor say I I oos say nay motion is carried same rules Alex Strauss 285 has the way um over there I mean again not to rain on their parading it's Millstone it's a story area very nice um the lot sizes on that side I think are fairly large so we don't know that it's going to be four houses it could be fewer than four houses and of course it's going to be uh tax-free in perpetuity no taxes but that's not to me what is the main issue the main issue again is the fact that we have a million warehouses or that seems that way and we're not spending uh north of Amwell Road uh in a areas where potentially we can keep out warehouses of course 17 million won't do it but between borrowing bonding and Etc maybe one property start with one property B9 Schoolhouse I don't know but the point is that we we are different from other places in that we're not trying to keep the warehouses out with money maybe we don't have enough money for all the warehouses but we see Branchburg Hillsboro uh and other communities using the money to try to do that to try to fight the warehouses so you know good for you East Millstone but again uh and and also the open space fund if it's used for Parks fine that's allowed but uh try to go for instance WS 4 and5 you could potentially use some of that money uh out of the American Rescue plan right for the parks in that in those Wards okay uh I think it's true it's true why you're shaking your head I mean Purp of the American restaurant sorry I think I think for Parks you can in in in certain census districts in that area you can I I researched it sir um so so again it's just about protecting our money you want to laugh at me but um good luck with the warehouses thank you anyone else wishing to speak seeing no one I move we close public comment second it all in favor of closing public session say I I opposed say nay motion is carried Mr Renown once again I don't know that there's much to the comment probably said it all i' purpose of the open space FR American Rescue Plan American Rescue plan property is specific use Park related and property acquisition related I I think that we've beaten this horse until he was dead and I don't really have anything more to add Mr Mayor unless you really feel I need to no you don't um several years ago had to be oh maybe you remember it had before 2010 there was a vote on how to use open space money yes there was I was in tough then and I predicted it was going to fail to allow open space money to be Recreation I fought it and it passed overwhelmingly I think it passed in every District in the so people don't agree with you as that's how how we and the money and its name really isn't the open space trust fund it is the open space Farmland preservation historic and Recreation fund we'll go on a little bit more this town has gone to Great extent to minimize warehouses there are other people in this town in other places in this town that also deserve our attent um we have a motion on the item so moved seconded any discussion Madam clerk councilman EMB Barrison yes councilman karazi yes mayor Kramer yes councilman Oni jaka yes Deputy Mayor pnik yes no ordinances on first reading consent agenda items a through S has listed on the consent agenda portion of this meeting are presented to Township Council for adoption to have a motion on the consent agenda so moved seconded moved and seconded any discussion on the consent agenda anyone want to pull an item Madam clerk councilman EMB Barrison yes councilman Kazi yes mayor Kramer yes councilman on jaka yes Deputy Mayor pnik yes there are no resolutions to be voted on separately old business does anyone have any nominations for boards committees yes Mr Mayor uh I have three of them actually really thank you for first one is for the human relations commission uh I'm happy to uh let everyone know that uh one of our community members by the name of Sam vow will be joining the uh human relations commission uh I also have a nomination for the trail committee and Mr pravish L lastly uh we have uh Mr Mark Dany for the planning board so welcome all of them and Cil please second what was his name again uh Mark Dancy with the planning board I know there's an opening Rish La for and any other nominations I have a few I'd like to nominate Kunal lakia for the zoning board I believe kunan is here uh and then uh Robert Kovac and Vanessa Davenport to surage Authority Robert is what was the second name for this Denis davp so one's alternate number two and one's alternate number one two alternates yes who's for which one is which Robert kovak would be for and any other nominations I have a nomination for Cultural Arts Terry sedio any other nominations so there no overlapping competing on nomination we can do this by acclamation all in favor say I iOS say nay motion is carried congratulations to all of you and that's all we have do we have a motion to adjourn so mov second moved and seconded all in favor say I I oppos say nay motion is carried be well Franklin have fun storming the castle good night