[Music] in accordance with the open public meeting Act of the state of New Jersey adequate notice of the Wednesday February 14th Happy Valentine's Day meeting of the Franklin Township Trail advisory committee um was posted on the Township's website and electronically transmitted to the officially designated newspapers indicating that this meeting would take place at the municipal building at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday February 14th okay um roll call okay vessa Jones pres and Marie arusi present Jim Kowski present Christopher gond present jha Patel present Robert K is not here right now councilman Kazi yeah know you're there and I don't think I missed anyone right um and I want to introduce Michael morasa he is our intern for the spring from Ruckers um and he's already been doing a lot of stuff to help out which has been great he's reviewed our open space master plan and figured out where the gaps are with the Green Acres requirements cuz we're getting ready to update that he's updating all the trails brochures with our new map so that we can re get get them printed he's working on that and um he's also helping out doing some work for the na Williams Park project so he's already been doing a lot nice to meet you guys great welcome so Michael what's your story um well uh this is my second semester and Ruckers so um I'm going for ecy major okay cool yeah minor and GIS and um yeah this is awesome I really like working with you guys um I'm excited to know do my work with you guys in the during the semester cool yes and I even told him he didn't have to come because it was Valentine's Day and he still came I long you don't get in trouble did you say your Jazz minor what was that what what was the minor oh GIS so what's that mapping yeah mapping oh okay cool great so I you're a freshman you said your second semester yeah I transferred from um BCC so I'm a junior oh I was going to say if you had a freshman we'd have you for 4 years I know only two two he's studying right now under doctor Dan Van ABS I think so that's where many of our interns have come from that class from Dr Van abs and he's Brave yeah so he's one of his students he kind of teaches that whole He guides them through a semester of an internship aw we also want to welcome our new member right oh so gachha has been here for a little bit but Robert is our new member and he's just not here yet so and then the new one who's just appointed to yeah oh yes he's not here yeah he did get appointed though last night we did so he will officially get the from an we get the form and then he has to have the oath of office awesome he get to know so you may want to let him know I will okay excellent oh good I'm so glad that's good new so we'll have a new member next month that will be here excellent okay great that was from the minutes prish La correct okay thank you yes great that really good he showed a lot of interest last time remember yeah yeah was very helpful and thank you for following up because I was told there's no opening yeah when we and Vanessa we were talking we were like there is an opening so yeah that's great thank you for taking care of that so timely that's excellent okay good great um so the uh next item on the agenda is the approval of the January 2024 12 advisory committee minutes we have a motion to approve I'll make a motion to approve the minut of uh January 10 right yes yeah second any need for [Music] discussion first question is the format okay for everyone I really like it actually I was going to say that I think it's very clear it's very clear yeah thank you for taking that on that's challenge so I can vote on it need discussion nope okay hearing them all in favor any Nays or extensions anybody who isn't here um moving on um public comment is there a need to make a motion for public comment there's no one here so seeing no public okay we're going to skip that um next item is our Pathways and trails plan so this is the first month that there's actually nothing to do for the pathways and trails plan because it's complete which is great the one thing that we are waiting on is I sent it to the open space advisory committee so that they could have a review of it before it goes to the planning board um and then last month's meeting for open space got cancelled due to the weather um cuz it was that day that it snowed it was iy out and things like that so it got cancelled but um they're all reviewing it and then at this upcoming meeting which is on February 20th they'll give me any comments they have so far the two people that have reviewed it sent me some grammatical things but nothing substantive which is great so once they have their review of it I'll send it to the planning board and then they can adopt it as part of the master plan so after this meeting I guess we can probably take it off as an agenda item so that's good news we start working on the next one years long 5 for 10 years yes prob start working in the next decade I know I was through the last open space meeting I realized like their meetings don't go for two hours I was like their meetings go for an hour hour and a half I was like maybe our meetings can look they will yeah going it straightened down a little bit well actually and now they're going to start to the open week's plan so you just finished this yeah y all balance um okay uh the next item that we have is the site plan review okay so this month we actually do have a potential site plan review um I'm going to put it up on Robert here you can't by the conference room I'm just going to pop out okay yep thank you um so just to let you know councilman um we review site plans that could have potential for trail connections there's a lot of onths we don't have anything to review because some of the applications we've been getting in before the the environmental commission or the planning board have really not had any connection to Trails but there is one this month that maybe you guys may be interested in so this is called the eastn at Ruckers the old k Mark yes by where the old Kmart is so you're all familiar where the old Kmart is there So the plan is yep I know exactly where it is I want to tell you how many exactly how many uh you know what let me pull up something different cuz interesting on the pictures it calls itself the C Poli I'll show you the pictures Hi how are you hi Robert I wasn't sure where this room was it it turns out oh how are you I'm all right good I didn't miss it really much so that's good um I'm going to pull up the so when I review something for the environmental commission we use a green Land Development checklist so I'm just going to pull that up because it's easier to go through um so again this is the eastn at Ruckers um it's being built by Le properties um it's located at 940 eastn Avenue at the site of the old Kmart um that's been vacant for a while the total acreage of the site is 2742 roughly uh what the plan is is that the applicant proposes to construct 200 amenity Centric compartments in a four-story building on the site which currently houses an obsolete Big Box store in Rucker's Plaza of the 200 units 40 Apartments which is 20% will meet the affordable housing standards um the division of the apartments are 69 one-bedroom apartments 123 two-bedroom apartments and eight three-bedroom apartments the underlying infrastructure is going to be used so there's not much um proposed in terms of green infrastructure which is what the environmental commission has recommended um because the infrastructure that's in place for storm water management is relatively its functional and it's working and it would be appropriately sized for this so that was there that's not something we would look at but I'm just letting you know um they're also proposing there's going be a total of 1,15 parking spaces they are proposing to put 88 EV charging stations there which is a lot which is great um the zoning in this area permits 70% impervious coverage and they're proposing 73.2 so they are seeking a variance because they're going over the allowable impervious coverage um but it's actually less than what's there now so even though they're still exceeding there it's less than what it is the big variance that's being asked for here is a use variance because this is a multifam proposal um this is a commercial Zone this is a general business zone so getting a use variance that's the hardest variance that you can ask for because you're basically saying what I want to do here is actually not permitted it's a completely different use so typically this would be for business and they're proposing multi-unit development um the reason I'm bringing it to all of you is a few things so the seel E brook is to the east of the site so that's just something to keep in mind but the reason I'm bringing it to you and I don't know if you think it's maybe not close enough or not but the JFK walking path is very close to this property so I was thinking maybe that could be a potential request that we make to I don't know if there's a good way to make a connection to it or I'll pull the site plan up and show you but that's why I brought this one forward because of of its location um to that and I'm just seeing if there's anything else here that would be interested in so the environmental commission makes a series of recommendations they recommended bike storage and a simple repair station so that would kind of work with our Trail connection if we were proposing that they also um request you know like the um a feasibility study for a solar roof or a green roof pervious pavement um the use of native plant species so they go through all of that um so let me pull up the site plan just to show you and you're all familiar where the walking path is in relation to this or maybe not but let me show you this is a huge site plan so you can see there's there is 29 sight plan sheets which which is a lot all right so I'm going to just show you it here and then if we want we can send a recommendation to the planning board basically saying you know the applicant should look at the potential connection for a to the JFK walking path or maybe not Tera my understanding is that this is just in front of zoning board yes it is so uh zoning board has not approved yet so I'm just wondering whether or not it's kind of a premature to go and do things because that's the first step right and there's there's uh quite a a few I would say people that they they are kind of not like the idea of change in the the commercial to residential because we have so many Residential Properties around the town so it is basically at the heads of uh zoning board and so uh again just keep that in mind this has not gone to the planning board yet because the zoning board hasn't approved yet right that is a good point the zoning board before it can even go any further has to say yes or no to the use variant so if they don't permit that use there then it's not going to go any further so maybe it is something that we keep in mind and I can keep an eye on it um but it's good to take a look at it and just kind of keep in mind you know where we're at so cuz this would be 200 Apartments here if it was approved now who knows it's going to if it's going to be approved JFK Boulevard is over here on this side this is the proposed development I will uh zoom in for you a little bit here so you can see it's back um by where the Kmart building is that's where it's going to replace a lot of this parking is already existing but they are proposing some new parking and then we have JFK Boulevard like I said which is right over here right it's of course and where's the E Avenue in the FR up front top where the tabs are okay so that's that's a part of JFK Boulevard that is uncrossable yes right so it is there is this this does nothing for the for the walkability traffic light in a crosswalk I I doubt there'd be a traff but if he went up to new Bruns road with with with 400 apartments well where does the sidewalk does the sidewalk not go to New brunck Road I'm not saying that it couldn't be walkable I'm just saying without any improvements to the road or major changes to the roadway this is absolutely does nothing for the so let me ask my question I've read the site plans I didn't see where they were talking about because as Jim was saying they are going to have so many new living people living there and all that are they are they considering reconfiguring any lights on JFK Bart so people can make that no not as of right now no cuz that's going to get really interesting you see everyone looping in there and cutting across if the use was if the use was approved our planning uh board or our engineering department could say you are going to be required to put a traffic light in because of the amount of residents or they might say you are going to be required to put a crosswalk in because of the amount of you know new traffic that's going to be here but first like the councilman said the use has to be approved but those are things that actually now East the na keep in mind is a county road right so the county will have jurisdiction over any improvements that would happen on East but JFK is a municipal road so that would be you know it's a recommendation now a recommendation that you know we think you should put a new traffic light in in a crosswalk engineering might say no we can't ask that or the applicant might say I'm not required to do that and I'm not going to do it but it doesn't mean we don't have we don't make a recommendation the environmental commission makes a lot of recommendations that you know unfortunately the applicant says I'm not doing that but they continue to make it just to kind of this is this is directly across from where there was at some point the proposed access to the canal right at the end of De not so there are a lot of recommendations that could be made to make this you know somewhat more walkable but I I figed none of those things are in this yeah yeah there's nothing in there nothing that make it more bikable and nothing that'll make it more walkable because this is again one of those places where where density is placed density in and of itself is a great thing but it's placed at a spot where you can't escape the density you can't escape there without a car right well there was years ago there was a proposal or at least the what is it the somerset Diner they would allow access to Canal but it was too expensive the map's a lot different IDE JFK there near confused where it's at youan I know where yeah I know where I'm not even is there even a sidewalk on sidew yeah this is you don't want to see photo you want street view there's I mean they may or may not get the variants but I can there is widespread dissatisfaction with this plan in the town right and my like I said and I am would normally be a proponent of density I'm right on E Avenue but does nothing you know for walkability and Alternate Mobility options this is like could you possibly have picked a place it's going to be yet yet again a place where you you can't escape this this property without a car yeah so that's my fault so there's JFK the other [Music] way greens whatever it's called and I feel horrible saying that because mixed use and somewhat higher density in certain spots cuz I'm thinking I'm living in those if if they build those if that gets built then people would have to walk up the sidewalk up JFK cross over to get to the bike path right yep so it's already that part is already built it is once again designed in such a way that you have to be the either was the phrase I used either a lunatic or or desperate to to use an alternative other than walk to walk from Kmart I grew up under R of gr I did all the time yeah yeah no no but it's it's it's designed to be dangerous right so why is that dangerous side both Sid the newer design uh with the density and with the S the support they're offing for automobiles I think walking down I think that intersection the the the intersection of Easton and and JFK boul is not a pedestrian friendly but I'm not talking about that cuz we're talking about the bike path going up JFK Boulevard right right so like so we were talking about access to that but you have to cross JFK somehow to get to it and that's why I'm suggesting you cross it in brunic Road already a crosswalk so here's the site right for for pedestrians I'm not talking about cars I'm talking about people we trying to get people from wherever they live to our trails and paths right you have to get up and then over at JFK pport which be the light as kids we used to take that Hill that Kart Hill take that Hill up and take that Hill down um I mean if 200 apartments are going to go in there it would seem that if there's a way we can connect to JFK even if we make the suggestion that there might be Road improvements NE we don't have to make the suggestion of what the road improvements are but we could say we would like engineering to look at what would be needed to make a safe access to JFK Boulevard because then once you can get on that JFK walking path you really can connect to a lot of different places well you would want to be able to go in both directions ideally because mass transit such as it is you know along Eastern Avenue is along Eastern Avenue right so you want to be able to get to e you still want to be able to get to Eastern Avenue without dying and you you want to be able to get up to new runs of Road you know without right so that's what would the alternative transportation would all go in you know down right that way so and then that new Bruns road is a reasonably safe I just think you know when you make that turn off off of eastn Avenue and you're heading up to JFK Boulevard and then if you want to cross to Kmart you have to make that left and cross that traffic that is going to be but but that's not the way to go the way to go is go to that Jug Handle you make the left and you go into the shopping center from the front there used to be two entrances in and now it's one so that's the thing is people have to you you don't make that left you take The Jug Handle and you go up and in or you go past talk you go past no you're on E ab and you go past JFK and then pull into the you know the r small entrance off of us me people living right there they're just going to go right across they're going to come up there off of Easton they're going to come up that little road they're going to see they're going to hit JFK and then they're going to swing across JFK into the park they might do it once and then they'll they'll they'll stay on East and then pull in after JFK well what I was thinking more of is I would hope that would be right but I see people cross there all the time or that's this is where the site's going to be we're thinking about doing some kind of access from behind it to this path right here there should definitely be I don't I don't know if we want to see the site plan again but I'm certain it's designed so that The Pedestrian can't get out it is no there's no there's no access back there so we would want something behind it to connect to the existing sidewalk yeah I don't want to start my first meeting with a bunch of like indignance and anger so I'm going to no you're that's why yeah we want you to be here these designs are well like you said like tman said this is not approved this is like so right now this is we're giving a little premature input so if if it does get approved you know inform definitely as designed it's a it's not it's not a win unfortunately yeah but I think but as far as like taking out all the traffic stuff you know which is we're not in charge of that like looking at the trail lens like I think if there is whatever the green can you go back to your picture yeah definitely definitely we should ask for pedestrian access to JFK pedestrian access to JFK Boulevard whatever their Green Space they have built into their that Community it looked like they had some like Courtyards in there right so if we they do they have a community Courtyard here yeah I don't think there's to access right designed here there should be some access to go here as a matter of fact there should be an access point here and then probably at the other end right so more than one you don't have to go 100 you know 3/4 of a mile to get to the other side of the road right and like there's apartments right next door right um was called Franklin greens at once but I don't know what it's called now still yeah um yeah see they've built in a pedestrian access over here it looks like to get to the stores but they should build in also a pedestrian access to get to the path yeah on either side that's all it's really not asking much you know no this this I thought momentarily was some sort of pedestrian path it's in the E and the parking spaces are right there it the only thing is unless they're concerned with security and they want to keep it fenced in yeah well the fencing still remain on uh JFK Bard they are they said that they are planning to keep the existing buffering so I'm assuming that means also the fence but that would be one thing even if they were to remove a section of the fence you know I mean this is Apartments being built in a public shopping plaza so I can't imagine they're too concern I mean everyone's concerned about security of course you know but this is an existing Plaza because thieves generally speaking come on foot to steal your belongings well no that's what I'm saying that's why they may not want to have a gap in the fence no that's what I'm but I think that ARG is just so absurd you know to me but you know if I'm going to come do nefarious things I'm coming in a car that's for sure right and get out of Dodge vandalizing cars or stuff like that when they were talking about the Thousand parking space was that including what's already there yeah was already there yep yep that's a lot of that's a lot of parking that there are several of them out of this 200 majority are one and two bedroom there's only one three bedroom doesn't the plan say that they're planning for 397 or 387 parking spots for this comp yes so with their 397 and whatever how whatever the subtraction is for that it equals 1100 parking spaces in the total site but 397 of for this and our ordinance says that any uh parking space that is made EV ready or for an EV charging station counts as two of the required parking spaces you get a you get a bonus for that's why they're making 87 of the yeah I don't cry myself to sleep over a lack of barking that's for sure there'd be on a different commission if I did but um right but the the you know I mean anyway I can just go on and on right you can't turn left coming up out of New Brunswick there's just everything everything imaginable there's The Pedestrian access is designed such a way to make you know mass transit or alternative transportation as inconvenient as possible like everything imaginably you know you know one would one could in theory argue that people that are assoc that are supportive of you know alternative methods of transportation would be supportive of some sort of you know higher density but this this is absolutely positively not it you know this is like yeah terara is there anything else we need to review for that piece no so I guess the question is if we do if the committee is interested in sending that recommendation I guess the best thing to do would be wait and see if the use gets approved if the use gets approved I can draft a memo and then we can forward it to the planning board as part of to the zoning board and planning board to as part of their review fair enough but first if the use doesn't get approved and then it's extinguished yep so yeah and that makes sense and I think that we were just talking about getting to the JFK path but I also the Marone Plaza across the street so we want to consider that yeah um and then ultimately you know um this as far as um I guess you know getting the toe path right so I know at some point we could talk about what that looks like going on Eastern Avenue and figuring out um that piece and those comments would also be forwarded to the County planning board because eastn AV is a county road so they're going to have the review on that side so we'd want to send if that's the case we would want to send recommendations as well which is great and you mentioned that it's near the was it celes Brook the celes brook is to the east of the site now is there are there any Trails over there cuz I know as kids um people to like ride their bikes back there I never did I was on the other side right but um but I know that bike crowers everyone behind crowers people would cut through and there were some Trails I don't know if that's Township property or not and if there's any actual official Trails back there I don't think there's any official Trails back there um I'd have to look and see what the ownership is on that if it's all of ours or if it's kind of Peace meal that I would have to look and see cuz I think and then it's it's also I think there's a big divide between um where the like between IHOP and Stop and Shop Right access there I don't think there's any access between there um no I don't think there is either but that's something we can look at so when the use is approved or if the use is approved then we can look into that portion as well yeah EST some some walkability at it yes absolutely and it might be good to like even just think about that as one of our a place to possibly put a trail in a more po part down but already has prior experience as a trail as a just like a traffic M Trail if there was there was more walkability this would would not be such a terrible thing but yeah zabil yeah I agree all right so we'll keep an eye on it and see what happens with the with the zoning board okay um moving on to new business projects for 2024 um visioning session s okay let me get that up on the screen okay it's time to get excited so so Vanessa and I were talking and we thought it would be good to kind of do a visioning session or you know kind of talk about what projects we have that we're working on right now and what we want to work on moving forward for this year doesn't mean that everything will get accomplished this year um some things are going to be multi-year some things maybe we can accomplish quickly but we figured we could go through and if anyone has any project that they don't see on here that they want to add or if there's a project on here that one of you says I don't want that on there for whatever reason we can discuss it or modify it so I do this with the environmental commission I found it to be very helpful because they kind of use it as a work plan like when they're trying to figure out where are we in the year they'll refer back to this and see what do we have to work on the other thing they do with it which I think is really good is they complete an annual report every year and they they're going to present it to the council and they send it to the association of um New Jersey environmental commissions but in our case it might be something that at the end of the year we could use and maybe we would like to create an annual report that we present to the council to kind of show the council what we're working on so just and this is kind of like it has kind of came off of we finished our you know Pathways and trails plan but now like the management of it right so we have this huge document which memorializes a lot of things but it's not very user friendly for like meeting purposes and having goals so this is going to like a strategic plan and these are our action items and this will help us kind of stay on top of that so in the next 10 years we won't be looking back and thinking oh what what what did we do what we didn't do right right so the first one on there um I can make it a little larger does that help cuz I have I just recently have had to start wearing reader glasses so I'm trying my best not to wear abely I was in such a rush that just part of wandering around trying to figure out where exactly conference room was I was like where my where my glasses and I W in here and I'm like yeah I'm going to take these pieces of paper y That's how I ca I'm so I'm delighted that you got so the first one is the green infrastructure and nature trail at non Williams Park so we have a $220,000 grant for that we've already done at least 50% of the work which is great um that we have to finish we have 18 months so we need to finish that I believe it's by September September is when that one is due um what we've done thus far is we have done the concept designs we've had them approved by Rucker University um in terms of their feasibility and their efficiency um we have worked with DPW they just recently have repaved the path and they actually put two under drains in and some of the really bad flooding sections which is great we have our designs ready so what what basically what's left to do in terms of the green infrastructure is order the materials we need and I need to sit down with DPW and work out a schedule for them because we do there's certain things we need them to do like digging the trenches out if they can help us by using the equipment they have we as volunteers can do some things too but we kind of need their help um so we are working on that in the upcoming budget uh we put aside $5,000 extra dollars in case there's any shortfall on the supplies or anything like that the other part of that project is to come up with a concept design for the Woodland Trail um so Vanessa and jasha Chris we all went out um uh councilman Ted the former councilman Ted Chase went out from the environmental commission we met with Ruckers and we didn't go in the woods because it was so soaking wet I mean it was Unreal of course it always is but um we're trying to figure out how we can do that so the thought is there's a few few thoughts do we focus on doing the green infrastructure first and see if we can reduce some of the flooding that's going into where the trail would be because putting down a trail that's going to get flooded out often it's not it just doesn't make sense do we try to put it in and see how it goes do we figure out a way to kind of meander it the biggest problem is is that most of that area is wet most of the time so we're kind of trying to figure that out um not saying that it's not possible because it's definitely possible it's just trying to figure out how you know so so that's one project that's already underway and we have grant money for it so we have to proceed with it but we have made a lot of awesome progress with it so I'm happy about that um the update of the pathways and trails plan it's still on here because yes it's complete but we need it to be adopted as part of the master plan so as soon as that's done we can say Okay complete um another project on here is the site plan review that's something that we do that's ongoing we don't have site plan review every month but for example we have one this month which is great um and so we'll keep doing that uh the GPS Trails mapping so that is where all of our members went out and used the argis tool it's on our phone I'll get you into so that in case and we actually walked the trails and so before our trails maps were just a drawn line like an approximate line and they were pretty close now we have actual point data on the ground so those layers can be lifted and put onto other maps and that's what our maps are for now so they're very they're right on point um that is done but it's also kind of ongoing because we're always finding places that it's like oh there's a little offshoot here should we map that I don't know so it's kind of like a judgment call but it's kind of ongoing there so the good news is is that if any new trails come up or if anyone sees a place where they'd like to GPS a trail you can GPS it and Robert I'll get you it too right on your phone and you don't have to walk around holding it you just have to have it like handy basically pocket the good news is you can GPS it it goes directly to Our IT department and actually you would like this it's our GPS our GIS person it goes directly to him and then he makes the map out of it which he can then show to us and if it's something we want to keep it's very easy now to update our trails maps because we have the data to just put it on and update it so so you know you can still use that if you see a place where you'd like to see if a trail will be good um the other project we're working on in terms of trails is the conversion of our Trail markers to paint blazes so this is um a project that's ongoing it's taking a lot longer than I thought it would I really honestly did not think about how long it would take to do this once it's done it's going to be great but for example one thing I didn't take into account was when you're out there painting the trail you have to paint both sides of the tree if you forget to to do that you have to go around again to do the other side so it's a fun project and so far we've got actually a lot of complements on our paint blazes people find them to be more user friendly our markers aren't down and the aluminum folding up and all this but there's a lot of trails that still have to be done so I'm trying to work with a few Girl Scout Troops Boy Scout Troops Michael's going to do some for us which is great I've been out there a few times doing some so we have the paint if anyone interested or you're going out and you want to paint your Trail um you know we can do that but there's no real Rush on that but of course we'd like to get it done you know sooner than later I can involve my students yeah would particular Trail and the material yes I can take my seniors and juniors that would be great they would enjoy doing it they would love and weather is improving now yes it's a good time Bo Scout Girl Scout Troop I to deploy okay anyone that's interested it's a very simple job it really is because we have the brushes that are the right side and you just paint the Blaze and we can teach them the system and everything but it's simple you know so so that project is ongoing um we put on here the hosting of trails hikes and nature walks and educational events this is something we do throughout the year and we've had events that are specifically for people 55 plus we've had our firly walks our summer runs that Chris host did one and we're trying to get that going we did our walk with a police officer which was very well attended and we are working with New Jersey Autobon Society again this year to do the birds and Butterfly walk so they actually just sent me in their proposal for walks this year um but that's something we you know Vanessa made the uh or we have a trail we have like a potential walk sheet or something but we really do need to kind of keep that going to get people out on our trails and you know we got to kind of focus on having different and inclusive types of activities for every astronomy hike also Asom hike also yes you're right about that last year right astronomy hike you are right yes um that is very good we've had our astronomy uh observations right that's what they're called and nighttime walks right do you Tara do you work with the senior citizen committee at all for the 55 plus walk yes so well we did and actually our former member Martin he led one every Friday for most of the seasons right but he since came off of our committee so if there's anyone that would like to you know be interested in doing that it was more of a walk Focus for 55 plus but we work with Recreation on that so I think we'd like to continue it because I think they actually had a waiting list for those walks so yeah we should continue so how work you reach out to senior centers and or you just provide them the detail for the we would reach out to yeah so we would reach out to Recreation our Recreation has a senior Club um but they would also put it on their website and you could register for it and it was very very well attended so that's how we would kind of advertise it is working with Recreation they would put it on their website we would have it on our Facebook and our um Instagram and we can put it in the kiosk so there's a lot of ways we can we can get people interested in that so yeah that's something maybe if someone is interested in taking over that would be great um National Trails day so um me and Vanessa actually started talking about National Trails day but every first Saturday of June is National Trails day so this year it's June 1st um and it's an event that is hosted by the American hiking society and and all kinds of groups and municipalities counties are encouraged to host the National Trails Day event so we' hosted one every year last year we did an interesting one where we had half of the event was at the Bunker Hill Environmental Center and we had a frisbee golf um demonstration going and then we had another walk for families and kids that was hosted at John cly Memorial native grasslands preserve um so this year is it on the agenda I can't remember are we talking about it okay so we'll talk about hold on a second yeah trail walks and events okay so we can talk about that unless you want to talk about it I think you just goad now yeah okay so for National Trails Day this year what we were thinking of um kind of like putting out some discussion items uh we have the water set shed management Ambassador uh her name is Claire Paul and she is through the New Jersey Watershed ambassadors program every Watershed gets an ambassador and she is required to do a certain amount of hours it's a lot of hour I think it's like a thousand hours um of presentations educational event stream cleanup so I reached out to her cuz we were thinking maybe like a water or Watershed based kind of uh event so we were thinking about doing it Bunker Hill we haven't done it there in a long time and she wrote me back right away and said she's definitely available on June 1st and she would love to do something with us uh she sent me a list of presentations it's all kind of things of collecting you know macroon vertebrates to just like doing this it's called amazing uh water and it's like a maze that she sets up and it has all these you know educational things you stop for so she's definitely willing to help and then Vanessa recommended that we reach out to Emily aan she's the caretaker at Bunker Hill Environmental Center and um she's an educator and she has given out you she's performed educational programs in the past so she also said she would absolutely be willing uh to do something so we have the opportunities to do it we could just do it at Bunker Hill she can do Emily can do another day it doesn't have to be National Trails day she can do like a spring walk or or event if we want so that's where we're thinking for National Trails Day this year have it at Bunker Hill the paint blazes are actually done there except for one trail that I have to go back to and so people can go there they can see our PL paint blazes system they can do uh this type of educational event there's different opportunities for hiking you know there's like very flat areas there's areas that are more through the woods kind of right so I think it might be a good place would that be the same Trail cuz I was on a with Chuck last year and they have the stone the person that put the stone things that with the leaves and things like that would that be the same Trail cuz maybe we could fix that up or something um at Bunker Hill or is that's the environmental center en Environmental Center we're talking about Bunker Hill Natural Sor oh no no that's okay um but there's a lot of different ways we can do it there's opportunities have a more you know rigorous walk or there's opportunities for a more flat and you know even walk and then we have the Ambassador that can help us so we were thinking maybe something like that yeah we were just trying to like brainstorm ahead just to kind of put those ideas out the committee to see you know cuz often times we spent a lot of time just brainstorming and we thought let's let's get the jump start on that and see there's some people who could support it so terara thank you so much for for reaching out that's great that wherever wherever we choose to do it to have the water Ambassador would be nice just to have that educational component um so Tara one thing uh we have a nice youth center as you know right we have youth center right now maybe we have a 55 plus walk what about youth walk yeah I like that idea a lot and U we can really bring those people and uh I would thinking of another one family walk but uh that anybody from a family member parents and children they can come yeah um so I like that maybe we could even go to the youth center it's not like a walk per se maybe we can go to the youth center and talk to them about what trails we have in town and is there a connection from the the teen center cuz that's over by the Board of Ed building right it's um by by where the where the mission used to be no it's not Hamilton a Pine Grove School in that area oh okay okay yeah Louis Louis yes and start off for Hamilton correct it's yes it's right there in that area Franklin so here it is here corre and here's this is Franklin bouevard and this is 27 reference okay and here's Hill Crest schol here's Hill Crest and here's the youth center yeah it's not far from non Williams yeah it isn't actually non Williams is right here maybe that's something we could do is go there talk to them meet up with them and maybe we could walk to non Williams is it too far to walk to non Williams no not with the kids as long as we got permission and we're also talking about doing community engagement for that project introduce them to what was done so far by DW that's a good idea that's a really good idea cuz that's part of the community engagement okay we can add that to the list I think that's a great idea and that would tie into a water shed person it as well so um we have about I'm sorry we have about 7% of our population that they do not have any transportation m is there something that we can do to bring them out somehow so they can also walk in the trails yeah so we have thought about that a lot um for when we had the farmers market here we had we hired a bus driver and we had our shuttle and we drove it around for two years and only one person came on it right so then the town said okay paying for the bus driver it's not worth itre but we do have a shuttle correct we just don't have a bus driver now so if if we could find out what the interest level was in that we could potentially hire like an hourly yeah bus driver to do something for events or you know drove a bus to pay for college which did you oh there you go I don't have the license I was going to say you still your license that would be great there you go right you know depending on dust that off for the trails for the trails got to go take the test again um but that's a great idea Tera we could pick people up from the youth center take them to right but I think one of our one of our goals Al is also is to find trails near people so you don't have to drive to Trails like so what is easily accessible and really identifying those things and so even like BR Frank bouevard there we're really wanting to add signage so people realize that at the end of Frankin Boulevard you can get on the toe path yeah the toe path is right there people have no idea so so things like that are also ways that we could if we could lead hikes and we lead hikes in their in their neighborhood that's one of our goals as well um is to lead hikes on trails near where they are um to to get people out there four as you may know based on the work that Tara you and safy did uh the life expectancy for them is eight or so years less than W one for example so I'm just wondering if there are some extra effort that we should put in that Bo as far as the trails as far as uh that's where name is right like that's yeah yeah that's one yeah but the the things that we can do so hopefully it helps the the well-being of the population in that war that I'm already on it that's already like I I was looking at Maps I've been and that's why we started with non Williams like we were all the whole committee was like yeah let's do this one of the number one things a community can do to improve health is to encourage a larger percentage of your regular normal transportation to be done in any other way besides a car right so in the way that we design our roads and the way that we establish paths in the way that we make it so that people can move you know it it'll never happen right we're in New Jersey but you can't you know you can't buy a gallon of milk without getting in your car and going somewhere and the more we can do to to change that overall Dynamic is that's the single most important thing right we were having the joke every time you go to Europe you go to Europe for two weeks and you come back and you're seven pounds lighter it's because you walked everywhere right right so it's uh it's never going to that's not the nature of Franklin Township but if you can every little percentage that you increase people walking or moving by bicycle is is absolutely going to be reflected in Greater Health right yeah and I appreciate what you're saying and I agree with you and I think we need to keep chipping away in that direction like I know just like looking at the aerial map right if you look um you know beyond non Williams Park but near the stream like we know there's a firehouse there and there's a park thereby and like if we can then like we wanted to kind of like start with non Williams get some things going there and then start thinking also nearby there um so that was that was something we wanted to do and then also um once again uh the toe path is a just a fantastic uh easy access and it's also transport it could be Transportation as well if you're wanting to get around around um around town but we have to get the signage so we put the request in a long time ago for the signage and that still hasn't happened so we want the signage by uh easn Avenue in Franklin Boulevard and by deont Lane in eastn Avenue so both of those are access points that are not labeled so people have no a lot of people don't have any idea that that's right there now those aren't Township Trails those are State Trails but obviously they're in our town and they're they're fantastic um so we have to kind of keep keep chipping away uh in that way okay excellent well was I say if you want to bust people to Trails work with Recreation and then they could sign up and then you would have say like a bus of 40 people people sign up and then you have your 40 people you say and that might be to bust people to where they're not you know like to South the southern part of town where people aren't familiar with or if they're from up here then you go okay we're going to go to Butler Road and boom yeah but at least if you signed up with Recreation you can have a full bus right yeah and they have it Parks they have Vans I don't know if they still use them but yeah something like that it's like a dozen people yeah we could do that maybe there could be like a spot on the registration that says do you need transportation and like if we get a certain amount of Interest we will you know provide transportation I'd have to find out from wck what the what the threshold is for that yeah change them back to the seniors is it possible for you to come and speak in the senior citizen committee they meet on Fridays at 10:00 yeah abely and I can give you that and maybe U we'll arrange through Bo yeah because he's a member of that he comes and speaks to them because it will be good if they hear about the trails that we have and and how can engage them I mean they take even bus trips and all these things they do the senior citizen group but I'm not so sure how much they utilizes the trails or they're aware of what we have so that will be a good one so I will I will let you know you know the person that is in charge of that from our uh Township is Marian yeah you could talk to her yeah for sure I can reach out to her yeah that would be great I think they appreciate what we have okay I can do that perfect so I know we're kind of got a beautiful tangent okay um that's talking on the agenda so exactly so um so as far as I kind of like just kind of circling back to before we get to the next items on this item so National Trails day um are you guys what do you guys think about about um doing it at Bunker Hill um because there's a stream one that's one of the places has a stream and then using the Ambassador and then either having um Emily Emily we could either do it that day or she could do another day which maybe might be better another day you know so we can talk more about that okay but we know the Ambassador is definitely free and she has a list I pulled it up she sent me a list of presentations that she can do and they vary so she can talk about you know the value of wetlands the macro invertebrate invertebrate investigation um enviroscape which is how you talk about how Watershed is kind of one and she has models and things she can bring so we can go through the list and see we we can talk more in dep we just wanted to kind of like Get like um does that sound good to you guys sounds very good and then this way we can actually because then we can register it we always register it with the American hiking Society so that it's on the website and then we register it we have registration through wreck and we put it on our website and our social media so we can at least start getting those things prepared okay okay perfect and actually I work with Claire on something else and she's really really good she's very dedicated so I think she'll be great nice okay um the next item is the wayfinding and informative signage so Vanessa kind of started talking about it and what we want to do is put up wayf finding and informative signage like directing people to where the toe path is or putting up signage that says you know you're on the JFK walking path or you know if you you you know while you're on the JFK walking path oh here's a sign how you can get to Inman Park um our DPW has the sign machine and they're able to make the signage and we do have a budget for signage as well we have vendors that we can use so maybe that's something we might want to prioritize this year is that working with DPW or if we have to using our budget money so I thought that our Township now has uh all equipment to make signs they do yes they do right so can we use their resources yes so we want to use them for sure if they're overloaded or back like we they've been backed up for quite some time with the signage cou Years cuz they I was I had the tour of the facility and they had a beautiful really machinery and they looks like they just got it it's not it is it's only like two or three years old I think yeah and and they said that they can make any signs and so forth I didn't see much of AC ity while it was there so I'm not so sure maybe they've lost track of those requests it's possible it is really possible I would suggest that just resubmit it maybe that's what we should do is that if this is one of our yeah if this is one of our priorities going through this visioning session I do me a favor when you send in just copy me okay we will and then I can okay I will definitely do that I'm going to take you up on that for sure cuz I think that'll help a lot um but I think I agree maybe what we do is because we're doing this visioning session if we want to make this a priority project we can come up with a full list of where we want the wayf finding signage and we can have what the because they need the dimensions the language we can put it all in a sheet and maybe give it to them at one time and we need all these signs what do you think about that I like that and and I'm wondering that's something maybe you could help us with a little bit too cuz like for instance like I noticed like on on South msh Road there's like a Butler Road Natural Area sign but there's not a trail person with it so not everyone's going to realize Butler Road Natural Area means you can hike so maybe we can kind of go around town and kind of like look at what signage is clear and what signage we want to some of this is missing so we know that we need it but other ones it might be good and even like I know like the gtown grasslands right we Chang the name but not all the signs like there's still I'm not say have to get rid of the sign that says gon grassland but maybe we want to add yeah you know John Clyde with it or something the one that I do know that DPW is working on for sure is they're making all new of those brown signs but they're one by one but the wayf finding signage they have a machine so if we can just maybe maybe we give them everything at once and say Here's the time we need it by we need it by cuz it won't be that many signs the way I mean there's they're notal yeah that would be great right there's okay I I was just I was thinking about this way finding because you've been talking about that like at the last meeting and I I know that there's probably language and thought gone into this and there's you know designs but we were talking about Distributing maps and getting people to know like where all right this is one of our issues right it's marketing and I thought it might make sense if it could work into the design to right there's a there's a page there's a landing page right for the for these for the trails on on the township website you can put a QR code you know on the signs that would that people when they're out there you know could like you know ever see these signs scan the QR code go straight to that landing page of the trail and able to see where all the trails are right I know that our PDFs are individual PDFs of individual trails and you're like I'm not sure where that is I'm not sure where this is if there's any a page with one universal like map of the Town saying these are all the you know there is but it's not convenient that's why code a QR code would take you right there if we could just you know if we but the the risk of a QR code of course is now the address can never change right so you got you got to settle on what that what that name is going to be and then that's got to be the landing page for you know people that are out there in the field I like that idea that's my my thought I think that's a good idea let me add that QR code maybe it could be part of the backpack right somewhere just a little little QR code somewhere that's on every single one of our signs and things that'll take you to the you know find the tra all all the all of our new maps have the QR code on it they do yeah so the big bigger one that'll go in the in the kiosk right that'll be a bigger version EXC you can put it on everything and just say find a trail or some some one little tagline you know find a trail yeah I like that and in 5 years we'll be laughing everybody wants to use QR codes right I mean yeah QR code I think QR codes are kind of like you know here to say that they they started they had like a a rough beginning five six years ago but they found a niche for stuff like this you know but the risk is once again that Ur can never change yeah I hear you okay uh the next item is the trail maintenance reports with with all of our Trails members report on their trails that they visit that they've adopted um Vanessa has created a Google sheet which is very useful and what we were thinking of how to use that sheet is that everyone when you visit if you can fill in the Google sheet of any maintenance needs you noticed or ideas that you have for improvement and then we will review it at our meetings and then after we've reviewed it I will then send it every single month immediately after our meetings to DPW and that'll help us kind of keep track like we sent this in January is it done is it not um I think that that would be the best way I think sending them things in bulk is better than peace meal I think so that's the thought you can try yeah so when you do use your Trail when you go to visit your Trail if you don't you know enter it on your your sheets app or whatever right there that's fine but if before our meeting at some point if you can remember to just add it in even if it's bullet points and then we can work it out during the meetings so whatever you know make it surve I it's pretty you're just clicking you're clicking and then there's open open-ended spots if you haven't tried it please please give it a shot and then give us feedback so we'll modify it so it's as user friendly as possible perect y um the one thing that I have like you know because like you can look at it individually the trail reports but you can also look at it like in summary and so I noticed like you know if you have comments when you have all the comments together if you don't sit in name of your Trail the front of your comment you got to figure it out so so when you're doing the comment section if you can also start with your Trail name and then your extra comments um because that way um it it'll be a little easier okay all right so we'll keep doing that uh the next one is the development of Catalpa Park trails so we have been talking about this for a while the trails committee will be um charged with coming up with the trail design concept for Catalpa Park uh there are still permits waiting for Catalpa Park to be approved so I have this on the um project sheet because basically once Catalpa Park is at a place where it's like okay we can now start doing then we can work on that so it's just kind of keeping it you know in our in our uh Vision Tara do you know where they are in that the last I heard is they are waiting on a very important permit from d and it's just taking a very very long long time so they have started I think kind of like getting equipment ready and things but they're not they're not approved yet to start um and then the last item on here right now not that more can't be added uh is the implementation of the local Health assessment and action plan and this kind of counsilman is what you were referring to about focusing on WS four and five um within the local Health assessment there are projects that you know really focus on on Wards four and five to really be more Equitable in our open space and Trails um tree planting so for example the way the environmental commission is looking at implementing the health assessment is they have went out um two of our members went out and did a survey of certain streets in Wards four and five and they found areas where they felt there was lack of tree canopy and they're making that their recommendation that the shade tree fund should be used to plant trees in these spots to reduce the temperature to provide more shade improve the air quality so maybe we could go through the local Health assessment at some point and figure out what works for us you know in terms of and we are doing work at non Williams but maybe there's other work that we can do so that's on there as well and that's all I had um but there might be more so I don't know if anyone has more projects they want to add or if there's something on here you'd like modified or removed if not you know this is not like set in stone if another project comes up we can absolutely work on it of course so um I mean there are some little hanging uh fruits that maybe we can uh or this this group can work on right and there are some that is kind of a long term yeah uh maybe the next step will be to identify those that really can be done during the next 6 months for example right right and then uh this year because you I mean the list is pretty long you know it's great these are all great projects so it's 11 it's 11 yeah 11 projects and it's important to also to have an idea what are the resources what resources we need to make sure that these are done for example for the sign definitely you need the uh the Department of Public Work to help us right and then we got to have somebody to go and talk let's say you yourself will talk to them say okay here's our project we want to get a clear idea when you can accomplish this we need your help so if we can kind of a little bit go another layer this is a high level and that'll help us quite a bit Yeah I think that's a great idea go through prioritize it and then we can put another column in for what do we need I think that's a great idea we can absolutely do that um and you can even put these on a Google Drive for example and there you can have different going to do it what's the next what time and so forth so when we look at it we'll have it say okay this month this much was done or next three months this is the goal of the group to to accomplish yeah that's a good point and then it's like a living document as well yeah I like that I like it would we be able to prioritize that list now I think if you want to we can prioritize it and then I can in the next month maybe work on figuring out what the resources needed are and yeah yeah for sure I mean so let me go back to the beginning so the green infrastructure and nature trail we have a grant for that so that's got to be a high priority because we have to finish it I don't know what order it's in so I was just thinking like I feel like the site plan review and the tra mantenance reports are kind of like things we're doing no matter what like I don't know that those need to be like that's like things even on here yeah we could reove those cuz it's like a charge that we do not a project if we're leave on that's fine but just put put them it's not right it's happening that's already that's we already have systems for that got it okay so move those we can move those to the end the ongoing ones what about the nature walks and stuff like things like um anything ongoing so the nature walks the site plan review and the trail maintenance reports I mean well the trail maintenance I feel like the trail maintenance and the site review those are given I think the nature stuff we have to work on okay that's like a deliverable got it so Trail maintenance and site plan is going to be like a separate category basically yeah got it okay so that leaves us then with the green infrastructure project so let me back let me do an easy one here first let's do that the trail the pathways and trails Plan before is there anything that's not on here that anybody was thinking like so Terra put this together for us is there anything that's missing well I was thinking Mark had this idea remember he he was he wanted to map out bike routes throughout the north south east west and you know that's not on there and I don't know if anyone's if we've done anything with it well I was considering that within the other GIS um project that was listed the GPS mapping of the trails yeah right but bike CS we're talking about streets yeah we're not talking about you know separate Trails we're talking about bikes so at our GIS person he could basically do the same exercise that he did for us with the trails but just be focused on biking and one thing I will say is that at is an avid biker he knows a lot of the bike trails in Franklin because he bikes them all the time so we could basically say hey at can you work on this with us that's something I'd be I guess so you like that also yeah I that I would add as a separate one do we want to add that into the GPS Trails mapping I I do see it as a subset of that I mean I do see that it's different but it's they're sort of to sides of no no if there's an at guy that can you know like you said do it just like phone and GPS all the bike yeah the only reason I would put it as a separate line is because the GPS part that's really done it's kind of just like if new trails come up but for at to work on a new project for bike pass he can absolutely do it but we just have to kind of engage him in a new project so I think and that's fine that's fine H so it's bike bike trails and Pathways mapping right um okay and then this is going to be proposed because really what this project I'm trying to get the gist of what this previous person had in mind here and the idea is is identifying safe bike corridors or or places that we could recommend and say this is somewhere where you can you can bike this is the way to get from this part of town to this part of town by bicycle the preferred right was right yeah yeah cuz not every road is yeah we I mean some bik trails are definitely not safe to actually bike on yeah anything else the only thing I'd like to include and we have so much stuff here I don't know if we can fit it in the only trail that we really haven't worked much on is Memorial Forest right and that's such an outlier but it's such a centrally located trail that so many people can take advantage of and we also have that undeveloped path from Elizabeth Avenue that can can take you right into Memorial Forest that we the town owns and we haven't moved on it or explored it or that I'm aware of talked about it much and it seemed like this is a huge track of land that we should probably be looking at yeah so one thing about that is that our open space advisory committee and I think I showed you guys the concept plan is they are looking at one of their projects is kind of revamping Memorial Forest um and making right and we will making the Memorial Forest Part an actual planting area for Memorial trees and connecting to the Elizabeth Avenue property that we own with a trail and biking and now before that can happen though there's some kind of like infrastructure work that has to happen so the entire driveway has to be regraded and more uh and Redstone put on it that's number one a second small parking area needs to be put in closer to the back and the last thing is is that a far farmer leases two of the fields that we would need to work on so we need to work on amending that lease with the farmer if he would like or we have to wait until the lease is over which is another four or five years so those are the things that the open space committee is kind of working on getting prepared and then once that happens we can absolutely create a trail that you know goes around the planting site or goes you know links to Elizabeth AB so I can add that to the list coordinate with open space you know it's a long let's just keep in compensation about it and there is a trail there now there is there is we could reblaze it yeah it's in a rough state it exists okay so well but with the data that we're collecting for the bike trails and the data that we have collected on our current Trails um I was thinking You' be good to submit those to the the D has a great greater uh GIS map of all the trails in New Jersey that have been submitted to them so they they're not it's not open data so it's not just um things that uh people have mapped on on straa or other tools like that so the these are submitted by municipalities but um being able to submit our GIS data to be included in that tool I think would be helpful um and that could also be a way to to start the map that you had mentioned where if you had a QR code you could access this location right uh on that existing Tool uh so it's not really creating a new site or new map application it's using that already is existing in the state so send our data to D yeah and sta is that it uh no no no that's sta so it's uh under a project funded by the D called the New Jersey Trails Action Network okay New Jersey Trails action I brought it up if you can see here it looks like this it's TC like us our yeah our Township is not really represented here but there are other parts of state where you can see they they've already submitted a lot of data that's like the official yeah like where trails are right reference right and I like it but I can send you more data you said d d and a lot of towns are already connected with that you say yeah yeah from what I can see many other municipalities are that's a good idea okay some like hi you have awesome okay we can do that all right that works so prioritizing well just one one do we have any go ahead do we have any trails that potential they are some wild animals that people should be aware of uh um wild animals um coyotes coyotes there there was I will be good to do we have signs for them so people be aware of it we had a bare safety sign out I think I don't even remember where it was but again that needs to be replaced there's really the bear and the coyote and the fox I think are the main do we have bears in Franklin Township I didn't think we have Bears wasting there was amazing amount of bears I was shocked when I went to my a advisory committee meeting and they told me that there was like 80 something bears that were um during the bear hunt I guess taken in Franklin Township in Franklin Township yeah in like I'm sorry in Somerset County somet County I buy not Franklin County but 88 I was shocked at that they were like oh that's nothing they're black bears though we did have one though one of our farmers who um runs the wal gas tree farm on middle Bush Road they have bees there as well and she brought in pictures the honey there was the bear like claws there was a bear right there on her property yeah those are the I mean really the people it's bees at the livestock most most people at risk of bears but she's had I mean at least one bear so what we guessing that we look into we could look into more educational information about what to look out for I know we've done we did a story book hike and going on a bear hunt and I did a bunch of bare factual you know safety stuff in that hike but it's not something that I would out otherwise kiosks I go back Wildlife um shim yeah I was going to say uh if you want to add to like these hosting of trail hikes nature educational events how about public events because we always used to exhibit at Franklin Day and 4th of July and Canal Fest and whatever public that sense that's a great we always have a table we have we have the popup map maps right yeah ready to roll I have those and if we get maps to hand out cuz that was a big thing yeah's working on the maps tera's got the maps ready to go ready to print I have that on the yes I think that's on the agenda yes they're ready to they're ready to print yeah they so popular okay are we going to talk about our top three like what are our top three maybe yeah I think that would work and I think another thing that that's kind of ongoing would be um having a directory of organizations we engaged with oh to I like that um not necessarily like to have like an email blast or things like that but just for specific projects we to understand who we would go to if we're having a specific type of event um I haven't seen anything like that yet or but I think it would be it would come in handy Tyra do we have another Township in the area that uh that has similar trails and do they have amazing as ours do they have uh what they do I mean how what programs they have you know I'm just trying to see hey are there things that we can learn from them and they can learn from us maybe there will be some a meeting with them one of the things youi about us is like we're a subcommittee of open space right our primary charge right is when the open space choir lands we figure out where we can put Trails on them but that happens so we that doesn't happen that often so we've kind of morphed into like also advocating and supporting our trails and I think that's why this natural partnership has happened with Parks and Rec creation because they're set up parks and W is set up to have that networking that Community input and so um that's been really helpful for us so I think that's kind of what you're talking about is extending that and keeping that going I'm just no I'm just asking is if there other Township in Warren and others that they may have a lot of trails and they may have some interesting programs that we say oh that's a great one why don't we do it or they might also come and learn from us say yeah this is a great but we have a great list here I'd like to see what list they have see you know where are the common are common that's that's an interesting question are there similar commissions like this in other neighboring municipalities and so yeah I was about to many they have a Trails advisory committee they have a Trails advisory committee and they also have um similar trails to ours they have a county park in there just like we do a big one they have skilman Park they have their own small Trails one thing do you know anybody in I do yeah I know maybe you can invite them to come and tell us about their program for this year absolutely I could reach out to her yeah I've worked with her for a long time so I can absolutely reach out to her one thing she did I did talk to her about that I really liked was they have one Trail um it's very small it's like not even it's maybe a half a mile and it's a loop but they have all these sculptures along the way that people have made so it's not like any you know fancy sculptures but they're made out of like wood or metal and as you walk through you kind of walk into like I call them like rooms but it's like you walk off and there's like an area you can go there's like certain sculpture there which I always thought was really cool you know it's called Sunset Park I think it's on um what's the main like uh Road not 206 um 5 14 it's just and it's really nice that's something I always thought would be cool you know but they have very s they're a little smaller than us but they have very similar and they have a Trails advisory committee so okay I'm going to we're going to have to get back on task yeah if our goal is to prioritize this then we need to prioritize this all right okay I think I guess number one was the one right that we already well number one was the name and get that done so we got the money for it and the number I mean and then National Trails day is nearly upon us so I think that would be a high priority to figure out what we were going to do I think the section that you had like 55 plus walk and those things those are good ones to have it I mean we want to make sure that our the community members know got it look at my veteran folks too so one of the priorities let me just back up here ising length the list rather than giving enumerating each one from one to whatever the last number is that we keep adding on to uh can can we just uh priori prioritize it by longterm or short term I think we did want to do like a top three okay right and I I kind of feel like we've already identified the top for you that's got it so the the trail walks is a priority right that's the good one and I have non Williams I have the the wayf finding on there too is that I agree with that right we need you guys agree with that we finding time we've been waiting a long time right so yeah I'm going to make that my priority I've only been here two meting I already know that's a big deal it is but it's a doable it's doable it's a doable non Williams we have to make that a priority because it has to be completed because it's under a gr and I'm so curious to see if the improvements to the paths in there if they finished it in January I can't wait to get over there I I just went the other day the path looks great they did regrade it in certain places which is great and they put these two under drains in they're still open right now so I think they're trying to figure out where to Route the water to but I think that's going to really help were they dry the area where the underd drain is was completely submerged in water but the path was dry okay good so that was good now was this buil from our grant yeah um I think that got built to the grant the under drain part which is totally fine yeah and then the materials we use will build to the grant as well so I'm thinking that the National Trail day actually falls under hosting that trail PES so like I kind of think that that's like a sub one that's the same thing and I think the implementation of Lo Health assessment and action plan that also that connects to non Williams and that also connects to the hosting cuz I feel like we want to be mindful of hosting and um oh and the and the way I'm sorry that that connects to the um non Williams and the wayf finding so making sure we have some of that signage stuff too so that is projects from there that we can definitely capitalize on y okay right National Trad is a subset of that events oh but you're I'm sorry but we've added also Al the um the bike the bike stuff the bike mapping yeah so do be wanted that to be top top four I wouldn't say that that's a high higher higher priority than other things that are on this list yeah I mean that could be a long-term goal but if it gets done sooner yeah long term got a lot to chew already that yeah we have the other thing is the creative directory of organization and that's something that Michael could probably help us with like if we like do some guidance between you and I like that's something you can work on um which would be great and while he's here work as hard as we can no I'm just kidding me maybe he can he can help with putting everything on that Google Drive yes right format and then we can say what resources we need who which department we need to help to accomplish this CU if we have a good idea what is needed then it will be easier to tackle uh otherwise we'll be Google account and add priorities okay I can do that all right Michael we can do that I'll send you everything and you can work on that so we can Shuffle these around and then our next meeting we can look at how they look and then if we want to massage it a little bit we will very good okay perfect I think this is helpful I think taking this time if we do this every year I think it will be helpful and then later we can talk about assessment check I'm not going to put on the list because it's something extra at the end of the year when you want to write the look at it say we've really done this done this yes and it'll be nice to show the progress yeah and then if we want to make a presentation to the council or something we can because we have the okay okay um so the next item on our agenda is the um printing of the updated trails maps and bur Shores okay so uh hold on let just get this here so okay the trails maps um Michael's working on we all the maps are done as you know by our GIS department so the updated maps are done they're in color um the brochures that we have are being updated by Michael so he's up he's putting the new map in he's updating the language and the tables with the correct Trails lengths and what's allowed um so I requested a quote our vendor our top vendor really to use for this type of printing is the county print shop um they work really fast and they can do all this printing for us so I asked for a quote so my thought was if we were to print 250 brochures for each of our seven sites that would give us a lot of extra brochures for handing added events plus putting in the kiosks the total of that and this is in color and the trifold is 8688 if we do 150 brochures for seven sites it's $494 3 so the reason I tell you this is because in order to get the printing approved our open space advisory committee they have to approve any expenditure from the open space trust so they meet the Tuesday after we do which is coming up so I would like to tell them that we need these printing these brochures printed because we want to fill up our kiosks and we'll have our new maps there and I'd like to know what you think about it and what the recommendation is and just to add a little better because we have Franklin day coming up we have these other events the more we have to hand out the better right go for the 800 yeah I agree I think so too and Tara was telling me that she says when they go out when she's putting them out she puts out about 50 at a time and that's about four times a year so it's not like you know an excessive amount then based on what has been happening in the past right and we also talked about the possibility of us getting um a batch for our adopted Trails you especially when we have inperson meetings that we could pick up so cuz we I know for my trail often times it's empty and if I had my own batch I could uh do that so is that something you guys would be interested in having a stash for your Trails or or we could get them at the iners meetings we give out a lot on on Franklin day yeah a lot but honestly I think if we start promoting the use of trails and have more people going we definitely going to be needing more we will need more than that you're right yeah have the QR codes though so a lot can we put on that say doesn't seem like a lot it's not a lot to start off yeah can we put that whole thing in the QR code yes we can definitely put a QR there and that'll save and the map that's going to go in the kiosk also has a QR code and even if they don't make signs with the QR code if we just print that QR code and laminate it and put it there you know just with on the map itself so no I'm talking about like the trails at the entrances so if you put right but I'm saying but but the map will be posted in the kiosk it will be like a master copy of code it is we also have um in our where the paint blazes are done so Inman negri there's a laminated copy of a QR code that explains goes like this is how to read the trail markers in case you get lost or anything like that so but yes our main map will have it so we maybe not put as many Maps out at the kiosk because we'll have the the the code and we save maybe more for handing out for the record I would uh just wanted to to throw this out there when When selecting what that QR code is it might make sense to pick uh I don't know how the it organization works you know Franklin Township and who the who the web and how they they do the Franklin town but it might make sense to pick a URL that's something like Franklin township.org TRS right something that isn't used now and then have whatever the final destination of that URL is be a redirect from there so that the QR code can always be that URL and then then we'll set up a redirect I I don't know how we do it here and if whether that's you know there's somebody in the township that that can do that for us but it would be ideal to have a URL that's just for this map thing and then we can point it to a different place as time as things change right because that's the only that's the only risk with the QR code once you make it that's that's where it's going forever and ever and ever right so so it would be better to have some midpoint mid buffer uh address that it goes to and then point it than having your administrator point that address to the Final Destination okay that works so everyone's on board with the higher amount these These are uh the like you said the individual trail maps for each trail map is there are there plans to get maps of the entire town the things to do Map There's not plans right now to get that done cuz those are the ones that are popular handout that's super popular as handout super popular I think they were super expensive and they need to be updated now so I think that's the I know we updated our that's I thought so car saying that these aren't available anymore as of right now and I've asked that they be printed again but need them cuz we worked a whole bunch to make it on one page we did we tried to make it on one page but well how much is changed I mean can't we just keep printing those until I I feel like the last batch we had well beyond they're so good and they eye catching and we could put the QR code on there too yeah I mean you should ultimately point to some digital all the map and the trails yeah I love it love it create some sort of digital equivalent of that yeah right that's the topend page that different you know that would be please that engages a lot of people yeah that's Franklin thing yeah meeting we on the other side we can push if thums up that's the yep that would be that's like where you want to send people with the code something yes top we have you know we do have that we have that um but don't forget we do have the screen version of that now and if we can get the QR codes get a QR code sticker to put on there CU people are coming up we can have themr coded you could you could put a QR code on on on like wave the little you know the little I mean every you put in every that's the thing put it in the farest we don't have to hand out okay oh that map is on the Franklin website but but but you can't shrink it you just like this and then to move around get the whole thing is there's something to be said okay down to like 20 minutes all right um okay but I'm going to recommend the $ 250 at $86 88 okay go for it okay we'll do unanimous like I was saying want to pay attention to how much we go through and like the cost of the cuz these are color cuz right before the fact they were black and white so have to be more expensive with color so I think we should pay attention to how much we're going through and the cost and I'm just Frugal when it comes to color printing and color printing isn't good for the environment either um old business Community energy plan and micro Mobility study so uh the environmental commission continues to work on the community energy plan um there is an implementation grant for the energy plan that originally BPU in January said the application is due in February and your plan has to be done even though we weren't required to finish it until May so that was like a noo they have since extended the deadline to May so um we might be able to use some implementation money the micr mobility study we got the two quotes from two vendors one has been chosen we are in temporary budget right now as soon as the final budget is approved we can go ahead and hire that consultant to start the micr mobility study so those two things are working the micro Mobility study we will be involved in you know we'll be one of the groups that the consultant will meet with and ask you know what do you think about this and based on their recommendations which I don't know yet but we're moving forward so yeah great getting there yeah it's exciting right yes yes good job chy you sparked an idea in my brain and it went like wild yes so it's going um green infrastructure and Trail development we already talked about that y y um the memorial plaque for MBA oh I do was something about the memorial plaque for for Mela I'm sorry give me one second here so I did get a quote for them now I think I showed you guys last a while back it looked like a street sign almost and it said like Mela baton and it was very very expensive remember it was like $2500 or something like that so I think I went a little overboard so after when I was getting the plaques for something else I um got a quote for the Melba baton site and basically what it is you know when you see a rock and it has like a bronze Square plaque on it y um we thought about maybe affixing it to the bird blind remember we talked about that the guy at the Crown Trophy which is who we work with he said it's not recommended to attach it to anything other than a rock because unfortunately people steal them which again I had no idea people is will take them off of a yeah um so he recommends a rock and he said most of the people in this area get the big rocks from Bridgewater Stoneworks so we get a rock from them we get the Melba baton I just got to remember where did I quote for her H oh I know where it is okay cuz I don't remember off the top of my head but this is another thing I can bring to open space advisory committee um here we go uh so for a 10x1 framed bronze casted plaque it would be $300 and it has five or six lines on it so it can you know dedicated to Mela baton I don't know if you knew Mela baton at all um I don't know if you did either she so she was a member of our open space committee for a long time her family was she was originally a nepot so the negri nepot grasslands her family and she owned that property half of it was given to the town for the NRI neot grasslands and then she owned a piece of the farm still but she was a forever longtime Franklin resident and you know she was great so she passed away in 2022 so the open space advisory committee and the trails committee wanted to dedicate a trail to her so um this I think is a good option it's like a typical what you see on a stone so it would be 300 and the stone honestly is probably going to be another I don't even know say $100 so if if you guys are okay with that I can also bring this to the open space committee and if they approve it once the temporary once the final budget's approved we can order it and we can think up the language for it as we go I think we get five or five or six lines what do you guys think about that sounds good and she served on open space so they might have some thoughts on as well they will yes I'll bring it to them and I think they're going to be they they'll um be happy with that m i mean she certainly deserves the recognition yeah y uh next item is security cameras at negri um I don't really have much of an update on them except that we did talk about it at our last open space committee and the township manager and uh the IT director basically say that the plan is to put security cameras at our Open Spaces our trails that is the plan but they are being deployed you know one at a time because to even get the camera in with the software we need and on the rotating pole and the electricity it's like $10,000 that was more than that was it more than that I think it was and then every month there's a bill associated with it so500 for the camera $225,000 to get electricity no right so if we don't have electricity out there yeah so it it is coming it's just the schedule so it's in it like it's somehow in between it budget and Open Spaces budget but so right so it's just going be gradual we we have to be patient yeah all right it's moving forward it's so important because it's it's Securities everything I agree um way finding in informative signings do we talk about that yeah we're going to work on that for the next meeting umala Park and trail intersections we already talked about that as well nothing happening there yet um trail walks and events right so the trail walks and events so that was really Chris sent I don't know if I had your email up you talked about some of the summer runs that you wanted to do right yeah so I was think um we I can hold off until the the summer so uh but I like the other plan that I had mentioned and that would possibly to be to start them on Earth Day oh that's a and have them on Monday evenings um well I guess it's afternoon at that point uh but I was thinking around 6:00 or 6:30 uh but just to have a short easy social run with folks who'd be interested in trail running and have a like an intro to trail running series uh and how many weeks did we um let me see so you said I like Monday evenings I think it's nice to have something that's not always on the weekend I think that's a nice idea and you had said um let's see here can we consider afternoons and okay kick off Monday April 22nd and then you said May 20th the Monday before Labor Day and then tweak how things go as we move towards the summer yeah so run it between uh April so for what is that four weeks yeah so April 22nd May until May 20th at 745 oh no I'm sorry not 7:45 sunsets at 7:45 right so uh just before Memorial day we'll see how things go in regard to um how many participants we get and we'll talk through any uh Lessons Learned but the idea would be um meet at the John Clyde grass preserve is where we we had tried that outessa and um head out to the orange Trail just for a short like I said just casual easy paced run nothing extreme and uh nothing to put anyone out of their comfort zones and to keep everyone in a pack um especially for people who trail running may be new to I I think it would be a nice inclusive event for them um I I've been to other events where everyone's going out fast but for for training purposes and for the the community building aspect of it I think it would be good to just start out slow see where everyone is and kind of Branch off from there if we want to develop different pace groups later on that that could be something we could talk about but I think just for um having that type of inclusive event will have a steady location and possibly move that around the township depending on on how things go uh because like we said we're trying to reach the other Wards and locations as well so I I I wouldn't say it's only going to happen at the grassland preserve um and and I'd be open to anyone else's ideas moving forward with that how are you advertising this as a set series of like progression or how are you going to Market it um I wouldn't say it would be to progress the speed or or or anything like that but just to maintain as an introduction series first introduction to trail running yeah okay um I think we had a similar tagline for the marketing for last summer right yeah we can use the same flyer that we have and um I think it was even at John Clyde and we can just put the new dates on it but we would advertise all the dates in one one thing and I can get to Recreation for registration too we can do that and I think Monday is great because in the town there's so many things on Tuesdays and Thursdays okay but there's not a lot of stuff on Monday so I think that's a great idea great I love it yeah the Monday evenings work best for me so yeah um you that's important because one other way that we can reach out to a lot of people we have a newspaper right a monthly newspaper that goes out quarterly quarterly yeah that may be something that we can also put there a lot of people get it and then you can review and uh yeah we can get it in there and then maybe even we can have a Franklin reporter or tap into to invite them as they they can put something out there oh yeah that's a good idea we could invite them and see if they want to story let them know and he can put it out in the Franklin but as for the kickoff and the celebration of Earth Day I don't know if uh the township could grow IEM a specific support like a water judge from Recreation yeah yeah Recreation can definitely provide that if we need that or they might have some you know giveaways left I'm not sure I can ask yeah not Earth this sounds plastic no disposable are if they brought but they might have you know what I have I have those Trail whistles still single use the you remember we were giving them out at the walk with the police officer I can we can bring those those Trail whistles they're good this I mean this to me this sounds like a recreation thing right and there's a whole infrastructure of registering and advertising and communicating is that we' already done that plug into that is that we prior to our partnership with parks recreation we would show up ourselves at events we got one or two other people it was a huge win right since we partner with parks recreation we have 10 people coming yeah so if we do anything if we if we accept responsibility and come up with some sort of public walk it would end up being marketed and yeah everything will go through through Recreation wonderful and that's why we have to get ahead of it and so I know sometimes we like to wait until the next month to come up with it but then that doesn't give wreck the lead time they need so this is good for us to kind of well those dates so it would be just clear it would be every Monday night between April 22nd and May 20th yes 6:00 you said or 6:30 I think 630 would be 6:30 at John Clyde on the orange Trail can we just check Sunset that's what I that's my only question about that as Sunset I can check it um I'll check it before I do the flyer this way and if it's like getting Clos cuz it's going to be a half hour approximately right how long did it take us last time 45 minutes max yeah I would say yeah I say I feel like you want to have an hour window for like you know Soup To Nuts you know um but yeah cuz I can start working on that right away and then we'll have a lot of lead time and we can put it on FTV we can ask Franklin reporter we can do all these things to kind of get people there and that's a perfect time also because people coming home from work they that are going to exercise anyway might be like let me stop off and go here you know and I did connect with the RAR Valley Road Runners and uh the president um joined us on that day on Monday and he uh said yeah just send us any information they'll be interested in promoting it and I see they have other Trail runs that their members are doing later on the year so it could be a good opportunity for them to join us too okay great perfect and speaking of grasslands anything with the fire I I reached out again to the fire service so they are still we're still on the list and they moving through their list but they are just short staff the amount of firefighters so hopefully we can get they normally do that in the spring summer fall or usually it's uh The Burning Season is between January and April so hopefully we can get going um is there anybody else who would like to um like just thinking like um host a hike for like just thinking I'm thinking if we all did like one a year like our own kind of hike um is there one that you're thinking of in a time a month that you would want to lead a hike on on your Trail I would like to do that e hike kind of an Eco hike yeah and do you have um is that something you do you have a month in mind that you want to do that in April May I can start from May so I know so May or June I think May would be okay um I can start from May May second week or a third week because by that time school work will be almost over I would have enough time to dedicate so maybe yeah from May May second or third week would be okay just start for me like on a on on the weekend or you think weekend yeah yeah weekend so second or third weekend in May mhm so now Chris you're you're you're talking April through May 20th so and that's going to be that's going to be the GS talk on grass lands yeah I was I was actually thinking like when you plan your uh hike you know running maybe we can advertise as like come out with the family and don't worry about the children so ad can join with you and the little children I can take care of them I can have them a story time or take them on their small hike small walk introduce them to the different plants and the life of the plants so I mean like but Monday would wouldn't be possible for me if it is a weekend I can definitely so that was when you was talking that thought was going on in my mind like something like this can be done because see having a little children it may prevent some of the couples to come out some of the people to come out for the hike but if they don't need to worry about their children then they would love to come out make sure you want those children on your own though like make sure you want to have those children on your own you know sometimes yeah no I would be fine with that I know sometimes the kids are better than the parents I love children I'm D my life to children but sometimes yes after May 22nd I think we do okay yeah because if M we'll do then well that'll be good too cuz then we have something planned for this time period anyway and then we can move into something else okay I mean I'd like to do something but I just have to figure out what that would be yet I haven't sorted out where I fit yet so but by the Fall promise okay I'll have something clever all right so we have April May anybody for like June July August September October well that's I thinking September October by the Fall I'm going to figure out something okay I got and I want to do a story book hike I really like the story book hike that I did um year before last that was a lot of fun so are you going to reprise the Firefly walk oh the Firefly walk for sure yeah with astronomy can we do an astronomy with them yes I have to reach out to Zach to see what we can plan in sometime in June I guess that's a good month so the Firefly is July that's that's a big and then we have the astronomy hikes as well but that's all Griggs town I'm Al I guess I'm also wanting to make sure that we do I guess we could do we could try to do own if a firefly would be would be as good at um at negri I don't know yes I was there a couple years ago fireflies are right I think so might we could we could consider switching supposed to be um with astronomy because then get the families in for the Firefly they do the hike and then the Stars open up to everybody it's we can try and coordinate that with Zach from the Franklin astronomy club it's a nice double header it is yeah we can do SAS also come meet cikas they are coming out this year that's true it could be something very exciting for people April sometime in April oh is this year yes this year maybe we should consider doing that you know right uh yeah all right let's think about it I'm writing all it down they would definitely be out on many of our Trails oh nice those areas April is so have to figure out when to do one in April for the K does that f yeah and then it was that so okay would that be mostly in a forested area or a grassland area foras mostly forested areas W areas what I wonder if um cuz it's thinking about other parts I know if NE I wonder do you think at NE I'm not um perhaps I it would be nice to do something at inmen if we could cuz there's that wooded area but it will is there so do you know Park on JFK off of JFK okay yeah as such strong numbers as the last time be everywhere they will be everywhere right yeah so supposed to be bigger than predict bigger than usual is that right yeah I would like to try and do it like at out at n um Inman or something somewhere different you know so okay so that we have um the trail running we have the Eco hike in in the spring we have Firefly in July we'll have astronomy as well over the summer I guess as far as like Butler Road so we don't have anything for Butler we don't have anything for inmen we don't have anything um middle Bush Middle bush and and so um just wonder I could do maybe the youth group might be one that you can use one of them and maybe for the Youth yeah yeah you said well that that would be Su NE in Williams right yeah we could do that with the youth the youth uh Council okay one other thing to keep in mind is and I put copies on the um table there but let me just get the uh DNR Greenway I'm sorry DNR Canal watch is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the DNR canal and I put on the table there but I also have on the screen and I can email this out there are activities that are happening uh to celebrate the 50th Anniversary starting febru I mean they started as early as February 4th um one was in deont lane to Landing Lane and then we have a geology walk near Scutter Falls um oh here's one so the history bike ride from the griggstown causeway to Kingston is in is on March 23rd these are things maybe we don't run them but maybe we promote them and if anyone of us can be there then it's like we're kind of jumping on to their activity and then they have another one on Saturday 23rd it's entitled The griggstown in Blackwells m airma from the 1970s so there is things you know these are great yeah then there's one tow path from West and canalot to East Millstone in April um nature walk that starts at the van wickle house gosh so you know rather than reinvent what they're doing maybe we just try to be there with them and we advertise it on our website and our Facebook and and stuff like that so maybe if we can go through here we can do it offline even and just pick some that if anyone is interested and thinks they're going to be there anyway we can you know or we can even just post this maybe on our website because there's so many activities I'd be highly interested in doing more to activate their Walkin roll events on July 28th and August 25th well Vanessa and I we were on the new Bron seia advisory committee years ago and you know they had a lot of activities along their clo route that was Clos to um closed vehicles and open for pedestrians Runners uh we had that here in Franklin too we had the Walk and Roll Along Canal Road we still have it I think right no they stopped doing it a few years ago but I don't know that they're going I think it's just getting a person from their group that can redo it because I think but no they are on 28 on the 28th and the 2 on the Toth right I no one can there it is it's I mean it's on on the screen this is the one that there was one though that was organized by a group in Franklin and that part they haven't done but they do have the canal walk yet nice yeah all right we've got 3 minutes okay more well these are are will be a good idea I think so too we'll do that um okay so we we'll we can like put we'll draft like some uh timeline and I I I'll figure out a date for my story book I perfect um if anybody thinks of anything else and name the name in Williams we want to do something with CER connect Center I'm definitely down for that you know maybe we could partner on that too um you you can do the older all do the younger yes um okay and updates on trail conditions hopefully everybody had a chance to um experiment with the new template um Tara can you open that yep gu well Tera is IIT sorry I'm so sorry go no no no I was saying that I did revisit the John Clyde grassland and the it seems like some of the gravel had settled but overall I I I imagine the township had intervened somehow and are addressing the drainage issues of the driveway is that familiar to you okay yes I was just there last weekend and I yeah I think they are working on it um but there need the bottom of the driveway especially needs to be there's some issues there for sure so it has all eroded trench all the way from beginning to the end of the it is and even right by entrance I mean like where there's entrance from Canal Road you take a turn it's all broken it is it's really bad yeah you have to go like 2 miles an hour over it your tire is going to get inside the gate is also broken it's almost about to fall I made a note of that I made a note of that it looks like someone back there like I saw that too I made a note of it it's really in a bad condition yeah okay T can you open it like from like the um administrator like you knowz you you opened it like you're doing it you know what I mean like the actual sheet itself well the um or just like um if you go into it like you're an administrator of it like if you go into your if you go into your Google forms can you go into Google forms yes down she or form uh scroll down forms forms right there forms the purple one uh forms okay and see if you can pull up there uhoh no forms yet I don't know why it didn't share with you um if you go to the three lines all the way to the right right I'm sorry it's a no the other one the drive you got to go to the drive yeah that yeah click on that one and the drive yep and then you should see the formed there yeah I was hoping she could see the um the other version it resultes I'm sorry I don't think it no you the FR is fine if you got to share with me on the left sh s it's your left okay share me go to if you go to Dr reports this responsive is the that's the spreadsheet so it's like the back end just open that up okay open it up let's see this is it that's it yeah okay let me get to the top I can't see a thing okay come on all right let's try this way I think I'm at the top am I at the top okay so anyway it's there there's there's a cou different ways you can look at it is there anything that um is not in there um that you want to um share I think one of the things you talked about are the signs and things like that I think they should go there so we can follow up with the Department of and um okay the figure out how to work that in because it's not a that's not like a trail that we're reporting on it's it's kind of outside so this is primarily just for the trail if you see something that need to our adopted Trails okay or the trails in town that we visit very good okay some of it some of it will overlap but some of it like the toe path one wouldn't cuz nobody's adopted the toe path okay um but we wouldn't be able to report toath anyway State it's not ours it's not our yeah but we could we could share a signage we can talk about that I can send this uh anybody else with anything for uh their for the trail or updates on the trail conditions okay um can I have a motion to adjourn a second all in favor hearing no exensions no name