for the open public meeting Act of the state of New Jersey adequate notice of the Wednesday January 10th 2024 remote meeting of the Franklin Township Trails advisory committee was posted on the Township's website and electronically transmitted to the officially designated newspapers indicating that this remote meeting would take place oh it's not via WebEx now what is it it's um Microsoft teams Microsoft teams at 700 p.m. on Wednesday January 10th 2024 okay Tara would you like to do the roll call for us uh yes so Vanessa Jones present an Marie orloski present Jim Kowski here um jasha Patel present Christopher Gonda present okay we also now have Robert Kovac with us present okay and councilman Alex karazi present okay and did I miss anyone I don't think so no okay so we are all here okay great so just while we're before we get into the next thing since we just did the roll call Quick just so everyone knows um our new liaison from Council is councilman Alex karazi and he's on the call with us so we're we're really excited to have you with us councilman thank you so much thank you and yeah we're really looking forward to working with you um we also have Robert Kovac he was appointed doing that if there's I oh good yeah doing good um we also have count um our new member Robert Kovac he's on the call with us he was appointed at the last council meeting so he's a new member for us welcome thank you welcome so nice to have you welcome thank you very excited to be here and also on the call we have Michael morasco he is our intern through Ruckers University he's going to be working with us through the spring semester so this is his we just started working together last week and uh today is his first meeting so he's going to be with us through May welcome very cool um Robert I know we haven't had a chance to meet you I don't know if you want to introduce yourself and tell us a little bit about yourself before we continue sure I guess I can very briefly um you know introduce myself my name is Robert Kovac I live in eastn farms which is the area uh along uh of the the older homes like the older part of the neighborhood that is uh right next to East Avenue across from ruter prep right School uh I live on Hollywood Avenue um I've lived in Franklin for my goodness I think nearly 26 years um I uh i' I've always had an interested in in like you Civic uh things I have a degree in politics from the University of Maryland uh at College Park that I got a long time ago was very active when I was young then I had to make a living because I had children and a family in the meantime and now that my my my son um who's who's uh I feel like a very old man uh Michael uh my son is on Co-op uh this semester uh in Boston so so kind of doing the same similar thing a college kid uh doing uh doing do doing a uh a thing so I have two children um I am married uh my wife enika uh lives with me um my my children's name are bensa and zofia and from the way I speak you might be able to tell that I'm I'm I'm bilingual I have a like a a cultural background we we speak Hungarian at home um and I am an avid user um of the trails well at least the trails that I I like to use because I like to bike I love the canal top path um when I started getting civically involved uh and this opportunity was uh was made available I was very very excited uh to be part of the trails commission I think it's a very big deal I think uh making um transportation that isn't real transportation that isn't a car uh something that really ought to be an option uh in every town I would love to be able to bike um without the fear of death um so you know I um I am I'm very excited to be to to to to to do whatever it is that I can to to help uh support uh the ability to enjoy the township and and the trails and and everything else that that goes with that so awesome that's it that's my story thank you and next month we'll be meeting in person and hopefully we'll get some time to mingle so we can tell you a little bit more about ourselves too iir it would be the whole meeting if we if we did it did it all around right so yeah but I'm sure each of us has something to share based on your intro so we look forward to seeing you in person next month great um so the next item on our agenda is our annual reorganization of our Franklin Township Trails advisory committee okay so um we will need a nomination for chair for the upcoming year I heard something but I didn't hear come through hey I nominate Vanessa Jones all right everyone's rushing at the opportunity I have Jim and I have Chris down as the second because I saw him going so we have a first than a second to nominate Vanessa Jones Is there any other nominations okay so hearing none um we need a vote to approve the nomination for Vanessa Jones to be chairman for 2024 um so all in favor I I I hi any abstentions or Nays okay um hearing none um wish sh carries congratulations thank you thank you very much thanks for the opportunity friends I really appreciate it I've really enjoyed doing this um you know with the Anor partnership it's been it's been smooth I know I've been picking Jim's brain from time to time as well so I I appreciate all the all the support um great so Tara are you now looking for a nomination for for vice chair so you're back you're in the driver's seat again so yes so you're you are now okay all right so I'm looking so I'm looking for looking for a nomination for vice chair um I would like to nominate anarie oreski okay thank you second okay Jim with the second um all in favor all okay hearing no exensions um motion carries uh congratulations congratulations thank you job looking forward to another great year yes um I know when um Tara Tara and I met uh on our planning session um we talked about setting goals um and so we were think so so next so ter we're thinking of doing that next month correct I figured yeah next month I'll put together I do for the environmental commission as well so I'm going to just put together a table of goals based on what we've been working on and then we can disc use that as a starting point and we can amend it take things out put things in it'll kind be a good way to set forth our goals for projects for the upcoming year great thank you so much um the next thing on our agenda is um the approval of the November uh Tac minutes thank thank you an Marie for doing that so we need a motion oh so ter I'm sorry yes say first I'm sorry I didn't I just before we moved past reorganization I wasn't sure do we want to do a nomination for secretary or are we going to be passing it around um Chris I think Chris you had said that you would be comfortable doing it um except for the meetings we not able to attend is that is that correct yes that's correct okay so you com would you be comfortable with us nominating you um for that position I would okay I'd be honored someone do it quick um can we have a nomination for secretary I nominate Chris gondha I'll second second thanks Robert Robert nice okay all in um all in favor of Chris for second secretary yes I I perfect okay all in favor motion carries thank you CHR congratulations thanks everyone um the next item um is the approval of the minutes uh an Marie did complete them for us at the last meeting we have a motion I'm having trouble hearing people okay can you hear us better an Marie um I'm standing up now with my laptop so maybe a little bit better the pictures are getting Frozen and I I can't hear so I'm like why don't you try turning I do have a comment on my own minutes okay all right let me try something else hey an Marie does if you turn your camera off does that help turn it off yeah yeah sometimes if you turn your camera off it'll help use less Network bandwidth did that help at all oh did that help if you can it depends can you hear us better we can hear you can you hear us yeah no I can't so I'm moving in the house hold on oh I hate when this happens all right can you hear me now yes we can hear you we can hear you very well have been able to hear you only you are all cut up um an Marie if you know you could always you could always this is very frustrating because not only can't I see you but I can't really hear you an Marie um Tara she can call in as well yes uh yes let me get the info well this is so annoying okay Amry I'm going to email you the meeting info and that has the call the call-in feature if you if you'd like to use that all right I'm I am now sitting in my hallway can you hear me we've always been able to hear you we can hear you great okay all right I'm going to stay here in my hallway so um the the minutes from November I realize there was a mistake in there so um something should have been added so I don't think we should approve them until I could add that in there okay we can table them um seems like and am Marie do you want to tell us go Tera she can also amend it she could tell us now we could amend it and approve appr them as amended or or no she can tell us what the what the change is and then we can yeah make a motion to approve the minutes as amended and we'll post them once that information is put in okay hold on I'm like scattered all over the house now because I had to move because of this stupid bandwidth or whatever all right so deep breath deep breath am don't let it get to you you're good you're good thank you appreciate that so under um number 10 in my minutes it was new business should have been separated and highlighted and then it said oh I love sitting on the floor here it's great so um Tara red resolution for CBT I should have put in what the resolution was remember you gave us a resolution that open space had complished and we were we said that we were going to support that resolution but I should have included what that resolution was in this got it what we can do if you want is we can um where it says resolution for CBT we can put C attached and we can attach the resolution to the minutes perfect so if if you're okay with that Amendment we can make a motion to approve the minutes with that addition okay and I'm open if anyone else has a good memory or wants to change anything I mean certainly so once we have a motion we can discuss it further okay does somebody want to make a motion um to approve the minutes and then we can discuss I will move to approve the minutes okay does anybody else have any other comments or questions about the minutes oh we just need a second second and Marie okay just to move it forward okay Jim you always have an Eagle Eye so I didn't know if you had anything I didn't see any um didn't see any typos or anything like that just uh I think we as a side note I think we also have to approve the October minutes yes that's true we didn't do that that's right we didn't do that at the last meeting but okay let's finish November all right so that addition yeah so we have we have the minutes um with the addition with the attachment um all in favor I hi um so so Robert I guess I would recommend that you abstain from this one oh okay because you weren't at the meeting to compare you're right you're right I because I was October and November both I was absent okay okay so jasha obained from that one okay got it and Chris also is abstaining because he was not present at that meeting that's correct okay um so it'll just be uh myself Jim and anarie um so anarie you you also uh you you approved those minutes as well so yes um motion carries well I guess question did gasha did you say you were not at the November meeting because it shows that you are here you were there no in the November minutes meeting right November so Jim so maybe there's another error so um and Marie I think I think jasha was saying she was not present in October but she was in November is that right jasha yeah because I have you as present on my handwritten notes as well in November okay I remember I missed one meeting which was in person I guess October last in personer that was October I was not there in October then okay I'm sorry my apology okay so jasha isn't in but you're abstaining in October and so is Robert okay okay okay um I think we're all set now now Jim had pointed out um um Tara do you want you want us to do we should do October separately correct yes um can we have a motion to approve the o October minutes I'll make a motion the October minutes I have a second I second okay um any discussion hearing none uh all in favor I I any abstentions I abstained because I wasn't there okay so jasha you as well you're abstaining as well from the October minutes because you were not there okay all right motion carries so we have approved the October and November minutes perfect okay great um next item on our agenda is public comment um can we have a motion to open the floor for public comment I move we open the floor to public comment can I have a second second Chris seconded it thank you um all in favor opening to the public okay great we are open all right um let me unmute uh let's see if I can do this um okay hang on I this is new to me get in this part give me me one second here okay so we have I'm going to go on the list here um PES LA are you there yes I am hi okay so everyone oh I'm so glad you came PES so PES actually today sent in an email asking about potentially joining the trails committee so I'm so glad that you're here in the audience I sent you the information which I know you got yes and uh I'm glad you're here so do you have any comment or uh not until now I am really interested in uh like looking at the trails I do have uh uh my own thoughts and ideas that I would like to share with people but I know until I do become a member or uh or I'm I listen to and see where uh the committee is headed or has interests in at that point I would um like to comment and share my thoughts okay did you submit your form or you're still thinking about it you're saying uh I will be submitting it tonight or maybe tomorrow morning I will send you an email uh as soon as I've uh filled up I I just came back um uh home so uh I saw the uh the form in there I I know and I'm going to fill it up and get it out to you tonight tomorrow great that's excellent and profess how did you hear about the opening on uh well one was Facebook and the other was uh um I was attending the Master Gardeners program and there uh this was mentioned so um uh okay I thought it would be interesting to see how it works with my uh my interests uh in nature and native plants that's where I come from I used to be a tropical uh plants farmer and uh from uh from there I want to take a look and see and contribute more to the native plants in the Northeast and specifically New Jersey well watch out because anarie is gonna recruit you for the negri um show gardens I the demonstration garden she's looking for a Tak her absolutely okay oh well well well thank you for joining us this evening thank you okay thank you so much thanks okay and then we also have um Bill Bowman is here from the Franklin reporter Bill do you have any comment or question no nothing just hello and happy New Year thank you Happy New Year Bill thanks for being here okay and that is the only members of the public that are present can we have a motion to close public comment I move that we close public comment a second Chris seconds it um all in favor I and moving on the next item on our agenda is the pathways and trails plan okay so I am really excited to have sent around the final draft of the pathways and trails plan um I do have a few things that I just need to go over with you all before it's really considered a final draft um so I just have a list here and I'm going to run through them um kind of quickly I guess to begin with but let me let me get my screen going give me one second excuse me okay all right so here we go um the first thing is I have to move this that's the first thing I can't move the box is like right where the little scroll bar should be all right give me one second guys okay here we go now we're moving okay so I've updated the table of Contents I went in I got all of the Final maps from our it department and I've added them in they may need some tweaks but I mean luckily I have them in at least now to as placeholders um but I think they're in good shape I added an updated all the demographic information and I updated the section on the local Health assessment so that the recommendations are included I updated our Trails advisory committee but this was was done a few days ago so I'm Robert I'll put your name in there and councilman karazi I'll also add you in um this table of contents is a clickable table of contents so when it's posted or if someone's reading it as a PDF you can click on the page and it'll take you directly to that page so it's a little user friendly I hope at least that people think that um the first question I really just didn't want to you know do this without getting getting everyone's okay is um on the section on visions and goals so this is our vision and goals which we talked about this hasn't changed so we talked about this a while back the one thing I did add add in here is because we originally approved our vision statement in November of 2021 I added in a just one line that says and reiterated its support at its January 10th 2024 meeting so um our vision statement is above it's the committee seeks to Foster and appreciation of the outdoors through the promotion and development of safe enjoyable multi-use Trails so before I put that in there I just wanted to make sure that everyone is good with reaffirming the support of that vision statement yes okay yes perfect all right um Oho advising mistake Trails advisory advis oh there Trails advisory okay thank you advisory misspelled and we'll give this a final proof read too before we send it in for sure um perfect thank you so much uh the next area that needs a quick review is this highlight area here is for our miles of Forest Trails through the township so I received the final map just about a little over an hour ago now at this point so now that I have all of the trail maps I can calculate the miles of Forest Trails so I will add that in um after tonight as soon as I have a chance to just calculate everything so that's just for your information uh page 14 is this so we have the Graber Woods environment Bunker Hill Environmental Center uh the trail so the Blue Trail we know is 0.60 the other Trail we have have listed so that leaves 1.50 miles of Trail so I just want you to keep that in your mind because we are going to look at that map in just a few minutes but I'm not sure if it's divided over multiple Trails or if it's one Trail that's 1.5 so I just want that was kind of like just a little reminder for myself and we are going to look at that map momentarily so just keep that in your mind um the next area that need so this I updated um from our local Health assess talking about Trails accessibility so now I have all the miles where multi-use paths are and some recommendations from the trails plan I've updated all of the tables so that they all look like this now which I think is nice um Butler Road is this where we needed okay the next okay here we go so we have these little boxes under each Trail the one for Butler Road chuck had worked on this but the only ones he had in was mature trees and white tail deer I was just wondering does anyone in the committee know of anything else I can put in there that you might see at the Butler Road natural Trails it can be a type of bird type of insect a specific type of plant you know it's not inclusive it's just kind of to give the the reader a little taste of what they might see Hunters don't count right yeah [Music] so anybody know Butler Road and some interesting tree species plant species bird [Music] she's runs a along it isn't it so water fou I mean there is that one of the trails goes along a stream doesn't it it does okay so I can look up types of water foul that might be there I can do that um I'm also happy to reach out I mean this was actually Chuck's Trail then the fact that he did all the other ones and and didn't finish this one's kind of funny um so we can also I can also if you don't I'm happy to reach out to kind of get some quick input oh wait wait wait I'm sorry I knew something didn't sound right about that I made an error my error I'm looking at this it's not the bun it's not the Butler Road Trail because you're right that makes no sense that chuck would do that it's the deont Lan User it's the deont Lan one that makes sense so it's just a typo yes I have to just put deont lean so anything else we would see on now that deont lane walking path does anyone know of any I know right oh I could put benches actually um okay I could look at a map of like habitat and species that are in that general area and add them on if everyone's okay with that yeah okay let me do that because that's going to probably be the easiest thing to do yeah I mean I there's definitely there's like the wooded part like there's a wooded section when you go the part of the section between um New Brunswick Road and Easton Avenue there's a lot of there's a part of that that's all wooded on one side I can't I can't speak to I don't I never looked closely to see what type of trees those were um I can look at the habitat and species map to fill that in okay yeah I mean there there's just like the usual there wouldn't be I don't think it's known for anything particular right yeah I mean it just be the usual deer Fox raccoon oh Fox that's a good one to add in that's a really good one to add in okay thank you I'll add that in too just one or two more things just so it's not like one area only has one or two things and everything else has five or six that's all exactly Rob hold on Robert you're in that area kind of what have you seen anything in there when you were pedaling by I was going to say that that I mean you never actually see the foxes you know I see the foxes off my back deck early early early early in the morning I mean what you see most often on the JFK bu it's one of my favorite paths right because it is in fact a transportation path right so you see your neighbors is what you see on the uh on the JFK path I don't know if that's something that you know makes any sense because we're always talking about trails and paths in the context of being outside of civilization but that path is is you know my daughter can use it to go to school right so yeah to be said well at least that's the the point of view that I have that there's something to be said about about trails and and and an actual genuine Transportation okay all right uh oh honeysuckle shrubs perfect okay thank you honeysuckle shrubs perfect the honeysuckles yes we're getting there okay the next one that we have to look at is JFK so Chris um this might sorry do we want to get this moss lyans and funds are there funds really growing I wouldn't say that typifies the JFK Boulevard path no because I don't think there would be funds this not the I mean it's not something I would highlight on JFK Boulevard now okay I can remove that and Lings are common everywhere you see on the trees on the Rocks everywhere around you will find them they are very common very primitive species right so it's not like particular to JFK only perfect okay I'll remove that yeah um the same question is for JFK Boulevard here what else can be seen I'll remove moss lyans ferns but the other question I I know Chris you did this path you mapped this path can we add the cross is there like specific cross streets that I can reference and also um I have the multi-use path provides safe multimodal Transit between Amwell Road and can you fill these in for me do you know them on the top of your head okay Easton Avenue right yeah yeah it goes from Amwell to Easton Easton Avenue and Amwell and is there any like um High uh cross streets that I can highlight for reference anything along those 2.2 miles um anybody that's a worth that's worth like referencing what are you looking for just cross streets to have for reference I mean like there's because there's Hughes there's Renfro there's there's burger burger is the light Burger yeah like a some like notable cross street a burger and new brunic road are both lights instead of a street might it be notable that it it it that's the path that takes you to right if I'm not mistaken that's the one that goes to middle Bush Park and the and the and the municipal center that's the M Lane one moved on to J I keep on mixing up the mat Lane and and JFK I'm sorry you're right in my mind but Robert you rais a good point because it does past in Park yeah there you go oh nicely done anarie all right I can add that in Tera you may want to also add Hamilton Amway Road and Hamilton that's Hamil perfect so so so amar's pointing out say that again yeah I think uh m road is the name change to Hamilton right by the JFK correct right I think but but at that intersection it does right or is it yeah I think it turns into Hamilton just beyond just beyond um JFK honestly also Bettis Lane is another one that really JFK ends up to be uh uh I'm sorry the Cedar Grove Lane right so JFK ends JFK turns into Clyde so JFK turns into Clyde if you keep going forward right so that Clyde yeah Mar I don't know those streets are how helpful those you know streets will be um but I really love the idea of including the fact that Harvey J Inman Park is off of JFK and then the middle Bush Park is off of damont perfect yeah no I agree with you I think that makes total sense and we we mentioned that deat is the connector to the canal toe path right I would imagine we do yep we do and the street to is leup Lane le le Loop right is that how you say it loop I I grew up calling it Loop okay I think someone was also saying and uh they're Reviving that Googly Marone park at the end of JFK Boulevard at Easton Avenue so maybe we could add that in there oh yeah even though it's a private concern I think and also there is a JFK Memorial that's at the end of JFK uh bulwar yeah but isn't that a private their parking lot there I mean I don't know if that's a you know a city Monument it's not I believe that is private but I'm not sure yeah but it's an attraction you know it's something to see yeah yeah you can add it okay can I can so can I just run there's just the three Maps I want to run by you all just because I do have to leave shortly so I just want to make sure I run those maps by you while while I have you on there go ahead and Vanessa just so you know I sent you an email that has information on any potential updates for me while I'm gone just in case oh great um okay let me get back to the plan okay so I just okay so the maps I had seen them a few days ago um there had to be some changes made and like I said I just got these changes about a little over an hour ago um this is the map for Graber woods and Bunker Hill Environmental Center I see Chuck Martin joined hi Chuck I reached out to him to ask him for his feedback and he was very gracious and helpful and giving it me giving me it on this because he's so familiar with it excuse me um this is the updated map um so basically oh sorry guys I'm trying to see you on the map at the same time okay um this is the disc golf area so originally this was in I forget it was like a gold color and to me it looked too similar to the yellow Trails we use so I asked at to change this to a dashed line and a different color than any of our Trails because it's not really a designated Trail because it's for disc golf so I I hope that's okay I think it makes sense um but this any so fragmented I'm sorry that explains why it's so loopy loopy loop yes it does that was the other thing I'm like this doesn't look good as a trail but when you note oh it's a disc golf course it makes sense it makes sense um I had a put in the location of the Bunker Hill Environmental Center and parking of course and then these are the trails and again these are all taken from the GPS mapping that was done after he digitized it and cleaned it up so any comments on that well do you want to label it as a disc golf course rather than disc golf paths yeah we can do that some minor yeah no we can absolutely do that yeah that makes sense um let me just see change dis golf path um golf path to course that makes sense okay I actually saw a dis golf U tournament on like some wacky cable channel those guys are good oh man those I agree I wonder if Mark was watching it but I was impressed if you can go back to the map so this brown one the Brown Trail why does it have the white outline both out the so the only brown color but white this white it's for any reason any yeah so the brown before wasn't really showing up that well and it was discussed having an outline on there so that's why it's there so that's what I guessed right it's just too difficult to see against the Green it is yeah it didn't pop at all so I think yeah that's why all right let me scroll down so we have JFK this one's you know a little if you know this is relatively oh sorry now my computer's having like a meltdown here okay um this document is so large so it's kind of difficult sometimes give me one second okay no no no okay all right let me go back uh Trails the L okay here we go yeah that's what he's Trails plan all right getting there that's the problem sometimes with with such a large document it'll sometimes do that okay all right all right the next one was the JFK Trail and that one is um you know compared to the other ones relatively simple so he did add in the Marone plaza where in the um the parking area and Inman Park is on here and then it's just we just made it the orange Trail just to kind of change it up I know it's like the blazes were already done on that trail right on J oh no no no I was thinking Inman sorry sorry yep never never mind any comments on on this one no okay excellent then we have John Clyde Memorial native grasslands preserve um so this is the updated map the um there was some red and different things going on here that's been corrected the kiosk and the parking areas here as well as Canal Road and the connection to Bunker Hill excuse me um terara I'm sorry sorry just you know how this has the connection to Bunker Hill Natural Area here I'm going back to that Inman map I think it would be nice to have something similar to the trail at Inman on the JFK Boulevard yeah yeah because because like really like you know the Inman Park label is over here but you can like it you know in the road comes right up to Inman right right but I'm thinking maybe if we just have like where the trail is if we could just identify where the trail is at Inman on here I think that would be a nice feature yeah absolutely we can do that um perfect yep and we had so at added in the connection to Bunker Hill here um and then this is the final map so he did digitize all of the data that we had and it it's uh I think it's it looks good anyone have any comments on that nope and the last updated map then is the Memorial Forest now this looks a little crazy I know but um the boundaries of the property are in here this is the trail as it is in Memorial Forest the trail is really not in great shape um but that is what's existing there and so I told at just to make it white um that's what is and that really is what's there the other fields are farmed and there really AR no other active Trails right there at this at this exact moment in the one thing I did do for um Memorial Forest let me go back to it here in the area for Memorial Forest where we talk about potential upgrades so this is the section where we talk about you know potential projects we'd like to have in the future what I did do I just have to find it this is negri Inman it goes should okay all right now it's going too fast give me one second let me get to the correct spot dealine okay all right when I see it I'll know it I just got to get there what I did do that's non Williams of course okay while I'm looking for it I added in I don't know if you all remember that we had I talked to you guys that we discussed at the open space committee doing kind of an overhaul to Memorial Forest and adding in an extension and an area to actually plant native trees and then to go through our recently acquired property at Elizabeth AV so in this section if I can find it um I added in that section here about what we would propose to do at Memorial Forest right now as it stands so this way here it is so I added these maps in and kind of discussed right now what the open space committee has talked about and that's this trail that is the existing Trail at Memorial Forest basically going through the driveway We'll add the existing Trail itself is not here on the map because it was not existing at the time until just now but I can add that in and it shows the potential extension that at some point in the future will go through this property that we recently acquired and then um also added in the potential two parking areas because again this is just the conceptual part of the plan right now so we're just showing that and then the amenities and where the trail would be and kiosk and bike uh racks and things like that so I did that add that in to kind of round out the lacking you know map that we have here for Memorial Forest looks good and that's it so that is the final draft after the pathways and trails plan so after I take out the highlighted sections that we just discussed and I add in those calculated forested Acres it's in a position where I can send it to Mark Healey our planning director and the fir The Next Step would be that he reviews it gives me any comments which I don't think he'll have and then to adopt it as part of the master plan it has to have a hearing before the planning board and then be adopted at a subsequent meeting so if you all are good with me making those changes and sending it to mark for his final review I can definitely do that and if he has any comments I'll bring them back to you and if he doesn't um I can give it to everyone for like if you want to have one last look although I think we've we've gone through it enough that it's I think it's in good it's it's basically finished so yeah um thank you so much Tara um I know you have to hop off um so does anybody have any final comments about what terara just said think was a great effort yes and I think it looks really I think it looks great and I think also the really cool thing it has so many conceptual drawings and Maps I think it's in a really really good spot I think it's it's very it's just a great plan I think it's really good we did good job great job 10 years working on a 10year plan yeah you know it it is but the good thing is I think the thing that kind of really took a long time with it is that these other projects kind of got wrapped into it so it's like you know gpsing all of the trails so that their actual data that really extended it but now we have real on the ground data which is great you know and then it was like oh let's change over to paint blazes while we're at it and let's also update all of our trails maps so it was a huge effort but closing out the pathway and trails plan it really closes out all three of those efforts Sarah this is a great work how long did it take to put this Hol together it took a long time we've been working on it for since I started which was five years ago is when we've been working on it and it probably could have that's what we're just saying it could have been done maybe a little sooner but we really wanted to make it excellent and I think it's it's at that point well we finally got rolling with it when you joined I mean we I think we've were working on it I joined the committee 2015 and you know I think that's when we were starting it up with it and uh it's been a long process yeah great great job thank you so I guess before I hop off is everyone okay with me sending it to Mark Healey our planning director for his review and comment okay all right sure awesome Tara I know I I I have your the notes you shared um regarding new business and old business is there anything for the site plan review no or should we table that okay no site plan review we are having an environmental commission meeting on the 22nd and we will have plans at that meeting so at our next Trails meeting I'll discuss those okay thank you guys for your understanding that I have to jump off I'm sorry I just have something going on but you know as you know I'll be back up and running next month for sure thanks you've covered all everything for us thank you so much terara and I'll just wrap up these last two sections Perfect all right guys I'll see you next month bye bye everybody have a good one s regarding the recording um does it look oh let's hope it keeps recording it is yay it will um good good good um okay so um just so the site plan review uh for our people who are new to the Comm committee visiting is when um the trails committee gets to look at space that has been recently acquired so right we are a subcommittee of open space open space acquires new land we uh get to kind of look at it and you know and determine if trails are going to go on it we also get to look at other types of properties you know and looking at a would sidewalks be appropriate so not necessarily Trails but having input um in general regarding that so uh every every meeting we have um we check in um sometimes Tara has updates for us and sometimes um like like today there W there wasn't anything to share um moving on to new business uh so the local Health assessment and action plan the final plan was presented to the township Council and the public on December 12th and it was very well received um we as a Trails advisory committee should review the full plan for ideas on projects Trails planning and design Health Equity issues and more and some of this is stuff that we've already started working on um with our project with non Williams Park um Tara will discuss items specific to us at the February meeting and um and we can Al uh there's a link that I can share for the full the full plan um to access that when is if I may just add the Advisory Board of Health also is reviewing that document and they're going to pick up two three items that relates to their activities to help to bring more Equity across Township just for your information between W 4 and W one the life expectancy difference is almost like eight years and that's amazing so there are going to be great activi that hopefully will come from your team as well as the the board of uh advisory Health Board of advisory and then uh hopefully that'll help to improve or or narrow that Gap right right um thank you thank you for thank you for sharing that and I know that's something you know we as a committee have been intentionally thinking about how do we create access to trails in the more densely populated parts of town um and you know we were lucky to get the um the sustainable Jersey Grant to uh consider adding the trail at non Williams Park um and there's just you know we want to keep thinking thinking I know Tara got that micro Mobility grant for us and also thinking about okay what what part of town I know we talked about zat lane and then we also talked about hey wait a second do we want to have something from the other side of town do we want to talk about WS four and five and maybe creating some type of a path linking them um to some some more resources um so let's all take a look at this um the data and and and and put our heads together to to think about how we can continue to improve the health for all the wards um in Franklin Township excellent um so uh the next item is vacancies uh so we have been appointed um Robert kovax as we all met him earlier um and that was at the last meeting um and we actually we weren't sure you were going to be here tonight Robert we thought we wouldn't have you until February so um this was a nice surprise you figured it out clever boy great um and um and so uh the next item we have is moving on to Old business um oh Chuck thanks so much for visiting it's good to see you um the um the next item uh for for old business we have the um Community energy plan and microb ability study there are no updates at this time um I had asked Tara there were some things that were um we had taken off the agenda I know sometimes things come off and we forget to revisit them so terara just put them back on and I'm just going to say there's no updates for certain ones and that way we can don't lose track of and we can come back to them next month um there's no update for that on the environmental commission is still working on drafting the plan and hiring a consultant um which requires waiting on the temporary budget to be passed the green infrastructure project in nonan Williams I don't know if anybody had a chance to be out there um I was out there a couple weeks ago and DPW has paved the path um it looks great it looks great you know how something that's freshly paved like a road it just feels better so they they did a nice job and it um it looks like they have raised um they have there's an under drain that's been installed in the area of most concern okay um so it's not exactly to me it do look exactly like what was in the green infrastructure plans that we that Tera had created with the input um from the expert from but it's definitely something um and so we'll we'll have to she's waiting to hear back some more um from DPW um about exactly what they did and what the next steps are and and what was connected because she had shared with them all of the specs all of the guidance um and uh so we we'll see what was considered um and hopefully hopefully we'll see um some improvements with I I it' be a great time to go and see what's happening now all this rain wouldn't it be yeah I was there after when I went there was it was after a day after a rain and it was uh it was pretty it was good it was good so hopefully yeah we should we should head out there soon to catch up on the Storm um Community engagement will hopefully begin in the next two months uh regarding um the plans for Williams um terara for the the memorial plaque for Melba Tara received a quote uh $300 from C Crown Trophy which is for a basic beautiful bronze plaque which can be fixed to a rock at NE green aot um the producer of the plaque strongly advised against AFF fixing the plaque to the bird blind or offence because of the risk of theft the temporary budget must be passed before this item can be ordered and uh regarding security cameras the township is planning on installing cameras in the parking areas at all of our parks and Open Spaces used by the public over a period of years um Tara discussed this with osac at the last meeting and did research on our existing cameras a camera similar to that at the one at the John cly Memorial native grasslands in gtown um is approximately $25,000 and has been detailed um to be useful uh for the vention of crime and the police after a crime is committed Tara's going to continue to follow up on this item and she'll report back as cameras are installed um as you can see it is very expensive so it's not something that's going to happen overnight could they could they target negri nepot as being one of the next ones that they do because we have had crime out there um the graffiti and also um it's a great parking lot to put a security camera and then advertise that there's a security camera there because it's it would be very visible and it's right off the road so it would probably deter more crime I'll mention that uh I'll mention that and I guess you have to like you know assess all of the different places um and um get input I guess from the police as well to see what they have to say sure yeah I'll mention that to Tara um the last item we have is um oh no we have trail walks and events um as at this time we do not have anything scheduled um are there any trail walks or events that anybody would like to propose at this time and it's the winter tends to be the quiet the quiet time in February for spring we can start preparing for spring yeah so February meeting I think we can definitely discuss about the plans yeah I think that's a great idea because there's still hunting going on and yeah and the weather is also right now not appropriate looking forward to Spring yeah that's for sure and you know I definely think we can like in February we can get those dates because I know we also want to get the um them posted in like whenever the next Franklin times comes out you know we want to make sure that we catch those windows even our National Trails day the sooner we can get that on the calendar um the more advertising and the more we can give connective Parks and Recreation as well to continue that partnership oh you know what I'm sorry I'm I'm I'm digressing a little bit here but there was something about um in the trails pathway and trails plan I'm sorry I'm bringing that up at this point but it the it did not include um activities regarding education or bringing other people out on the trails in um I'm kind I was looking through and I'm kind of speaking up the top of my head but it's something we should make sure that it's included um I'll get back to everyone because I I didn't see where and Mar and Maria I was thinking of the same kind of thing that we have our school children is there any plan for example to take them to as part of the education or learning about our Township and our uh nature to the trail because usually sometimes in schools they want to take the kids outside uh for uh fil trips uh or exploration of the nature I mean there's a nature week nature science you know nature day is that something that maybe you can add to the list of dues this year to uh highlight the uh uh the learning experiences of our school children to by taking them some of the beautiful trails that we have I know that we have the um so we definitely have partnered with um Girl Scout groups and boy scout groups you know really trying to uh encourage um children to come out um and I don't I don't know councilman um if you're familiar with the Bunker Hill Environmental Education Center yes I am and so yes so I know that and that you know the Board of Ed used to regularly have field trips bringing classes there right we would love to see that come back I would love to see that come back um um but I know there's been some issues and and right now that building is in need of a lot of repairs and if if that you know if if we feel that once that we've we've talked about that so I don't know um that you know we would like to use that building as well like you know that would be a great hub for when there's events and things like that and um and that would allow um I know um is it Emily who who Who's Max's wife um who lives live in the house over there um by the trails I know she was the designated educator um for the Environmental Center um so we could definitely connect more with them and and and figure out what's going on but um I think that this committee has you know would happily support support that work but I think also kind of dusting off the the structures that were in place would I think that would be great honestly I mean I'm a president of a private school in town and I know that uh that I look for opportunity to take to ask the teachers to take for uh a half a day or a you know a few hours of walking in our Township so if if we can start that again or if we come up with some other ideas and communicate that to schools uh I think we will definitely will benefit from it yeah and we definitely try to promote the hikes that we do have as well with schools we've just we haven't had much of a much of a turnout um but we definitely want to continue those efforts and you know gasha on our committee is a teacher as well I I I'm I'm a school administrator at a K8 school and gasha is a science uh teacher at a school here in town um so definitely there's buying excellent [Music] excellent um okay up I was gonna say you know uh was it National Trails day that's where we were that was the location at the Environmental Center and Chuck gave an excellent uh hike there so there are very good hiking trails so again it seems like if if that can be reinvigorated through the Board of Ed or through the town that seems like the most logical location uh uh uh uh to to U you know fulfill councilman's wishes there desire yeah great one other thing that is happening that I've seen in the township is that not you know we have about 70,000 people in Township right and of course a lot of young people a lot of new people a lot of people that uh they've called Franklin their home during the last let's say two three four years and I don't think they really know much about the trails that we have and um it will be great if you have some sort of educational programs or even a simple uh map or onepage write up and put that in the newsletter that Township sends out that newsletter goes basically to all every houses uh you know for example one of the things we're doing in town we have food insecurity team and as part of that we've created a one page for all the resources or all the organization that people that they need food they can go so if we have something like that at one page maybe with a a map of Franklin and highlighting the trails plus the write up some specific then we can ask the township to put that page in their newsletter which will go to Every household and that may be another option to promote the uh uh these trails and and uh encourage people to to utilize them counc I don't know if you can see if you can see um my screen I don't know if you're familiar with that map that actually that's a map of Franklin Township it's called the things to do map and it includes all of the trails in town right and this is what we use um a lot for our marketing because we table at Franklin day we table at the 4th of July and um we've run out of those Maps we've been trying to get more um but you know we've created QR codes so when people come they could if they don't want to take a map they can take the QR code um for that um and and definitely um uh that that it's a great resource we we want to get more people out as well um and the events we I don't know if you're familiar but we've actually partnered is it the last year last two years maybe now with Parks and Recreation we used to have events and if we had one or two people come that was a lot we just couldn't get traction um but partnering with Parks and Recreation has really allowed us to have a pickup in our attendance at our at our events and um another thing that we're trying to do and we just haven't had any luck is getting signage better signage so for instance like we know like our Franklin Township Trails but we also really to have two state parks in our town right so we know the DNR toe path is such a great um great resource we wanted to get Trail signs on eastn Avenue near uh the intersection of deont Lane intersection of JFK I'm sorry on Franklin Boulevard showing people where to access um those those Trails um and unfortunately those are things we've asked DPW for and design of those signs Rena that you have the design of the signs or it's just a standard you've probably seen them you know the the hiking person the brown on the brown background trail with an arrow it's a very simple simple sign um but DPW has not been able to get to those things for us yet um so those are those are some some things little things that we're we're trying to do um I know yeah it's great that you're doing those but the again I since not everybody for example comes to the Franklin day or some of the activities that that uh I have participated I've have seen your uh maps and so forth this uh newsletter that I'm talking about from the township goes to every household and it may not be and it's basically uh Safi and and maybe Tara but specific safy will help to put that uh page together if if you need but I think that may be a good way to also promote especially maybe close to the spring when the weather is getting warm and people like to get get out that maybe are you talking about the are you talking about the Franklin times or are you talking about a different no this is is from our Township blue it's typically blue it's a community community reporter I think it's called right it usually has the board of education on the back and and the Township news you know like in the front I I uh Robert I exactly don't know the form that this is a News newspaper type thing that goes out it's right I think yeah I thought it was called the Franklin times but I might be wrong yeah yeah so that may be a good good way to promote as well you know more than that I'm I'm sure we've naal Trails day that's it yes that's it and it is called the Franklin times right yeah yeah yeah Jim what were you gonna say Jim I was gonna say well historically we have done a lot of marketing when there's been Township events but past couple years with covid and cancellations of Franklin day there's no more Canal Fest but uh councilman those uh maps that we used to hand out they used to fly like hot cakes and again we got a lot of people not just from Franklin but all in the area and they were really impressed and then uh you know the map that the map that terara showed we also have that's a big uh what you call it uh what you call roll yeah we have a big banner and we used to have that at U you know Canal what was it Franklin day and also Fourth of July so we always have tables and like I said those Maps were really a good marketing tool to get people going absolutely and again weal and we used to have the uh you know walk the trails things like that so we we we've had a lot it's just unfortunately we haven't had too many Township events to publicize but we do we do have articles in the uh Franklin times you know Excell yes but we can do more we can do more of it yeah yeah again there are a lot of new people in town that they don't know much about the town right so it will be good to give more publicity and education to them and sorry Jim go ahead I was going to say I used to be involved with the Franklin soccer so I would have tables set up there at the end of the season so that the kids would have something to do and we have like 800 kids registered for Franklin soccer at one time and yeah we we yeah so so the season ended there's other things to do for the summer excellent It's like a right of passage coaching a team at Frank soccer my camera froze I apologize um the um so yeah so I know so Jim was mentioning we hand out a lot of a lot of the maps unfortunately we just even when we hand out flyers about our hikes we never saw a lot of traffic from that the only thing we've seen traffic from is Parks and Recreation like that partnership has defin undoubtedly been successful for us um and so that's why in February we'll talk about the hikes that we want to schedule coming up so we can get that information we can put it in the Franklin times we can put it in Parks and Recreation um and continue um to do marketing and um and and support and encourage the the use uh of of our trails and and in the castle meeting we always have the council's comment and one of the things that we do is to mention about uh briefly uh about the meetings that we've attended and so I definitely vness be reaching out to you to help me with the what messages that you like me to share but you can also any of the members they can come and uh during the public uh comment section which you have like five minutes you can talk about it and that may not be a bad idea during the year C couple of times and if something nice is happening and you can talk and people listen and it's uh it's there and sometime U Franklin reporter always there so probably uh Franken reporter will write something about it as well as the tap into so you will have a little bit more uh Market in there too great thank you for that that suggestion thank you one last thing uh I'll have to check like the township website but maybe if it's more prominent yeah again I I I'm not sure exactly how it's put on the website but maybe if it's a little more prominent that would get a little more traffic yeah Town actually we have the trail map the map is there I saw that the trail map in the township uh uh website I'm just you know again I haven't looked at it in a long time I just have to see how how easy it is to you know like one or two clicks or something like that if it's buried then it might be tough to find that that that that's my point but I I'm not sure exactly how it's uh presented on the website I'd have to check okay okay um so we're now moving on uh to our updates on trail conditions before we go into that I do want to I want to propose something um that might be a resource for us to to consider is um my suggestion is is that we use a Google doc h a Google spreadsheet um to uh record our monthly report on our Trails um what I was thinking was like to have a a spreadsheet where we can see like you're looking at so you look at Bunker Hill September Bunker Hill October Bunker Hill November and and I the reason I was thinking about this um was just because I don't and it's ter gets our information reports it but sometimes like you know asking for signage the benches different things we don't really have a record of when we first requested it from DPW um and how much time has passed and things like that and I thought it might be nice that we could have a document that's like at a glance um and and we could just each like just type in it be a share document that we could each just type in and know obviously some months we don't have reports um and that and that's fine too um but for when we do have them it could be uh tracked um and I was wondering what you guys thought about that that's a good idea yep agreed y good idea yeah I think that definitely work comments and you know okay great I had um I when I first joined the committee I was very I was very gung-ho and I and I was I was doing it that way um and but then but then I I didn't I didn't keep it up um so I'm going to take what I had created I'll try to like modify it so we could all be on on the same document um and just something else that when I first joined the committee um and and Jim you might if you have any other information um if I'm wrong please correct me like we were asked to um to have a a paper trail map and and then like circle like hand write on that map like where the issues were if there was a fallen tree if there was an issue and that's what initially hand in um uh to the consultant now now Tara um and um and so I don't know Jim do you remember that too and did you find that helpful or do you think that helped DPW well I I don't recall that specifically but that sounds like a great idea I mean you know uh you know if we could do it one more uh like chuck would do he would have the coordinates you know what I'm saying the GPS coordinates say okay this is where this is but you know hey a map would work as well I mean you know that I don't recall it but that sounds like a great idea to get a little more action and a little bit more detailed information on any location and I like the idea of a historical thing because like I said we we may discuss benches and then nothing gets done and then we kind of put it off for a while and then oh hey what about the benches you know so it might just be someone's recollection rather than anything uh uh standardized or or or more documented so yeah okay well Vanessa we could similarly use the field maps app to do the same thing um so if they had made a copy of the the current um lines that we drew from our um data collections uh and just use that for us to record the points where the issues are um because instead of um what we did was create lines and segments by starting the nav starting the the recording of the the lines on the the app but if we just used it to record a specific point with the issue um that's happening there it could also be saved as a point on the map in a feature that at and Terra would be able to access on on a computer I'm sorry would DPW be able to access that easily because this is the whole purpose is to have something that they can utilize readily so they know exactly what needs to get done as well as us having a record of when we requested things and if it was accomplished I'm trying to think of how to make it as easy as possible for people who we want to help do this to be able to access yeah well if they do use the app they'll absolutely be able to pull up the coordinates um like Chuck done in the past and I think it would just be a matter of whoever is recording the note in the app uh to what the date is uh when you recorded it I imagine it should also record that on its own too um but it might be a little tricky because you know sometimes we don't have signal or reception um where the issue may be okay Chris how would we share that with DPW so Chris does it let you print does it let you print your observations that you have recorded on the map so if if it let you print I think that print out we can send it to DPW at least that way we can communicate to DPW does does DPW have some sort of ticketing system so I'm new right so everything I say please take with a grain of salt if I'm if I'm not quite understanding everything correctly but it sounds like what we are looking for is some sort of mechanism by which we can track ongoing issues some of these ongoing issues that we want to track May in fact be requests that we want to send to the dtpw for them to act on so a idea of a spreadsheet a Google spreadsheet some sort of shared document in which we can you know each row would represent an issue and we can have the notes we could have the coordinates of where the action is and then we could use certain columns to say reference back to you know where this issue is being addressed whether it be you know something and so my question is is I don't know how the how the township is ministered yet I'm at the beginning of my my Civic Journey here in Franklin does the DPW have some sort of you know in the parlament of of of of you know the it business that I'm in they have some sort of ticketing system where you say I am looking for a work piece of work to be done and they catalog that and they say you know this is work item number 742 this is the person that requested it this is you know the the priority status of it and then you can go back and say hey tell me about Number issue number 742 where that stands yes so I I talked um so I talked to Tara about this recently um and she was explaining to me that what H what zpw has requested from her is that she email that she email um email them um um so she also mentioned to me that so Tara is a consultant she's not a Township employee um so she said the township Township employee um I believe the current practice is they put it on the DPW calendar so neither teror or I really understood how that works like how you could just put something on somebody else's calendar um so I don't know how efficient effective the system they're using is right but it because that's I what you're saying is exactly what we're trying to go for here and because we can't control what they're doing at this point like if at least have a system that we can then say hey this is our log of everything we've asked for maybe that's a step but I think ultimately you're saying yeah we can't control what happens so the request goes into the black box of however that works but at least we and I'm concurring with what you are suggesting right so I think that's very easily done I do it all the time with all the other uh you know volunteer organizations I I I am you know am part of will have some sort of spreadsheet these are our issues we order them in order of priority and then we can track them over time we can put notes you know in there and say you know this is something we asked for the DPW we sent the email we did their process it's been 72 months right since we've last you know asked maybe we should ask for an update you know I don't know right right I'm trying you been tracking our benches I think you've been tracking our benches they 72 months um dep but no I think that's yeah I don't think you can do it any other way right you have to have some sort of common document where no one is going to remember from one meeting to the next as to what right you know what did we talk about right so together I'll throw that together and then hopefully we can over time add to it um councilman did you want to add something no I was just going to add I keeping track of what the issues are and their status is a great idea but the public work usually is pretty good I mean they respond timely and you have to remember there's so many records goes to them right and uh but uh I think it's uh they do respond I don't think it'll take forever uh and trying to be funny right right but if there's something urgent you can always make a note of that and then they will take care of it yeah coun you could you if you don't mind touching base with Tara about that because unfortunately we've had some challenges really okay yeah yes so if you could just touch B with about it we understand and we've been very patient and supportive because we understand how much work is on the table um but it it is we're definitely and we understand that we're not necessarily a priority um but yeah there there's definitely some um we like to smooth out yeah are there current outstanding issues that you like to be fixed yes okay where is that list where is that do you have that that item have have they been put into public works uh so terara submits everything so terara submits the the the the preferred methodology that she was told to do was to email it and so that's what she does um like I like I mentioned before I have this table from when I joined the committee uh you know 2015 2016 I have items on this report that have still not been addressed I quite honestly stopped reporting them because I knew they were never going to get tended to so you know some things are like you know the chain that keeps people's cars and walking out off the trail from the lot it's it's not like the biggest deal in the world the fact that the signs like the trail marker signs are falling over and not put back in the soil like there there's things like that that are they're not priorities but it's been nine years um so so you stop asking so you stop asking so but there are other things like benches some things get backordered right now and then there's other signs so we've had we had that there's been a lot of degrading of the signs outside some of our trails and we know that Public Works is going to replace all of them but that takes a long time and we're not we're not at the top of that list so some of it is we have to be patient some of it we just have to be patient and some of it we would like a little more urgency like we've had some dangerous things we've had benches that were dangerous um needed to be addressed and that just wasn't done in a timely manner and we still have some things like that all right do me a favor uh in in the uh report that I'm going to be asking you to help me out uh and that will be part of my council's comment just put some of these concerns that you had so I will bring it up with the township manager and uh also I will bring it up with uh Mr Carl hul who's the uh uh the uh you know public serve manager and hopefully uh you know things and I'll talk to Tara also just to make sure that we both on the same page yes and and hopefully these things will be uh addressed on a timely matter right and I know Tera has been in communication with the township manager and Carl as well okay great great so yeah a little bit weight I'll add a little bit weight let's put it that way we appreciate your support and advocacy sure and as for developing something moving forward to record the our concerns and and what they are on the trails uh and to what Robert had suggested in having a spreadsheet he what if we developed a Google for that asks what the issue is where it's happening and um it would automatically record when uh we submit the form what the issu is and when we we submitted that and then it would automatically go into a spreadsheet uh which on the back end we could administer and check off what's been brought forward to um say the council or Public Works attention and just be easy to to work oh so I think I misunderstood I thought we were talking about just like an internal record of keeping track of issues and and so what you are suggesting is is something that anyone like the general public can say that this is a concern or or something like that because because because that is that wouldn't in fact become a like what I was suggesting a ticketing system right where you can I don't know what you were talking about just us or or you talking about the general public or are you talking about anybody right anybody I guess yeah but it can certainly be done so for for the record I probably shouldn't say this too soon I do have the kind of skills to help put together you know that kind of thing a Google form that'll that'll feed right into a Google doc that can be shared you know with everybody where you can keep a a running track of your concerns a rudimentary ticket system right as it were that that that that I was saying where you can say hey look there's a there's an issue at this spot you know whether it be for internal use only or or or or partially external use as well but yeah that'll certainly work Robert uh honestly I mean one of the best way that you can address some of the issu is that if the public is walking and they see a bench for example it's broken it's if there's a danger if they can just go to the township and in the public uh work just put in what they have seen if they have a picture will be really great because they always look for pictures and if they do that most likely will be addressed much sooner than this stuff coming 10 of them suddenly from this committee so no no I I agree everybody in the public when they walking if they see something dangerous it's okay to go and enter that and somebody will pay attention so okay so uh so basically there's two ideas here you know we have this idea of of doing this Google form that would allow us to quickly produce a spreadsheet from that um and that could be for us and we could do have the same thing be available to the public or we could have them done separately one for us one for the public um so I if that's something um that could be drafted and then maybe we could look at you know we could look at it next if somebody wanted to draft something um Council was suggesting that doing something for the public might be a a bit too much for us and we should leave that to the DBW and maybe we should just collect our own issues internally right is I think that's what you were suggesting what I what I was saying Robert is that if a public sees an issue in town they should just go in to the to Township website fill out the information and attach a a picture if they can yep and let the public uh U you know the department of public affairs to take care of right but if you wanted for example gather that information for yourself just say Okay during the year they were so these were many issues that we saw and all of them have been addressed or still is not that's a different story so I'm not so sure what you're going to do with that data but I think might be useful for you to say during the year what kind of issues you had what are the um you know issues that's still pending to be resolved right so you can do that too but as far as entering any uh any work relating to safety something happened in trail or or or chain is not there and so forth anybody can whenever somebody sees this they should just go ahead and enter it or you may even have I'm just curious whether or not you have with this or not you may even have some signs at different places that if there's an issue either call this number or send a picture along with this to this place so that way they'll come to your team and you can enter that uh fill out that form so that's another option for you to to to look into so I I think we should just get started with creating this form and this spreadsheet for ourselves let's get the ball rolling with that and then we can if we want to expand that in some way if we want to um you post for them to use a Township website in the way the councilman was just describing um um we could do that as well um but I agree it'd be good to get the ball rolling with us and I think it's also um helpful because we can help prioritize items to be handled because there's only so many things they're going to do right so it' be great if we also had to look at it and could prioritize what needs to get done first because otherwise it's just overwhelming and nothing will get done yep okay um so sorry that was a long intro into Trail updates so um so this is a segment of the meeting and the other piece is is if we're using this this system we won't need to verbally uh do what we're doing about to do now you know and share uh verbally share our our Trail updates and have to record them and then and then go that way um so um I know this time of year people don't get out on the trails quite as much they're very wet right now um but does anybody have a trail update well I certainly do and Vanessa is a witness because she was there also just walking in negri last last Sunday um just looking at the bird blind looking at the the pond I mean there's a lot of work that needs to get done there um looking at some of the benches and I could certainly write all the stuff up but I mean even just the pathway down there it's really becoming overgrown it needs to get redone with the red paverstone again there were some slight improvements to the blind but still the path up there and the flooring needs to be fixed and renovated at least and then the view from there is getting overgrown and The Cattails are coming in and growing into the whole pond so there's and then I don't think the whole thing was ever mowed this fall so there's a lot of issues and maybe you know addressing it in this way will help get some things resolved quicker and and we were talking I think the the floor of the bir the bird blind was like the like the biggest kind of it was degrading concern of the the repairs that were done were to the actual structure but the floor was in bad shape um I know Tara had mentioned that right so she had put in she had to put into a draft budget to to have u a major uh overhaul a new bird blind um so there's a there's a possibility that that will happen um but if not if not you know we definitely want to push for the floor at least to be to be addressed yeah and the vegetation around it has to be mowed and cut down or else there's nothing to see right right okay so bird blind vegetation benches Cattails okay mowing mowing I'll also talk to Chuck I think he might remember the mowing schedule I'm sure we have it written down in one of our documents but obviously it didn't happen so so Robert just so you know as um as a member of the trust advisory committee you get to adopt a trail so each of us there you go Robert we all gonna right that's the the the okay that sounds excellent do I I don't have to decide today do I have to I'm gonna I wantan to I want to walk them all now right well you but but so essentially you have to adopt a trail that needs to be adopted right no no I I would imagine so um but we can you know we can also um do can discuss next time um you know so so for instance you know um I have adopted the Bunker Hill Natural Area and the Franklin Park Natural Area an Marie is negri nepot Jim you're you're Inman Park right Jim yes y um jasha remind me which is your Trail John Clyde grassland so you and Chris share the grasslands right Chris does like the wooded half and you do the grass half um and um so we still have um middle Bush Park um that is not adopted it used we used to have um two people at Bunker Hill Franklin Park I originally was just just a Franklin Park Side somebody else was a Bunker Hill Side um so but definitely middle Bush um the environmental center or is that part of John Clyde no like the Environmental Center is not part of John Glade I guess it's probably separate oh oh Butler Road Butler Road right now so we can so we can discuss if anybody any current Trail members want to switch if anybody's interested in switching their Trail um if not we know middle bush is open we know Butler is open midd bush is the closest one to me but that's actually a pretty small area though isn't it I mean there's a couple of things that that come in there so I would say definitely I'm happy to take B Bush and then we could probably add to it because B bush is is certainly the closest to me but I don't think I probably have to do more that's that does I suspect I'll have to do more okay that's to um so uh so oh proves thank you so much for joining us um and hopefully uh please can fill out that application and we look forward to you possibly joining us on the committee and maybe you can adopt Butler Road Trail um okay um I so for so for um Franklin Park and um Bunker Hill I just um have some concerns mostly the TR have been very wet so I haven't been going out there much um but the parking lot area like the chain um separating the parking lot from the trail is is down um and um and the sign is still missing the big wooden sign went missing that still has not been replaced um and the kiosk is um is empty I know the same thing with the griggstown as John's Clyde I I know terara was struggling because DPW lost the key and there's still no key so um you know I think ultimately we're going to need to if they if we can't get a key for we're going to need to replace it again um for that but that's um um that's my update for uh Franklin Park at Bunker Hill okay um if there are no further reports um can we have a motion to adjourn I move that we adjourn second second jasha seconds all in favor I okay hearing no Nays or abstentions motion carries our meeting is adjourned thank you all so much