the following is the form of announcement um please good evening this is a zoning board meeting March 21st 2024 in accordance with the open public meetings act pl1 1975 chapter 231 adequate notice of this regular meeting of the board of adjustment of the township of Franklin has been provided board members applicant professionals members of the public please speak directly in the microphones so that our recording secretary can prop processed minutes applicants and professionals please fill out the sheet on the table when you've completed your testimony thank you and please call the role Sher beia here Richard branic here Joel Reese and Michael Dy asked to be excused just so you know chairman uh Allan Rich here Gary rosenthall here Robert Shephard here Bim veras here Faraz Khan Kunal AIA here Robert Thomas here uh moving on to hearing Somerset property zba 2316 D variance preliminary final site plan with variance C variances minor subdivision in which the applicant proposes to subdivide the property into two lots and construct the 61,000 plus square foot Warehouse including seven loading stalls at 4 415 Weston Canal Road and 91 Cotton Tail Lane Somerset block 51702 l 8.13 in the B1 Zone uh this is carried to April 18th and notification is required to anyone who uh for anyone who got it before or should have gotten it and didn't get it um again April 18th the apption we will hear this evening ECG New Jersey Incorporated zba 2314 D1 use variants the applicant seeks to operate a 1600 square F foot place of worship in one of the tenant spaces at 1165 Route 27 Somerset block 88.0 lot 43 in the GB Zone this was carried from March 7th no further notification was needed and do we have everyone here to proceed hi uh should I use the mic please okay uh good evening Mr chairman and members of the board my name is Zoe Ferguson I represent uh the applicant ECG New Jersey from the firm liberman bler and sovich here tonight I have uh Mr Sylvester Elliot representing ECG New Jersey I also have our architect Mike tormi and our professional planner Gordon Gemma to be brief uh this is a use variance application for conditional use for a house of worship at uh 1165 Route 27 in Veronica Plaza this is a conditional use because this is a permitted uh permitted conditional use in the zone we are seeking two variances from the parking requirements under ordinance 11237 that's first for the number of parking spots and second for the location of the parking this is a uh a pretty minor variance there's a large number of parking spots at the shopping center where this unit is located however there are not a large number of parking spots behind the unit where my client's property is located and for that reason we're asking for conditional use variance uh we're going to present testimony about the fact that there will be no external changes to the building aside from the fact that we'll be replacing the sign in front of the unit within the existing sign block which is permitted and we're also going to present testimony from my client about the operations of the church it'll be operating on Sunday mostly and then we will also have testimony from Mr Gemma regarding the compliance with the master plan and the ordinances so the first witness that I'm going to call is Mr Mike tormi I also believe that he is going to show um one or two exhibits on the video so he has his own computer here that microphone AC uh it should work yeah go to both of these monitors well looks like you got that one over there all right so the first thing that I'm going to do uh Mr Tor used to have you sworn in okay i' prefer to stand this way it could you know I thank you yeah Mr Tommy would raise your right hand please testimony you're about gives truth the whole truth and nothing but truth to help you God yes yes it is State your full name spell your last name for the record give the board your qualifications and by whom you are employed Michael J tmy T R M why Michael J tmy that's that's you got to keep your mouth very close like you're a rockar okay okay last name is spelled t o r m y address is 238 clar Street Westfield New Jersey I'm self-employed I'm an architect I've been a licensed architect for 34 years and the states of New York and New Jersey uh my licenses have been active and in good standing every year uh since 1989 we we can accept his stated qualifications as an expert thank you you so good evening um so the subject space of this application it's an existing space that's at the uh located in Veronica Plaza which is on the route 27 in Veronica aenue and the particular space is is the right end unit um of this uh shopping center so there's it's in the back building and this is the subject space in this location over here it's an existing one-story building it's uh has a glass door front at the front a solid right side wall on the right side there this is where this is where this is going okay it's a little hard to I don't know what's going on the the laser there but so I'll just walk you through it so there's a there's a front door and then there's a a rear exit door so space has two exits at the front one at the front one at the rear uh the space is approximately 18 ft wide and and round numbers the space is600 Square fet the building is approximately 80 ft long there's really no construction that's involved with this application uh internally other than adding one or two emergency lights that are shown along the the right side wall there uh in the middle of the space uh the floor plan shows the existing Ada toilets at the back two Ada restrooms at the back of the space uh there's a storage space at the top of the plan there uh that's all like ancillary space and and uh service space there the seating is movable chairs they are highlighted in yellow in the middle and bottom of the uh floor plan there there basically two groups uh that was to allow ample seating and also have two uh access aisles that uh would let you you know uh come into the front door and go into the seating and actually and have exiting at the back of the space as well at the top of the seating there's a Pulpit there would be uh there's an existing stage that's there now and um there were no walls that are being proposed to be constructed there's the exterior there's no changes that are taking place other than uh the sign itself the exterior sign or the front of the building and the sign would actually utilize the existing sign box that's mounted on the wall now from the uh the facade of the building uh from the previous tenant uh so the building is sprinklered you have two exits it's it's one story there's no basement there's no Cellar there's no crawl space underneath and it's at the end unit of the the back building which gets very little traffic in general uh there's some photographs on the left side of the of the floor of the plan there that shows parking ample parking and these were actually taken on Sunday mornings uh and this is indicative of a typical U condition parking lot on on Sundays can I ask a question um th this uh space this space is not owned by the applicant the applicant's leasing the space right that's my understanding okay that's they going to agree with that good yes um and so I wanted to just clarify Mr tormi um there's not going to be any external Construction done to the site or to the unit is that correct that is correct okay thank you um if the if the board has any questions I certainly would love to hear them thank you but there will be internal construction will there not no actually there's there's no internal construction proposed osed um other than two emergency lights that um the laser seems to go off at the at the screen there but there's two emergency lights that are proposed for Code Compliance Building Code Compliance that will be added in the middle of the space so that in the event of a a power outage those two additional lights will illuminate the space for me you're the drafter of this document are you not yes we take a look at the toward the sorry we you take a look at the bottom right corner that not say future walls that is uh that's something that the applicant is contemplating uh it's not uh it's not proposed to be done at this time but it's a potential uh cry room that's they were contemplating councelor are we going to have testimony on the use or nonuse of it yes uh my my client will provide testimony on that um one other question Mr tormi uh on your analysis for the parking it says at the bottom there is ample parking available primary occupancy hours are on Sunday mornings when most most of tenants are closed have you had a chance to read Miss Ferguson's letter to the board not recently uh Mr Bernstein if you're asking about the timing of the of the services I'll have my my client give testimony as to that thank you and what is the capacity of of this space the capacity of the space is uh there's a breakdown ESS I think in round numbers it's like 45 48 people that um the code allows to be in that space or actually that is the anticipated uh occupancy according to the code for different areas of the building I believe the occupancy maximum is 49 is that correct that is correct yeah 49 is the maximum yes okay now just as a oh I observation the building code actually allows with when you have two exit doors more people but this is for this uh use in this space this is the uh amount of people that are anticipated under as a maximum but not as an average I I'd like to just take it just a second to ask our uh zoning officer a question um I've never really listen to a um uh a house of worship application that didn't involve a fence or or Shrubbery around around the building that was one of the things when I looked at this I said how are they going to comply with that but it doesn't look from anything that I'm looking at like that's a requirement yeah that that that's a good question and that's actually um some of the that's actually some of the conversations that I had with the applicant along the way um first of all the vast majority of the applications that you get for places of worship are in residential zones um and the and the require IR M for for um screening you know you remember that it's either a 15 or 20 foot wide buffer with 6 to 8 foot high trees and a fence all that applies when the place of worship is is a budding of Residential Properties and this is not no this is in a commercial Zone and it joins other properties in a commercial Zone I believe the rear is a thebi Zone all righty then not thank you any other board questions all right thank you very much Mr Tori okay you're welcome the next witness I'm going to call is uh Sylvester Elliott who's going to speak on behalf of the applicant Council if you wanted to sit at the table you yes I I just want to to uh you know what maybe we'll maybe we'll switch places cuz I'm trying to get this mic to work it's red so just to clarify my previous statement I said I think the rear is a is a bi Zone I can confirm that the rear behind this building is a bi Zone and the property to the right is also in the GB so oh sure would you like to take the mic from there and you can come sit you don't have to stand up there okay so Mr Elliot the first thing we're going to do is uh swear you in Mr Elliott would you raise your right hand please testimony you're about to give us the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God yes I do dat your full name spell your last name for the record and your address and your relationship with the applicant my last name is Elliot e l l i o t first name sir Sylvester and where do you reside I live at in sumerset um 242 Armstead got in and your relationship with the applicant is um she's representing me what's your what's your position with ECG ECG I'm the lead lead Pastor for ECG thank you Mr Elliott so the proposed house of worship can you tell me how many people you expect to be at the church at an average service um mostly we get average of 27 but maximum 35 maximum 35 is what you expect yes and you're going to have service um can you explain the the the day of the week and the timing we'll be meeting on Sundays um 12 to 3 and um we also planning to do Bible studies on Wednesdays but probably a year from now because we do that on Zoom presently okay so you're planning to also have a Bible study um is it going to be during the day or in the evening on Wednesday in the evening hour was 7 to 8 and how many people do you expect at that Bible study um most um probably by around 10 people because most of the members they leave far away okay yeah you previously rented space on Route 27 is that uh with the same the same church yes as the same and you mentioned that you're going to have services that are also live streamed on Zoom yes okay um in terms of the uh cry room that was mentioned concerning the the walls that are proposed for that potential babysitting room can you explain what that room would be used for it's also part of our future planning if we have um young kids coming in then we plan to design a small room there for little kids okay and so that would be for how many children in that room most says probably six okay and would those be um plans that that would require any external construction or only internal internal okay can you tell me about um how people are coming to the services do they come by car do they come by train yes um some come by car some come by train and uh um most of them actually carpool because they come as family so they carpool so okay so you're so you're saving saving energy saving yes so most time maybe probably like six cars I'll say Okay um and so the only times that you'll be using the property would be on Sundays and then uh on Wednesday for Bible study yes exactly are you planning to to uh sublease to any other entity no no it would just be you just us yes no food at all right no food no food oh I don't see I don't you wouldn't be you wouldn't be selling or no no no no no no no no okay maybe on my birad day will cut cake no no cooking there at all no no no nothing like that how do the people that come by train get actually to the site um like we have family coming from Jazzy City area so we normally pick them up down um new bronek train station for somebody yes we'll go down and pick them basically everybody comes by car one way or the other oh you see you say how many people not how many if they come by train they got to get from the train station to your spot yes well some of them they will use Uber and some will pick them up yes okay so they're basically one way or another coming by by a car by a car the other thing I uh that struck me is when I read the paperwork and terms of your operation and your activities I thought the Bible study and everything like that extra was going to be online or on Zoom but is that a change um we're still on Zoom that's why I said maybe yeah down the road we might change in person but we have to firm up some of these things because we're we're we're giving you an approval now and we're not expecting to nobody's going to come out and inspect it every day to see when you're starting another there has to be limits to the what you're adding yes use or we need to be aware of what you're expecting to do and when uh that's why we brought that up now that in the near future we're going to be doing Wednesday Bible studies on Wednesdays in the evening 700 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. how would that conflict with the rest of of the center Sunday you know your application States it works because everybody's basically closed what about on Wednesday on Wednesday is the time we meeting most businesses um close down the dollar up they close by six um the laundry Clos the bread store closed the Paramount Staffing closed the pharmacy closed so most of them close that by six o' okay I do have a little reservation about the I mean yes it works that way now but what about in the future if some of those other uh uses in the center change and ter maybe they get a new tenant a couple new tenants and and I'm a little weer about adding activities you know I think we really need to know what's going to go on and when you know in order to put together a Okay resolution that will work it's it's it's too it's it seems to be a little bit too open-ended I mean a year from now you add another Bible study let's say we don't know what that effect is going to be yet if if I could Mr chairman um I certainly understand we we want to firm things up and not have a very you can't have a very ambiguous resolution right um the in in the time since we submitted the application it has developed that Bible study would be not only conducted by Zoom but also in person but we don't anticipate that any further activities would be would be added and of course if it's there's going to be a condition in the resolution as to what activities can take place we certainly would would come back if there was any other activities proposed there wouldn't be um you know any any uh asking for activities that are not permitted then you would accept a condition that if there's any additional uses other than the Sunday afternoon and the Wednesday that you would agree to come back to the board yes now the one other thing too that I was uh just just to clarify for the record you also want to eventually uh construct a a cry room or a B for a baby for kids you don't need that now no all right then that would seem to me that there's going to be additional members so are we planning for 30 5 or the capacity 48 or whatever because I'm also thinking that there there would also there also probably needs to be limit to the number of people that can be there um it's not about the numbers um the reason why we put a hold on it most of the kids they're now adult they're grown up they would have any little kids right now so but somebody might have a baby yeah I understand that I but you don't need it now but the fact that you might need it later means there's going to be somebody additional coming of course yeah the growth of this can be an issue because it's not a big space yeah is this viewed as a permanent home or is this a or are you looking at this as somewhat of a temporary uh facility to you see where things are going and then you're looking for a bigger place exactly correct if I if I may Mr chairman yeah I'm sorry to take over I didn't oh no no no I just I just wanted to help clarify if I can um the I think the anticipated membership at a Sunday Gathering right now would be about 30 to 35 people we are planning to provide 48 seats the capacity is 49 um I certainly uh don't anticipate and Mr Elliot can give more testimony but don't anticipate that there would be uh growth beyond that and we certainly want to respect the limits of the space okay I would say in the uh information I read you were planning on 48 seats folding chairs yes so I would then also say that when the CH when the children's room or the cry room is in is put into effect that it's the same 48 people but there might be less than 48 folding chairs put out because it's a space that's allowed what 49 people yes that's correct so the limit should be 49 mbers and then something has to be changed right so if so if there were say 48 people that were sitting in folding chairs but then there was then a a child care situation um Mr ellot we would we would change it so that there's fewer people that are sitting and and maintaining that limit of 48 right not going over it yes um we really going to try our best to maintain um the numbers of people going there as a matter of fact um we having a plan to open sales in other areas so that we can limit the people coming here they can worship in their own Township so we're working on all that PL I guess the simple way I should have put it is the the limit should be the 49 in including the cry room yes and the seats and everything got um Mr chairman if I could ask just one question I believe you testified this before how many people during the weekday uh prayer um the Bible study probably 67 because um it's going to be on Zoom okay okay I I just want to get to order magnitude the reason I asked the question was you know if the board was inclined to to impose some number on during the week personally I'm not sure if it matters if it's Monday Tuesday Wednesday or Thursday um so they may want to just you know on the weekend maybe it's X and on during the you know weekday evening it's y I don't think you need to restrict it just to Wednesday oh and one more thing just and I'm sure maybe their planner will get we'll speak to this but just so the board understands the the way our Ordinance Works for calculating the required parking since these are not permanent seats it's based on the on the square footage um and the parking requirement is actually you know per our ordinance is quite high it's one space for every 15 square feet um so for the um place of worship ordin ordinarily if it's if it's set seats it would be you know in this case 49 divided by 3 that'd be like 15 16 16 and a half um but here since it's based on square footage the requirement is 23.3 um so the reason I bring that up is I think that there's some wiggle room if you will you know if they limit it to if you let's say you limit it to 49 people and they have 23 spaces to serve 49 people which is more usually again it's one car for every three parishioners so I just wanted again the board to know since the parking was technically calculated on the square footage there is some again some wiggle room in that I do have a follow-up question regarding occupancy so you've said three for the future uh kids room or cry room but what is that would that be kids or could that includes someone attending to the kids or so then that the total would be three I'm just saying based on the plans is saying three and I'm just wondering is that solely the kids or kids and the caretaker that would include the caretaker yes the caretaker as well okay what about functions during the year uh what about parties weddings anything like that what are you what are your plans for that no that's this location is only going to be for worship service because you have other locations in other areas New Jersey right um we working on um other location but do have other location in New York in New York yes okay go ahead uh if the if the board has any other questions we're happy to answer otherwise I'm gonna have Mr Gemma come testify thank you very much Mr Elliot evening Mr Gemma the first order of business as I'm sure you're aware is to be sworn in here yeah testimony you're about to give the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth to help you God it is and for the record Gordon Gemma gem ma 68 senica Place Oceanport New Jersey and Mr Gemma you're a professional planner professional planner have been since 1987 and in that context I appeared in front of hundreds of boards accepted by the courts of the state of New Jersey I teach professional planning rers University rers Mammoth University kiss School of planning and I've also testified in front of the New Jersey assembly and Senate on planning issues that's fine we don't need that let get okay would Mr Gemma be accepted as an expert by this board thank you very much so uh Mr Gemma you have reviewed the application um and I wanted to ask you first have you uh reviewed you know all the all the materials with the application yes did you have you reviewed the bureau's ordinances master plan and reexamination reports yes okay and are you familiar with the site yes and you've heard the testimony of the applicant about the intended use of the property what he's going to be doing there yes okay um so can you give us some context just for the record about what zone the property is in and what variances are required sure it's a GB General business Zone as indicated before there were two variances the first variance is you need to keep that microphone much better right there okay you got it Mr Shephard so two variances the first variance is for the number of parking spaces and as your planner indicated there's a variance for the number of parking spaces because they're not fixed if we fixed and based on square footage I'm sorry and based on the number of seats you'd actually only need 16.66% stood that there are some uses in some centers Like Houses of worship versus retail spaces that you don't need that much parking in fact you can have complimentary uses and that's a good thing because otherwise what will happen You' have too much impervious coverage and towns have begun to recognize you don't need spaces to sit there unused just impervious for no reason the second thing is the um location of the parking spaces it exists in front of the building your ordinance says only 10% can exist in front of a house of worship the rest have to be in the rear those are the two variances because the variances from the conditions of a conditional use you need a D3 conditional use variance okay and so uh can you discuss a little bit what the what the standard is there for the D3 variants sure it's a relaxed standard in fact the court in uh TSI East Brunswick LLC vers earning Board of East brunwood held at the relaxed standard established in centry square applies to both the positive and negative criteria cutting to the chase what does that mean it means that can the site reasonably accommodate the VAR the deviations from the requirement in this case can the site reasonably accommodate being 2.4 short in the number of parking spaces and can the site reasonably accommodate the fact you have parking in the front instead of in the rear that's the standard okay thank you very much um and so as we get to uh the standard I think the the first thing we want to talk about is the master plan um and and how how does that relate to the application here sure I looked at the master plan going back to 2006 all the way up to re-examination reports to 2022 doesn't say a lot what it does say is this the GB zone is a zone for the traveling public what does that mean it means that it's not just a zone for uses for people in Franklin Township but people coming by Franklin Township or traveling makes sense you're on rout uh 27 so the it sort of indicates the uses there of people not just here but traveling back and forth okay and uh you prepared any did you prepare any exhibits for the board here I prepared a simple one let me just give this to the board and it is not a photo of the site and you ask why do I hand you out a photo of not the site if you don't mind thank you sir sure thank you it is a photo of the standard Church in Franklin Township in a residential Zone that you the ordinance is sort of geared for in a regular Zone uh where you have a church you have a church surrounded by chair yes I I hate to interrupt you while you're on a roll I hate when I'm I can tell uh but the board I think would like to see with what you're talking about before you okay sure and I we can mark that uh Mr Bernstein as either A1 or A2 uh chairman board mark this is A1 okay thank you and uh just for edification purposes Mr gima while it's being passed down to the rest of the board where is this picture from who took the picture and what does it represent in it is of the somerset Presbyterian Church on JFK Boulevard courtesy of our friends at Google and I in fact downloaded it from Google and printed it out the reason I did it was simply to show what your ordinance is intending to truly try to do it's really trying to look at a church in a residential area this is not a church in a residential area this is a storefront Church where the parking's in the front where most of the parking's in the front so in your ordinance was drafted it this is what the type of church I have in mind it's not this type of church here and that's the only intent that's the only reason I I provided this is simply to give you an idea of what your ordinance was trying to get at and this is not what your ordinance was trying to get at and so if if that's not what the ordance is trying to get at is it your opinion that that affects the relevance of the parking requirements sure and let's go to the the issues here the two variances 2.4 is your is your um is your deficiency the applicant agreed to do something important uh Mr chairman uh you said look how do you keep them from growing which is an important thing because otherwise you do get a problem and so they agreed to condition the use they condition the application upon certain numbers upon uh I think for maybe not the times of the day but certain numbers for both the Bible service and to the number of people in there that's how you can make sure that you're really not going to have much of an adverse impact for your 2.4 space deficiency um and so given the fact that most of the time other uses are not being taking place particularly uh on this end of the mall you they've got like a Professional Services there you got a lot of other things that just aren't open that early in the morning so you really don't have an adverse impact I I can't Aline using the relaxed standard of Coventry square that this has a substantial detrimental impact upon the surrounding uses or has a a substantial detrimental impact upon the intent and purpose of your Zone plan it doesn't 2.4 is not going to make up and particularly if you realize if they simply fixed the seats it wouldn't be deficient at all even if they had the same 49 seats so that tends to indicate in fact it's not going to have that much of an impact second thing is parkings in the front well all the parkings in the front is a strip mall so it's consistent with the remaining the remaining uses um so unlike a house of worship in a residential area where you don't want the parking in the front you want in the rear in the strip mall that's the only place we can have the parking so I can't Aline that that has a detrimental impact upon the intent and purpose of the Zone plan or upon the adjacent uses because it's the same those are the two variances I think in my opinion the applicant easily meets the test set forth and square and a TSI thank you very much uh I would invite any questions that the board may have for Mr dma anything from the board thank you thank you Mr demo any other witnesses that concludes my Witnesses for tonight thank you then we'll formally open to the Public's anyone may have wandered in like to make a comment or ask a question do that seeing none we'll close any other board comments or questions I I guess when I I looked at this application um the the the thing that struck me was that we'll be if we give them the variants they're looking for uh this particular space will H in this uh commercial uh property uh will have a uh uh A continuing uh variance to rely upon going forward forever uh after the current applicant uh leaves uh I thought a a license might be a more appropriate um solution but that's not what they're here for so um uh I think that in view of the um the uh rather dominous um variances that I'm going to vote in favor of U any resolution any other comments anything you want to add or El us um no thank you Mr chairman I think we've I think we've uh provided what we can provide any other questions I'm happy to answer but I think that that's our testimony for tonight thank you all right if there is no other input I'll entertain a motion Mr chairman before you entertain a motion can I make some suggestions on conditions within the motion yep with a resolution according to the applicant's testimony and the applicant's attorney's presentation we are talking about a Sunday service between 12: noon and 300 p.m. and a Bible study between 7 and 900 p.m. with a limit of 49 parishioners in any shape or size based on the zoning and no more than 15 individuals for Bible study and that any changes to those conditions will require a revisit by the applicant to this board including the change of the use I.E another house of worship other than the current applicant to sort of deal with the issue of the continuing turning this into a church by Fiat one thing that just came to mind and maybe this is for Mark does this use require uh the residential version let's say of a of a co uh so that there are there safety regulations we should be concerned about or fire safety issues or anything of that sort well yeah well prior to occupancy they'll have to obtain necessary um permits from the construction Department um I mean I believe that this would qualify as an assembly use I mean the architect can speak to what what the codes would be be but you know whatever prior to occupancy there'll be applicable codes that they'll have to satisfy the building department in terms of um you know building electrical the fire code Etc prior to moving into the space um and then as far as continuing um uh they would be subject to um I'm not sure it's a few times a year at least annual inspection by by the department of fire prevention just like every commercial tenant in town so those issues are are going to be addressed they don't need to be in a yeah prior no no it's in fact it's not even it's honestly you know respectfully it's not I don't think it's your purview they again prior to occupancy there are the building codes and the fire code and all that stuff that gets reviewed prior to occupancy and they'll be reviewed periodically by fire prevention again just like every tenant to make sure that their um exits are clear that their their exit signs are functional that their emergency lights are functional all of that stuff gets reviewed um just like every other commercial tenant thanks okay anyone now want to entertain presenting a motion I I move that we Grant uh ECG New Jersey Inc um a uh a D3 uh use variance to allow it to operate a house of worship at165 Route 27 uh block 8801 lot 43 uh the uh granting of the variants will be uh subject to the limitations in terms of uh there shall be no more than 49 uh people of any age uh in the premises uh during the um uh Sunday worship service which shall take place between uh 1 and 3:00 and 12 12 and 3 o'cl and that uh there shall be no more than uh 15 people uh participating in a uh bible study on a Wednesday evening between s and 7 and n and that there shall be no uh food preparation or um um uh consumption of food uh within the uh premises at the time of either uh the service or the um uh or the Bible study okay we have a second uh the Bible study is uh could be could be during the week on on weekdays too not just Wednesdays correct or Wednesday just Wednesday that's it we're not going to he said it's going to be Wednesday if it changes what they as for okay is there a second I'll second already second okay Sher beia yes I think the fact that we have conditions um assures that uh other houses of worship uh down the line uh would have to adhere to those same conditions y so I'm I'm a yes Richard pranic yes Allan Rich yes Gary Rosenthal yes Robert Shephard yes vasim veros yes and chairman Thomas yes good luck with it thank you very much okay and I'll entertain a motion for a move that we adjourn second all in favor I I motion Carri