how are you happy holidays this is a very exciting night for all of us when I was AA here this was one of the biggest nights of the Year District medals so I'm glad to see everybody out and the parents um this is our December board meeting but we also honor our standouts in athletic and extracurricular activities um at this board meeting so welcome we're happy to have you you're going to see a little bit of a board meeting tonight very little and then I'm going to throw it over to Dr Hazel but I'm it'll be nice to see how it kind of works so pursuant to the open public meetings act chapter 231 public ruls of 1975 this meeting was advertised the notice on the Asbury Park Press on December 1st 2023 and was been duly advertised in the a par press issue of December 7th 2023 all Municipal Clerks of the township within the Regional High School District has been notified and the requirements of this meeting was met on December 1st 2023 please rise and join me in the Pledge of Allegiance United States of America to the rep for stands one nation indivisible Mr scol do you have any changes to the executive agenda yes Mr President uh in addition to the items that were noted on the agenda that was pre-printed prior to the meeting uh the board also discussed the following items in executive session uh for exception number three uh the board also discussed the student suspension discipline report uh for exception uh number four the board discussed a negotiations of an sidebar agreement with the F for exception number seven the board discussed two student matters the first one is uh student matter 2023 d504 to7 the second one is student matter 223-5580 uh the board also discussed issue is surrounding the central office uh boiler for exception number seven and for exception number eight board discussed Personnel issues as noted on the agenda thank you I have a motion to approve the minutes of the November 30th board meeting motion Mrs La any discussion board not hearing any discussion roll call please Mrs Bruno yes Mrs cathell yes Mrs Finelli yes Mrs hegley yes yes Mrs Lavin yes M mob yes Mr paresi yes Mr Messinger yes Mr Bruno yes just to note that all Communications are on file with the board secretary Dr Hazel are you ready I am ready thank you Mr Bruno good evening I'm Dr Hazel the superintendent of schools we welcome you all here tonight and we are so excited to recognize the outstanding achievements of our students each of you have worked so hard to earn this recognition and we are so proud of you to all of our teachers and coaches advisors seek as administrators thank you you have forged the path for our students success you work tirelessly to ensure our students are provided the best programs and services and our community truly appreciates all of your support this program tonight and many others across the district and the individual students that are seated before us exemplify how the meaningful work of this District truly manifests in each student our work in the district first and foremost centers on building relationships ship and connections with our students so they are continually building their confidence and can maximize the opportunities that are provided to them in this District these relationships pave the way for students to engage at the highest levels in their classrooms on the fields and in our community these two essential components relation reltionship building and engagement are the foundational Hallmarks that lead to learning development and growth this is the regional Hallmark tonight's program and each student's success in the district is a testament to this Continuum of work to all the parents and the friends and family that are here this evening we thank you for your partnership and congratulations on your child's work and accomplishment as a parent myself I know all of you have had a long journey and this is a commitment but moments like this really make all of the hard work count so to all the parents I mean just a round of applause for all of your support tonight appr I want to thank our host Mr braber uh I think he went the extra mile tonight to prepare and organize for this event uh out in our lobby we have a step and repeat so we ask any of the students with their family and their friends if you want to take any pictures um we will have that available to you at the end of the program and before proceeding with our recognitions just a real special thank you to the Freehold Regional High School District Board of Education they are the backbone of the district their time and dedication in servicing this community is so appreciated so a round of applause for all of our congratulations to all of the students our award recipients this evening we are so excited to celebrate you I thank everyone here in advance this evening our program is about an hour so I want you to take a moment um to relax enjoy uh reflect on your own personal accomplishment as we share together as a community the amazing accomplishments of the Freehold Regional High School District students that are here assembled you will hear some amazing accomplishments I now invite Dr David Bleckley the principal of Marboro High School to present his award recipients I thank all of you for your attention and again to the students I am so very proud of you on behalf of my administrative Team all of the schools and our Board of Education congratulations on your accomplishment and the recognition that you will be receiving this evening congratulations all and enjoy the evening all right good evening firstly I'd like to thank our Board of Education also our superintendent Dr Hazel as well as the entire central office administrative team for all you do to support our schools in providing so many opportunities for our students to pursue their passions at this point I'd like to ask the maror representative on the board Mr Michael Messinger to join myself and Mr Ry and present the medals to Mar High School students so just as we go through the program tonight a general announcement to all the students if you come up you know please come up right here to this table where the medals are you'll be able to take your medal and shake some hands and you can stay up here as well families if you want to even walk up as Dr Hazel said you could take a photo afterwards in the lobby but you're certainly welcome to take photos up front as well when your son or daughter is up here so for maral high school I'll begin by recognizing our National Merit commended students since we are the first of six schools presenting I will describe this accomplishment on behalf of my school and the five schools that will follow before I do that I'll ask all of the National Merit recognized students to come up to the front and stand together so from marbor high school at this point I will call your names individually in a moment but at this point if you're here as a National Merit commanded Student please come up get your medal and stand up here with the group and then I'll talk about uh what it means to be a national Mar commended student and say your names so come on up so National am commended students of the more than 1.5 million students Nationwide who entered this year's scholarship competition by taking making the 2022 PSAT 50,000 students will receive some level of recognition approximately 34,000 of those students are recognized as commended students commended students receive letters of commendation and recognition for their outstanding academic promise commended students are named based on a nationally applied selection index score recognizing their accomplishments is vital to the advancement of educational excellence in our nation we hope that this recognition will help broaden their educational opportunities encourage them as they continue their pursuit of academic success so at this point I will call the names and as I call your name please step forward uh just so you know there were some students who also earned this distinction at Mar High School that were unable to be here this evening so I will call their names but if you don't see somebody stepping forward that's just because they weren't able to make it so pretty atardi an Jenna fredman Alysa Hoffman Kusa Islam miles Kaplan Jacob lewitz James Lynn Ethan Smith V tupur Michael Wong and Elena Zade congratulations to all of you on this outstanding achievement sticking with academics we had students at maror high school that received perfect scores on the math section of the SAT at this point again I'll invite those students who are here for that reason to come forward grab your medal and stand up front and then I'll talk about your accomplishment so marvor high school perfect scores on the math section of the SAT sat section scores are calculated by the College Board using a conversion chart that takes raw scores and converts them into section scores out of 800 that conversion chart is different with each test Administration and is scaled to other students who took the test which means there could potentially be a little bit of wiggle room for an incorrect response however most experts agree that on the math section of the SAT you literally need to be perfect so that means that all these students in front of you you know on very challenging questions on the SAT which I'm sure all the adults in the room uh can remember the sat we're literally perfect so congratulations to them again I'll call you your name step forward when I say your name Akash prad Larry Z Kum doer Sean Gman Sarah gold Sasha roou and Bowen Lou congratulations to all of you for your outstanding accomplishment I will now turn it over to Mr Dave Ryden the supervisor of extracurricular activities to recognize our students who achieved either individual or team distinction in this fall in extracurricular sports or activities good evening first I'm going to call allshore course uh allshore course and allshore band a brief description of this award is allshore chorus and allshore band are comp comprised of some of the best high school musicians in Maman Ocean County students are auditioned competitively and those are selected to come together in rehearse just for a few weeks and then they produce a full-blown concert to showcase the best high school musicianship in the region many of those students go on to become selected for All State this year maror high school had one allshore course nominee her name is Kiara w k the next award is the cjmea Region 2 Ensemble and the description of this students that reside in central New Jersey that are in good standing within their respective music programs are eligible to audition for the Central Jersey music music educators of America Region 2 Band and Orchestra students from high schools across the county of of Central Jersey audition and make it to the select Ensemble students must perform fundamentals such as scales from memory a prepared and a rigorous solo and site reading this year marbor high school had two uh nominees we have Evelyn Lee and Leah tres moving on to Athletics the title of allshore and all state means that an athlete is held as one of the top athletes at his or her position on a team in comparison to all the other athletes in the shore conference or in the state of New Jersey respectively can I please have Mike consolazio and Dana imperor come down please so Michael Mike consolazio is for first team allshore for football uh he actually set the maror High School record for the most sacks in one game with six all year Dana is for gymnastics first team allshore and First Team all state and she plays first first in this the finals on bars Bean it was be it was be thank you all right the next person I'd like to call down is coach Nick scalo now normally this is Pur suud of recognition but what coach sco did with our softball program last year is phenomenal uh so coach Scalzo this year was is recognized as the New Jersey State coach of the year for softball coach Scalzo has been the head coach he's been the head coach at Mar High School for over 10 years last year LED our softball team to its first ever njsia AA a overall group four state championship congratulations I'll turn it over to Dr lley everyone have a great holiday all right thank you that concludes the awards for marble high school at this point I'd like to introduce manalan High School principal Mr Sean Curry thank you Dr Bley good evening I would like to thank Dr Hazel our central office administration and our board of education for recognizing and celebrating our students accomplishments throughout the Freehold Regional High School District this evening my name is Sean Curry the proud principal of Manalapan High School at this time I'd like to ask the man alapin High School Board of Education Representatives Miss Jamie Bruno from man alapin and miss Diana capella from Englishtown burough to make their way to the front of the stage to assist with the distribution of our district medals from in Alon High School Mr BR I'll purchase you a new stand so we will begin with 12 students of manal and high school who are being recognized tonight as National mer commended students nine of which could be here tonight all man Al high school students are earned a distinction of national and Merit commended Student please come up to the stage at this time okay when to call your name step forward I know we couldn't be here tonight but Izzy Aurora Anish chakori Kish chakori Brian janid Dean James Brian low Kevin Lou Justin Miller Rashad mcgie Brian Norman Ria poar and savan sha congratulations manalan High School also has two students who earn a distinction of National Merit semifinalist one of which could be here tonight as Dr Bleckley mentioned previously 34,000 of the 50,000 recognized students are commended students the remaining 16,000 are National Merit Scholarship semifinalists semi-finalists are the highest scoring entrance in each state the semifinalists receive scholarship application materials and if selected students from this group May ultimately become finalists and then potentially winners of the National Merit Scholarship man Alit High School's two National Merit semifinalists are Bernard leang who cannot be here tonight and Robbie trpi additionally man Alin high school has six students who earned a perfect score on the math section of the SAT we ask all six students to please come up at this time okay please step forward when we call your name benice chy rashab chakra Avon cakin Brian Norman Ria kaar and Jacob shads congratulations manalan High School also has two students who earn the distinction of Eagle Scout eagle Scout is the highest achievement or rank attainable in a Boy Scouts of America program since its in Inception in 1911 only 4% of Scouts have earned this rank after a lengthly review process I am proud to introduce our two Eagle Scouts and ask them to come up at this time coming up first is Conor Conor ER his Eagle Scout by completing a bridge renovation project at mammo Battlefield State Park in manal he reconstructed repaired power wash stained and repainted numerous parts of the Left Bridge this project took approximately one year to complete also receiving his Eagle Scout Chris sha Chris sha earned his Eagle Scout honor in June 2022 for replacing Trail signs in Thompson Park and linro the project involved replacing the park systems aging signpost with new low maintenance ones which were the first of their kind the entire project from planning to completion took 7 months congratulations guys at this time I would like to recognize our athletic accomplishments on behalf of oura Miss English who was still at our wrestling meet first I'd like to call up our three young ladies who are First Team all Shore for girl soccer come on up okay please step forward when I call your name first Vanessa sarf second Sydney spillsbury and finally Casey resker conations our final award from an Alan high school goes to Jak corit please come up Jake is being recognized as first team allshore punter and First Team USA Today all Jersey defensive team as punter as well congratulations J at this time I would like to turn it over to the principal of Freehold burrow High School Dr Lea Ross good evening I'm Dr Letta Ross the proud principal of the first school in the district Freehold High School and it is in this school year that we are celebrating 100 years at this time I would like to Echo the sentiments presented by my colleagues in thanking Dr Hazel the central Administration board of education for honoring our students and providing us with the tools and materials that we need to make every day a successful day for the children that you trust us with regularly at this time I'm going to ask all of my National Merit commended students to come forward and I would like to invite our board me member Miss Amanda mov to come down and join us as well I'm going to call all of the names and we do have a couple who are not attending this evening but I still would like to say their names alen Alina Abraham Emily aalan Henry D Joshua ezer Daniel inor McKenzie in nean s Pia and these ladies and gentlemen are our commended Scholars thank you so much this evening I will share our uh athletic accomplishment as well um our seeka Joshua mels unable to be with us this evening as we have a wrestling match back at the school between free help our own F Township and so he's there with a packed house um j marie uh civia is not with us this evening but she is our a athlete who placed eth in the vault in gymnastics so we want to recognize her as well and at this time I'd like to turn it over to the principal of colck High School Mr Donan thanks guys that was awesome I appreciate you okay good evening Paris and Guardians and students uh I want to Echo the sentiments of my colleagues thanking the Board of Education Dr Hazel our superintendent and Central administrative staff for holding this event it really is a privilege to share this evening with the talented students of the freeold Regional High School District at this time I would like to call up our col uh Board of Education representative this Deborah Finelli to help us give out Awards okay I have two students here with perfect sat SCH scor so if you guys can come up and and stand up here okay uh Cole Armand couldn't be here tonight but he had a perfect oh here where is he oh okay come on up so Cole arando had a perfect SAT score in math and vihan Sandi had a perfect SAT score in English so congratulations sorry Paul I didn't see it sorry cover there so congratulations to our two perfect sat students okay guys you can return okay at this time I'd like to call up our National Merit commended students so if you could come on down and stand up front okay we had five uh National Merit committed students at col high school so if uh if you could step forward when I call your name Sawyer Chang Frank dis michaa Harman Jacob mcam and Alexander REI congratulations to our national Amit commended students all right at this time I would like to call up our Eagle Scouts we had three Eagle Scouts at colik High School this year so if our Eagle Scouts could come down and join us in the front Okay I believe uh Alex manino and Connor Coffield couldn't be here but we do have Chris Doby here and Chris's Eagle Scout project consisted of leading the installation of a Bell Garden at Our Lady of Mercy Church in Englishtown New Jersey the garden was designed to enhance and display the church bell that was removed from the B the bell tower over a decade ago so Chris congratul ation and thank you for your service to the community at this time I would like to introduce Mr David Zs our supervisor of extracurricular activities at cols neck High School to present our athletic and uh academic or I'm sorry our extracurricular Awards good evening thanks Dr Donahue thank you Board of Education and thank you Dr Hazel I'm going to first call up our four individual allshore athletes so if you're an individual here and you were selected to allshore if you could please come up so when I call your name you could just step forward um first is Elizabeth Scara she was the number one runner on the Our Girls cross country uh team and she was an mlc qualifier uh next is Matt liio Matt was a threeyear starter on defensive and offensive line for our football team next is Chris scolly Chris scy uh broke a 10year record he is now our all-time leading rusher and he was a three-year starter at running back and last but not least is Savannah buts Savannah buts is first te off tour in D volleyball and is the alltime leader in blocks at middle blocker for a season and career than you okay next could I have our boys cross country team come up our boys cross country team were the Central Jersey group three state sectional champions for the second year in a row and the ninth time in program history and L you can step forward is Jay amadala Aaron Alpa Hunter Sala Andrew C Jacob mamera too rco Lucas sard John shapira and also with us head coach Jim SCH thank you boys congratulations and last for athletics can we please have our gymnastics team okay our Colts Neck gymnastics team were the South State sectional champions for the second time in program history and first time since 2004 girls when you hear your name you could step forward ashwika Anand Danny bosen Alysa D Ambrosio Kaitlyn Dy Megan Dy Sienna damansky Kaitlyn wilick Eva kol Ken litz Maddie Mario Sharon nazal Julia neosi Katie oerson Jenna oi Ella sherzer Claire Walsh Charlotte znik and managers Daniela and marel amzer and Gabrielle saer and also with us are his assistant coach Lauren oon and head coach and head coach Bailey FES who was named Asbury Park Press coach of the year for Jes congratulations ladies thank you everyone happy holidays okay at this time it is my pleasure to introduce Dr Alicia skelo the principal at Freehold Township High School all right good evening my name is Dr Alicia selo I'm the principal of fre countship high school first I'd like to congratulate all of the students who are in attendance here tonight uh that are being recognized for their outstanding achievements I'd also like to thank their parents for all of the support that they've provided over the course of the last couple of years I'd also like to thank the Board of Education Dr Hazel Dr how um and all of the central office Personnel I'd like to invite at this time Mrs Elizabeth Higley who is the Board of Education representative for Freehold Township and I'd also like to thank Mr Dylan who's here tonight that has helped me uh greatly throughout this process so without further Ado I am proud to recognize one of freeold Township students that received a perfect school on the math sat congratulations Alexander Grant ble to be with us tonight I would also like to congratulate one of our students who has been named a semifinalist for the National Merit scholar congratulations Leah Bloom we are also proud to recognize Shan swam for earning his Eagle Scout badge Sean please come down to ear this rank Sean renovated the Georgia Road schoolhouses Woodshed and ouse he cleaned scraped sanded and repainted both buildings congratulations Sean at this time I'd like to call down the members of the fths FFA please come down and get your award and then I'd like call your name please step forward cool know yeah Danny got it too then Matt got Matt I got I got it last June like right before congs oh you beat okay yeah all right enjoy freeold Township High School houses the animal and Botanical Sciences Academy students from throughout the regional district can apply and if accept it attend fths to focus on various topics covering agrobiology all students are members of our school's chapter of the FFA Future Farmers of America we have multiple students that are here before you tonight earn first place accolades at the 2023 New Jersey state FFA Convention as I call your name please step forward Junia Mel Z she Scarlet sanino Mariah and Brianna Roseman Ava yabo Alexa prani paig bunber Anna Hernandez ljan and Emily cero congratulations thank you he 11 members of our choir were named to the allshore course please come to the stage of the podium at this time can receive your medal and then stand along the stage as I call your name please step forward okay Representatives on the allshore course are Leah palisano Alison carmazen All State cble course and allshore course Ryan fall Daniel Loi Jane Stanley Sydney Bryant Grace Lorenzo Olivia zel All State treble course and allshore course Marcy rayola Trinity Campbell and duraz congratulations can head back to your Fe thank you hey congratulations to our two band members who earned Central Jersey Region 2 status congratulations to Kevin Sweeney and Riley Tarico doville please step forward at this time I would ask that the girls state or girls soccer team please step forward I got a little ahead of myself there by e okay the girls soccer team won their second consecutive group four championship and fourth consecutive State sectional Championship please step forward as I call your name Ashley Moore Danielle florenza Jay Jackson spe ree mechab Christina salano Angley Moore Shore conference Player of the Year first team allshore First Team all state all east region and All American Angley Moy Danielle Howard Bella Rosen Alana gabov Diana n Sophia Santelli Sophie tanino Gabby Parker first team allshore Gabby Parker Madison reer toy Walters haly Santiago first team allshore First Team all state haly Santiago Grace Sierra Madison grey bush Karen coner CID porion first team allore First Team all state all East reg region CID corion Kaye F Grace Moria Kayla tortino Miley West jna vuli Alexa Stein r patteron AA Marino and also accompanying the girls tonight is coach Whitford congratulations thank you I would like to call this time the girls cross country team to come down coach put addition our second team to win a state championship this year was our girls cross country team the girls who won the short conference Central Jersey group four and overall group four Championship as I call your name please step forward Emma zasi individual athletes include Shore conference State sectional group four and me of Champions champ short conference Runner of the Year New Jersey Runner of the year first team allshore First Team all state Emma zatki Leah rutage Heather Feinstein Sophia Briggs Natalie Briggs Caroline cxs C La David and the coach tonight that accompanying them is coach BRS congratulations everyone at this time I'd like to call Alexis theen Alexis is one of our gymnasts she won first team allshore first team All State and State sectional champion in the vault floor exercise and all around congratulations on behalf of Mr B who's to be with us tonight and the administrative team I like to congratulate everybody and say happy holidays I'd like to now introduce Mr Jeremy braan principal of How High School good evening ladies and gentlemen and uh last but not least the host School Howell High School um thank you for all coming for those you that State thank you so much for recognizing the Howell students I would like to thank the board of education for all their support our superintendent Dr Hazel and the central office staff who is out here tonight and support us at this time I'd also like to recognize and him come stand up next to me the so every each school has a student who is on the superintendent advisory Council um so one student from each School a huge honor and they are part of the student Board of Education and they come to our board meetings um when they're at their home school um there's times where they will speak at the board meetings and do presentations and the how high school representative is Alexa Barosa so Alexa come stand next to okay so I'd like to invite up the Board of Education members of Howell and farming Bale we have three and all um first from Howell Mr Pete Bruno then we have also from Howell Mark paresi and from Farmingdale happy Lavin you guys can come and uh assist us which I see you already have done okay so allshore chorus uh this year we had a ton of students that were um allshore course and our advisors here as well so I'd ask all the allshore course and our advisor to please come forward and I will announce your names okay first is I call your name uh please uh step forward and uh be acknowledged Claire SPAC so turtle Ivan Li Lea Pabi matal oryo avaa Leva Rose comes Connor naspo Paige Grayson Josh Rivera and these students also were allshore course and performed at the All State chorus concert in November as well um those students are Alysa prey Kayla Brown Kesha and also performing at all state cors in November was Megan coella and lastly all sure chorus liia turtle and our advisor who's here today who does a phenomenal job with our course last night we had our Winter concert uh we had a packed house here there was not a seat left in the house and we had an amazing Winter concert um so thank you so much Casey Shields okay you may go back to your seats I'd like for members of our band who won awards either in Region 2 or All State please come forward at this time so we had two students that were region two uh one was region two band Ensemble and Orchestra and one was Region 2 concert band and then we had two students that were New Jersey All State modern band so so Region 2 Band Ensemble and Orchestra Jacob wasika Region 2 concert band is Kaitlyn noria late to the crowd okay sorry about that and then we have Brandon baselo and lastly Zoey Lio thank you and our advisor Mr Lal thank you so much I need to take more pictures if you want you're good make a reel out of it okay um I'd like to have our um three girl soccer players who are here this evening to please come forward so I'll announce the athletes that are here this evening um and also recognize the one that's not so first little girl over here who just almost tripped um she is a freshman and she has was a huge impact on our team this year she won the player of the year this year for ninth graders in the short conference her name is McKenzie and next to McKenzie is our first team allshore soccer player Jade Vieira we also have Madison Smith who was unable to be here tonight she was first team allshore as well thank you ladies I'd now like to call up our gymnast who is here this evening jna if you come up also here this evening is gi's coach Miss Phillips who I know wants Giana to have the spotlight so she is going to hang it out in the back um so this is Giana Chapin she is a gymnast at Howell High School she is the South Jersey sectional champion in the oven even bars congratulations next i' like all of our volleyball players here this evening okay this is our third Mullen that we've had come through here um all phenomenal athletes um this is Cara Marie Mullen and Cara was first team allshore this year for girls volleyball and she's coming back next year and now I'd like to call up our so our boys soccer players and our boy soccer coach at this time I know Nick wants me to call perfect SAT score he told me but that's not what he's up here for he asked do that okay so these are a couple of members of our boy soccer team we were fortunate enough this year to have three athletes on the boys soccer team that were first team All Shore that's a great accomplishment uh two of them are here tonight one of them is not Ty baser is not but we do have junior Nick tuturo here first team all four and Grant Romano first team off and the handsome gentleman standing next to them is our boy soccer coach who has been our boy soccer coach for close to 30 years um has had some very successful teams and this year he was identified as being the shore Conference boys soccer coach of the year congratulations Mr Rich okay at this time Alexa is going to give a speech no at this time I'm going to turn the program back over to Dr Hazel and thank you have a happy holiday just lastly just thank you all for being so gracious uh and staying this evening to represent and congratulate all of the students and award recipients uh from all of our high schools happy holidays have a wonderful evening and a great vacation thank you oh it was wonderful to congratulate and recognize all of our students uh and achievements of our pre High School uh students always wonderful when we have the families and the students uh out to be recognized on the agenda uh we are approving our 2425 school calendar uh there is one change this is a second draft it's on the custodial grounds and maintenance calendar uh a change having off um not July 5th and February 17th but being off December 24th and December 31st Mr bur yeah I must say I been to 8 20 21 too many uh District medals that was very organized so thank you to Central Administration and the principles that organized this um very organized I think you brother reg okay let's break another one t um we do have uh a board report tonight um Capello has policy I I apologize I have the policy I can't make it as entertaining as as so I'll I'll try my best um the policy committee U met on November 28th um and um um the following policies will be on the December 14th that's today Board of agenda um for abolishment or first read policy um 54 60.02 is the bridge year pilot program and that's being abolished um and the reason it's being abolished it it's no longer necessary because the last graduating class that would have been eligible graduated in um the GL graduating class of 2022 um policy 8540 is on the school nutrition program and policy 8550 um meal charges and outstanding Food Service bills are being abolished and um policy 8500 Food Services is being revised um the reason for this is um for some changes um some government changes um that um need to be reflected um the revisions to the statutes um and the newly created statutes require extensive revisions to the existing policies 8500 8540 and 8550 um and policy guide that addresses the pertinent provisions of workingclass families the anti-hunger act the revised policy guide 8500 is mandated and must be adopted by the board board if the district is to participate in the national school lunch program so there's a lot of changes coming down um from the the federal government um for um the school lunch program and who will be uh qualifying and and that's filtering down into the state mandates so that's why these policies um needed uh abolishment and revision policy 2270 religion in schools has been revised um as a United States Department of Education released an updated guidance on constitutionally protected prayer and religious expressions in public elementary and secondary schools the 2023 guidance replaces the 2020 guidance and there's just some minor revisions but that's why there um were some changes made um again because of of mandated um policy from the federal government policy 3212 and 4 4212 attendance um they're mandatory and they're revised these policies um legislation that was signed on July 3rd of 2023 expanded the allow allowable use of safe time for School Employees um the provisions in this legislation require these revisions um as far as staff attendance is concerned um policy 3224 and 4324 our right to privacy have been revised the revised policy language addresses concerns related to privacy VI violations that can occur due to um unauthorized audio or video recording of teaching and support staff members by students other staff members visitors or any other person while the school staff member is performing their board assign job responsibilities um any recording is prohibited without the approval of the staff m members principal or supervisor um again a protection in place for our staff members for their um right to privacy policy and regulation 5111 is mandatory and been revised um the policy and regulation explains the criteria um to be eligible to enroll in school the required documentation for proof of residency Etc to avoid redundancy policy 5111 has been shortened um and any provisions that were removed from policy 5111 is now included in the revised regulation 5111 policy 5116 education of homeless children and youths has been revised the statute requires enrollment for up to school two school years of students who were made homeless and forced to move out of the district because of a natural disaster or terrorist attack also the term homeless child has been revised to say homeless child and youth um and the importance of this is that there's some continuity for the student if the student um has had a catastrophe of some kind that has forced them to become homeless um and they're educated now um let's just say in our district they're entitled to to stay for two years in the district that's educating them so that there's some continuity to their educational process and that's all I thank you very much I think you did an entertaining job with that thank you a long one I don't see anything on public participation tonight is there anyone here for public participation I don't see anything I any sheets so I'm not seeing anybody for public participation tonight we're going to go right on with G personnel and negotiations oh yeah yes before we do that I'm going to throw it back to Mr Boyce go ahead so board you should have a copy at your uh at your place and also there's a copies in the back table for an amendment to an existing resolution uh J5 educational programs approval of overnight Excursion so it's an addition of of one other Excursion for uh how wrestling uh Feast of the east in New York Delaware dates December 15th through 17th six students 10 chaperon so you could add that to the existing resolution we also have um two new resolutions and I'll read them into the record first being j9 be resolved that the freeold Regional High School District Board of Education approves the settlement agreement for student matter 2023-24 to7 on file in the office of special services nj10 be resolved at the fre Regional High School District board education approves the settlement agreement for student matter 2023 50587418 you got okay not hearing any discussion can I have a motion we roll call please Mrs Bruno yes Mrs Capell yes Mrs finale yes Mrs higy Yes except I abstain on Christopher Provo and G6 M Lavin yes Miss maob yes Mr pesi yes Mr Messinger yes Mr Bruno yes we're going to take programmed operations buildings transportation and physical plant may I have a motion to approve H1 through I2 second yellow and any discussion no discussion roll call Mrs Bruno yes m M cello yes Mrs Finelli yes Mrs Higley yes Mrs Lavin yes M mov yes Mr fesi yes Mr Messinger yes Mr ber yes we're going to take educational programs and administration I have a motion to approve J1 through K5 y any discussion not hearing discussion roll call please M yes M cell yes Mrs Finelli Mrs Higley yes Mr La yes M mov yes Mr P yes Mr minger yes Mr ber yes old business does any board member have the old business so we're going to go to new business and then you have something and I have something so you go first sure uh we are pleased to announce uh the promotion of one of our own uh Christopher provos uh a teacher in our district 12 half years of service in our district is being promoted to Sea supervisor of extracurricular and activities at Freehold Township High School we wish you all the best in your new position and welcome aboard congratulations so I love this for new business um one of our board's members is moving on um and we're going to miss her we were talking about her the other day she has a very very calming she's just very calming and um makes everybody feel so good and contribute a lot to the board um she's a good friend I'm going to have her sell my house someday I'll be sooner than we think no no and um we're just going to really miss you so much and um but thank you for all your service and your years with us and um it was some tight stuff with the busing last year and um with the chain superintendent um but very caling always there um and very concerned with our special ed programs so we thank her for that uh come up to the middle of the stage please can I say something first yeah come right out here please thank you so much that was so nice of you I'm so happy to hear that I have a commic offense everybody yeah exactly thanks for your husband for being patient that really was very nice thank you so much it really was an honor to be part of the freeold Regional High High School District community and serve the cult Cent Community I really did enjoy my three years here on board and um I'm going to missw working with everyone so thank you so much I appreciate it Happy holidays everyone thank you does any board member have any new business okay um so first of all I'd like to thank uh excuse me congrat I know what I'm saying I'd like to congratulate uh all of those students who received academic musical athletic or scouting uh recognition today your hard work and dedication are commendable and worthy of such recognition i' would also like to congratulate Mr Eric Rose and The Talented students of the FBO chorus choir percussion and band for a job well done at last night's concert um it was a wonderful evening filled with beautiful music thanks to the FR bur music uh department and finally I just want to wish uh everybody up here and the uh students faculty staff and families of the freeold Regional High School District uh a wonderful holiday season and a happy and healthy New Year thank you and yes happy holidays Merry Christmas to everyone happy New Year healthy new year so um I'm going to adjourn this meeting I make a motion to adjourn oh okay I was waiting for that you were a little slow tonight with that Amanda I was I was trying to at least let you finish the sentence meeting adjourned all in favor all in favor that's okay thank thank you everybody