[Music] uh welcome to the reorganization meeting of the Freehold Regional High School District Board of Education uh this event occurs annually um post November election uh to seat the new board members that were successful in the election so there's a series of steps uh my name is Sean Boyce I'm the business administrator for the district and board secretary so I'll be facilitating the process uh for the first few steps here first order of business is to read aloud the official election results so let me do that now for coltsneck Township um Carl aceta received 6,899 votes there were 111 writings in Freehold burrow Amanda maob received 6,29 91 votes uh and there was 87 rins Freehold Township Elizabeth Higley received 7,297 votes and there were 111 rins there and in Marboro Township Mr Messinger uh received 8,892 votes and there were 128 uh rins on that ballot so I'd like to congratulate all four board members for their success at the poll and welcome you to the Board of Education so the next step here will be to administer the the oath of office and uh seat the board members and then I'll take the roll call officially um so I'll ask the uh the members of the board newly elected members of the board which by the way three of those are for three-year terms and the Freehold burrow seat is for the unexpired one-year term so typically there's three board members we're swearing in but we have four tonight uh so first I'll ask uh Mr AAA to come you raise your right hand um take the oath of office and then you can take your seat at the table my glasses I call Asa de do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and Constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith in allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and this state under authority of the people so help me God I that's it oh I got second part okay I'm going to raise the showing cuz you know I call aseta do solom we swear that I possess the qualif applications prescribed by law for the office of member of a board of education and that I am not disqualified as a voter pursuing to RS 194-198 12-1 and that I will Faithfully impartially and justly perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability so help me God thank [Applause] you yeah take your seat at the table uh next I'd like I'd like to ask uh Miss mob to come to the podium raise your right hand and take the oath of office I Amanda maob do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and this state under the authority of the people so help me God I Amanda maob do solemnly swear that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of member of a board of education and that I not disqualified as a voter pursuant to rs1 1941 nor disqualified due to conviction of a crime or offense listed in njsa 18a 12-1 and that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability so help me God thank you Miss mcob uh Miss Higley like to invite you up to take the oath of office I Elizabeth kle do Solly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to stain and to the government's established in the United States and this state under the authority of the people so help you gu I Elizabeth pigley do Sly swear that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law to the office of member of the Board of Education and that I am not disqualified as a voter pursuant to RS 94-1 nor disqualified due to the conviction of a crime or offense listed in njsa 18a 12-1 and that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability so help me back and now Mr Messinger uh I'd like to invite you to Podium take the oath of office I Michael Messinger do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the government established in the United States in this state under the authority of the people so help me God I Michael Messinger do solemnly swear that I possess the qualifications prescribed by the law for the office of member of a board of education and that I am not disqualified as a vote voter pursuant the rs19 4-1 nor disqualified due to conviction of a crime or offense listed in njsa 18a 12-1 and that I will Faithfully impartially and justly perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my abilities so help me [Applause] God all right so now that the board is seated uh I'm going to take roll call Mr aceta Mrs Bruno Mr Bruno Mrs Capello Mrs Higley Mrs Lavin here miss mov here Mr Messinger here Mr paresi here thank you so uh the the next item of business um on the agenda is the election uh for the office of president of the board of education so I will uh open the floor for nom nominations anybody any member of the board can nominate any other member of the board no second is required and when it becomes apparent that there are no further nominations uh I will ask for a motion to take the appropriate action at that time so um I'd like to open the floor for nominations for the office of president of the board of education for the Freo Regional High School District Mr Messinger nominates Mr Bruno [Music] seeing no further nominations um I'm going to request a motion and the motion is for to uh the motion is to close nominations and instruct the board secretary to cast a unanimous ballot for Mr Peter berno for the office of president of the board of education so may I have a motion I heard Mrs lley Mrs Higley Mrs maob and now I will take Ro um Mr aceta Mrs Bruno Mr Bruno Mrs Capello Mrs Higley Mrs Lavin yes Miss macob yes Mr Messinger yes Mr paresi yes motion passes congratulations Mr [Applause] [Music] Bruno uh so the we'll need a a motion to close nominations and instruct the uh board secretary to cast a unanimous ballot uh for Michael messenger for the office of Vice President of the board of education so may I have that motion uh no it's it's the motion to close nominations and instruct the yes need a motion I'm sorry who motion Mrs Higley I need a second also please second Mrs brno roll call Mr aceta Mrs Bruno Mrs Capello Mrs Higley Mrs Lavin yes Miss mob yes Mr Messinger yes Mr paresi yes congratulations motion passes congratulations Mr [Applause] M had a very interesting last year um with a lot of top topics um the board last year was a very tight board um very close um between the budget and S2 and um picking and selecting a new superintendent um we had a very full plate um that lasted all the way through the summer so um I want to thank the board welcome Carl again back onto the board of education but um we have a very cohesive um group and hopefully we'll continue that way um and I promise the board members that I will not call them at 6:00 in the morning cuz I do have a habit of calling people at 6: a.m. so I promise I will I only did that once so do yeah Mrs Bruno Jamie she opens NS in the morning apparently so so teacher custodian she opens the building so let's um go further now we're going to have our ethics [Music] training did everybody get a uh ethics sheet good evening everyone um for those of you who don't know me uh my name's Jeff kesi I know it doesn't look like that here but that it's hard to say my name name but that's it um so we're going to do your Schoolboard ethics review um you have in front of you an acknowledgement of receipt as well so once we finish this you if you would sign that um I'd appreciate that so just as a reminder this presentation doesn't replace your individual ethics training required for all newly elected and appointed board members um and I have a hard time seeing this myself uh so the purpose of this training is to discuss the school ethics act um and just kind of go through it the highlights of it with you because it is um important as board members that you understand your ethical roles so as board members you are the governing body uh for the for the school district all right you're charged with high level policymaking uh which as you'll see in this this presentation uh is not administration of the schools it's just that highlevel policy making um your decision- making Authority is a limited is limited to um to that so we must you got to be careful that not to engage in conflicts of interest um the ethics act I like we'll go through is what governs you as board members all right um [Music] sorry that's that is the school ethics act what I will point out in the school ethics act which is important um is and I highlighted it which is hold the respect and confidence of the people and avoid conduct and which is a justifiable which creates a justifiable impression among the public that such trust is being violated so it's not just actual conduct that violates the ACT it's that impression that you may give the public so it's it's important to note um that a technical violation of the ACT might just be the impression not your intent just the impression you give the public so it's important to conduct yourselves and as you you'll see we'll talk about uh social media is is one of the big things um while you have First Amendment privileges um they are limited as your role as board members the uh first e uh excuse me I apologize I have this backwards I will hold uphold and enforce all laws rules and regulations of the State Board of Education and court orders pertaining to schools desired changes that should shall be brought about only through legal and ethical procedures that's njsa 18a 122 241a basically follow the rules so if there are laws in place board policy um if you have court orders you need to follow them it's really that simple so if the doe uh provides guidance or provides regulations uh you need to follow that uh I'll say briefly we have cases in here I'm not going to go through each and every case with you um you're more than welcome to go through it if you have questions you can ask um there are the C designation of the cases so like this one C- 5814 those are actual case decisions you will see a designations those are advisory opinions uh you can as as board members we can as a board ask for advisory opinions when there are concerns or questions about ethical conflicts uh or any ethics issue you may have so if there's questions that you have you say is this an ethical violation and we don't really have a good answer we can get an advisory opinion uh from the ethics Commission all right 18a 1224 1B I will make decisions in terms of the educational welfare of children and will seek to develop and maintain public schools that meet the individual needs of all children regardless of their ability race Creed sex and social standing I will amend that to say those uh designations those those uh protected categories should be expanded to include all the protected categories in New Jersey law against discrimination um but it's really you know here for one reason the kids kids come first uh and you need to keep that in the back of your head as board members that your educational decisions are for their benefit again some of the cases there's that a designation I talked about it's an advisory opinion 12241 C and I apologize for reading at you but it's the law so you need the exact wording I will confine my board action to policymaking planning and appraisal and I will help to frame policies and plans only after the board has consulted with those who will be affected by them so we look at the big picture um and this will kind of go hand inand with with the next uh the next section of the ACT U which is no micromanaging so your role is confined to policymaking uh well not just policymaking but that's your major role here your major function is the oversight of the school district not day-to-day operations uh as we go through some of the cases look at the big picture you'll see the next one is just that no micromanaging so njsa 18812 241d I will carry out my responsibility not to administer the schools but together with my fellow board members to see that they are well-run um it's important to say together with my fellow board members because uh as a board you act as one uh you don't act individually uh you are not individual representatives of the board all decisions are to be made by a board as a whole uh and that's your function and just a couple couple more of these cases again you're free to look at 24.1 e I will recognize that the authority rests with the Board of Education will make no personal promises nor take any private action that may compromise the board um that's pretty straightforward uh you can't make personal promises you can't have gains for yourself as board members you're functioning in the board like I said earlier the kids come first again some more [Music] cases 24.1 f I will refuse to surrender my independent judgment to special interests or partisan political groups or to use the schools for personal gains or for the gain of friends kind of goes again hand in hand with the other one you're here as board as a board as board members uh you're not here for yourselves individually uh you're here and so you obviously can't gain any advantage by being here [Music] all right this is this is one not that they're all not important but this is one where we see when we see violations quite a bit uh and it's concerning uh 24.1 G I will hold confidential on matters pertaining to the schools which if disclosed would needlessly injure individuals or the schools in all other matters I will provide accurate information in in Contra with my fellow board members interpret to the staff the aspirations of the community for its school so you as board members will gain confidential information uh as you know when you're in an executive session it may be staff information maybe student information maybe related to Collective negotiations um contracts land purchase could be a number of different things that information is to be kept confidential if you so basically if you're in that if there discussions in that room it stays in that room if you tell anyone about it you're violating the act all right um 24.1 h i will vote to appoint the best qualified Personnel available after consideration of the recommendation of the chief administrative officer um so the superintendent makes recommendations for hiring uh it's your job as board members you don't make the recommendations yourself you can't that's a violation of the ACT you can't hire people as a board by yourselves you need a recommendation from the superintendent the superintendent gives the recommendation then you can hire at that point um there are very few instances where you can go against that recommendation but that's typically going to be a violation if you're not heating the recommendation of the superintendent unless you have good cause to do otherwise all right uh that's the the act itself uh we have a few slides in here for some cases um just to talk about for example no Loom wolves these are some of the issues that we see um representing a number of different districts uh is is board members acting in an individual capacity um so as a board as I said earlier you function as a board you're going to get complaints from community members maybe staff um maybe folks outside of the community uh you may have they may ask you questions remember you I'll even go even further you may get inquiries from the Press you are board members you you don't act independently or individ so if there for example if you have to give a statement to the Press you have a policy for that um it's only the superintendent who typically can speak to the Press um the board president can as well in limited circumstances that that's a little refer to your policy for that purpose but when you're speaking to folks outside about board business you have to be very careful because you only function as a board not as individuals [Music] I will uh I will support I'm sorry uh 24.1 J I will support and protect School personnel and the proper performance of their duties um this one I will actually go over a a quickly one of the cases because I I think it's a good example um see the last one over here c211 uh the board president violated the code by posting a picture of the superintendent on Facebook with a comment now if we can only do something about uh our local terrorists that destroy dreams and and burn Futures obviously that's a violation of the ACT um you're not supporting District Personnel that's your job as board members to support doesn't mean you have to agree with them but you need to support them um that listen that's a violation for a number of different reasons this is just an example of why it's not supporting District personnel I'm sorry this is J um I will refer all complaints to the chief administrative officer and will act on the complaints of public of public meetings only after failure of any administrative solution as I said earlier you're going to get complaints from maybe parents staff not your job to address those complaints directly and you certainly can't go and go to another administrator like a principal there's specific cases on there that uh you need to go to and speak to the superintendent directly um the person may be complaining about a staff member or or a principal or any other administrator and whether you agree or disagree um your obligation then is to go to the superintendent and report that it's not to go to the principal it's not to go to another administrator any other staff member that's a clear violation of the ACT now I'm not going to go through each and every conflict of interest you I I believe Mr Tuscano has uh and if he hasn't yet you will be receiving um a questionnaire about conflicts of interest so we can analyze your conflicts uh these are some of the laws related to it but it's I can break it down pretty simply um if you have relatives that are in the school district or if you have relatives that are in other school districts in the state you should let us know um so we can analyze especially for negotiation purposes what you can and can't vote on uh if you have are involved with a business entity in any way whether your it's your employer or you just have some relationship with that business entity you should let us know so we can analyze the conflicts to determine whether you can vote on certain items uh if those business entities have relationships to the school district here's with more board conflicts is these are some more laws about what's not let's focus on what is um just talking about relatives in the district um that's really specific to Collective negotiations and whether you can be on or involved in negotiations uh so again let us know and then we just go through a couple of advisory opinions just some for frame of reference for you folks for substitutes um dis advisory opinion where uh a board member's spouse is employed as a substitute in in the district the board member can't participate in Personnel actions uh related to that the chain of command of that substitute so um that's why we just tell us if you do have any anybody if you have any questions a on as side of telling us um volunteering we have some examples in here um the simple there is no simp simple answer for it but I would say that there is certain tests and and we can we can look at um based on the relationships so if you have questions about whether look we want to encourage volunteering obviously but we don't want to put you in an ethical ethically compromised position so if you're if you're volunteering just let us know we'll talk about the facts and uh give you an answer if we can't give you an answer we'll get an advisory opinion that's some more advisory opinions doctrine of necessity um I'll just tell you this if we if we need to uh if we need to use it we'll need to know well in advance I'm sure Sean uh Nicole and Mark will be talking um simple answer to that the simple explanation of this is if you don't have enough members of the board to vote on a particular item because of conflicts you can Institute a doctrine of necessity to allow you to vote but it requires a resolution in advance it's a process uh but you should be aware that it is there in the event there are conflicts as I said earlier you have an acknowledgement of the code of ethics in front of you so if you could sign that'd be great unless there are any questions yeah sure so while what one mistake no not just one there's lots um what give me more the confidentiality always social media is the biggest okay um to me uh we see a lot of issues that arise about whether it's disclosing confidential information talking about staff members um I mean that's but really it's the big thing is US disclos confidential information um but yeah you got to be careful about what you say as a board member and that you you have First Amendment rights but they are now limited because you're a board member and you have confidential information um so you have to keep that in mind when you're speaking about anything related to The District did that answer your question yes anything else first I want to qualify this by stating that I know of U no violation whatsoever by any member of the board or anybody in this District ever it's incumbent upon and correct me if I'm wrong that if a board member or anyone else SE a violation of law that has to remain confidential that they would they are protected via whistleblower act and they're allowed to individually report that violation to let's say the state controlers law is or whatever governing law enforcement body so the question I mean I don't want to I I know you're talking about the conscientious employer protection act um and we can talk about that that separately um there it's a complicated law there has a lot of uh components to it obviously if you're reporting conduct um you have a right to do that uh as a as a board member as an individual as a community member everybody has a right to report conduct that they believe is a violation of the law that's what I think yeah so you don't have to go through somebody who's complicit in the and again I I'm just throwing the S as an example of course I know of nobody doing that but you don't have to go through the board if they're complicit in that act or violation my I taught many ethical places and what I would always say is go to the attorney first well so you as a as a board member you have certain duties yeah not to say you can't or shouldn't report certain things but as an individual board member you have a certain obligation and duty to the board um so if you were aware of something whether it's the ethics act or any other violation of the law maybe it's a a criminal law for example um then obviously you want to inform Administration you want to inform uh the board attorney um but obviously if there if you think there's a violation of criminal law and it's not being reported you as a board member have the right to report it anybody of the board members have any questions for Jeff well thank you very much thank you thank you may I have a motion to go into executive session second I hear one I hear Diana do we have a second down here second Amanda second Amanda all those in favor we're going to go into executive session thank you folks for staying did you go out to dinner or something you're just kind of stay you just stayed and [Music] great well Happy New Year pursuant to the open public meeting act chapter 231 Public Law of 1975 this meeting was sent to the Asbury press on June 27th 20123 as has been duly advertised in the Asbury par press issue of June 30th 2023 all Municipal clerks in the township and the burls within the freeh hole Regional District have been duly notified and the requirements were met June 27th 2023 please join me in the pledge I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty Justice for All do we have any changes to the executive agenda yes I'd like to note that one of the items listed on the printed agenda um negotiations bus drivers Association was not discussed that's all thank you you might have a motion to approve C1 through C6 M Lavin and I'm sorry who was the second Diana Diana M any discussion board board not hearing a discussion roll call please Mr aceta I'm Mrs Bruno Mrs Bruno yes Mrs capiello yes Mrs Higley uhy Mrs Lavin yes Miss maob yes Mr pesi yes Mr minger yes Mr Bruno yes I have the motion to approve the minutes of the December 14th regular board meeting moved second I hear Mr paresi and I heard this Capi cap was that a man is that who was yes any discussion board not hearing any discussion now I have a roll call Mr aceta Mrs Bruno yes Mrs Capello yes Mrs Higley Mrs Lavin yes M mob yes Mr pesi yes Mr Messinger yes Mr Bruno yes just a note the communications are on file in the board secretary's office now I'm going to throw it over to Dr Hazel for the superintendent report thank you Mr berno Happy New Year to everyone to our students and families um we are so excited as we enter uh the new year and uh this month we will be welcoming all of our Rising ninth graders and we'll be inviting them to the school for our orientation programs um that will be going on during the month of January this provides a tremendous opportunity for the uh leadership in the guidance Department to be able to share information uh with our new students and families in regards to our course offerings um all of the programs that we offer in you know the their prospective High School the extracurricular and athletic programs uh and our building principles and the administrative teams are uh directly communicating with those eighth grade families inviting them in uh for these events uh so we are looking forward to welcoming uh the class of 28 um I can't even believe it uh for uh to the Freehold Regional High School District One More Time um there are a series of dates um and the parents um you know of our Rising nth graders get Direct Communications from our building principles um we have articulations with the sending District so we know all of our you know New Rising ninth graders coming in and those Communications come directly to the building to those families inviting them in um for these uh orientation programs uh and they get to learn everything about um you know their new high school um as well as our district um just wanted to let everybody know we are keeping an eye on the weather I think we're hopefully going to have a rain event um this weekend I'm uh hopeful and optimistic uh but uh I have been in communication uh with the sending District superintendence um I think this District as well as uh our sending District partners really do a great job in working together and collaborating and staying in touch with each other uh to make sure that we are making um the best decisions in regard to any school closures or delayed openings and that we you know handle that you know expeditiously so that we can handle everything we need to in our buildings and grounds Department uh as well as our transportation department so um you know just know that you know this Administration as well as all of our our sending districts we work very collaboratively on um you know making the best decisions uh for the safety and well-being of our students and staff um also I just wanted to make um our communities aware uh that all of our high schools are offering tutoring programs and those tutoring programs are to support students um in any of the classes that they may be struggling in or want some additional support um these are programs that are run through our administ ministrative teams as well as our guidance departments uh they are in all six of our high schools and available to our students uh there's also a program that's going to start this month in January January through the March administration of the um New Jersey graduation proficiency assessment the NJ GPA which is the state assessment of record providing support to our Juniors uh in the area of language art and Mathematics and that's for all of the Juniors and that's really to just give them a boost of confidence uh refreshing them on you know their skills um and you know giving them the test press test prep practice uh that we feel will just you know give them that extra boost um in preparation for that test um the State Testing is the week of March 11th um so I'm very proud of the work of our administrat ERS um many of them here um who I Know Have Been instrumental in kind of spearheading uh those support programs you know for our students um and you know that goes without saying that our programs here successfully build students skills and knowledge from grade nine all the way through uh but we do feel uh at a critical time right before they are taking uh these assessments you know every piece of additional support just giv gives them kind of the extra confidence they need to know that they are ready to take that assessment so um I just want to thank all of our administrators many of them here uh and all of the teachers um who partake in supporting our students uh beyond the school day in this effort um so and of course we're in the nits of middle States yes um so yeah this year uh every seven years actually for us it was eight uh due to uh Co but we are going through a middle States accreditation process uh we already had our first systems team meeting uh we're preparing for our second one in January and our third I believe is March or April um that will be coming down the pike and this is a great opportunity when all of the district um constituents our staff our parents our students all come together uh we reflect on all of our work there are surveys that were taken um with staff students students and parents we look at our um you know all of the data in the district and and set some goals for ourselves uh really in alignment with our district strategic plan um that we are in year one of right now Compass 3.0 um and you know we're excited for that Journey middle States being a seven-year Journey our Compass uh 3.0 plan is a 5-year plan uh but working you know collaboratively with all of our constituents to really lock into goals and action plans uh to continue us on our road of Excellence here at preo Regional thank you you know how I'm excited about the no Stakes yes Mr Bruno joined us for our first systems team meeting so that was wonderful we have a special guest with us tonight so I want to do you want to say hello oh yeah hello uh and I see uh the assistant also I would like at this time um you could please stand Senator gopal um you know we yes I know you have a very very busy schedule and and we appreciate you being here this evening we appreciate all of your support uh to this board of education to this school district uh for all of your service your tenacity your advocacy um for what you did for us we need a lot more help you know that we'll we'll definitely be talking your job is not done just want yeah yeah thank you very much for being here thank you thank you and happy new here okay um we do not have any board reports tonight and we do have um some people who' like to speak um the podiums over here but before we do that do we have any changes to the board agenda we do have one and I would like to return to changes in the executive agenda although falling under the general caption of hi uh report that was included on the pre-printed agenda more specifically there was also so discussion of a recent uh HIV appeal heard by members of the board uh so we'll include that on the executive agenda as well the one addition to the the the board agenda for Action being considered for Action tonight um we're going to add in at k6 on the agenda and I'll read it into the record motion to deny the hi appeal in connection with report number cnhs d23 d24 d05 so in addition to the pre-printed agenda um k6 will also be considered in the vote great thank you okay we're going to have some of our speakers come up um Senator you like come up come on up yes just very briefly just looking forward to working congratulations to three new board members I know we have a lot of uh challenges coming up as as two comes to an end I know you guys are Exempted I know there's a lot of uh Staffing shortages Mental Health funding uh Transportation so just looking forward to working with all of you anything I can do uh I'm here for the next four years uh uh looking forward I had a great relationship with superintendent Samson hope to have the same great relationship with you and just wish you all well Happy New Year and I know where to find you on St Patrick's Day Belmore yes you do or at Halloween we looking thank you Senator at Halloween thank you so we have a couple of people from the community today who would like to speak um Barry that is live that Podium yes it's been a while since I've been here so hello to the people I know hello to the people I don't know um congratulations to those who were elected I just have two quick things one for Dr Hazel uh it's a little late but congratulations I wish you the best in your new position there and for Carl aceta I'm very surprised but I know that his integ he wanted to come back he wants to do the work for the people and I know he'll do a good job um that's all I had to say thank you thank you thank you and Leon Leon you look really familiar I didn't hear what you said you look very familiar thank you I just want to say before I stop my remarks that if we had that code of ethics that we've heard about this this evening some of us wouldn't have to be here 15 years ago I feel like an aging ball player coming back to his old stadium on Oldtimer day it's been over 13 years since I've last attended one of these meetings and it's nice to see fellow teammate um former board member Barry hawber as we bear witness to another teammate Carl aeter still in the game as he gets sworn in for another year on active service one other person I'm sorry to say Gloria close was very determined to be here with us but she sadly passed away over a month ago after a long illness she really was determined to be here for Carl Barry and his wife and Gloria and my wife were part of a very determined group of citizens who regularly attended these meetings every month for almost 5 years speaking out against the Injustice of an arrogant superintendent and other board members who got phony Doctorate Degrees it took a long time but with Mr aca's help on the inside just Justice finally prevailed and the Freehold Regional District was able to restore its good name and reach the level of success it deserved unfortunately in today's fractured political culture we read that school boards have become an easy target for outside political influence that have nothing to do with the demands of the district that's why it's comforting to see a dedicated Community servant like Carl Lola back on the board to make sure this train stays on its tracks congratulations Carl thank [Applause] you and car [Music] Fox good evening I used to be in this room every month for many years and I haven't been back in quite a while but I've been keeping an eye always watching and on that note I am absolutely so thrilled to welcome call Asel back he's dedicated he's conscientious he's caring he will help guide this board even further with the right purpose in mind mind sometimes we all go astray and I I know I can count on him and other board members to do the right thing and not go backwards thank you oh one other thing do have one question the electronic sign at mour high school has been up for about almost 15 years I complained about it at least twice 10 years ago and it's still never changed it's says it might say welcome but it says www frhsd.com and follow our Twitter page there's got to be some recognition of students happy holidays something I don't think the sign is unstuck but it never changes and it's insulting thank you appreciate that thank you Mrs Fox and we're looking into that matter thank you thank you and um thank you for your support okay all righty may I have a motion to approve H1 through h8 motion second that was Miss theab and Mrs Cy yell okay any discussion board not hearing any discussion may have a roll call Mr ASA Mrs Bruno yes Mrs cello yes Mrs Lavin yes M mob yes Mr paresi yes Mr Messinger yes Mr Bruno yes motion passes thank you um now I have a motion to approve i1 through j3 second Diana and Amanda any discussion board no discussion might have a roll call Mr aceta Mrs Bruno yes Mrs cello yes Mrs Lavin yes Miss mob yes Mr paresi yes yes Mr Messinger yes Mr Bruno yes motion passes and now we're going to take K1 through L4 that's educational programs and administration then I have a motion moved Mr paresi and second Mrs Capell bro Mrs Bruno thank you Mr Bruno may I for a second yeah I just want to let the board know that I added uh L4 I'm the school board representative here or the New Jersey Schoolboard Association representative and January is School Board recognition month so I reached out and uh this is a resolution that um School boards you know created and sends to districts throughout the state so that each district can adopt this resolution and it's a feel-good resolution make no mistake about it but it's worth noting that as you know one board member to my fellow board members I just want to recognize that this is School recognition month and I want to thank everybody for your service to this board as well as all of the sending districts that service the Freehold Regional District community and all the board members on those respective boards as well so I won't read the resolution it's there for you to read it but it's um you know I think we owe appreciation to each other um and I I just wanted to express that on the record for everybody thank you that was we had to no that uh so roll call Mr Mr aceta Mrs Bruno yes Mrs Capello yes Mrs Higley Mrs Lavin yes Miss maob yes Mr paresi yes Mr Messinger yes Mr Bruno yes do we have any old Business board members anybody has any old business how about any new business any new business yes uh first of all I want to recognize another old boy old not old still young previous sportman Mary anic who I convinced many years ago to join me in my initial run for uh for the board and thank you for the OB service she now uh I tuted her a lot so now she's an attorney with Harvard so uh I think I was pretty successful and you know helping you along your career um Barry was my initial running mate and we go back a long time thank you for the support Leon S thank you so much for your kind words I can't believe it's 13 years and perhaps the strongest Community Advocate I've ever met in my life Carol fox is in the audience and I appreciate you coming out to way so thank you so much and to your spous for being here I appreciate all the confence thank you nice see all thank good genor okay one more thing so sorry about Mrs cl's loss uh we would frequently go to the diner after the board meetings and u tragic was she she always was here to do what she felt was correct and that's it okay all righty so um now we're going to adjourn now I have a motion to adjourn tonight's meeting motion I heard Amanda Amanda and I heard Mrs lman all in favor safe trip home thank you