[Music] pursuing to the open public Med act chapter 231 Public Law of 1975 the meeting was notice sent to the Asbury Park Press on June 27th 2023 and has been duly advertised in the as Park Press on June 30th 2023 municial clerks and TS girls within the Regional High School District has been duly noticed and requirements for this posting with metet on June 27th 2023 I can't see a thing up there so bear with me please rise Amica for stands one na indivisible Li Justice can you please continue to rise going to have a moment of silence uh freehol Regional High School District lost a special member and teacher of our school community on February 28th Carolyn Hart started in the district in September of 1998 Carolyn Hart was a social studies and psychology teacher at marbor High School anybody knew her she had the first classroom on the first floor when you walked in on the leftand side always beaming with a smile and ready to greet and engage her students she was involved in the Brookdale Community College dual enrollment program and she was a member of the first cohort of our admire aspiring administrators Academy she served our students and families for over 25 years she will be missed uh by our staff and our administrators and mostly our students and also our alumni um we send our condolences um to Miss Carolyn part's family and her daughter Freehold Regional High School District also recently lost a colleague and a friend to our district Dr Roco tazik he was the former superintendent of the free burrow schools uh a fierce ad for public education uh for students and families he's also uh prior to coming to Freehold as superintendent he served as superintendent in the lynon public schools uh and he continued his work uh even while retired from Freehold uh superintendency um he was the mammoth County interim sup he went back to the Lyon Public Schools as an interum and also um you know really up until recently was serving in Freehold burrow as an interim superintendent he did tremendous tremendous advocacy work across uh the state and across the mammoth County Community um he was involved in initiative with prle Regional High School District where new Taipei Educators uh would engage with our staff here in the freeh hole Regional High School District there was also a scholarship in his name um to a female and male student um you know each school year um his family um is intricately involved with that scholarship as well um Mr Dr task's daughter Maryann tasac uh was a former board member and served for the Freehold Regional High School District again uh our condolences to the tasic family um to of Dr tomas's grandchildren attend our schools um and we are very sorry for their loss so I just want to take a moment um just to Bow our heads for a moment uh for uh the Hart family and also for uh Dr task's family thank you please be seated any changes to the agenda no Mr President can I have a motion to approve the minutes of the February 8th Board of Education meeting motion roll call please Mr ASA yes Mrs Bruno yes Mrs cello yes Mrs hyley yes Mrs Lavin yes Mr M yes Mr P yes Mr Messinger yes Mr bur yes yeah I can't Communications are on file with the board secretary now we're going to have super report thank you Mr um good evening everyone um just wanted to inform um our community um we finished with our New Jersey GPA testing that is the State graduation um assessment uh for juniors uh really outstanding work uh across the district with our administrators and supervisors and teachers uh for supporting such a successful uh Administration so thank you and uh we know our students did really well um also we had a tremendous winter athletic season uh we are excited um I'm excited as superintendent to share with the Board of Education um the recognition of all of our athletes um and our coaches uh from the winter season we really had um just some exemplary achievements uh with our student athletes um this season so we're looking forward to that that'll be at our May board agenda uh board meeting at Marboro High School um also on this agenda um this is it sweet for me bit I think for me um we see the retirement of Mr on Boyce uh Mr Boyce is our business administrator show your hand there everybody knows him um started in the district in um 2007 and has been serving our district for over you know 17 years um did tremendous work um during some very very difficult times uh during as all of you know the S2 cuts that we're in our final year of uh in really kind of stabilizing um and maintaining um so many of our excellent programs that we have within this District I I don't know if we could have done it without him um our future is still a little unsettled um we will continue to work through that I know he will Shepherd us he is here with us till months yes we have a long time till uh December of 24 um but really on behalf of myself uh the Board of Education our entire Community uh we really thank you for your service there's still time to you know reconsider um but we wish you you know all the best in your retirement we're going to have plenty of celebrations you know uh with you as as the time moves forward but really an exciting time for you in your life thank you Dr you're still very young um you know uh for our community um you know this is the last budget year with S2 um fiscal year 25 budget uh really has been the most challenging since S2 began began in 2019 um like I said um you know Mr Boyce has really steered the ship and has shephered us through the storm um you know we've had a cumulative impact of $97 million of a loss in state aid over those seven years you say how did we make it through and how are we still here and you know we really we've had impact um but not tremendous impact as it come has come to our students and our program and that is you know preparation is everything and being able to maintain a budget that has you know the Appropriations and the Surplus to handle difficult times and that's what we had here in freeo Regional High School District we're all very lucky um that we had um all of those protection in place within our budget we did sustain you know um you know major you know Cuts in in areas um but you know we we have weathered the storm you know we hope today uh Mr Boyce and I attended the budget hearing in Trenton um the existing funding formula is from 2008 um you know at this juncture all superintendents across the state the board of educations are are you know advocating for a modernized funding formula that allows us to provide a thorough and efficient education for our students in many places like ours S2 has created fiscal volatility uncertainty for districts um in our district and across the state um My Hope and obviously we will be monitoring this very very closely is that the funding formula is changed um and supports our district as well as all of the New Jersey school districts um the state aid reductions that we did face you know have lasting impacts for us um we have been lucky you know through staff attrition and through uh complete oversight of our budget have been able to make um you know cuts that really have an impacted us at the student you know level um we dealt with you know a lot of issues in the past uh last school year with you know the potential of courtesy busing which you know the state came in and restored um I don't know what the future holds uh but I do know this is a district that is always prepared uh will continue to be prepared and we will work through whatever challenges we have you know as a community and first and foremost always you know doing what's right uh and in the best interest of the students uh and the folks that we serve here in the freeold regional High School District um I'm going to ask Mr Boyce that I know we're approving our tenative budget uh for fiscal year 25 this evening um if you have any uh comments yeah I just so board as you know procedurally uh how this works is that the board uh approves a tenative budget that's submitted to um the mmth County Office of the Department of Education for a technical review um and once it passes muster with that through through that process uh there's a public hearing on the budget and that's where um uh the budget will be presented to the community um and the board the final budget and uh put up for resolution for adoption from the board so that meeting is April 25th it's at um central office in Englishtown um and that's where a lot of that information um will be shared with the community now as Dr Hazel mentions um S2 uh which is a piece of legislation that sought to redistribute state aid in accordance with the funding formula um as as it was run each year um did cost this District um many years of severe cuts um and the result of that is uh that um PR Regional is uh $20 million below what's called an adequacy budget right and that's the state's calculation on a district by District basis based on actual student enrollment in each district what is the adequate amount of money necessary to provide a thorough and efficient education um we have been tens of millions of dollars below that adequacy number for multiple years um and uh the budget being put forth uh tonight and uh ultimately on April 25th maintains uh that distinction of being um considerably below what the state has determined is the adequate amount of money or the necessary amount of money for the district So within that challenge and as a result of that as you would imagine is that when you look at the financial information that's released by the state on comparative costs per pupil uh and a lot of financial information that's available on the dle website um f Regional is the lowest uh spending District in month County there are 50 some districts in Mammoth County the interesting part of that is that um according to the formula uh which which also makes sense you know high school students are more expensive than middle middle school students who are more expensive than Elementary School students so for a district which is all high school students to be the lowest spending District in the county uh is something is something's um something's not where it should be there and uh that goes back to us being $20 million below ad so we um we we making our way through this budget and as I said the final will be presented at the public hearing on April 25th um the resolution board is in front of you there's also a stack the back of the table it's included on the agenda for tonight's approval thank you I do want to REM everybody that the college fair is next Thursday night at the now it's always a big event and um I don't need start five six six we do not have any for reports tonight Mr boce are there any changes to the agenda uh there are um so as I just noted um the pre-printed agenda has a resolution for the adoption of the tenative budget um the body of that resolution is uh on the back table um copies for the community board you have the metri table also uh similarly um age1 for budget transfers um same deal uh for you have that at your table there's also copies in the back in addition to that there are two existing resolutions that we are adding some names to so I will I will touch on that now G11 approval of six period teaching assignments again there's a yellow sheet on the back table um for the community but we're adding uh six names um um that are included on that handout and in g12 approval of substitutes home instruction Personnel there's an additional name uh included on that sheet so the agenda as amended would be off great thank you board members have any questions at all okay we're GNA move we have um someone who would like to speak Mr how are you okay yes right there I'm Alice mcob chairman of the freeold Memorial Day Parade committee on behalf of the Memorial Day Parade I am here to see if the board of education for the regional district would like to partake in the freehold's 150th anniversary parade on May 27th as a unit representing the surrounding towns and obviously I lost my but I have a good so that we can verstile versatile divers yeah that's the word more units and show the community some of the board of educations out there and what they do for the community that don't make these so if they're if you're interested we can fill you can fill out appliation back and March or ride in a whatever you want to do as the board of education for the regional dist that's a 9 o00 start for that parade right starts 10 it's a 10 o00 start 10 thank you thank you very much anything okay we're going to take this agenda may I have a motion to approve G1 to G14 motion second second was that's under personel and negotiations that's G1 for G14 I I raise issue with G2 in uh terms of Mr any I'm not done discussion not hearing discussion roll call please Mr as yes Mrs Bruno yes Mrs Capell yes Mrs Higley Yes except Iain on G2 pertaining to Mr Boyce and on G7 to Joanne Becker and Matthew cson Mrs lav not no yes M mov if I must reluctantly yes Mr paresi yes Mr Messinger yes Mr B yes motions Carri I have a motion to take H1 through I6 programmed operations building transportation and physical plan second Mrs any discussion board not hearing any discussion motion Please Mr ASA yes Mrs Bruno yes Mrs cell yes Mrs Higley yes Mrs Lavin yes M mov yes Mr caresi yes Mr minger yes Mr Bruno yes may I have a motion to approve educational programs and administration moved J1 through K1 I heard Mrs the First and M for the second any discussion not hearing any discussion call please Mr ASA yes Mrs Bruno yes Mrs cell yes M Higley yes Mrs Lavin yes M maob yes Mr paresi yes and thank you for your work on the budget Mr Messinger yes Mr ver yes and now we're up to Old business any board members have old business they like to discuss any board M would like to discuss new business yes Mr BR if I could uh Sean you've been driving me crazy since day one you still do right to the end and I'm going to hate it when you're gone that's my that's right and you have I do as well um first of all uh Mr boy I'm glad we have you for uh quite a long while yet um I reluctantly but I also know you have some grandchildren you'd like to spend more time with so uh all for all for that um I'd also like to congratulate uh Mrs Kimberly cook uh at F High School on her retirement uh at the end of this school year um I bugged her quite a bit in the nurses and attendance office throughout my tenure at the burough um I would like to congratulate the F BR drama club on their production of Little Women uh I had a chance to see it uh week before last it was absolutely phenomenal and I also want to take a moment if made to talk about the FBO boys basketball team uh first of all congratulations to them on winning the Central Jersey group three sectional championship and making it to the State final um although the result was not what we wanted that is an accomplishment in itself I had the pleasure of attending the final three games and I was struck by the outpouring of support across the Freel buror Community um at the final 2/3 of the gym down in Tom's River was there to support the burrow uh I think they could hear us all the way down to the shore so uh I saw my own classmates and those that followed me uh varsity jackets from the 80s and the 90s and former players from coach kuner's teams of the 1970s and Beyond um the togetherness and Community spirit that I felt in the burrow that was fully inspired by these young men was absolutely incredible and definitely something to be proud of uh because especially in these times being able to bring an entire Community together of one mind is a feat to equal any honor or Trophy and made me incredibly proud to Da the blue and gold and to show my own burrow Pride uh over the last several weeks so it was really really fantastic congratulations to the administration there at high school there young men represented us extremely well those were exciting games um I had the opportunity to go to see how High School production uh shre I had no clue what the heck I was going to see not having children that age I walked in P House people had these great ears I was like what am I gonna see here tonight and the director she says by the end of act one you'll get it you'll understand it so it was a great show um and congratulations another great production and um congratulations to the girls basketball team at how high school they won their first Cal Jersey championships um probably the day before freeold high school won there so congratulations to them and in May we're going to be honoring our winter and spring athletes Dr hael wasn't it it was it was a great couple of weeks for FR uh FR Regional Sports there so much more there's so much now his hockey team made it all the way to the finals uh which is a big deal and you want to talk about Pride you should have saw them at the train station at the bus station and they were all up at the credential Center it was amazing okay any any other board members like to share No Okay um may I have I make a motion we adjourn yeah may I have a motion to adjourn the meeting yes second was M cell and all those in favor thank you