please do not touch to remember to turn it [Music] back the mission of the freeold Township School District is to honor and support every learner every day on the journey to become curious and engaged members of a diverse global Community a notice listing the time date and place of this meeting was posted on the public bulletin board of all Freehold Township Schools on the entrance door to the administrative offices of the board of education on the district website at the office of the Freehold Township Clerk and published in the Asbury Park Press on January 7th 2024 please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge alce to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all roll call Mr deita speak Mrs BR Mrs coino here Mr gulo Mrs El suan pres Mrs spieler here Mrs vendi here Mr Williams here Mrs Lambert here Mr Amoroso here we have a quorum thank you I motion to approve the December 12th 2023 regular meeting minutes move second second all those in favor say I I and one exstension carel all right can I get a motion to approve the January 2nd 2024 reorg meeting minutes all those in favor I any opposed no or extensions no and can I get a motion to approve the January 2nd executive session minutes all those in favor I I any extenstions okay seeing none uh we'll go to Communications all right only Communications evening is enrollment uh November of 2023 we had 3,464 students in December of 23 we had 3,466 compared to December of the prior year we had 3,451 that is all thank you I will uh keep my remarks brief first of all thank you everyone for driving here it was very dicey there for a minute I didn't know if we were going to even have this meeting I wanted everyone to remain safe we were monitoring the ice and uh so I think we always knew U Neil wouldn't be with us tonight but thank you for uh making the effort to come because it really does matter this agenda Neil and I were just talking was getting so thick I can only imagine how it we get if we miss this meeting we had a lot of deadlines that I know Diane wanted keep so again it really means a lot that everyone made the effort to come out and uh we don't have anybody in the audience today but we might have some people tuning in so if you're there hello thank you um with that a few other housekeeping things um number one um tonight I ask all the chairs that are um or the uh people subbing in to if we could move the items as quickly as possible so we can get everybody home um you don't have to read everything on the agenda if you can just do your numbers and then when it comes to the billing Mary can just read what's necessary in the finance section that'll just no just keep the meeting moving a little faster and then it'll leave more time for discussion if we have discussion um some things about the retreat um I'm going to ask the board to log in to the njsba website I'm going to send an email out with instructions um what we're going to do is we're going to complete a self AAL valuation which we haven't done in a while um and it's something that we want to have done ready for the retreat so they gave us until January 26th I'd like us to do it a week earlier so that I can go after some stragglers that may not get it done on time because they um our rep wants some time to go through the data so I will send an email out within the next day or so telling everyone what the link is how to log in you'll go in and then I have a copy of it conveniently right here so if anybody wants to look at it before we leave I have printed out one copy of a sample self- evaluation so if you want to thumb through it this is what you'll see online you don't need to physically print it but you'll go in and you'll answer all these questions and it's very helpful for you know people that are doing it for the first time and then we'll gather this data at The Retreat and it'll help us form our goals which is one of the things that we do at the retreat that we're planning on doing at The Retreat so that's going to happen um um what else do I have on my list here I think that's it oh and also any questions that you might have because there's going to be an open-ended section of the retreat so if people have issues that they want to bring up and for discussion if you could email either Mrs lamber myself just let us know and then we could prepare you know responses appropriately that's pretty much all I have I say if anybody if anybody has any dietary restrictions or preferences do I look like I have dietary restri we will discuss where we're going to order [Music] from that's correct we are going to have food we put out a little bit more detail about the timing but probably about 5:00 probably put the food out and then the public usually comes you know if they want to come that's all I had so administrative report want to do your sure uh the board certification for the month of December hi Robert de the school business administrator board secretary certifies that as of December 31st 2023 no line item has been overextended in violation of njac 6A 23-1 2016.10 C3 and that sufficient funds were available to meet the district's Financial Obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year thank you and again just to keep things uh moving so we can get out in uh as early as possible so we can get home safely I'll just go to the bullying report uh since the last meeting uh which was about a month ago we had 20 reports of harassment intimidation and bullying 11 were founded and nine were unfounded excellent thank you you have anything else okay um I don't I mean we don't have anybody here for public participation do I even need to open the floor to nope so I'm going to skip public participation because we have nobody present I'm going to go right to um Personnel policy um Mrs o Solan okay uh we met as a committee today there was Dr breath hour and Ne the superintendent Mr dixin uh Michael amaroso and myself we discussed the policies for the second reading which are also stated on the agenda we discuss three self initiate initiated initiated policy and regulations and we reviewed the agenda and um we went over committee meeting dates okay um moving to number three second reading of policies as stated policies numbers 1 through four um and then you'll see the attachments as well uh number four retirements as stated number five resignations as stated number six position control as stated number seven establish start dates as stated salary adjustments as stated eight number nine change of assignment and salary adjustments 2023 2024 as stated number 10 change of assignment 2023 2024 as stated number 11 temporary change of assignment and salary adjustment 2023 2024 as stated 12 extended long-term assignments as stated 13 leaves of absence as stated 14 unpaid days as stated 15 stien teacher assistance as stated and that goes numbers 1 through 7 76 number 16 District honoraria as stated 17 PTO honoraria I stated 18 Middle School task teams numbers 1 to 23 as stated number 19 Elementary School task teams numbers 1 through 34 as stated number 20 District menual as stated number 21 curriculum committee as stated number 22 monitoring high impact tutoring as stated number one through 18 number 23 summer ban program as stated number 24 volunteers as stated number 25 CER certified substitutes as stated numbers 1 through 13 number 26 non-certified substitutes numbers one through 19 for Teacher assistance and one custodian um and that's it and I think there was like record breaking time thank you Elena do we have any discussion questions what the whole gent okay seeing none can I get a roll call Mr a second first oh I need a second second right you ready for your roll call okay all right Mrs BR yes Mrs is coino yes but I'm obing on1 and 18 161 and 18 184 Mrs oan yes Mrs spieler yes Mrs Andi yes but I'm stting on number 19 number number 19 17 18 and number 269 26 number n yes okay 19 17 18 and 269 all right uh Mr Williams yes Mrs Lambert yes Mr Oso yeah motion carries thank you curriculum committee Mr R good evening um we met tonight as a committee myself uh new board member carar spieler krie vendi Rebecca Montgomery and Neil dixin poton for a few moments uh went over obviously meeting times for the year um I'll going to kind of skip over that part por of it for time purposes we discussed high impact tutoring Grant uh 242 students enrolled for reading and math tutoring including many third and fourth grade ESL students uh five ESL students grades 5 through eight will receive one-on-one touring with specific ESL curriculum the programs will be running at home and at school we launched this program these programs January 22nd so within the week and the plan for the program the first plan for program update the first four weeks so again for those uh this was part of the grant that we received so we're looking forward to seeing the outcomes of of this high impact tutoring and the effect it's going to have on these these students uh Elementary report cards we first launched the them in December the uh Board of Ed parent information um session was last week uh Carrie did you want to feed some uh share some quick feedback sure uh we had 33 people register for uh the parent information center we had about four parents actually um come but Mrs Montgomery put on an amazing presentation and um it was very informative the people that came I think really um got their questions answered and you know like we said earlier giving one person the right information that helps them trickle down to other parents I think is very helpful and we're going to look into ways of increasing participation in the future thank you and then uh the njsla state science committee Bonnie hosen hoen sh H sh thank you supervisor of math and science has again been selected for the state committee to build and review test items for the njsla science test this is an honor for our district that she has been selected and gives our district some insight when planning and preparing students for this assessment so it's a again great honor for her um I'm going to do the agenda items now uh move number three as listed course reimbursement number four resend course reimbursement as listed number five home instruction as listed number six the 2024 Summer band program as listed number seven the 2024 2025 school calendar as listed number eight student teacher observation placements as listed number nine recent student teacher observation placements as listed that's all I have thank you do we have any questions see none do I get a second second all those in favor say I I any opposed Finance facility and transportation Mrs coalina okay um the finance facilities and transportation committee met this evening present was uh Rob Robert deita myself um Michelle Lambert and rata brand um we discussed the following we discussed commissioning proposals for future HVAC work um we discussed uh the referendum proposal um not that we have a proposal yet but um we should have something within the next four to 6 weeks um we discussed the 2425 budget and admin cap and kind of how that looks going forward um I wanted to let the board know we also discussed that we're looking at an 8% loss in benefits um that's going to be a factor in our budget process um we also discussed the njasbo white paper on state aid which Bob gave to us um and that has some interesting um insights on how to I guess an accurate representation would be stabilized State funding and and get the state to pay their fair share yep it talks about a whole bunch of different things that have happened over the last 15 years since the last funding form that was created and then some of the deficiencies with that and then some of the other parts of funding that just aren't keeping up with the times you so if anybody's reading that that that might be somewhat something that all of us should take a look at um and we also discuss some agenda items and we will not be moving the bond council tonight yeah there there's a I need to clarify I I believe I understand what it says we want to clarify with it's the way it's written it's a little ambiguous yes so we don't want that to be ironed out okay um we um I'm going to move number three the secretary treasurer's report I'm also going to move number four it's the bills and claims it was reviewed by Mrs Lambert thank you um and it's for a total um amount in bills of 4,276 7993 um with payroll the grand total is 9,367 18656 number five the travel and related expenses as listed number six the transfers as listed number seven the donations as listed want to thank um adult and pediatric dental studio for um Dental goodie bags valued at $465 thank you um we also had an anonymous donation and we want to thank the Laura Donovan PTO for um donating $1,096 for the murals at LDS which if you haven't had a chance to see they're they're they're quite beautiful um I don't know if that's a picture we could circulate to the board so the board can see the neural work thank you LDS PT um I question outstanding lunch debt so is that for all the students who had it was somewh I don't I don't know who well I Almost sure I look at the check i' see who it is but I won't say um but at the time we get a month report actually we got a weekly report from sedexo as to what the student launch Deb is and someone must have heard the number and wrote a check and cover every ons for westold for at that period of time very that was very nice and number eight was a resending of a donation as listed number nine is the shine sitiens as listed number 10 is the honoraria for Dwight D Eisenhower school as listed number 11 is the consultant update as listed for positive pathway Services um and number 12 is an outou of District transportation contract for MC and number 13 is a competitive contract for the restorative practices coach um and that is we're resending that we we we decided not to award it okay yep and number 14 is the me memorandum of agreement as listed with the Freehold Township Police Department and number 15 is the memorandum of agreement with the prevention first and number 16 is the Early Childhood Learning Center and number 17 the bond Council we're not moving that sorry we're not moving that um number 18 is the disposals as listed and number 19 is the update on the IB basic um fiscal year 2024 Grant as listed Bob did our memorandum of agreement with the police department change financially or did the cost change the language change right it's not the uh it's not the interlocal it's not it's not it's the memorandum put out by the it's just what we what we did sharing of a sharing of information that type of those type of things it's not the uh what you're into local or class this one just says that they do like Crossing stuff no it's put out that's the interlocal this or I think that's actually their responsibility this is um yeah this is the memorandum that the that's given to us that all districts adopt and then there's the opportunity for amendments it's the sharing of information they'll notify us for the Handle With Care we can share information with them legally about uh students for legal purposes those type of things it's and it has been revised for this year okay thanks and can you also go over the prevention first memorandum of agreement that one I was reading through it said it just applied to West Freehold school was I reading that correctly or not yes it is only for West Freehold School print prek classes okay is there a reason why we're just doing it there or it's the scope of what they're able to do so that cons solidated and it also there's two reasons I I take that back it's not the scope of what they're able to do they it's supposed to roll into kindergarten and because the preschool classes at West Freehold primarily are West Freehold kids it can roll with them not all of them are but the Maj that's our best bet in the program doing it the way it's intended to be done okay I just wasn't sure if there was something about W rehold but there was it just wasn't what I thought when amazing can I also ask is this seems like something you know we talk about going to the alliance for some stuff this might be something that we might want to ask them to it's free from prevention first oh it's through a grant correct running all right it's the same um I don't know if it's the same Grant but prevention first did a program down etlc when I was there years ago called strengthening families they grant money and then they turn around and offer these programs and services to school okay so that's it uh moving everything except I believe 17 correct yep thank you do we have any other discussion or questions seeing none um can I get a second second all those in favor say I hi any opposed motion carries okay great um we have no old and new business right now unless anybody has any old and new business they want to bring up and then I'm going to um tomor cup at want to come will Cupcake Wars be impacted by uh ice after school we have four surprise judges I won't tell you who they are um and yes that's 6 o' it's $5 to get in you get one cupcake and then you can buy other cupcakes um we have like 20 Bakers coming then 560 cupcake wow wow the judges ask me yeah for sure will there be any icing good it was a cheap board Jo a bad bad a grandpa joke Grandpa Grandpa they're getting worse all right that'll be my president's remark um and there's no public so it's one sorry [Music] public unfortunately yes now we're going to go into executive session so whereas pursuant njsa 10 col 412b the Board of Education May exclude the public from that portion of a meeting with which the board discusses any matter described at njsa 10 4-12 B 1-9 now therefore be it resolved that in accordance with the provisions of the open public meeting act the Board of Education shall conduct a closed session pursuant to the personnel and legal exceptions prescribed by njsa 1012 for the purpose of discussing the following matters a Personnel matter it is anticipated that the length of time of this executive session will be 30 minutes and that action may be taken in public after the executive session be it further resolved that said discussion may be disclosed to the public when reasons for discussing and acting upon it Clos session no longer exist can I get a second to go into all those in favor say I thank you thank you